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Supply & Demand Forex Trading Method by AWM FX

I, AWM FX, will never ask money or fund for investment purpose. Beware of scammers and fake Facebook or telegram
I, AWM FX, will never ask money or fund for investment purpose. Beware of scammers and fake Facebook or telegram
Dear cherished viewers,
As I sit down to write these words, my heart is brimming with overwhelming gra tude and joy. Today,
I embark on a special journey of apprecia on, weaving together the threads of our shared
experiences and the incredible bond we've built through my YouTube channel. This short e-book is
my hear elt birthday gi to all of you, my dear viewers, who have supported, encouraged, and
upli ed me every step of the way.
With every video I create, I am constantly amazed by the warmth and kindness that radiates from
your comments, messages, and unwavering support. You have been there through the highs and
lows, cheering me on during my triumphs and offering comfort during moments of vulnerability. Your
presence has transformed a solitary endeavor into a thriving community, where we connect, learn,
and grow together.
Each view, like, share, and subscrip on is not just a sta s c; it represents a connec on, a beau ful
friendship that has blossomed in this vast digital realm. Your trust and belief in me have been the
driving force behind every crea on, pushing me to delve deeper into my passions and offer content
that resonates with your hearts.
In the boundless world of financial markets, there exists a gateway to vast opportuni es—a realm
where fortunes are made and dreams are realized. The e-book is a culmina on of my passion for
trading and my deep desire to assist you in understanding the intricate workings of this fascina ng
Many of you may have stumbled upon my YouTube channel, seeking insights into the world of forex
trading, and for that, I am incredibly grateful. Your eagerness to learn and your commitment to
growth inspire me every day. Now, with this e-book, I seek to go beyond the brief moments of our
video interac ons and delve deeper into the principles, strategies, and mindset required to navigate
the forex markets successfully.
In its essence, this e-book is your roadmap to understanding forex trading step by step. From the
founda onal concepts that underpin currency movements to the intricacies of technical and
fundamental analysis, I will walk you through each aspect, ensuring that you gain a comprehensive
understanding at your own pace.
Throughout my own trading journey, I have faced hurdles, learned from mistakes, and celebrated
victories. The lessons learned along the way have shaped me not only as a trader but also as a
mentor. My purpose is to empower you with the knowledge, strategies, and discipline needed to
navigate the forex markets with confidence and competence.
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As we embark on this journey together, I encourage you to approach each chapter with an open
mind and a hunger for learning. Take the me to absorb the content, challenge your understanding,
and engage in cri cal thinking. Trading is an art that requires both technical proficiency and
emo onal intelligence, and my hope is that this e-book equips you with the tools to master both.
Dear viewers, I am truly humbled by the opportunity to be a part of your forex trading odyssey. As
we turn these pages together, let us embrace the adventure that lies ahead—a journey of growth,
discovery, and empowerment. And remember, I am just a message away, ready to assist and support
you on your path to becoming a confident and successful forex trader.
So, let us begin this exci ng expedi on, step by step, unlocking the mysteries of SUPPLY AND
DEMAND forex trading together.
With hear elt an cipa on,
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Total 50 pages.
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The Significance of Price Structure in Forex Trading
In the vast and ever-changing world of forex trading, one fundamental aspect stands tall as a
guiding beacon for traders—price structure. The arrangement of price movements on the
charts may seem like a labyrinth at first, but understanding and interpre ng price structure
is paramount to making informed trading decisions and naviga ng the markets with
 What is Price Structure?
Price structure, in essence, refers to the pa ern and organiza on of price movements over
me. These pa erns can manifest in various forms, including trends, ranges, consolida ons,
and reversals. Traders who can decipher these pa erns gain valuable insights into the
market's sen ment and poten al future movements.
 The Role of Price Structure in Decision Making
1. **Iden fying Trends:** Price structure assists traders in recognizing the prevailing market
trend. An uptrend is characterized by higher highs and higher lows, while a downtrend
features lower lows and lower highs. Spo ng these trends allows traders to align their
posi ons with the dominant market sen ment, increasing the probability of successful
2. **Loca ng Support and Resistance Levels:** Price structure unveils key support and
resistance levels, which act as significant turning points for the market. Support is the price
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level where demand for an asset is strong enough to halt its decline, while resistance is the
level where supply is potent enough to prevent further price increases. Recognizing these
levels aids traders in placing entry and exit points strategically.
