1. Look professional. Be clean, neat and tidy. 2. Be punctual. Keep appointments, do not cancel at the last minute. Always be on time for work. 3. Be discreet and refrain from gossip. Remember that clients often confide personal problems during consultation. These facts and all personal details must be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Do not repeat information or gossip to colleagues or others. 4. Be loyal to your employer and colleagues. Create a friendly working relationship with all. 5. Be honest and reliable . This will gain the trust of others and establish a high reputation. 6. Do not make false claims for treatments. Explain the benefits fairly. Be honest when advertising. 7. Speak correctly and politely to everyone. Do not use improper language. Consider the manner in which you answer or speak on the telephone. Be competent, helpful and pleasant. 8. Be polite and courteous at all times. There will be difficult clients to deal with – learn to handle tricky situations with tact and diplomacy. 9. Know and abide by legal requirements and local authority by-laws, rules and regulations for conducting your business. 10. Keep up to date with new theories, techniques and treatments . 11. Attend courses on a regular basis and keep in touch with other professionals in your field. 12. Always practice the highest standards of personal and salon hygiene.