Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2001 Tailoring ERP Systems: A Spectrum of Choices and their Implications Lars Brehm & Armin Heinzl Department of Information Systems (BWL VII), University of Bayreuth, Germany {Lars.BrehmHeinzl} Abstract The IS literature distinguishes between custom-built and off-the-shelf software. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) packages are often viewed as off-the-shelf software, because adopters implement them by setting parameters (called configuration), rather than by traditional programming. Making changes to ERP software code (called modification) is usually strongly discouraged by vendors and implementation consultants. Nevertheless, field research has shown that many companies have had to modify ERP software in various ways to meet essential business needs. This suggests that ERP packages do not fit cleanly into the custom/off-theshelf distinction. In this paper, we describe a portfolio of tailoring options between configuration and modification, with important implications for implementation risk and the difficulty of ERP system upgrades. We discuss the implications of our framework for practitioners and for further research on ERP systems. 1. Introduction The widespread adoption of ERP systems in the 1990s has rekindled interest in the implementation of software packages, a topic about which there was some mention in the 1980s in IS textbooks (e.g., early editions of Laudon and Laudon’s popular textbook [16]) and journals [19, 20]. Conventional wisdom holds that “vanilla implementations” of ERP packages such as SAP R/3, Peoplesoft, Oracle Applications, and Baan are much more likely to be successful than implementations that require modifications of package code [2, 6], but Bashein et al. [3], Markus and Tanis [21], and Soh et al. [27] have reported that many companies have had to modify ERP software to meet essential business needs. Because package modification is posited as a factor both in ERP project success and in companies’ business success with ERP packages, it seems important to develop a fine-grained understanding of ERP package tailoring. The researcher wants to be able to measure the nature and extent of package tailoring as an independent variable that M. Lynne Markus Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Business, City University of Hong Kong predicts or explains success. Practitioners want to know how much and what kinds of tailoring pose a threat to project success. At present, however, the literature makes only the most basic distinction— between ERP packages that have merely been “configured” and ERP packages that have been “modified” [9, 22]. ([27] is an exception.) Configuration (also called “customization” in SAP parlance) refers to setting parameters in the package to reflect organizational features; modification refers to changing package code to perform unique business processes, often resulting in loss of vendor support. We use the word tailoring to encompass both configuration and modification and a range of options in between. The purpose of this paper is to show that the tailoring of ERP packages is actually much more complicated than the conventional distinction between configuration and modification would allow. Based on an extensive review of ERP literature (both practitioner and academic), fieldwork from several investigations of ERP implementations, and interviews with implementation consultants and ERP vendor representatives, we present a typology of ERP tailoring options. This typology can be used in several ways. First, it can be used by academicians to differentiate among ERP projects in studies of implementation success and business value. Second, it can be used by practitioners to assess the risks of implementation projects and the likely future difficulties when upgrading ERP systems. 2. Prior research Although ERP packages have been one of the most significant challenges for IS practitioners in the last decade, relatively little has been written about ERP systems to date, and most of the literature has focused on project management and implementation [2, 4, 6, 7, 13, 18, 21]. Far less attention has been devoted to the postimplementation activities of maintenance and upgrades. One of the most salient characteristics of ERP packages is that they are in fact packages— that is, software programs developed by independent software Authorized licensed use limited to: Aarhus University. Downloaded on November 28,2023 at 07:34:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 0-7695-0981-9/01 $10.00 (c) 2001 IEEE 1 Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2001 vendors for sale to organizations that use them. Packages are designed to meet the general needs of a class of organizations, rather than the unique needs of a particular organization, as is the case in custom software development. By adopting standard packages, organizations can substantially reduce the costs, risks and delays associated with custom software development. And they can benefit from the on-going support services provided for packages by vendors and consultants. These support services, which can be a major feature in package adoption, are discussed below. The contention of this article is that the costs, benefits, and risks of ERP packages are related to the nature and extent of ERP system tailoring. 