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Cures classes

Cursed Classes
ver. 1.3
Everything you need to transform
cursed afflictions into compelling adventurers
By Alex Clippinger, Bryan Holmes,
Ryan Langr, Jacob S. Kellogg,
Ashley May, Isaac A. L. May,
and Matthew Whitby
Editing by Kayla Bayens, Layout by Ashley May, Cover by Dana Braga
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon
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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and other authors. Such material is used
with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
This work was assembled using The GM Binder, a free tool provided by Ivel.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Alex Clippinger, Bryan Holmes, Ryan Langr,
Jacob S. Kellogg, Ashley May, Isaac A. L. May, and Matthew Whitby and published under the Community
Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Table of Contents
Becoming Cursed
Multiclassing ..............................................................................1
Cursed Doesn't Mean Evil ................................................. 2
Alignment Shifting for Fun and Profit ....................... 4
Cursed Doesn't Mean Grimdark ....................................4
Aging Under A Curse ............................................................5
Bound Spirit
Creating A Bound Spirit .........................................................6
Suit of Armor ............................................................... 10
Flesh Golem ....................................................................12
Stone Golem ...................................................................13
Creating A Floraspawn .........................................................15
Spore Savant .................................................................. 19
Woad Warrior .............................................................. 21
Vegepeople ........................................................................ 22
Creating A Lich ......................................................................... 24
Pathway of the Baelnorn ......................... 30
Pathway of the Omniscient ................... 31
Pathway of the Wastes ...................................32
Creating A Lycanthrope ....................................................... 33
Calling of the Werebear ............................37
Calling of the Wereboar ...........................38
Calling of the Wererat ................................39
Calling of the Weretiger ......................... 40
Calling of the Wereape ................................40
Calling of the Werewolf ...........................41
Calling of the Wereraven ....................... 42
Calling of the Werecrocodile ......... 43
Creating A Revenant .............................................................. 44
Route of the Avenger ..................................... 48
Route of the Umbraged ................................ 49
Route of the Drowned ...................................50
Creating A Vampire ................................................................ 52
Path of the Dark Master ........................... 58
Path of the Daywalker ................................. 59
Path of the Alp ..........................................................60
Arcane Apprentice ............................................................... 61
Sacrifice ..................................................................................... 63
Guardian ....................................................................................65
Credits ..................................................................................... 67
Becoming Cursed
he process of becoming a cursed
class varies widely. Whether
someone is bitten, resurrected,
marked, infected, overgrown, or in
some other way afflicted, doesn’t
necessarily matter from a
mechanical standpoint. What
matters is that the curse has now become a part of
them and what happens next will impact their
Not all curses show their full effects
instantaneously. Someone bitten by a lycanthrope
or vampire might feel alright for a little while,
whereas someone whose soul has been ripped out
of their body and put into a suit of armor is going
to immediately take notice. For players and
Dungeon Masters this has a significant impact on
when and how a level in a new cursed class is
For classes that may be steadily transformative
such as the vampire, lycanthrope, or floraspawn,
some time may pass between when they become
afflicted with the curse and when it takes hold.
Mechanically speaking, it means that they won’t
immediately gain a level in their new cursed class
but instead, they will gain that level the next time
they would level up. Once they have received their
level, their curse can manifest fully. As it turns out,
they weren’t “alright” after all.
For classes that change more dramatically or
abruptly, the new cursed class level should be
taken immediately. Ideally a Dungeon Master can
time this event to occur when everyone would
naturally gain a level. However, Dungeons &
Dragons is an organic game and situations aren’t
always ideal. If it’s an inappropriate time to gain a
level, either because the party is tracking
experience points or because few significant
events have happened since the last milestone was
passed, it might be a good time to work out a deal
with the afflicted player. For example, they may
receive an “advance” on their level, taking their
new cursed class level early and foregoing the next
level-up when they reach the appropriate
Communication is key when planning a cursed
class. These class options generally involve a high
degree of outside influence on an adventurer. One
does not simply decide to “take a level in Woad
Warrior” without a narrative reason. Likewise,
these classes are not things that should ever be
forced on a player. If an adventurer was bitten by a
vampire and their player hadn’t already expressed
an interest in taking levels in the vampire class,
then it’s time for the DM and player to discuss the
matter away from the table. If the player wishes to
multiclass into vampire, so be it, but if they don’t
want to interrupt their current leveling path it’s up
to the DM to determine an alternate route for
them to either be cured, or instead show signs of
vampirism as described in the vampire and
vampire spawn stat blocks.
To qualify for a new class you must meet the ability
score prerequisites for both your current class and
your new one, as shown in the Multiclassing
Prerequisites table. For example, a barbarian who
decides to multiclass into the druid class must
have both Strength and Wisdom scores of 13 or
higher. Without the full training that a beginning
character receives you must be a quick study in
your new class, having a natural aptitude that is
reflected by higher-than-average ability scores.
Multiclassing Prerequisites
Bound Spirit
Ability Score Minimum
Strength 13
Constitution 13 or Strength 13
Intelligence 13
Constitution 13
Wisdom 13
Charisma 13
Cursed Doesn’t Mean
Generally speaking most vampires, werewolves,
and liches you encounter will be of the evil
persuasion. It’s not too difficult to understand why.
In order to survive in a world that would consider
you an abomination, you have to be willing to
selfishly prioritize your strength and growth over
the wellbeing of others. Though it’s entirely
possible to be a vampire of good alignment who
doesn’t steal the blood of other sentient creatures
to survive, they seldom grow to the power of a
vampire lord before they’re overtaken by the angry
mob that heard there was an undead creature in
their midst.
However, adventurers are not ordinary people.
Whether an adventurer is inflicted with their curse
well into their career, or their life as an adventurer
is set into motion by the curse they have received,
they are not required to walk a narrow path. Even
when the urge to feed or hunt is strong, they have
the potential to be stronger in order to control the
primal senses within them. They have the power to
tell their own story, rather than letting themselves
be swallowed whole by their curse.
Consider the ways a curse will and won’t change
your character. A werewolf in the wild is a
werewolf, first and foremost. However, an
adventurer with lycanthropy is still at their core
the person they always were. Their curse will
present new challenges, but their entire lives do
not suddenly become engulfed by the affliction.
They will likely still hold onto the goals, dreams,
and aspirations they held before, perhaps even
more tightly.
The Good Bound Spirit
To become a bound spirit is the ultimate out of
body experience. Though most golems
encountered in the wild may be hostile or at least
highly territorial, this is by their design and not
their nature. Many souls are bound to inorganic
containers in order to allow them to be better
guardians. Some are placed in vessels as the
highest form of dedication to their vows, while
others are forced into these constructs against
their will.
An adventurer can still hold tightly to whatever
goals and pledges were sworn in life before
becoming a bound spirit. While some may view
their curse as precisely that, others may look at
their potentially ageless forms and see a blessing.
Becoming a bound spirit may have even been their
own idea.
The Good Floraspawn
Nature beyond the influence and corruption of
others is generally a peaceful and neutral entity. At
its most primal level, nature only wishes to
continue its own existence, which is no different
from most humanoid creatures. While this may
sometimes result in man-eating plants or
organisms that reproduce by taking over the body
of a host, it’s important to remember that their
intent is not evil or to do harm simply for the sake
of it.
Becoming a floraspawn of any nature shouldn’t
have an active impact on the alignment of an
adventurer. The natural urge of any floraspawn is
simply to survive. If anything, becoming more
attuned to nature may draw a creature more
closely to the ideas of law and neutrality as they
gain a deeper understanding of the world around
The Good Lich
Good people generally don’t become liches of their
own accord. Lichdom, unfortunately, requires
feeding on the souls of reasonably intelligent living
creatures in order to fuel one’s own survival and
growth of power. That being said, cursed classes
often come as curses, and a lich may not have ever
wanted to become a lich in the first place. How
they choose to react to this change determines the
kind of person that they are rather than the
affliction itself.
The selection of targets can have a lot to do with
separating the good liches from the bad liches.
Rather than simply taking any soul available, the
lich may be picky and only take the souls of people
who are demonstrably evil or who seek to do harm
to others. The lich fueled by the souls of evil
cultists and murderous bandits may be a far kinder
lich than one who takes their souls wherever they
find them.
The Good Lycanthrope
There are two kinds of lycanthropes in the world:
those who struggle against the murderous urges of
their curse and only transform once a month,
generally blacking out for the event, and there are
those who give in fully to it and relish it. Many
lycanthropes encountered in the wild are
decidedly evil, not solely as an effect of their curse
but because they choose not to fight their primal
instincts to hunt and kill. Their willingness or even
joy in viciously killing and consuming others is
what leads them down the path of evil.
Adventurers, however, tend to be made of
tougher stuff than other folks. An adventurer can
put in the effort to control their curse rather than
either ignoring it or letting it control them. An
adventurer inflicted with lycanthropy may always
feel as though a vicious beast is lingering, stalking
at the edges of their mind just waiting for a
moment to pounce and take over. It is the
adventurer’s job to chain that beast.
The Good Revenant
Revenants walking the world are neutral creatures
by nature. Their goals tend not to be good or evil
but instead single-mindedly driven toward revenge
and pushed by the dwindling sands in the
hourglass of their lives. With only one year to carry
out their vengeance, some revenants may appear
evil in nature simply because they are willing to do
whatever is necessary to complete their task.
However, an adventurer who has been restored
to life (or unlife, as it were) is not necessarily
bound to the same strict rules as your average
revenant. Their desire to continue forward and
accomplish their goals left incomplete may have
less to do with killing their murderer and more to
do with dismantling the social systems that
created them. These are not goals that can be
accomplished quickly by killing one person, and
reckless behavior may not help them achieve that
goal. Furthermore, adventurer revenants have less
tenuous ties to the world, and without the press of
a one-year time limit they can focus on how to do
things properly rather than quickly.
The Good Vampire
Inside the belly, nay, the soul of every vampire lies
a hunger that constantly gnaws at them. Vampires
endlessly hunger for the life that they have lost and
sate that hunger by feasting on the blood of the
living. The very nature of vampirism has the ability
to twist the minds and hearts of those afflicted
with its curse, and they may be more drawn to feed
on people who embody the life they’ve lost rather
than simply to feed for the sake of sustenance.
This twisted nature can be resisted by strong
hearts and minds at great difficulty. A vampire
does not necessarily have to feed on a sentient
creature when a captured sheep or deer will sate
their hunger just as well. Like the lich, a vampire
may be selective of their targets and deign evil
creatures to be more suitable prey than innocents.
Alignment Shifting
For Fun And Profit
Though changing one’s alignment isn’t required
when being inflicted by a curse, that doesn’t mean
that a character can’t experience these changes.
Remember, however, that vampirism itself does
not cause a person to become evil. When a
character’s alignment shifts after receiving their
affliction, it has more to do with their own
worldview becoming altered by the change they
have endured. Feeling as though they are being
hunted by those who have no interest in how good
a person they are, or as though they are hated or
feared by people who refuse to understand, can
drive a once kind person to become selfish and
isolated for the sake of self-preservation.
Alternatively, an adventurer who once walked on
darker paths may view their affliction as an
awakening of sorts. Many curses come at life-ordeath moments, when a person survives an event
that could easily have killed them but instead they
walk away changed. This brush with mortality may
cause some people to examine their lives from a
different perspective, and consider the way they
treat others.
A shift in one’s heart comes slowly and steadily
and is not something that should be rushed.
Cursed Doesn’t Mean
The idea of becoming afflicted with a curse tends
to conjure up dark imagery of one suffering and
struggling against foul external forces that seek to
corrupt them. Many cursed classes involve a
variety of dark subjects like drinking the blood of
the living, stealing souls, seeking vengeance, or
being bound to a cold and ageless shell. Curses are
seldom positive things.
However, adventurers make a habit of turning
seldom occurrences into their daily norms. Their
lives consistently revolve around bizarre
coincidences, millennia-old prophecies, and
chosen ones. Just because becoming a revenant
means taking on a solemn and restless duty for
most people doesn’t mean an adventurer needs to
become bogged down by it. Nothing in the vampire
class description says that they have a daily
brooding requirement.
Different adventures and campaigns have
different moods, and the introduction of cursed
classes doesn’t necessarily mean that your upbeat
and sunny campaign has to suddenly take a turn
for the dark side. Take this time to consider the
humor that could be found in these conditions.
Perhaps the party falls under attack by a group of
goblins who think the Spore Savant would make
for a really good soup.
Aging Under a Curse
Stories of vampires and liches living for thousands
of years have permeated the realms since time
immemorial. There is some truth to the
immortality of those living under a curse, but there
are also some myths that must be dispelled.
Immortality is one of the end goals for many of
those under these curses, however, there is always
a price for lengthening one's life.
One should think of the addition of a curse as a
change in the way the body functions, in many
cases the mind of a creature will stay the same
especially if their will is strong. The spirit may
dislike its new trappings and it’s far more likely
that the cursed will die in some gruesome way
rather than of old age. Still, the concept of aging is
a complex one that must be addressed.
Bound spirits are more likely to go mad within
their shells then they are to be lost to rust and
failings. Being unable to fully feel or experience
the world around them does something that can
drive them to ever more drastic means to feel.
Each of the forms the bound spirit takes has its
own maintenance and if taken care of they may
live for hundreds of years. There is a limit to what
the mind can take though and many let themselves
go when their spirit tells them to, often when they
reach the mortality of their original body.
Floraspawn differ in their immortality. A Spore
Savant has died once already and they generally
see no change in lifespan. Vegepeople can extend
their lives somewhat through the use of their
photosynthesis, but almost all of them age as
normal. Woad Warriors are a special exception for
when they are about to die, they may instead fully
give in to their transformation and become Wood
Woads meant to protect their home forest.
The goal of many a lich is to continue well after
the body would perish. Liches are supplied with
power and life through their phylactery and with
proper care, they do not have a limit on their age.
Effects that age a lich are ineffective as part of
their very being is suspended elsewhere.
Lycanthropes see no real difference in aging
even if they become more hearty, their bodies still
remain as the race they once were. The process of
changing forms withers any extended longevity
they may have seen.
Revenants remain in the world only due to their
curse. Having been once dead already they no
longer age within their reclaimed flesh. The
unchained revenants described in these pages
choose to rest when they believe their work is
finally done and not a day before then. They
cannot be aged through any magical means.
Vampires continue to live as long as they
continue to feed. A well-fed vampire has no limits
for how long it may live. Also, much like the
revenant, it’s form is locked in and ages no longer.
Vampires respond to being aged through magic
with extreme hunger, they must feed quickly to
nourish their bodies when exposed to such effects.
Trapped Souls
Once a humanoid soul, all bound spirits have been
trapped to a physical form without the ability to
return to their body or be resurrected traditionally.
Regardless of how they were bound be it through a
blood vow, curse, or binding contract they all share
the same fate. It should be reiterated though that
for some being a trapped soul is a curse, whereas
for others it is a blessing of the highest order.
Many Shapes and Sizes
Bound Spirit
They stare down, eyes peering across what was
once their body as it stares back at them, lifeless. A
whirl of magic covers their spectral form, urging
them towards the suit of armor standing idle in the
corner of the room. Her next waking memory is
from within the suit of armor, she feels the ability
to move and speak return. Yet she feels trapped,
bound to this form of steel.
Bodies are flawed. Each person has few
strengths, but they're hobbled by weak and
superfluous parts. A dwarf cackles as he stitches
the last limb into place. His own body has served
enough of a purpose. The blood-soaked tome that
sits on his desk was simple enough to follow. He
should be able to move his spirit into this new
perfect form without issue. One spell later, the
cackling is replaced with a burst of booming
laughter, as he lives once more!
Deep within a sacred temple, death need not be
the end of the faithful. The most sacred of artefacts
require a constant guard, one that humanoid
bodies simply cannot accomplish. As she mutters
one last prayer nodding to the priest before lifting
her gaze to the looming stone golem. It’ll be her
new body. One without the need to sleep, eat or
drink. The perfect defender.
No matter how their spirit came to be bound,
they are forced into forms that are far from their
normal ones. It can take weeks, even years to
adjust to the feeling of being trapped in an object.
Whether they see it as a blessing or a curse, it
opens up a whole new realm of possibilities.
Spirits can be bound to just about anything. From
everyday objects such as rugs or swords, to
specialised containers such as phylacteries or soul
jars. There is however a tendency to bind a spirit
to humanoid-shaped forms mostly to serve as
servants or guards. Most creators of bound spirits
are surprised to discover the agency that the spirit
still has rather than being instantly enslaved to
their every whim bound spirits can learn and
master their new forms with time.
Once a soul finds itself in its new shell, there is a
magical equivalent of homeostasis where the spirit
unconsciously desires to return to the form it once
was. This results in the soul’s magnificent ability
to alter the body to match the racial traits they
once held previously, to “carry on as normal”
despite the new shape they take.
Creating a Bound Spirit
As you create a Bound Spirit the most important
question is how and why your character’s soul was
trapped inside the body of choice. While it has
been stated that their soul is trapped, your
character may have been perfectly willing to place
their soul inside a golem to carry out a sacred
vows or to prolong their own life. Alternatively, if
they were bound by someone else answering some
of these questions can help flesh out your
character: Who were they? Why were they creating
golems? How did they know your character? What
are their motives? Did they expect your character
to be a mindless slave?