3. **Pinpoin ng Breakouts and Breakdowns:** Consolida on phases in price structure o en
lead to breakouts or breakdowns. Breakouts occur when prices escape from a range,
signaling a poten al con nua on of a trend. Conversely, breakdowns indicate a possible
trend reversal. By monitoring price structure, traders can an cipate these price movements
and capitalize on profitable opportuni es.
4. **Managing Risk and Reward:** Understanding price structure aids in se ng appropriate
risk-to-reward ra os. Traders can iden fy logical stop-loss and take-profit levels based on the
support, resistance, and trend lines drawn from the price structure. This approach enhances
risk management and improves the overall performance of trading strategies.
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 Analyzing Price Structure
1. **Candles ck Pa erns:** Candles ck pa erns provide valuable informa on about price
movements within a specific meframe. Pa erns such as doji, engulfing, and hammer can
signal poten al trend reversals or con nua ons, adding another layer of insight to price
structure analysis.
2. **Chart Pa erns:** Chart pa erns, such as head and shoulders, double tops, and
triangles, form within price structures and offer clear indica ons of future price movements.
Recognizing these pa erns enhances the trader's ability to predict market direc on.
 Conclusion
In conclusion, price structure is the cornerstone of forex trading. It empowers traders with
the ability to read the market, iden fy trends, locate cri cal support and resistance levels,
and seize lucra ve opportuni es. By developing a deep understanding of price structure and
combining it with technical analysis, traders can sharpen their skills, make informed
decisions, and navigate the dynamic forex markets with increased confidence.
I, AWM FX, will never ask money or fund for investment purpose. Beware of scammers and fake
Facebook or telegram account.
Remember, mastering the art of price structure analysis requires prac ce, pa ence, and
con nuous learning. As you progress in your trading journey, honing this skill will
undoubtedly become one of your most potent tools for success.
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The Founda on of Forex Trading: Understanding Supply and Demand
In the realm of forex trading, the forces of supply and demand reign supreme, shaping the
dynamics of the financial markets. Understanding the interplay between these two
fundamental principles is crucial for every trader seeking to navigate the complexi es of the
forex world. In this chapter, we will explore the essence of supply and demand and its
profound impact on price movements.
What is Supply and Demand?
At its core, supply and demand represent the delicate equilibrium between buyers and
sellers in the market. When demand for a par cular currency pair outweighs its supply,
prices surge as buyers bid higher to secure the limited available units. Conversely, when
supply exceeds demand, prices retreat as sellers compete to offload their holdings.
The Law of Demand
The law of demand in forex trading states that as the price of a currency pair decreases, the
quan ty demanded increases, and vice versa. This principle arises from the basic economic
concept that consumers tend to purchase more of a product or asset when its price is lower,
making it more a rac ve.
In the forex market, traders keenly observe demand levels, which manifest as areas of
support on the price charts. These levels indicate zones where buying pressure is sufficient
to halt or reverse price declines.
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The Law of Supply
The law of supply in forex trading denotes that as the price of a currency pair increases, the
quan ty supplied also increases, and vice versa. Sellers are more willing to provide their
currencies to the market at higher prices, as it offers greater profit poten al.
On the price charts, supply levels emerge as areas of resistance. These zones signify regions
where selling pressure is robust enough to restrain or reverse upward price movements.
Impact on Price Movements
The interplay between supply and demand determines the price movement of currency
pairs. When demand outweighs supply, buyers aggressively bid higher, causing prices to
surge in an uptrend. Conversely, when supply surpasses demand, sellers push prices lower,
resul ng in a downtrend.
Supply Zones
Demand Zones
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Chapter 3: Significant Support and Resistance
In the realm of forex trading, few concepts are as essen al and universally recognized as
support and resistance. These two cri cal pillars of price ac on analysis play a fundamental
role in iden fying key levels on price charts, offering valuable insights into market behavior
and poten al future price movements. In this chapter, we will delve deep into the
significance of support and resistance and how traders can harness their power to make
informed trading decisions.
