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The Mediterranean Diet An Evidence-Based Approach

The Mediterranean Diet
An Evidence-Based Approach
The Mediterranean Diet
An Evidence-Based Approach
Edited by
Victor R. Preedy
King’s College London, London, UK
Ronald Ross Watson
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
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Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors’ contributions begin.
Antonio Agudo, MD, MSc, PhD (47), Catalan Institute of
Oncology (ICO), Barcelona, Spain
Americo Bonanni (589), IRCCS Istituto Neurologico
Mediterraneo NEUROMED, Pozzilli, Italy
Marisa Alarcón (601), Institut Botànic de Barcelona (IBBCSIC-ICUB), Barcelona, Spain
Gerardo Bosco, MD, PhD (271), University of Padova,
Padova, Italy
Juan José Aldasoro (601), Institut Botànic de Barcelona
(IBB-CSIC-ICUB), Barcelona, Spain
Genevieve Buckland, MSc, PhD (47, 417), Catalan
Institute of Oncology (ICO), Barcelona, Spain
Smaragdi Antonopoulou, PhD (379), Harokopio University, Athens, Greece
Yardena Arnoni, MSc (3), Hebrew University-Hadassah
Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel
Sara Arranz, PhD (153), Department of Internal Medicine,
Hospital Clı́nic, Institut d’Investigacions Biomédiques
August Pi i Sinyer (IDIBAPS), University of Barcelona,
Barcelona, Spain; CIBER CB06/03 Fisiopatologı́a de la
Obesidad y la Nutrición, (CIBERobn), Girona, Spain
Hebatallah Husseini Atteia (441), Faculty of Pharmacy,
Zagazig University, Zagazig, Sharkia Gov., Egypt
Elena Azzini (249), National Institute for Food and
Nutrition Research, Rome, Italy
Lina Badimon (367), Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau,
Barcelona, Spain; IIB-Santpau, Barcelona, Spain;
CIBEROBN Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain;
Cátedra de Investigación Cardiovascular, (UABHSCSP-Fundación Jesús Serra), Barcelona, Spain
Sara Bastida, PhD (217, 491), Universidad Complutense
de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Giovanni Beccari, PhD (563), Department of Agricultural,
Food and Environmental Sciences, University of
Perugia, Perugia, Italy
Elliot M. Berry, MD, FRCP (3), Hebrew UniversityHadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel
Francesca Biandolino (165), CNR—Institute of Coastal
Marine Environment (IAMC), Taranto, Italy
Marialaura Bonaccio (589), IRCCS Istituto Neurologico
Mediterraneo NEUROMED, Pozzilli, Italy
Santiago Bonachela, PhD (23), University of Almerı́a
ceiA3, Almerı́a, Spain
Nadia Calabriso, PhD (135, 291), C.N.R. Institute of
Clinical Physiology, Lecce, Italy; C.N.R. Institute of
Clinical Physiology, Pisa, Italy
Oguzhan Caliskan (621, 629), Department of Horticulture,
Mustafa Kemal University, Antakya-Hatay, Turkey
Maria Annunziata Carluccio, PhD (135, 291), C.N.R.
Institute of Clinical Physiology, Lecce, Italy; C.N.R.
Institute of Clinical Physiology, Pisa, Italy
J. Jesús Casas, PhD (23), University of Almerı́a ceiA3,
Almerı́a, Spain
Rosa Casas, Predoctoral Student (153), Department of
Internal Medicine, Hospital Clı́nic, Institut d’Investigacions Biomédiques August Pi i Sinyer (IDIBAPS),
University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; CIBER
CB06/03 Fisiopatologı́a de la Obesidad y la Nutrición,
(CIBERobn), Girona, Spain
Itandehui Castro-Quezada, MSc (13), University of Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,
Spain; CIBER Fisiopatologia Obesidad y Nutrición,
Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Lourdes, Spain
Gemma Chiva-Blanch, PhD (153), Department of Internal
Medicine, Hospital Clı́nic, Institut d’Investigacions
Biomédiques August Pi i Sinyer (IDIBAPS), University
of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; CIBER CB06/03 Fisiopatologı́a de la Obesidad y la Nutrición, (CIBERobn),
Girona, Spain
Gea Oliveri Conti, MSc, PhD (547), Department of
Hygiene and Public Health “G.F. Ingrassia,” Laboratory
of Environmental Hygiene and Food (LIAA), University of Catania, Catania, Italy
Chiara Copat, MSc, PhD (547), Department of Hygiene
and Public Health “G.F. Ingrassia,” Laboratory of Environmental Hygiene and Food (LIAA), University of
Catania, Catania, Italy
Roberto Fallico, MD (547), Department of Hygiene and
Public Health “G.F. Ingrassia,” Laboratory of Environmental Hygiene and Food (LIAA), University of
Catania, Catania, Italy
Patrick Couture, MD, PhD (325), Institute of Nutrition and
Functional Foods, Laval University, Québec QC, Canada
Paul Farajian, PhD (69), Agricultural University of
Athens, Athens, Greece
Lorenzo Covarelli, PhD (563), Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, University of
Perugia, Perugia, Italy
Encarnación Fenoy, MD (23), University of Almerı́a
ceiA3, Almerı́a, Spain
Vincenzo De Feo (649), Università degli Studi di Salerno,
Fisciano (Salerno), Italy
J.M. Fernandez, PhD (513), Lipids and Atherosclerosis
Unit, IMIBIC/Reina Sofia University Hospital/
University of Córdoba and CIBER Fisiopatologı́a
Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBEROBW), Health Institute
Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
Giovanni de Gaetano, MD, PhD (589), IRCCS Istituto
Neurologico Mediterraneo NEUROMED, Pozzilli, Italy
Maria Luz Fernandez, PhD (357), University of Connecticut, Mansfield, CT, USA
Michel de Lorgeril, MD (337), Faculté de Médecine,
Grenoble, France
José Manuel Fernández-Real, PhD (505), Hospital
Dr. Josep Trueta, Girona, Spain
Laura De Martino (649), Università degli Studi di Salerno,
Fisciano (Salerno), Italy
Margherita Ferrante, MD (547), Department of Hygiene
and Public Health “G.F. Ingrassia,” Laboratory of Environmental Hygiene and Food (LIAA), University of
Catania, Catania, Italy
Raffaele De Caterina, MD, PhD (291), “G. d’Annunzio”
University, Chieti, Italy
Christiana A. Demetriou, PhD (407), Department of
Electron Microscopy/Molecular Pathology, The Cyprus
Institute of Neurology and Genetics, Nicosia, Cyprus;
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School
of Public Health, London, UK
Elizabeth Fragopoulou, PhD (379), Harokopio University, Athens, Greece
Emmanuel J. Diamantopoulos, MD, PhD (313), Evangelismos State General Hospital, Athens, Greece
F. Fuentes-Jimenez, MD, PhD (513), Lipids and Atherosclerosis Unit, IMIBIC/Reina Sofia University Hospital/
University of Córdoba and CIBER Fisiopatologı́a Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBEROBW), Health Institute
Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
Zora Djuric (451), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
48118, USA
José J. Gaforio, MD, PhD (205, 281), University of Jaén,
Jaén, Spain
Maria Benedetta Donati, MD, PhD (589), IRCCS Istituto
Neurologico Mediterraneo NEUROMED, Pozzilli, Italy
Marta Garaulet, PhD (237), University of Murcia, Murcia,
Jorge Doreste-Alonso (61), University of Las Palmas de
Gran Canaria, Madrid, Spain
Vanessa Garcia-Larsen, PhD (123), Respiratory Epidemiology, Occupational Medicine, and Public Health,
National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College
London, London, UK
Paraskevi Detopoulou, PhD (379), General Hospital
Korgialenio-Benakio, Athens, Greece
Karima El Rhazi, MD, PhD (123), Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine of Fes,
University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdillah, Fes, Morocco
Sahar Elsayed El-Swefy (441), Faculty of Pharmacy,
Zagazig University, Zagazig, Sharkia Gov., Egypt
Manuel Espárrago Rodilla, PhD (491), Hospital de
Mérida, Mérida, Badajoz, Spain
Ramon Estruch, MD, PhD (153), Department of Internal
Medicine, Hospital Clı́nic, Institut d’Investigacions
Biomédiques August Pi i Sinyer (IDIBAPS), University
of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; CIBER CB06/03 Fisiopatologı́a de la Obesidad y la Nutrición, (CIBERobn),
Girona, Spain
Hannah Gardener, ScD (345), University of Miami Miller
School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA
Eva Gesteiro (491), Hospital de Mérida, Mérida, Badajoz,
Mark R. Goldstein, MD, FACP (259), NCH Physician
Group, Naples, FL, USA
Carlos A. González, MD, PhD (417), Catalan Institute of
Oncology (ICO-Idibell), Barcelona, Spain
Evanthia Gouveri, MD (313), Evangelismos State General
Hospital, Athens, Greece
Sergio Granados, PhD (205), The Methodist Hospital
Research Institute, Houston, TX, USA
Luca Mascitelli, MD (259), Comando Brigata alpina
“Julia”, Multinational Land Force, Udine, Italy
Keith Grimaldi, PhD (105), National Technical University
of Athens, Athens, Greece
Marika Massaro, PhD (291), C.N.R. Institute of Clinical
Physiology, Pisa, Italy
Andreas Hadjisavvas, PhD (407), Department of Electron
Microscopy/Molecular Pathology, The Cyprus Institute
of Neurology and Genetics, Nicosia, Cyprus
F. Xavier Medina (37), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
(UOC), Barcelona, Spain
Patricia Henrı́quez-Sánchez (61), University of Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria, Madrid, Spain; Instituto de
Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
Joaquı́n Hernández, PhD (23), University of Almerı́a
ceiA3, Almerı́a, Spain
Licia Iacoviello, MD, PhD (589), IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo NEUROMED, Pozzilli, Italy
Marcello Iriti, PhD (143, 199), Milan State University,
Milan, Italy
Dimitra Karageorgou, MSc (91), Agricultural University
of Athens, Athens, Greece
Niki Kontou, RD, PhD (393), Saint Savvas Cancer Hospital, Athens, Greece; Harokopio University, Athens,
Kyriacos Kyriacou, PhD (407), Department of Electron
Microscopy/Molecular Pathology, The Cyprus Institute
of Neurology and Genetics, Nicosia, Cyprus
Guiomar Mendieta (367), Hospital de la Santa Creu i
Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain; IIB-Santpau, Barcelona,
Marta Mesı́as, PhD (185), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Ciencı́ficas, (CSIC), Spain
Renata Micha, PhD (91), Agricultural University of
Athens, Athens, Greece; Harvard School of Public
Health, Boston, MA, USA
José Marı́a Moreno-Navarrete, PhD (505), Hospital
Dr. Josep Trueta, Girona, Spain
Francisco J. Moyano, PhD (23), University of Almerı́a
ceiA3, Almerı́a, Spain
M. Pilar Navarro, PhD (185), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Ciencı́ficas, (CSIC), Spain
Filomena Nazzaro (649), Istituto di Scienze dell’Alimentazione, Avellino, Italy
Giuseppe La Torre, MD, MSc, DSc (533), Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Chakib Nejjari, MD, PhD (123), Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine of Fes,
University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdillah, Fes, Morocco
Denis Lairon, PhD (303), Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France
Lena Maria Nilsson, PhD (579), Umeå University, Umeå,
Benoı̂t Lamarche, PhD (325), Institute of Nutrition and
Functional Foods, Laval University, Québec QC, Canada
Tzortzis Nomikos, PhD (379), Harokopio University,
Athens, Greece
Jaime Lee (81), Swinburne University, Hawthorn, VIC,
Francesca Oliviero, PhD (461), Department of Medicine—
DIMED, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
Maria A. Loizidou, PhD (407), Department of Electron
Microscopy/Molecular Pathology, The Cyprus Institute
of Neurology and Genetics, Nicosia, Cyprus
Ilkay Erdogan Orhan (639), Gazi University, Ankara,
Turkey; Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta,
Alicia López-Biedma, MSc (281), University of Jaén,
Jaén, Spain
Antonio Paoli, MD, BSc (105, 271), University of Padova,
Padova, Italy
Helen Macpherson, PhD (81), Swinburne University,
Hawthorn, VIC, Australia
Christopher Papandreou, PhD (429), Harokopio University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Giuseppe Maiani (249), National Institute for Food and
Nutrition Research, Rome, Italy
Matthew Pase, PhD (81), Swinburne University, Hawthorn,
VIC, Australia
Emilia Mancini (649), Università degli Studi di Salerno,
Fisciano (Salerno), Italy
Mariangela Pellegrino, PhD (135), C.N.R. Institute of
Clinical Physiology, Lecce, Italy
Colin R. Martin (519), Faculty of Health, Uxbridge, UK
Andrew Pipingas, PhD (81), Swinburne University,
Hawthorn, VIC, Australia
Miguel Ángel Martı́nez-González (61), Instituto de Salud
Carlos III, Madrid, Spain; University of Navarra,
Madrid, Spain
Concetta Potenza, MD, MSc (533), Sapienza University
of Rome, Rome, Italy
Ermelinda Prato (165), CNR—Institute of Coastal Marine
Environment (IAMC), Taranto, Italy
Cristina Sánchez-Quesada, MSc (281), University of
Jaén, Jaén, Spain
Victor R. Preedy (519), King’s College London, London, UK
Mario Pulido-Moran, MSc (205), Granada University,
Granada, Spain
Almudena Sánchez-Villegas (61), University of Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria, Madrid, Spain; Instituto de
Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
Leonardo Punzi, MD, PhD (461), Department of
Medicine—DIMED, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
Rosella Saulle, MD, MSc (533), Sapienza University of
Rome, Rome, Italy
José L. Quiles, PhD (205), Granada University, Granada,
Andrew Scholey, PhD (81), Swinburne University,
Hawthorn, VIC, Australia
Ma del Carmen Ramı́rez-Tortose, PharmD, PhD (205,
281), University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Salvatore Sciacca, MD (547), Department of Hygiene
and Public Health “G.F. Ingrassia,” Laboratory of Environmental Hygiene and Food (LIAA), University of
Catania, Catania, Italy
Caroline Richard, RD, PhD (325), Institute of Nutrition
and Functional Foods, Laval University, Québec QC,
Beatriz Rodrı́guez Bernal (491), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Blanca Román-Viñas, MD, PhD (13), CIBER Fisiopatologia Obesidad y Nutrición, Instituto de Salud Carlos
III, Lourdes, Spain; Fundación para la Investigación
Nutricional, University of Barcelona Science Park,
Barcelona, Spain
Emilio Ros, MD, PhD (175), Lipid Clinic, Endocrinology &
Nutrition Service, Institut d’Invesigacions Biomèdiques,
August Pi Sunyer, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain;
CIBER Fisiopatologia de la Obesidad y Nutrición
(CIBERobn), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII),
Barcelona, Spain
D. Rosado-Alvarez, MD, PhD (513), Lipids and Atherosclerosis Unit, IMIBIC/Reina Sofia University Hospital/
University of Córdoba and CIBER Fisiopatologı́a
Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBEROBW), Health Institute
Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
José-Luis Rı́os (611), Universitat de València, Burjassot,
València, Spain
Cristina Ruano (61), University of Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria, Madrid, Spain; Instituto de Salud Carlos III,
Madrid, Spain
Semra Akar Sahingoz, PhD (115), University of Gazi,
Ankara, Turkey
Patricia Salen, BSc (337), Faculté de Médecine, Grenoble,
José L. Sánchez Benito, MD (519), Vocalia de Alimentación y Nutrición del Colegio de Farmacéuticos de
COFM, Madrid, Spain
Eva Sánchez Soriano, MD (519), Nurse Hospital Puerta de
Hierro, Madrid, Spain
Francisco J. Sánchez-Muniz, PhD (217, 491), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Egeria Scoditti, PhD (135, 291), C.N.R. Institute of
Clinical Physiology, Lecce, Italy; C.N.R. Institute of
Clinical Physiology, Pisa, Italy
Isabel Seiquer, PhD (185), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Ciencı́ficas, (CSIC), Spain
Leda Semyonov, MD (533), Sapienza University of Rome,
Rome, Italy
Lluı́s Serra-Majem, MD, PhD (13, 37, 61), University of
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria, Spain; CIBER Fisiopatologia Obesidad y
Nutrición, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Lourdes, Spain;
Fundación para la Investigación Nutricional, University
of Barcelona Science Park, Barcelona, Spain; International Foundation of Mediterranean Diet, London,
UK; University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Madrid,
Spain; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
Dean A. Sewell, BA, PhD (473), Heriot-Watt University,
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Paolo Sfriso (461), Department of Medicine—DIMED,
University of Padova, Padova, Italy
Aziz Sheikh, BSc, MSc, MD (473), The University of
Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Nevena Skroza, MD, MSc (533), Sapienza University of
Rome, Rome, Italy
Paolo Spinella, MD (461), Department of Medicine—
DIMED, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
Laura Tosi, PhD (563), Department of Agricultural, Food
and Environmental Sciences, University of Perugia,
Perugia, Italy
Ibrahim Tumen (639), Bartin University, Bartin, Turkey
Palmira Valderas-Martinez, Predoctoral Student (153),
Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital Clı́nic,
Institut d’Investigacions Biomédiques August Pi i
Sinyer (IDIBAPS), University of Barcelona, Barcelona,
Spain; CIBER CB06/03 Fisiopatologı́a de la Obesidad
y la Nutrición, (CIBERobn), Girona, Spain
Paolo Vineis, MD, PhD (407), Department of Epidemiology
and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, London, UK
Elena M. Varoni, DD, PhD (143, 199), Milan State
University, Milan, Italy; McGill University, Montreal,
QC, Canada; University of Eastern Piedmont ‘A. Avogadro’, Novara, Italy
Fernando Warleta, BSc (281), University of Jaén, Jaén,
Gemma Vilahur (367), Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant
Pau, Barcelona, Spain; IIB-Santpau, Barcelona, Spain;
CIBEROBN Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid,
Clinton B. Wright, MD, MSc (345), University of Miami
Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA
Leo R. Zacharski, MD (259), Veterans Affairs Hospital,
White River Junction, VT, USA; Geisel School
of Medicine at Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA
Lorena Villalon (81), Swinburne University, Hawthorn,
VIC, Australia
Antonis Zampelas, PhD (69, 91), Agricultural University
of Athens, Athens, Greece
Gemma Xifra Villarroya (505), Hospital Dr. Josep Trueta,
Girona, Spain
Sara Zuber, MD (533), Sapienza University of Rome,
Rome, Italy
The Mediterranean diet is frequently considered a nutritional “elixir” that reduces risk factors associated with disease.
Hitherto, there has been a great deal of ambiguity about the evidence supporting the concept of the Mediterranean diet,
and there have been many unfounded myths associated with its composition and the therapeutic effectiveness of adopting
such a dietary regimen. However, the past few decades have seen major advances in the understanding of the Mediterranean
diet and its application. Unfortunately, details of the Mediterranean diet are fragmentary or unfocused with little attention to
its composition, ethos, and potential applications. These limitations have been succinctly addressed in The Mediterranean
Diet: An Evidence-Based Approach.
This book is an authoritative synopsis of many of the complex features of the Mediterranean diet, ranging from its historical basis, supportive evidence and epidemiological studies, to the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic and
other properties of individual components. This book embraces a holistic approach and effectively investigates the Mediterranean diet from the cell level to the nutritional well-being of geographical populations.
The book is divided into 4 sections:
1: The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
2: Components of the Mediterranean Diet
3: Health and Nutritional Aspects of the Mediterranean Diet
4: Novel Nutraceuticals and Edible Plants Used in the Mediterranean Region
Section 1 begins with material on the Mediterranean diet with respect to origins and evolution, nutritional adequacy,
agricultural practices, sustainability, mortality, quality of life, children and adolescents, cognitive health, cardiovascular
diseases, genomics, diet quality, nutritional knowledge and socio-economic features. There follows in Section 2 coverage
of olive oil, wine, beer, fish, nuts, minerals, melatonin, hydroxytyrosol and frying. Section 3 has material on metabolism,
metabolic syndrome, obesity and diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, brain and behavior, immunology, life stages,
organs and applications, adverse aspects, and methods for interventions with, or adherence to, the Mediterranean diet.
Finally, Section 4 deals with genetic diversity of plants, apoptotic activities of plant species, hawthorn fruit, figs, Cupressus
sempervirens and essential oils.
Contributors are authors of international and national standing, leaders in the field and trendsetters. Emerging fields of
the Mediterranean Diet science and important discoveries relating to diet and nutrition are included here. This book represents essential reading for nutritionists, dieticians, health care professionals, research scientists, biochemists, physicians,
general practitioners, and public health practitioners, as well as those interested in health in general.
Victor R. Preedy
Ronald Ross Watson
Chapter 1
On the Origins and Evolution
of the Mediterranean Diet
Yardena Arnoni, MSc and Elliot M. Berry, MD, FRCP
Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel.
Ample empirical evidence exists for the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. The nutritional benefits of the foods
incorporated in the modern Mediterranean diet have been well elucidated, and a plethora of literature has been published
to support the claims of health and disease prevention [1]. Yet the historical and biblical origins of the Mediterranean diet
remain to be emphasized. While the name itself attests to the geographical location, the composition of the original
Mediterranean diet needs to be considered in its original environment. The word diet is derived from the Greek diaeta,
meaning not just food but “way of life.” The Mediterranean diet is an interwoven, multicultural labyrinth that has developed
over time, absorbing the richness of the diverse cultures of different occupiers/conquerors while maintaining original local
The term Mediterranean diet was coined in 1960 by the American physiologist Ancel Keys and his wife Margaret in
their book How to Eat Well and Stay Well the Mediterranean Way [2]. They identified the eating behaviors of countries
such as Greece—Crete in particular—and southern Italy, with extension to other geographical areas around the
Mediterranean basin. Based on their pioneer studies, the dietary patterns of these countries were associated with longevity
and reduced rates of coronary heart disease morbidity and mortality, cancers, and other chronic diseases related to
diet in the 1960s [3,4]. The Mediterranean diet, however, did not begin in the 1960s but extends further back to
biblical times.
The world of the biblical Mediterranean diet covers regions of land connected to a sea and extending to an ocean. The
geographic and evolutionary origins of the diet are of interest because they encompass the history of Western civilization.
The rise of agriculture (domestication of crops) and animal husbandry took place from ca. 10,000 to 4000 BCE, whereas
the wheel, metallurgy, writing, and city-states arose from ca. 4000 to 1000 BCE. These essential developments in the
evolution of civilization originated in the Fertile Crescent: from Mesopotamia, the ancient Near East, Canaan, and Egypt.
The biblical period from the time of the patriarchs until King David in Jerusalem was from ca.1950 to 1000 BCE; the fall
of Troy and the Greek colonization of Ionia occurred in the twelfth century BCE and David’s capture of Jerusalem in ca.
1000 BCE.
Evidence of dietary patterns has been obtained from archaeo-botany and written records. The origins and spread of domesticated grains has been traced to the Fertile Crescent, spreading from Mesopotamia (the cradle of civilization) [5–7] (Figures 1
and 2). It seems that such food use reached the Middle East before the Greek islands. While there are many similarities
between the traditional Greek (Cretan) Mediterranean diet and that described in the Pentateuch, the differences are of interest
because they have special nutritional benefits. The Bible speaks of the seven species—wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and honey—as well as a land “flowing with milk and (date) honey” (Deuteronomy 8:8), which are,
coincidently, the basic staples of Mediterranean cuisine. In Roman times, historians recorded that the produce of the land
of Israel was of particularly high quality and was served at the best tables. Such cross-cultural influences may be seen during
the Last Supper, which possibly was a Passover seder and was itself adapted from the Greek symposium brought to the region
after the conquests of Alexander the Great in the fourth century BCE.
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
4 SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
FIGURE 1 Distribution of wild emmer (Triticum
dicoccoides) in the Near East. Solid circles represent
known sites in which wild emmer is common [7].
Reprinted with permission from Science.
FIGURE 2 Distribution of known and reasonably certain sites of wild barley [7]. Reprinted with permission from Science.
The strength of the Mediterranean diet is its connection to ancient biblical culture; it is not a transitional trend [8]. The
origin of the Mediterranean diet encompasses the history of Western civilization. In its traditional form, the food in the
region was eaten according to the season, dictated by climate and agriculture and over and above commemoration of
landmarks such as annual festivals.
Origins of the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 1
Countries were influenced by factors of religion and tradition, economics and foreign governing powers. Eating in the
Mediterranean culture surpasses the indispensable consumption of calories for energy. The social element of eating
elevated meals to become more than just a means of fulfilling biological (animal) instincts: “We do not sit at the table
only to eat, but to eat together” (quote attributed to Plutarch, 46–120 CE). On some occasions meals had a religious status,
as seen in the Jewish Sabbath, New Moon, and festival meals. These feasts were of extended duration, with special ritual
foods to mark the occasions. The dietary laws of the Bible forbade mixing milk with meat (Exod. 23:19 and 34:26; Deut.
14:21) and proscribed eating pig and shellfish, allowing only animals with a cloven hoof and that “chewed the cud” (Lev.
11:3), while fish had to have both fins and scales (Lev. 11:9). The reasons for this are not clear but might relate to eating only
those animals that were preyed upon and not predators.
Meat is neither common nor outlawed in the ancient Mediterranean diet. In biblical times, meat was generally eaten only
on special occasions, and in later Christian tradition lamb was part of the Easter meal. In the Jewish religion the law
institutes certain obligations and duties regarding the consumption of animals. The animal is killed without suffering
by a trained authority. Blood cannot be consumed; only ruminant mammals and certain birds are deemed kosher. In
the Christian tradition, the New Testament put an end to the Jewish prohibitions on food but maintained the ritual of
avoiding gluttony and greed. In Islam certain prohibitions related to meat (including not eating pork) are enforced for
it to be ordained Halal and suitable for consumption, whereas wine is forbidden.
In the biblical land “flowing with milk and (date) honey” the seven species (Exod. 3:8) were given high priority.
Archeological excavations have uncovered these products eaten during the Minoan period and dating back to the Bronze
Age civilization that arose on the island of Crete (2700–1450 BCE). Before this, in the Copper Age, plants and food from
the sea were almost the sole sources of nutrients.
Human genetic profiles have not changed significantly over the past 10,000 years, whereas lifestyle has been revolutionized.
Modern industrialized populations are characterized by reduced energy expenditure and increased energy intake. Fat intake in
the form of trans and saturated fats has increased, and there is a decreased intake of fiber, complex carbohydrates, fruits and
vegetables (vitamins and antioxidants), protein, and calcium [9]. In the United States there were three times more deaths due
to cancer and coronary heart disease than in Crete [10], and this differential has only been increasing. The Lyon Heart Study
adapted the Cretan diet for the French population and showed cardioprotective and anticancer effects, thereby demonstrating
that the Mediterranean diet can be modified to suit other populations [11]. Current trends of eating while watching television
promote unhealthy, quick meals and exclude social/family communication. Other factors that may contribute to the
Mediterranean lifestyle include a relaxing psychosocial environment, mild climate, preservation of the extended family
structure, and even a siesta [12], as well as regular activity, mainly through walking [13]. Sleep and exercise deficiencies
have been correlated with chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease [14].
A homogeneous Mediterranean diet is hard to deduce; each Mediterranean country brings its unique culture, history, and tradition to its food and eating. Diversity notwithstanding, Mediterranean regions share certain common dietary practices that
remain a firm foundation for the food consumed that is responsible for health benefits. The Keys’ research highlighted the three
primary components of the Mediterranean diet: olive oil, wine, and bread. The generic Mediterranean diet is characterized by a
high monounsaturated fat-to-saturated fat ratio, low total fat (<30%), low saturated fat (<10%), moderate alcohol intake
(essentially wine), and high intake of vegetables, fruits, legumes, and grains (complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber) [15].
Contemporary adjustments in the Mediterranean cuisine have occurred as a result of new products and influences stretching
from Asia to America with the introduction of tomatoes, potatoes, cornbeans, and cane and sugar, which, while widespread
in modern cuisine, are not native to the region. The following sections describe the health benefits of different components
of the biblical diet in addition to the conventional Mediterranean diet recommended today.
The biblical seven species—wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and date honey—together with some
indigenous foods from the Middle East, are now scientifically recognized as healthy foods, and the addition of some of
these could further enhance the benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Tables 1 and 2 detail some of the biblical and historical
references to the seven species.
6 SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
TABLE 1 Some Selected Biblical References to Fruits and Vegetables in the Mediterranean Diet
Ancient Use
Hills of Galilee and Samaria
Grown in the summer dry
season (Deuteronomy 11:4)
Olive oil was used in religious ceremonies: as an offering to God in the Tabernacle
(Exodus 29:40), in anointing of priests and kings (Exodus 29:7, Exodus 30:30,
Leviticus 8:12, I Samuel 16:13, I Kings. 1:39, Psalms 23:5)
Symbol of joy “oil of gladness” (Psalms 45:7)
Symbol of peace “And the dove came back to him in the evening, and behold, in her
mouth was a freshly plucked olive leaf” (Genesis 8:11)
Cosmetic use: “Let not oil be lacking on your head” (Ecclesiastes 9:8)
Medicinal benefit (Isaiah 1:6, Mark 6:13, Luke 10:34)
“a green olive tree, beautiful with good fruit” (Jeremiah11:16)
The trees once went out to anoint a king over them, and they said to the olive tree,
‘Reign over us.’ But the olive tree said to them, ‘Shall I leave my abundance, by which
gods and men are honored, and go hold sway over the trees?’ (Judges 9:8–9)
Southern plains and Judean
Grown in the summer dry
season (Deuteronomy 11:4)
Wine: social, cultural and nutritional value
“makes life merry” (Ecclesiastes 10:19) and gladdens the heart (Psalms 104:15)
“Grapes. . .with some of the pomegranates and the figs” (Numbers 3:23)
“wisdom has prepared her meat and mixed her wine” (Proverbs 9:1–6)
Importance of wine shown by Noah “Noah began to be a man of the soil, and he
planted a vineyard” (Genesis 9:20)
Wine as a symbol of God’s care of His People “Song of the Vineyard” (Isaiah 5)
Vineyards as a symbol of peace as in the reign of Solomon “And Judah and Israel lived
in safety, from Dan even to Beersheba, every man under his vine and under his fig
tree, all the days of Solomon” (I Kings 4:25) and “land of grain and vineyard” (II Kings
Wine was red deduced from reference connecting wine to blood “drank foaming
wine made from the blood of the grape” (Deut. 32:14) Jesus at the Last Supper “this is
my blood” (Matthew 26:27–28)
Medicinal use: “bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine” (Luke 10:34)
“use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments” (I Tim.
Moderation emphasized in Bible against intoxication “And do not get drunk with
wine, for that is debauchery” (Ephesians 5:18) and (I Peter 4:3)
Hills of Samaria
Grown in the summer dry
season (Deuteronomy 11:4)
High sugar content as a sweetener “good and sweet” (Judg. 9:11) and source of energy
“cake of pressed figs and two cakes of raisins. He ate and was revived” (I Samuel
Medicinal use “Prepare a poultice of figs and apply it to the boil”(Isaiah 28:21)
“. . .a hundred cakes of figs and a skin of wine” (2 Samuel 16:1)
Destruction of fig trees prophetic symbol of destruction of the land
“they shall eat up your vines and your fig trees” (Jer. 5:17, 8:13, Hos. 2:12)
High sugar content used as honey
“a land flowing with milk and honey” (Exodus 3:8, Deuteronomy 26:15)
“a little honey, some spices and myrrh, some pistachio nuts, and almonds” (Gen.
Medicinal use “use as a laxative and strengthen the body” (Babylonian Talmud
Tractate Ketuboth)
Spiritual symbol on the Temple “. . .carved engraved figures of cherubim and palm
trees. . .” (I Kings 6:29)
Symbol of righteous characteristics “The righteous flourish like the palm tree” (Psalms
92:12) and as one of the Four Species in the Lulav (palm branch)
Roman conquerors of Palestine embossed the date palm on coins minted in
celebration of the victory over the Jews and destruction of the Temple in 70 CE
Symbol of life in the desert where it was a sign that water was available “they took
branches of palm trees and went out to meet him” (John 12:13)
Hills of Galilee and Samaria
Religious symbolism
High priest’s robe (Exodús 28. 33–34)
Solomon’s Temple ornaments (I Kings 7:18)
Symbol of beauty “Your cheeks are like halves of a pomegranate behind your veil”
(Song of Songs 6:7)
Origins of the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 1
TABLE 2 Some Selected Biblical References to Grains in the Mediterranean Diet
Ancient Use
Near East, sown along the shores of the
Mediterranean and Judean hills
“They came to Bethlehem at the beginning of the barley harvest” (Ruth1:22)
Poor people’s food and was the last remaining grain in times of famine. (Judges
7:13; 2 Kings 4:42)
Southern plains
Passover “they baked cakes of unleavened bread” (Exodus 12:39)
Fundamental basic food “. . . all support of bread” (Isaiah 3:1) and Ezekiel 4:16
As well as the food of kings (II Kings 25:29)
Spiritual symbol: “priest gave him the holy bread, for there was no bread there
but the bread of the Presence” (I Samuel 21:6)
The Showbread (12 loaves) were placed on a gold table in the Temple (Leviticus
Blessing over bread was given by Jesus at the Last Super “Jesus took bread, and
after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples” (Matthew 26:26)
The pivotal role of bread is further emphasized by its important status and use during festivals. In the tenth century BCE,
carvings on limestone describe the harvest seasons in the land of Israel according to the Gezer calendar, which is a rhythmic
enumeration of the agricultural seasons. In the dry summer months vines were pruned; figs, dates, pomegranates, and
grapes ripened; and the wheat was harvested, whereas in the spring season barley was harvested. Wheat flour and grain
have provided the staple (breads, pitas, etc.) for different types of meals throughout the Mediterranean basin. Fresco wall
paintings at Knossos show the prime role of bread in the Cretan diet. It is the basic food, par excellence, and is at the center
of food culture in addition to its great religious meaning and social value. Cereals include wheat, barley, rye, spelt, and oats.
Barley, as opposed to wheat, contains little gluten, is coarse, and is tough to chew. The method of preparation of grains was
inventive, including kneading, fermenting, drying, baking, and cooking. Means of consumption were diverse: leavened or
unleavened bread, cornmeal (Italian polenta), and porridge (Spanish gachas), semolina, and pasta [16]. The process of bread
production in ancient times was an intense, complex process that differentiated between domesticated man and the nomad.
The olive in the form of fruit and its derivative, olive oil, is arguably the primary element of the Mediterranean diet,
maintaining its position from biblical to modern times. Definitions of the Mediterranean basin have even been ascribed
to regions where olive trees grow. When saturated fats are replaced with monounsaturated fats in the human diet, plasma
cholesterol concentrations improve [17]. In murine models of atherogenesis, the most impressive beneficial effect is shown
for extra virgin oil enriched with green tea polyphenols [18].
In ancient times olives were consumed by farmers and carried by travelers and nomads; furthermore, olives were a
popular appetizer. Romans served olives as starters and desserts in their rich banquets. The majority of fat in olive oil
contains monounsaturated fatty acids. Fat from edible olives and olive oil consists of oleic acid [c18:1, n 9] (75%),
saturated fat (15%), and polyunsaturated fat (10%). Olive oil is extracted from deeply pigmented olives that are rich in
phytonutrients, including the phenolics hydroxytyrosol and oleorupein.
In biblical times, olive oil was cold pressed and stored in dark, opaque glass containers as a means to protect the taste from
what is now known as the powerful oxidative action of sunlight. Unprocessed olive oil has the greatest antioxidant effect. Comparison of extracted phenolic compounds from extra virgin olive oil and processed olive oil showed that extra virgin olive oil has
significantly greater antioxidant effects than processed olive oil [19]. The unprocessed extra virgin olive oil of the biblical diet
had a higher concentration of antioxidants, which may prevent low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation. In addition to the
advantageous effects on blood cholesterol, olive oil also has anticarcinogenic actions [20]. It seems, therefore, that some of
the phenolic content and health benefits are reduced during the modern process of olive oil refinement.
In the Persian Gulf, going back to biblical days, dates have remained a prominent source of sweetness in the Mediterranean
cuisine. The date was a convenient source of nutrients for nomads and travelers. Fruits of the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera
8 SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
L. arecaceae) are an important dietary component in the Middle East and north Africa. Dates are an ideal high-energy food
because they contain high sugar content. They are also a good source of fiber and minerals such as calcium, iron,
magnesium, potassium, and zinc [21]. Date fruit is used in folk medicine for the treatment of various infectious diseases
and cancer [22] because of the apparent immunomodulatory activity [22], antibacterial capacity [23], and antifungal
properties that have become evident with use [24]. Furthermore, aqueous extracts of dates have been shown to have potent
antioxidant activity [25], since they inhibit in vitro lipid and protein oxidation, and possess substantial free radical
scavenging capacity.
The pomegranate has been cultivated in the Mediterranean region since ancient times and was introduced into Egypt from
Syria and from Israel around 1600 BCE. In the Bible, the coat of the high priest was adorned with pomegranates (Exod.
39:34–26). There are many quotations concerning this luscious fruit, especially in the Song of Songs: “As a piece of
pomegranate are thy temples” (6:7); “I would cause thee to drink of spiced wine and the juice of my pomegranate” (Song
of Sol. 8:2). In Greek mythology, the pomegranate was a symbol of life and rejuvenation. It has potent antioxidants,
including ellagitannin polyphenolic compounds such as punicalagins and punicalins, as well as ellagic acid and gallic acid.
Pomegranates have been shown to reduce LDL oxidation [26] and to decrease the progression of prostate cancer [27].
Furthermore, drinking just 50 mL of pomegranate juice daily for 3 months can significantly lower blood pressure by
5%. Pomegranate is a major source of most potent antioxidants (tannins, anthocyanins), and leaf extracts from pomegranate
may also be effective in weight loss since pomegranate consumption reduces fat absorption from the intestine without
affecting plasma triglycerides concentrations and is a potent nutraceutical agent against cardiovascular disease [28,29].
The fig is the fruit of lust and is believed to be an omen for fertility. The large amount of fiber in figs stimulates bowel
movement. Excavations at Gezer uncovered remains of dried figs from the Neolithic Age, and an old seed was germinated
recently from a deposit near the Dead Sea [30]. Figs are native to the Mediterranean, growing on the ficus tree (Ficus
carica), and were one of the first fruits to be cultivated. The fruit is rich in sucrose and simple sugars, minerals, and fibers
and is a good source of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, and manganese. Dried figs are popular because they
last for a long time and have a high calcium content (250 mg calcium/100 g dried fruit weight).
Vine cultivation and wine production originated in Mesopotamia. The culture of wine consumption, however, belongs to
the Mediterranean. An Egyptian inscription from 2375 BCE records how a military governor, Uni, sent troops to put down a
revolt in Israel during the reign of Pharaoh Pepi I and how they “destroyed the fortresses. . . and felled the fig trees and
vines.” A mural from the reign of Amenopsis II (fifteenth century BCE) shows the preparation of wine in Egypt by the
Apirou, considered by some to be a reference to the Hebrews [31]. From early Egyptian civilization through the times
of the Roman Empire, wine has been of importance, especially to the civilized elite. Consumption of wine in the
Mediterranean diet is subject to different cultural norms, especially in Muslim countries that prohibit wine intake. Hence,
during the period of Arab rule, vineyards in occupied regions deteriorated.
Red wine is rich in antioxidants from the flavonoid phenolics family, including cathechin, querchitin, anthocyanins, and
resveratrol. Resveratrol is a trihydroxystilbene phenolic compound found in grape seeds and skins, and it was shown to
increase blood high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, to protect against LDL oxidation, and to attenuate blood clotting [32].
Resveratrol has been reported to have antiaging effects and be protective against carcinogenesis [33].
In the Mediterranean culture, wine is consumed as part of a meal, whereas Western cultures may consume wine
independent of meals. Alcohol consumption unaccompanied by food leads to rapid alcohol absorption and increases the risk
of intoxication. It is of interest that the Rambam (Maimonides) noted the health benefits of wine more than 800 years ago [34].
The lower antioxidant activity of white wines compared to red wines lies in the reduced amount of polyphenols
extracted from the grape skin; red wine is prepared after spending a long time (1 month) in contact with the grape
skin. The potent antioxidant activity of an Israeli red wine also was demonstrated in a study of a UK wine, where
the antioxidant capability of the UK wine was lower than that of the Israeli wine. Flavonols are potent polyphenolic
antioxidants, and this may explain the above results. There is wide variation in the flavonol content of different red wines
Origins of the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 1
throughout the world, and the amount of sunlight to which the grapes are exposed during cultivation, when flavonols are
synthesized, is a major determinant of production of flavonols in grapes. Thus, the climatic conditions under which
grapes are grown could explain the fivefold increased content of flavonols in and the higher antioxidant potency of
the specific Israeli red wine studied compared to the UK wine [35].
The Mediterranean diet, particularly that from Crete, has a balanced intake of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids—omega
6 and omega 3—in a ratio of 2:1, in contrast to the much higher ratios observed in the diets of western and northern Europe
and the United States [9]. In the traditional Mediterranean diet a sweet tooth was satisfied by intake of carobs and figs
stuffed with walnuts as a snack.
During the Roman persecution, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and his son survived, according to tradition, for 13 years in a
cave by eating carobs and dates and drinking water [36]. Carob is a legume native to the Mediterranean. The word carob is
derived from the Arab kharrub and means “pod”; it also gave the name carat to the measure of gold. Carob beans can be
dried, ground, and roasted to produce carob flour or powder. Carob is caffeine free and naturally sweet; it is a rich source of
calcium and potassium and smaller amounts of iron and some B vitamins. Insoluble fiber extracted from carob pulp has
been shown to have beneficial effects, lowering LDL cholesterol and triglycerides [37].
Nut consumption has an inverse relationship with risk for cardiovascular diseases [38]. Nuts are rich in protein, fiber,
phytonutrients, and polyphenolic antioxidants, as well as monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Walnuts in particular have a high content of omega 3 fatty acids, in addition to high amounts of fiber, B vitamins,
magnesium, and several types of antioxidants. Walnuts are reported to be active in improving blood vessel elasticity
and in reducing atherosclerotic plaque accumulation, LDL cholesterol concentration in blood, and the inflammatory
C-reactive protein biomarker [39]. Peanuts were shown to contain the flavonoid resveratrol (about 70 mg per ounce of
peanuts), whereas almonds contain the flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol. Nuts are a rich source of fiber, vitamin E,
and phytochemicals such as ellagic acid, flavonoids, phenolics, luteolin, isoflavones, and tocotrienols. They are also an
excellent source of magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, riboflavin, niacin, and folic acid.
Western lifestyle has penetrated Mediterranean regions, whether by a welcome invitation or via indirect diffusion through
economic globalization and modern industrialization [40]. An obesogenic environment, characterized by easily available
concentrated sugar and high-fat foods along with activity-reducing habits, has infiltrated the territory of the Mediterranean
basin and broken the traditions of family-centered, season-orientated meals. Adoption of a food pyramid with an emphasis
on traditional biblical food would be beneficial [8] (Figures 1–3). From biblical times through the centuries, the
Mediterranean diet has been able to adapt and incorporate the beneficial food and customs of different foreign rules. In
modern times and in the future, the role of the Mediterranean diet may be to add to its proven health benefits by
incorporating biblical foods, with their respective health benefits, within the diet and lifestyle.
The Mediterranean diet is reviewed in the context of history and culture.
The ancient Mediterranean diet focuses on the seven biblical species—wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives,
and date honey—together with other indigenous foods from the Middle East. These have been shown to have beneficial
health properties.
The original, traditional Mediterranean lifestyle involves physical activity and communal meals.
Adopting such habits and including biblical foods in the Mediterranean diet will help combat the obesogenic
environment and counter the risks of the noncommunicable diseases of modern life.
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
FIGURE 3 Proposed additions of biblical components
to the Mediterranean diet pyramid.
The authors thank Dr. Sig Geller for editorial revision.
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[chapter 6].
Chapter 2
Nutritional Adequacy of the
Mediterranean Diet
Itandehui Castro-Quezada, MSc1,2, Blanca Román-Viñas, MD, PhD2,3 and Lluı́s Serra-Majem, MD, PhD1,2,3
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. 2 CIBER Fisiopatologia Obesidad y Nutrición, Instituto de Salud Carlos
III, Lourdes, Spain. 3 Fundación para la Investigación Nutricional, University of Barcelona Science Park, Barcelona, Spain.
adequate intake
average nutrient requirement
estimated average requirement
individual nutrient level
Institute of Medicine
Mediterranean diet score in children
Mediterranean dietary pattern
monounsaturated fatty acids
nutrient adequacy ratio
nutrient intake values
saturated fatty acids
upper nutrient level
Western dietary pattern
In recent years there has been an increased interest in finding a dietary pattern that fulfills the nutritional requirements of a
population. Assessing the quality of a diet to establish nutritional recommendations for individuals or populations is a
priority [1]. Nutrient requirements are traditionally based on the minimum amount of a nutrient needed by an individual
to avoid deficiency and are defined by the physiological needs of the body. Alternatively, the requirement can be defined as
the intake at which health is optimal, including the prevention of chronic diet-related diseases [2].
The Mediterranean diet is recognized as a healthy dietary pattern [3]. It is characterized by a beneficial fatty acid profile
with large amounts of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and a higher MUFA-to-saturated fatty acid (SFA) ratio than
Western-type dietary patterns [4,5]. In addition, consumption of a small amount of carbohydrates [5], combined with elevated intake of dietary fiber [6] and antioxidants [7,8], may work together to produce favorable effects on health status.
Greater adherence to a Mediterranean diet has been related to a reduced risk of all causes of mortality, as well as lower
incidence of or mortality from cardiovascular diseases, certain types of cancer, neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson’s
and Alzheimer’s disease), and type 2 diabetes [9,10].
Nutritional adequacy can be estimated by the comparison between the nutrient requirement and a certain individual’s or
population’s intake. Because neither the real intake nor the real requirement for one individual is known, the assessment of
the adequacy of an individual’s or population’s nutrient intake can be calculated as the probability of adequacy [1,11].
Rapid changes in diets and lifestyles resulting from industrialization, urbanization, economic development, and market
globalization are having a significant effect on the health and nutritional status of populations [12]. Countries such as Spain
and Italy have demonstrated a downward trend in adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern in recent decades [13,14].
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
The Mediterranean diet by the consumption of virgin olive oil, fruits, vegetables, whole-meal cereals, and fish, used to
be rich in vitamins and minerals, making the risk of deficient micronutrient intakes quite infrequent. This could explain why
inadequate intake of the vitamins such as B1, B2, niacin, B6, folates, or B12 were rare and intake of antioxidant vitamins
(vitamins E and C) and carotenes were high in the Mediterranean basin [15,16]. The changes in the traditional Mediterranean diet in recent decades, however, include the incorporation of low nutrient-dense foods (such as soft drinks, sweets,
bakery products) and variations in food processing methods (for example the refinement of flour). This transition has contributed to an increased risk of deficient intakes of some vitamins, especially folates and vitamins A and D, in particular
among certain vulnerable population groups or collectives [15,16].
In 2011, Román-Viñas et al. [17] estimated the prevalence of inadequate nutrient intake in Europe using nutrient intake
published data. The analysis of a number of micronutrients among adult and elderly European populations showed a mean
prevalence of inadequate intake for zinc, iron, and vitamin B12 among 11% or less of the elderly population and a prevalence between 11% and 20% for inadequate copper intake in the adult and elderly populations, inadequate vitamin B12 in
the adult population, and inadequate vitamin C in elderly Europeans. Finally, vitamin D, folic acid, calcium, selenium, and
iodine were micronutrients with a prevalence of inadequacy in more than 21% of the adults and elderly; vitamin C had this
prevalence of inadequacy only in the adult population [17]. Therefore surveillance of nutrient adequacy in Europe is needed
to identify population groups at nutritional risk [11].
Nutritional adequacy can be used to determine the risk of deficiency of a nutrient in terms of low intake or high intake;
for example, the adverse effects of high levels of sodium intake may be applicable to reducing the risk of certain chronic
diseases or conditions such as hypertension [11,18]. The complexity of the relationships between dietary intake and
pathology, however, cannot be attributed to a single nutrient but rather to multiple nutrients and foods. Thus the correct
exposure should be measured to understand such a relationship. Furthermore, not only nutrients but also foods—and the
interaction between them—are of concern for this kind of evaluation. Food pattern analysis is a key issue when investigating the relationship between nutrition and disease [11,19].
Increasing intake of nutrients
Risk of excess
Risk of inadequacy
The quality of a diet can be assessed in terms of nutrient intake and the level of compliance with nutrient requirements or in
terms of food or food group intake and diet patterns [20,21]. Traditionally, as a consequence of the necessity of meeting the
body’s needs for certain nutrients and avoiding deficiencies, nutrient intake assessment in populations has compared intake
against the requirement for the nutrient. Different types of analyses are used to evaluate the nutrient adequacy of a diet. The
method used depends on the purpose of the analysis (to evaluate individuals or a population), the nutrient being studied, and
the type of distribution of the intakes [21]. Obviously, the recommendations used for the comparison are country specific
and evidence based [11].
Recommended nutrient intake values (NIVs) vary between countries in the amount of nutrients and the terms used to
describe the requirement [22]. Using the NIVs as a common set of terms and definitions, as a standardized terminology has
been proposed by a group of experts from United Nations University (UNU), in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The
NIVs include three terms: the average nutrient requirement (ANR), the individual nutrient level (INLx), and the upper
nutrient level (UNL) (Figure 1) [23].
FIGURE 1 Nutrient intake values and the risk of nutrient
inadequacy or excess, showing the average nutrient
requirement (1), the individual nutrient level (2), and the upper
nutrient level (3). Adapted from the Institute of Medicine [18].
Nutritional Adequacy and Mediterranean Diet Chapter 2
The ANR is defined as the average or median usual intake value that is estimated to meet the requirement for a specific criterion in a group at a certain life stage or of a particular sex. The ANR is equivalent to the estimated average requirement (EAR)
used by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). The INLx is the recommended nutrient level for all healthy individuals in a specific
subpopulation. The committees frequently add two standard deviations to the ANR, which covers the needs of most of the
population (i.e., 98%), assuming that the distribution is symmetrical. The INL98 is equivalent to the recommended dietary
allowance used by the IOM. Most nutrients have an UNL that is the highest daily intake that can be tolerated without risk of
adverse health effects [11,23,24]. The term used by the IOM is tolerable upper intake level. Finally, an adequate intake (AI)
is estimated if there is not enough scientific evidence to establish values for an ANR or INLx. The AI has been included in
IOM recommendations but not in the standardized terminology proposed by the UNU [11,24]. These nutritional requirements
are applied to both the nutritional assessment and the planning of dietary interventions on an individual and population-based
level [1].
Although the first dietary recommended intakes were published in 1940 [25], little or no guidance on how to use
them was given until the IOM published guidelines in 2000 describing how requirements where derived and their
application. Even with these guidelines, not all researchers follow such advice; they apply the nutritional requirements
in different ways to assess nutritional intake adequacy [1,11]. According to the IOM, the prevalence of inadequate
intakes for groups can be estimated using two methods: the probability approach and the EAR (ANR) cut-point method
The probability approach requires estimating the probability of inadequate intakes for each individual in a population
subgroup, averaging the probabilities, and then using this average as an estimate of the prevalence of inadequacy [21]. The
EAR cut-point method measures the prevalence of inadequate intakes as the proportion of the population with usual intakes
below the ANR (or EAR). However, the EAR cut-point method requires the following conditions to be fulfilled: intakes and
requirements for the nutrient being studied must be independent, nutrient requirements must be distributed symmetrically,
and the variance of the distribution of requirements should be smaller than the variance of the usual intake distribution [27].
However, the relationship between dietary intake and disease is complex and cannot be reduced to the study of the effect
that certain nutrients have on health. Not only nutrients but also foods and the interactions between them are of concern for
such an evaluation. The first methods used to assess nutritional adequacy was the association between a combination of
nutrients or foods and health [19]. The nutrient adequacy ratio (NAR) is an index of adequacy that compares an individual’s
daily intake of a nutrient with the INL98 for that nutrient [28]. Mean adequacy ratio calculates the average for the NARs for the
selected nutrients for a certain subject [28].
Diet indexes are known as a priori defined because they are based on previous knowledge of nutrition (dietary
guidelines or recommendations). The so-called a posteriori approach consists of defining food patterns once the
dietary data are collected and using statistical analyses to identify the current relevant food patterns within the study
population [11,19]. The main statistical procedures used to analyze dietary data and identify dietary patterns are known
as factor analysis or cluster analysis [29]. Both a priori hypothesis-oriented diet indices and a posteriori-defined patterns have been related to the incidence of health outcomes (hard clinical end points) and biomarkers in epidemiological or clinical studies. Some of these dietary patterns have been related to nutrient adequacy [11]. This
approach parallels a validation study based on the rationale that if the classification of participants according to their
adherence to the dietary pattern is able to determine whether they fail to reach the optimal nutrient intake, the use of the
dietary pattern is sufficiently valid [19]. Some a priori-defined diet indices have been correlated with the adequacy of
certain nutrients, for example, the revised Diet Quality Index [30], Healthy Eating Index [31], Dietary Diversity Score
[32], and the Food Variety Score [33].
Similarly, the Mediterranean diet has been quantified in several diet indices established a priori as an attempt to
globally evaluate the quality of the diet based on a traditional Mediterranean reference pattern [34]. For example, the
Mediterranean Adequacy Index (MAI) is obtained by dividing the sum of the percentage of total energy from typical
Mediterranean food groups by the sum of the percentage of total energy from atypical Mediterranean food groups. It
was developed to assess how close a diet is to the Healthy Reference National Mediterranean Diet. Alberti et al.
[35] found that MAI values of diets consumed by elderly participants from 10 European countries followed for 10 years
were inversely associated with total mortality (HR: 0.83; 95% CI: 0.75–0.92). Serra-Majem et al. [36] developed the
KIDMED (Mediterranean diet score in children) index to assess the adequacy of Mediterranean dietary patterns (MDPs)
in children and young people; the results are discussed later in the section “Mediterranean Diet in Children and Nutritional Adequacy.”
Referring to the a posteriori-defined analysis, the studies evaluating the adequacy of nutrient intake associated with
dietary patterns showed that the prudent pattern (defined by factor analysis as a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes,
whole grains, and fish) was valid for assessing the intake adequacy of a-carotene, lycopene, and lutein for men [37]
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
and b-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and folic acid for women [38]. Despite the method used to identify dietary patterns,
vitamin B12 and vitamin E were found to be the micronutrients with lower probabilities of being effectively assessed. Nevertheless, scientific evidence shows that diet indices are tools with fair to moderate validity for assessing micronutrient
intake adequacy [11,19].
The MDP and the Western dietary pattern (WDP) differ not only in terms of food intake characteristics but also when
nutrient adequacy is the comparative point. The relationship between nutrient adequacy and these two dietary patterns
was recently assessed in a Mediterranean country by the Seguimiento de la Universidad de Navarra cohort study. In this
study, the probability of adequate intake of nutrients was estimated using a probability approach and NIVs [5].
In Table 1 are shown the correlation coefficients between food consumption and factors representing both patterns. The
WDP was positively correlated with the intake of red and processed meat, eggs, sauces, precooked food, fast food, energy
drinks, sweets, full-fat dairy products, and potatoes and negatively correlated with the consumption of low-fat dairy products.
Higher adherence to the WDP showed the highest percentages of individuals with noncompliance to recommendations for
iodine, vitamin E, magnesium, iron, vitamin A, selenium, vitamin C, and folic acid. Furthermore, when adherence to the WDP
was higher, the number of unmet nutrient intakes increased (Figure 2). Subjects in the highest quintile of the WDP had a 2.5fold increased risk for 10 unmet NIVs when compared to the WDP group with the lowest adherence [15].
The food groups identified in the MDP were olive oil, poultry, fish, low-fat dairy products, legumes, fruits, and vegetables [5]. Higher adherence to the MDP was associated with a lower percentage of energy coming from total fat and SFA.
The ratio of MUFA to SFA increased with increased adherence to the MDP (P for trend <0.001). Protein intake (as a percentage of energy) increased across categories of adherence to the MDP. Carbohydrate intake was low (43–44%), showing
TABLE 1 Correlation Between Baseline Food Consumption and Factors Representing Mediterranean and Western
Dietary Patterns in the Seguimiento de la Universidad de Navarra Cohort Study (n ¼ 17,197)
Dietary Patterns
Food Groupsa
Factor 1 (Western)b
Factor 2 (Mediterranean)b
Olive oil
Red meat
Processed meat
Precooked food
Fast food
Caloric soft drinks
Commercial sweets
Whole-fat dairy
Low-fat dairy
Values are presented in grams per day. bCorrelation coefficients <0.3 were omitted for simplicity.
Adapted from Serra-Majem et al. [5]
Nutritional Adequacy and Mediterranean Diet Chapter 2
FIGURE 2 Mean number of nutrients with intakes not meeting
recommended levels across quintiles of Western dietary
pattern score. Adapted from Serra-Majem et al. [5].
Mean* NIVs not met
Quintiles of adherence to the Western dietary pattern
*Adjusted for age and sex
FIGURE 3 Mean number of nutrients with intakes not meeting
recommended levels across quintiles of Mediterranean dietary
pattern score. Adapted from Serra-Majem et al. [5].
Mean* NIVs not met
Quintiles of adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern
*Adjusted for age and sex
a similar value across all the quintiles; on the other hand, consumption of dietary fiber increased according to the levels of
adherence to the MDP. All the nutrients studied (except sodium) showed increasing values with increasing quintiles of
adherence to the MDP. Therefore, subjects with a higher score for the MDP had a better nutrient profile, and a lower proportion of individuals showed inadequate intakes of micronutrients (Figure 3). Subjects in the highest quintile of the MDP
had a lower risk of failing to meet 10 NIVs [OR: 0.02 (95% CI: 0.00–0.16, P for trend <0.001] when compared to the
lowest category of adherence to MDP [5].
The MDP had similarities with the healthiest patterns (prudent [37,39], healthy [38], and health-conscious [40] patterns)
defined in non-Mediterranean countries: a positive correlation with intakes of fruits, green leafy vegetables, poultry, and fish
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
and certain lifestyle habits such as not smoking and being more physically active [41]. When the association of the dietary
patterns with their nutrient intake profiles was analyzed, however, differences arose, especially in relation to fat intake. The
prudent and healthy patterns had lower intakes of total and saturated fat [37,42,43], and some studies found even lower intakes
of MUFAs [42,43]. Healthy patterns showed higher percentages of energy coming from proteins and carbohydrates and lower
percentages of energy coming from fat [38,44] when comparing the highest quintile with the lowest.
In 2011, Maillot et al. [45] conducted a study that applied individual diet modeling in a representative sample of French
adults to evaluate the smallest dietary changes needed to fulfill a whole set of nutrient recommendations for each individual.
They found that including foods typically found in the Mediterranean diet was strictly necessary to achieve French nutrient
recommendations. Therefore, MDP was directly associated with the MUFA-to-SFA ratio, showing a healthier profile for
the quality of fat intake when compared to other studies conducted in non-Mediterranean countries. Furthermore, as
adherence to the Mediterranean diet increases, the probability of nonfulfillment of nutrient recommendations decreases [5].
The Mediterranean dietary pattern has also been associated with nutritional adequacy in children. The enKid study was a
cross-sectional study conducted in Spain that assessed 3166 individuals aged from 6 to 24 years [46]. A short questionnaire
was used to evaluate the quality of the Mediterranean diet (KIDMED Index) (Table 2). This tool allowed us to classify the
food intake of subjects into three categories of the Mediterranean diet quality (poor, medium, or high) [47]. The nutrient
intake adequacy was estimated as the percentage of population with intakes less than two-thirds of the recommended
nutrient intakes (<2/3 INL).
TABLE 2 KIDMED Test to Assess Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
Eats a fruit or drinks fruit juice every day
Eats a second fruit every day
Eats fresh or cooked vegetables regularly once a day
Eats fresh or cooked vegetables more than once a day
Consumes fish regularly (at least 2–3/week)
Goes to a fast food restaurant (hamburgers) >1 time/week
Likes legumes and eats them >1 time/week
Consumes pasta or rice almost every day (5 servings/week)
Eats cereals or grains (bread, etc.) for breakfast
Consumes nuts regularly (at least 2–3 times/week)
Uses olive oil at home
Skips breakfast
Eats a dairy product for breakfast (yogurt, milk, etc.)
Has commercially baked goods or pastries for breakfast
Eats two yogurts and/or some cheese (40 g) daily
Eats sweets and candy several times every day
KIDMED Index Score
Adherence to Mediterranean Diet
3 points
4–7 points
8 points
Adapted from Serra-Majem et al. [36].
Nutritional Adequacy and Mediterranean Diet Chapter 2
Serra-Majem et al. found in the enKid study that total energy intake tend to increase according to the KIDMED Index in
male adolescents aged 15 to 24 years. In children and adolescents the consumption of fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium,
potassium, phosphorus, and vitamins, with the exception of vitamin E, increased according to the KIDMED Index. The
proportion of children with inadequate intake of calcium, iron, and vitamins A and C (in girls), magnesium, and vitamin
B6 (excluding boys aged 6–14 years), and decreased when the quality of the Mediterranean diet increased (Table 3) [36].
The high nutritional quality of the Mediterranean diet contributes to the health benefits that have been ascribed to this
dietary model. For this reason, in addition to better dietary fat quality and the increased quantity of antioxidants [7,48,49],
we may consider nutritional adequacy as another favorable component of the Mediterranean diet. The enKid study demonstrated that when the level of adhesion to a Mediterranean diet model is optimal, there is a reduced risk of inadequate
intakes, thus making fortification and supplementation of almost all vitamins and minerals unnecessary. Therefore, health
promotion strategies should be prioritized to promote the Mediterranean diet instead of alternatives such as fortification or
supplementation [27,50].
In recent decades changes in the adherence to the MDP have contributed to the risk of inadequate intake of nutrients in
the population.
Nutritional adequacy should be assessed by comparing usual nutrient intake estimates with recommendations.
However, dietary patterns may also be used because they correlate quite well with nutritional adequate intakes.
The Mediterranean diet has similarities with other healthy dietary patterns; however, individuals with higher adherence
to an MDP show a healthier profile of fat intake.
When adherence to an MDP is high, the probability of fulfilling the nutrient recommendations increases.
Health promotion strategies should prioritize the promotion of the Mediterranean diet instead of alternatives such as
fortification or supplementation.
TABLE 3 Percentage of Inadequate Intakes (<2/3 INL) in School Children According to Adherence to the
Mediterranean Diet
KIDMED Index for Children Aged 6-14 Years (Male/Female)
Poor quality: score
3 (%)
Medium quality: score
4–7 (%)
High quality: score 8 (%)
P for trend
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Adapted from Serra-Majem et al. [36].
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
[1] Román-Viñas B, Serra-Majem L, Ribas-Barba L, Ngo J, Garcı́a-Álvarez A, Wijnhoven TM, et al. Overview of methods used to evaluate the adequacy
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Chapter 3
Agricultural Practices in the Mediterranean:
A Case Study in Southern Spain
J. Jesús Casas, PhD, Santiago Bonachela, PhD, Francisco J. Moyano, PhD, Encarnación Fenoy, MD and Joaquı́n
Hernández, PhD
University of Almerı´a ceiA3, Almerı´a, Spain.
before present
Common Agrarian Policy
electrical conductivity (dS m 1)
European Union
marketable crop production over total crop irrigation water supply (kg m 3)
ratio of irrigation water supply to crop water requirements
The current patterns and processes in environmental and sociocultural issues of the Mediterranean Region cannot be
understood without taking into account the deep transformation produced by human activities across the Mediterranean
since the Neolithic agricultural revolution [1,2].
Various authors—artists, historians, and ecologists—mainly from north-central Europe, have thought of this region as a
“ruined landscape” or “lost Eden” [1]. This idea mainly stems from the perception that a pristine nature, rich in exuberant
forests, was destroyed over 10 millennia of unsustainable use of resources by humans [3,4]. Despite much evidence supporting
this view, it seems to be somewhat fragmentary. Indeed, a great body of knowledge also indicates that the nature of the Mediterranean region was not always such an “Eden” because of pure natural environmental constraints [1]. Other authors have
adopted an approach midway between these two perceptions. For instance, Blondel and Aronson [5] view human populations
as “sculptures of Mediterranean landscapes”: to them, the conspicuous anthropogenic transformations of the environment
have often determined complex socio-ecosystems characterized by high levels of both wild and domesticated biodiversity
and equipped with an outstanding resilience after millennia of interaction between human and natural processes.
Other authors went beyond claiming, either explicitly [6] or implicitly [3,7], that a complex “co-evolution” shaped these
interactions through long-lasting and constantly evolving land use practices. Reciprocal evolutionary changes between
interacting parts summarize the common essence of the various concepts of co-evolution. There is much evidence of evolutionary changes in domesticated and wild Mediterranean species, either through direct selection or, indirectly, by means
of habitat alterations by humans [5]; the putative effects on humans, however, remain a matter difficult to disentangle. The
“gen-cultural co-evolution” hypothesis might help enlighten this co-evolutionary view. This is a part of the more general
“niche construction” theory, which focuses on the capacity of some species, particularly humans, to modify natural
selection by changing their environment and thereby acting as co-directors of their own evolution and that of other species
[8], which may confer stability to the entire system [9]. Accordingly, the profound cultural changes (including technology,
diet, and social organization) that occurred in the Mediterranean region since the Neolithic agricultural revolution are likely
to have acted as self-selective filters for humans, leading to highly resilient traditional socio-agro ecosystems.
During the past 100 years, however, the intensification of agricultural activities has induced profound alterations in
traditional socio-agro ecosystems. Under the production paradigm that aimed at the “green revolution” worldwide, new
science-driven technologies—that is, new cultivars; massive use of mineral fertilizers, pesticides, and hormones; and
mechanization—have dominated agriculture [10], resulting in conspicuous increases in productivity but producing
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
numerous environmental drawbacks. These are likely to disrupt the presumed resilience mechanisms of the traditional
Mediterranean socio-agro ecosystems and their provision of tangible and intangible goods and services to humans.
It was not until the mid-1980s that a general concern about environmental and health problems pushed scientists and
policymakers to formulate the current paradigm of agricultural sustainability, that is, maintaining or increasing food
productivity with minimal adverse effects on the environment to promote the persistence of the whole system [11].
Despite the progress in food output originated by the production paradigm, its main goal of eradicating hunger was not
globally fulfilled [10]. In industrialized as well as in many developing countries, a parallel transition toward calorie-rich
diets has been associated with increasing incidence of obesity-related diseases [11]. This undesirable dietary transition
also has been consistently detected in Mediterranean countries during the past 30 years, particularly in the European
ones [12].
This chapter gives a region-wide perspective of agricultural practices and their consequences on productivity and environmental and health issues. However, for most detailed information we focus on Andalusia (southern Spain), a region well
known by the authors. Thus, this review embraces the following topics: (i) a brief description of the environmental and
cultural determinants of agriculture in this region; (ii) a description of the recent changes in agricultural practices associated
with intensification/extensification trends; and (iii) a description of recent trends in practices that apply specifically to three
distinct farming systems producing dietetically valued foods typically related to the Mediterranean diet—the extensive
Iberian pig production system, the olive production system, and the greenhouse vegetable agro industry.
Mediterranean agriculture is characterized by its remarkably high diversity of crop species and varieties. This could be
explained as the result of two interacting factors: (i) the position of this region as the crossroads of successive indigenous
and nearby civilizations, leading to an intense exchange of species; and (ii) its outstanding environmental heterogeneity
promoted by its transitional climate, which is affected by interactions between mid-latitude and tropical processes, as well
as its complex topography, coastline, and lithology, all of which have fostered the successful establishment of many crops.
Thus, many species, including citrus, apples, apricots, cherries, hazelnuts, walnuts, sugar cane, bananas, rice, spinach,
aubergines, and carrots, seem to have been imported from the Middle East, Asia, or India by the armies of Alexander
the Great, the Romans, and later by the medieval travels of Christians and Muslims [13,14]. At the onset of the Modern
Age, the exploration of the Americas initiated by Christopher Columbus prompted the intense trans-Atlantic commerce that
greatly improved the wealth of Mediterranean agriculture with valuable crops such as maize, potatoes, squash, beans,
peppers, and tomatoes.
Since the dawn of agriculture—ca.11,500 years BP (a conservative estimation)—civilizations that flourished around the
Mediterranean Sea have struggled with the scarcity and irregular availability of water and their consequences: fire and
severe floods and droughts. Thus, agricultural practices have fundamentally evolved in this region to cope with fluctuating
environmental conditions, eventually leading to management packages adapted to confer stability to the socio-agro
systems. This does not mean that traditional Mediterranean agro systems were exempt from disequilibrium crises over
their lengthy trajectory, but it is also true that Mediterranean productivity has been sustained across eight millennia of
agricultural land use as a consequence of human and environmental resilience [3].
Fire seems to be a foundational farming practice in the Mediterranean, as well as in other agricultural centers worldwide.
The onset of the Holocene was characterized by fire expansion, possibly favored by increasing seasonality. This might have
promoted the spread of most early domesticated cereals and legumes, as well as animals dependent on herbaceous plants, by
preserving open grasslands and limiting the encroachment of trees, as is currently practised in some Mediterranean
agro-pastoral systems [1]. If true, Neolithic communities might have taken advantage of this setting to manage their local
resources using wildfires and/or prescribed burns [15]. Fire became more frequent and clearly associated to human
activities from the onset of the Bronze Age until present, and it seems to be synchronous with the development of
slash-and-burn agriculture, animal husbandry, and mining activities [16].
Irrigation revolutionized farming productivity, promoted food security, and gave rise to the exuberant Mesopotamian
and Egyptian civilizations. Although initially dependent on natural irrigation (river floods), irrigation schemes (similar to
the present standards) were soon developed and used in these two regions as far back as 7000 years BP. In the Nile
floodplain, water-lifting devices or the construction of high-waterhead canal systems fed a highly resilient and complex
system of perennial irrigation independent of river floods [17]. The methods invented were refined with time and gradually
spread throughout the region, primarily by Phoenicians, Greeks, and Romans, who incorporated their own contributions
Agricultural Practices in the Mediterranean Chapter 3
[18]. Under Roman rule, hydraulic structures spread throughout the region—dams, reservoirs, cisterns, canals, and
aqueducts—for domestic and irrigation purposes, and many of them are still in use. During the Middle Age Islamic period,
many of these infrastructures were maintained or improved to expand irrigated land, particularly after the introduction of
crops with high water demand (e.g., rice, sugar cane, citrus) [1].
Traditional farming systems were essentially consolidated until the Renaissance. Butzer [7] highlights the remarkably
sophisticated risk-reducing strategies of these traditional systems to cope with environmental fluctuations and fit into the
local environmental mosaic. As mentioned by Butzer, this traditional farming was based in four components:
(a) Rain-fed, less frequently irrigated, outfield cultivation of a selection of cereals and legumes suited for local soils and
climates in biennial or triennial cycles of crop rotation, including fallow and/or intercropping to maintain or restore soil
fertility, to improve water-use efficiency, and to reduce disease and pest risks
(b) Irrigated cultivation of various green vegetables and condiments in kitchen or market gardens, which diversified and
buffered the diet during the prolonged summer droughts
(c) Vineyards, olive groves, and fruit tree orchards: Intercropping fruit trees and herbaceous crops was the norm,
particularly in areas with gentle slopes, where this practice and terracing confer additional advantages for preventing
soil erosion
(d) Animal husbandry mainly exploited household animals, hens, pigs, and, more rarely, cattle, together with pack animals
(donkeys, mules, oxen) and goats and sheep herds, all ensuring diverse and flexibly available sources of proteins (eggs,
dairy products, meat), wool, leather, and manure. Herding of sheep and goats and sometimes pigs was practised in
mountainous communes and/or by grazing on stubble after harvest or in fallow areas to provide manure. Livestock
often were moved seasonally in ascending/descending transhumant cycles, a buffer remedy to summer droughts in
lowlands and winter frost on mountains.
In a broad sense, the Mediterranean region is characterized by cyclic alternative periods of agricultural intensification and
deintensification [7]. During periods ruled by the hegemony of Phoenicians, Greeks, and, in particular, Romans, the
sociopolitical integration of the region and economic stability propelled commercial success, which in turn stimulated
an intensification of the rural economy (i.e., wheat, olive oil, and wine) and population growth. But these surges alternated
with periods of sociopolitical disintegration and a slowdown in trade and agricultural activities.
The technological advances during the twentieth century, primarily in mechanization, crop varieties, chemical fertilization, and pest, weed, and disease control, have determined an unprecedented growth in agricultural production
worldwide. However, the intensification of Mediterranean agriculture during the last century was relatively low compared
to that of northern Europe (Table 1) because of idiosyncrasies that stem from the relatively high abundance of areas with
unfavorable soils, precipitation, and topography, in addition to sociopolitical constraints. Thus, at the regional scale a
geographical polarization in farming intensification has taken place in most Mediterranean countries in the European Union
(EU), driven by the concentration of intensive farming in the most easily accessible fertile irrigated lowlands, whereas the
traditional/extensive systems were gradually abandoned in the highly inaccessible mountainous areas because of their low
economic competitiveness [19]. Abandoning farmland in upland zones has resulted in a reduction of soil erosion due to
vegetation recolonization but increasing incidence of fire, whereas erosion and general landscape degradation affected
abandoned fields in semi-arid environments [20]. However, during the 1990s the CAP (EU Common Agrarian Policy),
together with the strengthening of national and international markets, with increasing demand for Mediterranean products,
encouraged the expansion and intensification (i.e., high tree density and irrigation) of almond and olive orchards and
vineyards into marginal slopping lands, which leads to increased soil erosion [21].
Irrigation practices are pivotal for agricultural intensification in Mediterranean regions. Thus, irrigation represents
between 70% and 80% of the total water withdrawal in Mediterranean countries, with the overall irrigated area
accounting for more than 16 Mha, and during the 1980s and 1990s, irrigation increased by 3 Mha [22]. This expansion
has caused conspicuous overexploitation problems of surface and groundwater: massive river regulation and pollution;
wetland loss and degradation; and groundwater depletion, nitrate contamination, and saline water intrusion in coastal
aquifers [23].
The effects of agricultural intensification on the environment and human welfare have created growing public concern
that has been reflected in the latest EU CAP reforms, starting with the Agenda-2000 package [19]. CAP reforms envisage an
increased emphasis toward targeted agro-environmental measures to promote low-input systems, which seem to have
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
TABLE 1 Indicators of Agricultural Intensification in Selected Northern and Mediterranean EU Countries
Total Consumption of Mineral N Fertilizers (kg ha 1)a
Sales of Pesticides (kg Active Ingredient ha 1)a,b
Northern countries
Mediterranean countries
Surface area corresponds to total utilized agricultural area. bData correspond to means of at least 3 years within each period of 10 years, depending on data
availability (own calculations).
Source: EUROSTAT Agri-environmental statistics 2010.
succeed in reversing or slowing down overall European agricultural intensification during the past two decades (see
Table 1). Policy changes also have created a favorable framework for the development of organic farming, which was
regulated and granted subsidies in EU Mediterranean countries during the 1990s. There are currently more than 5 Mha
of land dedicated to organic farming in the Mediterranean region [24].
The dehesa agroforestry ecosystem is characterized by a combination of woodland and natural pastures that occupy more
than 3 Mha in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, of which 2.7 Mha are located in Spain (1 Mha in Andalusia;
Figure 1). The dehesa ecosystem is the result of human action in the Mediterranean forest over thousands of years to obtain
large grazing surfaces and also is characterized by the presence of arboreal species of Quercus (Q. rotundifolia and
Q. suber) at a density of 30–50 trees ha 1, with an understory composed of croplands, grasslands, and shrublands [25].
The shrub species and other less profitable herbaceous species have been eliminated by human actions to make better
use of the resources. The dehesa is characterized by a Mediterranean semiarid climate, with average precipitation ranging
from 300 to 800 mm year 1 and with dry summers and cold winters. Such conditions determine the level of grass productivity, which has two peak production periods in spring and autumn. The presence of hard and acid substrates with silica,
granite, or slate rocks results in shallow soils containing a small amount of organic matter and phosphorus, nitrogen, and
potassium deficiencies. Under these conditions, arable farming is not possible or profitable, and the only possible form of
rational, productive, and sustainable production is based in the extensive production of ruminants (beef cattle, sheep, goat)
and of the renowned Iberian pig [26].
The Iberian pig is a native breed present in the Iberian Peninsula from ancient times; it has adapted to an extensive
production system characterized by the use of the natural meadowland resources of pastures and acorns. The products
obtained from the Iberian pig have healthy properties. When raised under the traditional system, characterized by a
finishing growth stage called montanera (in Andalusia), which begins in October and ends in December or January, a
pig consumes a large amount of grass (at least 3 kg) and acorns (6–10 kg) each day and reaches a live weight of nearly
150 kg, the size required for slaughtering (Figure 2). The montanera is conditioned by numerous factors including the
abundance and maturity of acorns and the quality and quantity of fresh grass as protein and a vitamin supplement.
A pig needs to consume 10–15 kg of acorns for each 1-kg gain in live weight [27].
Agricultural Practices in the Mediterranean Chapter 3
FIGURE 1 Map of Andalusia (southern Spain) showing the surface area occupied by three main types of farmland use in this region characterized in
this chapter.
FIGURE 2 Herd of Iberian pigs feeding under an oak in a dehesa from Sierra Morena (northwest Andalusia), as the final fattening stage before the
slaughter. Photo courtesy of Enrique López-Carrique.
As occurs in other monogastrics, the Iberian pig incorporates fats into body tissue in the same form in which they are
ingested; hence the lipid profile of its meat shows high levels (nearly 55%) of oleic fatty acid, the monounsaturated fatty
acid in olive oil, and relatively low concentrations of linoleic (8%) and palmitic acids (20%) [25]. Scientific reports [28]
have shown that these fats exercise a beneficial effect on health by increasing the amount of good cholesterol (high-density
lipoproteins) and reducing bad cholesterol (low-density lipoproteins). Cured Iberian hams obtained from pigs fed a diet of
acorns contain a total proportion of unsaturated fatty acids of >75%, making the fat from Iberian hams the most “cardio
healthy” of all animal fats—even healthier than some fats of plant origin. Although the increased insaturation would cause
an increase in meat oxidation, this is limited by the effect of tocopherols present both in acorn (g-tocopherol) and grass
(a-tocopherol). In addition, it contains a smaller amount of cholesterol (60 mg/100 g) than beef.
The traditional Iberian pig production system, which has little in common with industrial systems of pig production,
contributes to the maintenance of the dehesa agro-sylvo-pastoral ecosystem. In addition, the Iberian pig sector accounts
for more than 14% of total agricultural production in the regions where it is located, and farms and producers play an
important role in the conservation and development of these less-favored areas. Nevertheless, in the past 20 years the
increased demand for Iberian pig products has determined the appearance of production systems that lie well apart from
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
the traditional one. This has resulted in the increased presence in the markets of products not showing the abovementioned valuable nutritional properties. The quality of Iberian pig products has recently been normalized and regulated
as a response to the demands of traditional producers who perceive that all the positive features of this ancient production
system may be at risk.
Andalusia (southern Spain) is the region with the highest olive production in the world. The total surface area of olive
groves in this region (1.55 Mha; Table 2 and Figure 1) represents about 24% of the olive groves worldwide: 27% of
the groves in the EU, 62% of the groves in Spain, and 30% of the agricultural land in Andalusia. Most olive orchards
are destined to produce olive oil (94%), although a small surface area (6%) is dedicated to producing table olives.
The importance of the olive economy in Andalusia dates back to the Roman Empire, when olive oil from this region
enjoyed a deserved prestige and was exported throughout the western Roman world. Olive groves currently can be viewed
as a key multifunctional agricultural system in Andalusia. This crop represents the second agricultural subsector, after
TABLE 2 Selected Technical Characteristics of Olive Farming in Andalusia, Differentiating Conventional and Organic
Conventional Farming
Organic Farming
Total surface area
1.24 Mha
1.50 Mha
9000 ha
45,000 ha
Rainfed (% surface area)
Irrigated (% surface area)
1500–2200 kg ha
3200–10,000 kg ha
Price paid to growers
0.5–2.5 € kg
13% to +20% a
+16% to +52% a
Density of plantation (trees ha 1)
Soil management (% farms)
Highly frequent
Nonrecommended (slope > 10%) or shallow tillage
Mineral fertilizers
Manure (compost)
Vegetal covers
Fertilization (% farms)
Green manure (legumes)
Nonrenewable energy used (MJ l
Range of percentages relative to nearby farms under low–medium intensity conventional farming. Source: Alonso-Mielgo A. La economı´a del olivar
ecológico. In: Guzmán-Casado G, Coord., editor. El olivar ecológico. Madrid: Consejerı´a de Agricultura y Pesca, Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación,
Mundi-Prensa; 2011. p. 391–417. bSource: Guzmán GI, Alonso A. A comparison of energy use in conventional and organic olive oil production in Spain.
Agri Syst 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2008.06.004.
Main sources: Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment; Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment, Government of Andalusia.
Agricultural Practices in the Mediterranean Chapter 3
horticulture, in economic importance, generating 37% of the agricultural gross margin and 30% of the agricultural
employment in this region. Given its wide-ranging territorial dimension, farming practices in olive groves have critical
environmental transcendence in Andalusia. Olive groves also provide a habitat for many species, particularly in
low-intensity olive farming areas with limited use of agrochemicals and old trees with herbaceous covers that can harbor
high levels of biodiversity.
Olive groves in Andalusia, as in many other Mediterranean regions, have experienced periods of expansion and
contractions related to demographic, economic, and political challenges. For instance, by the middle of the last century
rural depopulation caused the scarcity and increasing costs of labor, which, coupled with increasing market competition
from seed-oils cheaper than olive oil, triggered a severe crisis in this agro industry [29]. However, after the entry of Spain
into the EU (in 1986), subsidies for olive oil production, in addition to a renewed market appreciation of this product,
fostered the sector, promoting the expansion and intensification of olive groves (Table 2).
Olive trees (Olea europaea L.) have adapted to tolerate drought and poor, stony soils. Thus it is no wonder that
traditional olive agriculture was based on rain-fed farming predominantly confined to slopes or rugged land—often
transformed using terraces—leaving more fertile plains for crops with higher requirements. Traditional olive groves
(Figure 3) are characterized by the use of locally adapted varieties using a relatively low plantation density
(50–150 trees ha 1) [30] and dominated by old trees (often >50 years old, with several trunks per tree) and relatively
low chemical inputs. Despite the high environmental value attributed to these low-input systems, tillage for weed control
is relatively frequent in conventional olive farming (Table 2), causing severe soil loss and surface water contamination with
sediments and agrichemicals, particularly in high-slopping lands [31]. Traditional systems often render small yields (e.g.,
between 800 and 1500 kg ha 1) [30], but need large amounts of labor for harvesting, which is normally carried out by
beating the fruit off trees with poles onto nets.