Quick Build
You can make a bound spirit quickly by following
these suggestions. First, make Strength or
Constitution your highest ability score depending
on whether you want to focus on crushing or on
withstanding heavy hits. Your next-highest score
should be Wisdom, or Intelligence if you plan to
adopt the Suit of Armor archetype. Second, choose
the acolyte background.
The Bound Spirit
Level Bonus Features
Bound Body,
Constructed Nature
Will of the Soul
Body Augmentation
Ability Score
Soul Escape
Bound Body feature
Ability Score
Ability Score
Body Augmentation
Ability Score
Bound Body feature
Ability Score
Body Augmentation
Bound Body feature
Ability Score
Indomitable Spirit
Class Features
As a bound spirit, you gain the following class
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d12 per bound spirit Level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your
Constitution modifier per bound spirit level after
the 1st
Armor: None
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: Mason’s tools, tinker’s tools, one type of
artisan’s tools of your choice
Saving Throws: Constitution, Wisdom
Skills: Choose three from Arcana, History, Insight,
Investigation, Nature, and Religion
You start with the following equipment, in addition
to the equipment granted by your background:
(a) a martial weapon or (b) any two simple
(a) two light hammers or (b) any simple weapon
(a) a dungeoneer's pack, (b) an explorer’s pack
or (c) a scholar's pack
Bound Body
Choose a body to be bound to which describes
what your soul has been trapped inside: Suit of
Armor, Flesh Golem, or Stone Golem. All three are
detailed at the end of the class description. Your
choice grants you features when you choose it at
1st level and again at 6th, 14th, and 18th level.
Constructed Nature
A spirit bound in a body doesn’t require air, food,
drink, or sleep. In addition, you gain the Slam
action that deals 1d8 + your Strength modifier
bludgeoning damage. This increases to 2d8 at 5th
level, 3d8 at 10th level, and 4d8 at 15th level.
Will of the Soul
At 2nd level, you tap into the willpower that resides
within your soul. This willpower is represented by
essence points which can be used to enhance
certain abilities.
Essence Points
You have 3 essence points, and you gain more as
you reach higher levels as shown in the Essence
Points column of the Bound Spirit table. You can
never have more essence points than shown on the
table for your level. You regain all essence points
when you finish a long rest.
You can spend essence points to gain the
following benefits:
Cost Speed
reduce the result of an
1 Reaction You may
enemy die roll by 1.
You may increase the result of an
2 Reaction Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
saving throw by 2.
3 Action
You may regain 1 hit dice.
Until you finish your next long
3 Action
rest, you may increase your
Strength or Dexterity by 1.
You gain advantage against the
3 Reaction next saving throw against being
Paralyzed, Petrified, or Poisoned.
Body Augmentation
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to augment the
body your soul is trapped inside as you desire. You
gain two of the following Body Augmentation
options of your choice. You gain another at 10th
and 17th level.
Additional Arms
Prerequisite: Flesh Golem or Stone Golem
You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever
you take the attack action on your turn.
Animated Face
You gain the ability to animate your face to speak
and make facial expressions. You gain proficiency
in either Persuasion or Intimidation.
As a bonus action you may choose to go berserk,
attacking the nearest enemy creature you can see.
If no enemy is near enough to move to and attack,
you instead attack the nearest object. While
berserk, you deal an additional 1d6 damage to all
melee weapon attacks. Once you become berserk,
you continue to do so until no more enemies are
Damage Resistance
You may choose one of the following types of
damage; bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. You
gain resistance to all damage of that type not made
from magical or adamantine weapons.
You gain darkvision of 120 feet.
Elemental Absorption
You may choose one of the following types of
damage; acid, lightning, fire, poison, or cold. When
you take damage of that type you take no damage
and instead regain a number of hit points equal to
the damage dealt. This feature can be used only
once per short rest.
False Appearance
Prerequisite: Stone Golem or Suit of Armor
While you remain motionless, you become
indistinguishable from a statue or suit of armor.
Immutable Form
You become immune to any spell or effect that
would alter your form.
Magical Fists
Your unarmed strikes count as magical for the
purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to
nonmagical attacks and damage.
Magical Resistance
Prerequisite: Flesh Golem or Suit of Armor
You may as a reaction choose to gain advantage
on saving throws against spells and other magical
effects. This feature can be used only once per
short rest.
Prerequisite: Suit of Armor
You gain a +2 bonus to your AC.
Prerequisite: Stone Golem
You may target one creature you can see within
10 feet. You may cast the slow spell targeting
them, with a Wisdom spell save DC of 8 + your
proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.
This feature can be used only once per short rest.
Two Heads
Prerequisite: Flesh Golem
You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
You gain immunity to the blinded condition.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level and again at 8th, 12th,
16th, and 19th level you can increase one ability
score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two
ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you
can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this
Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo
taking this feature to take a feat of your choice
Soul Escape
At 5th level you gain the ability to temporarily
leave your bound body. As an action you can
detach your soul from your body, for up to 10
minutes. While outside of your body the body
ceases to move. After the duration is finished your
soul is trapped back inside your body.
As a soul, you have incorporeal movement
allowing you to move through other creatures and
objects as if they were difficult terrain. You have a
fly (hover) speed of 40 feet. You take 1d10 force
damage if you end your turn inside an object.
In addition, you may attempt to possess one
humanoid you can see within 5 feet. The target
humanoid’s CR must be at least 2 less than your
current level, otherwise the attempt automatically
fails. For example, at 5th level you may possess
any humanoid with a CR 3 or less, at 6th level this
becomes CR 4 and so on. The humanoid must
succeed a Charisma saving throw (DC = 8 + your
proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier) or
be possessed by you for up to 5 minutes. While
possessing a humanoid you cannot be targeted by
any attack, spell, or other effects. You maintain
your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores
but use the target’s statistics, not gaining access to
its knowledge class features or proficiencies. The
possession ends when the body is reduced to 0 hit
points, you end it as a bonus action, the 5 minutes
runs out, or if you are forced out by an effect like
the dispel evil and good spell. Once you use this
feature, it cannot be used again until you finish a
long rest.
Indomitable Spirit
When you reach 20th level, you master control
over your spirit freeing yourself entirely. The
duration of your Soul Escape feature is increased
indefinitely. While as a soul you are immune to the
charmed, exhaustion, paralyzed, petrified, and
poisoned conditions. In addition, you may as a
bonus action traverse from the Ethereal Plane to
the Material Plane or vice versa.
Bound Body
Souls can be bound to many different forms, either
willingly or trapped by sinister magic. Although
many variations exist there are three bound bodies
used: a suit of armor, a golem of flesh, and a golem
of stone.
Suit of Armor
Clanking suits of metal built to protect warriors in
the heat of battle and now just an empty steel shell.
Unwavering and without expression, they are the
archetypal guardian of all things magical.
Equipped with a soul-bound sword or covered in
etched arcane runes, Suits of Armor can be a
versatile melee or spell casting threat.
Finest Steel
Due to your body being a suit of armor, you are illsuited for wearing anything additional. You have a
base AC of 16 + your proficiency bonus (your
Dexterity modifier doesn’t affect this number). You
gain no benefit from wearing armor but if you are
using a shield you can apply the shield’s bonus as
Soul-Bound Weapon
A suit of armor is incomplete without a matching
weapon, as such you may choose one weapon
equipped to become a soul-bound weapon. As a
bonus action you may release the soul-bound
weapon to allow it to hover magically in an
unoccupied space within 5 feet of you. If you can
see your weapon you may mentally command it as
a bonus action to fly up to 50 feet and either make
one attack against a target within range of it or
return to your hand. You may only be soul-bound to
one weapon at a time. If your soul-bound weapon
is destroyed or you wish to bind to a new weapon,
it takes 1 hour to soul bind to a different weapon.
Arcane Rune Etchings
Starting at 6th level, you can carve arcane runes
into your plated body. When you gain this feature
you learn how to inscribe one major rune or two
minor runes into your armor (see “Arcane Rune
Options”). Each time you gain a level in this class,
you may replace one rune you know with a
different one.
You gain one more major or two minor arcane
rune etchings of your choice from the Arcane
Rune Etchings at 14th level.
Suit of Armor Spellcasting Ability
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability when using
arcane runes. In addition, you use your
Intelligence modifier when setting the saving
throw DC for a spell you cast and when making an
attack roll with one. Your armor functions as an
arcane focus for any spells. You can perform the
somatic components of spells even when you have
weapons or a shield in one or both hands.
Major rune. You add half your Intelligence modifier
to the saving throw DC for wizard spells you cast.
Minor rune. As a bonus action, until the start of
your next turn your AC is increased by your
Intelligence modifier. Once you use this feature,
you can’t use it again until you finish a short or
long rest.
Minor rune. Your soul-bound weapon is replaced
with a spellbook, allowing it to cast cantrips you
know as a bonus action.
Major rune. You learn two 2nd-level wizard spells
and gain two 2nd-level spell slots.
Major rune. Your soul-bound weapon is now
magical, dealing an extra 1d6 damage of that
weapon’s type.
Minor rune. You may take this rune, only if you
have the ability to cast spells. You gain an
additional spell-slot of your choosing, out of those
you already have available.
Minor rune. You may use a bonus action to take
the Dash action. Once you use this feature, you
can’t use it again until you finish a short or long
Major rune. You can attack twice, instead of once,
when you take the Attack action on your turns.
Minor rune. When taking a short-rest, you may use
an extra d10 when rolling Hit Dice. Once you use
this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a
long rest.
Major rune. You learn one 3rd-level wizard spell
and gain 3rd-level spell slot.
Soul Conversion
Minor rune. You may expend three essence points
to regain one spell slot of your choosing. Once you
use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
finish a short or long rest.
Major rune. When releasing your soul-bound
weapon, a spectral copy of the weapon is created
Minor rune. You learn one 1st-level wizard spell
and gain one 1st-level spell slots.
Minor rune. You learn three wizard cantrips.
When you reach 14th level, you learn to embody
the guardian nature of a suit of armor. You can
choose one willing creature you can see within 60
feet of you to become their guardian. Whenever a
creature you can see targets the creature you are
guarding, if you are within 10 feet of it, you and the
creature swap places and you become the target
instead. You gain resistance to the incoming
damage. You can use this feature twice, and you
regain all expended uses of it when you finish a
long rest.
Arcane Mastery
Beginning at 18th level, you may siphon the arcane
energy throughout your steel body to empower
your actions. Using your action, you gain arcane
empowerment. For 1 minute you gain the
following benefits:
You gain an additional action on each of your
turns. That action can only be used to make the
Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash,
Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action.
You may cast an additional spell on each of
your turns.
You gain magical resistance, granting
advantage on saving throws against spells and
other magical effects.
Once you use this feature you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest. In addition, you gain
one more major or two minor arcane rune
etchings of your choice from the Arcane Rune
Mind of their own
Flesh Golem
A grim culmination of multiple limbs, organs, and
flesh of humanoids flesh golems are often dark
creations. The souls trapped within them are the
creators of the flesh golem, the spirit of the
attached head, or an unfortunate sacrifice. Despite
being gruesome amalgamations flesh golems are
incredibly resilient and possess inhuman strength.
Ever-Weaving Stitches
Whenever you start your turn under half of your
maximum hit points, you main regain hit points
equal to 1d4 + Constitution modifier. If you take
acid or fire damage, this trait doesn’t function at
the start of your next turn.
Starting at 1st level, whenever you take damage
you can choose to allow one of your arms to be
severed. Until reattached, the severed arm has an
AC 13 and 15 hit points. It acts under your
command and on your same turn during the
initiative order. You may only control one severed
arm at a time, however this increases to two once
you reach 10th-level. If both arms are severed you
lose the ability to attack. A severed arm has a
speed of 5 feet and can make one unarmed melee
attack on its turn with disadvantage unless you can
see the arm and its target. You may also throw a
severed arm to make a ranged grapple attack.
Strength Beyond Reason
Starting at 6th level, you can call upon the
lightning infused within your muscle tissue to
become inhumanly strong. On your turn, you can
invigorate your muscles as a bonus action. While
invigorated you gain the following benefits:
Your Strength modifier is doubled.
When you make a melee unarmed attack using
Strength, you gain an extra 1d12 lightning
damage to the attack.
The invigoration lasts for 1 minute. It ends early
if you are knocked unconscious, or you end it early
as a bonus action. When it ends, you suffer 3 levels
of exhaustion.
No Sense In Wasting
Starting at 14th level, you’ve now mastered the
ability to connect the limbs of the recently
deceased to your body. You may harvest limbs
from humanoid corpses that have been dead for no
longer than a day, to gain the following benefits:
Each additional arm adds an extra 1d4
bludgeoning damage to the first creature you
hit on each of your turns with a melee weapon
attack, but the arms cannot aid you in any other
way due to their cumbersome nature
(maximum of 4)
Each additional leg adds 5 feet of movement
speed (maximum of 2)
An additional head grants you 1 bonus Essence
Point (maximum of 1)
It’s Alive!
Beginning at 18th level, you embody the lightning
in your body, becoming an unstoppable
monstrosity. Using your action, you spark lighting
from your invigorated amalgam form. For 1
minute, you gain the following benefits:
An aura of lightning surrounds you in a 10 foot
radius when a creature enters the area for the
first time on a turn or starts its turn there it
must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a
failed save, the creature takes 2d12 lightning
damage or half as much on a successful one.
You regain 2d12 hit points at the start of your
If you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can make
a Constitution saving throw DC 10. If you
succeed, you drop to 1 hit point instead. Each
time you use this feature after the first, the DC
increases by 5. It resets once the duration
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest.
Stone Golem
Chiselled from slabs of stone, stone golems are the
most ancient form of bound spirits. They act as
guardians within tombs, protectors of lost cities,
and entirely timeless. Adventurers coming face to
face with a stone golem often face a near
unstoppable force, swords were never crafted to
cut stone.
Stone Form
Due to your body being entirely stone, you are illsuited for wearing anything additional. You have a
base AC of 17 + your proficiency bonus (your
Dexterity modifier doesn’t affect this number). You
gain no benefit from wearing armor, but if you are
using a shield you can apply the shield’s bonus as
normal. In addition, you are also immune to the
petrified condition.
Unstoppable Charge
You can use an action to charge in a 30-foot-long
by 5-foot-wide line. Any creature caught in the path
must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 10 +
your Strength modifier). On a failure, the creature
takes 1d12 bludgeoning damage per your Bound
Spirit level and is knocked prone. On a success,
the creature takes half damage and is not knocked
prone. You can use this feature twice, and you
regain all expended uses of it when you finish a
short rest.
Essence of the Juggernaut
Beginning at 6th level, you gain the following
options to expend your Essence Points:
Cost Speed
1 Bonus
Your next Unstoppable Charge is
10 ft. wide.
You may gain immunity to one of
the following damage types until
2 Reaction
the start of your next turn:
bludgeoning, piercing, and
You open your mouth to target
one creature you can see within
10 feet of you. The target must
succeed a Wisdom saving throw
DC 14 against this magic. On a
failed save, the target can’t use
reactions, its speed is halved, and
it can’t make more than one
3 Action attack
on its turn. In addition, the
target can take an action or bonus
action on its turn, not both. The
effect lasts for 1 minute. The
target can repeat the saving throw
at the end of each of its turns,
ending the effect on itself on a
Gargoyle Wings
Starting at 14th level, your stone form is sculpted
to allow for wings to protrude from your shoulder
blades. You now have a flying speed of 60 feet.
Monument of Annihilation
Beginning at 18th level, you may find the power to
become a pure unstoppable force. Using your
action you call upon the essence of annihilation.
For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:
Two spheres of annihilation appear on either
fist, they do not destroy any object on your
person, but grant an extra 4d10 force damage
to your unarmed melee or slam attacks.
You are immune to the charmed, exhaustion,
frightened, and paralyzed conditions and from
being knocked prone.
Any attacks against a Large or smaller creature
forces it to make a Strength saving throw DC
18 or be knocked prone.
You deal double damage to objects and
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest.
Nature Always Returns
The ancient power that lives within all floraspawns
grants them the ability to come back from even the
most deadly wounds. Through training and
exposure to the elements a floraspawn’s skin
grows tougher against attacks, beneath this layer
of protection is the body they once had. Many
floraspawns lean into this shell and use it as both a
layer of protection and a deadly weapon against
their foes.
Synthesis And The Means
To Eternal Life
A dwarven woman stands in the middle of a field,
arms outstretched soaking up the sunlight. Her
companions wait as she performs this ritual and
grows bark on her skin. Ever since she fell in the
forest she’s been bound to a creature of the woods.
An elf was meant to protect a grove but failed in
their duty they offer themselves up to the druids
there to become a Woad as penance. Now they
roam the forest with club and shield in hand, ready
to protect the grounds from anyone who would do
them harm.
The halfling farmer wakes up in the field of
mushrooms granted power through their spores,
she now walks the world intent on defeating the
evil that plagues it.
No matter what form a floraspawn takes they all
act as an extension of the forest’s power. Many
floraspawns choose a life of adventure and even
travel past the bounds of their woods.
The change into a plant-like creature has many
implications. While you start to change into
something that is no longer considered the race
you once were, you also gain a connection to the
very essence of nature. With a steady supply of
water, sun and soil floraspawn grow more vital.
Synthesis is the core of most of the floraspawn’s
powers and new sprouts should explore the
variables of this newfound energy.
