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Accounting Student's Homework: Experience & Accomplishments

Karolina Rzepka
HW #2
BA 220
I am a sophomore studying accounting at the University of Illinois Chicago. I have
substantial experience using QuickBooks, Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. Recently, as
a part-time employee as a teller at a community bank, I learned that we were going to be audited
by the management of the company. I oversaw leading the group of tellers around me to go
through each record of transactions, batches, records, etc. I let them know I had down a similar
process of records of the accounting process of auditing. As a group we made sure that there was
no fraud involved in transactions and that the treasury of the banks’ standings were correct. With
that we successfully passed the audit of the month. For the next step in my career, I would like to
expand on my work in the audit field as an upcoming accountant. Where I could join a firm that
will expand my knowledge of auditing and become successful in my career path. Be involved
with auditing different companies and be connected with clients, while expanding my knowledge
of the auditing field.
10 Accomplishments
1. Bought my own car.
2. Graduated high school with honors.
3. Got an internship.
4. Got signed on as a brand ambassador for a supplement company.
5. Got on the deans list for both semesters of my freshman year of college.
6. Paid for the first 2 years of college on my own.
7. Received a job at a bank.
8. Was named all-conference for my tennis team in high school.
9. Have been lifting for 2 years and continue to today.
10. Started working at the age of 15.