Uploaded by Jamshaid Hussain Asif

Energy & Battery Storage Systems Syllabus

ESS, Energy & Battery Storage Systems
Utbildning och omgång:
ESS, Energy & Battery Storage System
Kursens omfattning:
30 yrkeshögskolepoäng
Engelsk översättning:
Energy & Battery Storage Systems
25 HVE credit points
Beslutad i ledningsgrupp:
Valbar kurs:
The aim of the course is for students to gain knowledge in the industry of all types of electrical
storage systems, Batteries, fuel cells Its design, power and performance.
In addition, the students should be able to choose the right type of battery for the electric drive
system and be able to use Matlab, or similar Program and battery simulation software.
Course content
batteries and fuel cells its structure and function
the chemical build-up of fuel cells
developments of the technology within batteries and fuel cells
calculate the battery requirements with respect to the requirements of the electric drive
analyze different supplier solutions within batteries and fuel cells
YrkesAkademin AB
Box 127· 791 23 Falun · 023–585 00
Kundservice: 023–584 00 · kundservice@ya.se · www.ya.se
Course objectives
After completing the course, the student should have the following knowledge, skills and
1. describe about the chemical build-up of batteries
2. describe about different types of fuel cells and its chemistry
3. explain on load cases and voltage variations
4. explain on how to calculate, power, energy and duration of batteries and fuel cells
5. describe industry available electric drive system and its technical solutions
6. explain on technological developments in batteries and fuel cell technology
7. explain about verifying and validating safety-critical battery regulation
8. describe on charging technology and its technical development
9. to perform the required calculations in electrical energy storage systems, power,
energy and duration
10. calculating the requirements of the battery with respect to the needs of the
electric drive system
11. choosing the right cell type for different types of drive systems
12. to dimension the electrical energy storage System in an electric drive system
13. analyzing different supplier solutions within batteries and fuel cells
14. using Software for sizing of batteries
15. in the various electrical storage systems for E-powertrains
16. the technical solutions available
17. the characteristics of the different solutions and the performance
18. calculate the battery requirements with respect to the electrical Drive system
Forms for knowledge control
The knowledge, skills and competences are assessed, based on the following:
Course Learning Objectives 1–18:
Submit an assignment and/or end of course test in the form of a technical report, in writing and/or
verbal. (IG / G / VG)
For specific needs, the assignment or test can be adapted.
After the ordinary attempt, the student is entitled to two re-tests or supplements. The first occasion
within four weeks and the second occasion according to the organizer's instructions. In case of
student absence from knowledge test, the student must, in due time, inform the organizer or the
trainer by mail. If the student ignores to announce his/her absence this opportunity is considered
forfeited and will not be replaced.
The grade is based on a weighting of all assessment data.
Principles of grading
Grades are in the form of Unapproved (IG), Passed (G) or Pass with distinction (VG).
Non-approved (IG)
The student has completed the course but did not reach all the goals for the course.
Passed (G)
The student has achieved all the goals for the course.
Pass with distinction (VG)
The student has achieved all the goals for the course. In addition, the student can perform
advanced calculations in electrical energy storage system.