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Social Media Influencers & Voting: A Conceptual Framework

Conceptual framework
The conceptual framework of the study titled “Social Media Influencers’ impact to the voting
participation of the eligible voters at University of Batangas students” is designed to explore and
understand the impact of social media influencers’ to the University of Batangas students with
regards to the voting participation. The framework is constructed with 5 key theories, each
providing a comprehensive analysis of the factors that influence the knowledge, attitudes and
impact behind the action of Social Media Influencers’ with regards to voting participation within
the academic context. The study is posited on the following theories: Expressive Theory of
Voting model and its proponents Brennan and Lomasky in 1998, Uses and Gratification Theory
and its proponents Blumler,Katz and Guarevitch in 1970s.Theory of Planned Behavior and its
proponent Icek Ajzen in 1991, Framing Theory and its proponent Gregory Bateson in 1972,Two
Step Flow Theory and its proponents Katz and Paul Lazarfeld in 1944.
This study is anchored on expressive theory of voting as stated by Brennan and Lomasky is ”the
action that tackles for its own sake rather than to bring about particular consequences” and that
it explains voting for personal expression without consequences, may not be connected to the
actual outcome and unlike market decisions that consider costs, expressive voting can be
irrational. When many people express their preferences, it might not align with what would be
good for everyone based on rational choices. It also explains how the vote does not have causal
relationship with the electoral outcome thus, the vote is not controlled by the opportunity cost.
This theory emphasizes that voting itself, viewed as a symbolic act with personal and social
significance, the voters are viewed as expressing themselves and identifying them through the
ballot box. The act of voting for this theory gives out psychological satisfaction to the individuals
by allowing them to participate in democratic process. This provides a nuanced understanding
of the motivations behind individuals’ voting behavior.
This theory is related to the study as it aligns with the concept that individuals that are
influenced by social media influencers may use their vote to express themselves with regards to
any particular social identity or values promoted by the influencer. And that these influencers
that are promoting their political stance may encourage their followers or any individual to
participate in the voting process and to see voting as a way to align themselves with these
shared or promoted values and social identity. Followers then vote to symbolically support the
causes championed by their influencers. By emphasizing civic engagement and the importance
of voting, it would be contributed to the followers perceiving vote as an inherently valuable act
beyond its instrumental impact on policy outcomes. Followers that are influenced by the social
media influencers then experience satisfaction in contributing to a cause or movement endorsed
by the influencers which provides psychological satisfaction to every individual.
This study is anchored on the uses and gratification theory, this theory emphasizes motives and
self-perceived needs of audience members. The audience being the voters are said to use the
media to satisfy their needs, desires and gratifications. This views the audience as goaloriented, seeking specific gratifications from media consumption and these gratifications then
drive the selection of specific media channels and content. This theory also acknowledges that
individuals have different and unique characteristics which influences their media choices. In
this theory, interactivity becomes the great aspect as the users engage actively in contribution of
content creation, sharing and participating in online communities.
This theory aligns with the study because in the social media influencer context, the uses and
gratification theory offers valuable insights as to why individuals actively engage with influencer
content and how they obtain specific gratifications/satisfaction from this interaction. Individuals
actively consume political content provided by these influencers and actively engage in political
content that aligns with their values.These individuals may also follow influencers to gain
information about various topics, especially their political stances and users are then actively
selecting information and who to follow based on their perceived expertise or the relevancy of
the info provided. These individuals also seek gratification from the belief that their participation
can influence political outcomes and can contribute to civic empowerment. Gratification also
comes from having a platform to voice out their political views and contribute to the broader
This study is anchored on the Theory of Planned Behavior, a widely recognized psychological
framework that seeks to explain human behavior. The TPB is chosen because the way people
vote is connected to their behavior which is also affected by social media and technology
present in today’s time. The TPB provides insights into understanding human behavior in
politics — by considering these three key factors: attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived
behavioral control toward a particular action. And when applied in the realm of politics, TPB
offers valuable perceptions regarding the psychological factors that influence an individual's
decisions to engage in political activities. By identifying key elements of attitudes, subjective
norms and perceived behavioral control, it can design intervention that enhances positive
attitudes, foster supportive social norms and address perceived barriers to political engagement.
