Uploaded by Mike De Oca

De Oca Midterm-art-app-ACT.1

Name: De Oca, John Michael C.
Date: March 17, 2023
Course & Section: BSN 3 PEPLAU
Teacher: Sir John Philip Lumawag
Identify and understand the different classifications of art.
The functions of art apply not only to the artist that created a piece but to you as the viewer.
Your whole experience and understanding of a piece should contribute to the function you
assign it, as well as everything you know about its context.
Instructions: Identify ONE work of art in your home/school and discuss its aesthetic features and
functionality. Attach a picture of the artwork.
[insert picture here]
Prepared by:
John Philip J. Lumawag
The aesthetic features of matcha coffee is a tea-based beverage that combines milk, or a dairy
substitute, and vibrant green matcha tea powder to make a smooth, creamy, caffeinated
coffee substitute. It’s functionality, it decreases stress on the adrenal glands and aids in blood
sugar stabilization.
Question: If an artwork ceases to have a function, will it remain an art? Why?
Yes, I agree that a work of fine art has no purpose other than to elicit ideas and/or feelings. If
it served any other purpose, that purpose would serve as its definition. Any work produced
with the intention of being admired or appreciated is considered to be art. In order to
appreciate art, its look and significance are sufficient.
Prepared by:
John Philip J. Lumawag