Understanding Support and Resistance
**1. Support:** Support refers to a price level at which buying interest is strong enough to
prevent further price declines. It acts as a floor for the price, as buyers step in to purchase
the currency pair, crea ng demand and hal ng the downward movement. Traders o en
draw support lines on their charts to visually represent these levels.
**2. Resistance:** Resistance, on the other hand, is a price level at which selling pressure
becomes robust enough to prevent further upward price movements. It acts as a ceiling for
the price, as sellers enter the market, crea ng supply and preven ng further upward
progress. Resistance lines are drawn on the charts to signify these levels.
The Role of Support and Resistance in Forex Trading
1. **Trend Iden fica on:** Support and resistance levels play a crucial role in iden fying
market trends. An uptrend is characterized by higher highs and higher lows, where each
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pullback finds support at higher levels. In contrast, a downtrend exhibits lower lows and
lower highs, with each a empted rally being met with resistance at lower levels.
2. **Entry and Exit Points:** Traders use support and resistance levels to determine op mal
entry and exit points for their trades. Buying at or near support levels and selling at or near
resistance levels is a popular strategy, as it allows traders to capitalize on poten al price
reversals or breakouts.
3. **Risk Management:** Se ng stop-loss orders just below support levels (for long
posi ons) and just above resistance levels (for short posi ons) helps traders manage their
risk effec vely. These levels act as poten al turning points, and if the price breaks through
them, it may indicate a shi in market sen ment.
4. **Trend Reversals and Breakouts:** Breakouts occur when the price breaches a
significant support or resistance level, signifying a poten al trend reversal or con nua on.
Traders keenly monitor these breakouts, as they present opportuni es for high-profit
poten al.
Iden fying Support and Resistance
1. **Historical Data:** Traders analyze past price movements to iden fy areas where the
price has historically found support or resistance.
2. **Chart Pa erns:** Certain chart pa erns, like double tops, double bo oms, and head
and shoulders, can indicate poten al support and resistance levels.
Step by Step to inden fying Significant Support and Resistance
Example GBPNZD Weekly Chart:
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Step 1: Switch the chart to line chart.
Step 2: Mark out and put line across area where there has extreme rejec on (sharp A or
V) or mul ple rejec on (if possible reject from the top and bo om ). Usually is located at
the swing High and Swing Low.
Step 3: Switch it back to candles ck Chart
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Step 4: Adjust the line accordingly to area where most wick/shadow touches. Not
necessary at the p of wick. Average area of rejec on will do.
Another hint of determining a good SSR is look at how the price form when it went
through a Support and Resistance.
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In the chart above it is obvious that the price has mul ple rejec on at the red horizontal
line. However, the problem is that there are too many other lines that has similar effect
of mul ple rejec on. What makes this red line stand out or more powerful is the how
the price create candles ck pa ern when it is going through the red line.
In the Blue boxes, you can no ce that when the price going through the Red line, the
price will form a Rally-Base-Rally and Drop-Base-Drop movement, making this area a
poten al strong area in future when price returning back there.
Youtube link:
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Chapter 4: Unveiling the Quasimodo Level (QML): A Hidden Gem in Forex
In the vast landscape of forex trading, seasoned traders are always on the lookout for hidden
gems that offer a unique edge in analyzing price ac on. Among these gems is the
Quasimodo level (QML), a lesser-known yet powerful price pa ern that holds the poten al
to provide valuable insights into market reversals and trend con nua ons. In this chapter,
we will explore the essence of the Quasimodo level and how traders can leverage its
poten al to enhance their trading strategies.
 What is the Quasimodo Level?
The Quasimodo level, also known as the Over-and-Under pa ern, is a price ac on pa ern
that resembles a "M" or "W" shape on the price chart with a twist of one should moves
above and under. It is iden fied by a series of higher highs followed by a lower high (for
bearish Quasimodo) or lower lows followed by a higher low (for bullish Quasimodo). The
pa ern is named a er Quasimodo, the hunchback bell-ringer from Victor Hugo's "The
Hunchback of Notre-Dame," as the pa ern's shape is reminiscent of his hunched back.
