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Stoic Reading on K-12 Implementation

Jesus Good Shepherd School
A Stoic Reading on the
Implementation of K-12
A Practical Research
presented to
the faculty of Senior High School Department
Jesus Good Shepherd School
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for Research Project
Josh Lirio Fuedan
Marc Angelo Casignia
April 2023
Name of institution:
Jesus Good Shepherd School
Palico II, Imus Cavite
Title of Research:
A Stoic reading on the implementation
of K-12
Josh Fuedan and Marc Casignia
Date of completion:
The paper discusses education in the Philippines discussing the latest curriculum, which is
referred to as the “K-12” education system, and offers insights on why it is more troublesome for
students than helpful in accordance with studies like Barcelo (2019). It then proceeds to talk about
how philosophy can be applied as a supplement to finding the meaning of our actions. Specifically,
Stoicism and its history as an analysis and helping guide in times of unlivable and meaningless life
without virtues from what cannot be easily escaped, such as the negative effects of prolonged
schooling, just like the Romans and their absolute superiors. In conclusion, this paper claims that
applying Stoic perspectives to being a student grants inner peace and happiness in life which is
shown in the results from the data. The study recommends future researchers explore and counter
further to prevail against the hypocrisy of the government and the real truth through their
implementation of K-12 and such, which are currently understudied or ignored in the present.
Keywords: K-12, Stoicism, Burden, Students, Peace
Certificate of Originality
This is to certify that the research titled “A Stoic Reading on the Implementation of K-12” is the
outcome of my own research work, based on my personal study and/or research, and that I have
duly acknowledged all material and sources used in its preparation, whether they be books,
articles, reports, lecture notes, and any other kind of document, electronic or personal
communication. The thesis is free from any plagiarism and has not been submitted elsewhere for
Marc Angelo Casignia
Josh Lirio Fuedan
Signature of the Panelist and Grade
Research Review Panel
Approved by the committee on Oral examination with a grade of ____________.
The authors would like to express their gratitude to everyone who helped
make this study possible. We would first and foremost like to express our gratitude
to the Jesus Good Shepherd School for providing us with this educational
opportunity, which has taught us important life lessons like tolerance, tenacity,
collaboration, resilience, cooperation, and, most importantly, the never-ending
pursuit of knowledge.
Second, we want to thank Sir Lorenzo B. Bandillion from the bottom of our
hearts. You offer incredibly helpful advice. assistance in the completion and success
of this study, including advice, counsel, comments, ideas, and provisions. Being
able to work and study under his direction was a huge honor and privilege.
Additionally, we would want to convey our sincere appreciation to our parents
for their unending support, prayers, love, and sacrifices. Without their constant,
selfless love and support, this would not have been possible.
We are really grateful to Almighty God for providing us with the capacity,
knowledge, opportunity, and strength to carry out this research project. We would
not be able to do this research or any of our other everyday tasks without His
direction and mercy. The Glory be to God! Finally, we would like to express our
gratitude to everyone who helped us, directly or indirectly, to finish the study project.
Table of Contents
Abstract ............................................................................................................ I
Certificate of Originality ...............................................................................II
Signature of the Panelist and Grade .......................................................... III
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................ IV
Table of Contents ........................................................................................... V
Chapter 1 .......................................................................................................... 1
I. Background of the study ........................................................................... 1
II. Framework of the Study .......................................................................... 8
Chapter 2 ............................................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
I. Method ...................................................................................................... 9
II. Corpus of the Study ................................................................................. 9
III. Data Gathering........................................................................................ 9
IV. Data Analysis ........................................................................................ 10
Chapter 3 ......................................................................................................... 11
Stoicism ....................................................................................................... 11
A. Virtues ................................................................................................ 12
a. Wisdom .......................................................................................... 14
b. Courage .......................................................................................... 15
c. Temperance .................................................................................... 16
K-12 as a school curriculum ........................................................................ 17
Application of the Relevant virtues as a Helping guide to K-12 students .. 19
Chapter 4 ......................................................................................................... 21
Conclusion ................................................................................................... 21
Recommendation ......................................................................................... 23
References: ...................................................................................................... 24
Researcher’s Profile ............................................. Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Chapter 1
Background of the study
The education system is for the greater good of students. It helps the learners understand
and know what they haven’t yet but it can also prolong the unnecessary stress at the expense of
time and personal well-being. The education system, however, depends on the curriculum and
Hanna (2022) states that K-12 is the latest educational curriculum of the Philippines. The letter,
“K”, stands for kindergarten while the hyphen, “-”, is read as “to” and the number, “12”, refers to
the succeeding 12 years of basic education which is 6 years of elementary education, 4 years of
junior high school and 2 years of senior highschool.