Creating a Floraspawn
While creating your floraspawn, consider the
elements that came together to create them in the
first place. A background will help inform many of
these decisions. A sage may have found an ancient
ritual while an outlander could stumble into a
grove and get changed by its denizens. What drove
you to accept your new changes? Did you always
have this connection to nature? Were you a person
in the wrong place at the wrong time, or was this
always your goal?
You should also decide how your stance has
changed since you’ve started training your new
form. Those who become floraspawns can feel the
heart of nature itself flowing through them. This
may change their perspective on deities and nature
itself. Those that were adventurers before this may
have a very different backstory from those that
changed while living daily life as a simple hunter
or farmer.
Quick Build
You can make a floraspawn quickly by following
these suggestions. First, make Constitution or
Strength your highest ability score depending on if
you wish to lean into your synthesis abilities or
focus on raw combat. Your next-highest score
should be Dexterity or Wisdom if you wish to focus
on survival within the wilderness. Second, choose
the outlander background.
Class Features
As a floraspawn, you gain the following class
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d6 per floraspawn level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your
Constitution modifier per floraspawn level after
the 1st
Armor: None
Weapons: All weapons must be made from natural
materials; club, greatclub, light hammer,
quarterstaff, sling
Saving Throws: Constitution, Strength
Skills: Choose three from Survival, Nature,
Investigation, Perception, and Stealth
You start with the following equipment, in addition
to the equipment granted by your background:
(a) 2 clubs or (b) a greatclub
(a) sling and 20 sling bullets or (b) a
(a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer’s
The Floraspawn
Temporary Hit
Level Bonus Features
Points Pool
Way of
Way of Wood
Ability Score
Extra Attack
Wood Walker
Way of Wood
Ability Score
Ability Score
Ability Score
Way of Wood
Blessing of
the Mother
Ability Score
Way of Wood
Ability Score
Forest Tyrant
Way of the Wood
At 1st level, you determine what ritual or natural
phenomenon has changed you. Choose the way of
Spore Savant, Vegepeople, or Wood Woad all
detailed at the end of the class description. The
way you choose grants you features at 1st level and
again at 3rd, 7th, 14th and 18th level.
Natural Defense
Also beginning at 1st level, the transformation into
a living plant has made your body more hardy and
flexible. Your AC becomes 11 + your Dexterity
modifier + your proficiency bonus.
At 2nd level, you have learned to enrich yourself
through your connection to nature. You gain a pool
of special temporary hit points. These special
temporary hit points stack with other temporary
hit point bonuses and can be recovered through
communion with nature. Spending at least 1
minute within the sunlight, standing on solid earth
or within water that has a depth of 3 feet or more
begins to fill your temporary pool of hit points.
Being subjected to any of these conditions gives
you 1 hour of special regeneration. This effect
does not stack with itself. Under this effect, your
pool regains hit points at the start of your turn
equal to half your floraspawn level + half of your
Constitution bonus to a minimum of 1 hit point per
turn. If you maintain 1 hour of synthesis, you do
not need to eat this day, if you maintain 4 hours of
synthesis you no longer need to sleep within the
next 24 hours. Synthesis fails to work on planes
you are not used to. You must spend 7 days within
a new plane before you learn how to invoke
Some abilities connected to your hit point pool
require your target to make a saving throw to
resist their effects. The saving throw DC is
calculated as follows:
Pool save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Constitution modifier.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of
your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability
scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t
increase an ability score above 20 using this
Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo
taking this feature to take a feat of your choice
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice instead
of once whenever you take the Attack action on
your turn.
Wood Walker
Starting at 6th level you know your way through
any forest or swamp. When traveling through
forest or swamp terrain, you receive advantage on
any Wisdom (Survival) checks. Difficult terrain in
these areas does not slow you down and while in
these types of terrain your synthesis grows
stronger. While in a forest or swamp your pool
regains hit points at the start of your turn equal to
half your floraspawn level + your constitution
bonus to a minimum of 1 hit point per turn.
At 9th level when an attack cuts through your
hearty bark, you retaliate in full. As a reaction,
when your temporary hit points are reduced by a
creature, you may choose to cause your bark to
break away in a hail of splinters. You may either
propel your bark at a single target up to 60 feet
away or allow it to explode in a 5 foot area around
you. Each creature affected must make a Dexterity
saving throw against your Pool save DC. A target
takes half of your pool maximum - half your
remaining pool hit points in piercing damage on a
failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
You may use this ability a number of times equal to
your Constitution modifier and you regain all
expended uses of it when you finish a long rest
Hungry Roots
Beginning at 11th level the first time each turn you
are exposed to magical effects that restore hit
points, you may instead add these hit points to
your synthesis pool. When you use this effect,
instead of normally rolling one or more dice to
restore hit points with a spell, you instead use the
highest number possible for each die and restore
that amount to your pool. Any amount over your
pool is divided evenly and given to all creatures
standing in a 5 foot area around you.
Blessing of the Mother
Starting at 15th level, you are able to infuse others
with nature’s blessing. As a bonus action, you can
touch a creature and draw power from your
synthesis pool to grant temporary hit points to that
creature, up to half of your current pool. When a
creature has these temporary hit points reduced to
0 you may use your reaction to bolster their bark
with an additional supply of temporary hit points
up to a maximum of your level.
Forest Tyrant
At 20th level you have bound the spirit of nature to
your body and have learned how to bolster yourself
with ancient power. As an action, you turn into an
avatar of the forest. You become a large size
creature and your current synthesis pool hit points
double in size. Your Strength and Constitution
each increase by +6. Your maximum for these
scores is now 26. Your pool can no longer be
restored while in this form and at the start of each
of your turns, you lose 20 temporary hit points
from your pool. All melee attacks you make have
the siege property, dealing double damage to
objects and structures. As an action, or when your
pool has been fully depleted, you revert back to
your normal form. Any temporary hit points
remaining in the pool stay for 10 minutes, after
which the pool is reduced to 0. Once you have used
this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish
a long rest.
Ways of the Wood
Floraspawns are created through several rituals
and acts of nature. The ways of the wood are what
give a floraspawn their power.
Spore Savant
A Spore Savant was exposed to the spores of a
myconid sovereign after their death. Perhaps they
were wandering caves and fell into a colony. Spore
Servants are generally mindless members of the
colony who do the bidding of those within it
however, there are few that break free of those
bonds and retain their minds and those few are
known as Spore Savants. When a creature retains
control over its own mind the myconids elevate it
and extend their power to the creature so it may
live without the colony. Many of the savants are
allowed to see the world and through their
connection to the colony they share information
that would otherwise be hidden. They can act as
the eyes and ears of a colony or simply act on their
new interests with their newfound power.
Spore Savants have learned how to harness the
spores that make up their bodies in uniquely
terrifying ways. They thrive in the darkness and
are fierce warriors that control the battlefield
through their very essence.
Collective Thought
Starting at 1st level, you have become part of a
spore collective and communicate with the
collective through rapport spores. You may choose
any Intelligence skill to become proficient in or
alternatively, you may select any tool proficiency
instead. You may change this skill or tool
proficiency each time you finish a long rest.
Spores in Sunlight
Also at 1st level, while in sunlight, you have
disadvantage on attack rolls as well as on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on sight. Also, you
can see normally in darkness both magical and
nonmagical to a distance of 120 feet.
Darklight Photosynthesis
Beginning at 3rd level a Spore Savant is able to
engage their synthesis in darkness. When you are
standing in darkness, either magical or natural for
at least 1 minute you gain the properties of
synthesis as if you were standing in sunlight. At
14th level, this ability works in both dim light and
complete darkness.
Sickening Spores
Also at 3rd level, you have learned how to release
deadly spores that attack the nerves. As a bonus
action, you may release a cloud of spores from
your body. All creatures in a 5 foot area around you
must make a Constitution saving throw against
your pool save DC or be stunned for one round.
Using this ability takes 10 points from your pool.
Once a creature has made its saving throw against
the spores it becomes immune to the effect for the
next 24 hours.
Bioluminescent Cloud
At 7th level, you have learned how to protect
yourself from sunlight by creating a cloud of
darkness that flickers with bioluminescent spores.
As an action, for 1 minute you may create this
cloud which functions as a darkness spell centered
on you. You may select a number of creatures
within 60 feet equal to half your Constitution
modifier, these creatures are immune to the effects
of the cloud. Using this ability consumes 5 points
of your synthesis pool when used and 5 more at
the start of each round. While this ability is active,
your pool can no longer be restored. You may
disable the cloud as a bonus action during your
turn, otherwise it stops working automatically
when your pool can no longer pay the cost.
Fungal Fury
When you reach 18th level you have learned how
to control your spores to restore vitality. As a
reaction when an ally within 60 feet is reduced to
0 hit points, you can infect them with your spores.
The ally remains at 0 hit points but gains
temporary hit points equal to those in your pool,
your pool resets to 0. While your ally has these
temporary hit points they no longer need to make
death saving throws however, they cannot be
healed by any means. Also, while under this effect
your ally can roll an extra weapon damage die
when determining the extra damage for a critical
hit with a melee attack. This ability can only be
used once and resets after finishing a long rest.
Designing A Spore Savant
Just like other races, no two myconids look the
exact same, and spore savants have a great degree
of design potential. When brainstorming your own
spore savant, draw inspiration from the wide world
of marvelous fungi to describe their appearance.
Gyromitra esculenta (Brain Mushroom) - A "false
morel", this mushroom has a wrinkled, brain-like
texture sure to tempt any Illithid.
Hydnellum peckii (Devil's Tooth) - This strange
mushroom tends to ooze a red liquid that
resembles blood. This fungus can work
especially well for characters in a horror setting.
Trametes versicolor (Turkey Tail) - This mushroom
creates "shelves" of variegated brown and white
fungus that tend to grow along vertical surfaces.
Hericium erinaceus (Satyr's Beard) - Growing in
thin hanging tendrils, this fungus could double a
a mop of hair or even a beard on an especially
overgrown spore savant.
Mycena chlorophos (Night Light Mushroom) This bioluminescent mushroom appears a bold
green color in the dark, so it's not advised for
stealthy spore savants.
Lactarius indigo (Blue Milk Cap) - A white
mushroom with a vivid blue underside, allowing
you to color your spore savant as boldly as you
like. Furthermore, your spore savant could adopt
another property from this mushroom, by
turning their blood indigo blue.
Phallus Indusiatus (Veiled Lady) - This mushroom
features a "lacey" skirt of white fungus under the
cap, which could make for a naturally-growing
veil or other feature on an adventurer.
Amanita muscaria (Fly Agaric) - The most
popularly recognizable mushroom in the world,
this fungus features a white stem, a bright red
cap with white spots all over.
Thicket Theory
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with all martial
weapons and shields. As an action, while holding a
weapon in your hand, the metal within the weapon
changes to petrified wood. After the weapon leaves
your hand it returns to the original metal it was
made from. At 7th level, any weapon converted in
this way counts as magical for overcoming
Reinforced Natural Defense
Beginning at 1st level your specific transformation
has made you even more durable. Your AC
becomes 14 + your Dexterity modifier (maximum
of 2) + your proficiency bonus. However, you now
have vulnerability to fire damage and you are
denied your proficiency bonus to your armor class
until the start of your next turn when you take fire
Petrified Bark
At 3rd level as long as hit points remain in your
pool you gain resistance to all bludgeoning,
piercing and slashing damage. This effect also
extends to other creatures when affected by
Blessing of the Mother.
Spread Roots
Woad Warrior
Wood woads are created through sacrifice.
Generally the result of a ritual from certain druid
circles, wood woads are only partially alive and
exist to serve for specific tasks. The ritual used is
meant to consume the creature’s heart, creating a
binding with a tree that will birth a newly sprouted
woad from its roots. There are legends that speak
of wood woads who have not lost their hearts.
They retain aspects of their former selves,
memories and passions from their past life. These
creatures are known as Woad Warriors.
The Woad Warrior is a tireless defender, their
connection to the forest itself has enriched them
with knowledge of battle and the skills to protect
those they choose. While the Woad Warrior is able
to make their own choices on who they serve the
forest holds a special place for them and they carry
its roots woven into their thick armored bark.
At 7th level, you have learned how to sow your
roots into the ground under your feet. As a bonus
action while on solid ground, you take root as long
as you are not standing on metal or stone that is
more then 1 foot thick. You may spread your roots
up to 20 feet in any direction from where you are
standing and you may also spend hit points from
your pool to increase the distance your roots travel,
5 hit points for every 10 feet further to a maximum
of 60 feet. You may use this ability a number of
times equal to your Constitution modifier and you
regain all expended uses of it when you finish a
long rest. While your roots are planted
underground and you are standing in a square
occupied by them, you cannot be knocked prone or
pushed any distance.
Root Strider
Also at 7th level, you may use 10 feet of your
movement to step magically into one living tree
within 5 feet of you. You then can emerge from a
second living tree within 60 feet of you that you
can see. You appear in an occupied space within 5
feet of the second tree. Both trees must be Large
or bigger. As a bonus action, you may also use this
ability to pass through your network of roots. You
may appear anywhere along your root network as
long as you pass through only connected squares.
Once you use the ability to pass through your roots
your movement speed is reduced to 0 for that turn.
At 14th level, while standing over your roots your
synthesis is bolstered. While you are standing over
your roots, your pool now regains hit points at the
start of your turn equal to half your floraspawn
level + double your Constitution modifier to a
minimum of 1 hit point per turn. This effect only
occurs when you are standing over your roots and
ends if you do not start your turn over them.
Vegepygmies are known as terrible little creatures
that roam the jungles and swamps of the world.
The creation of these strange creatures happens
through exposure to a substance known as russet
mold. Most accounts of russet mold say it is an
alien substance, all accounts speak of its dangers.
When a creature infected with the mold dies its
body becomes a host for more vegepygmies. In
rare cases a host is not dead but the mold believes
they are. It is at this point that the russet mold
bonds to the creature instead of using it as a host.
This rare occurrence is seen as a sign of the end
times by vegepygmies and they quickly toss the
creature out of their colonies.
Vegepeople can control the russet mold to a
finite scale. They can create more vegepygmies
from their flesh and even raise up plant-like
mounts from dead animals. All Vegepeople share a
second consciousness with the mold that lives
inside them, and it is a constant power struggle to
get the mold to obey their demands.
Stalwart Defender
Moldy Marrow
Nature’s Nourishment
At 18th level, when an ally is in danger you may
spread your roots and come to their aid. As a
reaction when an ally within 60 feet of you is the
subject of an attack after the roll has been made
but before damage has been dealt, you may lay
your roots in a line towards your ally and
immediately travel through them to defend them.
Your ally is moved to an unoccupied square within
5 feet and the attack now targets you. You have
resistance to the damage dealt by the attack. This
ability consumes 40 temporary hit points from
your pool.
Starting at 1st level, russet mold has bonded into
your bones and organs. You gain damage
resistance against piercing and lightning damage.
Vine Grapple
Also at 1st level, you have learned how to grapple a
creature at a distance using your vines. You may
attempt a grapple at a distance of 10 feet.
Creatures can be moved or shoved at this distance,
you may only grapple one creature this way. You
may grapple an additional creature at 3rd level, 7th
level and 18th level.
Mold Shaping
Beginning at 3rd level you have learned how to
shape your vines and mold into impressive
weapons. You may take any non-magical melee
weapon you have in your possession and perform
a special ritual with it. The ritual takes 1 full hour
and destroys the original weapon in the process.
You gain proficiency in this weapon and can
summon the weapon in a mass of vines as a bonus
action. You may only have one weapon absorbed at
a time. Each time you select a new weapon, you
must perform the ritual again.
Russet Weapon
At 7th level, you can now absorb even magical
weapons with your Mold Shaping feature. The
weapons you absorb are no longer destroyed in the
process. As a bonus action, when attacking with a
Mold Shaped weapon you may spend temporary
hit points from your pool equal to 5 × your
floraspawn level. For every 5 hit points you spend
from the pool you may add an extra 1d6 force
damage to the attack.
Thorny Mount
Also at 7th level, you have learned how to spread
the mold to a creature of the beast type to turn it
into a faithful companion. As an action, you may
spread your spores to a beast type creature within
5 feet or through your vines if the creature is
currently vine grappled. The creature must make a
Constitution saving throw against your pool DC or
take 2d6 poison damage and become poisoned for
1 hour if they fail. Once this ability takes effect on a
creature you cannot use it again until you finish a
long rest.
If the creature dies within that time period or
has already been dead for less than 24 hours you
raise the creature up as a medium or large size
version of the thorny (Volo’s Guide to Monsters).
Your thorny serves you as a mount, both in Combat
and out and you have an instinctive bond with it
that allows you to fight as a seamless unit. While
your thorny is within 1 mile of you, you can
communicate with it telepathically. You can't have
more than one thorny bonded to you at a time. The
thorny dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points
and doesn’t regenerate.
Pygmy Pals
At 14th level, you can now spread the russet mold
into any humanoid or giant in order to create loyal
vegepygmy servants. As an action, you may spread
your spores to a humanoid or giant type creature
within 5 feet or through your vines if the creature
is currently vine grappled. The creature must make
a Constitution saving throw against your pool DC
or take 2d6 poison damage and become poisoned
for 1 hour if they fail. Once this ability takes effect
on a creature you cannot use it again until you
finish a long rest.
If the creature dies within that time period or
has already been dead for less than 24 hours its
body becomes a host for several vegepygmies. You
create 1 newborn from a Small corpse, 2 from a
Medium corpse, 4 from a Large corpse, 8 from a
Huge corpse, or 16 from a Gargantuan corpse.