 Key Elements of the Quasimodo Level
1. **Higher Highs and Lower Highs (Bearish Quasimodo):** In a bearish Quasimodo pa ern,
the price forms a sequence of higher highs, sugges ng a poten al uptrend. However, the
pa ern is completed when the price fails to make a new higher high and instead reverses,
forming a lower high.
2. **Lower Lows and Higher Lows (Bullish Quasimodo):** In a bullish Quasimodo pa ern,
the price establishes lower lows, indica ng a poten al downtrend. However, the pa ern is
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confirmed when the price fails to create a new lower low and instead reverses, forming a
higher low.
 Significance of the Quasimodo Level in Trading
1. **Reversal Indicator:** The comple on of a Quasimodo level signifies a poten al reversal
of the exis ng trend. It can serve as an early warning sign for traders to exit their posi ons
or even consider taking a counter-trend trade.
2. **Confirma on of Trend Con nua on:** In some cases, Quasimodo pa erns can confirm
the con nua on of an ongoing trend. A bullish Quasimodo in an uptrend or a bearish
Quasimodo in a downtrend may act as a signal for traders to stay in their posi ons and ride
the trend further.
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 Iden fying Quasimodo Levels
To iden fy Quasimodo levels, traders should carefully observe the price ac on on their
charts. They can draw trendlines connec ng the higher highs (for bearish Quasimodo) or
lower lows (for bullish Quasimodo) to iden fy the poten al reversal points.
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 What is the Maximum Pain Level?
The Maximum Pain Level, also known as the "Pain Trade" or "Stop Hunt," refers to a
phenomenon where market par cipants experience the most discomfort due to the price
movements in a specific direc on. It occurs when price ac on moves to a level where a
significant number of traders have placed their stop-loss orders or have taken posi ons in
the opposite direc on of the prevailing trend.
 The Psychology Behind the Maximum Pain Level
Understanding the psychology behind the Maximum Pain Level is key to grasping its
significance in forex trading. When a market moves against the majority of traders'
expecta ons, it triggers emo ons like fear, panic, and frustra on. As these traders rush to
exit their posi ons, their stop-loss orders are triggered, intensifying the price movement in
the direc on of the prevailing trend, leading to the maximum pain point for those traders.
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 The Role of Maximum Pain Level in Trading
1. **Stop-Loss Hun ng:** Ins tu onal traders and market makers are aware of where the
bulk of retail traders have placed their stop-loss orders. They may strategically move the
market to trigger these stop-loss orders, causing cascading selling or buying pressure.
Traders who understand this phenomenon can be cau ous with their stop-loss placement
and avoid placing them at obvious levels.
2. **Trend Reversals:** The Maximum Pain Level can act as a poten al reversal point for the
market. When the price reaches this level, traders who have taken posi ons in the opposite
direc on of the trend may experience significant discomfort and choose to exit their
posi ons. This collec ve ac on could lead to a reversal or at least a temporary halt in the
prevailing trend.
3. **Trap Moves:** The Maximum Pain Level can create "trap moves" that lure traders into
taking posi ons just before a significant market turn. Traders who recognize these traps can
avoid being caught on the wrong side of the market.
 Iden fying the Maximum Pain Level
1. **Observing Price Ac on:** Traders can iden fy poten al Maximum Pain Levels by
closely observing the price ac on and significant price levels on the charts. Areas of
conges on, where the market has spent considerable me, are poten al candidates.
2. **Volume Analysis:** Monitoring trading volume can provide insights into where market
par cipants are placing their stop-loss orders or entering posi ons.
3. **Technical Confluence:** Maximum Pain Levels o en coincide with other technical
indicators, such as support and resistance zones, trendlines, or Fibonacci retracement levels.
