Abstract Background: The subject of well spacing is one of vital importance in the petroleum industry. The well itself plays a very significant role in the development of the oil and gas reservoirs and in the control of the recovery process. However, determination of appropriate well spacing for maximum economic oil recovery has been a complicated and controversial issue in oil field development. Various studies on the subject have indicated a slim relation between well spacing and recovery. This study will however focus on the optimization of field development in order to maximize returns on investment. A simplified economic optimization model to optimize well spacing in oil reservoirs has thus been proposed. Methodology: The optimization model developed has been solved to find the optimal well spacing that will maximize Net Present Value of investment, using NonLinear Programming (NLP) Excel-Based Solver.Data for case study was from an offshore field. Sensitivity analysis to determine the extent of changes in optimum Well spacing with respect to model parameters was carried out. Results: Cost of field development could be greatly optimized using NLP. Well spacing has been seen to decrease with recoverable reserves for maximum Net Present Value (NPV) until a point where increase in the number of wells decreases NPV. An optimal solution exits within this region. Optimal well spacing has been observed to be far more sensitive to oil price than to other model parameters such as investment cost per well, production rate and interest rate. Conclusion: Intuitive approach to solving well spacing problem requires current oil industry knowledge and experience. Economics sets the limit for drilling of development and infill wells. Introduction The ultimate goal underlying the development of the science of reservoir engineering has been defined by Muskat(1949) as the attainment of a maximum efficiency in the exploitation of oil-bearing reservoirs, where the phrase maximum efficiency is taken to imply the maximum recovery of oil at a minimum cost. Within these limitations, the goal in the development of production engineering could be said to be the attainment of maximum efficiency in the operation of those producing wells drilled into an oilbearing reservoir; this implies the realization of the maximum profit from each and every such well. Maximum utilization of wells to obtain better field recovery becomes an integral part of sound operating. Efficient exploitation of oil and gas reserves demands that careful choice of number of wells, their location and spacing be made. Business Objectives To improve economic development investment. returns on field To Increase oil field recovery Cost effective optimization method for well spacing To protect the right of reserve owners Technical Objectives Improve reliability of geological/reservoir data To advance the frontier of knowledge in well spacing ¾ Reservoir simulation ¾ CrystalBall Well spacing optimization software Well Spacing Optimization Methods Various methods have been proposed for obtaining Wo. They include: • Graphical solution • Analytical solution • Global Optimization using Genetic Algorithm Graphically, the optimum well spacing has been determined by a plot of economic return versus well spacing as proposed by Muskat(1949). Garaicochea and Acuna(1978) approach for determining optimum well spacing consist of predicting performance of the reservoir under various spacing schemes graphically. Another possibility for calculating the optimum well spacing is to 2 prepare a cross plot of Net Present Value versus number of wells using oil price as a parameter as illustrated by Martinez (1975). This method assumes a continuous relationship between variables. However the work of Miller and Dyes (1959) on reservoirs with solution gas drives and water drives showed that graphical solutions may introduce discrete jumps that provide more than one optimal point. Experience is therefore required to choose which to use. A method to determine the optimum well spacing straightforward without a plot was presented by Tokunaga and Hise (1966). This method, however, assumes the production rate of all wells to remain constant over life (no decline). Corrie (2001) proposed an analytical solution that the wells initial production rate to decline over the life of the reservoir (immediately after starting production). He differentiated the objective function and equated the total derivative to zero to obtain the optimal solution for well spacing. However the value of the optimum number of wells Wo is selected according to the square root of Q rather than the first power of Wo. A relationship known as economic order quantity in inventory control, exits, and decision making becomes a matter of simple analogies or intuition. The method also assumes that the function is continuous near the region of optimality. Nejad and others (2007) used genetic algorithm to obtain optimal well spacing for a Middle East onshore oil field. Although genetic algorithm is holistic, effective in searching very large space and varied spaces and takes care of discrete constraints, its model is, however, complex and application could be limited as highly skilled manpower is required for both its programming and use. A much easier, simple and straight forward method is proposed. This method assumes the problem to be a nonlinear programming problem of constrained optimization and solution can be obtained using spreadsheet Optimizers. Spreadsheet Optimizers In the 1980s, a major move away from FORTRAN and C optimization began as optimizers, first linear programming (LP) solvers, and then NLP solvers were interfaced to spreadsheet systems for desktop computers. The spreadsheet has become, de facto, the universal user interface for entering and manipulating numeric data (Edgar and others, 2001). Spreadsheet vendors are increasingly incorporating analytic tools accessible from the spreadsheet interface and able, through that interface, to access external databases. Examples include statistical packages, optimizers, and equation solvers. The Excel Solver Microsoft Excel, beginning with version 3.0 in 1991, incorporates an NLP solver that operates on the values and formulas of a spreadsheet model. Versions 4.0 and later include an LP solver and mixed-integer programming (MIP) capability for both linear and nonlinear problems. The user specifies a set of cell addresses to be independently adjusted (the decision variables), a set of formula cells whose values are to be constrained (the constraints), and a formula cell designated as the SPE 140674 optimization objective. The solver uses the spreadsheet interpreter to evaluate the constraint and objective functions, and approximates derivatives. The NLP solution engine for the Excel solver is GRG2. The generalized reduced gradient (GRG) algorithm was first developed in the late 1960s by Jean Abadie(Abadie and Carpentier, 1969) and has since been refined by several other researchers. For equality constraint, GRG takes a direct approach to solve the problem. It uses the equality constraint to solve for one of the variables in terms of the other. For inequality constraint, it converts the constraints to equalities by introducing slack variables. If s is the slack in a case where x-y ≥ 0, the inequality becomes x-y-s = 0. We must also add the bound for the slack, s ≥ 0, giving the new problem. Economic Model In this section the economic model which will be used by the NLP solver in Excel spreadsheet to optimize well spacing will be derived. This economic model which relates the Net Present Value of field development investment with the number of wells to be drilled is called the objective function. Objective Function Assumptions: In deriving the objective function, which is the applicable economic model for this problem, the underlying assumptions are as follows: The total cumulative oil production(recoverable reserves) remains constant The present net value of investment is after tax All investment are incurred at year zero(although all the wells will not be drilled simultaneously due to equipment and personnel constraint and the need to learn from other wells, the cost will be converted to present value) All the wells have the same initial production rate and decline at the same over life. The decline, D, rate is a function of the number of wells, initial daily oil production rate and the total recoverable reserves. The oil price is netted back to the wellhead. Rate at economic limit is considered negligible compared to initial production rate per well. Assuming oil production decline rate to follow a general form of exponential equation, (1) Where D is the yearly