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BIO 151 Past Exam Questions & Answers

Not everything that is faced can be changed.
But nothing can be changed unless it is faced.
-james baldwin
2011/2012 QUESTIONS
1) A number of chemical elements are required in --------- form by plants and animals for growth and
biological functions (a) organic (b) chemical (c) micro (d) macro (e) inorganic.
2) Chemical elements for growth and biological functions by plants are obtained or absorbed from----(a)stems (b)sun (c)soil (d)leaves (e) air
3) The chemical elements required by plants and animals are divided into ------(a) bulk and macro
(b)macro and bork (c)trace and micro (d) bulk and trace (e)major and bulk
4) Which of these is an example of trace mineral (a) potassium (b)magnesium (c)copper (d)phosphorus
5) All of these are macro elements except------(a)potassium (b)calcium (c)phosphorus (d)sodium
6) In deficiency of sodium, the --------hormone helps to maintain blood sodium and the required
7) Muscles cramps is a symptom of-------deficiency (a)calcium (b)magnesium (c)potassium (d)sodium
8) The most abundant mineral in the body is---------(a)sodium (b)calcium (c) magnesium (d)iron
9) Which of these is one sources of potassium-------(a)plantain (b) chese (c)green vegetable (d)iron
10) One of the functions of sodium is-------(a)for development of strong bones and teeth (b)it is an
enzyme activator (c)help to maintain osmotic pressure (d)help for blood clothing
11) Compounds of the same atomic content and molecular formula but differing structures and hences
differing properties are called-----(a)anomers (b)isormers (c)monomers (d)epimers (e)isomers and
12) Compound with the same chemical structure but differing in spatial arrangement are known as--(a)stereoisomers (b)isomers (c)stereoisobers (d) stereoanomers (e)stereoepimers
13) An organic compound is only completely describe when any of these is known-----(a) constitution
(b)composition (c)constitution configuration and composition (d)conformation configuration and
constitution (e)none of the above
14) Hydrocarbon that contain other elements besides carbon in the ring are called----(a)aliphatic
(b)aromatic (c)cyclic (d)heterocyclic (e)monocyclic
15) Which of these level of protein structure has spatial arrangement of polypeptide chains-----(a)primary structure (b)secondary structure (c)tertiary structure (d)quaternary structure
16) Which of these is not classification of lipids based on structure-----(a)simple lipids (b)conjugated
lipids (c)derived lipids (d)complex lipids (e)polar lipids
17) Which of these lipid is classified based on physiological importance (a)reserved (b)neutral
(c)complex lipids (d)simple lipids (e)derived lipids
18) Which of these is an example of derived lipids (a)glycerol (b)fatty acids (c)glycolipids (d)steroids
19) Linoleic acid is an example of-------fatty acids (a)saturated (b)unsaturated (c)polysaturated (d)partial
20) Fats and oil undergo hydrolysis in the presence of enzyme called (a)hydrolases (b)lyases (c)ligases
(d)lipases (e)isomerases
21) In D and L configuration of monosacharides, when the position of OH is on the right hand side it is
called------(a)M-sugar (b)L-suger (c)P-suger (d)CH-sugar (e)E.D-sugar
22) Maltose
glucose +glucose, the enzyme for the reaction is called-----(a)sucrase (b)lactase
(c)maltase (d)fructose (e)glucose
23) Glucose + fructose gives------(a)maltose (b)sucrose (c)lactose (d)galactose
24) Starch is an example of-----polysacharites (a)storage (b)structural (c)homopolysacharites
25) The two types of starch are------(a)amylore and pectic (b)amylore and polypectic (c)amylore and
amylopectic (d)pectic and amylopectic
1) The methods of preparing herbarium spicemen sequentially are----(a)drying, mounting, laselling
filling and care for specimen (b)mounting, labeling, drying, filling and care for specimen (c)drying,
mouting, filling baseling and careful specimen (d)family (e)order
2) Which of these are equipment for collecting herbarium material------(a)digger, pruning knife and
sickle (b)digger, tap and sickle (c)spade, hoe and digger
3) Members of a genus resemble each other morphologically in------(a)vegetative parts (b)reproductive
parts (c)vegetative and reproductive
4) Groups of plants that can interbreed is in the same----(a)genus (b)species (c)order
5) System concerned with determination of correct names of plant is known as----(a)phylogenic
(b)nomenclature (c)classification
6) The highest group under the plant kingdom is-------(a)species (b)division (c)class
7) Excess water is removed by chlamydomonas using------(a)contratiled vacuole (b)pyranoid
(c)contract vacuole
8) Spirogyra reproduce asexually by-------(a)conjugation (b)fragmentation (c)conjugation and
9) The type of fussion were two fussing cells are equalis known as------(a)anosogamous (b)isogamous
(c)isogamous and anosogamous
10) Archegonium produces eggs called--------(a)sporargium (b)Oosphere (c)Oospore (d)canidophore
11) A flower whose flora part parts are attached on top of the ovary is called-----(a)hypogenous
(b)epigenous (c)penigynous (d)mesogenous
12) A flower that has all the four flora parts is called------(a)staminate (b)complete flower (c)incomplete
flower (d)fertilized flower
13) Chlamydomomas used ------ for movement(a)flagella (b)flage (c)contractile vacuole (d)mouth part
14) Asexual reproduction in chlamydomomas occurs by------(a)conjugation (b)fragmentation
(c)formation of zoospore (d)spore
15) The type of reproduction that occurs in chlamydomomas during unfavourable condition is called----(a)asexual (b)sexual (c)conjugation (d)fragmentation
16) The type of fusion were the two fusing cells are unequal is---------(a)anisogamous (b)isogamous
(c)anisogamous and isogamous
17) The type of reproduction in aspergillus is--------(a)sexual and asexual (b)sexual only (c)asexual only
18) In asexual reproduction of aspergillus------bears the vesicle (a)sporangiophore (b)condiophore
