Uploaded by Natalie Shaka

Year 8 Geography Project: Cities of the Future

GEOGRAPHY PROJECT: Cities of the future!
Assessment Objectives:
To show an understanding of urbanisation and its impact on people and the
To think of innovative ways that urban areas could use in the future to be more
To enhance skills in methods of presentation and structure of argument
Assessment Guidelines:
Project should be handed in during the FIRST GEOGRAPHY LESSON AFTER the Christmas
DUE DATE: __________________
Assessment Standards:
1. Describe
Give the main characteristics of something.
2. Explain
Say why something happens.
3. Examine
Review information and make a judgement.
4. Analyse
Break something down into key elements and connections.
Assessment Grade:
A rubric will be shared in the Project Assignment on Teams and each Team will be given an
overall Grade based on the rubric.
Follow these steps to complete your project:
STEP 1 – Choose your groups
➔ Once you form your groups (MAXIMUM of 4 students per group) you should
decide what your city will look like → names of all students in each group need to
be added to the Group List link on the Project Assignment on Teams
➔ You should also decide what format your project will be – acceptable formats are:
➢ 3D project/model
➢ Minecraft project
➢ Video (sketch, presentation, etc)
➢ Poster (hand-written)
STEP 2 – Do the research!
You should use a variety of sources: the Internet, books, your textbook, documentaries,
specialist people within your family or wider circle (e.g. architects, urban planners,
government officials) to gather information and ideas.
STEP 3 – Present your findings.
➔ Meet during the lesson and after school to discuss and complete your project –
you can also use Teams to discuss and collaborate after school hours
➔ Your MUST ADD LABELS/INFORMATION YOUR PROJECT to describe each part of
your city – transportation methods, buildings, the environment, people and explain why
you chose to do it in this way ( a minimum of 350 – 500 words of description and
explanation – e.g. hand-written labels on a 3D project, hand-written paragraphs
on a poster, etc).
➔ Decide on the name of your city! You get to name it whatever you want – as long as it is
STEP 4 – Checklist of what to include.
1. A Title – this should say: “CITY OF THE FUTURE: __NAME OF YOUR CITY
2. At least 350 – 500 words of description and explanation – e.g. labels on a 3D
project, paragraphs on a poster, etc.
3. References – somewhere on your project you should include a list of ALL the
sources of information you used, such as website links, book names and
authors, video links and sources of images for any pictures, or the names of
people you talked to
4. Interesting visuals! For example painted parts, drawings, clay or other you can
even add moving parts, lights, etc! Try to use recycled materials from your
home or leftover holiday gifts as well – lets help reduce waste!