HƯỚNG DẪN GIẢI CHI TIẾT CÁC ĐỀ IELTS WRITING THÁNG 8/2019 MỚI RA BY NGOCBACH Đề thi 01/08/2019 Report Plan: Paraphrase paragraph: give information>show; hours of daylight>the times of sunrise and sunset; the same week>during 3 days Overview/summary paragraph: (1) the temperatures were higher in Mumbai (2) the hours of daylight were longer in Moscow Paragraph 3: temperatures – contrast sunrise and sunset temperatures (1) in Mumbai (2) in Moscow Paragraph 4: report and contrast hours of daylight in the two cities Report: + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 1 The tables show the temperatures and the times of sunrise and sunset in Mumbai and Moscow during three days in May 2007. Overall, it is clear that the temperatures were much higher in Mumbai than in Moscow. However, the hours of daylight were significantly longer in Moscow compared to Mumbai. In Mumbai, the temperatures at sunrise were almost constant, at 33 to 34 degrees. At sunset, they were slightly lower at 29 degrees on each day. By contrast, the temperatures in Moscow were very low, at sunrise reaching just 8 degrees on Friday before rising slightly to 10 degrees and 13 degrees on Saturday and Sunday, respectively. Sunset temperatures in Moscow fluctuated, falling from 5 degrees on Friday to 2 degrees on Saturday. There was then an increase to 9 degrees on Sunday evening. The sun rose in Mumbai at 6:00 am, later than in Moscow where it rose just after 4:00 am. The time of sunset in Moscow was 22:00, whereas in Mumbai it was shortly after 19:00. 169 words TASK 2: In many countries the cost of living is rising. What are the effects on individuals and society? What measures can be taken to deal with this problem? Essay Plan: Introduction: refer to the task question. State that the effects are serious, but measures can be taken. Paragraph 2: effects (1) individuals have to pay more, and have to cut back on their spending (2) society – the economy declines as people pay late or go into debt + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 2 Paragraph 3: measures (1) subsidies for basic needs – example, the USA should provide free medical care (2) reduce taxes for people on low incomes (by cutting military spending) Conclusion: the consequences of rising living costs are serious, but measures can be taken to tackle the problem Essay: It is true that in many countries, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the majority of people to make ends meet. While the effects on individuals and society as a whole are serious, I believe that steps can be taken to address this issue. Rising living costs result in hardship for many individuals and serious consequences for society. In terms of individuals, they are faced with higher prices for everyday necessities, such as food, paying rent or heating bills. They are forced to make cutbacks in their household budgets in order to make the most of the income that they have. From the perspective of society, when goods and services are more expensive, major socio-economic changes occur. People spend less in stores and on entertainment, or they have to pay in arrears or run up debts, and the whole economy of the country goes into decline. However, effective policies must be adopted to tackle the rise in living costs. Firstly, governments should provide public subsidies for basic needs, such as food, heating and healthcare. For example, in the USA citizens on average incomes cannot afford rising medical bills, and so universal free medical care should high on the agenda of the government. Secondly, if governments curbed public spending on military weapons, they would be able to prioritize expenditure on programmes to reduce taxes for people on low incomes. This would help people to afford the higher prices in the shops and enable them to buy the things they need. In conclusion, in order to tackle the increase in the cost of living, governments must adopt measures to help those in society who are in most need. 276 words + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 3 Vocabulary from business and money: to make cutbacks Meaning: to decrease, to reduce Example: The company made cutbacks at their stores in New York and many employees were dismissed. to make the most of something Meaning: to make something appear as good as possible; to exploit something; to get as much out of something as is possible. Example: They designed the advertisements to make the most of the product's features. to pay in arrears Meaning: refers to making a payment to a supplier later than the terms of the arrangement under which goods or services were purchased from the supplier. Example: The company pays one month in arrears to all its suppliers and employees. Vocabulary from society: socio-economic changes Meaning: changes relating to the society and economy of a country Example: Mass migration to cities is a result of socio-economic changes that include the industrialisation of agriculture. Vocabulary from government: to adopt policies Meaning: to start to use particular policies Example: In order to deal with traffic congestion, the government must adopt policies to restrict the use of private cars. to provide public subsidies for Meaning: to give government money to reduce the costs of services or to produce goods in order to keep the price low Example: In order to promote agriculture that is environmentally-friendly, the government should provide public subsidies for organic farmers. + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 4 high on the agenda Meaning: something which is among the first things in the list of actions to be taken Example: The rehabilitation of prisoners must be high on the