See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Flight control system for guided rolling-airframe missile Conference Paper · March 2016 DOI: 10.1109/AERO.2016.7500499 CITATIONS READS 0 2,797 2 authors, including: Saeb AmirAhmadi Chomachar The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 8 PUBLICATIONS 4 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Saeb AmirAhmadi Chomachar on 13 April 2018. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Flight Control System for Guided Rolling-airframe Missile Saeb AmirAhmadi Chomachar Aerospace Eng., AmirKabir University of Technology 424 Hafez Ave., Tehran, Iran. +98-939-469-7639 Alireza Mohammadi Fard Aerospace Eng., AmirKabir University of Technology +98-912-647-2027 is such a tactical short-range missile that has very worthwhile characteristics. Various types of RAM could be used for airborne, naval and ground engagements. As the name implies, guided RAM has a rolling airframe, it means it has a revolving bank angle (for some reasons with a constant rate). The rolling bank angle brings with itself a challenge; the tricyclic motion. The tricyclic motion does not happen for symmetric missiles, whereas, guided RAM is not symmetric because the need for cambered actuating fins obliges the missile to be slightly asymmetric. The theory of the linear motion of a ‘slightly asymmetric’ missile was first developed by Nicolaides [1]. The aerodynamic characteristic of a slightly asymmetric missile is not very different from a symmetric missile; however, in the case of asymmetric missile, a constant amplitude force and moment are produced whose orientations are fixed relative to the missile. This is the reason for a trim angle-of-attack that rolls with the missile (tricyclic motion). For a constant roll-rate, the amplitude of this trim angle-of-attack is in direct relation with the roll-rate, while the maximum angle occurs when the roll-rate equals the natural frequency of pitch (resonance) [2]. In the current study, it is assumed that roll equation is decoupled from pitch equation, hence Magnus-moments and their accompanied induced tricyclic motion are not present. Moreover, the constant roll-rate of the missile is obtained at launch stage while it is as large as to be invariant during the engagement. Besides attenuating the tricyclic motion, the constant roll-rate as well provides an opportunity to apply a simple two-point guidance strategy by sampled excitation of actuating fins. Abstract—A sampled-data system associated with the guided rolling-airframe missile (RAM) is digitally controlled. The digital control system is open-loop and missile dynamics (pitchrate-to-elevator) is assumed to be of second-order type. The square-wave input, corresponding to the elevator deflections, stabilizes system online output that is the rate of the line-of-sight (LOS) angle. The output stabilization results in two-point guidance-law to be actively realized, hence the missile approaches the target until a hit. The guidance strategy is openloop (it doesn’t require active homing), whereas the missile can hit dynamic targets moving uniformly on a linear pathway. Moreover, only the initial triggering of the missile is targetoriented and requires active target data, to be provided by a visual device at the launch stage where the missile is to be directly pointed towards the target before being fired. During the engagement, the missile is assumed to have constant roll-rate (obtained at launch stage) and also constant forward velocity. The missile is also slightly asymmetric due to actuating fins geometry. Moreover, it could be assumed almost symmetric hence the linear motion theory analysis is valid. Meanwhile, as long as the roll-rate is not close to the pitch natural frequency, the unwanted tricyclic motion is avoided and this is preferred. In the current study, and through the numerical simulations, the roll-rate is so much higher than the pitch-rate, hence normally, the Magnus-moment and its accompanied tricyclic motion are not present. Novel ideas for technology development of surfaceto-air RAM (SARAM) and seaborne RAM (SEARAM) are presented. The simulations is performed in Matlab Simulink software environment with discrete-time blocks. The missdistance is almost zero and the simulations outcome is satisfactory. TABLE OF CONTENTS The guided RAM technology has not been reported in the existing literature. In this research, a theoretical study regarding technological development of flight control system for guided RAM is presented. The sampled-data system associated with the RAM is digitally controlled by an openloop strategy. The input to the missile system is square-wave; corresponding to the elevator deflections (on-off actuation). The response of the second order system (missile) to the square wave input is stable, hence an open-loop guidance strategy is available to nullify the system online output that is the rate of the line-of-sight (LOS) angle. Based on this output stabilization, two-point guidance-law is actively realized, therefore, by keeping the rate of the LOS angle at zero, the missile approaches the target until a hit. Missile passive dynamics is assumed to be highly damped. The aerodynamic turning-rate time-constant is assumed zero. It means the missile swiftly responds to actuating fins deflection while the response is highly damped. Meanwhile, the velocity vector is assumed to be tightly aligned with the missile axis of 1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................... 