exponential decline factor. The cumulative oil production, Np which represents a fraction of the reserves under tested recovery scheme from time 0 to time “t” is: 365 (2) SPE 140674 3 Substituting (1) in (2) gives equation (13) reduces to 365 (3) Integrating between t = 0 and “t” = t (14) N (4) The cumulative oil production of W wells is; (5) If we neglect the rate at economic limit, Qt, then For 0≤ i ≤ 0.3 equations (12) and (13) are approximately equal. For analytical purposes equation (13) is easily differentiable. The Optimization Model (6) (7) The present value of oil production rate PVQt at time, t is; (8) 1 i is the interest rate, the opportunity cost of investment. The present value cumulative oil production PV(Np) from time, 0 to time, t is; 365 (9) The problem statement is expressed as: Maximize Subject to: ∑ 1 0 ,…, ,…, The optimization model is depicted in the cartoon below(see fig.1) The constraint imposed on the objective function requires that the optimal solution, which is the number of wells, will be an integer of value greater than or equal to zero. The decision to drill or not to drill is a 1s and 0s decision. Integrating between time, t = 0 and t = t and neglecting PVQt at economic limit, the present value of cumulative oil production of W wells is (10) Substituting (7) in (10) gives (11) Considering: the present value of all capital investments per well after income tax’s effect, C, in $; the oil price netted back to the well after income tax’s effect, V, $/barrel; the present value of other investments not dependent on the number of wells after income tax’s effect, Z, in $. The Net Present Value (NPV) can therefore be expressed as: NPV=(PVNp)V–CW-Z (12) Equation (11) is another form of the economic model proposed by Muskat(1949) Substituting the appropriate parameters into (11), (13) Detailed derivation can be found in Appendix-A If the limit of equation (12) is taken as lim 365 365 ln 1 0; Fig.1: Optimization Model Cartoon Case Study: Offshore Development The field I-A is an offshore field composed of two turbidity currents laying in a NNW direction. The oil trapped is of good API (>30 API) and reservoir pressures is relatively high. The lithology is silty sands of medium porosity and permeability. Studies show that the field can be developed with associated ultimate recovery of 156MMbbls of oil recovered in 20 years by means of natural depletion, water injection and high pressure gas injection. Given the following information, it is required to estimate the optimum well spacing required to maximize the field development Net Present Value. 4 SPE 140674 Expected production GOR initial oil $12 million per well that if the reservoir parameters remain constant, an increase in oil price after tax netted back to the well, will favour the drilling of more wells to recover reserves. The implication on the field life of the project assuming no government restrictions is a reduction in the field life. For a heterogeneous reservoir, it could also mean that areas that were formally not effectively drained due to formation damage or faults can be produced, as noted by Bobar(1985), at economic gain and coning can also be reduced as noted in the work of (Matthews, Carter and Dake, 1992). Fig.4 shows an increase in the optimum number of wells and NPV with increase in oil price. $64 million (b) Interest Rate 2500 bbls/d per well 75m3/m3 Number of gas injection Wells Number of water injection wells Oil price at well after income tax Present Value of Capital investment after income tax Present value of Capital investment not dependent on the number of wells after income tax Productive Area, A Interest rate, i 1 3 $40 per bbls 112000 acres 10% per annum Results and Analysis From the NLP Excel based solver (See Figures 2a and 2b), the optimum number of wells has been obtained to be 76 for the field under consideration. The optimum well spacing density in acres/well is obtained as 1474acre/well The optimum well spacing assuming a hexagonal well pattern is obtained in ft as 8600 (see Appendix B). For comparison, a graphical and analytical solution has also been obtained to be 76. A plot of NPV vs number of wells is given in figure (3). The plot shows an increase in NPV with number of wells until additional investment in drilling a new well produces a marginal loss. The region of optimality can be