See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Optimization of Coagulants and Polyelectrolyte Dose for the treatment of Industrial Dyeing Wastewater Conference Paper · February 2017 CITATION READS 1 1,353 3 authors, including: Bappi Chowdhury Md. Shahinoor Islam University of Alberta Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology 8 PUBLICATIONS 116 CITATIONS 93 PUBLICATIONS 2,564 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Md. Shahinoor Islam on 16 May 2023. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE Fifth International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE 2017) Energy, Environment and Sustainability OPTIMIZATION OF COAGULANTS AND POLYELECTROLYTE DOSE FOR THE TREATMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DYEING WASTEWATER Syed Mohammad Maskur Hossain, Bappi Chowdhury, Md. Shahinoor Islam* Department of Chemical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh (*Corresponding author: ABSTRACT Coagulation flocculation has received considerable attention for yielding high pollutant removal efficiency, which can remove color, toxicity and recalcitrant compounds from the textile wastewater. Thus, the objective of the current study was to treat the real textile wastewater using coagulationflocculation (CF) method by applying two different coagulants like Magnesium chloride (MgCl2) and Ferric chloride (FeCl3) w/o anionic polymer. The study was carried out at different doses of the coagulants for optimization of the coagulants and polymer doses. Color, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and total suspended solids (TSS) were measured from raw and treated wastewater to fulfill the objective. The removals of color, COD and TSS at optimum dose of MgCl2 (800 mg/L) were 94%, 75%, and 57%, respectively. Whereas, the removals of color, COD, and TSS at optimum dose of FeCl3 (600 mg/L) were 88%, 84%, and 65%, respectively. The results showed that the MgCl2 has greater removal efficiency than FeCl3 for color and at higher doses, but in case of COD and TSS FeCl3 has better removal efficiency than MgCl2 at lower dose and thus indicated the better choice of coagulant for the treatment of textile wastewater. KEYWORDS: Magnesium Chloride, Anionic Polymer, Coagulation, Ferric Chloride, Textile wastewater 1 INTRODUCTION Wastewater is the major environmental issue of textile industries in Bangladesh besides other minor issues like solid waste, resource wastage and occupational health and safety. Textile and dyeing industries use many kinds of artificial composite dyes and discharged large amount of highly colored wastewater. The characteristic feature of this sector is high water consumption, and generally100- 200 L of water is required to produce 1 kg of fabric [1]. The Department of Environment (DoE), Bangladesh has categorized the textile industries as a heavily polluting sector [2]. During the dyeing processes, a portion of the applied dyes to the fabrics remains unfixed and gets washed out. Therefore, the wastewater produced from the textile industries is highly colored because of dye content and also contains several other organic and inorganic constituents which are used at several stages of production of fabrics. These include sizing agents, wetting chemicals, pigments, softening agents, surfactants, oils, and other additives [3]. Due to the presence of the above chemicals, the textile wastewater has high pH, total suspended solids (TSS), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and color. The wastewater is not suitable for the treatment by using direct biological/advanced oxidation processes due to its intense color and the presence of recalcitrant compounds. It has been reported that the (CF) is one of the widely used processes for the removal of color and recalcitrant compounds from the dyeing wastewaters. The CF process has several advantages over other processes such as easy operation, relatively simple design and low energy consumption. Usually, the process has three distinct stages: (i) rapid mixing of dispersed coagulant into water/wastewater to be treated via violent agitation; (ii) flocculation for agglomeration of small particles into well-defined flocs via gentle agitation; and (iii) separation of flocs under settling of the treated wastewater. The settled 405 Fifth International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE 2017) Energy, Environment and Sustainability sludge is removed and the treated water/wastewater (supernatant) is transferred into subsequent treatment processor discharge into the surface water body [4]. There is no single process which can be applied for the treatment of wastewater effectively and always a combination of