2.1 Tailoring and the implementation of ERP systems ERP systems do not neatly fit the traditional distinction between “custom-built” software and “off-the-shelf” packages [17] in several important respects. First, the scope of ERP packages is much broader than that of early software packages (like mainframe-based financial software or PC-based personal productivity tools). ERP packages integrate many formerly discrete applications around a common database. They enable adopters to integrate data and processes throughout the organization, and they support nearly all functions, e.g., accounting, human resources, operations and logistics [9]. This means that they are much more complex than traditional packages, requiring more knowledge, effort and skill to adapt them to the characteristics of a particular organization. Second, ERP packages allow for a great deal more flexibility in the way a company operates than traditional packages do. In traditional packages, business procedures were “hard coded;” making them inflexible. Adapting them to the unique business procedures of a particular organization usually required modifications— changes in package code. It should be noted that modifying software packages (whether traditional or ERP packages) is often strongly discouraged. Software license agreements may deny adopters access to source code and explicitly prohibit the making of modifications. Vendors may refuse to make changes themselves, claiming high development and maintenance costs and low market demand. Even when vendors allow access to the source code by the adopter or a third party for the purpose of making modifications, they may refuse to provide future support for the package. In addition, adopters are warned that the risks involved in making package modification are great [16]. In contrast to the inflexibility of traditional packages, ERP packages are generally structured so that both data and many procedures are represented as parameters in tables— many thousands of tables in the most elaborate packages. Implementation involves setting parameters to represent both fixed organizational data (such as the number and location of sales offices) and whether and how particular processes should operate. As a result, many more unique organizational circumstances can generally be supported by ERP systems without program modifications than is true for traditionally designed packages. But, because the packages are integrated as well as flexible, setting parameters in one module of the package can have unintended consequences in other modules, increasing the skill and effort required to configure the package well. Further, the sheer size and complexity of these packages means that implementers may be unaware of exactly what an ERP package can and cannot do, leading to configuration errors and unnecessary modifications [21]. Because of the way ERP packages are designed, some tailoring is always required to get them up and running. But the extent of the tailoring can vary from one organization to the next, based on a number of factors. One factor is the degree of fit between the features and functions of the package and the business processes of particular organizations. The earliest releases of ERP packages were developed for “generic” organizations (usually manufacturing) and not particularized to different industry sectors. This usually resulted in a relatively low degree of fit between package and organizational features, and a great deal of effort was required to make an appropriate configuration. Today, most ERP packages come in different industryspecific “flavors,” but in some cases the degree of fit may still be low. For example, an organization with several discrete-part manufacturing plants may buy a version of the software tailored to fit those plants well, only to find that it doesn’t fit the organization’s one continuous process facility. And organizations whose products exhibit dimensionality (e.g., clothing and footwear manufacturers) may find that the inventory accounting of a generic ERP package (designed for discrete-part manufacturing) does not meet their needs. Thus, a fair number of organizations may be motivated to consider package modification, despite the problems modification is likely to entail. One marketplace response to the lack the featurefunction fit in particular industry segments has been the emergence of “bolt-on” packages . Bolt-ons are extensive modifications of a basic ERP package developed by a third-party independent software vendor (under license agreements with the original vendor) to meet the needs of a particular customer segment. For example, a third-party vendor has implemented a flavor of theBaan package that accommodates product dimensionality. By means of boltons ERP adopters can achieve greater feature-function fit with lower configuration effort, without losing the Authorized licensed use limited to: Aarhus University. Downloaded on November 28,2023 at 07:34:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 0-7695-0981-9/01 $10.00 (c) 2001 IEEE 2 Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2001 advantages of ongoing vendor support. Though the ongoing development efforts of ERP vendors and thirdparties, many, but not all, business processes are now supportable by ERP packages. A second factor that influences the amount of tailoring is the organization’s willingness to adapt its practices to the package, when the two differ (and when the package’s processes would actually work for the business, which as mentioned above, is not always the case). The business practices of many organizations have evolved over time, acquiring idiosyncrasies that may not be strictly necessary or efficient. Nevertheless, the organization may be unwilling to abandon them. Thus, many ERP adopters must face a painful choice when adopting a package that works differently than they do. First, they can adopt the business process built into the software, making the necessary organizational changes such as departmental reorganization and shifts in job duties. Second, they can just live with the lack of fit between the package and their procedures [22], which entails problems and inefficiencies such as redundant manual processes and other workarounds. Finally, they can try to adapt the ERP package to the organization’s existing business process. This is where tailoring comes in. Figure 1 shows these three main alternatives in ERP implementation. Capabilities of ERP package To-be business processes Process follows software or Software follows process Tailoring ERP package and/ or Organizational adaptation - Configuration - Modification Live with problems and/ or ERP Implementation process . In this paper we are interested in the tailoring of ERP packages— that is, in technical, rather than organizational, adaptation. We argue that the effort required for system implementation by the ERP adopter and the risks associated with implementation depend on the types and extent of ERP package tailoring, discussed in Section 3. 