Low productivity coupled with a tendency of olive trees toward alternate bearing and aggravated by interannual
fluctuating weather conditions (droughts and frosts) and a cyclic crisis of low market prices determine high socioeconomic
instability in traditional monoculture olive zones, complicating the viability of the system. Consequently, a redesign of
olive orchards toward intensification started in the 1980s, regulated and funded by the Spanish agricultural policies and
EU CAP subsidies based on farm production levels that ruled during the last two decades of the twentieth century.
Olive grove intensification fundamentally entails high plantation densities, with only one trunk per tree to facilitate
mechanical harvesting and reduce costs and fertigation mostly applied using drip systems following deficit irrigation
principles. Both practices have resulted in increased yields—up to 10 times higher than yields obtained in rain-fed,
low-density olive groves (Table 2). Intensification has spread primarily by new olive plantations in plain or low-slopping
areas, where mechanization is feasible. Systems with super-high-density plantations (>1500 trees ha 1) (Figure 4) are
now frequent in these areas, where Arbequina is the most common cultivar. These systems require high establishment
costs (>6000 € ha 1) but produce the earliest crop (>1000 kg oil ha 1) the third year after planting, with yields of
>1800 kg oil ha 1 from the 5th to 10th years, using between 150 and 250 mm of irrigation water annually [29].
The new technology for olive oil extraction greatly improves oil quality. This consists of a continuous, two-phase
centrifugation process that generates a liquid phase (olive oil) and an organic slurry (olive mill pomace). This by-product
FIGURE 3 Traditional olive groves under organic production located in Jaén (Andalusia), showing an herbaceous cover of spontaneous flora. Photo
courtesy of Miguel Pastor Muñoz-Cobo.
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
FIGURE 4 A superintensive olive grove located in Campo de Nijar (Almerı́a, Andalusia). Photo courtesy of Julian Cuevas.
has traditionally represented a major environmental problem, causing conspicuous surface water contamination.
Nowadays, the use of olive mill pomace, preferably composted, for organic amendment of soil is a common practice
in many Mediterranean countries, where soils often have low organic matter contents, thus contributing to the sustainability
of the system [32].
Intensification of conventional olive groves can be considered relatively low compared to other crop systems. Given the
extensive area occupied by this crop in Andalusia, however, the increasing use of practices such as tillage, irrigation,
herbicides, mineral fertilizers (Table 2), and pesticides has raised awareness about human welfare and environmental conservation. For instance, the inadequate use of pesticides can impair the safety of olive products [33], and overfertilization
with nitrogen can reduce the dietary quality of olive oil [34]. Moreover, in Jaén, the province with the highest extension of
olive groves, mean herbicide concentrations above the limit for drinking water have been detected in surface waters and
ground waters [35]. But the same study also highlights an acceptable evolution during the past decade of herbicide
concentrations in surface and ground waters (decrements between 20% and 70% for several substances), which was
associated with the current regulations and actions on this matter.
In fact, during the past decade considerable progress has been made to implement agro-environmental measures in
intensified olive groves. The recent rural development plan of Andalusia (2007–2013), according to a European
Commission regulation (no. 1698/2005), established and funded specific agro-environmental measures to practise
integrated production in olive groves, particularly in those situated in basins that supply surface or ground water to populations and in Natura 2000 areas. More than 155,000 ha of olive groves in this region are currently managed by integrated
production methods.
In his report on the environmental impacts of olive groves in the EU, Beaufoy [31] concluded that “. . .the negative
environmental effects of intensification could be reduced considerably by means of appropriate farming practices; and that,
with appropriate support, traditional low-input plantations could continue to maintain important natural and social values in
marginal areas.” The last seems particularly true for organic olive groves (Figure 3), which effectively contribute to
maintaining high standards of food safety and quality and reducing hazards to the environment (Table 2). Organic olive
groves are located in Andalusia, mainly in mountainous areas, where intensification is difficult and olive yield is low. In
these areas organic olive grove production offer an added value by means of agro-environmental subsidies and through
market opportunities for organic products. Therefore, as long as these opportunities remain in force these low-input systems
will continue to be economically advantageous and sustainable.
Greenhouse cultivation is a steadily growing agricultural sector worldwide, especially in areas with warm climates, such as
Mediterranean coastal areas. This system is able to satisfy increasing consumer demand for a wide range of high-quality
products throughout the year using highly efficient resources. Vegetable crops are grown all over the Mediterranean basin
under different production systems and with varying degrees of intensification. They have traditionally been grown in open
fields, mostly during the summer period. However, over the past 40 years intensive horticultural crops, especially greenhouse horticulture, have become widespread in coastal areas of the northern and southern Mediterranean Basin, where the
Agricultural Practices in the Mediterranean Chapter 3
mild winter climate enables vegetable production in simple greenhouse structures. The Mediterranean coast of southeast
Spain represents the largest greenhouse area in Europe, [36] with about 37,000 ha, mostly concentrated on the Almerı́a
coast and dedicated to producing fruit vegetables (Figure 1). Greenhouse horticulture in Almerı́a has undergone spectacular
growth—from barely 3000 ha in 1970 to about 27,000 ha in 2010—transforming the area into a prosperous and competitive
farming system. However, since the early 2000s the surface area dedicated to greenhouse production has hardly increased,
principally because of the increase in input costs and the stabilization of vegetable sale prices [37].
Tomatoes, sweet peppers, cucumbers, melons, watermelons, zucchini (courgettes), eggplants (aubergines), and beans are
grown in greenhouses mostly during the winter period, when these products have the strongest potential and competitiveness
in European markets. Most greenhouse farms are small (1–2 ha), family-run concerns based on the use of enarenado soils and
low-cost plastic greenhouses [37]. The introduction of the so-called enarenado technique [38], which consists of artificially
layered soils with topsoils of gravel-sand mulches, spread very rapidly in the region from the early 1960s because it offered
several advantages to greenhouse production: (i) improving water use efficiency by decreasing evaporation from the soil;
(ii) mitigating soil salinity by avoiding superficial salt accumulation when irrigating with water of moderate salinity
(2–4 dS m 1); (iii) improving the soil temperature in winter; (iv) reducing weed infestation; and (v) preventing soil compaction by farm workers and machinery. The greenhouse type known as Parral (Figure 5a), which is used by about 98%
of local farmers [39], is an adaptation of the former structure used to support grape vines (Figure 5b) in the region [40], consisting of vertical rigid pillars on which a double grid of iron wire is placed and to which is attached a flexible plastic film.
Although this structure has been largely improved by progressively increasing the volume-to-surface ratio, the ventilation
rate (sidewall and roof vents), and the slope of the roof, microclimate control is still rather limited and crop growth conditions
are usually outside the optimum range. Moreover, in these greenhouses the microclimate objectives change drastically
depending on the time of year. During the cold period (late autumn and winter) the main objective is to increase the
temperature, whereas the opposite occurs during late spring, summer, and early autumn.
FIGURE 5 (a) Parral greenhouses in Vicar, Almerı́a, in eastern Andalusia. (b) Structure used to support grape vines (parral in Spanish), which was
locally adapted to develop the Parral-type greenhouse in Almerı́a in eastern Andalusia. (a) Photo courtesy of Joaquín Hernández. (b) Photo courtesy
of Oscar Lescure.
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
FIGURE 6 Cucumber crop in a greenhouse with an internal plastic cover (Almerı́a, eastern Andalusia). Photo courtesy of Santiago Bonachela.
Mediterranean greenhouses are mostly low-cost structures covered with plastic film and have no active climate control
systems, cultivating soil-grown crops [39]. In these greenhouses, passive techniques are usually used to improve the
microclimate during both the cold and hot growth periods; active climate control systems consuming fossil energy are
seldom used. In winter, internal plastic covers (Figure 6), plastic and gravel/sand mulches, or reduced natural ventilation
are the most frequently used techniques, whereas natural ventilation and whitewashing the external surface covering are the
main cooling methods used in spring and autumn. Consequently, the main microclimate variables (air temperature,
humidity, and carbon dioxide [CO2] concentration and radiation) are usually below or above the optimum for fruit/
vegetable production during most of the crop cycles [41] and have a negative effect on yield and fruit quality [42]. As
a result, crop productivity in these greenhouses is usually much lower than in the high-technology greenhouses of central
and northern Europe and northern America, where microclimate conditions are usually maintained close to the optimum by
active climate control systems (heating, dehumidification, supplementary lighting, etc.), which involve high energy
consumption and, consequently, environmental effects. Baille [43] estimated annual greenhouse heating requirements
of about 3000 MJ m 2 year 1 in northern European countries; more recently, an annual greenhouse heating requirement
of 1180 MJ m 2 year 1 has been estimated in The Netherlands [44]. Moreover, Mediterranean greenhouses are not usually
enriched with CO2 and they can therefore be considered CO2 sinks.
The concentrated greenhouse areas on the Almerı́a coast are extremely vulnerable to the propagation of pests and diseases
because of their high density, proximity, and low airtightness, as well as the overlapping of different crop cycles. In the past,
most farmers applied intensive chemical programs to control pests and diseases, but this strategy resulted in the main pest
populations developing resistance to the applied active ingredients [45], in particular Western flower thrips (Frankliniella
occidentalis Pergande), the sweetpotato whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Gennadius), and beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua
Hübner). This, in turn, led to the intensification of chemical pesticide use, which became totally unsustainable in several
crops, particularly sweet peppers, and therefore led to severe problems of chemical residues on fruits [45]. This problem
was first alleviated by the introduction of bumblebee pollination in tomato crops, and since 2007 it has been practically solved
by the large-scale introduction of biological control agents as the main component of integrated pest management and production systems [45]. During the 2012/2013 crop season, biological control was routinely applied in approximately 75–80%
of the total greenhouse area of Almerı́a (Jan van der Bloom, personal communication). Key beneficial species in the
biological control systems are Orius laevigatus Fieber, Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot, Eretmocerus mundus Mercet,
and Nesidiocoris tenuis Reuter [45]. The extended use of biological control within integrated production systems has
drastically reduced the use of chemical pesticides and almost totally eliminated chemical residues on fruits [45].
The fast development of the greenhouse sector in Almerı́a also brought other challenges and negative environmental effects.
In its initial stage in the 1970s and 1980s, the sector developed without any type of territorial planning and organization. This led
to the overexploitation and contamination of aquifers and to the uncontrolled dumping of waste (organic, plastic, packaging,
etc.). Different rural hygiene plans have been implemented since the early 2000s to improve the collection of many types of
waste materials and their treatment, which have reduced this problem [37]. We should also highlight the growing awareness
of farmers regarding the necessity to maintain a clean environment, particularly as a result of the extended incorporation of
biological control techniques in farming. As a result, most residues are now adequately collected and treated, although new
techniques are required to treat or recycle the huge amount of crop residues produced in the region.
Agricultural Practices in the Mediterranean Chapter 3
Water is an increasingly scarce resource in Mediterranean regions, such as the Mediterranean coast of southeastern
Spain, because of increased consumption and salinization. Greenhouse crops on the Almerı́a coast are drip irrigated,
and the irrigation head usually consists of a pump, water filters, a fertilizer injector, and control mechanisms. Water is
distributed by polyethylene drip lines with emitters placed every 0.5 m with nominal discharge rates of about 3 l h 1
[46]. Most farmers have small ponds close to their greenhouses to ensure the availability of water for irrigation [47]. Over
8000 ponds, most used for greenhouse irrigation, have recently been inventoried in Almerı́a [48], and this relatively high
farm–pond density might have important implications for biodiversity conservation in an area with scarce wetlands [49].
Mean annual irrigation water supply for the main greenhouse crop rotations ranges between 444 [46] and 495 mm [50].
These values are lower than those found when these crops are grown outdoors [46,51] because of lower potential evapotranspiration (less solar radiation and wind and higher air humidity; use of plastic and gravel/sand mulches and cycles
around the winter period) and the application of advanced irrigation technologies (drip irrigation, reuse of drainage water,
etc.). Greenhouse cultivation also is characterized by greater water use efficiency due to a higher productivity (better
control of microclimate, fertigation, and crop pests) and to the above-mentioned lower potential water use. Mean greenhouse values of irrigation water use efficiency ranged from 15.3 (autumn-winter green beans; Table 3) to 35.6 kg m 3
(spring watermelons) [46]. Moreover, the irrigation water use efficiency can be further improved by better greenhouse
climate control, installation of automated fertigation systems, or the development of semiclosed greenhouses for Mediterranean climates. Finally, mean values of the relative irrigation supply (RIS, the ratio of irrigation water supply to crop water
requirements) were close to 1 for most greenhouse vegetable crop cycles and rotations, indicating that, on average, the
irrigation supply matched the maximum water requirements of these crops. However, the high variation coefficients
observed for RIS and the analysis of the RIS dynamics throughout the cycles (Table 3) indicate that there are certain crops
and cycles for which the irrigation water supply clearly does not match the crop water requirements [46]. Greenhouse irrigation water use in the Almerı́a coastal region can, therefore, be improved.
Over the past 40 years, the province of Almerı́a (Spain’s driest province, with a mean annual rainfall of 250 mm) has
endured a net water abstraction overdraft, which has led to serious groundwater imbalances mainly caused by increased
demand for agricultural (e.g., greenhouse horticulture) and domestic needs (e.g., rapid urban growth and tourism
development). Many of the underlying aquifers in the main greenhouse areas have been vastly overexploited, leading
to significant water deficits and increasing salinization [52]. As a result, politicians and water planners have questioned
long-term water sustainability in the region [53]. To solve this serious environmental and socioeconomic problem, the
AGUA program [53] was developed by the national and regional governments in the early 2000s. This program promotes
greater water efficiency resulting from higher water tariffs, increased water reuse, and water infrastructure improvements in
conjunction with increasing use of desalinated water. However, it also points out that water savings alone will not be
sufficient to meet future water demands in Spanish Mediterranean coastal areas and highlights desalination as the means
to guarantee future availability and quality [53]. Consequently, during the past decade new, alternative water sources are
TABLE 3 Values, Averaged for Six Cropping Seasons, and their Coefficients of Variation (in Parentheses) of Irrigation
Water Supply (IWS), Relative Irrigation Supply (RIS), Irrigation Water Use Efficiency (IWUE) and Water Productivity
(WP) of the Main Crop Cycles in Campo de Dalı́as (Almerı́a), Southeast Spain
Crop cycles
IWS (l m 2)
IWUE (kg m 3)
WP (€ m 3)
Sweet pepper A-W
311 (32)
0.95 (36)
270 (40)
1.62 (40)
Green bean A-W
158 (33)
1.18 (24)
177 (31)
1.00 (39)
189 (38)
0.92 (33)
7.8 (46)
Green bean S
197 (24)
1.03 (28)
Sweet pepper A-S
363 (30)
1.02 (27)
8.7 (40)
RIS values are presented for the whole cycle and during three crop periods along each cycle: crop establishment (1), crop development (2), mid to end of
the season period (3).
A, autumn; W, winter; S, spring.
Source: Modified from Fernández et al. [46] (see list of references)
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
being used in Almerı́a’s greenhouse horticulture. Several desalination facilities have recently been installed in the region
(the seawater desalination plant at Carboneras is currently Europe’s largest, with a net capacity of 42 hm3 year 1). About
6 hm3 of recycled wastewater, with high nutrient concentrations and low to medium conductivity values, is used in Almerı́a
to irrigate intensive crops, particularly greenhouse tomatoes [53]. About 100 mm of the annual rainfall is already harvested
on greenhouse covers by 50% of farmers [54]. In the near future, these additional water sources, together with the
increasing water tariffs, may improve water use sustainability in the region.
The greenhouse horticulture system of southeastern Spain presents appreciable nitrate contamination in the underlying
aquifers [55]. Most of the areas where the greenhouses are concentrated have been declared nitrate vulnerable zones (Junta
de Andalucı́a, Decreto 36/2008) in accordance with the EU Nitrate Directive (91/676/EEC). As a consequence, there is a
legal requirement to implement practices that reduce nitrate leaching from greenhouse-grown crops. Most greenhouse
farmers currently use fertigation systems to apply complete nutrient solutions by drip irrigation [39], but fertilizer and
irrigation management is mostly based on accumulated local experience, with little consideration of environmental issues
[56]. Fertilizers seem to represent the major environmental burden in Mediterranean greenhouses [57]. Most fertilizer
leaching seems to be associated with huge manure applications [56] and excessive irrigation both before planting/sowing
crops and while establishing crops [46,56]. Improvements should be focused on reducing fertilizer doses, adjusting the
fertilizer–water balance, and implementing closed-loop irrigation systems [56]. For this purpose installing automated
fertigation systems, together with using simple but robust systems of measuring water and nutrient drainage, seem to
be essential.
The salinity of greenhouse irrigation water in southeastern Spain varies appreciably. The electrical conductivity (EC)
mostly varies between 0.5 and 4 dS m 1, but irrigation waters with moderate salinity predominate. Thus, the mean water
EC from 97 irrigation ponds recently surveyed in the main greenhouse areas of Almerı́a and Granada was 1.9 dS m 1 [58].
Optimum production of greenhouse crops can be achieved under a range of EC values in the root environment, which
depends mostly on crop characteristics and growth medium, fertigation management, and microclimatic conditions. Water
salinity can negatively affect the yield of fruit vegetable crops, but it also offers the possibility of controlling crop growth
and product quality. Increased salinity can improve various aspects of fruit quality in tomato crops, such as (i) the
proportion of “extra” fruits (high visual quality); (ii) the soluble solids content; and (iii) the titratable acidity content
[59]. However, the fruit size, a major determinant of price, is usually reduced. Increasing salinity may also increase the
content of health-promoting attributes in tomatoes, such as lycopene content [60].
Past and present farming practices in the Mediterranean are pivotal to interpreting current social and environmental
patterns in this region.
Farming practices in this region have evolved to cope with fluctuating environmental conditions such as water
Millennia of farmer–environment interactions have shaped highly resilient traditional agro systems.
Recent agricultural intensification has multiplied production but at the expense of threatening farming sustainability in
numerous areas.
EU agro-environmental measures during the past two decades seem to have been effective in remedying certain impacts.
The authors thank the editors for their invitation to join this book. JJC contributed to this chapter during the tenure of a grant
from the Spanish MINECO (CGL2012-39635). The authors are indebted to Julian Cuevas, Enrique López-Carrique,
Miguel Pastor Muñoz-Cobo, and Oscar Lescure for their contribution of the photos.
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Chapter 4
The Mediterranean Diet as an Intangible
and Sustainable Food Culture
Lluı́s Serra-Majem, MD, PhD1 and F. Xavier Medina2
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, and International Foundation of Mediterranean Diet,
London, UK. 2 Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Barcelona, Spain.
International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies
Interuniversity Research Centre on Mediterranean Food Cultures
cardiovascular diseases
Mediterranean Diet Foundation
greenhouse gases
International Foundation of the Mediterranean Diet
life cycle assessment
Mediterranean diet
Mediterranean dietary pattern
Mediterranean diet in the primary prevention of CVD
Spanish current dietary pattern
SCP estimated from the Household Consumption Surveys
SCP estimated from food balance sheets
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Western dietary pattern
The Mediterranean diet (MD) as a system is a cultural, historical, social, territorial, and environmental heritage transmitted
from generation to generation for centuries, and it has been part, as a Mediterranean Food System, of the lifestyles of
Mediterranean peoples throughout their history [1]. This legacy passed on and evolved in a constant temporal and spatial
flow and acts as a living heritage in unique and outstanding cultural spaces; it is used to promote respect for cultural
diversity and human creativity, an expression of sociability and communication between villages and individuals, a
way to reinforce individuals’ identities in their places of origin, an integrative element of the nature and the history of
communities, and a mechanism of defense for agriculture, sustainable rural development, and the landscape and
environment of the Mediterranean area [2,3].
Since November 16, 2010, the MD was inscribed on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s
(UNESCO) representative list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity [4]. The objective of this initiative was to
safeguard the immense legacy representing the cultural value of the MD, as well as to share and disseminate internationally
its values and benefits [5]. The culmination of this institutional process was fruit of the seed that had been sown in civil
society in 2004—1 year after the approval of the UNESCO convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage and 2 years before it came into force—as the Mediterranean Diet Foundation (FDM in its Spanish abbreviation),
which hosted the first formal proposal to present this nomination, based on an original idea from L. Serra-Majem, the President of the FDM from April 1996 to November 2012. The proposal was decided after a difficult negotiation by the different
The Mediterranean Diet
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SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
stakeholders involved in the decision process, who were very skeptical at the beginning of the process. The former Spanish
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, patron of the FDM, played a fundamental role and was a vital link between the
civil initiative and the governmental institutions. The Ministry made a firm commitment to this initiative, as did the Ministry of Italy, which showed the same support, favoring the transnational profile of the nomination right from the beginning.
The implication of Greece and Morocco would firmly seal this joint endeavor. The presence and commitment of the Ministries of Culture confirmed another noteworthy aspect of this nomination: institutional transversality [1,2,6,7].
This process was conceived and had been germinating in civil society; had the privilege of counting on the involvement
of national, regional, and local institutions; and received the unconditional support of the scientific community. Both governmental institutions and the scientific community were fundamental, and synchrony between all was decisive. It continued to enjoy the support and commitment of all the sectors that had worked in favor of this Mediterranean heritage
for many years [1,8]. After publicly expressing the wish to nominate the MD as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of
Humanity, there was a genuine explosion of enthusiasm and support from institutions and all types of associations, thus
consolidating the transversal nature of the project. This elation demonstrated that a close bond and genuine identification
persisted between Mediterranean societies and their cultural and food heritage [1,9].
The first event at which the proposal of the nomination was publicly presented took place on October 1, 2005, during the
Year of the Mediterranean. The solemn setting of the University of La Sapienza de Roma provided an ideal context for the
Third Euro-Mediterranean Forum on the “Dialogue through the civilisation and peoples of the Mediterranean: food cultures,”
with the large participation of international scientists. It was there that the conference and the proposal of the nomination of the
MD were delivered by Serra-Majem after convincing initially skeptical colleagues from other countries [10]. The proposal of
the nomination received the unanimous support of the Third Forum, which included it in its final Declaration, The 2005 Rome
Call: “To take into account that the Mediterranean Diet besides its health implications also has cultural and economic implications, therefore all Mediterranean countries need to agree and contribute to the process of preservation and promotion. To
start the process of the recognition of the Mediterranean Diet Food Cultural Heritage behind the UNESCO, as an initial and
shared common position to be coordinated from the Barcelona counterpart as an extension of the 1995 Barcelona Declaration,
in collaboration with all the Mediterranean country representatives” [10].
In Barcelona in March 2006, during the VI International Congress on the MD, the international scientific community,
following The 2005 Rome Call, renewed their unanimous support for the presentation of the nomination as well as the
formalization and immediate commencement of the process and made an appeal to all Mediterranean institutions and
organizations to follow suit and support the initiative [1].
In October 2007, on World Food Day, the FDM International Scientific Committee met in Barcelona and approved the
“Declaration of Barcelona on the Mediterranean Diet as intangible cultural heritage” [1]. In December of that same year the
former Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food held the first transmediterranean institutional meeting in
Madrid, at which Spain, Greece, Italy, and Morocco agreed on the preparation of the nomination based on a strategic
document prepared by the FDM and created their respective national teams. The following spring, in April 2008, at the
Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies in Rome, the four countries formalized the process through
the Declaration of Rome and designated the FDM as technical transnational coordinator of the nomination [1].
The transversality of the MD and its environmental, economic, social, and cultural transcendence confer a unique
dimension to the inscription. The derived duty to safeguard this heritage goes beyond the strict framework, whether
institutional or otherwise, of “culture” and demands the same transversality in its management [6,9].
Indeed, the element inscribed is the MD and constitutes “a set of skills, knowledge, practices and traditions ranging from the
landscape to the table, including crops, harvesting, fishing, conservation, processing, preparation and, particularly, consumption
of food . . .” [4]. This unique lifestyle, determined by the Mediterranean climate and space, is also demonstrated through associated festivities and celebrations [1]. Through its social and cultural functions and their significance, the lifestyle embodies
landscapes, natural resources, and associated occupations as well as the fields of health, welfare, creativity, and intercultural
dialog and, at the same time, values such as hospitality or conviviality, sustainability and biodiversity [11]. All of these items
compose this transversal cultural complex we call the MD and which is understood as a complete lifestyle.
It is important to remark that the whole concept of the MD has been inscribed, not each of its components, whether
tangible or intangible—neither olive oil from Jaen, nor the moussem from cherries, the market of Mistras, nor the
Capponata. However, they are all individual examples of substantial components of the inscribed element; that is, they
are a necessary constitutive part of the MD, the element recognized as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity.
However, none of them, nor any other in the framework of this nomination and inscription, bears this recognition at an
individual level [1].
The inscription of the MD has put numerous and important questions on the table. We cannot pretend to have solutions,
responses, or strategies readily available for all, nor can we address them exhaustively. What is important is to confer to
them the importance that they deserve and work without delay to answer them [1]. The first question is that of the
Mediterranean Diet as Culture Chapter 4
geographical limits of the Mediterranean area, which we could call the “continent” of our heritage. In practical terms, or
regarding the application of certain norms or regulations, certain limits can be agreed on and supported by the combination
of various scientific and technical parameters [12].
Another question of utmost importance refers to the “content” of the MD, namely its tangible and intangible components. This can be conceptualized as the inventory, which is both an indispensible process and a tool that is constantly being
updated. This is a complex task that does not start from scratch, because many sources are available today. It is demanding
because the management of the tangible (utensils, artefacts, etc.), the intangible (festivities, knowledge, skills, etc.), and the
landscapes and spaces are a constant concern. The task proposed is undoubtedly complex and should be addressed without
delay through the pooling of concepts, selection criteria, processes, methodologies, and inventories, with their records and
supports, to reach a consensus about all these items and more, which should allow us to become deeply acquainted with and
define the content of the diet as to be able to value and decide what and how it is to be protected. A permanent surveillance
system seems to be an indispensible tool in the medium term because this is live heritage, the evolution of which should be
observed and analyzed carefully, without interruption, and, just as important if not more so, be appropriately accompanied
by the coherence, consensus, and respect that this implies. This includes both the bearers of the MD heritage and the
spatial-temporal contexts, or the tangible supports of the intangible manifestations of this heritage [13–18]. However, there
is at present a deficit, especially at the government and public policies level, of acting practically in relation to safeguarding
the MD. Real work of this nature is still urgent [19].
Responses concerning landscapes, techniques, elaborations, products, festivities, and so on will evidently be necessary,
but the question is not simple. However, the difficulty and exigency of any project is always accompanied by the vector of
progression and improvement [1]. The key to a respectful and sustainable future of the MD lies in the capacity for and
commitment to investing resources, intelligence, and perseverance in sufficient quantities and applying them efficiently.
The Convention points out the “the importance of intangible cultural heritage” as a “guarantee of sustainable development.”
This criteria of sustainability is not exclusive of or inseparable from products, resources, spaces, or uses. We should also
apply it to processes, decisions, and attitudes. Along these lines the questions that we have just put forward will find
appropriate and sustainable responses [20].
The recognition of the MD as intangible cultural heritage of humanity by the UNESCO was never a final objective; it
was not merely meeting any goal but the necessary impulse for a worthwhile outcome in the future, one that undoubtedly
will require a great deal of clarity, composure, and perseverance. The nomination process was perfectly delimited and had
clearly marked stages. The future that began on the day of the inscription is a succession of wide horizons in an unlimited
time frame. The distance is huge and commands great respect.
The Mediterranean is an area of great complexity because of both endogenous and exogenous vectors, and the MD is a
cultural complex of capital importance that holds in its transversality and multifaceted nature some of its most defining and
probably unique features. Throughout the whole process of the proposal, we always defended this complexity as a valued
product of a history reaching back thousands of years; of processes of civilization, trade, and exchanges; of apprenticeships
and transmissions; of tradition and innovations; of convergences and collisions. This complexity is one of the great
strengths and potentialities of the MD as a vector of regional development, and, as such, it has contributed to the diet’s
survival. It is also, however, an Achilles heel, discreet but vulnerable. The challenge of safeguarding the MD is enormous,
but looking beyond foreseeable difficulties or the complexity of the objectives, the sum of efforts and commitments
encourages and strengthens [7,12,18,19]. The Road Map for the future of the Mediterranean Diet development worldwide
is currently under the auspices of a new Institution: The International Foundation of the Mediterranea Diet (IFMED).
Public health represents a major element in appraising the sustainability of the MD. In addition to its benefits in preventing
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer, the MD has other numerous health benefits, related to immunity, allergic diseases, the psyche, or even quality of life, that are current fields of research [21–25]. The MD has an international projection
and is thought to be the healthiest and the most sustainable eating pattern on the planet; it also is a key player in the public
health nutrition field globally and especially in the Mediterranean area [19,24,26].
Relevant prospective epidemiological studies and some clinical or community trials, such as the PREDIMED study
[23], have increased exponentially in the past five decades, as has the level and the quality of evidence around the
MD. In the first systematic review of evidence from interventions using the MD conducted in 2006, the MD showed
favorable effects on lipoprotein levels, endothelium vasodilatation, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, antioxidant
capacity, myocardial and cardiovascular mortality, and cancer incidence in obese patients and in those with previous
myocardial infarction [21].
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
From the second published systematic review, a meta-analysis of the evidence of the relationship between the MD and
health status by Sofi et al. [27], published in 2008 and revisited in 2010 [28] and 2013 [22], some interesting figures have
been reported: a two-point increase in adherence score was significantly associated with a 9% reduction in overall
mortality, a 10% reduction in cardiovascular disease mortality, a 6% reduction in neoplasm incidence or mortality, and
a 13% reduction in incidence of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease among the general population.
Furthermore, the PREDIMED trial [29] results pointed out that the MD, especially rich in virgin olive oil, is associated
with higher levels of plasma antioxidant capacity. The plasma total antioxidant capacity is related to a reduction in body
weight after 3 years of intervention using a Mediterranean-style diet rich in virgin olive oil in a population with high
cardiovascular risk. Other PREDIMED results suggest there is no rationale to maintain the fear that Mediterranean foods
rich in fats of vegetable origin (olive oil or tree nuts) may cause weight gain or be responsible for an increased risk of
obesity, provided that the energy intake does not exceed energy expenditure [30].
The reviewed evidence from the elderly population is promising as well. In fact, in the PREDIMED study the MD was
associated with a lower incidence of type 2 diabetes in both groups supplemented with nuts and supplemented with extra
virgin olive oil [30]. Its uses in the primary prevention of CVD have recently been demonstrated [23].
The MD is the heritage of millennia of exchanges in the Mediterranean basin that have defined and characterized the eating
habits of the countries in this region, but currently it is progressively being rapidly transformed [3] because of many factors of
the Western economy and urban and technological society as well as the globalization of production and consumption. This
food culture is now under three serious threats: (1) the American fast food culture based on meat, refined grains, potatoes,
ice cream, candies, and beverages high in sugar; (2) the economic crisis affecting in particular the most disadvantaged groups
and instigating decreased consumption of key MD food groups such as fruits, vegetables, virgin olive oil, nuts, and fish, accompanied by corresponding increases of refined grains, potatoes, and sugars; and (3) the promotion of high-protein diets, also prescribed by doctors and specialists, as a tool for weight loss or maintenance, with a major impact on health [31].
The erosion that can cause these threats, especially economic, must be countered with actions based on nutrition
education, with the commitment that neither cost nor unfounded food choices cannot and should not be a barrier to the
availability of basic foods of the MD: olive oil, fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, nuts, or fish. Governments thus need
to be committed to take appropriate actions that preserve this traditional and cultural knowledge and lead to a diversity
of foods and diets, not only for the health benefits that they could provide in the short and long term [32].
Food systems’ environmental consequences are in public health agendas. Foods are produced, processed, distributed, and
consumed, all of which have consequences on both human health and the environment [12,20,32]. In fact, food production
is inevitably also a driver of environmental pressures, particularly in relation to climate change, water use, and toxic
emissions [33]. For example, agriculture is one of the main contributors of emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), in
particular methane and nitrous oxide, which are responsible for global warming. Other parts of the food system contribute
to carbon dioxide emissions from the use of fossil fuels in processing, transportation, retailing, storage, and preparation.
Food items differ substantially in their environmental footprint, which, among many other descriptors, can be measured as
energy consumption, agriculture land use, water consumption, or GHG emissions [34]. Animal-based foods are by far more
land and energy intensive compared to foods of vegetable origin [35]. Thus, dietary patterns can vary substantially in
resource consumption and their impact on the environment as well as on the health of a given population [34].
Even though most of the literature regarding the environmental contribution of the different food groups is from
different settings and types of analysis, their global statements generally converge. Plant-based foods contributed least
to the selected environmental footprints. Although, as expected, in the Mediterranean dietary pattern (MDP), where meat
and dairy represented a lower weight, in terms of water consumption and with a less extent energy consumption, vegetables
had a much higher contribution compared to the other patterns [36]. Plant foods based on vegetables, cereals, and legumes
are stated to have the lowest GHG emissions, even if processing and substantial transportation is involved [19,34]. In a
recent study, legumes were included in the vegetable group as having similar low environmental impact values, as
indicated in other studies; however, life cycle assessment data for legumes in and of themselves was not available. In fact,
legumes are stated as alternatives to animal proteins because of their low environmental impact and long durability [34].
However, some foods of vegetable origin contribute substantially—together with dairy, in the case of the MDP and Spanish
current dietary pattern (SCP)—to either water consumption (especially vegetable oils and to some extent nuts) or land use
(cereals and vegetable oils) in their production. In both the SCP and the Western dietary pattern (WDP), vegetable oils were
also important contributors to water consumption and energy consumption footprints, whereas animal-based foods were
found to have a higher environmental cost in all dietary patterns (Table 1). In some studies, in the Spanish context meat and
Mediterranean Diet as Culture Chapter 4
TABLE 1 Environmental Footprints for the Mediterranean Dietary Pattern (MDP), the Western Dietary Pattern (WDP),
and the Two Estimates of Current Spanish Dietary Pattern (SCP) for the Total Spanish Population, as well as
Estimated Current Real Pressure for Each Footprint
Agricultural land use (10 Ha year )
Energy consumption (TJ year )
Water consumption (km year )
Greenhouse gas emissions (Gg CO2
Current Real Pressure
CS, consumption surveys; FB, food balance sheets.
Source: Sáez-Almendros S, Obrador B, Bach-Faig A, Serra-Majam L. Environmental footprints of Mediterranean versus Western dietary patterns: beyond the health
benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Environ Health 2013;12:118.
dairy contributed most to environmental footprints [37,38], although in a lower absolute contribution than in the WDP.
Regarding GHG emissions and land use, meat was undoubtedly the most contributing food item, with a large difference
to other foods in both the WDP and SCP. It was observed that a reduction in meat consumption decreased GHG emissions
[39] and land use and subsequently increased the availability of land for other uses [39]. Even though there is high production variability [34], 80% of global agriculture land use is related to livestock production and accounts for more than half
of the GHG emissions from agriculture [40]. Meanwhile, dairy—as one of the main sources of animal protein in the MDP—
was the largest contributor in terms of energy consumption in the three dietary patterns, and vegetable oils had a similar
weight concerning water consumption in the WDP. In the MDP, dairy products were the food group that presented the
highest footprint in all four analyzed footprints; in the MDP meat has the lowest weight in frequency and amount.
Regarding GHG emissions, fish also made a remarkable environmental contribution in all the dietary patterns [38].
The most relevant dietary distinctions in terms of environmental cost are between animal-based versus plant-based diets
but also seem to count the various ways foods are grown, processed, and transported. In general, the largest environmental
impact of food production from the farm to consumers is associated with the primary production of agricultural products. In
terms of energy consumption, differences in greenhouse production versus open-air cultivation of a certain crop, and
canned or frozen-produce versus fresh-produce, are substantial [41,42]. In addition to the energy involved in agricultural
production, the amount of energy used in household food storage, preparation, and waste is not negligible and in most cases
is greater than in the intermediate processing [20,34].
Food policy and dietary guidelines need to go further from the classical approach which focuses only on nutrients to
consider the environmental impact. Consumers tend to be more concerned each day about the environment and, even more,
about their personal health, but food choices and cultural culinary traditions are not easily modified. Some studies state that
even radical changes in food consumption patterns would induce quite small environmental benefits [43–45]. Thus, significantly reducing the environmental footprints by shifting from the SCP towards a Mediterranean-type diet would
probably require substantial changes not only in consumers’ food choices but also especially in agrofood industry practices,
public catering supply, and agricultural and trade policies [45–48]. An example, for instance, is the rationale of positively
influencing prices of food subsidies. Spain is one of the major producers and exporters of typical Mediterranean products;
thus it makes sense to stay with an MDP agricultural production model [38].
A shift from the SCP towards the MDP by complying with the food proportions and composition defined in the new MD
pyramid [24] would be beneficial from both a health and environmental perspective. The MDP presented lower footprints than
the SCP and to a much larger extent than the WDP. The MDP results in a lower environmental impact because of the consumption of more plant-derived products and fewer animal products [20,38]. The MDP is presented as not only a cultural
model but as a healthy and environmentally friendly model, whose adherence in Spain would make a significant contribution
to a greater sustainability of food production and consumption in addition to the well-known benefits on public health [20,38].
The MD pyramid has evolved to adapt to the new way of life. By taking into consideration all scientific evidence for the
health benefits of the MD and its protective effects against chronic diseases, as well as the present way of life and environmental constraints, the modern MD pyramid was developed: a lifestyle for today. As an initiative of the FDM together
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
with the Forum of the Mediterranean Food Cultures, and with the collaboration of numerous international entities, a wide
range of experts in nutrition, anthropology, sociology, and agriculture reached a consensus about a new, richer educational
tool (Figure 1) [24]. The pyramid addresses the healthy adult population and should be adapted for specific requirements in
the case of children, pregnant women, and other health circumstances [29].
The new pyramid follows the previous pattern: At the base are food items that should sustain the diet and provide the
highest energy intake, such as foods of plant origin (cereals, fruit, vegetables, legumes, tree nuts, seeds, and olives), with
olive oil as the principal added fat source, which provide key nutrients and other protective substances that contribute to
general well-being. At the upper levels are foods to be eaten in moderate amounts, such as those of animal origin and/or rich
in sugars and fats which should be eaten in moderation; some of them should be left for special occasions. Moderate intake
of alcohol, mainly in the form of wine during meals, is also stated. This plant-based diet is also characterized by high to
moderate intake of fish and shellfish, moderate to low consumption of eggs, poultry, and dairy products (cheese and yogurt)
This healthy MDP has been made popular through a pyramid representation, which graphically establishes guidelines
about the foods to be consumed daily, weekly, and occasionally to follow a healthy and balanced diet. The first MD pyramid
was presented in 1993 at the international conference on MDs held at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, MA
[49]. Since then, together with the Oldways Preservation & Exchange Trust, various MD pyramids have been designed for
several populations, particularly for North America [8].
Meals have an essential role in the MD, and thus the pyramid also reflects and introduces the concept of the composition of
main meals. A balanced composition of main meals should include three basic elements: fruits, vegetables, and cereals, complemented by a lower contribution to daily energy intake from other plant foods, dairy products, and protein sources [31].
Cultural and Lifestyle Aspects
Together with the proportion and frequency recommendations of consumption, the incorporation of lifestyle and cultural
elements is one of the innovations of the pyramid. Thus, it is not just about prioritizing some food groups over others but
also about paying attention to the methods of selecting, cooking, and eating them. Adopting a healthy lifestyle and
FIGURE 1 The English version of the new Mediterranean diet pyramid, from an international consensus coordinated by the Mediterranean Diet Foundation. Adapted from Bach-Faig et al. [24].
Mediterranean Diet as Culture Chapter 4
preserving cultural elements should also be considered to acquire all the benefits from the MD. These elements are summarized though some key concepts [9,31]:
Moderation. For public health reasons, and to fight against the obesity pandemic, serving sizes should be based on frugality and moderation to adapt urban and modern lifestyles to energy needs [50].
Conviviality. The aspect of conviviality is important for the social and cultural value of the meal, beyond nutritional
aspects. Cooking, sitting around the table, and sharing food in the company of family and friends is a social support and
gives a sense of community [24,31].
Culinary activities. Devoting enough time and space for culinary activities is stressed, accounting for their role in
everyday meals, celebrations, and religious festivals in every culture [24,31].
Seasonality, biodiversity, eco-friendliness, traditional and local food products. These are presented at the bottom of the
pyramid to highlight how the new revised modern MD is compatible with the development of a sustainable diet for present
and future Mediterranean generations. The preference for seasonal, fresh, and minimally processed foods maximizes the
content of protective nutrients and substances in the diet [24,31].
Physical activity. Regular moderate physical activity (at least 30 min throughout the day) is indicated as a basic complement to the diet for balancing energy intake, maintaining a healthy body weight, and achieving many other health benefits. Walking, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, doing housework, etc., are simple and easy ways of exercising.
Practising leisure activities outdoors and preferably with others makes it more enjoyable and strengthens the sense of community [11,24,31].
The new pyramid is a result of international consensus and is based on the latest scientific evidence of health and
nutrition published in hundreds of scientific articles in the past two decades, thus contributing to the harmonization of educational tools used in the promotion of the MD and responding to the need for a common framework among Mediterranean
countries [24]. The use and promotion of this pyramid is recommended without any restrictions, and the 2010 edition has
been adapted, translated, and edited in 10 different languages (English [Figure 1], Arabic [Figure 2], Catalan, Galician,
Euskera, French, Spanish [Figure 3], Italian, Portuguese, and Greek) by the FDM in collaboration with some international
organizations [24].
FIGURE 2 The Arabic version of the new Mediterranean diet pyramid, from an international consensus coordinated by the Mediterranean Diet
Foundation. Adapted from Bach-Faig et al. [24].
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
FIGURE 3 The Spanish version of the new Mediterranean diet pyramid: from an international consensus coordinated by the Mediterranean Diet Foundation. Adapted from Bach-Faig et al. [24].
Recognition from UNESCO, with the consequent increased visibility and acceptance of the MD around the world, along
with better and more scientific evidence regarding its benefits and effectiveness on longevity, quality of life, and disease
prevention, make this dietary pattern experience an unprecedented historical moment. This is a favorable situation that
could possibly enable better knowledge about the MD worldwide, translating into a reduction of the environmental impact
of production and transportation of food resources in the entire Mediterranean area [51]. To this end, the MD should be seen
as what it is: an extremely healthy and environmentally sustainable food model, as well as an ancient cultural heritage that
confers identity and belonging.
The MD as an ancient cultural heritage is a healthy and environmentally sustainable food model that confers identity
and belonging.
In 2010 the MD was inscribed into the UNESCO’s Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Because of its transversality, the MD is a complex set of skills, knowledge, practices, and traditions ranging from the
landscape to the table, including crops, harvesting, fishing, conservation, processing, preparation, and, in particular,
consumption of food. This unique lifestyle, determined by the Mediterranean climate and space, is also shown through
associated festivities and celebrations.
The MD embodies landscapes, natural resources, and associated occupations as well as the fields of health, welfare,
creativity, and intercultural dialog, and at the same time, values such as hospitality or conviviality, sustainability or
Scientific evidence shows that the MD is a healthy and suitable pattern that relates to lower risk of mortality and other
diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer, as well as having other numerous health benefits that are
currently fields of research, such as immunity, allergic diseases, psychological factors, and quality of life.
Mediterranean Diet as Culture Chapter 4
The MDP results in a lower environmental impact because of the consumption of more plant-derived products and fewer
animal products.
The progressive erosion of the MD must be countered with actions based on nutritional education to maintain its
benefits on health and greater sustainability.
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Chapter 5
The Mediterranean Diet and Mortality
Genevieve Buckland, MSc, PhD and Antonio Agudo, MD, MSc, PhD
Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO), Barcelona, Spain.
SUN cohort
cerebrovascular disease death
coronary heart disease
confidence interval
cardiovascular disease
European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
hazards ratio
Mediterranean diet
Mediterranean diet score
monounsaturated fatty acids
Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea
polyunsaturated fatty acids
relative Mediterranean diet score
randomized control trial
saturated fatty acids
Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra cohort
The relationship between the dietary patterns found in Mediterranean populations and different aspects of health has been
extensively researched [1–5], and the epidemiological evidence suggests that the Mediterranean diet (MD) is an optimal
diet for increasing longevity and preventing noncommunicable diseases. Studying mortality is a good general indicator of
the overall health of a population, and assessing the relationship between adherence to an MD and overall mortality is of
scientific interest because it reflects all the possible health benefits (known or unknown) that could be gained by following
this dietary pattern, thereby giving an indication of its overall impact on health.
The increased longevity in Mediterranean countries has been attributed in part to the MD’s protective role against major
chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD), certain cancers, type 2 diabetes, and some neurodegenerative diseases, as supported by findings from numerous observational studies [2,5,6]. These studies used dietary scores incorporating key elements that reflect the MD pattern to be able to evaluate the level of adherence to an MD. Randomized
controlled dietary intervention trials also have demonstrated that following an MD reduces the incidence of type 2 diabetes
[7], metabolic syndrome [8,9], and major CVD events and its risk factors [10–12].
The nutritional profile of the MD pattern that could be relevant due to its beneficial effects on mortality include its
favorable fatty acid profile (due to regular consumption of olive oil, nuts and seeds, fish, and seafood and less frequent consumption of dairy products and meat), moderate ethanol intake (traditionally wine), high intake of plant proteins and low
intake of animal proteins, high fiber content, and rich variety of vitamins and minerals from fresh fruit and vegetables [1,3,5].
No isolated study or study type can provide evidence that a single factor or exposure is protective or causative of a disease.
For this reason systematic reviews of various epidemiological studies are an important way to objectively evaluate diet–
disease relationships. In this chapter we provide a systematic review of the epidemiological studies (both observational and
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
experimental studies) to date that have researched the association between the MD and overall and cause-specific mortality
in both Mediterranean and non-Mediterranean populations. The relative importance of the components within the MD
scores (MDSs) to overall mortality, when available, also is reviewed.
A MEDLINE search (until February 2013) including the terms Mediterranean diet or dietary pattern or diet in
combination with other key words related to health status—mortality, survival, longevity, morbidity, CVD, coronary
heart disease, stroke, cerebrovascular disease, neoplasm and cancer—was performed. The references from the extracted
articles and reviews also were consulted to complete the search. We narrowed the search to include only articles examining the effect of the MD as a whole entity (i.e., the combined effect of the key MD components) on mortality. However,
there was no restriction on the definition of the MD in terms of the inclusion of specific foods or nutrients. Studies were
included if the main outcome was overall mortality or cause-specific mortality (i.e., death from CVD, cancer, or other
According to the criteria above, 21 articles from 18 independent studies were selected, of which 19 were cohort studies
(one was a clinical trial analyzed as a cohort study) and 2 were randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The general
characteristics of these studies and the main results are presented for the cohort studies and RCTs in Tables 1 and 2,
The majority of the cohort studies in this area have used an MDS to assess each participant’s level of adherence to the MD
(Table 1). The first a priori-defined MDS was developed over a decade ago by a Greek researcher, Dr. Trichopoulou, and
her team [13]. It included nine key components of the MD, and a value of 0 or 1 was assigned to each participant depending
on whether their intake of vegetables, fruit and nuts, legumes, cereals, fish and seafood, and monounsaturated fatty acid
(MUFA)-to-saturated fatty acid (SFA) ratio was below or above the sex-specific medians. In contrast, 1 and 0 points were
assigned for consumption below or above the sex-specific median intakes of meat and meat products and dairy products.
Alcohol was scored dichotomously, assigning 1 point for moderate consumers (defined as 5-25 g/day for women and
10-50 g/day for men) and 0 points for intake above or below these sex-specific ranges [13]. Each participant’s points then
were summed to give a range from 0 to 9, reflecting low to high adherence to the MD.
There are now various modified versions of this MDS and other MDSs that are widely used to study the relation between
the MD pattern and different health parameters [14]. For example, the relative Mediterranean diet (rMED) score is a modified version of the original MDS [13] developed for the EPIC-Spain cohort study [15]. It uses global tertiles as cutoffs
instead, assigning 0, 1, or 2 points for intake within the first second and third tertiles of each component (calculated as
a function of energy density) except alcohol. The scoring was reversed for the two components presumed not to fit the
MD, and the total score ranged from 0 to 18. Instead of using the ratio of MUFA to SFA, the rMED includes olive oil
intake, because this is one of the hallmarks of the MD.
The Magnitude of the Protective Effect
Table 1 presents the main results from the 19 cohort studies [13,15–32] researching risk of mortality according to level of
adherence to an MD (comparing participants with a high versus low MDS or a one- or two-unit increment in the MDS). In
2010 Sofi et al. [5] published a meta-analysis of eight of these cohort studies [17,19,22,26,28–30,32] published between
1995 and 2009 and reported that a two-unit increase in adherence to the MD was significantly associated with a reduced risk
of mortality by 8% (relative risk, 0.92; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.90-0.94). Two of the studies reported a negative but
nonsignificant association [26,32].
Since this meta-analysis several large cohort studies [15,16,18,23,25] published results on the association between the
MD and overall mortality. The SUN (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra) cohort study [16] reported an impressive 62%
reduced risk of dying (95% CI, 30-79) associated with high adherence to the MD, and a two-unit increment in their MDS
was related to a 17% decrease in mortality (P for trend ¼ 0.006). The GISSI-Prevenzione trial [18] found a significant 15%
decreased risk of mortality for each one-unit increase in their MDS. In the EPIC-Spain study [15] the MD was associated
with a 21% decrease in mortality (95% CI, 9-31) for high versus low rMED score after adjusting for a large number of
possible confounders. There was a 6% decreased risk of mortality (P for trend < 0.001) for each two-unit increment in
the rMED score.
TABLE 1 Study Characteristics and Main Findings for Cohort Studies Researching Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Mortality
Cohort Country
Cohort N/
Cause, n
Mediterranean Diet Score
SUN Cohort Spain
et al. [16]
6.8 years
All n ¼ 125
38 12
Oviedo Elderly Study
Spain Lasheras et al.
9.5 years
All n ¼ 96
trial Italy Barzi et al.
6.5 years
Greek cohort Greece
Trichopoulou et al.
Main Findings HR (95% CI)
MDS: nine items (+): cereals,
vegetables, fruit and nuts, legumes,
fish, MUFA/SFA, (+m): alcohol**
(): meat and meat products, milk
and dairy
Sex, age, education, BMI, smoking,
physical activity, energy, egg,
potato intake, h/d TV, hypertension,
hypercholesterolemia, depression
High versus low MDS: HR 0.38
(0.21, 0.70) +2p MDS: All HR
0.72 (0.58, 0.91)
MDS (no legume), eight items (+):
cereals (including potatoes and
bread), vegetables, fruit, fish,
MUFA/SFA, (+m): alcohol**, ():
meat and meat products, milk and
Sex, age, albumin concentration,
self-assessment of health, physical
activity, BMI, health related dieting
+1p MDS (no legume): <80y:
HR 0.69 (0.43, 0.93) 80y: HR
1.24 (0.60, 2.53)
All n ¼ 1660
MD: (+) fish, fruit, raw vegetables,
cook vegetables, olive oil
Sex, age, smoking, hypertension,
diabetes, cardiovascular risk factors
and medications, HDL cholesterol
+1p MDS: HR 0.85 (95% CI
0.82, 0.88)
6.8 years
All n ¼ 53
First MDS, eight items (+): cereals,
vegetables, fruit, legumes, MUFA/
SFA, (+m): alcohol**, (): meat and
meat products, dairy products
Sex, age, smoking
+1p MDS: HR 0.83 (0.69, 0.99)
EPIC-Spain Buckland
et al. [15]
13.4 years
All n ¼ 1855
[CVD n ¼ 399
Cancer n ¼ 913
Other n ¼ 425]
rMED: nine items (+): cereals,
vegetables, fruit and nuts, legumes,
fish, and seafood, olive oil, (+m):
alcohol**, (): meat and meat
products, dairy products
Sex, age, center, BMI, waist
circumference, education, physical
activity, smoking, energy intake
High versus low rMED: All; HR
0.79 (0.69, 0.91) ♂ HR 0.76
(0.63, 0.90) ♀ HR 0.85 (0.68,
1.06) +2p rMED: HR 0.94
(0.90, 0.97)
Trichopoulou et al.
3.7 years
All n ¼ 275
[CHD n ¼ 54
Cancer n ¼ 97]
MDS: nine items (+): cereals,
vegetables, fruit and nuts, legumes,
fish, MUFA/SFA, (+m): alcohol**
(): meat and meat products, milk
and dairy
Sex, age, BMI, smoking, education,
energy intake, waist/hip
circumference, egg, potato
+2p MDS: All HR 0.75
(0.64, 0.87) ♂ HR 0.78 (0.65,
0.94) ♀ HR 0.69 (0.53, 0.90)
EPIC-Greece Misirli
et al. [20]
10.6 years
CBVD n ¼ 196
MDS: nine items (+): cereals,
vegetables, fruit and nuts, legumes,
fish, MUFA/SFA, (+m): alcohol**
(): meat and meat products, milk
and dairy
Sex, age, BMI, smoking, education,
physical activity, hypertension,
diabetes, energy intake
High versus low MDS: HR 0.88
(0.73, 1.06) +2p MDS: All HR
0.75 (0.64, 0.87) ♂ HR 0.94
(0.72, 1.23) ♀ HR 0.82 (0.64,
EPIC-Greece Dilis
et al. [21]
10 years
CHD n ¼ 240
MDS: nine items (+): cereals,
vegetables, fruit and nuts, legumes,
fish, MUFA/SFA, (+m): alcohol**
(): meat and meat products, milk
and dairy
Sex, age, height, BMI, physical
activity, smoking, education,
arterial blood pressure, alcohol,
energy intake
High versus low MD: HR 0.54
(0.37, 0.81). +2p MDS: All HR
0.78 (0.66, 0.92) ♂ HR 0.81
(0.66, 0.99) ♀ HR 0.75 (0.57,
The Mediterranean Diet and Mortality Chapter 5
Confounders Controlled For
Cohort N/
Cause, n
Mediterranean Diet Score
Trichopoulou et al.
8.5 years
All n ¼ 1075
British Diet and
Nutrition Survey UK
McNaughton et al.
14 years
All n ¼ 654
Danish branch of
Euronut SENECA
study Denmark Osler
et al. [24]
202/6 years
Intervention Program
N. Sweden Tognon
et al. [25]
Confounders Controlled For
Main Findings HR (95% CI)
MDS: nine items (+): cereals,
vegetables, fruit and nuts, legumes,
fish, MUFA/SFA, (+m): alcohol**
(): meat and meat products, milk,
and dairy
Sex, age, education, smoking,
physical activity, energy intake,
waist/hip ratio, BMI
+2p MDS: HR 0.86 (0.80, 0.93)
MDS: nine items (+): cereals,
vegetables, fruit and nuts, legumes,
fish, MUFA/SFA, (+m): alcohol**
(): meat and meat products, milk
and dairy
Sex, age, energy intake, social class,
region, smoking, physical activity,
High versus low MDS: HR 0.78
(0.62, 0.98)
All n ¼ 50
Reduced MDS, seven items (+):
cereals, vegetables and legumes,
fruit, MUFA/SFA, (+m): alcohol**,
(): meat and meat products, milk
and dairy products
Sex, age, smoking
+1p reduced MDS: HR 0.79
(0.64, 0.98)
10 years
All n ¼ 2376
[Cancer n ¼ 974
CVD n ¼ 680
Ml n ¼ 305
Stroke n ¼ 144]
Refined mMDS, eight items: (+):
whole-grain cereals, vegetables and
potatoes, fruit and juices, fish and
fish products, ratio of MUFA
+ PUFA to SFA (+m): alcohol, ():
meat and meat products, dairy
Age, obesity, smoking, education,
physical activity
+1p refined mMDS ♂ HR 0.96
(0.93, 0.99) ♀HR 0.95 (0.91,
Women’s Lifestyle
and Health Cohort
(Swedish branch)
Sweden Lagiou et al.
12 years
All n ¼ 572
n ¼ 280]
MDS: nine items (+): cereals,
vegetables, fruit and nuts, legumes,
fish, MUFA/SFA, (+m): alcohol**
(): meat and meat products, milk
and dairy
Age, height, BMI, smoking, physical
activity, education, energy, potato,
egg intake PUFA, non-alcoholic
High versus low MDS: HR 0.89
(0.77, 1.04). +2p MDS: HR
0.93 (0.83, 1.03)
<40y HR 1.09 (0.90, 1.32)
40y HR 0.87 (0.76, 0.98)
Gothenburg Swedish
Cohort Sweden
Tognon et al. [27]
8.5 years
All n ¼ 630
Refined mMDS, eight items: (+):
whole-grain cereals, vegetables and
potatoes, legumes nuts and seeds,
fruit and juices, fish and fish
products, ratio of MUFA + PUFA to
SFA (+m): alcohol, (): meat and
meat products
Sex, BMI, waist circumference,
smoking, physical activity, marital
status, education, birth cohort
High versus low refined
mMDS: HR 0.82 (0.67, 0.99)
+1p refined mMDS HR 0.93
(0.89, 0.98)
EPIC-Eldery 10
European countries
Trichopoulou et al.
7.4 years
All n ¼ 4047
mMDS (modified Mediterranean
diet score): cereals, vegetables, fruit
and nuts, legumes, fish, MUFA
+ PUFA/SFA, (+m): alcohol**, ():
meat and meat products, dairy
Sex, age, diabetes, education,
smoking, physical activity, waist/
hip ratio, BMI, energy intake, eggs,
potato, sugar and confectionary
High versus low mMD: HR
0.91 (0.82, 1.01) +2p mMDS:
HR 0.93 (89, 0.98)
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
Cohort Country
TABLE 1 Study Characteristics and Main Findings for Cohort Studies Researching Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Mortality—cont’d
The Hale Project 11
European countries
Knoops et al. [29]
10 years
All n ¼ 935
[CHD n ¼ 122
CVD n ¼ 371
Cancer n ¼ 233
Other n ¼ 145]
MDS no alcohol, eight items: (+):
grains, vegetables and potatoes,
fruit and fruit products, legumes and
nuts and seeds, fish, MUFA/SFA,
(): meat and meat products, dairy
Sex, age, BMI, study population,
education, smoking, alcohol,
physical activity
+4p MDS no alcohol: HR 0.77
(0.68, 0.88)
Mitrou et al. [30]
10 years
All* n ¼ 27,799
[CVD n ¼ 3451
n ¼ 5985 Other
n ¼ 2669]
aMED, nine items (+): whole-grain
cereals, vegetables (excluding
potatoes), fruit, nuts, legumes, fish,
MUFA/SFA, (+m): alcohol (5–25 g/
d) (): red and processed meat
Age, energy intake, smoking
variables, education, BMI, physical
activity, race, marital status,
menopausal hormone therapy
High versus low aMED: ♂ HR
0.79 (0.76, 0.83) ♀ HR 0.80
(0.75, 0.85)
Nurses’ Health Study
USA Fung et al. [31]
20 years
CVD n ¼ 1077
CHD n ¼ 794
Stroke n ¼ 283
Adapted MDS, nine items (+):
whole-grain cereals, vegetables
(excluding potatoes), fruit, nuts,
legumes, fish, MUFA/SFA, (+m):
alcohol (5–15 g/d) (): red and
processed meat
Age, smoking, BMI, menopausal
status, menopausal hormone
therapy, energy intake,
multivitamin intake, alcohol,
physical activity, aspirin use
Fifth versus first quintile
adapted MDS HR:0.61 (0.49,
Anglo-Celtic, GreekAustralian cohort
Australia KourisBlazos et al. [32]
All n ¼ 38
MDS: nine items (+): cereals,
vegetables, fruit and nuts, legumes,
fish, MUFA/SFA, (+m): alcohol**
(): meat and meat products, milk
and dairy
Sex, age, smoking, ethnic origin
+1p MDS: All HR 0.83 (0.67,
1.02) Anglo-Celts HR 0.73
(0.45, 1.18) Greek-Australian
HR 0.91 (0.69, 1.21)
The Mediterranean Diet and Mortality Chapter 5
Abbreviations: hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence interval (CI); EPIC, European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition; N/S, not specified; USA, United States of America; (+), positively scores
high intake; +(m), positively scores moderate intake; (), positively scores low intake; SUN, Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra Project; NIH-AARP, National Institutes of Health and Diet Study; rMED,
relative Mediterranean diet score, tertile cutoffs (g/2000 k cal/day); MDS, Mediterranean diet score, sex-specific median cutoffs; First MDS, original MD score by Trichopoulou et al. (1995), sex-specific median
cutoffs; mMDS, modified Mediterraenan diet score; aMED, alternative Mediterraenan diet score; MUFA, monounsatured fatty acids; PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acids; SFA, saturated fatty acids; *, All cases
identified during 10 years of follow-up, cause-specific cases after 5 years of follow-up; **, alcohol range for women is 5–25 g/d and for men is 10–50 g/d.
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
TABLE 2 Study Characteristics and Main Findings for Dietary Interventions Researching Adherence to the
Mediterranean Diet and Mortality
Cohort N/
Mediterranean Diet
Controlled For
Main Findings
HR/RR (95% CI)
Estruch et al.
4.8 years
All n ¼ 348
n ¼ 87
MD (+): vegetables,
fruit, butter, margarine
or cream, sweet/
carbonated drinks,
wine, legumes, fish or
shellfish, chicken
rabbit or white meat,
sofrito, olive oil or nuts
(): red meat and meat
products, commercial
sweets or pastries
Sex, age, center,
family history of
CHD, smoking,
BMI, waist/hip
MD with extravirgin olive oil or
with nuts versus
Control (low-fat):
All HR 0.89
(0.71, 1.12) CVD
HR 0.83 (0.54,
Heart Study
Lorgeril et al.
3.8 years
All n ¼ 38
n ¼ 15
Med-type diet (+):
bread, root vegetables,
green vegetables, fish,
chicken, fruit,
margarine (linoleic
acid and a-linolenic
acid enriched),
rapeseed oil, olive oil,
(+m) wine, () red
meat, butter and cream
Sex, age,
cholesterol level,
blood pressure,
leukocyte count,
aspirin use
Med-type diet
versus Control All
RR 0.44 (0.21,
0.94) Cardiac RR
0.35 (0.15, 0.83)
Abbreviations: CVD, cardiovascular disease; MD, Mediterranean diet; Med, Mediterranean; RR, risk ratio; HR, hazards ratio; (+), positively scores high
intake; +(m), positively scores moderate intake; (), positively scores low intake.
The magnitude of the protective effect was similar in a UK cohort study [23] that reported that high
compared to low adherence to the MD was related to a 22% decreased risk in mortality (95% CI, 2-38). In two other
studies outside the Mediterranean, a protective effect of the MD on mortality was also evident. For instance, a
small cohort study [24] in Denmark found that a one-unit increment in MDS was related to an 11% decreased risk
of mortality (95% CI, 2-36). A large cohort study set in Sweden [25] found that a one-unit increment in the MDS
was related to a significant 4% (95% CI, 1-7) and 5% decreased risk of dying (95% CI, 1-9) in men and women,
Two RCTs [12,33] investigated the effect of the MD on overall mortality (Table 2): the Spanish PREDIMED
(Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea) intervention trial [12] and the Lyon Diet Heart Trial [33]. In PREDIMED, designed
to assess the risk of major CVD events but including death from any cause, an MD supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil
or nuts was associated with a negative but nonsignificant decreased risk of overall mortality (hazard ratio [HR], 0.89; 95%
CI, 0.71-1.12) compared to a low-fat diet.
The Lyon Diet Heart Trial [33] was also specifically designed to assess the effect of an MD on CVD death but also
studied overall survival. The study reported that patients (survivors of an acute myocardial infarction) following an
MD-type diet had an impressive 56% reduction in overall death (95% CI, 6-79). These more recent findings from both
observational and experimental studies support the results from the 2010 meta-analysis [5], providing more solid evidence
indicating that following an MD increases survival.
In summary, epidemiological studies (mainly observational) exploring the relationship between the MD and mortality
show that there is clear, consistent evidence that individuals who adhere to an MD are less likely to die. The magnitude of
the protective effect varied depending on the study, but in general a high versus low MDS seemed to decrease risk of
mortality by approximately 20%, and a two-unit increase in an MDS decreased mortality by 8%, according to a pooled
meta-analysis of nine cohort studies [5].
The Mediterranean Diet and Mortality Chapter 5
Cause-Specific Mortality
Eleven of the reviewed studies also researched the relationship between the MD and cause-specific mortality, providing
more insight into how the MD actually is able to increase survival in terms of its specific health benefits. Table 3 presents
results from the six cohort studies that provided sex-specific results of cause-specific mortality.
CVD Mortality
Adherence to the MD is associated with a reduction in mortality from CVD, in particular coronary heart disease (CHD), in
all the studies researching this outcome. A high compared to low MDS significantly reduced the risk of CHD by 44% in the
EPIC-Greece cohort [21], by 42% among women in the Nurses’ Health study [31], and by 39% in an elderly European
cohort [29]. For a high versus low MDS, CVD mortality was significantly reduced by 34% in the EPIC-Spain cohort
[15] (which was greater in women than in men), by 29% in the elderly European cohort [29], by 22% in men and 19%
in women in the American Diet and Health Study [30], and by 39% in women in the Nurses’ Health study [31].
The two RCTs also reported on the effect of adhering to the MD on CVD mortality, and although there was a 17%
decrease in CVD mortality in the PREDIMED trial [12], it was not statistically significant. In contrast, the Lyon Heart
Study [33] found a significant 65% decreased risk of cardiac death related to following a Mediterranean-type diet, although
there were only 15 cases in this analysis. An inverse but nonsignificant association between the MDS and CVD death was
observed in the EPIC-Greece cohort [20].
The biological plausibility of the causal relation between the MD and CVD mortality is supported by strong evidence of
the intermediate biological mechanisms and pathways involved [34], including the MD’s beneficial effects on blood lipids
(decreasing triglycerides and total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and increasing high-density lipoprotein cholesterol), insulin sensitivity, markers of oxidation, inflammation, endothelial function, and CVD risk factors such as metabolic
syndrome, diabetes, and overweight/obesity [1,2,10–12,35,36].
Cancer Mortality
Results on the effect of the MD on death from cancer are mixed. Three studies found a significant protective effect; each
two-point increment in the MDS was associated with a significant 24% reduced risk of cancer death in the EPIC-Greece
cohort [13], high versus low MD adherence was related to a 17% reduced risk of cancer death in men and 12% in women in
the American Diet and Health Study [30], and a one-point increase in the MDS was related to an 8% decreased risk of
cancer death in the cohort from northern Sweden [25]. In contrast, three studies reported negative but nonsignificant
associations between high adherence to the MD and cancer mortality: the Uppsala Health Care Cohort (HR, 0.80; 95%
CI, 0.57-1.13 in women); EPIC-Spain (HR, 1.08; 95%CI, 0.81-1.15 in women and HR, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.68-1.08 in
men) (Table 3), and the elderly European cohort (HR, 0.90; 95% CI, 0.70-1.17) (data not shown).
In summary, the evidence for a relation between the MD and cancer mortality is much weaker than for CVD: only three
of the six studies assessing this outcome reported that the MD significantly reduced death from cancer. Worth noting is that
one of the studies reporting a significant reduction had by far the most number of cases (more than 3500 cancer deaths),
indicating good study power to detect an association if one existed. In addition, there was a negative, albeit nonsignificant,
association in the other studies. The MD’s potent antioxidant action and ability to reduce chronic inflammation, to offset the
carcinogenic effects of N-nitroso compounds, and to downregulate cancer-related oncogenes could explain its anticarcinogenic role [6].
Mortality from Other Causes
It is also worth noting is that several cohort studies [15,29,30] found that adhering to the MD was significantly associated
with a decreased risk of dying from other causes, ranging from 23% (95% CI, 12-30) in men and 28% (95% CI, 13-41) in
women in the American Diet and Health study to 29% (95% CI, 6-46) overall in the EPIC-Spain cohort and up to 39% (95%
CI, 15-56) in the elderly European cohort [29].
In the study by Buckland et al. [15], this category included death from chronic diseases apart from cancer and CVD,
death from respiratory disorders and other diseases and infections, as well as external causes. It is likely that the broad
spectrum of nutritional attributes of the MD [1,3,37,38], such as its rich source of varied antioxidants, high fiber content,
favorable lipid profile (with a high monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat-to-saturated fat ratio and high intake of
a-linolenic acid), and abundance of phytochemicals and other biologically active compounds and their synergistic interactions, could help prevent or improve the prognosis or response to treatment of a number of other diseases and illnesses
[2,36], thereby reducing mortality.
Moderate vs Low
MD Score
High vs Low
MD Score
Moderate vs Low
MD Score
High vs Low
MD Score
Misirli et al. [20]
0.63 (0.39, 1.02)
0.88 (0.50, 1.55)
0.93 (0.61, 1.42)
0.60 (0.31, 1.16)
Dilis et al. [21]
0.80 (0.55, 1.15)
0.62 (0.39, 0.98)
0.89 (0.57, 1.39)
0.39 (0.17, 0.88)
0.97 (0.77, 1.22)
0.83 (0.63, 1.08)
1.01 (0.80, 1.29)
1.08 (0.81, 1.45)
0.90 (0.66, 1.23)
0.71 (0.50, 1.01)
0.73 (0.47, 1.13)
0.54 (0.30, 0.96)
0.73 (0.54, 0.99)
0.73 (0.51, 1.03)
0.71 (0.48, 1.04)
0.70 (0.43, 1.14)
0.86 (0.80, 0.93)
0.83 (0.76, 0.91)
0.93 (0.85, 1.02)
0.88 (0.78, 1.00)
0.95 (0.86, 1.04)
0.78 (0.69, 0.87)
0.85 (0.74, 0.98)
0.81 (0.68, 0.97)
0.90 (0.81, 1.00)
0.77 (0.70, 0.88)
0.82 (0.71, 0.95)
0.72 (0.59, 0.87)
0.89 (0.76, 1.08)
0.61 (0.49, 0.76)
0.81 (0.65, 1.00)
0.58 (0.45, 0.75)
1.17 (0.81, 1.68)
0.69 (0.44, 1.07)
0.91 (0.69, 1.18)
0.80 (0.57, 1.13)
Author (year)
Buckland et al.a [15]
NIH-AARP Diet and Health Cohort—USA
Mitrou et al. [30]
Nurses’ Health Study —USA
Fung et al. [31]
Uppsala Health Care—Sweden
Lagiou et al. [26]
Abbreviations: CVD, Cardiovascular disease; CHD, Coronary Heart Disease; CBVD, Cerebrovascular Disease N/A: Data Not Available; EPIC, European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition; NIH-AARP,
National Institutes of Health Assocation of Retired Persons Diet and Health Study; USA, United States of America
Additional sex specific data was provided from the author of this study, as was not published within this paper. bModerate MD score refers to third quartile and High MD Score refers to fifth quartile.
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
TABLE 3 Results from Studies Reporting the Association Between the Mediterranean Dietary Pattern and Cause-Specific Mortality
The Mediterranean Diet and Mortality Chapter 5
Overall, the results on cause-specific mortality reveal that the MD reduces the risk of mortality in part through its protective effect on CVD mortality, in particular CHD; in the reviewed studies a high versus low MDS decreased the risk of
CVD mortality between 19% and 46% and the risk of CHD mortality from 42% to 61%. There was, however, no evidence
that the MD reduced mortality from stroke or CBVD death. There is some evidence to suggest that the MD is associated
with a reduction in mortality from cancer. Adhering to the MD is also linked to a reduction in mortality from a range of other
diseases and illnesses not specified, grouped into “other causes.”
The Benefits of the MD in Non-Mediterranean Populations
Ten of the cohort studies researching the MD’s relation with mortality were carried out in non-Mediterranean countries (the
United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden, the United States, and Australia) or in European populations from both Mediterranean
and non-Mediterranean countries. The findings consistently show that the MD was related to a decreased risk of overall
mortality in non-Mediterranean populations but with a certain range in the magnitude of the negative association observed.
In studies comparing the effect of a high versus low adherence to the MD on mortality, there was a reduced risk of 22%
(95% CI, 2-38) in a British Cohort [23], 11% (95% CI, 4-23) in a Swedish cohort [26], 9% (95% CI, 1 to 18) in the
EPIC-Elderly European cohort [28], 23% (95% CI, 12-32) in the Hale European cohort, and 21% (95% CI, 17-24) in men
and 20% (95% CI, 15-25) in women in the American Diet and Health cohort [30]. There was also a reduced risk of mortality
from CVD of 39% (95% CI, 24-51) in the Nurses’ Health Study [31]. A one-point increment in MDS was related to a 4%
decrease in mortality (95% CI, 1-7) in men and a 5% decrease (95% CI, 1-9) in women in another Swedish cohort [25], a
21% decrease (95% CI, 2-36) in a Danish cohort [24], and a 17% decrease (95% CI, 2 to 33) in an Australian cohort.
Overall, the findings from studies set outside the Mediterranean basin show that the benefits of the MD go beyond the
geographic area where it was originally defined, and that even non-Mediterranean populations (ranging from Northern
Europe, the United States, and even Australia) that do not traditionally have an MD-style eating pattern can and have
adopted key features of Mediterranean cuisine and benefited in terms of increased longevity. The results are also of interest
because the benefits of the MD could be partly attributed to the lifestyle habits with which it is intrinsically linked. Indeed, it
is often noted that the MD is not just a dietary pattern but an expression of culture and history and a way of life [39]. The
MD’s protective effect against mortality in non-Mediterranean populations indicates the benefits of the dietary pattern
separate from the traditional Mediterranean lifestyle, although residual confounding by other healthy lifestyles associated
with the MD in these populations cannot be ruled out.
Relative Importance of Individual Components of the MD on Mortality
Six cohort studies presented results on the association between the individual components of the MDS and overall mortality
[15,16,18,20,22,25], as presented in Figure 1a–f. In general, the relationship between each separate component of the MDS
and mortality was not very strong, and few components were significantly associated with overall mortality. However,
alcohol was related to a reduced risk of mortality in three studies [15,22,25], fruit and nuts in another study [16] and olive
oil in the EPIC-Spain studies [15]. In the GISSI-Prevenzione trial [18], however, all five food groups (fruit, raw vegetables,
cooked vegetables, olive oil, and fish) were independently related with a reduced risk of mortality.
Four cohort studies [15,22,25,27] also investigated the effect of the alternate exclusion of each component of the MDS
(i.e., MDS without fruit or MDS without alcohol). This is useful to understand whether any one food group within the score
would invalidate the effect of the entire score if it was excluded. However, because the association with mortality survived
and was, in general, of a similar magnitude when each single component was alternately removed, the results demonstrate
the robustness of the MDS (data not shown). The relative importance of the components of the MDS in reducing mortality
was assessed in two EPIC studies [15,23] (presented as percentage change in HR). In the EPIC-Spain study [15], olive oil,
alcohol, cereals, and fruit contributed most to the MDS, whereas in the EPIC-Greece study [23] alcohol, meat, vegetables,
and fruit and nuts had a predominant effect on mortality.
Overall these findings illustrate that the MDS is consistently a better indicator of survival than its individual food
components. This could be partly due to interactions and synergisms between different foods and nutrients, and individual
components may have health benefits that are undetectable alone but become more evident when integrated together within
a dietary score. Dietary scores also have the advantage of overcoming problems of collinearity or confounding between
food groups [40]. It should be noted, though, that in certain studies alcohol, fruit and nuts, cereals, olive oil, and meat were
independently related to mortality.
HR (95% CI)
1.03 (0.87, 1.21)
Vegetables and potatoes
1.06 (0.90, 1.24)
Monounsaturated to saturated lipids (ratio)
0.98 (0.84, 1.15)
1.01 (0.86, 1.19)
Fish and seafood
0.96 (0.82, 1.13)
0.77 (0.61, 0.97)
Legumes, nuts, and seeds
0.98 (0.83, 1.16)
Meat, meat products, and eggs
0.84 (0.71, 0.98)
Dairy products
0.82 (0.70, 0.96)
HR (95% CI)
Fruits and nuts
0.93 (0.82, 1.06)
1.02 (0.90, 1.16)
Olive oil
0.85 (0.75, 0.96)
0.91 (0.81, 1.03)
Fish and seafood
1.02 (0.90, 1.15)
0.89 (0.80, 0.99)
1.00 (0.89, 1.12)
1.08 (0.96, 1.22)
Dairy products
1.08 (0.95, 1.24)
0.7 0.8
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
HR (95% CI)
Fruits and nuts
0.93 (0.82, 1.06)
0.90 (0.76, 1.05)
Monounsaturated to saturated lipids (ratio)
0.91 (0.79, 1.04)
0.99 (0.86, 1.13)
Fish and seafood
1.08 (0.95, 1.22)
Alcohol intake (low)
1.19 (1.03, 1.38)
Alcohol intake (high)
1.47 (1.32, 1.91)
0.94 (0.83, 1.08)
1.15 (0.99, 1.33)
Dairy products
1.07 (0.93, 1.23)
FIGURE 1 The association between the components of the Mediterranean diet and overall mortality in selected cohort studies. (a) The Gothenburg
Swedish cohort, Tognon et al. [27] (b) The EPIC-Spain, Buckland et al. [15] (c) The EPIC-Greece, Trichopoulou et al. [22]
The Mediterranean Diet and Mortality Chapter 5
HR (95% CI)
Fruits and nuts
0.64 (0.43, 0.95)
0.79 (0.53, 1.17)
Monounsaturated to saturated lipids (ratio)
0.77 (0.51, 1.17)
0.83 (0.54, 1.27)
0.95 (0.65, 1.38)
0.79 (0.54, 1.17)
1.02 (0.67, 1.53)
Meat/ meat products
0.97 (0.65, 1.44)
Dairy products
1.04 (0.69, 1.58)
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
HR (95% CI)
1.02 (0.97, 1.08)
0.99 (0.95, 1.04)
Monounsaturated to saturated lipids (ratio)
0.24 (0.07, 1.13)
1.10 (1.03, 1.17)
0.81 (0.63, 1.05)
0.99 (0.86, 1.13)
Dairy products
1.00 (0.99, 1.01)
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
HR (95% CI)
0.73 (0.54, 0.98)
Raw vegetables
0.65 (0.51, 0.84)
Cooked vegetables
0.70 (0.50, 0.99)
Olive oil
0.76 (0.64, 0.91)
0.76 (0.62, 0.94)
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
FIGURE 1—CONT’D (d) The SUN cohort, Martı́nez-González et al. [16] (e) The Danish Euronut SENECA study, Osler et al. [24] (f) The GISSIPrevensione trial, Barzi et al. [18]
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
The variability in magnitude or strength of the relationship between the MD and overall or cause-specific mortality may be
related to a number of factors, including study design, geographic region of the study population, population characteristics,
definition of MDS, methodology for collecting dietary data, and statistical analysis (Table 4). Because the MDS uses cutoffs
based on medians or tertiles of the populations’ intake of each MD component (not quantitative amounts), the cutoffs will vary
between studies depending on the dietary habits of the participants included. For example, the cutoffs defining low and high
MD adherence may be uncharacteristically low in non-Mediterranean countries (especially because of the lower consumption of foods such as olive oil, legumes, or seafood in certain countries), and even Mediterranean countries may have
this problem because of the documented disappearance of the “traditional” MD [41]. As a result, the MDS really reflects only
“relative” adherence to an MD. In addition, the MDSs applied in the studies vary in the type and number of components
included in their definition, and many do not include key characteristic components of a traditional MD, such as whole-grain
cereals and moderate alcohol consumption or olive oil intake (the ratio of MUFA to SFA is normally used instead of olive oil).
Therefore, caution should be taken when directly comparing mortality risk associated with high adherence to the MDS
between different studies.
Other methodological differences to consider when interpreting the results include the accuracy of the dietary data collected, which varies between studies and is related to the type of dietary questionnaire (most were validated); whether they
were self-administered or completed during an interview; and the number of items included. Dietary measurement error consequently could influence (probably attenuate) the reported MD–mortality relationship. The population’s characteristics in
terms of age, health status, and sex also are relevant. For instance, in the Swedish cohort study [26] adherence to the MD
was only significantly related to overall and cancer mortality in women over 40 years old, which could be because of a stronger
genetic influence for diseases such as cancer in younger women. The PREDIMED trial and Lyon Heart study also included
selected health groups (individuals at high risk for CVD or with a previous myocardial infarction), and so the mortality risk
estimates cannot be directly compared to the results from studies including healthy populations.
Differences in the statistical analyses, such as the number and type of confounders controlled for in the statistical
models, is also relevant because it is important to try and separate the positive effects of the healthy MD from those of
a healthy lifestyle, as they often go hand in hand. Therefore, careful adjustment for socioeconomic and lifestyle factors
related to mortality and the MD should help disentangle this, and although most studies adjusted for the main confounding
variables, some residual confounding in observational studies is almost inevitable.
There is substantial evidence showing that adhering to a Mediterranean-type diet is related to a reduction in risk of overall
mortality, which is apparent among younger and older generations across Mediterranean and non-Mediterranean
populations and is partly due to a reduction in the risk of dying from CVD and probably cancer. There are many nutritional
attributes of the MD and related biological mechanisms that can explain the benefits of the MD on mortality.
TABLE 4 The Methodological Factors to Consider when Interpreting Results of Epidemiological Studies
on the Mediterranean Diet and Mortality
Methodological Factors
Variability Between Studies Reviewed
Study design
Observational (cohort) or experimental (RCT)
Geographic origin of study
Mediterranean versus non-Mediterranean
Study size and endpoints
Total number of participants and endpoints
Population characteristics
Gender, age, socioeconomic level, health status
Dietary data collection
Food frequency questionnaires, dietary history, multiple 24-h recalls (validated or not)
Mediterranean diet
Number and type of components included in Mediterranean diet score, cutoffs (sex-specific medians
versus tertiles using energy-density method)
Statistical analysis
Confounding variables controlled for, type of sensitivity analyses
The Mediterranean Diet and Mortality Chapter 5
This chapter systematically reviews 21 epidemiological studies (19 observational and 2 experimental) researching the
relationship between adherence to the MD and mortality.
The results consistently show that individuals who adhere to the MD are less likely to die; in general a high versus
low MDS was related to a decreased risk of mortality by 20%, and a two-unit increase in an MDS decreased
mortality by 8%.
The MD reduces risk of mortality partly due to its cardioprotective role, but it may also protect against mortality from
cancer and other diseases or illnesses.
Results from studies set in non-Mediterranean populations show that the health benefits of the MD, in terms of increased
survival, are transferable outside the Mediterranean basin.
The entire MDS is consistently a better indicator of survival than its individual food components; however, moderate
alcohol intake and a high intake of fruit, vegetables, and olive oil were the components most heavily implicated in the
score’s protective role against mortality.
The benefits of the MD on mortality can be attributed to its rich source of varied antioxidants, favorable lipid profile,
high fiber content, and abundance of phytochemicals and other biologically active compounds that have a cardioprotective and anticarcinogenic effect, amongst other health properties.
