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Motor Neuron Impact: Reflection Question Response

Reflection Question
Kinds of problems that would develop without these critical neurons in your motor areas are:
difficulty executing motor acts in general, difficulty executing practiced and unpracticed motor
movements, inability to develop and perform skilled movements, inability to replicate observed
movement, difficulty in motor planning and even just thinking about how to do a task, and issues
with coordination. Because mirror neurons are found in the Secondary Motor Area the impact of
losing them would greatly disrupt our brains and behaviors. Old learned behaviors would be
impacted just as well as learning new behaviors. A professional dancer wouldn’t be able to execute
her long practiced routine in a smooth way at all nor would she be able to learn and execute a new
routine. A regular adult with a full time job would have trouble performing daily tasks or be unable to
(pumping gas, typing on a keyboard efficiently, driving) and wouldn’t be able to make new
advancements in their motor skills (learning new sports or games or ways of exercise).