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Matcha Jam Product Development Final Report

CL5904 Product Development Final Report
Product: Matcha Jam
Group No: 2
Group Members and Admin Numbers:
Soh Engploy, 21A661R
See Qian Ting Eunice, 21A658N
Norafiqah Binte Abdul Rahman, 21A654Q
Mandy Tan Ru Yi, 21A651F
Justin Teng Zheng Kai, 21A649G
Table of Contents
1. Product Description
2. Summary of Market Survey and Results
3. Recipe
4. Flow Chart Process
5. Cost of Recipe
6. Sensory Evaluation Results
7. Microbiological Results
8. Product Label with Nutrition Information Panel and Claims
9. Picture of Final Product
Product Description
Product Name
Matcha Jam
Visually appealing
Distinctive flavour and unique taste
Appeals to health conscious consumers
Unique Selling Point? (USP)
Versatility (can be used as spread on toast,
filling for pastries, cakes etc
High content of L-theanine (potential calming
Instead of conventional fruit based jams, it is
a tea based jam.
Storage Condition
Package Form
Glass jar
Target Market
Young Adults-Adults
15-64 years old
Shelf Life
9 - 12 months (to refrigerate after opening)
Market Survey and Results
Q1. Which age group are you in?
Out of 55 responses, 85.5% of participants are 15 - 35 years old, while 12.7% of participants are
36 - 64 years old.
Q2. Do you like matcha?
70.9% of the participants like matcha, while 18.18% dislike matcha, and 10.91% have never
tried matcha.
Q3. What is your preferred flavour for jam?
Out of 55 participants, 22 people chose strawberry as their most preferred jam, while 6 people
chose blueberry. The others chose other flavours such as chocolate, matcha, peanut butter and
Q4. How sweet do you like your matcha jam to be?
49.1% prefers their matcha jam to be sweet, whereas 47.3% prefers their matcha jam to be less
sweet, and 3.6% prefers their matcha jam to not be sweet at all.
Q5. Do you know which grade of matcha powder is the most desired?
47.3% chose premium grade, 40% chose ceremonial grade and 12.7% chose culinary grade in
which, the 40% who chose ceremonial grade, knows that it is the most desired.
Image 1.0: From left to right, Culinary grade, premium grade and ceremonial grade.
Q6. How much will you pay for matcha jam?
For $8-$10, 40% are willing to pay, while 29.1% are willing to pay $5-$7, and 9.1% are willing to
pay $2-$4, and 12.7% are willing to pay more than $10.
Q7. How will you use the matcha jam?
Out of 55 participants, 81.8% chose to use it for spreads. 9.1% would use it in yoghurts, and
3.6% in salad dressing. Other uses that are not included in the chart, includes using it as pasta
sauce, in coffee and in baking.
Q8. How often would you use the matcha jam?
81.8% of the participants said that they would use it 1-2 times per week, while 18.2% said that
they would use it 3-4 times a week.
Q9. What type of health claims would you like to see in your jam?
Majority of participants selected that they would like the jam to be low in sugar, low in fat and a
source of dietary fibre.
Q10. What is your preferred storage condition for jam?
45.5% said that they would like to chill their jam, while 43.6% chose to keep their jam at room
Oatly Oat Milk Enriches Edition
Emborg European Cooking Cream
Cap Bintung Cornstarch
Greenpot Matcha Powder
Star Brand Vanilla Essence
Flow Chart Process with CCPs
Critical Limits
Heat Oat Milk in a
pot at 80°C - 90°C.
80°C - 90°C
Use a
Heat until 80°C to
Pasteurise matcha
jam in a glass jar at
92.3°C for 10
10 minutes
Ensure the
pasteuriser is at
92.3°C and use a
timer to time it for
10 minutes.
Set temperature
to 92.3°C.
Recipe Cost
Estimated Cost of Recipe
Cost / weight
Amount Used
Cost used to make
Jam ($)
Oatly Oat Milk
$6.50 / 1 litre carton
125mL / 1000mL x
$6.50 = $0.81
Emborg European
Cooking Cream
$4.60 / 200mL carton
125mL / 200mL x
$4.60 = $2.88
Green Pot Matcha
Green Tea Powder
$9.80 / 50g packet
4.35g / 50g x $9.80 =
Cap Bintung Corn
$5.50 / 1kg packet
6.5g / 1000g x $5.50
= $0.04
$3.20 / 2kg packet
12.5g / 2000g x $3.20
= $0.02
Star brand Vanilla
$1.70 / 25mL bottle
2.17g / 25mL x $1.70
= $0.15
Sensory Evaluation Results
Age Responses
Most of them are 18-25 years old.
Question 1 is based on the rating of the smell of Matcha Jam.
Results : Most people rated 9 which is like extremely and followed by 8 which is like very much
and only 3-7% of people actually rated dislike
Question 2 is based on the rating of the appearance of Matcha Jam.