The K-12 school curriculum stands for “Kindergarten to 12" which refers to the grade
levels. It has become the normal curriculum for nations such as the United States and Canada.
Followed by the year 2012, the Philippines also implemented K-12 as the previous school
curriculum was said to be ineffective by the government because it does not match the international
standard. According to P.A.P. or the Psychological Association of the Philippines (2013), K-12
seeks to aim for further competency of students by providing sufficient time. However, many have
criticized the implementation of K-12 with the main reason being funds and additional time.
According to ChedK12 word press, prior to WWII, the Philippines had an 11-year basic education
cycle that included grades 1–7 for elementary and 4 years of high school. Following the war, the
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
American colonial government proposed a switch to the American system: six years of elementary
school (rather than seven), three years of junior high school, and three more years of senior high
school, for a total of 12 years of basic education. The changeover began with the elimination of
Grade 6, but the addition of two years of high school was never completed. Since 1945, we have
made the best of ten years of basic education, the outcome of an incomplete transition that was
never intended to be permanent. Until now, that is.
Thus, according to the website of Chedk12 word press, There were only three countries to
have a 10-year basic education cycle and they were Djibouti, Angola and this country, Philippines
before the K-12 began because most countries already had it. The Philippines had an 11-year basic
education cycle: grades 1 to 7 for elementary and 4 years of high school before world war II.
Furthermore, the American colonial government recommended a shift to the American System:
six years for elementary, three years of junior high school and three more years of senior high
school for a total of 12 years of basic education. Henceforth, the transition began with the removal
of grade 6 from elementary; however, the addition of two years in high school was never completed
so there was only a 10-year basic education cycle from 6 years of elementary and 4 years of high
school during 1945-2015. Afterwards, K-12 was fully implemented which has 13 years of school
curriculum ranging from 4 years of primary, 3 years of elementary, 4 junior high school, 2 years
of senior high school (Deped), and it was the result of decades of study to improve the education
system dating back to 1925.
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
Additionally, according to the website of K12 academics, the sociology of education is the
study of how the experiences of the people affect education and its outcomes. Education as a whole
is often regarded with positivity by society because it is believed to help progress people for greater
improvement and equality. This must be because education is regarded with learning and usually,
education gives us knowledge and according to sir Francis Bacon, “knowledge is power”. Thus,
it allows people to further develop their potential for a better living. However, there are some who
see education with negativity because they believe that it causes the opposite effect, it restricts
equality and takes away their freedom. According to the website of K12 academics, the sociology
of education began with Émile Durkheim's work on moral education as a foundation for organic
solidarity and Max Weber's work on the Chinese literati as a political control weapon.
However, it was after WWII that the subject received renewed interest around the world,
ranging from technological functionalism in the United States to egalitarian reform of opportunity
in Europe and human-capital theory in economics. All of these imply that, as a result of
industrialization, the requirement for a technologically skilled labor force weakens class divisions
and other ascriptive stratification systems, and that education encourages social mobility.
However, statistical and field research in a variety of societies revealed a consistent link between
an individual's social class and achievement, implying that education could only achieve limited
social mobility.
