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1. The Filipinos were not united.
2. The Filipinos were converted to
Roman Catholic religion.
3. The Filipinos were offered rewards
and honors by the Spanish rulers.
provided foods for the Spaniards
worked in industries owned by the Spaniards
fought on the side of Spain against Portugal
joined the military expeditions to Borneo and the Moluccas
fought on the side of Spain against the Dutch and the British
joined the expedition to Indochina
joined the expedition to Taiwan
helped to colonize the Marianas, Palaus, and Caroline Islands
helped put down the Chinese revolts and to stop the invasion of Lim-AhHong
Christian Filipinos fought with Spain against the Filipino Muslims (Moros)
 it is not true that the Spaniards took
away all the land from the Philippines.
 Filipinos became the real farmers
 All the Spaniards –
officials, priest, soldiers, and civilians –
would have died of starvation if the
Filipinos had not provided them with food
 good builders of ships
Cebu in 1568 and 1570
Raha Tupas and his Cebuano warriors
In March 1578, the victory of Sultan of
Brunei, Sultan Sri Lela (Sirela), was due to the
courage and fighting ability of the Filipinos who helped
him regain his throne.
The Filipinos also helped the Spaniards to capture the
rich Moluccas (Spice Islands) from the Portuguese and
later, they were sent to capture it against the
Dutch, who had taken over the Moluccas colony in the
17th century.
The numbers of Filipinos shows that thousands of them
fought these military wars to colonize the Moluccas
The result of the Dutch wars are as follows:
1. Victory of the Spaniards against the Dutch. The Philippines
a colony of Spain because the Filipinos helped
the Spaniards
against the Dutch invaders.
2. The Filipinos suffered tremendously. The Filipino population declined
during the Dutch Wars because many Filipinos were killed or ran to
the hills.
3. The Philippine economy stagnated. Trade with Mexico, China and
other countries was paralyzed. Filipinos left farms and
to fight in the wars or to hide from them. The Filipinos paid the price
of these costly wars.
The Filipinos helped France, another European power, to colonize Indochina in
the 19th century.
In 1858 – 63, about 1, 500 Filipino soldiers were sent by Spain to help its
ally, France, to conquer the Vietnamese.
The fighting skill of the Filipino was praise by the
Spanish and French commanders.
When the Spaniards tried to colonize
Taiwan (Formosa) in 1626 -1642, the
Filipinos also took part in these expeditions.
Filipino and Spanish troops manned the two
Spanish settlements in North Taiwan.
However, they surrender these garrisons on
August 24, 1624.
The Dutch took over the islands of Taiwan
• These countries were ruled by the Spanish governor in
Manila and the Spanish bishop of Cebu.
• The Filipinos helped the Spaniards to make these islands a
colony and a Catholic area.
• Filipino soldiers also helped to man the Spanish garrisons
and to put down revolts of the local people.
Some abuses made by the Spaniards to
1. The Chinese were forced to
pay heavy taxes.
2. All Chinese were forced to live
in the Parian (Chinatown) outside the
3. The Chinese were ordered to
cut off their queues (long hair).
4. Many Chinese were deported
to reduce their population.
5. The Chinese were massacred
every time they revolted.
The word “Moro” in Spanish means a Muslim.
The Filipino Moros in Mindanao and Sulu were not conquered by Spain.
The Christian Filipino heroes who fought against the Filipino Moros from
those wars are as follows:
 Juan Aquino
 Nicolas Martinez
 Cirilo Maypit
 Geronimo Sundulin
The Filipino Muslims also had their heroes. Those who depended
Islam and Moro independence were:
1. Sultan Kudarat, the greatest warrior of Mindanao, who
defended Lamitan against the Spaniards in
2. Sultan Jamalul Alam, who defended Jolo in 1876 and
leased North Borneo (Sabah) to the British in 1878;
3. Datu Utto, who defended Cotabato in 1886-1887;
4. Datu Amai Pakpak, who defended Lanao in 1889-91;
5. Datu Pian (Amal Mingka), who conquered Cotabato and
Tamontaka in 1878–1899.
• From our study of the help given by the Filipinos to the Spaniards during the
Spanish era, we learn the following lessons
1. Without the cooperation of the Filipinos, Spain could not have ruled our
for more than three centuries.
2. The Filipinos served Spain because of three reasons:
a)Lack of unity among Filipinos;
b) The Catholic religion; and
c) Rewards and honors given to Filipinos who cooperated with Spain.
3. The Filipinos rendered the following services to Spain:
a) Providing foods for the Spaniards
b) Working in various industries that helped Spain; and
c) Fighting in the armed forces of Spain against other Filipinos and
4. The Filipinos under Spain was like the time of the Israelites as slaves in
We became almost slaves in our own land. We learned the value of
endurance, service and hope in God.