Methodological differences between studies, including the geographic region where the study was set, population
characteristics, definition of MDS, source of dietary data, and method of statistical analysis, could explain some of
the differences in the magnitude and strength of results for overall and cause-specific mortality.
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SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
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Chapter 6
Mediterranean Diet and Quality of Life
Patricia Henrı́quez-Sánchez1,2, Jorge Doreste-Alonso1, Cristina Ruano1,2, Lluı́s Serra-Majem, MD, PhD1,2,
Miguel Ángel Martı́nez-González2,3 and Almudena Sánchez-Villegas1,2
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Madrid, Spain. 2 Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain. 3 University of Navarra, Madrid, Spain.
Important changes in demographic structure have taken place throughout the last century. A decrease in the birth rate and an
increase in longevity have determined an important process of aging worldwide. In 2010, 524 million people were over the
age of 65, representing 8% of the world’s population, and this percentage may increase to 16% of the total population in
2050, surpassing the percentage of young people [1].
In addition to this increase in population with advanced ages, a spectacular increase in life expectancy also has been
observed, leading to the appearance of chronic and degenerative diseases that determine the quality of life of the population.
Nowadays, diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cancer, and other chronic diseases represent
more than half of all disease burden in developed countries [2].
For this reason, the interest in increasing the “quantity” of life must be accompanied by an increase in its quality.
Although until only a few years ago health policies aimed to diminish the mortality and morbidity among populations,
today there is a growing interest in understanding and improving individuals’ quality of life.
Nowadays, a person’s health status is evaluated beyond his or her physical capacity, taking into account the social context
and mental health; therefore, the evaluation of quality of life has to be done in an integral way. The concept of quality of life
was included in the area of the medicine in the 1950s. In 1994 the World Health Organization defined it as “the personal
perception of an individual of his situation in life, inside the cultural context and values in which he lives, and in relation
with his aims, expectations, values and interests” [3]. Quality of life is a multidimensional concept that includes physical,
psychic, and social aspects, each of which has different components to be measured. They can represent both an objective
(functioning and health status) and subjective (perceptions) dimension of health [4].
The measurement of quality of life is related to the subjective perception of health and well-being reported by an individual in relation to his or her social and cultural environment. Self-perceived health-related quality of life is a simple but
effective indicator of the global health status and a useful tool to predict welfare needs and to organize prevention programs.
It is obvious to think that the promotion of a healthy life is comparable to the concept of well-being and the concept of a
good quality of life. The fact that one feels well determines the development of his daily life. A narrow relationship exists
between how a person feels and what the person does.
Questionnaires that measure quality of life have been frequently used in clinical populations and are of great interest in
evaluating the quality of life of healthy populations, with the aim of determining the factors that could influence it. Several
scientific studies show that self-perceived health-related quality of life is a good predictive factor of mortality [5–7]. From a
public health perspective, it has been an increase in the evaluation of quality of life in population-based studies.
Because quality of life is not a biological measurement but one of perceived health, instruments ensuring the reliability and
precision of the information collected must be used. In general, quality of life is determined by administering self-reported
questionnaires. Multiple questionnaires exist to determine levels of quality of life, and they can be classified as generic or
specific. Generic questionnaires have a purely descriptive use because they do not allow clinical changes produced by an
intervention or treatment for a certain disease to be detected. They are applied to compare different populations and
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
pathological processes. Specific questionnaires are focused to study the quality of life of patients with a certain pathology,
and they allow changes produced by the effects of a treatment to be evaluated. Specific questionnaires are the first choice to
be applied in clinical trials. Five generic questionnaires are most often used.
1. 36-Item Short Form (SF-36) Health Survey. The SF-36 was developed over the past 10 years using questionnaires and
data from the Medical Outcomes Study. It is a general health scale widely used and thoroughly validated [8]. This
questionnaire contains 36 items, measuring 8 multi-item parameters of health status: physical functioning, role limitations because of physical health problems (role-physical), bodily pain (tolerance), general health perceptions, vitality,
social functioning, role limitations because of emotional problems (role-emotional), and mental health (Table 1). The
first four domains deal with physical aspects and the latter four reflect psychological features. Scores for each parameter
are coded, summed, and converted into a scale from 0 (the worst possible condition) to 100 (the best possible condition).
For example, for bodily pain a score of 100 means complete tolerance of pain.
The SF-36 is appropriate for people aged 14 and older and is self-administered or administered via a computer or by
a trained interviewer in person or over the telephone. It can be applied both in clinical populations and the general
population and is characterized by easy administration—no more than 20 min are needed to complete it. There are
two reduced versions of the questionnaire, the SF-12 and the SF-8, which also are validated and widely used, mainly
in population-based studies.
2. EuroQol 5-Dimension (EQ-5D) Questionnaire. This questionnaire, developed by the EuroQol Group [9], is a
descriptive tool designed to be self-administered and is characterized by very easy comprehension. This questionnaire
measures health-related quality of life through five dimensions—mobility, self-care, daily activities, pain/discomfort,
and anxiety/depression—instead of the eight dimensions measured in the SF-36 Health Survey. It also includes a visual
analogical scale. The EQ-5D has been widely used as an instrument for measuring health status in clinical trials and
observational and other public health studies and therefore has been using in both general populations and groups of
people with diseases. The EQ-5D has been validated in different languages and is widely used in many countries
including Europe, North America, Africa, and Asia.
3. Sickness Impact Profile (SIP). The SIP has 12 areas measured using numerical scales, and it is more complex than
the SF-36: It takes more time to be administered, and it is difficult to apply it among outpatients and large populations. Therefore, although it has been used, it has not been as accepted as the SF-36. It has, however, been widely
validated [10].
4. Nottingham Health Profile (NHP). The NHP allows easy evaluation of personal perceptions of health. It consists of 38
questions with a yes/no response grouped in six dimensions: pain, physical mobility, sleep, energy, emotional reactions,
and social isolation. The interpretation is based on the number of positive answers; higher marks represent a worse
quality of life [11].
5. General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). Aimed at detecting minor and functional psychiatric disorders, the GHQ is commonly used both in community and primary care settings. It originally included 60 items, but shorter versions, such as
the GHQ-28 (assessing somatic symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, social dysfunction, and depression) and the GHQ-12,
have been validated for screening purposes [12].
TABLE 1 SF-36 Domains
Physical functioning
Grade in which health problems can interfere with physical activities such as walking, self-care,
or weight lifting
Role physical
Grade in which physical health problems can interfere with work activity or with other daily activities
Bodily pain
Pain intensity and its effect on work inside and outside home
General health
Personal belief regarding current health and future perspectives regarding health
Vitality and energy feelings against tiredness or exhaustion
Social functioning
Grade in which mental health problems can interfere with habitual social life
Role emotional
Grade in which mental health problems can interfere with work activity or with other daily activities
Mental health
General mental health including depression, anxiety, emotional and behavior control and general
positive effect
Mediterranean Diet Quality of Life Chapter 6
On the other hand, there are a great number of specific questionnaires measuring health-related quality of life for diverse
diseases: the Diabetes Quality of Life, the 39-item Quality of Life Parkinson Disease Questionnaire, the Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire, and the Mild Hypertension Vital Signs Quality of Life Questionnaire.
All the above-mentioned questionnaires are designed for the adult population, but there are also both generic and specific questionnaires to evaluate the quality of life of children and teenagers. Examples of generic instruments are the Functional Status Measure of Child Health and the Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that other types of measures combining quantity and quality of life are also used. Qualityadjusted life-years and disability-adjusted life-years, allowing us to consider the number of years lost because of premature
death and incapacitation, are the most commonly used.
The positive health effects of the Mediterranean diet are strongly supported by evidence built on innumerable scientific
achievements from the first study conducted by Keys in the 1950s. The Seven Countries Study was the first one recognizing
the health effects of the diet followed by Mediterranean countries [13]. However, the Mediterranean diet pattern, recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, not only includes a set of “healthy” foods but also
incorporates lifestyle and cultural elements other than those that are strictly dietetic. Daily physical activity and adequate
rest also play a part in a balanced lifestyle, contributing to improved welfare and health [14]. The Mediterranean diet is a
cultural model that leads to a higher level of health, better welfare, and better quality of life and is an efficacious primary
and secondary prevention resource for those subjects adopting its principles. It also is able to reduce the burden of disease
among developed and aged societies.
The increasing interest in the relationships between food patterns and health is evidenced by the huge number of epidemiological studies published in the past decade [15]. The Mediterranean diet, along with a reduction in all-cause mortality [16–19], has been regarded as preventive for chronic pathologies such as cardiovascular disease [16], cancer [20],
diabetes [21], depression [22], cognitive impairment [23], and Alzheimer’s disease [24].
The Mediterranean diet has also been associated with an improvement in quality of life; there are even several studies of this
topic. Some clinic trials of both high-risk and diseased adult populations, have shown a better quality of life as a result of the
implementation of a more healthy food pattern [25,26]. There exists supplementary evidence from cross-sectional studies
of adult Mediterranean populations, namely those published in 2009 by Muñoz et al. [27] (n ¼ 8195) and Henrı́quezSánchez et al. [28] in 2012 (n ¼ 11,015), and it is noteworthy that the effect was found both in the physical and mental
domains. The study by Henrı́quez-Sánchez et al. included participants in the SUN (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra)
Project, an ongoing, multipurpose study comprising a dynamic cohort of university graduates from Spain. Dietary intake
was assessed through a validated 136-item semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire completed at baseline.
Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was appraised according to the score created by Trichopoulou et al. [29]. This
score includes nine components: intake of vegetables, legumes, fruits and nuts, cereals, fish, meat and meat products,
and dairy products; moderate alcohol intake; and the ratio of monounsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids (SFAs).
Values of 0 or 1 were assigned to each component using the sex-specific medians in the studied population as cutoffs.
Quality of life was assessed at the fourth year of follow-up using the validated Spanish version of the SF-36 Health Survey.
Trichopoulou et al. reported that adjusted mean values for physical functioning, role-physical, bodily pain, general health,
and vitality were significantly better in participants with higher Mediterranean diet scores (Figures 1 and 2). They also
reported a significant multivariate-adjusted, direct linear association between the Mediterranean diet score and the physical
and mental domains. As shown in Table 2, a one-point increment in the Mediterranean diet score was associated with a
0.50-point increment (95% CI 0.32-0.68) in the physical domain and 0.45-point increment (95% CI 0.26-0.62) in the mental
health domain (Table 2).
To our knowledge, regarding healthy pediatric populations, only a study of Greek adolescents has been published [30].
In that study adherence to the Mediterranean diet was positively correlated with health-related quality of life. It must be
highlighted that overweight and obesity are increasing public health problems characterized not only by severe medical
consequences occurring at a young age but also psychosocial consequences such as low self-esteem, insecurity, difficulties
at school, impaired social interactions, and even depressive symptoms. Obese children and adolescents report significant
impairments not only in total scores but also in all domains—physical, psychosocial, emotional, social, and school
functioning—of health-related quality of life scales than healthy children and adolescents [31]. The likelihood of an obese
Mediterranean diet score
SF-36 physical domains score
P = 0.005
FIGURE 1 Adjusted means (95% confidence intervals) for
SF-36 physical domains according to Mediterranean diet score
categories. Means have been adjusted for age, sex, marital
status, body mass index, smoking, leisure-time physical
activity, total energy intake, and medical history of hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and coronary heart disease.
PF ¼ physical functioning; RP ¼ role physical; BP ¼ bodily
pain; GH ¼ general health.
P = 0.005
Mediterranean diet score
SF-36 mental domains score
High score
P =0.079
P = 0.061
FIGURE 2 Adjusted means (95% confidence intervals) for
SF-36 mental domains according to Mediterranean diet score
categories. Means are adjusted for age, sex, marital status,
body mass index, consumption, leisure-time physical activity,
total energy intake, and medical history of hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and coronary heart disease. SF ¼ social
functioning; RE ¼ role emotional; MH ¼ mental health,
VT ¼ vitality.
P = 0.447
TABLE 2 Multivariate Regression Coefficients (95% Confidence Intervals)a for the Association
Between Mediterranean Diet Score and Quality of Life
Regression Coefficients
95% CI
0.32 to 0.68
Social functioning
0.02 to 0.34
Role emotional
0.03 to 0.66
Mental health
0.06 to 0.25
Physical functioning
0.22 to 0.43
Role physical
0.07 to 0.66
Bodily pain
0.04 to 0.50
General health
0.26 to 0.62
Mental component
Physical component
Adjusted for age, sex, marital status, body mass index, smoking, leisure-time physical activity, total energy intake, and medical history of
hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and coronary heart disease.
Mediterranean Diet Quality of Life Chapter 6
child or adolescent having impaired health-related quality of life was 5.5 times greater than a healthy child or adolescent
and similar to a child or adolescent diagnosed with cancer [32].
The main causes of obesity and overweight among children are a lack of physical activity and inappropriate food patterns. Adherence to a Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of obesity, and considering the relationship with quality of life, the
advantages of promoting this healthy pattern at the earliest ages are fairly obvious.
Several biological and physiological mechanisms could explain the beneficial effect of the Mediterranean diet on
physical health. Adherence to the traditional Mediterranean diet has been associated with a reduction in low-grade inflammatory status, better endothelial function, an improved profile of coagulation markers [33,34], and less insulin resistance
[35]. All these factors are thought to lead not only to a lower risk of chronic diseases but also to better metabolic control of
already established diseases. Underlying mechanisms include, on one hand, effects of omega-3 fatty acids on neuronal
membranes, enhancing synaptic membrane fluidity and serotonin transport [36]. On the other hand, B vitamins and folate
are involved in the synthesis of serotonin and other monoamine neurotransmitters as well as other methylation reactions, for
example, homocysteine catabolism [37].
A study conducted by Ruano et al. [38] showed a harmful association between the highest intake of trans unsaturated
fatty acids compared with the lowest intake and several mental and physical SF-36 domains: vitality, social functioning,
role-emotional, and bodily pain (Table 3). These associations could mean that the physiological changes that occur when
this kind of fatty acid is consumed could mostly influence mental quality of life and therefore the self-perception of wellbeing. So, participants with the highest intake would perceive themselves as being more tired and worn out, having more
social and role disability due to emotional problems and more severe limiting pain than the participants with the lowest
intake of trans unsaturated fatty acids.
An inverse association for SFA intake and some of the physical domains (physical functioning and general health) also
was found, although this relationship was not statistically significant after adjusting for adherence to the Mediterranean diet
score. Therefore, after adjusting for a dietary pattern such as the Mediterranean diet—rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids
and other nutrients with beneficial effects—there is no harmful effect of SFAs on quality of life.
Considering diverse Mediterranean diet components, there are more published studies regarding quality of life. In parallel to a higher consumption of fruit and vegetables, a reduction of perceived stress and depressive symptoms has been
found [39,40], as well as a better self-reported physical function, which has less consistent effects on functional mental
health [41]. These findings have been confirmed through randomized clinical trials in which such an intervention increased
physical, but not mental, health status [42], although others have not obtained such clear results. It has been proposed that
discrepancies can be explained by baseline self-perceived quality of life and differences in fruit and vegetable consumption.
The same is observed for fish. Some authors report a positive relationship between fish consumption and the physical,
but not mental, component of quality of life [43]. However, others found a positive association linking fish consumption
TABLE 3 Multivariate Regression Coefficients (95% Confidence Intervals)a for the Association Between
Extreme Quintile of Trans Unsaturated Fatty Acid Intake and Quality of Life
Quintile 1
Quintile 5
0 (ref.)
1.6 (3.0 to 0.2)
Social functioning
0 (ref.)
1.7 (2.9 to 0.4)
Role emotional
0 (ref.)
3.5 (6.0 to 1.0)
Mental health
0 (ref.)
0.2 (1.4 to 0.7)
Physical functioning
0 (ref.)
0.6 (1.4 to 0.2)
Role physical
0 (ref.)
2.0 (4.4 to 0.3)
Bodily pain
0 (ref.)
2.3 (4.1 to 0.5)
General health
0 (ref.)
0.8 (2.2 to 0.6)
Mental component
Physical component
Adjusted for age, sex, marital status, body mass index, smoking, leisure-time physical activity, total energy intake, adherence to the Mediterranean diet
score, and intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, and saturated fatty acids.
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
Multivariate regression coefficients (95% confidence intervals)
and self-reported mental, but not physical, health [44]. The consumption of fish could improve health-related quality of life
because of its content of beneficial nutrients for health, such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants.
Concerning olive oil—the basic component of the Mediterranean diet—and in spite of its proven beneficial effects on a
broad range of diseases and mental disorders, we found no studies of the eventual relationship between olive oil and quality
of life.
Interest in the ideas that people do not consume isolated foods or nutrients but include them in a varied overall dietary
pattern, and that foods and nutrients can have synergistic or antagonistic effects when they are consumed together, have
been growing in nutritional epidemiology. A cohort study that compared two dietary patterns [45]—one typified as a
Western dietary pattern (characterized by high consumption of fast food, red and processed meats, high-fat dairy products,
processed foods, refined cereals, eggs, commercial bakery goods, and sauces) and a second pattern labeled as a “Mediterranean dietary pattern” (characterized by high consumption of vegetables, fish and other seafood, fruit, poultry, olive oil,
potatoes, low-fat dairy products, and legumes)—showed a significant inverse association between adherence to the
Western dietary pattern and both physical and mental quality of life. On the contrary, a significant direct association
was found between the Mediterranean dietary pattern and both dimensions of the SF-36, whereas baseline adherence to
a Western dietary pattern was inversely associated with self-perceived quality of life after 4 years of follow-up, and baseline
adherence to a Mediterranean dietary pattern was directly associated with better scores in quality of life 4 years later
(Figure 3). From a public health perspective, implementing interventions promoting an increase in population health
and a better quality of life, an objective to which the Mediterranean diet has to be a crucial contributor, is a priority.
Bearing in mind that physical activity is a part of the Mediterranean dietary cultural pattern, it is appropriate to mention
its beneficial effects on both physical and mental health through numerous broadly known mechanisms. Although there
exists evidence of the positive effects of physical activity on individuals with disease, improving their prognosis and
clinical course, knowledge of the relationship between physical activity and quality of life is scarce. A systematic revision
published in 2007 [46] includes a limited number of studies of this topic. The majority are cross-sectional studies that found
a positive association between physical activity and quality of life levels. Such a relationship is clearer for specific qualityof-life domains, namely vitality, physical functioning, and general health.
A reverse causal association can be argued on the basis of the transversal nature of the studies; that is, it may be possible
that the higher a subject’s welfare and health status, the higher their engagement in physical activity, rather than physical
activity being the cause of a better quality of life. Besides this limitation, the consistency of results also is handicapped by
the methods used to collect information about physical activity. Self-reported measures of physical activity lacking internal
validity and yielding biased estimations have mainly been used. Beneficial effects of quality of life on physical activity
have been found in studies using objective measurement methods such as accelerometers. However, those effects are
Mediterranean dietary pattern
Western dietary pattern
FIGURE 3 Multivariate regression coefficients (95% confidence intervals) for the association between empirically derived dietary patterns and quality of
life. Values are adjusted for age, sex, marital status, body mass index, smoking, leisure-time physical activity, total energy intake, and medical history of
hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and coronary heart disease.
Mediterranean Diet Quality of Life Chapter 6
underestimated when subjective measurement methods are simultaneously used, given that individuals are prone to overreporting their physical activity, as published in a representative sample of the English general population [47]. Moreover,
longitudinal studies carried out in healthy populations, regardless of whether they are observational or experimental in
design, in general do not have enough quality to evaluate a causal relationship between physical activity and health-related
quality of life.
The results of a recent study regarding the physical activity and quality of life of a healthy Spanish cohort (n ¼ 11,938)
have been published [48]. After the first 4 years of follow-up, those with higher baseline physical activity levels scored
higher in all SF-36 domains, especially the mental ones. After 8 years of follow-up, mental domains scores improved, independent of previous scores, in those subjects who maintained or increased physical activity. Similar results have been found
in other studies but referred to other domains [49]. Given the interactions between lifestyle determinants and quality of life,
it is clear that prospective studies considering the Mediterranean diet and other related factors will improve our knowledge
of its healthy effects.
Promotion of healthier lifestyles is a public health priority for developed countries.
Welfare and quality of life have to be considered in the physical, mental, and social domains.
Available data support withdrawal from a Western dietary pattern.
The Mediterranean diet is a food pattern and a cultural model based on available natural foodstuffs served in moderate
portions and shared among the family.
Growing evidence of the Mediterranean diet’s beneficial effects on quality of life, mainly mental health, exists.
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[21] Salas-Salvadó J, Martı́nez-González MA, Bulló M, Ros E. The role of diet in the prevention of type 2 diabetes. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis
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Chapter 7
Mediterranean Diet in Children
and Adolescents
Paul Farajian, PhD and Antonis Zampelas, PhD
Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
GRECO study
body mass index
blood pressure
cardiovascular diseases
Greek Childhood Obesity study
health-related quality of life
Mediterranean Diet Quality Index for children and adolescents
Mediterranean Adequacy Index
Mediterranean diet
polyunsaturated fatty acid
systolic blood pressure
waist circumference
The term Mediterranean diet (MD) has been widely used to describe the traditional dietary habits followed by the populations in Greece, southern Italy, Spain, and other countries of the Mediterranean region during the 1960s. Although the
definition of the MD is not consensual, mainly because this dietary pattern is rather heterogeneous among Mediterranean
countries, the traditional MD, as defined by the various common types of the diets followed in Mediterranean countries, is
characterized by high intake of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, breads, and unrefined cereals (pasta, brown rice, bulgur,
etc.); moderate to high intake of fish; moderate intake of dairy products (mostly cheese and yogurt); low intake of saturated
fatty acids but high intake of monounsaturated fatty acids, coming mainly from the high consumption of olive oil; and low
intake of red meat [1]. The large amount of vegetables, fresh fruits, and cereals and the abundant use of olive oil provide an
adequate intake of dietary fiber, essential fatty acids, various vitamins and minerals, as well as several valuable bioactive
compounds [2].
The MD has been associated with longevity [3] and has been promoted intensively during the past two decades for its
numerous health benefits; there are many intervention and epidemiological studies suggesting that the MD is protective
against several morbid conditions including atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and
inflammation [4–6]. The majority of studies concerning the beneficial effects of the MD refer to adult populations. Nevertheless, there are studies of children conducted using modified versions of the MD score, an index introduced by Trichopoulou et al. [3], but the vast majority of the studies use the Mediterranean Diet Quality Index for children and adolescents
(KIDMED) index, a tool recently developed to assess the degree of adherence to the MD, suggesting that MD may be an
important health-promoting factor for children as well as adults [7].
Although there are several reports demonstrating the beneficial effects of single foods or food groups that constitute the MD
(mainly fruits, vegetables, dairy products, olive oil, and fiber-rich foods) on the risk of developing chronic diseases or in
general on the relationship of diet and health outcomes, this approach does not consider the complexity of dietary behaviors,
because foods and nutrients are not eaten in isolation. In addition, even if the importance of a single nutrient is well
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
established, it is widely accepted that individuals do not consume a single nutrient isolated from the rest but, rather, a whole
variety of nutrients that may act synergistically or even antagonistically to each other, thus influencing their bioavailability
and absorption [8]. Furthermore, although an individual can significantly increase the habitual intake of a food or a food
group after being counseled to do so, one can also neglect to consume other foods to maintain a stable energy intake and not
gain body weight. Therefore, it seems easier and more substantive to consider and evaluate the dietary intake of an
individual or a population with a holistic approach and provide dietary counseling to promote adherence to a dietary scheme
instead of particular foods or food groups [8].
To address this issue, investigators are now including indices of dietary patterns, quality, and variety in their research.
Many dietary indices aiming to assess overall diet quality and to determine those dietary schemes and habits that promote
human health are available for adults, as are indices evaluating the degree of adherence to the MD. Children’s adherence to
a Mediterranean dietary pattern has mainly been evaluated using a recently developed tool, the (KIDMED score) [7]. The
KIDMED index is based on the principles sustaining the Mediterranean dietary pattern as well as those that undermine it
(such as frequent consumption of fast food and increased intake of sweets). The index includes 16 yes-or-no questions
(Table 1). Questions denoting a negative connotation with respect to the MD are assigned a value of 1, and those with
a positive aspect +1. The total score ranges from 4 to 12 and is classified into three levels: 8, optimal MD: 4–7,
improvement needed to adjust intake to match the MD pattern; and <3, very low diet quality. More specifically, the index
includes parameters that are based on the principles of the MD and assigns a value of +1 for the daily consumption of at least
one serving of fruits and vegetables (although consumption of at least two servings of each is preferred), at least three daily
servings of dairy products (one dairy product at breakfast and at least two servings of yogurt and/or cheese during the
day), and daily consumption of grains and cereals for breakfast and consuming pasta or rice at least five times per week.
In addition, weekly consumption of at least two to three servings of nuts and fish, and at least two servings of legumes, is
suggested. Everyday use of olive oil is recommended. On the other hand, some of the dietary behaviors that are viewed as
detrimental to the principles of the MD, and are assigned a value of 1, include the frequent intake of sweets and candies,
the consumption of commercially baked goods and pastries for breakfast, eating meals in fast food restaurants, and
skipping breakfast.
Despite the fact that the MD prototype is used as an educational tool in Mediterranean as well as in non-Mediterranean
countries, and despite the international promotion of the Mediterranean nutritional scheme that has taken place during the
TABLE 1 KIDMED Test to Assess the Quality of the Mediterranean Diet
Eats a fruit or drinks fruit juice every day
Eats a second serving of fruit every day
Eats fresh or cooked vegetables regularly once a day
Eats fresh or cooked vegetables more than once a day
Consumes fish regularly (at least 2–3 times/week)
Goes more than once a week to a fast-food (hamburger) restaurant
Likes legumes and eats them more than once a week
Consumes pasta or rice almost every day (5 times/week)
Eats cereals or grains (bread, etc.) for breakfast
Consumes nuts regularly (at least 2–3 times/week)
Uses olive oil at home
Skips breakfast
Eats a dairy product for breakfast (yogurt, milk, etc.)
Eats commercially baked goods or pastries for breakfast
Eats two yogurts and/or some cheese (40 g) daily
Eats sweets and candy several times every day
KIDMED, Mediterranean Diet Quality Index in children and adolescents.
Adapted from Serra-Majem et al. [7], with permission from Cambridge University Press.
Mediterranean Diet in Children and Adolescents Chapter 7
two decades, the MD has been gradually abandoned by the populations of the Mediterranean region, especially the younger
generations. In a study aiming to analyze the worldwide trends of adherence to the MD, in 1961–1965 and 2000–2003 the
Mediterranean Adequacy Index (MAI) was used [9]. This index is considered suitable for studying the adherence of a
country or a population to the MD and is calculated by dividing the energy provided by the total sum of Mediterranean
food groups by the energy from the non-Mediterranean food groups [9]. According to this study, although Mediterranean
countries showed the highest MAI values in both periods compared to the rest of the countries, Mediterranean Europe and
other Mediterranean countries experienced a significant decrease in their MAI values. According to the study, the
Mediterranean European group (Albania, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Yugoslavia
SFR)—especially Greece, which had the greatest adherence in the 1960s—experienced the greatest decrease in MAI
value (Table 2).
TABLE 2 Ranking of Countries by Mediterranean Adequacy Index (MAI) Values in Both
Time Periods
South Africa
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
TABLE 2 Ranking of Countries by Mediterranean Adequacy Index (MAI) Values in Both
Time Periods—cont’d
United Kingdom
United States of America
Adapted from da Silva et al. [9], with permission from Cambridge University Press.
Regarding the adherence rates of children and adolescents to the MD, relatively recent studies have shown low to
average compliance. In a study of a large sample of Spanish schoolchildren aged 8–16 years, the KIDMED index
classification among 8- to 10-year-olds was good in 48.6% of the population, average in 49.5%, and poor in 1.6%. Among
the 10- to 16-year-olds, the KIDMED index classification was good in 46.9% of the population, average in 51.1%, and poor
in 2.0% [10]. In another nationwide representative sample of Greek schoolchildren aged 10–12 years old, the rates of
adherence to the MD pattern were much lower (Greek Childhood Obesity—GRECO study) [11]. Specifically, only
4.3% of children had an optimal score, whereas 46.8% were classified as low adherers to the MD. KIDMED score did
not differ between boys and girls, but children from urban and semi-urban areas of the country had a higher KIDMED
score compared with those form large urban areas. This study also provided evidence of the association between the level
of adherence to the MD and the quality of the diet. In particular, it was shown that children with higher KIDMED score also
had more frequent consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, dairy products, fish, bread, and nuts and had less frequent
consumption of foods that, according to the MD scheme, should be consumed in moderation or rarely. Moreover, children
with a higher KIDMED score reported having higher levels of physical activity, indicating that in addition to following a
better-quality diet, they also adopt a healthier lifestyle (Table 3). Similarly, another study of Greek children and adolescents
demonstrated low adherence to the dietary patterns of the MD, because only 11.3% of children and 8.3% of adolescents had
an optimal KIDMED score [12]. Data from one more Mediterranean country further support these alarming findings. In a
national study of Cypriot children by Lazarou et al. [13], only 6.7% of the sample was classified as high adherers of MD,
whereas 37% had a poor KIDMED score; no differences were observed between boys and girls.
The low proportion of children with high adherence to the MD could be explained by the nutrition transition theory and
the westernization process of the Mediterranean countries [9,14]. It seems that enhanced socioeconomic conditions,
increased income levels, increased commercial availability of food, the fact that certain foods are more affordable than
before, and the high urbanization that has taken place in Mediterranean countries over the last decades are indicative
of changes in food choices [15,16]. Dietary intakes have shifted toward increased consumption of animal protein, processed
foods, restaurant-prepared foods, and, as a consequence, higher fat and sugar levels. Moreover, a stressful and demanding
lifestyle, the long working hours of all family members, and less frequent family meals have been proposed as important
determinants of the nutrition transition [15]. It is widely accepted that socioeconomic and demographic factors affect food
choices and consequently health status. Children learn about eating not only through their own experiences but also by
watching others—especially their parents, who act as role models. A growing body of research demonstrates similarities
TABLE 3 Anthropometric, Lifestyle, and Dietary Characteristics According to KIDMED Score Categories
in the Nationally Representative GRECO Study
KIDMED Score (4 to 12)
N (%)
2240 (46.8)
2341 (48.9)
205 (4.3)
Age (years)
10.94 0.76
10.91 0.74
10.90 0.73
Body mass index (kg/m )
20.4 3.9
20.2 3.7
20.4 3.8
Waist circumference (cm)
68.9 9.7
68.4 9.6
68.4 9.8
Waist-to-hip ratio
0.83 0.08
0.83 0.07
0.83 0.08
Waist-to-height ratio
0.46 0.06
0.46 0.06
0.46 0.06
Body fat (%)
21.3 9.0
20.9 8.8
20.8 8.5
IPAQ score (1-5)
2.87 0.62
3.00 0.58
3.05 0.60
Male sex (%)
Starchy foods and cereals (%)
Breakfast ready-to-eat cereals
5 versus 4 times/week
Pasta and rice
5 versus 4 times/week
Bread (%)
7 versus 6 times/week
Legumes/Pulses (%)
2 versus 1 time/week
Fruits (at least one fresh fruit) (%)
7 versus 6 times/week
Vegetables (at least one portion of vegetables) (%)
7 versus 6 times/week
Dairy products (at least 2 portions)c (%)
7 versus 6 times/week
Meat (%)
Red meat
2 versus 1 times/week
2 versus 1 times/week
Fast foods (%)
2 versus 1 times/week
Nuts (%)
3 versus 2 times/week
Soft drinks (regular or diet) (%)
3 versus 2 times/week
Sweets and foods high in sugar (%)
3 versus 2 times/week
Values are means standard deviations unless otherwise indicated.
P values between all groups as derived from analysis of variance or chi-square test. bCategory including vegetables and fresh legumes consumption. cCategory
including milk, cheese, and yogurt consumption. dCategory including burgers and souvlaki (traditional food with meat) consumption. eCategory including
chocolate, chocolate bars, and pastries.
Adapted from Farajian et al. [11], with permission from Elsevier.
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
between parents’ and children’s food acceptance, preferences, and intake. In addition, the level of parents’ education is more
likely to influence the beliefs, knowledge of nutrition, and health behaviors of the family, which in turn are involved in
improved diet quality and nutritional habits of the children [17]. Results concerning the linkage between socioeconomic status
and adherence to the MD pattern are contradictory. According to a study by Kontogianni et al. [12], parental education level
was a significant predictor of the KIDMED score. In the study of Cypriot children by Lazarou et al. [13], however, no associations between socioeconomic level and KIDMED score classification were found. Although it has been demonstrated that
healthier diets often are associated with higher education and income, there are studies of Mediterranean populations that have
shown that adherence to the MD pattern is higher in lower social classes coming from rural populations [16].
Under the framework of the GRECO study, in an attempt to identify the social, demographic, family, and lifestyle
parameters that constitute the profile of the adherent and nonadherent children to the MD in Greece, we found that both
paternal and maternal education status were significant predictors of the KIDMED score, whereas family financial status
did not seem to affect rates of adherence to the MD. Furthermore, the total hours of television viewing and playing video
games during weekdays and the habit of watching television or using the personal computer while eating a meal increased
the likelihood of children to be classified as low adherers to the MD. On the other hand, breakfast consumption, the habit of
having family meals during the week, and higher adherence of parents to the MD increased the odds of a child have moderate to high adherence to the MD (unpublished data from the GRECO study). Prolonged time of television viewing has
been associated with increased consumption of high-fat and high-sugar foods and reduced intake of fruits and vegetables,
resulting in increased energy intake [18]. Furthermore, watching television during meals can lead to larger intake of food
and poorer diet quality through less consumption of fruits and vegetables and higher intake of high-fat and high-sugar foods
[19]. Finally, regular breakfast consumption has been shown to protect against excess body weight and adiposity in children
and adolescents, whereas skipping breakfast has been associated with lower diet quality and consumption of high-energy
snacks [20].
Childhood and adolescence constitute a period of high nutritional demands resulting from increased dietary requirements
for growth and the development of several tissues. Thus, nutritional inadequacies make children and adolescents vulnerable
to impaired growth and current or future adverse health problems. The MD comprises foods that are naturally rich sources
of vitamins, minerals, fiber and, because of the emphasis on minimal food processing, provides the maximum nutrient
content without the losses that occur during food processing and manufacturing and as a result of few or no food additives.
This explains why the risk of inadequate micronutrient intake was rather infrequent in populations that followed the
traditional MD [21].
The dietary habits and nutritional status of Spanish children and adolescents with regard to compliance to the MD were
evaluated by Serra-Majem et al. [21]. This study demonstrated that the consumption of fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium,
potassium, phosphorus, and practically all vitamins (with the exception of vitamin E) increased according to the KIDMED
index. Moreover, the percentage of inadequate intakes (less than two-thirds of the reference nutrient intake) declined with
increasing KIDMED scores for calcium, magnesium, iron, and vitamins B6, C, and A in both sexes for most cases and
almost all age groups. According to the investigators, in addition to the high nutritional quality, the MD provides enhanced
nutritional adequacy; therefore, fortification of foods or the use of dietary supplements should not be considered necessary.
In three unique studies, the bioavailability, status, and utilization of iron, zinc, and calcium—three micronutrients with
crucial importance for the health and growth of adolescents and deficiencies of which are considered some of the most
common—were investigated [22–24]. Impaired iron status in children and adolescents could have several important
clinical implications for future physical and cognitive development and maturation. Iron deficiency is considered the most
frequent single nutrient deficiency in the world and is most common in women [22]. However, iron deficiency is also
frequent in children and adolescents; therefore, adequate iron must be provided by the diet on a daily basis within a pattern
that promotes the bioavailability of dietary iron. Especially for adolescents, iron is necessary to support rapid physical
growth, replace losses, and promote the increase in hemoglobin concentration [22]. Hence, two issues concerning the
adequacy of iron, as well as the rest of the important nutrients, arise. First, how do the food habits of children and
adolescents that have deviated from the MD pattern compromise the dietary intake and bioavailability of nutrients? Second,
considering that one of the most characteristic features of the MD is the recommendation to consume red meat (main source
of heme iron) a few times per week in moderate amounts, it is important to ensure that the adherence of children and
adolescents to the MD pattern provides sufficient amounts of important nutrients, particularly iron, and promotes their
bioavailability and utilization.
Concerning the first issue, as previously described, the rates of adherence to the MD by children and adolescents are
low, even among Mediterranean populations. Many studies have documented that a significant proportion of daily energy is
Mediterranean Diet in Children and Adolescents Chapter 7
consumed from low-nutrient, energy-dense foods, snacking on high-fat and high-sugar foods, and eating in restaurants,
which may cause low iron intake and bioavailability [25,26]. Regarding the second issue, a study by Mesias et al. [22],
investigated the effects of a diet based on the Mediterranean pattern on iron bioavailability and status in adolescents.
The study had a longitudinal design in which each subject was his own control. It was divided into two periods: a
3-day basal period, during which the subjects consumed their habitual diet, and a 28-day nutritional intervention period,
during which an experimental diet and menu was designed according to the MD scheme. Dietary iron utilization was
studied by means of iron intake and iron output in feces and urine, and iron status was analyzed in fasting blood samples
collected at the end of each period. The experimental menu included more fish, legumes, cereals, fruits, and vegetables, less
meat and meat products, and a higher monounsaturated fat-to-saturated fat ratio than the habitual intake. Olive oil was used
as the main dietary fat. During the experimental period, adherence to the MD was significantly improved. Although meat
consumption decreased, no significant differences in dietary iron intake (calculating both heme and nonheme) were
observed, and iron absorption and retention significantly increased. According to the investigators, the characteristics
of the MD increased iron absorption. It should be noted that nonheme iron is not absorbed as well as heme iron, but
nonheme iron absorption is affected by enhancing or inhibiting factors. Therefore, although during the experimental period
concentrations of phytate or iron-binding polyphenols were higher, the higher intake of ascorbic acid (a known enhancer of
iron absorption) counteracted the inhibitory effect of phytic acid. Another explanation provided by the authors was that the
intervention diet was high in legumes, which contain a form of iron that is bioavailable to the human intestine and whose
absorption that is not influenced by phytic acid.
Following the same methodology, in another study by Mesias et al. [23], zinc utilization and status in male adolescents was
evaluated. Zinc is a mineral found in meat, poultry, fish, seafood, and dairy products and is required for the activity of over 200
enzymes (Zn dependent) involved in most major metabolic pathways. It participates in reactions involving either synthesis or
degradation of major metabolites (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids); participates in central nervous system
development; and is an important factor for maturation and skeletal health [23,27]. Data analysis showed that zinc intake
was close to the recommendations for adolescents and that, although a diet based on Mediterranean patterns is associated
with factors that can negatively affect zinc absorption, such as high consumption of phytate, consumption in adequate
amounts allows zinc status to be maintained during adolescence.
Finally, in a study examining the effects of a dietary intervention based on a Mediterranean pattern on calcium utilization and metabolism, following the above-mentioned methodology [22,23], it was shown that dietary calcium utilization
(calcium retention) during adolescence can be greatly improved by a Mediterranean-type diet [24]. This was mainly
attributed to the reduced intake of sodium and the higher intake of magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus, which could
contribute less urinary loss of calcium; to higher intake of vitamin D; higher intake of oligofructose and inulin, which may
lead to significant increases in calcium absorption; as well as the high ratio of unsaturated-to-saturated fat intake, which
may also favor calcium absorption [24,28,29]. This finding is of great importance because, in addition to the fact that
calcium is the main nutrient for skeletal mineralization, promoting bone accretion during puberty, 45% of the adult
skeleton is formed during the adolescent growth spurt, and achieving peak bone mass is considered the best strategy to
avoid osteopenia and osteoporosis [30].
Obesity among children and adolescents is a growing public health problem. Several studies have focused on the short- and
long-term consequences of childhood obesity, and high body mass index (BMI) values have consistently been found to be
associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors such as insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and increased blood
pressure (BP) [31]. Recent findings from epidemiological studies support the increasing trend of obesity in Europe,
showing, however, that southern European countries such as Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Greece report a higher prevalence
of obesity compared with northern European countries [32]. The rapid increase in the prevalence of obesity in
Mediterranean countries as it has been indicated in many studies published during the past decade, primarily suggests that
behavioral factors, influenced by genetic, social, and economic environments, play a role.
Although adherence to the MD has been associated with lower BMI and obesity risk in adults, [33] the effect in children
and adolescents is not clear, because studies are limited and often inconsistent. There are studies showing that KIDMED
score is negatively associated with BMI, [34,35] revealing a protective effect of the MD against the development of
overweight and obesity, but these findings are not consistent and have not been confirmed by other studies. According
to a study of a nationwide, representative sample of Greek schoolchildren aged 10–12 years old, Farajian et al. [11] found
that the prevalence of overweight was 29.5% and the rate of obesity was 11.7%. Though children with higher KIDMED
score reported higher levels of physical activity, no differences were found in the BMI of the groups with different
KIDMED scores. Nevertheless, in a representative sample of young Spaniards among whom the association between
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
waist circumference (WC) and adherence to the MD was examined, age-adjusted linear regression revealed an inverse
association between KIDMED category and both WC and waist-to-height ratio [36a]. Furthermore, after multivariate
adjustment, a 5-point increase in KIDMED score was associated with a mean decrease of 1.54 cm in sex-, age-, and
height-adjusted WC. In another report in the context of the Identification and Prevention of Dietary- and Lifestyle-Induced
Health Effects in Children and Infants study, adherence to a Mediterranean-like dietary pattern was assessed using a
modified version of the MD score based on the dietary data collected by a nonquantitative food frequency questionnaire
[36b]. A large number of European children were measured at baseline and after 2 years. At baseline, high adherence to the
MD was inversely associated with BMI as well as percentage of body fat, even after adjusting for several potential
confounders. Longitudinally, a Mediterranean-like dietary pattern also was inversely associated with the highest change
in BMI and central obesity markers (WC and waist-to-height ratio).
Irrespective of the fact that the association between MD adherence and childhood obesity is not yet definitive, it has to
be remarked that some of the components of the MD scheme, such as the high intake of fruits and vegetables and the high
intake of fiber, have been linked with reduced risk for overweight and obesity and, in some cases, with lower likelihood of
having increased WC [37]. In addition, some of the components of the MD that have been highlighted in the newly
proposed graphical presentation of the MD, such as frequent family meals and adequate time dedicated to eating, have
been shown to protect against obesity and promote healthier dietary habits, together with socialization [38,39]. Therefore,
it could be claimed that promoting an MD pattern also helps tackle the childhood obesity problem.
An increasing number of recent epidemiological studies of adult populations have established the health benefits associated
with adherence to the MD pattern, mainly in relation to reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, CVD, some neurodegenerative diseases, and cancers [40]. In addition, results of experimental studies have shown that the MD showed
favorable effects on lipoprotein levels, endothelium vasodilatation, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, antioxidant
capacity, myocardial and cardiovascular mortality, and cancer incidence in obese patients and in those with previous
myocardial infarction [41]. Although there are fewer studies investigating the effects of the MD adherence to the risk
of developing chronic diseases in children and adolescents, a growing number of studies reveal the beneficial effects of
the MD on several health issues.
Influence of the MD on Asthma in Children
While the overall asthma prevalence has increased, with the highest incidence occurring in children, one of the potential
environmental explanations that has been proposed for this increase relates to changes in diet [42]. According to
researchers, a major change of the contemporary diet that increases the risk of developing asthma is the change in dietary
fat intake characterized by the increment of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and reduction of n-3 PUFAs [42].
Others have proposed a mechanism that involves the decline of antioxidant defenses in the lungs, resulting in increased
oxidant-induced airway damage caused by low intake of dietary antioxidants [43]. Many epidemiological studies have
evaluated the role of individual nutrients or foods on asthma prevalence, suggesting a protective role of high fruit,
vegetable, and fish intake [44]. Other studies have reported on the beneficial effects of single foods (such as citrus/kiwi
fruit, apples, pears, tomatoes, nuts, and oily fish) rich in antioxidants, n-3 PUFAs, or flavonoids on asthma or wheeze [42].
In a systematic review and meta-analysis, Nurmatov et al. [45] concluded that although the available epidemiologic
evidence regarding vitamins A, D, and E, zinc, fruits and vegetables, and the MD pattern is limited, data regarding these
items and their role in the prevention of childhood wheeze and possibly asthma are encouraging.
Analysis of dietary pattern accounting for the interaction and the intercorrelation among nutrients seems to have
received much attention. Specifically, many studies have reported a protective effect of the MD on asthma in children
and adolescents, although results do not always agree [42]. Adherence to the MD pattern provides high quantities of
b-carotene and vitamin C (from fruits and vegetables), vitamin E (from olive oil and nuts), and various important antioxidant nutrients such as selenium, flavonoids, and polyphenols; therefore it seems reasonable to assume that the MD
has protective effects against asthma development [44,46]. In a meta-analysis by Garcia-Marcos et al. [42] aiming to investigate the effects of MD adherence on asthma diagnosis and on current wheeze (or severe current wheeze) in children,
adherence to the MD tended to be associated with lower occurrence of these three respiratory outcomes. This association
was mainly driven by the results of studies of Mediterranean populations, although in non-Mediterranean studies there was
an inverse association with asthma diagnosis but not with the other two conditions. When considering all centers together,
however, MD was significantly associated with a lower prevalence of asthma (OR: 0.86; 95% CI 0.78–0.95; P ¼ 0.004).
Mediterranean Diet in Children and Adolescents Chapter 7
Nevertheless, the protective effect of the MD on the prevalence of childhood asthma is not yet definitively established
because of contradictory findings in the literature. These opposing findings might be due to the use of different Mediterranean indices, different asthma outcomes, dissimilar populations of children (e.g., preschoolers, school-age children, or
adolescents), or even small sample sizes [42]. Therefore, better controlled trials using similar methodologies for different
populations are necessary.
The Association of the MD with BP Levels and Cardiovascular System Risk Factors
High BP is detectable in children and adolescents and is increasing in prevalence. Estimates of the prevalence of high BP
among children and adolescents are in the range of 3% to 5%, with much higher rates reported in certain populations and
subgroups [47]. According to a position paper of the American and European Societies of Hypertension, therapeutic
lifestyle changes are recommended as an initial treatment strategy for adults with abnormal BP values and children or
adolescents with BP greater than the 90th percentile for age, sex, and height [48,49]. These lifestyle modifications include
regular physical activity, maintaining normal weight, limiting dietary sodium intake, and increasing the consumption of
fruits, vegetables, fiber, and low-fat dairy products.
Sodium is the main mineral that has been linked to hypertension. The importance of sodium intake in determining BP
levels in children and adolescents is shown in many observational studies and salt reduction trials. In a meta-analysis of 10
salt reduction trials with an average duration of 4 weeks, He and MacGregor [50] demonstrated that a modest reduction in
salt intake had a significant effect on BP in children and adolescents. In modern diets, an estimated 75–80% of sodium
intake comes from processed or restaurant-prepared foods, 10–12% occurs naturally in foods, and another 10–12% is from
optional use of table salt. According to estimations, salt intake among children in developed countries has increased; the
main contributors to this increase are starchy products (including bread, other baked goods, and breakfast cereals), meat
products (and cold cuts), pastries, and processed foods in general.
In a study by Magriplis et al. [51] in the context of the GRECO study, daily dietary sodium intake (excluding table salt
and salt added during cooking) of 10- to 12-year-old Greek children was studied and associated with the MD pattern. The
results of the study showed that 23% of children had high sodium intake (>2200 mg/day), without taking into account salt
added at the table or while cooking. In addition, a further 20.9% of the children had a moderate sodium intake (between
1500 and 2200 mg/day), again only via foods. The major sources of sodium were pizza, hamburgers, fried potatoes,
souvlaki (a traditional Greek meat product), bread, white and yellow cheese, and processed cereals (Figure 1). Interestingly,
34% of total sodium intake was found to be consumed by those foods regarded as “healthy” (i.e., bread, processed cereal,
and white cheese). These foods, which are recommended to be consumed on a daily basis according to the MD scheme, are
in fact everyday hidden sources of sodium because of the addition of sodium during manufacturing. Another important
finding was that children adhering closer to the MD reported a higher dietary sodium intake. In particular, children
who reported moderate and high adherence to the MD (i.e., KIDMED score >4) had higher sodium intake from the majority
of the food groups. Moreover, a 1-unit increase in KIDMED score was associated with a 10% increase in likelihood of
consuming total sodium >1500 mg/day (the upper level in the European Union). Although it would then be expected that
children with high adherence to the MD would also have higher BP levels, this was not the case: There were no differences
Junk foods
Fried potatoes
Greek souvlaki
Healthy foods
FIGURE 1 Sodium intake from healthy or “junk” foods
as a percentage of total consumption other than table salt
and salt added during cooking. Data are from the Greek
Childhood Obesity study. Adapted from Magriplis et al.
[51], with permission from Wolters Kluwer Health.
Processed cereals
Yellow cheese
White cheese
% of total sodium intake
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
in the KIDMED score values between children sorted into different BP categories (unpublished data from the GRECO
study). These data imply that although MD adherence can sometimes be accompanied by high intake of sodium, the
MD still provides protection against increased BP levels, probably through the parallel high intake of potassium, mainly
from increased consumption of fruits and vegetables.
Concerning the association between the MD and BP levels, in addition the available studies of adults that demonstrate
the inverse relation of MD adherence and arterial BP levels, there are few studies of childhood and/or adolescent populations. A study by Lazarou et al. [52] assessed the relationship between diet quality, determined using the Foods E-KINDEX,
and BP levels. The Foods E-KINDEX is an index that assesses the consumption of foods recommended in the MD pyramid
and cooking techniques. Compared with children with a low diet score, those with at least an average Foods E-KINDEX
score were 57% less likely to have elevated systolic BP (SBP) levels, whereas children who scored below the mean on the
Foods E-KINDEX (i.e., poor diet quality) were 2.3 times more likely to have elevated SBP.
In a study of a healthy pediatric population (12-year-olds), the association of indices of arterial stiffness [augmentation
index (AI) in the brachial artery, the ratio of peripheral pulse pressure to central pulse pressure, and the ratio of reflected
wave transit time to height] with anthropometric and BP values and adherence to the MD was explored using the KIDMED
index [53]. Measures of arterial stiffness are independent prognostic indicators of cardiovascular events and have been
reported to be higher in obese compared with normal-weight children [53]. Among the main findings of this study was
that children with higher BMI and WC had higher peripheral and central BPs and lower peripheral pulse pressure-to-central
pulse pressure ratios. Furthermore, adherence to the MD was independently negatively correlated with AI.
According to another interesting study by Mazaraki et al. [54], adolescents who adhered to the MD exhibited lower levels
of albuminuria. In adult populations, albuminuria (apart from end organ damage in hypertension) constitutes a potent marker
of atherosclerotic progression and increased cardiovascular risk [55]. In adolescents this marker is considered a predictor of
pre-atherosclerosis, allowing assessment before the development of obvious CVD. In this study, urinary albumin excretion,
expressed as the albumin-to-creatinine ratio, was higher in participants in the low KIDMED score category compared with
those in the average and high categories. This difference remained significant even after controlling for age, sex, BMI, and
systolic and diastolic BP, reflecting the protective effects of the MD on the vascular system. According to the authors, the
pathophysiological explanation for the observed relation could be the protective effects of the MD on the endothelium and the
antiatherosclerotic plus the anti-inflammatory properties of the dietary pattern.
Health-Related Quality of Life and the Relationship with the MD
Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) refers to an individual’s perception and subjective evaluation of their health and
well-being within their unique cultural environment. Adolescence is a transitional stage of development, during which an
individual experiences a variety of biological, social, and psychological changes that may positively or negatively affect the
HRQOL. Although the self-perceived health of children and adolescents is recognized as an important outcome in public
health studies, data from studies of pediatric or adolescent samples exploring adherence to the MD in relation to HRQOL
are scarce. In adults, greater adherence to the MD has been shown to be associated with better HRQOL, whereas studies
have shown that overweight and obesity in children and adolescents are associated with impaired HRQOL and that greater
adherence to the MD pattern is associated with better academic performance [56].
In the sole study in this area examining the association between adherence to the MD and HRQOL among Greek adolescents,
adherence to the MD was assessed using the KIDMED index and the perceived HRQOL using the KIDSCREEN-27 questionnaire, which assesses five dimensions of HRQOL: physical well-being, psychological well-being, parent relations and
autonomy, social support and peers, and school environment [57]. Results of the study showed that adherence to the MD
was positively correlated with all the components and the total score of HRQOL. Thus, it could be assumed that adolescents
with better diet quality also have better physical and psychological health. It could also be postulated that the support of their
family and the school environment is sufficient in a way that promotes healthy nutritional habits and behaviors.
The MD has been promoted worldwide as one of the most healthy dietary patterns. In addition to the beneficial effects of
the MD in adult populations, recent studies confirm that the MD may be an important health-promoting dietary scheme
for children and adolescents.
Children’s adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern has been assessed in several studies using a recently
developed index. Like adults, children’s adherence to the MD in Mediterranean countries has been reported to be
low to average and is affected by socioeconomic, parental, and modern lifestyle factors.
Mediterranean Diet in Children and Adolescents Chapter 7
A growing number of studies reveal the beneficial effects of the MD on several health issues in children and adolescents.
Greater adherence to the MD has been associated with the prevention of childhood wheeze and possibly asthma, better
control of BP levels, lower levels of markers of atherosclerotic progression, and indices of arterial stiffness.
In addition to its potential cardioprotective and anti-asthmatic effects, the MD provides enhanced nutritional adequacy
during childhood and adolescence, when the nutritional demands for growth and maturation are increased. Although
few in number, recent studies provide evidence that the intake, bioavailability, and utilization of iron, zinc, and calcium
are sufficient.
Concerning the relationship of the MD with childhood obesity, it could be claimed that higher adherence to the MD
reduces the risk for overweight and obesity, although the relevant epidemiological studies are few and do not always
show the same protective effect.
[1] Kafatos A, Verhagen H, Moschandreas J, Apostolaki I, VanWesterop JJ. Mediterranean diet of Crete: foods and nutrient content. J Am Diet Assoc
[2] Simopoulos AP. The Mediterranean diets: what is so special about the diet of Greece? The scientific evidence. J Nutr 2001;131(Suppl. 11):
[3] Trichopoulou A, Costacou T, Bamia C, Trichopoulos D. Adherence to a Mediterranean diet and survival in a Greek population. N Engl J Med
[4] Sofi F, Abbate R, Gensini GF, Casini A. Accruing evidence on benefits of adherence to the Mediterranean diet on health: an updated systematic
review and meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutr 2010;92:1189–96.
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Chapter 8
The Influence of the Mediterranean
Diet on Cognitive Health
Helen Macpherson, PhD, Jaime Lee, Lorena Villalon, Matthew Pase, PhD, Andrew Pipingas, PhD
and Andrew Scholey, PhD
Swinburne University, Hawthorn, VIC, Australia.
Almost 20 years has passed since the initial observation from the Seven Countries study that inhabitants of southern
Europe, in the vicinity of the Mediterranean region, had lower rates of death due to coronary heart disease than those
from northern Europe or the United States [1]. This was partially attributed to the consumption of olive oil, a key component of the diet followed by residents of the Mediterranean region. At a population level, adherence to this dietary
pattern has since been linked repeatedly to lower risk of mortality [2,3], vascular events [4] and, importantly for this
chapter, dementia [5].
Advancing age represents the major risk factor for dementia and, as a consequence of rapid population aging, the incidence of dementia in Western societies is increasing at an alarming rate. With an aging population and escalating rate of
dementia, there is an increasing need to identify preventive strategies to delay the onset of dementia and reduce to the
projected number of dementia cases in future years [6]. For this reason there is interest in modifying aspects of lifestyle,
such as diet and exercise, to prevent or slow cognitive decline in older people.
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and vascular dementia are the most common forms of cognitive impairment in elderly
people [7]. AD is a progressive degenerative disorder characterized by a loss of neurons that severely affects learning
and memory [8]. Formation and accumulation of extracellular b-amyloid plaques and intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles
consisting of hyperphosphorylated tau protein are thought to be the key pathological events leading to neuronal damage [9].
Mechanisms such as neurovascular dysfunction, inflammatory processes, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction
also play critical roles in the neuropathology of AD [10].
In terms of cognitive function, AD is characterized as a substantial decline from previous functioning of short-term
memory and a severe disruption in language, planning, or visual processing abilities [11]. Individuals with AD lose the
ability to carry out activities of daily living and eventually the capacity to care for themselves. Individuals who have
experienced a decline in cognition that exceeds their age and education level but does not impair activities of daily living
are classified as having mild cognitive impairment (MCI) [12]. MCI often represents a preclinical stage of AD, and the
annual conversion rate of MCI to AD is about 5–10% [13]. While age and apolipoprotein E status represent nonmodifiable
risk factors for AD, a number of potentially modifiable risk factors include diabetes, midlife hypertension, obesity,
depression, smoking, cognitive inactivity, and low education [14]. Cognitive deterioration occurs across the life span
and is a feature of not only AD but also the normal aging process. Measures of fluid intelligence, which include a wide
variety of abilities relying on memory, reasoning, and spatial abilities, are particularly vulnerable to the effects of aging
[15]. A growing number of studies indicate that following a Mediterranean diet may help protect against dementia and the
cognitive decline that occurs a part of the normal aging process [16].
The Mediterranean diet refers to the dietary practices of populations from the Mediterranean region. The Mediterranean
diet consists predominantly of fresh fruits, vegetables, breads, cereals, nuts, and legumes. Olive oil provides the main
source of dietary fat. This dietary pattern features low to moderate consumption of dairy, fish, poultry, and alcohol served
with meals. Red meat is consumed only in low quantities. The current consensus of the Mediterranean diet is shown in the
food pyramid in Figure 1. The greatest difference between the Mediterranean diet and the Western diet is the sources and
proportion of dietary fat. Western diets are high in saturated fats and refined carbohydrates, whereas the Mediterranean diet
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
Sweets ≤ 2 s
Potatoes ≤ 3 s
Red meat < 2 s
Processed meat ≤ 1 s
White meat 2 s
Fish/seafood ≥ 2 s
Eggs 2–4 s
Legumes ≥ 2 s
Olives/nuts/seeds 1–2 s
Fruits 1–2 s
Vegetables ≥ 2 s
Olive oil
Other cereals 1–2 s (preferably whole grain)
Dairy 2 s (preferably low fat)
Water and herbal infusions
FIGURE 1 Current consensus of the Mediterranean diet. s, servings. Adapted from Bach-Faig et al. [17].
has a greater proportion of monounsaturated fats. The composition of the Western diet not only increases the risk of mortality from cardiovascular events and coronary heart disease but there also are growing concerns regarding the long-term
effect of this dietary pattern on the brain [18].
An increasing number of health benefits are being attributed to the Mediterranean diet. This information has
primarily been obtained from large population studies that examined information about dietary intake in relation to
numerous health parameters and disease risk factors. To assess adherence to this dietary pattern, several indices have been
proposed. The most commonly used measure is the MeDi score, a 10-point scale ranging from zero (low adherence) to nine
(higher adherence) [3]. The MeDi score is calculated from sex-specific group medians of food intake obtained from a food
frequency questionnaire. If consumption is above the median, one point is awarded for favorable components including
fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes, and monounsaturated fatty acid-to-saturated fatty acid ratio. A value of zero is
assigned if consumption of unfavorable components is above the median.
An alternate scoring measure was developed by Panagiotakos et al. [19]. This measure also calculates a MedDiet score
from a food frequency questionnaire. For items that are characteristic of the Mediterranean diet, such as fruits, vegetables,
and olive, higher scores are assigned for more frequent intake. For foods not typical of this dietary pattern, such as meat
and full-fat dairy products, lower scores are assigned for higher intake. For alcohol, both no consumption and low consumption receive higher scores. More recently, a briefer 14-item questionnaire was developed from the Prevencion con
Dieta Mediterranea (PREDIMED) trial [20]. One point is assigned for each item that meets the criteria; higher scores
indicate greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet. The advantage of this shorter measure is that it does not require
any additional dietary information to be calculated.
There is growing evidence from large-scale, population-based studies that long-term adherence to the Mediterranean diet
may help to protect against dementia and preserve brain and cognitive function in the later stages of the life span. For
instance, several epidemiological studies identified a negative relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean diet
and dementia or predementia syndromes in older adults. Findings from the longitudinal Washington Heights-Inwood
Columbia Aging Project (WHICAP) revealed that after 4 years of greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet there
Mediterranean Diet Cognitive Health Chapter 8
was a reduced risk for probable AD [21], development of MCI, and progression to AD [22], as well as reduced AD mortality
[23]. Results from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers, and Lifestyle Study of Aging indicated that the MeDi score was a
significant predictor of MCI and AD over and above numerous AD risk factors [24] (Table 1).
The Mediterranean diet has also been linked to a slower rate of cognitive decline in older individuals without
dementia or MCI. These findings suggest there may be more general benefits of this dietary style on brain function.
Recent results from the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke study support this premise [25]. This
study examined diet practices of US residents aged 45 years or older who were free from cognitive impairment at
baseline. After an average follow-up period of 4 years, 7% of participants developed incident cognitive impairment.
Among nondiabetic participants, higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet was associated with a lower likelihood of
cognitive impairment. Findings from the Chicago Health and Aging Project indicated that among older people free of
dementia (65 years old), following a Mediterranean diet was linked to a slower rate of global cognitive decline over
7 years [26]. In that study, cognition was assessed by a composite of four measures including immediate and delayed
recall, digit symbol substitution, and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), a dementia screening tool that
provides a global measure of cognitive function.
Several other studies examined the relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and score on the MMSE
[32]. In the Three Cities trial, elderly residents of Bordeaux, France, who had greater adherence to a Mediterranean diet
demonstrated less decline on the MMSE over a period of 5 years. This relationship was only observed among individuals
who did not develop dementia and was not demonstrated for measures of specific cognitive domains [27]. Findings from the
European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition trial indicated that among residents of Greece older than
60 years of age, greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet and intake of olive oil and monounsaturated fats were weakly
related to higher MMSE scores 6 to 13 years later [28]. Individual antioxidant-rich and flavonol-containing components of
the Mediterranean diet, such as olive oil, nuts, and wine, also have been related to better memory scores in the Spanish
Not all trials have identified a relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and cognitive function. The
French Supplementation with Vitamins and Mineral Antioxidants (SU.VI.MAX) examined the Mediterranean eating
pattern among middle-aged adults in relation to cognitive performance 13 years later [29]. In that study, diet was not
predictive of global cognitive performance, measured as a composite score of six neuropsychological tasks. The Australian
PATH Through Life study indicated that following the Mediterranean diet was not related to the incidence of MCI 4 years
later among individuals aged 60 to 64 years. Interestingly, high caloric and monounsaturated fat intake were stronger
predictors [30]. However, in the study there were few cases of conversion to MCI over the 4-year period, potentially
limiting the ability to detect a relationship between diet and MCI.
Collectively, findings from these studies suggest that habitually following the Mediterranean diet may help protect
against dementia. Heterogeneous findings in relation to populations without dementia may be due to differences in
methodology or populations from which the participant sample was drawn. In the SU.VI.MAX trial, cognitive measures were
not implemented at baseline [29], and only a subset of the overall sample underwent cognitive testing. This is an issue
common to many large population studies that have collected cognitive information from only a smaller cohort of the overall
study. Use of dietary supplements may also be an important consideration when examining the relationship between cognitive
function and Mediterranean diet adherence. There is growing consensus that the use of dietary supplements may benefit
aspects of health (including psychological well-being), especially in individuals with a suboptimal nutritional status.
Poor cardiovascular health is increasingly recognized as an important risk factor for developing dementia later [33].
A number of studies have largely attributed the health advantages of the Mediterranean diet to amelioration of oxidative
stress, which in turn may alter the expression of inflammatory markers that are thought to play a role in the pathogenesis
of vascular diseases and AD. For a review see Frisardi et al. [16]. Because cerebrovascular disease may often coexist in
people diagnosed with AD [34], it has been suggested that, when maintained for years at a time, such a dietary pattern may
have protective effects against cerebrovascular pathology, which in turn alters the onset and expression of cognitive
changes [26].
Substantial cardiovascular benefits have been associated with the Mediterranean diet and may contribute to reduced
prevalence of dementia. Panagiotakos and colleagues [19] examined the eating habits of more than 3000 healthy residents
of Greece with no history of cardiovascular disease. They found greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet to be inversely
associated with a number of clinical and biological markers of cardiovascular disease risk, including systolic blood
pressure, total serum cholesterol, fibrinogen, C-reactive protein, and body mass index. There was also a positive association
Washington HeightsInwood Columbia Aging
Project (WHICAP) [21]
2258 Adults
aged 65 years
at baseline
Washington HeightsInwood Columbia Aging
Project (WHICAP) [22]
1393 Adults
aged 65 years
at baseline
Reasons for Geographic
and Racial Differences in
Stroke (REGARDS) [25]
Cognitive Outcome Measures
4 Years
Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) measuring
global cognition, DSM-III-R for all-cause
dementia, NINCDS-ADRDA for Alzheimer’s
Higher adherence to the MedDiet was
associated with lower risk for Alzheimer’s
4.5 Years
Neuropsychological battery containing tests of
memory (short- and long-term verbal and
nonverbal), orientation, abstract reasoning
(verbal and nonverbal), language (naming,
verbal fluency, comprehension, and repetition),
and construction (copying and matching); CDR
measuring global cognition, NINCDS-ADRDA
for Alzheimer’s disease
Higher MedDiet adherence was associated
with a trend for reduced risk of developing
mild cognitive impairment and reduced risk
of mild cognitive impairment converting to
Alzheimer’s disease
17,478 Adults
aged >70 years
at baseline
4 Years
Six-item screener measuring global cognition
Higher adherence to MedDiet was associated
with a lower likelihood of incident cognitive
impairment in nondiabetic participants only
Chicago Health and
Aging Project
(CHAP) [26]
3790 Adults
aged 65 years
at baseline
7.6 Years
MMSE and Symbol Digit Modalities Test scores
were standardized and averaged for a global
measure of cognitive function
Higher MedDiet scores were associated with
slower rates of cognitive decline
Three City [27]
1410 Adults
aged 65 years
at baseline
5 Years
The MMSE, Isaacs Set Test (IST) of semantic
verbal fluency, Benton Visual Retention Test
(BVRT) of visual memory, Free and Cued
Selective Reminding Test (FCSRT) of verbal
episodic memory
Higher MedDiet adherence was associated
with slower decline on MMSE, but not other
cognitive tests, or risk for incident dementia
European Prospective
Investigation into Cancer
and Nutrition (EPIC)
Greece cohort [28]
732 Participants
60 years at
Nonsignificant trend for a relationship
between MedDiet adherence and cognition
Supplementation with
Vitamins and Mineral
Antioxidants (SU.VI.
MAX) [29]
3083 Adults
aged 45 years
13 Years
Episodic memory, semantic fluency task,
forward and backward digit span task of
working memory, Delis-Kaplan trail-making test
of mental flexibility. Scores were standardized
to create a composite cognitive score; tests were
administered only during follow-up
MedDiet adherence was not related to
cognitive function
PATH Through Life [30]
1528 Adults
4 Years
Average z score of MMSE, California Verbal
Learning Test, Symbol Digit Modalities Test, and
Purdue pegboard test
MedDiet was not protective of cognitive
DSM-III-R, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Revised Third Edition. NINCDS-ADRDA, National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke-Alzheimer Disease
and Related Disorders Association [31].
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
TABLE 1 Longitudinal Studies Examining the Relationship Between Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Cognition
Mediterranean Diet Cognitive Health Chapter 8
with total antioxidant capacity, which is considered to be an indicator of improved cardiovascular functioning. Moreover,
more than 20% adherence to the diet was associated with a 37% decrease in the risk of having an acute coronary event.
A large meta-analysis of 50 studies confirmed these results, indicating that adherence to the Mediterranean diet reduces the
risk of a cluster of cardiovascular health conditions and is beneficial to waist circumference, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels, blood pressure levels, and glucose metabolism [35]. Because many of these
cardiovascular parameters represent risk factors for dementia [33], it may be that beneficial cardiovascular effects of this
diet maintain brain health into old age.
Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and polyphenols and may be responsible for many of the cardiovascular
benefits associated with this dietary profile. A recent study of more than 40,000 residents of Spain revealed that over
13 years there was a 26% reduction in all-cause mortality and a 44% decrease in cardiovascular disease mortality among
those with the highest intake of olive oil [36]. The PREDIMED trial investigated the cardiovascular effects of the
Mediterranean diet in 772 people 55 to 80 years old with multiple cardiovascular risk factors [37]. This randomized
controlled trial found that following a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil or nuts for 3 months
improved lipid profiles and reduced blood pressure, insulin resistance, and systemic markers of inflammation when
compared with a low-fat diet. In a larger cohort of the PREDIMED study, followed for an average of 4.8 years, the
Mediterranean diet supplemented with olive oil or nuts reduced the incidence of cardiovascular events relative to a
low-fat diet [38]. Interestingly, when cognitive function was assessed in a sample of 285 participants from the PREMIMED
trial after 6.5 years of adhering to the nutritional intervention, better fluency and memory tasks and a lower prevalence of
MCI was observed for the Mediterranean diet supplemented with additional olive oil compared with controls [39]. Because
these results were based on cognitive end points without reference to baseline cognitive assessments, there is a need to
replicate this study. Nevertheless, findings from the PREDIMED study suggest that a Mediterranean diet rich in olive
oil may contribute to cognitive health.
In addition to the advantages of a diet high in olive oil, it has been suggested that vascular processes and inflammatory
pathways mediate the relationship between the Mediterranean diet and cognition [16]. Following a low-calorie
Mediterranean diet for as little as 8 weeks has been demonstrated to be effective in reducing inflammatory markers in overweight individuals [40]. This may be a result of the combined effects of a range of components of the Mediterranean diet.
Higher intake of fruit and vegetables has been associated with higher blood nutrient levels, lower oxidative stress, and better
cognitive function [41]. Increasing fruit and vegetable intake over a period of 3 months has been demonstrated to improve
nutrient levels in healthy individuals [42]. Consumption of fruit and vegetables or a diet that is full of antioxidants, serum
carotenoids, vitamins, fiber, and magnesium are capable of reducing C-reactive protein [43], a marker of inflammation
closely linked to cognition [44]. In addition, flavonoids found in fruit and vegetables and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty
acids found in high quantities in fish have demonstrated anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective, and neuroprotective
properties [45,46]. Fish in particular contain omega-3 essential fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties
and increase cell membrane fluidity [47].
Despite the theoretical viewpoint that vascular mechanisms or reduced inflammatory processes are responsible for the
relationship between the Mediterranean diet and dementia, this has not been confirmed in all trials [5,48]. Findings from the
WHICAP study indicated that vascular variables including diabetes, stroke, hypertension, heart disease, and cholesterol
levels did not account for the relationship between Mediterranean diet and AD [5]. In an analysis of data over 4 years from
the WHICAP II study, levels of the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein and metabolic markers of fasting insulin and
adiponectin did not mediate the relationship between Mediterranean diet and AD [48]. A potential issue with these cohorts
was that participants were, on average, 75 years old when baseline measures were collected. Cardiovascular health at
midlife is emerging as an important predictor of dementia [33], and following a cohort from early in middle age may
be more informative regarding long-term mechanisms of the Mediterranean diet.
Exercise is regarded as an important aspect of the Mediterranean diet. It is currently recommended that the diet be complemented by regular moderate physical activity equating to 30 min a day [17]. Combining a Mediterranean diet with
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
exercise is likely to maximize improvements to cardiovascular health. A study that examined the additive effects of a 3month Mediterranean diet and exercise intervention indicated that there was greater weight loss and blood pressure benefits
when combined than when a Mediterranean diet intervention was used in isolation [49]. In an uncontrolled 4-month trial, a
Mediterranean diet and exercise intervention reduced weight and body mass index from a classification of obese to overweight [50].
Exercise may also provide independent enhancements to brain function and cognition. A meta-analysis of 29 studies of
older adults free from dementia demonstrated aerobic exercise interventions ranging from 8 to 72 weeks improved
cognitive faculties including attention, processing speed, executive function, and memory [51]. Several mechanisms of
action have been proposed to account for the cognitive benefits of exercise among older adults. Long-term effects of
exercise may influence the brain, and consequently cognition, by reducing diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular
disease [52]. Exercise may also increase the volume of the hippocampus, a brain region vital to memory function, as well
as the rate of gray matter shrinkage in the brain [53].
Emerging research suggests that the favorable effect of the Mediterranean diet on cognitive functioning may not only apply to
the elderly or those with cognitive impairment. A recent pilot study by McMillan et al. [54] investigated the effects of a 10-day
Mediterranean diet intervention on mood and cognitive performance in healthy young women. Using a between-subjects
design, the study found that, in comparison to participants who did not change their diet, participants following the
Mediterranean diet had markedly improved reaction times for spatial working memory tasks. McMillan et al. suggested that
the improvements in reaction time may be indicative of improvements in sustained attention. These findings are interesting in
that they indicate another shorter-term mechanism for cognitive improvement than the previously suggested changes in
cardiovascular health, oxidative stress, and inflammation, which would occur over a longer time frame [55].
Mood was another parameter improved in the study conducted by McMillan et al. [54]. Compared with the control (no
change) group, participants who adhered to the Mediterranean diet for the 10 days had significant improvements in
self-reported measures of vigor, contentment, and alertness, as well as decreased levels of depression, anxiety, and
confusion. These findings were broadly consistent with previous epidemiological studies that found the prevalence of
depression to be lower in Mediterranean countries, which has been attributed to the Mediterranean eating pattern [56].
The influence of the Mediterranean diet on cognition and mood over a period of days rather than years requires further
investigation. The study of blood nutrients, oxidative stress, and inflammatory biomarkers in such study designs may
be informative in terms of understanding the mechanisms that underlie any changes on behavioral indices.
fatty acids
risk factors
FIGURE 2 Components of the Mediterranean diet and potential mechanisms that influence cognitive health.
Mediterranean Diet Cognitive Health Chapter 8
There is accumulating evidence that following a Mediterranean diet exerts positive effects on cardiovascular and brain
health. Most studies have been conducted in older adults (>65 years old); therefore the evidence is strongest for the elderly.
At a population level this may translate to a lower rate of cognitive impairment and dementia among individuals who follow
this dietary pattern. In terms of the Western diet, it has been suggested that the high content of saturated fat may adversely
affect the brain by damaging regions relevant to memory, increasing oxidative stress, promoting neuroinflammation, and
compromising the integrity of the blood–brain barrier [18]. To a certain extent, positive findings regarding the
Mediterranean diet may be equally reflective of the harmful effects of following a Western diet, which is high in processed
foods and refined carbohydrates. This premise requires further investigation.
Following from the PREDIMED intervention trial [39], there is now a need to extend research findings from epidemiological
trials to randomized controlled trials to fully test the hypothesis that the Mediterranean diet can protect against dementia and
cognitive decline. It may be necessary to conduct multiple randomized controlled trials among different geographic populations
and age groups to gain a comprehensive picture of the cognitive benefits of the Mediterranean diet (Figure 2).
There is growing evidence that following a Mediterranean diet can benefit cardiovascular and brain health.
At a population level, those who follow this dietary pattern seem to have a lower rate of cognitive impairment and
A Mediterranean diet combined with exercise may exert maximal benefits on brain and cognitive health.
Randomized controlled trials are required to determine the potential for the Mediterranean diet to protect against
Future research should examine whether the Mediterranean diet can enhance cognition among both younger and older
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Chapter 9
Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular
Disease: An Overview of Recent Evidence
Dimitra Karageorgou, MSc1, Renata Micha, PhD1,2 and Antonis Zampelas, PhD1
Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece. 2 Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA.
coronary heart disease
confidence interval
cardiovascular disease
European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
The Healthy Ageing: a Longitudinal study in Europe
high-density lipoprotein
homeostatic model assessment insulin resistance
hazard ratio
interleukin 1
interleukin 6
interleukin 8
interleukin 18
low-density lipoprotein
Mediterranean Dietary Pattern adherence index
Mediterranean Diet Score
Mediterranean Dietary Quality Index
Mediterranean food pattern PREDIMED study
Mediterranean Score
Mediterranean Style Dietary Pattern Score
National Cholesterol Education Program—step 1
Northern Manhattan Study
PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea
randomized controlled trial
relative risk
Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, and, according to the World Health
Organization, the annual number of deaths caused by CVD is expected to increase from 17 million in 2008 to 25 million in
2030. However, almost 80% of the CVD burden can be attributed to certain lifestyle habits, such as poor diet, physical
inactivity, smoking, and alcohol consumption, the modification of which could lead to substantial reduction of premature
heart disease and stroke [1]. These lifestyle habits cause certain intermediate metabolic and physiological changes in, for
example, blood pressure, lipids, glucose, and body weight, which, in turn—and depending on the direction of these
effects—can either cause or protect against the development of CVD [2]. Several foods have been found to be associated
with CVD; increased consumption of fruits, vegetables, and olive oil and limited consumption of processed meat have been
shown to be protective against CVD [3–5].
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
Although nutrient-based research is essential to elucidate potential underlying mechanisms, food-based research that
takes into account the synergistic and antagonistic functions of nutrients could be more important in the modern era to
understanding and reducing the disease burden associated with suboptimal dietary habits [6,7]. As a result, there has been
increasing interest regarding the association between various diet patterns and individual nutrients and the effect they have
on the prevention and development of chronic diseases and the associated mortality [8]. Among the different dietary
patterns, such as the low-fat diet, the low-carbohydrate diet, the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet, and the
Mediterranean diet, there has been a growing interest over the past five decades in the latter as an optimal diet [9]. The
global scientific interest regarding the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean diet on cardiovascular health was initially
stimulated by the results of the Seven Countries Study, which showed that the incident of coronary heart disease (CHD) was
significantly lower in the Greek population residing in Crete compared with other European populations [10]. Indeed, the
Mediterranean diet has been shown to be associated with a decrease in all-cause mortality and higher longevity mainly
because it has been found to have an inverse association with the development of obesity and chronic diseases such as
diabetes, CVD, and cancer [2,4,9,11]. Thus, while Keys provided the hypothesis for the protective role of the Mediterranean
diet in CVD, since then better tools, such as prospective cohorts and clinical trials, have been developed to examine this
association, prove the causality of the relationship, and investigate the implicated mechanisms [5]. The Mediterranean diet
has been repeatedly found to exert an atheroprotective role, whereas adherence to it has been associated with CVD risk
reduction and with the improvement of attributing risk factors [2,9].
The purpose of this review is to investigate the effect of the Mediterranean diet on CVD, based on up-to-date evidence
from prospective cohort studies and randomized controlled trials (RCTs), which, by design, provide results with higher
validity when compared with other study designs (Figure 1). To evaluate and establish a causal relationship, the results
of prospective cohort studies on primary prevention are compared with the results of RCTs. Because of the limited number
of RCTs, though, RCTs of secondary prevention also are included. The end points of interest are both fatal and nonfatal
disease outcomes (total CVD, CHD, stroke). Only results from RCTs were considered in the evaluation of intermediate
metabolic factors.
The Mediterranean diet, first presented by Keys et al. [10], is based on the eating habits demonstrated in areas in the
Mediterranean basin, such as Crete and, similarly, the rest of Greece, southern Italy, Spain, and France, during the early
1960s [10]. It is characterized by high consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole-grain cereals, legumes, nuts, and seeds;
moderate consumption of fish, poultry, dairy products, and wine; and limited consumption of red meats and sweets [4].
Olive oil, which is high in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs; i.e., oleic acid), is the main source of fat and a distinctive
trait of the Mediterranean diet [13]. Originally, in addition to the dietary pattern, the lifestyle and the cultural characteristics
of the areas in the Mediterranean basin, comprising physical activity and adequate rest throughout the day, contribute to the
health benefits observed [14]. Almost 50 years later, however, the Mediterranean diet has not remained the same [15].
Strength of evidence
Randomized trials
of disease outcomes
Prospective cohorts
of disease outcomes
Randomized trials of
physiologic measures /
risk factors
Retrospective case-control
studies of disease outcomes
Animal studies
Ecologic studies
Case series/case reports
Prevalence studies
FIGURE 1 Study types and strength of evidence. The image shows the
hierarchy of quality and strength of evidence of different study designs
for evaluating causation of how dietary habits affect chronic disease.
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) along with prospective cohort
studies of disease outcomes provide the best evidence. Adapted from
Ref. [12].
Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Disease Chapter 9
Westernization has a great impact on the food habits of Mediterranean countries, which has led to the increased
consumption of refined carbohydrates, red meat, and saturated fat, whereas the consumption of whole-grain cereals and
legumes has decreased [15].
Similar to all dietary patterns, the Mediterranean diet can be evaluated using two approaches: the a priori approach,
which is the most commonly applied, and the a posteriori approach [15]. The a priori approach is a hypothesis-oriented
approach based on the already known scientific evidence. This means that adherence to the Mediterranean diet is assessed
using indices based on the eating habits already known to characterize this dietary pattern and not by taking into account the
current food habits of the population [16]. This approach represents more efficiently the complexity of the diet but is also
based on the assumption that all nutrients are of equal importance [15]. A variety of tools, indices, and scales have been
developed and used as measures of adherence to the Mediterranean diet in large and smaller epidemiological studies
focusing on the identification of the overall dietary pattern, but there is not yet a direct method to assess adherence [6].
The Mediterranean Diet Score (MDS) [17], Mediterranean Score (MS) [18], Mediterranean Dietary Quality Index
(Med-DQI) [19], Mediterranean Dietary Pattern adherence index (MDP) [20], Mediterranean Style Dietary Pattern Score
(MSDPS) [21], and the Mediterranean food pattern PREDIMED Study (MeDiet-PREDIMED) [22] are some of the indices
used. However, there is an absence of common criteria defining the Mediterranean diet; hence each index is based on the
available data and the study objectives [6]. One of the most widely used indices is the MDS, developed by Trichopoulou
et al. [23] in 1995 and modified a few years later [24]. The score ranges from 0 to 9 and is based on the categorization of
foods into food groups (beneficial effect groups: fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals, fish; harmful groups: meat and dairy
products). To determine the score for each food group, the sex-specific consumption median is used as the cutoff (scoring
system: one point for each of the beneficial food groups and for the monounsaturated-to-saturated lipids ratio if the consumption is above the median; one point for each of the other two food groups if the consumption is below the median; and
one point for ethanol daily consumption between 10 and 50 g for men and 5 and 25 g for women) [24]. Olive oil consumption, which is difficult to estimate in observational studies, is evaluated as part of the ratio of monounsaturated fat
to saturated fat [24], which is a common way of evaluating it in most studies [8]. The MDS was modified in 2005 for
non-Mediterranean populations to use it and the monounsaturated-to-saturated lipids ratio was replaced by the ratio of
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated to saturated lipids [17].
Conversely, a second approach used to assess dietary patterns is the a posteriori approach, a result of factorial analysis to
define the food patterns that reflect the existing habits of a population [15]. Therefore, when the Mediterranean diet is
defined a priori, it responds to the food pattern described for the populations of Mediterranean countries in the 1960s,
whereas the a posteriori approach reflects current habits.
