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Every intellige

Every intelligent human would have thought about; at least once about the origin of man.
There are several arguments to back up the proof of the evolution of human
comparative anatomy is the study of similarities and differences in the anatomy of different
species, in this case the similarities in the anatomy between humans and higher vertebrates.
Vestigial organ are organs or tissues that are no more functioning like they were in our
ancestors. As the world develop, so does science and technology with the increase of knowledge
and the realization about the usefulness of the supposed useless organs.
biochemistry all living things have similar biological and chemical compounds which is due
to the fact that all life depends on the same source of nutrition.
Paleontology which is used to defend evolution and there has been no link or proven law for
the evolution of monkey to man.
a) the literal teaching of scripture. The Bible literally explains the creation of man and the
specific details on how God created Adam. The Bible explains that man was created from dust
(Gen 1:26).
God created Adam and Eve. As humans, they were not subhumans before he created them.
Eve was made directly by God: as it is knows that God took a part of Adams left rib to create
Eve and the only reason why that was done is because God himself was the one that created
With reference to the fact that the first man was made from dust, dust we shall return to
when we die.
Scripture shows that man was created in the image and the likeness of God (Gen. 1:26). But
what image and likeness or similarities has God made us into?
not physical likeness God is not made of flesh but of spirit, he is not the same as human in
terms of anatomy. Although we are not alike with God physical, but he has blessed us with
perfect health and we are not subjected to or inherited communicable diseases.
mental likeness as we are made in God’s image, we are automatically superior over every
other living and non living things created by God . Mentally m, God attributed us with conscience,
thoughts, perspective, free will. We are intellectually superior over all other living things.
social likeness: God is an affectionate God. He has attributed man with social attributes as
Himself, after realizing that Adam might be alone, he created Eve to be his companion and
socialize. Human’s social interests are attributes and of the social God
Moral likeness: man was created pure and innocent as the Bible says that “God saw all that
He had created and behold, it was good” (Gen. 1:31). This does not proof that we are on the
same level of God’s pureness and holiness, we have been given divine image by the fact of
creation from a Holy God not by the bestowal of it.
All human races are all descendants of Adam and Eve which is why we are 99.99% identical.
Genesis 1:26-27 states that “ God said, now we will make humans and they will be like us… He
made men and women” and the creation of these two genders developed into the whole human
race as we know it today.
Testimony of history and science:
The argument from language: over the centuries, there has been a uniformity of of language, this
defends against different origins of human race and explains uniformity.
The argument from physiology: now that there are different races scattered all over the
continents, a race can still give blood and donate organs to another one. Marriage to another
race still leads to reproduction.
The argument from psychology: still with different race, we all have the same survival instinct,
the will to feed, same appetite and same mental characteristics.
Our God is a God of trinity why is why he created us in body, soul and spirit. People who
believe that soul and spirit are the same are called dichotomists while those that believe in the
three constitution of man are trichotomists.
Dichotomous psychological theory of humans constitution: this theory is a backed up by a
number of facts in the scripture. ‘Soul’ and ‘spirit’ are used interchangeably (John 12:27), ‘soul’ is
attributed to the Lord (Heb 10:38) body and soul are said to be constituting the whole of man
(Matt 10:28) .
Trichotomous psychological theory of humans constitution: explains that man constitutes of
material part (body), animal life (soul) and rational life (spirit). The creation of man does not insist
that man is a twofold being. Gen 2:7 mentioned that man as a ‘living being’, no constituent was
mentioned. In 1 Cor. 2, man’s nature was classified as “natural”, “carnal” and “spiritual”.
Morals are man standard behavior to decide between right or wrong decisions and actions.
according to Freud psychoanalytic theory, , super ego consists of moral conscience. conscience is
an inner voice or thought that acts as a guide to deviate man from doing wrong. The feeling of
guilt or remorse after doing something bad is the discriminative and impulsive function of
Conscience is a part of human’s psychology, it is an unconscious part of the mind that cannot be
destroyed but can be defiled.
the conscience judges according to one’s morals and standards, the decision of people’s
conscience might vary because of their morality and society standards. a rightly judged
conscience should judge according the the scriptures then it is infallible.
Will: God has given us free will, it is man’s decision to choose to do right or wrong. All humans
are responsible for the result of their willful decision both intentional and unintentional acts.
The theory of Pre-existence: explains that all souls have existed in a previous state before
mortal conception then entered the humans body at some point during early development of the
body. This theory is nowhere found in the scripture as we have no recollection of a previous life
whatsoever, because if we do remember our previous life, why would we go through the same
sinful path.
The creation theory: explains that the souls is an immediate creation of God and it enters the
body of a human at conception.
The traducing theory: explains that all human creation to ever exist was created wihh Adam both
in soul and body and both are generated from him through natural generation. This theory is the
best to align with theology as we have inherited Adams sin.