1 2. PITCH-RATE-TO-ELEVATOR DYNAMICS.............. 2 3. DESIGN OF GUIDANCE LAW.................................... 2 4. INITIAL TRIGGERING .............................................. 5 5. TECHNOLOGY CHALLENGES .................................. 6 6. SIMULATIONS ....................................................... 6 7. SUMMARY ............................................................... 8 NOMENCLATURE ..................................................... 8 REFERENCES............................................................... 8 BIOGRAPHY ................................................................ 9 1. INTRODUCTION Guided missiles are of major interest in warfare industry. Short-range tactical guided missiles play a critical role in military capabilities. Guided rolling-airframe missile (RAM) 978-1-4673-7676-1/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 1 the axis of symmetry (longitudinal axis); hence, the angle-ofattack (α) could be assumed negligible. Meanwhile, the symmetry and this happens when the missile flies at high speed. Taking all these into account then the angle-of-attack is assumed almost negligible. During the engagement, the missile is assumed to have constant roll-rate (obtained at launch stage) and also constant forward velocity, while the target is at uniform motion on a linear pathway. The target is typically unaware of missile attack hence is supposed to move unswerving (on a linear pathway) during a possible engagement scenario. In this study surface-to-air RAM (SARAM), sea-borne RAM (SEARAM) and surface-tosurface RAM (SSRAM) which operates similar to SEARAM, are theoretically studied. turning-rate JM is related to the angle-of-attack by Eq. (2); see [5]: JM D (2) TD Based on these assumptions, if the missile is aerodynamically designed to be highly maneuverable ( J M is comparatively large) and also flies at high speed with small angle-of-attack variation, then based on Eq. (2), Tα could be ignored and this was assumed in the simulation. In the following, at first, the assumptions for the missile dynamics (transfer function) is given. Thereafter, guidancelaw together with the whole missile system for simulation is portrayed. After describing the initial triggering process of the missile, technology challenges are discussed and then computer simulation is presented. You should be notified that although the transfer function Eq. (1) is in Laplace domain, however for numerical simulation we used a couple of discrete-time integrators to model missile dynamics. 2. PITCH-RATE-TO-ELEVATOR DYNAMICS 3. DESIGN OF GUIDANCE LAW For guidance-law to be implemented, the missile dynamics should be already known. There are several mathematical models available for the inner-loop of a typical guidance system. In this study, the dynamics of the missile is modeled by pitch-rate-to-elevator transfer function. The open-loop response of the model to square-wave input (corresponding to elevator deflections) is stable. This gives a free-hand to nullify system online output that is the rate of the line-of-sight (LOS) angle. Missile pitch-rate-to-elevator transfer function is usually assumed to be of second order type [3, 4]: Proportional navigation (PN) is a well-established and highly reliable guidance-law which has had a long-standing history of successful implementation. By PN, the line-of-sight (LOS) angle is kept constant. By keeping the LOS angle at constant (or by nullifying its rate), the missile and target move on a collision course and finally hit one another. The PN is utilized here to formulate a 3-D engagement, while the missile and target are normally on a common plane, hence the engagement, although is 3-D, could be considered co-planar as illustrated in Fig. 1. As discussed in the preceding section, angle-of-attack (α) is assumed negligible. An example for an engagement based on PN is illustrated in Fig. 2 where the dashed lines are the LOS, while its orientation is kept constant. The stair-case shows missile flight-path and it should be noticed that, in a real-world engagement, the staircase is not necessarily observable and the missile path is continuous, however if the missile path is zoomed in, then the stair-case trend could be possibly observed. This stair-case trend is the result of sampled excitation of the actuating fins. At each sample-time, the on-off actuation gives a small pitchangle jump. The idea says if the missile is directly pointed towards target before being fired, and an open-loop strategy inspired by PN is implemented, then the goal of guidance that means hitting the target is achieved. T G b (1 ( T D s ) 2] s s AF 1 2 2 ZAF (1) ZAF where Z AF is the airframe natural frequency and ζAF is the airframe damping constant. Additionally, Tα is the aerodynamic-turning-rate