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Ethics 2: Key Concepts in a Nutshell

ETHICS 2 in a Nutshell
1. God is the best example of perfect good because God can offer unlimited perfection.
2. Happiness is the ultimate end of man and of every intellectual substance.
3. Feelings is the source of morality that highlights the importance of emotions.
4. The material object of Ethics is the Human Act.
5. Dignity is referred as the foundation of the society that makes us equal.
6. Voluntariness is a constituent of the human acts that comes from the Latin word voluntas which
means “will”.
7. Moral Relativism is an extreme inclination of one’s moral perspective that states the idea that there is no
universal moral standards of what is right and wrong.
8. Human Act proceeds from the concept that man as a rational being.
9. Religion is a source of morality that contains moral teachings with which people can question and instruct
10. Pain is referred as the unwanted mental state that is often considered a sufficient ground for moral status.
11. Good is a concept in moral philosophy which indicates something that satisfies the appetite, the object of our
striving, the thing which can confer perfection and satisfaction to our powers or faculties.
12. Plato states that the purpose of human life is the right cultivation of human soul.
13. Lack of knowledge is a form of ignorance as a modifier of voluntariness.
14. Intermediate End is a subordinate end sought for the attainment of another end.
15. According to Zeno the purpose of human life is to be superior to sufferings.
16. The dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society.
17. Health of the body is an imperfect good because it is always in the process of disintegration and will
return to the inorganic world of matter.
18. The ultimate happiness and felicity of every intellectual substance is to know God.
19. Every agent acts for an ultimate end.
20. The formal objects of Ethics are the quo and quod.
21. Ultimate End is an account of which other ends or means are sought.
22. Proximate End is the end which the doer wishes to accomplish immediately.