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I, AWM FX, will never ask money or fund for investment purpose. Beware of scammers and fake
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The Art of Decep on: Ins tu onal Traders and Fakeouts
In the fast-paced world of forex trading, ins tu onal traders wield a powerful tool known as
the "Fakeout" to manipulate market sen ment and build liquidity. The art of decep on lies
in their ability to create false signals by breaching apparent support or resistance levels, only
to swi ly reverse the price in the opposite direc on. Understanding how ins tu onal traders
employ fakeouts can provide valuable insights for retail traders, enabling them to navigate
these decep ve maneuvers and make more informed trading decisions. In this chapter, we
will delve into the decep ve world of fakeouts and the strategies to counter them.
 What are Fakeouts?
A fakeout, also known as a "false breakout," occurs when the price convincingly breaches a
significant support or resistance level, leading traders to believe that a trend reversal or
breakout is imminent. However, to the surprise and frustra on of those traders, the price
swi ly reverses course, trapping them on the wrong side of the market.
 The Purpose of Fakeouts by Ins tu onal Traders
1. **Building Liquidity:** Ins tu onal traders use fakeouts to lure retail traders into taking
posi ons based on the apparent breakout. The resul ng surge in trading volume allows
ins tu onal traders to execute their own orders with minimal market impact, effec vely
building liquidity.
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2. **Stop-Loss Hun ng:** By triggering stop-loss orders placed by retail traders at support
or resistance levels, ins tu onal traders can capitalize on the cascading selling or buying
pressure to their advantage.
3. **Posi on Accumula on:** Fakeouts can help ins tu onal traders accumulate larger
posi ons at more favorable prices before the actual price movement aligns with their
inten ons.
 Strategies to Counter Fakeouts
1. **Wait for Confirma on:** Avoid rushing into a trade based solely on an apparent
breakout. Wait for addi onal confirma on, such as the price closing above or below the
support or resistance level.
2. **Use Mul ple Timeframes:** Analyze price ac on on mul ple meframes to gain a
broader perspec ve. A breakout on a lower meframe may turn out to be a fakeout on a
higher meframe.
3. **Set Sensible Stop-Loss Orders:** Be mindful of where you place your stop-loss orders.
Consider placing them beyond apparent support or resistance levels to avoid being caught in
stop-loss hun ng.
4. **Watch for Reversal Signals:** Be vigilant for reversal candles ck pa erns or other signs
of poten al fakeouts. Be prepared to exit the trade quickly if the market sen ment changes.
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I, AWM FX, will never ask money or fund for investment purpose. Beware of scammers and fake
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 Understanding 'Compression'
Compression, also known as 'liquidity harves ng' or 'order book manipula on,' involves
crea ng a temporary consolida on or ght range on the price chart. Ins tu onal traders
orchestrate this phase of limited price movement to gather liquidity from retail traders who
enter posi ons within the range, unknowingly contribu ng to increased trading volume and
market ac vity.
 The Purpose of 'Compression' by Ins tu onal Traders
1. **Gathering Liquidity:** By inducing a period of compression, ins tu onal traders
a ract retail traders to ini ate posi ons based on the belief that a breakout or significant
price movement is imminent. The influx of retail orders creates the liquidity necessary for
ins tu onal traders to execute their larger orders without significantly impac ng the
2. **Obfusca ng True Inten ons:** Compression acts as a smokescreen, obscuring the true
direc on in which ins tu onal traders intend to move the market. This leaves retail traders
uncertain and poten ally on the wrong side of the impending price movement.
3. **Stop-Loss Hun ng:** Ins tu onal traders may use the price compression to trigger
stop-loss orders placed within the range, adding further liquidity to their advantage.
Types of compression
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 Strategies to Navigate 'Compression' Manipula on
1. **Pa ence and Cau on:** Exercise cau on during consolida on periods and avoid
rushing into trades based solely on apparent breakouts. Be pa ent and wait for addi onal
confirma on before entering posi ons.
2. **Monitor Key Levels:** Iden fy key support and resistance levels surrounding the
compression range. Wait for a clear breakout above or below these levels to confirm a
genuine market movement.
3. **Use Mul ple Timeframes:** Analyze compression pa erns across various meframes
to gain a broader perspec ve and verify the legi macy of the breakout.
