BEGINNER BODY RESTORATION DISCLAIMER This eBook is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to serve as a means of injury diagnosis or treatment. If you are in pain, go see a qualified physical therapist. INTRODUCTION Welcome to the eBook. This is designed for anyone who is looking for a simple, straightforward, and effective program to improve how your body feels, moves, and potentially even looks. The goal of the program is to give you the most bang-for-your-buck possible, while not giving you highly compex exercises. Some of my previous programs have exercises that require a bit of body awareness and thinking, but I designed this program so that anyone can pick it up and immediately start using it. Even those who have never exercised regularly before. PROGRAM OVERVIEW Please watch this video below for: Instructions on how to use the program most efficiently Common mistakes Tips for maximizing progress Please do not skip t his. It 's very import ant ! WATCH FACTORS IN EXERCISE SELECTION If you have seen, read, or watched any of my content before, you know that I talk a lot about the pelvis and ribcage. These are the foundational structures of our body at which everything extends out from. Therefore, I want to address those and develop a strong and mobile "base" before worrying about the arms or legs too much. Think about it like this - If your shoulder hurts, why could that be? Well, if your ribcage is in a poor position, then your shoulder blade that sits on your ribcage will be in a compromised position. If your shoulder blade is misalinged, then of course your shoulder and arm will be as well. Same thing for the lower body. If your pelvis is unable to find the mobility it needs, then the knee, lower back, and/or foot will have to use compensatory strategies to find what should be present at the hips. On top of that, the pelvis and ribcage are directly interconnected via the spine. That's why this program is a "Total Body Reset" - I don't believe you can (or should) t ry t o isolat e sect ions of t he body. You can't affect one area wit hout t he ot her. They are inherently connected. Everything is connected. Asymmet ry I also discuss much about natural asymmetrical patterns in humans. If you're curious to learn more, see my content here about the Left AIC pattern. I take this into account in the program, choosing progressions that will help improve symmetry on both sides of the body. And everyone is asymmetrical. So if you see that an exercise is only to be done on one side of the body, don't worry, it is meant to be that way. HOW TO USE THE PROGRAM PART I Follow t he eBook exact ly as writ t en. If you half-ass it and t hen come t o me saying it isn’t working, I’m not going t o be very recept ive. This program will help you if you follow it diligent ly. Every single exercise is chosen for a very specific reason. Each exercise is providing a specific input int o your body t hat anot her exercise in t he program may not be. Frequency Each session is t o be done 3-4 t imes per week. 3 is good, 4 is great . 5 could be even bet t er. It t akes consist ent input int o your body t o convince it t o accept new posit ions and hold t hem over t ime. Every exercise is programmed for 3 set s t ot al per session, but more could be pot ent ially useful. Once again, 3 is good, 4 could be bet t er. I t ell all of my client s: “The ball is in your court for how quickly you will see results." If you do less, you’ll see slower result s. If you do more, you’ll probably see fast er result s. However, keep in mind t here will be a point of diminishing ret urns. It 's probably not wort h your t ime t o go beyond 5 set s per day. It is also possible (and somet imes helpful) t o break up your set s t hroughout t he day. HOW TO USE THE PROGRAM PART II Now, let 's move on t o t he program. This eBook is broken up int o six weeks, each wit h progressions building on t he previous weeks. The idea is t hat t he progressions will build upon t he earlier weeks as you gain access t o new range of mot ion. I have st rat egically select ed exercises I've found t o work best wit h people who are new t o t hese t ypes of exercises. The consist ent repet it ion of t he exercises will help you progressively int egrat e cert ain posit ions and muscles int o harder poisit ions over t ime. Please do not skip weeks. If you have t o miss a day, be sure t o complet e at least 14 days of t he given exercises before moving on t o t he next week. I have found 14 days t o be a very effect ive t imeline for allowing t he body t o adapt t o t he int ended posit ions, range of mot ion, et