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Who Am I? Personal Essay by Ronan Dioneda

Who Am I?
by Ronan Dioneda
Being the kind of person I am in the present is greatly influenced by a myriad of life
experiences. Mere words of introduction fall short in capturing the multifaceted layers of selfreflection. I could just state everything I know about myself in a nutshell but that would not
truly capture the essence of my Genesis as a human person. As the saying goes, “No one can
understand you except yourself.” This philosophy in life has now instilled in me its significance
as a resonating force towards unveiling self-discovery and self-introspection.
Back then, I was once a kid – blissfully ignorant of the complexities of existence – who
finds joy in wholesome things like blowing bubbles in the shimmering bathwater, playfully
gliding across the floor sprinkled with baby powder, engaging in pillow fights with cousins,
and getting wet under the rain without even worrying about what might happen afterwards.
Apparently, we all relate to this childhood joys – but still in varying degrees and particular
extent – for it is the nature itself of being a kid. Because of such frame of mind, I have awakened
little by little by how life is leaning according to the decisions and choices being navigated day
by day. I cannot blame myself before since I was basically unconscious with consciousness
being under way.
And that is when this existing story is being lived in this new chapter of life – the period
of mindfulness. All that had happened, I keep in mind, even the incoming ones. All of them
are indeed a few of the contributing factors to the development I experienced and will be
experiencing in the next stages of this so-called game of life.
Just so you know, I am Ronan Luke Ortiz Dioneda, the son of these ever-loving and
ever-caring folks: Ma. Meenje Ortiz Dioneda and Ronaldo Castillano Dioneda. I am the
youngest brother among their 4 all-boy children. I came into existence on the 2 nd day of
February 2004 in Cebu City. I am a music lover, particularly drawn to underrated artists like
Luke Chiang, Grent Perez, Laufey, and Jeremy Passion. I play the guitar, sing, and record song
covers for my YouTube channel. Mobile Legends is my go-to game on my phone, and I adore
cats—I have two ginger cats named Moshi and Philimon. Additionally, I own two dogs, Chino
and Bugsy, an Albino Labrador and an Aspin, respectively.
So much about those aforementioned interesting facts about me, I am currently away
from home in the pursuit of my Bachelor’s Degree in Accountancy here at Saint Paul School
of Professional Studies. It has always been a goal of mine to practice independency as I study
here in Palo, Leyte. For my entire primary and secondary schooling, I was a Christi Regian,
more than half of my current age, actually. Christ the King College (CKC) is truly a witness of
how I was molded into the character I am portraying at the moment. Taking that into
consideration, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and start to be open for more doors of
possibilities and opportunities awaiting outside. I never even thought that this day would come
as I transiently leave my domain, where I was honed holistically, and be able to finally embark
on another journey closer to life’s reality – the college life.
To be honest, it is a bit bittersweet moment being away for a longer period from the
place I grew up in. It somehow saddens me to fit into a new environment, knowing that I had
become so accustomed to seeing familiar faces my whole life. I mean it sounds pretty normal
but when we talk about family, though I may not always express it verbally, I have immense
love for my home. This just proves how deeply connected, nostalgic, and sentimental I have
become as a person. I come to realize that I show my affection in ways that go beyond words.
As I turn another page on a different setting, in an unfamiliar surrounding, I am still on
the verge of trying to combat my doubtful and introverted self. I am not the type to initiate
conversations, speak up in class voluntarily, or participate in events without someone I know
by my side. Maintaining eye contact, even with close friends and family, has always been a
challenge. I have always been timid for my entire life despite exposing myself in different
social media platforms to share my talent in covering songs and in church, as one of the lectors
scheduled on Sundays. Regardless of these, I still tend to underestimate my capabilities and
dwell on the fear of being in social. Another reason for me to dislike being socially present is
my pet peeve. Not to mention, my biggest pet peeve is being in a noisy crowd or hearing a
deafening rock music with overpowering percussions. I have nothing against those who enjoy
it; it just immediately triggers stress and stomachaches for me which I really hate having. I am
really that sensitive to the instances stated.
Without a doubt, people dynamically change over time and my life is a testament to
that. Whatever negative attributes may be associated to oneself, I believe that it can still be
altered for goodness sake. And whatever positive qualities may have been possessed, I believe
that it will be life-long if we allow ourselves to continuously do what is necessary and get rid
of what will cause as a barrier to hold back ourselves in blossoming our very character. As
human persons, there is no need to gratify those who behold us for they cannot dictate our
being. Thus, we should be true and gentle to ourselves in order to see our authentic
transformation henceforth. Life is too short to not experience the genuine worth and satisfaction
of progressing on our own paths. Let the changes we encounter become the ink that guides our
narrative until the final page—for in the vast expanse of tomorrow, hope forever finds a place
to dwell.