different processes is used to treat the wastewater. Usually, the CF process is used as a pretreatment process before applying other processes such as physical (filtration), biological and advanced oxidation process. Thus, the performance of the effluent treatment process exclusively depends on the pretreatment of wastewater i.e. on the performance of CF process. However, it is reported that the coagulant/flocculent dose plays an important role in determining the CF process efficiency [5]. Insufficient or overdosing dose yields a poor performance of the CF process. Thus, it is crucial to determine the optimum dose in order to minimize the cost and maximize the performance of the treatment process. Therefore, the main objective of the study was to optimize of coagulants doses using MgCl2 and FeCl3 w/o addition of polymer for the treatment of real dyeing wastewater. The coagulant doses were optimized based on the removal of different parameters such as color, COD, and TSS from wastewater. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Coagulants There are various inorganic salts which can be used as coagulants such as alum, PAC, ferric sulfate, ferric chloride, lime, magnesium chloride and inorganic polymer flocculers. In this study, two different coagulants MgCl2 and FeCl3 were applied to select the suitable ones for textile wastewater treatment with optimum removal efficiency. Besides, organic coagulants such as poly electrolytes, synthetic polymers are used for coagulation process as coagulant aid. Polymers (containing amino/carboxylic group) are large molecules with a high molecular weight and have high ionization power [6]. It produces a large amount of ions in water and shows the properties of both polymer and electrolytes. Polyamhotypes, anionic and cationic poly electrolytes are some types of poly electrolytes. The most practical benefit of poly electrolytes is the formation of massive flocs. These massive flocs speed up the flocs settling velocity, reduce the expenses of decolorization and also decrease the settled sludge volume. 2.2 Experimental Dyeing wastewater from wastewater collection pit (before applying any treatment) was collected from Alema Textile, Gazipur, Bangladesh. The characterization of wastewater was performed after collection and the Table 1 shows the results. The collected wastewater has higher color, COD, and TSS, treatment of this wastewater is necessary before discharge into the surface water intake body. The wastewater was stored at 40 C until the experiment conduction completed. Table 1. Characteristics of raw dyeing wastewater received from Alema textile, Gazipur and comparison with ECR 1997, Bangladesh Parameters pH COD, mg/L TSS, mg/L Color, Pt-Co Results 9.5 ~ 11 1385 210 4600 DoE guidelines [7] 6-9 200 150 - During coagulation studies, the coagulants and coagulant aids (flocculants) were added as solution. The salts of MgCl2 and FeCl3were dissolved to prepare 5 g/L solution of both salts in separate volumetric flask and stored. Similarly, the flocculent solution with a concentration of 500 ppm was prepared and stored. Then the concentrated solutions were diluted according to their requirement for a 406 Fifth International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE 2017) Energy, Environment and Sustainability specific dose. All the experiments were carried out at room temperature. The volume of studied wastewater was 250 mL. All the experiments were conducted using the jar test method to determine the optimum dose of coagulants. Five beakers (500 mL capacity) positioned on magnetic stirrers with a 250 mL of sample wastewater. A specified dosage of coagulant was added into each beaker with wastewater. The samples were stirred rapidly for 90 seconds at 200 rpm. Literature showed that most of the inorganic coagulants work in the pH ranging from 5 to 11 [4]. The optimum pH range for MgCl2 is 9~11 [6] and that for FeCl3 is 5~6.5 [8]. Therefore, the pH was adjusted in different trials by using concentrated sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide so that a favorable condition for CF process is maintained. Following that a specified amount of coagulant aid (60 mg/L) was added and mixed slowly at 10 rpm for 15 minutes for flocculation. The flocs were visible and were allowed to settle for 30 min before withdrawing samples for analysis. These procedures are performed for several times so that the optimum dose of coagulants can be obtained. All the stages have been summarized and shown by the Figure 1. 