ALEX’S JOURNEY Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a curious teenager named Alex, who had a profound interest in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). While his peers were engrossed in traditional hobbies, Alex spent his time tinkering with computers and exploring the endless possibilities of the digital world. His fascination with ICT led him on a quest for knowledge. He voraciously consumed: online tutorials delving into programming languages networking concept cybersecurity measures While his friends were playing sports or hanging out, Alex was enthusiastically building his own website from scratch, experimenting with coding to create innovative designs. As he delved deeper into the realm of ICT, Alex realized its transformative power. He saw how technology could bridge gaps and bring people together. With a desire to make a difference, he volunteered at local community centers, teaching basic computer literacy to the elderly and helping kids understand the wonders of coding. Driven by his passion, Alex participated in ICT competitions, showcasing his skills and innovative ideas. His dedication and talent caught the attention of a tech company, offering him an internship opportunity. Thrilled at the chance to apply his knowledge in a professional setting, Alex seized the opportunity with both hands. During his internship, Alex contributed fresh perspectives to ongoing projects, implementing solutions that streamlined processes and enhanced efficiency. His knack for problem- ALEX’S JOURNEY solving and creativity earned him recognition among his colleagues. Eventually, Alex graduated from university with honors in ICT. Empowered by his experiences and armed with knowledge, he embarked on a mission to create tech solutions that would positively impact society. Establishing his own startup, he aimed to develop accessible and user-friendly applications, making technology more inclusive for everyone. Through his journey in ICT, Alex realized that beyond the screens and codes, the true essence lay in how technology could empower, connect, and enrich lives. His passion had evolved into a mission—to use ICT as a tool for positive change, making the world a better place, one innovative idea at a time.