seen to be between 75 and 77 as the difference in NPV is not much. However, the NLP gives the exact value of the optimum as 76. The analytical solution which has been approximated to 76 was originally 75.8. This illustrates the possible error that might arise in obtaining analytically, the optimal solution especially in marginal fields where fewer numbers of wells are to be drilled. A table of comparison of the exact optimum from the three methods is given below (Table 1) Comparison Method NLP Optimum Number of Wells 76 of Different Graphical Solution 76 (c) Proration Rate A very important production and economic parameter that affects how close or far wells are spaced in a continuous reservoir is rate of production. Noting the assumption made earlier in deriving the economic model, government restrictions on rate(proration), reservoir properties such as water cut, GOR, sand production, could affect production rate. The implication here is that a low production rate will favour more wells but at a much smaller NPV. If the company is allowed to detect production rate then a rate that will allow fewer wells to maximize NPV will be required. Figure 6 shows this relationship. Sensitivity Summary Net Present Value (NPV) = $4,162,355,293 Table 1: Methods One other economic parameter that would affect well spacing in a reservoir is interest rate. As shown in table 3, a higher interest rate will mean that time is very important as this could force the cost of development and lifting price of oil per barrel up. If there is a favourable oil price, companies would want to recover fast their cost of investment by drilling more wells. However, except enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods are employed alongside infill wells, the NPV from drilling more wells reduces with increased interest rate making plans on further development uninteresting. Figure 5 captures this relationship. Optimization Analytical Solution 75.8 76 Effect of Model Parameters on Optimum Solution (a) Oil price: Table 2 which is a reflection of the economic realities of field development activities in the energy industry shows Figures 7(a) –(d) shows the probability distributions that were assumed to hold for each of the parameters in the economic model that affect well spacing. Figure 8 indicates that well spacing is far more sensitive to oil price than to other parameters. Increase in oil price favors drilling of more wells for closer spacing. The same is applicable for rate. However the inverse is the case for cost of drilling and lifting of oil per well and interest. The implication is that before field development decisions are made it is necessary to know how a change in oil price will affect proposed field development program Conclusion There is an optimum number of wells for each reservoir Limit is set by economics Very efficient, simplified, and cost effective methods is required Non-linear programming comes to rescue SPE 140674 5 With the assumptions and uncertainties that are inherent in well spacing models, a cost effective and simplified method has been presented as a precursor to reservoir simulation Well spacing is more sensitive to oil price as against proration rate, interest rate and recoverable reserves. Tokunaga, H. and Hise, B. R.(1966): A Method to Determine the Optimum Well Spacing; SPE 167 Recommendation Intuitive approach to solving well spacing problem require ¾ Current oil industry knowledge and experience ¾ Information on depleted fields as to the effect of well spacing on recovery efficiency existence of analog fields Software for optimum well spacing can be developed using NLP Reservoir simulation can be tool used to validate results on economic model. References Abdel Aal, H. K., Baker, B. A., Al Shahlavi, M. A.(1992): Petroleum Economics and Engineering, 2nd Edition; Marcel Dekker, New Delhi. Bobar, A. R.(1985): Reservoir Engineering Concepts on Well Spacing; SPE, USMS 015338 COGCC’s Rules and Regulations-500 series. Corrie, R. D.(2001): An Analytical Solution to Estimate the Optimum Number of Development Wells to Achieve Maximum Economical Return; SPE 71431. Edgar T. F., Himmelblau D. M. and Lasdon, L. S.(2001): Optimization of Chemical Processes, nd 2 Edition; McGraw-Hill, New York Fig.2a: Solver Options Fig.2b: Optimization model definition Ezeh J. C. and Ezeh G.N.