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Smart Home with Google Assistant & Alexa - ESP8266 Project

in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the
This research project is submitted as part of fulfilment for the award of a Higher National
Diploma in Programme Title: The work is a result of our investigation. All sections of the text
and effects which have been obtained from other works/sources are fully referenced. I understand
that cheating and plagiarism constitute a breach of Accra Technical University and will be dealt
with accordingly.
I, at this moment, confirm that the above students are HND students in the Department of
Electrical Engineering under my academic and research supervision per the requirements of
Accra Technical University. The students are currently in their final year of study and are expected
to complete them in 2022.
I dedicate this book to the Highest God, my lovely parents, my siblings, my friends and my
lecturers for their support and assistance throughout my training.
I will show my gratitude to everyone who made this project a success. However, it would not have
been possible without my classroom colleagues' kind support and help. I want to extend my sincere
thanks to all of them. I am highly indebted to my Supervisor, HOD, Lecturer One, Lecturer Two
etc., for their guidance and constant supervision, for providing necessary information regarding
the project and for their support in completion. I want to express my gratitude towards my mom
for her kind cooperation and encouragement, which helped me complete this project.
The focus of this project is a cutting-edge home design that makes use of the Internet-of-Things
(IoT) paradigm. The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm refers to networks of physical objects
(things) equipped with sensors, software, and other technologies to connect and exchange data
with other devices and systems over the Internet. Wi-Fi enabled devices and Amazon Alexa were
used in the creation of the home system. The Wi-Fi connection protocols and Amazon Alexa AI
were selected for their quality in the present as well as their flexibility and functionality for creating
intelligent buildings. At the conclusion of the project, the system was also put to the test to
determine its viability, usefulness, and efficacy.
DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i
DECLARATION BY SUPERVISOR ............................................................................................. i
DEDICATION ................................................................................................................................ ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................... iii
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................................................. v
LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................... vii
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................... vii
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY .............................................................................................. 1
1.2 FIELD OF STUDY ............................................................................................................... 2
1.3 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM .................................................................................... 2
1.4 Aims and Objectives ............................................................................................................. 2
1.5 LIMITATIONS AND DELIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY .............................................. 2
LIMITATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.9 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY ...................................................................................... 3
2. SAFETY, ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMIC ASPECT .................................................. 3
2.1 LAYOUT OF THESIS .......................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 4
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................... 4
2.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 4
2.1.1 Limitations of IR Sensor and LDR based home automation ............................................. 5
2.2.0 Bluetooth-Based Home Automation System Using Cell Phone. ....................................... 5
2.2.1 Limitation of Bluetooth Home Automation System Using Cell Phone ............................. 6
2.3 Other Related Works ............................................................................................................. 6
CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................................................ 8
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................... 8
3.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 8
3.1 FLOW CHART OF THE PROJECT .................................................................................... 8
3.2 SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN METHODS............................................................. 9
3.2.1 SYSTEM DESIGN ............................................................................................................ 9
System Architecture .................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Designed Units And System Analysis ................................................................................ 10
3.4 Research Approach and Strategy ........................................................................................ 10
3.5 SOFTWARE DESIGN........................................................................................................ 11
3.5.1 Software Requirements .................................................................................................... 11
3.5.2 Google Assistance And IFTT........................................................................................... 11
3.5.3 Getting Started With The Blynk App............................................................................... 13
3.5.4 Circuit Design And Working ........................................................................................... 14
CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................................... 20
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ................................................................................................. 20
4.1 Implementation and Testing ................................................................................................ 20
4.2 Setting Up The Software Development Environment ........................................................ 21
4.3 Results and Analysis At the end of the project, .................................................................. 21
CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................................................... 23
SUMMARY CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ...................................................... 23
5.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... 23
5.2 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................... 23
5.3 Recommendation................................................................................................................. 23
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 24
APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................. 26
APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................................... 26
Figure A; Assembly of a prototype using the breadboard ........................................................ 26
Figure A2; Testing the prototype .............................................................................................. 27
Figure A3; Finished product ..................................................................................................... 28
APPENDIX B ........................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 5.1 Simulation of The Home Automation ..................................................................... 29
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 2.1 Diagram of IR Circuit .................................................................................................... 4
Figure 3.1 System flow Chart ......................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3.2 Architecture Of The Proposed ....................................................................................... 9
Figure 3.5.2 Layout Of IFTTT Application .................................................................................. 12
Figure 3.5.3 Layout Of The Blynk Application ............................................................................ 14
Figure 3.5.4 System Mothership ................................................................................................... 14
Figure 4.5.5 Lamp Control Module .............................................................................................. 15
Figure 3.5.6 Fan Control Module ................................................................................................. 16
Figure 3.5.6 shows the fan control module of the home automation. ........................................... 16
Figure 3.5.7 Socket Control Module............................................................................................. 17
Figure 3.5.8 Outside Light Control Module ................................................................................. 18
Laisa C. P. Costa , Nicholas S. Almeida, Ana G. D. Correa, Roseli D. Lopes and Marcelo K. Zuffo
" Accessible Display Design to Control Home Area Networks" IEEE Transactions on Consumer
Electronics, Vol. 59, No. 2, May 2013.
