Professional Information/Library /knowledge-center/clearinghouses 703-823-9800 x281 Creative Interventions and Activities Clearinghouse Play Dough Family: Using Play Dough in Family Counseling Emily R. Herman Youngstown State University Purpose: The purpose of this creative intervention is to dentify preferences, family issues, and to visualize and mobilize client solutions. Materials Needed: Different colors of play dough; heart shaped cookie cutter (optional) Procedures: Encourage client to reach a calm, thoughtful state and tell them that they will be talking about their family. Client chooses play dough to represent each member of the family, a different color for each person including them self. From each container they can pick the amount of play dough that they want to represent the person. The client imagines that each piece of play dough is a family member and they have to put them together. The client forms a ball of all the colors of the family. Who would they start with? Who would be next? How do all of the pieces fit together? How does this represent the family? At the end of the activity, the client can put play dough into a heart shaped cookie cutter to create their family heart. Process Questions and Follow-Up: What made you choose this color for yourself (your mother, father, sister, brother)? How did you decide to put these colors together? How do you work together as a family? Why makes it hard to get along sometimes? What can you do to get along better with … (mother, father, sister, brother)? Practice Setting: School