Total CVD
Prospective Studies
Several prospective cohort studies have investigated the potential positive association of the Mediterranean diet with CVD
incidence and CVD mortality (Table 1). Sofi et al. [9] published a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies in 2010, in
which the a priori approach was used to assess adherence to the Mediterranean diet and CVD incidence. The meta-analysis
included seven studies with 534,064 subjects and 8739 deaths or incidence cases (Figure 2). The outcomes included
mortality from and/or incidence of CVDs. The results showed that a greater level of adherence to the Mediterranean diet
was related to significantly higher protection against CVD; in particular, it was revealed that a two-point increase in the
MDS [24] was associated with a 10% risk reduction (relative risk 0.90, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.87–0.93) of death
from and incidence of total CVD [9].
Following the meta-analysis by Sofi et al. [9], a few more researchers published their results on the beneficial
association of the Mediterranean dietary pattern with CVD incidence. The Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN)
study is a prospective cohort study with over 13,000 participants who were healthy at baseline; an inverse association
between the Mediterranean diet and total CVD incidence was reported after almost 5 years of follow-up [15]. The end
point of this study was a combined measure of incident cardiovascular death, acute coronary syndromes, revascularization
procedures, or fatal or nonfatal stroke. They used the MDS to assess adherence to the traditional Mediterranean diet. The
results showed that for those participants who exerted the highest adherence (total score 7) a 59% significantly lower
CVD risk (hazard ratio [HR] 0.41, 95% CI 0.18–0.95) was reported compared with those with the lowest adherence score
(total score 2). However, the continuous dose-response association was not reported to be significant; for every two-point
increment in the MDS the adjusted HR for total CVD was estimated at 0.80 (95% CI 0.62–1.02) [15]. Results from 34,708
TABLE 1 Characteristics of the Prospective Cohort Studies and Randomized Controlled Trials Investigating Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
and Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes
Mediterranean Diet
Adherence Index
End Points
Hazard Ratio
(95% CIa)
Total CVD incidence (fatal,
Two-point increment
0.90 (0.87–0.93)b
Selection criterion: adjustment
for potential confounders
Studies with adjustment for
confounders that include
demographic, anthropometric,
and traditional risk factors were
considered of high quality
Prospective studies
of seven
cohort studies,
Sofi [9]
The SUN Study,
MartinezGonzalez [15]
Post hoc analysis
“Post hoc
Mediterranean diet”d
Total CVD incidence (fatal,
CHD incidence
Total CVD incidence
High 7 versus low 2 score
two-point increment
High 7 versus low 2 score
two-point increment Upper
versus lower quintile
0.41 (0.18–0.95)
0.80 (0.62–1.02)
0.42 (0.16–1.11)
0.74 (0.55–0.99)
1.14 (0.54–2.39)
Age, sex, energy intake, CHD
history, smoking, physical
activity, body mass index (BMI)
at baseline, history of
hypertension or medication for
hypertension, use of aspirin,
diabetes and dyslipidemia at
The Dutch
Modified MDSc
Total CVD incidence (fatal,
Total CVD incidence (fatal)
Composite CVD incidence (fatal
CVD, nonfatal myocardial
infarction and nonfatal stroke)
Myocardial infarction incidence
Stroke incidence
High 7 versus low 2 score
Two-point increment High
7 versus low 2 score
Two-point increment
High 7 versus low 2 score
Two-point increment
High 7 versus low 2 score
Two-point increment
High 7 versus low 2 score
Two-point increment
0.84 (0.75–0.96)
0.95 (0.91–0.98)
0.44 (0.30–0.66)
0.78 (0.69–0.88)
0.65 (0.53–0.80)
0.85 (0.80–0.91)
0.70 (0.54–0.92)
0.86 (0.79–0.93)
0.70 (0.47–1.05)
0.88 (0.78–1.00)
Age, sex, smoking , physical
activity, total energy intake,
education level
Gardener [26]
Total CVD incidence (fatal,
nonfatal) Myocardial infarction
incidence Ischemic stroke
High 6 versus low 2 score
One-point increment
High 6 versus low 2 score
One-point increment
High 6 versus low 2 score
One-point increment
0.75 (0.56–0.99)
0.94 (0.89–1.00)
0.61 (0.35–1.04)
0.93 (0.83–1.04)
0.98 (0.58–1.65)
0.98 (0.89–1.08)
Education level, moderate-toheavy physical activity,
total daily kilocalorie
consumption, and smoking
Knoops [27]
Based on MDS indexc
CHD incidence (fatal)
High 4 versus low <4 score
0.61 (0.43–0.88)
Age, sex, education level, body
mass index, dietary and
lifestyle factors and study
CHD incidence (fatal) CHD
incidence (fatal, nonfatal)
High 6 versus low 3 score
two-point increment
High 6 versus low 3 score
Two-point increment
0.54 (0.37–0.81)
0.78 (0.66–0.92)
0.82 (0.66–1.02)
0.92 (0.84–1.02)
Sex, age, BMI, height, physical
activity, education level,
energy intake, smoking, blood
The Greek
EPIC, Dilis [28]
The Spanish
EPIC, Buckland
CHD incidence (fatal, nonfatal)
High 11 versus low 6
score one-point increment
0.60 (0.47–0.77)
0.94 (0.91–0.97)
Sex, age, education level,
physical activity, BMI,
smoking, diabetes,
hypertension, hyperlipidemia,
energy intake, study center
The Spanish
EPIC, GuallarCastillon [16]
a posteriori analysis
Mediterranean diet”e
CHD incidence (fatal, nonfatal)
Upper versus lower quintile
0.73 (0.57–0.94)
Age, sex, energy intake, BMI,
waist circumference,
education level, smoking,
physical activity, diabetes,
hypercholesterolemia, cancer,
oral contraceptives,
menopausal status, hormone
replacement therapy, study
Nurses Health
Study, Fung
alternate MDSc
CHD incidence (fatal)
CHD incidence (nonfatal)
Stroke incidence (fatal, nonfatal)
Stroke incidence (fatal)
Stroke incidence (nonfatal)
Upper versus lower
Upper versus lower
Upper versus lower
Upper versus lower
Upper versus lower
0.58 (0.45–0.75)b
0.78 (0.66–0.93)b
0.87 (0.73–1.02)b
0.69 (0.44–1.07)b
0.90 (0.75–1.08)b
Age, smoking, BMI,
menopausal status,
postmenopausal hormone
therapy, energy intake,
multivitamin intake, alcohol,
family history, physical
activity, aspirin usage
Total CVD incidence (fatal,
nonfatal) Total CVD incidence
(fatal) Myocardial infarction
Stroke incidence
Olive oil group versus
Control group Nuts group
versus Control Group
Combined effect versus
Control group
Olive oil group versus
Control group
Nuts group versus Control
Combined effect versus
Control group
Olive oil group versus
Control group
Nuts group versus Control
Combined effect versus
Control group
Olive oil group versus
Control group
Nuts group versus Control
0.70 (0.54–0.92)
0.72 (0.54–0.96)
0.71 (0.56–0.90)
0.69 (0.41–1.16)
1.01 (0.61–1.66)
0.83 (0.54–1.29)
0.80 (0.51–1.26)
0.74 (0.46–1.19)
0.77 (0.52–1.15)
0.67 (0.46–0.98)
0.54 (0.35–0.84)
0.61 (0.44–0.86)
Age, sex, smoking, BMI, waist/
height ratio, baseline
hypertension, baseline
dyslipidemia, baseline
diabetes, family history of
premature CHD, study center
Randomized controlled trials
Study, Estruch
TABLE 1 Characteristics of the Prospective Cohort Studies and Randomized Controlled Trials Investigating Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
and Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes—cont’d
Mediterranean Diet
Adherence Index
End Points
Hazard Ratio
(95% CIa)
Combined effect versus
Control group
Lyon Diet
Heart Study,
De Lorgeril
Diet Heart
Study, Singh
Dietary survey/
participant visit
Composite CVD prevalence 1
(cardiac death and nonfatal
myocardial infarction) Composite
CVD prevalence 2 (the preceding
plus major secondary end points,
like unstable angina, stroke, heart
failure etc.)
Composite CVD prevalence 3
(the preceding plus minor events
requiring hospital admission)
Mediterranean diet group
versus Western diet group
Mediterranean diet group
versus Western diet group
Mediterranean diet group
versus Western diet group
0.28 (0.15–0.53)b
0.33 (0.21–0.52)b
0.53 (0.38–0.74)b
Age, sex, smoking, cholesterol,
systolic blood pressure,
leucocyte count, aspirin use
Food record
Total CVD (fatal, nonfatal)
Myocardial infarction (fatal)
Myocardial infarction (nonfatal)
Indo-Mediterranean diet
group versus NCEP1 diet
group Indo-Mediterranean
diet group versus NCEP1 diet
Indo-Mediterranean diet
group versus NCEP1 diet
0.48 (0.33–0.71) f
0.67 (0.31–1.42) f
0.47 (0.28–0.79) f
Age, gender, BMI, cholesterol
and blood pressure
CI, confidence interval. bRelative risk. cMDS ranges from 0 to 9: one point for each of the beneficial food groups (fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals, fish) and for the monounsaturated-to-saturated lipids ratio if the
consumption is above the sex-specific median; one point for each of the harmful food groups (meat and dairy products) if the consumption is below the sex-specific median; and one point for daily consumption of
ethanol between 10 and 50 g for men and 5 and 25 g for women. The modified MDS replaces monounsaturated lipids with the sum of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated lipids in the numerator of the lipid ratio.
The index Knoops et al. used ranges from 0 to 8, and it contains all MDS components except for alcohol. The alternate MDS (score range of 0–9) is based on the MDS; its scoring system is as follows: one point for
above-median consumption of vegetables (excluding potatoes), fruits, nuts, whole grains, legumes, fish, and monounsaturated-to-saturated fat ratio; one point for below-median consumption of red and processed
meats; one point for alcohol intake between 5 and 15 g/d. The Spanish EPIC study used a revised MDS, with scores ranging from 0 to 18, including 9 components, all of which (except alcohol) were expressed in
energy per 1000 kcal. The Me-Diet PREDIMED is a 14-item screener evaluating the consumption frequency of olive oil, vegetables, fruits, red and processed meat, butter/margarine, sodas, legumes, fish/seafood,
sweets, nuts, white meat instead of red, and sofrito. dThe “post hoc Mediterranean diet” includes vegetables, fruits, fish, poultry, whole-grain cereals, nuts and seeds, olive oil, and legumes. eThe “Evolved
Mediterranean diet” does not include legumes, processed and unprocessed red meat, or wine. Furthermore, foods that score negatively in the MDS, such as fat-free dairy products and poultry, score positively in the
evolved Mediterranean diet. fRate ratio.
Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Disease Chapter 9
Relative risk (95% CI)
Weight (%)
Relative risk (95% CI)
Trichopoulou [23]
0.67 (0.47, 0.95)
Knoops [27]
0.84 (0.76, 0.94)
Mitrou (2007) (M) [40]
0.92 (0.89, 0.96)
Mitrou (2007) (F) [40]
0.93 (0.88, 0.99)
Fung (CHD) [30]
0.87 (0.82, 0.92)
0.80 (0.62, 1.03)
Buckland [29]
0.95 (0.88, 1.01)
Martinez-Gonzalez [15]
0.89 (0.81, 0.97)
0.90 (0.87, 0.93)
Fung (Stroke) [30]
Total (95% CI)
Reduced risk
Increased risk
FIGURE 2 The association between the Mediterranean diet and the risk of cardiovascular disease. This Forest plot shows the association between a twopoint increase in the score of adherence to the Mediterranean diet and the risk of mortality from or incidence of cardiovascular diseases. The center of each
square indicates the relative risk of the study, and the horizontal lines indicate 95% CIs. The area of the square is proportional to the amount of information
from the study. The diamond indicates pooled estimates. CHD, coronary heart disease. Adapted from Ref. [9].
participants in the Dutch European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study without CVD at
baseline also suggest a protective role for the Mediterranean diet against CVD [25]. Using as end points fatal CVD, total
CVD, and composite CVD (fatal CVD, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and nonfatal stroke) and the modified MDS to
assess adherence to the dietary pattern, Trichopoulou et al. [17] showed that, after multivariate adjustment, greater
adherence to the Mediterranean diet was associated with a 16% lower incidence of total CVD (HR 0.84, 95% CI
0.75–0.96), a 56% lower incidence of fatal CVD (HR 0.44, 95% CI 0.30–0.66), and a 35% lower incidence of composite
CVD (HR 0.65, 95% CI 0.53–0.80) in comparison with nonadherence to very low adherence. They also showed the same
association for dose-respondent assessment after adjustment, meaning that every two-point increase in MDS was associated
with an HR of 0.78 (95% CI 0.69–0.88) for fatal CVD, 0.95 (95% CI 0.91–0.98) for total CVD, and 0.85 (95% CI
0.80–0.91) for composite CVD [25]. The Northern Manhattan Study (NOMAS), a prospective cohort study that investigated
the relation between the Mediterranean diet and vascular events in a multiethnic population group with a 9-year follow-up,
also showed an association between high adherence to the Mediterranean diet and a 25% reduction in risk of total CVD
(adjusted HR 0.75, 95% CI 0.56–0.99), defined as a composite of incident ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, and vascular
death.[26] As expected, after further adjustment for potential mediators in the causal pathway for CVD development, in
addition to sociodemographic and dietary factors, this association was no longer significant (HR 0.80, 95% CI 0.60–1.06) [26].
The above studies were based on an a priori approach to the Mediterranean diet, but to examine whether it manifests the
same associations with cardiovascular health as it is currently followed, an a posteriori approach is necessary. The SUN
study carried out a sensitivity analysis of the data, and in addition to investigating Mediterranean diet adherence with the
help of MDS, they also performed a post hoc analysis [15]. This analysis revealed a “post hoc Mediterranean pattern” that
showed no association between this dietary pattern and CVD incidence (HR 1.14, 95% CI 0.54–2.39) and a “Westernized
pattern,” which was associated with a higher risk for CVD (HR 2.10, 95% CI 1.06–4.18). A limitation of this study, though,
is that the sample included only university graduates; this could have interfered with some of the dietary habits observed in
the post hoc Mediterranean pattern [15]. In conclusion, based on the results of the prospective cohort studies, there seems to
be a protective association between the Mediterranean diet and CVD incidence and CVD mortality.
Clinical Trials
To our knowledge only two clinical trials have assessed the effect of the Mediterranean diet on total CVD as a disease
outcome: one is about primary prevention, whereas the other is about secondary prevention. The Prevención con Dieta
Mediterránea (PREDIMED) study assesses the effect of increased olive oil consumption within the frame of the Mediterranean diet on CVD [3]. The PREDIMED study is a large RCT that aims to assess the effect of the Mediterranean diet on the
primary prevention of CVD based on three very distinctive cardiovascular end points: cardiovascular death, myocardial
infarction, and stroke [3]. The sample in the trial consisted of men and women who had not developed CVD at baseline
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
but had either type 2 diabetes or at least three of the following cardiovascular risk factors: current smoking, hypertension,
high low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol or lipid-lowering therapy, low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol,
overweight/obesity, and family history of premature CHD. According to the most recent publication from this research
team, adherence to the Mediterranean diet, supplemented with either extra-virgin olive oil (mean consumption of
extra-virgin olive oil at the end of the trial was 50 g/day) or nuts (mean consumption of nuts at the end of the trial
was 30 g/day), and with no energy restriction compared to a low-fat control diet, resulted in the reduction of risk for
the composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, and stroke (HR 0.70, 95% CI 0.54–0.92 for the olive oil
group; HR 0.72, 95% CI 0.54–0.96 for the nuts group) [3]. There was no significant risk reduction regarding CVD mortality
alone for Mediterranean diets combined (HR 0.83, 95% CI 0.54–1.29). A limitation of the PREDIMED trial, however, is
that the control group was not intensively attended to and guided through the intervention for at least the first 3 years of the
study, which might have resulted in a positive bias for the Mediterranean diet, but the differences between the initial period
of the study and the one after the adjustment of the protocol were not significant regarding the aforementioned benefit [3].
Preceding PREDIMED, the Lyon Diet Heart Study was a randomized clinical trial that aimed to assess whether the
Mediterranean Diet had a positive impact on recurrence rate after a first myocardial infarction [31]. In contrast with
the PREDIMED study, the patients in the Lyon Diet Heart Study were assigned to two groups: one group was guided
through following the Mediterranean diet, and the other group (control) received no dietary recommendations except
for those commonly given by their doctors. The end points used were (1) cardiac death and nonfatal myocardial infarction,
(2) cardiac death and nonfatal myocardial infarction plus major secondary end points (unstable angina, stroke, heart failure,
etc.); and (3) cardiac death and nonfatal myocardial infarction, major secondary end points, and minor events requiring
hospital admission. The Lyon Diet Heart Study also confirmed the cardioprotective effect of the Mediterranean diet, with
adjusted HRs ranging from 0.28 to 0.53 between the two groups (HR 0.28, 95% CI 0.15–0.53 for the first end point; HR
0.33, 95% CI 0.21–0.52 for the second end point; and HR 0.53, 95% CI 0.38–0.74 for the third end point) [31]. Finally, an
RCT that included both high-risk subjects and patients with a previous CHD incident assessed the effect of an
Indo-Mediterranean diet on CHD development and progress and total CVD mortality compared with the dietary pattern
recommended by the National Cholesterol Education Program—step 1 (NCEP1) [32]. The assessed components of the
Indo-Mediterranean diet were fruits, vegetables, whole grains, walnuts or almonds, and mustard seed or soybean oil.
The results showed that the risk of total CVD incidence (fatal and nonfatal) was reduced by 52% in the intervention group
(rate ratio 0.48, 95% CI 0.33–0.71) [32].
Prospective cohort studies conclusively show a protective association between the Mediterranean diet and total CVD
incidence. Clinical trials, although limited in number, confirm this association, and their results show that the
Mediterranean diet leads to the reduction of total CVD incidence. Taking these data together, the Mediterranean diet seems
to have a beneficial association with total CVD, although there is no certain conclusion regarding causality (Figure 3).
Coronary Heart Disease
Prospective Studies
Similar to total CVD, there are several cohort studies that have reported the beneficial effect of the Mediterranean dietary
pattern on CHD [33] (Table 1). The SUN study revealed an inverse association between the Mediterranean diet and CHD
incidents after almost 5 years of follow-up [15]. After multivariate adjustment, a higher MDS was associated with a lower
risk of a CHD incident (HR 0.42, 95% CI 0.16–1.11) compared with those with the lowest score, whereas it was reported that a
two-point increase in the MDS was associated with a 26% reduction of risk of a CHD incident (HR 0.74, 95% CI 0.55–0.99)
[15]. Data from the The Healthy Ageing: A Longitudinal study in Europe (HALE) project showed that, among a sample of
2339 apparently healthy elderly participants from several European countries, higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet
was associated with a 39% reduced risk of CHD mortality during a 10-year follow-up period (adjusted HR 0.61, 95% CI
0.43–0.88) [27]. The Dutch EPIC, which included over 34,000 participants without CVD at baseline, also showed that a
greater modified MD adherence score was associated with a 30% lower incidence of myocardial infarction compared with
nonadherence to very low adherence (adjusted HR 0.70, 95% CI 0.54–0.92). The protective association also was shown in
the dose-response assessment: every two-point increase in the modified MDS was associated with 14% reduced risk of
myocardial infarction incidence (adjusted HR 0.86, 95% CI 0.79–0.93) [25]. Moreover, data from a 10-year median
follow-up of over 23,000 participants free of CHD, diabetes, and cancer at baseline in the Greek EPIC showed similar
results [28]. The Greek EPIC investigated the association of the Mediterranean diet with CHD incidence (myocardial
Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Disease Chapter 9
FIGURE 3 The association between the Mediterranean diet and total cardiovascular disease incidence. The plot shows hazard ratios and confidence
intervals (CIs) of prospective cohort studies and clinical trials (primary prevention) for total cardiovascular disease incidence. The center of each rhombus
indicates the relative risk of the study, and the horizontal lines indicate 95% CIs (their values are given on the right side of the plot). *Relative risk.
Combined effect of the two intervention groups. 2Composite of fatal CVD, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and nonfatal stroke.
infarction, angina, and other CHD) and CHD mortality. It revealed that, after multivariate adjustment, greater adherence to
the Mediterranean diet was associated with 46% lower CHD mortality (HR 0.54 95% CI 0.37–0.81), whereas every two-point
increase in the MDS was associated with 22% lower CHD mortality (HR 0.78, 95% CI 0.66–0.92), showing a continuous
association. However, although an inverse association was found between high and low adherence to the Mediterranean diet
and CHD incidence, this association seemed to be weaker than the one with CHD mortality (HR 0.82, 95% CI 0.66–1.02) [28].
A smaller multiethnic prospective cohort study of 2568 participants did not find significant association with incident myocardial infarction (HR 0.61, 95% CI 0.35–1.04), despite showing an association between adherence to the Mediterranean diet
and CVD mortality [26]. The results from the Nurse’s Health Study and the 20-year follow-up of 74,886 women 38–63 years
old revealed that a higher degree of adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern, measured using an alternate MDS, was
associated with lower risk of combined fatal and nonfatal CHD (adjusted HR 0.71, 95% CI 0.62–0.82) [30]. This beneficial
effect of the Mediterranean diet was observed despite the fact that the major source of monounsaturated fat in the US
population came mainly from beef and other types of meat, whereas the contribution of olive oil, which is the primary source
of MUFAs in Mediterranean countries, was limited to 10% of all MUFA intake [30]. Finally, the Spanish EPIC realized two
different analyses of the data from over 40,000 participants: an a priori approach of the adherence to the Mediterranean diet
[29] and an a posteriori investigation of the association of current dietary patterns and CHD [16]. According to the a priori
assessment, in which a modified version of the MDS was used to estimate conformity to the Mediterranean diet, higher
compared with lower adherence to the Mediterranean diet was significantly associated with 40% reduced risk of CHD after
multivariate adjustment (HR 0.60, 95% CI 0.47–0.77) [29]. In the analysis by Guallar-Castillon et al. [16], the “evolved
Mediterranean diet” that was revealed, characterized by consumption of plant-based foods and olive oil, is still associated
with a lower risk of CHD incidents (HR 0.73, 95% CI 0.57–0.94) among the participants with the highest adherence compared
with those with the lowest.
Clinical Trials
As mentioned earlier, the randomized clinical trial PREDIMED showed that a Mediterranean dietary pattern, supplemented
with extra-virgin olive oil or nuts, leads to reduced risk for the composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction,
and stroke [3]. However, when the effect on myocardial infarction incidence was examined separately, the comparison
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
between the two Mediterranean groups and the control group did not reach statistical significance (HR 0.80, 95% CI 0.51–
1.26 for the olive oil group; HR 0.74, 95% CI 0.46–1.19 for the nuts group). On the contrary, Singh et al. [32] showed a
significant reduction of stroke incidence in the intervention group following guidelines of an Indo-Mediterranean diet
compared with the control group following NCEP1. The reduction was significant only for nonfatal myocardial infarction
(rate ratio 0.47, 95% CI 0.28–0.79) [32].
In conclusion, there seems to be a protective association between the Mediterranean diet and the development and
progress of CHD (Figure 4). However, more clinical trials are necessary for this association to be established with greater
Prospective Cohort Studies
Few studies regarding the Mediterranean diet and its separate association with stroke have been performed (Table 1). The
Dutch EPIC study showed an inverse association between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and stroke incidence,
although it did not reach statistical significance (HR 0.70, 95% CI 0.47–1.05) [25]. However, the dose-response association
was marginally significant; the two-point increment in the modified MDS was associated with 12% reduced risk for
incident stroke (adjusted HR 0.88, 95% CI 0.78–1.00). The results from the Nurse’s Health Study and the 20-year
follow-up of 74,886 women revealed that a higher degree of adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern was associated
with lower risk of incident stroke (adjusted HR 0.87, 95% CI 0.73–1.02) [30]. In particular, for the women with higher
adherence to the Mediterranean diet, the relative risk for the development stroke was 0.87 compared with the women with
lower adherence. The NOMAS, however, failed to find a significant association between adherence to the Mediterranean
diet and incident ischemic stroke (HR 0.98, 95% CI 0.58–1.65) [26]. It should be noted, however, that the sample of the
FIGURE 4 The association between the Mediterranean diet and coronary heart disease incidence. The plot shows hazard ratios and confidence intervals
(CIs) of prospective cohort studies and clinical trials (primary prevention) for coronary heart disease incidence. The center of each rhombus indicates the
relative risk of the study, and the horizontal lines indicate 95% CIs (their values are given on the right side of the plot). *Relative risk. 1Combined effect of
the two intervention groups.
Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Disease Chapter 9
FIGURE 5 The association between the Mediterranean diet and stroke incidence. The plot shows hazard ratios and confidence intervals (CIs) of prospective cohort studies and clinical trials (primary prevention) for stroke incidence. The center of each rhombus indicates the relative risk of the study, and the
horizontal lines indicate 95% CIs (their values are given on the right side of the plot). *Relative risk. 1Combined effect of the two intervention groups.
NOMAS was significantly smaller than the sample of the Nurse’s Health Study, but even in this large cohort, when they
divided the incident stroke into ischemic and hemorrhagic, they found no significant association between the Mediterranean diet and ischemic stroke, either [26]. Therefore, based on the current evidence, it is difficult to draw a definite conclusion regarding the association between the Mediterranean diet and stroke incidence.
Clinical Trials
The PREDIMED study showed a significant reduction in risk for stroke incidence between either of the two Mediterranean
diet groups and the control group (HR 0.67, 95% CI 0.46–0.98 for the olive oil group; HR 0.54, 95% CI 0.35–0.84 for the
nuts group) [3].
The inconsistent results of the limited studies regarding the association of the Mediterranean diet with stroke do not allow a
clear opinion of whether the Mediterranean diet has a protective association with stroke incidence and mortality to be
formed (Figure 5).
The pathophysiology of CVD is linked to inflammation as a key process in its development and outcome. The process of
inflammation is activated by stimuli such as hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycemia, and hypertension [34]. The protective
effects of the Mediterranean diet against the development of CVD have been mainly attributed to the antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory properties of its individual components [7]. Hence there is a great interest regarding the investigation
of the effect of the Mediterranean diet on biomarkers characterizing the progression of inflammation progress [35]. As a
plant-based diet, the foods that comprise the basis of the Mediterranean diet undergo minimal processing; thus their
nutrients are more effectively preserved, which makes the overall diet richer in antioxidants [4]. Moreover, given the fact
that olive oil is the main fat source and the consumption of meat and other animal products is low to moderate, the amount of
saturated and trans fats that Mediterranean diet provides is very low [4,14].
A meta-analysis of seven RCTs comparing the effect of the Mediterranean diet and low-fat diets on cardiovascular risk
factors showed that after 2 years of follow-up the Mediterranean diet was more beneficial regarding changes in systolic
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
blood pressure (weighted mean difference 1.7 mmHg, 95% CI 3.3 to 0.05), diastolic blood pressure (weighted mean
difference 1.5 mmHg, 95% CI 2.1 to 0.8), total cholesterol (weighted mean difference 7.4 mg/day, 95% CI 10.3 to
4.4), and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (weighted mean difference 1.0 mg/L, 95% CI 1.5 to 0.5) [2]. Another
meta-analysis by Kastorini et al. [4] regarding the effect of the Mediterranean diet on the metabolic syndrome, which seems
to be a strong predictor of cardiovascular events, showed that adherence to this dietary pattern is optimal not only for the
metabolic syndrome but also for its distinct components (insulin resistance, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood
pressure levels) [36], all of which are also potential risk factors for the development of CVD [4]. In particular, regarding
insulin resistance, the combined results of 10 trials with 1742 participants showed that for the Mediterranean diet groups the
value of homeostatic model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) was significantly reduced (mean difference
between intervention groups 0.45, 95% CI 0.74 to 0.16) [4]. According to 29 clinical trials investigating the effect
of adherence to the Mediterranean diet on HDL-cholesterol, the participants who were assigned to the Mediterranean diet
had significantly higher levels of HDL-cholesterol compared with the control group participants (mean difference between
intervention groups 1.17, 95% CI 0.38-1.96). The combined effect of the same trials regarding triglycerides also showed
that adherence to the Mediterranean results in significantly lower triglyceride levels (mean difference between intervention
groups 6.14, 95% CI 10.35 to 1.93). With regard to blood pressure, the analysis of 14 trials with 3060 subjects showed
a significant association between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and lower levels of systolic blood pressure (mean
difference between intervention groups 2.35 mmHg, 95% CI 3.51 to 1.18 mmHg) and diastolic blood pressure (mean
difference between intervention groups 1.58 mmHg, 95% CI 2.02 to 1.13 mmHg).
Moreover, the PREDIMED study showed that adherence to the Mediterranean diet resulted in significant lowering of
cellular lipid levels and LDL oxidation [37]. It also resulted in the reduction of apolipoprotein B and the increase of
apolipoprotein A-I concentrations, whose increased ratio is a predictor of CHD [37]. Following this, using part of the
PREDIMED study sample, Urpi-Sarda et al. [34] showed that the Mediterranean groups had lower plasma concentrations
of interleukin (IL)-6 (change in olive oil group: 0.23 ng/L, 95% CI 0.4 to 0.003; change in nuts group: 0.33 ng/L,
95% CI 0.6 to 0.1) and of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) R60 and TNFR80, the receptors through which TNF-a expresses
its activity (change in TNFR60 in olive oil group: 0.2 mg/L, 95% CI 0.4 to 0.1; change in TNFR60 in nuts group:
0.2 mg/L, 95% CI 0.3 to 0.1; change in TNFR60 in olive oil group: 0.6 mg/L, 95% CI 1.1 to 0.3; and change
in TNFR60 in nuts group: 0.4 mg/L, 95% CI 0.9 to 0.1) after 1 year of intervention [34]. An earlier and smaller
randomized clinical trial by Esposito et al. [38], had already proved the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean diet on
endothelial function and vascular inflammatory markers. In this double-blind trial, 180 patients with the metabolic
syndrome were divided in two groups: the intervention group received thorough guidelines on following the Mediterranean
diet, and the control group followed a normal diet. The results after 2 years revealed that the patients assigned to the
Mediterranean diet manifested a significant reduction in the concentration of the serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein
(change: 1.0 mg/L, 95% CI 1.7 to 0.3), IL-6 (change: 0.6 pg/mL, 95% CI 1.1 to 0.1), IL-7 (change: 0.5 pg/mL,
95% CI 0.9 to 0.1), and IL-18 (change: 15 pg/mL, 95% CI 28 to 2) compared with the control group. Furthermore,
their insulin resistance decreased (HOMA-IR change: 1.1, 95% CI 1.9 to 0.3), whereas the endothelial function score
was significantly improved (change: +1.7, 95% CI 1.0–2.4). More important, less than half of the patients of the intervention group (40 of 90) had characteristics of the metabolic syndrome after the 2 years of the trial, whereas this was
observed in 78 of the 90 patients in the control group, suggesting that the Mediterranean diet can be effective in decreasing
the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and the cardiovascular risk associated with it [38]. Similar results were confirmed
by a more recent trial by Rallidis et al. [39], who investigated the effect of the Mediterranean diet on the improvement of
endothelial function in 90 healthy adults with abdominal obesity, a feature known to be associated with increased cardiovascular and type 2 diabetes risk. In this study, they also considered the degree of adherence to the diet; hence, all participants received counseling on the Mediterranean diet, but the counseling for the intervention group was more intensive and
their daily and weekly food plan was very specific. The significant increase in fat consumption in the intervention group
(P < 0.001) was attributed to virgin olive oil and almonds, as in the PREDIMED study. In addition to significantly
improving the endothelial function of the intervention group subjects, the Mediterranean diet resulted in significant diastolic blood pressure reduction (P ¼ 0.041), and it tended to cause an increase in insulin sensitivity (P ¼ 0.072) [39].
According to the results of clinical trials, adherence to the Mediterranean diet results in the improvement of plasma lipid
profile and the reduction of insulin resistance and blood pressure, and it seems to have a beneficial effect on inflammation
and oxidation biomarkers.
Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Disease Chapter 9
Prospective cohort studies show a protective association between the Mediterranean diet and total CVD incidence.
Clinical trials, although limited in number, confirm this association.
The Mediterranean diet seems to have a protective association with CHD incidence, but, again, more clinical trials with
CHD as an end point are needed to establish significant causality.
The evidence of stroke is contradictory; prospective studies report inconsistent results and the PREDIMED study shows
a significant protective effect of the Mediterranean diet on stroke incidence.
The Mediterranean diet has a protective effect on intermediate factors and contributes to the improvement of lipid
profile, blood pressure, inflammation, and oxidation biomarkers.
[1] Alwan A. Global status report on noncommunicable diseases 2010. Zurich: World Health Organisation; 2010.
[2] Nordmann AJ, Suter-Zimmermann K, Bucher HC, Shai I, Tuttle KR, Estruch R, et al. Meta-analysis comparing Mediterranean to low-fat diets for
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J Med 2013;368(14):1279–90.
[4] Kastorini CM, Milionis HJ, Esposito K, Giugliano D, Goudevenos JA, Panagiotakos DB. The effect of Mediterranean diet on metabolic syndrome
and its components: a meta-analysis of 50 studies and 534,906 individuals. J Am Coll Cardiol 2011;57(11):1299–313.
[5] Micha R, Wallace SK, Mozaffarian D. Red and processed meat consumption and risk of incident coronary heart disease, stroke, and diabetes mellitus:
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[6] Mila-Villarroel R, Bach-Faig A, Puig J, Puchal A, Farran A, Serra-Majem L, et al. Comparison and evaluation of the reliability of indexes of
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Chapter 10
Genomic Determinants of Mediterranean
Diet Success
Keith Grimaldi, PhD1 and Antonio Paoli, MD, BSc2
National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece. 2 University of Padova, Padova, Italy.
The Mediterranean diet is recognized as one of the most healthy in the world, and variations of it seem to be the most
successful nutritional regimens for reducing cardiovascular risk factors [1–5]. Why is the Mediterranean diet apparently
so beneficial? In a recent review, Ordovas et al. [6] speculated that:
the Mediterranean diet may be closer to the ancestral foods that were part of human development and our metabolism may have
evolved to work optimally on such a diet rather than with the current diets richer in saturated fat and highly refined and processed
foods. Therefore, it is possible that alleles that are associated with increased disease risk may be silenced in the presence of that
more ancestral and traditional diet and lifestyle. This knowledge may provide the basis for successful public health as well
individual approaches for disease prevention.
Alleles refers to the presence of common genetic variants that can modify the way an individual responds to diets of differing composition. Two things are known for certain: genes affect response to diet, and diet affects gene expression (for
example, personal genetic variation affects response to ultraviolet light, and ultraviolet light in turn affects gene
expression). In general, the way genetic variation affects response to nutrients in the diet is termed nutrigenetics, whereas
nutrigenomics is the term used for the effect of diet on gene expression. There are well-established gene–diet interactions
for which specific dietary precautions are necessary, such as phenylketonuria, a genetic disorder requiring a lifetime of a
phenylalanine-restricted diet, and so-called lactose intolerance, which is not a disease but a phenotype common to the
majority of the world’s population (including in the Mediterranean region) who lack a polymorphism upstream of the
lactase gene [7]. The effect of the polymorphism, common in central and northern Europe, is to ensure the continued
production of the lactase enzyme, which would otherwise cease during childhood.
The application of genetics and genomics to nutritional research is increasing detailed knowledge of metabolic
pathways, but an added benefit is that it is bringing more consistency to nutritional research in general. Nutrition research
as well as candidate gene-association studies have produced many inconsistent results over the decades, which translates
into a level of confusion in the public health message. This is not related to the overall quality of the research; rather, it is
because of the complexity of the effects of nutrition on long-term health and confounding due to individual variation.
A good example is the association between coffee consumption and myocardial infarction (MI): many years of epidemiological studies yielded inconclusive results, which Cornelis et al. [8] hypothesized may be in part because of a lack of
stratification according to caffeine metabolism genotype. Caffeine is metabolized by the enzyme CYP1A2, and a common
genetic variation in this gene determines whether an individual metabolized caffeine quickly or slowly. In a study of over
4000 subjects, no significant cardiovascular risk was associated with coffee consumption in the entire study group;
however, when stratified, the risk in fast metabolizers did not increase, whereas in the subset of slow metabolizers it
increased significantly (odds ratio [OR] of 1.7 for 4 coffees per day) [8]. The point here is that in even a very large epidemiological study with a relatively simple-to-measure intake, the significant risk in a subsection of the population would
not have been revealed, and in smaller studies the results would have been—and indeed were—inconsistent.
The review by Ordovas et al. [6] mentioned above highlighted the status of early nutrigenomics studies in general as
well as those with particular application to the Mediterranean diet (MD), and some significant reproducible gene–diet
interactions were reported. This area of research has progressed significantly over the past ten years; there is more
consistency, and increased numbers of gene–diet interactions, which are reviewed here, have been confirmed. The direct
benefit of these studies is the possibility of using the knowledge for modifying nutritional advice for the individual.
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
Nutrigenetics: Use of the MD to Neutralize Potentially Negative Effects of Some
Common Genetic Variants
Development of common complex diseases involves multiple genes plus multiple environmental factors, and actual
individual risk is determined by gene–environment interactions [9]. In fact “genetic risk” associated single nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs), such as skin color, have the potential to both increase and decrease risk, depending on the
A well-studied example of this interaction is the C677T SNP in the MTHFR gene and acid metabolism, which is
important for thymidine synthesis and DNA methylation in pathways that have direct effects on genome stability and
homocysteine levels, respectively [10,11]. The 677T allele causes an amino acid change that results in a much lower
enzyme activity, having just 30% the activity of the 677C encoded enzyme [12]. In gene–disease association studies
the T allele has been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) [13] but may be protective against
some cancers [10]; however, the effects are dependent on the availability of folic acid in the diet. At levels <400 mg/day,
677TT homozygotes are likely to have chronically high levels of homocysteine, which is an independent risk factor for
CVD and osteoporosis [14]. With adequate folic acid in the diet, the potential increased risk for CVD and other diseases
is neutralized and the protection against some cancers is maintained. Therefore the SNP itself does not increase or decrease
any risks—its effects depends on diet.
The geographic distribution of the SNP is interesting from this point of view. The variant T allele is very common in
areas where traditional diets have high folic acid content (e.g., southern Europe; 20-25% of southern Italians are 677TT
homozygous), but it is relatively rare in areas where folic acid is low (e.g., northern Europe; in Finland <4% are
homozygous) [15–17]. The hypothesis is that the T allele was “allowed” by natural selection to become common in areas
with high folic acid because it has protective effects when there is adequate folic acid and, vice versa, the prevalence of the
SNP was reduced by migrations to northern Europe because of negative selection pressure of low folic acid. This dramatic
effect of traditional diets and migration on the geographic prevalence of the C677T SNP is evidence that even single SNPs
interacting with diet can have significant long-term health effects. Where nutrigenetic research identifies important
gene–environment interactions, it becomes possible to intervene and reduce or neutralize the increased risks associated
with particular genetic variants. Some recent studies have demonstrated this in the case of the MD and several potential
risk alleles for common diseases.
One of the first formal projects investigating the effects of genetic variation on the response to the MD was the
Medi-RIVAGE study [18], which enrolled 212 male and female subjects with at least one cardiovascular risk factor
between 1998 and 2002 and compared an MD to a standard low-fat diet. They eventually reported data from 169 subjects
who were genotyped for 23 polymorphisms, showing interactions between some genetic variants and reduced cardiovascular
risk [19]; although the numbers were small the project provided some early evidence of individual differences in response to
the MD. Recent work in larger studies has reproducibly identified several gene-environment interactions relevant for
components of the MD (Table 1).
The FTO gene has been repeatedly associated with obesity in many different cohorts, and it is accepted as the gene most
strongly associated with obesity (although of course it is still only one of many involved genes and its effect is small).
Subsequent studies have suggested that the increased risk is dependent on diet and lifestyle, including levels of specific
macronutrients such as saturated fats [21]. Moleres et al. [32] looked at the effects of fatty acids in 354 Spanish children
and reported that the increased risk for obesity associated with the A allele (of the FTO rs9939609 polymorphism) was seen
only when saturated fatty acid (SFA) consumption was high (>12.6% of total energy) and/or when the polyunsaturated
fatty acid (PUFA) consumption was relatively low (PUFA-to-SFA ratio <0.43%); thus increasing PUFAs and reducing
SFAs had the effect of neutralizing the risk associated with the allele and reducing odds of risk of obesity threefold. These
and other data clearly show that the FTO genetic variant does not in itself increase the risk of obesity; it does so only under
certain dietary conditions.
The PPARg (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor g) gene contains a polymorphism that changes the amino acid at
position 12 in the protein from proline to alanine. PPARg is a transcription factor that is involved in glucose and lipid
homeostasis. In association studies the Pro12 allele has been linked with a small increased risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus
(T2DM) whereas the Ala12 is slightly protective [33]; on the other hand, depending on the type of diet, the Ala12 allele has
been associated with increased weight gain [34,35]. Several studies of the MD have looked at the effects according to
PPARg genotype. In 2009 Razquin et al. [20] published results of a 2-year intervention study of 774 patients at high
risk of CVD in the PREDIMED randomized trial, which aimed at assessing the effect of the MD on CVD prevention.
Genomic Determinants of Mediterranean Diet Success Chapter 10
TABLE 1 Examples of Gene—Mediterranean Diet (MD) Interactions (See Text for Details)
Gene–Diet Interaction
MD versus Western-type diets
Weight gain
MD versus control diet
Reduced increase in waist circumference among Ala allele carriers
in the MD group ( >2-cm difference)
Obesity risk
Saturated fats
Increased obesity risk only when saturated fat (SFA) consumption
was high (>12.6% total energy) and/or when PUFA consumption
was relatively low
Carbohydrates and physical
Higher obesity risk in Ala allele (PPARg) and A allele (FTO) carriers
with high intake of refined carbohydrates and sedentary lifestyle
MD versus control diet
Reduced risk for obesity in MD with high intake of olive oil and/or
MD versus non-MD diets
When adherence to the MD was low, carriers of the variant alleles
had higher risk for T2DM
Various (10 SNPs, genetic
risk score)
“Prudent” (e.g., MD) versus
Western diet
With a high genetic risk score, those following the “prudent” diet had
low odds of developing diabetes (OR 0.9–1.0), whereas those with
the worst combination of high genetic risk score + Western diet were
at an almost three times increased risk
Various (24 variants)
Nutrigenetic versus normal
Nutrigenetically enhanced traditional MD was more effective at
improving risk biomarker profiles (glucose, LDL, homocysteine) and
long-term weight loss
Reduced-calorie MD
Individuals with the G allele lost less weight than subjects with the
more common AA genotype
The minor allele carriers also had significantly higher ghrelin levels
Saturated fats
The CC genotype (15% of the populations) was associated with a
6.8% greater BMI in those consuming a diet high, but not a low, in
saturated fat
Lipid profile
Saturated fats
Carriers of the minor allele were somewhat protected against higher
BMI and triglyceride levels associated with a higher-fat diet
Individual differences in the response to the MD
Weight loss
BMI, body mass index; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; OR, odds ratio; PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acid; SFA, saturated fatty acid; SNP, single nucleotide
polymorphism; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Two groups followed an MD and the control group a standard low-fat diet. Over the course of the study, in the control group
there was a higher change in waist circumference (>2 cm) in carriers of the Ala allele, but this was not seen in the MD
groups, and there was a greater beneficial effect seen in patients with T2DM. This suggests that the Ala allele may be
protective against T2DM but only under the right diet and lifestyle conditions (e.g., a Mediterranean-type diet); otherwise
it can be negative. In another study of 978 elderly Spanish subjects, Galbete et al. [22] observed a higher risk of obesity in
subjects with the Ala12 allele who were inactive or had a high carbohydrate intake (>246 g/day), and the risk was further
increased in the presence of the FTO minor allele (rs9939609). The extensive data for these two genes may help to explain
why, as shown by Elhayany et al. [36], a low-carbohydrate MD was more effective at reducing CVD and T2DM risk factors
than the standard American Diabetic Association-recommended diet.
Another gene associated with increased risk of obesity (and metabolic syndrome) is adiponectin. Raquin et al. [23]
investigated the effect of a 3-year intervention with a Mediterranean-style diet in 737 overweight individuals with a high
cardiovascular risk. The subjects were assigned to a low-fat diet or to one of two variant MDs: one with a high intake of
virgin olive oil and another with a high intake of nuts. They reported that both MDs reversed the increased body weight gain
associated with the higher risk adiponectin (ADIPOQ) risk alleles. In a related study the same group also observed that the
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
MD neutralized the effects of another variant in the interleukin-6 gene: the minor C allele was associated with increased
adiposity, but carriers of this allele had the greatest reduction in body weight when following one of the MDs compared to
the control diet [24].
Obesity is closely linked to T2DM, so it is not surprising that the same genes are associated with increased risk for both
conditions. Both the FTO and melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) genes have been consistently associated with obesity risk
and may also be linked to T2DM. In a very large case-control study of 7052 subjects with high cardiovascular risk (50% of
whom were diabetics), Ortega-Azorin et al. [25] found that when adherence to MD was low, the carriers of the variant
alleles (risk alleles for high body mass index [BMI]) had an increased risk of T2DM (OR 1.21) that disappeared when
adherence was high (OR 0.97), and the gene-diet interactions were independent of BMI, suggesting a direct effect on
T2DM risk. In the same study group the risk alleles also were found to be neutralized by increased physical activity [37].
As discussed above, common diseases have multiple components, including multiple genetic variants, that contribute to
the development of the disease. The study of single gene-diet interactions will increase knowledge of the mechanisms
involved but will address only one small aspect of the overall causation. A strategy for simultaneously assessing the overall
effects of several genes is to calculate a “genetic predisposition score.” In a recent study Qi et al. [26] looked at 10 SNPs
associated with T2DM and the effect of diet on the combined genetic score related risk. While they did not look specifically
at the MD they showed that a “prudent” dietary pattern (high intake of vegetables, fruit, legumes, whole grains, fish, and
poultry) abolished the significant T2DM risk seen in individuals who had a high genetic risk score and consumed a
Western-type diet pattern (high intake of processed meat, red meat, butter, high-fat dairy products, eggs, and refined
grains). Even with a high genetic risk score, those following the prudent diet had low odds of developing diabetes (OR
0.9–1.0), whereas the worst combination of high genetic risk score plus Western diet were at an almost a three times
increased risk.
In summary, there has been a great deal of consistency in studies analyzing genetic risk in the context of diet—in stark
contrast to earlier genetic studies that looked at genetic association with disease without taking into consideration diet or
lifestyle (in such studies inconsistency was the norm) [38]—and they clearly indicate that the effects of genetic risk alleles
can be completely neutralized by specific dietary interventions; adherence to the MD seems to be particularly effective in
counterbalancing genetic risk associated with the major complex diseases of the present age. Thus, even individuals with a
high genetic risk for a common disease do not necessarily have a high actual risk; in fact, depending on diet and lifestyle,
the overall risk can be reduced to significantly below average.
Nutrigenetics: Individual Differences in Response to the MD
The previous section looked at how the MD can be used to counteract the potentially negative effects of particular genetic
variants. This section looks at further personalization of the MD itself. Just as one size does not fit all, so one MD does not fit
all, and there is evidence that some aspects of the MD can be beneficially modified when certain genetic variants are
The first evidence of this appeared in a study reporting the use of nutrigenetics in clinical practice that was published in
2007 [27], the subject of which was long-term weight loss; a total of 93 patients with a history of poor weight control were
treated with a traditional MD; in the control group the MD was modified for each individual according to phenotypic and
lifestyle parameters (e.g., food preferences, age, sex, BMI, activity levels), and the diets of the nutrigenetic group were
further personalized according to genetic variation (among a panel of 24 genetic variants). The data reported showed that
the nutrigenetically enhanced traditional MD was more effective at improving risk biomarker profiles (glucose, low-density
lipoprotein, homocysteine) and long-term weight loss. After 12 months the majority of the control group had regained
weight, whereas the nutrigenetic group did not, and the probability of maintaining weight loss over the long term was sixtimes higher in the nutrigenetic group (OR 6.1).
Several more recent studies that demonstrate specific effects of individual genes on the response to Mediterranean-type
diets have been published. The CLOCK gene is involved in control of the circadian rhythm and can have an influence on the
response to weight-loss diets. Garaulet et al. [28] reported that the CLOCK rs1801260 SNP may predict the outcome of
body weight reduction strategies based on reduced-calorie Mediterranean-type diets. They looked at 500 subjects who were
prescribed a 28-week reduced-calorie MD and found that over this period individuals with the G allele lost less weight than
subjects with the more common AA genotype (7.96 vs. 10.41 kg over 28 weeks). Another study by the same group showed
similar results in a separate cohort of 1495 overweight subjects; the minor allele carriers were more resistant to weight loss,
and the rate of loss slowed significantly, after 12 weeks. The minor allele carriers also had significantly higher ghrelin levels
and they ate at different times (e.g., ate late breakfasts and more in the evening); there also was less compliance to the MD
(with higher intake of processed foods and trans fatty acids). The minor allele carriers also slept less, which itself has been
Genomic Determinants of Mediterranean Diet Success Chapter 10
associated with increased BMI [29]. A separate study by a different group suggested that more intense physical activity can
be beneficial for weight loss in the presence of the minor allele [39]. Taken together, these interesting studies suggest that
carriers of the CLOCK minor allele who are seeking to lose weight may not respond to a typical MD and require specific
education about eating habits, exercise, and compliance if they are to achieve optimum results.
The APOA2 gene codes for apolipoprotein 2, which is the second most abundant protein of the high-density lipoprotein
particles, but its function remains largely unknown [40]. The interaction of this gene with diet, particularly saturated fats,
has been well studied and results have been reproduced in several thousand subjects from six different populations. Corella
et al. [30] analyzed gene–diet interactions between the APOA2-265T > C polymorphism and saturated fat intake (<22 or
22 g/day). In Mediterranean individuals, the CC genotype (15% of the population) was associated with a 6.8% greater
BMI in those consuming a high-fat diet, but not a diet with low saturated fat. While the MD is naturally low in saturated fats,
carriers of the CC allele apparently need to be particularly careful of saturated fat content to either lose weight or reduce the
risk of weight gain.
Genetic variability at the APOA5 locus also has been associated with increased CVD risk; however, the macronutrient
content of the MD may affect this risk. An association was found between the APOA5-1131T > C SNP and fat intake;
apparently carriers of the minor allele were somewhat protected against higher BMI and triglyceride levels associated with
a higher fat diet [31].
These examples illustrate that genetic variation can influence the effects of the MD in different individuals. This line of
research is growing rapidly and will no doubt yield further information that may be useful in making the MD even more
effective at the individual level.
Nutrigenomics: Investigating the Effect of the MD on Gene Expression
Many studies have demonstrated that adherence to the MD leads to improvement in levels of biomarkers associated with
inflammation and oxidative stress, which may explain, at least in part, the diet’s association with reduced risk for CVD [41].
The mechanisms for these actions of the MD have been the subject of recent nutrigenomics research. While genotype
affects response to nutrients (metabolism, transport, excretion, etc.), as discussed in the previous sections, certain nutrients
also have an effect on our genes, altering their expression in a specific and targeted manner. Diet also affects the level of
many circulating metabolites, and recent technology developments allow the simultaneous detection of thousands of metabolic pathway intermediates; transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics have been used to dissect the mechanisms
responsible for the apparent benefits of the MD.
The effects of certain critical ingredients of the MD on gene expression and on various metabolite levels have been
investigated. Most work has looked at the effect of lipids, including monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) present in olive
oil and omega-3 PUFAs in fish and nuts. The first nutrigenomics studies of humans to be published appeared in 2009; they
investigated the effects of PUFAs, MUFAs, and SFAs. These were single-blind crossover studies of 21 healthy men;
peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated 6 hours after the intervention and the whole-genome expression was profiled. The study compared gene expression following a drink containing 55 g test fatty acids (65% PUFAs vs. 80% MUFAs
vs. 70% SFAs). PUFAs led to upregulation of 225 genes and downregulation of 212 genes, and SFA upregulated and downregulated 196 and 101 genes, respectively. The studies showed that the main expression changes were associated with processes related to liver X receptor signaling, oxidative stress, inflammation, carbohydrate metabolism, and a variety of other
processes, and the effects of PUFAs were the opposite of SFAs [42]. A separate double-blind clinical trial of elderly subjects using a 26-week intervention with fish oil containing a low or high dose of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (0.4 vs. 1.8 g, respectively) reported that high EPA + DHA changed the expression of 1040 genes
compared with the control (high dose of oleic sunflower oil), which changed the expression of only 298 genes. Interestingly,
EPA + DHA intake led to reduced expression of genes involved in inflammatory- and atherogenic-related pathways, such as
nuclear transcription factor B signaling, eicosanoid synthesis, scavenger receptor activity, adipogenesis, and hypoxia signaling. The overall changes demonstrated that the 6-month intake of EPA + DHA led to a more anti-inflammatory and antiatherogenic gene expression profile [43].
Olive oil is a key ingredient of the MD and, when it has a high phenol content, has been shown to reduce inflammation,
oxidative stress, and prothrombotic markers. The effects of the phenolic component of olive oil on the expression of over
30,000 genes was studied in blood mononuclear cells following a virgin olive oil-based breakfast with high (398 ppm) and
low (70 ppm) content of phenolic compounds in 20 patients with metabolic syndrome. The analysis identified 98 genes
whose expression was altered by the high phenolic content (79 underexpressed and 19 overexpressed), and many were
linked to metabolic syndrome pathways; the reduced expression of several proinflammatory genes was observed [44].
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
TABLE 2 Nutrigenomics: The Effect of the Mediterranean Diet on Gene Expression
Saturated fats
PUFAs led to upregulation of 225 genes and downregulation of 212 genes and
SFA up- and downregulated 196 and 101 genes, respectively
PUFAs had (beneficial) effects on expression opposite to those of SFAs
Fish oil (EPA and
EPA + DHA intake led to reduced expression of genes involved in
inflammatory- and atherogenic-related pathways
Olive oil (high vs.
low phenols)
Reduced expression of several proinflammatory genes was observed
Olive oil (high vs.
low phenols)
Decreased oxidative and inflammatory plasma markers
Modified expression of genes involved in inflammation and oxidative stress,
with enhanced effects seen in the high polyphenol group
EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acid; SFA, saturated fatty acid.
In a separate controlled clinical trial of 90 healthy volunteers, a separate group measured the effects of a traditional MD
with virgin olive oil or with washed olive oil (i.e., reduced phenolic content). Compared with a control diet, both of the MDs
decreased oxidative and inflammatory plasma markers and affected the expression of genes involved in inflammation and
oxidative stress; enhanced effects were seen in the high polyphenol group, and the authors concluded that the olive oil
polyphenols had a significant role in the downregulation of proatherogenic genes in the context of a traditional Mediterranean diet [45] (Table 2). A recent review of the literature on the transcriptomic effects of the MD in humans confirmed the
several lines of evidence that changes in gene expression in oxidative stress, inflammation, and atherogenic markers (such
as tumor necrosis factor and interferon-g) is one mechanism of the MD effect [46]. These are interesting results from initial
studies: the review concluded that “data in this field, although scarce, are promising”; progress is challenging because of the
intensive nature of these types of investigations, which require highly controlled dietary interventions followed by detailed
analysis of thousands of genes or metabolites. However, over the next few years researchers are likely to uncover many of
the specific health-promoting pathways that are stimulated by components of the MD.
Over 50% of the adult population in the European Union is overweight or obese; levels have tripled over the past 20 years,
and the trend shows no sign of slowing. The consequential serious social and economic problems are further compounded
by the earlier onset of these diseases, causing, in addition to personal suffering, significant loss of work-years and a drain on
resources [47]. Against this background, the MD is understandably receiving renewed attention by researchers and health
care practitioners alike.
During the twentieth century, great progress in improving health care was made. Notable successes include the eradication, at least in Europe, of most diseases of malnutrition; protection against infection through vaccination and antibiotics;
and effective public health efforts against smoking. Over the past 50 years, however, rapid technological progress has been
accompanied by (and has contributed to) negative effects on diet and lifestyle—the two most important factors in the cause
of chronic disease. Our environment has changed enormously, leading to increased food choice and availability, along with
the desire and, at least in part, the necessity for reduced costs accompanied by lower quality; we consume far more sugar and
processed foods, and intensive agriculture has reduced the nutrient content of many vegetables [48–50]. In addition, developments in transport and technology have reduced the time we spend being physically active, resulting in an increased
sedentary lifestyle. Also, in the face of this, the public health message has to combat ever more intense and creative commercial efforts to sell unhealthy foods and products. The resulting environment has become more “obesogenic” and
The nutrigenetic and nutrigenomic studies presented in this chapter support the proposal by Ordovas and colleagues that
the health benefits associated with the traditional MD may have genetic roots—that our genetic background evolved to
work optimally with the MD and lifestyle. The answer to our health problems is “simple”: we should combine the healthier
aspects of earlier decades while maintaining beneficial progress of the current era. Of course, the answer is not so simple:
Genomic Determinants of Mediterranean Diet Success Chapter 10
(1) the public health message is either not heard, not understood, or is ignored, and (2) it does not meet the needs of the
individual. In fact, the public health approach is somewhat paradoxical [51]; it is aimed at the majority who are at moderate
individual risk rather than the individuals at highest risk because “a large number of persons with moderately increased risk
levels contribute more cases than a small number with extreme risk levels.” This dilutes the effect of the message to each
individual, making it seem impersonal, less relevant “for me,” and therefore often ignored. A more individualized approach
also is required because, as the studies presented in this chapter demonstrate, genetic variation influences response to diet,
and while a general MD may be healthy for the population, a personalized MD will be more healthy for the individual.
The MD is not expected to be the panacea for all of the growing lifestyle-related health problems facing the Western
world; indeed, there are some who argue that rather than focusing on a single regional diet it may be more appropriate to
promote healthy nutritional aspects of local diets for different populations [52]. How much of the benefits are related to the
Mediterranean lifestyle itself? [53]. Should the Scandinavian population follow the Mediterranean or the Nordic diet? [54].
These are good questions. Nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics are unlikely to be able to determine which individual will
respond best to which diet; nutrition and genetics are too complex to expect, or promise, such simplistic answers. The benefits of nutritional genetics will most likely be found in the fine tuning of generally healthy diets and certainly in improving
the reliability and consistency of all nutritional research.
The concept of personalized nutrition is not new, but the application of nutrigenetics now—and eventually nutrigenomics—is making it a growing reality. There is still a healthy debate about how much can be achieved with nutrigenetics
[55], but there is good evidence that it can be beneficial, and there is little doubt that this knowledge may provide the basis
for successful public health as well individual approaches for disease prevention [6].
Nutrigenetics studies common genetic variants (usually SNPs) that affect the activity of proteins involved in the assimilation, transport, and metabolism of dietary nutrients.
Nutrigenomics studies the direct or indirect effects nutrients can have on gene expression.
Gene–diet interactions have a strong influence on long-term health, especially in the development of the common
complex diseases of aging (e.g., CVD, T2DM).
In Western society these common diseases are becoming more prevalent at an earlier age, affecting personal, social, and
economic well-being.
The MD has been shown to be effective at reducing risk factors associated with certain genetic variations interacting
with a nonoptimal nutrition.
The MD itself is also not “one size fits all,” and there is evidence that it can be optimized for the individual by making
specific modifications according to genotype.
Components of the MD (especially MUFAs and PUFAs from olive oil, fish, and nuts) have been demonstrated to have a
positive effect on the expression of genes involved in inflammation and oxidative stress.
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Chapter 11
The Mediterranean Diet Quality Index
(KIDMED) and Nutrition Knowledge
Semra Akar Sahingoz, PhD
University of Gazi, Ankara, Turkey.
Practices to protect one’s health should begin during youth and continue throughout adulthood. Health protection measurements can be categorized into three stages: primary, secondary, and tertiary. Primary protection involves measures taken
before developing a disease; secondary protection involves preemptive screening for an early diagnosis of disease; the
treatment/control of a disease after it emerges to prevent impairment and secondary health issues falls under the tertiary
protection category.
Primary protections are the measures taken before the disease emerges and thus are the most effective of the protection
methods. The following are widely accepted primary protection measures: developing healthy behavior, preemptive
vaccination, preventing accidents, and providing social assistance. Healthy behavior involves having a sufficient and
balanced nutrition plan, being a nonsmoker, and remaining physically active across all age groups. A sufficient, healthy,
and balanced nutrition plan is a basic requirement for sustaining one’s health and preventing disease. Physical activity is
also an important factor because it has a role in preventing accidents, disabilities, and conditions such as cardiovascular
diseases, hypertension, osteoporosis, and diabetes. Individuals should be encouraged to engage in physical activity from
childhood to adulthood. For an average individual without any disabilities, becoming educated regarding healthy habits and
nutrition, as well as engaging in 30 min of medium-level physical activity a day, is incredibly important [1]. The studies
in the relevant literature also show that the level of the effectiveness of nutrition education is highest among early age
Societal nutritional habits do not change radically because they are rooted within the culture and customs of a society.
These habits form over long periods of time according to a group’s social processes. Therefore, traditions, societal norms,
religious beliefs, and local habits all have a part in shaping a child’s nutritional education. By this reasoning, malnutrition is
actually a result of societal and social factors. Correcting such mistakes in preexisting nutritional styles cannot, therefore, be
a short-term goal; it requires time and consistent effort.
Different geographical forms and climate conditions are the basis for different nutritional habits, resulting in various
nutritional models in each culture. However, in time these nutritional models may result in the emergence of numerous
health problems. For instance, pellagra disease almost became an epidemic in societies consuming excessive amounts
of corn, which in turn helped the niacin vitamin be discovered. Currently, the nutritional style derived from fast food is
related to diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and obesity.
The Mediterranean Diet (MD) is a nutritional style with a focus on healthy nutrition and the prevention of cardiac diseases. It is based around the eating habits of countries along the Mediterranean coastline and is the result of centuries of
culinary tradition. These countries include Morocco and Tunisia in northern Africa and Greece, Portugal, Spain, southern
France, and some parts of Italy in Europe. With the addition of some parts of the Balkans, Turkey, and Middle Eastern
countries such as Lebanon and Syria, these regions have all helped develop the original form of the MedDiet, which stems
from the rural traditions and agricultural products within these regions.
Many nutrition experts and their respective studies determined that this diet is one of the healthiest in terms of increasing
average life span and general health. Studies showed that the MD is effective in the prevention and treatment of many
diseases [2]. Adherence to the MD has been associated with lower rates of cardiovascular disease [3], cancer [4], diabetes
mellitus [5], hypertension [6,7], inflammation, depression [8], and all-cause mortality [9–13]. The MD has been shown to
have protective effects against cognitive functional decline and dementia in older individuals, resulting from a combination
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
of several potentially protective foods and nutrients such as fish, monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamin B12 and folate, antioxidants (vitamin E, carotenoids, flavonoids), and moderate amounts of alcohol [14–19]. A recent analysis of the Invecchiare in Chianti (In Chianti) Study indicated a protective effect of the MD against decreasing mobility over time [20]. In
their study Milaneschi et al. [20] stated that the relationship between the MD pattern, physical functioning, and age-related
disability in non-Mediterranean countries has yet to be examined. MD was previously shown to be associated with longevity [11,12,19] in cognitive function and the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease, loss of physical function, and other
chronic diseases [3,6,14,16,20,21]. A study conducted among 2339 physically active, nonsmoking individuals with good
health who consume little alcohol in 11 European countries over 10 years applied a MD consisting of fruit, vegetables, olive
oil, and fish. The results of the study determined a 60% decrease in diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases,
which are common causes of death among the elderly community [12]. As the only herbal oil obtained fresh through
pressing fruits without refinement, olive oil is differentiate from other herbal oils: the important natural compounds of olive
oil are not artificially removed. It is nearly the only oil that can be consumed “roughly,” that is, without refinement [22].
An individual’s lifestyle is an important factor in determining their quality of life in old age. Every individual should be
conscious of their nutritional habits and should be taught how to control and maintain their diet.
Societal nutritional problems result from food production and distribution technologies, environmental health conditions,
insufficient purchasing power, negative cultural factors, and excessive food consumption. All these problems are based on
the failure to develop accurate nutrition awareness, which stems from insufficient nutritional education. Nutritional education is the most important factor in removing and minimizing the factors causing health problems. The first humans ate
animals they hunted and foraged for seasonal and regional fruits. Social changes such as urbanization caused drastic
changes in nutritional behaviors. Together with sociologic and technologic developments, rapid developments in the food
industry have altered the nutrition styles of individuals, causing them to become distant from natural food materials and to
increase their fast-food consumption [23,24].
The literature includes studies examining knowledge regarding the topics of nutrition and health, as well as the nutritional states of individuals of different age, sex, and ethnic groups from different professions throughout countries around
the world [25,26]. One common thread of these studies is a relationship between levels of nutritional knowledge and the
state of the individual’s food consumption. In addition, all of them suggest nutritional education is necessary for
In their study of high school students, Akhtar Khan et al. [27] determined that 62% of students had insufficient
knowledge about maintaining their health and consumed vegetable and fruits at insufficient rates while consuming fat and
energy at high rates. Health and disease prevention is strongly related to food selection. Sahingoz and Sanlıer [28] found
that adolescents had low knowledge scores regarding fruit and vegetable consumption. In addition, they found relationships
between nutritional knowledge levels and the food consumption habits of children [28], which are similar to the results of a
study by Gibson et al. [29]. A study of physicians in England revealed that most rated their nutrition knowledge as “poor” or
“very poor” [30]. Nutritional knowledge can be seen as a key prevention strategy for overweight and obesity [31]. Trichesa
and Giugliani [31] speculated that there are two distinctive patterns in the relation between nutritional knowledge and
obesity: First, nutritional knowledge could prevent obesity, in which case the greater the nutritional knowledge, the lower
the probability of being obese. Second, nutritional knowledge could also be reactive to obesity, in which case obesity may
lead to greater nutritional knowledge. Kruger et al. [32] believes that nutritional knowledge is an important factor in promoting healthier eating habits and, consequently, maintaining an appropriate body weight, thus preventing obesity. People
who are aware of the connection between poor nutrition and certain health conditions are more likely to follow a balanced
diet and avoid excessive weight gain. Overall health and disease prevention has been significantly linked to food selection.
Diets high in fiber may help to moderate caloric intake and benefit blood lipid profiles, thus decreasing the prevalence
potential obesity-related diseases [33].
Adolescent and School Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explained potential health risks of obesity in
childhood in the future. (a) Obese youth are more likely to have risk factors for cardiac disease, such as high cholesterol or
high blood pressure. In a population-based sample of 5- to 17-year-olds, 70% of obese youth had at least one risk factor for
cardiovascular disease. (b) Obese adolescents are more likely to have prediabetes, a condition in which blood glucose levels
indicate a high risk for development of diabetes. (c) Children and adolescents who are obese are at greater risk for bone and
joint problems, sleep apnea, and social and psychological problems such as stigmatization and poor self-esteem.
Long term health effects are also reported. (a) Children and adolescents who are obese as adults are therefore more at risk
for adult health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, several types of cancer, and osteoarthritis. For example,
children who become obese as early as age 2 were more likely to be obese as adults. (b) Overweight and obesity are associated
The Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED) and Nutrition Knowledge Chapter 11
TABLE 1 KIDMED Test to Assess Mediterranean Diet Quality [27]
Eats one serving of fruit or drinks fruit juice every day
Eats a second serving of fruit every day
Eats fresh vegetables (salads) or cooked vegetables once a day
Eats fresh vegetables or cooked vegetables more than once a day
Eats fish regularly (at least 2 or 3 times/week)
Visits a fast-food establishment at least once a week
Likes vegetables
Eats pasta or rice almost daily (5 days/week)
Eats cereals or derivatives (bread, etc.) for breakfast
Eats dried fruit regularly (at least 2 or 3 times/week)
Uses olive oil at home
Does not eat breakfast
Eats a dairy product (milk, yogurt, etc.) for breakfast
Eat mass-produced cakes for breakfast
Eat two portions of yogurt and/or 40 g of cheese every day
Eat sweets and confectionery several times a day
with increased risk for many types of cancer, including cancer of the breast, colon, endometrium, esophagus, kidney, pancreas,
gall bladder, thyroid, ovary, cervix, and prostate, as well as multiple myeloma and Hodgkin’s lymphoma [34].
To determine whether individuals’ daily diets are consistent with Mediterranean dietary patterns, the Mediterranean
Diet Quality Index (KIDMED) was developed. KIDMED detects whether individuals’ daily diets are practically consistent
with Mediterranean dietary patterns.
The development of the KIDMED index is based on principles of Mediterranean dietary patterns while also acknowledging and drawing attention to principles that undermine it. The index ranges from 0 to 12, and is based on a 16-question
test that could be self-administered or conducted via an interview with, for example, a pediatrician or dietitian. Questions
denoting a negative connotation with respect to the MedDiet were assigned a value of 1, and those with a positive aspect
were scored +1 [24] (Table 1).
The following results were obtained through the accumulation of these points.
8 points indicates “optimal” diet quality
4–7 points indicates “average” diet quality (improvement needed)
3 points indicates “very low” (minimal) diet quality
According to these results, people’s daily diets can easily be evaluated.
The MD is advocated because of its health-promoting and disease-preventing characteristics; yet, ironically, during
recent decades the MD has been gradually abandoned by Mediterranean populations, particularly younger generations
[6,9–12]. In Spain, where the MD is widely adopted, it has recently been observed that adolescents have begun to abandon
the MD. To address this, the development of educational programs aimed at parents and teachers is recommended; this in
turn will allow the MD to spread among children and adolescents [35]. A relationship between the implementation of
the MD among adolescents and their nutritional knowledge levels was found in Turkey, which has coasts along the Mediterranean Sea. Individuals with higher scores of nutritional knowledge were found to have parallel MD scores [29]
(Figure 1). This situation does not differ by sex. Another study reported that there was no significant difference between
KIDMED scores of children according to gender (P > 0.05) (Table 2) [36]. When nutritional knowledge and MedDiet
scores of people older than age 35 were compared, it was found that those having a high nutritional knowledge score
had higher MD scores as well (Figure 2) [37]. Montero [38] investigated the quality of sight-disabled children’s diets
and found that only 11.9% had good-quality food consumption.
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
FIGURE 1 KIDMED scores and nutritional
knowledge scores of adolescent according to
gender. Average scores of Mediterranean Diet
Quality (KIDMED) and nutrition knowledge
(NK) among boys and girls. Data is from Sahingoz
and Sanlier [28].
KIDMED score
NK score
TABLE 2 Diet Quality of Children by Sex (%)
KIDMED Index Categories
Poor-quality diet (score 3)
Average diet (score of 4-7)
Good-quality diet (score 8)
P ¼ 0.59.
This material is adapted from Farajian et al. [36].
32.9 33.8
FIGURE 2 Mediterranean Diet Quality scores by
level of nutrition knowledge (NK) as a percentage
of the total score. Data is from Bonaccio et al. [37].
Low 0–4
High >4
Low NK
Med NK
High NK
In another study, anthropometric measurements of children and adolescents were compared according to very low diet,
need for dietary improvement, and an optimal KIDMED index; the study found that those with a low KIDMED index had a
body mass index of 22.3 4.7 kg/m2; the body mass index of those with a moderate KIDMED index was 21.5 4.3 kg/m2,
and for those with a good KIDMED index the body mass index was 19.1 3.47 kg/m2. The difference between those with
good, moderate, and low scores were statistically significant (P < 0.05) (Figure 3) [39]. Lazarou et al. [40] reported that obese
children had lower MD quality scores than other children, and the difference was found to be statistically significant (Table 3).
The results of a comprehensive study conducted in European countries demonstrated that children living in Sweden had
the highest MD quality score, and those living in Cyprus had the lowest score [41] (Figure 4). Belen and Perez [42]
The Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED) and Nutrition Knowledge Chapter 11
FIGURE 3 The lowest and the highest KIDMED scores
according to body mass index (BMI). Data has been adapted from
Kabaran and Gezer [39].
TABLE 3 Diet Quality of Children by Weight (%)
KIDMED Index Categories
Normal Weight (n ¼ 638)
Overweight and Obese (n ¼ 188)
Poor-quality diet (score 3)
Average diet (score of 4-7)
Good-quality diet (score 8)
P < 0.05.
This material is adapted from Lazarou et al. [40].
Mediterranean score >3
FIGURE 4 Mediterranean Diet Quality scores (percentages) among various countries. Data has been adapted from Tognon et al. [41].
investigated KIDMED indices of Spanish and migrant youth living in Spain according to their nationality. They showed
that Asian young people were far from consuming an optimal diet, and northwest African young people had high KIDMED
index values. However, differences between KIDMED indices were not statistically significant (P > 0.05), and it was
emphasized that the nutrition of young people should be improved (Table 4).
It also was reported that KIDMED indices of children living in rural and urban areas were not different, and optimal
KIDMED indices were low in both populations [43]. In a similar study, KIDMED indices of children living in urban and
semi-urban places were investigated. Scores of children living in semi-urban areas were higher, and the difference was
statistically significant (P < 0.03) [36] (Table 5). In their study of 1140 children in Cyprus, Lazarou et al. [44] discovered
that 37% of participants had a very low MD score. The study stressed the necessity of educating children about the MedDiet
to improve the quality of their diets.
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
TABLE 4 KIDMED Indices Among Migrant Youth in Spain
Very Low-Quality Diet (%)
(Score 3)
Needs to Improve (%)
(Score 4–7)
Optimal Diet (%)
(Score 8)
Eastern Europe
Northwest Africa
Latin America
Data are adapted from the EAA Summer School eBook [42].
TABLE 5 KIDMED Scores of Children According to Place of Living
3.56 2.25
3.75 2.28
This material is adapted from Farajian et al. [36].
Diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and hypertension are strongly related to healthy eating patterns, behaviors, and dietary practices [45,46]. Studies indicated that individuals who have basic nutrition knowledge and a
positive attitude apply these principles when selecting foods. Therefore, improving nutrition knowledge, attitude, and
dietary practices through nutritional education may help to prevent or mitigate the aforementioned diseases [47–49].
Nutritional education is a lifelong education. An accurate nutritional education should start from the early ages of life
and continue into adulthood until it becomes integrated into one’s natural behavior and lifestyle. Its implementation
throughout life is important despite changing conditions. In these contemporary times, the spread of processed foods
and the surge of fast-food consumption increases the importance of nutritional education. Knowing the requirements of
one’s body and choosing the most appropriate foods to suit its needs allows one to be more effective with their energy
intake. By preparing foods in accordance with healthy cooking principles, one can achieve the least nutritional loss possible, and having the appropriate knowledge of how to store and maintain these foods enables one to meet their body’s needs
at that highest level using limited sources [50].
The MD is the culmination of centuries of tradition and acts as a perfect contribution to one’s health. Not only is it nourishing,
it constitutes an important part of the world’s cultural heritage. Countries anywhere outside of the Mediterranean region can
adopt the MD. This model can be suggested for countries aiming to develop their own healthier diet alternatives; from Americans
to northern and eastern Europeans, all can benefit. Its standards of food consumption will help individuals to sustain a quality life
by preventing obesity and other diseases. For any society aiming to develop a new nutritional style, the MD is an ideal choice not
only for its nourishment but also for the delicious trademark taste of the Mediterranean.
Parents and children alike should be taught about the importance of the consumption of olive oil, fruits, vegetables, and
legumes. In addition, parents should increase their awareness about the importance of balanced nutrition. Using the MD to
develop healthy eating habits in children could be the primary protective measure for minimizing the health problems they
encounter as they grow older. The MD is also important for increasing one’s quality of life. Physical activity, which is a
foundation of the MD pyramid, should be taught and spread via youth education programs. Individuals should be aware of
the fact that physical activity is just as much a part of daily life as food and water. Doing some type of physical fitness as a
hobby allows one to be not only physically, but also spiritually, healthy.
Nutritional education is an education for life.
Learning about the MedDiet through nutritional education may help to prevent or mitigate cancer, cardiovascular
diseases, obesity, and hypertension.
The Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED) and Nutrition Knowledge Chapter 11
Training programs should be organized to increase the awareness of people regarding their dietary preferences.
Fruit and vegetable consumption among the young and children should be encouraged using written and visual media.
Fruits and vegetables must be processed as little as possible and consumed fresh within their season.
Consumption of olive oil and fish should be encouraged. It can be suggested that meat should be consumed once or
twice a month at most.
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Chapter 12
Socioeconomic Factors Affecting
Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
in North Africa
Karima El Rhazi, MD, PhD1, Vanessa Garcia-Larsen, PhD2 and Chakib Nejjari, MD, PhD1
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine of Fes, University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdillah, Fes, Morocco. 2 Respiratory
Epidemiology, Occupational Medicine, and Public Health, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.
dietary energy supply
Mediterranean diet
North Africa
noncommunicable diseases
socioeconomic status
total energy intake
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
The Mediterranean diet (MD) is primarily characterized by an abundance of plant-based foods (fruits, vegetables, cereals,
legumes, nuts, and seeds). Other key dietary elements are consumption of olive oil as a main source of fat, a low to moderate
intake of dairy products, a moderately high intake of fish, a low to moderate amount of poultry and eggs, a low intake of
meat and processed meat products, and a regular but modest consumption of wine, preferably during meals [1].
There are several dietary components of the MD that are recognized as having a beneficial effect on health and on the
prevention of chronic diseases. The content of fats is largely comprised of monounsaturated fatty acids, with a small
proportion coming from saturated fats. Intake of carbohydrates is mainly in the form of whole grains, legumes, and brown
cereals, which are predominant sources of complex carbohydrates, and have a low glycemic index. Fruits and vegetables
provide an excellent source of fiber and antioxidant components, such as vitamins and minerals, and a wide range of
polyphenols (also found in olive oil) [2]. These antioxidants have been strongly associated with improved health status
in several noncommunicable chronic diseases. Adherence to the MD has, therefore, been proposed as a protective factor
in the prevention and modulation of chronic diseases, the most documented being cardiovascular (including markers
metabolic disfunction), respiratory, and renal diseases [3]. The definition of MD is mostly documented for countries on
the north side of the Mediterranean Sea, namely Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Croatia, Bosnia, Albania, and Cyprus.
In spite of their geographic similarity, dietary patterns are heterogeneous between and within these Mediterranean countries
[4]. Food habits have been well defined in most of the countries along the Mediterranean coast, and we know that
neighboring countries have a more similar food pattern than those on opposite sides of the Mediterranean Sea [5].
Assessing the factors that influence choices in dietary intake in a given population is important for supporting the development of public health policies on health and disease. Several studies relate socioeconomic status (SES) to nutritional
status, which is usually considered a sensitive indicator of an individual’s quality of life [6,7].
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
Several studies have consistently associated dietary patterns in Mediterranean countries with emerging economies with
better remunerated jobs [8–12] and with better educational level [13] independent of the method used to define diet.
Parental educational level and SES have a marked effect on children’s and adolescents’ lifestyles and dietary habits
[14]. Maternal educational level has been associated with diet quality [15] and with adherence to the Mediterranean dietary
pattern [16]. Conversely, low maternal SES and educational level have been related to high consumption of sweets, high-fat
bakery products, and sugary and salty snacks [17,18]. Food cost is another factor that may influence people’s dietary
choices: following a Mediterranean dietary pattern is usually more expensive than following a Western one [19]. In some
developed countries [20–22], fruit and vegetable intake was positively associated with a higher SES. Younger and
more sedentary women, as well as those with a poorer educational level and background SES, tend to have a worse diet
quality [23].
Conversely, others studies in less developed countries have reported that a higher SES was linked to a higher
consumption of non-MD products (such as dairy, meat, and meat products), fish, and beverages and a lower consumption
of precooked products [24,25].
Cultural habits are also a determinant of diet quality. Food cultures can vary to a great extent according to geographical
area and populations. These differences include food availability, food choice, as well as culinary preparations. The United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recently recognized the MD as an Intangible
Cultural Heritage of Humanity; this together with the scientific evidence, reinforces the concept of the MD as a cultural
and health model [2].
Indeed, scientific evidence emphasized that SES influences quality of diet but in different ways depending on the level
of income of the country we all as local aspects that determine differences within the country. This is because of the current
rapid nutritional transition that is occurring faster in today’s developing countries than was earlier observed in many
industrialized countries. Moreover, the number of people who are overweight and obese is rapidly increasing in developing
countries [26]. The situation in high-income countries, where the prevalence of obesity and related diseases is disproportionately high among groups with lower SES, is being repeated in middle-income countries.
This variation in the impact of SES on the MD drew our attention to the question of how the interaction between dietary
recommendations and sociodemographic characteristics observed in middle-income countries might also be influenced by
socioeconomic variables in north Africa (NA). To date, this has been seldom studied.
In this review, we describe the MD and the impact of SES on food habits in NA countries using available national dietary
data, and we discuss the differences and similarities of the MD in NA with that in north Mediterranean countries. We mean
by NA countries, the countries which are located at the south Mediterranean side.
According to the United Nations classification of geographical regions, NA comprises seven countries, namely Algeria,
Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan (and eventually South Sudan), Tunisia, and western Sahara. Although Egypt is a
transcontinental country (sometimes referred to as Middle Eastern), the bigger part of the land stretches along the Nile
River in NA, whereas the Sinai Peninsula is in Asia.
In this review we refer to the NA countries next to the border of the Mediterranean Sea: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia,
Libya, and Egypt. According to the gross domestic product and other developmental indices [27,28], these are considered
middle-income countries (Table 1). They also have in common a current demographic, epidemiologic, and nutritional
transition, with increasing prevalence of obesity and other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) (Table 2) [28–31].
The life expectancy at birth in NA has improved considerably in the past three decades, increasing between 10 and
20 years, depending on the country. For example, the current life expectancy in Egypt is 68.3 years and in Libya and Tunisia
is 73 years.
Urbanization levels vary across countries in NA. The percentage of people living in urban areas also has dramatically
increased in the past 30 years. While in Libya 80% of the population lives in urban areas, in Egypt the urban population is
48%, and in Morocco the urban population is 58%. It is expected that the urbanization rate of the southern-rim countries will
increase by nearly 13%, from 61.9% in 2000 to 74.4% in 2025. These indices have been accompanied by economic
progress, which has been demonstrated by an increase in the global quality of life of the population, revenue, acquisition
of material items, consumption of selected products, and energy [27].
Mediterranean Diet in North Africa Chapter 12
TABLE 1 Per Capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), and Socioeconomic Status (SES)
in 2007 in the Middle East and North Africa
Actual Per Capita GPD 2007 ($US)
Gross National Income PPP 2007 ($US)
Upper-middle income
Lower-middle income
Lower-middle income
Lower-middle income
Lower-middle income
Data are from the World Bank and Ref. [28].
TABLE 2 The Burden of Noncommunicable Diseases (%) over the Past Two Decades in North Africa
Data taken from Ref. [28].