When this theory is applied in this study, social media influencers serve as influential sources of
information. The TPB offers valuable insights into how individuals make decisions related to
voting, political participation, and engagement in political activities. Attitudes refer to an
individual's evaluation of a particular political issue or candidate. Subjective norms encompass
social pressures and expectations from family, friends, and society at large. This theory
suggests that an individual's positive and negative attitude is based on their perception of the
influencers’ content. And in the realm of social media influencers, individuals may be influenced
by the social norms that are shaped by the influencers’ endorsements. And lastly, individuals
assess to which extent these influencers have control or influence over political opinions and
This study is anchored on the framing theory that looks at how political and media figures
present problems and events to sway public opinion. The structuring of political content on
social media can influence how voters interpret and assess it, which in turn might influence their
voting participation and attitudes towards voting. Humans are social creatures that depend on
other humans for support. This dependency causes the existence of public opinion where the
majority trumps over the minority. With the popularity shown of candidates according to social
media, voters are more inclined to vote for the most popular rather than basing their votes on
the facts presented. In this theory, Social Media Influencers play a major role in framing political
issues and discussions. Several studies have explored the impact of framing on voter decisionmaking.
This theory aligns with the study because for instance, researchers have found that the way an
issue is framed can significantly influence public opinion. By emphasizing certain aspects or
using specific language, social media influencers can shape voters' perceptions and
preferences. Moreover, scholars have examined the role of party cues in framing effects. It has
been observed that individuals tend to align their opinions with their preferred political party's
stance on an issue. This suggests that partisan cues play a crucial role in shaping voters'
interpretations of information. However, it is important to note that framing effects are not
uniform across all individuals. Factors such as education level, political ideology, and prior
beliefs can moderate the impact of framing on voting participation. Through language choices,
visual cues, and media coverage, social media influencers can influence how voters perceive
issues and candidates. While framing can be an effective political strategy, it raises concerns
about the integrity of democratic processes. It is essential for voters to be aware of framing
techniques and critically evaluate the information presented to them in order to make informed
decisions that align with their values and interests.
This study is anchored on the two step theory model that focuses on the effect of mass media
messages and its influence on the voting decision among the people. This theory suggests that
the media influence operates in two stages: from media to opinion to leaders and followers. Katz
and Paul elaborated how the flow of media messages from the radio and print to the opinion
leader, the leader of a certain structured social group who spares some details and information
to a less active person in that certain group and therefore leads them with an opinionated
opinion from the actual content, but this opinion leader is not for all population.
There are cases where the opinion leaders tampered with the actual content and ensured the
only part of information needed by the people and these leaders are hence, selective.
Social media influencers often function as opinion leaders within their communities. They have
the ability to shape and guide opinions and preferences of their followers thru endorsement of
political stance and with social media as a powerful medium in which influencers receive and
engage with political information. These social media influencers have the capacity to boost
media message, by sharing and endorsing political content, they are able to extend the reach
and impact of media messages that influences their followers perceptions and attitudes toward
voting. The opinions and recommendations expressed by influencers can influence the
decision-making of their attitudes. These influencers then enhanced their credibility and trust
from their followers.
Scope,Delimitation and limitation of the study
This research aims to comprehensively explore and comprehend the influence of Social Media
Influencers on the voting participation of eligible voters specifically within the University of
Batangas. The scope of the study encompasses eligible voters, composed of actively enrolled
students eligible to participate in relevant voting events at the University of Batangas. To
contextualize the contemporary dynamics of social media influencers on voting participation, the
study draws upon recent studies and research as foundational references.
Data collection will be conducted among a sample of 100 randomly selected students of the
University of Batangas during the academic year 2023-2024, representing the population. It is
essential to note that the findings of this study are exclusively applicable to the selected
respondents among eligible voters within the University of Batangas during the specified
academic year. The study purposefully narrows its focus, and therefore, the results may not be
generalized to a broader context beyond the University.
The study’s limitations are outlined by excluding consideration of other potential factors or
issues, such as offline influences or variables not directly related to social media. The findings
are constrained to the University of Batangas and the academic year SY 2023-2024. The study
solely explores the impact on voting participation and refrains from delving into broader societal
or civic implications that social media influencers might have on the eligible voter population.
External factors beyond the University context are deliberately excluded from the scope. The
study acknowledges the possibility of biases inherent in online platforms, potentially omitting
individuals without an online presence or those who do not engage with social media
influencers. The primary source of data for this study is a survey, carefully prepared by the
To know the impact of the social media influencers’ to the voting participation, the researchers
will resort to statistical analysis. Based on the information provided by the respondents, various
hypotheses of social media influencers and voting participation within University of Batangas
context were tested in this study.
1. Social media influencers’ through their persuasive content, can exert measurable
influence on the decisions of eligible individuals.
2. The greater the exposure and engagement, the higher likelihood of increased voting
participation among eligible voters
3. The level of trust and credibility attributed to the social media influencers correlates with
voting participation among eligible individuals
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