Matthew Holmes 30/09/2020 The Old Abandoned House I looked nostalgically at the old abandoned house that was standing there gloomily. The house used to be alive and cheerful, full of joy and happiness but now it was all forgotten. I remember when we used to host our extended family for lunch every Sunday afternoon without fail. But now all those good memories and good vibes are in the past. Cobwebs littered the house, rats ran all over like they owned the place now and all other pests such as cockroaches roamed the kitchen looking for food. The beautiful sunrays no longer struck the bedroom windows and the melodious chirping of God’s lovely birds could barely be heard. In the middle of the living room stood the huge dining table that could accommodate close to fifteen people. As I approached it all fell apart due to Matthew Holmes 30/09/2020 negligence and the mites feeding off its wood. As I walked around the house which was not only a house, but also a home, good memories flashed through my brain. I remembered what guests used to say every time they stepped into our house. They always felt like they were in paradise, leaving all their troubles and worries right at the doorstep and being welcomed in with refreshments of all kind… I would have loved to name them all but time is what I do not have. The aroma of the delicacies being cooked and prepared by our mothers, grandmothers and even sisters could be smelt by everyone passing through the street. I fondly remember my late grandmother welcoming the needy of our community to partake a meal beside us and we would all interact with them without Matthew Holmes 30/09/2020 any discrimination. She would always refer to the Holy scripture saying that we should always be willing and happy to help the less fortunate. The house was always bright and had young, hyperactive children (including me) running around, playing tag and hide and seek, which we all enjoyed, including the older folks. The grownups would later have a few drinks, talk, play board games and cards too. The house was extensively cared for as my obsessive compulsive mother and my effervescent father treated it like an additional child. Flowers of all colours filled the elegant garden, brightening the entire compound. In that one simple house, birthdays had been celebrated, laughs were shared and fireworks were lit and watched in utter amazement. The house was the epitome of liveliness and God’s Matthew Holmes 30/09/2020 blessings as it brought the family closer and closer and yet it was now on its death bed with no hope of survival. It was now merely a shadow of its former glory, for the house was no longer alive, and most likely would never be again.