(c)sporangium (d)condiospore
19) Where plasmogamy,karygamy and meisosis occur at a spot in a hyphae, the reproduction is called--(a)monosexual (b)parasexual (c)bisexual (d)all of the above
20) Bryophyte are made up of--------(a)mosses and liverworts (b)rhizoid and liverworts (c)fern
paraphyses (d)non of the above
21) A sterile hair found around reproductive organ of pellia is called------(a)paraphysis (b)paraphyses
(c)antherizoids (d)antheroids
22) The antheridium of pelia produces a sperm called-----(a)antheridium (b)antherizoid (c)rhizoids
(d)non of the above
23) In plant where calyx and corolla are alike, the flower is termed-----(a)perianth (b)complete
(c)incomplete flower
24) The type of fertilization where where pollen tube carries the male gamete to the female for
fertilization is known as--------(a)zoidogamous (b)siphonogamous
25) When whole inflorence matures into a fruit, it is called-----(a)complete fruit (b)compound
fruit(c)composite fruit (d)simple fruit
1) -------is a theory that has been tasted by almost all the scientists in the field and accepted universally
for a reasonable long time(a)observation (b)law (c)theory and law (d)hypothesis
2) The causative agents of birdflu is-------(a)virods (b)pirons (c)pox(d)rhasdo
3) Plasmodium is an example of---------(a)cellular organism (b)filamentous organism (c)colonial
organism (d)multicellular organism
4) The study of algae is called--------(a)mycology (b)pathology (c)phycology (d)paleanology
5) Which of these is not true of algae--------(a)they are erkaryotes (b)they have chlorophyll (c)they
reproduce sexually and asexually (d)they have well developed vascular system
6) Which of these is known as brown algae-------(a)rhodophyta (b)phaeophya (c)diniflagelata
(d)chrysophyta (e)chlorophyta
7) A typical representative of algae chrysophyta is---------(a)phaeothamnion (b)eugleana
(c)chlamydomonas (d)polysiphonia (e)gonyaulax
8) Virus is a latin word which means------(a)poisonous (b)parasite (c)fluid (d)poisonous fluid
9) Virus was discovered in---------(a)1893 (b)1892 (c)1891 (d)1992 (e)1922
10) Long before microbial world was discovered the term--------was used to describe any agent capable
of causing diseases (a)bacteria (b)microorganism (c)fungi (d)virus (e)nematode
11) The knowledge of virus structure is necessary for--------(a)understanding of its diseases (b)easy
detection of its symptoms (c)understanding the interaction of viruses with cell surface reception and
neutralizing antibodies (d)understanding the interaction between it and other organisms
12) Virus are called------intracellular organism because they can function only inside the cell of its
host(a)parasites (b)falcutative (c)obligate (d)endoparasite
13) Which of those is not classification of virus based on morphological sub units---------(a)compound
symmetry (b)helical symmetry (c)complex symmetry
14) The unicellular form of fungi is--------(a)yeast (b)club fungi (c)sac fungi (d)imperfect fungi
15) Some fungi are dimorphic, this means---------(a)they have both sexual and asexual reproductive
organs (b)they reproduce asexually only (c)they exist as yeast and moulds under certain conditions
(d)they reproduce only in favourable condition (e)they are erkaryotes and prokaryotes
16) The following are classes of fungi except--------(a)ascomycete (b)zygomycotina (c)basidiomycetes
(d)Oomycetes (e)deuteromycetes
17) Which of these has a common name of water moulds---------(a)oomycetes (b)zygomycotina
(c)saccharomyces (d)aspergillus (e)candida
18) A typical representative of the class ascomycetes is--------(a) neurospora (b)allomyces
(c)saccharomyces (d)aspergillius (e)candida
19) A typical representative of the class sarcodina is-------(a)euglena (b)paramecium (c)amoaba
(d)trypanosomes (e)leishmania
20) Which of those causes diarrhea--------(a)euglena (b)entamoeba histolyca (c)entamoaba histolytica
(d)endomoeba diarrhea
21) Prokaryote consist of two domains which are-------(a)eubacteria and probacteria (b)eubacteria and
earch (c)eubacteria and archae (d)archae and archae bacteria
22) Archae that live in salt environment are called------(a)extreme halophiles (b)thermophiles (c)extreme
mesophiles (d)saprophiles
23) ---------gives shape and rigidity to the walls of archea (a)pseudopepdiobglycan (b)peptidoglycan
(c)pseudomurin (d)all the above
24) Which of these is not correct--------(a)eubacteria have cell wall made of pectidoglycan (b)eubacteria
have no photosynthetic species (c)eubacteria have no methogenic species (d)membrane have esterlink glycerol molecules (e)all of the above
25) Based on reaction of certain stains, bacteria are classified into------(a)facultative and gram positive
(b)gram positive and gram negative (c)gram positive and gram neutral (d)gram positive and semi
gram negative
1) The theory principles and practice of classifying organism is known as---------(a)animal zoology
(b)taxanomy (c)evolution (d)phylogenetic
2) The natural arrangement of species into natural system of classification is-------(a)beta taxonomy
(b)alpha taxonomy (c)evolution (d)nomenclature
3) The analysis of intra specific variation and studies on evolution is called------(a)phynogenetic
evolution (b)alpha taxonomy (c)beta taxonomy (d)gamma taxonomy
4) Taxonomy was first proposed by de condole in-------(a)1813 (b)1831 (c)1970 (d)1832
5) Binomial and binominal system of nomenclature was first used by-------in 1758 (a)de condole
(b)carl Linnaeus (c)laglar Linnaeus (d)carl lagler
6) In the binomial system the first name is the--------(a)species name (b)family name (c)generic
name (d)trivial name
7) Protozoans are cosmopolitan, this means--------(a)they can can be found almost everywhere
(b)they are found everywhere (c)they are found in body fluids (d)they are found in water only
8) The following are sub-phyla protozoa except--------(a)sarcodina (b)sycyphozoa (c)sporozo
(d)mastigophora (e)ciliate