(2000): Fundamentals of Engineering Economy; M. C. Computers; pp3. Matthews, J. D. and Carter, J. N.(1992): Investigation of Optimum Well Spacing for North Sea Eocene Reservoirs; SPE 25030. Mian, M. A.(2002): Project Economics and Decision Analysis, Vol 1, Deterministic Models; PennWell Corporation, Oklahoma; pp 95. Miller, C. C. and Dyes, A. B.(1959): Maximum Reservoir Worth-Proper Well Spacing; SPE, Muskat, M.(1949): Physical Principles of Oil Production; McGraw-Hill Book Company; pp810 Nejad, T. S. A., Aleagaha, A. V. and Salari, S.(2007): Estimating Optimum Well Spacing in a Middle East Onshore Oil Field Using a Genetic-Algorithm-Optimization Approach; SPE 105230 Nind, T. E. W.(1964): Principles of Oil Well Production; McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York; pp352 Stroud, K. A.(1995): Engineering Mathematics, 4th Edition; Macmillan Press, London; pp183 T.P. 8096 Taha, H. A.(1976): Operations Research; Collier Macmillan International Editions; pp500 Fig. 3: Graph of NPV vs Number of Wells 6 SPE 140674 Table 3: Effect of Interest rate on Wo Table 2: Effect of oil price on Well Spacing V ($/bbl) Wo A 10 30 4.27E+16 42,975,000 569,717,277 15 41 8.75E+16 53,012,500 1,095,407,687 20 50 1.42E+17 61,225,000 1,661,030,625 25 57 2.03E+17 67,612,500 2,252,166,389 30 65 2.78E+17 74,912,500 2,861,422,993 35 71 3.54E+17 80,387,500 3,484,432,281 40 77 4.38E+17 85,862,500 4,118,280,390 B Fig.4: Effect of Oil Price on Wo NPV($) I (per annum) Wo 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0 58 76 88 96 103 108 112 115 A 1.40E+01 3.30E+17 4.33E+17 5.01E+17 5.47E+17 5.86E+17 6.15E+17 6.38E+17 6.55E+17 B NPV($) 0 60,536,266 84,218,388 102,102,863 116,042,163 128,797,894 139,478,825 149,016,316 157,427,169 6,176,000,000 4,695,440,580 4,162,355,293 3,787,521,545 3,494,563,700 3,253,506,131 3,048,927,297 2,871,585,050 2,715,447,219 Table 4: Effect of Proration Restriction on Well Spacing Proration Rate, Qi(b/d/well) Wo A B NPV($) 500 124 1.41E+17 37,498,388 2,213,793,874 1000 105 2.39E+17 53,193,388 3,171,821,920 1500 92 3.14E+17 65,238,388 3,649,850,493 2000 83 3.78E+17 75,458,388 3,950,464,837 2500 76 4.33E+17 84,218,388 4,162,355,293 Fig 5: Effect of Interest rate on Wo and NPV Fig. 6: Effect of Proration rate on Wo and NPV SPE 140674 7 Fig. 7d: Probability distribution of oil price, V Fig.7a: Probability Distribution of Np Fig. 7b: Probability distribution of Q Fig. 8: Tornado Plot of Vo sensitivity to model parameters Fig. 7c: Probability distribution of interest rate, i Fig. 9: Production Profile of Field 8 SPE 140674 Appendix A Assuming oil production decline rate to follow a general form of exponential equation, (1) The cumulative oil production, Np which represents a fraction of the reserves under tested recovery scheme from time 0 to time “t” is: 365 (10) Substituting in (10) We have; 365 Substituting (1) in (2) gives 365 (3) 365 ln 1 (2) Rearranging we have that the present value of cumulative oil produced is; Integrating between t = 0 and “t” = t (11) 365 (4) The cumulative oil production of W wells is; (5) Considering: the present value of all capital investments per well after income tax’s effect, C, in $; the oil price netted back to the well after income tax’s effect, V, $/barrel; the present value of other investments not dependent on the number of wells after income tax’s effect, Z, in $. The Net Present Value (NPV) can therefore be expressed as: NPV=(PVNp)V–CW-Z (12) 365 If we neglect the rate at economic limit, Qt, then 365 (6) ln 1 (13) (7) The present value of oil production rate PVQt at time, t is; (8) 1 as proposed by (Corie, 2001) It can be shown that; lim 1 The present value cumulative oil production PV(Np) from time, 0 to time, t is; 365 365 365 Reduces equation (13) to (9) 365 1 1 1 Solution to Case Study I-A Analytical solution of the objective function for optimum well spacing can be obtained by differentiating equation (14) and equating it to zero to obtain Wo as: ln 1 365 (14) N Appendix B Integrating between time, t = 0 and t = t 365 ln 1 ln 1 1 ln 1 1 or for 0 ≤ i ≤ 0.3 365 ln 1 Neglecting PVQt at economic limit, the present value of cumulative oil production of W wells is 365 365 75.8 Optimum 1474 well / density, 76 112000 76 SPE 140674 9 Well spacing = 224(1474)0.5 = 8600ft Net Present Value (NPV) = $4,162,355,293 0.01666 per annum Fig. 10: Well Spacing Illustration from Eclipse