ASME B31.3 STRESS RANGE FACTOR (§302.3.5) The slope of the curve for the stress range factor (f) was changed from a slope of 5:1 to a slope of 3:1 As shown below, in the range of 10k to 1 millions cycles, the code provides a more conservative displacement stress range allowable. B31.3 ED. 2020 B31.3 ED. 2022 SLOPE 5:1 Date 13 February, 2023 SLOPE 3:1 123 Anywhere St., Any City EXAMPLE ALLOWABLE STRESS RANGE: B31.3 Ed.2020 -> Sa = 0,60 x (1,25 x 138 + 0,25 x 133) = 124 MPa B31.3 Ed.2022 -> Sa = 0,43 x (1,25 x 138 + 0,25 x 133) = 88 MPa ~30% reduction in the allowable! EXAMPLE ASME B31.3 ED.2020 APPROVED ASME B31.3 ED.2022 NOT APPROVED SOFTWARE: CAESAR II V13