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Roof & Floor Design Guidelines

CADA 1210 – Single Family Residential
Roof and Floor Design
The following guidelines will assist in the design of roof and floor systems. They
are generalized so they must be adapted to the floorplan and foundation design
specifics as required.
Floor and Roof design is best to be thought of as structural design puzzles. We
start from the top down to ensure that load (weight ) and structure work with
gravity. Remember, safety is the first order of importance in any structure so we
design based on generally accepted practice for simple puzzles but may require
the input from an Engineer for not-typical (complex) solutions. We start with the
roof design.
Roof Design:
1. Roof trusses, beam and girder components are designed to be end
bearing. Roof truss assemblies can be comprised of many pieces
and are pre-engineered specifically for each project. The basic design
principle uses the outside walls of the house as bearing walls and
the design layout is a rectangle. All parts of the main assembly (the
rectangle must be supported. Any section unsupported will require
either beams or a girder truss to support that section. We begin by
inserting the largest rectangle that fits inside the floorplan on the
bearing walls, this becomes the main assembly and will assist in
supporting all other components of the completed roof system.
2. Determine the roof style and draw the roof components as required.
a. Ridge
b. Hip Ridge
c. Valleys
d. Overhang (2’ is typical, offset the original rec. by the overhang)
3. Roof trusses will run between the shortest span of the rectangle,
this is called the layout, and are typically spaced 2’ apart on centre
4. If the roof style is a hip, you must install a Girder Truss 8’ in from the
hip along the layout (both sides)
5. If the rectangle has portions not supported by a bearing wall you must
install a Girder or beam along the unsupported length. This girder
will run perpendicular to the trusses it is supporting and must be
supported at its ends by a bearing wall or beam.
6. Repeat this process for the next largest rectangle until the roof area
has been completely described.
CADA 1210 – Single Family Residential
Roof and Floor Design
7. Multiple storey roof systems require that we keep in mind a few other
factors such as:
a. Do these lower roofs extend up to meet upper level roof areas?
b. Do these lower level roofs extend only up to upper level walls?
c. Expect to make some adjustments as we develop the sections
and elevations which may alter the relationship between the
house and garage etc.
8. Erase those ridge, valley etc. lines that are redundant to create the
finished roof design.
Floor Design:
1. Floor systems are very similar to roof systems with one significant
difference; roof truss layouts commonly run perpendicular to each
other to accommodate the roof design. Floor joist layouts always run
in the same direction to accommodate efficient beam design and
mechanical, electrical, etc. installations. The exception is in framing
out a cantilevered floor section.
2. Beams, or a system of beams, are used together with bearing walls
to support the floor system. Beams are supported by a system of
intermittent supports of posts and concrete footings as required by
the BCBC design tables.
3. We must design the beam layout before we design the floor joist
layout. As a rule – Beams run long. Our most common dimensional
lumber joist layout uses 2x10 No.2 SPF and can run a maximum
clear span of 13’-8” between supports. As a “rule of thumb” we use
this as our preferred maximum spacing of beams. However, the use
of Engineered Wood Products (EWP) in floor joists has produced
systems that work far better then dimensional lumber with much
improved maximum clear span potentials. We shall use the TJI brand
and span tables as to look at design options.
4. We start by using the simplest possible method, divide the floor
space into equal sections with main beams. Main beams are still
typically a Built Up Beam (BUB) made from laminated 2x12 Douglas
Fir dimensional lumber. The Beam Span Tables in the BCBC will help
us to determine the right beam size for our design. Unless the
building is very small, all main beams will require intermittent
supports as indicated in these tables. Joists and beams are end
bearing, therefore, any unsupported length will require the
installation of a beam for support (such as a stair opening in the floor)
CADA 1210 – Single Family Residential
Roof and Floor Design
5. After we have completed our initial design we can review the
information to determine if some modifications may create a more
efficient design.
6. Using our joist span tables, determine the correct joist size to
accommodate the layout.
7. Using the beam span table, determine the most appropriate beam
size to accommodate the layout.
a. You must be able to calculate the “supported joist length.”
b. Beam sizing will determine how many support locations will be
required under the beam. We increase the size of the beam on
occasion if doing so will reduce the number of supports
required. As before, we use the simplest method first by
dividing the overall beam length into equal segments. We can
modify these support locations to accommodate other features
as long as they remain within the maximum spacing the tables
provide for.
A multi-level home will require that we repeat the floor design process for each
Things to keep in mind:
1. Beams, girders and multi-ply girders all create point loads. All point loads
need to be supported by a post or foundation. Point loads must be carried
through each floor of the dwelling to the foundation.
2. The type of joist and its installation technique will change the span that it
can carry. This may affect where and how many beams are required to
support it.
3. The cavities created by the joists are used to run plumbing, heating and
electrical so we need to see them as part of a system.
4. Become familiar with span tables and how to read and interpret them.