2.2 Tailoring and the maintenance of ERP systems Package vendors and consultants provide (for a fee) a variety of support services that can reduce the burden on system adopters. The availability of these services can be a major factor in the decision to adopt packages. For example, ERP adopters often view these packages as a way to eliminate their considerable backlogs of legacy system maintenance and enhancement projects [21]. The support services provided by package vendors include help-desks and an ongoing stream of releases and upgrades to fix bugs, add new functionality to the package, include changes necessitated by external factors (e.g., human resources changes related to new tax laws), keep pace with competition in the software marketplace, and accommodate technical developments (e.g., the Internet) [5]. But vendor support does not entirely relieve the ERP system adopter from maintenance and post implementation activities. While the vendor is responsible for correcting bugs in the source code, the adopter sometimes has to implement changes in the program code to fix urgent bugs. Further, the adopter is solely responsible for correcting bugs in the configuration (e.g. wrong parameter settings). Hirt and Swanson [11] show that ERP maintenance activities are distributed across the vendor, the adopter, and external consultants. Table 1 categorizes ERP maintenance activities according to Swanson [30] with extensions by Pressman [24] and Krogstie [15].) Figure 1: Three broad choices in ERP implementation (modified from [22]) Table 1: ERP system maintenance activities: participants and characteristics External Technically Maintenance activities Vendor Adopter Consultants oriented Corrective ü Adaptive ü Perfective - non-functional (e.g. EnjoySAP GUI) - functional Preventive Business oriented r þ r ü þ ü ü ü ü ü r r (Legend: ü = main task for this participant; þ = secondary task for this participant; r = is related to) Authorized licensed use limited to: Aarhus University. Downloaded on November 28,2023 at 07:34:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 0-7695-0981-9/01 $10.00 (c) 2001 IEEE 3 Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2001 As shown in Table 1, the adopter of an ERP package is still responsible for significant aspects of perfective maintenance, e.g. fixing configuration bugs, and implementing upgrades, perhaps with the help of external consultants. In this paper, we argue that the effort required for system maintenance and post implementation by the ERP adopter depends on the types and extent of ERP package tailoring, discussed below. 3. A typology of tailoring choices Through analysis of literature on ERP implementations and our own interview data, we have identified 9 different types of ERP package tailoring (see Table 2). Further research may indicate the need for more or finer distinctions. For the present, however, we believe this framework is adequate for explaining or predicting project success, assessing project risk, and predicting maintenance and post implementation effort. The tailoring types in Table 2 are choices made by a company adopting an ERP package and applying it to its own needs. In other words, we distinguish between the ERP package delivered by the vendor and a specific instance of an ERP system implemented by a company to support its business processes, and our focus is on the latter. A particular company may choose to tailor a package by using almost any combination of the tailoring types and by using them to a greater or lesser degree. A company’s tailoring choices may not be best for its situation: several researchers have noted the occurrence of “unnecessary modifications” made out of ignorance of package functionality [cf. 21]. The last column of Table 2 refers to a general 3-layer model of application systems: communications layer (contains communication with users, normally through graphical user interfaces, and with other application systems), application layer (definition of application functions in program code, e.g. calculation of a MRP II run) and database layer (management of the relevant data, e.g. a relational database management system) [10]. Entries in the column show the layer or layers involved in a particular ERP system tailoring type. Table 2: Typology of ERP tailoring types Tailoring Type Description Configuration Setting of parameters (or tables), in order (customization, to choose between different executions of in SAP parlance) processes and functions in the software package Bolt-ons Implementation of third-party package designed to work with ERP system and provide industry-specific functionality Screen masks Extended reporting Examples Define organizational units; create standard reports; formulate availableto-promise logic; use of a standard interface to an archive system Provide ability to track inventory by product dimensions (e.g., 2 500 m. lengths of cable do not equal 1 1000 m. length) Integrate three screens into one Creating of new screen masks for input and output (soft copy) of data Programming of extended data output and Design new report with sales revenues reporting options for specific criteria Workflow programming Creating of non-standard workflows Set up automated engineering change order approval process User exits Programming of additional software code Develop a statistical function for in an open interface calculating particular metrics ERP Programming Interface development Programming of additional