time constant. In this study, it is assumed that missile dynamics is highly damped (ζAF≈1) and this is the goal of missile off-line aerodynamic design. If during the operation, the missile flies at a constant and noticeably high speed (at sea-level atmosphere), then the velocity vector could be assumed to be tightly aligned with 2 Figure 1. Kinematics of missile-target engagement (two-point guidance) and the related parameters Figure 2. An example for a missile-target engagement based on proportional navigation (PN) be kept at zero, and the PN guidance-law is realized. It could be also viewed as a classical guided missile autopilot which acts open-loop and in the reverse direction. Regarding the current study, it should be noticed that in the real-world engagement, the missile acts open-loop and there is no feedback loop or online controller, whereas for the simulation purpose, to verify and validate the proposed guidance strategy we need active target data to be provided by a numerical model. This numerical model is provided by a Matlab SimulinkTM model built with discrete-time blocks. The missile should be aerodynamically designed to have a desired passive response. Since there is no controller in the loop, for hitting certain class of targets, the passive aerodynamic design of the missile could be case-sensitive and is a technology challenge. PN has been the guidance-law utilized in this study, however it is implemented by an open-loop strategy not a feedback method. In contrast to classical guidance laws where the inner-loop (guidance-loop) drives the outer-loop (bodyloop), in this study and through the numerical simulation model, the outer-loop drives the inner-loop. It means, at the block-diagram of the simulation model the body-loop is before the guidance-loop (the guidance strategy is openloop), while the whole idea is illustrated in Fig. 3. In Fig. 3 the missile system which was assumed to be of second-order type, was modelled by two discrete-time integrators. As was reported in the existing literature, sampled excitation of a second-order discrete model (the missile system in Fig. 3) by square-wave, outs a stable response. Subsequently, by sampled excitation of the missile actuating fins, the online output of the system that is the rate of the LOS angle, could 3 Figure 3. The digital control system associated with the guided RAM (simulation model) SEARAM which might have a mono-wing actuation setup, if߶ ൌ Ͳ, the actuation happens as (+1, -1,…) at ߶ ൌ ݇ߨǡ ݇ ൌ Ͳǡ ͳǡ ʹǡ ǥ. Also notice that for SARAM the actuation గ happens as (+1, +1, -1, -1, …) at ߶ ൌ ݇ ǡ ݇ ൌ Ͳǡ ͳǡ ʹǡ ǥ. ଶ Meanwhile, for the purpose of simulation, based on the discussions, all fin strokes (whether positive or negative) give a pitch moment perpendicular to the engagement plane and at the same direction, hence the fin stroke signal could be modelled by the sampled-data input illustrated by Fig. 4. This is true if the roll dynamics is taken into account. The cross fins are assumed to be similarly cambered such that missile's symmetry is respected and only slightly changed. Fig. 4 illustrates the strategy which results in PN guidance. The guidance strategy is implemented by sampled actuation of fins. It means after the first fin stroke which is event-based (described at the next section), fins are actuated at a sampletime of Tact గ =థሶ. This is illustrated by Fig. 4 where fins stroke anytime they can produce a pitching moment perpendicular to the engagement plane. It means if ߶ ൌ గ గ ߶ ; ݐthen p= (for two actuating fins) and p= (for ୟୡ୲ ଶୟୡ୲ four actuating fins). For example if ߶ ൌ Ͳ then fin actuation happens at any ߶ ൌ ݇ߨ (for mono-wing setup) and any ߶ ൌ గ ݇ (for cross-wing setup) where k={1, 2, 3, …}. For ଶ Figure 4. Sampled actuation of fins 4 4. INITIAL TRIGGERING plane (RHP). Here, the initial setup of the RAM is illustrated. Although it was already stated that RAM operates open-loop, however the initial triggering is target-oriented or event-based. This mainly depends on the launch camera that has two duties. The first is to directly point the missile towards target before the firing of the missile. The second is to trigger the missile if a certain event is spotted. The initial fin stroke (at trigger stage) should give a missile pitch-moment perpendicular to the engagement plane. This is what was graphically illustrated in Fig. 5. Initial triggering is event-based, it means the missile launch computer should be programmable to trigger if a desired event is spotted by the launcher camera. The trigger events are: 0 ≤ ϕ ≤ π (sin ϕ ≥0), OT perpendicular to AB, T in upper halfplane (UHP) π <ϕ <2π (sin ϕ <0), OT perpendicular to AB, T in lower halfplane (LWHP) 0 ≤ ϕ ≤ π (sin ϕ >0), OT perpendicular to CD, T in left halfplane (LHP) π < ϕ <2π (sin ϕ <0), OT perpendicular to CD, T in right half- In all the events, target is assumed to be in the inner circle of the camera (see Fig. 5); it means the missile is almost directly pointed towards the target before being fired. This happens as long as target is at the cross-hairs. Since the missile operates open-loop; ߶ (the roll angle at which the missile triggers), is not