The dietary habits and cuisine of NA has been greatly influenced by its history over the past 10 centuries. The Phoenicians
are regarded as having brought sausages, whereas semolina (a key foundation wheat) was introduced by the Carthaginians.
The Berbers (a traditional ethnic indigenous group spread across NA) adapted semolina into couscous, which is an almost
ubiquitous food in the NA diet today. Olives and olive oils were introduced before the arrival of the Romans. The Arabs
introduced a wide range of spices such as saffron, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, and cloves. The Ottoman Turks brought sweet
pastries and other bakery products. Vegetables such as tomatoes, courgettes, and potatoes were introduced from Central and
South America. This rich combination of cultural influences has shaped the MD in NA and partly explains why several of its
components differ from the known European models of the MD.
In addition to the historical evolution of the introduction of foods in NA, some ethnic groups, for example, the Barbers
and the Copts, have helped to preserve local food traditions, but the effect of the Western diet has now reached most of NA.
This effect has been gradually observed in the past 50 years; foods such as pizza, hamburgers, and carbonated drinks have
been incorporated into the usual diet of children and adolescents in most NA countries. This shift in food choice has been
accompanied by a decrease in the intake of whole-grain foods and an increase in the intake of red meat and its derivatives.
Similarly, total energy intake (TEI) has increased some 1000 kcal in the past 5 decades [32]. Table 3 summarizes the
traditional foods commonly consumed in NA.
The combination of the traditions in the food habits and culinary preparations and the current trends in fast food intake
make adherence to the MD in NA difficult to achieve. The MD pattern in NA also differs slightly from the most traditional
concepts of the MD used in Europe (i.e., high intake of vegetables, oils, and fish and lower intake of foods with a high
glycemic index and high in saturated fats). The main components of the south Mediterranean countries, particularly the
Maghreb countries, are cereals, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. However, meats and meals prepared with the traditional
butter, as well as pastries and sweets, are also staple foods.
The main staple foods in the NA diet include cereals (grains), legumes, vegetables, fruits, and meats. Table 4 illustrates
some of the typical dishes and meals prepared in these countries and their key ingredients. Plant-based foods are widely
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
TABLE 3 Traditional Foods Commonly Consumed in North African Countries
Food Group
Mhamsa soup
Rice (whole grain, white, vermicelli)
Kshari, Msemen
Bram rice
Wheat (semolina, couscous)
Khabz (Algerian flat bread)
Zwane bread
Semolina bread
Whole wheat bread
Herbel, karantita (farinata, flat bread made from chickpea flour)
EishMasri (glutinous pita bread) (Egypt)
AishMerahrah (Egypt)
Oils and fats
Argan oil
Corn oil
Olive oil
Sesame seed oil
Traditional fruits
and nuts
Fig, raisin, date, almond, groundnuts (peanuts), cashew nut, hazelnut, pistachio, chestnut, arcon (fruit oak)
(usually considered to be spices for the type of flavor they add to dishes)
Sweet and sour varieties of the same fruit, for example, sweet or sour pomegranate, sweet or sour apple
Figs, dates, oranges, olives, apricots
Dairy products
Lben (alone and combined with couscous)
Camel milk
Akkawi cheese
Ghreyba (butter biscuits in Libya)
Cakes and sweets
Cakes in semolina (bessboussa, maqroute)
Mkherqa, Sfenj
Poichiches (whole and ground)
Red courgette
Aromatic plants
Mushrooms (white/black)
Brussel sprouts
Mediterranean Diet in North Africa Chapter 12
TABLE 3 Traditional Foods Commonly Consumed in North African Countries—cont’d
Food Group
Stuffed vegetables
Garlic (reduced intake in NA countries)
Mulukhiyah (green leaves)
Brik (stuffed), Algeria
Briouat (stuffed-sweet), Morocco
Fig roll (filled sweet pastry), Egypt
Soft/ hot drinks/
Oualmasse (orange blossom water and beet juice)
“Cooked coffee” (pan or zizwa)
Herbal infusions (aelabdy, salmiya, cheeba)
Sheep, goat, camel, smoked meat (mhhalaa), chicken liver, beef liver, Usban (traditional Libyan sausage)
Fesikh (Egypt), sardines
Home sourced (farmers) or industrial
Other traditional
Brik, sorghum
White (ground), leaves, palm sugar, honey, Rub (Libya, syrup made from dates)
TABLE 4 Traditional Meals, Sauces, and Beverages Commonly Consumed in North Africa
Food Group
Type of Meal and Its Main Components
Semolina pasta and breads
Couscous with meat and vegetables or raisins
Couscous seffa with sugar and cinnamon
Couscous with lben
Mesfouf (couscous with butter) (Tunisia)
Chakhchoura (Algeria); the dish consists of tearing small pieces of rougag (thin round
flatbread) and mixing them with marqa, a stew
Brik (stuffed) (Algeria)
Briouat (stuffed-sweet) (Morocco)
Fig roll (filled sweet pastry) (Egypt)
Soft/hot drinks
Oualmasse (orange blossom water and beet juice)
Pan or zizwa (“cooked coffee”)
Herbal infusions (aelabdy, salmiya, cheeba)
Kocha (bread stuffed with meat)
Kabab; meat that is cooked over or next to flames; large or small cuts of meat, or even ground meat; it
may be served on plates, in sandwiches, or in bowls; sually made from lamb but other meats also
Chawarma; meat (cow, sheep, chicken, or goat) is grilled and then saved and served on a plate with
side salads or in a wrap with tabbouleh, fattoush, taboon bread, tomato, and cucumber
Smoked meat (mhhalaa)
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
TABLE 4 Traditional Meals, Sauces, and Beverages Commonly Consumed in North Africa—cont’d
Food Group
Type of Meal and Its Main Components
Hawawshi (Egypt); meat minced and spiced with onions and pepper, parsley, and sometimes hot
peppers and chilies, placed between two circular layers of dough, then baked in the oven
Chakhchoukha (Algeria); lamb stew with tomato and flat bread
Cholent; a slow-cooked stew of meat, potatoes, beans, and barley
Méchoui; whole sheep or a lamb spit-roasted on a barbecue
Merguez; A very spicy, red sausage of mutton or beef
Mrousia (Morocco); sweet and salty tajine with honey, cinnamon, and almonds
Pastilla (Algeria and Morocco); traditional Berber Moroccan dish. Meat pastry made with squab
(young domestic pigeon)
Shishtaouk marinated and grilled, skewered cubes of chicken (Usba, Tunisia); a traditional kind of
Tunisian sausage stuffed with a mixture of rice, herbs, lamb, chopped liver, and heart
Tagine; one of the most typical Berber dishes, the Moroccan tagine is a rich stew of meat, chicken, or
fish and most often includes vegetables or fruit. Vegetables can also be cooked alone. This preparation takes its name from the clay pot in which it is cooked. It is worth noting that the Tunisian
“tagine” is a baked omelet/quiche-like dish.
Shakshouka (Maghreb); eggs poached in a sauce of tomatoes, chili peppers, onions, often spiced with
Bichak (Morocco); a stuffed and baked appetizer. It can be stuffed with pumpkin and jam for a sweet
taste, or meat and cheese for a savory addition to a main meal
Sauces/herb mixtures/pastes
Chermoula; marinade of oil, lemon juice, pickled lemons, herbs, garlic, cumin, and salt most often
used to flavor seafood
Duqqa (Egypt); a mix of herbs and spices
Tabil (Tunisia); Tunisian spice mixture consisting of ground coriander seed, caraway seed, garlic
powder, and chili powder. The term can also refer to coriander by itself
Tahini ; paste made from ground sesame seeds
Toum (Egypt); garlic sauce with herbs, olive oil, lemon
Tabbouleh; a sauce made with burgul, parsley, mint, spring onions, lemon juice
Ras al-hanut (“the best of the shop”); considered the most famous mix of herbs in North Africa. It is a
combination of at least 12 spices including pepper, meleguetta pepper, lavander, thyme, rosemary,
cumin, ginger, nutmeg, mace, cardamon, fenugreek, and cinnamon, among others
Baba Ghannoug; condiment made with eggplants, chickpeas, lemon juice, salt, pepper, parsley,
cumin, and oil
Shahanful; slow-cooked fava beans in water and crushed into a paste, which is then served alongside
a diverse variety of foods
Fragrant spices
Cardamon, cinnamon, cloves, fenugreek, galangal, mastic, nard, nutmeg, rose petals, saffron,
Sour spices/chilies
Vinegar from grapes, herbal vinegar (homemade), ground sumac, lemon juice, dried red chili,
caraway (meridian fennel), harissa (chili and Serrano peppers)
Harira (Maghreb)
consumed. Wheat is a staple food, eaten mainly in the form of bread (and its varieties) as well as its derivative semolina and
couscous. In addition, a wide variety of seasonal vegetables and fruit are included in daily menus in NA. Citrus fruits, dates,
and legumes also are commonly consumed, the most common being chickpeas, lentils, dried beans, and fava beans. Olive
oil is produced locally and is the main sources of fat for either cooking or dressing.
Dairy and meat are important components of the diet in NA, although these are not usually considered to be part of what
is normally included in the European style of the MD. The main dairy products consumed are obtained from cows, goats,
sheep, or camels and are a favorite choice during Ramadan. Fermented and acidified milk (lben), as well as curd, are
occasionally consumed. In spite of the extensive coastline of the Maghreb countries, fish and seafood products are seldom
consumed, probably with the exception of sardines. This is largely because of the high cost, which influences the irregular
Mediterranean Diet in North Africa Chapter 12
supply of fish to the inland areas of the countries, which are the most populated. Meals often are prepared with variations of
vegetable fats and butter, making them have a high caloric density.
Intake of traditional foods coexists with a growing trend in the consumption of Westernized products—such as white
bread, dairy products (major increases in milk and yogurt consumption, less so for cheese), sugars (major increase in sweet
beverages), and added fats (mostly from butter)—and sedentary lifestyles among populations, communities, and people in
the same household. The simply prepared foods of the traditional diet gave way to elaborate dishes requiring complex,
lengthy preparation and generous amounts of clarified butter, with less attention given to the consumption of fresh
vegetables. Deep-frying; the use of rich, composite sauces; and the growing popularity of rich sweetmeats and desserts
containing nuts and soaked in heavy syrup considerably increased the overall intake of sugars and saturated fats. In many
instances white bread replaced the traditional high extraction local bread. This type of bread is also a white bread which is
made in the traditional way: we grind and sift the wheat to completely remove the crust.
External influences leading to changes in food habits are more evident in larger urban communities and coastal towns.
These influences affect socioeconomic groups in different ways: In high-income groups, some lifestyle-related risk factors
have increased as a result of economic prosperity and development. At the same time, in low- and middle-income groups
many unhealthy food consumption patterns emanate from poverty and undernutrition, especially during childhood. Thus,
malnutrition problems caused by deficiency (avitaminosis, mineral deficiency, energy-protein deficiency), together with
overweight and obesity, exist in the same populations and in the same individuals [33]. These countries must face the
negative effects of the nutritional transition, with a rapid increase in overweight adults and children and in the prevalence
of comorbidities [30,31,33–35], and at the same time keep up the fight against hunger, undernourishment, and infectious
disease, coined “the double burden of disease” [33].
For some authors, the obesity epidemic observed in recent decades is due to a sociocultural and economic phenomenon
[36,37]. Contrary to the health aspirations of developed countries, the prevalence of obesity in NA countries is still seen as a
positive feature, which is probably reflected in the higher rates of overweight and obesity observed among the more
privileged and most educated sectors of the population. The positive view of female obesity is particularly strong in
the Sahara and Morocco.
Even in urban areas, women tend to show more appreciation for a heavier corpulence rather than slimness. Several
reasons converge to explain this trend. Some traditional communities see thinness in females as a sign of economic distress
and low income. There is also the assumption that slimmer women might experience psychological problems derived from
social expectations to fit certain models of misunderstood beauty. From a public health point of view, women in NA often
are dedicated to looking after the family, cooking, and staying at home, leading to low levels of physical activity that might
explain the increasing prevalence of overweight in NA [38].
Determinants of MD adherence in NA countries may be different from those observed on the north side of the
Mediterranean Sea and even between these NA countries. This difference is related to the process of nutritional transition
that is occurring more quickly and depends on the socioeconomic characteristics of population groups, which include,
among others, accessibility to certain foods, differences in habits and lifestyles related to energy expenditure, and higher
prevalence of overweight and obesity among more privileged groups [39]. Factors such as cultural differences, personal
taste and traditions, education, geographic location, access to technology, and health and health attitudes influence food
preferences and food availability. Notwithstanding, income and the economic environment assume a crucial role in the
context of dietary pattern changes [40].
We summarize below the evidence of SES in NA with reference to dietary habits. The evidence is largely derived from
observational studies and reports [41–45]. Studies about the MD are rare or nonexistent for some countries such as Lybia
and are not primarily aimed at comparing dietary habits among countries. From a methodological point of view, and taking into
account the cross-sectional nature of the evidence, these observations are coherent with the literature about countries on the north
side Mediterranean Sea and reflect the chronological process of the food transition observed south of Mediterranean Sea.
In Morocco, adherence to an MD is often poor, independent of age and education, especially in rural areas and among
people living alone and those living in luxurious housing [44]. For people living in more rural areas, which are usually
farther away from food markets, the low availability of a variety of foods and the many years of drought could explain
their departure from traditional food habits. The exception to this are the traditional houses located in old medinas, for
example, where people still keep their traditional lifestyle with easy availability and affordability of plant-based foods.
Marital status seems to be an important determinant of adherence to traditional dietary habits. Married individuals have
high adherence to traditional diets, which is observed often among single, widowed, and divorced people. In Moroccan
SECTION 1 The Mediterranean Diet: Concepts and General Aspects
culture, although there is a huge cultural and historical reduction in the proportion of stay-at-home mothers and an increase
in women working outside the home, the notion of a nuclear family and its related social obligations are very important.
This has a strong influence on the regular preparation of traditional meals prepared and eaten with the family group.
The dietary habits of younger people are more influenced by parental education. Adolescents whose parents have a low
educational level have shorter height/age and have lower body mass index/age than those whose fathers have a high educational level. The energy provided by lipids is higher in adolescents whose fathers have a high educational background.
The quality of fats consumed is better among boys whose fathers have low education [39].
In Tunisia [42], dietary habits seem to be more modernized in urban areas, in more affluent households, or in homes
where the mother has a higher educational level. This modernized diet is more common among males, in Tunis and the
center-east versus center-west of the country, particularly among adolescents whose mothers work outside the home. On the
other hand, a more traditional diet is more associated with older subjects, to the middle eastern versus the middle western
regions, and to the middle versus low economic level. Adolescents with a mother working outside the home with a higher
education level followed this dietary pattern less often, whereas those attending school (vs. not) were more adherent to it.
From a descriptive point of view, there is a gradient of nutritional transition correlated to a gradient of socioeconomic
development within the country. For now, however, this main traditional-to-modern gradient is a characteristic dimension
underlying the variability of food-based dietary intake among Tunisian youth.
In Egypt, the higher social classes were much more readily influenced by the food habits of the foreign ruling elite. For
people living in poverty or those with limited incomes, changes were related more to the need to cope with increasing food
costs and to making nutritionally correct choices. By necessity, they depended on cheaper traditional foods and the
subsidized local bread. For this group, the continued consumption of fresh dark green leafy and other vegetables was a
nutritionally valuable traditional habit. A series of changes in the food habits and lifestyles of the rural populations followed
the acceleration of rural development programs (and modernization), which gradually ended the traditional isolation of the
fellaheen. Rural populations became exposed to a host of unfamiliar external influences and lifestyles with little prior
preparation or guidance on how to deal with new situations and new food products [37].
In Algeria [41], during the 1990s, reduced purchasing power inherent in the economic crisis resulted in changes in
household behavior in terms of food consumption. According to a survey of a sample of 2000 households conducted in
1998, 56% of households have, since 1993, restricted or even abandoned the use of some food products such as meat, fruit,
and oil. From 1988 to 1998 commodity prices in all sectors have increased fivefold, whereas wages have not experienced
this rate increase. Thus, during the period 1993–1996, prices increased annually an average of 25%, whereas wages in the
public sector registered an average annual increase of 19%. Since 1998, the inflation rate has fallen (5% in 1998 to <1% in
2000). The share of spending on food decreased from 53% of household expenditure in 1998 to 45% in 2000–2001,
according to data from the Survey of Household Spending.
A nutritional policy aiming to provide for the basic food needs of people all over the country by lowering food prices
through subsidizing major food groups that supply energy, such as cereals, vegetable oils, and sugar, has been established in
Lybia [45]. Because cereals supply 45% of dietary energy, strategies for cereal fortification with iron should be considered.
Urbanization affects food consumption patterns. Countries with higher gross national products and more urbanized
populations consume larger amounts of energy from fats, sweeteners, and protein [46,47], and a larger amount of fruit
and red meat, probably because of increased availability and affordability in urban areas [48]. This diet change can increase
body weight, which is an independent risk factor for the development of many NCDs. Mass migration from rural to urban
and peri-urban areas probably accounts for the high prevalence of NCDs among low-income groups living in urban and
peri-urban areas.
Mediterranean culture is centered on a strong patriarchal family. This has lessened in recent years, but family ties are
still strong. Customs and family traditions greatly influence nutrition.
This review provides evidence regarding dietary habits and their socioeconomic determinants in emerging NA countries.
Adherence to the MD is associated not only with SES but also with cultural attitudes and food availability in the
Mediterranean area, which is quite heterogeneous. Between-country differences are present; these probably are linked
to differences in natural and economic resources, as well as inherited cultural and religious traditions. Toward the end
of the last century it became evident that the healthy diet of NA countries was progressively losing some of its essential
elements and rapidly disintegrating.
Mediterranean Diet in North Africa Chapter 12
The MD in the countries of NA comprises a different variety of foods than those normally reported in Europe.
Traditions and cultural habits strongly coexist with more modern habits of feeding.
Social structure, particularly what refers to the perceived role of women in the family and social expectations, are an
important determinant of the way people eat in NA.
Although the traditional diets in NA have many beneficial components related to an MD profile, economic progress is
influencing the introduction of a more “modernized” or Western diet.
NA countries show a rural-urban gradient in the access to plant-based foods, which is partly influenced by the
remoteness of some areas and the dramatic geographical access.
In spite of their proximity to the sea, consumption of fish is rare in NA countries. This is heavily determined by the cost
of seafood in these countries, which increases if it is transported to the inner valleys where most people live.
NA countries with more advanced economic development, such as Tunisia, also show a stronger influence of
Westernized and processed foods in their diets.
As observed in European countries with an MD, the prevalence of overweight and obesity are increasing in most NA
countries. Although some of the etiological factors for this are common (higher TEI and sendentarism), NA countries
have the added factors of cultural habits (daily family dinners) and perception of social status, which are strong
determinants that are difficult to change.
The strongest influence of Westernized dietary habits is observed in young adults and adolescents in NA. Older people
tend to maintain a more traditional dietary pattern.
The higher the educational level of adolescents and their mothers, the more prevalent processed food and Westernized
dietary habits become.
The authors are indebted to James Potts for his careful reading and editing of this chapter. El Rhazi is supported by the
University of Fes.
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Chapter 13
Olive Oil
Nadia Calabriso, PhD, Egeria Scoditti, PhD, Mariangela Pellegrino, PhD and Maria Annunziata Carluccio, PhD
C.N.R. Institute of Clinical Physiology, Lecce, Italy.
Olive tree cultivation and olive oil production have accompanied humankind since time immemorial. In classical antiquity in
the Mediterranean basin, no other plant was so important, useful, and revered as the olive tree; its olives, its wood, and the olive
oil were indispensable goods for the wealth and well-being of the various peoples. The Holy Land and the island of Crete, in
which were found the first presses, are considered to be the country of origin of olives. In ancient times, olive oil was marketed
as edible oil, especially as a balsamic oil often enriched with essences. Olive oil was used for daily care at home, in the thermal
baths, or in the gyms. Throughout the various civilizations, the olive tree and olive oil have occupied pivotal positions in the
agricultural economy of Mediterranean countries and in their commerce with neighboring populations.
The olive tree (Olea europea L.) belongs to the botanical family of Oleaceae. It is an evergreen plant that presents different
varieties, called “cultivars,” according to the geographic areas in which it grows. The first traces of olive tree cultivation
have been individualized in Palestine, and they go back to 3500 BC. The characteristic area of growth is that of the Mediterranean basin included between the 35 and the 45 parallel of north latitude; nowadays, however, olive groves can also
be found in regions far from there, such as in the United States, or some countries in the southern hemisphere such as
Argentina, New Zealand, and Australia [1].
The olive fruit is a drupe, but it differs from other drupes because it contains much lower sugar content and a higher
concentration of oil. Drupe size and shape depend on the cultivar and growing conditions, with a weight at physiological
maturity ranging from 1.5 to 4.5 g [2]. The olive tree’s fruit is composed of three parts (Figure 1): an external part called the
exocarp or skin; a middle part, the monocarp or pulp, which is more or less colored and represents 70-80% of the weight of
the whole fruit to physiological maturity, from which we obtain about 70% of oil; and an internal part called the endocarp,
or stone, which represents 15–25% of the fruit and contains the seed (2.5–4%) and produces the remaining 30% of oil. In
general, the olive presents the following composition: 50% water, 18–25% oil or greasy material, 20% carbohydrates, 6%
cellulose, 1.5% proteins, and 1.5% ash (Figure 2). The olive ripening process proceeds through the following phases:
around the months of May and June occurs the period of “mignolatura,” the formation of small, white-green flowers called
“mignole” (olive blossoms); at the beginning of summer, is the “allegagione,” when the first green fruits develop; and at
about the end of September is the “invaiatura,” when the classical drupes change to black-plum colored, typical of the
ripe fruit.
The trees bear on a 2-year cycle. A plentiful olive crop one year is followed by a dearth the next. New techniques and
equipment for removing the oil from the fruit have been developed, but the object is the same as it was in the days of the Roman
Empire: to exert sufficient pressure to obtain the oil without at the same time extracting impurities and deleterious substances.
Olive oil in general is ideal for cooking, especially for searing and frying foods, because it can be heated to a higher temperature
than almost all other cooking oils and fats without burning and without undergoing harmful chemical modifications.
Olive oil is a vegetable oil that can be obtained directly from olive fruit using only mechanical extraction and that can be
consumed without further treatments. The steps of the olive oil production process include collecting, washing, and
crushing olives, malaxation of olive paste, centrifugation, storage, and filtration (Figure 3) [3,4]. Most attributes of olive
oil quality are determined by the chemical composition and biochemical status of the olive fruit. To produce high-quality
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
FIGURE 1 Structure of olive fruit.
Esocarp or skin
Physical composition
Mesocarp or pulp
(about 70% of the oil)
Endocarp or stone
(about 30% of the oil)
Water 50%
Chemical composition
Oil 18-25%
Other 30%
FIGURE 2 Physical and chemical composition of olive oil drupe.
FIGURE 3 Olive oil extraction.
Olive harvesting
Extraction with
traditional stone mill
Extraction with
continous hammer mill
Change of the “fiscoli”
Mechanical pressure
Oil + water
Oil + water
Water of
Olive Oil Chapter 13
oil, the olives must be harvested without breaking the fruit skins, and fruit should be processed within 12–24 h of harvest.
Olives are washed only if they have been harvested from the soil or have spray residues on the skin. The extra moisture can
reduce extraction efficiency because water–oil emulsions form. Oils produced from washed olives are usually less desirable
due to a reduction in bitterness and pungency and a less fruity flavor. Crushing olives is a physical process used to break the
fruits’ tissues and release the oil contained in the vegetable cell vacuoles. The olive paste is currently prepared in industrial
oil mills with either a traditional discontinuous stone mill or a continuous hammer crusher. The latter is mainly used in the
olive oil industry, where oil is usually extracted by centrifugation [5].
Stone mills, the oldest method for crushing olives, consist of a stone base and upright millstones enclosed in a metal
basin, often with scrapers and paddles to spread the fruit under the stones and to circulate and expel the paste. The slow
movement of the stone crushers does not heat the paste and results in less emulsification, so the oil is easier to extract. The
disadvantages of this method are the bulky machinery and its slowness, its high cost, and its inability to be continuously
operated. Most stone mills have been replaced during the past 20 years because of their inefficiency.
Hammer mills generally consist of a metal body that rotates at a high speed, hurling the olives against a metal screen. The
major advantage of hammer mills is their speed and continuous operation, which translate into high output, compact size, and
low cost. The rapid crushing of the fruit, however, creates more emulsification of the oil and water within the paste and higher
temperatures. Oil produced from a hammer mill generally has a stronger flavor because the pulp is broken up more. The size of
the mesh screen in a hammer mill is normally adjusted as the season progresses and the fruit becomes riper and softer [3].
Malaxation of the olive paste is carried out with a stainless steel device made of a semicylindrical vat with a horizontal
shaft, rotating arms, and blades of different shapes and sizes. This vat is equipped with a heating jacket, circulating hot
water to warm the olive paste [6]. The efficiency of malaxation depends on the rheological characteristics of the olive paste
and the technological parameters of the operation, such as temperature and time. Malaxation prepares the paste for separation of the oil. It is done to reverse the emulsification that occurs during the crushing process and is particularly
important if the paste was produced in a hammer mill. The mixing process optimizes the amount of oil extracted through
the formation of larger oil droplets and a reduction of the oil–water emulsion. Optimally, the malaxator is designed to
ensure thorough mixing, leaving no portion unmixed. The paste is slowly stirred for 30–60 min. The temperature of the
paste during malaxation is very important. It should be warm, 80–86 F (26.6–30 C), which is still cool to the touch,
to improve the viscosity of the oil and improve extractability. Temperatures more than 86 F (30 C) can cause problems
such as loss of fruit flavors, increased bitterness, and increased astringency. The newest trend in the management of olive oil
paste is to exclude oxygen, which can be done by either flooding the surface of the mixing tanks with nitrogen or vacuum
exclusion of oxygen in special malaxation tanks. Limiting oxygen exposure is believed to reduce enzyme activity that can
break down polyphenols, which are major flavor compounds of olive oil [7,8].
The next step is extracting the oil from the solids and fruit-water. The oil can be extracted by pressing, centrifugal
decanters, selective filtration, or through combinations of the different methods. Pressing is one of the oldest methods
of oil extraction. This method involves applying pressure to stacked filter mats, each of which is covered with about
0.5 inch (1.27 cm) of paste, that alternate with metal disks. A central hollow spike allows the expressed oil and water (olive
juice) to exit in both directions. This process requires more labor than other extraction methods, the cycle is not continuous,
and the filter mats can easily become contaminated, introducing fermentation and oxidation defects into the oil. Consequently, the use of traditional presses is becoming obsolete.
Centrifugation is usually applied for a primary separation of the olive oil fraction from the solid vegetable material and
vegetation water. This step may be carried out using the combination of two different systems: horizontal centrifugation
(three- and two-phase decanters) and vertical centrifugation. Horizontal centrifugation using a three-phase decanter
requires the addition of warm water to dilute the olive paste to facilitate the separation described above, whereas the
two-phase decanter consists of “no-water” centrifugation plants for separating the oily phase from malaxed pastes without
requiring the addition of warm water. It should be considered that the two-phase decanter requires a minimal moisture value
in the olive paste (50%) to facilitate the separation process. When this value is not reached, a small amount of water is
loaded into the decanter [9]. A vertical centrifugation system is used to separate the oily must obtained from horizontal
centrifugation. In the Mediterranean area, olive oil is generally produced from September to February and stored in the
mill until filtration and commercialization. As expected, after storage for 9 months the peroxide values increase and
the total phenol content and oxidative stability of olive oil decrease [10].
Olive oil comprises 4% of total vegetable oil production; its production worldwide is around 2,000,000 tons/year, and the
Mediterranean countries contribute more than 95% of the world production. Today, olive plantations worldwide cover
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
FIGURE 4 Worldwide production of olive oil.
Libya, Egypt, Israel, Jordan,
Lebanon, Yugoslavia, Croatia,
France, USA, Mexico, Argentina,
Chile, Brazil, Peru, South Africa,
China, New Zealand, Australia
2,5 %
3,7 %
7,2 %
17 %
24 %
36 %
% of olive oil production
about 9.4 million hectares, producing 1.5 million tons of table olives and 16 million tons of olives that are processed into
2.56 million tons of olive oil. Spain has about one-quarter of the world’s acreage, with 2.42 million hectares of olive trees
under cultivation and 36% of oil production ( 800,000 tons/year), most of which comes from the region of Andalucı́a,
which ranks Spain as the top producer. Italy is ranked second, with 1.43 million hectares and 24% of the world’s oil
production ( 520,000 tons/year). Major Italian producers come from the regions of Tuscany, Umbria, Liguria, and
Apulia. Greece is third, with 17% ( 400,000 tons/year) of the world’s oil production, and is fourth in world acreage,
with 2.55 million acres of olive trees (1.03 million hectares). Together the big three produce 77% of the world’s olive
oil (Figure 4) [1].
Olive oil consumption is linked to its production; Greece consumes the largest per capita amount of olive oil—over 26 L
per person per year—Spain and Italy around 14 L, Tunisia, Portugal, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon, around 8 L. Because of
the increasing popularity of the Mediterranean diet, however, olive oil production and consumption is now expanding to
nontraditional producing countries, such as the United States, Canada, Australia, South America, and Japan.
High production costs, especially for harvest, have accelerated the redesign of olive orchards during the past 30 years
[1]. The old, traditional olive production system in dry-farmed areas around the Mediterranean range in tree spacing from
25 to 60 feet (7.6–18.3 m) apart, giving 12–70 trees/acre (30–173 trees/ha). Their yields were somewhere between 0.5 and
2 tons/acre (1.1–4.5 tons/ha), with a long delay (15–40 years) before full production and severe alternate bearing. The trees
are almost always harvested by hand or by beating the fruit off the trees with long poles onto nets. The modern high-density
production system started around the early 1980s to reach full production faster in irrigated orchards, with tree densities of
about 100–340 trees/acre (250–840 trees/ha). The overall benefits have been significant increases in yields per acre, usually
double to triple what had been achieved previously. The orchards also come into full production sooner (>7–10 years),
suffer less alternate bearing problems, and are more efficient to harvest. Superhigh-density production systems uses specific varieties of trees planted at spacings of 3–5 feet (0.9–1.5 m) within the row and 12–13 feet (3.7–3.9 m) between rows,
for 670–1210 trees/acre (1655–2990 trees/ha). Here the varieties are very precocious, tend to produce a good crop every
year, start bearing at an early age, and have excellent oil quality characteristics. However, the long-term production of the
superhigh-density orchard system is not known, and this production systems required requires fairly flat ground and
requires the ability to control tree vigor through pruning, fertility, management, and controlled deficit irrigation, with
important capital investment.
Composition of olive oil is related to its physical, chemical, and organoleptic characteristics [11]. The chemical composition of olive oil consists of major and minor components. The major components constitute the saponificable fraction,
Olive Oil Chapter 13
TABLE 1 Fatty Acids Composition of Olive Oil
Fatty Acids
Common Name
Numerical Symbol
Myristic acid
Palmitic acid
Margaric acid
Stearic acid
Arachidic acid
Behenic acid
Lignoceric acid
Total saturated
Palmitoleic acid
Heptadecenoic acid
Oleic acid
Eicosenoic acid
Total monounsaturated
Total polyunsaturated
Linoleic acid
a-Linolenic acid
which comprises 98–99% of the total weight of the oil and is formed mainly by triacylglycerides. Oleic acid (18:1n9) is the
main component (55–83%) of the saponificable fraction; other fatty acids are palmitic, stearic, linoleic, and a-linolenic
acids (Table 1). The fatty acid composition of olive oil, which is high in monounsaturated fatty acids, confers oxidative
resistance to olive oil. Minor components, which amount to about 2% of the total oil weight, include more than 230
chemical compounds, for example, aliphatic and triterpenic alcohols, sterols, hydrocarbons, volatile compounds, and antioxidants [8,12]. The main antioxidants of olive oil are carotenes and phenolic compounds including lipophilic and hydrophilic phenols. While the lipophilic phenols, including tocopherols, can be found in other vegetable oils, some hydrophilic
phenols of olive oil are not generally present in other oils and fats [13–15]. Minor components, mainly polyphenols, have
been recently related to the healthy properties of olive oil and are associated with the oxidative stability and flavor characteristic of virgin olive oil. The content of the minor components of olive oil varies depending on the cultivar, climate,
ripeness of the olives at harvesting, the processing system used, and storage conditions [3,16]. Consequently, rigorous controls of all olive oil processes are recommended to produce olive oil with a high phenolic content. During ripening, several
metabolic processes take place in olives, followed by variations in the phenolic composition caused by the different biosyntheses and biotransformation pathways of phenolic compounds. The main phenolic compounds and their derivatives,
including hydroxytyrosol, ligstroside aglycon, oleuropein aglycon, acetoxy-pinoresinol, and elenolic acid, increased in
extra-virgin olive oil at the early stages of olive harvest, followed by a reduction of their concentrations at more advanced
stages of maturity. Therefore, fruit harvested early produces olive oil with high polyphenol content and high oxidative
stability. Moreover, after crushing the olives, several enzymes that can be activated are involved in the generation and
transformation of phenolic compounds through the action of endogenous b-glucosidases followed by other chemical reactions. Malaxation of paste at a temperature lower than 30 C and time shorter than 60 min, centrifugation of paste using a
two-phase decanter followed by vertical centrifugation with a minimum amount of water added, storage of extra-virgin
olive oil for a short time and at a low temperature, and filtration using inert gases contributed to creating olive oil rich
in phenolic compounds and to preserving its positive sensory attributes. Quality-related parameters of olive oil include
acidity, peroxide index, and K232 and K270 parameters, together with total phenolic and fatty acid profiles. Table 2 shows
characteristics of types of olive oil, including acidity, peroxide index, and K232 and K270 parameters. The level of acidity
of olive oil is a measure of the free fatty acids, and it is conventionally expressed as a percentage of oleic acid. Acidity is
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
TABLE 2 Types of Olive Oil
Free Acidity (% Oleic Acid)
Peroxides Index (mEq O2/kg)
Extra-virgin olive oil
Virgin olive oil
Ordinary virgin olive oil
Lampante virgin olive oil
No limit
Refined olive oil
Olive oil
Refined olive pomace oil
Olive pomace oil
influenced by olive ripeness, integrity, and harvest systems. Increased acidity changes the oil quality and decreases its commercial value. The peroxides index is an important indicator of good conservation of olive oil. Indeed, unsaturated fatty
acids react with oxygen to form peroxides, releasing volatile compounds that give the characteristic rancid off-flavors. So,
oil is good if the number of peroxides is low. Spectrofotometric indices of olive oil, K232 and K270, determined according
to The Commission of the European Communities (1991, 2011), allow an understanding of whether oil is altered. Sensory
or organoleptic analysis of olive oil has a significant importance in judging the quality of the final product. In fact, an
unacceptable oil from an organoleptic point of view can be downgraded. Sensory or organoleptic analysis are carried
out by specialized organizations. The committees are made up of a panel leader and a minimum of 8 and a maximum
of 12 tasters. The set of different sensory perceptions allows these members to formulate a final judgement, which takes
into account of the overall harmony of sensations. At the end of the assessments, each taster completes the data sheet and
assesses the presence and the intensity of the good qualities (fruity, bitter, spicy) and the defects (rancid, mold, heating,
winey, metal, etc.). Fruity is an important sensory characteristic that is derived from healthy, fresh, green or ripe fruit. The
olive oil composition profile allows it to be distinguished from other plant oils [17]; however, a wide diversity can be found
in composition among different varieties of olive oils [18–20]. Also, environmental and seasonal effects, as well as the olive
oil processing methods, have been reported to affect olive oil composition [21], Different processing methods produce extra
virgin, virgin, and ordinary olive oil. Virgin and extra-virgin olive oil are produced by direct first-pressing or centrifugation
of the olives. Four criteria should be satisfied for an olive oil to be certified as extra-virgin olive oil: it must contain no more
than 0.8% oleic acidity; it must be produced by mechanical extraction methods without chemicals and hot water; it must
come from first cold-pressing; and it must have a perfect taste (Table 2). Virgin olive oils have a maximum free acidity of
2%, whereas olive oils with an acidity greater than 3.3% are submitted to a refining process in which some components,
mainly phenolic compounds and, to a lesser degree, squalene, are lost [22]. By mixing virgin and refined olive oil, an
ordinary olive oil is produced and marketed. After virgin olive oil production, the rest of the olive drupe and seed is processed and submitted to a refining process, resulting in pomace olive oil, to which a certain quantity of virgin olive oil is
added before marketing.
Olive trees present different varieties, called “cultivars,” according to the geographic areas in which they grow. The
most common cultivars of olive tree are the Spanish Arbequina, which produces a very aromatic oil with a very light pungency and bitterness; the Italian Tuscan Frantoio, with a strong pungency and fruity flavor; the Apulian Coratina, which
produces stable oils very high in polyphenols; as well as the Greek Koroneiki [16,23–26].
The consumption of olive oil is associated with a low incidence of cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders, and
breast cancer. Several minor components have recently been related to the healthy properties, mainly polyphenols, of olive
oil. These compounds also are associated with the oxidative stability and flavor characteristics of virgin olive oil. However,
the phenolic composition of olive oil is influenced by complex multivariate interactions of genotype and agronomical,
environmental, and technological factors. The qualitative and quantitative phenolic composition of olive oil is widely
affected by many variables related to production processes, from the ripening stage of olive fruits to storage conditions.
Olive Oil Chapter 13
In the past 20 years, the olive oil production has spread to nontraditionally producing countries, leading to an increased
olive and olive oil trade supported by high- and superhigh-density production systems. However, this is not always accompanied by the production and marketing of high-quality olive oil, and many efforts have to be made to obtain olive oil with
preserved content of minor components that are mainly responsible for the healthy properties of olive oil.
Minor components contribute to olive oil quality.
Among vegetable oils, olive oil has unique nutritional and sensory characteristics.
The chemical composition of olive oil consists of triacylglycerols and antioxidant compounds.
Extra-virgin and virgin olive oil are oils obtained from the fruit of the olive tree solely by mechanical or other
physical means.
The chemical composition of olive oil is influenced by genotype and agronomical, environmental, and technological
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SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
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Chapter 14
Moderate Red Wine Consumption
in Cardiovascular Disease: Ethanol Versus
Marcello Iriti, PhD1 and Elena M. Varoni, DD, PhD1,2,3
Milan State University, Milan, Italy. 2 McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada. 3 University of Eastern Piedmont ‘A. Avogadro’, Novara, Italy.
Although a unique Mediterranean diet does not exist, some common traits in the dietary patterns of Mediterranean
populations can be identified: high consumption of fruit, both fresh and dried (e.g., figs, raisins); raw and cooked seasonal
vegetables; whole-cereal products; fish and seafood; dairy products, including goat and ewe milk in the fermented forms of
cheese and yogurt; nuts; lean meat such as rabbit and chicken; aromatic herbs and spices; virgin olive oil as the main
dressing; and moderate alcohol intake, particularly red wine (Tables 1 and 2). In the southern Mediterranean region, however, because of cultural and religious reasons, wine is replaced with black tea as a main source of polyphenols. The particular composition and variety of traditional Mediterranean diets have been proposed to explain the low prevalence of
cardiovascular diseases and the improved life expectancy in some Mediterranean countries [1].
Even if wine is an alcoholic beverage, in the past two decades a plethora of beneficial biological and pharmacological
activities have been ascribed to some grape and wine metabolites. In particular, polyphenols, a large group of phenylalanine
derivatives, have been extensively investigated. These phytochemicals—divided into flavonoids (including anthocyanins),
stilbenes (e.g., resveratrol), and proanthocyanidins (or condensed tannins) (Figures 1 and 2)—possess different molecular
and biochemical targets in both healthy and pathological cells [2,3]. Furthermore, the diversity of grape and wine chemistry
has been recently improved by the discovery of new bioactive molecules in these products, for example, melatonin and
phytosterols (Figures 2 and 3). Melatonin is an indolamine traditionally considered a vertebrate neurohormone and is significantly present in grapevine products [4] (see Chapter 19) (Figures 2 and 3). In addition, three main phytosterols, that is,
b-sitosterol, stigmasterol, and campesterol, which are effective hypocholesterolizing agents, have been detected in grapes
and wine [5] (Figures 2 and 3). Therefore, it can be hypothesized that these and possibly other phytochemicals may maximize the healthy properties of polyphenols through additive and/or synergistic effects.
Although polyphenols are considered the archetype of health benefits attributed to moderate red wine consumption,
as demonstrated in a large number of in vitro and in vivo experimental models [2,3], evidence from humans is still inconclusive, possibly because of the presence of ethanol in wine, which can counteract or nullify to some extent the protective
effects of polyphenols in conditions of heavy or binge (episodic heavy) wine intake [6]. In this chapter we briefly review the
health-promoting effects of a moderate red wine intake in humans, focusing on the association with cardiovascular
protection (Figure 4).
Interesting studies of humans have recently been conducted to elucidate the relation between several kind of alcoholic
drinks (wine, spirits, beer) and cardiovascular risk. The different effects of red wine and gin consumption on inflammatory
biomarkers of atherosclerosis were investigated in a randomized, crossover, single-blind clinical trial. For 28 days
40 healthy men (mean age, 37.6 years) consumed 30 g ethanol/day as either red wine (two 160-mL glasses) or gin
(100 mL), a beverage with a very low polyphenol content. Blood sample analyses indicated that both wine and gin drinks
had anti-inflammatory effects by reducing plasma fibrinogen (by 9% and 5%, respectively) and cytokine interleukin-1a
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
TABLE 1 Distribution of Recorded Adult Per Capita Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages (%) by World Health
Organization Regions and Worldwide in 2005
WHO Region
Spirits (%)
Beer (%)
Wine (%)
Other (%)
Eastern Mediterranean
Southeast Asia
Western Pacific
From the “Global Status Report on Alcohol and Death,” Geneva: WHO; 2011.
TABLE 2 Recorded Adult (15 Years Old) Alcohol Consumption by Type of Alcoholic Beverages
(% of Pure Alcohol) in Selected European Countries in 2005
Beer (%)
Wine (%)
Other (%)
United Kingdom
Russian Federation
Spirits (%)
From the “Global Status Report on Alcohol and Death,” Geneva: World Health Organization; 2011.
levels (by 21% and 23%, respectively). However, wine had two additional effects: (1) a 21% decrease in C-reactive protein
(CRP); and (2) a 27% reduction of monocyte and endothelial adhesion molecules, that is, lymphocyte function-associated
antigen 1 and Mac-1, as well as very late activation antigen 4 (32%), monocyte chemoattractant protein (46%) in monocytes, soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (17%), and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (9%) [7]. Similarly,
4-week supplementation of red wine decreased plasma fibrinogen concentrations in 15 healthy male volunteers, who were
instructed to drink 250 mL red wine/day (12% alcohol, 1.2 g/L total polyphenols, 0.64 g/L total anthocyanins, and 1.0 g/L
Moderate Red Wine Consumption in Cardiovascular Disease Chapter 14
FIGURE 1 Typical bioactive polyphenols present in red wine include anthocyanidins (malvidin), stilbenes (resveratrol), flavonols (quercetin), flavan-3ols [(+)-catechin], proanthocyanidins or condensed tannins, which are oligo and polymeric derivatives of flavan-3-ol units.
FIGURE 2 Major polyphenols (anthocyanins,
resveratrol, and proanthocyanidins), phenolic acids
(hydroxycinnamates), and new phytochemicals
(phytosterols) are present in grape berries
and seeds.
total proanthocyanidins). However, the authors also found an increase of mean platelet volume as well as serum concentrations of inflammatory and endothelial cell activation markers, such as intercellular adhesion molecule-1, E-selectin, and
interleukin-6 [8]. On the other hand, 150 mL red wine/day (15 g alcohol/day) for 3 weeks failed to reduce serum CRP
concentrations and only slightly decreased fibrinogen concentrations in 87 Norwegian healthy volunteers 35–70 years
old (mean age, 50.0 years) [9].
In another randomized, cross-over clinical trial, 20 g ethanol/day (1 glass [100 mL] of red or white wine at lunch and at
dinner) were administered to 35 healthy women aged 20–50 years (mean age, 38.0 years) for 4 weeks. Both wines reduced
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
FIGURE 3 Recently discovered bioactive phytochemicals in wine
are indoleamines (melatonin) and the phytosterols (b-sitosterol,
stigmasterol, and campesterol).
FIGURE 4 Cardioprotective effects attributed to proper red wine consumption are caused by both alcoholic and polyphenolic components. Bioactive
phytochemicals may also counteract the detrimental effects of ethanol. LDL, low-density lipoprotein; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; Apo A-1, apolipoprotein A-1.
serum biomarkers of inflammation and endothelial activation in subjects, even if anti-inflammatory effects associated with
moderate red wine consumption were higher than those produced by white wine, probably because of a different polyphenol
content [10].
The moderate intake of red wine or an alcoholic beverage with a very low polyphenol content was investigated in terms
of influence on serum antioxidant vitamins, antioxidant status, lipid profile, and oxidability of low-density lipoprotein
(LDL) particles [11]. For 28 days 40 healthy men aged 30–50 years (mean age, 38.0 years) received 30 g ethanol/day
as red wine (two 160-mL glasses at dinner) or gin (100 mL at dinner). In particular, compared to gin, wine intake reduced
plasma superoxide dismutase activity, malondialdehyde, and oxidized LDL levels.
Moderate Red Wine Consumption in Cardiovascular Disease Chapter 14
Using a similar study design (a randomized, cross-over clinical trial), Chiva-Blanch et al. [12] also demonstrated that
red wine exerted greater protective effects on glucose metabolism and lipid profile than other alcoholic beverages. Sixtyseven men aged 55–75 years were instructed to consume gin (100 mL/day, containing 30 g ethanol); red wine (272 mL/day,
containing 30 g ethanol and 798 mg total polyphenols); or de-alcoholized red wine (272 mL/day, containing 1.14 g ethanol
and 733 mg total polyphenols) for 4 weeks. Participants were at high risk of cardiovascular disease, reporting a family
history of premature cardiovascular disease and/or the presence of diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and overweight/
obesity. Plasma insulin and insulin resistance decreased after interventions with both wines; high-density lipoprotein
(HDL) cholesterol, apolipoprotein (Apo) A-1, and ApoA-2 increased after red wine and gin intake. On the other hand, only
red wine reduced lipoprotein plasma concentrations [12]. In a study using a similar design, the same authors showed that
both ethanol and nonalcoholic compounds of red wine may regulate soluble inflammatory mediators in patients at high
cardiovascular risk, whereas only phenolic compounds may modulate leukocyte adhesion molecules [13]. De-alcoholized
red wine also decreased systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients at high cardiovascular risk, and these variations
correlated with increased concentrations of plasma nitric oxide, a potent vasodilator [14].
The relationship between body mass index (BMI) and plasma triglycerides was investigated in 42 Brazilian individuals
(64% men; mean age, 46.0 years; mean BMI, 25.13 kg/m2) consuming 250 mL/day of red wine at meals for 2 weeks.
In general, red wine increased plasma concentrations of triglycerides and the ratio of triglycerides to HDL-cholesterol.
When subjects were divided into three categories according their BMI, the authors reported that individuals with higher
BMI, although not obese, might be at higher risk for elevation of plasma triglycerides and the triglycerides-to-HDLcholesterol ratio after a short period of red wine consumption [15].
Possible prebiotic effects associated with red wine intake were recently suggested. Ten healthy male volunteers
received red wine (272 mL/day), de-alcoholized red wine (272 mL/day), or gin (100 mL/day) for 20 days. Total fecal
DNA analysis using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction revealed that, compared with baseline, daily consumption of red wine polyphenols significantly increased the number of Enterococcus, Prevotella, Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, Bacteroides uniformis, Eggerthella lenta, and Blautia coccoides-Eubacterium rectale groups. In parallel, systolic
and diastolic blood pressure and triglyceride, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and CRP concentrations decreased
significantly. In addition to promoting the growth of probiotic bacteria, red wine polyphenols also inhibited pathogenic
bacteria from the human microbiota, such as Clostridium spp. [16].
As previously mentioned, the health benefits of moderate wine consumption have been attributed, at least in part, to
grape polyphenols. Protection against oxidative damage of a Mediterranean diet compared with a Western (or US) diet,
with or without the concomitant intake of red wine, was assessed in 42 young adults (20-27 years old). Volunteers were
randomly assigned either to the Mediterranean diet group or the Western diet group for 3 months, and they received 240 mL
red wine/day only during the second month. The Mediterranean diet increased plasma vitamin C, b-carotene, and total
antioxidant activity, whereas the Western diet increased vitamin E content. Wine supplementation, analyzed combining
both diet groups, increased plasma vitamin C, b-carotene, uric acid, total antioxidant activity, plasma and urinary total
polyphenols, and red blood cell glutathione and decreased plasma vitamin E and glutathione. The Western diet group also
showed higher concentrations of 8-hydroxy-20 -deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), a marker of oxidative DNA damage, in DNA
from peripheral blood leukocytes and plasma nitro-tyrosine, a marker of oxidative protein damage, when compared with the
Mediterranean diet group. Wine intake significantly reduced 8-OHdG and plasma nitro-tyrosine in both diets, particularly
in the Western diet group. The authors concluded that moderate red wine consumption counteracted the oxidative damage
caused by the Western diet [17].
Furthermore, even if on few participants, it was shown that 300 mL/day of alcohol-free red wine for 1 week increased
the activities of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione reductase) in eight volunteers aged
25–40 years (mean age, 28.0 years) following a low phenolic diet [18]. However, despite a general consensus attributing
antioxidant benefits in healthy volunteers to sustained wine consumption, in a review article, Covas and colleagues [19]
concluded that there is no evidence at present that supports wine consumption as being associated with antioxidant benefits
other than counteracting a possible pro-oxidative effect of the alcohol. On the contrary, data on the antioxidant protective
effect of red wine in oxidative stress situations are promising. These conclusions are consistent with our recent results
showing that drinking red wine was not associated with a reduced salivary antiradical capacity, which conversely was
greatly improved by the intake of a capsule of red wine extract [20].
Finally, perspectives on moderate red wine intake in secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases were evaluated.
Thirty-nine patients after myocardial infarction (32 men and 7 women; mean age, 65.0 years) were divided into two groups:
red wine drinkers, who were administered 250 mL red wine/day (3.81 g/L total polyphenols) at main meals for 2 weeks, and
water drinkers. During this period, all subjects received a Western prudent diet inspired by the Mediterranean diet principles.
Moderate red wine intake reduced total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol and improved erythrocyte membrane fluidity [21].
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
The beneficial properties of red wine have been known for more than three decades. In 1979, St. Leger and colleagues [22]
first described a significant inverse relationship between wine consumption and risk of death from coronary heart disease.
More recent evidence of a health-promoting effect of red wine on cardiovascular health emerged from many epidemiological studies. In a prospective study, Djoussé and collaborators [23] investigated the association between alcohol
consumption and risk and mortality for cardiovascular diseases in 26,399 “non-Mediterranean” participants from the
Women’s Health Study, with a mean follow-up of 12.2 years. Compared with abstainers, alcohol intake of 5–15 g/day
was associated with 26%, 35%, and 51% lower risk of cardiovascular disease, total mortality, and cardiovascular
disease-related mortality, respectively. In moderate drinkers, 86% of reduced cardiovascular disease risk was explained
by effects on lipids, glucose metabolism, inflammatory/hemostatic factors, and blood pressure. Furthermore, no differential
association for beverage type (i.e., beer, wine, or spirits) and studied outcomes was observed by the authors [23]. Similarly,
in a cohort (N ¼ 31,367) of US adult men from the prospective Aerobic Center Longitudinal Study, fewer than six drinks/
week reduced the risk cardiovascular disease mortality by about 29%. When alcohol consumption was stratified by type
(wine, beer, and liquor), no difference was observed [24].
The relationship between alcohol intake and cardiovascular risk factors was investigated in a large French population,
the urban Paris-Ile-De-France Cohort, composed of 149,773 subjects (97,406 men and 52,367 women with a mean age of
47.6 15 and 47.0 12 years, respectively). The subjects were divided into four groups according to alcohol consumption:
never, low (<10 g/day), moderate (10-30 g/day), and high (>30 g/day). With the exception of the subgroup of young subjects (<30 years old), alcoholic beverages mainly consisted of wine. In addition, wine consumption increased with age,
whereas that of beer and appetizers decreased. Moderate alcohol drinkers showed more favorable clinical and biological
profiles associated with lower cardiovascular risk, including low BMI, waist circumference, heart rate, blood pressure,
fasting triglycerides, fasting glucose, and plasma LDL-cholesterol and higher levels of plasma HDL-cholesterol [25].
The Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging is a cross-sectional, multicenter study of 1896 men aged 65–84 years, mainly
those who consume moderate intake of wine (98%) as a lifelong habit. Participants were divided into six alcohol consumption groups: lifelong abstainers and those who drink 12, 13–24, 25–47, 48–96, and >96 g/day. Among drinkers,
mean daily intake of alcohol from wine, beer, and spirits were 26.7, 0.6, and 3.8 g/day, respectively. Long-term moderate
drinkers showed lower levels of systemic inflammatory markers, better hematological parameters, and safer metabolic and
glycemic profiles. In particular, alcohol consumption in older age was associated with lower values of fibrinogen and
insulin resistance and higher levels of HDL-cholesterol and ApoA-1, even if it was also associated with higher LDLcholesterol and systolic blood pressure [26].
The relative importance of the main components of the Mediterranean diet in producing the inverse association between
increased adherence to this dietary style and all-cause mortality was investigated in the Greek segment of the European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and nutrition (EPIC). The population of this prospective cohort study consisted
of 23,349 men and women without a previous diagnosis of cancer, coronary heart disease, or diabetes. After a followup of 8.5 years, the individual components of the Mediterranean diet that contributed to this association were moderate
ethanol consumption (23.5%; >10 and <50 g/day for men, >5 and <25 g/day for women, mostly in the form of wine
at main meals); low intake of meat and meat products (16.6%); high consumption of vegetables (16.2%), fruit and nuts
(11.2%), and legumes (9.7%); and high monounsaturated-to-saturated lipid ratio (10.6%) [27].
More specifically, the association between alcohol consumption and coronary heart disease was investigated in the
Spanish EPIC cohort. Participants included 15,630 men and 25,808 women, and the median follow-up period was 10 years.
Subjects who reported an alcohol intake of >5 g/day at either 20, 30, 40, or 50 years of age, but not during the 12 months
before recruitment, were categorized as former drinkers. Never-drinkers were defined as subjects who did not report any
consumption >5 g/day at any age and 0 g/day in the 12 months before recruitment. Alcohol intake then was classified in six
categories for men (former drinkers, never-drinkers, low intake of 0–5 g/day, moderate intake of 5–30 g/day, high intake of
30–90 g/day, and very high intake of >90 g/day) and five categories for women (former drinkers, never-drinkers, low
intake of 0–5 g/day, moderate intake of 5–30 g/day, and high intake of 30–90 g/day). Among men aged 29–69 years, moderate, high, and very high ethanol consumption was associated with reduced cardiovascular risk and a more than 30% lower
incidence of coronary heart disease. This association was only statistically significant in men, probably because of the low
number of coronary heart disease cases in women (n ¼ 128). The type of alcohol consumed (wine, beer, fortified wines) did
not affect hazard ratios [28].
The Turkish Adult Risk Factor study prospectively assessed the long-term effects of alcohol consumption on different
outcomes in 3443 men and women (mean age, 47.6 years) included at baseline and followed-up for a mean of 7.4 years.
End points included overall mortality, coronary heart disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Daily alcohol intake
Moderate Red Wine Consumption in Cardiovascular Disease Chapter 14
was categorized as follows: light drinking, <1 drink (1 unit of alcohol, i.e., 30 mL spirits or 300 mL beer or 120 mL wine);
moderate drinking, 1–3 units of alcohol; and heavy drinking, >3 units. Heavy alcohol consumption increased the risk for
diabetes, coronary heart disease, and, in men, all-cause mortality and metabolic syndrome, but there was no strong statistical
significance. Conversely, moderate intake of alcohol was not associated with any adverse outcome, but it was associated with
a borderline decrease in cardiovascular risk and overall mortality and, in women, with a slightly significantly lower risk for
metabolic syndrome. Interestingly, 62% of ethanol consumed in Turkey is beer, more than 30% as spirits, and only 5% as
wine—a very different drinking pattern compared with populations of southern Europe, where wine predominates [29].
Association of alcohol consumption and cardiovascular disease outcomes has been investigated in systematic reviews
and meta-analyses. Among moderate alcohol drinkers compared with nondrinkers, data from 84 eligible studies reported a
relative risk of 0.75, 0.71, and 0.75 for cardiovascular disease mortality, incident coronary heart disease, and coronary heart
disease mortality, respectively [30]. In another meta-analysis, a previously reported J-shaped dose-response relationship
between wine and alcohol consumption and the risk of cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality was confirmed [30]. In
a J-shaped curve, regular and moderate wine drinking at the nadir of the J, is beneficial, whereas abstinence and heavy
intake, on the short and long arms, respectively, are both detrimental, although to a different extent [31]. A meta-analysis
of 34 prospective cohort studies, with more than 1 million subjects and almost 100,000 deaths by any cause, showed a
J-shaped association between self-reported alcohol consumption and mortality [32]. Another study reported that the
maximum intake of wine at which protection was still apparent decreased from 72 to 66 or 41 g/day when either combined
fatal and nonfatal vascular events or cardiovascular mortality or total mortality were considered as end points, respectively.
The minimal doses of wine at which the maximal protection could be obtained were 21, 24, and 10 g/day for the three
respective end points [33]. The same authors described a J-shaped dose-response curve in patients with cardiovascular risk;
light to moderate alcohol consumption (5-25 g/day) was significantly associated with a lower incidence of cardiovascular
and all-cause mortality [34].
Finally, a meta-analysis of interventional studies was also recently carried out. The effects of alcohol consumption on 21
biomarkers associated with risk of coronary heart disease in adults without known cardiovascular disease were investigated.
Alcohol significantly increased the levels of HDL-cholesterol, ApoA-1, and adiponectin, but a dose-response relationship
was observed only for alcohol and HDL-cholesterol. Alcohol decreased fibrinogen concentrations but did not affect
triglyceride levels. Analyses were stratified by type of beverage (wine, beer, and spirits), but results were similar [35].
The studies examined in this chapter suggest that red wine may have an “added value” compared to other alcoholic
beverages, particularly spirits. Regarding cardioprotection, experiments using moderate intake of wine, de-alcoholized
wine, and spirits show related to health benefits deriving from polyphenols and, possibly, other bioactive phytochemicals
that may counteract the detrimental effects of ethanol. On the other hand, because of the positive effects of low amounts of
alcohol on HDL-cholesterol and hemostatic factors, ethanol and polyphenols may also exert additive and/or synergistic
protective effects on the cardiovascular system [36,37].
Even if results from clinical trials represent the highest level of evidence in medicine, however, studies of humans have
some intrinsic and environmental limitations. For interventional studies, wine administration is obviously subject to many
ethical limitations in both healthy and diseased subjects. Similarly, observational studies have to be properly interpreted
because of many biases and confounding factors so the random effect and cause–effect relationships are not misinterpreted.
For instance, Mediterranean populations seem to be more physically active than the north European counterpart, probably
because of better climatic conditions predisposing open-air physical activity. Another example is related to wine drinkers,
who seem to be more fanatical about health than those who drink beer or spirits. These aspects may “confound” the scenario
in which the clinical studies are conducted.
To conclude, we will further clarify the issue of “regular, moderate red wine consumption at main meals.” This phrase
indicates that both pattern and amount of wine intake are relevant. Episodic heavy (binge) drinking is considered more
harmful that consumption of two or fewer drinks per day (but more than zero drinks) for men and one or less than one
drink per day (but more than zero drinks) for women [38,39]. Last, red wine polyphenols, independent of ethanol, reduced
the pro-oxidant effects of fat-rich meals, reducing the postprandial susceptibility of LDLs to oxidation [40].
Red wine is an important component of the Mediterranean diet that may contribute to the healthy properties of this
traditional dietary style.
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
Regular low to moderate red wine consumption at main meals may reduce the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and
Two major components of red wine are relevant for human health: ethanol and polyphenols.
It seems that, in conditions of proper drinking, polyphenols and alcohol may exert an additive/synergistic activity on
cardiovascular systems.
Phytochemicals recently discovered in grapes and wine, that is, melatonin and phytosterols, may maximize the health
benefits of polyphenols through additive/synergistic interactions.
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Chapter 15
Beer: Beneficial Aspects and Contribution
to the Mediterranean Diet
Sara Arranz, PhD1,2, Gemma Chiva-Blanch, PhD1,2, Palmira Valderas-Martinez1,2,
Rosa Casas1,2 and Ramon Estruch, MD, PhD1,2
Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital Clínic, Institut d’Investigacions Biome´diques August Pi i Sinyer (IDIBAPS), University of Barcelona,
Barcelona, Spain. 2 CIBER CB06/03 Fisiopatologı´a de la Obesidad y la Nutrición, (CIBERobn), Girona, Spain.
blood pressure
coronary heart disease
cardiovascular disease
high-density lipoprotein
low-density lipoprotein
Mediterranean diet
metabolic syndrome
peripheral arterial disease
type 2 diabetes mellitus
Definition of the Mediterranean Diet
“The Mediterranean diet constitutes a set of skills, knowledge, practices and traditions ranging from the landscape to the
table, including the crops, harvesting, fishing, conservation, processing, preparation and, particularly, consumption of
food.” This is the definition of Mediterranean Diet (MD), which was recognized by the UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural
Heritage in 2010 [1]. UNESCO does not consider the MD as merely a collection of some selected foods but ascribes a
cultural promotion role to the eating habits typical of the Mediterranean basin, which deserve special mention, as plainly
stated in the description of the MD: “The Mediterranean diet encompasses more than just food. It promotes social
interaction, because communal meals are the cornerstone of social customs and festive events. It has given rise to a
considerable body of knowledge, songs, maxims, tales and legends. The system is rooted in respect for the territory
and biodiversity, and ensures the conservation and development of traditional activities and crafts linked to fishing and
farming in the Mediterranean communities of which Soria in Spain, Koroni in Greece, Cilento in Italy and Chefchaouen
in Morocco are examples. Women play a particularly vital role in the transmission of expertise, as well as knowledge of
rituals, traditional gestures and celebrations, and the safeguarding of techniques.”
The MD is considered a healthy eating pattern typical of Mediterranean countries (Crete, Greece, southern Italy, Spain,
Morocco, and all countries along the Mediterranean coast). Although there is no single MD, its main characteristics are (a)
relatively high consumption of fats (up to 40% of total energy intake), mainly as olive oil/monounsaturated fatty acids
(MUFA; more than 20% of total energy intake) used both for cooking and dressing dishes; (b) high consumption of
unrefined cereals/grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts; (c) moderate to high consumption of fish; (d) moderate
to low consumption of white meat (poultry and rabbit) and dairy products, usually as yogurt or cottage cheese; (e) low
consumption of red meat, processed meats, and meat products; and (f) moderate consumption of alcohol, usually in the
form of red wine or beer with meals. This dietary pattern and proportions of different foods are shown graphically as a
food pyramid, which is periodically updated and includes other aspects of lifestyle such as exercise, sociability, and sharing
food around a table with family and friends [2].
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
The MD as a Dietary Pattern in Health Promotion: Clinical Evidence
It has been estimated that chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease (CHD), cerebrovascular disease, diabetes mellitus
(DM), and lung, colorectal, breast, and stomach cancers are responsible for over 40% of all deaths in developed countries
[3]. Numerous epidemiological studies support evidence that all these conditions are largely preventable with hygienicdietary measures [4,5]. For this reason, measures aimed at achieving a healthy diet and lifestyle should always be an
essential ingredient of any prevention or treatment. Although this seems obvious, these measures are frequently omitted
in clinical practice [6]. Specifically, in the field of primary care, clinical practice usually focuses on the prevention of hard
end points using treatments such as lipid-lowering drugs, antihypertensive drugs, and others instead of educating toward
modifying lifestyles. A more widespread use of hygienic-dietary measures not only decreases drug spending but also
reduces the adverse effects arising from the extensive use of drugs, which would result in a huge benefit for the public
health system [7].
The positive results of trials with hard end points (incident cases of cardiovascular disease [CVD], cancer, or DM) as the
primary outcome variable and usually funded by industry have undoubtedly contributed to the widespread use of
“preventive” drugs. However, there are scarce trials of the same type with results focused on not only intermediate markers
but also on these hard end points based on hygienic-dietary measures to promote a healthy diet.
Although medicine is currently based on evidence, it is paradoxical that usual clinical practice recommendations for a
healthy diet are based on decreasing total fat in the diet [8]. However, epidemiological evidence still remains insufficient to
recommend the reduction of all fats, as in the National Cholesterol Education Program of the United States. Moreover, a
MD rich in vegetable fats (MUFAs and polyunsaturated fatty acid) may constitute a theoretically excellent healthy diet.
Indeed, a diet low in total fat may even be counterproductive. If there is an excessive reduction in fat intake, the main source
of energy becomes carbohydrates, and given the abundant availability of refined carbohydrate-rich foods with a high
glycemic load, this kind of diet increases the risk of the development of insulin resistance and DM, two very important
risk factors in CVD [9,10].
To reduce total fat intake, major reviews of diet and CVD recommend dietary patterns that are high in MUFAs as the
main source of lipids [11–14], are rich in whole grains as the main source of carbohydrates, have high intake of fruit and
vegetables, and have adequate consumption of omega 3 fatty acids, as in the MD; these dietary patterns provide greater
protection against ischemic heart disease and stroke.
The best evidence available to examine the association between fat intake and the incidence of CHD is the results of
several observational studies. A cohort of 44,000 health professionals followed for 6 years showed that the increased risk
of CHD associated with the consumption of saturated fat disappeared after adjusting for fiber intake [12]. In a female cohort
of nurses including 80,000 women followed for 14 years, similar results were found, reporting only a small negative, albeit
nonsignificant, effect for saturated fat (relative risk 1.17, 95% confidence interval 0.97–1.41) and absolutely no effect
for total fat, whereas MUFAs decreased the risk of heart disease [11]. Later, in the same female cohort but with more than
1.5 million person-years of follow-up, neither total nor saturated fat was found to influence cardiovascular risk, and only
high consumption of artificially hydrogenated (trans) fats increased the risk of CVD [13]. A meta-analysis of prospective
studies published in 2010 [14] confirmed that there is no evidence to argue that saturated fat intake is a cardiovascular
risk factor, supporting the ineffectiveness of the paradigm of a low-fat diet recommended by the National Cholesterol
Education Program.
Greece is also a country with a traditional diet rich in fats, fruits, and vegetables but low in meat, similar to traditional
Spanish cuisine. Trichopoulou et al. [5] conducted a prospective population-based investigation involving 22,043 adults in
Greece and reported that greater adherence to the traditional MD was associated with a significant reduction in total
mortality. In Spain, Martı́nez-González et al. [7] included 342 subjects in a case-control study to quantify the risk reduction
of incident myocardial infarction provided by a Mediterranean dietary pattern. The results support the hypothesis that an
MD that emphasizes the intake of olive oil, fiber, fruits, vegetables, fish, and alcohol; reduces meat and meat products; and
excludes refined cereals can be an effective measure for reducing the risk of myocardial infarction. Subsequently, two
observational cohort studies in Spain confirmed the inverse association between adherence to the MD and the incidence
of fatal and nonfatal CVD in initially healthy middle-aged adults [15] and significantly reduced CHD risk, supporting its
role in the primary prevention of CHD in healthy populations [16].
The next step in evidence-based medicine to assess the protective role of a healthy diet is to conduct randomized
intervention studies that provide the highest scientific level of evidence. Accordingly, the Lyon Diet Heart Study [17]
significantly contributed to the effectiveness of the Mediterranean dietary pattern. Despite being a highly referenced
randomized clinical trial, it has serious methodological limitations [18] that restrict its usefulness as a basis for public health
recommendations. These limitations are that (a) it is only applicable to secondary prevention because of the analyses of
Beneficial Contribution of Beer to the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 15
heart attacks and coronary deaths in patients who had already had a coronary event, (b) the fat source used was linolenic
acid present in a margarine not available in any supermarket, (c) the diet of the control group was richer in fat than that of the
intervention group, (d) the sample size was small (14 events in one group and 44 in another), (5) the follow-up was short
(discontinued at 27 months), and (e) the dietary assessment during follow-up was not complete.
The Women’s Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial [19] included 48,835 postmenopausal women aged 50–79
years who were randomly assigned to an intervention group with a low-fat diet (19,541 [40%]) or a control group (29,294
[60%]) in a free-living setting during a mean follow-up of 8.1 years. The results showed that a dietary intervention reducing
total fat intake and increasing the intake of vegetables, fruits, and grains did not significantly reduce the risk of CHD, stroke,
or CVD in postmenopausal women and achieved only modest effects on CVD risk factors, suggesting that more focused
diet and lifestyle interventions may be needed to reduce CVD risk factors. Although these results were not expected by the
authors, they are consistent with previous data obtained from observational studies [11,12]. The study therefore concludes
that the key to cardiovascular risk reduction should not focus on a reduction of total fat intake.
The current paradigm in nutritional epidemiology is to analyze dietary patterns instead of isolated foods or nutrients
because these patterns can capture the cumulative effects of the overall diet. Among dietary patterns, the MD may be the
healthiest. A recent meta-analysis of 18 prospective cohort studies showed that adherence to the MD confers consistent
protection against CVD, neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, and overall mortality [20]. In randomized clinical trials,
Mediterranean-style diets have provided beneficial effects on cardiometabolic markers such as body weight, blood pressure
(BP), lipid profile, insulin resistance. and inflammation [21]. The MD fits the concept of a healthful eating pattern with
overall nutrient adequacy [22]. Given that the MD is plant-based and rich in antioxidants, there are fair grounds to believe
that long-term adherence might protect against different diseases, mainly CVD. However, this effect on large samples of
patients at high risk has been scarcely assessed. Sánchez-Taı́nta et al. [23] carried out a cross-sectional assessment of
baseline characteristics of participants in a primary prevention study and concluded that following an MD was inversely
associated with the clustering of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and hypercholesterolemia among high-risk patients.
Numerous clinical trials have found that an MD pattern reduces arterial pressure [24] and improves the lipidic profile
[25,26] and endothelial function [27]. Moreover, transversal studies [28] as well as long interventions or short trials [29]
observed that subjects with higher adherence to the traditional Mediterranean dietary pattern have a lower concentration of
inflammatory markers associated with arteriosclerosis. All of these beneficial effects on cardiovascular risk markers add
intermediate biological plausibility to the results of epidemiological studies.
Wine and Beer in the MD
The overall effects of the Mediterranean dietary pattern on the cardiovascular system make it difficult to assess the effects
of the different components of the MD on different body functions and pathologies. Thus, in epidemiological studies it is
not easy to separate the effects of individual foods (wine or beer) from other sources in the diet or especially lifestyles,
despite the statistical analysis being adjusted for multiple variables such as age, sex, social class, education, smoking,
and physical activity. In this regard, it was noted that regular wine drinkers have a healthier dietary pattern (in Anglo-Saxon
countries) than beer or spirit drinkers, which could explain some of the additional effects of wine compared with other
alcoholic beverages observed in some studies [30]. Johansen et al. [31] analyzed 3,500,000 purchase receipts collected
from two Danish supermarkets in 6 months. Wine buyers preferably bought olives, fruit, vegetables, chicken, olive oil,
meat, and cheese and dairy products low in fat compared to beer buyers, who more frequently bought sugar, chips, sausages,
pork, butter, margarine, and cola. The results of this study indicate that people who buy (and presumably drink) wine also
acquire healthier foods than those who buy beer (Figure 1). These results support other studies from the United States,
Denmark, and France that found that the dietary habits of wine drinkers are different from those of beer consumers
[32]. Many of the beneficial effects attributed to moderate wine consumption on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality
and the incidence of some cancers are actually caused by the healthier lifestyles of its consumers. Because most of these
studies have been conducted in Anglo-Saxon countries, it would be interesting to compare them with results obtained from
studies in Mediterranean countries.
The relation between moderate alcohol consumption and health effects has mostly been studied in Nordic countries
[33,34], yet this relation may be different in Spain and other Mediterranean countries. In Spain, the consumption of alcohol
takes place principally at mealtime (in contrast with the Nordic pattern). Moreover, most characteristic lifestyle habits
of the Spanish population (diet, moderate physical activity, frequent sun exposure, warm temperature, high degree of
family-based and low degree of community-based social support), might well lead to the determinants of subjective health
being different from those in Nordic countries [35].
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
Beer and wine
Dried fruit
Cheese Flour
Low fat meat
Fruits or vegetables
Low fat cheese Low fat
Low fat
Cold cuts
Jam Fish Eggs Tinned goods
Margarine or butter
Soft drinks
Ketchup or mustard
Ready cooked dish
Cold cuts
FIGURE 1 Food items bought by wine and beer buyers. Food items that are highly correlated and more likely to be bought together are closer to each
other [31].
A long-term prospective study carried out by Núñez-Córdoba et al. [36] assessed the association between alcohol
consumption (including drinking patterns during the week and type of alcoholic beverage) and the incidence of
hypertension in a Mediterranean cohort. The results revealed that the consumption of beer or spirits, but not wine, was
associated with an increased risk of hypertension. However, the weekly pattern of alcohol consumption did not have a
significant effect on the risk of hypertension. The hazard ratio associated with consuming >0.5 drinks of beer per day
was 1.53 (95% confidence interval 1.18–1.99) compared with abstainers. In contrast, there was a nonsignificant inverse
association between red wine intake and the risk of hypertension.
Another cross-sectional population study of a Mediterranean cohort evaluated the hypothesis that alcohol consumption
has a protective effect on the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome (MetS), type 2 DM (T2DM), CHD, stroke, peripheral
arterial disease (PAD), and overall CVD. Moreover, these effects might be dose-related and dependent on the type of
alcoholic beverage [37]. The results showed that wine consumption was associated with a slightly better effect on the
prevalence of total CVD than beer or spirit consumption, and beer consumption was associated with a better effect than
spirit consumption. Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with a lower prevalence of the MetS, T2DM, PAD, CHD,
and overall CVD but not stroke compared with no alcohol use in the Mediterranean population, and heavy drinking has been
associated with an increase in the prevalence of all of these diseases states [37]. Therefore, advice on alcohol consumption
should probably mainly be aimed at reducing heavy drinking.
In summary, it should be emphasized that the benefits associated with red wine and beer depend on regular and moderate
consumption. Although general recommendations are one drink (10 g alcohol) daily for women and two drinks (20 g
alcohol) daily for men, individual ideals may vary based on age, sex, genetics, body type, and drug/supplement use. These
different recommended daily doses of alcohol between sexes are explained by the fact that women are more sensitive to the
effects of alcohol on the body. In addition, any healthy effects of wine and beer are greater in combination with a healthy
diet. The health benefits associated with the MD, which combines moderate wine and beer consumption with a diet rich in
fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, suggests that polyphenols have synergistic effects with compounds found in other
groups of foods.
Bioactive Compounds and Mechanisms of Action
Beer is one of the most consumed alcoholic beverages around the world; it is rich in nutrients such as carbohydrates, amino
acids, minerals, vitamins, and other compounds such as polyphenols. Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) is one of the raw materials
of beer and serves as an important source of phenolic compounds. Polyphenols—mainly phenolic acids, prenylated
chalcones, flavonoids, catechins, and proantocianidins—comprise about 14.4% of dried hop cones [38]. Around 30%
Beneficial Contribution of Beer to the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 15
of polyphenols in beer comes from hops and 70–80% originates from malt [39]. Moreover, hops provide a resin containing
monoacyl phloroglucinols, which become bitter acids such as a-acids (humulones) and iso-a-acids during the development
process of beer. Table 1 details the polyphenols found in beer [41]. The structural classes of polyphenols in beer
include simple phenols, benzoic acid derivatives and cinnamic acid, coumarins, catechins, di- and tri-oligomeric
proanthocyanidins, prenylated chalcones, and a- and iso-a-acids derived from hops.
Different profiles of in vitro biological activities have been described for these compounds, which, in combination, exert
a synergistic effect. However, to extrapolate these results and evaluate the in vivo physiological effects of beer consumption
TABLE 1 Phenolic Compounds in Beer
Phenolic compounds
(mg/100 mL)
Phenolic compounds
(mg/100 mL)
Syringic acid
Gentisic acid
Cinnamic acids
p-Coumaric acid
m-Coumaric acid
o-Coumaric acid
5-Caffeoylquinic acid
Caffeic acid
4-Caffeoylquinic acid
5-Caffeoylquinic acid
Ferulic acid
Sinapic acid
Hydroxyphenylacetic acids
4-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid
Homovanillic acid
Hydroxyphenylacetic acids
4-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid
Homovanillic acid
2,6-Dihydroxybenzoic acid
2-Hydroxybenzoic acid
3-Hydroxybenzoic acid
3,5-Dihydroxybenzoic acid
Syringic acid
Procyanidin dimer B3
Protocatechuic acid
Prodelphinidin trimer GC-GC-C
Vanillic acid
Prodelphinidin trimer GC-C-C
Gallic acid
Prodelphinidin trimer C-GC-C
Benzoic acid derivatives
Gallic acid 3-O-gallate
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
TABLE 1 Phenolic Compounds in Beer—cont’d
Phenolic compounds
(mg/100 mL)
Phenolic compounds
(mg/100 mL)
Quercetin (3-O-arabinoside)
α-acids (humulones)
Iso-α-acids (iso-humulones)
Other polyphenols
Quercetin (3-O-rutinoside)
Biochanin A
Mean value of bibliographic data from the Phenol-Explorer Database, Version 1.5.7 (INRA in collaboration with the Wishart Research Group) [40].
it is necessary to study their bioavailability in the body. The compounds found in beer have different biological activities
demonstrated in vitro as antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, estrogenic, and antiviral activities. However,
further studies of humans are needed to determine whether the circulating or tissue metabolites of these compounds derived
from moderate consumption of beer have the same bioactivity in vitro.
Consumption of Beer in Mediterranean Countries and Overall Morbidity/Mortality
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), countries have been classified into four scoring categories (1–4)
reflecting the risk of mortality and morbidity associated with different amounts of alcohol intake. For example, category
1, characterized by the drinking pattern with the lowest risk (light to moderate alcohol consumption with meals and without
heavy bouts of drinking) is associated with a lower burden of mortality and morbidity. Mediterranean Europe, Australia,
and Japan are included in this category. Category 4, however, is the drinking pattern with the highest risk, characterized by
the highest level of irregular drinking and associated with a high burden of morbidity and mortality. This drinking pattern
was found in Central America (e.g., Guatemala and Nicaragua). The lowest risk categories (1 and 2) were associated with
the consumption of fermented beverages such as wine and beer, whereas the highest risk categories (3 and 4) were
associated with the consumption of distilled spirits [42].
The type of alcoholic beverages consumed differed between sexes and between people from different countries. The
European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study [43] evaluated the patterns of alcohol consumption in 10 European countries, mostly from the Mediterranean area. Sex was a strong determinant of drinking patterns
in all 10 countries. Among men, wine was consumed mainly among the Italian and Spanish subjects with some regional
differences. In both cases more wine was consumed in the southern than in the northern regions. By contrast, beer was
consumed mainly by men in Germany, Holland, and Denmark (almost 400 g/day), whereas the lowest beer consumption
was in Italy (about 16 times lower than that of the highest consumers in northern European countries). In general, women
drank less than men and consumed different types of beverages. Large differences were found among countries in terms of
the quantity of alcohol consumed by women, whereas differences in wine consumption were less marked. The largest
quantities of beer were consumed by women in Murcia (Spain), Copenhagen (Denmark), Heidelberg (Germany), and
o (Sweden). These findings are only in partial agreement with those of a previous study of alcohol consumption
in the European Community Study [44], which evaluated the frequency and the context of consumption of beverage types
and analyzed whether subpopulations defined by sex, age, and educational level differ in the adoption of beverage types.
Mediterranean countries were characterized mainly by wine consumption, whereas people in northern Europe mainly drank
beer [45]. In the EPIC study this was only really true for men; in all the areas studied except Murcia (Spain), wine
contributed more to the total alcohol intake among women than all other sources combined. Possible reasons for these
FIGURE 2 Curves for wine (solid lines) and beer
intake (dotted lines) of relative risk (95% CI; dashed
line) of fatal and nonfatal vascular events extracted
from 13 independent relationships using random
models. From Costanzo et al. [40].
Relative risk of fatal and nonfatal vascular events
Beneficial Contribution of Beer to the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 15
Wine consumption
Beer consumption
Alcohol consumption (g/day)
discrepancies may be differences in the sampling or assessment methods reported. In a meta-analysis evaluating whether
different alcoholic beverages would protect against CVD, Costanzo et al. [40] reported that wine drinkers, at least in some
countries, tend to have a healthier lifestyle profile than beer drinkers. However, the analysis between wine or beer
consumption and vascular events in Mediterranean and non-Mediterranean countries found comparable results among
them (Figure 2).
Athyros et al. [37] investigated the relationship between alcohol consumption and the prevalence of different
cardiovascular risk factors in a representative sample of Greek adults (Mediterranean cohort) and concluded that wine
consumption was associated with a slightly better effect than beer or spirit consumption on the prevalence of total
CVD. Beer consumption also was associated with a better effect than spirit consumption.
According to the type of alcoholic beverage, the patterns of drinking, and the social reactions to alcohol, the European
community can be divided into three different patterns, as reported by Rehm et al. [46].
The Mediterranean pattern: wine-making countries in the south are traditionally characterized by almost daily drinking
of alcohol—most often wine and most often consumed with meals.
The central European pattern: beer is the dominant alcoholic beverage, and its consumption is similar to the
Mediterranean style. However, there is more consumption outside of meals, and there are more alcohol-related problems.
The northern European pattern: the drinks of choice are vodka and spirits, whose production only began after the
invention of the distillation process; hence it has a substantially shorter tradition than wine drinking in the Mediterranean region. The pattern of drinking in these countries is characterized by nondaily drinking, with irregular episodes
of heavy and very heavy drinking.
Figure 3 shows the per capita alcohol consumption in liters of pure alcohol recorded for all EU adults (15 years old) since
2000. While the consumption of total alcohol for the European Union as a whole has been stable, different trends can be
observed for different regions. Southern European countries have decreased their alcohol consumption since 1999. In a
traditional wine country such as Spain, for example, beer has replaced wine as the beverage of choice. There also have
been some decreasing trends in central-west and western Europe, except for the British Isles. However, the Nordic countries
and the central-east and eastern European countries have increased their beer consumption [44].
