AFAR-22 ReSA - THE REVIEW SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTANCY CPA Review Batch 45 May 2023 CPA Licensure Examination ADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING & REPORTING (AFAR) A. DAYAG A. CRUZ FULL PFRS vs. PFRS for SMEs Business Combination and Goodwill Item Definitions and terminology 1. Business combination 2. Contingent Consideration Full PFRS SME • “…is a transaction or other event in which an acquirer obtains control of one or more businesses.” • “bringing together separate entities or businesses into one reporting entity” • Initially recognized as part of the consideration transferred regardless of the probability of payment • Initially recognized in the cost of the combination only if it meets probability and ‘reliably measurable’ criteria. • Non-occurrence of a future event (e.g. not meeting earnings target) is not considered to be a measurement period adjustment – therefore not adjusted against goodwill. • If future event does not occur, then any adjustments to the cost of the business combination are made against goodwill. 3. Costs incurred in a business combination Direct costs Indirect costs Costs to issue and register stocks Costs to issue debt/bonds • Expensed Expensed Debited to APIC/Share Premium Debited to BIC • Capitalized Expensed Debited to APIC/Share Premium Debited to BIC 4. Recognizing and measuring assets acquired and liabilities assumed on initial recognition Identifiable intangible assets • Recognized separately from goodwill if it is either contractual-legal or separable • Requires recognition if their fair value can be measured reliably 5. Exceptions to recognition or measurement principles, or both, on initial recognition Contingent liabilities • Recognize only where there is a present obligation that arises from past events and its fair value can be measured reliably. • Requires recognition of possible obligations if their fair value can be measured reliably. 6. Accounting Method Terms Used Measuring goodwill/ bargain purchase gain Valuation of goodwill • Acquisition Method Options: 1. Full fair Value (Full-Goodwill) 2. Proportionate share of identifiable net assets (Partial- Goodwill) • Purchase Method • Cost less impairment losses • Cost less impairment losses and amortization (life should be presumed to be 10 years) Proportionate share of identifiable net assets (Partial-Goodwill) Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements 7. Accounting for investment in subsidiaries, jointly controlled entities (JCE) and associates Page 1 of 2 Either: (a) at cost, or (b) in accordance with PFRS 9, or (c) Equity method (PAS 27) Either: (a) at cost less impairment, or (b) at fair value with changes in fair value recognized in P&L (FVTPL) (c) Equity Method (effective 1/1/2017) 0915-2303213 AFAR-22 ReSA – THE REVIEW SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTANCY FULL PFRS vs. PFRS for SMEs 8. Non-controlling Interests (NCI)in the acquiree) NCI can be measured using either: 1. Fair value of NCI (full goodwill); or 2. Proportionate interest in the fair value of net identifiable assets of the entity acquired (partial goodwill) NCI are stated at the non – controlling (NCI) interest portion of the fair value of the net assets of the entity acquired (partial goodwill) Construction Contracts Full PFRSs and the PFRS for SMEs share the same principles for accounting and reporting. However, the PFRSs for SMEs are drafted in simple language and provide less guidance on how to apply the principles. Revenue PFRS 15 Sec 23 – Revenue (old standard) pending revisions to conform with PFRS 15. Foreign Currency Full PFRSs and the PFRS for SMEs share the same principles for accounting and reporting. The key differences are: 1. Simplified language and application guidance in the PFRS for SMEs. 2. The PFRS for SMEs does not allow or require cumulative exchange differences that relate to a foreign operation that were previously recognized in other comprehensive income to be reclassified from equity to profit or loss (as a reclassification adjustment) when the gain or loss on disposal of the foreign operation is recognized. The Full PFRSs does. Hedging Some of the key differences between Full PFRSs and PFRS for SMEs are as follows: 1. The IFRS for SMEs gives SMEs a choice of following Sections 11 and 12 or PFRS 9 in accounting for all of their financial instruments. 2. Hedge accounting is not permitted with an option-based hedging strategy. Because hedging with options involves incurring a cost, SMEs are more likely to use forward contracts as hedging instruments than options. Hyperinflation Full PFRSs and the PFRS for SMEs share the same principles for accounting and reporting. The key differences are: 1. Simplified language and application guidance in the PFRS for SMEs. 2. The PFRS for SMEs does not set out specific procedures for the translation of the results and financial position of an entity whose functional currency is the currency of a hyperinflationary economy into a different presentation currency. Full PFRSs does. Once in a Long While Once in a long while, someone special walks into your life and really makes a difference. They take the time to show you so many little ways that you matter, They see and hear the worst in you and ugliest in you, but they don’t walk away in fact, they may care about you. Their heart break with yours, their tears fall with yours, their laughter is shared with yours. Once in a long while, somebody special walks into your life and then has to go and separate ways. Every time you see a certain gesture, hear a certain laugh or phrase or return to a certain place, it reminds you of them. Your eyes filled with tears, and a big smile comes across your face, and then you thank GOD that someone can still touch your heart so deeply. You remember their words, their looks, their expressions, you remember how much of themselves they gave – not just to you, but to all. You remember the strength that amazed you, the courage that impressed you, and the love that touched you… To live your life on your own way To reach for the goals you have set for yourself To be YOURSELF as what you want to be….That is SUCCESS. Trust yourself for you know more than you think you do. To achieve all that is possible, we must attempt the impossible. No one but HIMSELF can fill the emptiness of our soul. GOD’s LOVE is like a river that keeps on flowing… Page 2 of 2 0915-2303213