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80%20% summary

80% mindset and 20% skill review
Chapter 1
The topic of "The Formula" is about discovering a formula that can transform one's life and make them
unstoppable and super successful. The author shares his personal journey of studying successful people
and understanding the secrets behind their achievements. He emphasize the power of mindset, stating that
it is 80% mindset and 20% skills that contribute to becoming unstoppable. The author shares a scenario of
one seeing himself sitting on an exotic beach, observing other individuals on the beach, and realizing that
he has reached a position in life where he has created indestructible wealth and further went to acclaim
that this scenario can be possible in 5years or 20years, that's dependent of the mindset that is obsessive.
He mention that I need to learned the formula that can transformed my life and allowe me to feel like a
new person within a few days of discovering it. The author then discusses the concept of an average
mindset and how it leads to an average life. He emphasize the importance of taking massive action and
going beyond what is considered average in order to achieve success. He mentioned that successful
people have decided not to settle for average and have chosen to do more than what it takes to be
successful. The author also talks about the importance of surrounding oneself with the right people. They
quote Jim Rohn, stating that one is the average of the five people they spend the most time with. He
encouraged readers to assess their closest friends and their incomes, suggesting that one's income is likely
to be similar to the average income of their friends. They advise readers to remove friends who have a
lower income and replace them with friends who have higher incomes, as this can positively impact one's
own income. Additionally, the author discusses the difference between a middle-class mentality and a
millionaire mindset. He highlighted the importance of outsourcing mundane tasks and focusing on highincome generating activities. In the later chapters, the author promises to share a secret shortcut that can
transform one's life in 9 days. Overall, the topic of "The Formula" revolves around discovering a formula
for success, emphasizing the power of mindset, taking massive action, surrounding oneself with the right
people, and making strategic choices to achieve unstoppable success.
Chapter 2
Step 1: Realization is the first step towards becoming unstoppable. It involves recognizing and
understanding the areas of our lives that need improvement and acknowledging our own potential. In the
text, Joe, the protagonist, is described as lacking self-realization. He may have understood the importance
of living a better life, but he did not fully comprehend how his average mindset and lifestyle were
impacting not only himself but also his family. Realization can come from various incidents or
experiences that trigger a desire for change. The text mentions examples of real people who have
transformed their lives after certain events. For instance, a brigadier in the Indian Army found his life's
purpose and became unstoppable after helping school children and receiving 800 thank you notes.
Another person named John decided to serve poor beggars after seeing one on the street, while Shiv
realized the power of helping others after watching a Varun Pruthi video on social media. The text
emphasizes the importance of realization in order to make positive changes. It states that without realizing
the areas that need improvement, it is difficult to take action and attain success. Realization may not
happen overnight or from a single incident, but by being open to noticing these moments, one can have
breakthroughs and discover their true passions and potential. The author shares their own realization
journey, which started with the realization that despite making a good income, they were living paycheckto-paycheck. This led them to seek knowledge and learn about sales, which in turn empowered them to
take action on their mission to help 10 million people. Through a series of realizations and actions, they
developed a millionaire mindset and understood that there is an abundance of opportunities and ways to
succeed. The text also introduces the concept of an ecosystem mindset, highlighting the importance of
surrounding oneself with positive influences and like-minded individuals. It mentions examples of friends
who inspired the author to raise their own standards and push themselves further. In summary, step 1
realization involves recognizing the areas of our lives that need improvement, understanding our own
potential, and being open to moments that trigger a desire for change. It is the first step towards becoming
unstoppable and achieving success.
Chapter 3
Step 2 of the transformation process involves taking the first step towards self-transformation. The author
emphasizes the importance of leaving behind old beliefs, goals, and ambitions, as well as surrounding
oneself with positive and supportive people. The author shares a personal experience of overcoming
hesitation and negative thoughts to make a live video on social media, which marked the beginning of his
transformation journey. He highlighted the significance of taking the first step in faith, even without
knowing the entire path ahead. The author also discusses the concept of consistent massive action,
inspired by Grant Cardone's IOX Rule. He explained that success and achievement require continuous
and dedicated effort, such as creating content, reaching out to successful individuals, conducting
workshops, and building digital products. The author emphasizes the importance of differentiating
between primary and secondary output areas, focusing on the core areas that define one's legacy. He
encouraged readers to recognize their own potential and purpose in life, urging them to think beyond
conventional norms and limitations. Additionally, the author emphasizes the value of serving others and
adding value to their lives. He shared his own experience of staying motivated by finding his passion and
constantly thinking of innovative ways to engage and serve his followers. The author also discusses the
importance of outsourcing mundane tasks and focusing on high-income generating activities. He
highlighted the difference between a middle-class mentality and a millionaire mindset, emphasizing the
need to prioritize productivity over saving. Overall, step 2 of the transformation process involves taking
the first step, consistently taking massive action, recognizing one's potential, adding value to others, and
focusing on high-income generating activities.
Chapter 4
Step 3 of sustainability focuses on the importance of maintaining momentum and consistency in order to
achieve long-term success. The author emphasizes the need to be patient at a macro level, meaning that
success should be measured over a period of 5 or 10 years, while also being impatient at a micro level,
taking daily actions to move closer to one's goals. The author shares the concept of playing a "long
game," highlighting the importance of sustaining efforts and not just achieving short-term victories. He
mentioned that winning once or achieving a goal temporarily is not fulfilling or sustainable. Instead, the
key is to maintain the fire and continue working towards success consistently. To keep the fire burning,
the author suggests focusing on the bigger purpose of life and finding motivation in making a positive
impact on others. He advise against seeking temporary motivation and instead encourage individuals to
have a long-term vision that constantly pushes them forward. By being obsessed with their purpose and
vocalizing it to others, individuals can attract like-minded people who will support and remind them of
their goals. The author also emphasizes the importance of doing things that may not be enjoyable or
comfortable, such as reading or working out, as these activities contribute to personal growth and success.
