Uploaded by Jean Pampag

Biases vs. Prejudices: Understanding the Difference

Differentiate Biases from
Work together in pairs
1. How can biases and prejudices be
identified in everyday life?
2. What was the most important thing
you learned about biases and
• are thoughts, opinions, or feelings toward a person or a
group especially if they are negative. Merriam Webster
and Cambridge Dictionary share similar definition of
prejudice that it is an opinion without bases.
• means a tendency to favor one person,
group, thing or point of view over another,
often in an unfair way. A person becomes
biased because of unfair favors.
A judge in a competition prefers one contestant to another to
win because both of them belong to same place.
2. A white teenager plays with his white classmates not with
those of different color.
3. A manager does not hire a more qualified female applicant
because for him men are smarter and stronger than women.
4. Boys are asked to do heavy tasks in school because they are
stronger than girls.