Furthermore, the psychology of education is the study of how people learn, how effective
is the educational system, how teaching is done and how people act within the school
organizations. In other words, it is also the study of how people educate themselves and how they
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
act towards education. Therefore, education psychology draws from and contributes to cognitive
and learning sciences. Which is why, educational psychology has a wide range of specialties and
is also interrelated with medicine and biology. The relationship between educational psychology
and other fields can help us understand it. It is predominantly informed by psychology, with a
relationship to that subject that is akin to the relationship between medicine and biology.
Educational psychology, in turn, informs a wide range of educational studies specializations,
including instructional design, educational technology, curriculum creation, organizational
learning, special education, and classroom management. Educational psychology builds on and
contributes to cognitive and learning sciences. Departments of educational psychology are
typically based within faculties of education in universities, which may account for the paucity of
representation of educational psychology subjects in introductory psychology textbooks.
Which is why, as people get consumed by ourselves and others, it now becomes a problem
for everyone so applying philosophies is one of the means to finding purpose for what and why
people are doing the things they do. Thus, this research paper will also be discussing Stoicism.
Stoic in a stereotypical sense in today’s time, is synonymous with being unemotional, apathetic,
or unresponsive. However, it is completely different to its original meaning and point.
Stoicism is an important school of philosophy from thought that can be applied in everyday
lives. Annas (2015) states that Stoicism instructs our attitude by being practical through applying
virtues and reasoning as part of the natural human nature which separates us from other animals.
This allows one to be uncontrolled by one’s feelings, emotions, and it also instructs one to be
content with what they have in order to take pleasure even from the simplest things and to develop
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
their inner selves. According to Campbell (1969), knowing one’s own flaws is a way to improve
oneself as no one is perfect. However even if they aren't perfect, they could always improve
themselves to become a better person than who they were before .
Thus, Elite (2017) states that, Everyone has one thing in common in life and that’s
problems. May it be big or small, it still delivers inconvenience and struggles. Knowing this, stoics
will try to help others as virtue is a big part of their lives. Stoicism correlates with pain differently
than it did in the past, because of today’s generation of sedentary lifestyle that people have right
now. Stoic’s strategies of dealing with pain were mainly acceptance-based. According to Ford et
al (2018), a large body of research shows that emotional acceptance seems to be a powerful
strategy in cognitive therapy for coping with upsetting or unpleasant feelings.
In order to suffer less, one needs to learn to embrace their own pain and live with it without
struggling against it as much. In summary, Weaver (2020) states that Stoic is someone who takes
the time to view the world logically objectively, and accepts what they see as it comes. Thus, they
then accept responsibility for how they respond to what they experience and do their best to act
with virtue.
Which is why, according to Jubal, (2019) Stoicism can be for students as well. It can teach
them to see things in a different perspective when they’re having trouble accepting, take actions
regardless and persistence to learn something new. Additionally, Barbosa (2020), states that for
Stoics, education is about having an open mind because that is where learning can take place thus,
it is about being informed to not be uninformed and if people are not willing to do so, they must
bear the consequences of their ignorance.
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
The important factor in determining how long a stoic through stoicism can pursue
education is based on ataraxia which is a state of inner peace by practicing and implementing
virtues through making enough effort to control oneself by doing continuous self reflection . Thus,
according to Kirby (2017), students can apply the stoic’s insights on mind, adversity and practice
to become a better student. In conclusion, Stoicism stresses the point of the importance of thinking
differently through reason because how one thinks about the situation can have a much more
greater impact on oneself than the situation itself and doing this will promote better decision
making which will help students with work and studies for a better education.
Furthermore, Saunders (2023) states that Stoicism was a school of thought introduced by
Zeno of Citium, a Philosopher who taught it in Athens. It was originally developed to help others
follow the right path instead of blindly following others. Thus, it is a philosophy that can be
applied to one’s life by applying its virtues. Following virtues is also abstaining from vice and in
doing so, creates a better life for one to live. Moreover, in this research, the researchers have
decided to discuss and refer mainly to one main Philosopher who is Seneca.