required to be processed, however it varies continuously for various surface-to-air engagements. Additionally, for SEARAM, ߶ could be set to an offline constant value (e.g. zero), if the launcher is integrated with the vessel which has a known maneuver (also could be at stop) during a conflict scenario; see Fig. 6. Moreover, a multiple RAM launcher, could fire at high rounds-per-minute (RPM) towards targets aggregation location and destroy them in bulk; see Fig. 6. Figure 5. Missile active camera and the parameters for initial triggering Figure 6. A possible conflict scenario for seaborne engagement (missile and target move at the same level) 5 5. TECHNOLOGY CHALLENGES For technological development of guided RAM, there are several issues to be considered. For sea-borne RAM (SEARAM), the engagement happens at the sea surface (the missile and target are both on the same level). This is what makes the initial triggering an easy job in comparison to surface-to-air RAM (SARAM). SEARAM launcher could be integrated with the vessel, based on a presumed off-line conflict scenario. It means some ideas could be weighed ‘how to initially trigger the SEARAM without active target homing’ and only with pointing the missile towards the target before firing it. specific challenges which is a technology problem. In addition to all was discussed, to avoid the tricyclic motion mode in the RAM, the missile could be only slightly asymmetric to be governed by the linear motion theory. The need for actuating fins, poses a challenge for the missile's symmetry, however it could be possibly coped with. All these challenges together, give way to a daunting design job while if the missile is a rigid body, then the design is reduced from an aeroservoelastic problem to an aeroservo problem. 6. SIMULATIONS For surface-to-air RAM (SARAM) the situation differs. Due to three-dimensional engagement, the initial triggering depends on active target data that is to be provided by a visual device, it means the initial triggering is certainly event-based. The main challenge for SARAM is the question, ‘could it be shoulder-fired (as Stinger) or it requires large and probably weighty launcher setup?’ At the first sight it comes to mind that for the SARAM to obtain a relatively large constant rollrate, there should be a heavy high-power still launcher, however as the technology advances, there should be some ideas for a portable or shoulder-fired SARAM to be developed. Hence, for a portable SARAM to be developed, the main challenge is the weight and power source, however technological development of its dormant type could be an easy job. Since sea targets are not very agile, hence multiple fin actuation for high-rate sampling is not necessarily needed, therefore SEARAM could have only two actuating fins (monowing setup). Moreover, for SARAM to hit a dynamic aerial target (which is typically faster than sea targets), highrate actuation is required and this is accomplished by four actuating fins installed at cross. Surface-to-surface RAM (SSRAM) operates as SEARAM and does not differ widely from that. It means as sea-borne engagement, the missile and target are almost at the same level (sea surface or earth surface) during the engagement. Hence, the idea of SEARAM could be easily generalized to SSRAM. The other challenge is the actuating fin frequency (strokes per second) and the feasible roll-rate. It means the higher is the fin actuation frequency and the higher is the roll-rate, the higher is the accuracy of the RAM. However, there is a trade-off for these high-rate actuation and high roll-rate and this yields a design problem. Regarding the structural geometry of the RAM, low-damping and high-maneuverability requires slender-body missile, however for a stable response, high rigidity is of importance. It means the missile should have high agility together with high rigidity. The aerodynamic (or aeroelastic) design of slender-body missile is of its own In this section, simulation results are illustrated. Regarding missile transfer function Eq. (1), the numerical values for simulation are given as b=0.1, ωAF =1, ζAF =0.9, VM=0.1, VT=0.01ξ͵ . Target inertial velocity components are: VTx=0.01, VTy=0.01 and VTz=0.01 where ‘M’ denotes Missile and ‘T’ denotes target. Notice that for a successful mission, missile's velocity should be sufficiently larger than target's velocity. Moreover, x, y and z are inertial frame coordinates. The sample-time of the Simulink model used for simulations is Ts=0.02. The initial distance from missile to target is r0=0.5. Because an experimental prototype was not in access, the numerical values are set as non-dimensional. The simulation of missile-target real-world engagement is illustrated in Fig. 7 where missile’s flight-path trajectory is shown in black and target’s is shown in blue. The rate of LOS angle is portrayed in Fig. 8. Notice that at the hit stage the lateral acceleration becomes extremely large and this is a known characteristic of the PN guidance strategy. In Fig. 9, the distance from missile to target is plotted over time. As you see, missile distance from target monotonically decreases to zero. Fin deflections are portrayed in Fig. 10 as a constant signal of a value equal to one. Be warned that although the fin deflection signal seems continuous, however it is of sampled-data type and is typically an on-off actuation. Also notice that a sampled constant signal is normally shown as a continuous signal in computer simulations. By Fig. 11 we arrive at the stable pitch-rate dynamics during the accomplished engagement. In Fig. 12 you see the plot of rollangle versus time. It also implies constant roll-rate while గ ϕ0=0. As illustrated by Fig. 4, Ԅሶ ൌ , henceԄሶ ൌp4 =750 ଶ்ೌ rpm (revolution per minute). Fig. 12 illustrates the time signal of roll-angle associated with a RAM with four actuating fins, each one strokes 25 times per second (frequency=25 Hz). 