He suggest creating an environment that supports growth and learning, surrounding oneself with positive
and ambitious individuals who inspire and challenge them. Additionally, the author mentions the
significance of outsourcing tasks that do not align with one's goals or generate high income. By focusing
on high-income generating activities and delegating mundane tasks, individuals can maximize their
productivity and financial potential. Overall, step 3 of sustainability emphasizes the need for consistency,
long-term vision, and creating an environment that supports growth and success. It encourages individuals
to stay committed to their goals, maintain momentum, and make strategic choices to sustain their
Chapter 5
In Chapter 5, the author introduces the concept of transforming one's life in just 9 days. He emphasize the
idea that as human beings, we have evolved and discovered various shortcuts and formulas to transform
ourselves instantly. The author mentions advancements in technology and medical science that have taken
our transformation to an unbelievable level. To begin the transformation process, the author suggests
starting each day with affirmations, visualizations, exercise, reading a self-help book for at least ten
minutes, and writing down goals. He also provide the option to request bonus videos on affirmations,
visualization, and exercises for developing a millionaire mindset. The author emphasizes the importance
of consistency and discipline in following this routine for nine consecutive days. He mentioned that
missing even one ritual or skipping a day would require starting the process from day one again. The
desire for discipline must come from within, as external imposition of discipline eventually fails without
internal motivation. The author challenges the readers to accept this 9-day transformation challenge and
encourages them to repeat after them, stating their readiness to take up the challenge. He invited readers
to message him and share their feelings after completing the challenge. Additionally, he. suggest gifting
this book to loved ones instead of traditional gifts, as it has the potential to change someone's life.
Overall, the author presents the idea that by following a specific routine for nine days, individuals can
transform their mindset and ultimately their lives. They believe that this transformation can be achieved
through consistent practice and discipline.
Chapter 6
The topic of "change" in this text revolves around the concept of personal transformation and the
importance of discipline in achieving it. The author emphasizes the need to let go of old beliefs, goals,
and negative influences in order to embrace a new mindset and achieve success. The text also discusses
the value of adding value to others and outsourcing tasks that do not contribute to personal growth or
income generation. Additionally, the author introduces a 9-day transformation challenge that involves
daily rituals such as affirmations, visualizations, exercise, and goal-setting to bring about positive change.
The chapter also highlights the significance of discipline in achieving goals and cites examples of
successful individuals who have achieved greatness through disciplined routines. Overall, the topic of
"change" in this text focuses on the importance of personal transformation, the value of discipline, and the
potential for positive change in one's life.
Chapter 7
In Chapter 7, titled "What Are You Waiting For?", the author emphasizes the importance of taking action
and making positive changes in one's life. The chapter begins by reminding the reader of the secrets to
becoming unstoppable and achieving success, which were discussed in previous chapters. The author
encourages the reader to adopt a mindset shift, leaving behind the average Joe mentality and embracing
the Moe mindset. The chapter poses several thought-provoking questions for the reader to reflect upon
and take action on. The questions include: 1. What steps have you taken since you started reading this
book that have made a positive impact on your life? 2. Who are three people in your life who need to
acquire the Moe mindset, and how will you ensure that they read this book? 3. What would it mean to you
if you were able to make a difference in people's lives? 4. Why is it important to have the Moe mindset?
5. What will you do to ensure that you never lose this mindset? The author emphasizes that this chapter
marks the beginning of a new life for the reader, as they are reborn as an unstoppable person. The chapter
concludes with gratitude towards the reader for being a part of the author's journey to inspire and
empower 10 million people. The author encourages the reader to reach out for support and assistance
through various communication channels. Overall, Chapter 7 serves as a call to action for the reader to
take charge of their life, embrace the Moe mindset, and make a positive impact on themselves and others.
It emphasizes the importance of taking action, implementing the lessons learned from the book, and
continuously striving for personal growth and success.
Chapter 8
Chapter 8 of the book discusses bonus hacks to maximize your hustle. The first hack mentioned is time
management. The author emphasizes the importance of analyzing how productive your day was and
identifying the most crucial hours for creativity. Research suggests that the first three hours after waking
up are the peak productive hours for your brain. The author shares his own routine of starting work from
home, taking client calls, and working on new ideas during this time. The key takeaway is to prioritize
high-income generating activities during your most productive hours. The second hack is leveraging. The
author encourages asking yourself questions such as, "Can I do the same work in half the time or double
the output in the same time?" and "How can I leverage other people's money, time, and expertise?"
Delegating tasks to freelancers or seeking help from friends and family can help increase your speed and
focus on core activities. However, the author emphasizes that you should still be responsible for the
output and monitor it to ensure it meets your expectations. The third hack is about striving to be at the
top. The author highlights the difference between average performers and star performers who are always
at the top. Hard work, smart work, and passion for your work are essential to reaching the top. The author
shares personal experiences of being average in school and workplaces but also achieving success by
putting in the effort. The fourth hack is about embracing greed. The author challenges the notion that
greed is not good and encourages readers to have ambitious desires and dreams. Greed, as long as it
doesn't harm others, can be a driving force for success. The author believes in aiming big, dreaming big,
and not settling for less. The fifth hack is adopting an "I-should-do-what-I-love" mindset. The author
questions the idea of being stuck in a 9-to-5 job and advocates for working for yourself and enjoying
freedom. The author encourages readers to think about their passions and consider pursuing them as a
career. Overall, these bonus hacks aim to help readers maximize their hustle by managing time
effectively, leveraging resources, striving for excellence, embracing ambition, and pursuing their