In conclusion, the students who are suffering due to the education system will serve as a
detriment to their well being. The problem of the education system is not just the existence of the
problem itself but rather, how people deal with it. Thus, our research will be tackling society's
problems; specifically, how the students may benefit from understanding and applying the stoic
perspective for the prolonged burden it gives. This research will then figure out the lived
experiences of students who feels the burden of K-12 program with the following questions:
1. What are the relevant virtues that we need to learn from Stoicism ?
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
2. Does K-12 have more benefits or more problems?
3. How can we apply Stoicism to help those in the K-12 education system?
First, the relevant virtues that we need to learn from Stoicism are Courage, Wisdom and
Secondly, the K-12 education system benefits the students because it gives them more time
on what they want to do but in doing so, it puts them in a more disadvantageous position because
of all the additional requirements, time and stress it provides.
Lastly, we can apply Stoicism to help those in the K-12 education system by helping them
apply the relevant virtues.
The research is mainly relevant to other fields of studies. Such as: Philosophy, Psychology,
sociology and History. The research then also complies with the philosophical research manual of
the institution regarding sociological and Historical developments.
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
Framework of the Study
In this research, what is shown first is about education and the K-12. Based on the readings
provided, K-12 is usually more of a burden than a benefit to its students as it gives them more
prolonged stress from academics at the expense of time. Additionally, it then discusses stoicism
being a philosophy that can help guide people who are lost in thought and purpose. Thus, it can
also be a guide for students because it is capable of giving applicable insights on the importance
of education and meaning which may be a helpful supplement for the overwhelmed K-12 students.
Chapter 2
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
It will be text-based research because it analyzes the conceptual meanings of Stoicism, the
benefits and problems of K-12. It will also be historico-descriptive for it will present the historical
background of the K-12 and Stoicism. On the other hand, it will be descriptive for it describes
terms concerning the K-12 and Stoicism.
Corpus of the Study
This research focuses on how to help the Senior High school students in JGSS recover from
the burden of K-12 using Stoicism in order to improve them academically. Recent studies and
based on the researcher’s personal experiences will be used to explain how to assist students.
Specifically, in this research, the researchers will examine how to aid students in getting through
their additional school years using Stoicism and present a variety of methods by which they can
accomplish by using this philosophy.
Data Gathering
First, the researchers gathered information that is related to the topic from various online
sources. They mainly read the letters by Seneca book and its secondary sources. Thus, the
researchers compiled the other sources they have obtained online such as credible PDF’s, news
articles, researches and specific websites relating to the topic. Second, the gathered information
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
was then separated into two parts, one is about philosophy, Stoicism and how it is used in everyday
lives and the other one is about the K-12 school curriculum. Lastly, it was then the information
was reviewed and summarized to make the paper more understandable.
Data Analysis
This research is quantitative-qualitative and applied philosophical study. The researchers
began analyzing the summarized data about stoicism and K-12 curriculum. After the analysis, the
researchers discussed the 4 main virtues of stoicism and then followed by discussing how it can
be used on preserving throughout the K-12 school curriculum. The technique used is the case study
method, which is done by analyzing a combination of multiple qualitative data sources to draw
inferences and come to a conclusion. The paper shows the conclusion the researchers have
concluded after analyzing the gathered data which is how Stoicism can be used throughout the
long duration of school the K-12 school curriculum offers.
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
Chapter 3
Results and Discussion
The Filipinos are indeed serious with regards to their education. It even reaches the point
of sacrificing their lives for the sake of it. Thus, they usually believe that education is the only
way to success and failure means otherwise. Additionally, the education system of the
Philippines became updated to keep up with the international standards which is known as the K12 that adds an additional two more years and the additional years of school through the
implementation of the K-12 also means an additional burden to its students.
