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APMC Mundera Market Analysis: Infrastructure & Impact

Agriculture Produce Market committee Mundera is located in Prayagraj district of Uttar Pradesh
state. It has an area of around 55 acres, which consist of offices, storage and selling places, common
facilities. It is the main fruit and vegetables market in Prayagraj, 80% of city’s requirement is fulfilled
by this market only.
Tap water, Toilets
Bio-compost Plant
Offices and Facilities available on the site
Joint Agriculture Director and Deputy Agriculture Director office
Deputy Director (Marketing & Administration) office
Deputy Director (Construction) office
Cold storage area
Covered auction area
Toilets and drinking water facility
Bio-composition plant
I selected this site for study; the reason is its scale. The amount of good this market provides and
also an opportunity to local people to practice the agri-business. One can earn good profit here
because of availability to open market which balance the demand and supply equation.
Mundera Mandi is one of the largest vegetable markets in the state and attracts traders and
customers from different parts of the region. The market is particularly busy in the morning when
the fresh produce arrives.
The APMC is well equipped with proper space and facilities for storage of vegetables and fruits. The
material procurement happens between dealer to dealer and farmers to dealers. These auctions
happen through a token system generated by e-mandi, a centralized digital platform by the
Gate no. 02
Weighting bridge
Flowchart of Mandi:
Farmers and the Dealers are the initial pillars of this process; they participate and avail the goods for
the auction. Others dealers and markets buy these good according to the requirement and sell to
the local markets.
Local Dealers
Key components of the project:
These are the main set of activities:
Institution Building
Institutional buildings on the site are for administration, management and development of the site.
These buildings include offices of Joint Agriculture Director and Deputy Agriculture Director Office,
Deputy Director (Marketing & Administration) office and Deputy Director (Construction) office,
APMC office at the entrance gate 02.
Training and Education
APMC office manages the e-auction and providing gate pass to farmers and dealers to sell their good
in the mandi. Deputy Director (Marketing & Administration) office focuses on the training and
education of farmers about digital systems.
Training and office
Director’s office
Government Initiative of e-mandi and APMC helped farmers to expand their reach for selling goods
and make good income. It also provided a transparent platform to the parties involve in process.
Fruit and vegetable sample testing, analysis
APMC office takes the samples on regular intervals for testing quality of goods coming for auction in
mandi. This testing and analysis help in deciding the rates for auction.
Fruit and vegetable security
The controlled temperature shades are available on the site and it helps to store fruits and
vegetables for a longer period of time.
Auction Platform
Cold storage
Waste Management Plant
There is a bio composting facility established by private entity (BioFics) in partnership with Municipal
Corporation. The daily production limit of facility is 3 tons, which is very less with respect to the scale
of the APMC site.
Bio composting plant
Services on APMC
Layout of APMC is of grid pattern. There is 10-15m wide road with drainage channel both sides with
proper slope. The free public toilets and drinking water facility is dilapidated and requires repair and
maintenance. The paid public toilet facility is well managed. There are animals gathering on waste
spread on roads during loading and unloading.
Public Toilet
Waste, animals
The existing infrastructure available on site is adequate and has a good impact on farmers for selling
their goods in the open market. It provided everyone a transparent process to participate. There are
some facilities like waste management is not proper, on my visit at site I saw a lot of rotten onions,
potatoes and others fruits dumped on the road corners, animals eating and scattering it to
everywhere on the road. There was also election related work was going on and because of that’s
roads were clean on the main routes only as officials of blocks came for meeting and related works.
The auction mostly happens during early morning and late evenings for the farmers and for the
dealers it goes on throughout the day. The bio-composting facility collects waste from mandi and
produces 3 tons of compost daily and sells it to open market. The office of APMC takes the random
samples for quality monitoring and they also have facility to educate farmers and dealers for the
incorporated technologies for better opportunities.