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graphic novel

Comic and Graphic Novel Terminology
Effect or Examples
Image that extends beyond the edge of a page.
Makes a page more dynamic and visually appealing.
Backdrop or landscape of an image.
Creates backstory, context, or additional information.
Center of an image where our eyes gravitate towards.
Center of a panel.
Part of a panel closest to the viewer.
often appear more dramatic due to larger scale.
Distance between camera and subject e.g. close-up,
Strategically used to convey meaning, emotion, to create
long shot, low-angle, high-angle, wide-angle etc.
perspective, and to provide hierarchy of detail.
Object may be placed off-center to create visual tension.
Generally where the main action takes place. Objects here
Camera angle
Boxes separate from the rest of the panel, which
contain a variety of text elements, including
scene-setting, description, etc.
Graphic weight
story by clarifying to readers the events in the scene.
Use of prior knowledge to fill in the gutters (gaps)
Creates a sense of narrative progression and
between a series of panels.
sequencing within the reader’s mind.
Motion lines beside characters’ faces, such as
Reveals characters emotions or immediate reactions to
teardrops, sweat drops and question marks.
particular events.
Visual illustration of an object or person.
Body posture sand facial expressions reveal a lot about
a character’s thoughts and feelings.
Ways in which some images draw the eye and
Often achieved through juxtaposing or manipulating
capture attention more than others.
color, shading, or other patterns.
The blank space between panels.
A single frame or box that generally contains one
Creates a voice-over to the action, helping to enhance the
sequence or segment of action.
Pages may consist of a single panel, or several
panels of uniform or varied sizes.
Action that occur here are not literally seen or
experienced by the viewer; instead it is inferred.
A row of panels is a tier.
An illustration taking up a whole page is a splash.
An image that spans two or more pages is a spread.
Letters used to copy sound effects, considered a
The font, colors and lettering of sound effects will affect
form of onomatopoeia.
the tone or mood of a narrative.
These enclose dialogue and come from a specific
Speech balloons
speaker’s mouth; these vary in size, shape, layout,
and can alternative to depict a conversation.
Helps convey external dialogue between different
characters, or a character’s internal dialogue.