Beer in the PREDIMED Clinical Trial
Although there is a substantial body of evidence linking the MD to the reduction and prevention of cardiovascular risk,
small clinical trials have uncovered plausible biologic mechanisms to explain the salutary effects of this food pattern
[24,28]. The largest multicenter randomized clinical trial in Spain, the PREDIMED study, was designed to evaluate the
effects of a traditional MD on the primary prevention of CVD [47]. A total of 7447 volunteers were included (age range,
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
FIGURE 3 Per capita alcohol consumption in
liters of pure alcohol recorded for all EU adults
(15 years old) since 2000. Modified from Rehm
and Shield [44].
Liters of pure alcohol
55–80 years). Patients had no CVD at enrollment and had either T2DM or at least three of the following major risk factors:
smoking, hypertension, elevated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels, low high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
cholesterol levels, overweight or obesity, or a family history of premature CHD. Participants were randomly assigned
in a 1:1:1 ratio to one of three dietary intervention groups: a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra virgin olive
oil, a Mediterranean diet supplemented with nuts, or a control diet.
The high number of participants included in the PREDIMED study, with complete nutritional study and vascular
risk factors, provided the opportunity to study the relationship between moderate beer consumption, dietary habits, and
CVD in a Spanish population at high cardiovascular risk. The most recent results from this trial concluded that an
energy-unrestricted MD supplemented with either extra virgin olive oil or nuts resulted in an absolute risk reduction of
approximately three major cardiovascular events per 1000 person-years, which is relative risk reduction of 30% [47].
A preliminary substudy of 1249 participants from the PREDIMED cohort also assessed the effects of beer consumption
on the main cardiovascular risk factors, evaluating dietary habits and physical activity levels. Results showed that moderate
beer consumers follow a healthier eating pattern and have greater adherence to the traditional MD than nonbeer drinkers
(Table 2). In fact, the beer drinkers in the PREDIMED tended to consume this drink accompanied even by meals. Thus,
moderate beer drinkers consumed more vegetables, legumes, fish, cereals, and olive oil and fewer dairy products than nondrinkers. However, the study also showed a greater consumption of meat and meat products among beer drinkers than
nondrinkers, although the overall dietary pattern of beer drinkers was closer to that of the traditional MD [17], being
completely different from the pattern observed in the Anglo world where beer drinkers typically consume fewer fruits
and vegetables and more ready-made meals, sugar, chips, sausages, pork, butter, margarine, and soft drinks [34]. Moreover,
beer drinkers also referred moderate or higher consumption of protein and carbohydrates (including fiber) than nondrinkers,
while total fat intake was similar in both groups. Finally, beer drinkers also consumed significantly more folic acid,
vitamins B1, B6, B12, E, and D, iron, and calcium than nondrinkers. Therefore, the first conclusion of this substudy
was that the eating pattern of the beer drinkers included in the PREDIMED cohort is much healthier than that of nondrinkers
and totally different from that of beer drinkers in Anglo countries.
Moreover, in this substudy beer drinkers had a lower incidence of T2DM and hypertension than nondrinkers. Although
there was no difference in the incidence of dyslipidemia in the two groups, it was found that moderate beer drinkers
received less statin therapy than nondrinkers. These data are in accordance with the results of numerous epidemiological
studies that have shown that regular and moderate alcohol drinkers have a lower incidence of diabetes and hypertension and
have increased HDL and decreased LDL-cholesterol [27,37].
Another important aspect to analyze is the usual relationship between beer consumption and body weight. Traditionally,
it has been noted that excessive alcohol consumption is associated with an increase in body weight in the early stages, but in
later stages many alcoholics show clinical and biological signs of malnutrition [48]. Moderate beer drinkers in the
PREDIMED study had a significantly lower body mass index than nondrinkers, with no differences in waist circumference
as a measure of visceral obesity.
Regarding BP and lipid profile, moderate beer drinkers showed a lower BP and higher HDL-cholesterol levels than
nondrinkers, but in this case the differences were not statistically significant. However, blood glucose concentrations
Beneficial Contribution of Beer to the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 15
TABLE 2 Baseline Characteristics of 1249 Volunteers Included in the PREDIMED Substudy
Beer Consumption
0 mL (n ¼ 827)
22 mL (n ¼ 161)
203 mL (n ¼ 261)
Mean age SD (years)
68.7 5.7
66.8 5.7
65.8 6.1a
Male sex
273 (33)
81 (50)a
188 (72)a
Family history
149 (18)
27 (17)
47 (18)
83 (10)
26 (16)
68 (26)a
Diabetes mellitus
463 (56)
71 (44)a
126 (48)
687 (83)
127 (79)
200 (77)a
546 (66)
106 (66)
173 (66)
728 (88)
148 (91)
231 (88)
Data are n (%) unless otherwise indicated.
SD, standard deviation.
P < 0.05, compared with nondrinkers.
and glycated hemoglobin were significantly lower when comparing the moderate beer drinkers with the nondrinkers.
Finally, moderate beer drinkers also had lower plasma concentrations of homocysteine compared with nondrinkers,
confirming the results of other studies [49,50] in which lower homocysteine concentrations also were found in beer
drinkers. This effect has been attributed to the high content of folic acid and vitamin B in beer.
In summary, contrary to the results obtained in studies conducted in the Anglo world, those of the PREDIMED substudy
showed that moderate beer drinkers have healthier lifestyle habits and an eating pattern closer to the traditional MD than
those of nondrinkers. In addition, moderate beer drinkers have fewer cardiovascular risk factors than nondrinkers, a fact that
supports the protective role of moderate beer consumption against the onset and development of atherosclerosis.
Clinical and epidemiological studies indicate that wine may protect against CVD, atherosclerosis, hypertension, certain
types of cancer, T2DM, neurological disorders, and the metabolic syndrome. However, sufficient evidence also supports
a significant inverse association between regular and moderate beer consumption and cardiovascular risk.
There is evidence that polyphenols provide an abundance of health benefits. In beer, xanthohumol and its metabolites,
isoxanthohumol and phytoestrogen 8-prenylnaringenin, also provide healthy properties such as antioxidant, anticarcinogenic,
anti-inflammatory, estrogenic, and antiviral activity.
It must be emphasized that the benefits associated with beer depend on regular and moderate consumption. Although
general recommendations are one drink (220 mL beer or 10 g alcohol) daily for women and two drinks (440 mL beer or
20 g alcohol) daily for men, individual ideals may vary based on age, sex, genetics, body type, and drug/supplement use.
The health benefits associated with the MD, which combines moderate wine and beer consumption with a diet rich in fruits,
vegetables, and whole grains, suggest that polyphenols have synergistic effects with compounds found in other groups of foods.
Clinical and epidemiological studies indicate that wine may protect against CVD, atherosclerosis, hypertension, certain
types of cancer, type DM, neurological disorders, and the metabolic syndrome.
Evidence also supports a significant inverse association between regular and moderate beer consumption and
cardiovascular risk.
There is evidence that polyphenols provide an abundance of health benefits.
In beer, xanthohumol and its metabolites, isoxanthohumol and phytoestrogen 8-prenylnaringenin, provide healthy
antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, estrogenic, and antiviral properties.
The benefits associated with beer depend on regular and moderate consumption.
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
General recommendations are one drink (220 mL beer or 10 g alcohol) daily for women and two drinks (440 mL beer or
20 g alcohol) daily for men; however, individual ideals may vary based on age, sex, genetics, body type, and
drug/supplement use.
The health benefits associated with the MD, which combines moderate wine and beer consumption with a diet rich in
fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, suggest that polyphenols have synergistic effects with compounds found in other
groups of foods.
The authors are grateful for the support granted by the Spanish Ministry of Health (RETIC G03/140 and RD06/0045); the
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (AGL2006-14228-C03-01/02-ALI, AGL2007-66638-C02-02/ALI, AGL200913906-C02-02, AGL2010-22319-C03-02); the FIS PI07/0473; Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares
(CNIC06); Fundación Mapfre and CIBEROBN, an initiative of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain. S. Arranz is grateful
to the Sara Borrell postdoctoral program (CD10/00151), supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain.
G. Chiva-Blanch is grateful for the Manuel de Oya fellowship from the Spanish Information Center of Beer and Health,
and P. Valderas is grateful to the APIF fellowship program from the University of Barcelona.
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SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
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Chapter 16
The Contribution of Fish to the
Mediterranean Diet
Ermelinda Prato and Francesca Biandolino
CNR—Institute of Coastal Marine Environment (IAMC), Taranto, Italy.
Arachidonic acid (20:4 o6)
Docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3)
Eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3)
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
Nutrition is a key element in maintaining overall physical well-being and its importance is nothing new. In 400 BC
Hippocrates said, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” Another famous phrase is by the German
philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach in the nineteenth century: “We are what we eat”; both quotes point out that to be fit
and healthy one needs to eat good food.
Nutritional regulation occurs both by macro- and micronutrients, leading to changes in cell growth, differentiation,
or metabolism. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are the macronutrients essential for health maintenance, growth,
reproduction, immunity, and healing. Any nutrient deficiencies or excess can be dangerous to metabolism, which is
why a healthy and balanced diet is fundamental in giving the body all it needs to living at its best. Never before has
the focus on the health benefits of food or food components been so strong.
It is known that the Mediterranean diet is a healthy eating pattern that provides foods that ensure the proper functioning
of the body. The Mediterranean dietary pattern has gained enormous popularity lately, mainly because numerous epidemiological studies have shown that the people living along the Mediterranean Sea in southern Europe have a longer life expectancy and a lower risk of suffering from certain chronic diseases. Marine foods, especially fish, are an important part of
the Mediterranean diet, which recommends consuming fish (on a weekly basis) more often than meat (on a monthly basis).
The role of fish in the Mediterranean diet shows marked variations across continents, regions, and countries, reflecting
different eating habits and traditions, the availability of fish and other foods, prices, socioeconomic levels, and seasons.
Consumption is usually higher in coastal areas.
Fish are characterized by low fat content, in particular cholesterol, and are one of the most significant sources of
high-value proteins. Moreover, they contain a wide range of essential micronutrients, including various vitamins (D, A,
and B) and minerals (e.g., calcium, iodine, zinc, iron, and selenium), which makes them a good choice for a healthy
and balanced diet. However, health benefits from fish consumption have been primarily related to polyunsaturated fatty
acids (PUFAs), especially the omega 3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) that occur in large
amounts in most fish [1–3]. The structures of these fatty acids (FAs) are illustrated in Figure 1. Humans (like most animals)
have a very limited capacity to synthesize these FAs from the precursor a-linolenic acid, which is essential; therefore
dietary intake of these FAs is an important aspect of human nutrition [4,5]. For these reasons the MD does not limit total
fat consumption, but rather recommends making wise choices about the types of fat consumed, discouraging intake of
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
FIGURE 1 Chemical structure of eicosapentaenoic acid
and docosahexaenoic acid.
Eicosapentaenoic acid
(EPA) 20:5
Docosahexaenoic acid
(DAH) 22:6
Linoleic acid (18:2w6)
FIGURE 2 Structures of linoleic and
a-linolenic acids.
a-Linolenic acid (18:3w3)
saturated fats and hydrogenated oils (trans fats), both of which contribute to heart disease. The simplest members of the
omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acid families are linoleic (18:2) and a-linolenic (18:3) acids, respectively (Figure 2).
However, it should be noted that the net content of omegas 3 and 6 is low because of the low lipid content in fish species,
and only regular consumption of fish can help to increase the amount of omega 3 in the diet. Figure 3 gives an overview
of the metabolic steps (desaturation plus elongation reactions) by which linoleic acid is metabolized to arachidonic
acid (ARA) and by which a-linolenic acid is metabolically converted to long-chain products, including EPA and DHA,
the physiologically essential omega 3 fatty acids.
In recent years the medical and public health communities have shown increased interest in the advantageous FA composition of fish. Indeed, it has been the topic of numerous studies, which reported that long-term and regular fish consumption
(omega 3 PUFA intake) reduces the risk of contracting many diseases (such as cancer, lung diseases, Alzheimer’s disease).
In particular, epidemiological and experimental studies supported the beneficial activity of these omega 3 PUFAs in the
prevention of cardiovascular diseases [6]. Indeed, pioneering studies demonstrated that the low incidence of heart disease,
diminished platelet aggregation, and prolonged clotting times in Greenland Eskimos and Japanese were correlated with the
high intake of fish and fish oils [7].
EPA is an important essential omega 3 FA in the human diet because it is the precursor to the 3-series eicosanoids, such as
prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes—hormone-like chemicals with short-lived but powerful effects [8]. Eicosanoids play significant roles in immune function, inflammation, thrombosis, proliferation, reproduction, gastroprotection,
and hemostasis, in addition to other functions. DHA and EPA were reported to be interchangeable by retrogradation [9].
In the prevention of cardiovascular disease it is important to consider the ratio of PUFA to saturated FAs. The UK
Department of Health recommends a minimum value of this coefficient of 0.45 [10]. Populations that consume
0.5–0.7 g DHA/day have a lower incidence of heart disease. The general recommendation for daily intakes of DHA/
EPA is 0.5 g/day for infants and 1 g/day for adults and patients with heart disease [11].
Also, omega 3 PUFAs play a vital role in decreasing the incidence of diabetes, and they seem to alleviate symptoms of
rheumatoid arthritis [12], inflammatory bowel diseases (ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease), systemic lupus erythematosus, septicemia, and septic shock [13]. They exert a fundamental action in photoreception (vision); in the development
and function of the nervous system (brain); in infants, during pregnancy, and during the first years after birth; and in
decreasing the concentration of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in plasma [6]. Figure 4 summarizes the health benefits
of long-chain omega 3 FAs (EPA and DHA).
Fish oils also contain PUFAs from the omega 6 family, which have an antagonistic effect on omega 3 acids. However,
all fish species had low levels of ARA, which may be advantageous to cardiovascular health because of the antagonistic
effects on the health benefits of omega 3 FAs [3]. This is why the ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 acids is so important and is a
Fish in the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 16
FIGURE 3 Synthesis of omega 3 and omega 6
fatty acids.
good index for comparing the relative nutritional value of fish oils. A dietary intake of fish with a high ratio of omega 3 to
omega 6 would therefore be beneficial.
The UK Department of Health recommends a maximum omega 6-to-omega 3 ratio of 4.0 [10]. Values higher than the
maximum are harmful to health and may promote cardiovascular diseases. Because this ratio in food is generally higher,
however, fish consumption is excellent at lowering it. Considering all these facts, increasing the consumption of fish and its
products, which are rich in omega 3 PUFAs and poor in omega 6 PUFAs, is important for human health.
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
CVD and
FIGURE 4 Summary of health benefits of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). CVD, cardiovascular disease.
Fish can be grouped into four categories according to their fat content: lean (<2%), low fat (2–4%), medium fat (4–8%), and
high fat (>8%) [14]. Fish species, namely hake, mackerel, common sole, anchovy, sea bass, sardine, gilthead sea bream,
and other species, are a main food component in the diet of the Mediterranean population. The fillet is the most important
edible part of fish and it is strongly affected by lipid content from both a nutritional point of view and an organoleptic
perspective (flavor, texture, etc.).
Fish with high fat content traditionally has been considered to be nutritionally important species because they have a
relatively high content of omega 3 FAs. However, it has been demonstrated that there is an inverse relationship between
amount of omega 3 FAs and the total fat content [15]. This implies that it is important from the nutritional point of view to
pay attention to species with high proportions of omega 3 FAs (e.g., eel, Anguilla anguilla) instead of focusing only on the
fat content (Table 1).
In addition to the size, age, and reproductive status of fish, diet, location, and season are theP
major factors affecting fatty acid
composition [14,37]. Table 1 shows
EPA ratio, the sum of omega 3 ( omega 3), the sum of omega 6 ( omega 6) FAs, and omega 3-to-omega 6 ratio of some
commercial fish. There is a noticeably large variation in the FA compositions of different fish of the same species, although all
species contain higher proportions of omega 3 than omega 6 PUFAs, except for sea bass from Turkey (eastern Mediterranean)
[8] and eel from Spain (western Mediterranean) [23]. With regard to the omega 3-to-omega 6 ratio, it is noteworthy that it
is variable; indeed, it ranges from 0.73 in sea bass [8] to 39 in Salema porgy [23]. A very favorable omega 3-to-omega 6 ratio
also has been found in bogue, mackerel salmon, anchovy, sardine, pickerel, hake, swordfish, and sole (Table 1). Numerous
studies have shown that the different species of economically important fish have different FA composition, so it is advisable
that consumers become aware of the species with the best nutritional quality for use in the diet.
Another important aspect to consider is farmed fish. Indeed, because fish stocks are limited, consumers farmed fish are now
being proposed as an alternative. Fish farming, or aquaculture, is a fast-growing sector and is expected to fill the gap in
Fish in the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 16
TABLE 1 Total Lipid,
Commercial Fish
Gilthead sea
bream (Sparus
Salema (Sarpa
PUFA, DHA, EPA, DHA/EPA Ratios, v3, v6 Fatty Acids, v3/v6 Ratios of Some Important
Total Lipid
Bogue (Boops
Sand smelt
(Atherina boyeri)
Golden gray
mullet (Liza
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
TABLE 1 Total Lipid, PUFA, DHA, EPA, DHA/EPA Ratios, v3, v6 Fatty Acids, v3/v6 Ratios of Some Important
Commercial Fish—cont’d
Total Lipid
Salmo (Salmo
Sardine (Sardina
Picarel (Spicara
Red mullet
(Mullus barbatus)
Black goby
(Gobius niger)
Grass goby
Gray wrasse
Sole (Solea solea)
Eel (Anguilla
(Xiphias gladius)
PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acids; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid, ratio of docosahexaenoic to eicosapentaenoic acid; So3, sum
of omega 3 fatty acids; So6, sum of omega 6 fatty acids; o3/o6 ratio, ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids; ww, wet weight.
Fish in the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 16
supplies of fish as food for humans as demand continues to increase [45]. Data from the literature suggest that the nutrient
content of farmed fish is more uniform than that of wild fish and that fat content of farmed fish exceeds that of wild fish [17].
Farmed fish are fed a controlled diet, usually based on fish oil and fish meal. This diet is not subject to the seasonal variations found in the diets of wild fish, causing more constant lipid levels than those of wild fish. Indeed, the acquisition of
food by wild fish is related to food availability, ecosystem productivity and energy expended to catch prey [46].
Farmed fish have the advantage of being reared and harvested under controlled conditions, so hazards associated with
fish consumption can more easily be controlled. Therefore, the knowledge of the compositional and nutritive differences
between farmed and wild fish is of considerable interest, for the farming industry and consumers.
Regarding differences in FAs, in general, most of the data reported by Hossain [47] showed higher content of total
PUFAs and omega 3 PUFAs in wild than in farmed fish. However, these results are in contrast to those of other authors
[17,18] who found higher proportions of total PUFAs and omega 3 PUFAs in farmed fish than in wild specimens of different fish species. The difference in omega 3 PUFA composition of lipids between farmed and wild fish observed in different studies can be explained by the FA composition of the diet of both wild and farmed fish. Most farmed fish are
carnivorous species, such as Dicentrarchus labrax and Sparus aurata, and eat small fish and crustaceans in which the
PUFAs are nearly all omega 3 PUFAs and the proportion of omega 6 PUFAs is very low. In contrast, commercial feeds
usually use cereal and vegetable oils that contain more of the omega 6 FAs and fewer omega 3 PUFAs. However, commercial feeds that use high proportions of fish meal and fish oil usually contain a higher proportion of omega 3 PUFAs and
fewer omega 6 PUFAs. Ackman and Takeuchi [48] reported that the percentage of omega 3 FAs in cultured marine fish is
usually lower than in their wild counterparts, presumably because of the lack of lipids originating from phytoplankton and
other marine organisms.
Moreover, aquaculture provides greater control during the production and processing of the organisms to optimize
omega 3 PUFAs content. Consumers take wild fish as they come, but the body composition of farmed fish can be altered.
Fish feed can be supplemented with protein and lipids to make the body composition more favorable for human health and
In contrast to the potential health benefits of dietary fish intake, the potential risks associated with the excessive consumption of fish should also be taken into account. Several studies have reported that high intake of omega 3 FAs may
negatively affect immune response by causing prolonged bleeding and oxidative damage to various tissues [49]. Another
important aspect of concern associated with frequent fish consumption is the risk derived from exposure to chemical pollutants contained in fish, such as methylmercury (MeHg), dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls, brominated flame retardants, chlorinated pesticides, and organotin compounds.
Contaminants in fish are derived predominantly from their diet and are conserved as they pass from organism to
organism in a food chain or food web, possibly resulting in progressively higher concentrations at high trophic levels; this
process is called biomagnification (Figure 5). For most chemical contaminants, the lipids serve as the primary storage compartment. Fat is stored mainly in the liver but also in the muscles and the perivisceral and subcutaneous adipose tissues. In
lean fish, for instance, the amount of FAs in the liver can reach as much as 40–70 g/100 g tissue, whereas the muscles
contain only little fat (5 g/100 g tissue). On the other hand, fatty fish have large amounts of fat in muscles (more than
10% of the total fat), exceeding the fat in the liver [44]. Consequently, the fish at the top of the food chain and fish with
large amounts of fat in muscle are those that potentially accumulate the highest levels of contaminants. Species, season,
diet, location, life stage, and age have a major effect on both the nutrient and contaminant levels of fish. These levels vary
broadly within and between species of both wild and farmed fish. Consequently, assessing the health risks of these chemicals is currently a very difficulty—if not impossible—task.
Studies of pollutant bioaccumulation in fish is widespread, but in recent years the calculation of risk factors for the
population have become of great importance because although the contaminants sometimes exceed the legal limits for food
set by European regulations, they do not always represent a risk for human health. For that reason, the weekly intake is
estimated with the provisional tolerable weekly intake recommended by the European Food Safety Authority and the target
hazard quotients provided in the United States Environmental Protection Agency region III risk-based concentration table
[50], in order to evaluate possible alerts regarding human health hazards.
However, the type of fish, the frequency of consumption, and the meal size are essential issues in balancing the health
benefits and risks. Certainly, public health warnings identify tuna, swordfish, and marlin (species at the top of food chain) as
foods to be eaten in moderation because of possible pollution with MeHg, but it is unlikely that the risk of exposure to toxins
would outweigh the potential benefits from omega 3. The regular fish consumption suggested by Mediterranean Diet
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
FIGURE 5 The concentration of contaminants tends to increase in the tissue of organisms at higher levels in the marine food chain (biomagnifications).
Pattern should not mean special concern for health risks. On the other hand, replacing fish with meat, cereals, or vegetables
will not inevitably lead to decreased dietary exposure to these contaminants.
The Mediterranean diet recommends consuming fish at least twice a week.
Benefits from fish consumption have been primarily related to PUFAs.
Regular fish consumption, (intake of omega 3 PUFAs) reduces the risk of contracting many diseases (such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, lung diseases, Alzheimer’s disease).
Size, age, reproductive status, diet, location, and season are the major factors affecting the fatty acid composition of fish.
The difference in PUFA composition between farmed and wild fish can be explained by the FA composition of the diet
of both wild and farmed fish.
The potential risks associated with the excessive consumption of fish are derived from exposure to chemical pollutants
contained in fish.
The type of fish, the frequency of consumption, and the meal size are essential issues for the balance of the health benefits and risks.
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SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
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[50] US-EPA. Risk-based concentration table. Philadelphia: United States Environmental Protection Agency; 2000.
Chapter 17
Contribution of Nuts to the
Mediterranean Diet
Emilio Ros, MD, PhD1,2
Lipid Clinic, Endocrinology & Nutrition Service, Institut d’Invesigacions Biome`diques, August Pi Sunyer, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain.
CIBER Fisiopatologia de la Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBERobn), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Barcelona, Spain.
a-linolenic acid
coronary heart disease
monounsaturated fatty acids
nitric oxide
PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea
polyunsaturated fatty acids
randomized clinical trial
saturated fatty acids
By definition, tree nuts are dry fruits with one seed in which the ovary wall becomes hard at maturity. Common edible tree
nuts include almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, and walnuts, but the
consumer definition also includes peanuts, which botanically are legumes but have a nutrient profile similar to tree nuts
are thus identified as part of the nuts food group [1]. Chestnuts are tree nuts as well, but they are different from all other
common nuts because of being starchier and having a different nutrient profile. For the purpose of this chapter, the term nuts
comprises all common tree nuts (with the exception of chestnuts) plus peanuts.
Extensive research on nuts and health outcomes has been conducted during the 20 years since the publication of the
results from the pioneering Adventist Health Study, relating nut consumption to a lower risk of coronary heart disease
(CHD) in 1992 [2]. That soon was followed by a landmark randomized clinical trial (RCT) by Sabaté et al. [3], showing
an association of walnut intake with reduction of serum cholesterol levels.
Nuts, seeds, and pulses are all nutrient-dense foods and have been a regular constituent of mankind’s diet since preagricultural times [4]. In the past century, however, nut consumption in most industrialized nations followed a downward trend,
becoming only a marginal source of energy in the daily diet, except for vegetarians and other health-conscious populations
such as Seventh Day Adventists [5]. Nevertheless, there has been a recent upsurge of nut intake in Western countries following
both the inclusion of this food group in many guidelines for healthful eating and wide media advertisement of accruing evidence of their beneficial health effects. Thus, leading experts in nutritional epidemiology have proposed nuts as a component
of optimal diets for the prevention of CHD [6]. Furthermore, in the summer of 2003, the US Food and Drug Administration
issued a health claim for nuts and nut-containing products because of the link of nut consumption with a reduced risk of heart
disease [7]. Nuts were included in the American Heart Association report setting goals for health promotion and disease
reduction for 2020 [8] and are an integral part of the plant-based dietary patterns recommended by dietary guidelines [9].
The scientific evidence behind the proposal of nuts as heart-healthy foods stem from both epidemiological observations
suggesting the frequency of nut intake relates inversely to incident CHD and diabetes and from numerous RCTs showing beneficial effects of nut intake on blood lipids and other intermediate markers of CHD [9,10]. The mechanism for these salutary
effects probably lies in the interaction of the many bioactive constituents of nuts, which may all favorably influence human
physiology. Thus, nuts contain large amounts of vegetable protein and fat, which is made up mostly of unsaturated fatty acids;
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
they are also dense in dietary fiber; vitamins (e.g., folic acid, niacin, tocopherols, vitamin B6); minerals (e.g., calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc); and many other bioactive constituents such as phytosterols and phenolic compounds [1].
Contrary to expectations because of the high energy content of nuts, epidemiological studies and clinical trials suggest
that their regular consumption is unlikely to promote weight gain [11]. This chapter summarizes current knowledge on the
expanding topic of nuts and health and on their contribution to the healthful properties of the Mediterranean diet.
The oldest evidence of cultivation of the common tree nuts almonds (Prunus amygdalus), hazelnuts (Corylus avellana),
walnuts (Juglans regia), and pistachios (Pistachia vera) are from Asia, mainly the Anatolian peninsula (modern Turkey).
From there, cultivars of these trees were introduced in Greece, then in Italy during the Roman Empire, and extended to all of
Europe during the Middle Ages [12]. Common pine nuts (Pinus pinea) are not usually collected from plantations but from
natural forests, mostly in the Mediterranean area. The most popular edible tree nuts are precisely the Asian/Mediterranean
nuts: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, and pistachios.
In Europe, where comparisons across different countries have been made, nut supply is reported to be highest for
Mediterranean countries [13]. In the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, wherein 24-h food
records were collected for nearly 37,000 subjects from 10 countries [14], a clear north-to-south gradient was apparent;
Swedish individuals had a mean whole nut and peanut intake of 0.61 g/day and average portion size of 15.1 g/day, whereas
Spanish subjects had a mean intake of 4.83 g/day and average portion size 34.7 g/day. Of note, the proportion of subjects
reporting nut consumption on the day of the 24-h food recall followed a similar pattern (Sweden 2.5% and Spain 11.9%).
Thus, nuts are an important component and part of the definition of the Mediterranean diet, the traditional dietary pattern
found in Crete, Greece, Italy, and Spain in the early 1960s. This dietary pattern is characterized by a high intake of cereals,
vegetables, fruits, nuts, and olive oil; a moderate intake of fish and alcohol (mostly wine); and a low intake of dairy
products, red meat and meat products, and sweets [15]. Nuts are incorporated in the Mediterranean diet in various ways:
they are consumed as snacks, desserts, or part of a meal or are eaten whole (fresh or roasted), in spreads (almond paste), as
oils, or hidden in commercial products, mixed dishes, sauces, pastries, ice creams, and baked goods. Almond-based
desserts, such as nougat and marzipan, are customary in many Mediterranean areas for almost ritual consumption during
holiday seasons such as Christmas. In the past decade there has been a slowly increasing pattern of nut consumption in both
Mediterranean areas and Western countries, likely reflecting increased awareness of the health-promoting properties of
nuts and their lack of fattening power.
As mentioned, nuts are nutrient-dense foods. With the exception of chestnuts, which contain little fat, nuts have a high total
fat content, ranging from 46% in pistachios to 68% in pine nuts, and they provide 23 to 27 kJ/g (Table 1). Thus, nuts are one
of the natural plant foods richest in fat after vegetable oils. However, the fatty acid composition of nuts is beneficial because
the saturated fatty acid content is low (range, 4–6%), and nearly one-half of the total fat content is made up of unsaturated
fat, monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) in most nuts, a predominance of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) over
MUFAs in pine nuts, and mostly PUFAs, both linoleic acid and a-linolenic acid (ALA), the plant omega 3 fatty acid,
in walnuts [1]. With regard to walnuts, it must be noted that of all edible plants they are the whole food with the highest
content in ALA. As discussed below, the particular lipid profile of nuts in general and walnuts in particular is likely to be an
important contributor to the beneficial health effects of frequent nut consumption.
Nuts are also rich sources of other bioactive macronutrients that have the potential to beneficially affect metabolic
and cardiovascular outcomes. They are an excellent source of protein (25% of energy) and often have a high content
of the amino acid L-arginine, which is the substrate for endothelium-derived nitric oxide synthesis, a principal regulator
of vascular tone and blood pressure [16]. This explains why nut intake might help improve vascular reactivity, as discussed
below in the section “Nut Consumption and Health Outcomes” subheading “Randomized Clinical Trials.” Nuts also are a
good source of dietary fiber, which ranges from 4 to 11/100 g nuts (Table 1), and standard servings provides 5–10% of daily
fiber requirements [1].
Among the constituents of nuts are significant amounts of essential micronutrients that are associated with an improved
health status when consumed at doses beyond those necessary to prevent deficiency states. Mediterranean nuts contain sizeable
amounts of the B vitamin folate (Table 2). They are also rich sources of antioxidant vitamins (e.g., tocopherols) and polyphenols, necessary to protect the germ from oxidative stress and preserve the reproductive potential of the seed but also bioavailable after consumption and capable of providing a significant antioxidant load [17]. Almonds in particular are especially
Contribution of Nuts to the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 17
TABLE 1 Average Nutrient Composition of Mediterranean Nuts (Per 100 g)
Pine nuts
Data are for raw nuts.
SFA, saturated fatty acid; MUFA, monounsaturated fatty acid; PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acid; LA, linoleic acid; ALA, a-linolenic acid.
Source: US Department of Agriculture Nutrient Data Base at: http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/cgi-bin/nut_search.pl [accessed 20.09.12].
TABLE 2 Average Composition of Mediterranean Nuts in Selected Micronutrients, Minerals and Phytochemicals
(Per 100 g)
Pine nuts
Data are for raw nuts.
Sources: US Department of Agriculture Nutrient Data Base at: http://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/foods/list [accessed 20.09.12]; National Institute for Health and
Welfare, N.U. Fineli. Finnish Food Composition Database at: http://www.fineli.fi [accessed 26.09.12]; and Phenol-Explorer 2.0. Data base on polyphenol
content in foods at: http://www.phenol-explorer.eu [accessed 25.09.12].
rich in a-tocopherol, whereas walnuts contain significant amounts of its isomer g-tocopherol, which has been investigated
much less than a-tocopherol but is increasingly recognized as a relevant antiatherogenic molecule [18]. Remarkably, most
of the antioxidants in all nuts are located in the pellicle or outer soft shell, as shown for almonds [19], and 50% or more
of them are lost when nuts are peeled or roasted [17]. These facts, usually overlooked in prior studies of nuts, should be considered when giving advice on nut consumption in healthful diets. Walnuts are an exception because they are almost always
consumed as the raw, unpeeled product; moreover, among nuts, walnuts have the highest polyphenol content [20].
Nuts are cholesterol free, but their fatty fraction contains sizeable amounts of chemically related noncholesterol sterols
belonging to a heterogeneous group of compounds known as plant sterols or phytosterols [1] (Table 2), which are non-nutritive
components of all plants that play an important structural role in plant membranes, where they serve to stabilize phospholipid
bilayers, just as cholesterol does in animal cell membranes [21]. Phytosterols interfere with cholesterol absorption and thus
help lower blood cholesterol when present in gram doses in the intestinal lumen. The mechanism of action of phytosterols has
been linked to their hydrophobicity, which is higher than cholesterol because of a bulkier hydrocarbon molecule and entails a
higher affinity for micelles than has cholesterol. Consequently, cholesterol is displaced from micelles and the amount
available for absorption is limited [22]. The phytosterol content of nuts very likely contributes to their cholesterol-lowering
effect (see “Nut Consumption and Health Outcomes” subheading “Randomized Clinical Trials”).
Compared to other commonly consumed foods, nuts have an optimal nutritional density regarding beneficial
minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium (Table 2). Like that of most vegetables, the sodium content of nuts
is very low. A high intake of calcium, magnesium, and potassium, together with a low sodium intake, is associated with
protection against hypertension, insulin resistance, and overall cardiovascular risk [23], as well as bone demineralization.
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
↓ Cholesterol
Unsaturated fatty acids
↓ Oxidation
↓ Inflammation
↑ Glucose
Minerals (K, Mg, Ca)
Vegetable protein
↑ NO
↓ Blood pressure
↓ CVD and diabetes
FIGURE 1 Potential mechanisms of cardiometabolic protection by nut constituents. The consumption of nuts ameliorates cardiovascular health
because of their unique composition, including
bioactive nutrients and phytochemicals, which
synergize to beneficially affect cardiometabolic
pathways. The main known nutrients of nuts are
represented, together with their principal biological
targets (thin arrows). The net effects of nuts on intermediate markers of cardiovascular risk that have
been demonstrated in clinical trials are lowered cholesterol, improved glycemic control, decreased
blood pressure, improved vasomotion, and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions. The overall
result is reduced cardiovascular disease and/or type
2 diabetes (thick arrows), as suggested in prospective cohort studies and observed in the PREDIMED trial. See text for details. K, potassium;
Mg, magnesium; Ca, calcium; NO, nitric oxide;
FMD, flow-mediated vasodilation; CVD, cardiovascular disease.
In summary, the macronutrient, micronutrient, and phytochemical components of nuts have all been documented to
contribute to a reduced risk of CHD and related metabolic disturbances. As shown in Figure 1, most bioactive nut components synergize to affect multiple metabolic and vascular physiology pathways, leading to protection from cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. For these reasons, whole, raw, unpeeled, and otherwise unprocessed nuts may be
considered natural health capsules, where the whole is always better than the parts.
Nut consumption has been and still is the focus of intense epidemiological and clinical research. Prospective studies have
examined clinical cardiovascular end points, e.g., CHD, type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart failure, hypertension, and obesity,
whereas RCTs have generally explored intermediate biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk. An exception is the
PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED) trial of primary cardiovascular prevention, which includes nut
supplementation in one study arm and has hard cardiovascular end points as the main study outcome [24]. The scientific
evidence acquired from these studies is summarized below.
Epidemiological Studies
As reviewed by Ros et al. [10], four large prospective studies examining associations of dietary components with health
outcomes in the United States reported a beneficial effect of nut consumption on fatal and nonfatal CHD after follow-up of
large cohorts of healthy subjects ranging from 6 to 18 years old (Figure 2). A pooled analysis of these studies indicated that
subjects in the highest category of nut and/or peanut butter intake had a 37% reduction in multivariable-adjusted risk of fatal
CHD [24]. A dose-response relationship between nut consumption and reduced CHD mortality was observed in all studies.
The dose–response relationship between nut consumption and CHD risk resulted in an average 8.3% reduction for each
weekly serving of nuts [25]. The consistency of findings in all studies points to a causal association between nut consumption and reduced CHD and suggests that nuts are probably one of the most heart-healthy foods in the usual diet.
Findings from the Nurses’ Health Study suggested that nut and peanut butter consumption was associated with a
reduced incidence of type 2 diabetes in women [26]. A subsequent report from a Chinese cohort of nearly 64,000 women
also suggested a protective effect of nuts against diabetes risk [27]. These findings, however, were not confirmed in male
participants in the Physicians’ Health Study [28]. Figure 3 illustrates the findings of the main prospective studies relating
nut consumption to diabetes risk. Thus, regular consumption of nuts is clearly beneficial for CHD risk, but confirmation of
any protective role against diabetes risk must await further studies.
Additional reports from the Physicians’ Health Study showed no association between the frequency of nut intake and
ischemic stroke [29] or heart failure [30]. While epidemiologic data on the relationship between nut consumption and
Contribution of Nuts to the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 17
Relative risk (adjusted)
FIGURE 2 Incidence of fatal coronary heart
disease by frequency of nut intake. The graph presents the results of four large prospective studies,
all conducted in the United States, of nut consumption and risk of death from coronary heart
Adventists Health
Study 1992
Iowa Women’s
Health Study 1993
Nurses’ Health
Study 1998
Physicians’ Health
Study 2002
Frequency of nut intake
Relative risk (adjusted)
FIGURE 3 Incidence of type 2 diabetes by frequency of
nut intake. Results of three large prospective studies of nut
consumption and risk of diabetes. The two US studies considered the frequency of consumption of all nuts, including
peanuts, whereas the Chinese study considered exclusively
quintiles of peanut consumption.
Nurses’ Health
Study 2002
Shanghai Women’s
Health Study 2008
Physicians’ Health
Study 2009
0.1 g/d
0.4 g/d
0.7 g/d
1.4 g/d
>7/wk Tree nuts and peanuts
3.1 g/d Peanuts
Frequency of intake
incident hypertension is limited and inconclusive, at least three studies have reported an association between increasing nut
consumption and reduced circulating levels of inflammatory biomarkers, as reviewed by Ros et al. [10].
Randomized Clinical Trials
The epidemiologic evidence reporting benefits of nut consumption on CHD risk was the impetus for RCTs designed to
investigate effects on cardiovascular risk factors and begin to understand the underlying mechanisms for cardioprotection
in observational studies. Most RCTs using nuts have been short term and compared diets supplemented with nuts with
control diets for outcomes on blood lipid changes in healthy subjects or patients with moderate hypercholesterolemia.
Few studies have investigated glycemic control in addition to the lipid profile using nuts in patients with diabetes. Some
studies have focused on the relevant question of whether unrestricted nut intake has an effect on body weight. Other RCTs
have examined the effects of nut diets on intermediate risk markers such as insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, endothelial
function, and inflammatory status. Of the Mediterranean nuts, almonds and walnuts have been the most studied, followed
by pistachios and hazelnuts, whereas there are no studies of pine nuts. The long-term PREDIMED trial targeted both the
effects of nut consumption on intermediate cardiometabolic markers and clinical outcomes, such as the metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and cardiovascular events, among others. Given the relevance of this study for the issue of nuts and health
outcomes, its results are dealt with in a separate section, “Health Effects of Mediterranean Nuts in the PREDIMED Trial.”
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
The effects of nut consumption on blood lipids and lipoproteins have been investigated in many RCTs. A recent pooled
analysis of 25 RCTs conducted in seven countries and examining nut-enriched diets versus control diets for outcomes on
blood lipids found that nuts had a cholesterol-lowering effect that was related to both dose and baseline cholesterol level,
similar by sex and across all age groups, and independent of the type of nut examined [31]. Specifically, consumption of
67 g (2.4 oz) of nuts daily was associated with mean reductions of 10.9 mg/dL (5.1%) in total cholesterol, 10.2 mg/dL
(7.4%) in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and 0.22 (8.3%) in LDL-to-high-density lipoprotein (HDL) ratios
(P < 0.001 for all). Nuts had no significant effect on HDL-cholesterol or triglycerides, except in participants with serum
triglycerides >150 mg/dL, in whom a significant 10.2-mg/dL reduction was observed. A separate meta-analysis of 13
RCTs examined the effect of walnut-enriched diets on blood lipid levels [32]. Compared with control diets, diets containing
walnuts in amounts varying from 30 to 108 g/day (10–24% of energy) were associated with weighted mean reductions of
total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol of 10.3 and 9.2 mg/dL, respectively (P < 0.001 for both), which concur with the
results of the pooled analysis for different types of nuts [31].
Acute feeding studies indicate that nuts reduce postprandial glucose responses when consumed with foods that have a
high glycemic index, suggesting that they may be useful in diabetic control [33]. Even though it seems counterintuitive to
recommend an energy-dense food such as nuts to people with diabetes, it is important to underline that there is no evidence
that their frequent consumption is associated with increased adiposity, as shown in a recent meta-analysis of RCTs using nut
diets versus control diets [34]. Indeed, the common perception that fatty foods provide excess energy and thus promote
obesity has had a negative effect on the image of nuts. The question of whether increasing the intake of nuts and therefore
calories could lead to unwanted weight gain and related health problems, such as diabetes, is a critical one. Mechanistically,
the lack of weight gain after consuming nuts is largely attributable to their prominent satiating effect, which results in food
compensation accounting for up to 75% of the energy they provide [35]. An additional factor contributing to offset energy
acquisition after eating nuts is fat malabsorption, documented as increased fecal fat excretion, which may be due in part to
the high fiber content of nuts or to incomplete digestion of their matrices—the fat of nuts is enclosed within cell membranes,
which are not readily available to digestive enzymes even after thorough mastication [36].
By virtue of their unique composition, nuts are likely to affect cardiometabolic markers other than blood lipids and
glycemic control. Thus, studies have examined the effects of nuts on oxidative stress, inflammation, and vascular reactivity,
as reviewed by Ros et al. [10,11]. Limited evidence from small RCTs suggests that nuts, particularly walnuts, have
beneficial effects on blood pressure and endothelial function, which is attributable to their richness in L-arginine, PUFAs,
and polyphenols [37]. Regarding oxidative stress, it is well known that PUFAs are more susceptible to oxidation than
MUFAs [38], but nuts are a rich source of antioxidants. Available evidence suggests that MUFA-rich nuts (almonds,
hazelnuts, pistachios) can moderately improve oxidative status, whereas PUFA-rich nuts (walnuts) have a neutral or
slightly beneficial effect [39]. In any case, there is no evidence that frequent nut consumption reduces antioxidant defenses.
Finally, nut feeding studies have documented reduced circulating concentrations of inflammatory cytokines but no consistent changes in C-reactive protein [11]. In summary, the emerging picture is that frequent nut consumption has beneficial
effects on cardiovascular risk factors beyond well-established cholesterol lowering effects without incurring any undue
increase in body weight.
Health Effects of Mediterranean Nuts in the PREDIMED Trial
The PREDIMED study is a large, parallel group, multicenter, controlled, 5-year RCT conducted in Spain. Eligible participants were men 55 to 80 years of age and women 60 to 80 years of age who were at high risk for but had no cardiovascular
disease at enrolment. Candidates for the study had to fulfill at least one of two criteria: type 2 diabetes or three or more
cardiovascular risk factors, including current smoking, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, low HDL-cholesterol, body
mass index 25 kg/m2, or family history of premature CHD. Participants were randomized to three groups: two Mediterranean diets supplemented with either extra virgin olive oil or mixed nuts or a control diet (advice on a low-fat diet). They
received quarterly individual and group educational sessions and, depending on group assignment, free provision of extra
virgin olive oil (1 L/week), mixed Mediterranean nuts (30 g/day; 15 g walnuts, 7.5 g almonds, and 7.5 g hazelnuts), or
small nonfood gifts. Of note, the diets were ad libitum and increased physical activity was not promoted; thus the full effect
of dietary intervention by itself, without decreased energy intake or increased energy expenditure, could be ascertained. The
primary end point was the rate of major cardiovascular events (myocardial infarction, stroke, or cardiovascular death). The
detailed protocol has been published elsewhere [24]. Since its inception in October 2003, the trial has provided a continuous
flow of data on the beneficial health effects of Mediterranean diets enriched with both supplemental foods, culminating
with the recent publication of results on the main cardiovascular outcome [40]. The results have generally been similar
Contribution of Nuts to the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 17
for both the extra virgin olive oil- and nut-supplemented Mediterranean diets in comparison with the control diet. The
principal results concerning the Mediterranean diet enriched with nuts are summarized below.
Results of a pilot study involving the first 772 participants completing the intervention for 3 months [41] showed that,
compared with the control diet, the two enhanced Mediterranean diets resulted in significant reductions of both systolic and
diastolic blood pressure and total and LDL-cholesterol; increased HDL-cholesterol; decreased fasting glucose levels in
diabetic participants and increased insulin sensitivity in those without diabetes; and reduction in circulating levels of
inflammatory cytokines. Furthermore, the nut-enriched diet also reduced fasting triglyceride levels [41]. While most results
confirmed prior data, the blood pressure-lowering effect of the nut diet was novel. Another PREDIMED report provides
insight into the possible mechanism by showing that both the nut- and olive oil-enriched diets were associated with
reduced cholesterol-to-phospholipid ratios of erythrocyte membranes, which would translate into increasing membrane
fluidity [42].
Another report from the 3-month pilot study showed that both supplemented Mediterranean diets were associated with
reduced oxidized LDL levels [43], which support the beneficial effects of nut diets on oxidative stress. A further substudy
analyzed 3-month changes in both circulating inflammatory biomarkers and in the expression of ligands for inflammatory
molecules in circulating monocytes after the study diets [44]. The findings indicate reductions in both circulating inflammatory mediators and, importantly, reduced monocyte expression of proinflammatory ligands after both extra virgin olive
oil- and nut-enriched Mediterranean diets, thus beginning to unravel the molecular bases for the anti-inflammatory effects
of nut consumption.
Regarding cardiometabolic outcomes, the PREDIMED trial has provided first-level evidence for the protection
afforded by long-term consumption of Mediterranean nuts in the context of a healthful diet against metabolic syndrome
[45], type 2 diabetes [46], and cardiovascular diseases [40]. In the first 1224 trial participants completing the intervention
for 1 year, the nut-enriched Mediterranean diet was associated with a 14% reduction in the prevalence of metabolic
syndrome, which was mainly due to reduced visceral adiposity [45]. Because there were no weight changes, this suggests
fat redistribution away from the abdominal compartment. In one of the 11 PREDIMED recruiting centers, oral glucose
tolerance tests were performed yearly in nondiabetic participants to accurately detect incident diabetes. Results of this
substudy of 418 subjects followed for a mean of 4 years showed that both enhanced Mediterranean diets protected against
development of diabetes, and the reduction of incident diabetes in the nuts arm was 52% compared with the control diet
[46]. Again, this beneficial effect took place in the absence of weight loss or increased energy expenditure during
physical activity.
The final results of the PREDIMED trial have recently been published, showing for the first time a reduction of incident
cardiovascular diseases after long-term consumption of a diet enriched by nuts [40]. After a median follow-up of 4.8 years
in 7447 participants, those assigned the two Mediterranean diets showed a 30% reduction in cardiovascular disease events
(myocardial infarction, stroke, or cardiovascular death) compared with the control diet. The nut diet also was associated
with a significant 49% reduction in stroke risk. No effects of the intervention diets could be discerned on myocardial
infarction alone or total mortality. Of note, the interventions were intended to improve the overall dietary pattern, but
the major between-group differences in food intake were for the supplemental items. Thus, nuts were probably responsible
for most of the observed benefits in the Mediterranean diet with nuts group. The results of the PREDIMED trial show the
full potential of nuts and other healthy foods, such as extra virgin olive oil, to improve cardiovascular health.
Nuts are energy-dense foods rich in bioactive macronutrients, micronutrients, and phytochemicals. The unique
composition of nuts is critical to their health effects. Indeed, there is consistent evidence from epidemiologic and clinical
studies of the beneficial effects of nut consumption and their constituents on cardiovascular risk, as well as on diabetes
and major and emerging cardiovascular risk factors, as summarized in Table 3. The evidence to-date that including nuts
in a healthy dietary pattern affords protection against cardiometabolic disorders beyond that attributable to the other components of the diet is convincing. Importantly, these effects take place without undue weight gain, or even with reduced
adiposity, and target multiple cardiovascular risk factors and mechanisms, which help explain why nuts so potently
reduce cardiovascular risk. The PREDIMED trial has already demonstrated that long-term adherence to a healthful diet
enriched with one daily serving of Mediterranean nuts reduces the incidence of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular
disease, particularly stroke. Ongoing research within this landmark trial will eventually prove whether the beneficial
properties of nuts extend to the prevention of other prevalent chronic diseases, including cancer, heart failure, and neurodegenerative disorders.
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
TABLE 3 Effects of Nut Consumption on Cardiovascular Diseases and Risk Factors:
Summary of the Scientific Evidence
Level of Evidence
Coronary heart disease
Ischemic stroke
No change
Heart failure
No change
No change/decrease
Inflammatory markers
Body weight
No change/decrease
Epidemiologic studies
Clinical studies
Blood lipid profile
Total cholesterol
Insulin sensitivity
Vascular reactivity
Body weight
No change
Blood pressure
Visceral adiposity
Metabolic syndrome
Type 2 diabetes
Cardiovascular diseases
, equivocal evidence; +, limited evidence from few studies; ++, evidence from several studies.
Evidence collected from the PREDIMED trial, among others. bEvidence collected only in the PREDIMED trial.
Nuts, particularly almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, and walnuts, are integral components of the
Mediterranean diet.
All nuts are nutrient-dense foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids, protein, fiber, minerals, potent antioxidants, and other
beneficial phytochemicals.
Prospective studies have associated exposure to nuts with a reduced incidence of CHD in both sexes and of diabetes
in women.
In RCTs, nut-enriched diets have consistently reduced total and LDL-cholesterol independent of the background diet.
The PREDIMED trial has convincingly shown that long-term adherence to a Mediterranean diet supplemented with
nuts results in reduced rates of cardiovascular disease, particularly stroke.
Contribution of Nuts to the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 17
A beneficial effect of the nut-enriched Mediterranean diet on metabolic syndrome and diabetes also has been reported
by the PREDIMED study.
Increasing nut intake does not promote obesity largely because of a pronounced satiating effect.
This work was supported in part by grants from ISCIII, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FIS Thematic
Research Networks C03/01 and G03/140), and the California Walnut Commission, Sacramento, CA. CIBERobn is an initiative of ISCIII, Spain.
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Chapter 18
The Mediterranean Diet and Mineral
Marta Mesı́as, PhD, Isabel Seiquer, PhD and M. Pilar Navarro, PhD
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Ciencı´ficas, (CSIC), Spain.
atomic absorption spectroscopy
dietary recall
food composition tables
food frequency questionnaire
Mediterranean diet
Mediterranean dietary patterns
Recommended Dietary Allowances.
weighed food records
The traditional Mediterranean diet (MD) is considered to be one of the best dietary models for human health, and its benefits
have been demonstrated in numerous studies. Adequate mineral intake is known to be necessary for overall health; in addition,
certain healthy dietary patterns have been correlated with the suitable intake of specific minerals [1]. The MD is highly caloric
and rich in minerals and vitamins derived from vegetables, fruits, whole-meal cereals, fish, and virgin olive oil; therefore,
close adherence to Mediterranean dietary patterns (MDPs) makes the risk of deficient mineral intake quite improbable [2].
Although several authors have studied the adherence of population groups to an MDP [2–4], it is also important to
estimate the nutritional value of the diet and its proximity to dietary recommendations. Accordingly, there is a need to
evaluate the dietary factors associated with the MD that may affect the absorption and retention of minerals. This chapter
focuses on the mineral composition of the MD and examines whether it satisfies both intake and bioavailability requirements of minerals.
Prior research concerning the mineral content of the MD and the intake of minerals according to MD adherence is detailed
below and summarized in Tables 1 and 2.
Dairy products are the major source of calcium in conventional diets, although other foods such as cereals, fruit and vegetables, nuts and legumes—which are typical of the MDP—also provide significant quantities of calcium. Moreover,
calcium intake may be increased by the consumption of moderate amounts of foods of animal origin, including small fish
consumed as a whole [13,14]. Contribution of the main food sources to daily calcium intake among Spanish male adolescents consuming a diet based on MDPs, according to data reported by Seiquer et al. [6], is represented in Figure 1. Because
the MD is associated with a low to moderate consumption of dairy products, closer adherence to this diet could imply
reduced calcium intake. Corroborating this hypothesis, Feart et al. [4] reported an inverse association between MD adhesion
and calcium intake among French women aged 65 years and older, although this association was of borderline significance
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
TABLE 1 Studies Evaluating Mineral Content in Diets and Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet
Low Adherence to
the MD
High Adherence
to the MD
FFQ + 24-h DR + FCT
Low MD score (score
High MD score
(score 6–9)
Evaluation of nutrient composition of
Cretan MD and current typical diet of
Greek adolescents
7-day WFR + AAS
Greek adolescents’
Traditional Cretan
Evaluation of mineral intake in Spanish
adolescents. Comparison between
habitual diet and diet based on the
24-h DR + 48-h WFR
+ FCT (adolescents’
diet) 7-day duplicate
menu + AAS (MD)
Spanish adolescents’
habitual diet
(KIDMED index ¼ 1)
Diet based on the
index ¼ 7)
Evaluation of nutrient intake among
Spanish adolescents (first line: 6–14 y;
second line: 15–24 y). Comparison
between diets according to MD
24-h DR + FCT
Poor adherence to the
index 3)
High adherence to
index 8)
Evaluation of nutrient intake among
Spanish population. Comparison
between diets according to MD
Low MD score
(quintile 1)
High MD score
(quintile 5)
Evaluation of nutrient intake among
the Spanish population. Comparison
between diets according to MD
Low MD score
(quartile 1)
High MD score
(quartile 4)
Evaluation of mineral content in diets
provided at Spanish University
Duplicate meals +
Diet close to the
index ¼ 9)
Mineral Content
Evaluation of nutrient intake in French
older community dwellers.
Comparison between diets according
to MD adherence
This table details information about methodology, mineral content evaluation, and characteristics of the diets according to low and high adherence to the
Mediterranean diet from studies evaluating mineral content in diets.
AAS, atomic absorption spectroscopy; DR, dietary recall; FCT, food composition table; FFQ, food frequency questionnaire; MD, Mediterranean diet; MDP,
Mediterranean dietary pattern; WFR, weighed food records.
in men (Table 2). After consuming diets scoring high in the MD category, neither men (862 mg/day) nor women (773 mg/
day) reached the calcium intake recommendations for this age group (1000–1200 mg/day) [15]. Similarly, Kafatos et al. [5]
showed that the calcium intake associated with the traditional MD in Crete (826 mg/day) was lower than the 1062 mg
calcium/day consumed by Greek adolescents in their typical diet, characterized by the consumption of fast foods, bakery
products, and carbonated drinks and by a low intake of legumes, fruit, and vegetables. A positive association between
adherence to the MD and calcium intake has, however, been reported by other authors. Seiquer et al. [6] reported a slight
increase in calcium intake among a group of Spanish adolescents who consumed a diet based on the MDP (1024 mg/day;
KIDMED index ¼ 7) compared with their habitual diets (935 mg/day; KIDMED index ¼ 1). With the MD, the percentage of
calcium provided by dairy products decreased but that provided by cereals, legumes, and fruit and vegetables increased.
Nevertheless, despite this higher mineral intake, it remained lower than the calcium dietary reference intake for this age
group, estimated to be 1300 mg/day [15]. In this respect, Serra-Majem et al. [11] observed a significant positive relationship
between calcium intake and adherence to the MD among Spanish adolescents. In their study, calcium intake did not reach
recommended levels, but the closer adherence to the MDP decreased the percentage of subjects with a low calcium intake.
Studies of the global Spanish population have reported no variation in calcium intake when subjects consumed diets that
closely adhere to an MDP compared with diets with a lower score in this respect [2,3]. In both of the latter studies, calcium
intake was close to or even above recommended levels. Ultimately, a diet based on an MDP may provide an adequate
amount of calcium, but mineral intake should be increased among population groups with higher needs to meet recommended levels and prevent diseases related to calcium deficiency.
Mediterranean Diet and Minerals Chapter 18
TABLE 2 Daily Mineral Intake According to Adherence to Mediterranean Dietary Patterns
to MD
Adherence to
to MD
Adherence to
947.7 (481.9)
862.1 (415.7)
892.9 (471.9a)
773.5 (381.4)
Global Population
to MD
to MD
1102 (350)
1409 (497)
1235 (479.7)
1244 (436.3)
1702 (296)
2220 (460)
352 (53)
497 (98)
14.4 (2.2)
20.3 (4.3)
13 (6)
24 (16)
Minerals by
Calcium (mg)
935 (42.3)
1024 (23.7)
936.3 (141.6)
1007.6 (181.4)
763.9 (149.7)
863.8 (148.5)
834.6 (224.2)
992.3 (233.1)
735.0 (130.7)
843.6 (153.1)
Phosphorus (mg)
1240 (420)
1220 (350)
1020 (390)
1040 (360)
1505.1 (230.3)
1294.0 (146.0)
1625.1 (236)
1334.8 (185.5)
Magnesium (mg)
276.0 (78.5)
301.2 (80.0)
221.0 (71.5)
252.6 (83.7)
268.6 (42.0)
292.0 (51.2)
240.2 (23.3)
252.5 (29.4)
279.2 (40.7)
312.7 (50.5)
236.5 (32.8)
266.3 (40.0)
Iron (mg)
12.53 (5.56)
14.44 (8.14)
8.79 (4.53)
10. 88 (5.62)
15.40 (0.65)
16.49 (0.32)
13.2 (2.5)
14.6 (2.4)
11.8 (1.5)
12.3 (1.5)
15.5 (2.6)
15.8 (2.5)
11.6 (1.7)
12.7 (2.1)
Zinc (mg)
6.41 (4.98)
7.21 (5.76)
9.75 (0.66)
7.30 (7.51)
8.40 (7.42)
11.36 (0.31)
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
TABLE 2 Daily Mineral Intake According to Adherence to Mediterranean Dietary Patterns—cont’d
Minerals by
Global Population
to MD
Adherence to
to MD
Adherence to
2900 (880)
3130 (830)
2370 (760)
2720 (880)
to MD
to MD
3749 (732)
6132 (1501)
4178 (2023)
3616 (1926)
305 (178)
397 (244)
86 (25)
107 (35)
Potassium (mg)
2045 (131)
3229 (71)
2945.9 (465.3)
2534.6 (346.4)
3128.4 (395.9)
2678.5 (472.5)
Sodium (mg)
2596.1 (710.3)
2129.7 (436.4)
2882.4 (512.8)
2056.2 (488.4)
Iodine (mg)
Selenium (mg)
Chromium (mg)
This table details information about mineral intake reported in several studies according to adherence of diets to Mediterranean dietary patterns. Values are mean
(standard deviation).
MD, Mediterranean diet.
Meat, fish and eggs
Fruits and vegetables
Dairy products
% contribution
FIGURE 1 Contribution (%) of the main food sources to daily calcium intake among Spanish male adolescents aged 11–14 years consuming a diet based
on Mediterranean dietary patterns. This figure represents the percentages of contribution of the different sources of food to the daily calcium intake among
Spanish male adolescents consuming a diet based on Mediterranean dietary patterns. Data are based on results reported by Seiquer et al. [6].
Mediterranean Diet and Minerals Chapter 18
Phosphorus is abundant in all foods, and deficiency situations are not common. In general, phosphorus intake is close to or
even exceeds the maximum requirement for this mineral, estimated to be 1250 mg/day for periods when higher levels are
needed, such as during adolescence, pregnancy, and lactation [16]. Although in some cases closer adherence to the MD can
significantly increase phosphorus intake up to 2220 mg/day, requirements are usually satisfied even when diets are distant
from the MD model [2,4,5,11] (Table 2). Nutritional studies of adolescents have shown that phosphorus intake increases
when subjects consume a Mediterranean-like diet compared with their habitual diets (1387 and 1227 mg/day, respectively)
[17], mainly because of the increased intake of legumes and cereals—foods that are rich in phytates. Cereals and legumes
may provide more than 30% of the total daily intake of phosphorus, a contribution similar to that of dairy products [17].
Figure 2 shows the contribution of the main food sources to daily phosphorus intake among Spanish male adolescents consuming a diet based on an MDP [17].
Cereals, legumes, vegetables, and nuts are the main sources of magnesium in the diet. It is also present, although in smaller
quantities, in meat, dairy products, and fruits. Therefore, the MD is expected to contribute important quantities of magnesium. The distribution of daily intake of magnesium between the different food sources in a typical MD is shown in
Figure 3 [17].
Feart et al. [4] reported a positive significant association between MD adherence and magnesium consumption, which
was close to the recommendations of 420 and 320 mg/day for men and women older than 65, respectively [16]. In this
respect, Kafatos et al. [5] showed that the traditional Cretan MD presents a higher magnesium intake (483 mg/day) than
does the typical diet of Greek adolescents (295 mg/day) (Table 2). According to Serra-Majem et al. [2,11], a closer
Fruits and vegetables
Dairy products
% contribution
FIGURE 2 Contribution (%) of main food sources to daily phosphorus intake among Spanish male adolescents aged 11–14 years consuming a diet based
on Mediterranean dietary patterns. This figure represents the percentages of contribution of the different sources of food to the daily phosphorus intake
among Spanish male adolescents consuming a diet based on Mediterranean dietary patterns. Data are based on results reported by Mesı´as et al. [17].
Dairy products
Fruits and vegetables
% contribution
FIGURE 3 Contribution (%) of main food sources to daily magnesium intake among Spanish male adolescents aged 11–14 years consuming a diet based
on Mediterranean dietary patterns. This figure represents the percentages of contribution of the different sources of food to the daily magnesium intake
among Spanish male adolescents consuming a diet based on Mediterranean dietary patterns. Data are based on results reported by Mesı´as et al. [17].
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
adherence to the MD both among Spanish adolescents and the whole population increases magnesium intake compared
with diets distant from the MD; moreover, it also reduces the percentage of subjects with inadequate magnesium intake,
with the exception of girls aged 6–14 years. Magnesium intake associated with close adherence to an MDP exceeds the
recommendations for the adult population [2,16].
Iron deficiency is considered the most common single-nutrient deficiency disease in the world, particularly affecting
women, children, and adolescents [18]. Iron is mainly obtained from cereals, legumes, nuts, and foods of animal origin.
Several studies have determined that diets following an MDP provide adequate amounts of iron, thus helping to prevent iron
deficiency. One study showed that elderly French men and women consuming diets that closely adhere to the MD had an
iron intake of 14.44 and 10.88 mg/day, respectively [4] (Table 2), exceeding the recommendations for people aged 65 and
older (8 mg/day) [19]. Kafatos et al. [5] showed that the traditional Cretan diet provides 20 mg iron/day, thus meeting the
iron recommendations for all age groups. Similarly, according to several authors [2,7,11,12], among Spanish adolescents,
young women, and the global population, iron recommendations are surpassed when MDPs are followed, with the
exception of women aged 15–24 years, whose iron intake (12.7 mg/day) does not reach the 15–18 mg/day recommended
for this population group.[19] Furthermore, it has been shown that the contribution of food sources to iron intake varies
depending on whether the diet is closer to or more distant from an MDP. The Mediterranean style significantly increases the
percentage of iron provided by cereals, legumes, and fruits and vegetables and decreases that contributed by meat [7]. Thus,
in Mediterranean-type diets, cereals are the main contributors to daily iron intake, whereas meats are the second contributor,
according to data from a study by Mesı́as and coworkers [7] (Figure 4). Therefore, the MD provides an adequate amount of
iron, sufficient to meet global population requirements, although special attention should be paid to groups with higher
nutritional needs, such as adolescents.
Zinc deficiency is a serious nutritional problem that negatively affects growth and intellectual and sexual development [20].
This deficiency is mainly caused by insufficient mineral intake or by the consumption of diets with low zinc bioavailability.
Zinc is mostly found in seafood products, meat, and dairy products, although it also is found in nuts and cereals. Opinions
about the suitability of the MD to meet zinc recommendations differ. Mesı́as et al. [8] reported a zinc intake of 11.36 mg/
day among male adolescents consuming diets based on the MD style (Table 2), which satisfies the requirements for this
population group (11 mg/day) [19]. Cereals were the major contributors of dietary zinc (39%), followed by meat (21%) and
dairy products (20%) (Figure 5). When these subjects followed their usual diets, their zinc intake was 9.75 mg/day, with
meat (35%), cereals (28%), and dairy products (21%) being the major contributors to the mineral intake. These findings
support the view that the MD provides adequate amounts of zinc, allowing mineral intake recommendations during adolescence to be met. In agreement with this study, Serra-Majem et al. [2] reported a suitable zinc intake in the global Spanish
population when the diet consumed is close to the MDP (24 mg/day); a low percentage of participants did not achieve the
recommended zinc intake (1%) compared with those consuming diets with a low adherence to the Mediterranean model
Dairy products
Fruits and vegetables
% contribution
FIGURE 4 Contribution (%) of main food sources to daily iron intake among Spanish male adolescents aged 11–14 years consuming a diet based on
Mediterranean dietary patterns. This figure represents the percentages of contribution of the different sources of food to the daily iron intake among Spanish
male adolescents consuming a diet based on Mediterranean dietary patterns. Data are based on results reported by Mesı´as et al. [7].
Mediterranean Diet and Minerals Chapter 18
Fruits and vegetables
Dairy products
% contribution
FIGURE 5 Contribution (%) of main food sources to daily zinc intake among Spanish male adolescents aged 11–14 years consuming a diet based on
Mediterranean dietary patterns. This figure represents the percentages of contribution of the different sources of food to the daily zinc intake among
Spanish male adolescents consuming a diet based on Mediterranean dietary patterns. Data are based on results reported by Mesı´as et al. [8].
(8%). Zinc intakes below recommended levels have, however, been reported among elderly people whose diet is close to an
MDP (7.21 and 8.40 mg/day for men and women, respectively) and in people consuming a traditional MD in Crete (9 mg/
day) [4,5]. In both cases, the recommended levels of mineral intake were achieved by women, but not by men, which suggests that the latter group should increase their consumption of foods rich in zinc to prevent zinc deficiency.
Sodium and Potassium
It is well known that the population’s dietary habits have changed in recent decades and that large quantities of snacks,
bakery products, fast foods, fried, and reheated foods are consumed, especially during adolescence [21]. The increased
consumption of processed foods and the decreased intake of natural foods low in sodium and high in potassium, favor
sodium intake and decrease that of potassium and, consequently, alter the sodium-to-potassium ratio. The association
of dietary sodium intake with the development and prevalence of hypertension in adults is well documented, as is the
inverse relationship between dietary potassium and blood pressure. Potassium can counteract the negative effects of sodium
in relation to hypertension and cardiovascular disease, which are being observed at increasingly early ages, even among the
preschool population [22], probably because of current dietary habits. Moreover, high consumption of sodium, increases
urinary calcium excretion, enhancing calcium bone resorption and, consequently, bone loss [23]. This outcome may be
counteracted by an adequate potassium intake, which has a buffering effect in the organism [24]. Concern about the high
consumption of sodium is widespread, so achieving lower sodium intake among the general population is one of the objectives of the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition [25].
The MD involves the consumption of large amounts of natural foods, which is associated with a greater intake of
potassium and a lower intake of sodium. Thus, studies of French men and women consuming diets close to an MDP have
reported potassium intakes of 3.13 and 2.72 g/day, respectively, significantly higher than those observed when the subjects
consumed diets distant from an MDP (2.90 and 2.37 g/day for men and women, respectively) (Table 2), although these
amounts are still insufficient to achieve the recommended potassium intake for this population (4.7 g/day) [4,26].
Potassium intakes lower than recommended levels also have been observed in Spanish adolescents consuming diets based
on the MD [9,11]. These findings may be because of adolescents’ tendency to refuse fruit and vegetables. Intervention
studies have shown that servings of fruit and vegetables per day are higher in diets based on an MDP compared with
the adolescents’ usual diet, although the subjects did not reach the recommended levels for fruit (3 servings/day) or vegetables (2 servings/day) according to the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition [9,10]. On the other hand, some studies
reported that adults following the MD meet potassium recommendations [2,5].
Although adherence to the MD may produce a lower sodium intake, Serra-Majem et al. [2,11] reported that diets close
to an MDP consumed by the Spanish population were associated with a sodium intake that was higher than the recommendations (1500 mg/day) [26]. Therefore, although the traditional MD includes abundant plant foods that are minimally
processed, culinary techniques and a certain evolution in this respect seem to favor sodium intake and restrict that of
Contribution of main food sources to daily potassium and sodium intake among Spanish male adolescents consuming a
diet based on MDPs, according to data reported by Seiquer et al. [10] and Mesı́as et al. [17] is represented in Figure 6.
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
Meat and meat products
Dairy products
Fruits and vegetables
Meat and meat products
Dairy products
% contribution
% contribution
FIGURE 6 Contribution (%) of main food sources to daily potassium and sodium intake among Spanish male adolescents aged 11–14 years consuming a
diet based on Mediterranean dietary patterns. This figure represents the percentages of contribution of the different sources of food to the daily potassium
and sodium intake among Spanish male adolescents consuming a diet based on Mediterranean dietary patterns. Data are based on results reported by
Seiquer et al. [10] and Mesı´as et al. [17].
Other Micronutrients
Few studies have evaluated the intake of microelements as a result of adherence or otherwise to Mediterranean dietary
habits. A nutritional intervention assay performed among Spanish adolescents consuming an MD measured an average
copper intake of 1230 mg/day, which is higher than the recommended intake of 700–890 mg/day for this age group [17].
Serra-Majem et al. [2] reported an iodine intake of 397 mg/day in the Spanish population as a whole when the diet consumed was close to an MDP (Table 2), and this intake exceeded the recommendations for this micronutrient for adults
(150 mg/day), even in special situations such as pregnancy (220 mg/day) and lactation (290 mg/day) [19]. In this population,
diets with a profile close to the MD provide a selenium intake of 107 mg/day, which, like iodine, exceeded recommendations for this micronutrient for the adult population (55 mg/day), including during pregnancy (60 mg/day) and lactation
(70 mg/day) [27]. Cabrera-Vique and Mesı́as [12] evaluated chromium content in the meals provided at a Spanish university
residence, which closely adhered to the MD according to the KIDMED index (score ¼ 9). This diet was found to contribute
110 mg chromium/day, which greatly exceeded the recommended intake for young people (24–25 mg/day) [19].
It must be highlighted that, although the MDP seems to increase the intake of trace elements to levels above recommendations, tolerable upper intake levels (according to reports of dietary reference intakes [19,27]) are never reached when
a diet highly adhering to the MD is consumed.
Most currently available data concerning mineral evaluation in the MD correspond to epidemiological studies performed
using consumer surveys and transformed into mineral content using food composition tables (FCT). There are few data on
the analysis of minerals in Mediterranean meals performed using laboratory methods, which are much more accurate than
FCT. Our research group analyzed the mineral content of various meals typically consumed in the MD, such as Spanish
omelettes and paella. Eight different menus containing starters, a main dish, and a dessert, equivalent to a lunch menu,
were analyzed (Table 3). Taking into account that these menus are just one part of the daily food intake, it may be concluded that typical Mediterranean meals are adequate to satisfy mineral requirements, even in special situations of
increased needs (Figure 7). The mineral contribution of MDP lunch menus to the daily intake may be classified as
low (calcium), moderate (potassium and zinc), and high (phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, and copper); some
of these minerals reach over 100% of the daily requirements for both adults and adolescents, even during pregnancy
and lactation. It should be taken into account that calcium is mostly provided by dairy products that are usually consumed
at breakfast and with the afternoon meal in the MD. Similarly, cereals may provide an important amount of zinc in the
diet; fruits and vegetables, as mentioned earlier, are rich sources of potassium, and all three—cereals, fruits, and
vegetables—may also be consumed during meals other than lunch. The Mediterranean menus analyzed do not seem
to provide enough iron to meet the requirements of pregnant women, although iron supplementation is generally recommended during pregnancy [28]. Regarding sodium, the menus meet or greatly exceed recommended intakes. In a previous
assay we evaluated the content of sodium in menus using FCT, and the results were compared with those obtained from
TABLE 3 Mineral Content in Typical Mediterranean Lunch Menus and Daily Recommended Intakes
Ca (mg)
P (mg)
Mg (mg)
Fe (mg)
Zn (mg)
K (mg)
Na (mg)
Cu (mg)
Daily recommended intakes
Pregnant women
Lactating women
This table details mineral content (mean standard deviation) in typical Mediterranean menus and daily recommended intakes for the different collectives.
Menu composition: (1) chickpeas with chicken and vegetables, lettuce salad, and banana; (2) lentils with potatoes, Spanish omelette, rice with milk and cinnamon; (3) tropical salad, breaded fish with rice, orange; (4) sautéd vegetables,
griddled loin of pork with fried potatoes, torrija (fried bread with milk, sugar, and cinnamon); (5) empanadillas (small tuna-filled breaded pasties), beans with rice, yogurt; (6) consommé with noodles, breaded fish with fried potatoes, pear; (7)
omelette with ham and potatoes, meatballs with vegetables, custard; (8) lettuce salad, paella, apple. Olive oil was the only added fat source. bDaily recommended intakes are based on the dietary reference intakes [15,16,19,26].
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
%RDA adults
%RDA adolescents
%RDA lactating
%RDA pregnants
FIGURE 7 Ranges of contribution of some typical Mediterranean lunch menus to daily recommended intakes of minerals. Figure represents ranges of
contribution of some typical Mediterranean lunch menus to daily recommended intakes of minerals for different collectives. RDA: Recommended Dietary
Allowance, according to the dietary reference intakes [15,16,19,26].
laboratory analysis of the menus. It was observed that sodium content by analytical evaluation was >50% higher than
when composition tables were used. Because composition tables do not usually include the salt added to foods during
culinary processes, we concluded that the sodium values obtained are always lower than the real ones [29]. Therefore,
differences between the sodium intake from food sources and that provided by added salt should be considered to
estimate the contribution of meals to the total intake of this mineral.
To meet nutrient requirements, diets should not only contribute a sufficient quantity of nutrients but also enable adequate
digestive and metabolic utilization and, consequently, adequate bioavailability. In this sense, the bioavailability of dietary
iron seems to be an important determinant of iron status [30], and zinc utilization is greatly influenced by both zinc concentration and the presence of enhancers and inhibitors of zinc absorption in the diet [31].
Phytates, oxalates, and tannins are known to form insoluble complexes with minerals that are not absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, and thus the presence of these compounds in the diet may reduce the bioavailability of minerals [32].
Cereals, legumes, and vegetables are foods containing large amounts of these compounds; therefore, a high intake of these
sources of food, together with a moderate consumption of dairy products, as is usual in the MD, could compromise the
bioavailability of calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium in the MD. However, the negative effect of phytate on dietary calcium
seems to occur only if the diet is unbalanced [33], which is not the case with the MD. Thus, digestibility of calcium and
magnesium has been reported to increase or even double with the consumption of diets based on the MDP in comparison
with those distant from these dietary patterns [6,17].
According to Brown et al. [31], the zinc absorbed from the diet depends on the phytate-to-zinc molar ratio. It is
accepted that diets with a phytate-to-zinc ratio <15 have a medium level of zinc bioavailability and a high level when
the ratio is <5. In the MD this ratio is often between 10 and 2 [8], thus corresponding to moderate or even high zinc
It is quite possible that the special characteristics of the MD counteract the negative effect of phytates on iron availability. The MD provides higher proportions of nonheme iron in comparison with conventional diets [7], and its absorption
may vary up to 10-fold depending on enhancer or inhibitor factors. Ascorbic acid, which is significantly high in the MD, is
one of the key enhancers of nonheme iron absorption. Its effect is known to be more marked in the presence of inhibitors
such as phytate or iron-binding polyphenols, probably because of its ability to reduce and to bind iron, preventing the formation of less soluble iron compounds [30]. In meals containing medium levels of inhibitors, a molar ratio of 2:1 (ascorbic
Mediterranean Diet and Minerals Chapter 18
acid:iron), very similar to that found in Mediterranean-like diets [7], promotes iron absorption and overcomes the inhibitory
effect of phytic acid [34]. In a similar way, citric acid, both alone and especially when bound to phytase, significantly
increases the solubility of calcium, magnesium, zinc, and manganese [35]. This probably occurs in the MD because of
the high consumption of citrus fruits, which are very common in Mediterranean regions. In 1991, Torre et al. [36], reported
that the consumption of a varied diet with appropriate protein and mineral intake protects against the detrimental effects of
phytate on mineral utilization and that this could be the case with the MD.
Dietary fiber, an essential component of plant foods, may bind metal cations, and earlier studies have suggested that
diets rich in fiber might unfavorably affect mineral absorption [37]. However, the role of fiber on mineral availability has
not been fully clarified, as its effect depends on the type of fiber and varies according to the presence of other compounds
that can compete in binding minerals. Moreover, the conjoint presence of fiber and phytates in the diet makes it difficult
to separate the effects of the two compounds in the utilization of minerals [36]. This finding is argued by L€onnerdal [32],
for whom the negative effect of fiber on zinc absorption is probably caused by the phytate content. It has even been
proposed more recently that fiber could be beneficial to the absorption of some minerals because of the positive effect
of fermentable carbohydrates acting through various mechanisms [38]. Finally, the culinary treatment of plant foods
before their consumption may affect mineral utilization; for example, soaking legumes in a basic solution of water with
bicarbonate, which is a frequent practice in Spanish kitchens, improves the digestibility of calcium, phosphorus, and
magnesium [39].
Animal tissues such as red meat, poultry, and fish are considered to be enhancers of iron absorption [30]. Moreover,
Gibson et al. [40] reported that the decreased consumption of red meat may compromise the intake and bioavailability
of zinc. Low levels of consumption of red meat certainly could be a negative factor in the MD for both iron and
zinc bioavailability. In the case of iron, it would represent a reduction in heme iron, which is highly available, and a
decrease in the capacity of the meat to enhance nonheme iron absorption [30]. Nevertheless, the MD is associated with
moderate to high consumption of fish, and fish is a relatively good source of available iron [41] and zinc. Moreover, fish
enhances iron absorption from plant foods in a similar way to meat [30]. Feeding rats diets containing fish as the protein
source has been shown to significantly increase dietary iron utilization compared with control diets [42]. Another
enhancer factor of mineral bioavailability is dietary fat. The use of olive oil as a culinary fat may be associated with
higher iron availability, and it has been suggested that oleic acid promotes iron absorption [43]. Moreover, the interaction
between protein and fat digestion products may be involved in enhancing intestinal iron absorption [44], and it has been
reported that sardine protein plus olive oil (fried sardines, common in the MD) has beneficial effects on dietary iron
bioavailability [42]. Most authors agree that a high ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids, as is found in the
MD, enhances calcium absorption [45]. Martinez-Ramirez et al. [46] suggested that monounsaturated fatty acids have
beneficial effects on bone health. Therefore, it could be hypothesized that the special protein-fat combination of the
MD contributes to increasing mineral availability. In this sense, adolescents consuming diets based on an MDP have
been shown to present adequate zinc bioavailability [8] and significantly increased iron digestibility and bioavailability
compared with their usual diets [7].
Regarding dietary calcium bioavailability, other enhancer factors can be found in the MD. For instance, certain nondigestible oligosaccharides improve calcium absorption in diets supplemented with inulin and oligofructose [47]. The
intake of potassium and magnesium, which is relatively high in the MD, decreases urinary calcium excretion, probably
as a consequence of reduced endogenous acid production [24]; on the other hand, an excessive intake of sodium increases
urinary calcium excretion because almost all ingested sodium is excreted in the urine, whereas the renal clearance of
calcium is linked to that of sodium [33]. Thus, some authors consider that the special characteristics of the MD may
optimize calcium retention and bone accretion [48]. Our research group observed an important increase in calcium retention
in male adolescents when a diet close to the MDP is consumed compared with their usual diet, without significant differences in calcium intake [6]. This outcome may enhance the peak bone mass achieved during adolescence, thus preventing
diseases such as osteoporosis. Rivas et al. [49] indicated that traditional Mediterranean food patterns are associated with a
higher body mass density in pre- and postmenopausal women. These findings are in agreement with the lower rates of
osteoporosis in Mediterranean countries reported by Puel et al. [50].
Seiquer et al. [6] and Mesı́as et al. [7,8,17] extensively studied the effects of the MD on mineral bioavailability among
adolescents compared with their usual diets. The findings of this group reflect important improvements in the absorption
and bioavailability of minerals associated with MD intake (the effects are summarized in Table 4). It should be taken into
account that mineral availability can also be influenced by the Mediterranean lifestyle, which is associated with outdoor
activities and greater exposure to sunshine and, therefore, higher levels of vitamin D synthesis. Both factors are critical to
bone health and, consequently, should be preserved.
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
TABLE 4 Effects of a Varied Diet Based on Mediterranean Patterns on Mineral Bioavailability
in Adolescents Versus Their Habitual Diet
This table summarizes the effects of a varied diet based on Mediterranean patterns on mineral availability compared to
adolescents’ habitual diet, according to the results reported by Seiquer et al. [6] and Mesı́as et al. [7,8,17].
¼, no effect; ", effect is statistically nonsignificant; "", effect is statistically significant.
Calculated as a percentage of absorbed mineral from total intake. bCalculated as a percentage of retained mineral from
total intake.
The special food composition of the traditional MD, rich in vegetables, fruits, whole-meal cereals, and nuts, provides significant amounts of minerals; therefore, close adherence to an MDP makes mineral deficiencies quite improbable. This
statement is supported by the epidemiological and nutritional intervention studies reviewed in this chapter: consumption
of the MD is associated with improved intake of nearly all nutritional minerals, particularly phosphorus, iron, zinc, and
potassium. Lower intake of calcium is observed, consistent with the low content of dairy products in the MD; thus, there
is a need to promote calcium consumption in Mediterranean countries, especially in situations of increased need. This
chapter includes important results concerning mineral bioavailability: consumption of the MD clearly improves the
absorption and bioavailability of most minerals compared with non-MDs. Thus, the positive effect on mineral bioavailability would be another benefit obtained from the MD, supporting the view that this diet is one of the healthiest in
the world.
The MD has a high mineral content, derived from vegetables, fruits, whole-meal cereals, and fish.
As well as supplying sufficient minerals to meet nutritional recommendations, the MD has special dietary factors that
affect mineral absorption and bioavailability.
Menus typically consumed in the MD adequately satisfy daily mineral requirements, even in special situations of
increased need.
The special composition of the MD is clearly beneficial to mineral bioavailability.
The positive effect on mineral bioavailability seems to be another benefit obtained from the MD.
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SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
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Chapter 19
Melatonin: A New Perspective
on the Mediterranean Diet
Marcello Iriti, PhD and Elena M. Varoni, DD, PhD
Milan State University, Milan, Italy.
