Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "South Ural State University" (national research university) Higher School of Economics and Management Department of Industrial Economics and Project Management TASK for a course work (project) of a student __________________________________________________________________ (last name and first name in full) Group EM-436 1 Theme of the discipline "Business planning" __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 2 Deadline for student submission of completed work ________________202__г. 3 Initial data for work: Legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and the subject of the Russian Federation - the Chelyabinsk region; educational-methodical and special scientific literature on economic and financial disciplines, including materials of periodicals; information from the Internet; accounting and financial statements of the enterprise 4 List of issues to be developed: – give a description of the business enterprise, on the example of which the course project is being carried out; – develop a business plan for the project in the following structure: a summary of the project, a brief description of the economic entity, market analysis, marketing plan, production plan, organizational plan, financial plan, project effectiveness assessment, project risk assessment. 5 Task issue date September 8, 2022 Supervisor ___________________________________________V.M. Novosad (signature) The task was accepted ________________________________________ (signature)