Uploaded by Marley Essam

Management Strategy & Org Structure Analysis

The German University in Cairo
Faculty of Management Technology
Department of General Management
Introduction to Management - MGMT101
Winter 2023
Phase 2
Submitted by:
Name: Marly Essam AbdelMalek
Name: Malak Mohamed Fakher
Name: Youssef Ahmed Shehata
Name: Omar Mohamed Mostafa
Tutorial number: 23
Professor: Amira Mirghani
T.A:Basma Elsayed Ibrahim
Date: January 6, 2024
Table of Contents:
1.0 Strategic Analysis
1.1 Strategy Implemented
1.2 Competitive Advantage
2.0 Organizational Structure & Design
2.1 Expected Organizational structure for the Start-Up
2.2 Expected chain of command and level of centralization
3.0 Leadership Style
3.1 Leadership Style
3.2 Motivating Employees
1.0 Strategic Analysis
1.1 Strategy Implemented
Our company’s intended strategy is the differentiation strategy since it compliments our
company’s aim which is to provide unique qualities which we would achieve by ensuring that
employees on the application are well trained and skilled while providing a one of a kind system
that offers extensive background checks with a specific qualification test to the workers to ensure
the utmost quality to our customers.Moreover, by having a qualified team of programmers and
designers that facilitate the use of the application. Differentiation Strategy is attempting to create
a unique and distinctive product or service for which customers will pay a premium.We chose
this strategy because our company wants to provide a premium quality service and application to
generate high profit.
1.2 Competitive Advantage
Our company's competitive advantage is that we offer a collective amount of services in one
place compared to other applications who only offer one service.
Moreover, we provide different prices for different qualities based on the customers needs in the
service provided
We also provide high security checkups on all application users who will perform the given task.
2.0 Organizational Structure & Design
2.1 Expected Organizational structure for the Start-Up
● Our Organization’s structural design is the organic design since our company is a start up
with limited number of employees,therefore employes will tend to perform and group
different functions all at once leading to a cross functional and cross-hierarchical work
area with low specialization which means that the distribution of tasks will be where each
employee will have a few different specific jobs to preform.
● Our chosen type of departmentalization will be grouping by function allowing each
manager to be very experienced in his/her department as there will be a high
concentration of work in each functional area leading to an increase in efficiency. Also,
every department will focus on specific goals that meet the organization's objectives.
● Our company will have low formalized jobs which means that managers will make
decisions with the aid of their employees and that jobs are less standardized, with less
responsibility and procedures .Our company will also set minimal rules and procedures to
be followed by employees,in which they will be flexible and with higher tolerance.
2.2 Expected chain of command and level of centralization
● The chain of command will be as follows: The company will attempt to have a clear
chain of command where each manager will have a wide span of control and where low
level managers have experience in taking decisions, however the top management will
provide a better understanding of the environment hence they will take the more
complicated decisions,allowing them to monitor and be aware of every detail .
● We will offer a decentralized workplace where all non-major decision making processes
are delegated allowing the participation of the lower level employees.
● we will offer a decentralized work place where responsibilities are delegated to lower
level managements allowing them to participate in all not non major decision making
● we will offer a decentralized workplace where the top management will delegate
responsibilities to lower level employees allowing them to participate to commit most
● Our company plans on being a decentralized company where employees are highly
involved in decisions concerning the company’s services; however, major decisions that
concern the company as a whole are made by top managers and , since we are a start up
business and the environment in which we operate is still unknown .
3.0 Leadership Style
3.1 Leadership Style
Our expected leadership style is to implement a democratic leadership style since our company
will be divided into several functional departments; therefore employees will participate in the
decision making process and managers will offer high delegation to employees leading to high
involvement and the opportunity of receiving feedback.
3.2 Motivating Employees
● We will motivate our employees by giving each employee a rating feedback where while
their performance increases their rating will also increase leading to a higher
commission,this will motivate them to improve their working quality knowing that it will
be well rewarded and appreciated.
● Because our company cares about motivating our employees to benefit our start-up, our
company will provide “The employee of the month reward” to achieve one of the
motivators element which is recognition.
● As well as high job security to assure employees that they will not suffer from any
unexpected layoff even if they made mistakes since as a start-up things won’t get right
from the first time. This satisfies the Herzberg Theory of job satisfaction by achieving
● Moreover our employees will have a chance to get promoted and grow in the company
hence motivating them to increase their productivity and efficiency .