The vegepygmies are born from the corpse 24
hours after the mold has set in. The vegepygmies
follow you and unless given orders they take the
Dodge action to defend themselves.
On each of your turns you can use a Bonus
Action to mentally Command your vegepygmies if
the creatures are within 60 feet of you. Each time
you issue your vegepygmies orders you must
spend 2 points from your pool for each creature
controlled that turn. You decide what action the
creature will take and where it will move during its
next turn, or you can issue a general Command
such as to guard a particular chamber or corridor.
If you issue no commands the creature only
defends itself against Hostile creatures. Once
given an order, the creature continues to follow it
until its task is complete.
After 24 hours, the vegepygmies all turn into
compost and cannot be restored to life.
Russet Reaver
When you reach 18th level all weapons created by
Russet Weapon have the reach property and now
inflict an extra 2d6 poison damage on every swing.
As a bonus action after dealing damage with a
Russet Weapon you may immediately attempt to
grapple the creature.
Not Enough Hours In A
The world is filled with so much knowledge, more
than most mortals could ever hope to absorb in a
single lifetime. When one life is not enough
powerful magic users pursue dark arts to extend
their own existence into undeath. Many liches are
believed to be consumed by the madness that
drives them to such extremes, but some are all too
clear of mind. Selfishly focusing on their goals by
any means necessary. That being said, not all
liches are self-centered and some devote their
near-endless lives to helping others.
Be Still My Heart
“You’ll never settle down and find a husband if you
spend all day in the library,” they said. She tired of
hearing about how late nights studying would give
her wrinkles. Now her desiccated face is creased
with laugh lines, and the cackle of her voice
echoes throughout the halls of the abandoned
university. While they threw their lives away to the
pursuit of shallow mortal joys, she dedicated her
life to cracking open the mysteries of the universe.
His funeral was a warm and pleasant affair. His
children thanked him for all he had done, and his
grandchildren laid flowers at his feet before he left
them. The daffodil from his great-granddaughter
has since turned to dust between the pages of his
favorite magic tome but he still watches over her
descendants from the tower up on the mountain.
Fortune favors the bold they say, and she was
never one to turn away from risk. Tucking her
phylactery into the rogue’s bag of holding was
typically her way of saying, “You go on ahead, I’ll
see you next week.” When she did this the party
knew to flee to a safe distance because things
were about to get very, very explosive.
With their desiccated, hollowed body carrying no
heartbeat, the “life” of a lich is maintained within
another mechanism. A phylactery is the heart of a
lich, containing the souls that fuel them, as well as
the magic runes that preserve their existence.
While some liches may be tempted to hide their
phylacteries away, adventuring liches must
struggle with the balance of protecting the trinket
that preserves their unlife while also needing it as
both their functioning spellbook and their magical
Creating a Lich
When creating your lich consider what drove them
to the pursuit of undeath. What events brought
them face to face with the fear of their own
mortality? Did they choose to become a lich, or
was the curse accidentally inflicted upon them?
What goals will they pursue with potentially
unlimited time? Will boredom become an issue?
Liches need to regularly consume the souls of
reasonably intelligent creatures to preserve
themselves. How do they feel about taking the
souls of others in order to preserve their own
lives? Are they picky about the souls they take, or
will anyone do? How do they treat their phylactery,
and how do they regard others who might get
close to it?
The Lich
Quick Build
Soul Consumption
Immortal Pathway
Ability Score
Reaper's Greed
Immortal Pathway
Ability Score
Ability Score
Immortal Pathway
Ability Score
Ability Score
─ ─ ─ — — — —
─ ─ — — — —
─ ─ — — — —
─ — — — —
─ — — — —
1 — — — —
2 — — — —
2 1 — — —
1 — — —
1 — —
1 — —
1 —
1 —
You can make a lich quickly by following these
suggestions. First, make Intelligence your highest
ability score so you can better cast spells. Your
next-highest score should be either Dexterity or
Constitution to increase your chances of survival.
Next, choose the sage background. Third, choose
the mage hand, light, and chill touch cantrips
along with the following 1st-level spells for your
spellbook: dissonant whispers, cause fear, feather
fall, mage armor, and detect magic.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
2 — — — — — — — —
3 — — — — — — — —
4 2 — — — — — — —
Class Features
As a lich, you gain the following class features:
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d6 per lich level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your
Constitution modifier per lich level after the 1st
Armor: None
Weapons: Daggers, darts, quarterstaffs, light
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Constitution
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History,
Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, and
You start with the following equipment, in addition
to the equipment granted by your background:
(a) a quarterstaff or (b) a dagger
(a) a dungeoneer's pack, (b) an explorer’s pack
or (c) a scholar's pack
A phylactery, which acts as your arcane focus
and spellbook (see feature)
Your soul is tied to an object that allows you to live
forever so long as you keep it supplied with the
life-force of others. While you have at least 1 soul
in the phylactery, any spell whose sole purpose is
to return you to life can substitute your phylactery
as the sole material component required to cast
the spell. Your phylactery acts as the arcane focus
for your lich spells.
When you die and your phylactery contains at
least 1 soul charge, your body reforms next to your
phylactery within 1d8 days. If you die and your
phylactery is either destroyed or doesn’t contain
any soul charges you can only be returned to life
through the normal use of such spells.
As a reaction when you see a suitable creature
die within 60 feet of you, you can capture its soul
charge and feed it to your phylactery. Your
phylactery can hold a maximum number of soul
charges equal to 1 + your lich level. Suitable
creatures for your phylactery must meet all of the
following requirements:
The creature is not an undead or construct.
The creature has a Challenge Rating 1/2 or
The creature can understand at least one
When you finish a long rest, your phylactery
regains 1 soul charge. When you finish a short rest
where you expended at least 1 of your Hit Dice to
regain hit points, your phylactery gains 1 soul
charge if it’s below its maximum capacity.
You have learned how to weave magic into your
phylactery much as you would a spellbook. If you
once had a spellbook you may siphon the magical
inscriptions from the book into your phylactery.
See chapter 10 of the Player's Handbook “for the
general rules of spellcasting and the “Spells List”
section below for the lich spell list.
At 1st level, you know three cantrips of your choice
from the lich spell list. You learn additional lich
cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown
in the Cantrips Known column of the Lich table.
Phylactery Storage
At 1st level, your phylactery may contain 4 1st-level
lich spells of your choice. Your phylactery is the
record of the lich spells you know, except your
cantrips, which are fixed in your mind.
Ritual Casting
Preparing and Casting Spells
The Lich table shows how many spell slots you
have to cast your lich spells of 1st level and higher.
To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot
of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all
expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
You prepare the list of lich spells that are
available for you to cast. To do so, choose a
number of lich spells from your phylactery equal to
your Intelligence modifier + your lich level
(minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a
level for which you have spell slots.
For example, if you’re a 3rd-level lich, you have
four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With an
Intelligence of 16, your list of prepared spells can
include six spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any
combination chosen from your phylactery. If you
prepare the 1st-level spell magic missile, you can
cast it using a 1st-level or a 2nd-level slot. Casting
the spell doesn’t remove it from your list of
prepared spells.
You can change your list of prepared spells
when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of
lich spells requires time spent aligning with your
phylactery and memorizing the incantations and
gestures you must make to cast the spell: at least 1
minute per spell level for each spell on your list.
Spellcasting Ability
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your lich
spells since you learn your spells through
dedicated study and memorization. You use your
Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your
spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your
Intelligence modifier when setting the saving
throw DC for a lich spell you cast and when
making an attack roll with one.
Spell save DC
= 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Intelligence modifier
Spell attack modifier
= your proficiency bonus +
your Intelligence modifier
You can cast a lich spell as a ritual if that spell has
the ritual tag and you have the spell within your
phylactery. You don’t need to have the spell
Learning Spells of 1st Level and
Each time you gain a lich level, you can add one
lich spell of your choice into your phylactery for
free. Each of these spells must be of a level for
which you have spell slots, as shown on the Lich
table. On your adventures, you might find other
spells that you can add to your phylactery (see the
“Your Phylactery” sidebar).
Your Phylactery
The phylactery is a mirror of your soul, instilling
knowledge into your very essence is one of the
reasons you have taken up this path as a lich. You
have learned to record raw magical information into
the phylactery so it may better serve you in the
future. You may record new magic into your
phylactery when you come across a spellbook, scroll,
tome or even the phylactery of another lich.
When you find a spell on the lich spell list that is of
1st level or higher, you can add it to your phylactery
if it is of a spell level you can prepare, and if you can
spare the time to decipher and copy it.
Copying that spell into your phylactery involves
reproducing the basic form of the spell, then
deciphering the unique system of notation used by
those who wrote it. You must practice the spell until
you understand the sounds or gestures required,
then transcribe it into your phylactery using your
own notation.
For each level of the spell, the process takes 2 hours
and costs 50 gp. The cost represents material
components you expend as you experiment with the
spell to master it, as well as the fine inks you need to
record it. Once you have spent this time and money
you can prepare the spell just like your other spells.
A traditional phylactery is an amulet in the shape of a
small box. However, a phylactery can take on any
form as long as the inside of the amulet can be
inscribed with silver-etched arcane sigils of naming,
binding, immortality, and dark magic. Some
phylacteries are boxes, while others are lockets (on
necklaces or rings), bottles, hollow crystal orbs, or
other creative containers.
Lich Spells
Cantrips (0 Level)
2nd Level
4th Level
7th Level
Chill Touch
Control FlamesXGE
Dancing Lights
Fire Bolt
Mage Hand
Minor Illusion
Poison Spray
Ray of Frost
Shocking Grasp
Spare the Dying
Toll the DeadXGE
Arcane Lock
Cloud of Daggers
Crown of Madness
Detect Thoughts
Flaming Sphere
Gentle Repose
Hold Person
Melf's Acid Arrow
Mind Spike
Mirror Image
Misty Step
Phantasmal Force
Ray of Enfeeblement
Scorching Ray
See Invisibility
Shadow BladeXGE
Spider Climb
Arcane Eye
Death Ward
Dimension Door
Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Shadow of MoilXGE
Crown of StarsXGE
Delayed Blast Fireball
Finger of Death
Mirage Arcane
Plane Shift
Power Word Pain
Prismatic Spray
Reverse Gravity
3rd Level
Arcane Gate
Circle of Death
Create Undead
Soul CageXGE
1st Level
Absorb Elements
Armor of Agathys
Arms of Hadar
Burning Hands
Cause FearXGE
Chromatic Orb
Color Spray
Comprehend Languages
Detect Magic
Disguise Self
Dissonant Whispers
Earth TremorXGE
Expeditious Retreat
False Life
Feather Fall
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
Ice KnifeXGE
Mage Armor
Magic Missile
Protection from Evil and
Ray of Sickness
Silent Image
Tasha's Hideous Laughter
Witch Bolt
Animate Dead
Bestow Curse
Dispel Magic
Enemies AboundXGE
Erupting EarthXGE
Feign Death
Gaseous Form
Life TransferenceXGE
Magic Circle
Melf's Minute MeteorsXGE
Speak with Dead
Stinking Cloud
Vampiric Touch
5th Level
Antilife Shell
Danse MacabreXGE
Dominate Person
Hold Monster
Legend Lore
Negative Energy FloodXGE
Planar Binding
Synaptic StateXGE
Teleportation Circle
Wall of Force
8th Level
Antimagic Field
Maddening DarknessXGE
Power Word Stun
9th Level
Power Word Kill
Psychic ScreamXGE
Time Stop
6th Level
Soul Consumption
Starting at 2nd level, you can consume the soul
charges stored within your phylactery to regain
power. As a bonus action while your phylactery is
on your person, you can consume 1 soul charge in
your phylactery and choose one of the following
Regain hit points equal to 1d4 + your
Intelligence modifier.
Recover an expended 1st-level spell slot.
Immortal Pathway
At 3rd level, you choose a pathway that will define
your unending immortal existence: the Pathway of
the Baelnorn, the Pathway of the Omniscient, or
the Pathway of the Wastes. The pathway you
choose grants you features at 3rd level and again
at 6th and 14th level.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th
level, you can increase one ability score of your
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores
of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase
an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo
taking this feature to take a feat of your choice
Reaper’s Greed
Beginning at 5th level, when multiple creatures
capable of feeding your phylactery die
simultaneously (such as from the same area of
effect spell), you can use your reaction to capture a
number of souls up to 1 + your Intelligence
modifier (minimum 2).
At 20th level, if you’re reduced to 0 hit points or as
an Action on your turn, you can consume all but 1
of the soul charges in your phylactery to take on a
demilich form. Your body disintegrates into a Tiny
floating skull and swirling cloud of dust. Your
phylactery is carried within the dust cloud of your
form; your other possessions are left behind in
your space. Your demilich form has the following
additional features:
Your hit points and hit point maximum are
equal to 4 x your lich level.
Your walking speed is replaced by an equal
flying speed (hover).
You are resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage.
If you are subjected to an effect that allows you
to make a saving throw to take only half
damage, you instead take no damage if you
succeed on the saving throw and only half
damage if you fail.
You regain a number of expended spell slots of
a combined level equal to the number of soul
charges expended.
You don’t need to perform somatic or verbal
components for your lich spells, and your
phylactery continues to act as your arcane
Your transformation lasts 10 minutes or until
you are reduced to 0 hit points. Soul charges you
accumulate during this transformation must be
immediately spent as part of the same reaction
used to acquire them. When the transformation
ends, you die. When you are returned to life, you
can’t use this feature for 7 days from the point at
which you were revived.
Immortal Pathways
Resilient Form
Pathway of the Baelnorn
Touch of Eternal Rest
As you gain more arcane knowledge, you find ways
in which to shape your very spirit. An immortal
pathway represents a new power manifested.
When an elven mage is nearing the end of their
lives they are sometimes called on to become
something greater. They are asked to live longer
than their time would allow them so they may
continue important studies for the elven people.
There are times where the elven magics used to
make a Baelnorn have been spread further, so
seeing a Baelnorn outside of the elven people is
possible but rare. In recent times a Baelnorn is no
longer made, but are instead converted through a
sanctifying ritual. The impurities of undeath are
cleansed from the lich to create a freshly
awakened Baelnorn.
Gift of the Seldarine
When you choose this pathway at 3rd level, your
phylactery feature changes. You no longer have a
phylactery and all soul charges flow into your body
instead. You must spend 24 hours converting the
energy inside the phylactery into your enriched
form. This process transfers all the souls residing
inside the phylactery. You are required to use an
arcane focus to cast spells. Suitable creatures for
your phylactery have further limitations
The creature is not an undead or construct.
The creature has a Challenge Rating 1/2 or
The creature can understand at least one
The creature must be evil aligned or is known
to have committed a vile act that you bore
witness to or the creature willingly sacrifices
itself to you in death.
Also when you die your body reforms through
the magic of the Seldarine over an 8 hour period.
You cannot reform another body until another 7
days have passed.
Also at 3rd level, as a reaction when you take
damage of a specific type you can use 1 soul
charge to become resistant to that damage type for
1 minute.
At 6th level, you may use an action to make a
melee touch attack against a creature within 5
feet. The creature must succeed on a Constitution
saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your
Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus or
fall unconscious for 1d4 turns. While in this state,
the creature is intangible between the ethereal
plane and your own and it cannot be targeted by
other effects. In this state you can send a
nightmare to the creature, the nightmare causes
1d10 psychic damage to the creature at the end of
each of its turns. When the effect ends the
creature is unaware of what happened and has no
recollection of the nightmare or dream it
experienced. You may use this ability a number of
times equal to your Intelligence modifier and
regain all uses after you finish a long rest.
You can also use this effect on an ally, sending
the ally a dream instead of a nightmare. While in
the dream the creature restores 1d10 hit points at
the end of each of its turns.
Image of Ancestry
At 14th level, the Baelnorn can consume several of
its charges to create a duplicate of itself from its
replacement body. For every 3 charges consumed
the duplicate remains for one turn. The duplicate
appears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of
you, it cannot move or be moved from this space.
The duplicate mimics your action on each of its
turns. It can pick different targets for these
actions. When it casts a spell it uses your spell
slots to do so. The duplicate’s attacks make use of
your spell save DC and attack bonuses. The
duplicate can be targeted, it has your armor class
and half of your hit points. If the duplicate is
reduced to 0 hit points it vanishes instantly. You
may use this ability once and regain use of it after
you finish a long rest.
Pathway of the
Whereas other liches may look upon souls like
scraps of wood to fuel their fire, the Omniscient
views souls like books. Tasty delicious books full of
information to be devoured. The lives swirling
within a lich’s phylactery are not that of sheep or
cattle, they are at least modestly intelligent
creatures and it would be terribly wasteful to not
use every part of the soul.
Knowledge Syphon
When you choose this pathway at 3rd level, you
can draw upon the collective experience of the
souls you have collected. When you make an
Intelligence ability check, you may expend 1 soul
in your phylactery to add +5 to the roll.
Known Source
Also at 3rd level, you choose one creature type:
aberrations, beasts, celestials, dragons,
elementals, fey, fiends, giants, monstrosities,
oozes, or plants. Alternatively, you can select two
races of humanoid (such as gnolls and orcs) as
known sources. When you collect a soul from a
known source, it counts as an additional soul. You
have advantage on knowledge checks to recall
information about these types of creatures.
You may choose an additional known source
when you reach 6th level, and again at 14th level.
Experimental Vulnerability
At 6th level, your accumulated experience allows
you to twist your spells to your advantage. When
you target a Known Source creature, you can
expend a number of souls equal to half the
creatures CR (rounded down, minimum of 1). If
the spell requires a saving throw you can force the
creature to make the save at disadvantage. If the
spell requires an attack roll you make the roll at
advantage, and for this casting of the spell the
target becomes vulnerable to the damage type of
the spell or loses one level of resistance or
Knowledge is Power
At 14th level, when you capture a soul from a
Known Source creature you regain hit points
equal to their CR.
Pathway of the Wastes
A lich who travels in the dry arid wastes of the
world has found a way to use their own organs as
phylacteries, effectively granting them five
phylacteries. Your form is skeletal and gaunt, your
skin dried and desiccated and your soul split in
many parts. Most liches who follow this pathway
lived their mortal lives in dry arid regions.
The Five Souls
When you choose this pathway at 3rd level, your
phylactery feature changes. You have 5
phylacteries: your stomach, intestines, lungs, liver,
and heart. The five organs are placed in special
ritual jars and collectively store consumed souls.
You can store a number of souls equal to 5 + your
lich level.
When you die, you can reform next to any one of
your five phylacteries regardless of your distance
to that organ. If one of these phylacteries is
destroyed they are permanently destroyed forever.
If all five phylacteries are destroyed, your physical
form crumbles to dust. Only a wish spell can
restore an organ, and the spell can only restore
one organ per casting.
Desert Soul
Also at 3rd level, you gain resistance to fire
damage and you do not need to drink or suffer
from the effects of dehydration. If you are affected
by an ability that alters your form (such as a
polymorph spell), you can choose to succeed on
the saving throw if you wish.
Desiccating Touch
At 6th level, as an action when you touch a living
creature, the creature must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 8 +
your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency
bonus. The creature suffers necrotic damage equal
to your lich level and you gain an equal number of
temporary hit points, or half as much on a
successful saving throw and you gain no
temporary hit points. If you kill a creature in this
way, their body turns to salt and crumbles. This
leaves no trace of the creature. Revivify and raise
dead will not restore the creature to life and gentle
repose has no effect on the salt.
Dust to Dust
At 14th level, as an action you can expend 5 soul
charges from your phylacteries. If you do so your
form becomes that of an air elemental but
appears as a sandstorm. This functions identically
to the Druid Wildshape class feature. While in this
form, whenever you take the attack action you can
use a bonus action to use your Desiccating Touch.
Lunar Power
The moon and its phases are the biggest
influences on when the other has control over your
body. The closer to the full moon the more difficult
those urges are to control. However, many
lycanthropes track the phases of the moon and
take precautions to protect their loved ones. These
protections include chaining themselves up and
keeping the moon out of sight.
Creating a Lycanthrope
Bear pelts were fetching a high price in the
northern mountains. Unscrupulous hunters were
beginning to venture into the dens where their
prey slept for the winter. They did not know that
these mountains were under the protection of a
ranger, only that they were turned back from their
pursuit by a tall-standing brown bear that told
them “Get out.”
As a half-elf she was not an imposing figure. The
bandits that surrounded her knew no fear, but
neither did she. As she stretched her arms and
fingers upward an eerie caw echoes off of every
surface and her night-black feathers become
silhouetted before the moonlight. Now they knew
There were rumors swirling in the town that a
rakshasa was on the prowl. The town guard was
on high alert for a vile and powerful fiend. What no
one knew to look for was the halfling thief who
crept through the shadows in the night with catlike
grace and stripes on his furry face.
Uncontrolled Fury
A lycanthrope has a powerful beast lingering at the
fringes of their mind always wanting to escape and
hunt. Even while in complete control of their
actions, someone trying to hide their primal secret
can find it difficult to ignore this rage.
As you create your lycanthrope character consider
how you came into your power. Were you born as a
lycanthrope? Were you attacked by a creature and
afflicted with a curse? Were you the subject of an
alchemist’s experiment? Were you given as a
sacrifice to a lycanthrope willingly or otherwise?
Do you even know how you came about your
curse, or is that one of the great mysteries that you
seek to uncover?
Consider how you deal with these aspects of
your life. Lycanthropes who have always
possessed their gift or who have lived with it for
many years may be better equipped to handle the
duality of their lives whereas the newly cursed may
struggle with the changes they endure. How do
you view your lycanthropy? Would you inflict
another with it if you could? Would it be a gift
given to a friend or a curse saved for your worst
enemy? How do you feel about other lycanthropes?
Would you cure it if you could?
Inflicting Lycanthropy
Many players will want to know: how can they infect
their fellow party members with their gifts? The
simple answer is: whenever the DM deems it
possible. However, as this is a class it is
recommended that if you allow your players to
infect one another that they must take their next
level in Lycanthrope.
The Lycanthrope
Level Proficiency Bonus
Transformation Duration
10 min
20 min
30 min
40 min
50 min
1 hour
1 hour, 10 min
1 hour, 20 min
1 hour, 30 min
1 hour, 40 min
1 hour, 50 min
2 hours
2 hours, 10 min
2 hours, 20 min
2 hours, 30 min
2 hours, 40 min
Primal Calling, Transformation, Lunar Sensitivity
Lycanthropic Resistance
Savage Attacks
Ability Score Improvement
Extra Attack
Primal Calling Feature
Savage Control, Beast Speak
Ability Score Improvement
Lunar Sensitivity Improvement
Lycanthropic Immunity
Wild Combatant
Ability Score Improvement, Primal Calling Feature
Natural Predator
Supernatural Senses
Lunar Sensitivity Improvement
Ability Score Improvement
Greater Savage Control
Primal Calling Feature
Ability Score Improvement
Legendary Lycanthrope
Quick Build
You can make a lycanthrope quickly by following
these suggestions. First, make Strength your
highest ability score. Your next-highest score
should be Dexterity or Constitution if you wish to
focus on survival within the wilderness. Second,
choose the hermit background. Third, choose
either Werebear, Wereboar, or Werewolf as your
primal calling selection. Remember to add a
second saving throw designated by your primal
Class Features
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per lycanthrope level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your
Constitution modifier per lycanthrope level after
Armor: None
Weapons: Sickle, dagger, club
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Constitution
Skills: Choose two from Nature, Religion, Animal
Handling, Perception, Deception, and Intimidation
You start with the following equipment, in addition
to the equipment granted by your background:
(a) a longbow and 20 arrows or (b) a hand
crossbow and 20 bolts
(a) two simple melee weapons or (b) one
martial melee weapon
(a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s
Two daggers
Primal Calling
At 1st level, your bloodline begins to exhibit itself.
Choose Wereape, Werebear, Wereboar,
Werecrocodile, Wererat, Wereraven, Weretiger, or
Werewolf. You gain the Transformation
Lycanthrope class feature and your choice grants
you abilities at the 1st, 6th, 12th, and 18th levels.
Starting at 1st level, your transformation will
grant you natural attacks. The damage for these
attacks are as follows:
Bite, tusk and beak attacks deal 1d6 piercing
Claw attacks deal 1d6 slashing damage.
Fist attacks deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
Also at 1st level, as an action, you can transform
into your animal form or your hybrid form. When
you change form you can stay in that form for up to
10 minutes per Lycanthrope level before changing
back. The equipment you are carrying or wearing
is not transformed. You cannot cast spells while
transformed in either your hybrid or animal forms,
and cannot use abilities which require your voice
while in your animal form.
While in your animal form you are considered a
beast. Regardless of which form you take you have
the shapeshifter tag. When you die, you revert to
your true form. While in your animal form you use
the statistics of the beast that you become but
retain your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
ability scores as well as your hit points. In your
hybrid form you retain all your statistics except
where noted in your Primal Calling feature. You
can use this ability twice, you regain all uses after
you finish a short or long rest
Lunar Sensitivity
As a Lycanthrope you are at the mercy of the
moon. Each night you must make a Wisdom
saving throw with a DC based on the phase of the
moon. For places that have no moon, the DC is 5.
Failure indicates you must transform into your
beast form. If you can see the moon you suffer
disadvantage on the saving throw. You can choose
to fail the saving throw if you wish. This does not
count as a use of your Transformation class
Moon Phase
Saving Throw DC
If you failed the saving throw, your character must
obey the following rules below:
You stay transformed until dawn.
You cannot control your transformation until
Your character must hunt and kill a living small
or larger creature and eat of its flesh. Until you
do each round you want to perform an action
other than attacking a living creature, you must
make another Wisdom saving throw to see if
you can do so. Failure indicates you must take
the attack action that turn or suffer 1d10
psychic damage that cannot kill you.
If you do not kill a creature before dawn you
gain 4 levels of exhaustion when dawn arrives.
This ability improves at the 9th level in the
following ways listed:
If you fail your saving throw you can transform
into your beast or hybrid form unless you failed
the save by 5 or more.
You no longer need to make saving throws to
perform actions other than attacking.
Failing to kill a creature before dawn gives one
level less of exhaustion (three levels).
This ability further improves at the 15th level as
You no longer need to make Lunar Sensitivity
saving throws regardless of the moon phase.
You no longer need to kill a living creature at
You no longer gain exhaustion from failing to
kill a creature at night.
Lycanthropic Resistance
Beginning at 2nd level, while in your animal or
hybrid form you reduce damage from slashing,
piercing and bludgeoning damage from nonmagical weapons that aren’t silvered by an amount
equal to your Lycanthrope level. Additionally, you
have vulnerability to damage from silvered
weapons regardless of which form you are in.
Savage Attacks
At 3rd level, while in your hybrid or beast form
whenever you roll damage dice from natural
attacks, you can reroll 1s and 2s. You must take
the new result.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice,
instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.
Savage Control
By 7th level, you can use your shapeshifting
feature 4 times before needing to finish a long rest.
Beast Speak
Also beginning at 7th level, you are always affected
by the speak with animals spell but only for
animals that are the same as your animal form. At
14th level, this expands to all beasts.
Lycanthropic Immunity
Starting at 10th level, you no longer take extra
damage from silvered weapons. Additionally,
beasts see you more as one of their own than your
actual creature type. Beasts are not bothered by
your presence unless they succeed on a
Perception check when you are using stealth to
hunt them.
Wild Combatant
At 11th level, whenever you use the Attack action,
you can use your bonus action to make one
additional attack with a natural weapon. Instead of
a natural attack you can attack with the weapon
specified in your Primal Calling feature.
Natural Predator
Starting at 13th level, your damage from your
natural attacks increases to 1d8 damage of the
same type. These attacks count as magical for the
purposes of overcoming damage resistance and
Supernatural Senses
Beginning at 14th level, whenever you roll a
Wisdom (Perception) check, you also know if there
are any creatures that are affected by illusion or
transmutation spells or any creatures with the
shapeshifter tag within 30 feet.
Greater Savage Control
At 17th level, you can use your shapeshifting
feature an unlimited number of times.
Legendary Lycanthrope
At 20th level, when you shift into your animal form,
you may choose to become Huge. Should you
become Huge you gain all of the following benefits:
All of your speeds increase by 10 ft.
Your AC becomes 15 while in your animal form
if it is lower.
You gain temporary hit points equal to your
total hit points that lasts until you leave your
animal form.
Your attacks deal 2 more dice of damage and
their reach increases by 5 ft.
You gain +4 on your Strength and Dexterity
scores while in this form.
These benefits last for 10 minutes and then you
must change back to your natural form. Once you
have used this feature you cannot use it again until
you’ve finished a long rest.
Primal Callings
You have several different callings available to you,
depending on the curse that’s been afflicted.
Calling of the Werebear
Infamous for their ability to reject their violent
impulses, werebears achieve a balance between
their primal and former lives that other
lycanthropes do not know. However, it isn’t
uncommon for other lycanthropes to consider this
a weakness of the werebear: a kindness they reject
in favor of the hunt.
Primal Calling
After selecting this calling at 1st level, your animal
form is a brown bear. In your hybrid or bear forms
you gain a bite and a claw attack. You are
considered proficient with these attacks as well as
with greataxes. You are proficient in Strength
saving throws. While in your hybrid form, if you’re
not wearing armor your AC becomes 10 + your
dexterity modifier + your strength modifier.
Grizzled Strength
At 6th level, you gain a climb speed equal to your
base walking speed. Additionally, whenever you
use your transformation feature you gain
temporary hit points equal to your Lycanthrope
Ursine Toughness
Beginning at 12th level, whenever you reduce a
creature to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit
points equal to your Constitution modifier.
Bloodthirsty Rage
At 18th level, you are not rendered unconscious
when reduced to 0 hit points as long as you dealt
damage to a foe before the end of your turn and
have not cast a spell. You are still dying and need
to make death saving throws as usual. You are still
subject to damage at 0 hit points as described in
the death saving throw section of combat.
Calling of the Wereboar
Perhaps more than other lycanthropes Wereboars
embrace their change. They use their strength
with reckless abandon, they enjoy allowing their
primal urges to guide them and where most other
lycanthropes are solitary or form packs the
Wereboar goes wherever it likes and makes friends
with whoever entertains them the most.
Primal Calling
After selecting this calling at 1st level, your animal
form is a boar. In your hybrid or boar forms you
gain a tusk attack. You are considered proficient
with these attacks as well as with mauls. You are
proficient in Strength saving throws. While in your
hybrid form if you’re not wearing armor your AC
becomes 10 + your dexterity modifier + your
strength modifier.
Feral Hog
Beginning at 6th level, your base walking speed
increases by 10 feet. Additionally, your Proficiency
Bonus is doubled for any ability check you make
that uses your Strength modifier.
Goring Charge
At 12th level, if you move at least 10 feet towards a
target and strike with a natural attack, you roll an
extra d6 for damage, the target must succeed on a
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. The
DC for this saving throw is 8 + your proficiency
modifier + your Strength modifier.
Rock Steady Strength
Starting at 18th level, creatures damaged by your
melee weapon attacks and natural attacks are
pushed back 5 feet.
Calling of the Wererat
Wererats are famous in most large cities and are
likely the most prolific lycanthropes in existence.
Sometimes considered a scourge for their habits
they make for excellent thieves. Their ability to talk
to normal rats also gifts them with a huge
information network, allowing them to operate
nearly unseen.
Primal Calling
After selecting this calling at 1st level, your animal
form is a giant rat. In your hybrid or giant rat
forms, you gain a bite attack. You are considered
proficient with these attacks as well as with
shortswords and hand crossbows. You are
proficient in Intelligence saving throws. While in
your hybrid form if you’re not wearing armor your
AC becomes 10 + your dexterity modifier + your
intelligence modifier.
Friend of the Darkness
At 6th level, you gain darkvision and you have
advantage with Wisdom (Perception) checks that
rely on smell. Additionally, your Proficiency Bonus
is doubled for Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Darting Attacks
Starting at 12th level, whenever you use your
bonus action with the Wild Combatant feature, you
can make two natural attacks instead of one. If you
do these attacks only deal damage equal to the
ability modifier you used to attack.
Lethal Precision
Beginning at 18th level, when you score a critical
hit with your natural weapons, roll an extra 1d8 for
Calling of the Weretiger
Proud, bloodthirsty hunters who pride themselves
on their lycanthropic heritage as a noble would
their own bloodline. Weretigers operate alone or
sometimes in small prides. They are often seen as
the opposing end of the primal spectrum when
compared to Wereboars. For as much as the
Wereboar enjoys basking in dirt and enjoying the
animalistic side of themselves, the Weretiger
focuses on the intellectual aspects of their form.
By combining their sharp minds and sharper
reflexes, they consider themselves to be the perfect
Primal Calling
After selecting this calling at 1st level, your animal
form is a Tiger. In your hybrid or tiger forms, you
gain a bite and a claw attack. You are considered
proficient with these attacks as well as with
scimitars and longbows. You are proficient in
Charisma saving throws. While in your hybrid
form if you’re not wearing armor your AC becomes
10 + your dexterity modifier + your charisma
Feline Blessing
Beginning at 6th level, your base walking speed
increases by 10 feet. Additionally, you gain
darkvision and you have advantage with Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on smell or sight.
Reckless Attacks
Starting at 12th level, whenever you use your
bonus action with the Wild Combatant feature, you
can make two natural attacks instead of one. If you
do these attacks only deal damage equal to the
ability modifier you used to attack.
Pouncing Hunter
At 18th level, as a reaction to a creature moving
within 30 feet you can move directly towards them
and make a melee attack roll. If you hit, the target
is knocked prone.
Calling of the Wereape
One might think that given the similarities
between the great apes and humanoids, the curse
of the Wereape would be somehow lesser. One
would be wrong. Wereapes are willing to throw
themselves completely into the primal instincts of
their calling without ever losing the spark of
intellect that guides them to the use of tools and
Primal Calling
After selecting this calling at 1st level, your animal
form is an ape. In your hybrid or ape forms, you
gain a fist attack. You are considered proficient
with this attack, as well as with greatclub and
greataxes and can wield them in one hand. You are
proficient in Strength saving throws. While in your
hybrid form if you’re not wearing armor your AC
becomes 10 + your dexterity modifier + your
strength modifier.
Strong Grip
Beginning at 6th level, you gain a climb speed
equal to your base walking speed. When you hit a
creature who has not taken damage this turn with
your fist attack, your attack deals an extra 1d6
bludgeoning damage. This damage increases to
2d6 at 12th level, and 3d6 at 18th level.