c. Order of Execut ion Do t he drills in t he order present ed. Init ally t hey will be present ed sequent ially one at a t ime, but at t he end of each phase t here will be a summary of all of t he exercises. It is recommended t o complet e all set s of a given exercise before moving on t o t he next one. They are laid out in a specific order for a specific reason. Each exercise opens up space for t he next one t o be more effect ive, or easily execut ed. For example: HOW TO USE THE PROGRAM PART III Effort It is very common for people t o t hink along t hese lines: "If I try harder, I'll get better results!" "I need to really activate these muscles in order to make changes!" While t hat makes sense init ially, what I act ually st rongly suggest is you do t he opposit e: Use a low amount of (phyiscal) effort . The reason is t hat we aren't going t o "override" t he nat ural posit ion our body holds us in or t he movement compensat ions it has by t rying t o force our way int o new posit ions. Large amount s of effort will drive "Fight or Flight " (sympat het ic) responses in our nervous syst em and creat e t he impression t hat t he new posit ion is a t hreat . Inst ead, we want t o "educat e" t he body and nervous syst em on what is safe t o move int o, and more effect ive t o move int o. Think of it as if we are saying t his: "Hey, here's a new position you are a bit unfamiliar with. Let me show you how we can start to use our muscles more effectively in this position." This will allow t he nervous syst em t o relax (parasymat het ic, "rest & digest " port ion of t he nervous syst em) In order t o do t hat , we need t o st art wit h gent le effort and proper breat hing. HOW TO BREATHE Breat hing is foundat ional t o t he success of t his program. Please underst and how t o effect ively breat he before working on incorporat ing it wit h t he exercises. If t here is a breat hing component t o an exercise, t his is how I want you t o execut e it : Relaxed, full exhales t hrough your mout h. The longer and more relaxed, the better. M any people use t heir six-pack (front ) abs more t han t heir obliques (side-abs), yet our obliques are what drive proper respirat ion. Therefore, I want you t o be able t o feel your obliques and not your six-pack when you exhale. Think "jelly-belly" as if your st omach was a jelly-filled donut . The obliques should come on because you're exhaling, not because you're bracing. If you don't feel t hem, you're not exhaling long enough (not t o be int erpret ed as hard enough). Period. A general guideline is 5 second soft exhales and 5 second even more soft , silent inhales. Below is a video wit h an in-dept h explanat ion on how t o do t his: WATCH The first exercise in t his program is a short -seat ed breat hing drill where you can work on effect ively pat t erning t his. If you are st ruggling t o get a full exhale, I recommend t he opt ional modificat ion using a balloon or a st raw. EXERCISE # 1: WEEKS 1-2 COM PLETE 3+ SETS OF TH E GIVEN AM OUN T OF REPETITION S OR BREATH CYCLES EXERCISE & PURPOSE REPS PRI Short Seated Breathing Improves ability to breathe & expand back ribs while stretching the low & upper back 8-10 breaths EXERCISE VIDEO LIN K EXERCISE # 2: WEEKS 1-2 COM PLETE 3+ SETS OF TH E GIVEN AM OUN T OF REPETITION S OR BREATH CYCLES EXERCISE & PURPOSE REPS PRI Sidelying Scissor Slices Stretches glutes & rear hips while improving ability to push femur (leg) back in hip socket into internal rotation 5 breaths per side EXERCISE VIDEO LIN K EXERCISE # 3: WEEKS 1-2 COM PLETE 3+ SETS OF TH E GIVEN AM OUN T OF REPETITION S OR BREATH CYCLES EXERCISE & PURPOSE REPS PRI Supine Hemi-Extension with Rectus Femoris Improves end-range hip extension Improves ability to dissociate sides of the pelvis from each other Note: Over the course of 2 weeks, progressively use less elevation as long as low back stays 100% relaxed 15 reps per side EXERCISE # 4: WEEKS 1-2 COM PLETE 3+ SETS OF TH E GIVEN AM OUN T OF REPETITION S OR BREATH CYCLES EXERCISE & PURPOSE REPS TFL Inhibition Drill Shuts off commonly overactive TFL muscles that get too tight when the hip lack mobility Pick whichever option below allows you to feel glutes the most 10 breaths EXERCISE # 5: WEEKS 1-2 COM PLETE 3+ SETS OF TH E GIVEN AM OUN T OF REPETITION S OR BREATH CYCLES EXERCISE & PURPOSE REPS Heels-Elevated Toe Touch Improves mobility of hamstrings and hips while decompressing low back 8 breaths You can use books 2-3 inches thick elevating your heels instead of a ramp. PHASE 1: WEEKS 1-2 EXERCISE SETS X REPS 1.) Short Seated Breathing 3 x 5 breaths 2.) PRI Sidelying