4. **Risk Management:** Implement proper risk management techniques, such as sensible
stop-loss placement and posi on sizing, to protect your trading capital from sudden price
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h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTDlx-qpzK0
h ps://youtu.be/nOS7DmBZGgE
h ps://youtu.be/73tc2VQjUaA
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CHAPTER 8: QMTR /IQM and BlindSpot
 Understanding the Ignored Quasimodo Level (IQM)
The Ignored Quasimodo Level occurs when price ac on forms a Quasimodo pa ern, but the
pa ern is not widely recognized or acknowledged by the trading community. As a result, the
IQM is not accompanied by a substan al influx of traders placing their orders at the
poten al reversal point, unlike conven onal Quasimodo pa erns.
Quasimodo Tak Respect (QMTR -Malay) / Ignored Quasimodo (IQM- English)
Now let’s say we have a QML set up and we expect the price to react at the Qm
Level. However, the price does not react at that level. Instead, the price break below
through the Qm level. While breaking to downside, the price forms a Kink.
This set up is known as QMTR or QMNR . The price will likely come back to
react at the kinkarea for a sell.
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Similar to other kink set up, always go into lower TF to check for S&D zone
Blindspot a very complicated set up and does not have a very firm confirma on movement.
However, because this set up likely to happen a er high profile news event, it is like a second
entry a er news event.
The set up is actually based on the Supply/Demand movement that has not being consumed
by totally ignored during big movement. The ‘Ignore’ zone has now turn into an entry when
price return to that area.
There are a few important key points for this set up to work.
1. The Supply/Demand zone has to be a fresh zone prior being ignored.
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2. The significant candle that ignores the zone can be a con nuous marubozu
candles ck or be er, a huge marubozu.
3. The Supply/Demand zone must have gap on the le side and right-side prior being
4. Always check for a me frame higher to spot a S&D zone at that exact area. Example,
if Blindspot happens on H4, look at Daily and make sure there is a S/D zone at the
exact area.
Advantages of Trading the IQM and Blindspot Setup:
- Hidden Opportunity: The IQM and blindspot setup can provide traders with a chance to
capitalize on less crowded and overlooked price pa erns.
- Lower Market Impact: Due to its rela ve obscurity, trading the IQM and blindspot setup
may have a lower impact on the market, reducing the risk of front-running or market
manipula on.
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Youtube link:
h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKv9bIrOCvY
h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf5qnKSYCsc&t=1s
h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inac6CFC0OY
h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1ptmJWsaTg
2. BlindSpot
h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytu3ajqxJW4
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## Understanding Mul -Timeframe Analysis
Mul -Timeframe Analysis involves examining price ac on and technical indicators across
different meframes to gain a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics. By
analyzing the short-term, medium-term, and long-term charts, traders can iden fy key
trends, support and resistance levels, and poten al trading opportuni es.
## The Benefits of Mul -Timeframe Trading
1. **Enhanced Market Perspec ve:** Analyzing mul ple meframes provides a holis c view
of the market, enabling traders to iden fy both short-term trends and the broader market
2. **Accurate Trend Iden fica on:** By confirming trends across various meframes,
traders can be more confident in their trend analysis, reducing the risk of mistaking
temporary fluctua ons for major reversals.
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3. **Improved Entry and Exit Points:** Mul - meframe analysis allows traders to iden fy
op mal entry and exit points with greater precision, aligning their trades with higher
probability setups.
4. **Be er Risk Management:** Examining mul ple meframes can assist traders in se ng
appropriate stop-loss levels, factoring in the overall market vola lity and price movements.
## Types of Mul -Timeframe Analysis
1. Special Engulfing pa erns
2. Kink (King) pa erns
The Special Bearish / Bullish Engulfing.
Bearish engulfing
The special bearish engulfing will have the wick/shadow of second candle
must be HIGHER than the first one.
Bullish engulfing
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The special bearish engulfing will have the wick/shadow of second candle
must be LOWER than the first one.
Kink set pattern are based on the barb wire kink. The kink are to prevent
people from crossing from one side to the other side. In trading the Kink
pattern is to prevent price crossing from bottom to upper or vice versa.