9) Which of the sub phyla of protozoa is exclusively parasitic-------(a)sporozoa (b)mastigophora
(c)scyphozoan (d)ciliate (e)sarcodina
10) Plasmodium is an example of-------(a)ciliates (b)mastigophora (c)sarcodina (d)sporozoa
11) During longitudinal division in trypanosome------divides first(a)cytoplasm (b)parabasal body
(c)nucleus (d)flagellum (e)blepharoplat
12) During longitudinal division in trypanosome--------divides last(a)nucleus (b)flagellum
(c)cytoplasm (d)parabasal body (e)blaspharophat
13) Which of these is also called spinyheaded worms (a)platyhelminths (b)acanthocephalan
(c)nemathehiminthes (d)annelid
14) Which of these is not correct about platyheliminthes--------(a)majority of them are flattened from
dorsal to the ventral sides (b)lack of digestive tract (c)they have a single opening (d)the nervous
system is complex (e)the ganglia serves as the brain
15) Which of these is an example of class cestoidean------(a)flukes (b)planerians (c)tapeworm
16) Which of these are found in pork and intestinal tract of rabbits-------(a)nematheminthes
(b)acanthocephalan (c)annelids (d)platyhelminthes (e)tubellaria
17) Ascaris belongs to-------phylum (a)annelida (b)acenthocephala (c)nematheminthes
18) Eggs are fasiola hepatical hatches into ciliated larvae called-----(a)miracodium (b)glottid
(c)miracidium (d)sporocyst
19) The secondary host of fasciola spp is-------(a)sheep (b)man (c)snail (d)intestine of birds (e)pigs
20) The primary host of teania solium is-------(a)sheep (b)man (c)snail (d)pigs (e)birds
21) The most extensive phylum in the animal kingdom is--------(a)arthropoda (b)protozoa
(c)echinodermata (d)molluea (e)annelida
22) Which of the following class in phylum arthropoda are capable of flight-------(a)diplopoda
(b)arachinda (c)insect (d)crustacean (e)chilopoda
23) -----------are regarded as the most successive group of animals(a)rptozoas (b)arthropoda
(c)mollusca (d)annelida (e)echinodermata
24) The shedding of the exoskeleton in arthropoda is called-------(a)moulting (b)instar (c)ecodyis
25) The casting of intergument to attain maximum size during hatching by insect is called (a)instar
(b)standia (c)moulting (d)ecdysis
2011/2012 ANSWERS
1) E
2) C
3) D
4) C
5) E
6) Aldosteron
7) D
8) B
9) D
10) C
11) B
12) C
13) D
14) D
15) C
16) E
17) A
18) D
19) D
20) D
21) D
22) C
23) B
24) A
25) C
1) A
2) A
3) B
4) B
5) B
6) B
7) A
8) B
9) A
10) B
11) B
12) B
13) A
14) C
15) B
16) A
17) A
18) B
19) B
20) A
21) B
22) B
23) A
24) B
25) C
1) B
2) B
3) A
4) C
5) D
6) B
7) A
8) D
9) B
10) D
11) C
12) C
13) A
14) A
15) C
16) B
17) A
18) C
19) A
20) C
21) D
22) A
23) B
24) B
25) B
1) B
2) A
3) D
4) A
5) B
6) C
7) A
8) B
9) A
10) D
11) E
12) C
13) B
14) D
15) C
16) A
17) B
18) C
19) C
20) D
21) A
22) C
23) B
24) A
25) D
2013/2014 QUESTIONS
1. the correct sequence of the units of classification is
(a) class,division, order, kingdom, family, species,genus
(b) class, division, order, kingdom, kingdom, family, species,genus
(c) kingdom, division, order, class, family, genus species
(d) kingdom, division, class, order, family, genus,species
2. the system of assigning each plant species with two names is
(a) artificial nomecleture
(b) systematic
(c) binomials
(d) mononemials
3. the two generations that alternate in the life cycle of bryophytes are----(a)sexual and gametophyte
generations (b)gametophyte and sporophyte generations (c)asexual and sporophyte generations
(d)vegetative and reproductive generations (e)saprophyte and gamophyte generations
4. which of the factors is a necessary condition for fertilization to take place in bryophytes (a)water
(b)temperature (c)wind (d)soil (e)heat
5. the plant body of the thallophyte is called----(a)prothallua (b)thallus (c)mycelium (d)protonema
(e)none of the above
6. the following organisms belong to the thallophytes except(a)euglena (b)chlamydomonas (c)lichens
(d)paramecium (e)fungi
7. The sporophylls of pinus are borne collectively in structure called----(a)flower (b)axes (c)shoot
(d)sporomagia (e)cones
8. The fruiting structure borne at the under surface of leaves in ferns is called (a)sori (b)indusium
(c)fronts (d)capsule (e)strobill
9. The following are adjectives used to describe the reaction of stem growth (a)stolon, diffuse,
declined, prostrate (b)scandent, repent, erect, decumbent (c)sucker, rhizome, diffuse, creeping
(d)climbing, procumbent, creeping declined (e)B and D
10. Which of the following is not a type stem modification (a)stolon (b)cladophyll (c)bulb (d)corm
11. The arrangement of leaves in a plant is known as (a)venation (b)whorl (c)phototaxy (d) waxy
12. A plant that bears both the pistillate and staminate flowers is said to be (a)monocious (b)diocious
(c)symmetrical (d)actinomorphic (e)unisexual
13. A flower that can be divided into two equal halves from more than two planes is said to be
(a)asymmetrical(b)zygomorphic(c)actinomorphic(d)A and B(e)B and C
14. Meristematic tissues may be classified on the basis of location into (a)apical,lateral and intercalary
meristem (b)primary, secondary and residual meristem(c)true meristem and eumeristem(d)apical,
secondary and cambium
15. The plant tissues that have lost their meristematic ability are called (a)meristematic
tissues(b)fundamental tissues(c)intercalling tissues(d)residual tissues(e)permanent tissues
16. Which of the following is not a type of stem growth habit (a)herb (b)arborescent (c)suffretisce
(d)none of the above
17. The androcium consists of the following except (a)anther (b)style (c)filament (d)A and C (e)all of
the above
18. A comound leaf with a main and branched rachis is said to be (a)plamate (b)simple (c)tripunuate
(d)verticillate (e)bipinnate
19. The anthericium is responsible for the production of----(a)egg (b)spores (c)rhizoids (d)zygote
20. An example of a corm is-----(a)cocoyam (b)yam (c)onion (d)ginger (e)potato
21. The xylem is responsible for conduction of----(a)water (b)manufactured food (c)water and dissolved
mineral salt (d)A and B (e)dissolved mineral salts.