Healthy properties of the Mediterranean diet have been attributed to the phytochemical diversity of this traditional dietary
style. In the past two decades, a plethora of in vitro and in vivo studies have emphasized the many biological activities of
non-nutrient components of plant foods, with polyphenols representing the archetype of bioactive phytochemicals. Because
of many confounding factors that make it difficult to differentiate between causal or casual relationships, however,
epidemiological and human studies failed to unquestionably associate adequate plant food consumption with a reduced
risk of chronic-degenerative diseases. A new element has recently contributed to improving the phytochemical diversity
of typical Mediterranean foods and, possibly, their healthy potential. This new factor is melatonin (Figure 1); among the
Mediterranean typical food plants, it was first discovered in grapes and then in grape products [1,2].
In animals, particularly in vertebrates and mammals, melatonin is a hormonal, endogenous molecule that modulates
circadian and circannual physiological functions, such as the sleep/wake cycle, reproductive function, bone metabolism,
and turnover, via cell receptor-mediated mechanisms. Receptor-independent processes also have been reported, mainly
because of melatonin’s powerful antioxidant activity. Melatonin can directly scavenge free radical species (both reactive
oxygen and nitrogen species) and stimulate the activity of antioxidant enzymes; thus it is involved in immune response and
the pathogenesis of chronic-degenerative disorders. Melatonin biosynthesis was first described in the pineal gland
(epiphysis), but it also occurs in other tissues outside of the central nervous system, such as the gastrointestinal tract, bone
marrow, and lymphocytes. The aromatic amino acid tryptophan is the precursor of melatonin and other indoleamines,
including serotonin (Figure 2). Animal organisms are not able to produce this amino acid and therefore they depend on
exogenous plant tryptophan for the synthesis of endogenous melatonin [3].
Outside the animal kingdom, melatonin was first discovered in the photosynthesizing unicellular alga Lingulodinium polyedrum (Stein) J. D. Dodge sin. Gonyaulax polyedra Stein, belonging to the phylum Dinoflagellata [4]. Since then, the presence
of melatonin in food plants and medicinal herbs has been extensively reported. The first complete publications reporting melatonin in tracheophytes (vascular or higher plants) were independently provided by two research groups, which found this
indoleamine in a number of edible plants [5,6]. So far, melatonin has been detected and quantified in roots, shoots, leaves,
flowers, fruits, and seeds of a considerable variety of spermatophyte species, and its presence in plants has been unequivocally
confirmed [7]. In flowering plants (angiosperms), the occurrence of melatonin in a number of families belonging to both the
mono- and dicotyledons, which are relevant as food and medicinal plants, has been described [8] (Figure 3).
The traditional Mediterranean diet originated in areas where olives (Olea europaea L.) and grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.)
were cultivated and where olive oil and wine are produced and regularly consumed. In addition to these foodstuffs, other
main components of the Mediterranean diet include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts; yogurt and ricotta
cheese as dairy products; and fish and white meat as sources of protein. Among typical Mediterranean products, melatonin
was first reported in grapes and then in olive oil. In the berry exocarp (skin) of different Italian and French wine grape
cultivars grown in northwestern Italy, the highest melatonin concentrations were detected in Nebbiolo and Croatina varieties (0.9 and 0.8 ng g 1, respectively), whereas the lowest concentrations occurred in the Cabernet Franc cultivar
(0.005 ng g 1) [9]. Differences were also found when refined olive oils and extra virgin olive oils designation of origin
The Mediterranean Diet
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SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
FIGURE 1 Structure of melatonin.
FIGURE 2 Biosynthetic pathway of melatonin in mammals. Enzymes involved include tryptophan decarboxylase (TrpDC); tryptophan 5-hydroxylase
(Trp5H); 5-hydroxytryptophan decarboxylase (5HTDC); tryptamine 5-hydroxylase (T5H); serotonin N-acetyltransferase (SNAT); and hidroxyindole-Omethyltranferase (HIOMT).
(from invertebrates to vertebrates)
(from unicellular algae to higher plants)
Dietary or exogenous melatonin
Medicinal and food plants
FIGURE 3 Melatonin in food and medicinal plants may represent an endogenous or dietary source of bioactive melatonin in humans.
Melatonin Chapter 19
(DO) were compared. Among DO oils 71 pg mL 1 and 119 pg mL 1 were measured in DO Bajo Aragón and DO Baena,
respectively. Diversities in the heat treatment or chemical processing of the products may explain the diverse concentrations measured [10].
A huge disproportion between studies of the melatonin content in grapevine products and in other Mediterranean plant
foodstuffs exists (Figure 4). As previously mentioned, an intraspecific variation of the melatonin content in berry skin
tissues of different cultivars (Nebbiolo, Croatina, Barbera, Cabernet Sauvignon, Sangiovese, Merlot, Marzemino, and
Cabernet Franc) was found, with levels ranging from 0.005 to 0.96 ng g 1 [9]. Similar results (from 0.6 to 1.2 ng g 1) were
reported by Stege and colleagues [11] for the same tissue of Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Chardonnay varieties cultivated in Argentina. In Merlot berry skin, we found 17.5 and 9.3 ng g 1 of melatonin at prevéraison and véraison, respectively, the two main phenological stages of grapes [12]. Conversely, the transition from prevéraison to véraison increased
the melatonin content both in Merlot berry seeds (from 3.5 to 10 ng g 1) and flesh (from 0.2 to 3.9 ng g 1) [12]. In berry
skin of the Malbec variety cultivated in Argentina, melatonin concentration showed similar values during the night (around
10 ng g 1), reaching a strong peak in the morning (159 ng g 1) [13]. However, much higher melatonin concentrations—
between 100 and 150 mg g 1, depending on the phenological stage—were measured in the whole berry (i.e., skin, flesh, and
seeds analyzed together) of a Merlot cultivar grown in Canada [14]. Melatonin was recently found at 1.5 and 1.2 ng g 1 in
the whole berry of Sangiovese red and Albana white grapes, respectively, from central Italy.
Further studies ascertained the occurrence of melatonin in wine (Table 1). Mercolini et al. [15,16] detected this indoleamine at 0.6, 0.5, and 0.4 ng mL 1 in Albana white, Sangiovese red, and Trebbiano white wines, respectively. Stege and
colleagues [11] reported melatonin at 0.16, 0.24, and 0.32 ng mL 1 in Chardonnay, Malbec, and Cabernet Sauvignon
wines, respectively. Our results showed that the levels of melatonin in Groppello and Merlot red wines varied between
5.2 and 8.1 ng mL 1, depending on agrochemical treatments [17], whereas Rodriguez-Naranjo and colleagues [18,19]
measured higher melatonin concentrations (up to 150 and 400 ng mL 1) in racked wines. In a recent screening of Italian
mono- and polyvarietal red, white, and dessert wines from different geographical areas, we measured melatonin at concentrations around or less than 0.5 ng mL 1 [20]. Intriguingly, in this study the linear correlation coefficient between
the melatonin content in wines and their antiradical capacity was higher compared with the weak correlation found between
trans-resveratrol-3-O-glucoside (trans-piceid) and the same activity, even though the levels of stilbenes (around or
<1.0 mg mL 1) were of three orders of magnitude higher then the levels of indoleamine [20]. In these terms, it can be
hypothesized that melatonin possesses a higher antioxidant activity than resveratrol. In other grapevine products, the
presence of melatonin was reported in traditional balsamic vinegars of Modena DO (around 0.1 ng mL 1), in grape juice
(0.5 ng mL 1), and in Albana grappa (0.3 ng mL 1) [14,20] (Table 1).
FIGURE 4 Presence of melatonin in grape berry and
seed tissues.
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
TABLE 1 Melatonin Content in Some Typical Mediterranean Plant Foods
Mediterranean Product
Grape products
Red wines
< 0.5 ng mL
Mercolini et al. [16], Stege et al. [11], Vitalini et al. [20]
White wines
< 0.5 ng mL
Mercolini et al. [16], Stege et al. [11], Vitalini et al. [20]
Dessert wines
< 0.5 ng mL
Vitalini et al. [20]
Grape juice (undisclosed cultivar)
< 0.5 ng mL
Mercolini et al. [14]
Albana grappa
0.3 ng mL
Modena balsamic vinegar (DO)
0.1 ng mL
Mercolini et al. [14]
Vitalini et al. [20]
Olive oil
Extra virgin (DO)
71–119 pg mL
53–75 pg mL
de la Puerta et al. [10]
de la Puerta et al. [10]
DO, designation of origin.
Three melatonin isomers were recently detected in different grape products: Italian mono- and polyvarietal red, white,
and dessert wines from different geographical areas; Modena balsamic vinegars; and grape juices. In particular, isomer 1
and isomer 2 were the most recurring and abundant in all wines and vinegars assayed, respectively, with levels much higher
than those of melatonin and maximum concentrations of 68.4 and 40.3 ng mL 1 in red wine and vinegar, respectively. The
emergence of naturally occurring melatonin isomers has opened a new, exciting, and fascinating topic in the field of
melatonin research, as recently emphasized in the excellent review article by Tan et al. [21] Certainly, it would be of great
interest to ascertain in the near future the nutritional significance of these isomers, comparing their biological activity with
that of melatonin, particularly in terms of interaction with melatonin receptors.
Many endogenous and external factors may noticeably influence the melatonin levels in grapes and their products; these
factors include the genetic traits of the cultivars and their geographic origin, the berry tissues/plant organs analyzed, the
difference between thin- and thick-skinned grapes, the phenological stages, day/night fluctuations, pathogen (mainly
fungal) infections and agrochemical treatments, agro-meteorological conditions and environmental stresses, altitude,
ultraviolet radiation and high light irradiance, the vintage, and winemaking procedures [13,15,17,18].
The possibility of modulating the circulating levels of melatonin in mammals, which are basically very low (200 pg mL 1
at the maximum nighttime peak and lower than 10 pg mL 1 during the day) [22] compared to melatonin in grape products
(near 1 ng g 1 and 0.5 ng mL 1 in berry skin and wine, respectively), through the intake of plant foods represents and
exciting and relevant topic. Efficient uptake and bioavailability of dietary melatonin have been demonstrated in both
animals and humans. In a pioneering study, feeding chicks with plant foods rich in melatonin increased their serum
melatonin levels, and melatonin extracted from plants inhibited the binding of labeled melatonin to cell membrane
receptors in rabbit brain [6]. In rats fed 3 g of walnuts (Juglans regia L.), containing 10.5 ng of melatonin, the serum
concentration of indoleamine were augmented from 11.5 to 38.0 pg mL 1, as was the serum antioxidant capacity [23].
The effects of melatonin-rich plant foods also were studied in humans. Both melatonin levels and total antioxidant status
of serum samples from healthy volunteers were increased 45 min after drinking beer [24]. Likewise, consumption of
tropical fruits (including oranges) increased the serum melatonin concentration and antioxidant capacity in healthy subjects
[25]. In premenopausal women, urinary excretion of 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (a major metabolite of melatonin) (Figure 5) was
considered a biomarker of vegetable intake and was inversely correlated to breast cancer risk [26,27]. The intake of 200 mL
of grape juice from the Tempranillo cultivar twice a day for 5 days significantly increased urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin and
total antioxidant capacity in young, middle-aged, and elderly healthy individuals [28]. Similar results were obtained after
ingesting Jerte Valley sweet cherry products, Japanese plums, and tropical fruits (including oranges) [29–32] Jerte Valley
cherry products also improved mood and sleep parameters in healthy participants [33]. Finally, we recently reported that
administration of red wine (125 mL) did not decrease the salivary antiradical capacity in humans, thus suggesting that the
pro-oxidant effects of ethanol may be counteracted by melatonin present at 0.23 ng mL 1 and polyphenols [34].
Melatonin Chapter 19
FIGURE 5 Structure of 6-sulfatoxymelatonin, the main urinary metabolite of melatonin in mammals.
With regard to grape products, the levels of melatonin can be defined near 1 ng g 1 and 0.5 ng mL 1 in grape berry skin and
wine, respectively (Table 1), in agreement with Rayne [35], although data from studies of berry tissues are still fragmentary
and somewhat contrasting. In any case, neither polyphenols nor melatonin possess thaumaturgic properties, but their
synergy with other bioactive phytochemicals (e.g., carotenoids, glucosinolates) contributes to maximizing the benefits
of healthy dietary styles. Similarly, Mediterranean foods are not a panacea. The Mediterranean diet is a philosophy of life
that also includes nondietary lifestyle factors, such as a moderate physical activity (walking every day) and resting in the
middle of the day after an enjoyable family meal (in Spanish, a siesta).
Health-promoting properties of the Mediterranean diet have been, at least in part, attributed to the chemical diversity of
plant foods.
Melatonin and possibly other indoleamines recently discovered in some relevant Mediterranean foods may represent
new factors contributing to the elucidation of the protective effects of diets rich in plant products.
In synergy with polyphenols and other bioactive phytochemicals (e.g., carotenoids, glucosinolates), melatonin may
contribute to maximizing the benefits of healthy dietary habits.
Melatonin content in grape products has been extensively investigated compared with other plant foods.
Melatonin in plant foods is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and transported in the bloodstream.
Dietary melatonin represents an emerging and exciting topic in the field of nutritional sciences.
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SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
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Chapter 20
Hydroxytyrosol as a Component of the
Mediterranean Diet and Its Role in Disease
Mª del Carmen Ramı́rez-Tortose, PharmD, PhD1, Mario Pulido-Moran, MSc1, Sergio Granados, PhD2,
José J. Gaforio, MD, PhD3 and José L. Quiles, PhD1
Granada University, Granada, Spain. 2 The Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Houston, TX, USA. 3 University of Jae´n, Jae´n, Spain.
absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination
oleic acid
olive oil
virgin olive oil
It is well known that Mediterranean countries have lower rates of incidence of and mortality from different diseases such as
cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Knowledge about these facts link them to the so-called Mediterranean diet, which is a
concept emphasizing not only healthy nutrition but also lifestyle, together with regular physical activity.
This typical diet has its origin mainly in three countries: Spain, Italy, and Greece. Many people have contributed to
establishing the current Mediterranean diet, namely Iberia, Celts, Greeks, Romans, and Arabs. With this evolution through
time, the Mediterranean triad concept emerged; it is mainly based on products derived from wheat, olives, and grapes, for
example, bread, olive oil (OO), and wine. Therefore, the Mediterranean diet supplies a high level of antioxidants, especially
those derived from the high consumption of fruit and vegetables. The most appreciated element and characteristic of the
Mediterranean diet is undoubtedly OO. This oil originates from olive tree fruit (Olea europea L.). Using pressure, different
types of OO with different tastes, acidity, and levels of compounds can be obtained. Using chemical methods, refined OO is
obtained. All types of OO are interesting because of their aroma and palatability but only those obtained by pressure are
interesting because of its their high hydroxytyrosol (HT) content. HT is a phenylethanoid, a type of phenolic compound
characterized by a phenethyl alcohol structure (Figure 1), that forms part of the minor compound fraction of extra virgin
olive oil and is considered a powerful antioxidant. Because of these characteristics, HT has a lot of interesting activities
related to the prevention, treatment, and improvement of diverse pathologies.
Abundant information about the benefits of OO is available in the scientific literature. Classically, many of these studies
strictly focused on the benefit of oleic acid (OA) without taking into account the minor compound fraction of OO [1]. Other
studies have reported that OA was also in other foods such as pork (porcine meat derivates); nevertheless, OA lacks the
beneficial properties that OO has.
A lot of information about HT is currently available and its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiatherogenic, or antiplatelet properties are well documented, but the functions that initially were assigned to OA and OO are actually targeted
to HT. This information is explained in this chapter.
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
FIGURE 1 The chemical structure of hydroxytyrosol. This is a type of phenolic compound characterized by a phenethyl alcohol
As mentioned above, HT is a component of the minor compound fraction of OO. OO is roughly divided into two main
fractions: the saponificable fraction, mainly comprised of triacylglycerides, and the minor compound fraction, which is
constituted by two subfractions—an unsaponificable fraction (extracted with solvents) and a soluble fraction, which represents 2% of the total oil weight of polyphenols; more than 230 different chemical compounds are included in the last
fraction. It has to be taken into account that the phenolic content in OO can be influenced by multiple factors, including
the olive variety, environmental conditions, and the method of production. The amount of polyphenols in OO can increase
to more than 450 mg/kg, depending on the characteristics previously defined [2–4]. In virgin olive oil (VOO), the average
amount of HT is within a wide range of 9–21 mg/kg [2], obviously differing depending on the conditions mentioned before.
HT comes from the hydrolysis of oleuropein, and this chemical process takes place during the maturation of olives, oil
storage, and the processing of table olives (Figure 2). During oil processing, different compounds such as olive mill wastewater, rinse water, and olive pomace are obtained. All of these fractions are rich in phenolic components, including HT.
HT is part of the OO soluble fraction. This element has an amphipathic character, and therefore it can be identified in the
previously mentioned liquids. Consequently, these fractions contain a large amount of different polyphenols and other phenolic compounds.
Olive tree leaves have classically been used to treat different pathologies such as fevers or parasitic diseases because of
its antioxidant, hypoglycemic, antihypertensive, antimicrobial, antiatherosclerotic, and antiviral effects. Nowadays, antitumor activity has been reported. The average concentration of HT in these samples is about 10-17 mg/g [5].
Since 1998, HT has been studied in other products of the Mediterranean diet, such as wine. Many studies have shown
firmly that HT is contained in both red and white wine, although in a higher concentration in the red wine [6,7]. HT was
found for the first time while studying the composition of some Italian wines. Later, HT was highlighted in Greek wines;
HT was found in two types of wines in different concentrations [6]. The average concentration in red wines ranged from 1.8
to 3.1 mg/L [7]; the concentration in white wines was approximately half that of the red [6]. The amount of HT present in
aged red wines markedly increases to 25 mg/L [6]. All the facts mentioned above give an idea about the importance of HT in
the Mediterranean diet, and it has been identified in at least two of the three components of the Mediterranean triad
(Table 1).
+ Glucose
Oleuropein aglycone
Elenolic acid
FIGURE 2 Biosynthesis of hydroxytyrosol.
Hydroxytyrosol and the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 20
TABLE 1 Range of Concentrations of Hydroxytyrosol in Different Components
Content in HT
White wine
1,50–2.70 mg/l
Red wine
2–3.9 mg/l
Aged red wine
25 mg/l
Virgin olive oil
9–21 mg/Kg
Olive leaves
10–17 mg/g
The absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination processes (ADME) of HT are currently being studied. The
majority of these studies have been performed using animals models, although human research has been increasing in
the past two decades, and these trials are commonly designed to elucidate the effects of HT in OO—they are not focused
on HT in wine.
Chemical Characteristics
Taking into account the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry formulation, HT is also known as 4(2-hydroxyethyl)-1,2-benzenediol or ((3,4,dihydroxyphenyl)ethanol) (Figure 1). According to this structure, the high
antioxidant activity of HT is related to O–H bond dissociation enthalpy (o-dihydroxyl) and has a stronger correlation with
oxidative stability than other derivates [8].
All phenolic conjugates are very quickly converted into HT and another compound called tyrosol (Ty), albeit with lower
efficiency. This compound and HT have some similar antioxidant, antiplatelet, or as anti-inflammatory functions in the
body, but the activity of Ty is lower compared with HT.
HT is included in phenolic alcohols from OO. The ratio between the HT and the Ty in OO is around 0.5:1, and this ratio
depends on the origin of the OO, growth conditions, geographic area, or the method of production [3,9]. The only difference
between Ty and HT lies in the hydroxyl group featured in HT but not in Ty. According to this, the activities of HT are
mainly due to the ortho-hydroxyl group in HT. With its catechol structure, HT has a much higher antioxidant potential
than Ty [8].
From Food to Blood: The Absorption Process
It is well known that hydrophilic phenolic compounds of OO are absorbed in a dose-dependent form in both animals and
humans [3,10a,b] and all of them (including HT) have a strong metabolism phase I (where it is hydrolized) and phase II
(where it is conjugated into glucuronidated, methylated, and sulfated derivatives) to facilitate its absorption [11,12]. The
absorption of HT and that of the rest of the phenolic compounds in OO takes place in the small intestine and colon, with an
average uptake of 66% with respect to their total amounts [13], and it has been suggested that transport through the intestinal epithelium can occur by passive bidirectional diffusion [14].
The absorption of HT is rapid, and a maximum plasma concentration is reached 5–10 min after intake, followed by rapid
decline. The absorption of HT varies according to the vehicle in which it is carried, ranging between 75% and 99%,
depending on the nature of the vehicle (aqueous or oily); obviously, an aqueous vehicle leads to lower absorption than
an oily one. Finally, after postprandial absorption, HT binds to circulating lipoproteins (as do other phenols from OO).
Transport in the Body: The Distribution Process
Distribution studies of the intravenous administration of radioactive HT in rats demonstrated that its half-life in blood is
around 1–2 min and that, 5 min after injection, most of the marked HT is found in the kidney, where 10-fold more radioactive HT accumulates than in other organs, such as the skeletal muscle, liver, lungs, or heart. Similar levels of HT are found
in all of them [15]. HT can cross the blood–brain barrier and easily reach the brain.
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
It has been proposed that our understanding of the function of HT is hampered by the fact that HT is a metabolite of
dopamine and its concentration in body fluids is a combination of exogenous and endogenous sources [16]. This is the main
reason why it is not possible to wholly evaluate its bioavailability in the organism.
Because of the first metabolic step that HT undergoes in the gut and liver, its bioavailability is poor because of the
formation of sulfate and glucuronide conjugates [11,12], to the extent that concentrations of its free form in body fluids
are almost undetectable. The most important form that can be found in the body is the conjugated form with sulfate, which
could be used as a good biomarker [10b,12,16]. In fact, HT is metabolized rapidly, and plasma concentrations return to
baseline values in 6 h at most.
The first metabolic step takes place in the enterocytes and subsequently in the liver; metabolites are found in blood
5 min after intravenous injection [15]. In plasma, HT alone, orthomethyl derivatives (homovanillic alcohol), glucuronide
derivatives, and their glutathionyl conjugates can also be found, indicating that perhaps the derivatives of glucuronic acid
and glutathionyl conjugates are synthesized in the enterocytes and liver, whereas homovanillic alcohol appears after HT
metabolism in the liver.
Transformations: What are the Metabolic Processes?
HT has two different types of metabolism: the first-pass metabolism and a transformation metabolism in the liver. Both of
those are equally important because HT undergoes different modifications along the body, supposedly endowing it with its
properties. The first modification is performed in the enterocytes, and it is necessary to uptake HT through gastrointestinal
lumen, as summarized above. All the processes are described in Figure 3 [12]. According to different studies [15], the
process can be schematized in three abbreviated forms:
1. Oxidation through the enzymes alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase, giving rise to dihydroxyphenylacetic acid
2. Methylation by the enzyme catechol-o-methyltransferase, rendering homovanillic alcohol
3. Methylation-oxidation, a reaction that occurs to form homovanillic acid
FIGURE 3 Metabolism of hydroxytyrosol and different derived components. ADH, alcohol dehydrogenase; ALDH, aldehyde dehydrogenase; COMT,
catechol-O-methyl transferase; SULT, sulfotransferase.
Hydroxytyrosol and the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 20
In addition, a high number of conjugates from HT and its metabolites with glucuronide and sulfate are generated, which are
detectable in both plasma and urine [10b,17]. Taking into account the nature of HT and the metabolic pathways taking
place, we can predict the form of elimination.
As previously described, HT is a compound that forms part of the soluble fraction of OO (it is an amphipathic component),
and its natural method of elimination from the body is by urine. It should to taken into account that HT has been studied as a
pharmacological or nutraceutical component and can be administrated as an isolate compound or as part of OO or wine;
because of this, excretion could differ about the amount, amount of metabolites, or even the method of excretion, depending
on the administration in humans or animals, or even according to the vehicle [18], the elimination can be different.
The time required for HT and its metabolites to be totally eliminated through the urine in humans is roughly 6 h
[10b,12]. The endogenous production of HT, related to dopaminergic metabolism, could be the reason because it tends
to accumulate in urine for a long time, independent of the dosage administered, as occurs with Ty [3]. Many studies of
animals and humans have been performed, with differences in the results obtained. We have to be cautious when trying
to extrapolate the results of absorption/excretion from experiments in rats. Obviously, all this affects the dosage of HT used
for nutraceutical of pharmacological purposes.
There are many reasons to study HT metabolism, essentially because of the wide range of properties associated with this
component and its possible benefits in human health. The presence of HT in OO could lead one to think that it has no
capacity to damage the body, but this has to be ratified by different studies of toxicity because HT is still a drug that
can be used in different diseases and treatments. It is well known that there are many active ingredients that are used
in medicine in their natural form (within a plant extract, for example) but that could be lethal or highly toxic without control.
For these reasons, it is extremely important to perform additional toxicity studies.
Acute/Subchronic Toxicity
In terms of toxicity and safety profile, HT has only been investigated as part of OO or olive mill wastewater. To study
acute toxicity, some researchers administered a very large single dose (2 g/kg) in rats and did not find any toxic effects or
macroscopic alterations in organs. They recorded piloerection only 2 h after administration (maybe caused by the
injection itself), and this effect disappeared in <48 h. Furthermore, other toxicity studies have been performed: aqueous
olive-pulp extracts in which the HT content ranged from 50% to 70% of the total quantity of phenols [19]. Other studies
used oral administration in rats, giving a single dose of solid olive-pulp extract until HT levels reached 2000 mg/kg/day
(the equivalent dose of 1000–1400 mg of pure HT), without any adverse effect except soft or liquid feces [20]. At the
maximum dose, no signs of acute toxicity (either mutagenic and teratogenic effects) were recorded. This fact suggests
that the mean lethal dose of the extract is >2000 mg/kg. As part of a micronucleic assay, Sprague-Dawley rats (five of
each sex) were administered a single gavage dose of 5000 mg olive-pulp extract/kg and observed for 6 days, after which a
5000 mg/kg dose was given for 29 consecutive days. No mortality or clinical signs of toxicity were noted. This study
demonstrated that the mean lethal dose of the solid olive-pulp extract was >5 g/kg (2.5–3.5 g HT/kg), suggesting that the
extract is practically nontoxic [20].
Another recent study in which the potential toxicity of HT was evaluated using a pure extract of this component in rats
has been published. The toxicity of pure HT has never been properly investigated [21]. Different doses of HT were administered using oral administration (by gavage) for 13 weeks at levels of 5, 50, and 500 mg/kg/day. According to other previous studies, this dose would be innocuous for rats, but the simple use of pure HT changes the characteristics of these
studies, which were able to report much different results than those expected. No mortality or micro- or macroscopic alterations were found. No toxicological effects were observed in all examinations. According to the authors, based on the
results, HT does not induce effects that can be considered of toxicological relevance. The 500-mg/kg/day dose is proposed
as the no observed adverse effect level [21].
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
Establishing a Dose
Taking into account all the concepts described above, it is easy to understand why establishing doses in humans is a really
controversial issue. As previously mentioned, most studies were undertaken using animals because of the ease of modifying
the dose or the length or method of administration. It also must be remembered that the ADME processes are different in
animals and humans, which is why the dose has to be carefully selected. There are some available studies of humans in
which HT is administrated within both common OO and enriched OO [22,23].
In 2011 the European Food Safety Authority pointed out the possible use of HT in different formulations. They recommend that 5 mg of HT and its derivates in OO should be consumed daily to get the beneficial properties of low-density
lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation.
This fact is essential so that researchers will start or continue their different studies related to HT, promoting its possible
use as a pure component in humans. Actually, it is well known that many assays are being carried out in several innovation
and development centers and hospitals in which HT is used as a supplement in the diets of patients with different pathologies. Because of the early approval of HT by the European Food Safety Authority, these studies will probably soon see the
light of day.
Nowadays it is known that several compounds different from OA could be related to the healthy properties of OO. In the
past two decades, many studies with the sole purpose of determining which components in OO are responsible for its
healthy properties have been proposed. One study [24] described the relative importance of the saponificable and unsaponificable fractions of VOO for lipid peroxidation in mitochondria of rabbit hearts. Other research found that OA was not the
only compound responsible for the antioxidant effect of OO in relation to the formation of atheroma plaques [25].
Other studies demonstrated the influence of the minor components of VOO and noted that the phenolic fraction of OO
considerably improves the lipid peroxidation of LDL, which is related to an increase in antioxidant capacity [26,27]. HT is
currently the gold standard in the studies related to OO. It is considered one of the most important components of OO and is
responsible for a large number of its healthful properties, thanks to its antioxidant characteristics.
All properties and studies proposed in the following sections have the great aim of highlighting the importance of certain
components of the Mediterranean diet to understand that they are really responsible for the healthy benefits of OO. Everything is proposed with the only objective of understanding why the Mediterranean diet contributes to a lower incidence of
and mortality from different diseases, trying to express which are the molecular pathways involved in all activities associated with the Mediterranean diet, specifically those related to HT.
Antimicrobial Effect of HT
In this decade, some studies have demonstrated that extracts from olive leaves have antimicrobial activity against some
microbes such as Escherichia coli, Candida albicans, Kluyveromyces marxianus, Clostridium perfringens, Streptococcus
mutans, Shigella sonnei, and Salmonella enterica [28]. This fact has been known for centuries. In Egyptian and Roman
civilizations, extracts from olive leaves were used in solutions, soaps, and ointments. Later knowledge about the main
components of olives and olive leaves responsible for their antimicrobial effects was gained, showing that these are the
dialdehyde and decarboxymethyl forms of elenolic acid, together with HT [29].
In vitro, HT also possesses antimicrobial properties against infectious agents of the respiratory and gastrointestinal
tracts, such as Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio cholerae, Salmonella typhi, Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus
aureus, and Moraxella catarrhalis, at low inhibitory concentrations, even lower than dose used for certain antibiotics such
as ampicillin [30].
The Mediterranean basin is an endemic area for leishmaniasis. This pathology is caused by a protozoon called
Leishmania spp. Many species generate different varieties of the disease. Pure extracts of HT were tested, showing antiparasitic activity against L. infantum and L. donovani, which are responsible for visceral leishmaniasis, as well as against
L. major, which causes the cutaneous form of the disease [31].
How Can HT Protect the Skin?
It is well known that human skin has very efficient antioxidant systems, such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase. The skin is inevitably exposed to environmental factors such as ultraviolet radiation (UVR), which
Hydroxytyrosol and the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 20
increases intracellular free radicals. This intracellular overexpression modifies the redox status in the cell and renders
unusable the antioxidant cellular systems.
Despite polyphenolic HT being touted as an effective antioxidant, biocatalytically produced derivatives may prove to
be even more efficacious in their endogenous antioxidant ability to protect against long-wavelength UVR [32,33] and
8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine level [33].
The results of a study by Zwane et al. [32] demonstrate that both HT and its metabolites have a potent radical
scavenging activity in skin cells. The results induce the idea that HT and its metabolites could decrease the intracellular
accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) through a free radical scavenging pathway, thus decreasing the prejudicial effects produced by UVR, among others. HT can also significantly reduce the DNA strand breaks caused by
ultraviolet B. Furthermore, HT attenuated the expression of p53 and nuclear factor-kB in a concentration-dependent
manner [33].
Antiatherogenic and Cardioprotective Factor
Several studies have demonstrated that one of the most important factors linked to atherogenic processes is an imbalance in
the redox status in cells. An excess of free radicals inside the cell can originate different molecules, such as LDL, that are
easily oxidized. In particular, this oxidized LDL is largely responsible for this one process.
In multiple studies HT featured a high capacity of scavenging free radicals from the inside of the cell as superoxide
anions, hydrogen peroxide, and hypochlorous acid. HT also has a potent metal-chelating activity, as occurs with
ferrous cations. Because of this redox potential, HT is able to decrease ROS, both directly and because of its chelating
action—it can prevent the appearance of ROS produced in the reactions derived from the metal. Nowadays it is known
that macrophages are responsible for LDL oxidation, and for this reason, HT avoids this oxidation in these cells and
prevents the reservoir of these lipoproteins inside the arterial intima, thus impeding the formation of atherosclerotic
plaque [4,34–36b].
Some extracts enriched in HT also have shown a capacity to reduce blood total cholesterol [36,37] and lipid
concentrations [36,38] as well as blood pressure (in both hypertensive and normotensive animals) [39]. All these
actions are intimately linked with cardiovascular health, so it is easy to understand that HT has an important role as
cardioprotector—above all understanding that postprandial lipemia is a risk factor for atherosclerosis. The cardioprotective
effect of HT lies, in part, in the capacity to reduce the expression of proteins related to aging in cardiac cells (sirtuins,
Forkhead box subfamily O proteins, and pre-B cell colony-enhancing factor), although to a lesser extent than other
molecules, such as resveratrol or Ty [40].
Does HT Have Anti-Inflammatory and Antiplatelet Actions?
Platelets play a key role in hemostasis and wound healing, contributing to the formation of vascular plugs. They also are
involved in formation of atherosclerotic plaque through platelet aggregation. HT can be considered antithrombotic because
it significantly reduces platelet aggregation [41] and is able to inhibit platelet function and eicosanoid formation. HT was
shown to be able to decrease serum thromboxane B2 (TxB2) production after blood clotting in an in vivo model [42a,b]. In
in vitro studies, platelet-rich plasma was incubated in the presence of HT, obtaining maximal inhibition in aggregation
induced by adenosine diphosphate or collagen and TxB2 production by collagen or thrombin stimulation.
A reduction in the synthesis of thromboxane A2 (TxA2), measured by the reduction of its metabolite TxB2,
also was found. This decline was mainly attributable to the inhibition of activity of the enzyme cyclooxygenase
(COX). This finding suggests that these antithrombotic effects would be helped by the decline in the production of
vascular prostacyclin, effects similar to those featured by acetyl salicylic acid [43], which is able to inhibit the
synthesis of prostaglandin E2 by indirectly blocking the enzymes inducible nitric oxide synthase, COX-2, and
Some studies have featured the anti-inflammatory properties of HT by suppressing the expression of COX-2 and
inducible nitric oxide synthase in human monocytic cells [44]. Moreover, HT also encouraged the action of cells of the
immune system, both increasing its antioxidant capacity (protecting neutrophils against oxidation mediated by hydrogen
peroxide) and decreasing the DNA damage in monocytes, as mentioned above. In addition, HT augments the cytosolic
levels of Ca2+, activating T and B lymphocytes [45].
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
45 % Ki67
Cellular proliferation
FIGURE 4 Cell proliferation in rats with breast cancer
treated with hydroxytyrosol or adriamycin: breast
cancer control group (BCC) (n ¼ 10 rats); breast cancer
adriamycin group (BCADR) (n ¼ 10 rats), and breast
cancer hydroxytyrosol group (BCHTY) (n ¼ 10 rats).
Values are expressed as percentage of Ki67 as
mean SEM. *Significant differences between the
control group and treated groups (P < 0.01).
Cancer Studies
There are several studies that have been mainly performed on cell cultures and animal models because of the complexity of
handling research with humans and this pathology. HT has been studied because of its properties as an antioxidant, among
others, and it is for these properties that most studies are directed at demonstrating the chemopreventive activities of HT.
It is well known that HT can promote apoptosis and inhibit the proliferation and growth of different types of tumor cells
such as HL60 (promyelocytic leukemia) and HT29 (colon adenocarcinoma). There is controversy about the effect of HT in
nontumor cells such as health lymphocytes. A possible pathway by which HT triggers apoptosis has been established. This
is involved in the activation of c-jun by c-jun NH2-terminal kinase, which under certain circumstances causes cell death and
inactivates the antiapoptotic protein B-cell lymphoma protein 2 [3,46]. Other studies have demonstrated that HT is able to
inhibit cellular proliferation, blocking the G1 phase of the cell cycle and increasing the proportion of cells in the G0/G1
phase, with a corresponding decrease in the S and G2/M phases. Some proposed mechanisms are as follows:
(1) Direct blockage of cyclin-dependent kinases.
(2) Induction of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors.
(3) Blockage of messengers involved in cell proliferation, such as ROS.
Furthermore, HT induces apoptosis-dependent stress in the endoplasmic reticulum. This leads to activation of the proapoptotic pathway endoplasmic reticulum to nucleus signaling 1 (Ire1)/c-jun NH2-terminal kinase/c-jun/activator protein1/NADPH oxidase 4 (Nox4) [3].
HT can inhibit human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) expression in breast cancer cells resistant to trastuzumab, which overexpress this oncogene (SKBR3); in addition, it can cause cytotoxic activity on these SKBR3, MCF7 cells
(breast cancer cells with natural HER2 expression) and MCF7/HER2 (HER2-induced breast cancer cells) [47].
Our studies have shown that HT exerts antitumor properties in Sprague-Dawley rats with experimental mammary
tumors, inhibiting cell growth and proliferation (associated with a less nuclear Ki-67 immunostaining) in these tumors
(Figure 4). Moreover, HT alters several genes associated with cell proliferation, apoptosis, and the Wnt signaling pathway,
promoting a high expression of Sfrp4 [48].
HT is a powerful inhibitor of the fatty acid enzyme synthase, a key enzyme involved in carcinogenesis in SKBR3 and
MCF7 cells, so that it is presented as a strong chemopreventive. Another mechanism described recently involves catechol
quinones from HT metabolism and from reaction with hydrogen peroxide. These are reactive arylating electrophilic species
that produce Michael adducts with cellular thiol nucleophiles in glutathione and proteins, particularly on cysteinyl proteins.
In this sense, they exert their cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory, and anticarcinogenic properties, very probably via the inhibition
of nuclear factor-kb by these quinones [3,8].
These compounds bind to cysteine residues, forming arylating/alquilant adducts and hampers the bonding of this transcription factor with DNA; this impedes the start of transcription of COX-2 and 5-lipoxygenase, reducing the synthesis of
prostaglandin E2 and therefore chronic inflammation. In addition, antitumor activity is expressed [3,8]. Table 2 summarizes
the most important mechanisms of HT described for cancer and microbial and cardiovascular diseases [3].
Hydroxytyrosol and the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 20
TABLE 2 The Biochemical and Cell-Signaling Effects of Hydroxytyrosol
Capacity of
Biochemical Effects
Cell-Signaling Effects
Reduction of LDL oxidation (high antioxidant capacity and
lipid peroxidation decrease)
Adhesion molecules (VCAM-1 and ICAM-1)
reduced expression
Hypocholesterolemic effect
NF-kb, AP-1, GATA, and NAD(P)H oxidase
In cardiovascular diseases
Antiatherogenic effect
Antithrombotic and
Vascular endothelium
Cardioprotective effect
Increase in HDL action
Diminishes the synthesis of thromboxane A2 and B2,
leukotriene B4, and vascular prostacyclin
VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 reduced expression
Reduces cAMP and cGMP platelet phosphodiesterase
NF-kb, IRF-1, and STAT-1a transcriptional
activation prevention
Inhibits 5- and 12-LOX
Inflammatory cytokines (IL-1b and TNF-a)
reduced expression
Lowers synthesis of PGE2
Blocks COX-2 and iNOS
Nitric oxide increase
Lowers size of infracted region and apoptosis of
Reduced expression of ageing-related
proteins (Sirts, FoxO, and PBEF)
Not found
Cell cycle arrest (G0/G1, S, G2/M)
In cancer
Increased expression of p21WAF/Cip1 and
CDK6 inhibition
HER2 oncogene inhibition
Fatty acid synthase inhibition
Not found
Cytochrome c release
Caspase 3 and c-jun activation
Bcl-2 activation
Ire 1/JNK/c-jun/AP-1/Nox-4 pathway
P13K/Akt/NF-kb pathway inhibition
NF-kb inhibition
Akt, v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene; AP-1, activator protein-1; Bcl-2, B-cell lymphoma protein 2; CDK, cyclin-dependent kinase; COX-2,
cyclooxygenase-2; GATA, a transcription factor that regulates T lymphocyte differentiation and maturation; HDL, high-density lipoproteins; ICAM-1,
intercellular adhesion molecule-1; IL-1b, interleukin-1b; iNOS, inducible nitric oxide synthase; IRF-1, interferon regulatory factor-1; JNK, c-jun NH2-terminal
kinase; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; LOX, lipooxygenase; NAD(P)H, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate; NF-kb, nuclear factor-kb; PBEF, pre-B
cell colony-enhancing factor; PGE2, prostaglandin E2; PI3K, phosphoinositol 3 kinase; Sirts, sirtuins; STAT-1a, transducer and activator of transcription1alpha; TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor-a; VCAM-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1.
The Mediterranean diet is responsible for the lower rates of incidence of and mortality from different pathologies, such
as cardiovascular diseases or cancer, because of the high level of antioxidants, especially those derived from the high
consumption of fruit and vegetables, in this diet.
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
Currently, much information about HT (a minor component in OO) is available, and its properties as an antioxidant,
anti-inflammatory, antiatherogenic, or antiplatelet are well documented, being the target of different studies that report
that HT performs the activities described above.
HT is located in OO, olive leaves, and in red and white wines in varying concentrations.
HT is an amphipathic element that needs to be metabolized in the small intestine and colon (first metabolic step) to be
absorbed, with an average uptake of 66%. HT is quickly metabolized and excreted from the body.
HT presents no adverse effects. It does not induce acute and subchronic toxicological effects that can be considered
Currently, HT is the gold standard in studies related to OO because of its antimicrobial effects; its role as a skin protector; its antiatherogenic, cardioprotective, anti-inflammatory, and antiplatelet actions; and its chemopreventive activities and because of its capacity to inhibit the proliferation and growth of different types of tumor cells and induces
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Chapter 21
Frying: A Cultural Way of Cooking
in the Mediterranean Diet
Sara Bastida, PhD and Francisco J. Sánchez-Muniz, PhD
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
cardiovascular disease
cytochrome P450 4A1
glutathione peroxidase
monounsaturated fatty acids
polyunsaturated fatty acids
saturated fatty acids
soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1
superoxide dismutase
virgin olive oil
Evidence from archeological remains shows that humans took advantage of primitive wild vegetables such as the Aligustre
(Ligustrum vulgare), considered the probable father of the olive tree [1]. More than 6000 years ago, together with the civilization flowering in the Mediterranean basin around the Mare Nostrum, the cultivation of olive trees (Olea europaea var.
sativa, L.) started in Asia Minor, and from Syria it went to Greece. Since the third millennium BC, in diverse Mediterranean
areas such as Palestine, Egypt, and Crete, olive oil has been implemented for quite different uses: religious, esthetic, alimentary, and home lighting.
According to oral tradition, the technique of frying was discovered more than 6000 years ago and extensively used by
the ancient Egyptians as early as 1600 BC. References to frying date from the earliest period in which the use of pots and
pans is recorded [1–4]. The use of oil for cooking created a new and fast culinary practice that produced tasteful, safe, stable,
easy-to-prepare food and made it possible to store foods in that warm/hot environment [1]. This is why frying is a common
culinary practice in all Mediterranean countries. Although in Greco-Roman antiquity olive oil was used to fry foods, frying
was much less common than today because the procedures to produce olive oil were rudimentary and its quality was worse
[1]. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Mediterranean people gradually accepted the culture of northern inhabitants,
decreasing the consumption of olive oil and therefore frying with olive oil [1]. However, in Moorish Spain, olive oil
was the omnipresent fat. Fried fish was very popular; breaded foods such as greens, vegetables, eggs, cheeses, and pastries
(doughnuts, pastry rings, almond pastries, etc.) also were fried. Using the characteristic Andalusı´preparation of food, frying
gained notable nutritional and cultural importance [1].
Different circumstances changed the acceptability of oil in Mediterranean and non-Mediterranean countries in the following centuries. At the end of the sixteenth century, priests from the Jesuit order exported the Mediterranean tradition of
frying to Japan and other eastern countries that integrated frying in their gastronomies (e.g., tempuras). It was one of the
longest travels for Mediterranean frying. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, olive tree cultivation underwent a
general expansion because of the strong demand for olive oil in industrialized countries. The explosion of leisure culture
in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries pushed people from different parts of the world to visit the Mare Nostrum—
attracted by its weather, culture, and gastronomy. Figures 1–3 show examples of fried foods, some of them corresponding
to typical foods produced by non-Mediterranean cultures that have integrated frying in their gastronomies.
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
FIGURE 1 Pictures of several fried foods. Some correspond to non-Mediterranean typical foods produced by other cultures that have adapted and integrated frying into their gastronomies (e.g., tempuras). 1: fine tortes of Asiatic noodles; 2: vegetable fries; 3: seafood (fried crab); 4: fried pickles; 5: fried
wonton; 6: Uruguayan empanada (pastries); 7: shrimp fried in butter; 8: spring rolls; 9: fried banana. Source of pictures 1–4; 7, and 8: http://www.bing.com/
images/search?q¼Picture+of+frying+foods; source of picture 5: http://diaryfoods.blogspot.com.es/2010/09/fried-wonton-recipes.html; source of picture
6: http://www.oocities.org/heartland/7187/empanada-recipe-uruguay.htm; source of picture 9: http://www.preventionrd.com/2009/11/plantains-treesand-pancakes.
Oil Types, Selection, and Uses
Oil selection in the kitchen is a complex issue influenced by factors such as price, taste, health, and efficiency [4,5]. Oil
selection is a key part of the cuisine, and several sociocultural and historic factors have been integrated into our gastronomic
culture. However, the factors’ hierarchy is quite different at the domestic or the restaurant/hotel level (Figure 4). In such
selection, fatty acids and minor compound profiles are of main importance because they condition an adequate balance
between nutrition and stability. Thus, oils that are very stable at high temperatures could be inadequate from a nutritional
point of view because they would enrich food with saturated fatty acids (SFAs). On the other hand, oils rich in essential fatty
acids can be adequate when used raw but become very unstable at high temperatures [3,4,6–9].
Frying and the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 21
FIGURE 2 Pictures of several fried foods. 1: Filled eggplants, onions, aromatic herbs, tomato, and minced Spanish ham are included (source: http://www.
plazavea.com.pe/mundococina/recetas-de-cocina/platos-de-fondo-1/berenjenas-rellenas-de-jamon-y-queso.html). 2: Fish fritters, normally containing
minced cod with herbs. 3: Little pastries that frequently contain tuna brined in oil or meat accompanied by tomato sauce. 4: Croquettes (source:
www.pequerecetas.com). 5: Squid rings (source: http://www.espanita-frankfurt.com).
FIGURE 3 Pictures of several fried foods. Sweets doughnuts (rosquillas; left) and fried flowers (typical desserts for special days; right).
Humans and animals search for food and eat to make up the loss of energy and nutrients. However, eating is something
besides consuming food; sociocultural aspects enrich the alimentary behavior contributing to the finding of pleasure and
well-being [10]. The authonomic nervous system (sympathicus and parasympathicus) answers mediated by the hypothalamus in response to a plethora of signals from internal and external body receptors (corporal senses, central organs,
or the brain), are controlled by signals coming from the limbic system (archaic part of the nervous system related to
behavior). The limbic system continuously learns from our actions, and it is highly influenced by rewards and punishments
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
and Shelf-life
Efficiency and Shelf-life
FIGURE 4 Factors influencing the oil choice at home and in restaurants or caterings.
Food symbol
FIGURE 5 Summary of factors influencing alimentary
behavior. Notice that innate behavior (basic behavior) of
food searching responds mostly to information from external
and internal body receptors (volume, pH, osmolality, concentration of nutrients, etc.). Information about the presence or
absence of available substrates arrives at the hypothalamus,
sending hunger or satiety signals. This basic response can be
modified (enriched) by information coming from other parts
of the brain such as the limbic system, an archaic part of the
brain that controls behavior in response to learned information, most of which is based on rewards and punishments,
that has being received throughout life in the form of sociocultural (news, family and group norms, etc.) signals.
by social, religious, and cultural factors that make the consumption of food enjoyable or disgusting (Figure 5). According to
Cruz [11], man searches for and eats those foods that form part of his cultural heritage. Thus, in colloquial terms, “we eat
what we are,” an aphorism that is quite different from the common one: “we are what we eat.” The cuisine of a society is a
language in its structure, which is unconsciously transmitted from generation to generation, especially in the form of typical
foods and dishes produced by a family or local group; it can be paella, gazpacho, or fritos.
Oil as a Mediator During Frying
According to Lévi-Strauss [12], in all civilizations foods are distributed in similar categories, mostly following schemes of
simple structures. Raw food is transformed into cooked food by means of a mediator (air, fire, water) and a recipient (pot,
pan, grill). In the words of Cruz [11], Lévi-Strauss [12] has designed a new relationship between food and cuisine called the
“culinary tetrahedron” (Figure 6): oil is the fourth mediator and “fried” is the new cooking category.
When considering oil as a cooking mediator, the most appropriate oil for each type of food must be selected. Food
preferences are based on a cultural tradition, making such a choice difficult. Thus, Mediterranean people are accustomed
to the bitterness and pungency of olive oils, whereas non-Mediterranean people may dislike those attributes. According to
gastronomic information, fruity oils with some bitterness strengthens the taste of fried food, mainly in the case of frying
potatoes. They improve almost all sofritos and the base of stews.
The quality of the fat eaten seems to be highly affected by the oil available at home. After a careful review of recipes in
several Spanish cuisine books, we found a large proportion (about 30%) of recipes in which frying (in the total preparation
or in one or some steps) was used. Although there is limited information about the exact amount of oil used for frying and
that of fried foods consumed, a rough calculation suggests that 50% of the fat consumed by Mediterranean people belongs
to oil used for cooking and dressing, and 25–60% of this amount is used for frying [13]. Accepting that 10–20% of fat used
for frying in Spain is not consumed—instead being discarded after frying—final calculations show that between 25 and
60 g oil/day are “absorbed” by the fried food consumed in Spain.
Frying and the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 21
FIGURE 6 Oil as a mediator in the transformation of raw food into fried food. Notice differences from other cooking procedures by the mediation of air
and water. Performed from comments and suggestions made by Cruz [11].
Frying Technique
Frying can be defined as the process used to succeed in making a raw food edible by keeping it in boiling oil or fat for a
sufficient period of time. Although frying seems to be a rather simple process—dehydration accompanied by the entry of
hot oil into the food and superficial browning—it is rather complex from a scientific point of view.
Two principal frying techniques exist: shallow frying and deep-fat frying. Shallow frying is performed in relatively flat
pots or pans containing little oil, in which the product is not completely immersed. The food in direct contact with the hot oil
is fried. It is a common system in Mediterranean cuisine, preferentially used to prepare first dishes into which tomato, green
pepper, garlic, onion, and cucumbers, among other vegetables, are placed. Thus, performing this type of frying permits the
consumer access to several “healthy” foods that mixed together make sofritos such as pisto and Tumbe´, and that raw or
boiled would be less pleasant and thus consumed less. Moreover, the oil is just used once, decreasing the negative effect
that repeated frying could have on the oil and on the food.
In deep-fat frying all the food is immersed in oil and the cooking process takes place throughout the entire product
simultaneously. This kind of frying is performed in domestic and industrial fryers or in pans containing large amounts
of oil. According to Bognár [14], uptake of oil in meat and fish fried using the deep-fat frying method is lower than that
which occurs in the shallow frying.
Frying can be done in a continuous or discontinuous manner, depending on whether the oil is left to cool between fryings
or sets of fryings. It has been reported that continuous frying of potatoes displayed a lower degree of oil alteration than
discontinuous frying [3,7]. Frying can also be classified as being characterized by frequent, slow, or null replenishment
of fresh oil. As discussed in this chapter, frequent addition of fresh oil minimizes alteration of the oil (see reviews by
Sánchez-Muniz et al. [3,7]). Factors influencing the quality and alteration of frying oil are summarized in Figure 7.
Breadings and coatings help to perform adequate frying: on one hand these reduce the entrance of excess oil into the food;
on the other hand they decrease dehydration of and lixiviation in the foods.
As the fat or oil is heated, the quality decreases, as evidenced by a decrease in heat capacity and surface and interfacial
tension and an increase in specific gravity, viscosity, acid values, anisidine values, and polymer content. Surface tension
and interfacial tension are reduced by oxidative polymers with low-polarity and high-polarity, causing the uptake of
excessive amounts of oil by the food [15].
Unsaturated fatty acids are prone to autoxidation, a free radical chain process consisting mainly of three steps: initiation,
propagation, and termination (Figure 8). These phases are described in detail in different reviews [3,6–9].
Heating oil (in the absence of food) at 100-200 C speeds up all initiation and propagation reactions, and the amount of
altered compounds formed, mostly secondary oxidation products, depends on the heating time. At temperatures get close to
200 C, hydroperoxide decomposition more than hydroperoxide formation occurs. In this case, the major compounds generated are dimers and polymers of triglycerides. Thermal alteration also is responsible for the formation of cyclic
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
Frying method
Vessel material
Fatty acids/minor compounds
Additives (antioxidant, antifoam)
Oil/fat type
Smoke point
Organoleptic properties
Food size and shape
Breading, battering
Preparation facilities
Type of food
Direct effect
On thermolabile nutrients
Interaction between nutrients
and non-nutrients
Nutrient interchange between food and frying oil
FIGURE 7 Factors influencing the alteration of frying fats. Modified from Sánchez-Muniz FJ. Oils and fats: changes due to culinary and industrial
processes. Int J Vitam Nutr Res 2006;76:230–7. With permission, Verlag Hans Huber; and from Sánchez-Muniz FJ, Bastida S, Márquez-Ruiz G, Dobarganes G. Effects of heating and frying on olive oil and food fatty acids. In: Chow CK, editor. Fatty acids in foods and their health implications. 3rd ed. Boca
Raton, FL: CRC Press; 2008. p. 511–43. With the publisher’s permission.
FIGURE 8 Major steps in oxidation. RH, unsaturated fatty
acid. R, alkyl radical; OH Hydroxyl radical; RO, alkoxyl
radical; ROO, alkylperoxyl radical; scavenger, radical
Scavenger •
R • Propagation ROO•
Monomeric compounds
(epoxy-, hydroxy-, ketoderivatives)
Polymeric compounds
Volatile compounds (aldehydes, hydrocarbons, alcohols, ketones)
compounds, such as triglyceride monomers, showing intermolecular or intramolecular cyclization. Because the propagation reaction also ends when peroxyl radicals combine with a radical scavenger such as vitamin E, the presence of antioxidants in the oil can help to stop or significantly decrease oil degradation (Figure 8).
Frying clearly differs from heating because the presence of food in the fryer oil makes the situation rather more complex
(Figure 9). During frying the fat is exposed to the action of moisture from the foodstuff, oxygen from the atmosphere, and
the temperature at which the operation takes place. Because of the relatively high temperature of the frying process, autoxidation is accelerated, producing modified triglycerides in which at least one of the three fatty acyl chains is altered.
Moisture from foods may induce hydrolytic alteration, thus yielding diglycerides and free fatty acids, and very reduced
amounts of monoglycerides and glycerol that all together are commonly classified as hydrolytic products. All these
Frying and the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 21
FIGURE 9 Major changes during frying. (1) Interior
of food. Cooking is performed at 100 C due to vapor
production. (2) Crust. The fat content increases and the
water content decreases. A well-defined crust prevents
dehydration and excessive penetration of grease in
food. (3) Surface. Total dehydration occurs. Food
becomes crispy and with typical odors. Browning
and caramelizing take place. Capital letters indicate
that mayor pathways are occurring. Letter size suggests the amount of originated products. Modified from
Sánchez-Muniz FJ. Oils and fats: changes due to
culinary and industrial processes. Int J Vitam Nutr
Res 2006;76:230–7. With permission, Verlag Hans
Free fatty acids
Cyclic monomers
thermally oxidized and hydrolytic compounds are present in different quantities, depending on a considerably high number
of frying variables (Figure 7).
Finally, in addition to the migration of lipids from the food into the frying oil, the presence of some compounds from the
foods can substantially affect the thermal oxidation reactions [7,16] (Figure 9). Thus, (1) amphiphilic compounds such as
phospholipids and emulsifiers can contribute to early foaming; (2) lipid-soluble vitamins and trace metals leaching into the
frying oil may inhibit or accelerate oil oxidation, depending on their antioxidant or pro-oxidant effects; (3) cholesterol and
its oxidation-derived compounds from fatty animal foods can be transferred to vegetable frying oils and then incorporated
into nonfatty foods during subsequent frying operations; (4) pigments and Maillard browning products can modify the susceptibility of frying oils to oxidation and contribute to darkening; (5) phenolic compounds present in the foods or in added
spices can increase the stability of the frying oil; and (6) volatile compounds coming from strongly flavored foods such as
fish or onions can contribute to specific off-flavors.
During frying, crust formation occurs, and the substrate surface is almost totally dehydrated (Figure 9). This crust acts as
a barrier, avoiding excessive fat uptake and food dehydration. Furthermore, monounsaturated or unaltered oils produce a
thinner and more defined crust than polyunsaturated and thermal oxidized oils. Therefore, the crust contributes to producing
leaner, safer, and healthier foods.
Some major advantages and disadvantages of frying are summarized in Table 1. In addition to being one of the most performed cooking techniques, frying has cultural and economic importance and transforms perishable food into more stable
ones. Frying is a process of mass and heat interchange. The heat, as in other culinary techniques, reduces alimentary risk
related to microbiological pathogens [3,17,18]. Entrance of oil into the foodstuff can increase some organoleptic properties
of the food (texture, flavor, aroma, taste, crispiness) and improve or impair it; the fatty acid profile gives rise to a most
balanced SFA-to-monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs)-to-polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) ratio. When the frying
oil is rich in fat-soluble vitamins and/or minor compounds, it can improve these substances in foods [3,5]. For example,
frying sardines or salmon with different oils and fats induces deep fatty acid changes and thus changes in the omega
6-to-omega 3 ratio; the fried fish becomes enriched in the major fatty acid of the oil used for frying [3,5,19]. After six
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
TABLE 1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Frying
The most common culinary process in Mediterranean countries; helps maintain adherence to Mediterranean foods and diet
Cultural importance; food as a symbol; emotional choice of traditional foods (“we eat what we are”)
Very little cooking time required
No greater damage to food quality than that produced by other culinary techniques
Home frying could decrease the consumption of industrial snacks and fritters
Improves food palatability (texture, taste, flavor); this is very important during childhood and adolescence for increasing consumption of
vegetable (e.g., tempura) and fish and meeting nutritional health guidelines and recommendations
Improves food composition; it can produce more balanced and cardio-healthy foods with regard to their fatty acid composition
Food can be enriched in fat-soluble vitamins and bioactive compounds from oils (e.g., carotenoids, tocopherols, polyphenols)
Often related to poor frying performance (e.g., addition of no or little fresh oil during a large number of frying operations); however, a
proper frying technique does not give rise to a concentration of altered compounds above the level established by the present legislation
(>25% polar material)
Decreases palatability related to poor-quality fats and inadequate frying conditions
Dehydrates and enriches fat in foods; thus food becomes highly enriched in energy, which is not recommended in overweight and obese
Changes in food composition: liberation of important fatty acids, such as eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, from foodstuffs
into the fryer media; possible losses of nutritional value (essential fatty acids, antioxidants, thermal-sensitive vitamins); losses by lixiviation of hydrosoluble compounds
Food adsorption of alteration compounds from frying fats (oxidized and polymerized triglyceridesa) could induce toxicity
Contributes to the formation of acrylamide in food rich in carbohydrates and asparagine
For more details on advantages and disadvantages see the text.
Triglycerides also are called triacylglycerides or triacylglycerols.
discontinuous fish fryings, the presence of altered fatty acids was higher in lard than in sunflower oil and higher in sunflower oil than in olive oil [3,7].
The process requires high temperatures, implying thermal aggression with its disadvantages and limitations (Table 1).
However, it has to be pointed out that frying is normally performed at 170–180 C and for a very short time (<10 min); thus
it can be expected that frying does not produce higher alterations than, for example, grilling and baking, during which the
cooking time is longer and the temperature higher [14,16] (Figure 10).
Most of the inconveniences of frying are related to bad practices such as reuse of the oil a large number of times, null or
low oil turnover, and overheating (Table 1). There is also concern about the consumption of fried foods because of their
potential high fat content. Results found by Varela and Ruiz Roso [20] support the idea that frying does not increase the fat
contents more than other cooking methods (Figure 11). However, quality of the frying oil and the breading or cutting
Vitamin C Loss (%)
Vitamin B6 Loss (%)
Loss (%)
Loss (%)
Potatoes Red meat
Deep frying
Shallow frying
Deep frying
FIGURE 10 Percentages of losses of vitamin B6 (left) and vitamin C (right) in different foods after being cooked using different procedures. Notice the
tendency of frying to induce minor vitamin losses than other cooking methods. Modified from [14]. With permission from Grasas and Aceites.
Frying and the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 21
Fat (g/100 g dry matter)
FIGURE 11 Fat content of some selected foods prepared according
different cooking systems. Modified from [20]. With permission,
Grasas and Aceites.
Minced meat
influence oil uptake [3,18,21]. During repeated frying in the same oil, the polarity of the oil increases. The increase of such
polar substances decreases the interfacial tension, facilitating oil uptake [21]. Thus the average amount of fat in some fried
foods is quite ample (e.g., 10–27% in beef, pork, and meatballs; 15–36% in potatoes and potato products; 60–80% in
breaded mushrooms; and 20–42% in breaded fish and shrimp) [18].
In pan-frying, with no large amounts of oil, oil smoking must be avoided, mostly during preheating. Pan-frying permits a
reduced number of fryings—normally fewer than three—because the oil volume is not large and the oil can easily be overheated. However, studies by our group suggest that the oil “disappears” before the alteration becomes relevant [4]. In Mediterranean homes, where pan-frying is a normal culinary practice, oil resting in the pan is gathered with utensils and reused
once or twice more [4].
Frying in a fryer or in deep pans permits the reuse of oil more often because the fryer contains a high volume of oil (e.g.,
domestic fryers can contain 1–3 L of oil), permitting the dilution of alteration products. It is difficult to set criteria for the
adequate maximum number of fryings because many factors are at work: type of food (fatty, lean, medium-fat); type of oil
(saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated); type and characteristics of the fryer or the deep pan (aluminum, steel, coated
or not, heater resistance location, with or without the bottom water chamber); frying temperature (low [<170 C], medium
[170–190 C]; high [>200 C]); frying time; continuous or discontinuous frying; among others (Figure 7).
Based on previous studies by our group, the use of oil for 10 to 20 fryings at 180 C when cooking with relatively low
turnover (adding oil to replenish the decreased oil volume every ten fryings) is recommended when frying different foods in
the same oil. The number of uses will be much higher when fresh oil is added after each frying [3,4,7].
Frying with olive oil presents important advantages with regard to other oils. This is discussed in detail in this section and is
summarized in Table 2.
Oil Composition
The fatty acid (a high proportion of MUFAs and a moderate percentage of SFAs and PUFAs); minor compounds (vitamins,
phytosterols, squalene, phenolic compounds composition); and a well-balanced PUFA-to-tocopherol ratio make virgin
olive oil (VOO) unique. Although the fatty acid profile largely contributes to the prevention of certain degenerative diseases
[22–25], well-designed studies suggest that diets differing in the type of olive oil (rich, medium, and poor polyphenol contents) induce differential effects on cardiovascular disease (CVD) markers that are clearly dependent on the amount of
minor compounds [26]. The whole oil composition is influenced by hydrolytic and oxidative reactions and by cultivar
and pedoclimatic environment, irrigation, fly attacks, ripening, milling, malaxation, filtration, and storage. Information
on the health effects of minor compounds of VOO is available in other chapters in this book, some of which suggest that
the biological activities of these compounds extend beyond their antioxidant capacity; for example, squalene has been
found to exert in vitro antitumoral effects, b-sitosterols act as hypocholesterolemics, hydroxytyrosol inhibits platelet aggregation, accumulation of thromboxane in human serum, and the production of proinflammatory leukotrienes [27]. However,
it is interesting that, in the frame of a Mediterranean diet, VOO contributes a large percentage of tocopherols, a medium
percentage of carotenes, but only a low percentage of the total polyphenol content (<1.5%), all from the secoiridoid family,
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
TABLE 2 Advantages of Frying Food with Olive Oil (Virgin and Extra Virgin Olive Oils, in Particular)
Compared with Other Edible Oils
a. Oil composition
High percentage of monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid) with well-established health properties
Modest percentage of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid), whose percentage in the diet should not be too high
High amount of phenolic compounds and phytosterols that display antioxidant attributes and other properties beneficial to health
Acceptable levels of tocopherols, which are antioxidants
b. Low formation of polar material and thermal oxidized compounds during frying due to the fatty acid profile and minor compound content
of olive oil
Low hydroperoxide production
The hydroperoxides formed break down at frying temperatures, originating volatiles and contributing to improved food palatability
Low production of secondary alteration compounds (e.g., polymers, dimers, and cyclic monomers)
c. Olive oil’s high stability implies a long frying life, and the oil can be used during a large number of occasions for frying
d. Formation of a well-defined crust, with good texture and palatability, that prevents excess penetration of fat
e. Obtaining of more cardio-healthy foods
Foods fried in olive oils have a more balanced fatty acid composition (more appropriate ratio of saturated, monounsaturated, n-6 polyunsaturated, and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids)
Food is enriched with antioxidants and bioactive compounds from the frying oil
Food has a small amount of alteration compound, and therefore a low potential toxicity
These advantages should be considered only when fryings are performed in unused virgin or extra virgin olive oils or after a smaller number of successive
fryings with frequent oil turnover. For more details see the text.
which is absent in other Mediterranean foods, suggesting that secoiridoids are very active independent of other dietary
compounds present in the diet.
Frying Temperature
Frying is the process of cooking food by immersing it in hot oil. Unfortunately, when pan-frying the oil temperature is not
controlled and, most of the time, the cook considers the temperature to be adequate when oil is smoking. Friedman [28]
reported that “Frying at lower temperatures shows that foods will be as crisp and crusty, or even better, if they are fried at
only 325 and 335 F.” Our group has shown that frying at 160 C is the correct temperature because the oil undergoes less
alteration than at 180 C and food presents adequate organoleptic properties [29].
Taking those circumstances into account, it has to be pointed out that VOO has a lower smoking point (170 C) than
some seed oils (e.g., sunflower oil [210 C] and soybean oil [232 C]) (Table 3). Nonetheless, the oil variety, the oil refining
process, and the presence of different stabilizing compounds do not permit us to clearly ascertain the smoking point.
To accelerate the frying process, and to get more crunchy and browned foods, some bars and restaurants set the oil
temperature at 200 C or higher, and although the seed oil still does not smoke, that temperature is high enough to produce
unwanted thermal oxidations. Thus, polymerizations and cyclizations are much more abundant in overheated oils than at
lower temperatures. Domestic and semi-industrial fryers equipped with a thermostat permit the unhealthy overheating of oil
to be avoided.
Crust Formation
Crust formation is a property of the food that permits the concentration of oil and products on a fine surface [3,17,18].
Monounsaturated oils in fried foods form a more defined crust than polyunsaturated oils [3,7,17,20]. Such a crust prevents
food from absorbing fat and dehydration and improves its palatability. Sánchez-Muniz et al. [3,7] found less fat absorption
in sardines fried with olive oil than those fried with sunflower oil or lard. The lower degree of alteration in olive oil during
frying contributes to the formation of a more defined crust and permits frying at relatively low temperatures, decreasing oil
Resistance to Thermal Oxidation of Olive Oil During Frying or at Frying Temperatures
VOO displays great stability when used for frying and other culinary purposes [3,6,7]. Dobarganes and Márquez-Ruiz [6]
reported that frying olive oil displays fewer alterations than frying seed oils. Unpublished data from our group suggest that
this Rancimat induction period was high but clearly distinct in three Picual olive oils differing in their polyphenol and
tocopherol concentrations. Our group found that heating olive oil at 180 C, despite whether in presence of extracts that
Frying and the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 21
TABLE 3 Smoke Points of Different Oils Used for Frying
Cocina y Arte (2)
USDA (3)
Oil Type
107 C
165 C
204 C
107 C
435 F
210 C
160 C
410 F
Virgin olive
160 C
Pork lard
182 C
Palm olein
180 C
Grape seed
204 C
445 F
Sesame seed
210 C
176 C
Cotton seed
215 C
320 F
232 C
160 C
410 F
232 C
107 Ca
410 F
232 C
160 Ca
450 F
232 C
160 C
160 C
232 C
238 C
Notice that the consulted sources do not inform of added products (antifoam, antioxidants, etc.). Also, conditions for refining or final oil characteristics are
not indicated.
In some circumstances the oil is mixed with oils with a high coking point to permit cooking at low temperatures.
Modified from (1) Instituto Madrileño de Investigación y desarrollo Rural, Agrario y Alimentario (IMIDRA) (Ed). TDC Olive Project. In: Enciclopedia del
Olivo. Grasas comestibles en los hábitos de comida europeos, vol. 7. Madrid: IMIDRA; Consejerı́a de Economı́a e Innovación Tecnológica; 2006. p. 27–8.
(2) Cocina y Aceite. http://apuntesdecocina.com/2009/08/08/aceites-y-puntos-de-humo/. (3) US Department of Agriculture. Food Safety and Inspection
Service (USDA). Food Safety Information. Deep Fat Frying and Food Safety. http://www.fsis.usda.gov.
were very rich in nonextractable tannins, produced lower thermal oxidation after 48 h than sunflower oil or a homogeneous
mix of olive oil plus sunflower oil [30].
Compared with other vegetable oils such as sunflower, cotton, corn, and soybean oils, olive oil presents a lower degree
of alteration, as demonstrated by measuring viscosity, polar material, and tocopherol losses (for a review see SánchezMuniz et al. [3,7]). A comparative study of the frying behavior of extra VOO, sunflower oil containing a large amount
of oleic acid, and “conventional” sunflower oil used repeatedly to fry potatoes is presented in Figure 12. A plausible explanation for the resistance to rapid deterioration of extra VOO at high temperatures may be its fatty acid composition. The
production of hydroperoxides and the generation of potentially toxic thermal oxidation compounds in the frying oil is lower
with oleic acid than with linoleic acid. That, in turn, implies less uptake of such compounds by the food during frying and
thus lower toxicity and healthier foods.
As already mentioned, VOO contains a large amount of minor compounds (a-tocopherol, squalene, and phenolic compounds such as diphenols, phenolic acid, and hydroxytyrosol) with powerful antioxidant capacity. VOO is rich in phytosterols, such as D5-avenasterol, a potent antipolymerizing agent [7,27]. Tocopherols undergo gradual degradation during
frying or storage. Therefore, supplementation with phenolic compounds has been recommended to preserve the original
level of tocopherols in the oil [3,7,25,27,30]. Our group has demonstrated that frequent additions of fresh oil or antioxidants
lengthen the frying life of oil, helping to maintain the original quality of the oil because it dilutes the altered compounds and
adds minor compounds with antioxidant and antipolymerizing properties. Nonetheless, current legislation in Spain and other
countries permits only the addition of antioxidants (heading with VOO) to refined olive oil, not to VOO or extra-VOO.
Olive oil and VOO are more stable than other oils, implying that they can be used more often for frying than other
extensively used oils before reaching the 22–25% polar material or the 10–12% polymers cutoff points [31]
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
(Figure 13). Figure 12 shows less polymer formation in olive oil than in other oils during frying and therefore suggests the
potentially lower toxicity of products fried in olive oil. Data in Figure 12 and Table 4 suggest that the shelf-life of frying oil
depends on how frequently the oil is replenished. The alteration of polymer and cyclic monomer contents of different oils
used to fry fresh potatoes and frozen prefried foods is summarized in Table 5. Frying fresh potatoes produces less alteration
of the oil. Moreover, oils replenished frequently displayed less alteration than oils to which fresh oil was not added. In
conclusion, the use of extra VOO for frying and the practice of frequent oil replenishment reduce oil and food alteration
and therefore produce quality foods.
Obtaining more Cardio-Healthy Food
Because of the entrance of oil into food during frying, the higher the thermal oxidation within the oil, the more thermal
oxidized compounds are present in the fried food. Thus, frying with abused oils (>25% polar material; >12% polymers) or
Oil discarding limit
Polar material (g/100 g oil)
FIGURE 12 Change in the amount of polar material
(g/100 g oil) in extra virgin olive oil, highly oleic acid
sunflower oil, and sunflower oil used in 75 fryings of
fresh potatoes performed with the frequent addition of
fresh oil (FR) and in 75 fryings of fresh potatoes in sunflower oil performed with no oil turnover (NR). Source:
Modified from [7]. With the publisher’s permission.
Fryings (n)
-·- FR Sunflower oil
··· FR High oleic sunflower oil
– – FR Extra virgin olive oil
NR Sunflower oil
Discarding limit
Oligomers (mg/100 mg oil)
Polar material (mg/100 mg oil)
Fryings (n)
Discarding limit
Fryings (n)
Sunflower oil
Olive oil + sunflower oil
Olive oil
FIGURE 13 Changes in polar material (mg/100 mg oil) (a) and oligomers (b) of olive oil, sunflower oil, and a blend of both oils during the frying of
different fresh and frozen prefried foods performed with slow oil turnover. The line at 25 mg polar material/100 mg oil or at 12 mg oligomers/100 mg oil
reflects the cutoff point selected for discarding oil in many countries (German Society for Fat Research) [31]. Modified from Bastida S, Sánchez-Muniz FJ.
Polar content vs. TAG oligomer content in the frying-life assessment of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated oils used in deep frying. J Am Oil Chem Soc
2002;79:447–51. With the publisher’s permission.
Frying and the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 21
TABLE 4 Cyclic Monomer and Oligomer Contents of Oils Before and After Frying in Different Conditions
Various Types of Foods
Oil Type
Food Type
Number of
Extra virgin
olive oil
Frozen prefried
Sunflower oil
Highly oleic
sunflower oil
Cyclic Monomers (mg/kg Oil)
Oligomers (g/100 g Oil)
Frozen prefried
Frozen prefried
Frozen prefried
Frozen prefried
Frozen prefried
Oil was added before each frying to keep constant the food-to-oil ratio.
Modified from Sánchez-Muniz FJ. Oils and fats: changes due to culinary and industrial processes. Int J Vitam Nutr Res 2006;76:230–37. With permission,
Verlag Hans Huber.
TABLE 5 Oil Addition and Alterations in the Frying Oil and in the Fat Extracted from Fried Foods
Polar Material (g/100 g Oil)
Trans-Fatty Acids (g/100 g Oil or Fat)
8th Frying
20th Frying
Oil Added?
Extra virgin olive oil
Fat from potatoes fried in extra
virgin olive oil
Oil was added before each frying to keep constant the food-to-oil ratio.
Modified from Sánchez-Muniz FJ. Oils and fats: changes due to culinary and industrial processes. Int J Vitam Nutr Res 2006;76:230–37. With permission,
Verlag Hans Huber.
overheated oil give rise to unhealthy and potentially toxic foods [3,6,7,32,33]. The alteration of food (measured by the
amounts of polar material and trans-fatty acids) is higher than that of the oil, although the thermal oxidation compound
profiles are similar (Table 3). The consumption of food fried in VOO supports some bioactive compounds and fatty acids of
VOO in the diet that would help to correct certain imbalances between ratios of SFAs, MUFAs, omega 6 PUFAs, and omega
3 PUFAs in today’s diets [3,4,17].
There is general concern, mostly in non-Mediterranean countries, about the convenience of consuming fried foods. Most of
it comes from the results and conclusions of studies performed decades ago (for a review see Refs. [3,6,7,33,34]). Overheating but not true frying was performed, producing a very large amount of potentially toxic compounds (e.g., cyclic
monomers) in the oil. In addition, large amounts of isolated altered compounds or whole altered oils were obtained and
tested in animals, sometimes at a level equivalent to 1.4 kg in a man weighing 70 kg [32]. Our group found no significant
changes in weight gain, conceptus weight, number of fetuses, or maternal lipoprotein levels in pregnant rats that received as
the only fat source in their diets olive oil used in potato frying; the alteration of the frying used oil was 9%, as polar content,
while that of the fresh oil was 3% [35].
At present, several aspects of the digestion, absorption, metabolism, and elimination of thermal oxidized products
remain unknown. Our group and others found results suggesting that thermal oxidation compounds are absorbed,
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
altered lipid
Secondary products
Cholesterol oxidase
Secondary products
Cit P450
Free fatty acids
Secondary products
Secondary products
Bile acids
FIGURE 14 Possible metabolic fate of dietary oxidized
and polymerized fats/oils. The scheme illustrates dietary
compounds and possible body pathways for eliminating
the altered products observed. Secondary products
include short- or medium-chain alkyl groups, carbonyl,
hydroxyl, aldehyde, ester, epoxy, carboxyl, etc. Adducts
include hydroxynonenal (HNE) adducts and HNE conjugates. ADH, aldehyde dehydrogenase; EH, epoxy
hydrase; GPx, glutathione peroxidase; GR, glutathione
reductase; Ox, oxidized; Tg, triacylglycerols. Source:
Modified from [34]. With the publisher’s permission.
Cit P450 isoenz
(ADH, EH, etc.)
H2 O
contributing to a decrease in antioxidant defense [33–36]. Figure 14 illustrates dietary compounds and possible body
pathways for eliminating altered compounds, clearly suggesting that the “frying picture” is rather complex.
Oxidized LDL (oxLDL) and its component hydroxy fatty acids have been shown to activate peroxisome proliferatoractivating receptor alpha (PPARa) and gamma (PPARg). Chao et al. [36] tested the hypothesis that lipid oxidation products
in oxidized frying oil obtained by frying wheat dough sheets in soybean oil at 2055 C for 24 h can activate PPARa and upregulate its target genes on Sprague–Dawley male weanling rats. Oxidized frying oil dose dependently and significantly
increased mRNA of acyl-CoA oxidase and cytochrome P450 4A1 (CYP4A1) in liver of rats. Dietary oxidized frying oil
also dose dependently increased liver microsomal CYP4A protein. The activity of hepatic acyl-CoA oxidase of the group
consuming high percentage of oxidized oil was sixfold that of the group consuming high percentage of fresh oil. The results
of Chao et al. [36] support the hypothesis that dietary oxidized frying oil, by activating PPARa, up-regulates the expression
of PPARa downstream genes.
On the other hand, although research on the effect of fatty acids in cell signaling and gene regulation is very active, few
studies have investigated the effect of oxidized fat ingestion and gene regulation of enzymes related to the antioxidant
defense. As an example, Chao et al. [36] reported that oxidized frying oils dose dependently increased in liver the microsomal cytochrome P450 4A1 (CYP4A1) protein and the messenger RNA of acyl-CoA oxidase, and CYP4A1 of Sprague–
Dawley rats, supporting the hypothesis that oxidation products from frying oils can up-regulate genes activated by the
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha.
The effect of ingesting highly thermally oxidized sunflower oil on antioxidant levels and enzyme activity and
expression in the small intestine of fed and fasted rats has been studied by our group [34]. Ingestion of altered oil under
fasting conditions increases the amount of intestinal thiobarbituric acid reactive substance; decreases the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and non-selenium-dependent GPx; and
increases the activity of catalase. Expression of SOD, GPx, and tumor necrosis factor-a increased significantly in fasting
test rats. Most of these effects were partially diminished in fed rats, suggesting that both long fasting and consumption of
food containing oxidized fat should be avoided to prevent intestinal oxidative stress. The information about the effects of
fried products on different aspects of health in humans is rather low. Table 6 summarizes different studies on this topic.
More than one decade ago, we studied the dietary characteristics and CVD and hematological markers in a group of nuns
who followed for years a semi-vegetarian-Mediterranean diet in which meat and meat products were absent. Frying was
used in about 20% of their recipes. This sedentary group showed good profile markers, with high levels of antioxidants and
high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and low blood pressure [46].
Pérez Herrera et al. [47] investigated the effect of consuming frying oil to find an oil model for deep-frying that prevents
oxidative stress. Following a crossover design, 20 obese received four breakfasts containing different oils submitted to 20
fryings: VOO, sunflower oil, sunflower oil plus canola oil supplemented with dimethylpolysiloxane, or sunflower oil supplemented with natural antioxidants from olive oil. The authors concluded that oils with naturally present or added phenolic
compounds reduced postprandial oxidative stress compared with sunflower oil.
Frying and the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 21
TABLE 6 Summary of Some Trials Assessing the Effect of Fried Food Consumption
Patients; Main
Number of Cohort
(Age), Detail
Results and Conclusions; Comments
EPIC cohort; CHD
events, death from
all causes
40,151 (29–69 years),
free CVD
11 years’
Fried food consumption associated with
general and central obesity
et al. [37]
SUN study; BMI,
weight gain
(38.1 11.4 years)
The association between fried food
consumption and higher weight gain was not
significant (differences of small magnitude)
et al. [38]
6621 with BMI
<25 kg/m2
Incidence of
OR for developing overweight/obesity, 1.00
(fried foods <2 times/week); 1.37 for fried
foods >4 times/week (P for trend ¼ 0.02)
Total fried food
consumed at home
and away home
These ORs were nonsignificant when
separating for frying in olive oil (OR, 1.12) or
sunflower oil (OR, 1.26)
EPIC cohort; CHD
events and death
from all causes
40,757 (29–69 years),
free CVD
till 2004
(11 years)
606 CHD events, 1135 deaths from all causes
of myocardial
52 countries
Fried food consumption was associated with a
higher risk of acute myocardial infarction
5761 cases and
10,646 control
Nonquantitative assessment of fried food
consumption; only nine fried foods were
studied and no type of oil was indicated
No differences between oils; no association
was observed between fried food
consumption and all-cause mortality
et al. [39]
Iqbal et al.
Costa Rica;
482 case and 482
4 years’
Palm and hydrogenate oil; no association
between consumption of fried food and risk of
nonfatal acute myocardial infarction
et al. [41]
Pizarra study
1226 adults
6 years’
Fried food in reused oils were associated with
higher prevalence of arterial hypertension
et al. [42]
Health study; allcause mortality
3910 (older people,
>65 years old)
No association between fried fish or fish
sandwich consumption and mortality from
CHD or cardiac arrhythmia or with incidence
of nonfatal acute myocardial infarction
et al. [43]
Multi Ethnic Study
of Atherosclerosis
(MESA); carotid and
lipid markers
5677 (45–84 years),
African Americans,
Caucasians, Chinese,
2 years
No association between fried fish consumption
and subclinical atherosclerosis (carotid, intima
media thickness); no association of fried fish
consumption and change of cholesterol, HDLc, LDL-c, and triglycerides
He et al. [44]
2 years
Consumption of fried fish was associated with
the levels of sVCAM-1; not observed in no-fried
fish consumption
He et al. [45]
MESA study;
subclinical markers
of atherosclerosis
BMI, body mass index; CHD, coronary heart disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; HDL-c, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-c, low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol; OR, odds ratio; sVCAM-1, soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1.
Effects on Body Weight
Some time ago it was demonstrated that olive oil did not induce negative effects on body weight in the frame of Mediterranean diets; however, with respect to fried food consumption, controversial results are available. Some studies suggest an
association between fried food consumption and body weight gain [37], whereas others do not. In the Sun study [38]
(Table 6), the consumption of fried food was associated with weight gain after a 6-year follow-up, although differences
were small and nonsignificant. People in the highest consumption group also ate more total energy, fast foods, snacks
SECTION 2 Components of the Mediterranean Diet
between meals, and sugared drinks. However, the incidence of new overweight/obese cases during the follow-up displays
differences between both groups of individuals. Those negative effects disappear when the individuals were separately
tested for food fried in olive oil or in sunflower oil.