Crushing Smash
At 12th level, when you score a critical hit with
your slam attack the creature must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw against a DC equal to 8
+ your Proficiency Bonus + your Strength modifier
or become stunned until the end of their next turn.
Shake Off Death
Starting at 18th level, when you are reduced to 0
hit points you may use your reaction to expend and
roll a number of hit die up to your Constitution
modifier. You regain a number of hit points equal
to the amount rolled and suffer a level of
exhaustion equal to one half the amount of hit die
used (rounded down, minimum 1).
Calling of the Werewolf
The most well known of all the lycanthropes, and
for good reason. They’re more primal than the
boar, more cunning than the rat, more dangerous
than the bear, and more in tune with their primal
souls than the tiger. They are the apex predator of
all the lycanthropes and those who ignore these
facts are only regulating themselves to becoming
future prey.
Primal Calling
After selecting this calling at 1st level, your animal
form is a wolf. In your hybrid or wolf forms, you
gain a bite and a claw attack. You are considered
proficient with these attacks as well as with
spears. You are proficient in Strength saving
throws. While in your hybrid form if you’re not
wearing armor your AC becomes 10 + your
dexterity modifier + your strength modifier.
Stalking Hunter
Beginning at 6th level, your base walking speed
increases by 10 feet. Additionally, you gain
darkvision and you have advantage with Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on smell or sight.
Canid Reflexes
At 12th level, creatures adjacent to you provoke
opportunity attacks from you even if they took the
Disengage action. Additionally, whenever you hit a
creature with an opportunity attack its speed
drops to 0 for the rest of the turn. This stops any
movement they may have been taking.
Expert Tracker
Starting at 18th level, you can unerringly track the
last creature you dealt damage to. This works as
long as you and the target are on the same plane of
Quick, clever and elegant is the raven. Though the
primal calling of the Wereraven may not be as wild
and bloodthirsty as that of a wolf or boar, their
intellect and predisposition to mischief make the
Wereraven a fearsome figure. Wereravens are
opportunists and are always looking for an
opening to take advantage of a situation.
Primal Calling
When you use your transformation feature at 1st
level your animal form is a Medium-sized raven. In
your hybrid or raven forms, you gain a beak attack.
You are considered proficient with this attack as
well as with slings, battleaxes, greataxes and
handaxes. You are proficient in Intelligence saving
throws. While in your hybrid form if you’re not
wearing armor your AC becomes 10 + your
Dexterity modifier + your Intelligence modifier.
Quoth the Raven
At 6th level, your flying speed increases by 30 feet.
In hybrid or animal form you have advantage on
any Charisma (Deception or Performance) check
made to mimic the voice or sounds of other
Beginning at 12th level, your presence heralds
doom in the collective unconscious. When you
transform, each creature of your choice that can
see you within 60 feet must make a Wisdom
saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your
Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma modifier or be
frightened for 1 minute. A creature may repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of their turns,
ending the effect on themselves on a success.
Evasive Flight
At 18th level, your flight speed increases another
30 feet. You do not provoke opportunity attacks
while flying. You have advantage on Dexterity
saving throws while flying and if an effect would
cause you to take half damage on a success, you
instead take no damage.
Though Werecrocodiles are terrifyingly strong,
they are not fools who charge blindly. The
Werecrocodile prefers life as an ambush predator.
Taking on their enemies not only when the
Werecrocodile is strong but when their target is
weak and unassuming.
Primal Calling
At 1st level your animal form is a crocodile. In
your hybrid or crocodile forms, you gain a bite
attack. You are considered proficient with this
attack as well as with spears and tridents. You are
proficient in Strength saving throws. While in your
hybrid form if you’re not wearing armor your AC
becomes 10 + your dexterity modifier + your
strength modifier.
Perilous Bite
Beginning at 6th level, your swim speed increases
to 30 feet. You can hold your breath for 15
minutes. When you hit a creature with your bite
attack you can choose to grapple them. A target
grappled in this way is also restrained.
Underwater Adaptation
At 12th level, you have darkvision out to 60 feet
while you are underwater. It cannot be impeded by
magical darkness. If you use your transformation
feature while you are in water you gain a number
of temporary hit points equal to your lycanthrope
Underwater Assassin
Starting at 18th level, while submerged in at least
5 feet of water you have advantage on death saving
throws, and your weapon attacks score a critical
hit on roll a 19 or 20.
The Difference between
Undead and Undeath
Common revenants return only to seek revenge on
those that took their lives. Those with far stronger
convictions manage to maintain some semblance
of their past existence. They are not mindless
undead on a mission, they are skilled warriors who
train their bodies to exact their revenge and
complete their goals. A revenant like this is known
as unchained. They continue to live on through
sheer will and determination. They walk the
boundary between life and death, never fully
existing in either place. This means an unchained
revenant must eat, sleep and drink as normal.
Fear Personified
The dwarven smith works tirelessly to reforge his
broken sword. Even with the gash on his shoulder,
an open wound that no longer bleeds, his hammer
swings true with every strike. He was put down
while leading in a peasant revolt, but his body
won’t stay down as long as his homeland lies in the
clutches of tyranny.
A muddy boot print remains on the broken door
of the thieves’ den. Remnants of her grave dirty the
floor with smudges of dirt smeared across the
strewn bodies, now growing as cold as their
hunter. While they lay still, a chilly elven woman
stands over them, rigid and unblinking. She
doesn’t have to examine their faces to know she
didn’t catch him this time. Her killer was a wiley
one, but he won’t be able to outrun her forever.
There is a sage in a place of higher learning
hidden within remote mountains. Some claimed
he was burnt at the stake for his heretical
teachings, but to this day the man with charred
skin continues to lecture on the separation of
religious and secular leadership. Two-hundred
years is a long time for a human to maintain their
Revenants have mastered the artform of invoking
terror. One glance from them can freeze their prey
stiff. When they start accepting the power of their
vengeance the unchained learn to embrace what
they are. Fear itself loses meaning to them and
their minds become too sharp and focused to be
controlled in any way. Despite the revenant’s
solitary nature they work well in groups as
trackers and hunters and they function well in
society as expert bounty hunters.
Creating a Revenant
When creating your revenant, consider what
person or situation led to their death. The core of
every revenant will be their quest for revenge. Also
remember that unchained revenants, such as the
one you will be playing, don’t have simple goals
and retain much of their former self. They may still
show emotion and have goals outside of their
vengeance. Consider their revenge to be
something of a long term goal. Perhaps they died
from the cruelty of a tyrannical monarch and they
now believe in overthrowing monarchical systems.
Their death may have been caused by a specific
creature such as goblinoids and now they spend
their unlife tirelessly hunting for these creatures.
Who were you before all this? Were you an
adventurer who met an unfortunate fate at the
hands of monsters or men? Were you a sailor who
was dragged down to the depths only to return
with revenge on your mind? Were you a revenant
who completed their goal and instead of fading
away found reasons to stay attached to this world?
You could have been punished as a criminal and
your hatred for those that betrayed you sustains
your unlife.
Class Features
As a revenant, you gain the following class
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Revenant level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your
Constitution modifier per revenant level after the
Armor: All armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Strength
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics,
Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation,
Perception, Stealth, and Survival
You start with the following equipment, in addition
to the equipment granted by your background:
(a) scale mail or (b) leather armor, a light
crossbow, and 20 bolts
(a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b) two
martial weapons
(a) a longbow and 20 arrow or (b) two light
(a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s
Class Name
Quick Build
Prey, Grace of Undeath
Fixated Tracker
Route of Retribution
Ability Score Improvement
Extra Attack
Route Feature
Unending Terror, Prey II
Ability Score Improvement
Frozen Stiff, Grace of
Undeath II
Route Feature
Ability Score Improvement
Mastery of Pain, Prey III
Route Feature
Ability Score Improvement
Possessive Glare
Route Feature
Ability Score Improvement
You can make a revenant quickly by following
these suggestions. First, make Strength or
Dexterity your highest ability score depending on
the weapons you wish to use. Your next-highest
score should be Wisdom if you wish to focus on
tracking your prey and tricking the mind. Next,
choose the soldier background.
Starting at 1st level, if you spend at least 1 minute
observing or interacting with another creature
outside combat you can learn certain information
about its capabilities compared to your own or if
they have a specific resistance or vulnerability. The
DM gives you information on the creature
including if they are your equal, superior, or
inferior to two of the following characteristics of
your choice:
Ability score
Current hit points
Total class levels (if any)
Resistances (not a comparison)
Vulnerability (not a comparison)
You may learn a third characteristic at 7th and a
fourth at 14th level. Once you have used this ability
on a creature, you may not use it on the same
creature until 30 days have passed.
Grace of Undeath
Beginning at 1st level you no longer age and are no
longer required to make death saving throws when
you are reduced to 0 hit points. Instead, you are
catatonic and count as stabilized and you cannot
heal any amount of hit points while in this state.
You will wake up with 1 hit point in 1 hour. Each
time a creature with a challenge rating of ¼ or
higher dies within 10 feet of you while you are in
this state, remove 20 minutes from the 1 hour
duration. If the duration is reduced to 0, you
awaken immediately with 1 hit point. At 9th level
the distance of this ability increases to 30 feet.
You can still be killed by effects that cause death
such as having your head cut off or by taking
damage 3 times while you are at 0 hit points.
Spells used to return a creature to life have no
effect on you, instead your body must be buried
with a diamond worth 500 GP in your hands. In
10 days time you will return to the world if your
body was not disturbed during this ritual.
Fixated Tracker
At 2nd level you have learned how to hunt your
prey like no other. When making a Wisdom
(Survival) check to track a creature you may
declare the type of that creature if you know it. You
receive advantage on your Wisdom (Survival)
checks to track creatures of that type for the next 8
hours. If the creature was subject to your Prey
ability you cannot roll less than 10 on the Wisdom
(Survival) check.
Route of Retribution
At 3rd level, you begin to recall more about the way
you died. The manner of your death becomes the
route to your retribution. Choose the Route of the
Avenger, the Route of the Umbraged or the Route
of the Drowned. The route you choose grants you
features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 11th, 15th
and 18th level.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th
level you can increase one ability score of your
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores
of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase
an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo
taking this feature to take a feat of your choice
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice,
instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.
Unending Terror
Starting at 7th level you become immune to the
charmed and frightened conditions and you may
use your Prey ability as a bonus action during
combat as long as the creature is within 120 feet.
When you strike a creature affected by your Prey
ability with a weapon attack, the creature must
make a Wisdom saving throw or become
frightened. The DC equals 10 or the damage done
by the attack to a maximum of 20, whichever
number is higher. You may use this ability a
number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier
and you regain all expended uses of it when you
finish a long rest.
Frozen Stiff
At 9th level, as a reaction, when a creature within
60 feet is about to move, you may reduce that
creature’s movement to 0 if they fail a Charisma
saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your Wisdom
Modifier + your proficiency bonus. Creatures who
are currently frightened automatically fail the
saving throw. You may use this feature twice and
regain all expended uses of it after you finish a
short or long rest.
Mastery of Pain
Beginning at 14th level when you have identified a
vulnerability in a creature you also learn how to
exploit it, as well as how to neutralize their
resistances. When your Prey ability has identified
a vulnerability in a creature the first attack on your
turn using that damage type does maximum
damage. Instead of normally rolling one or more
dice to deal damage with the attack, you instead
use the highest number possible for each die. On a
successful hit any resistances identified by the
Prey ability are negated on that creature for 1
Possessive Glare
At 17th level, the first time you are reduced to 0 hit
points you may use your reaction and attempt to
possess a creature within 60 feet of you that has a
CR 6 or lower. This ability doesn’t work on
creatures that do not possess a body that contains
a spirit.
The creature must succeed on a Charisma
saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your Wisdom
Modifier + your proficiency bonus or become
You now control the body but this doesn't
deprive the target of awareness. You can't be
targeted by any attack, spell, or other effects except
those that deal radiant damage. When the form
suffers radiant damage you must make a Wisdom
saving throw to see if you can maintain control, the
DC of that saving throw is equal to the radiant
damage taken or 10 whichever number is higher.
You retain your alignment, Intelligence,
Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to being
charmed and frightened. You otherwise use the
possessed target's statistics but don’t gain access
to the target's knowledge, class features, or
The possession lasts until the body is reduced to
0 hit points, you end it as a bonus action, or you
are forced out by taking radiant damage. When the
possession ends you return to your body in its
catatonic state. No matter how long you were
within the other creature the duration of your
catatonic state remains 1 hour when you return.
You may use this ability once and regain use of it
after a long rest.
Routes of Retribution
You embrace the anguish, anger and methods
which made you what you are. Your route of
retribution is how you remember your death and
also how you inflict your vengeance on others.
Route of the Avenger
The tethers that bind the unliving can be tenuous
ones but for the Avenger they are like steel chains.
The brutality of the Avenger is second only to their
mettle, and they will not allow themselves to be
stopped by anything short of dying again. The
Avenger will let no weakness in their enemy slip
Focused Movement
Starting at 3rd level, when you are within 60 feet
of a creature affected by your Fixated Tracker
ability your movement speed increases by 10 feet
and that creature cannot take attacks of
opportunity against you.
Avenging Fire
At 6th level, at the end of your turn if two or more
of your weapon attacks deal damage to a target
they must succeed on a Constitution saving throw
with a DC equal to 8 + your Wisdom modifier +
your proficiency bonus, or become blind for 1
minute. The creature may repeat the saving throw
at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect
on themselves on a success.
On a failure, they are stunned until the end of their
next turn and take 6d6 necrotic damage. On a
success, they are not stunned and take half
damage. You can use this ability a number of times
equal to your Wisdom modifier. You regain this
ability after finishing a short or long rest.
Share the Curse
At 18th level, when you are forced to make a
saving throw against any condition you may
choose one of the following options:
You may choose to automatically fail the saving
throw, succumbing to the condition but
inflicting the same condition on one creature
you can see within 60 feet. They do not get a
saving throw. For as long as you are affected by
the condition, so are they.
You may choose to roll at disadvantage. If you
succeed, you are immune to the effect for 24
You may choose to gain advantage on the roll. If
you fail, you suffer one additional level of
You may choose to resolve the effect normally.
Unending Retribution
Beginning at 11th level, when a creature you can
see who is blind, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, or
stunned succeeds on a saving throw you may use
your reaction to make them reroll. You can use this
feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom
modifier. You regain this ability after finishing a
long rest.
Charging Strike
At 15th level, if you use all of your movement to
move straight toward a target under the effect of
your Fixated Tracker in a turn and then hit the
creature with a melee weapon attack, the target
must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC
equal to 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your
proficiency bonus.
Route of the Umbraged
They say that in death some see a light at the end
of the tunnel, a glimmer of hope and peace at the
end of their suffering. For the Umbraged there is
nothing but darkness and a willingness to sink
deeper and deeper into its depths in the pursuit of
their goals. The Umbraged flourish where the
living fear to tread.
Waxing Darkness
At 3rd level, you gain abilities to harness darkness
to your advantage. Once per short or long rest you
can cast the spell darkness. You gain darkvision
out to 60 feet if you don’t already have it, and your
darkvision cannot be impeded by magical
darkness created by yourself or allies.
Step of Umbrage
At 6th level, you gain the ability to step from one
shadow into another. When you are in dim light or
darkness as a bonus action, you can teleport up to
60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is
also in dim light or darkness.
Strikes of Shadow
At 11th level, when you make a melee weapon
attack while in dim light or darkness, you score a
critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 and deal an extra
2d6 necrotic damage.
Heightened Precision
At 15th level, when you use your Step of Umbridge
you can choose to make your next attack at
disadvantage. If it hits, it scores a critical hit and
you roll the damage die three times, instead of
Radiating Darkness
At 18th level, as an action you may choose to
activate an aura of darkness. You cast the darkness
spell on yourself and the radius is increased to 30
feet. For the next minute, each creature of your
choice within the aura has disadvantage on one
type of saving throw you choose, all attacks, and
must succeed on a Charisma saving throw with a
DC equal to 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your
proficiency bonus to move beyond the radius of the
darkness. You cannot use this ability again until
you finish a short or long rest.
Route of the Drowned
Many threats lurk below the water's surface.
Sahuagin do the will of their shaman, while
Koalinth wage wars against the surface realms
and deeper evils lurk where light can’t reach.
There are many reasons why someone might die
by drowning, but in returning to life, this death has
become a wellspring of power for you.
Flowing Movement
At 3rd level, you gain a swim speed equal to your
walking speed and creatures lacking a swim speed
make opportunity attacks against you with
disadvantage. If you already had a swim speed,
then add 10 feet of movement to it instead.
Beginning at 6th level, as an action you can cause a
creature to begin to drown if they are capable of
drowning. The target must make a Constitution
saving throw against a DC of 8 + your Wisdom
modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failure, the
target takes 1d6 + half your Revenant level cold
damage as icy water fills their lungs and the target
cannot speak, hold its breath, or cast spells with
verbal components until the end of its next turn.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to
your Wisdom modifier. You regain all uses of this
feature after finishing a long rest.
Aquatic Channel
At 6th level, you always have a wet appearance. If
you wish when you interact with objects, you leave
them equally wet. As an action, you can cast create
water. You can use this ability twice, regaining all
uses after finishing a short or long rest.
Water Step
At 11th level, you can use the spell misty step
provided you and your destination are both
touching at least a gallon of water. You can use this
feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom
modifier. You regain all uses of this feature after
finishing a long rest.