22. Asexual reproduction in chlamydomonas include the following except (a)zygospore (b)zoospore
(c)palmalla (d)aplanospores (e)hypospore
23. Which of the following is not a type of leaf arrangement (a)alternate (b)opposite (c)reticulate
(d)verticulate (e)whorl
24. Two types of clustered inflorescences are-----(a)cymo and raceme (b)cyme and solitary (c)raceme
and pendulous (d)spike and sessile (e)pedicel and spike
25. Which of the following is not part of gametyphyte generation in ferns----(a)prothollus (b)oosphere
(c)antheridum (d)sporangium
26. Lionleic acid and linolenic acid are generally called-----(a)despensible fatty acid (b)essencial fatty
acid (c)saturated fatty acid (d)none of the above (e)non essencial fatty acid
27. Lactose is a disaccharide containing ------------and----------(a)glucose and glucose (b)glucose and
mannose (c)glucose and galatose (d)galatose and fructose (e)glactose and mannose
28. An example of keto sugar is----------(a)galactose (b)mannose glucose (c)fructose (d)all of the above
29. Which of the following is not a disaccharide (a)maltose (b)sucrose (c)none of the above
30. The reflection of the plane polarized light to the light is known as-----(a)lasvororatory
(b)dextrorotatory (c)optical reflection (d)anomerism (e)none of the above
31. Celloblose is a polysaccharide of glucose unity linked in glycosidic bonds----(a)a, 1-4 (b)a, 1-6
(c)β,1-4 (d)β,-4 (e)none of the above
32. The suger in RNA and DNA is------ and-------respectively(a)deoxyribose and ribose (b)ribulose and
mannose (c)ribose and deoxyribose (d)none of the above (e)mannose and ribulose
33. Alkaline hydrolysis of triacylglycerides in the industry gives----(a)soap (b)magarine (c)butter
(d)none of the above (e)glycerides
34. Glycogen and starch are examples of------(a)homopolysaccharides (b)heteropolysaccharide
(c)mucopolysaccharide (d)structural polysaccharide (e)none of the above
35. Which of the following is not a reducing sugar------(a)glucose (b)lactose (c)galactose (d)none of the
above (e)mannose
36. The bond that links the amion acid constitutents of a proteib is called----(a)hydrophobic bond
(b)hydrogen bond (c)peptide bond (d)phosphodiester bond (e)none of the above
37. Which of the following is not a structural component of anucleotide (a)base (b)pautose (c)phosphate
(d)none of the above
38. The final product of alcoholic fermentation are------(a)ethanol and acetyle coA (b)pyruvate and co2
(c)ethanol and co2 (d)ethanol and water (e)none of the above
39. Which of the following ions is relevant in the treatment of goiter-----(a)iodine (b)sulphate
(c)chloride (d)none of the above (e)phosphate
40. A baby with poor dentition is likely to be deficient of----(a)calcium ion (b)calcium and sulphur
(c)calcium and chloride (d)calcium and phosphorus (e)all of the above
41. Transport of material against concentration gradient is known as----(a)passive transport (b)osmosis
(c)active transport (e)diffusion
42. Sucrose contains----(a)glucose and galatose (b)mannose and glucose (c)glucose and fructose
(d)glucose and glucose (e)none of the above
43. Which of the following is not true about fats and oils-----(a)fats are solid at room temperature (b)oils
are liquid at room temperature (c)fats are unsaturated (d)oils are composed of higher proportion of
ester of unsaturated fatty acid (e)none of the above
44. Essential fatty acids means (a)that the body cannot utilize the fatty acid (b)that the body can produce
the fatty acids (c)that the body cannot produce the fatty acids and so must be taken in diet (d)that the
fatty acids is important and must be produced in the body (e)none of the above
45. The reaction of ketones and alcohols gives the products----------and---------(a)hemiacetal and aceta
(b)hemiketal and ketal (c)alcohol and aldehyde (c)alcohol and aldehyde (d)none of th above (e)all of
the above
46. The biochemist name for human popular alcoholic beverage is----(a)ethanol (b)methanol (c)beer
(d)butanol (e)all of the above
47. A carbonhydrate must necessity contain the following elements except-----(a)oxygen (b)carbon
(c)calcium (d)fehling test (e)none of the above
48. Which of the following is not a test for ---- (a)molisch test,(b) benedict test, (c)biuret test(d)fehling
test (e)none of the above
49. Which of the following base is not found in nucleotide of DNA------(a)adenine (b)thymine
(c)guanine (d)none of the above
50. The functional group for alcohol is----(a)carboxyl group (b)carbonyl group (c)hydroxyl group
(d)alkanol (e)none of the above
51. Which of the following is not a class of phylum arthropoda (a)insecta (b)crustacean (c)scorpion
(d)arachnida (e)myrapoda
52. The following organism are bilaterally symmentrical except---(a)ascaris (b)star fish (c)snail
(d)copepod (e)tapeworm
53. The part of the molluscan body that contain the vital organs is known as----(a)visceral mass
(b)integument (c)mantle (d)mantle cavity
54. The rasping organ in the pharync of mollusk is known as----(a)mantle cavity (b)radula (c)forsion
(d)coelom (e)nephrostone
55. Which of the following organisms undergoes external fertilization-----(a)stimulium (b)octopus
(c)starfish (d)lepisma (e)stink bug
56. Which of the following organism is not exclusively marine----(a)starfish (b)brittle star (c)sea
cucumber (d)snail (e)sea urchin
57. The following mullusks have eyes at the base of tentacle except----(a)squid (b)sepia (c)bivalve
(d)pila (e)octopus
58. Madrepolita of echinoderms is used primary for----(a)reproduction (b)regulation of water entering
the animal (c)locomotion (d)irritability (e)feeding
59. The adult male schistosome carries the female in a canal called-----(a)cysticercus (b)mating shealth
(c)compulatory spicule (d)gynaecophoric canal (e)love boat
60. The infective larbal stage of ascaris humbricoides is the---(a)1.1 (b)12 (c)13 (d)4 (e)15
61. Swimmers itch’s is dermatitis caused by the penetration of what state of schistomesome---(a)cercaria
(b)redia (c)sporocyst (d)cyst (e)metacysts
62. Which of the below statement about helminthes is incorrect (a)helminthes are bilaterally
symmetrical (b)helminthes possess alongated body (c)helminthes are multiculular (d) none of the
63. Modern classification employs binomial/bionominal system of nomenclature first used by----(a)simpson (b)larmack (c)carl Linnaeus (d)Aristotle (e)Isaac