applications, without changing the source code (using the computer language of the vendor) Programming of interfaces to legacy systems or 3rd party products Create a program that calculates the phases of the moon for use in production scheduling Interface with custom-build shopfloor-system or with a CRM package Package code modification Changing the source-codes ranging from small change to change whole modules Change error message in warning; modify production planning Layer Involved All layers All layers Communication layer Application layer and/ or database layer Application layer and/ or database layer Application layer and/ or database layer All layers Application layer and/ or database layer Can involve all layers Authorized licensed use limited to: Aarhus University. Downloaded on November 28,2023 at 07:34:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 0-7695-0981-9/01 $10.00 (c) 2001 IEEE 4 Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2001 The order in which the types are shown in Table 2 represents a very rough indication of the “impact” of tailoring, e.g., how severely the ERP system itself is changed through tailoring and how much effect is required of adopters to employ a tailoring type. Generally speaking, the tailoring types at the top of the chart are “lighter” in impact than those at the bottom. The placement of bolt-ons in our typology deserves some discussion. We have placed them at the low end, because as a general rule, they reduce the effort required to configure and otherwise tailor an ERP package for industry-specific needs. Further, the third-party vendor of the bolt-on is responsible for quality assurance and maintenance, reducing the burden on the adopter. On the other hand, bolt-ons introduce complexity. The quality of the bolt-on may depend on the quality of the communication between the ERP vendor and the bolt-on developer. Further, there may be a “release lag”, where the bolt-on vendor is supporting an older release of ERP system that the one the ERP vendor is currently offering to customers. This is likely to be an issue during ERP system upgrading. Thus, the “weight” assigned to the bolt-on type of tailoring is a matter of some debate. Naturally, a host of issues other than tailoring type will affect “impact.” One is how extensively a particular type of tailoring is applied. Extensive use of user exists may entail more impact than minor use of interface development. Table 3 presents some specific examples, drawn from literature and our research, of low and high levels of usage of the 9 tailoring types. Table 3: Specific examples of ERP tailoring types Tailoring Low Level of Usage Type Configuration SAP R/3 Ready-To-Run solutions are a preconfigured R/3 system for SME [8] High Level of Usage Medium-sized manufacturer of electronic parts ($35 M revenue, 380 employees) extreme reconfiguration after splitting the company into three independent legal entities (MIS Director interviewed by Brehm, 2-23-00) Bolt-ons Global manufacturing of power and telecommunications cables adopted a bolt-on that accommodated the dimensionality of its inventory. This effort substantially increased the complexity of the project, since the company wanted the functionality of the latest ERP system release, but the bolt-on vendor was supporting an earlier release. (Interviews by Markus, 9-98) Screen masks Global manufacturer of metal cutting tools ($1,9 B revenue, 13’ employ ees): heavily changed screen masks in sales & distribution area to satisfy users’ requirements (MIS Director Europe interviewed by Brehm, 4-13-00) Extended Revel Asia: developed custom reports to Microsoft Corp: developed custom reports and analysis reporting satisfy the needs of the Finance department capabilities using warehoused SAP data, delivered via the [14] intranet [3] Workflow Microsoft Corp: used workflow to programming automatically route purchase orders for approvals prior to execution by SAP [3] User exits Novem Car Interior Design: uses some programs in user exits in order to enrich data structures of their sales information system [1] ERP Jo-Ann Stores Inc: had to add functionality Compaq: developed its own forecast and orderProgramming to the ERP system for tracking seasonal management module in the computer language of the ERP products and managing pricing and package [9] promotion [28] Interface Siemens Power Corp.: decision whether to Hershey Food Corp.: tried to tie their new ERP system development program an interface or use an alternative together with two packages for SCM and CRM [23] way of connecting system was made on a American Standard Companies: developed extensive case-by-case basis [11] interfaces between “best-of-breed” ERP systems and custom developed applications [3] Authorized licensed use limited to: Aarhus University. Downloaded on November 28,2023 at 07:34:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 0-7695-0981-9/01 $10.00 (c) 2001 IEEE 5 Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2001 Package code ComputerCo case site: did some package Volkswagen AG: heavily modified its new ERP system modification code modifications, but this did not for its central parts warehouse in Germany (and had invalidate vendor support [12] trouble delivering spare parts) [29] Global manufacturer of pumps and valves: ($1 B revenue, 14’ employ ees) modified parts of the production module code of the ERP system of one business line in order to meet its production process requirements (MIS Director of this business line interviewed by Brehm, 4-10-00) A second factor is the number of different tailoring types used, which may be an indicator of tailoring complexity and is plausibly related to tailoring impact or risk. A third factor how well the tailoring is done: tailoring can introduce bugs into otherwise working code. A fourth is the degree to which tailoring changes the data stored in the system or the data structures. A fifth factor is interdependence among