Scissor Slices 3 x 5 breaths 3.) PRI Supine Hemi-Extension with Rectus Femoris 3 x 15 per side 4.) TFL Inhibition Drill 3 x 10 breaths 5.) Heels-Elevated Toe Touch 3 x 8 breaths EXERCISE #1: WEEKS 3-4 COMPLETE 3+ SETS OF THE GIVEN AMOUNT OF REPETITIONS OR BREATH CYCLES EXERCISE & PURPOSE REPS PRI Standing Latissimus Stretch Releases commonly tight lats that compress our backs and limit shoulder mobility Opens up chest and helps improve neutral resting position of shoulder 5 breaths per side EXERCISE #2: WEEKS 3-4 COMPLETE 3+ SETS OF THE GIVEN AMOUNT OF REPETITIONS OR BREATH CYCLES EXERCISE & PURPOSE REPS Seated Posterior Expansion with Low Reach Helps decompress the upper back & neck area Improves shoulder mobility 5 breaths EXERCISE VIDEO LINK EXERCISE #3: WEEKS 3-4 COMPLETE 3+ SETS OF THE GIVEN AMOUNT OF REPETITIONS OR BREATH CYCLES EXERCISE & PURPOSE REPS PRI 90/90 Hip Lift with Left Hip Shift 5 breaths on left side only Improves internal rotation of left hip - a common limitation EXERCISE VIDEO LINK Copyright © 2022 Postural Restoration Institute®. Used with permission. EXERCISE #3: WEEKS 3-4 COMPLETE 3+ SETS OF THE GIVEN AMOUNT OF REPETITIONS OR BREATH CYCLES EXERCISE & PURPOSE REPS Modified Wall Stride Improves end-range hip extension Improve glute activation in hip extension Helps pelvis learn to dissociate joint actions between sides 5 breaths per side EXERCISE #5: WEEKS 3-4 COMPLETE 3+ SETS OF THE GIVEN AMOUNT OF REPETITIONS OR BREATH CYCLES EXERCISE & PURPOSE REPS PRI Left Sidelying Right FA Abduction My favorite drill for improving right hip external rotation and abduction - a very common limitation Very important: Make sure not to lift the right foot up off the object until you can master the first position 3 x 5-8 breaths (left side down right glute only) PHASE 2: WEEKS 3-4 EXERCISE SETS X REPS 1.) PRI Standing Latissimus Stretch 3 x 5 breaths per side 2.) Seated Posterior Expansion with 3 x 5 breaths Low Reach 3.) PRI 90/ 90 Hip Lift with Left Hip Shift 3 x 5-8 breaths per side 4.) Modified Wall Stride 3 x 5-8 breaths per side 5.) PRI Left Sidelying Right FA Abduction 3 x 5-8 breaths (left side down right glute only) EXERCISE # 1: WEEKS 5-6 COM PLETE 3+ SETS OF TH E GIVEN AM OUN T OF REPETITION S OR BREATH CYCLES EXERCISE & PURPOSE REPS Same-Side Connect Roll with Hip Extension Improves internal rotation of hips Improves shoulder rotation Progress to #2 once you master Option #1 10-15 reps per side EXERCISE # 2: WEEKS 5-6 COM PLETE 3+ SETS OF TH E GIVEN AM OUN T OF REPETITION S OR BREATH CYCLES EXERCISE & PURPOSE REPS PRI Supine SLR Alternating Crossover Improves hamstring mobility Improves trunk rotation Improves internal rotation of hips 5 breaths per side EXERCISE VIDEO LIN K EXERCISE # 3: WEEKS 5-6 COM PLETE 3+ SETS OF TH E GIVEN AM OUN T OF REPETITION S OR BREATH CYCLES EXERCISE & PURPOSE REPS PRI Left Sidelying Knee Toward Knee Improves right hip external rotation and glute activation Improves dynamic left hip internal rotation Only lift left knee once you can master activation of right glute without losing right foot arch 5 breaths with right glute/ left sidelying only EXERCISE # 4: WEEKS 5-6 COM PLETE 3+ SETS OF TH E GIVEN AM OUN T OF REPETITION S OR BREATH CYCLES EXERCISE & PURPOSE REPS Inchworm with Alternating Reach Releases tight calves and improves ankle mobility Improves shoulder mobility 5 reaches or steps per side EXERCISE VIDEO LIN K EXERCISE # 5: WEEKS 5-6 COM PLETE 3+ SETS OF TH E GIVEN AM OUN T OF REPETITION S OR BREATH CYCLES EXERCISE & PURPOSE REPS Bench/ Couch Supported Lunge Improves deep hip flexion mobility Improves hip external rotation 15 reps per side You can use a couch for this as long as it's stable. PHASE 3: WEEKS 5-6 EXERCISE SETS X REPS 1.) Roll with Hip Extension Focus 3 x 10 reps per side 2.) PRI Supine SLR Alternating Crossover 3 x 5 breaths per side 3.) PRI Left Sidelying Knee Toward Knee 3 x 5 breaths (left side only) 4.) Inchworm with Alternating Reach 3 x 5 reaches per side 5.) Bench/ Couch Supported Lunge 3 x 15 reps per side SPECIAL OFFER: SHARE YOUR RESULTS & GET A FREE PROGRAM ($40 value) OR 50% OFF BEGINNER BIOMECHANICS COURSE ($100 value) As you progress t hrough t his program, you will st art t o see t hings good t hings happen. You may not ice: Improved post ure Improve range of mot ion at your shoulder, hips, et c Bet t er movement Less pain If you experience any, or mult iple, of t he above benefit s, you EXAMPLES Ending Not es I hope you've enjoyed t he program! I am confident you will see some great t hings happening. You can reach me at : @conor_harris_ on Inst agram or Twit t er