agenda of prison authorities everywhere. to curb public spending on Meaning: to restrict what the government spends on something Example: I would argue that it is preferable to curb public spending on building new roads rather than to impose spending cuts on education. to prioritize expenditure on Meaning: to put the need to spend money on certain things first Example: I believe that it is important to prioritize expenditure on medical research in order to save lives. Other vocabulary: hardship [noun]: Meaning: a situation that is difficult and unpleasant because you do not have enough money, food, clothes etc Example: People suffered many hardships during the long, cold winter. to make ends meet [expression]: Meaning: to earn just enough money to be able to buy the things you need Example: Many families on low incomes struggle to make ends meet. to address [verb]: Meaning: to think about a problem or situation and decide how you are going to deal with it Example: The quality of the air in big cities is a big problem, and governments must address this issue immediately. to run up [phrasal verb]: Meaning: to allow a bill or a debt to reach a large total Example: As a result of his gambling, he ran up a large debt at the casino. + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 5 Đề thi 10/08/2019 The diagrams show how olive oil is produced. + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 6 Report Plan: Paraphrase paragraph: show>illustrate; how olive oil is produced>the process of olive oil production Overview/summary paragraph: (1) state the number of stages (2) mention the first and last stages Paragraph 3: report on the first diagram (from picking the olives to final mashing in vats) Paragraph 4: report on the second diagram (from pressing the olives to extract oil to final shipment). + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 7 Report: The diagrams illustrate the various stages in the process of olive oil production. Overall, seven stages can be identified, beginning with picking the olives and ending with the shipment of the bottles of olive oil. Initially, workers using poles knock the olives from the trees. The olives selected for plumpness and ripeness are then washed in cold water. Next, the olives are milled, which involves mashing and removing the stones. After mashing, they enter large vats in which they are milled further to make a homogenized paste. The next stage involves the loading of the paste into a hydraulic press. There, the paste is placed between 25-30 hemp pressing bags and, with each push of the piston of the hydraulic press, oil is extracted. Then, the oil is pumped to a centrifuge, to separate the oil and water, and the extracted oil is stored in underground vats. Finally, the oil is bottled just before it is shipped to customers. 159 words Task 2: Some people think that zoos are all cruel and should be closed down. Others however believe that zoos can be useful in protecting wild animals. Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion. Essay Plan: Introduction: refer to the key words in the task question. State your own opinion – zoos must avoid cruelty, but they can provide useful protection Paragraph 2: cruel conditions still exist in some zoos. The health of wild animals suffers. Paragraph 3: arguments in favour of zoos (1) many zoos provide good conditions for animals e.g. London Zoo (2) problems faced by wild animals in their natural habitats and the role of zoos in conservation and captive breeding e.g. pandas + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 8 Conclusion: zoos must provide good conditions, but they also serve an important conservation/protection role. Essay: It is true that some people believe that confining wild animals in zoos is cruel and that zoos should therefore be closed down. While I believe that cruelty to animals should be avoided at all costs, I agree with those who see a vital role for zoos in protecting wildlife. On the one hand, there is an outcry in many countries over the cruel conditions in which animals are kept in some zoos. As a result, many people argue that the public must exert pressure on governments to shut down all zoos. For example, in some zoos the animals are still kept in cages, with little room in which to move around. Critics argue correctly that the health of wild animals kept in such conditions must suffer, because they cannot exercise or follow their natural behaviour. Physically and mentally, therefore, it is cruel to maintain wild animals in such confined spaces. On the other hand, others argue that not all zoos subject wild animals to cramped conditions and, in addition, zoos perform a useful role in animal protection. Firstly, the welfare of animals in a priority for many zoos. London Zoo, for instance, houses wild animals in large, open spaces, often with trees or ponds to mimic their natural habitats. Secondly, our small planet is facing an ecological crisis. Today, there are many endangered species, because of exploitation and habitat destruction, which have left many creatures on the brink of extinction. Captive breeding programmes in zoos have saved some species, including the well-known success story of the giant panda. In conclusion, I agree that all zoos must provide spacious, natural environments for their animals. However, zoos have an important role to play in wildlife protection and survival. 287 words Vocabulary from society: an outcry (at/over/against something) Meaning: a reaction of anger or strong protest shown by people in public Example: The new tax provoked a public outcry. + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 9 Vocabulary from government: to exert pressure on Meaning: to use power to influence somebody or something Example: Environmental organisations should exert governments to invest in renewable energy projects. pressure on Vocabulary from the environment: an ecological crisis Meaning: a serious situation that occurs when the environment of a species or a population changes in a way that destabilizes its continued survival Example: Environmental degradation caused by human activity is provoking an ecological crisis which threatens our existence. endangered species Meaning: plants or animals that only exist in very small numbers, so that in future they may disappear forever Example: One example of an endangered species is the lowland gorilla, which has almost disappeared as a result of the destruction of its forest habitat. habitat destruction Meaning: the process that occurs when a natural habitat, like a forest or wetland, is changed so dramatically by humans that plants and animals which live there. Example: The elephant population in the world is declining because of habitat destruction caused by human exploitation of the environment. on the brink of extinction Meaning: an animal or plant which has almost disappeared from the planet Example: Before the captive breeding program in zoos, the giant panda was on the brink of extinction. captive breeding Meaning: the reproduction of animals in confinement, not in their natural habitats. + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 10 Example: A successful captive breeding program in zoos has resulted in an increase in the world’s panda population. Vocabulary from reading: a success story Meaning: a person or thing that is very successful Example: Although some people have great talent in their field, behind every success story there is always a lot of hard work and effort. Other vocabulary: to confine [verb]: Meaning: to keep a person or an animal in a small, closed space Example: During the train journey, the horses were confined in a small carriage. at all costs [expression]: Meaning: whatever is needed to achieve something Example: Competitors in sports these days try to win at all costs, even by cheating. to subject [verb]: Meaning: to make a person or animal experience something unpleasant Example: In prison, he was subjected to many beatings. cramped [adjective]: Meaning: not having enough room to move freely Example: The classroom was small, and so the students were forced to work in cramped conditions. to mimic [verb]: Meaning: to look or behave like something else Example: Conditions in the astronaut training centre were designed to mimic conditions of zero gravity in space. + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 11 + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 12 Đề thi 13/08/2019 + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 13 Report Plan: Paraphrase paragraph: show>illustrate; the water supply system>how water is supplied Overview/summary paragraph: (1) in future water will be recycled (2) in future no water will enter the river Paragraph 3: present – report the system for pure, waste and storm water Paragraph 4: future – report the system, including the changes (1) and (2) in the overview paragraph. Report: The diagrams illustrate how water in Australia is supplied to users at present and also proposed future changes to the system. Overall, it is clear that in the future water will be recycled after treatment. No water will be discharged into the river in future. At present, water is stored in dams or other facilities. Then, this pure water is sent to households, shops, and factories. Next, waste water is sent to a water treatment plant, and after cleaning it then enters the river. Storm water, however, enters the river directly from the city. In the future, the storage of water in dams or other facilities will continue unchanged, and pure water will be sent to the same users. However, in contrast to the present system, all water will go to the water treatment plant. It will then return to supply users as pure water following treatment, and no water will enter the river. 154 words. + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 14 Task 2: Students should pay the full cost for their own study, because university education benefits individuals rather than society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Essay Plan: Introduction: refer to the task question. My opinion – disagree: students should not pay the full cost. Paragraph 2: individual students do often benefit from their studies. Good job prospects, promotion, better salaries offered by corporations – therefore they may have a better lifestyle – example USA. Paragraph 3: arguments against paying the full cost: (1) students get skills which benefit society – examples. (2) problems if students have to pay for their studies – loans, or part-time work. Conclusion: disagree, because students contribute to society. Essay: Some people believe that students should not receive help with the costs of their university education. While graduates may benefit individually later in life from the opportunity to pursue a successful career, I would argue that the government should provide funding for students. In many cases, it is true that students benefit from their university education in terms of future salaries. Headhunting corporations compete with each other to offer attractive employment to graduates. Graduates can expect to have better job prospects than non-graduates, enjoying higher pay and good promotion opportunities. They will, therefore, be more likely to live in prosperous neighbourhoods, with an enviable lifestyle. For example, in the USA college graduates may