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Jenna Turpin Empathy Map

Empathy Map: Jenna Turpin
Tired most of the times in class
because she stays up late at night
browsing through social media
Stressed about social
situations especially
personal relationships
Overwhelmed by
academic demands
Bored with the usual
instructional methods
employed by teachers
Intimidated when she
does not understand
something in class
Loves listening
to music
Acne on her face due
to hormonal chnages
Think & Feel?
“I got an A in
Her parents have
high aspirations
for her
Her assignments
piling up
“Have you seen the
new series on
Jenna Torres
15 years old
Wants to see
herself being
accepted by her
Science Gr 9-12
Say & Do?
“I have to check
my Instagram
every hour”
Tries to focus while studying but
is easily distracted by her phone
which keeps vibrating
“This is so
“How can I
focus better?”
Wants to see the
relevancy of what is
being taught in class
Wants to see herself
and many of her friends
being represented in the
lessons taught in class
Grade 10 Student
“If you focus you can do
well. “
Herself as tired all
the time due to lack
of sleep
“How is this going to
help me?”
Sleeps only for about
5-6 hours every night
“ I wish lessons would
be as interesting as
posts on social
Tries to make sense of the information overload
Fears about missing deadlines to assignments
Worried about not performing well at labs and classes
Asking questions when she does not understand anything
- Very good at technology and presentations
- Connected with most of her classmates on social media
- Build network within the school community