Week 4 Notes - - - - - - - Lean startup came from the business model canvas o More tailored towards a start-up company o Focused more on the pain of the customer Building a team o You need to be personable o Be able to attract the right people and knowing what these people are o Many advantages of being part of a team CAT o How we make decisions o Usually we make decisions as a team but we know that VP writes software, when it comes to hiring another VP, we want VP to hire him, not the finance person You need a management team o One person cannot be all 3 roles o If you die, then everything collapses o Do your disagreement within closed doors For investors o “been there – done that” Have taken a start-up to greatness or had success in the industry Quick note of valuation o Pre money value – the value of what you have created When you get investment, the money goes into the company to grow it not the ET o Post money – the value of the firm after the money that has gone in Pre-money is sensitive to the percentage of what you give to the investor On average, you can only connect with 150 people (real connection) that’s why you have a teams that are not greater than 150 people You want to own sock in a private Canadian company because of capital gain o Phantom stocks – fake shares, an agreement that says that when we sell the company you will deemed to own 5% o the company and you will get 5% of the proceeds and benefits and pay 0$ You don’t get a vote, nor a dividend