6 0.5 0.45 0.06 0.05 0.35 distance; r 0.04 z 0.4 Target flight-path Missile flight-path 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0 0.06 0.1 0.8 0.04 0.6 0.05 0.4 0.02 0.2 0 y 0 0 0 x 2 3 time (seconds) 4 5 6 Figure 9. Missile distance from target is strictly monotone decreasing to zero Figure 7. Missile intercept of the target (simulation of real-world engagement) 2 9 1.8 8 1.6 7 1.4 fin deflection 10 6 dO /dt 1 5 4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 3 0.4 2 0.2 1 0 0 1 2 3 time (seconds) 4 5 0 0 6 1 2 3 time (seconds) 4 5 Figure 10. Actuating fin deflections over time (the thick line is sampled-data and is discrete); on-off actuation Figure 8. Rate of LOS angle versus time 7 6 0.1 NOMENCLATURE 0.09 a M = Missile's lateral acceleration (latax) λ = Line-of-sight (LOS) angle Δz = deviation from LOS T= Target M= Missile V M = Missile's velocity vector V T = Target's velocity vector V C = closing velocity vector Θ = pitch angle r = distance from missile to target X b = Missile's body x-orientation α = angle-of-attack δ = elevator deflection ωAF =air-frame frequency ζAF =air-frame damping s = Laplace domain variable Tα = the aerodynamic-turning-rate time constant ߛሶெ = Missile's turning-rate p = roll rate φ= roll angle Tact = actuation sample time z = Z-domain variable dT/dt (pitch rate) 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 1 2 3 time (seconds) 4 5 6 Figure 11. Missile stable pitch-rate dynamics during the accomplished engagement 450 400 350 REFERENCES I (roll angle) 300 [1] J. D. Nicolaides, “On the Free Flight Motion of Missiles Having Slight Configurational Asymmetries”. Ballistic Research Laboratories Report No. 858, AD 26405, June 1953; also Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences Preprint 395, January 1953 250 200 150 [2] Charles H. Murphy, June 1972. “Generalized Subharmonic Response of a Missile with Slight Configurational Asymmetry”. BRL Report No. 1591. 100 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 [3] John H. Blakelock, “Automatic Control of Aircraft and Missiles”. Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, February 1991, p. 49. time (seconds) Figure 12. Roll-angle versus time (constant roll-rate); ϕ0=0 [4] Paul Zarchan, “Tactical and Strategic Missile Guidance”. Third Edition, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Volume 176, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, A Volume in the AIAA Tactical Missile Series, p. 474. 7. SUMMARY A theoretical study regarding design of flight control system for guided rolling-airframe missile (RAM) was presented. It was shown that by sampled actuation of the control surface it was possible to realize a two-point guidance law hence missile and target moved on a collision course. Several challenges for technological development of the missile were underlined. Simulation outcomes proved the feasibility of the theoretical design plan. [5] N. A. Shneydor, “Missile Guidance and Pursuit; Kinematics, Dynamics and Control”. Horwood Publishing Chichester, 1998, p. 73 & pp. 232-233. 8 BIOGRAPHY Saeb AmirAhmadi C. was born on 4th July 1984 in Rasht, Guilan, Iran. He holds an M.Sc. in aerospace engineering (flight mechanics) from the AmirKabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic). He has served as a reviewer for the IEEE (Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Transactions on), AIAA (Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics) and ASME-IMECE-2012. His research interests are flight dynamics and controls in general and particularly the aeroservoelasticity. He is also an active researcher on dynamics (fluids and solids), stabilization, vibration, and optimization. Alireza Mohammadi Fard was born in 1986 in Tehran, Iran, and is currently a Ph. D. student in aerospace engineering (flight mechanics) at the Center of Excellence in Flight Dynamics and Controls; the Aerospace Engineering Department of the AmirKabir University of Technology (AUT), Tehran, Iran, where he studied towards receiving the M.Sc. degree since 2008 until 2011. As well, he holds a B.Sc. in aerospace engineering from the AUT. He has been involved in both theoretical and practical aspects of his course. His areas of interest are: control and guidance of autonomous vehicles, modeling and simulation, flight trajectory design and optimization and optimal Control. 9 View publication stats