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Work and Heat in Thermodynamics

 Let us take as our system a gas confined to a
cylinder with a movable piston, as in Fig. The
upward force on the piston due to the
pressure of the confined gas is equal to the
weight of lead shot loaded onto the top of the
piston. The walls of the cylinder are made of
insulating material that does not allow any
transfer of energy as heat. The bottom of the
cylinder rests on a reservoir for thermal
energy, a thermal reservoir (perhaps a hot
plate) whose temperature T you can control
by turning a knob.
 The system (the gas) starts from an initial state i, described by
a pressure pi, a volume Vi, and a temperature Ti. You want to
change the system to a final state f, described by a pressure pf,
a volume Vf , and a temperature Tf . The procedure by which
you change the system from its initial state to its final state is
called a thermodynamic process.
 During such a process, energy may be transferred into the
system from the thermal reservoir (positive heat) or vice versa
(negative heat). Also, work can be done by the system to raise
the loaded piston (positive work) or lower it (negative work).
We assume that all such changes occur slowly, with the result
that the system is always in (approximate) thermal equilibrium
(every part is always in thermal equilibrium).
 Suppose that you remove a few lead shot from the piston of Fig. 18-13, allowing the
gas to push the piston and remaining shot upward through a differential
displacement 𝑑𝑠 with an upward force 𝐹. Since the displacement is tiny, we can
assume that is 𝐹 constant during the displacement. Then 𝐹 has a magnitude that is
equal to pA, where p is the pressure of the gas and A is the face area of the piston.
 The differential work dW done by the gas during the displacement i
 There are actually many ways to take the gas from state i
to state f.
 One way is shown in Fig., which is a plot of the pressure of
the gas versus its volume and which is called a p-V diagram.
In Fig., the curve indicates that the pressure decreases as
the volume increases.
 The integral in Eq. (and thus the work W done by the gas) is
represented by the shaded area under the curve between
points i and f.
 The work is positive.
 Another way to get from state i to state f.
There the change takes place in two steps
• first from state i to a
• second from state a to state f
Step ia of this process is carried out at constant pressure.
 You cause the volume to increase (from Vi to Vf) by slowly
turning up the temperature control knob, raising the
temperature of the gas.
 (Increasing the temperature increases the force from the gas
on the piston, moving it upward.)
 During this step, positive work is done by the expanding gas
(to lift the loaded piston) This heat is positive because it is
added to the system.
 Step af is carried out at constant
volume, so you must wedge the
piston, preventing it from moving.
 Then as you use the control knob to
decrease the temperature, you find
that the pressure drops from pa to
its final value pf.
 During this step, heat is lost by the
system to the thermal reservoir.
 Energy is transferred as heat
during both steps ia and af, with a
net energy transfer Q.
Figure c shows a process in which the previous two
steps are carried out in reverse order.
The work W in this case is smaller than for
Fig. b, as is the net heat absorbed.
• Figure (d) suggests that you can make
the work done by the gas as small as you want (by
following a path like icdf ) or as
large as you want (by following a path like ighf ).
• To sum up: A system can be taken from a given initial
state to a given final state by an infinite number of
• Heat may or may not be involved, and in
general, the work W and the heat Q will have different
values for different
• We say that heat and work are path-dependent
• Figure (e) shows an example in which
negative work is done by a system as
some external force compresses the
system, reducing its volume.
• The absolute value of the work done is
still equal to the area beneath the
curve, but because the gas is
compressed, the work done by the gas
is negative.
• Figure 18-14f shows a thermodynamic cycle in which the
system is taken from some initial state i to some other
state f and then back to i.
• The net work done by the system during the cycle is the
sum of the positive work done during the expansion and
the negative work done during the compression.
• In Fig. 18-14f , the net work is positive because the area
under the expansion curve (i to f ) is greater than the
area under the compression curve (f to i).
 Ideal gas law
 At low enough densities, all real gases tend to obey the relation
in which p is the absolute (not gauge) pressure, n is the number of moles of gas
present, and T is the temperature in kelvins. The symbol R is a constant called the gas
constant. R = 8.31 J/mol.K
 This is for single and mixture of gases.
 The Boltzmann constant K is
Hence, second expression for idea gas law is
 Note the difference between the two expressions for the ideal gas law — first
involves the number of moles n, and second involves the number of molecules N
 Although there is no such thing in nature as a truly ideal gas, all real gases approach
the ideal state at low enough densities — that is, under conditions in which their
molecules are far enough apart that they do not interact with one another.
 Suppose we put an ideal gas in a piston – cylinder arrangement. Suppose also that
we allow the gas to expand from an initial volume Vi to a final volume Vf while we
keep the temperature T of the gas constant.
 Such a process, at constant temperature, is called an isothermal expansion (and
the reverse is called an isothermal compression).
 On a p-V diagram, an isotherm is a curve that connects points that have the same
temperature. Thus, it is a graph of pressure versus volume for a gas whose
temperature T is held constant. For n moles of an ideal gas, it is a graph of the
Three isotherms on a p-V diagram.
The path shown along the middle
isotherm represents an isothermal
expansion of a gas from an initial
state i to a final state f. The path
from f to i along the isotherm would
represent the reverse process — that
is, an isothermal compression.
 To find the work done by an ideal gas during an isothermal expansion, we start with
 And PV=nRT;
Because we are considering an isothermal expansion, T is constant, so we can
move it in front of the integral sign to write
 To find the work W done by
 an ideal gas (or any other gas) during any process, such as a constant-volume
process and a constant-pressure process. If the volume of the gas is constant, then
 If, instead, the volume changes while the pressure p of the gas is held constant,
then Eq. of work becomes
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