2.3 Analysis The wastewater parameters such as color, COD and TSS were determined by following the standard methods. COD concentration of the samples was measured after digestion of samples by using potassium dichromate oxidant in acidic environment and by using HACH spectrophotometer. Color was determined by comparative methods using HACH spectrophotometer DR 2000. The color measurement unit is Pt-Co. TSS was determined by following standard methods (gravimetric analysis method) using filter and goose crucible. pH was measured by digital SCHOTT pH meter. Figure 1. Steps involved during CF treatment of dyeing wastewater used in the laboratory. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The dyeing wastewater sample collected from the industry was characterized and the Table 1 shows the results. The wastewater has very high values of color, COD, and TSS as compared ECR 1997 (Table 1). Thus, the wastewater can be discharged into the surface water intake body after a proper treatment. CF process was applied for the treatment of wastewater as the process is reliable and promising for the treatment of organics and color from dyeing wastewater. Table 2 shows the treated wastewater characteristics for color, COD and TSS removal for different doses of MgCl2 and FeCl3. The removals of 407 Fifth International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE 2017) Energy, Environment and Sustainability color, COD, and TSS at optimum dose of MgCl2 (800 mg/L) were 94%, 75%, 57% and respectively. However, the removals of color, COD, and TSS at optimum dose of FeCl3 (600 mg/L) were 88%, 84%, and 65% respectively (Table 2). The concentrations of COD, and TSS in treated wastewater at optimum coagulants dose (Table 2) were almost within the range of DoE guidelines as suggested by ECR, 1997 (Table 1). The results for the removals of color, COD, TDS and TSS are discussed in the following paragraphs below. 3.1 Color removal The performance of coagulants MgCl2 and FeCl3for color removal is shown in Figure 2. Based on the removals of color from different doses of MgCl2 and anionic polymer, the optimum dose was 800 mg MgCl2/L wastewater. The color removal at MgCl2 dose of 400 mg/L wastewater was 82% which was increased to 85% at MgCl2 dose of 600 mg/L wastewater; then the highest removal efficiency attained at 800 mg MgCl2/L wastewater and then the removal was decreased (88%) even at the highest MgCl2 dose (1000 mg/L wastewater). However, in the case of FeCl3 as coagulant with anionic polymer, the optimum dose was 600 mg/L wastewater, at which the highest removal of color (88%) was observed. There was a drastic increase in color removal from 64% to 88% when the dose of coagulant increased from 200 mg to 600 mg FeCl3/L wastewater. It was also behold that always higher removal of color was observed for MgCl2 coagulant as compared to FeCl3 coagulant for each dose. From the above two profiles (Figure 2), it can be concluded that a drastic change of color removal was observed for a short range of FeCl3 (200-600 mg/L wastewater); however, in the case of MgCl2, there was no such drastic increase of color removal was observed for a long range of coagulant dose (400-1000 mg/L wastewater). The explanation of achieving highest color removal can be stated as: when the dose of coagulants reached the optimum amount in the suspension, it caused larger amount of dye particles to aggregate and settle. However, overdosing of the coagulant in the suspension would cause the aggregated particle to re-disperse and would also disturb particle settling [9]. Figure 2.Percentage removal of color for different dose of coagulants MgCl2and FeCl3. 408 Fifth International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE 2017) Energy, Environment and Sustainability Table 2.Coagulant dose and percentage removal of color, COD and TSS with MgCl2 and FeCl3 Color removal COD removal TSS removal Coagulant & coagulant aid Dose (ppm) Raw wastewater ------ 4600 ----- 1385 ----- 210 ----- 400 828 82 651 53 147 30 600 690 85 512 63 119 43 800 276 94 346 75 90 57 1000 552 88 484 65 107 49 200 1656 64 872 37 130 38 400 1104 76 637 54 113 46 600 552 88 221 84 73 65 800 782 83 443 68 86 59 Treated wastewater with MgCl2 & anionic polymer (60 ppm) Treated wastewater with FeCl3& anionic polymer (60 ppm) 3.2 Color % (Pt-Co) removal COD (mg/L) % TSS % removal (mg/L) removal COD removal Figure 3 shows a comparative removal trend of COD for different doses of coagulants for MgCl2 & FeCl3. A similar trend of removal of COD was observed for color removal with MgCl2 and FeCl3 doses. The highest COD removal was observed at 800 mg MgCl2/L wastewater; however, the highest removal of COD was observed at 600 mg of FeCl3/L wastewater. Coagulants dose greater than 800 mg of MgCl2/L wastewater and 600 mg of FeCl3/L wastewater provided a negative trend of removal of COD. This could be explained by the