Due to the pronounce sound, sometimes kinkset up is also known as KING
set up.
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The easier kink will be the double maru kink. Important things is the
location of the kink because in a chart, there is double maru kink
everywhere. The Kink need to be located at the a SSR or MPL line for the it
to be valid. Then switch to lower TF and MAKE SURE there isa S&D Zone.
Support become resistance / Resistance become support
HTF Kink
LTF – There is a zone there as
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Doji kink is a pattern where a doji or spinning top appear between a double maru.
Similar toDouble maru, a Doji Kink is very effective when it is align with a SSR/MPL.
The color of the doji is not important. A Doji kink can also form at the highest point
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Youtube link:
1. Mul -TimeFrame Trading
h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfUPq-b6sCI
h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11nL4FlRJHU&t
h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_hw7tHhocc
h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feBBzhwnmGM
2. The Special Bearish / Bullish Engulfing.
h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZ0pMR6W7Xw
h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCgMl JwL0
3. KINK (KING) Setup
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In the exhilara ng world of forex trading, mastering the art of trading psychology proves to be
the most crucial aspect of achieving consistent success in the markets. While technical and
fundamental analysis are essen al components of a trader's toolkit, it is the trader's mindset
and emo onal discipline that ul mately determine their ability to navigate the challenges and
uncertain es of the forex market. In this final chapter, we will explore the significance of trading
psychology and why it holds the key to becoming a successful trader.
## The Importance of Trading Psychology
1. **Emo onal Balance:** Trading can evoke a rollercoaster of emo ons, such as fear, greed,
excitement, and frustra on. A trader who can maintain emo onal balance is be er equipped to
make ra onal decisions even in high-pressure situa ons.
2. **Objec ve Decision-Making:** Successful traders rely on ra onal analysis and s ck to their
trading plans, even when faced with unexpected market movements. Emo onally-driven
decisions o en lead to impulsive ac ons and increased risk exposure.
3. **Adaptability:** The forex market is dynamic and ever-changing. Traders with a strong
trading psychology can adapt to different market condi ons and remain resilient during
challenging mes.
4. **Risk Management:** A disciplined trader understands the importance of risk management
and is willing to cut losses when necessary, preven ng significant drawdowns and preserving
their trading capital.
## Common Psychological Challenges in Trading
1. **Fear of Missing Out (FOMO):** FOMO can lead traders to chase a er trades, even if they
do not align with their strategy. This behavior can result in entering trades at unfavorable prices
and suffering losses.
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2. **Overtrading:** Emo onal impulses may drive traders to take more trades than their
strategy dictates. Overtrading o en leads to a lack of focus and poor decision-making.
3. **Revenge Trading:** A er experiencing a loss, some traders may seek to regain their losses
by trading impulsively. This emo onal response usually leads to even greater losses.
4. **Confirma on Bias:** Traders may develop a tendency to seek out informa on that
confirms their pre-exis ng beliefs about the market, leading to biased analysis and overlooking
poten al risks.
## Cul va ng a Strong Trading Psychology
1. **Trading Plan:** Develop a comprehensive trading plan that includes your trading strategy,
risk management rules, and guidelines for handling different scenarios. S ck to your plan
2. **Mindfulness and Self-Awareness:** Be aware of your emo ons while trading and prac ce
mindfulness techniques to stay focused and composed.
3. **Journaling:** Maintain a trading journal to document your trades, emo ons, and thought
processes. Reviewing past trades can help iden fy pa erns and areas for improvement.
4. **Educa on and Con nuous Learning:** Stay informed and con nuously improve your
trading skills. The more knowledgeable you are, the more confident and less emo onally-driven
your decisions will be.
## Embracing Resilience and Discipline
1. **Accep ng Losses:** Losses are an inevitable part of trading. Embrace them as learning
opportuni es and focus on the long-term performance rather than individual trades.
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2. **Pa ence and Discipline:** S ck to your trading plan, even when market condi ons are
challenging. Avoid making impulsive decisions and exercise pa ence in wai ng for highprobability setups.
