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Professional Brand Presentation Outline - Aviation Career

The Professional Brand Presentation Outline
Eugene Tan
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
ENGL 222
Tanya King
December 17, 2023
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
My main motivators to find a career in the aviation industry is to make a tangible impact on
people's lives, and to be able to lead a team.
Being in charge of a team rewarding when you see the project that you lead is accomplished
successfully and made changes for the better for the community.
Attention-getter: "No astronaut launches into space with their fingers crossed." That is a quote
from Chris Hadfield, one of the most popular astronauts of the 21st century. And I chose that
quote as that sums up my life, as well as my personal mission statement - that I have the ability
to eliminate all risks of failure as long as I prepare properly for all of the threats that lay ahead
of me. That is the level of competence and professionalism that I aspire to achieve - the closest
one can get to perfection - as the aviation industry has no margin for error. A 99% success is
considered a failure at best, a catastrophe at worst.
Professional Brand Statement: "Don't Think, Just Do." Contradictory to my Attention-getter, it
does not mean we go into ahead unprepared. It means that if we are to apply this at the
operational level during critical, urgent moments, we must train to the highest level of
proficiency for us to react instinctively, correctly.
How I stand out from competition: Not only did I obtain my diploma from an institution
accreditated in multiple continents, I carry with me the M6 and M7 technical papers from the
aviation authority agency of my country.
Professional Goals: My ambition is to be a pilot for a full-service carrier (e.g. Singapore Airlines,
Delta Airlines, American Airlines, etc.)
Strengths & Skills: Communication, Teamwork, Leadership, Technical Knowledge, Constant
Upskilling, Practical Troubleshooting, Ability to multitask and help in a multi-skillset
Story 1: From the Air Force, I dispatched pilots, weapon systems officers and the maintenance
squadron for Singapore's first large-scale exercise after the lull in training tempo due to the
Story 2: From my employment as a Load Controller, I enforced safety regulations under a
difficult situation, being supervised by a person of higher authority.
Conclusion Short Summary: I conduct any assignment given to me to the best of my
capabilities. You will be having a person who constantly upgrades himself as new information
and procedures are brought on in the name of safety and efficiency.