64. One of the commonest and most widely species of plasmodium sp in man is--- (a)p. malariae (b)p.
falciparium (c)p. ovale (d)p. vivax (e)p. aegypta
65. The species of plasmodium named above is the cause of-----(a)quartan malariae (b)malignant tertian
malariae (c)bening tertian malariae (d)astivo auturna malariae (e)subtarian malariae
66. One of the main ways in which the animals of the world have been classified is the-----(a)beta
method (b)hierarchic method (c)arrangement method (d)tazonomic method (e)identification method
67. The form attained by insect betweentwo ecdyses is known as-----(a)instars (b)cast off (c)larva stage
(d)ametobolic (e)metamorphosis
68. Which of the following bones is not formed first as cartilage model ----(a)tins (b)arms (c)legs
(d)cranium (e)osteocytes
69. One of the following are the most common blood cells---(a)thromobocytes (b)erythrocytes
(c)leucocytes (d)platelets (e)white blood cells
70. The myelin sheath is interrupted at approximately-------intervals by construction called nodes ranvier
(a)10cm (b)5mm (c)1mm (d)2mm (e)4mm
71. The transmitter substance at the majority of synaspses is acetycholine (Ach), and is composed of----(a)calcium slats (b)potassium ion (c)manganese sulphate (d)lead slats (e)ammonium base
72. The cytoplasm contains prominent granules called Nissl’s granule which has been found to be rich
in----(a)nucleic acid (b)DNA (c)messenger DNA (d)dentitrites (e)RNA
73. Which of the following is a blood vessel dilation----(a)reticulin (b)heparin (c)elastic (d)histamine
74. The two general clases of epithelia membranes are----(a)simple and complex (b)complex and
stratified (c)stratified and simple (d)simple and psuedostratified (e)complex and squamous
75. Bone cells are also known as-----(a)mast cells (b)ostecosytes (c)chndrocytes (d)tendons (e)cartilage
76. Encapsulated bacteria are usually-----(a)autotrophic (b)saprophytic (c)chemolitotrophic
(d)pathogenic (e)chemooganotrophic
A pure bacteria culture is useful for-----(a)sterilization (b)disinfection (c)disease transmission
(d)identification of the organism (e)all of the above
78. Endospore-forming bacterial includes the following except----(a)bacillus (b)clostridium
(c)desulfotamaculum (d)sporosarcina (e)neissersia
79. Microorganisms that grow at very low temperature are called----(a)chemotroph (b)thermotrophs
(c)psychrophiles (d)facultative aerobes
80. The shape of the bacteria which causes anthrax is --------(a)curved (b)spiral (c)circular (d)rod-shape
81. Pseudomurein is associated with----(a)eukaryotes (b)eubacteria (c)archaebateria (d)yeasts (e)fungi
82. Which of the following bacteria is gram-positive(a)escharichia coli (b)pseudomonas aeruginosa
83. A suggestion tentatively put forward by a scientist to explain a natural phenomenon is known as---(a)data (b)theory (c)hypothesis (d)experiment (e)law
84. One of the following cellular organism exist in a filamentous form—(a)amoeba (b)paramecium
(c)spirogyra (d)volvox (e)oadogonium
85. The term prokaryote and eukaryote were coined by---(a)Robert koch (b)hans ris (c)spallanzani
(d)Edward jernner (e)none of the above
86. One of the following organism lacks definite nucleus and internal compartmentalization
(a)Escherichia coli (b)amoeba protes (c)euglena viridis (d)giardia lamblia (e)entamoeba hietolytical
87. Spherical bacterial cells that arrange themselves in chains are called----(a)tetrad (b)staphylococci
(c)streptococci (d)serocine (e)cocci
88. The following are uses of bacterial except----(a)in mining (b)plastic production (c)antibiotic
production (d)degradation of heavy metal to lighter elements (e)none of the above
89. Which of these are greater than 10mm in size---(a)bacteria (b)fungi (c)archaea (d)viruses
90. Eukaryotic DNA is contained within the---(a)nucleus (b)golgi body (c)peroxisome (d)ribosome
91. Which of those do not belong to the group protozoa (a)euglena (b)amoeba (c)paramecium (d)yeast
92. The common name for ascomycete is---(a)bread mould (b)sac fungi (c)club fungi (d)water mould
93. What is the general name given to the resting structure formed by the apicomplexans---(a)spores
(b)caccidian (c)sprozoites (d)plasmodia
94. --------discovered that the virus of tobacco mosaic disease could be precipitated from a suspension
by alcohol without loosing its infection power (a)M.W beijerinck (b)D.J ivanowsky (c)M.W bengazi
(d)D.G beninjerinck (e)M.W invanowsky
95. Adenovirus have -------types of symmetry (a)helcal (b)complex (c)isosahedral, (d)cubic (e)circular
96. Orthomyxoviruses have ---------types of symmetry (a)complex (b)polymorphic (c)helical
(d)triangular (e)icosahedral
97. The oldest way of classification of virus is by (a)symtomatology (b)hostpreference (c)morphology
(d)nucleic acid type (e)sixe
98. The infectious principle of virus is called -------(a)protein (b)capsid (c)capsomere (d)viron
99. The most well characterized plant virus the respect to the interaction between the viral DNA and
capsid protein is------(a)tobacco virus (b)tobacco mosaic virus (c) orthmyxovirus (d)adenovirus
The term virus is a latin word which means ------(a) poisonous virion (b)poisonous organism
(c)invasion (d)poisonous fluid (e)infectious fluid.