According to Campbell (1969), Stoicism is founded by Zeno of Citium (born of Phoenician
descent in Cyprus c. 336/5 B.C.) who had lectured in a well-known stoa (a colonnade or porch)
which is why the philosophy is called, "Stoicism". Within the book, the Seneca and Philosophy
Section states that; In Athens, It was further enhanced and applied by other philosophers like
Seneca to be developed as a moral creed as a guiding principle in life to find meaning in it,
following a framework of belief so Stoicism is therefore a belief of aligning one's life with nature's
law and valuing more the essence of living rather than the things that come from it (page 15).
Additionally, the Roman authorities were absolute that its citizens are forced to follow their orders
which leaves no room for thinking and critics that could be improved upon for a better living (page
16). Thus, It was then created to achieve inner peace and order to the lost minds of man (page 19).
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
Therefore, it is a school of philosophy on ethics and the continuous pursuit of virtues
through logical understanding. One of the philosophers of Stoicism is Seneca and he was born at
Cordoba, born at the same time as Christ which was around 4 / 5 CE - 65 AD (page 202). Also,
the Seneca’s life section states he was not healthy since he was suffering from sickness such as
asthma throughout his life and his commitment in writing such is his hope of it being useful for
the later generations (page 14). Lastly, His main contribution to philosophy are his 124 letters
dealing with moral issues which talks about the nature of people to serve.
Within the letters by Seneca, it is noted that true wealth is not making most out of money
but rather, it is making the most out of time. This is because time is limited and people often take
it for granted because they lack the wisdom of knowing the importance of it by seeing the true
value it provides. The calamities that life brings may not always be under control by people but
how they act in accordance to the present is.
Which is why, to develop oneself is to develop one's life and this is because the act of
developing oneself determines the developed outcome. Therefore, according to Campbell (1969),
the act of developing oneself represents the developed process and the act of developing the results
taking place in and represents the developed outcome called “arete” . Thus, Stoicism is a
developed plan to an end of attaining true happiness as the arete in accordance to nature’s law,
because one must be guided by “virtues” as the developed process.
A. Virtues
According to Lee (1925), These virtues are what people should act in accordance with
because it serves as the path to righteousness. It is a must to be guided by virtues to avoid “vice”
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
which is its opposite. Specifically, Vices are often what makes people act in accordance with
temptation and other forms of destructive sins that are meant to appear pleasurable and good at
first but will always break people down eventually.
Therefore, according to Stephens (2004), these are the main cardinal virtues which are the
supreme ideals that people must strive for in Stoicism:
wisdom (or moral insight), courage, self-control or moderation (temperance) and
justice (or upright dealing). These are the things that make a person self-sufficient
with themselves. This is the supreme ideal for attaining happiness to which a person
must strive for to live a meaningful life.
In addition to the four main cardinal virtues, it is divided further;
(1) Wisdom is subdivided into good sense, good calculation, quick-wittedness,
discretion, and resourcefulness.
(2) Justice is subdivided into piety, honesty, equity, and fair dealing.
(3) Courage is subdivided into endurance, confidence, high-mindedness,
cheerfulness, and industriousness.
(4) Moderation is subdivided into good discipline, seemliness, modesty, and
Furthermore, Stephens (2004) states that in opposition to these virtues; As we have seen,
only virtue is good and choiceworthy, and only its opposite, vice, is bad and to be avoided
according to Stoic ethics. Though both virtues and vice may make people happy, they are both
opposites because virtues are more genuinely gratifying in the end while vice is just superficial
pleasure at the start but always ends up being degrading and empty.
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
Though there are 4 main cardinal virtues of Stoicism which are: wisdom (or moral insight),
courage, temperance (or moderation) and justice (or upright dealing), this paper will only discuss
the main relevant virtues which are wisdom, courage and temperance. Due to the virtues of
Stoicism, it can be a helpful guide for the people who lack morals or those who want to live a more
righteous life by doing good and being better. By manifesting the cardinal virtues, they will live a
better life. Thus, they will go towards a brighter future. Which is why Stoicism is important
because it serves as a moral compass.
a. Wisdom
According to Weaver (2020), Wisdom is all about understanding the world that is being
lived upon by seeing it for what it is through setting aside personal judgements. Additionally, Lake
(2022) states that it is also knowing what can be done at the moment and what cannot. By doing
so allows one to realize what is within their control. Thus, knowing what can be controlled is also
knowing what cannot be controlled. To do this, we must reflect and understand with insight and
clarity. Because of this, it allows one to respond better to circumstance since that is what they can
control. In other words, wisdom is simply the state of knowing and differentiating what is right,
wrong and in between.