earn two or three times as much as an unskilled worker. However, I consider that there are two important reasons why students should not pay the full cost of their university education. Firstly, they acquire skills which are useful, and sometimes essential, to society as a whole. Doctors, scientists and engineers are obvious examples, but other professions should not be forgotten, such as teachers, artists or philosophers. Secondly, if students have to pay for their education, they may be forced to pay off a huge student loan + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 15 when they graduate, or they may have to work their way through college. In the latter case, their studies will suffer, and some may fall behind with their studies or even drop out of college. In conclusion, I disagree that students should pay the full cost of their university education. Although in some cases they benefit individually from having a degree, they also contribute to the prosperity and well-being of society and, therefore, deserve some financial support while studying. 279 words Vocabulary from work: to pursue a successful career Meaning: to have a series of jobs in a particular area of work, with more responsibility as time passes Example: While many people wish to pursue a successful career, for others it is more important to find work which is interesting and enjoyable. job prospects Meaning: the chances of being successful and having more opportunities at work Example: People with qualifications and experience usually have the best job prospects. promotion opportunities Meaning: chances to move to a more important position in a company or organization Example: Perhaps the most important factor when choosing a job are the promotion opportunities/promotion prospects. to acquire experience/knowledge/skill: Meaning: to gain experience/knowledge/skill by your own efforts or behavior Example: Some school leavers prefer to acquire experience working in a chosen profession rather than entering university. Vocabulary from government: to provide funding for + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 16 Meaning: to give money to enable something to be done Example: Providing funding for health care must be a priority of governments. Vocabulary from education: to pay off a student loan Meaning: to repay money borrowed in order to study at college or university Example: Owing to the difficulties of paying off a student loan, some young people prefer to look for a job after leaving school. to work your way through university Meaning: to have a job when you are at college/university in order to help to pay for your studies Example: He had to work his way through university because his family was so poor that they could not afford his tuition fees. to fall behind with your studies Meaning: to improve more slowly in studying than other people so that you fail to learn the course material at the necessary speed Example: Irregular attendance at classes is one of reasons why some students fall behind with their studies. to drop out of college Meaning: to leave college or university without finishing your studies Example: A number of students drop out of college when faced with the pressure of formal exams. Other vocabulary: headhunting [adjective]: Meaning: connected with the activity of finding people who are suitable for top jobs and persuading them to join a company Example: Headhunting drug companies are always looking for graduates in biological sciences. prosperous [adjective]: Meaning: rich and successful + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 17 Example: After the good weather, farmers will be more prosperous this year. enviable [adjective]: Meaning: something that is enviable is something that is good and that other people want to have too Example: He is in the enviable position of having two jobs to choose from. (ĐỀ THI 17/08/2019) The chart shows the water levels of 6 cities in Australia {Darwin (1), Sydney (2), Melbourne (3), Brisbane (4), Perth (5) and Canberra (6)} in October 2009 and October 2010. Report Plan: Paraphrase paragraph: shows>compares; water levels>water levels in reservoirs Overview/summary paragraph: (1) water levels in most cities were higher in 2010 (2) in Canberra, reservoirs were almost full in October 2010 + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 18 Paragraph 3: report and compare the figures for the 4 cities in which the water level increased Paragraph 4: report and contrast the figures for the 2 cities in which the water level did not increase Report: The bar chart compares the water levels in reservoirs in six different Australian cities in October of two consecutive years. Overall, it is clear that the levels of water in reservoirs in most cities was higher in October 2010 than in October 2009. In Canberra, the reservoirs were almost full in October 2010. In Sydney, water levels in the reservoirs rose from 75% to 81% in these months, while in Melbourne there was a more significant rise from 25% to 38%. The percentages of water in the reservoirs in Perth and Canberra were much higher, however. In Perth, the water level increased from 40% to 60% in October 2009 and 2010, respectively. Water levels in Canberra increased by almost 25% to reach almost a maximum in October 2010. In contrast, the reservoirs in Brisbane remained at the same level of 55% full, whereas in Darwin the water level in reservoirs fell from 45% in October 2009 to less than 30% in October 2010. 163 words + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 19 Task 2: Some people argue that we should do research into our family history. Others agree with the view that we should focus on the present and future generations. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Essay Plan: Introduction: refer to the task question. My opinion: it is useful to research family history Paragraph 2: the importance of focusing on (1) the present generation – setting a good moral example (2) future generations – care for the environment – fighting climate change, global warming Paragraph 3: the importance of family history – through personal stories, people connect the past with their present lives Conclusion: it is important both to focus on the present and future, but also to study family history Essay: It is true that some people believe that it is important to focus only on the present and future generations. However, I agree with those who argue that researching our family history is a useful and worthwhile activity. On the one hand, it is important to concentrate on the health, happiness and well-being of the present generation and to live sustainably for the sake of future generations. From the perspective of the present, everyone should try to provide a good moral example and to set patterns of behaviour that demonstrate respect for others. For instance, being consistently kind and honest provides a good model for children to follow during their formative years. This behaviour will shape their personality and values as they enter adult life. In terms of future + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 20 generations, it is essential to focus on fighting climate change and to combat global warming. On the other hand, it is also essential to have a sense of the past, including family history. This sense of history enables people to understand the socioeconomic changes taking place around them today. Many people enjoy assimilating knowledge of the past by studying their family history. Discovering the origins, the occupations and some of the life stories of previous generations of family members helps to give individuals an understanding of time and place. The study of family history, therefore, bridges the generation gap and helps people to look at the past in connection with the present. In conclusion, while it is vital to be concerned with present and future generations, I contend that it is also both interesting and important to study family history. 268 words Vocabulary from family and children: patterns of behavior Meaning: ways of acting and doing things (either positive or negative) Example: Patterns of behaviour copied from parents often influence the way that children grow up. formative years Meaning: A period of a person’s life, usually childhood, that has a big influence on the person they become later in life Example: UNICEF states that the early childhood years from birth through age 8 are formative years in terms of intelligence, personality and social behavior. to shape a child’s personality/ values Meaning: to decide or influence the form of a child’s personality Example: Parents are very influential in shaping their children’s personality through the example that they set. to enter adult life + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 21 Meaning:the stage when adolescents are almost old enough to be legally independent of their parents Example: Parents who have devoted time and thought to raising and educating their children have given them a good prepartion to enter adult life. generation gap Meaning: the experience of not understanding your parents or grandparents and them not understanding you due to being raised during different time periods, in a different cultural setting Example: They were able to bridge the generation gap by watching old and new movies together and discussing them. Vocabulary from the environment: to fight climate change Meaning: To try to prevent changes in climate patterns, such as rainfall, temperature and winds. Example: Unless we consume less of the Earth’s natural resources, it will be impossible to fight climate change and safeguard our future. global warming Meaning: the process by which the Earth is getting hotter, as a result of the greenhouse effect – in particular the increase in carbon dioxide in the air. Example: Perhaps the major environmental challenge which faces humanity today is global warming, because it threatens our survival. Vocabulary from society: socio-economic changes Meaning: changes relating to the society and economy of a country Example: Mass migration to cities is a result of socio-economic changes that include the industrialisation of agriculture. Vocabulary from communication and personality: + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 22 to assimilate knowledge Meaning: to absorb and understand knowledge Example: Some people claim that children assimilate knowledge more easily than adults, citing studies into the way that young children learn. Other vocabulary: worthwhile [adjective]: Meaning: important, interesting and enjoyable. Worth spending time or money on. Example: Although her salary is low, she enjoys doing her worthwhile job in the ambulance service. sustainably [adverb]: Meaning: in a way that can continue or be continued for a long time Example: It is important to manage our forests sustainably, or they will be destroyed. to bridge [verb]: Meaning: to reduce or to get rid of the differences that exist between two things or groups of people Example: The president referred to education as a vital means to bridge the gap between rich and poor. + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 23 + Khóa học IELTS Package online “thần thánh” của thầy Bách (tăng điểm IELTS đúng như mục tiêu mong muốn) các bạn xem thông tin ở đây nhé: https://ieltsngocbach.com/package 24