2013/2014 ANSWERS
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. E
8. A
9. E
10. E
11. D
12. A
13. C
14. A
15. E
16. D
17. B
18. E
19. E
20. A
21. C
22. A
23. C
24. A
25. E
26. B
27. C
28. C
29. C
30. B
31. C
32. C
33. A
34. A
35. B
36. C
37. E
38. A
39. A
40. D
41. C
42. C
43. C
44. C
45. B
46. A
47. C
48. C
49. E
50. C
51. C
52. B
53. A
54. B
55. C
56. D
57. C
58. B
59. D
60. B
61. A
62. B
63. C
64. D
65. C
66. A
67. A
68. D
69. B
70. C
71. E
72. E
73. D
74. C
75. B
76. D
77. E
78. E
79. C
80. D
81. C
82. C
83. C
84. C
85. D
86. A
87. C
88. E
89. B
90. A
91. A
92. B
93. C
94. A
95. C
96. C
97. A
98. A
99. B
100. D
2014/2015 QUESTIONS
1. The release of energy in the form of triphosphate (ATP) from the catabolicsm of food material in
living organisms is achieved by (a)nutrition (b)respiration (c)excretion (d)movement
2. A characteristic feature of living organism which ensure the continuity and preservation of their
species is referred to as------(a)growth (b)reassortment (c)reproduction (d)senescence
3. Which of the following statements is true about the scientific method----(a)scientific observation are
rather subjective than objective (b)conclusion made from scientific 0bservation should be subjective
(c)scientific observation and conclusion should be made with prejudice (d)scientific conclusion are
subject to change
4. A scientific explanation that has been verified by different scientists and has worked considerably to
a reliable extent is known as----(a)theory (b)hypothesis (c)experiment (d)law
5. The cytoskelenton which play an important role in the organization and structural reinforcement of
eukaryotic cells is composed of the following(a)lysosome,golgi bodies and ribosome
(b)microtubules,dictyosome and actin filaments (c)intermediate filaments, microfilation and micro
tubules (d)microfilaments,endoplasmic reticulum and nucleus
6. The test for shelled sarcodines is composed of----(a)CACO3 (b)NANO3 (c)Mg(co3)2 (d)kNO3
7. The organelle of the ciliophera concerned with the production of messenger ribonucleic acid for
varies aspects of cell growth and function is called----(a)filament (b)micronucleus (c)macronucleus
(d)oral groove
8. Which of these is a typical representative of apicomplexan –(a)toxoplasma gondi (b)balatidium coli
(c)entamoeba hystolytical (d)giardia lambia
9. The sugar in the peptidoglycan cell wall where tetrapeptide is attached is called----(a)teithoic
(b)lipopolysaccharide (c)N-acetylglucosamine (d)N-acetylmuramic acid
10. The treatment of gram negative cells with an antibody results to---(a)sphaeroplast (b)protoplast
(c)lipoplast (d)1-forms
11. ---------is reffered to as the loose meshwork of fibrils polymer which extend out from the bacteria
cell(a)capsure (b)glycocalyx (c)slime mould (d)endotoxin
12. When the flagella is distributed over the bacteria cell it is called-----arrangement (a)peritrichous
(b)monotricous (c)lophotrichous (d)metanococcus
13. -----------is a member of archaea that can survive under high temperature(a)halocococcus
(b)halobacteria (c)sulfolobus (d)methanococcus
14. Which of the following organisms can survive at extreme environment(a)halococcus
(b)methanococcus (c)methhanobacteria (d)sulfolobus
15. Which of the following is the counter stain in gram staining (a)acridine dye (b)crystal violet
(c)safranin (d)iodine
16. What is the colour of gram-positive bacteria at the end of gram staining(a)purple (b)blue (c)pink
17. A collection of bacteria strains that share many features in common and differ considerably from
other strain is called-----(a)genus (b)species (c)order (d)phylum
18. Eukaryote have a variety of membrane enclosed internal structures known as----(a)peroxisome
(b)organelle (c)lysosome (d)nucleus
19. The mitochondria of the eukaryote are double membrane organelle which possess folding and
invaginations called------(a)plastid (b)microtubes (c)cristae (d)protein
20. The rodering of species into higher taxa and construction of evolution ary trees based on natural
relationship is called----(a)evolutionism (b)phylogeny (c)progeny (d)taxa
21. Which of these is not a protozoa genus(a)amoeba (b)paramecium (c)euglena (d)trypanosome
22. Based on the use of 16s ribosome sequencing the three domain of cellular life do not include one of
the following(a)archaea (b)eukarya (c)protista (d)bacteria
23. Based on the sexual spore produced,which of these is not classified as a fungi group(a)ascomycete
(b)zygomycete (c)Oomycete (d)hypomycete
24. Poisonous fluid is another name for-----(a)bacteria (b)fungi (c)virus (d)parasite
25. The first person who found out that an infectious extract from tobacco plant with mosaic disease
retains it infectivity after passage through a filter able to prevent bacteria passage is-----(a)MW
stanly (b)D.J ivanowsky (c)M.W beinjerinck (d)H.ivanowsky
26. List the features of plant that belongs to the group spermatophyte (a)production of seeds and flower
(b)formation of pollen grain and pollen tube (c)production of seeds and formation of pollen tubes
(d)production of seed contain formation of of fibrous roots
27. The four(4) main plant orders that make up the gymnosperm are (a)crycadales,jumperales,
ginkgoales and coniferales (b)gentale,juniperale,cederales and ginkgoaless (c)cycadales, thalianales,
coniferales and physarales (d)coniterale, ginkgoales, gnetale and cycadales
28. The two types of leave borne by the pinus species are------- and---------(a)smooth and foliage leaves
(b)scale and foliage leaves (c)evergreen and decidouous leaves (d)stomatal and cuticular leaves