charge density of both polymers. Any dose higher than the optimum dose restabilizes the colloidal particles and thus increased the COD in the suspension, which reported earlier [5]. Figure 3. Percentage removals of COD for different doses of coagulants MgCl2 and FeCl3 409 Fifth International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE 2017) Energy, Environment and Sustainability 3.3 Solids removal A similar trend of TSS removal with coagulant doses was observed and the Figure 4 shows the results. The solid TSS removals were increased until optimum doses of MgCl2 and FeCl3, and then the removals of solid were decreased at any dose after optimum dose. The maximum TSS removal was 57% at optimum MgCl2 dose of 800 mg/L wastewater; whereas the maximum removal of TSS for FeCl3 was 65% at optimum FeCl3 dose of 600 mg/L (Figure 4). From the Figure it is clear that the optimum doses for TSS removals for MgCl2 and FeCl3 were 600 mg/L and 800 mg/L wastewater. After optimum dose of coagulants, the percentage removal of TSS was decreased slightly. It is reported that the colloidal particles in wastewater have very little weight (size 10-3 to 10-6) and the charges present on the colloid surfaces result into repulsion and do not allow them to agglomerate and form flocs [6]. Unlike polymeric flocculants which are unfazed by pH changes, most coagulants and flocculants require pH adjustment for effective treatment. It has been widely known that the efficiency of most conventional coagulants is highly sensitive to the pH of effluents. In general, optimum pH in the coagulation process is proven to be specific to the type of coagulant used in the treatment. A specific pH range is usually determined by the type of wastewater and coagulant used during the coagulation process in order to achieve higher coagulation efficiency. Coagulation performance is inclined to decrease significantly mainly due to the restabilization of colloids during the treatment at pH outside the effective pH range. The destabilization of colloidal particles are made possible through the addition of chemicals, such as acid or alkali, which promoted electrostatic attraction due to the elimination of interparticle forces by reducing surface charges during pH alteration. Figure 4.Percentage removal of TSS for different doses of coagulants MgCl2 and FeCl3 From the study it was observed that the optimum dose of MgCl2 was 800 mg/L wastewater; whereas the optimum dose of FeCl3 was 600 mg/L wastewater. Thus, the MgCl2 has higher removal efficiency as compared with FeCl3. The improvement of coagulation efficiency at increasing pH with MgCl2 can be explained by the facts that, a) metal ions are easily hydrolysed in alkaline conditions and form precipitable hydroxide; b) the aggregation of dyes takes place at specific alkaline pH and hence, reduction in the solubility. Thus, the MgCl2 has relatively higher removal efficiency than FeCl3.. Again with the enhanced surface activity and improved charge neutralizing capacity of FeCl3 may influence them more effective at TSS and COD removal comparatively at lower dose than MgCl2 dose. However, MgCl2 in presence of colloidal particles has rapid aggregation velocity and thus, forms the larger and heavier flocs; resulting in higher removal efficiency in case of color. 410 Fifth International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE 2017) Energy, Environment and Sustainability 4 CONCLUSION Present experimental studies of dyeing wastewater treatment by MgCl2 and FeCl3 indicated that both coagulants have higher performance for the removal of color, COD and TSS. Observing all the data it can be reported that MgCl2 has higher removal efficiency than the FeCl3 at higher doses for color removal and COD. Maximum removals of color and COD were 94% and 75% for MgCl2, respectively, at optimum dose of 800 mg/L; and 88% and 84% for FeCl3, respectively, at optimum dose of 600 mg/L of wastewater. However, for the TSS removal FeCl3 act as a better coagulant than MgCl2 with 8% higher removal efficiency. The treated wastewater quality almost followed the DoE guidelines as provided by ECR, 1997. Finally, the study suggested that the use of MgCl2 is a promising coagulant for the color removal of real textile wastewater and for COD and TSS removal FeCl3 can be considered as a better coagulant. 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to express our gratitude to Bangladesh University of Engineering Technology (BUET) for providing fund for the research, Department of Chemical Engineering, BUET for providing laboratory facility, and Alema Textile, Gazipur, Bangladesh for providing us dyeing wastewater. 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