Starting at 15th level, you can mentally manipulate
water as though it were an appendage of your own
body. If you target at least a gallon of water within
50 feet you create a medium-sized tentacle of
water in a 5 foot space that can manipulate objects
as though you were standing directly adjacent to
them. Any smaller amount of water can also be
manipulated, but the tentacle functions with the
limitations of the mage hand spell.
Tentacles can act independently at the end of
your turn. They can follow simple directions such
as “attack them”, “guard this”, or “open that”. You
can maintain a number of tentacles equal to your
Wisdom modifier.
At 18th level, you are able to manipulate the blood
within the bodies of living creatures. You can
target a living creature that is not a construct as an
action. The creature must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw with a DC of 8 + your
Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.
On a successful saving throw, this feature is not
expended although your action is wasted. On a
failure, choose one action the creature could
make. The creature uses its reaction and must
perform the action as you describe. You can move
the creature up to half its speed during this time.
You lose control of the creature if you cannot see
it. At the start of your next turn, you must choose
to either release the creature or gain a level of
exhaustion. If you do so you can control the
creature for another turn. Once you use this ability,
you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
Born From Death
Vampires are not born in the sense that most other
living creatures are. They are not born from warm
bodies, hatched from eggs, or even sprouted from
seeds. A vampire is born from the end of their
previous life, from a body fallen cold after being
drained of its life’s blood by another vampire. In
the beginning these mindless creatures are known
as vampire spawn, enslaved to the vampire who
sired them. Freedom from this enslavement is
granted when the master feeds their own blood to
their spawn or when the master dies.
Dead Folk Walking
He waits until the sun goes down. Silent, and
patient. The bandits hijacked his carriage hours
ago. They’ve been rifling through the boxes and
chests of his belongings but giving the coffin a
wide berth. He watches the last glimmers of
daylight vanish from beyond the broken seal of the
lid. They didn’t stay back far enough.
She walks down the street at midday, smiling
and cheerful. The people of her village know her
and they love her. They never knew what she was
until that night. When the village was attacked,
they found her with a bloody mouth standing over
a pile of dead orcish raiders. Still, they would never
call her a monster. She is their hero.
Life as an adventurer was rough. His allies loved
his strength, but they hated having to travel at
night. They loved his charm, but they hated his
hunger. They asked much of him but always
treated him as a burden. The keep those
adventurers once held still remains on the
mountainside with but one man dwelling inside for
the last three hundred years. Finally, he got his fair
Whereas many vampires are chained to their
graves, adventurous vampires manage to escape
this tether by any manner of technicality. Rather
than spending their daylight hours in their coffin,
crypt, or under the dirt of their grave adventuring
vampires may instead carry with them trinkets like
a scrap of wood from their coffin or a bottle of
their gave dirt. Though these relics of their brief
deaths are not necessary to their continued
existence they do offer the vampire some comfort.
Creating a Vampire
When making a vampire consider how your
character came into their curse. Were they already
an adventurer when they were bitten? Did
vampirism drive them out into the open world?
Were they accepted by their village and loved ones,
or rejected? Did they know the person who cursed
them? Was it a traumatic experience, or something
they willingly consented to? Were they granted
their freedom by their master, either willfully or
accidentally? Is their master still alive?
Consider how your vampire views their curse
and how it might alter the way they view other
living or dead creatures. Do they consider living
humanoids to be akin to prey and lesser than
themselves somehow, or do they seek a give and
take relationship? Do they take only what they
need to survive, or do they feast like gluttons? How
do they feel when they look ahead to the potential
prospect of outliving even their elvish companions?
Quick Build
You can make a vampire quickly by following these
suggestions. First, make Strength or Charisma
your highest ability score depending on if you
would rather attack or trick your prey. Your next
highest score should be Dexterity if you wish to
strike quickly and quietly. Next, choose the Noble
Class Features
As a vampire, you gain the following class features.
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per vampire level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your
Constitution modifier per vampire level after 1st
Armor: None
Weapons: Club, dagger, light crossbow,
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Deception, Intimidation,
Perception, Persuasion, Religion, and Stealth
You start with the following equipment, in addition
to the equipment granted by your background:
(a) an explorer's pack or (b) an adventurer's
(a) A light crossbow and 20 bolts (b) a
A dagger
The Vampire
Bonus Features
Dark Path
Ability Score
Spider Climb,
Spawning (Ghoul)
Improved Charming
Allure, Curse Escalation 6
Eyes of the Night, Path
Ability Score
Spawning (Wight)
Curse Escalation, Path
True Charming Alure,
Children of the Night
Ability Score
Path feature
Undying Grace
Spawning (Vampire
Ability Score
Curse Escalation, Path
Ability Score
Ascendant Body
Your transition to undeath has produced a physical
transformation with a mixture of benefits and
drawbacks. Your curse is currently fresh and
undeveloped, but as you gain experience your
vampirism will strengthen and cause some of
these features to become more severe.
Curse of Vampirism
Because of your curse you suffer the following
Sunlight Aversion. While you are in direct
sunlight you have disadvantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on sight, as well as
on death saving throws.
Blood Drinker. You must gain sustenance by
drinking blood. A Small creature has enough blood
to feed you for a day, and it takes 1 minute to drink
that much blood from such a creature (or its
corpse). You do not gain sustenance if the creature
is undead or has been dead longer than 10 days.
Restless Undeath. You cannot spend hit dice to
heal during a short rest, and you do not regain hit
dice or hit points after finishing a long rest.
Power of the Grave
Thanks to your curse you gain the following
Undead Anatomy. Your creature type is undead.
You do not need to consume normal food or water,
you do not need to sleep, and you do not need to
breathe. To gain the benefits of a long rest you can
spend all eight hours doing light activity such as
keeping watch. While you are not wearing armor,
you have an AC of 16. Your Dexterity does not
affect this number.
Bite. Your canines are slightly elongated,
forming the iconic fangs of a vampire. As an action
on your turn you can use these fangs to make a
bite attack. This bite has a reach of 5 feet and
deals 1d6 piercing damage. You are proficient with
this attack.
Claws. Your fingernails have transformed into
retractable claws. You can use these claws to
perform unarmed strikes that deal 1d4 slashing
damage. Whenever you use your action to make a
bite attack, you can make one claw attack as a
bonus action.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60
feet of you as if it were bright light, and in
darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern
color in darkness, only shades of gray. If you
already have darkvision, the range of that
darkvision increases by 30 feet.
Starting at 2nd level, your bloodthirst intensifies
while also offering you greater power. Getting even
a sip of especially fresh blood grants you blood
points, up to a maximum number as shown in the
Blood Points column of the Vampire table.
As an action, you can drink enough blood to gain
1 blood point. You do not gain this benefit if the
blood comes from an undead creature or from a
creature that has been dead for more than 1
To drink the blood of a living creature that
creature must be restrained, incapacitated, or
willing. Such a creature takes 2d6 necrotic
damage. If the creature is immune to this damage,
you gain no blood points.
If a bloodthirst ability requires a target to make
a saving throw, the save DC is equal to 8 + your
Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for any spells
cast using a bloodthirst ability.
Your blood points are used to power various
abilities, described below. You will gain additional
uses of blood points as you gain levels in this class.
Charming Allure
You can spend 1 blood point to cast charm person
as a 1st-level spell.
Death Bite
Whenever you hit with your bite attack, you can
spend 1 blood point to deal 1d8 necrotic damage
to the target in addition to the bite's normal
damage. When you reach 11th level, this bonus
damage increases to 2d8.
At the start of each of your turns you regain hit
points equal to your current number of blood
points, provided you aren't in direct sunlight or
running water at the time and you already have at
least 1 hit point. If you take radiant damage, this
ability doesn't function on your next turn.
Vampires: Decadent Predators
In the foreword of the Curse of Strahd adventure,
Tracy Hickman discusses the history and thought
processes behind Dungeons & Dragons’ most
famous vampire, Count Strahd von Zarovich. In
doing so, he discusses the roots of the vampire
from a short story written by John William Polidori
which was inspired by the poet Lord Byron. Like
Lord Byron, Polidori’s vampire was described as a
‘decadent predator’ and an abuser hidden behind a
romantic veil. For all of the beauty and tragedy, both
Polidori’s vampire and the vampire crafted by Tracy
and Laura Hickman were selfish monsters.
Tracy later goes on in the foreward to bemoan
the evolution of the vampire mythos: “The vampire
we so often see today exemplifies the polar
opposite of the original archetype: the lie that it’s
okay to enter into a romance with an abusive
monster because if you love it enough, it will
This idea of a monstrous but redeemable vampire
has varying mileage depending on who you talk to.
Though tales of a particular daywalker who sparkled
in the sun like diamonds have dominated the
fantasies of a generation, many critics point out that
the relationship glorified in the saga is unhealthy
and abusive. Elements of control, isolation, and
emotional abuse become romanticized in these
The vampires of Dungeons & Dragons are
depicted in the Monster Manual very clearly as
being monsters. Going beyond their stat block and
their lawful evil alignment, the book goes to great
lengths to portray vampires as individuals who have
become twisted by their curse of unlife. The book
tells of dark desires, obsession, jealousy, torture,
and other decidedly undesirable traits.
As a player, you have the utmost freedom in how
you wish to portray your vampire. It is entirely
within your rights to play a vampire who is not a
monster, who struggles against their hunger and
desire and strives to be a better person. It is also
well within your rights to play one who is, at their
core, truly a monster. Keep in mind, however, that a
vampire who is abusive or controlling is still a
monster, even if they do it under an air of
seduction, and redemption may be far beyond their
Dark Path
You can have only one spawn at a time. If you
create a new spawn while your existing spawn is
still intact, your old spawn becomes uncontrolled
and may attack you.
When you reach 9th level, your spawn uses the
game statistics of a wight, except its longsword
attack becomes a claw attack (1d8 slashing
damage) and it has no longbow attack. When you
reach 15th level, your spawn uses the game
statistics of a vampire spawn.
Ability Score Increase
Improved Charming
By the time you reach 3rd level you have begun to
come to terms with your new unlife. You have
made a decision about how you will cope with your
curse, represented by your choice of Dark Path:
the Dark Master, the Daywalker, or the Alp. Your
chosen path grants you features when you choose
it at 3rd level and again at 7th, 10th, 13th, and
17th level. Each path is detailed at the end of this
class description.
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th,
16th, and 19th level you can increase one ability
score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two
ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you
can't increase an ability score above 20 using this
Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo
taking this feature to take a feat of your choice
Spider Climb
Beginning at 5th level, you can climb difficult
surfaces including upside down on ceilings
without needing to make an ability check.
Also at 5th level, you gain the ability to sire minor
undead creatures with your cursed bite. Whenever
you reduce a Medium or small humanoid to zero
hit points by either drinking its blood or hitting
with a bite attack, you can expend 2 blood points
to infuse it with a fraction of your curse. At the
beginning of your next turn, the subject rises as
your undead spawn. Your spawn uses the game
statistics of a ghoul.
On each of your turns, you can use a bonus
action to mentally command your spawn if it is
within 60 feet of you. You decide what action your
spawn will take and where it will move during its
next turn, or you can issue a general command
such as to guard a particular chamber or corridor.
If you issue no commands, your spawn only
defends itself against hostile creatures. Once given
an order your spawn continues to follow it until its
task is complete.
Starting at 6th level, when using Charming Allure
drinking a charmed target's blood does not
automatically end the effect though they might still
be reluctant and need to be convinced.
Also at 6th level, you can use your Charming
Allure feature to cast suggestion instead of charm
person by spending 1 additional blood point.
Curse Escalation
By 6th level, your curse is starting to become
noticeably more extreme. You can no longer enter
a residence without an invitation from one of the
occupants. Additionally, you suffer disadvantage on
all ability checks while you are in direct sunlight.
Starting when you reach 10th level, you take 10
acid damage whenever you end your turn in
running water and you have disadvantage on
attack rolls while you are in direct sunlight.
Finally, at 17th level, you take 10 radiant damage
whenever you start your turn in direct sunlight.
Eyes of the Night
Starting at 7th level, your vision becomes even
more accustomed to darkness. You can see
normally in both normal and magical darkness out
to a range of 120 feet.
At 9th level, you gain the power to change your
form at will. If you aren't in direct sunlight or
running water, you can use your action to
polymorph into a tiny bat or a medium cloud of
mist or back into your true form.
While in bat form you can't speak, your walking
speed is 5 feet, and you have a flying speed of 30
feet. Your statistics other than your size and speed,
are unchanged. Anything you are wearing
transforms with you but nothing you are carrying
does. You revert to your true form if you are
reduced to zero hit points.
While in mist form you can't take any actions,
speak, or manipulate objects. You are weightless,
have a flying speed of 20 feet, can hover, and can
enter a hostile creature's space and stop there. In
addition, if air can pass through the space you can
do so without squeezing, and you can't pass
through water. You have advantage on Strength,
Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws and you
are immune to all nonmagical damage, except
radiant damage.
True Charming Allure
Starting at 11th level, a target charmed by
Charming Allure is always willing to let you drink
their blood.
Children of the Night
Beginning at 11th level, you can call on other
creatures of the night to aid you. As an action, you
can expend 5 blood points to magically call 2d4
swarms of bats or rats provided that the sun isn't
up. While outdoors, you can call 3d6 wolves
The called creatures arrive at the end of your
next turn acting as your allies and obeying your
spoken commands. The beasts remain for 1 hour,
until you are reduced to zero hit points, or until
you dismiss them as a bonus action.
Undying Grace
By 14th level, your curse has frozen your body
against the ravages of time preserving a beautiful
and otherworldly grace. You become proficient
with Dexterity saving throws, and you have
advantage on Charisma checks related to flirting
and romance.
Ascendant Body
At 20th level, your undead might manifest in great
physical power. Your Strength, Dexterity, and
Constitution scores all permanently increase by 2
and the maximum score for each of those abilities
increases by 2.
Additionally, you gain resistance to bludgeoning,
piercing and slashing damage from nonmagical
Dark Paths
As you learn more about your curse you discover
new ways of exploiting its powers. The dark path
you choose determines how you utilize your
Path of the Dark Master
Many vampires choose a particularly faithful
servant promising them everlasting life as a
vampire themselves. They serve not as a mindless
slave, but a powerful undead in their own right
who will maintain their free will. While these gifts
aren’t close at hand these servants can become
powerful conduits for their undead masters.
Sip Their Soul
At 3rd level, drinking the blood of a humanoid
allows you to connect to their soul. This needs to
be a willing creature or they are allowed a
Charisma saving throw against a DC of 8 + your
Charisma modifier + your proficiency.
Once drained in this fashion you are connected
to their soul. You remember everything they did in
the last 10 minutes per vampire level. While
connected you can use their sight, smell, or taste,
as long as they are on the same plane of existence
as you. While borrowing their own senses, you
lose control over your own.
This lasts until you are on different planes of
existence, until your connected soul spends a
number of rounds equal to your vampire level in
sunlight or running water, or until you break the
bond by using one of the abilities below.
Borrowed Face
At 10th level, when you use your Shapeshift
feature you can use it to transform into the form of
your connected soul. You maintain all their abilities
and statistics, but if you are immersed in running
water, enter an area of sunlight, or are reduced to
0 hit points you revert to your natural form. Using
this feature breaks your connection with your
connected soul.
Dominate Soul
At 13th level, you take control of your connected
soul’s body. You lose control over your body
including your senses. For the next 10 minutes,
you fully control the target although you can use
any of your class features through the connection.
After 10 minutes, the connection is closed and
your connection to your connected soul is broken.
Soul Drinker
Starting at 17th level, you can absorb the full soul
of your target. This drains their life force and they
rise as a vampire spawn. If they’re unwilling, they
are reduced to 0 hit points and make death saving
throws. You get their soul if they die and they
become a revenant.
Lonely Soul
Also at 3rd level, whenever you use your Charming
Allure class feature, instead of charming a target
you can choose to erase your existence in their
mind. Once the target cannot see you, they forget
you exist and any memories of events you
participated in become hazy. This lasts until they
can see you again.
Deep Shadows
Starting at 7th level, as an action, you can teleport
adjacent to your connected soul provided they’re
near dim light or darkness and if that location has
room for you. Using this feature breaks your
connection with your connected soul.
Path of the Daywalker
Those unwilling to be relegated to the shadows of
the night become Daywalkers, vampires who still
feel connected to living societies. Rather than
walking as a wolf among sheep the Daywalker is
akin to the shepherd, taking only what they need
from their herd and using their power to protect
those under their purview.
Nothing to See Here
At 3rd level, you become adept at blending in with
the living. You gain proficiency in the disguise kit if
you are not already. You have advantage on any
Charisma checks made to disguise yourself or to
take on the persona and mannerisms of another
At 7th level, you begin learning to overcome some
of the disadvantages of sunlight. The first ability
check you make after finishing a short or long rest
does not suffer disadvantage from being in the
sun. Additionally, you can expend 1 blood point to
negate disadvantage on any Wisdom (Perception)
check you make.
Sanguinous Versatility
At 10th level, you become even more flexible in
how you resist the effects of sunlight. When you
make an attack in sunlight you may expend 2
blood points to negate the disadvantage imposed
by sunlight.
Saving for a Sunny Day
At 13th level, you’ve unlocked the secrets of storing
blood. Once per long rest, when you take an action
to gain a blood point, you can use a vial to store an
additional amount of blood points equal to your
Wisdom modifier. Drinking from this vial takes 1
minute and you can have a number of vials equal
to your Constitution modifier.
