PRECAUTION 1. Handle apparatus and chemicals carefully. 2. Add ammonium sulphate solution very slowly. 3. Stir nilk while adding chemicals. 4. Do not disturb milk after adding ammonim sulphate solution and wait some time for fat and casein to precipitate out. T'AANK YOU BY: AVINASH KALE OBSERVATION The Following observation is based on 3 different samples of milk on which the test was performed Type of mik Volume of Weight Weight of Percentage of milk taken of milk Casein casein (m) (Wg) (W.g) 1 Buffalo's milk 20 23.09 0.632 2.737 2. Cow's milk 20 35.66 0.55 1.64% 3 Goat's milk 20 23.09 0.77 3.67% CONCLUSION QUANTITY OF CASEIN PRESENT IN DIFFRNT SAMPLES OF MILK IS DIFFERENT. BY: AVINASH KALE PROCEDURE -Aclean dry beaker has been taken followed 0 by putting 20 ml of cows milk into it and adding 20 ml of saturated Ammonium Sulphate solution slowly and with stirring. Fat along with casein was precipitate out The solution was filtered and transferred the precipitates in another beaker.Added about 30 ml of water to the precipitate. oDly casein in dissolved in water forming milky solution leaving fat undissolved ’The milky solution was heatedtoabout 40 degree Celsiss and add 10% Acetic Acidsolution drop wise when casein got precipitated ’Fltered the precipitate washed with water and the precipitate was allowed to dry. ’Weighted the dry solution solid mass in a previously weighted watch glass. ’The experiment was repeated with the other samples of milk. BY: AVINASH KALE APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Beakers 250 ml 2. Filtration flask 3.Glass rod 4. China dish 5. Dropper 6. Different samples of milk 7. 10% acetic acid Casein is a heterageneous mixture of phospharous cantaining proteins in milk. In pure form it is an amorphous white solid, tasteless,and odaurless While its commercial type is yellawish with a pleasant adour basein is present ín milk as calcium salt and calcium caseinate.. > It is a mixture of alpha, beta and kappa caseins to farm a cluster called micelle. These micelles are responsible far the white apaque appearanCe of milk. > Casein ls a Cheif Protien In milk and a essential Ingradient af Milk AIM OF THE PROJECT: Tostudy the quantity of casein present in ditferent samples of milk INTRODUCTION HN N OH NH CH CH OH CH3 OH CHy O Casein Structure Caseins contribute to the aming acid pattern of human milk, and are highly digestible. Functionally, their most important property is their ability to form stable aggregates that include calcium and phaspharus. AIM OF THE PROJECT : To study the quantity of casein present in different samples of milk INTRODUCTION H,NNH OH CH3 CH OH CH CH DCasein Structure Caseins contribute to the amino acid pattern af human milk, and are highly digestible. Functianally. their most important property is their ability to form stable aggregates that include calcium and phosphorus. ACKNOLEDGEMENT I would like to thank my chemistry teacher , Mr. Kuldeep for guiding me throughout this project wark. Ishould also thank our lab assistant who helped me line up the project and help me with practical work. Aspecial acknowledgement goestòour principal Kavita Jakhàr who gave me the golden opportunity of this wonderful.project, which alsa helped me in doing a lot of research and l came to know about so many new things. Iwish to thank my parents as well for their support and encouragement without which Icould not have completed this project in the limited time frame. In the end, Iwant to thank my friends who displayed appreciation for my work and motivated me to continue my work. CERTIFICATE This is to certify that this chemistry investigation project has been successfully completed by Avinash Kale of class 12th Funder the guidance of Mr. Kuldeep int particular fulfillment of the curiculum of central board of secondary education (CBSE) leading to the award of annual examination of the year 2023-2024. Teacher in charge External Examiner TABLE OF CONTENT Certification Acknowledgement Aim of the project Introduction Apparatus required Procedure A Observation Conclusion Precaution BY: AVÍNASH KALE PUBU MY C SCHOD HISAR TRUTH IS GOD CHEMISTRY PROJECT SESSION : 2023-2024 APROJECT RERORT ON STUDY OF QUANTITY QF CA^EIN PRESENT IN DIFFERNT SAMPLES OF MILK" SUBMITTED BY AVINASH KALE INDER THE GUIDANCE OF MR KULOEEP Class :12TH Section:F ROLL NO. :22 PGT CHEMISTRY