Gesteiro et al. [48] observed that frying was used in 30% of the recipes included in the diets of mothers in the Mérida
Study. These authors, in agreement with others, found a positive association between adequate neonatal birthweight and
Effects on Mortality and Degenerative Diseases
Data from some studies of effects of frying on mortality and degenerative diseases are summarized in Table 6. Consumption
of fried food is associated with a higher risk of acute myocardial infarction in the INTERHEART study [40]; however, in
the EPIC study, definite coronary disease and all-cause mortality were not significantly different between individuals in the
higher quartile for fried food consumption and those in the lowest quartile [39]. Moreover, in a cross-sectional analysis of
the Multi Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA), no association was found between the consumption of fried fish and
subclinical atherosclerosis. Nor was fried fish consumption associated with significant changes in total cholesterol, HDL
cholesterol, or triglycerides [44]. The Cardiovascular Health Study, including a cohort of about 4000 people aged
>65 years, did not find any association between consuming fried fish or fish sandwiches and both mortality from cardiac
arrhythmia or CHD and acute myocardial infarction [41]. No association between the consumption of fried food and risk of
nonfatal acute myocardial infarction was found in a case-control study performed in Costa Rica [43].
The MESA study found that fried fish consumption was negatively associated with the level of soluble intercellular
adhesion molecule-1, a marker of endothelial damage [43]. These results were not expected because it was not evidenced
for the consumption of nonfried fish. In another study, food rich in oxidized oils previously used for frying did not affect
endothelial function but increased postprandial triglyceridemia [45]. As we have stated, the consumption of frying oils is
different than that of fried foods because foods are not only fat; in addition, fast foods are not typical components of Mediterranean diets, and they are usually fried in seed oils that become more easily and rapidly altered than olive oil or VOO.
In the Pizarra study a higher prevalence of hypertension among people with higher consumption of foods fried in reused
oils was recorded [42]. Donfransesco et al. [49] found that the consumption of oxidized food was associated with lower
HDL cholesterol levels and larger waist circumference.
Several aspects of frying will be studied in future works. (1) Pan-frying has been studied much less than deep-frying.
(2) Imprecise information about the type of frying performed (with or without turnover, continuous or discontinuous)
is normally given. (3) No information on the consumption of altered fats is available and only numbers of fried food rations
are normally taken into consideration. (4) The degree of alteration of fried food consumed is normally missed; thus a
general conclusion is misleading because oils perform differently at the same temperature, depending on the oil used
and frying conditions. (5) The application of objective techniques quantifying total alteration in the fat of fried foods
(e.g., polar artefacts, polymers) is demanded to clearly compare results from different studies. (6) New studies comparing
different oils at the same experimental conditions—and the fried foods obtained from those oils—will be performed.
(7) Studies of frying must be centered on typical Mediterranean foods and not on other nontypical Mediterranean foods
(e.g., fried red meat). (8) The convenience of consuming fried food in the frame of individualized diets of candidates carrying different gene polymorphisms for degenerative diseases should be tested.
Fried foods, mainly pan-fried, are common foods in the Mediterranean diet.
Deleting the consumption of fried foods would cause Mediterranean people to perform wrong dietary practices,
decreasing the consumption of fried fish, sofritos, and traditional fritos and increasing that of other foods richer in SFAs.
The use of VOO or extra VOO for frying, together with the practice of frequently replenishing oil, reduce oil and food
alteration and, therefore, produce quality foods.
Recent results suggest that no deleterious effects were observed when the number of fried food rations consumed is
not large.
Frying and the Mediterranean Diet Chapter 21
Some interesting effects were observed after consuming fried fish in relation to some CVD markers. These results could
be explained by the adequate ratio of SFAs, MUFAs, omega 6 PUFAs, and omega 3 PUFAs; antioxidant and bioactive
compounds; and the low level of reactive oxidation products present in the fried food and in the whole diet.
The effect of fried food consumption can be different, depending on the nutritional status of the consumer.
Nutrigenomic and nutrigenetic interactions that modify the expected effect of fried food in a given individual can be
The authors thank Drs. C. Cuesta, A. Romero, R. Arroyo, S. López-Varela, C. Garcı́a-Polonio, and R. Olivero-David
and PhD students D. Zulim-Botega and L. Di Marcoantonio. The study was supported by the project AGL-201129644-C02-02 from the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain and by the Project Consolider-Ingenio 2010 (reference
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Chapter 22
The Mediterranean Diet and Obesity
from a Nutrigenetic and Epigenetics
Marta Garaulet, PhD
University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain.
monounsaturated fatty acid
saturated fatty acid
polyunsaturated fatty acid
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma
fat mass and obesity associated
apolipoprotein A2
circadian locomotor output cycles kaput
nutrient-gene interactions in human obesity
single-nucleotide polymorphisms
deoxyribonucleic acid
ribonucleic acid
adrenoceptor beta 3
genome-wide association studies
body mass index
sterol regulatory element binding protein
hepatocyte nuclear factor 4
lipoprotein lipase
metabolic syndrome
genetics of lipids lowering drugs and diet network
sirtuin 1
high-density lipoprotein
post translational modifications
histone acetile transferase
aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like
The Mediterranean Diet in the Treatment of Obesity
Evidence points toward a role of the Mediterranean diet in preventing obesity. It also seems to be a safe strategy for treating
metabolic syndrome and reducing associated cardiovascular risk. Moreover, results suggest that promoting eating habits
consistent with Mediterranean dietary patterns may be a useful part of efforts to combat obesity. Indeed, the Mediterranean
diet has been proposed to induce weight loss. It covers most nutritional recommendations indicated for achieving adequate
weight loss, such as small amounts of refined carbohydrates, high fiber content, moderate fat content (mostly unsaturated),
and moderate to high content of vegetable proteins.
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 3 Health and Nutritional Aspects of the Mediterranean Diet
Several types of Mediterranean diets have been demonstrated to be effective in the treatment of obesity [1,2]. Flynn
and Colquhoun [3] suggested that the Mediterranean diet is as effective as any other diet in patients seeking to follow a
weight-loss program. Furthermore, Fernandez de la Puebla and coworkers [4] found that isocaloric substitution of a
diet rich in saturated fatty acids with one with the properties of the Mediterranean diet reduced body fat proportion.
In this regard, our group performed a study of 1500 patients and found an average weight loss of 10% of initial weight
and a significant improvement in blood-related parameters, such as glucose, cholesterol, and uric acid [2]. More
important, dropping out was reduced in obesity treatments based on the Mediterranean diet compared to other
hypocaloric diets. Results of a weight loss program based in the Mediterranean Diet principles administered by our group
showed attrition rates of 6–9%; these numbers were much lower than those found in other clinical studies of different
diets, which ranged from 36% to 60% of attrition [2] (Figure 1). The low rates of attrition associated with a
Mediterranean-style dietary approach could be due in part to the fact that subjects find this diet tastier than low-fat
regimens tried before [5].
However, several considerations should be taken into account when recommending the Mediterranean diet for losing
weight. First, we must remember that the application of the Mediterranean diet for weight loss purposes must be
accompanied by reduced energy intake (reductions of 500–1000 kcal/day); fat must not exceed 30% energy; and oleic acid
must constitute at least 55% total fat at the expense of saturated fats—this can be attained by using olive oil as the culinary
fat. On the other hand, it is important to bear in mind that the ingestion of fat has been shown to be a main factor in obesity.
In this regard, nutritional recommendations from Greece based on the Mediterranean pyramid were criticized because fat
intake has been increasing in this country since the 1950s because of the ingestion of olive oil, leading to a substantial
overall weight gain [6]. Therefore we must be cautious with recommendations about the intake of olive oil in the context
of a weight-loss treatment. Although it should be recommended that olive oil should be the only fat added during cooking,
in salads fat intake should represent no more than the 30% or 35% of the total energy intake; in a hypocaloric diet
(1200–1800 kcal), this implies that to lose weight in a Mediterranean diet context the patient should not use more than
three or four tablespoons of olive oil per day.
Another important consideration is that we must be careful because the low intake of meats that characterize the
Mediterranean diet could be accompanied by an insufficient amount of heme iron in a hypocaloric diet. In this sense,
hypocaloric diets in which vegetal products (lentils, chickpeas, beans) make a considerable contribution to total protein
must be varied, and care must be taken to provide sufficient consumption of heme iron. In doing so, iron-related
hematological parameters will be maintained within normal values.
Apart from these considerations, the Mediterranean diet presents many advantages in the treatment of obesity. It is
highly satiating because of high fiber intake. It is composed of high-volume foods with low caloric density. Given its high
carbohydrate content, it does not trigger specific hunger and therefore binge eating. For the same reason, it is not ketogenic;
even though it can be hypocaloric, it maintains adequate nutrient proportions.
More important, our research group, among others, have demonstrated that the Mediterranean diet as a whole as well as
some of its components independently are able to interact with different obesity-related genes, protecting us from the
establishment of obesity or helping to achieve better success in weight-loss programs. The explanation of this gene-diet
interaction is the main objective of this chapter.
Attrition (%)
FIGURE 1 Percentage of attrition in different weight-loss treatments.
Mediterranean Diet Nutrigenetics and Obesity Chapter 22
In 2009 Shadan [7] defined obesity as a complex disorder based on the contributions of environmental as well as many
genetic factors. Corella and Portolés [8] hypothesized that many causes interact at the same time, contributing to the
development of obesity, for example, genetic inheritance, diet, meal times, social stress, lifestyle habits, and physical
activity. In the words of Jose Marı́a Ordovás [9]: “We could say that our genome and our environment are having a constant
Among the many gene-environment interactions, diet plays a prominent role. Gene-nutrient interactions are attracting
the attention of numerous studies because of their complexity and potential therapeutic value. However, interindividual
variability complicates the treatment of obesity. The relationship of “nature versus nurture” has been widely reported
among twin studies regarding obesity and its traits. Genetic and environmental influences on the final phenotype of an
individual are markedly related to lifestyle habits (diet, physical activity, social support, education, etc.). Furthermore,
recent studies [10] indicate that the chronobiology of the individual seems to contribute significantly to the metabolic
alterations related to obesity. In these studies, lifestyle habits such as shift work, sleep deprivation, and exposure to bright
light at night have been associated with increased adiposity.
The success of the Human Genome Project in 2003 and the development of molecular biology techniques have opened new
doors for the understanding of medicine and nutrition. Nowadays, however, a huge amount of scientific literature seems to
clarify, even for specialists, the number of new terms involved in the so-called Omics.
Nutrigenetics studies the effect of genetic variation on the interaction between diet and disease; the study of this effect
on dietary response is the main objective of nutrigenetics. Nowadays, the Nutrient–Gene Interactions in Human Obesity:
Implications for Dietary Guidelines (NUGENOB) project represent the most complete range of studies regarding
gene-nutrient interactions. Critical mutations in the genome, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), the most
common cause of genetic diversity between individuals (i.e., affecting response to a drug or diet), provide useful information about nutrient metabolism and its pathways. On the other hand, in 2009 Corella and Ordovás [11] described
nutrigenomics as the science that focuses its attention on the role of nutrients and bioactive food compounds in gene
expression. Metabolic changes (metabolomics) and protein expression (proteomics) could also provide interesting
information about future therapies.
However, mutations are not always required to modify gene expression. Depending on environmental conditions,
epigenetic studies show how and when certain genes can be turned on or off. In this sense, a new science has emerged:
epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene expression or cellular phenotype caused by mechanisms other than
changes in the underlying DNA sequence. Hence the name: epi- (the Greek epί, meaning “over, above, outer”) -genetics. It
refers to functionally relevant modifications to the genome that do not involve a change in the nucleotide sequence.
Examples of such changes are DNA methylation and histone modification, both of which serve to regulate gene expression
without altering the underlying DNA sequence. In 2011 it was demonstrated that the methylation of messenger RNA has a
critical role in human energy homeostasis. This opened the related field of RNA epigenetics.
Genetics of Obesity and Weight Loss
Obesity is described in general as a disease with a complex multigenic base, implicating various numbers of genes as well as
interactions between them and the environment (e.g., diet) [8]. Variations in candidate genes implicated in different physiological pathways related ti obesity traits first were studied in experimental animal models. These studies reported that the
suppression of some candidate genes is able to confer resistance to obesity relative to a control group of mice (“wild type,”
or nongenetically modified, mice) with the same energy intake.
Data regarding weight loss are contradictory. The results of the NUGENOB Consortium in 2006 reported that some
studies found no associations between weight loss and candidate genes [12]. Others studies showed that changes in fat
mass were predicted by polymorphisms at several obesity-related candidate genes. Furthermore, different genes such as
leptin, G protein, ADRB3, PPARs, and perilipin have been proposed as genes related to changes in fat mass. Our research
proposes a polymorphism in CLOCK, the 3111T/C, as a genetic variant implicated in weight loss in the context of a
Mediterranean diet [13].
Nowadays, the list of genes implicated in obesity has dramatically increased, and genome-wide association studies
(GWASs) have been demonstrated that multiple gene variants are related to obesity. However, there is still and important
SECTION 3 Health and Nutritional Aspects of the Mediterranean Diet
work to do to demonstrate the physiological mechanism that underlies these associations. Moreover, replications are difficult because of the complexity of the interactions, but they are particularly necessary to establish the bases of this relative
new science of nutrigenetics and its relevance in obesity.
Hainer et al. [14] proposed in 2008 that the potential obesity candidate genes could cause either a predisposition to
obesity (the so-called obesogenic genes) or to leanness (leptogenic genes). Authors suggested that these genes participate
in several kinds of interactions: (1) genes interact with each other (gene–gene interactions); (2) genes interact with various
environmental factors (gene–environment interactions); and (3) interactions between biological factors (genes, hormones,
and neurotransmitters, etc.), psychobehavioral factors, and environmental factors. These interactions influence body fat
accumulation and fat distribution as well as obesity-related health risks.
Among the gene–environment interactions, diet has been the most studied. In this regard, different works demonstrate
that, apart from the classical advantages of the Mediterranean diet, in those subjects who follow Mediterranean dietary
recommendations there are relevant gene–diet interactions that may participate in the protection that the Mediterranean
diet exerts against obesity.
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Genes
and the Mediterranean Diet
Regarding nutrient–gene interactions, a wide range of experimental models have shown that polyunsaturated fatty acids
(PUFAs), as well as monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs)—but in a minor proportion—are able to regulate gene
expression. Genes codifying the enzymes responsible for lipogenesis and fatty acid oxidation are the most widely studied.
In an elegant review, Sánchez-Muñiz and Nus [15] affirmed that PUFAs could act directly or through their metabolites on a
family of transcription factors called peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs). PUFAs are able to act on other
transcription factors as well (sterol regulatory element binding protein, hepatocyte nuclear factor 4, thyroid hormone
receptor, and the estrogenic receptors between others, modulating their activity and levels. The PPARs are transcription
factors involved in the regulation of glucidic and lipid metabolism, as well as in adipocyte differentiation and inflammatory
response. They belong to the superfamily of hormone nuclear receptors, and their natural ligands are fatty acids.
A point mutation found on the B exon of the NH2-terminal of PPARl2, substituting alanine for proline at position 12
(PPARl Pro12Ala SNP) (rs1801282), has been shown to decrease receptor activity. This mutation has been associated with
higher insulin sensitivity and a more favorable lipid profile. This observation is consistent with previous work showing that
heterozygous-deficient mice have increased insulin sensitivity [16]. However, in spite of this evidence, multiple studies
have shown no association with or no increase in the risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus or metabolic syndrome in people
with the Ala12 variant.
PPARl2 is also related to adipogenesis [17]. Based on this evidence, its association with obesity parameters and, more
precisely, its contribution to weight loss has been a research focus during recent years. Again, however, conflicting results
have been reported. For example, in some studies Ala carriers seem to be more responsive to lifestyle interventions that
promote beneficial health effects, whereas others have reported that the PPARl rs1801282 Pro12Ala SNP is associated with
resistance to weight loss or with no effect on response to a weight-loss intervention. These discrepancies may be related to
differences in intervention protocols, age of the participants, sample sizes, gene–gene interactions, or gene–diet interactions. In this regard, our group decided to look at potential interactions between fat intake and the PPARl polymorphism in
a Spanish overweight/obese population enrolled in a behavioral treatment program for obesity based on a Mediterranean
Diet. Consistent with numerous prior reports, we did not observe direct associations between the PPARl2 Pro12Ala
genotype and body mass index (BMI). However, we did observe an obesity-related gene–diet interaction between the
PPARl2 genotype and MUFA intake. In this context obesity was attenuated in carriers of the reduced-activity Ala12 allele,
but this association was significant only in subjects with high MUFA intake (56% of total fat intake) (Figure 2).
Three other groups have examined the interaction between PPARl2 Pro12Ala and fatty acid intake for obesity-related
traits in humans. Memisoglu et al. [18] were the first to find an interaction identical to ours in which the PPARl2 Pro12Ala
polymorphism interacted with MUFA intake for the outcome of BMI. Furthermore, an earlier study [19] detected an
interaction between the Pro12Ala genotype and a dietary PUFAs-to-saturated fatty acids (SFA) ratio (PUFA:SFA), such
that carriers of the Ala12 allele were more obese than Pro12 homozygotes when the dietary PUFA:SFA was low, whereas
the opposite was true (i.e., Ala12 allele carriers were less obese than Pro12 homozygotes) when the PUFA:SFA was high.
Mediterranean Diet Nutrigenetics and Obesity Chapter 22
MUFA% of fat
BMI (kg/m)
P = 0.031
P = 0.351
Waist circumfernce (cm)
PPARl2 Pro12 Ala (rs1801282)
SFA% of energy
(P = 0.84)
(P = 0.005)
(P = 0.017)
FIGURE 2 Examples of gene–nutrient interactions for obesity. (a) Monounsaturated fatty acids as a percentage of fat. (b) Saturated fatty acids as a
percentage of energy. BMI, body mass index.
Clock 3111T/C
These results were similar to ours, although in our study of obesity the Pro12Ala genotype interacted not with PUFA:
SFA but with the percentage of MUFAs. Notably, studies were performed in populations that habitually consumed
vegetable oils that were rich in PUFAs but not in oleic acid or MUFAs. However, results from our group of Mediterranean
individuals who habitually consume large amounts of olive oil are consistent with those from a previous report performed in
another southern Spanish population [20]. In both our study and the previous cross-sectional Spanish study, MUFAs
consumed in the context of a Mediterranean diet were beneficial for PPARl2 Ala12 allele carriers, although in the earlier
study the outcome was insulin resistance rather than obesity.
It has been suggested that direct PPAR activation by oleic acid may promote oxidation or sequestration of palmitate,
thereby preventing deleterious effects related to SFAs, such as insulin resistance or cardiovascular risk [21]. Moreover,
PPARl2 activation mediates the expression of several target genes implicated in adipose tissue accumulation, such as
lipoprotein lipase, and also plays a role in adipose triglyceride lipase saturation [17]. Our detection of a gene–diet interaction may partly explain the discrepancies among different studies and populations because diets vary widely in their fatty
acid composition across different countries and even within the same country.
FTO and the Mediterranean Diet
A large number of genes have been implicated in obesity-related phenotypes, but among the most consistently reported
obesity candidates is the fat mass and obesity-associated gene (FTO) located on chromosome 16q12.2 of the human
genome. The relationship between FTO and obesity-related traits was originally detected through a GWAS and has been
subsequently replicated in other GWASs. The mostly widely studied of the FTO variants is a SNP located in the first intron
SECTION 3 Health and Nutritional Aspects of the Mediterranean Diet
of this gene (rs9939609 T > A). To date, the association between the rs9939609 T > A SNP and BMI has been extensively,
but not uniformly, supported in both adults and children.
For this reason, our group aimed to investigate associations and interactions with physical activity and dietary patterns
that underlie FTO associations with obesity in a Mediterranean population of 1465 subjects. Our preliminary data indicate
that the FTO rs9939609 T/A SNP is associated with physical activity and BMI. Although FTO rs9939609 was not
associated with total energy intake, a significant gene–nutrient interaction between the FTO SNP and amount of dietary
fat was detected. Specifically, increased adiposity was associated with the A allele only in individuals with high intakes of
PUFAs and SFAs.
Of note, we did not detect an interaction between the FTO genotype and MUFA intake for obesity-related traits. These
results could be related to the dietary characteristics of the population, which traditionally have included high intake of
MUFAs, particularly from olive oil, as a primary fat source. Garaulet et al. [22] described MUFAs as a type of fatty acid
that protects against body fat accumulation, with an inverse correlation between MUFAs and the number of fat cells.
Moreover, in a 3-year intervention using a Mediterranean diet supplemented with virgin olive oil, subjects had less body
weight gain than did control subjects without this supplementation [23]. Therefore, our preliminary studies suggest that a
high proportion of MUFAs, with olive oil as the main fat in the diet, in Mediterranean countries could contribute to
protection against obesity traits, even among carriers of the FTO risk allele.
CLOCK Gene, Obesity, and the Mediterranean Diet
Daily timekeeping in many organisms depends on internal circadian clocks that temporally organize biological functions
relative to each other as well as to the environment. These clocks generate physiological and behavioral rhythms using
circuits of gene expression that are organized in negative feedback loops. The great interindividual differences in chronotype, responses to sleep curtailment, and association with obesity point to an underlying genetic component, and some
limited data suggest that genetic variation at loci involved in circadian regulation may underlie these large phenotypic
In this regard, genetic variation at the circadian locomotor output cycles kaput gene(CLOCK), a key driver of the
circadian rhythm, has been related to psychological alterations and eveningness. Since 2008, following the study of an
Argentinean population, Sookoian et al. [24] and those of a European population carried out by Scott et al. [25], it has
been known that different CLOCK variants are associated with obesity—in particular abdominal obesity—and metabolic
Subsequently, our group replicated these data in a North American sample of 540 men and 560 women who participated
in the Genetics of Lipids Lowering Drugs and Diet Network (GOLDN) [26]. In this American population, four of
five CLOCK SNPs (Figure 3) were associated with BMI, energy intake, and different variables related to obesity [27].
In fact, our results showed that individuals carrying the gene variants or polymorphisms ate more, slept less, ate more
fat, and were more obese. Some of these associations may be functionally explained, such as the CLOCK polymorphism
rs3749474, potentially leading to a change in messenger RNA structure that makes CLOCK less viable, so that its
expression loses efficacy.
CLOCK Interacts with Dietary Fat Quality
Perhaps one of the most interesting results obtained was that these associations between gene polymorphism and abdominal
obesity or impaired glucose metabolism were shown only in individuals with an unbalanced diet that included a high
proportion of saturated fat; factory-made pastries, sausages, and other processed foods; and a low proportion of MUFAs
FIGURE 3 Different CLOCK polymorphisms related to
Localization Minor allele frequency Major allele
Minor allele
Intron 9
Mediterranean Diet Nutrigenetics and Obesity Chapter 22
(olive oil). In other words, results indicated that CLOCK polymorphisms interacted with fatty acids to modulate metabolic
syndrome traits. We identified significant gene–diet interactions associated with metabolic syndrome at the CLOCK locus.
By dichotomizing MUFA intake, we found different effects on glucose and insulin resistance across rs4580704
genotypes. The protective effect of the minor allele on insulin sensitivity was present only when MUFA intake was high.
Different effects were found across CLOCK 3111TNC genotypes for SFA intake. The deleterious effect of gene variants on
waist circumference was found only with high SFA intake [26] (Figure 2). These results suggest that dietary source and
membrane content of MUFAs are implicated in the relationship between alterations in the circadian system and metabolic
syndrome and, as a consequence, we can say that the Mediterranean diet is able to interact with genes, protecting subjects
from obesity.
Other CLOCK Genes
We found similar gene–diet interactions related to MUFAs and obesity with other CLOCK genes such as sirtuins (SIRT1).
Considering the tight connections between SIRT1 and CLOCK, and the role of SIRT1 in transducing signals originated by
metabolic components of the circadian clock, we developed a SIRT1 and CLOCK combined genotype to assess its associations with the chronotype of subjects (morning or evening types) and their potential resistance to weight loss in a behavioral treatment for obesity based on a Mediterranean diet [28]. Results indicated that the SIRT1 and CLOCK combined
genotype has an additive effect on resistance to weight loss that could be related to less adherence to Mediterranean dietary
patterns. Indeed, dietary habits indicated that carriers of the resistance genotype had a lower intake of total carbohydrates
and MUFAs and a higher intake of SFAs than those carrying the intermediate and the protective genotype [28].
We are currently working on another CLOCK gene called REV-ERB that functions as an integral driver of the circadian
clock. Despite the solid implication of REV-ERB in obesity, the information about whether genetic variations at this locus
may be associated with those traits is scarce. Our preliminary results show novel associations between the REV-ERBALPHA1 rs2314339 genotype and obesity in two independent populations. Of note, a significant interaction between
the REV-ERB-ALPHA1 variant and MUFA intake for obesity was detected in a Mediterranean population.
Other Components in Addition to MUFAs
Although most of the gene–diet interactions implicated in obesity are related to MUFA intake, other components of the
Mediterranean diet influence the connection between the circadian genes and obesity. A recent study of experimental
animals published by our group [29] demonstrated that resveratrol, a component of red wine, reverses the change in
the expression of REV-ERBa in adipose tissue induced by high-fat feeding. This change seems to be related to a reduced
lipogenesis, which might be involved in the body fat-lowering effect of this molecule.
SNPs and Obesogenic Behaviors in the Context of a Mediterranean Diet
Other polymorphisms have been related to the dietary behaviors more than to specific components of the diet, such as
MUFAs or resveratrol. This is the case of the interaction between APOA2 and PERIOD2 SNPs with obesogenic behaviors
in the context of a Mediterranean diet.
APOA2 and Skipping Meals
One example of genetic variations that have recently produced interesting results regarding the genetic predisposition to
obesity via altered energy intake is the apolipoprotein A-2 gene (APOA2). Apolipoproteins combine with lipids to
form several classes of lipoprotein particles with different densities, ranging from chylomicrons and very-low-density
lipoproteins to very-high-density lipoproteins. More concretely, APOA2 is considered the major component of high-density
lipoprotein particles and a regulator of triglyceride and postpandrial metabolism. In addition, nutrigenetic interactions have
focused the interest of numerous studies: the interaction between the APOA2 m265 genotype and SFAs for obesity traits has
been more extensively demonstrated than any other locus.
In 2011 Corella et al. [30] replicated these results in two different populations (Mediterranean and Asian). The results
showed that SFA intake modulates body weight-related traits under the influence of the m265T/C polymorphism. In a
recessive model, a Mediterranean population that was homozygous for the minor allele (CC) was classified into two groups
depending on their SFA intake (low and high, with 22 g/d as cutoff point). The CC carriers consuming high rates of SFAs
reported 6.8% higher BMI than the CC carriers with low SFA intake [30]. The trend was maintained in the Chinese and the
Asian Indian populations. Furthermore, we recently replicated these results in a Mediterranean population from southeast
SECTION 3 Health and Nutritional Aspects of the Mediterranean Diet
Odds ratios
Major (TT)
Minor (TC+CC)
Do you skip
Do you plan
FIGURE 4 Associations between APOA2 and obesogenic behaviors in a Mediterranean diet context. Data shown are positive responses to each question.
Spain [31]. In spite of all this knowledge, this particular polymorphism is not widely studied in GWASs because it is not
included in habitual microchips. Moreover, the mechanisms implicated in its association with obesity are still unknown.
When we studied more deeply which behaviors could connect this SNP with obesity or weight loss, we discovered that
homozygous minor (CC) subjects were more likely to exhibit behaviors that impede weight loss (response of “yes” to the
question “Do you skip meals?”) and less likely to exhibit protective behaviors (response of “yes” to the question, “Do you
plan meals in advance?”) (Figure 4). Therefore we concluded that the APOA2 m265 genotype may be associated with eating
behaviors that are far different than the Mediterranean diet characteristics.
PERIOD2 (PER2) and Attrition
Another SNP related to obesogenic behaviors is the circadian clock-related gene PERIOD2 (PER2), which was associated
to attrition in patients prone to withdrawal from a behavioral weight-reduction program based on the Mediterranean diet
[32]. A total of 454 overweight/obese participants, aged 20 to 65 years, who attended outpatient clinics specializing in
obesity were studied. Results indicate that the PER2 polymorphisms rs2304672C > G and rs4663302C > T were associated
with abdominal obesity. Moreover, the frequency of the rs4663307 minor allele was significantly greater in those who
withdrew from the study than in those who successfully completed treatment. Logistic regression analysis showed that
carriers of the rs2304672 C > G minor allele had a greater probability of dropping out, displaying extreme snacking,
experiencing stress with dieting, eating when bored, and skipping breakfast than noncarriers (Figure 5). We concluded that
PER2 was implicated in attrition in weight-loss treatment and may modulate eating behavior-related phenotypes.
As we introduced at the beginning of this chapter, one important revolution in genetics science is epigenetics. We now
know that we do not have a predetermined a genome. What we eat, how much we sleep, whether we exercise, and even
how we use our mind may change our genome. In other words, epigenetics does not change DNA but decides how much or
whether some genes are expressed in different cells in our bodies.
Per2 (rs2304672)
FIGURE 5 Associations between PER2 and obesogenic behaviors
in a Mediterranean diet context.
Odds ratios
Major (CC)
Menor (GC+GG)
Mediterranean Diet Nutrigenetics and Obesity Chapter 22
The molecular basis of epigenetics is complex. It involves modifications of the activation of certain genes but not the
basic structure of DNA. One way that gene expression is regulated is by the remodeling of chromatin (the complex of DNA
and histones). Chromatin proteins associated with DNA may be activated or silenced. Histones can change how tightly or
loosely the DNA wraps around them by modifying their amino acids. If the amino acids that are in the chain are changed, the
shape of the histone sphere might be modified.
A second way chromatin is remodeled is the addition of methyl groups to the DNA, mostly at CpG sites, which are
regions of DNA where a cytosine nucleotide occurs next to a guanine nucleotide. CpG is shorthand for –C–phosphate–
G–, that is, cytosine and guanine separated by only one phosphate. Methylation converts cytosine to 5-methylcytosine.
Some areas of the genome are methylated more heavily than others, and highly methylated areas tend to be less transcriptionally active, although the mechanism not fully understood.
Epigenetic control can be exerted through a variety of mechanisms, including not only DNA methylation but also
microRNA-mediated metabolic pathways, histone variants, and posttranslational modifications of histone. Different
studies point out the association between epigenetic changes and several illnesses, for example, cancer, in which
methylation of CpG sites within the promoters of genes can lead to the silencing of tumor suppressor genes. In contrast,
the hypomethylation of CpG sites has been associated with the overexpression of oncogenes within cancer cells.
Epigenetics and Circadian Rhythms
The connection between epigenetics and the clock machinery was made in a study by Crosio et al. [33], who demonstrated
that chromatin remodeling was involved in circadian gene expression. It has been hypothesized that because a large number
of transcripts oscillate in a circadian manner, there must be a widespread program of dynamic changes in chromatin
remodeling that accompany circadian gene expression. This has been described as the “circadian epigenome” and probably
includes cycles of chromatin transitions that allow a highly dynamic chromatin structure to be temporally permissive to
Histones can be modified at more than 30 sites within the N-terminal tails. There are several modifications in the histones,
such as acetylation and phosphorylation, among others. The finding that CLOCK has an intrinsic histone acetile transferase
activity reveals one link between epigenetic control and the circadian clock. CLOCK may acetylate histones, particularly the
lysine residues in the histones 3 and 4. Interestingly, CLOCK can also acetylate nonhistone substrates. This is the case with
BMAL1, which is acetylated by CLOCK in a lysine residue, an event that is crucial for the circadian transcriptional program.
Another substrate susceptible to acetylation by CLOCK is the glucocorticoid receptor, whose function is regulated by this
process. This acetylation activity by CLOCK has been demonstrated to be essential for circadian expression.
Another important actor in the circadian epigenome is sirtuin, particularly SIRT1 and SIRT6. Sirtuins possess
deacetylase activity and are implicated in the induction of gene silencing. In particular, SIRT1 physically interacts with
CLOCK, and it has been defined as a circadian enzymatic rheostat because it controls via different mechanisms the balance
of acetylation and chromatin remodeling by the circadian clock.
Although all this knowledge is useful, there are no studies about the connection between this circadian epigenome and
obesity. Our group identified novel associations between methylation patterns at three circadian clock genes and metabolic
syndrome factors as well as changes in body weight resulting from dietary intervention [34]. In addition, our data support a
modulation of these associations by dietary intake of MUFAs and PUFAs. In fact, in the study performed by our group, the
close direct associations found between methylation of several CpGs of the CLOCK gene and waist circumference, serum
glucose and triglyceride concentrations, blood pressure, homeostasis model assessment index, and the metabolic syndrome
score, as well as the inverse association with circulating adiponectin—together with the similar results obtained with
BMAL1 and PER2 genes—strongly suggest that some of these factors could affect the methylation pattern of CLOCK genes
or even that this methylation could be a causative factor of obesity and metabolic syndrome. This report was the first demonstrating that epigenetic mechanisms related to cytosine methylation in CLOCK gene promoters might be involved in the
origin of obesity and metabolic syndrome. Finally, an outstanding result of our study was the association between the type
of fatty acids (particularly MUFAs and PUFAs) in the diet and the methylation patterns in adults. Indeed, high intake of
MUFAs was related to a decreased degree of methylation.
The Mediterranean diet is protective against obesity, and following a hypocaloric diet based on Mediterranean dietary
principles may be a good therapy for losing weight. Furthermore, new nutrigenetics studies are demonstrating that Mediterranean diet components or behaviors may interact with different genes and exert a protective role against obesity or
SECTION 3 Health and Nutritional Aspects of the Mediterranean Diet
Obesogenic behaviors
FIGURE 6 Interactions between different genes and Mediterranean diet characteristics for obesity traits. MUFA, monounsaturated fatty acid; PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acid; SFA, saturated
fatty acid.
metabolic syndrome traits. This is the case of different SNPs related to obesity; PPARl, FTO, APOA2, and CLOCK variants
lose their obesogenic action when the subject highly adheres to Mediterranean diet patterns (Figure 6). In most studies, in
those subjects who have a MUFA intake higher than the median of the population, the genetic variant is not associated to
obesity traits. Other components, such as resveratrol from red wine, also seem to be protective against the obesogenic effect
of REV-ERBa. However, it is important to elucidate whether this gene-diet interaction are a consequence of the MUFA
intake itself or whether MUFAs act as a marker of Mediterranean diet adherence. In any case, the Mediterranean diet protects form the deleterious effects of several genetic variants in obesity. Moreover, our results of CLOCK gene variants
suggest that the Mediterranean diet is a protective factor in the important connections existing between the circadian clock
and obesity. This new knowledge should be considered in the treatment of obesity.
Results suggest that promoting eating habits consistent with Mediterranean dietary patterns maybe a useful part of
efforts to combat obesity. Indeed, the Mediterranean diet has been proposed to induce weight loss.
New nutrigenetics studies demonstrate that Mediterranean diet components or behaviors may interact with different
genes and exert a protective effect against obesity or metabolic syndrome traits.
We observed a gene-diet interaction between the PPARl2 genotype and MUFA intake for obesity. In this context
obesity was attenuated in carriers of the reduced-activity Ala12 allele, but this association was significant only in
subjects with high MUFA intake (56% of total fat intake).
CLOCK polymorphisms interacted with fatty acids to modulate metabolic syndrome traits, and we found similar gene–
diet interactions for obesity between MUFAs and other CLOCK genes such as sirtuins (SIRT1).
Other polymorphisms have been related to dietary behaviors more than to specific components of the diet, such as
MUFAs or resveratrol; this is the case of the interaction between APOA2 and PERIOD2 SNPs and obesogenic behaviors
in the context of a Mediterranean diet.
Our results from CLOCK variants suggest that the Mediterranean diet is a protective factor in the important connections
existing between the circadian clock and obesity.
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Chapter 23
Mediterranean Diet: Antioxidant
Nutritional Status
Elena Azzini and Giuseppe Maiani
National Institute for Food and Nutrition Research, Rome, Italy.
antioxidant capacity
ferric reducing ability of plasma
glutathione peroxidase
low density lipoprotein
Mediterranean diet
Mediterranean diet score
superoxide dismutase
total antioxidant capacity
total TNF-a: tumor necrosis factor alpha
Scientists have focused their attention on the traditional Mediterranean diet (MD), designated an Intangible Cultural
Heritage by UNESCO, for its proven health benefits. The overall objective of this chapter is to reexamine the role of
the MD in human nutrition, particularly its effect on human antioxidant nutritional status. We emphasize the attention
on plant-origin foods rich in vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and phytonutrients that contribute to general well-being,
satiety, and the maintenance of a balanced diet. A solid scientific background seems to support the MD as an optimal dietary
pattern for healthy eating and the prevention of a wide spectrum of disease including cardiovascular disease [1,2]. neurodegenerative [3–5] and inflammatory disease [6], metabolic disorders [7,8], and cancer [9].
Several international health authorities [10] have indicated that some foods and food components are powerfully beneficial
for human health because of their role in slowing the progression of the aging process and preventing several pathological
conditions related to oxidative stress (inflammation, metabolic disorders, reperfusion damage, atherosclerosis, and
carcinogenesis). Dietary habits can play a key role in regulating the redox status of human plasma, improving the defense
against oxidative damage. It is well known that oxidative stress represents an imbalance between humans’ protective
molecules, the antioxidants, and molecules that are able to damage all sorts of cellular components, the free radicals
(Figure 1). Endogenous production of free radicals occurs during normal physiological processes; moreover, environmental
factors including diet, air pollution, ultraviolet radiation, and cigarette smoking can also contribute to the accumulation of
free radicals in the body. The role of oxidative stress is clearly different depending on the pathological conditions involved,
but it can be attributed to a series of changes in several biological molecules including polyunsaturated fatty acids, nucleic
acids, proteins, and carbohydrates, resulting in altered metabolic and functional processes (Figure 2). The human body
responds to oxidative injury through an interacting network of antioxidant enzymes including superoxide dismutases,
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 3 Health and Nutritional Aspects of the Mediterranean Diet
Aging; toxin; stress;
environmental insults
Normal; young
Reactive oxygen
Minimal oxidative damage
Reactive oxygen
Increased oxidative damageaging, age-related diseases
FIGURE 2 Relationship between ROS and diseases.
Dominguez LJ, Barbagallo M. G Gerontol 2007;55:231–238.
FIGURE 1 Diagrammatic representation of the oxidative stress by healthy status and age-related diseases develop. From Reiter RJ. Prog Neurobiol
Damage of cell membranes and other cellular
components (mitochondria, lipoproteins)
Heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis
catalase, and various peroxidases (glutathione, glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidases, and glutathione
S-transferases) and nonenzymatic low-molecular-weight antioxidants, including glutathione, ubiquinol, and uric acid, that
are produced during normal metabolism in the body [11] (Figure 3). Other antioxidants that are able to counteract the cell
damage and homeostatic disruption caused by free radicals are dietary antioxidants and combinations of protective
substances in plants called phytochemicals, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, and polyphenols, including phenolic
acids and flavonoids (Figure 4). Dietary antioxidants also interact with the endogenous antioxidant network and may have
synergistic effects on total antioxidant activity [12,13]. Moreover, a homeostatic mechanism in which endogenous
antioxidants compensate for the influx of dietary antioxidants has been indicated [14].
A diet should contribute adequate amounts of nutrients to meet the metabolic requirements of an individual and to give the
consumer safety, quality, and variety. As has been widely documented, fruit and vegetable consumption has been closely
associated with a lower risk of degenerative diseases [15]. The MD seems to provide a balanced diet that is suitable for all
ages and seems to be a valid model of sustainability from a health point of view, both supporting food quality and promoting
sustainable resource management through environmentally sound farming systems linked to territorial characterization and
to local cultural heritage [16]. Locally grown, wild, and seasonal edible plants contribute a considerable portion of the daily
Mediterranean Diet: Antioxidant Nutritional Status Chapter 23
Signaling messenger
Gene expression
MPO, CYP, cyt c
1st line
2nd line
Metal chelating
GPx, Trx, Prx
3rd line
de novo
Free radicals
of redox
4th line
Induction of
defense enzymes
FIGURE 3 In vivo defense. From Niki [11].
FIGURE 4 Main dietary phytochemicals.
Phenolic acids
diet in certain Mediterranean areas, and it has been suggested that the beneficial effects of the MD on human health
originate in part from antioxidant-rich food plants [17].
A traditional Mediterranean dietary pattern rich in fruits, vegetables, whole-grain cereals, and virgin olive oil seem to
support the important role of foods in improving physical and mental well-being, maintaining a state of health, and reducing
the risk of illness [18]. Dried fruits and berries have an important role in the MD, too. Following a MD style [19,20], the
higher consumption of raw foods, production of fewer cooking-related oxidants, and a consequent decreased waste of
nutritional and endogenous antioxidants associated with the high intake of phytochemicals and dietary fiber help to
scavenge even small amounts of oxidants or oxidized compounds. Thus the effect of peroxides and pro-oxidants present
in processed food on antioxidant status should be limited even if cooking and food processing can enhance the
bioavailability of antioxidants, such as some carotenoids in vegetables [21]. The cumulative activities of phytochemicals
SECTION 3 Health and Nutritional Aspects of the Mediterranean Diet
present in food and their synergistic action, known as dietary total antioxidant capacity (TAC), defines a food’s nutritional
characteristics and healthy properties. Furthermore, as shown by several studies [22,23], vitamins can improve DNA repair
enzymes, such as enzymes involved in DNA methylation or base excision repair, contributing indirectly to a decrease in
oxidative damage. Alleva et al. [24] demonstrated that foods rich in ascorbic acid provide dual protection against oxidative
stress, enhancing plasma antioxidant concentrations and stimulating genes involved in cell detoxification. The effect of a
Mediterranean dietary pattern on plasma TAC has been evaluated in several studies as the measure of antioxidant capacity
(AC), reflecting the synergistic action of all the antioxidants present in plasma and body fluids, thus providing an integrated
parameter rather than the simple sum of measurable antioxidants [25], even if the assay does not account for in vivo
antioxidant enzyme activities [26,27]. The effect that diet exerts on total plasma AC has been the source of much debate
over the past decade. There currently is growing interest in studying overall dietary patterns because food items and
nutrients could have synergistic or antagonistic effects when they are consumed in combination. Overall patterns represent
the current practices found in the assessed population and therefore provide useful epidemiological information [28].
Human antioxidant status acts as a system and can be evaluated by direct measurement of several endogenous or dietary
components in tissues or body fluids, such as glutathione, superoxide dismutase, sulfur-containing amino acids, ascorbate,
tocopherol, carotenoids, and others. The TAC of body fluids, especially plasma, can be used as an index of redox status of
the human organism in both healthy individuals and those suffering from different diseases [29], representing a parameter
summarizing the overall activity of all types of antioxidants in living systems. The TAC of biological samples can also be
evaluated in clinical studies that measure the end products of the free radical damage of endogenous compounds such as
lipids or DNA. Changes from the baseline levels of these products could then be ascribed to changes in the AC of the diet.
The AC of biological samples can be monitored by a variety of simple, nonspecific, high-throughput screenings assays,
which do not necessarily reflect the human physiological mechanisms in vivo [30]. As suggested by Niki [31], the term
antioxidant capacity means different things to different people and on different occasions, and it may mean the capacity
of scavenging free radicals, the capacity of inhibition of oxidation, or the capacity to prevent a disease. Consequently, it is
perhaps best to define the overall plasma AC as a “concept” rather than a simple analytical determination because it results
from the simultaneous presence of many poorly defined pro-oxidant and antioxidant compounds (Figure 5). Although much
of the research to-date focuses on the potential benefit of single antioxidant nutrients, as reported by Jacob [32], the best
protection against oxidative stress comes from a wide assortment of interrelated antioxidants and antioxidant cofactors [33].
The antioxidant value of a particular food component, by simple measure of ability or how well it can quench free radicals
in a chemically defined reaction system, is an important factor; nevertheless, we also need to consider the coexistence of
other compounds in the food matrix that may take part in inhibitory, additive, or synergistic interactions in vitro. In humans
the bioavailability of the compound; its metabolism and distribution through the body; the effectiveness of the compound
within the cell, after a single dose, and when administered on a regular basis; and the effect of the whole diet on properly
chosen biomarkers could provide an overview of antioxidant effectiveness in reducing oxidative stress [34].
FIGURE 5 The multivariables feature of total antioxidant
capacity: “the TAC concept.” From Serafini and Del Rio [14].
Mediterranean Diet: Antioxidant Nutritional Status Chapter 23
Increased oxidative stress at the cellular level could be caused by many factors, including exposure to alcohol, drugs,
trauma, cold, infections, poor diet, toxins, radiation, or vigorous physical activity. Protection against all of these processes
depends on the adequacy of various antioxidant substances that are derived either directly or indirectly from the diet.
Therefore, inadequate intake of antioxidant nutrients may compromise antioxidant potential, thus compounding overall
oxidative stress. The best way to ensure the adequate intake of phytonutrients is to eat a diet rich in a wide variety of fresh
fruits and vegetables; adherence to the MD could represent a good choice to help in the persistence of health-protective
attributes. The development of a tool, and its variants, to allow the semiquantitative assessment of adherence to the
traditional MD underlies the shift from ecological to the more reliable analytical epidemiological studies and the exponential increase of publications in the international scientific literature of studies evaluating the relation of adherence
to the MD with health and disease.
In an observational study conducted in a healthy Italian population, the effects of adherence to an MD model, mainly on
antioxidant nutritional status, the cellular immune response, as well as oxidative stress, were evaluated [16]. The results
show that subjects with high adherence to a Mediterranean dietary pattern had greater plasma AC than those with low
adherence (Table 1), indicating that the quality of the diet could have a different effect using a single food matrix. Even
if pigments and other phytochemicals contribute to total antioxidant activity, results have shown that, after consuming a
high-quality diet, subjects exhibited an increase in TAC and a decrease in malondialdehyde, as well as a decrease in tumor
necrosis factor-a and an increase in interleukin-10. In addition, TAC values correlate with its major small-molecule
contributors (urate, ascorbate, and a-tocopherol). In this study, the increased circulating levels of endogenous and
exogenous antioxidants and the synergistic effects of bioactive food constituents, improving the immune system, seem
to explain the overall quality of the MD, as well as the increased consumption of fruits and vegetables as a focal point
TABLE 1 Antioxidant Status, Immune Status and Lipid Peroxidation Indicator (Mean SEM) by MedDietScore (MDS)
Diet Quality
Low (MDS 3)
Medium (MDS 4–5)
High (MDS 6)
976 42
883 22
953 28
842 34
855 22
886 26
Uric acid (mmol/L)
0.34 0.02
0.35 0.01
0.38 0.02
SH (mM/L)
546 31
524 29
520 32
GPx (UI/g Hb)
41.2 2.5
48.8 2.1
49.2 2.7
37.0 3.7
41.3 3.6
40.0 5.1
Vitamin A (mmol/L)
1.87 0.08
1.89 0.06
2.05 0.08
Vitamin E (mmol/L)
23.22 0.93
23.44 0.46
24.15 0.70
Vitamin C (mmol/L)
49.97 2.27
52.24 1.70
48.27 2.27
Lutein + Zeaxanthin (mmol/L)
0.57 0.05
0.63 0.04
0.64 0.05
Cryptoxanthin (mmol/L)
0.16 0.02
0.15 0.02
0.20 0.02
Lycopen (mmol/L)
0.79 0.02
0.83 0.02
0.83 0.02
a-carotene (mmol/L)
0.07 0.02
0.07 0.01
0.08 0.01
b-carotene (mmol/L)
0.55 0.07
0.57 0.06
0.58 0.07
TNF-a (pg/ml)
42.4 9.0
35.7 7.0
14.8 2.9b
IL10 (pg/ml)
8.3 3.3a
9.98 1.3a
19.5 5.2b
MDA (mM/L)
118 7
104 7
110 7
Statistic: Anova P < 0.05 a versus b.
From Azzini et al. [16].
SECTION 3 Health and Nutritional Aspects of the Mediterranean Diet
of the MD. Plant-origin foods provide key nutrients, dietary fiber, and protective substances that contribute to general wellbeing, satiety, and the maintenance of a balanced diet; thus they should be consumed frequently in high proportions. This
MD core—a basis of plant-origin foods—is responsible for the prevention of many chronic diseases and for weight control
[20]. In a case-control study [35] in Cyprus, an island where the diet closely resembles the MD, there was no association
with breast cancer risk for either score of MD adherence; however, higher consumptions of vegetables, fish, and olive oil
were independently associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer. The association between total dietary AC and plasma
antioxidant status in healthy young adults was reported by Wang et al. [36]: dietary TAC was positively correlated with
plasma TAC. In a cross-sectional study, Hermsdorff et al. [37] showed that dietary TAC values are inversely associated
with glucose and lipid biomarkers as well as with central adiposity in healthy young adults, indicating dietary AC as a useful
epidemiological tool to assess the health benefits of the cumulative AC from food intake. In addition, the independent and
inverse relationships of oxidized low-density lipoprotein concentrations with dietary and plasma TAC suggest a putative
role for an antioxidant-rich diet in the link between redox state and early stage atherogenesis. Results from the ATTICA
epidemiological study [38] demonstrated that, in an apparently healthy population, plasma TAC was positively associated
with the consumption of fruit and vegetables. Greater adherence to the MD is associated with elevated TAC levels and low
oxidized low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations (Table 2), and the traditional MD enhances antioxidant
defenses, whereas a diet high in saturated fats induces oxidative stress. Moreover, Figure 6 shows that increased physical
activity and greater adherence to the MD were associated with increased TAC [39]. On the other hand, in a crossover
TABLE 2 Biochemical Characteristics of the Participants, According to Mediterranean Diet Score
Tertile of Diet Score
Men (n 1514)
Women (n 1528)
Hypercholesterolemia (%)
Oxidized LDL cholesterol
62 21
56 18*
51 17*
63 22
52 25*
51 23*
TAC (mmol/L)
225 33
242 31*
251 32*
231 26
239 29**
255 44*
Hypertension (%)
TAC, total antioxidant capacity; No significant interactions were observed between tertile of diet score and sex.
Significantly different from 1st tertile (Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons): *P < 0.01, **P < 0.01.
Derived from ANOVA. Reflect the association between tertiles of diet score and the investigated variables, after adjustment for sex.
From Pitsavos et al. [38].
FIGURE 6 TAC levels and physical activity status (inactive, minactive, and HEPA active) by MedDietScore that assessed adherence
to the Mediterranean diet (away, close, and very close). From
Kavouras et al. [39].
Total antioxidant
capacity (mmol/L)
Very c
Min e
Mediterranean Diet: Antioxidant Nutritional Status Chapter 23
intervention study Valtueña et al. [40] investigated the effects of a diet naturally rich in antioxidants compared with a diet
low in antioxidants (both containing the same amount of fruit, vegetables, alcoholic beverages, and fiber) on markers
of antioxidant status, systemic inflammation, and liver dysfunction. Selecting foods according to their TAC markedly
affects antioxidant intake and modulates hepatic contribution to systemic inflammation without affecting traditional
markers of antioxidant status. Thus positive results in human metabolic function without improvement of antioxidant status
were reported. The foregoing considerations lead us to note that levels of dietary antioxidants in human tissues are strictly
related to the amount and food composition of the diet and to their bioavailability, highlighting the importance of interindividual genetic variation. These genetic variants may also interact with chemical form, chirality, absorption, bioavailability, and biochemical interactions between dietary antioxidants and other factors to determine an individual’s overall
antioxidant status. Therefore, a healthy food and/or diet should ensure the right amount of nutrients in a bioavailable form
and in relation to various intrinsic factors. Indeed, novel results have suggested gene–diet interactions and high adherence to
the Mediterranean dietary pattern seem to counteract a genetic predisposition to type 2 diabetes [41]. Furthermore, in a
well-controlled study of twins, Dai et al. [42] showed a robust association between adherence to the MD and lower oxidative stress by plasma concentrations of reduced and oxidized glutathione, supporting the hypothesis that the MD exerts
cardioprotective effects through lowering oxidative stress. Diverse traditional methods of food preparation within and
between countries and the cutoffs used to score food items, based on median dietary values from a particular population,
could yield the conflicting findings of MD score application and the erroneous data interpretation. In summary, the beneficial effects from diets rich in fruits and vegetables could be due to the presence of a more complex set of micronutrients,
phytochemicals, and fiber (these substances have great bioavailability) and by eating fruits and vegetables to replace less
healthful foods in the diet [43].
A range of factors contribute to achieving a state of wellness, including nutritional factors, a positive lifestyle, physical
fitness, environmental factors (e.g., pollution and contaminants), human biology (inherited conditions), and inadequacies
in the health care system. The increase in average life expectancy, living in an urban environment, and the westernization of
lifestyle are the most important risk factors for the global increases in morbidity and mortality. Diet represents one of the
main determinants of health, giving everyone the best chance of being able to fight off the onset of specific pathologies.
Numerous epidemiological studies have shown that greater adherence to the MD affects longevity, improves the state of
health in general, and significantly reduces the incidence and mortality of chronic degenerative diseases and those
associated with aging. In this framework, prevention represents the main goal of public health strategies to counteract
the etiology of various diseases, so a well-balanced overall dietary pattern and a healthy lifestyle contribute to a higher
quality of life. Although new epidemiological and intervention clinical trials could improve our knowledge of the role
of antioxidant status in health and disease, the MD should be recommended as a daily diet for a healthy lifestyle.
Oxidative stress is one of the most significant risk factors for degenerative disease. Dietary habits can play a key role in
regulating the redox status of human plasma, improving the defense against oxidative damage.
Oxidative stress represents an imbalance between protective molecules, the antioxidants, and molecules that are able to
damage all sorts of cellular components, the free radicals. Oxidative stress can cause a series of changes in several
biological molecules, including polyunsaturated fatty acids, nucleic acids, proteins, and carbohydrates, resulting in
altered metabolic and functional processes.
The human body responds to oxidative injury through an interacting network of antioxidant enzymes including
superoxide dismutases, catalase, and various peroxidases and nonenzymatic low-molecular-weight antioxidants
including thiols, ubiquinol, and uric acid.
Other antioxidants that are able to counteract the cell damage and homeostatic disruption caused by free radicals are
dietary antioxidants and combinations of protective substances in plants, called phytochemicals, such as vitamin C,
vitamin E, carotenoids, and polyphenols, including phenolic acids and flavonoids.
The cumulative phytochemical activities present in food and their synergistic actions are known as dietary TAC.
Plasma TAC reflects the synergistic action of all the antioxidants present in plasma and body fluids, thus providing an
integrated parameter rather than the simple sum of measurable antioxidants, even if the assay does not account for
in vivo antioxidant enzyme activities.
SECTION 3 Health and Nutritional Aspects of the Mediterranean Diet
In humans the bioavailability of an antioxidant; its metabolism and distribution through the body; the effectiveness of
the compound within the cell, after a single dose, or when administered on a regular basis; and the effect of the whole
diet on properly chosen biomarkers could provide an overview of antioxidant effectiveness to reduce oxidative stress.
An inadequate intake of antioxidant nutrients may compromise antioxidant potential, thus compounding overall
oxidative stress. The best way to ensure an adequate intake of phytonutrients is to eat a diet rich in a wide variety
of fresh fruits and vegetables.
The levels of dietary antioxidants in human tissues are strictly related to the amount and food composition of the diet and
to their bioavailability, highlighting the importance of interindividual genetic variation. These genetic variants may also
interact with chemical form, chirality, absorption, bioavailability, and biochemical interactions between dietary
antioxidants, as well as other factors, to determine an individual’s overall antioxidant status.
A well-balanced overall dietary pattern and a healthy lifestyle contribute to a higher quality of life, and although new
epidemiological and intervention clinical trials could improve our knowledge of the role of antioxidant status in health
and disease, the MD should be recommended as a diet for a healthy life.
[1] Buckland G, González CA, Agudo A, Vilardell M, Berenguer A, Amiano P, et al. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet and risk of coronary heart
disease in the Spanish EPIC cohort study. Am J Epidemiol 2009;170:1518–29.
[2] Martı́nez-González MA, Garcı́a-López M, Bes-Rastrollo M, Toledo E, Martı́nez-Lapiscina EH, Delgado-Rodriguez M, et al. Mediterranean diet and
the incidence of cardiovascular disease: a Spanish cohort. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2011;21(4):237–44.
[3] Scarmeas N, Luchsinger JA, Stern Y, Gu Y, He J, DeCarli C, et al. Mediterranean diet and magnetic resonance imaging-assessed cerebrovascular
disease. Ann Neurol 2011;69(2):257–68.
[4] Feart C, Samieri C, Rondeau V, Amieva H, Portet F, Dartigues JF, et al. Adherence to a Mediterranean diet, cognitive decline, and risk of dementia.
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[5] Tangney CC, Kwasny MJ, Li H, Wilson RS, Evans DA, Morris MC. Adherence to a Mediterranean-type dietary pattern and cognitive decline in a
community population. Am J Clin Nutr 2011;93(3):601–7.
[6] Estruch R. Anti-inflammatory effects of the Mediterranean diet: the experience of the PREDIMED study. Proc Nutr Soc 2010;69(3):333–40.
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Chapter 24
The Mediterranean Diet and Body
Iron Stores
Luca Mascitelli, MD1, Mark R. Goldstein, MD, FACP2 and Leo R. Zacharski, MD3,4
Comando Brigata alpina “Julia”, Multinational Land Force, Udine, Italy. 2 NCH Physician Group, Naples, FL, USA. 3 Veterans Affairs Hospital,
White River Junction, VT, USA. 4 Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA.
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.
(Hippocrates, 460-377 BC)
confidence interval
carbohydrate-restricted, low-iron available, polyphenol-enriched
Iron (Fe) and Atherosclerosis Study
hazard ratio
The concept of the Mediterranean diet originated from the Seven Countries Study initiated in the 1950s and proposed by
Keys et al. [1] in the mid-1980s. The study showed that the higher life expectancy observed in Mediterranean countries
compared with northern Europe or the United States was in great part attributed to the Mediterranean diet. The term
Mediterranean diet reflects the dietary pattern prevalent in the olive-growing areas of the Mediterranean region. It is
characterized by high intake of plant foods; fresh and varied fruits as the main and usual dessert; moderately high intake
of fish; moderate wine consumption with meals; a small amount of red meat; low to moderate consumption of dairy
products; and, most important, olive oil as the main source of fat (commonly used for salads and cooking).
Adherence to a traditional Mediterranean diet has been shown to be associated with significantly lower total mortality,
mortality from coronary heart disease, and mortality from cancer [2]. To measure adherence to this diet, a score that
incorporated the single components of the Mediterranean dietary pattern was constructed. Intriguingly, despite a robust
inverse association between the overall Mediterranean diet score and mortality, no appreciable associations for most of
the individual dietary components used to construct the score were seen, and it has been suggested that the effects of single
nutrients or food may be too small to detect, whereas the cumulative action of multiple dietary components may be
substantial [3]. Therefore, methodological approaches to studying dietary patterns in relation to risk of major degenerative
diseases should consider overall food patterns instead of evaluating isolated nutrients. In this setting, it has been proposed
that lower body iron stores, induced by dietary components of the Mediterranean diet, may be involved in its beneficial
effects [4].
Iron is an essential nutrient in humans, and states of both iron deficiency and iron excess result in deviation from optimal
health [5]. Iron is a fundamental cofactor for several enzymes involved in oxidation-reduction reactions because of its
ability to exist in two ionic forms: ferrous (Fe2+) and ferric (Fe3+) iron. The ability of iron to be converted between these
oxidation states through the acceptance or donation of an electron is a key factor in allowing it to perform a range of
biological functions.
Most of the iron in the body is contained within two proteins: hemoglobin, the oxygen transport protein of red blood
cells, and myoglobin, the oxygen storage protein present in muscle cells. Iron metabolism differs from the metabolism of
The Mediterranean Diet
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
SECTION 3 Health and Nutritional Aspects of the Mediterranean Diet
other metals in that there is no physiologic mechanism for iron excretion, and close to 90% of daily needs are obtained from
an endogenous source, especially recycling it from the breakdown of circulating erythrocytes. There are iron losses,
however, which include obligatory losses in all population groups (from skin, intestine, urinary, and airways tracts)
and menstrual blood losses in fertile women. To maintain iron balance, the sum of the losses plus the iron required for
the body’s needs must be provided by the diet.
There are two types of dietary iron: nonheme iron, which is present in both plant foods and animal tissues, and heme iron,
which comes from hemoglobin and myoglobin in animal foods. There are three sources of iron in the diet [6]: native food
iron (either heme or nonheme iron); fortification iron (nonheme iron intentionally added to food during its manufacture);
and contaminant iron (nonheme iron incorporated into foods as a result of either mechanical or chemical reactions
occurring during food production or preparation). All fortification iron that is soluble in the gut enters a common nonheme
iron pool and is absorbed into the intestinal cells, similar to native food nonheme iron. It has been estimated that up to 25%
of the total iron intake in Sweden and the United States comes from fortification iron [7]. However, iron fortification of food
in Sweden, considered the highest in the world, was withdrawn at the beginning of 1995 because the effect on target groups
was considered to be uncertain. Nonheme iron may also be inadvertently added to food: a substantial increase in the iron
content of foods cooked in cast iron or steel cookware has been reported, particularly when acidic foods are cooked for
extended periods of time [8]. However, modern high-quality stainless steel tends not to dissolve into iron that can be taken
up in the body.
Heme iron is estimated to contribute 10–15% of total iron intake among meat-eating populations; however, because of
its higher and more uniform absorption (estimated at 15–35%), it could contribute 40% of total absorbed iron [6]. The
relative heme iron content in commonly ingested meats is shown in Table 1 [9]. Nonheme iron is usually much less well
absorbed than heme iron (estimated at 5–15%). All food iron that enters the common iron pool in the digestive tract is
absorbed to the same extent, which depends on the balance between the absorption inhibitors and enhancers and the iron
status of the individual [10]. These mechanisms may be involved in determining and maintaining lower body iron stores in
people consuming a Mediterranean diet [4].
Inhibitors of Iron Absorption
In plant-based diets, phytate is the main inhibitor of iron absorption. The inhibitory action of phytates on iron absorption has
been found to be dose dependent and starts at concentration as low as 2–10 mg/meal [11]. Phytates are found in grains,
seeds, nuts, vegetables, and roots. Chemically, phytates are inositol hexaphosphate salts and are a storage form of
phosphates and minerals. Food processing and preparation methods, which include milling, heat treatment, soaking,
fermentation, and germination, may remove or degrade phytates to a varying extent [12].
Polyphenols occur in various amounts in plant food and beverages, such as vegetables, fruit, olive oil, some cereals and
legumes, tea, coffee, and wine. Polyphenolic compounds are released from food or beverages during digestion and can
combine with iron in the intestinal lumen, making it unavailable for absorption. Polyphenols are such powerful inhibitors
of nonheme iron that substantial changes in the amount of iron absorbed are more likely to occur if the timing of
consumption rather than the quantity consumed is altered [6,13].
There is limited information on the effect of bioactive polyphenols on heme iron absorption. However, it has been
reported that 46 mg/L of both ()-epigallocatechin-3-gallate and grape seed extract almost completely blocked heme iron
absorption by decreasing the basolateral iron export in human intestinal Caco-2 cells [14]. Because many dietary factors
modulate iron absorption in a dose-dependent manner, whether these selected bioactive polyphenolic compounds retained
the ability to reduce heme iron absorption when added at lower concentrations was investigated. Indeed, it was recently
found that both ()-epigallocatechin-3-gallate and grape seed extract inhibit heme iron absorption in a dose-dependent
manner in the same human intestinal cells [15].
Therefore, all major types of food polyphenols can strongly inhibit dietary iron absorption, and a dose-dependent inhibitory effect of polyphenol compounds on iron absorption has been demonstrated. In particular, it has been reported that any
beverage providing 20–50 mg total polyphenols reduces iron absorption from a bread meal by 50–70%, whereas beverages
Mediterranean Diet and Body Iron Stores Chapter 24
TABLE 1 Relative Heme Iron (in Milligrams of Iron) in Commonly Ingested Meats
(Per 75-g Serving)
Iron (mg)
Adapted from http://www.healthlinkbc.ca/healthfiles/hfile68d.stm.
containing 100–400 mg total polyphenols reduce iron absorption by 60–90% [16]. Of note, in cereals and legumes, polyphenols add to the inhibitory effect of phytates on nonheme iron absorption.
Calcium, consumed as a salt or in dairy products, interferes significantly with the absorption of both heme and nonheme iron
[17], which makes it different from other inhibitors that affect mostly nonheme iron absorption. The mechanism of action for
calcium’s inhibition of iron absorption is unknown, but mounting evidence suggests that the inhibition is located within the
mucosal cell itself at the common final transfer step for heme and nonheme iron. Dose-dependent inhibitory effects were
found at doses of 75–300 mg when calcium was added to bread rolls and at doses of 165 mg calcium from milk products [17].
Whereas animal tissues enhance iron absorption, animal proteins such as milk proteins, egg proteins, and albumin inhibit
iron absorption [18]. The two major bovine milk protein fractions, casein and whey, have been clearly found to inhibit iron
absorption in humans [19].
Enhancers of Iron Absorption
Ascorbic Acid
Ascorbic acid is the most potent enhancer of nonheme iron absorption [20]. Synthetic vitamin C increases the absorption of
iron to the same extent as the native ascorbic acid in fruits, vegetables, and juices. The enhancing effect occurs largely
because of its ability to reduce ferric to ferrous iron [21].
SECTION 3 Health and Nutritional Aspects of the Mediterranean Diet
In fruits and vegetables, the enhancing effect of ascorbic acid is often canceled out by the inhibitory action of polyphenols [22]. Furthermore, cooking, industrial processing, and storage may degrade ascorbic acid and remove its enhancing
effect on iron absorption [23]. However, several derivates of ascorbic acid are less sensitive to heat and oxygen. Erythorbic
acid, an ascorbic acid derivate, is widely used as an antioxidant in processed foods in industrialized countries. Although it
has little vitamin C activity, its enhancing action on iron absorption seems to be almost double that of ascorbic acid [24].
Muscle Tissue
The ingestion of fish, poultry, and especially red meat has been found to enhance iron absorption from vegetarian meals
[25]: 30 g muscle tissue is considered equivalent to 25 mg ascorbic acid. The nature of the “meat factor” that enhances iron
absorption is unknown. Most evidence indicates that it may be within the protein fraction of muscle tissue; however, it also
is possible that other muscle tissue components are involved, such as the cysteine-containing peptides, which are rich in
digests of myofibrillar proteins [26].
Iron Status
Beyond genetic disorders, there is an inverse correlation between iron status and iron absorption: that is, more iron is
absorbed in an iron-deficient state and less iron is absorbed in an iron-replete state. However, in a study of iron-replete
women and women with iron-deficiency anemia, although the overall difference in iron absorption continued to be dictated
by iron status, the strong inhibitory effects of polyphenols and the enhancing action of ascorbic acid persisted in both groups
of women [27]. On the other hand, it has been reported that about 13% of elderly American individuals from the
Framingham Heart Study had high iron stores, defined as serum ferritin concentration >300 mg/L in men and
>200 mg/L in women [28]. This prevalence of high iron stores was in marked contrast to the prevalence of iron deficiency
(2.7%) and iron-deficiency anemia (1.2%) and was still evident after the exclusion of subjects with possible pathologically
increased serum ferritin concentrations, such as those found in anemia of chronic disease due to inflammation, infection,
and liver disease [28]. Notably, among the elderly Framingham Heart Study cohort, individual dietary patterns, as
determined by food-frequency questionnaires, were significantly associated with the risk of large body iron stores [29].
Body iron stores, which are relatively low during childhood and the premenopausal years, increase with aging because
dietary intake exceeds loss [30]. The typical pattern of change in ferritin concentrations with aging for men and women
is shown in Figure 1 [30]. Reduction of these iron stores can be induced by the use of a low-iron-available diet, that is, a diet
containing a low amount of iron and in which iron absorption inhibitors (polyphenols, phytates, and dairy products) prevail
over enhancers (ascorbic acid and red meat).
FIGURE 1 Patterns of change in serum ferritin
concentrations (micrograms per liter) and percentage
transferrin saturation according to age and sex. From
Zacharski et al. [30].
Age (years)
Mean transterrin
Mean ferritin (µg/L)
Mediterranean Diet and Body Iron Stores Chapter 24
The promise and challenge of investigating these interactions have been well illustrated in a clinical trial evaluating
whether a carbohydrate-restricted, low-iron available, polyphenol-enriched (CR-LIPE) diet might improve outcome in diabetic nephropathy to a greater extent than standard protein restriction [31]. Patients with type 2 diabetes (n ¼ 191) were
randomized to either CR-LIPE or standard protein restriction. Over a mean follow-up of 3.9 1.8 years, serum ferritin
concentration in patients following a CR-LIPE diet decreased from 301 162 to 36 31 mg/L (P < 0.001), whereas it
was unchanged in control subjects. As shown in Figure 2, the serum ferritin in individuals following the CR-LIPE diet
reached its nadir by 2 years and remained essentially unchanged at the lower level for the balance of the observation period
[31] (Figure 2c). The substantial reduction in iron storage level was achieved without chelation or phlebotomy and was
associated with a significant protection of renal function and a significant survival benefit in subjects randomized to
the CR-LIPE diet [31] (Figure 3).
The Iron (Fe) and Atherosclerosis Study (FeAST) [32] gave a perspective on the potential survival benefit of iron
reduction therapy. FeAST was a randomized controlled trial of mild iron reduction therapy through controlled phlebotomies in patients with peripheral vascular disease. In the initial analysis from this trial, full iron depletion was not achieved,
and no overall mortality benefit was found. However, in the youngest age quartile randomized to iron reduction (age 43–61
years) there was a 54% reduction in total mortality (P ¼ 0.019), the primary end point, and a 57% reduction in death plus
nonfatal myocardial infarction and stroke (P < 0.001), the secondary end point, compared with control patients.
The age-intervention interaction was statistically significant for both the primary (P ¼ 0.042) and secondary (P < 0.001)
end points. Further analysis of the age effect on outcomes demonstrated an interaction between age and both entry and mean
follow-up ferritin concentrations that seemed to mask benefits [33].
The substantial mortality benefit in the youngest quartile was seen in association with a phlebotomy-induced reduction
in serum ferritin from a mean entry value of 122.5 to 79.7 mg/L after 3.5 years of observation—a modest 35% decrease.
FIGURE 2 Effect of a low-iron diet over follow-up (horizontal axis)
showing no change in mean arterial pressure (a) or glycosylated hemoglobin (b) but marked changes in serum ferritin concentration
(c; P < 0.001) in subjects randomized to a low-iron diet (diamonds) versus
control subjects (squares). From Facchini and Saylor [31].
SECTION 3 Health and Nutritional Aspects of the Mediterranean Diet
FIGURE 3 The graphs show the cumulative percentage of individuals
in whom serum creatinine concentrations doubled compared to baseline
(a; P < 0.01) and of individuals who either died or reached end-stage
renal disease (ESRD) (b; P < 0.01) among those randomized to a
low-iron diet (diamonds) versus control (squares). From Facchini and
Saylor [31].
FIGURE 4 The association between the log-relative hazard for all-cause mortality in the entire FeAST trial cohort (vertical axis) versus the mean followup ferritin concentration (horizontal axis). P for slope ¼ 0.037. From Zacharski et al. [33].
The significant improvement in all-cause mortality observed in FeAST for the total cohort with lower follow-up ferritin concentrations is shown by linear regression analysis in Figure 4 [33]. The roughly fivefold reduction in serum ferritin in the CRLIPE trial [31] greatly exceeded the iron reduction achieved in the FeAST trial [32] and could have been responsible in itself
for a major proportion of the highly significant survival benefit observed among the diabetic subjects in the CR-LIPE trial.
Indeed, the balance between the average bioavailability of dietary iron and the overall effects of inhibitors and enhancers
of iron absorption may also lead to lower iron stores in people consuming a Mediterranean diet. In fact, it has been reported
that elderly men from Crete, in the Mediterranean south of Europe, had consistently lower levels of indicators of oxidative
stress and iron status than elderly men from Zutphen, The Netherlands, in the north of Europe [34]. In particular, serum ferritin
was twofold lower in men from Crete than in men from Zutphen (69.8 and 134.2 mg/L, respectively).
Mediterranean Diet and Body Iron Stores Chapter 24
Mediterranean Diet and Iron Homeostasis in the Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes
Recent evidence has shown that the Mediterranean diet may be associated with lower prevalence and progression of the
metabolic syndrome [35]. Greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet was associated with favorable effects on the
components of the metabolic syndrome. In particular, the Mediterranean diet had a beneficial effect on abdominal obesity,
lipid levels, glucose metabolism, and blood pressure levels—all of which are components of the metabolic syndrome—and
risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, and diabetes.
A meta-analysis of different dietary approaches to the management of type 2 diabetes confirmed the beneficial
metabolic effect of a Mediterranean dietary pattern [36]. Examining the merits of low-carbohydrate, low-glycemic
index, high-fiber, high-protein, Mediterranean, vegetarian, and vegan diets by the inclusion of randomized controlled trials
lasting at least 6 months, it was found that the Mediterranean diet was associated with the greatest improvement in glycemic
control [36]. In particular, comparing a Mediterranean diet with a conventional diet (i.e., no change to participants’ current
diets) and an American Diabetes Association diet, better glycemic control, greater weight loss, and a more favorable lipid
profile were reported in the Mediterranean diet arm.
Lower iron stores induced by a Mediterranean dietary pattern could offer a possible explanation for the aforementioned
findings. Excess body iron has frequently been found in patients with metabolic syndrome [37,38], with serum ferritin
showing a linear increase with the increasing number of metabolic syndrome features [37]. The elevated risk for metabolic
abnormalities could not be explained merely by excess adipose tissue or an underlying inflammatory status [38].
Epidemiological evidence has confirmed a positive association between large body iron stores and the risk of type 2
diabetes [39], independent of established diabetes risk factors and a range of diabetes biomarkers. Iron overload may have
a crucial role in metabolic diseases, even in countries with a relatively high prevalence of iron deficiency [38].
On the contrary, removing excess iron may have a beneficial effect on the extent and course of conditions associated
with insulin resistance [40]. An intervention study of patients with type 2 diabetes with elevated ferritin levels provided
evidence that bloodletting, which resulted in a 50% reduction of serum ferritin concentrations, improved glycemia and
insulin sensitivity [41]. Iron depletion via phlebotomy in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, the hepatic manifestation of
the metabolic syndrome, has been found to reduce hepatic insulin resistance and to improve pancreatic insulin sensitivity,
even in addition to successful lifestyle modifications [42].
Mediterranean Diet, Lower Iron Stores, and Cardiovascular Prevention
Prospective primary and secondary prevention studies have clearly shown that adhering to a Mediterranean diet protects against
coronary heart disease mortality [2,43]. Furthermore, a Mediterranean diet, as followed by a Mediterranean population, has been
found to reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease in the healthy population [44].The effect of the Mediterranean diet on
iron homeostasis may partially explain the beneficial action of this dietary pattern on cardiovascular prevention.
In 1981, it was proposed that a state of sustained iron depletion or mild iron deficiency exerts a primary protective action
against ischemic heart disease [45]. As previously mentioned, during late adolescence men begin a steady accumulation of
stored iron with age, but women fail to acquire significant iron stores because of their continual losses of iron in menstrual
blood, pregnancies, and deliveries (Figure 1). An escalation of risk follows the initial acquisition of significant stored iron
after cessation of menses due to natural menopause or to surgical removal of the uterus and/or the ovaries. A protective
effect of iron depletion that may have multiple beneficial consequences is decreased availability of redox-active iron
in vivo. The amount of free iron available at sites of oxidative or inflammatory injury seems to be a function of the stored
iron level. Removal of stored iron from the body by phlebotomy, systemic iron chelation treatment, or dietary iron
restriction has been shown to decrease the amount of iron deposition within atherosclerotic lesions in animal studies
[46]. In addition, epidemiological observations suggest a role for iron depletion in cardiovascular protection: (1) lower
stored iron level mediated by cyanosis-induced hypoxia may explain why cyanotic patients with congenital heart disease
might be protected from atherosclerosis [47]; (2) the protection against ischemic cardiovascular disease in individuals with
impaired hemostasis might be related to the decrease of stored tissue iron caused by recurrent bleeding [48].Recent
evidence confirms the possible effect of iron metabolism on plaque destabilization [49].
Mediterranean Diet, Iron, and Cancer
It is well known that cancer is, in part, a preventable and largely environmentally determined disease, with diet as an
important variable. Several aspects of the Mediterranean diet have been related to a reduced risk of cancer mortality,
and it has been suggested that up to 25% of colorectal cancers, 15% of breast cancers, and 10% of prostate, pancreatic,
SECTION 3 Health and Nutritional Aspects of the Mediterranean Diet
and endometrial cancers could be prevented by shifting to a Mediterranean diet [50]. Reduced body iron stores in people
consuming a Mediterranean diet may be involved in this protective action.
Several pathways for iron-induced carcinogenesis have been proposed [51]. Iron-induced oxidative stress may cause
lipid peroxidation and direct damage to DNA and proteins. Excess iron may also block some of the protective mechanisms
that cells are believed to use to limit the damaging effects of oxidative stress. Along these pathways, iron has predominantly
been considered an early stage carcinogen. However, it has also been suggested that iron may influence carcinogenesis at
later stages, perhaps as a nutrient and a facilitator of tumor growth. Numerous studies across a variety of populations have
found a positive correlation between body iron stores and risk of the development of a range of cancers including colorectal,
liver, kidney, lung, and stomach cancers [52]. Mounting evidence suggests that reducing body iron stores may lead to
cancer protection.
Analyzing cancer incidence and mortality of the FeAST trial has confirmed an effect of iron loss in reducing cancer
risk. [53]. FeAST [32] represents the first, and so far the only, randomized trial of the effects of reduction of stored iron
by controlled phlebotomies on cancer mortality. Favorable effects of iron reduction in the FeAST trial are illustrated in
Figure 5. As mentioned earlier, the decrease of mean serum ferritin in the iron reduction group (from 122.5 to
79.7 mg/L—a 35% decrease) is within normal reference ranges for serum ferritin and, although it does not equate to iron
depletion, it is noteworthy that it is of the same order of magnitude as the decrease of storage iron reported with the
regular consumption of a polyphenol-rich tea with meals [54] and lower than the difference found when comparing
ferritin levels between men from Zutphen, in the north of Europe, and men from Crete (134.2 vs. 69.8 mg/L—a 48%
difference) [34].
During the 4.5 years of follow-up in the FeAST trial, the risk of new malignancy was significantly lower in the iron
reduction group than in controls. Among patients with new cancers, those with iron reduction had highly significant lower
cancer-specific and all-cause mortality. In particular, the 636 patients who were randomly assigned to iron reduction,
followed for a range of 2.5–6 years, were found to have a lower rate of visceral cancer occurrence (hazard ratio [HR],
0.65; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.43–0.97; P ¼ 0.036) than the 641 patients in the control arm. Patients who developed
cancer in the iron reduction group had higher mean ferritin concentrations across all follow-up visits than those in the same
intervention arm who did not develop cancer, suggesting that the treatment advantage could have been even larger if compliance had been better. Furthermore, the 38 patients in the iron reduction group who developed cancer during follow-up
had lower risks of death from cancer (HR, 0.39; 95% CI, 0.21–0.72; P ¼ 0.003) and all-cause mortality (HR, 0.49; 95%
CI, 0.29–0.83; P ¼ 0.009) in the fairly short period that passed between cancer diagnosis and end of follow-up than the
60 control patients who also were diagnosed with cancer. The FeAST trial results clearly suggest that reduction of stored
iron may have a broad antitumor effect.
FIGURE 5 The graph shows the cumulative incidence of cancer as the primary cause of death for
the entire FeAST trial cohort according to randomization to control or iron reduction groups
(P ¼ 0.002). The numbers below the horizontal axis
represent the numbers of patients observed at each
follow-up time point. From Zacharski et al. [53].
Cumulative Incidence Estimates
Iron Reduction
Control (641)
Iron reduction (636) 607
Time to Event in Years and Number of Patients at Risk for each Group
Mediterranean Diet and Body Iron Stores Chapter 24
Iron is an essential nutrient in humans. It has a key role in oxygen transport and in enzymes involved in mitochondrial
respiration, DNA biosynthesis, and the citric acid cycle via its capacity to change the redox state. However, this
characteristic also renders excess iron detrimental, mostly via the formation of reactive oxygen species, which may lead
to the development of degenerative diseases.
Body iron stores, which are relatively low during childhood and the premenopausal years, increase with aging as dietary
intake exceeds loss [30]. Humans have no physiologic mechanism for sensing and excreting excess iron. Elevated iron
stores can be prevented by dietary means or corrected by removing blood or iron chelation. Because iron homeostasis
is regulated primarily at the level of dietary intake [29], benefits of reduced iron burden could be achievable by diet,
as occurs in individuals living in Mediterranean countries [34], who exhibit low concentrations of ferritin and few markers
of lipid oxidation, as well as reduced mortality. Efforts to implement a Mediterranean-style diet in the United States and in
northern Europe may be less than fully successful because of population-wide exposure to iron overdosing from the
consumption of processed foods and iron-containing vitamins and minerals [7].
Evidence from iron balance studies suggests the existence of a natural brake on iron absorption at ferritin concentrations
of 60–80 mg/L, above which absorption slows [55]. However, most adults in Western countries seem to have artificially
exaggerated iron intake capable of overcoming this brake, resulting in increasing ferritin concentrations [7] that presumably
overwhelm endogenous antioxidant mechanisms, leading to increased disease risk.
An optimal balance between the average bioavailability of dietary iron and the overall effects of inhibitors
and enhancers of iron absorption, as observed in people following a Mediterranean dietary pattern, may lead to lower
iron stores. Preserving optimal iron nutrition may be a safe and cost-effective strategy for managing and preventing diseases
of aging.
Adherence to the Mediterranean diet is associated with longevity, decreased cardiovascular mortality, and decreased
cancer mortality.
Iron excess, as determined by serum ferritin concentrations, is very common and has been associated with
cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and the metabolic syndrome.
Iron is a necessary nutrient but in excess is pro-oxidant and leads to degenerative diseases.
Humans have no physiologic mechanism of eliminating excess iron.
Iron excess can be prevented by diet and treated by therapeutic phlebotomy or chelation.
Elimination of excess iron stores has been associated with atherosclerotic plaque stabilization, cancer reduction, and
improved insulin sensitivity.
The Mediterranean diet, compared to the traditional Western diet, is lower in iron and replete in iron absorption
inhibitors such as phytates, polyphenols, and dairy products. These prevail over iron absorption enhancers such as
ascorbic acid and red meat. Over time, this dietary pattern leads to physiologically reduced iron stores and,
consequently, a reduction in degenerative diseases.
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