Additionally, when you take radiant damage you
can use your reaction to expend blood points and
ignore an amount of radiant damage equal to the
number of blood points expended.
Hoarding Blood
While it might behoove a vampire to hold onto
gallons of blood in reserve, the properties of
coagulation make this nearly impossible. The
Daywalker has learned how to preserve blood using
their own supernatural power, but trying to hold
onto more than a modest amount can weaken them
more than the benefit the blood provides.
They Walk Among Us
At 17th level, taking radiant damage does not
inhibit your ability to heal from your blood points.
Path of the Alp
There are many cultures around the world and
while all of them have stories of undead creatures
who drain the life from your veins, not all of them
are so literal. Take for instance the alp: a spirit that
takes the form of a butterfly or cat. While most see
harmless creatures, it isn’t until a swarm of them
descends upon a body and steals the breath from
its lungs that their true nature is revealed. Stories
tell of loved ones hanging around doorways after
being visited by these white spirits, an ominous
sign that doom shall soon cross the path of the
Spiritual Vampire
At 3rd level, your body dissolves and your spirit
becomes untethered. You no longer have a physical
form and while not possessing a dead body you are
invisible, you cannot speak and you cannot take
actions, bonus actions, or reactions.
If you rest on a dead corpse that shares your
creature type for at least 1 minute, you possess
that body as though it were your own. The body
loses all of its statistics including attacks and
abilities, except for size. Use your statistics,
attacks, and abilities instead.
Each 24 hour period you do not gain a blood
point, you gain one level of exhaustion. Every 8
hour period you possess a body you gain 1 blood
point and lose one level of exhaustion. This is the
only way you can gain blood points. Possessing the
corpse does not stop it from decaying.
Energy Shape
At 7th level, as an action, you can manifest your
energy form for a period of time. When you do this
you appear as a ball of light or a creature made of
light. You can take the form of a cat, pig, dog, a
poisonous snake, or most commonly a butterfly. If
you are possessing a corpse you stop doing so and
the corpse becomes prone.
As part of the same action, choose a creature
within 30 feet. Your energy entangles the target
causing them to have disadvantage on all attacks,
all saving throws except Constitution and all ability
checks. Their AC lowers by 2. You return to your
body at the end of this action.
At 10th level, when you use your Energy Shape
class feature you can expend 1 blood point. If you
do, the target must succeed on a Constitution
saving throw or fall asleep as though affected by
the spell sleep. If they succeed on this saving
throw, they are not aware they were the target of
this feature.
The DC for this saving throw is 8 + your
Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.
Breath Taker
At 13th level, the range of your Energy Shape class
feature becomes 60 feet. Also, when you use your
Energy Shape class feature you can expend 1
blood point. If you do a swarm of energy creatures
sharing your form descends upon your opponent.
The target must succeed on a Constitution saving
throw or begin to asphyxiate as though they were
drowning. You can sustain this effect by using 1
blood point. If you do not sustain the effect, the
target can breathe normally.
The DC for this saving throw is 8 + your
Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.
A creature can hold its breath for a number of
minutes equal to 1 + its Constitution modifier
(minimum of 30 seconds).
When a creature runs out of breath or is choking,
it can survive for a number of rounds equal to its
Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the
start of its next turn, it drops to 0 Hit Points and is
dying, and it can’t regain Hit Points or be stabilized
until it can breathe again.
For example, a creature with a Constitution of 14
can hold its breath for 3 minutes. If it starts
suffocating, it has 2 rounds to reach air before it
drops to 0 Hit Points.
One of Us
At 17th level, while not possessing a body you can
spend 1 blood point at the start of your turn. Doing
so allows you to act for the rest of the turn as
though you were possessing your original body,
which appears when you use this ability.
very story has a beginning. For
some the story of being a
revenant began with them being
an accomplished sorcerer who
was killed on the battlefield
before they had accomplished all
they had set out to do in life. For
others, the story of their curse begins before they
ever became adventurers.
Any adventurer of a cursed class could
conceivably come from any background. While
many clerics begin as acolytes there is nothing to
say they were not a charlatan seeking redemption,
or a noble fleeing from the vanity of the court.
Likewise, any cursed could be placed on a person
from any walk of life. That being said, sometimes
the affliction of a curse is the most important part
of a person’s life to that point. For that reason the
following backgrounds may help you construct a
level-one cursed adventurer.
Arcane Apprentice
Suitable for all cursed classes, especially magic
You have devoted your life to the service of a
master of the arcane, assisting them with their
research in hopes that you could someday become
a powerful arcanist yourself. Your life has until this
point generally revolved around helping your
master by collecting their reagents, organizing
their library, cleaning their study, cooking their
meals, or any number of odd jobs asked of an
However being an apprentice to an arcane
master puts you in close proximity to all manner of
strange chemicals, substances, spells, and runes of
questionable use. You may or may not be aware
that apprentices are sometimes called upon to be
test subjects, and that your master may or may not
ask your permission first.
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, History
Tool Proficiencies: Alchemist’s supplies,
herbalism kit
Equipment: A bottle of black ink, a quill, a set of
common clothes, a letter of introduction bearing
the crest of the apprentice’s master, a pouch
containing 10 gp
Suggested Methods of Affliction
Not every arcane apprentice stumbles into their
curse the same way. Choose a method of
contracting your curse, or roll on the table below.
d6 Method of Affliction
was asked to drink a potion. It burned going
1 Idown.
I should have died falling off the library
2 ladder. My master saved me, but at what
carrying a stack of tall books and failed
3 Itowas
notice the magic circle I walked into.
went to sleep in my bed. I woke up on a
4 Istone
altar, hearing strange chanting.
on some additional studying, and read
5 Ia took
dusty tome I shouldn’t have.
I was organizing the potion cabinet when the
broke, and dozens of bottles fell on me.
6 shelf
I don’t remember what happened next, but I
woke up changed.
Feature: House Of Learning
As an arcane apprentice in good standing with the
academic community, you can expect shelter to be
offered to you from institutes of learning so long as
they possess dormitories or other living facilities.
You will receive basic room and board from an
institute as long as you have not shown yourself to
be a threat to them.
Suggested Characteristics
Arcane apprentices are generally magically
inclined folk, though their transformation may
have robbed them of their magical potential. Still
they’re likely to continue to carry their fascination
with all things arcane. Arcane apprentices tend to
be studious individuals who value research and
discovery, as well as the betterment of their own
skills and knowledge.
d8 Personality Trait
I’m always bursting with questions, and never
1 afraid of asking them. I am convinced there
are no stupid questions.
There is nothing more precious in the world
2 than knowledge, and books are worth their
weight in gold to me.
I always have an ill-timed anecdote about my
research and experiments, which is
3 master’s
never as appropriate for the situation as I
believe in being organized and orderly in all
4 Iaspects
of life.
quality of a city can be measured in the
5 The
size of its libraries and academies.
like to break things to see how they work,
6 Iand
how to remake them.
talk a lot when I’m nervous. A lot. Usually
7 Idelivering
essays on magical subjects.
convinced that other arcane students will
8 I’m
consider me a test subject and not a peer.
d6 Ideal
A day without learning is a day
1 Research.
wasted. (Neutral)
It would be a waste not to
2 Experimentation.
see what this curse is capable of. (Chaos)
Let’s not get carried away by
3 Rationality.
thinking with our emotions. (Lawful)
I will study and utilize my curse
4 Breakthrough.
to build a better life for others. (Good)
At the end of the day, all that
5 Selfishness.
matters is furthering my own research. (Evil)
I want my name to be listed among the
6 Fame.
greatest arcane researchers. (Any)
d6 Bond
1 I will make my master proud of me.
must find a cure for this curse, not for my
2 Iown
sake, but for others.
parents gave up everything to win my
3 My
apprenticeship. I must repay them.
of my efforts and study are for the good of
4 All
generations to follow me.
will do anything to serve and aid the magic
5 Ischool
where I studied.
6 My fellow apprentices are like siblings to me.
d6 Flaw
think straight in a messy environment.
1 IItcan’t
clouds my mind.
take a little too much pride in telling people
2 Iwhen
they’re wrong.
I can’t admit that I don’t know something,
3 and I’m prone to making up details and
presenting them as fact.
judge the failings of others harshly, and treat
4 Imy
own failings as catastrophic.
I have a magic subject to study, I may
5 When
forego food or sleep.
6 I will do anything for the opportunity to learn.
Suitable for lycanthrope or vampire.
You lived much of your life under the gaze of a
powerful beast. It was an accepted fact of life that
an evil creature considered your home to be part
of its territory, and your people to be cattle for the
slaughter. In spite of this you worked to build a life
for yourself. That life was a relatively ordinary one
in spite of the surrounding circumstances until it
was decided that you held more value to your
community as a sacrifice than you did as a
contributing citizen.
You might have listened as the votes were
counted and your neighbors nominated you, or
perhaps you were drug from your home in the
middle of the night without warning. Perhaps the
choice was made by the local oracle, who hung a
marker above your door to signal to the beast that
you were being offered up. Regardless of how it
came to be you were offered up, and the sacrifice
was taken.
Whereas others have died or become enslaved,
you awoke with your wits about you still and a
strange new power coursing through your veins.
You had served your people as their sacrifice but
now they looked upon you in terror. You no longer
hold a place among them, and it is time you
venture out into the world.
Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Survival
Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s tools,
vehicles (land)
Equipment: A small knife, a mess kit, a trinket
from your hometown, a set of traveler’s clothes,
and a pouch containing 10 gp
Feature: Walk Among The People
You fit in amongst the common folk with ease, as
long as you are able to hide the visible signs of
your cursed affliction. You can find a place to hide,
rest, or recuperate among other commoners
unless you have shown yourself to be a danger to
them. They will shield you from accusations of
being a lycanthrope, vampire, or other cursed
creature for as long as they believe you to not be
afflicted though they will not risk their lives for
Suggested Characteristics
A sacrifice probably never intended to become an
adventurer before their life took a drastic turn.
They likely had plans to pursue a trade, maintain a
home, and live out their life as a productive
member of their community. Taking on a cursed
class will be a shock to their system and they may
find themselves feeling like a fish out of water.
d8 Personality Trait
always wanted to be an adventurer, I just
1 Ididn’t
think it would happen like this.
I don’t even notice when I grunt
2 Sometimes
or growl in place of using actual words.
try to apply rural bumpkin logic, experience,
3 Iand
solutions to everything.
manners escape me often, and I may
4 Table
snarl if anyone gets near my plate.
entirely oblivious to how out-of-my5 I’m
element I may be at any given time.
don’t know how to behave like a noble but
6 Ithat
will never stop me from trying.
there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that
7 If
small-town life is preferable to adventuring.
I don’t see why I should let a little curse that
me to hunger for mortal flesh and
8 causes
blood stop me from living my life to the
d6 Ideal
I just want to return to the simple life I
1 Peace.
once had. (Neutral)
I want those who sacrificed me to
2 Revenge.
know the fear and pain I felt. (Evil)
Life is like a river and I must go with
3 Change.
the flow, even in violent rapids. (Chaos)
Everything happens for a reason. I just
4 Faith.
have to figure out my purpose. (Lawful)
I feel closer to the wild than ever, and
5 Nature.
I want to embrace it freely. (Any)
Break The Circle. I wasn’t the first sacrifice
6 made, but I will be the last. I must end the
beast before anyone else falls victim. (Good)
d6 Bond
still care for my neighbors and would
1 Isacrifice
myself again for their sakes.
home is my home, and I will return to my
2 My
land one day, regardless of its people.
I became afflicted, I had a lover, and I
3 Before
hope to see them again someday.
I fled from home, I was taken in by a
4 After
kindly old hermit. I want to repay them.
want to return home to see my family and
5 Ilet
them know I’m safe.
hold a grudge against all those who let me
6 Ibe
d6 Flaw
don’t trust easily. I always assume others
1 Iwill
betray me.
2 When I drink too much, I get a little... feral.
trust too quickly and share my secrets too
3 Ieasily.
the hunger inside of me, always worried
4 II’llfear
hurt someone I care for.
I can’t be held responsible for what I
5 Sorry,
do in the moonlight.
enamored with the idea that now I am the
6 I’m
hunter in power, and others my prey.
Suitable for bound spirit or floraspawn.
Your dedication to the vows you have taken in
life has never wavered, never been questioned by
anyone but a fool. Much of your life has been spent
honing your body to carry out the tasks that have
been asked of you. You are a guardian whether of a
living being, a material place or object, or even the
guardian of something more ephemeral like oral
history or spiritual teachings.
However, the limitations of the mortal body
make for a frail protector of ageless things without
a little extra help. Whether you chose to give your
body to your cause and accept the changes that
you have been blessed with or your fragile mortal
body fell and your life was saved only by the curse,
the results are the same: You are now an ageless
guardian, with an eternity to uphold your vows.
Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Religion
Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s tools,
musical instrument
Equipment: A symbol of your vows or order, a
musical instrument (one of your choice), a set of
common clothes or vestments, and a pouch
containing 10 gp
Feature: Knowledge of Sanctity
Your familiarity with sanctified, protected spaces
allows you to more easily recognize them even
when formed by faiths, orders, or organizations
different from your own. You have advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence
(Investigation) checks to detect the presence of a
guardian in spaces that currently have or have
previously had a guardian like yourself.
Suggested Characteristics
Guardians are dedicated people and their
dedication is usually not limited only to their vows
of stewardship. Instead of a wishy-washy
personality, consider an individual who commits
themselves fully to everything they set out to do. A
Guardian doesn’t have to agree with everything
that their organization believes and may have
some deeply held disagreements, but their
dedication to their purpose is nigh-unshakable.
d8 Personality Trait
all too accustomed to an ascetic life and
1 I’m
luxuries make me uncomfortable.
promise I make, no matter how small, is
2 Every
a matter of honor for me.
have little experience dealing with people
3 Iand
the world at large outside of my peers.
If I ever still my tongue, it’s still brutally
4 obvious to everyone that I want to say
teacher spoke wisdom applicable to every
5 My
situation and I’m always eager to share it.
I’m technically immortal, but not
6 indestructible. I need to be reminded of this
is for diplomats. I prefer a
7 Talking
straightforward approach.
problem, no matter how large or small,
8 Every
is an exasperating test of my dedication.
d6 Ideal
I have all the time in the world to
1 Patience.
wait out any problems. (Neutral)
I want only to return to the duties
2 Normalcy.
I’ve been taken away from. (Lawful)
My vow has been broken, and so am I,
3 Pursuit.
until I find another purpose. (Chaos)
My traditions must be preserved,
4 Tradition.
upheld, and taught to others. (Any)
Good. No vow is worth more than the
5 Greater
lives of the innocent. (Good)
My pledge is worth more than
6 Relentless.
anything or anyone. (Evil)
d6 Bond
order gave me shelter when I was alone in
1 My
the world. I owe them everything.
was given to my duty as an infant by my
2 Iparents.
I wish to make them proud.
was my teacher’s last pupil, and I must carry
3 Ion
their teachings for a new generation.
my youth, my sleep was filled with visions
4 In
of my duty. My vow is destined.
fellow guardians are like family to me,
5 My
sworn by blood vows.
I must make the most of the opportunities
6 granted to me, lest I let down my peers who
did not receive this blessing.
d6 Flaw
I’m proud of my accomplishments in
1 guarding my vow and take note of them
put no trust in others to safeguard what I
2 Ifind
my daily rituals are interrupted, I feel
3 If
unsettled for the whole day.
have no sympathy for those who die in the
4 Iline
of duty. They were weak and failed.
My heart still can’t resist a pretty face or
5 pleasing words, regardless of my body or
I sometimes allow anger to cloud my
6 judgment and forget about my vows in the
Discover other products by Cursed Classes authors...
BE What Goes
Bump In The
Should an event as dramatic as a vampire bite or
a brush with lycanthropy mean the end of an
adventurer? No!
Instead, open the next chapter of your
adventurer's tale with their struggle or
acceptance of their new found power. Cursed
Classes allows your adventurers to grow with
their afflictions, learning to conquer them.
Writing & Design Credits
Alex Clippinger - Lich.
Bryan Holmes - Lycanthrope, Werebear,
Wereboar, Wererat, Weretiger, Werewolf,
Drowned, Wastes, Dark Master, Alp.
Ryan Langr - Omniscient, Wereape,
Wereraven, Werecrocodile, Avenger,
Umbraged, Daywalker.
Jacob S. Kellogg - Vampire.
Isaac A. L. May - Floraspawn, Revenant,
Spore Savant, Vegepeople, Wood Woad,
and Baelnorn.
Ashley May - Becoming Cursed chapter,
infoboxes, backgrounds.
Matthew Whitby - Bound Spirit, Suit of
Armor, Flesh Golem, and Stone Golem.
Technical Credits
Editing by Kayla Bayens.
Layout by Ashley May.
Art Credits
Dana Braga - Cover, class icons, and
interior art on pages 12, 19, 21, 32, 42,
and 50.
Dean Spencer - Interior art on pages 31,
41, and 58.
Bryan Holmes - Interior art on page 23.
Bradley K McDevitt - Interior art on
page 39.
CleoStarr - Interior art on page 43.
Fat Goblin Games - Interior art on page
All other CC0 artwork sourced from
Pixabay, Unsplash, and Wikimedia