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Senior Two Social Studies Exam Paper

TIME 1HOUR 45mins
 Neat handwriting is a must
 Answer any three questions of your choice
QN 1
There are two societies and you are supposed to choose one society to settle in one in. one is
headed by a king and leaders appointed by him to keep law and order, it has an organized army
for protection against outside enemies and the other society has no king but leadership is
provided by the elders. Each member is responsible for others behaviors, and it has no standing
army, security is provided by its able-bodied youths.
a) As a historian, which society would you prefer to live in?
b) What do you think are the problems that are likely to be faced by the society headed by a
king and one without a king?
QN 2
People of Kiryandongo district originated from different ethnic backgrounds, for instance , the
Acholi, Bamasaaba, Kenyan Luo, the Congolese and the south Sudanese Dinka, Kuku, Nuer\,
Kakwa, Madi, and Shiluk.
A number of people who lived in Bududa District in Eastern region of Uganda were also forced
to move to Kiryandongo District following the disastrous landslides in Bududa district in 2010.
The landslides claimed over 150 lives and displaced over 5000 people.
a) Using the knowledge of migrations into East Africa, Suggest reasons why you think your
community could be forced to migrate.
b) What would be the impact of such migrations to your community?
No 3
In a village of Kyabakadde, there was a conflict over the use of a borehole between the owner
of the land and the land users. The borehole was built for the locals by the NGO to improve
sanitation in the area. The owner of the land claims the people are trespassing on his land and
the locals claim it is their right to access the water service in that land. The local council
authorities in the area have not helped to resolve the issue. The locals have carried out
demonstrations that have attracted the attention of concerned citizens, organizations and
a) Explain how civil societies and NGOs have helped your communities
b) Discuss the challenges of NGOs and CSOs in effecting their duties
Uganda attained her independence in 1962 October 9th and though Ugandans expected things
to completely change in favor of the Ugandans, it has not been the case as the country has
undergone through a number of hardships. These have eventually affected the social economic
development of Uganda. The challenges have Uganda not achieve her developmental targets.
Explain the social-economic challenges Uganda has experienced since independence.