FOOTBALL Nutrition Packet USE NUTRITION TO YOUR ADVANTAGE WHAT & WHEN YOU EAT AFFECTS YOUR BODY & PERFORMANCE CONTROL THE CONTROLLABLES NUTRITION, HYDRATION, & SLEEP ARE WITHIN YOUR CONTROL! YOUR DIET IS A HUGE INDICATOR IN BODY COMPOSITION BALANCE CONSISTENCY CARBS (ENERGY) PROTEIN (BUILD) FAT (SATIETY) FUEL & HYDRATE EVERY 2-3 HOURS • • • • • Don’t rely on thirst as a good indicator of your fluid needs; consume fluids throughout the day with meals/snacks to ensure adequate hydration General rule: try to consume half your body weight in fluid ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 225 pounds, drink at least 113 ounces of water Performance will start to decline once you’ve lost as little as 2% of your body weight due to fluid loss Electrolytes are important for muscle function—it is important to consume foods & fluids that contain electrolytes before & after intense exercise Foods high in sodium that are good for electrolyte replacement: beef jerky, cheese, peanut butter, pickles, pretzels Foods high in potassium that are good for electrolyte replacement: banana, cantaloupe, milk, baked potato, yogurt FOCUS ON WHAT TO EAT AND WHEN General Eating Tips Hydration Tips • TIMING • • • • Base your plate off your weight goals EXAMPLES: o Weight loss = ½ plate color + ¼ carbs (1 fist) + 1/4 protein o Maintain weight= 1/3 color + 1/3 carbs (1.5 fists) + 1/3 protein o Weight gain = ¼ plate color + ½ carbs (2 fists) + 1/2 protein Be sure to have pre-fuel before your workout to get the most out of your workout o Example: applesauce, fruit snacks, banana, belvita bar Fuel consistently o Eating something every 2-3 hours to help maintain muscle mass and fueling throughout your day What is included: Lean protein Essential for repairing tissue damage and building new muscle fibers Eating 20 to 30 grams at meals/snacks will help with recovery and muscle growth Grilled/baked chicken, fish, turkey, pork loin, lean ground beef, eggs, low-fat cheese, tofu Carbohydates Provide essential energy that muscles need to perform Important to eat throughout the day to provide energy to perform 100% whole wheat bread/bagels/tortillas/crackers, brown rice, whole grain pasta, oatmeal, beans, potatoes Fruit and Veggies Provide essential vitamins and minerals Deficiency in nutrients can negatively impact training, recovery, & overall performance Deficiencies may cause fatigue, muscle damage, and impaired immune function Healthy Fats (immunity/flavor-boosting foods) Salmon, tuna, nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil, canola oil, olives, nut butters, oil based salad dressing Dairy Fluids - Dairy products provide calcium and vitamin D which are essential to the body and bone health Look for foods that are fortified like cereal and orange juice Dehydration can have a negative impact on performance Drink water and other liquids throughout the day and during practice Pay attention to the serving size/servings per container. In this example there are 2 servings for this package, meaning if you ate the whole thing, it would be double what is currently on the label. Example 485 calories per serving, if you ate the whole thing it would be 970 calories Sodium is important for athletes to maintain proper hydration and electrolyte balance. Be mindful of where you are getting your sodium from, avoid high processed foods, choose options like cheese, pickles, and peanut butter Adequate protein is key for muscle maintenance and building. It is important that you are getting carbs at every meal so that protein can be used to build muscle and carbs can be used for energy Daily eating schedule WEIGHT LOSS FREQUENCY OF EATING MAINTAIN WEIGHT WEIGHT GAIN WHAT TO EAT BASED ON YOUR GOALS PREWORKOUT SNACK Banana + peanut butter Applesauce + fruit snacks Banana + Fruit snacks BREAKFAST 2 slices of toast 2-3 3 scrambled eggs Fruit Greek yogurt Beef jerky + fruit 2 slices of toast 3 scrambled eggs Fruit Glass of 1% milk Chocolate milk + granola bar Deli meat sandwich Baked chips/pretzels Greek yogurt Fruit Beef jerky + fruit 2-3 cups of cereal 2% milk 2-3 scrambled eggs Fruit/Juice Gatorade shake + peanut butter & jelly Deli meat sandwich Baked chips/pretzels Yogurt parfait with fruit Gatorade Trail mix + Chocolate milk 1/3 plate carbs + 1/3 plate protein + 1/3 plate veggies/fruit Peanut butter & jelly + chocolate milk ½ plate of carbs + ½ plate protein + ¼ plate veggies/fruit 1 Gatorade shakes + chicken sandwich MORNING SNACK LUNCH AFTERNOON SNACK DINNER LATE NIGHT SNACK Deli meat sandwich Baked chips/pretzels Greek yogurt Fruit Fruit + pistachios/peanuts ¼ plate carbs + ¼ plate protein + ½ plate veggies/fruit Chocolate milk + trail mix General Tips for Dining Out Razorback Sports Nutrition Think about your plate • • Be mindful of the portions of your meal Aim for your meals to look like a balanced performance plate Think about your drink • • Choose water, unsweetened tea, or other low-calorie options to compliment your meal Sugary drinks (such as soda, lemonade, and sweet tea) provide calories without providing other essential nutrients Adding fruits and veggies • • • Customize your meal Load up the veggies on sandwiches, pasta, wraps, egg scrambles, etc. Add side salads for easy color addition How is it prepared? • • Choose foods that are described as steamed, baked, poached, lightly sautéed, and roasted as these cooking methods use less fat Eat less foods that are described as pan-fried, fried, crispy, crunchy, and sautéed as these cooking methods typically use more fat to prepare the food