There are 3 ways to divide wisdom stated by Weaver (2020) which are good, bad and
indifferent. Firstly, Good wisdom is the state of acting out in accordance with what is virtuous and
this includes things like doing what is right regardless of what anyone would say for the sake of
everything and everyone else in hopes they would have a brighter future. Secondly, Bad wisdom
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
is the state of not acting out in accordance with what is virtuous and this includes things like doing
what is wrong for a certain benefit like fitting in with bad influencers or ignoring the good just to
have an easier life. Lastly, Indifference is the state of having what is capable of being bad and good
like fame or money which could lead to destruction and corruption or a better influence for
society’s better development.
To apply wisdom in one’s life, is to know what should and shouldn’t be done and acting
out on it. In an everyday scenario, it would be the wisdom of leaving out of bed because they know
that not leaving out of bed if their body can walk, leads to a bad day.
b. Courage
Courage is not about the elimination of fear, it is all about the state acting out despite the
fear that is felt. According to Weaver (2020) and Lake (2022), This determines the ability to stand
against opposing challenges. Fear stops people from going forth but courage toughens people up
so that they can go forth. Even with great risks, to stand up for the right thing for the greater good
requires the courage to believe. According to Seneca, those who do not have fear cannot conquer
it because there is nothing to conquer upon. In other words, to conquer is to have but there is
nothing to conquer if there is nothing to have in the first place.
Thus, the importance of courage is that it helps us pursue what is right regardless of how
we feel for a better future. To have courage is to not be a cowardice and that per se, is what it takes
to pursue. To sacrifice what is wrong and to fight for what is right cannot be obtained if one lacks
the courage to persevere and move on. Fear is unavoidable especially if one is uncertain about the
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
future but fear is also important because it helps us stay away from what is very dangerous. Which
is why, it is important to have wisdom in order to know which fears are worth fighting against and
which fears are worth listening to. The state of having fear is not the one that stops people from
doing what is right but rather, it is the lack of courage which makes one a cowardice. In other
words, courage is simply the state of doing what is right even if one feels very wrong inside for a
brighter future for everyone and everything else.
In an everyday scenario, it would be the courage to kill a cockroach despite fear so that
the house would be a safer environment for the people to live in.
c. Temperance
Temperance is all about having self-control. This is important because having self-control
allows one to act in an appropriate manner despite what is going on. To do this, they must have
the wisdom to know what desires should be restrained, what is essential and what is enough. Doing
this helps protect and protect one from acting out in an extreme manner out of vice’s temptation.
Which is why according to Weaver (2020) and Lake (2022), to have temperance is to not heavily
depend on external stimuli to have the right amount of something. In other words, it is all about
being in control of how one will act regardless of the situation that occurs in the outside world and
their inner self. Though temperance and courage may have similar meanings of being in control,
the main difference is that Courage is the act of pushing through fear while Temperance is the act
of pushing against excess desires
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
Thus, the importance of Temperance is to control oneself by having just the right amount
of action or none at all to avoid excess of something to prevent people from temptations that leads
to distraction and eventually, destruction.In other words, Temperance is the state of not giving into
temptation. In an everyday scenario, Temperance would be controlling oneself from saying bad
things against people behind their back or preventing oneself from relapsing to an addiction for a
brighter future with everything and everyone else.
K-12 as a school curriculum
According to Estacio (2015), the K-12 curriculum was implemented in 2012-2013 to
enhance the students in order to keep up with the international standard, to gain earlier exposure
and skills for an easier transition to the workforce and college. Before this happened however,
there was the former system of basic education which consists of one-year preschool education,
six-year elementary education and four-year high school education. Through this change of school
curriculum also gave rise to the 2 prolonging of school years added to the students as well. This
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
takes away 2 years of time from the life of the students which can also create more of a heavy
burden for them to carry.
