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Big Data Analytics in IoT Presentation

Big Data Analytics in IoT
Prepared By
Ganagavalli. K
Big Data Analytics
Big Data
• collection of data sets so large and complex
• Which becomes difficult to process using on-hand
database management tools or traditional data
processing applications.
Big Data - Properties
4 V’s
Big Data Vs Traditional DB
Big Data Challenges
Data Storage and Management
Data Visualization
Confidentiality and Privacy
Power Captivity
Device Security
Integrating IoT And Big Data
• Data processing includes the following steps:
– IoT connected devices generate a massive amount of
heterogeneous data that is stored in a big data system on a large
– The data is dependent on the ‘Four “V”s of Big Data’: Volume,
Variety, Veracity and Velocity.
– A big data system is a shared and distributed system, which
implies that a large number of data records in big data files
present in the storage system.
– Use an advanced analytic tool to analyze the data collected.
– Examine and produce a conclusion of the analyzed data for
reliable and timely decision-making.
Relation between Big Data
and IoT
• With the growing number of connected devices it is not
surprising that by 2020, more than ten billions of sensors
and devices will be connected to the internet.
• Furthermore, all of these devices will gather, analyze,
share, and transmit data in real time.
• Hence, without the data, IoT devices would not hold the
functionalities and capabilities which have made them
achieve so much worldwide attention.
Role of Big Data in IoT
• To analyze Large amount of data
• To take the initiative to improve decision making.
• To process a large amount of data on a real-time basis
and storing them using different storage technologies.
IOT Big Data Processing
• A large amount of unstructured data is generated by IoT
devices which are collected in the big data system.
• This IoT generated big data largely depends on their 3V
factors that are volume, velocity, and variety.
• In the big data system which is basically a shared
distributed database, the huge amount of data is stored
in big data files.
• Analyzing the stored IoT big data using analytic tools like
Hadoop MapReduce or Spark
• Generating the reports of analyzed data.
IOT Big Data Processing
Benefits of IoT and Big
• IoT big data analytics can be useful for a variety of IoT
data to
– Examine
– Reveal trends
– Find unseen patterns
– Find hidden correlations
– Reveal new information
Introduction of Big data
Properties of Big data
Traditional database vs. Big data
Integrating IoT and Big data
Challenges in Big data
Relationship between IoT and Big data
Iot and Big data processing
Benefits of Big data in IoT
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