Everyone now owns a smartphone and wants to be able to control everything via it. Mobile phones
are simple to use and comprehend because everyone is familiar with how to operate them. Using
a Bluetooth-based remote control and Node MCU, you can operate lights, fans, switches, and
refrigerators. Since more individuals now use smartphones, home automation design will grow
simpler and more popular. The most widely utilized automation device, the Node MCU, is used
in this gadget. Node MCU is the hardware that connects the computer and the project model,
allowing us to operate it with the appropriate Node MCU code. It is a microcontroller, Node
MCU. It resembles the human brain exactly. It first processes the information before applying
logical and mathematical procedures to it. Dot MCU
Neng-Shiang Liang; Li-Chen Fu; Chao-Lin Wu "An integrated, flexible, and Internet-based
control architecture for home automation system in the Internet era, Proceedings ICRA '02. IEEE
International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 2, pp. 1101 1106, 2002.
Due to the widespread use of electricity in homes and the rapid advancement of information
technology, smart homes (SH) have been a reality since the early twenty first century. The past
few years have seen a transformation in the speed, size, connectivity, and cost of computational
devices. It moves the long-promised vision of the intelligent home closer to realization. One of
the practical advancements that has been developed and is continuously evolving today is smart
home technology. A "smart home" is a residence with special structured wiring that enables its
residents to remotely manage a variety of home equipment by sending a command from a
computer or mobile device. This ubiquitous, intelligent house, which many consider to be a
luxury, could play a crucial part in ensuring the independence of those who have disabilities. a
smart house
The field of study is Electrical Engineering, and the subject area of study is Control Systems and
Power Systems.
Today people are looking at ways and means to improve their lifestyle using the latest
technologies. Consumers grab any new facility for home appliances that promise to enhance their
lifestyle. The more such facilities and devices are added, it becomes inevitable to have easy and
convenient methods and means to control and operate these appliances. Conventional wall
switches are located in different parts of a house and thus necessitate manual operations like
switching on or off these switches to control various devices. It is virtually impossible to keep
track of running appliances and monitor their Performances. Furthermore, it aims to build a system
that controls home appliances with less effort, like mobile or voice-based control.
1.4 Aims and Objectives
This study aims to design and construct home automation to control or monitor signals from
different appliances using a voice command.
The objective of this project is as follows:
To design a home automation system to control appliances such as lamps, fans and sockets
using voice command
To construct a home automation to be controlled via a smartphone with Internet
Testing and analysis of the home automation system’s performance
 Security issues: As with all computing, security will become more outstanding as
people use smart devices.
Cost: Extreme expensive
Greater acceptance
The system is flexible for new devices and appliances.
The study capitalizes on the IoT paradigm, whose core principle is the basis of bringing ordinary
home appliances to life through Artificial Intelligence. It also helps to examine possible future
implementations of this relatively new communication paradigm.
The entire system is eco-friendly and safe to use
It consumes significantly less power, making it more efficient and convenient than other
time-measuring substitutes.
This project work entails five chapters which are as follows:
Chapter 1: Gives the general introduction. It involves the problem definition, project
objectives, significance, methods used, expected outcome and safety.
Chapter 2: A literature review of selected tools used in the project, such as resistors,
capacitors, semiconductors, sensors, microcontrollers, software and theory related to the
proposed project, will be done.
Chapter 3: The project design, hardware and software development that was done.
Chapter 4: Present the results and discussion of the project.