However, it is not purely for a bad cause because Miranda et al. (2019) states that;
The government implemented the K to 12 programs to enhance the educational
system of the country in order to accelerate the mutual recognition of Filipino
graduates and professionals across the world. Learners were able to master the skills
and develop core competencies which are the essential things to meet the demand
of the global market (Page 1).
Additionally, K-12 is also helpful for student development because as people age, they
grow and mature which creates a better and suitable working environment for them to do
academically better. According to Migallos et al (2020), teachers are prepared for the
implementation of K-12 as they are standardized to fit in the required level for senior high school
students which opens more career opportunities for teachers. Furthermore, according to Dublar
(2023), technology integration helps students of K-12 more efficiently giving them more ways to
learn the subjects needed for greater mastery. Thus, Barcelo (2019) states that, the main advantages
of K-12 is that it makes the students more employable, gives them more chance to choose what
they want after graduation while the main disadvantages of K-12 is the funds and delayed
production of graduates.
A. Burden of K-12
Moreover, according to Itorralba (2022), there are more disadvantages than advantages in
doing so because the advantages are that K-12 gives a larger gain of income for the school (1), its
facilities (2), better transitional phase for students proceeding to college (3), additional benefits for
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
teachers as well due to budget and space increase (4), better development for the school (5),
additional transport (6) and clothing (7) profit; while the disadvantages is that K-12 gives
prolonged longer years in school (1), delayed graduate production (2), additional financial
requirements (3), additional expenses (4), environmental harm due to increased use of electricity
(5) and transport (6), early teenage marriage due to stress (7), no guarantee of being hired because
companies are looking more for college graduates and not K-12 (8) making it more of a burden to
students. In other words, the people who are mainly profiting and benefitting the K-12 movement
are the government and the school with its relevant businesses. Thus, it is safe to conclude that the
K-12 is more of a disadvantage than an advantage to students because of the extra workload, time
and expenses the students with their parents have to give out which may cause more inaccessibility
towards the less priviledged.
Application of the Relevant virtues as a Helping guide to K-12 students
Applying Stoicism is shown to help students. According to Brown (2022), Stoic practices
can help build up emotional resilience and empathy which can help students do better at school by
being more in control of themselves. Thus, it is only reasonable to conclude that wisdom, courage
and temperance can be applied because it is part of the stoic practice. Furthermore, according to
Velasquez (1988), the point of applied virtues is not just to follow certain rules on what should
and should not be done but rather, it is the act of finding out how one can positively develop
themselves alongside their community through consistent actions of virtuosity.
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
First, wisdom can be applied in a K-12 setting as a lesson gained from loss or opportunity
e.g., if a person is teaching and even if they are unlikeable, there will still be a lesson that can be
learned from them because a stoic practitioner knows that every opportunity is a place of learning.
This can be done through understanding instead of mindlessly judging. Thus, to understand is also
to know better and to know better is to do better. Which is why, wisdom can be obtained through
the practice of having an open mind and learning from circumstances by giving people the benefit
of the doubt and realizing that they always have a lot to learn.
Secondly, courage can be applied in a K-12 setting as the act of carrying on despite fear
e.g., if a student does not know the answer and feels fear, they still act out on the right thing of
telling the truth. This can be done through being more honest by preventing oneself from lying.
Thus, to be courageous is also to challenge and overcome fears and in doing so helps one persevere
further. Which is why, courage can be obtained through the practice of facing fears instead of
running away from them by envisioning the purpose of obtaining a brighter future in the end and
the regrets made from being a coward.
