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Ace IELTS Writing: General Training Letter Guide

How to Ace the General Training IELTS Paper
There are 2 parts, Writing 1 and Writing 2.
In Writing 1 you receive a “scenario” and you have to write a letter. Not many people know that
there are 4 types of letters in IELTS:
Complaint / Request (of information) letter
Formal business letter
job application letter
personal letter
In any letter type, the examiner is looking for sructure, vocabulary and fluency of language.
Structure means every letter must have paragraphs. At least 3 paragraphs:
1. First one must define the purpose of your letter in one – two sentences.
2. Second one must explain more about why you are writing this letter
3. Third must say what kind of answer you expect.
Vocabulary means that you better use some “smart” words. In case you are writing Complaint,
Business or Job application letter you must use formal language, but not for Personal letter.
Fluency of language means phrases people usually use in letters. The best advice I can give you
here is to read every IELTS Sample Letter you can get. This way you develop proper language for
any type of letter.