29. The reproductive structure of pinus sp. are collectively (a)cones (b)flowers (c)carpel (d)pistil
30. Double fertilization is a feature of-----(a)angiosperm (b)gymnosperm (c)pteridosper (d)bryophyte
31. How many of the eight(8) haploid nuclei produce after meiosis by an ovule will be use for
fertilization(a)three (b)four (c)one (d)two
32. Selaginella belongs to----(a)the order filicale (b)the order lycopodiales (c)the order equisetinales
(d)the order salaginalles
33. Which of these is wrong----(a)the gametophyte generation of the pteridophytes is the persistent
vegetative structure (b)the sporophyte generation of pteriodophyte is the persistent vegetative
structure (c)the pteriodophyte undergoes alternation of generation (d)the sporophyte generation of
pteridophyte has true shoots and roots
34. Which of these is not a morphology of dryopters(a)it has compound leaves with rementa (b)it has a
rhizome bearing fibrous adventitious roots (c)the frond tapers to the end of the leaf (d)it has simple
leaves with rementa
35. A plant that bears spores of the same type are regarded as (a)homosporous (b)heterosporous
(c)homosexual (d)heterosexual
36. The spores of ferns are found in sporangia which occurs in clusters called (a)indusium (b)capsule
(c)stomium (d)sori
37. The heart-shaped prothallus which is the gametophyte generation consist of the following except
(a)rhizoid (b)apical notch (c)placenta (d)antheridia
38. One of these is not a part ofarchegonium (a)a swollen basal portion called the venter (b)short green
filament that looks like a protonema (c)a short curve neck (d)a single large egg cell with an egg
39. The antherozoids made chemotactic movement in response to the (a)mucilage and lalic acid secreted
by the neck cell (b)attractive colouration of the neck cells (c)invitation of the neck (d)swimming of
the neck cells
40. Plant taxanomy is a branch of botany that deals with -----of plants (a)anatomy (b)ecology
(c)classification (d)physiology
41. The basic unit by which plant interbreeds type –to- type is (a)genus (b)species (c)division (d)order
42. The facility where dried and preserved plants are kept is called(a)herbarium (b)library (c)reference
store (d)laboratory
43. An underground freshy stem that grows horizontally beneath the soil is (a)bulb (b)suckers (c)corn
44. The act of determining the correct name of a plants is (a)nomenclature (b)binomial (c)trinomial
45. The name of DNA analysis in plants classification is base on-------in DNA(a)nucleic acid sequence
(b)sequence of starch (c)nuclear division (d)all of the above
46. All the following are systems of classification except----(a)artificial (b)natural (c)marshial
47. The sporangium of ferns consist of the following except----(a)annulus (b)stomium (c)indusium
48. The antheroroid fuses with the egg selaginella to form a diploid zygote called----(a)Oosphere
(b)prothallus (c)apagamy (d)Oospore
49. A pollen grain that is ready to fertilize an ovum has-----male gametes (a)three (b)two (c)four (d)eight
50. One of the under listed tissues is regarded as a packing tissues (a)parachyma (b)collenchymas
51. The following organism are mollusks except----(a)oyster (b)scallop (c)netris
52. Which of the following is not part of the molluscan shell (a)prismatric (b)nacreous layer
(c)periostacum layer (d)chitnous layer
53. The following organisms are radially symmentrical except----(a)bristle star (b)slug (c)sea urchin
54. Which of the following organs possess muscle that contracts without fatigue (a) uterus (b)heart
(c)urinary bladder (d)intestine
55. The nucleated part of the neurone is known as-----(a)cell body (b)axon (c)synapse (d)dendrite
56. The part of nerve cell that is specially adapted for impulse transmission is-----(a)axon (b)myelin
shealth (c)synaptic knob (d)dendrites
57. The largest animal phylum(a)arthropoda (b)anneld (c)protozoa (d)mollusca
58. When the left and right of an organism are mirror image of one another the organism is said to be--(a)segmented (b)exoskeleton (c)bilaterally symmetrical (d)asymmetrical
59. Which of the following is not achelicerate---(a)spider (b)crab (c)scorpion (d)mite
60. The chordate possess a structure called (a)cranium (b)chordatum (c)opistom (d)notochord
61. The following are characteristic of chordate except (a)bilateral symmetrical (b)segmented body
(c)two germ layers (d)three germ layers
62. The following organisms are crustaceans except (a)barnacle (b)shrimbs (c)lobster (d)snail
63. The excretory system in flatworm is ----(a)Greenglands (b)booklung (c)protonephridia (d)trachea
64. The larva stage of fasciola hepatica that encysts in the leaves of vegetation around the water bodies
is the (a)cercaria (b)redia 11 (c)sporocytes (d)metacercaria
65. Cestodes with the multiple proglottides are described as (a)polyploidic (b)polyproglottidic
(c)polyzoic (d)polysic
66. Arrange squid, sea cucumber, planeria, grasshopper and earthworm according to evolution
advancement (a)squid____ sea cucumber_____ planeria____ earthworm_____grasshopper
(b)planeri ____squid______ sea cucumber____ earthworm_____ grasshopper(c)planeria____
earthworm _____ squid _____ sea cucumber ____grasshopper (d) planeria ____ earthworm
____squid _____grasshopper _____ sea cucumber
67. The infective larva stage of tapeworm encysts in the muscle tissue of secondary host (a)proglattide
(b)cysticerci (c)oncosphere (d)scolex
68. Which of the following phylum was the first to develop all the three gram layers (a)annelid
(b)mollusca (c)platyhelminthes (d)porifera
69. The first group to develop digestive system with two openings are members of the (a)porifera