3.**Taking Breaks:** Recognize the importance of taking breaks from trading to recharge and
refocus. Avoid trading when you are emo onally exhausted or distracted.
h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnejViOnqVM&t=945s
h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNL87lwocO0
h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbtmwdIUxIs
h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XeLQaEztcU
h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImJWJch5gJA
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Exclusive 3- months Mentorship:
Are you ready to take your supply and demand trading to the next level and unlock a higher rate
of success in the forex market?
In this comprehensive e-book, we've explored the power of supply and demand analysis,
guiding you step-by-step to understand its principles and applica on in forex trading. You've
learned how to iden fy key supply and demand zones, recognize high-probability setups, and
integrate this powerful strategy into your trading decisions.
But the journey doesn't end here.
If you're hungry for even more success and want to deepen your understanding of supply and
demand trading, we have an exci ng opportunity for you. We're thrilled to introduce our
advanced supply and demand trading course with precise entry and high-risk reward ra o!
In this course, you'll receive:
1. Weekly Sunday Live Zoom Webinars: Immerse yourself in live interac ve sessions where
will delve into advanced supply and demand concepts, real-world case studies, and highprobability setups. Ask ques ons, get instant feedback, and collaborate with like-minded
traders in our vibrant community.
2. Prac cal Assignments: Put your knowledge into ac on with hands-on assignments that
reinforce your understanding of supply and demand analysis. All assignment will be
corrected by our experience team to make sure you understand the concept well.
Prac ce iden fying hidden zones, op mizing entry and exit points, and mastering risk
management techniques.
3. One me of 1-on-1 Personalized Sessions: Experience the power of personalized
coaching with one dedicated one-on-one session. I, AWM FX, personally will analyze
your trading performance, address your specific challenges, and provide tailored
guidance to boost your confidence and profitability.
4. Exclusive Community Access: Join a suppor ve community of fellow traders who are
commi ed to growth and success. Share ideas, strategies, and insights, while gaining
inspira on from others' experiences.
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5. Daily Market Analysis: Stay ahead of the game with mely market updates,
fundamental analysis, and relevant news that impact supply and demand dynamics. Be
be er equipped to navigate the ever-changing forex market with confidence.
As a valued reader, you'll be eligible for FREE upgrade to Gold package when you enroll in our
advanced supply and demand trading course. Take this opportunity to become a master of
supply and demand analysis and elevate your trading to new heights!
Don't miss out on this chance to refine your trading skills and achieve greater success in the
forex market. Take the leap, invest in your future, and join our advanced supply and demand
trading course today! Click here to know more about the mentorship
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To claim your FREE Upgrade or find out more about the course, send a message with the code
“IAMREADY” to h ps://t.me/hannslengs
Intake of students LIMITED to 40 persons only for every batch.
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Thank you for embarking on this enlightening journey with us. We are truly grateful for your
trust in our e-book to guide you through the principles of supply and demand trading. Your
dedica on to learning and improving your trading skills is commendable, and we applaud your
commitment to becoming a successful trader.
As you've delved into the world of supply and demand analysis, we hope you've gained valuable
insights and ac onable strategies that will serve you well in the forex market. Remember,
knowledge is power, and the more you understand the intricacies of supply and demand, the
be er equipped you are to make informed trading decisions.
As you con nue your trading adventure, we wish you the utmost success. Stay disciplined, stay
focused, and always remember the importance of risk management. The journey of a trader is a
con nuous learning process, and we have no doubt that your dedica on will lead you to
achieve your financial goals.
Never forget that success in trading lies not only in mastering the markets but also in mastering
yourself. Embrace the challenges, learn from the setbacks, and celebrate every victory, no
ma er how small. With determina on and perseverance, you have the poten al to achieve
great heights in the forex market.
If you ever need further guidance or seek to refine your trading skills, remember that we are
here to support you. Feel free to explore our other resources and courses to con nue your
growth as a trader.
Once again, thank you for being part of this journey. We are confident that your passion for
trading and your commitment to self-improvement will lead you to flourish in the forex market.
Wishing you abundant success, prosperity, and fulfilled dreams in all your trading endeavors.
Happy Trading!
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