tailoring efforts. A sixth is the degree to which tailoring can be “protected” when the system is upgraded. A seventh factor is organizational complexity and geographic dispersion, which influence the scope of tailoring effort. Clearly then, it can be a challenge to assess the impact of ERP system tailoring. Detailed measurement studies in in-depth case studies are clearly warranted. In the absence of such research, we propose a surrogate measure based on the typology in Table 2. We suggest that the impact or risk of ERP system tailoring can be approximated by a formula that factors in the number of different tailoring types used, the level of usage of each type (from low to high as shown in Table 3) and the “weightiness” of each type (roughly indicated by the placement of the tailoring types in the typology, with configuration at the top of the chart representing light tailoring, and modification at the bottom representing heavy tailoring). Therefore, impact or risk of tailoring can be measured as the sum, over all tailoring types, of the tailoring type’s weight factor (ranging from light to heavy) times a level factor (extent of use of the tailoring type, ranging from low to high). The precise values of the weight factors are a promising topic for future research. The impact of ERP system tailoring as a function of the number of tailoring types, the weight of the types used, and the level of use of each type can be depicted by diagrams such as Figure 2. Figure 2 presents the tailoring profiles of two hypothetical projects. Company 1 has configured its ERP system to fit its organizational characteristics, but has made only low use of two other, more weighty, forms of tailoring— extended reporting and user exits. By contrast, Company 2 has made extensive use of several forms of tailoring, including code modification. We would predict that Company 2 is much more likely to run into implementation and postimplementation (e.g., upgrade) difficulties than Company 1 and that Company 2 is at much greater risk of missing schedule, cost, and performance targets. not low used level high level Configuration Company 1 Bolt-ons Screen masks Extended reporting Company 2 Workflow programming User exits ERP Programming Interfaces development Package code modification Figure 2: Measuring the impact of ERP system tailoring 4. Applying the typology The representation found in Figure 2 may be useful for helping practitioners assess risk and plan appropriate risk mitigation efforts. The basis for the analysis can be the whole project or a specific area of the project, e.g. production planning and control in one line of business. The tailoring typology presented here can also play an important role in academic research on ERP system “success” [21]. Authorized licensed use limited to: Aarhus University. Downloaded on November 28,2023 at 07:34:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 0-7695-0981-9/01 $10.00 (c) 2001 IEEE 6 Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2001 4.1 Using the typology to predict ERP project success The ERP package tailoring typology can be used to predict success both during the initial implementation phase and during the maintenance and post implementation phase of the ERP system life cycle. 4.1.1. Implementation phase. As noted earlier in this paper, conventional wisdom holds that ERP systems should be implemented without modification, because modification is a risk factor that contributes to project failure. Our contention in this article is that there are many options between configuration and modification and that implementation risk is a function of an organization’s type, nature and extent of tailoring. We therefore hypothesize: H1a: The greater the “impact” of tailoring on the ERP system (as defined in section 3), the more likely it is that the ERP system implementation project will encounter difficulties and suffer on cost, schedule and performance metrics. On the other hand, tailoring increases the degree of feature-function fit between the ERP system and the organization, which is likely to result in an easier “implementation” in human terms— lower resistance, reduced training needs, less organizational adaptation— as well as in greater business success Therefore, we hypothesize that: H1b: The greater the “impact” of tailoring on the ERP system (as defined in section 3), the more likely it is that organizational adaptation to the ERP system will be easy and that the system will meet the needs of the business. The ERP adopter is likely to face trade-offs between meeting business requirements and managing the project risk associated with tailoring. Therefore, we hypothesize that: H1c: The more willing an ERP adopter is to change organizational business processes, the more likely it is that the ERP adopter will pursue business objectives through light, rather than heavy, tailoring types. Finally, as noted above, the heavier tailoring types are often chosen out of lack of knowledge about ERP packages capabilities. Therefore, we hypothesize that: H1d: The greater the knowledge implementers have about their ERP packages, the more likely they are to address business objectives with light, rather than heavy, tailoring types. These hypotheses extend the scope of existing frameworks for analyzing risk factors in ERP implementation [25] and can be tested empirically. Naturally, they assume adequate project management, e.g. good planning and appropriate staffing. 