(b)platyhelminthes (c)nematodes (d)cnidarians
70. The largest cell organelle is-----(a)nucleolus (b)mitochondria (c)nucleus (d)lysosomes
71. Ribosomes are responsible for ------(a)lipid synthesis (b)steroid synthesis (c)protein synthesis
(d)transport of material
72. As epithelia cells are not supplied with vessels they rely on diffusion of oxygen and nutrients from---(a)lymph vessels (b)nerve endings (c)closest nucleus (d)basement fibres
73. Which of the following cells secret mucus in columnar epithelium (a)state cells (b)basal cells
(c)goblet cells (d)temporal cells
74. Bones are also called-------(a)osteoblasts (b)chondrocytes (c)merocytes (d)blastoceol
75. Cartilage is a connective tissue consisting of of cells of embedded matrix of------(a)chondroblast
(b)chondrin (c)perichondrium (d)chondrites
76. D-glucose and D-mannaose are called epimers of each other because-----(a)they differ in
stereochemistry at carbon atom number 2 (b)they differ in stereochemistry at carbon atom number 4
(c)they differ in the position of the carbonyl carbon (d)they differ in stereochemistry at carbon atom
number 5
77. All these are characteristics of cellulose except (a)glucose unit link by (β1-4) glycosidic linkage
(b)glycose unit link by (α1-4) glycosidic linkage (c)has a molecular formular of (C6H10O5) (d)it is
an unbranched homopolysaccharide
78. Cellulose and starch are similar in these proparties except----(a)both are homopolysaccharide
containing thousands of glucose units link together (b)the glucose units in both are joined in (α1-4)
glycosidic linkage (c)complete hydrolysis of both polysaccharides gives glucose (d)both have
molecular formular of (C6H10O5)n
79. Glycan is another term used for -----(a)monosacharides (b)disaccharides (c)oligosaccharides
80. Calcium pectate is used for----(a)stability of plant cell (b)activation of enzymes (c)excitability of
peripheral nerves (d)selective permeability of the cell membrane
81. Homochromatosis is a rare genetic condition caused by------(a)excess calcium intake (b) excess iron
intake (c)excess zinc intake (d)deficiency of calcium
82. The common name for the compound is
CH3 0
(a)3-methyl pentanone (b)2,3 dimethyl pentanal (c)α, β dimethyl valealdehyde (d)β, γ dimethyl
83. Acetaldehyde is a common name for (a)actanone (b)methanol (c)ethanol (d)ethanone
84. The IUPAC name for α-methyl-butyruladehyde is (a)2-methylbutanone (b)2-methylbutanal (c)butylethyl ketone (d)α-tulbutanal
85. The product of ethanol oxidation is----(a)acetic acid (b)ethanol (c)ethane (d)ethanone
86. -----------is responsible for the symptom of hangover(a)methanol (b)acetaladehyde (c)formaldehyde
87. ------------is the enzyme that catalyses the conversion of ethanol to ethanal in the liver (a)alcohol
dehydrogenese (b)alcohol carboxylase (c)ethanol synthetase (d)ethanal reductase
88. Cellular bio molecule that are sparingly soluble in polar solvents but highly soluble in non polar
solvents are----(a)amino acids (b)icotinamide aderine dinucleotide (c)lipid (d)protein
89. --------are aliphatic monocarborxylic acid units liberated on hydrolysis of neutral fats (a)lipids
(b)glycerol (c)fatty acids (d)esters
90. The following are saturated fatty acids except-----(a)arachidic acid (b)stearic acid (c)caproic acid
(d)none of the above
91. Steroid lipids derived from plants includes the following except (a)cholesterol (b)sitosterol
(c)stigmasterol (d)ergosterol
92. Which of these is not an aromatic amino acid(a)isoleucine (b)tyrosine (c)phenylalamine
93. In addition to the 20 α-amino acids found in protein, there are other amino acids which exist as
intermediates of protein metabolism. They include the following (a)ornithine (b)citruline
(c)cystathionine (d)none of the above
94. Which of the following is an intermediate of the TCA cycle (a)α-ketoglutarate (b)succinyl COA
(c)fumarate (d)none of the above
95. Which of these is not a pyrimidine nucleoside (a)deoxycytidine (b)cytidine (c)uridine (d)guanosine
96. The ability of a particular solution to resist hydrogenion change is called (a)buffer solution
(b)buffering capacity (c)buffer resolution (d)buffer activity
97. Which of these represents a physiological PH (a)4-6 (b)5-6 (c)6-8 (d)7-9
98. Which of these does not affect the rate of diffusion of a gryne sample (a)surface area (b)diffusion
gradient (c)distances of the substance (d)chemical composition of substance
99. Which of these is responsible for the movement of water across the blood vessels (a)osmosis
pressure (b)diffusion pressure (c)blood pressure (d)resonance pressure
100. The maintenance of sodium and potassium gradient across the plasma membrane is an example
of---(a)the maintenance of sodium and potassium gradients across the plasma membrane is an
example of passive transport (b)co-transport (c)active transport (d)membrane transport.
2014/2015 ANSWERS
1. B
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. D
10. A
11. B
12. A
13. C
14. A
15. C
16. B
17. B
18. D
19. C
20. B
21. C
22. C
23. D
24. C
25. B
26. A
27. D
28. B
29. A
30. A
31. C
32. C
33. A
34. A
35. A
36. D
37. C
38. B
39. A
40. C
41. B
42. A
43. D
44. A
45. A
46. C
47. B
48. D
49. B
50. A
51. D
52. B
53. B
54. B
55. A
56. A
57. A
58. C
59. D
60. D
61. C
62. D
63. C
64. A
65. –
66. D
67. B
68. A
69. C
70. C
71. C
72. D
73. C
74. A
75. B
76. A
77. B
78. B
79. D
80. A
81. B
82. B
83. C
84. B
85. A
86. B
87. A
88. C
89. C
90. A
91. A
92. A
93. –
94. D
95. A
96. A
97. D
98. D
99. A
100. C
compiled by:
you are allowed to scream, you are also allowed to cry,
but do not give up
~Charles osmond