Results : Most people rated 9 which is like extremely based on the appearance and followed by
8 which is like very much
Question 3 is based on the taste of Matcha Jam
Results : Most people rated dislike moderately for the taste of sweetness.
Question 4 is based on texture of Matcha Jam
Results: Most people rated like extremely for the texture and followed by like very much which
is 8.
Question 5 is based on whether the Matcha Jam spread well on the bread
Results: Most people feel that the Matcha Jam spreads very well on the bread.
Question 6 is based on the overall acceptance of the Matcha Jam
Results: Most people accepted the overall appearance, taste and smell of the Matcha Jam.
Question 7 is based on how much are people willing to pay for a 125g of Matcha Jam
Results: Most people are willing to pay between $6-$10 for a jar of Matcha Jam followed by $2$5.
Question 8 is based on how likely people will want to purchase Matcha Jam in the future.
Results: Majority might buy the matcha jam in the future, however, there’s quite a number of
people who would not buy it too.
Feedback Responses Summary
Majority of the participants said that the matcha jam was too watery, to the point that it’s more of
a yoghurt drink. Many have also said that the matcha jam is bitter, and they would prefer it to be
on the sweeter side.
Feedback Responses Collected
Too liquid.
I think the jam is too watery to the point that it’s more akin to a thick drink. It’s really hard to properly spread
on a piece of bread. Furthermore, there is a slight powdery mouthfeel but it’s expected when you’re using
matcha powder. Finally, I prefer my jams to be on the sweeter side.
I buy jam for my young kids. Don’t think they will like it as there is a but of bitterness sue to Matcha, but I can
accept the flavour.
Taste, aroma is goos, but texture slightly too thin as a bread spread.
Not viscous enough.
It’s good, tasty but a bit runny.
Almost too liquidy, like dipping my toast into matcha. Otherwise enjoyable! Not too sweet.
Microbiological Results
Microbiological standards from SFA Eleventh schedule Part 1 and Part 2
Microbial limits
Our results
Part 1
The amount of Enterobacteriaceae (including
Escherichia coli of any strain) detected in any
ready-to-eat food, other than the ready-to-eat
food mentioned in paragraph 2, must be less
than 10,000 colony forming units per gram
(for solid food) or millilitre (for liquid food).
< 10 CFU/g
The amount of Escherichia coli of any strain
detected in any ready-to-eat food must be
less than 100 colony forming units per gram
(for solid food) or millilitre (for liquid food).
< 10 CFU/g
Part 2
Bacillus cereus 200 cfu/mL
360,000 CFU/g
Clostridium perfringens 100 cfu/mL
Not detected
Coagulase-positive Staphylococcus aureus
100 cfu/mL
< 10 CFU/g
Any pathogen not mentioned in paragraph 1
or 2 (whether common, or introduced in any
way, to the ready-to-eat food) must not be
detected in any ready-to-eat food.
Not detected
Attached is the photo of microbiological testing results of week 6 Trial 3 prototypes (3 days old
This is SFA’s 11 schedule part 1 and part 2. Link below.
To conclude, suspected reasons for the non-conformance issue of Bacillus cereus having
360,000 CFU/g which is way above the regulatory limits of 200 cfu/g set by Singapore Food
Agency are using leftover ingredients from last trial that were not properly sealed, the jars not
being sterilised properly, and using old ingredients instead of fresh new ones.
Our preventive measures includes ensuring PPE is worn correctly at all times.
Product Label with Nutrition Information Panel and Claims
Product label
Nutritional Information Panel
Servings per Jar: 8
Serving size: 15g
Per Serving
Per 100g
Total Fats
Saturated Fats
Monosaturated Fats
*1kcal = 4.2kJ
Reference quantity of food
[liquid food not specified above] [ 200mL]
Nutrient claims.
4. Sugar (free sugar as per WHO definition)
Low in sugar
Low in sugar
Our product
≤ 5 g sugars per 100g, or
8.22 g sugar per
≤ 2.5 g sugars per 100ml, or
1.23 g sugar per
≤ 2 g sugars per serving
≥ 25% less sugar than the
16.44 g sugar per
Lite in sugar
Light in sugar
Less sugar
Lower in sugar
Lower in sugar
Reduced sugar
reference food*
Reference quantity is 50 g sugar.
Working 25/100 x 200 = 50g.
Please refer to [liquid food not specified above 200mL]
Reference quantity
https://www.sfa.gov.sg/docs/default-source/tools-and-resources/resources-forbusinesses/aguidetofoodlabellingandadvertisements.pdf - (page 25/59)
To conclude the nutrient claims we are allowed to make related to sugar is Less sugar, Lower
sugar,Lower in sugar than… or Reduced sugar.
Pictures of Final Product