4.1.2 Maintenance and post implementation phase. Through new releases ERP system vendors fix bugs and add new functionality, potentially involving changes in all three layers of the ERP system: presentation or communication, application, and database. Consequently, because the tailoring done by an ERP adopter may have changed these same layers in an earlier release, the adopter may find it impossible to implement a newrelease while preserving its investments in tailoring. Research has shown that ERP system modification is related to upgrade difficulties [21]. And, indeed, some organizations have resolved to eliminate modifications after finding that “upgrading” required a complete re-implementation of ERP software. The tailoring types are likely to affect upgrading in different ways. For example, parameters set during configuration should be unaffected by a newrelease. This is a major task of the vendor and one of the benefits adopters expect from packages. However, if some new functions are provided in the upgrade, the adopter may be required to set parameters to configure them. The other tailoring types require greater effort since more system layers are involved. For example, screen masks may have to be reprogrammed if the underlying fields have been changed in a new release or if new fields have been added, but not if only the logic has been changed. A modification of package code will have to be thoroughly tested and may have to be reprogrammed every time a data field, software function, or variable is changed in a newrelease. The level of usage of tailoring types will also influence the effort required for upgrading ERP systems. The more complex a tailoring effort (i.e., large, interdependent with other changes, or not protected against overwriting with new software code), the more likely it is to require greater effort in maintenance and post-implementation. Some ERP vendors offer ERP “extensions”— separate packages for capabilities such as data warehousing or supply chain management. These extensions are tightly integrated with the ERP system. Heavy tailoring can, therefore, prevent an organization from benefiting from these extensions or may require the time-consuming and expensive programming of specific interfaces [26]. Table 4 presents an estimate, based on our research, of how much effort ERP package tailoring creates for ERP adopters during system maintenance and post implementation. Authorized licensed use limited to: Aarhus University. Downloaded on November 28,2023 at 07:34:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 0-7695-0981-9/01 $10.00 (c) 2001 IEEE 7 Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2001 Table 4: Consequences for system maintenance: upgrades and conversions Tailoring Type Configuration Bolt-ons Screen masks Extended reporting Workflow programming User exits ERP Programming Interface development Package code modification Effort Required for System Maintenance and Post Implementation None/ slight Depends on coordination between ERP vendor and bolt-on vendor Slight/ moderate Moderate/ heavy Moderate/ heavy Heavy Heavy, if data from the ERP application are used Heavy/ very heavy Very heavy Based on this line of argument, we hypothesize that: H2: The greater the “impact” of tailoring on the ERP system (as defined in section 3), the more likely it is that that a company will experience difficulties when attempting to upgrade to a later package release or convert to a later package version. Again, this hypothesis is amenable to empirical test. 4.2 Tailoring and competitive advantage An intriguing question raised by ERP systems is the extent to which they contribute to, or detract from, a user company’s competitive advantage as a differentiator. For example, Davenport [9] has argued that nearly every company in the personal computer, semiconductor and petrochemical sectors uses the same ERP package (SAP R/3), with consequent threat to these companies’ competitive advantage. Indeed, Davenport claimed that one company (Compaq) programmed an extension to its ERP system (a custom forecasting module) to gain competitive advantage relative to companies’ using the package as-is. Our analysis of tailoring types, however, suggests that, even without new module development, there can be wide variations in what a single ERP package does for the companies that adopt it. Through various forms of tailoring, companies may be able to build unique functionality into a standard ERP system. At the same time, however, companies need to weigh the potential for differentiation against the greater risks tailoring entails during implementation and upgrading. 5. Conclusions and future research In this article, we have attempted to show that companies confront a broad spectrum of choices when they implement ERP packages. The number, type and extent of tailoring efforts have important implications for the risks faced and outcomes realized by the companies that implement ERP— ERP tailoring may even be a factor in a company’s competitive advantage! From the practitioner’s perspective, our typology poses additional research questions: • In what ways can each tailoring option be applied in order to minimize the implementation and postimplementation risks involved? • Are there “best practice” examples that indicate a “good” trade-off between controllable implementation risks and high competitive differentiation through extensive tailoring? IS academics might be interested in the following research issues: • How can we capture more precisely the technical complexity induced by various tailoring types? • Since software quality has never been a unidimensional construct, which dimensions are most useful for capturing the technical complexity induced by tailoring types? • Can we elaborate generalizable relationships between tailoring types and environmental factors like organizational or technical characteristics? • Does extensive tailoring really promote user acceptance and business success? Answering these questions will be a challenging but rewarding research endeavor. 6. Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank the participating interviewees as well as the reviewers for their helpful comments. 7. References [1] M. Ackermann and L. Brehm, "Developing a sales information system prototype with SAP R/3," Information Management & Consulting, vol. 14, no. 4, 1999, pp. 49-56. [2] N.H. Bancroft, H. Seip, and A. 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