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MAUI Roadmap

DATA (through databinding)
Model (Data Objects)
ViewModel (Business Logic)
View (UI)
used to define the navigation for a .NET MAUI Shell app.
It contains the subclassed Shell class, which is the root
element of the app's visual hierarchy. The Shell class can
contain three main hierarchical objects:
• FlyoutItem: Represents one or more items in the flyout,
and should be used when the navigation pattern for
the app requires a flyout.
• TabBar: Represents the bottom tab bar, and should be
used when the navigation pattern for the app begins
with bottom tabs and doesn't require a flyout.
• ShellContent: Represents the ContentPage objects of
each tab.
It contains the definition of the app's main window, as
well as the code-behind file that contains the app's
startup logic.
The App.xaml file typically contains the following
• A Window element that defines the app's main
• A ContentPage element that contains the app's initial
• A Startup event handler that is called when the app
It contains the code that is executed when the app starts
Databinding UI update when data changed
namespace ReportingApp.ViewModels
public class MainViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public string Note { get; } = "LET'S GOOOOO!!!!!";
string text ;
public string Text {
get => text;
text = value;
// this OnPropertyChanged function means that when the set function is called the UI will be updated with the new values
// and if the variable is data binded that means that the set function is called and the UI is updated
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
void OnPropertyChanged(string Note) =>
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Note));
Databinding UI update when data changed shortcut (CommunityToolkit.Mvvm)
namespace ReportingApp.ViewModels
public partial class MainViewModel : ObservableObject
public string Note { get; } = "LET'S GOOOOO!!!!!";
// this [ObservableProperty] means that when the property is set or
// changed through databinding the UI will be
// updated with the new values
string text ;