This chapter will provide a literature review of the works and studies from other researchers related
to the development of this project, which is "home automation using the voice command". The
literature review is a continuous part that should be done until this project is successfully
2.1.0 IR Sensor and LDR-based home automation
Home automation was created by M. S. Antony Vigil, Nitisha K, Deepali Sikerwar, and Muskan
Joshi using IR (infrared) and LDR (light-dependent resistor) sensors. The system's design makes
use of IR sensors to operate or control home appliances including computers, lighting systems,
fans, and radios within a 10 meter range. IR transmitter, IR receiver, transistors, IC, LED light,
LDR sensor, batteries, breadboard, and connecting wires are the hardware components needed for
RC automation. As soon as the IR transmitter emits IR rays that are sensed by the IR receiver, the
system is operational. The device will then respond by turning on or off in accordance with the IR
receiver. The outdoor night light will also be controlled by RC- automated using an LDR sensor.
As soon as it detects and turns, it will function.
Figure 2.1 Diagram of IR Circuit
An IR Circuit's system diagram is depicted in the figure above. The system's first component uses
IR sensors to operate residential appliances. The home appliances will have these sensors installed
so they may be operated from a distance. LDR sensors are a component of RC- automation as well.
An LDR is a sensor with variable resistance that adapts to the amount of light it receives. They are
used in circuits for light sensing. Photo resistors or light-dependent resistors are typically
employed in courses where it is important to detect the presence or level of light. Through LDR,
the system controls a house's external light. The LDR's resistance drops in response to light
reflection, and current begins to flow into the base of the first transistor.
2.1.1 Limitations of IR Sensor and LDR based home automation
• Directionality: IR systems require an operator to "aim" the hand-held unit in the direction of the
receptor at a moderate distance. This is up and toward the bridge if you're on a crane. The fact that
an operator must divide his attention between constantly aiming and thinking about moving the
involved object poses the biggest operational challenge.
• Range: Compared to RF, IR has a much shorter dependable range. At distances more than 100
feet, IR often becomes intermittent.
• Sunlight: The sun's IR component can obstruct an IR signal. Sunlight must be blocked from the
receiver. The receiver must be placed when used outdoors to prevent exposure to the sun's direct
or reflected rays. At morning, this is extremely challenging.
2.2.0 Bluetooth-Based Home Automation System Using Cell Phone.
Neng-Shiang Liang, Li-Chen Fu and Chao-Lin Wu, "An integrated flexible and Internet-based
control architecture for home automation system in the internet era", Proceedings ICRA '02. IEEE
International Conference on Robotics and Automation, vol. 2, pp. 1101-1106, 2002. R. Piyare.
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Fiji National University, Suva, Fiji
For a flexible home automation system, their proposal utilized a low-cost, secure cell phone. The
Arduino BT board is wired up to many household appliances. The cell phone and the Arduino BT
board communicate wirelessly. With only minor adjustments, additional Devices can be linked to
the system. The mobile phone script was created in Python, making it portable and compatible
with all Symbian platforms. The Arduino BT board and the cell phone make up the two primary
pieces of hardware for this home automation system. The Python script is stored on the mobile
phone, giving the user access to the household appliances and the device's control commands.
Using the high-level interactive C language of the microcontroller, the Arduino BT board may be
wirelessly programmed over Bluetooth.
2.2.1 Limitation of Bluetooth Home Automation System Using Cell Phone
• It can be used in a limited area (30ft = 9.14m)
• It is challenging to install.
• It cannot re-pair easily
Figure 2.3 5V-240V Switching Circuitry
2.3 Other Related Works
G. V. Kondraske, R. A. Volz, D. H. Johnson, D. Tesar, J. C. Trinkle and C. R. Price, "Networkbased infrastructure for distributed remote operations and robotics research", IEEE Trans. Robot.
Automat., vol. 9, pp. 702-704, Oct. 1993. suggested creating a distributed control system that uses
the Internet to monitor crucial process variables (DCS). This study covers hardware and software
design considerations that allow the user to efficiently and remotely access the process variables
on the DCS.
N.P.Jawarkar, Vasif Ahmed and R.D. Thakare. “Remote Control using Mobile through Spoken
Commands”. IEEE - International Consortium of Stem Cell Networks (ICSCN) 2007. 2224,Pp.622-625, 2007. Suggested using speech to communicate with household appliances
remotely and command them to carry out a specific task on the user's behalf. The method is
designed to enable persons with disabilities to operate household gadgets by speaking commands.
Speech recognition uses a voice separation approach to make the right decisions.
S. M. Anamul Haque, S. M. Kamruzzaman and Md. Ashraful Islam In the year 2006,
suggested a system for controlling house appliances via personal computers, dubbed "A System
for Smart-Home Control of Appliances Based on Time and Speech Interaction." The computer
language Visual Basic 6.0 and speech recognition tools from Microsoft were used to create this
system. A voice command or a timer can be used to operate devices.
L.A Akinyemi, O.O Shoewu, N.T Makanjuola, A.A Ajasa, C.O Folorunso. Design and
Development of an Automated Home Control System Using Mobile Phone. World Journal
Control Science and Engineering. 2014, Ciubotaru-Petrescu, Chiciudean, Cioarga, and Stanescu
(2006) provide an SMS-based control concept and implementation for monitoring systems. The
study is divided into three sections that each involve sensing devices for complicated application
monitoring. A processing unit consists of a microcontroller and a communication module that
connects to a cell phone or GPRS modem through an RS-232 serial interface. For status updates,
such as power outages, the SMS is employed.
Jawarkar, Ahmed, Ladhake, and Thakare (2008) suggest utilizing spoken commands to
monitor a mobile device remotely. The control system receives the created spoken commands as
text SMS messages, and the microcontroller then chooses a specific task based on the SMS
In conclusion, the aforementioned suggested approaches offer crucial monitoring and control for
automated systems, such as sensing, alarming, radio cellular communications, and messaging. In
small spaces, they are challenging to use and install.
This chapter review gives an overview of methods and strategies used and reviews existing
methods and approaches used to accomplish home automation using voice commands. It also
briefly describes the system specifications and shows the function and the proposed method's
In our proposed system, we have developed home automation capable of controlling home
appliances using voice commands. If a user wishes to turn on or off any individual device in the
home, it can do that. The figure 3.1 below shows the flowchart of the process.
Figure 3.1 System flow Chart
As stated in the previous chapter, the communication protocols must be decided to design a smart
home. Commonly, Zigbee and Z-Wave standards are used today. Both implement the mesh
network topologies. They are also described as short-range, low-power radio signals to connect
intelligent home systems. The difference between the two is the range of coverage, with the Zigbee
having a range of 10 metres compared to the Z-Wave's 30 metres.
Amazon Alexa broadly supports protocols and Wi-Fi-based products, although it is selective in
connecting to Z-Wave-based devices.
System Architecture
Figure 3.2 Architecture Of The Proposed
As shown in Fig 3.2, the user sends a command to control the appliance through Google Assistance
on the smartphone. Google Assistance, a cloud-based accessible IoT web server interconnected
with the blynk app used to create virtual switches, is linked to the IFTTT website abbreviated as
"If This Then That", which is used to create an if-else conditional statement. When the command
matches the if-else dependent information on the IFTTT, the Blynk platform sends the command
to the NodeMCU. To ensure data security, the output from the NodeMCU that controls the
appliance is encoded (HT12E). The encoded data is transmitted using an FM transmitter. The RF
receives the data.
Receiver and decoded by the decoder IC (HT12D). The output from the decoder is used to control
a relay module which acts as a switch to turn on the various appliances. The purpose of using the
RF transmitter and receiver is to minimize the wiring cost when installing the system and make it
easy to install.
3.3 Designed Units And System Analysis
The design unit of the system comprises various circuits and diagrams designed and constructed
from different integrated circuits and other miniaturized components like capacitors, resistors,
transformers, transmitters, receivers, encoders and decoders, etc., that are put together as one
device. Though this project will perform a particular function, various combinations and
introductions of different components and modules incorporated into the system's design have
brought the need to separate and group them into additional units. The system has been developed
into two different parts; the software design and the hardware construction.
3.4 Research Approach and Strategy
This project aimed to control home appliances like lamps, fans and sockets via the Internet,
controlled by a smartphone and voice-controlled, specifically Google Assistance. It was decided
that the best method was to take a quantitative research approach. This approach offers an effective
way of examining the behaviour of the system in different scenarios and enables troubleshooting.
An experimental design, including manipulating components in other methods followed by
simulations with Easy EDA, will be adopted to achieve a complete design.
3.5.1 Software Requirements
The software prototype requirements for designing and developing intelligent home automation
Google Assistance And IFTT
The Blynk App
PCB Gerber file
3.5.2 Google Assistance And IFTT
Google Assistance is a service offered by Google that enables users to control devices and other
appliances connected to the Internet. Google Assistance converts the voice command into a digital
signal to turn the ON or OFF of any instrument.
The programming conditional expression "if this, then that" is where IFTTT gets its name. Your
apps, websites, app-enabled accessories, and smart gadgets may all be automated using the IFTTT
website and mobile app. The business offers a software platform that links products, services, and
apps from various developers in order to start one or more automations involving those products,
services, and apps. The Blynk app and the Google Assistant commands are connected using the
IFTTT app. Logging in is the initial step in setting up the IFTTT program. Next, we must build an
applet and then "This," or the trigger. We first choose Google Assistant, after which we input the
commands that we want the Google Assistant to reply to. Alternatively, the Blynk app can control
the appliance if google assistance is not responding.
Figure 3.5.2 Layout Of IFTTT Application
3.5.3 Getting Started With The Blynk App
Create a Blynk Account
First, create an e-mail account for your project. A charge is needed to save your projects and access
them from multiple devices anywhere. It's also a security measure. After downloading the Blynk
App, you must create a New Blynk account.
Create a New Project
After successfully logging into your account, start by creating a new project.
Choose Your Hardware Select the hardware model you will use.
Select the hardware model you will use
Auth Token
Auth Token is a unique identifier to connect your hardware to your smartphone.
Every new project you create will have its own Auth Token. You will get Auth Token
automatically in your e-mail after project creation.
NOTE: Do not share your Auth Token with anyone unless you want someone to have access to
your hardware.
It's very convenient to send it over e-mail. Press the e-mail button, and the token will be sent to
the e-mail address you used for registration. Now press the "Create" button.
Add a Widget
Your project canvas is empty. Let us add a button to control our alliances. Tap anywhere on the
canvas to open the widget box. All the available widgets are located here.
Now pick four buttons in the Widget Box:
Widget Settings - Each Widget has its settings. Please tap on the Widget to get to them. Drag-nDrop - Tap and hold the Widget to drag it to the new position.
The most important parameter to set is PIN. The list of pins reflects the physical pins defined by
your hardware. The lamp is connected to Digital Pin 0, so select D0; Fan is Digital Pin 1; select
D1; the socket is Digital Pin 2; select D2, and the Outside Light to Digital Pin 3; D3.
Run the Project
When you are done with the Settings - press the PLAY button. This will switch you from EDIT
mode to PLAY mode, where you can interact with the hardware. While in PLAY mode, you cannot
drag or set up new widgets.
Figure 3.5.3 Layout Of The Blynk Application
3.5.4 Circuit Design And Working
Figure 3.5.4 System Mothership
Figure 3.5.4 shows the system mothership home automation. NodeMCU ESP8266 is powered
using the onboard micro USB port. Alternatively, it can be powered using an external 5v supply
connected through Vin (pin). NodeMCU ESP8266 receives the command from google assistant
and produces an output on any of the data pins. Based on the data pins assigned to the command.
In our circuit, we use D0 to D3. D0, which produces an output when ESP8266 receives a command
"turn light on" or "turn on light" or "light on", is connected to Pin AD8 of the Encoder IC (HT
12E). D1, which produces an output when ESP8266 receives a command "turn fan on" or "turn on
the fan" or "fan on" is connected to Pin AD9 of the Encoder IC (HT 12E). D2, which produces an
output when ESP8266 receives a command "turn socket on" or "turn on socket" or "socket on", is
connected to Pin AD10 of the Encoder IC (HT 12E). D3, which produces an output when ESP8266
receives a command "turn outside light on" or "turn on outside light" or "outside light on" is
connected to Pin AD11 of the Encoder IC (HT 12E). DOUT from the Encoder IC (HT 12E) is
connected to the DIN of the FM transmitter. A0-A7, TE, and VSS are all grounded. VCC of the
FM transmitter and VDD of the Encoder IC are connected to the 3.3V pin of the NodeMCU. A
1.1M ohms is connected between OSC1 and OSC2 to set the internal oscillator frequency of the
encoder IC.
Figure 4.5.5 Lamp Control Module
Figure 4.5.5 shows the lamp control module of the home automation. However, the FM receiver
is connected to the DIN of the decoder IC. The VCC of the relay, VCC of the FM receiver and
VDD of the Encoder IC is connected to the 5v power supply (+5v). 51kohms is connected between
OSC1 and OSC2 to set the internal oscillator frequency of the decoder IC (HT12D). A0 to VSS,
GND of the FM receiver and relay is grounded. D8 is connected to the input pin of the relay. D8
is configured to control the lamp.
Figure 3.5.6 Fan Control Module
Figure 3.5.6 shows the fan control module of the home automation. However, the FM receiver is
connected to the DIN of the decoder IC. The VCC of the relay, VCC of the FM receiver and VDD
of the Encoder IC is connected to the 5v power supply (+5v). 51kohms is connected between OSC1
and OSC2 to set the internal oscillator frequency of the decoder IC (HT12D). A0 to VSS, GND of
FM receiver and relay is grounded. D9 is connected to the input pin of the relay. D9 is
configured to control the fan.
Figure 3.5.7 Socket Control Module
Figure 3.5.8 shows the socket control module of the home automation. However, the FM receiver
is connected to the DIN of the decoder IC. The VCC of the relay, VCC of the FM receiver and
VDD of the Encoder IC is connected to the 5v power supply (+5v). 51kohms is connected between
OSC1 and OSC2 to set the internal oscillator frequency of the decoder IC (HT12D). A0 to VSS,
GND of the FM receiver and relay is grounded. D10 is connected to the input pin of the relay. D10
is configured to socket the lamp.
Figure 3.5.8 Outside Light Control Module
Figure 3.5.8 shows the outside light control system of the home automation. However, the FM
receiver is connected to the DIN of the decoder IC. The VCC of the relay, VCC of the FM receiver
and VDD of the Encoder IC is connected to the 5v power supply (+5v). 51kohms is connected
between OSC1 and OSC2 to set the internal oscillator frequency of the decoder IC (HT12D). A0
to VSS, GND of the FM receiver and relay is grounded. D11 is connected to the input pin of the
relay. D11 is configured to control the Outside light
Circuit Diagram of the Complete System.
4.1 Implementation and Testing
This section covers the implementation and testing phase of home automation. It also covers the
conclusions of the results and the challenges faced during the implementation process. The various
devices, software development platforms, and test results have been discussed in this chapter. As
discussed in chapter three, the project methodology was fully implemented in the project's
4.2 Setting Up The Software Development Environment
Arduino develops an open-source and easy-to-use programming environment for writing
instructions and uploading them unto the Arduino board. To begin, the development environment
was set up. The primary development tool is the NodeMCU IDE (Integrated Development
Environment). The IDE is available for Windows and other operating systems on the Arduino
4.3 Results and Analysis At the end of the project,
we were able to develop a system that allows the user in the house to command the light, fan,
socket and outside light using google assistance or the Blynk app. The devices then use the
configuration defined by the user to set up the system, and the user must get access to the Internet
and download the Blynk app and google assistants. The user then signs in with the programmed email account and password. After signing in, the user can command the light, fan, socket and
outside light using google assistants (voice command). The results were positive, and the system
responded well.
This chapter concludes and presents relevant reliable recommendations the importance and
significance of the time management system.
With the results obtained and analyzed, it is possible to conclude and observe the advantages of
this project is highly reliable and efficient for aged people, people with disability and people who
find to move to switch devices. Compared to other home automation, this project improves the
range in controlling home appliances, accessibility and user specification. Above all, this project
is easy to install and not affected by the weather.
5.3 Recommendation
Some other students should take up this project and improve upon it using Raspberry Pi.
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Figure A; Assembly of a prototype using the breadboard
Figure A2; Testing the prototype
Figure A3; Finished product
Figure 5.1 Simulation of The Home Automation
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
// You should get Auth Token in the Blynk App.
// Go to the Project Settings (nut icon).
char auth [] = "eMSURFGlbNwSmVSGSQO-fzWDREVMmKK8"; // You should get Auth Token
the Blynk App.
// Your Wi-Fi credentials.
// Set password to "for open networks.
char ssid[] = "A3_PRO";
char pass[] = " qwertyuiop";
void setup() {
void loop() {