Uploaded by Sid Morgan

Frequency Movie Worksheet: Questions & Analysis

Directions: Respond to these questions as you watch the film.
1. What does Frank do for a living?
2. In what year is he living?
3. What does John do for a living?
4. In what year is he living?
5. How are Frank & John related?
6. By what method do they communicate?
7. What’s weird about their ability to communicate?
8. What is the first way that Frank dies?
9. What is the second way that Frank dies?
10. What happened to John’s mother in the second timeline?
11. What is the nickname of the Serial Killer in this film?
12. How does the Serial Killer’s story change from one timeline to the next?
13. What company does John’s friend Gordo want to invest in?
14. Who does the Serial Killer turn out to be?
15. How does Frank kill the Serial Killer in 1969?
16. How does Frank kill the Serial Killer in 1999?
17. What made the communication between John & Frank possible?
18, How does Frank convince Satch that he’s telling the truth?
19. Did Gordo ever get to buy stock in that company? How do you know?
20. Is this really possible? Why or why not?
20. Did you like this film? Why or why not?