Lastly, temperance can be applied in a K-12 setting as the act of controlling oneself from
unnecessarily lashing out due to emotions even if the circumstance was inevitable or hurtful e.g.,
the school is taking longer than it should, which tends to make people bored and instead of doing
dangerous stunts, they are studying regardless even if it creates more boredom in hopes for a
brighter future. This can be done through being aware of what is going on instead of impulsively
acting out in accordance with emotions. Thus, to be aware is to observe and to observe is to judge
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
more accurately. Which is why, temperance can be obtained through the practice of being aware
of one’s state by being more in the present moment by meditation and journalling.
Additionally, according to Karl (2022), supporting stoic ideologies in the wrong way can
cause a negative well-being as a consequence so applying Stoic virtues should be done with careful
and thorough consideration before instantly jumping to conclusions in an inaccurate manner e.g.,
for the sake of looking courageous, one does extremely harmful stunts with the risks outweighing
the benefits just to look impressive amongst their peers. However, this is not the main point of
virtue such as courage because being courageous is standing up for the right thing even if they are
dismayed and outcast for the greater development of oneself alongside the community.
Chapter 4
Conclusion and Recommendation
It has been deduced that the implemented K-12 has brought shortcomings to the Philippines
Education for even if there are advantages such as making the students prepare for the future or
making them learn more general knowledge. The middle to rich class families are the only ones
who can completely benefit from the implemented school curriculum. Because of the implemented
curriculum that prolonged and extended the school year by 2 more years, the poor class families
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
are unable to afford the school tuition due to their financial problems, and if they were able to
afford it, they can only be ill-equipped for they are unable to afford the projects they are being
requested by the school, resulting to dropouts and students being deemed a failure, which then
could affect one’s mentality and may result to an even bigger problem such as students suiciding,
using drugs, and so on. Stoicism’s way of life may however change the outcomes by making
students being more persistent, undaunted of the future, and even able to control one’s emotion by
simple knowing the time that’s being used to complain and rant can be used as time to improve
oneself and finding opportunities even if they are even a speck of dust. Even after school life,
stoicism’s virtues can still be followed as it is a way of life.
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
The researchers suggest reading books that can further one’s knowledge of stoicism such
as “Letters from a Stoics” by Lucius Seneca, “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius, researching other
known stoics such as Epictetus, and following Stoicism’s way of life. The implemented school
curriculum may not be changed anytime soon as of now however it doesn’t mean that one shouldn’t
change yet and wait for it. For it is only a waste of resources of time as Seneca said, “We are not
given a short life but we make it short, and we are not ill-supplied but wasteful of it.” Stoicism has
been around since before Christ and has guided countless notable historical figures.
The researchers suggest deeply researching stoicism’s way of life as it has been changing
little by little. The meaning of being stoic has been changed into a more generalized version of it
such as unemotional or cold. Stoicism has four virtues to follow to live a simpler life than ever
before. Life is always full of ups and downs, all of them containing emotions, may it be joy or
sorrow. Some see this as a gift and some see this as a curse however stoics don't see this as a gift
nor a curse but experience. Experience to be looked back on to improve one’s self, may it be a
fault or not. As Seneca said, “You have passed through life without an opponent,” he said, “No
one can ever know what you are capable of, not even you.”
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A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12
Researcher’s Profile
Josh Lirio Fuedan
The one who has wisdom as he expands his knowledge and
rationalizes his thoughts. The one who has the courage to
challenge himself, exercising and pushing his limits even further
in the body and mind. The one who has temperance, being able to
push his limits while being able to moderate his routine and see
pleasure in simple things.
Marc Angelo Casignia
He is not a man of intelligence nor temperance. He may
somewhat courageous to push himself to go even further from
his limits however often overthinks useless hypotheses such as
what lies in the future, can I be what I dream to be, and so on.
However, he may have many shortcomings, he tends to help
whenever he can, prioritizing others rather than himself, and is able to take pleasure from the
kind gestures he does. He is quite sentimental in visions of life, overthinking what his meaning in
life is, and keeps getting stuck on the idea of why he is still here and his reason to be here. He
will never know but someday, He'll get over it.
A Stoic reading on the implementation of K-12