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Shark Tank: Enhanced Cookie Dough - Worksheet

Shark tank – Enhanced cookie dough
Enhanced cookie dough
I got out of the food and beverage in_____; fashion in_______
1. Catch the words-----
We’ve done 630k in revenue thus far.
The startup world
Venture capital
I’m entre_________ by nature.
You’re not exactly the target consumer.
We’re not your target demo_______cs?
What valuation?  A six million dollar cap.
10% stake
Scaling the business
Read the room 
I don’t want to diminish the product, but…
Negotiations --- e.g. 
You can’t squeeze that last blood out of the stone. 
2. Questions about the video-------What’s the name of the product this girl is selling?  _______________________
What does it cost her to make the cookie dough?
 _______________________
How much does she sell it for online?
 _______________________
What is her family background? Do you like her story?
3. Questions for us-------Would you buy this cookie dough as a consumer? Why/Why not?
How much would you pay for this product?
What were the investors’ reasons for turning her down? Name at least 2 reasons.
Would you invest in this product?
Are you entrepreneurial by nature?
Do you love junkfood? What kind?
Do you take any supplements?
What do you like to spend money on?
4. Make your own product and try to sell it to me!
So, your task is to come up with your own product. It can be anything:
-- a cheap digital camera that can produce unlimited amounts of filtered analogue photos
-- a ChatGPT bot that can teach you something interesting (e.g. Korean, how to sing)
-- healthy cigarettes – Smoke-a-Joke
-- a chair that can turn into a bed --- Ched
-- jeans or pants that have adjustable width and length --- Jeans for Teans
-- anything else --
PRESENT the following:
What does the product do? 
Name of Product:
How much does it cost in retail:
How much money do you want the investor to give you: