BUILDING PRACTICE VOLUME 1 AC HAUPTFLEISCH(Editor) PPR161SE COPYRIGHT: THE SOUTH AFRICAN PROPERTY EDUCATION TRUST First edition 1993 Revised edition 1999 Reproduced and printed by Print Production Published by Technikon SA, Florida, Republic of South Africa PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION The first edition of the present text was published in 1993 on the initiative of the National Council of the Institute of Property Practitioners of South Africa (IPPSA). The objective of the first edition was to offer, in a condensed format, an introduction to building practice that encompasses an industry overview, building processes, building technology, building services and quantity surveying. The gratifying acceptance of that edition, not only by the intended property practitioners but also other participants in the building and property industries, resulted in the second edition having been comprehensively revised, some chapters rewritten and others expanded to make it more user-friendly to a wider body of students and practitioners. A large number of sources were utilised in the preparation of the text. Use was made of information obtained from the business fraternity, organised industry, individuals and colleagues. These have been acknowledged in the text. Specific contributions were made by the following persons, who are sincerely thanked for their valued input: Chapter 1 was jointly written by HM Siglé and AC Hauptfleisch. Chapters 2 to 4 were jointly written by HS Coetzee and AC Hauptfleisch. Chapter 5 was written by HS Coetzee and AC Hauptfleisch (plumbing services), CE Cloete (electrical services) and CR Bester (mechanical services). Chapters 6 to 9 were written by AC Hauptfleisch. Chapters 10 and 11 were written by JS Pienaar. The editor accepts responsibility for errors and omissions which inevitably still remain. AC HAUPTFLEISCH January 1999 (i) SERIES PREFACE Resulting from the need expressed by various professional bodies in the property industry for the rationalisation and promotion of formal education courses in property, the South African Property Education Trust was established in 1988. Membership of the Committee includes representatives of the following professional bodies: The South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA) The Institute of Property Practitioners of South Africa (IPPSA) The Institute of Realtors of South Africa (IRSA) The Estate Agency Affairs Board (EAAB) The South African Council for Valuers (SACV) The South African Institute of Valuers (SAIV) After investigation of the various present and future needs of the property industry and the existing courses which were being offered, it was recommended that course material should be developed on a co-ordinated basis, to be utilised by tertiary educational institutions for formal training in property and to be financed by a Trust established for this purpose. The South African Property Education Trust was established in April 1990. The object of the Trust is, inter alia, "The establishment of a special fund in the Republic for the sole purpose of receiving donations to be used exclusively (i) for the promotion of adult education or vocational training of persons who areconcerned with the immovable property sector of the South African economy; and (ii) for the benefit of any University or Technikon or College for the furthering of theacquisition of knowledge pertaining to the immovable property sector of theSouth African economy." Dit sluit die opstel van boeke of ander opvoedkundige materiaal in sowel as die rasionalisering en/of koördinering en/of verspreiding van opvoedkundige materiaal. Hierdie studiegids The hope is expressed that the material will contribute to enhancing the professionalism of practitioners in the property industry. Prof CE Cloete Department of Quantity Surveying and Construction Management, University of Pretoria CHAIRMAN, NATIONAL PROPERTY EDUCATION COMMITTEE (ii) CHAPTER 10: CHAPTER 11: TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME 1 THE STRUCTURE OF THE BUILDING AND PROPERTY INDUSTRY IN SOUTH AFRICA SOIL MECHANICS AND BUILDING FOUNDATIONS BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BUILDING COMPONENTS AND FINISHES BUILDING SERVICES VOLUME 2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL IN BUILDINGS PEST CONTROL IN BUILDINGS TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT MAINTENANCE ESTIMATION OF BUILDING COSTS PROCUREMENT FOR BUILDING PROJECTS (iii) PAGE 1 35 75 149 219 1 21 63 77 99 KEY TO ICONS The following icons are used throughout (NB study guide to indicate specific functions: LEARNING OBJECTIVES DEFINITION EXAMPLE NB/TAKE NOTE SELF-EVALUATION (iv) THE STRUCTURE OF THE BUILDING AND PROPERTY INDUSTRY IN SOUTH AFRICA CONTENTS LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 INTRODUCTION The building industry The property industry Definitions STATISTICAL DATA Building and civil engineering work at nominal prices Building work at fixed (real) 1996 prices PRODUCTION PROCESS Inputs Conversion process Outputs BUILDING CONTRACTS AND BUILDING PROCESSES Building contracts Types of building processes THE EMPLOYER, BUILDING CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTORS The employer The building contractor Subcontractors QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EVALUATION REFERENCES PAGE 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 26 26 29 32 34 LEARNING OBJECTIVES The objectives are to introduce the student to the operation of the building and property industry in general, to identify the building processes in use, and the role of the parties involved in those processes. After completion of this module the student should be able to distinguish between various building processes and contractual arrangements which can be used to execute building work. 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1.1.1 The building industry From the outset, a distinction should be made between the building industry and the construction industry. In certain countries no distinction is made between these industries, while in other countries they are referred to as “light” and “heavy! construction. The following definitions and information will indicate that these two types of construction are regarded as different industries in South Africa. 1.1.2 The property industry The property industry is collectively the owners and managers of fixed property which mainly consist of buildings. Engineering works such as tollroads will most probably play a major role in the future. 1.1.3 Definitions The following definitions are grouped hereunder to provide the reader with general information while others are given later where the relevant term is discussed: The architect is the designer of the proposed building in accordance with the requirements of the employer and usually acts as the principal agent for the employer in the administration of the building contract and the execution of the building work contracted for. The building industry is that operational sector which provides buildings to the requirements of an employer by making use of the building professions, main contractors, subcontractors and a variety of allied resources, The building process is a certain procedure with an established pattern which is generally accepted by the parties involved and which aims to erect a building to the optimal satisfaction of the employer. The civil engineering construction industry is that operational sector which provides engineering structures (dams, roads, bridges, pipelines, etc.) to the requirements of a client by making use of consulting engineers, civil contractors, subcontractors and a variety of allied resources. The employer (or client) is that party who initiates and finances the building process in order to erect a building that will meet his requirements and that will belong to him. The engineer (structural, mechanical and electrical) designs the various engineering services in accordance with the requirements of the employer and usually acts as agent of the employer in the administration of the contract and the execution of the building and/or engineering work contracted for. The main contractor is the party who is contractually bound to the employer to provide all labour and material necessary for the erection of the building in such a way that it will meet the employer's requirements. The parties to the building process are the employer, architect, quantity Surveyor, structural, mechanical and electrical engineers, main contractor and subcontractors as well as any other party or body that makes an active contribution to the erection of a building. The quantity surveyor as an agent of the employer estimates the cost of the building work during the design stage and during erection, draws up contract documents and calculates the final cost of the work at completion. The subcontractor is the party who is contractually bound to the main contractor to provide all labour and material necessary for the erection or installation of a specialised part of the building in such a way that it will meet the requirements of the employer and the main contractor. 1.2 STATISTICAL DATA The building industry represents a major portion of the total fixed annual investment in the building industry, civil engineering construction industry, transport, equipment and machinery. Comprehensive data is provided annually by the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) and by the Building Industries Federation South Africa (BIFSA). The following nominal and real (fixed) data provides an overview of the five year period, 1993-1997: 1.2.1 Building and civil engineering work at nominal prices(Source: SARB, BIFSA) Table 1.1(a) Residential buildings (Rm) Year 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 952 988 978 1 088 1 208 Public corporations 24 29 6 4 4 Total: Public 976 1 017 984 1 092 1 212 Table 1.1(b) Non-residential buildings (Rm) Year 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1 524 1 764 2 156 514 417 563 2 038 2 181 2 719 Table 1.1(c) Civil engineering work (Rm) Year 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1 533 1 656 6 735 7 203 7 396 9522 10 586 Public corporations 299 391 Public corporations 1 234 776 1 140 1 354 2 282 Total: Public 1 832 2 047 Total: Public 7 969 7 979 8 536 10 876 12 868 Total: Private 6 215 6 906 7 700 8 505 9 137 Total: Private 5 496 5 787 6 051 7 454 8 458 Total: Private 2 282 2 726 3 321 3 338 4 081 Grand Total 7 191 7 923 8 684 9 597 10 349 Grand Total 7 328 7 834 8 089 9 635 11 177 Grand Total 10 251 10 705 11 857 14 214 16 949 Table 1.1(d) Total: Residential, non-residential and civilengineering (Rm) Year 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 9 220 9 847 9 898 12 374 13 950 Public corporations 1 557 1 196 1 660 1 775 2 849 Total: Public 10 777 11 043 11 558 14 149 16 799 Total: Private 13 993 15 419 17 072 19 297 21 676 Building and civil engineering work as a % of the total for 1997: Grand Total 24 770 26 462 28 630 33 446 38 475 Table 1.2 Residential and non-residential work as a % of totalbuilding work (1997) (Rm) Type of investment Residential Non-residential 1 208 (12%) 2 156 (19%) 3 364 (15%) 4 (0%) 563 (5%) 567 (3%) 9 137 (88%) 8 458 (76%) 17 595 (82%) 10 349 (48%) 11 177 (52%) 21 526 (100%) Table 1.3 Building and civil engineering work as a % of totalwork (1997) (Rm) Type of investment Building Civil Public sector and corporations 3931 12 868 16 799 (18%) (76%) (44%) Public corporations 17 595 4 081 21 676 (82%) (24%) (56%) 21 526 16 949 38 475 (56%) (44%) (100%) 1.2.2 Building work at fixed (real) 1996 prices (Source: SARB, BIFSA) Table 1.4 Building work at fixed 1996 prices (Rm) Residential Investment Non-residential Investment Investment in the Public Building Industry sector Civil Industry Investment in the total Construction Industry 1993 1994 1995 2% 1996 1997 R Value R1,270 R1,226 R1,090 R1,092 R1,147 % Change -9%-3% - 11%0% 5% R Value R8,026 R8,252 R8,402 R8,505 R8,495 % Change-1% 3%1%0% R Value R9,296 R9,478 R9,492 R9,597 R9,642 % Change-2% 2% 0% 1%0% R Value R2,365 R2,444 R2,222 R2,181 R2,546 % Change -4%3% -9%-2% 17% R Value R7,112 R6,932 R6,603 R7,454 R7,817 % Change -8%-3% -5% 13%5% R Value R9,477 R9,376 R8,825 R9,635 R10,363 % Change-7% -1% -6% 9%8% R Value R3,635 R3,670 R3,311 R3,273 R3,693 % Change-6% 1% -10%-1% 13% R Value R15,138 R15,184 R15,006 R15,959 R16,312 % Change-4%0% -1% 6%2% R Value R18,773 | R18,854 R18,317 R19,232 R20,005 % Change-4% 0% -3% 5%4% R Value R10,315 R9,592 R9,310 R10,876 R12,050 % Change -9%-7% -3% 17%11% R Value R2,936R3,260R3,617 R3,338 R3,912 % Change -17%11% 11%-8% 17% R Value R13,251 R12,852 R12,927 R14,214 R15,962 % Change -11%-3%1% 10% 12% R Value R13,949 R13,263 R12,621 R14,149 R15,743 % Change-8% -5%-5% 12% 11% R Value R18,075 R18,444 R18,622 R19,297 R20,224 % Change -6%2% 1% 4%5% R Value R32,024 R31,707 R31,243 R33,446 R35,967 % Change -7% -1% -1%7%8% % Change = Year-on-year real percentage change 1.3 PRODUCTION PROCESS The building industry in South Africa is a fragmented production process where each new project involves the establishment of a new "factory” usually with a new group of participants. The process by which buildings are erected is described as a "building process”, which is clearly a common production conversion process. The process involves inputs, conversion/processing and outputs. Inputs Conversion/ processing Figure 1.1 Conversion process Outputs 1.3.1 Inputs The inputs for the conversion process comprise the normal economic production factors of the industry, these being: Capital: Provided by the employer for the land and buildings, while the professional consultants and contractors require operating capital within their own organisations. Human resources: Human resources are provided by the professional consultants and all the contracting parties. Raw material: The basic raw materials are mainly obtained by the main contractor and subcontractors from manufacturers and dealers. Entrepreneurship: This production factor is present in fragmented form, ranging from the employer to the professional consultants and the main and subcontractors. Entrepreneurship is initiated by the employer when hegives the brief to erect a building. The erection of buildings is a complex process which requires a diversity of inputs, as well as considerable expertise in managing these inputs. 1.3.2 Conversion process The conversion process is manifested in a building process. The selection of the type of process rests with the employer and is discussed later. The various building processes are embodied contractually in a large number of building contracts, of which the ost important are discussed later. 1.3.3 Outputs The output of the conversion process is a completed building that meets the requirements which the employer has set as part of the inputs. 1.4 BUILDING CONTRACTS AND BUILDING PROCESSES 1.4.1 Building contracts A building contract is an agreement in terms of which one party, called the building contractor, agrees to perform building or engineering work for another party, called the employer, at a fixed remuneration or an agreed basis of remuneration. Requirements for a legal contractThe agreement must be entered into in earnest and there should be a valid reason for entering into it. There must be consensus. The agreement must be legal (agreement to commit an offence is illegal). Execution of the agreement must be possible. If the law requires certain formalities, these must be met. Building contracts may be entered into verbally but this is strongly discouraged. The parties must be competent to enter into a contract. The following persons for instance are incompetent: Minors Women married in community of property before 1 November 1984 Insane persons Unrehabilitated insolvent persons Concluding a building contract Contracts are concluded by one person making an offer and the other accepting it. This must be distinguished from an invitation to negotiate where a contract is only concluded once negotiations have been completed. Building contractors are invited by or on behalf of the employer to make an offer based on certain documents. Each contractor's tender is thus an offer and when it is accepted a contract is concluded. An invitation to tender may in certain cases be preceded by an invitation to contractors to submit their names for inclusion in a tender list. This usually occurs when the building is of a complicated nature and/or very large. An invitation to tender can be put to a selected group of contractors or by means of an open invitation in the press. It is usually stated in advertisements that the lowest or any tender (offer) may not necessarily be accepted. Although a written agreement is not always necessary or a legal requirement to conclude a building contract, it is advisable due to the complexity and high cost of a building project. After the quantity Surveyor has checked the priced bills of quantities as well as the contractor's financial status, he makes a recommendation to the architect who in turn makes a recommendation to the employer. If the employer is satisfied the parties enter into a written agreement. The contract documents consist of various sections which may include the following depending on the type of contract: Contract drawings which indicate the work that has to be done Specifications which set out in words the quality of materials and workmanship (usually included in the bills of quantities) Priced bills of quantities Schedule of model preliminaries Agreement and schedule of conditions of building contract The tender form Explanatory letters Tender qualifications 1.4.2 Types of building processes Building processes in South Africa cannot be categorised in any simple way due to the overlap and combination of methods used in practice. The aim is to identify those building processes which can be regarded as representative of the whole. The classification is therefore very general and does not attempt to give a detailed description of all the alternatives. (a) Traditional building process The traditional building process is a typical fragmented serial process in which the employer employs the professional consultants and the main contractor - the main contractor usually after calling for competitive tenders. After the contract has been awarded, the main contractor himself appoints subcontractors and he also appoints nominated and/or selected subcontractors after consultation with the architect. The process as a whole is fragmented and each party to the building process carries out a separate portion of the whole process. The architect acts as the principal agent of the employer and is responsible for the management of the process. Contractual agreements are entered into between the main contractor and the employer and between the main contractor and the subcontractors. The professional consultants are not contracting parties as far as the building work is concerned but they have in fact contracted to provide a professional service to the employer. Typically an architect, a quantity Surveyor, a structural engineer, a mechanical engineer, an electrical engineer, a main contractor, subcontractors and nominated and/or selected subcontractors are involved. In certain cases other consultants are also involved such as acoustic consultants, landscape architects, town and regional planners, security specialists and others. This process culminates in a building contract with (or without) bills of quantities. In the private sector the Principal Building Agreement of the Joint Building Contracts Committee (JBCC) or the so-called "white form” contract document is generally used. Various other standard contract forms are also prescribed by employers in the public and private sector. The traditional building process as it is commonly found in South Africa may be defined as follows: The traditional building process is a serial process by which the employer obtains a stand for development and usually appoints an architect, a quantity surveyor, consulting engineers and various other professionals to prepare documentation for tender purposes and the execution of the building work by the successful main contractor and his subcontractors, with the architect acting as the principal agent of the employer. Figure 1.2 illustrates the flow of the operations vertically and the inputs of the various parties horizontally. Figure 1.3 illustrates the contractual commitments and lines of authority that are established. Design Tender documents Tender Adjudication of fender Building Final account Completed building Financial advisors (Quantity Surveyor) Architect Structural engineer Electrical engineer Mechanical engineer Quantity Surveyor Landscape architect Land surveyor Other Quantity Surveyor Architect Engineers Quantity Surveyor Architect Main contractor Subcontractors Dealers Town and regional planner Municipal zoning regulations and other restrictions on design Subcontractors Dealers Supervision: Architect Engineers Clerk of works Inspectors Figure 1.2 Flow diagram of the traditional building process Contractual commitments Lines of authority Nominated/selected subcontractors Nominated/selected subcontractors Suppliers to nominated/selected subcontractors Suppliers to nominated/selected subcontractors Figure 1.3 Contractual commitments and lines of authority inthe traditional building process in South Africa The following advantages and disadvantages are characteristic of the traditional building process. The comments below refer to contracts with and without bills of quantities: Building contract with bills of quantities This procedure is implemented when there is enough time available to produce comprehensive tender documentation. One of the major aspects of this type of contract is the bill of quantities which can be defined as follows: Bills of quantities are documents in which all the labour and material needed to erect a building is accurately given in prescribed units according (D. to a standard method and the circumstances in which it is to be built is fully described. Working drawings and specifications are usually completed before bills of quantities can be produced and tenders are called for and the building process is thus based on completed documentation. Competitive tenders, based on identical information, especially in respect of quantities and the amount of work that has to be performed, are called for. Theoretically a price differentiation thus indicates the efficiency of the various tenderers. The correctness of the quantities in the bills of quantities is the employer's risk and tenderers need not concern themselves about the quantities. The rates as reflected in the bills of quantities serve as a reliable basis for cost adjustments resulting from variations to the contract. Monthly payments to the contractor are made on the basis of the amount of work completed and the rates in the bills of quantities. Final accounts are relatively easy to settle as rates for variations are already known at tender stage. Costs are lower as the bills of quantities are prepared by the quantity surveyor and not by each tenderer. Members of BIFSA prefer to tender for projects with bills of quantities as this forms a basis for tender adjudication. Projects with bills of quantities attract a large number of competitive tenderers due to the lesser amount of work for the tenderers. Priced bills of quantities provide complete information for financial analysis and control. Disadvantages: It is not absolutely certain what the final building costs will be. Quantities given in the bills of quantities as provisional may differ from the final measurement. Tenders for specialist work to be performed by nominated/selected subcontractors are mostly not called for at tender stage of the main contract and differences between the provisional sum allowed in the bills of quantities and the actual cost may occur which in turn will affect the final cost of the contract. It takes time to prepare bills of quantities and this involves “visible" quantity surveying costs. Building contract with provisional bills of quantities This procedure is usually followed when a project is so urgent that tenders have to be called for before the working drawings, specifications and accurate bills of quantities can be completed. Provisional in stead of accurate quantities are included in the bills of quantities to a more or lesser degree depending on the state of completeness of the working drawings and specifications. All the advantages that apply to accurate bills of quantities also apply in this case. Disadvantages: Tender information is based on incomplete working drawings and specifications and the employer therefore runs the risk that final quantities may differ appreciably from those in the provisional bills of quantities and hence affect the final building cost. Because of the fact that the design of these building projects is not completely thought through they are characterised by numerous variations. The employer, professional consultants and the contractor are subject to time restraints, communication gaps and rapid decisionmaking which is not conducive to saving of costs. The risk factor for all the parties increases. Building contract with a schedule of rates This procedure is followed when a project is so urgent that tenders have to be called for at a stage when there is not enough information available for even producing provisional bills of quantities. A schedule of rates which is basically a bill of quantities without quantities is used as a tender document. Tenders can be called for at a very early stage and basic rates are available to determine the costs while the work is in progress. Variations are also based on predetermined rates. Except for the lack of accurate bills of quantities all other tender documentation may still be of a high standard. Disadvantages: All the disadvantages that apply to provisional bills of quantities contracts also apply here. It is difficult to adjudicate tenders as there are no quantities to determine the relative effect of the different rates. The final building cost is not known at tender stage. Proper financial analysis and cost control are almost impossible due to the lack of completed working drawings, specifications and quantities. The administrative cost increases for all parties concerned. Building contract without bills of quantities (lump sum contract) This type of contract is mainly used on smaller building projects and tenders are based on working drawings and specifications only (no bills of quantities). Working drawings and specifications are completed before tenders are invited and the building process is based on complete documentation (no bills of quantities). The employer is usually certain what the final cost will be before the building operations start. Provisional sums, however, can influence the final cost just as is the case with contracts with bills of quantities. Tenderers prepare their own "builders quantities” which may result in a time saving against the time taken by the quantity Surveyor to prepare accurate bills of quantities and there is no visible expense related to this (see disadvantages hereafter). Provisional sums can be included in the specification. ** Disadvantages: There is no basis for the adjustment of building costs if variations Occur. No simple basis for monthly payments or cost control exists. All tenderers must prepare their own bills of quantities to determine their tender price. This cost is eventually reflected in the tenderer's overhead costs. Members of the Building Industries Federation South Africa (BIFSA) will only tender in competition for a project up to an amount of R500 000 or for dwellings up to 500 square metres (irrespective of price) without bills of quantities. Cost-plus building contracts Cost-plus building contracts are usually entered into if there is no time for any negotiations or tender and are to a great extend based on mutual trust. The “plus” refers to a percentage or an amount that will be added to the actual cost of the project, hence the name “cost-plus”. It is the quickest possible way of getting building work started. Disadvantages: There is little incentive for the contractor to keep the costs as low as possible, especially where the “plus” is coupled to the "cost" as a percentage. Defining and application of the "cost" and "plus" elements create problems. Final building costs are typically higher than that for other contracts. It is difficult to separate the cost involved in correcting mistakes incurred by the contractor from actual costs. Final building costs are not known which inhibits decision-making. Financial analysis and control is almost impossible for any of the parties. Contract documentation is not always comprehensive and complete. Certain of the disadvantages of cost-plus building projects can be eliminated by agreeing on a target or ceiling figure with a sharing of the difference between the target or ceiling figure and the actual final cost between the employer and the contractor. It is, however, still a high risk arrangement for the employer. Even though cost-plus contracts may initially appear attractive these contracts cause so much administrative work and disputes that they are in fact frequently unattractive to contractors. (b) Package, design-and-build and turn-key contracts There are no generally accepted definitions, standard tender conditions and standard building contracts in respect of package contracts and consequently there is a great deal of confusion regarding the terminology used. In general it may be said that the word “package” refers to a large number of building processes that differ in detail from each other but have the common purpose of providing an employer with a complete or one-stop service. This service is mainly provided by main contractors, but also by people who are not contractors but who wish to co-ordinate packages and sell them at a profit, or obtain a project management contract for the co-ordinator or possibly obtain an appointment as one of the members of the professional team. Generally the term “package" seems to refer to commercial and larger housing projects, while "design-and-build” refers to individual houses and "turn-key" generally to industrial projects. On the basis of this distinction, “package" contracts as a generic type and "turn-key" as a specific application are defined below and the advantages and disadvantages of each are identified. Package and design-and-build contracts Package contracts are offered by the co-ordinator (usually a main contractor) to a potential employer at a specific price that includes all professional services and a building contract and sometimes also the site, equipment and commissioning. Figure 1.4 illustrates the flow of operations vertically and the inputs by the various parties horizontally. Figure 1.5 illustrates the contractual commitments and lines of authority that are established. NB Main contractor Compiler of package Design Building Completed building Professional services without executive powers Financing Main contractor Subcontractors Dealers Figure 1.4 Flow diagram of a package building contract Contractual commitments Lines of authority Private consultants or consultants employed by the main contractor Private consultants or consultants employed by the main contractor Figure 1.5 Contractual commitments and lines of authorityin the package building contract in South Africa It is a simple solution for the employer's requirements, especially if the employer is not involved in building operations on a regular basis. The employer is freed from the responsibility of appointing various professional consultants and entering into numerous contracts with a wide range of implications. The process is very rapid. Communication channels are short and concentrates on management activities and buildings are usually ready earlier than in serial building projects where various parties are involved. ܀ Even though the value of packages are difficult to measure, there are nevertheless some – especially those producing housing and industrial buildings – that may be to the financial advantage of employers (those with guaranteed returns and/or collateral assistance) In cases such as individual housing, packages that offer a total service (even finance) are sometimes the only possible solution for the employer's problems which he often cannot deal with on a fragmented basis. In those cases where financing forms part of the package it is frequently the only and most effective way by which the employer can obtain financing. Contractors provide various types of guarantees to financial institutions which undertake to provide financing for their clients. Disadvantages: The disadvantages of building contracts without bills of quantities also apply here. The employer does not have an independent team of professional consultants and stands contractually on his own. He may find himself in an unenviable position if problems arise. Legal costs and expert advice in such cases are expensive. It is difficult to determine whether the employer is getting the best value for his money as there are no comparative prices. Detailed specifications and drawings are usually not available, which further complicates the issue of value. The contractual relationship between the employer and the contractor depends on good faith to a greater extent than in the traditional building process. Turn-key contracts Turn-key contracts are offered by a co-ordinator (usually a main contractor) to a potential client at a predetermined price that includes the site, professional services, a building contract, financing, equipment and commissioning. The advantages of package contracts also apply to turn-key projects. The employer's responsibilities are determined by a single contract. Disadvantages: The disadvantages of package contracts, relative to the total service offered, are also relevant here. (c) Project and construction management The concepts “project management" and “construction management are frequently used confusingly in South Africa, mainly because these building processes, particularly construction management, are not as commonly used as for example in the United States of America (USA). The confusion is aggravated by the lack of standardised definitions and distinctions between the two concepts. The terms are sometimes used loosely with reference to the process which strictly speaking, in South Africa, mainly applies to project management. The confusion arises from the fact that construction management is still virtually unknown in South Africa whereas project management, on the other hand, has been used in the manufacturing industry for a considerable time and has over the last decade become more prevalent in the building and civil engineering construction industry. Project management is however in the process of building up a sound reputation in the building and civil engineering construction industry. Construction management normally only finds application when large and/or very complex projects are involved. The rational being that the risk of the client is reduced if he contracts directly with numerous specialised contractors and replaces the main contractor with a construction manager. The empowerment of emerging contractors through the division of projects into many small contracts, which is presently taking place in South Africa, will in all probability stimulate the development of a local construction management process which might grow rapidly, supported by “mini-bills of quantities” for each trade, and even the breaking-up of trades. Project management, which basically involves the formalisation and management of the employer's requirements, can either be undertaken internally by the employer or by private independent consultants. Project managers are found in the service of employers, especially institutional investors and corporate property developers, while there are a few private project managers in the market who offer their services as an extension of the private sector employer's services. To some degree, the task of the project manager is to offer a management service that involves both the normal duties of an employer and some of the duties of the architect or others as principal agent of the employer. Project and construction managers are paid on a commission basis for their services and in practice, their liability does not seem to differ appreciably from that of other building professionals. Project management and construction management in the South African context are defined below to clarify their meaning. Project management is a building process for which the employer appoints an agent or employee at a professional fee or a salary to manage the whole process for the erection of a building in such a way that the employer's requirements in terms of aesthetics, quality, cost and time are met. Construction management is a building process for which the employer appoints a manager at a professional fee or a salary to manage the entire production process on site from beginning to end by using specialist contractors. Figures 1.6 and 1.7 show the contractual commitments and lines of authority that are established in project management and construction management respectively. Project manager Contractual commitments Project manager Lines of authority Nominated/selected subcontractors Nominated/selected subcontractors Suppliers to nominated/selected subcontractors Suppliers to nominated/selected subcontractors Figure 1.6 Contractual commitments and lines of authority in theproject management building process in South Africa Project manager Construction manager Specialist contractors Contractual commitments Project Manager Construction manager Specialist contractors Lines of authority Suppliers to specialist contractors Suppliers to specialist contractors Figure 1.7 Contractual commitments and lines of authority inthe construction management building process *** Advantages of project managementThe total development cost may be lower because certain traditional professional services and sometimes a main contractor are not required. Central management with unity of authority increases efficiency and effectiveness. Technical, financial and programming skills are utilised fully from the conceptual stage. The employer's direct involvement is reduced to a minimum, which saves his time. Controlled "fast track” construction where design, documentation and building work take place concurrently is possible. The professionals used have no split responsibility. The architect both as principal agent and designer in other types of contracts is an example hereof. There is greater specialisation with less fragmentation for the professions individually and the project as a whole. Efficient time and cost control can be applied on a formal basis. The advantages of good management are to the benefit of all parties, but especially to the employer. Disadvantages of project managementThe employer has an additional commitment with respect to professional fees, which is not necessarily compensated for by visible or proven savings. The employer enters into a greater number of contractual commitments with potentially more problems. The professions have less direct contact with the employer. Construction management can be applied on any project where the nature of project dictates that a construction manager should be used. The advantages and disadvantages listed below, therefore specifically reflects application in South Africa. Advantages of construction management When a project is so large and/or complicated that there is a real risk involved to place the entire contract in the hands of one main contractor, then the employer can spread the risk by contracting directly with a specialist, replacing the main contractor with a construction manager who takes a professional responsibility and not a normal contractual risk. An employer obtains a flexible process whereby social-economic issues can be addressed, for instance by breaking up a larger project into numerous small contracts whereby more small (emerging) contractors are afforded the opportunity to partake in such a project, contracting directly with the employer and thus not as subcontractors to a main contractor. Disadvantages of construction managementThe employer enters into a very broad spectrum and large number of smaller contracts. The advantage of one main contractor taking full responsibility is lost. Managing numerous small direct contractors and blending them into the project as a whole is extremely difficult without a main contractor taking full responsibility Gaps are inevitably found between a large number of small contracts, which would normally be filled by a main contractor, and which now becomes the risk of the employer. 1.5 THE EMPLOYER, BUILDING CONTRACTOR ANDSUBCONTRACTORS 1.5.1 The employer Employers (investors) are generally either private sector employers or public sector employers. The operation of each group is typical and is determined by the source of finance for the particular building. The private sector employs risk capital, consisting of its own capital and loan capital, whilst the public sector employs funds obtained from taxation. The various types of employers may be classified as follows: Private sector Private persons Close corporations Companies Churches Insurance companies Pension funds Banks and other financial institutionsTrusts, etc. The investment of the private sector in property is mainly aimed at profit making through returns on rent, capital growth and at providing a hedge against inflation. Other reasons for the investment in property may not involve the profit motive or may be to make a very small profit to satisfy a particular need that cannot necessarily be quantified, for example the erection of churches, recreation centres, sporting facilities, private dwellings and private schools. Employers, building owners and other role-players in the private sector established an association called the South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA). ܀ Public sector (a) Central government Housing Office buildings Industrial buildings (printing works, etc.) Infrastructure (police stations, defence, etc.) Engineering works (roads, dams, bridges, etc.) (b) Provincial governmentsOffice buildings Schools Hospitals Workshops Recreation faci nd resorts Engineering works (roads, dams, bridges, etc.) (c) Local authorities Housing Office buildings Workshops Libraries Clinics Basic servicesEngineering works (roads, dams, bridges, etc.) (d) Regional services councils Housing Workshops Basic services Infrastructure (e) Universities and technikons Educational facilities Research complexes Sport facilities Housing (f) Public corporations, public companies belonging to the state or understate control and semigovernment institutions Office buildings Research complexes Industrial buildings HousingSport facilities The public sector normally does not invest with a profit motif but rather to provide "service” buildings, infrastructure and essential community facilities. Even though the government does not generally compete with the private sector on a profit basis, there is frequent criticism from the private sector that the state enters the property market (as well as the commercial and manufacturing industry) in a way that constitutes competition with the private sector. This especially applies to the building of houses, industrial complexes, infrastructure and office accommodation. Amongst other reasons, this is also one which contributes to the pressure on government to privatise state assets and businesses in general. The public sector does not have a central organised body or mouthpiece on property matters. Management of property takes place in a decentralised manner at the various levels of government and other public authorities. There is, however, a statutory Construction Industry Development Board in the making, which could address this problem in future. In matters concerning the interests of the private sector, however, a great deal of liaison does take place between the government (not in its capacity as property owner) and the South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA). Financing institutions Except where the employer is the government or a financial institution, he usually has to obtain some sort of bond financing to get his project off the ground. In the case of residential dwellings and flats the financing is usually provided by banks, which have the specialised knowledge that is essential for obtaining and employing the funds, supported by administrative systems, valuers, inspectors and agencies. Non-residential housing is financed by banks or by way of participation bonds that are obtained from finance houses and trust companies. In all cases where financing is provided for buildings it is in the form of "mortgage financing" which indicates that a first bond has been registered in favour of the financier as “mortgagee" by the employer/owner, who is then the "mortgagor”. If the mortgagor does not meet his payment obligations towards the mortgagee, the latter can repossess the property and sell it in execution to recover his loan capital, interest and costs. The quality of the building is of considerable importance to the mortgagee as his investment will be better protected by a development of a high standard. For this reason, mortgagees frequently establish an inspectorate, in the form of inspectors or clerks of works to ensure that the building work is of a high quality As a general guideline one can accept that banks will not provide a loan for more than 80% on dwelling units, whilst participation bonds and other loans on non-residential buildings usually do not exceed 66%. These percentages apply to the value of the building as well as the land and may in exceptional cases cover professional fees and interim interest. 1.5.2 The building contractor The contractor can only survive as long as his business is profitable. For this reason he, and indeed all enterprises in a capitalist economy, attempts to make a profit. Unlike the contractor, whose activities are determined by the profit motive, the professional consultants are remunerated by means of professional fees. This difference results in different working methods and opinions that can sometimes lead to conflict. Colloquially, we often talk of "building firms”, “builders”, "building contractors”, "contractors”, etc. All these names usually refer to the same commercial economic entity that should more correctly be called a "building enterprise". Main contractors and subcontractors in the building industry are normally organised as line and staff organisational systems as shown in figure 1.8. The workforce in the building industry (main and subcontractors) usually consists of the following (appointed by those given in brackets): (a) Top managementDirectors (by shareholders) Managing director (by board of directors) General managers (by board of directors) Area managers (by board of directors and/or general managers) Divisional managers (by board of directors and/or general managers) (b) Middle management (by board of directors and/or general managers)Functional heads of sections Contract managers Project managers/site agents Cost estimators BUILDING PRACTICE – VOLUME 1 (C) Lower-level management (by board of directors and/or middlemanagement) General foremen Foremen Chargehands (d) Workforce (by middle and/or lower-level management) Tradesmen Apprentices Operators Labourers Manager: Administration Manager: Finance Manager: Marketing Project manager Foreman Chargehand Artisans/ labourers Board of directors Managing director Manager: Construction (production) Contract manager Project manager Foreman Chargehand Artisans/ labourers Manager: Buying Contract manager Project manager Foreman Chargehand Artisans/ labourers Legal advisor Manager: External relations Figure 1.8 Line and staff organisation diagram Manager: Human resources Even though it is difficult to single out members of a team on the basis of importance, it is necessary to point out that the role of the foreman is decisive. In the hierarchy he is the link between the workforce and the management of the enterprise, a position that is susceptible to quite a large amount of conflict. His task is further complicated in that he is generally the person (in the building contractor's organisation) who has the most frequent contact with the professional team. He thus stands at the crossroad of channels of information, instructions, complaints and labour problems. It is also common knowledge that the best results in terms of production costs and quality can be obtained at the point of action, that is on the building site. The critical role of the foreman is thus clearly a determining factor for the success of a project. Certain attributes which a foreman should possess are the following: Managerial skills (planning, organising, co-ordination and control) Leadership Knowledge of human nature, tactfulness Must be able to accept responsibility Must be able to command and also show respect Integrity PromptnessObjectivity The foreman also has to work in a supervisory capacity in respect of colleagues, from whose ranks he was appointed as direct supervisor. The responsibility of management to appoint a suitable foreman is thus very important. In fact, a good appointment will ultimately relieve top management of part of their work and responsibility. Characteristics of the building industry The environment in which the contractor operates and the nature of the building industry have certain characteristics which complicates his task. Some of these characteristics are: Fragmentation of the industry Cyclical nature of work Labour supply and training level Materials supply (price increases beyond the control of the contractor) Productivity problems Cost of capital equipment Lack of operating capital, retention, guarantees, underpayment Consumer resistance to technological development Status and image of the building industry Sources of work A contractor can obtain building contracts in one of the following ways: By tendering on invitation or in the open market By launching a project himself using his own capital By initiating or participating in the establishment of a syndicate for the development of a property By negotiating with a prospective employer for a contract 1.5.3 Subcontractors By subcontracting the specialist subcontractor enters into a contractual agreement with the main contractor to do certain work which forms part of the project. Over the last three decades a strong movement in this direction has taken place and more and more parts of the project are done by subcontractors, while the contractor's skilfulness in managing the whole process also increases. In housing approximately 95% of the work on a house is done by subcontractors whereas in non-residential building the percentage varies between 40% and 90%. Specialisation develops out of the known advantages of mass production as well as from the shortage of "general” trained artisans, leading to the use of subcontractors. The following types of subcontractors are operating: (a) Subcontractors (domestic/ordinary subcontractors) These are subcontractors who submit tenders to the main contractor and are appointed by him at his own discretion. Contractually the employer/professional consultants regard these subcontractors as employees of the main contractor and they have no direct relationship with the employer. Names of subcontractors are submitted to the architect for his information and possible objection. The manner in which subcontractors tender is decided upon by the main contractor and is usually by means of bills of quantities and/or working drawings. (6) Nominated subcontractors These are subcontractors that have to be appointed by the main contractor after the architect and/or other consultants have nominated such a subcontractor. The main contractor may lodge a bona fide objection to such a nomination. Nominated subcontractors do not submit tenders to the main contractor, but like the main contractor directly to the architect/consultant. As is the case with the main contractor a number of pre-selected subcontractors may be invited to tender or tenders may be invited by an open invitation in the press. Provisional amounts for such specialist work are included in the bills of quantities and the nominated subcontractors are appointed against these amounts. These amounts are later adjusted to the final value of the subcontract. After the main contractor has accepted a nominated subcontractor for a particular piece of work he is contractually responsible for the subcontractor's work, as in the case with other subcontractors. In some agreements there is, however, provision for the main contractor to claim against non-performance of the nominated subcontractor. (c) Selected subcontractors As a result of claims from main contractors if a nominated subcontractor is late in completing his section of the work a new category namely selected subcontractors has been introduced. The basic difference being that a selected subcontractor is not "forced upon the main contractor. Between the architect/consultant and the main contractor agreement is reached which subcontractors will be invited to tender. After acceptance of the tender the selected subcontractor can almost be regarded as an ordinary subcontractor. (d) Direct specialist contractors In exceptional cases the architect or the employer appoints "direct" specialist contractors who are frequently referred to as "direct subcontractors”. These appointments are made for highly specialised installations, artwork, etc. where the main contractor is usually not able to exercise normal supervision and control. Contractually the main contractor should be informed during the tender stage if such appointments are envisaged and to what extent he has to provide attendance. He is also given the opportunity to price for remuneration for such attendance at the tender stage. No contractual agreement comes into effect between the direct specialist subcontractors and the main contractor and the employer pays these subcontractors directly. (e) General The main contractor must always ensure that the subcontractors have the following before he appoints them: Financial stability Physical facilities for performing the work Quality of workmanship Production capacity Integrity Typical problems that are encountered between main contractors and subcontractors are the following: Main contractors do not pay promptly Main contractors do not co-ordinate the work properly Assistance from the main contractor is insufficient Subcontractors delay production (working on several sites for various main contractors where the programmes are continually changing)Untidy workmanship by subcontractors Finally, it should be mentioned that even though subcontractors usually supply labour and material they can also (especially in the case of housing) be appointed for "labour only". In the latter case there are often problems with material wastage and quality of work. QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EVALUATION 1. Discuss which aspects you will advise a prospective employer(client) to consider before choosing a building process for a new building project. 2. 3. 4. Why is it important to distinguish between the public and private sector as employers (clients) in the building industry? Elaborate on their respective approaches. What is the role of financial institutions in property development and which guidelines do they follow when considering financing different types of new buildings? (25) (25) (25) Describe the various types of subcontractors which are involved with building projects and describe in each instance why the various subcontractors are being made use of by main contractors. (25) 100 REFERENCES Hauptfleisch, A. C. & Siglé, H. M. 1998. The structure of the building and propertyindustry in South Africa. Unpublished handbook. Pretoria. (Chapter 1 of this book has been reprinted here and is hereby acknowledged.) SOIL MECHANICS AND BUILDING FOUNDATIONS CONTENTS LEARNING OBJECTIVES 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 2.3.7 2.3.8 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.6 INTRODUCTION Character of soil Scope and purpose TYPES OF SOIL AND ROCK Types of soil Rock Resistance of soil BEARING CAPACITY AND SETTLEMENT Settlement Repairs Recommendations for compact filling under floors and foundations Selection of filling Collapse Sinkholes and subsidence Swelling clay Slopes and retaining walls UNDERGROUND WATER Groundwater and seepage Shallow groundwater-tables and swamps Obstructed drainage on a slope Artesian fountains and aquifers Aggressive water EXCAVATING Levels Character of soil FOUNDATIONS AND FOUNDATION WALLS QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EVALUATION 2 PAGE 36 36 36 37 37 38 40 41 45 46 47 47 47 48 50 51 53 55 55 55 55 56 57 57 57 58 58 74 35 hain CHAPTER 2 LEARNING OBJECTIVES The objectives are to introduce the student to the basic principles regarding soil mechanics and to present various types of foundations which can be used in the erection of buildings. After completion of this module the student should be able to distinguish between different soil conditions and be able to consider alternative foundation types. 2.1 INTRODUCTION 2.1.1 Character of soil Before plans are drawn for a structure, the nature of the soil that is to support it should be determined. If this cannot be ascertained only from existing structures and test holes, borings should be made. These are often holes from 2 to 3,5 metres apart, over the entire area, made with an auger about 50 mm in diameter and of suitable length. As the auger brings up samples of the soil, the character of the substrata is determined. When the importance of the proposed structure justifies it, trial pits are dug from 3 to 7 metres apart. It is not safe to rely on the character of the soil in close proximity to the proposed building site. The actual site has to be tested. The soils usually encountered in building operations may be classed under three divisions: rock, natural ground and filling. Rock, in its original geological formation is spoken of as bed rock. It forms one of the finest foundations for heavy structures, provided that it is of sufficient area for the entire building to rest on. It is undesirable to have a portion of the foundation rest on rock while another portion rests on softer material, since the building will not settle uniformly and the walls will often crack at the junction of the rock and softer material. It sometimes happens that the surface of the rock is uneven and requires blasting and concrete work to secure a good foundation, which adds considerably to the cost. Sandstones and limestones are often found in strata (beds or layers) one on top of another. If these layers are not separated by clay, and the beds are even, they make a good foundation. It has been said that "a wise man builds his house on a rock”, which implies that a foundation should be immovable. Most buildings are however built on a thick layer of soil with inherent properties that cause problems. Certain problems are identified before or during construction but others are dormant and may confront the unsuspecting owner with a catastrophe years later. If a property practitioner wishes to offer a reliable service, he should be aware of these problems. 2.1.2 Scope and purpose These lectures present an overview of the specialised knowledge of the geotechnical civil engineer and the engineering geologist. The purpose is to make the property practitioner aware of the problems and task of the geotechnical specialist, who normally has to offer foundation solutions. Foundations may give way because the strength (resistance) of the soil has been exceeded, or they may collapse, from millimetres under a portion of the building to a situation where a whole building disappears down a hole. Clay may expand or contract, making a building unsafe. Water in the ground may cause problems and bad stormwater drainage may convert a downpour of rain into a tragedy in areas where dolomite is found. Water may contain chemical substances which corrode building materials, and slopes may be unstable or may move. 2.2 TYPES OF SOIL AND ROCK When rock weathers, soil is formed. The type of soil is determined by many factors, of which the most important are the parent rock, the climate and the slope. Geotechnical maps of the whole Republic and neighbouring territories are available from the Government Printer. Soil maps for agricultural purposes are published by the Department of Agriculture and there are engineering soil maps for most of the larger centres. A proper soil examination must be carried out for each new development. The different types of soil that occur are a function of the geology, topography and climate. In any specific climate condition, soil problems can be predicted from the geology The climatic factors to be considered regarding soil types are rainfall, evaporation and temperature. In South Africa the effect of rainfall is the most important, and the relevant rainfall figures can be divided into high, medium and low rainfall. According to Dr HH Weinhart, our climate can be expressed in a single figure (his N value). Where there is high rainfall, N is less than 2, where there is medium rainfall, N is between 2 and 5 and where the rainfall is low, N is greater than 5. As rainfall increases (i. e. there is a decreasing N value), weathering is of such a nature that more clay is formed, while in a dry climate little clay is formed and the weathering process is mainly the mechanical breakdown of the rock by changes in temperature. The final product is then sand and gravel. From a knowledge of the parent rock and the climate, one can predict which type of soil problem could be expected. Table 2.1 gives this information. Deep soft organic layers of clay form in marshes which swell and shrink. Flooding is an additional problem here. Table 2.1 Type of problem Climate Dry N greater than 5 Medium N between 5 and 2 High rainfall N less than 2 Parent rock Expected soil type * All types of rock Silt, sand, gravel * Lightly colouredSand and clayey igneous rock and sand sandstone * Dark igneousrock and shale * Lightly colouredigneous rock and sandstone • Dark igneousrock and shale Clay and silt Sand and clay Clay and silt Expected problems Settlement on loose wind-blown sand, dune formation, wall cancer in marshes, erosion, poor garden soils on slopes Collapsing sand Swelling and shrinking, poor garden soil Collapsing sand, unstable slopes, high water-tables (poor drainage) Deep, soft clay types, unstable slopes, low bearing capacity and high water-tables 2.2.1 Types of soil Soil may be defined as the unconsolidated top layer of the earth. There are Dbasically four types of soil with individual characteristics: clay, silt, sand and gravel. Clay Clay is soil consisting of particles smaller that 0,002 mm. There are many different types of clay, but they are all plate-like crystals of aluminium and silica compounds where the length and width of the plate are 10 to 100 times the thickness of the plate. This characteristic determines the properties of clay. The flat fine plates are like small pieces of paper. They are extremely sensitive to electrochemical forces and water. Dry clay is as hard as a brick, but when it is wet it can "flow"-like water. Water penetrates the adjacent plates and sometimes even the crystals of the plate itself. The clay then expands when it is wet and contracts when it dries. Clay can be recognised by the following characteristics: it is soapy to the touch when it is wet, it is not shiny and no movement of moisture is visible when it is rubbed between the fingers. Silt The particle size is 0,002 mm to 0,06 mm and it consists mainly of needlelike or sub-rounded crystals, mainly of silica. The surface effect is less significant as in the case of clay but silt is still so fine that no individual particles are visible with the naked eye. Silt can be easily compacted and structures often settle downwards on it. It is so impermeable that it cannot be dewatered and it can easily flow away. It feels like clay, but it does not stick to the hands and can be wiped off. If it is rubbed in a moist condition, it presents a shiny polished surface and if it is kneaded in a saturated condition, it becomes alternately dull and shiny as the surface moisture moves. Sand Sand consists of cubic or sub-angular to round crystals of silica from 0,06 to 2 mm in size. In pure form they look like glass but they may be discoloured by oxides or other salts. Due to the size and shape of sand, its properties are not greatly affected by water. The only effect is the fact that moist sand forms vertical walls in a trench but collapses when it becomes dry or saturated. The permeability of sand is high. Sand is easily recognised. It can further be subdivided into fine, medium and coarse sand, as indicated in table 2.2. Gravel Gravel consists of sub-angular to round particles of between 2 mm and 60 mm. It usually contains quartz, but can contain other minerals in dry climatic conditions and could even contain gypsum. Gravel is very permeable, strong and very easy to compact. It can also be divided into fine, medium and coarse gravel, as indicated in table 2.2. Table 2.2 Grain size classification Rock 60 Coarse 2.2.2 Rock 20 Gravel Medium 6 2 SIZE (mm) 0,6 Sand Fine Coarse Medium 0,2 Fine 0,06 Silt 0,002 Clay All particles larger than 60 mm up to the solid crust of the earth are described as rock. However, rock may be weathered to such and extent that it may be very similar to soil, or it may be cracked to such an extent that it crumbles to gravel on exposure. Rock may be igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic rock. As the name indicates, igneous rock originated in a fluid form in the deeper layers of the earth and solidified at or near the surface of the earth. Sedimentary rock is sand and clay that was transported by water or wind, deposited and changed to rock by cementation, heat and pressure. Metamorphic rock was also formed in one of the above ways and then changed by high pressure and heat. ܀ Igneous rock Igneous rock originated from lava flow. It is usually finely grained because it contained air bubbles that were subsequently filled. Sometimes it is intrusive in the form of plates or passages (as a wall) in the upper older rock and it then has a coarser crystal structure. Depending on the percentage of silica and felspar in the rock, it may be light in colour (felsitic) or dark (mafic). The following is a typical list of rocks that are light in colour: granite, syenite, felsite and granodiorite. Examples of dark rocks are: pyroxenite, gabbro, morite, andesite, dolerite and diabase. Sedimentary rock When rock weathers, it produces sand and/or clay, which is transported by water or wind and then deposited. Rapidly moving currents of wind or water deposit sand while slow-moving currents water deposit clay and silt. Successive layers of deposited material are compacted and with further cementation, sandstone is formed from sand, or shale is formed from clay. Metamorphic rock The properties of rocks subjected to high pressures, high temperatures and water, or water rich in chemicals, change to form a new type of rock. In this way quartzite is formed from sandstone and shale. When rocks under high pressure and temperature are subjected to large-scale movements (earthquakes), schists develop. These schists are layered, for example mica, with a rippled shiny texture. 2.2.3 Resistance of soil Introduction Dry sand can run through the fingers like water, but when it is moist, the same sand will remain firm in a child's sand castle. Buildings can be built from dried unburned clay bricks, but when the same clay is mixed with sufficient water it can be pumped. Strength of soil The strength of soil is the combination of internal friction and cohesion. These two concepts can be explained with the help of the braking force of a tyre on the road as shown in figure 2.1. Weight Figure 2.1 Internal friction and cohesion Tyre Braking force Road The braking force on the wheel will increase if: (i) The weight of the wheel increases (ii) The roughness of the road increases The braking force will decrease significantly if the road is wet. All these factors contribute to the friction. If the tyre is attached to the road by an adhesive, there will be a braking force, irrespective of the weight on the wheel. This is the cohesion part of strength. Soil Figure 2.2 The strength of soil S Lid Split box Table To determine the actual strength of soil, it is placed in a split box, of which the lower part is fixed to a table (see figure 2.2). A lid that is just smaller than the box is placed on it and a mass is placed on the lid, causing force p. To move the two halves of the box, a force s is required. The results for pure sand and clay are discussed below. Pure sand If there is no force p on the lid, the box will be moved with little effort (force s), but by increasing p, force s will also have to increase to move the box. Figure 2.3(a) shows the graph of force versus pressure where the angle ø is the internal friction angle of the sand. This angle relates to the angle which the sand forms, as indicated in figure 2.3(b), also known as the angle of repose. S Figure 2.3(a) Strength versus pressure Figure 2.3(b) Friction angle Beaker Sand Clay If pure clay is placed in the box in figure 2.2, there will be a resistance s against movement, even if there is no force on the lid. This is the cohesion of the clay, and it is independent of p, i. e. with increasing force on the lid, the resistance s does not increase. The strength graph is shown in figure 2.4. Cohesion Figure 2.4 Strength graph for clay Mixtures of clay and sand The various soil types usually consist of mixtures of clay and sand and show the properties of mixtures. The strength graph of such a material is shown in figure 2.5. S Cohesion Figure 2.5 Strength graph of a sand and clay mixture Water pressure As in the case of the car tyre, the effect of water on the strength of soil is of great importance. In the first place the cohesion is reduced with increasing moisture, and the effect of force p is also reduced when the water pressure in the soil increases due to an increase in moisture. Implications of the above The strength of sand increases with increasing depth and density. The strength of clay increases with decreasing moisture content and increasing density. Increased water pressure reduces the strength of sandy materials in particular. Compressibility of soil Compressibility of soil is the resistance of soil to deformation. Soil Figure 2.6 Consolidation test Steel cover plate TW Steel ring To illustrate this, an experiment such as the one shown in figure 2.6 is conducted. Soil is placed in a steel ring to keep it from spreading laterally, but it can be compressed vertically. The experiment is called the consolidation test and the process is called the consolidation process. The pressure on the cover plate is increased systematically while the downward movement of the cover plate is measured very accurately. With increasing pressure, the cover plate moves down, the soil becomes more compressed, becomes stronger and offers more resistance to compression. The graph of pressure versus deflection is shown in figure 2.7. Downward movement Figure 2.7 Pressure versus deflection 2.3 BEARING CAPACITY AND SETTLEMENT The purpose of a foundation is to transfer the load of the structure to the soil in such a way that the soil is not exposed to excessive pressure or the structure to excessive movement that may occur in the soil. The foundation and soil should not be regarded as separate items but rather as one item in the complex pattern of interaction between soil and structure. The structure is equally strongly influenced by the foundation as the condition of the soil. A flexible structure which is able to withstand some differential movement will require a lighter foundation than an inflexible, rigid structure that cannot withstand differential movement. When the foundation under a building is subjected to pressure, it can stretch or break. When the load of the foundation exceeds the strength of the subsoil, the soil fails; this failure is the bearing capacity failure. A safe bearing capacity must be used; this is usually 1/3 of the failure value. Even with a safe load the stress on or consolidation of the soil could be so great that the foundation moves downwards to such an extent that the walls may develop unsightly cracks, even though the structure is still safe. This process is called settlement. Ridge develops 771) = WIS Foundation S Figure 2.8 Bearing capacity failure Wall TRI Ridge develops पाया The result of bearing capacity failure of a foundation is shown in figure 2.8. With increasing pressure p on the foundation, the soil mass tends to move along the circle. The foundation moves down while the soil next to the base moves up. Along the circle the shear strength of the soil opposes the movement. The failure occurs relatively quickly and causes a ridge to develop next to the foundation (on one or both sides). It follows that the bearing capacity of a foundation will increase with increasing depth (under natural ground level) and increasing strength. This type of failure seldom occurs in practice as the size of the foundations is prescribed by building regulations. The prescribed sizes are more than adequate and problems occur only in exceptional cases. In the case of large structures a structural engineer will be consulted and there should not be any problems. This type of failure has however occurred on the fine, pure sands of the Cape Flats where the water table rises to the surface during the rainy season which reduces the bearing capacity. To prevent this the foundations should be made wider and/or placed deeper. Actual bearing capacity failure, usually caused by large-scale movements, destroys the structure and makes repair impractical. 2.3.1 Settlement popor Figure 2.9 Settlement joppan Original ground level Ts Settlement When the soil under a foundation is compacted or consolidated due to pressure, the foundation moves down or settles without failure taking place (figure 2.9). All foundations settle, except those built on solid rock. The settlement should be kept within acceptable limits by adhering to the building regulations or by obtaining a proper design from a structural engineer. Unacceptable settlement sometimes occurs on pure, loose sand, but in this case the settlement occurs while the building operations are in progress. At this stage the building material is still "soft" and the building is only finished off later, therefore this settlement is seldom of any importance. On soft, saturated clay the settlement is very slow and cracks may appear over a periodtime. 2.3.2 Repairs If damage is caused by settlement, the cracks that have developed will stabilise if there is not a fundamental problem. At this stage repairs can be done by fixing and redecoration. Where movement has affected large structures, they can be structurally reinforced or additionally founded, but this is very expensive. 2.3.3 Recommendations for compact filling under floors andfoundations Filling is used in most building operations and range from deep terraces, to obtain a level building site, to shallow fill to provide a level base for a groundfloor surface bed. In all cases the filling material must be carefully selected and compacted. The main purpose is to ensure a level surface to place the building on. Occasionally a fairly deep layer of compacted filling is required to provide a strong base by which the structural pressure can be distributed to a weak stratum below. This application must be designed carefully and applied under professional supervision. The main requirement of filling is that it must be strong enough to carry the applied pressure without failing and without causing undue movement of the structure. It must also be stable, i. e. it must not contain expanding substances and there must be no deterioration with time due to the penetration of water or the presence of organic material. These objectives will firstly be satisfied by using selected material and secondly by ensuring adequate compaction when it is placed. 2.3.4 Selection of filling The ideal is a clean granular soil such as crushed rock, gravel or sand, or a mixture thereof. Quality material is however not always available at a reasonable cost. The correct filling should be specified and compliance enforced by means of inspection and testing in laboratories and on site. However, the lack of the necessary testing facilities on the average building site make enforcement difficult. The following practical guidelines can be given for filling material: (a) It must be granular. (b) It must not contain any organic substances such as wood, plants or plastics, as these could possibly rot and cause cavities or weak areas in the filling. (c) It must not contain material such as lumps, soft shale or unburned bricksthat may soften when wet. (d) It should not contain clay since it must be non-plastic for compaction purposes, and clay will shrink and expand in future with changes in moisture content. The tendency of clay soil to form lumps is useful in measuring the clay content. If a handful of moist soil is rolled into a ball and forms a hard lump when it is dry, the soil is too clayey. If the ball is easily broken by pressing it, the material is acceptable. 2.3.5 Collapse Introduction In this section problems which are not apparent initially, but which can result in a rapid and dramatic collapse will be discussed. Collapsible soil and dolomitic areas will be examined. Collapsible soil Mechanism Collapsible soil is loose soil that is held together by a temporary binder, such as iron oxide or clay. These soils nearly always have a reddish colour. The grains are packed in a loose structure, as shown in figure 2.10. Dry Binder Wet Figure 2.10 Structure of collapsible soil In a dry condition this soil is strong and can even support multi-storey buildings. The entire grain structure is supported by the temporary binder. As soon as the soil becomes wet, the binder softens and the grain structure collapses under pressure, with an associated sudden collapse of the soil (it is compacted). Material is not displaced laterally or upward and no ridge is formed. Formation When granite weathers in high rainfall, the result is a mixture of clay and sand. The clay is leached by the water and a coarse sand with a very low density and very fine clay as a binder is formed. The clay is concentrated in the lower layers which are densely compacted. In a dry climate wind causes sand within dunes to remain in a very loose condition. Rain, drying out and capillary action bind the sand grains with iron oxide, which forms a layer of collapsible soil. All reddish sands that are relatively loose should therefore be regarded with suspicion. Construction methods (a) The foundations can be placed deeper than the collapsible soil. Sometimes the collapsible layers are several metres thick, in whichcase this solution is not economical. (b) Piles can be driven through the collapsible soil to displace thepressure to deeper levels. (c) In the case of single storey buildings the foundation trench can bedug deeper, to a depth twice the width of the foundation, the excavated material can then be moistened, replaced in thin layers in the foundation trenches and compacted with a mechanical compactor. Repair (a) In extreme cases of collapsible soil the structure is usually damagedto such an extent that it has to be rebuilt. If the damage is not too severe, the foundation can be supported by small pile foundations and moved by jacks to the desired level. This work must beperformed under the supervision of a structural engineer. (b) The problem can be contained by diverting all rainwater into concretechannels and ensuring that no leaking water or sewerage pipes exist. 2.3.6 Sinkholes and subsidence Origin Dolomite is limy rock that originated from chemical deposits in shallow seas. It occurs in extensive areas of South Africa and in certain centres it is not always possible to avoid these areas. When carbon dioxide dissolves in water it forms a weak acid that in turn dissolves the calcium in the dolomite and carries it away, leaving only a chert portion. Very large cavities are formed; the Cango caves are an example of this. If there is a soil layer above the dolomite, a real trap is formed - as shown in figure 2.11. If water regularly flows downward, the soil bridge is eroded from underneath until it collapses and a sinkhole is formed. Sometimes the underground cavities are filled with chert gravel and the topsoil may flow into this. In such a case only a subsidence is formed at the surface. Sometimes the cavities are filled with wad (a very fine silt) that has no strength in a saturated condition. When the water table becomes lower, the wad flows to deeper cavities, even through the smallest passages, and bigger voids, as shown in figure 2.11, develops. Soil Soil bridge Cavity Figure 2.11 Formation of a sinkhole Soil Dolomite The most dramatic example of the above in South Africa occurred in the Carletonville area approximately thirty years ago. There an entire stone crusher, as well as house, with all its occupants, disappeared down a huge sinkhole. The probability that sinkholes will occur is reduced in relation to: (a) the thickness of the soil layer above the dolomite; (b) the presence of intrusions in the form of supporting plates. Prevention (a) The simplest solution is to avoid dolomite areas. All such areas shouldbe viewed with suspicion. (b) (i) If there is no alternative, specific areas in dolomite regions must bescientifically identified where the possibility of sinkholes is minimal. These areas are usually identified through extensive drilling and sonar testing in order to map those areas which can be used for development. Geological maps are available in metropolitan areas, indicating the extent of underground cavities. Consult a geologistin this regard. (ii) The foundations of the building must be adapted to the situation byspreading the structural weight over a larger than usual area. (c) With existing structures on dolomite, no water must be concentrated atany point. Rainwater must be drained off as far as possible in watertight concrete channels or PVC pipes. Great care must be taken that sewerage and water pipes do not leak. 2.3.7 Swelling clay Introduction In the medium-rainfall areas clay soil always involves risk because it may swell. Most developed areas in South Africa has some clay soil. A large number of buildings are cracked to such an extent that they are unsafe, and millions of rands are spent annually on fixing cracks resulting from swelling clay. Mechanism Clay is a plate-like mineral but the finest and flattest platelets occur in the case of montmorillonite clays. Water molecules penetrate between the layers and cause the mineral to expand considerably, as shown in figure 2.12. These clays originate from the weathering of darkly coloured igneous rock, or where certain types of shale weather to become clay in medium-rainfall areas. Montmorillonite clay 000 OOOO Figure 2.12 Swelling clay Plates Molecules Variation in moisture conditions Where there is a deep water-table in medium-rainfall areas the water moves up and evaporates, with the result that lime forms in the upper layers when the clay dries out. During winter and between rainstorms cracks develop in the soil, which could be several metres deep. When a building is erected on this clay, evaporation is cut off and the cooler area under the house attracts moisture. The moisture content of the clay increases, the clay swells, the building is lifted unevenly and the walls crack. When development of a township takes place in a wetland area, the drainage improves and large trees are planted which absorb the moisture, the clay shrinks and the buildings crack. Requirements for a swelling or shrinking problem The following must exist for a swelling or shrinking problem to develop: (a) There must be a deep active layer of clay present. (b) The layer of clay must be desiccated (dry) or totally saturated. (c) There must be a mechanism that will change the moisture conditionsappreciably. Prevention (a) If possible, areas with deep swelling clay must be avoided. (b) If the layers of swelling clay are less than 2 m thick, the clay can beremoved and replaced by inactive gravel. (c) The structure can be erected on a reinforced concrete raft foundation sothat it can withstand movement without cracking. (d) The structure can be provided with joints to ensure that movement takesplace at controlled positions. (e) Piles can be driven through the active clay and the structure placed ontop of the piles, completely clear of the soil. (1) Great care must be taken that sewerage and water pipes do not leak. Standard flexible systems are available. (g) Concrete paving can be built around the entire building to move theabrupt transition between covered and uncovered areas further awayfrom the structure. (h) If there are existing buildings in the area, they could be examined forcracks and repairs. This will show up any swelling problems. (i) Consult an expert geotechnologist when clay is encountered. 2.3.8 Slopes and retaining walls Introduction Nature tends to maintain areas as level as possible. Therefore, to create a difference in height between level plains, there must be a resisting force. To accommodate a difference in height, one needs an intermediate slope or retaining wall. Rock can stand vertically but clay, sand and silt require very gentle slopes. Failure of slopes Simple slope Figure 2.13 Circular shear failure TWITT TIIVIT UUTTT Circular failure A slope can fail in different ways, the most frequent shown in figure 2.13. In this case the slope fails along a circular failure level. The force causing this movement is the weight of the soil above the internal friction angle. This force will increase with steeper slopes and heavier soils. The force that resists the movement is the shearing strength of the soil along the failure circle. BUILDING PRACTICE – VOLUME 1 Effect of water Increased moisture necessarily makes a slope less safe. It reduces the strength of the soil and increases the weight of the soil, facilitating a slide down. Water can also increase the pressure on the failure level, which will reduce the strength of the slope even further. Prevention of failure (a) Existing slopes should not be made steeper and no new slopes shouldbe built without consulting a civil engineer. Construction work with slopesis a specialised field. (b) If a building is to be built on a steep slope or above a steep slope, anexpert should also be consulted. (c) Keep water away from the slopes by using planned channelling. (d) Plant large trees with tap roots on the slopes. They absorb water fromthe slopes and bind the soil mechanically. Retaining walls Retaining wall Drainage hole Figure 2.14 Retaining walls Drainage channel -Original slope -Filling Stone filling If there is not sufficient space to place a slope between two levels, a retaining wall must be used. This retaining wall is a structure of concrete, brick or even stones in wire baskets. The strength of the soil is again of importance, and the dimensions, shape and weight of the retaining wall are to be designed to accommodate the particular situation. One of the critical aspects is to prevent water pressure from adding to the soil pressure building up behind the wall. Drainage holes must be made in the wall at regular intervals (+1,5 m) and a drainage channel should be provided behind the wall. 2.4 UNDERGROUND WATER 2.4.1 Groundwater and seepage Groundwater causes foundation problems. At a certain depth in the ground the groundwater table is found, which is the level of the free water in the ground of that area. The depth of the groundwater table at any particular place at any time depends on a number of factors. Those factors include the depth and nature of the soil, the geology and topography of the terrain, rainfall, vegetation and evaporation. Sometimes the groundwater level is above natural ground level as in the case of fountains, streams and marshes. In other areas it can be dozens of metres below the surface or virtually non-existent. Groundwater is not static, as there is a continuous flow of water in the ground, causing a rise and fall in the table level. A great deal of the rain that falls on a slope of a hill will seep through the soil to the rocks below and then along the surface of the rocks to the valley. This flow can occur as a continuous expanse of water across the whole slope of the hill or it can be restricted to certain channels or underground valleys formed by rock. When these channels are obstructed or blocked, the water rises to the surface as a fountain. Seepage problems are encountered when buildings are constructed below the groundwater table or when water flow is obstructed. 2.4.2 Shallow groundwater-tables and swamps In South Africa one should be careful when building on low-lying ground. In the dry season the soil may appear perfectly safe for building and the groundwater may be at a depth of one to two metres, but in the rainy season the soil may be waterlogged up to the natural ground level. One should be cautious about building in areas with heavy black soil and reedlike vegetation. The only way such an area can be made suitable for building is to divert the water flowing into it by water channels above ground and subsoil drainage systems below ground. The drainage trenches divert water away from the area while a network of agriculture subsoil drains is built to drain the excess water in the ground away and maintain the groundwater level at an acceptable depth. 2.4.3 Obstructed drainage on a slope Moisture problems are frequently encountered when buildings are built on slopes, especially in the case of structures on two or more levels. In this case building operations during the dry season may not reveal the problem. . Floor level Soil Rock Flow of moisture Obstruction Figure 2.15 Drainage on a slope obstructed by a building When a building is placed on a sloping site, rainwater seeps through the higher lying ground and flows along the surface of subsoil rock or other dense soil until it dams up against the building and causes dampness and even free water inside the building. If this problem is anticipated, damp proofing or tank proofing can be applied to the outside surface of the wall (or between "skins” of the wall). Water will still dam up and exert pressure against the wall which requires that a agriculture drain be constructed between the wall and the higher lying ground to catch the seepage water, which should then be channelled around or under the building. The only real solution for serious seepage in existing buildings is that the outside wall is regarded as a basement retaining wall and it is provided with seepage holes for water to drain through. This water is then collected in a floor drain and pumped away. An inside wall is built as a decorative wall to form a cavity with the floor drain located in the bottom of the cavity. Several drains can be provided along the upstream sides of the building in order to drain the higher lying ground in general. 2.4.4 Artesian fountains and aquifers An aquifer is a relatively porous geological stratum of loose stone that can store water. If this layer occurs between two layers of less porous rock, such as shale, the aquifer becomes an underground dam. If the aquifer lies on a slope, it will become filled with water during rain and the lower end will be subjected to considerable hydrostatic pressure. If a hole is drilled into the aquifer at this point, the water will flow out at the surface because of the artesian condition (the water is under pressure). In cases where there is a crack or opening in the top layer over the aquifer, an artesian well can develop below the building which has been unknowingly constructed over such a crack (see figure 2.16), resulting in a natural outflow of water inside the building whenever the water table rises. Building Artesian well Crack or fissure under water pressure R Porous aquifer Impenetrable layers Figure 2.16 Artesian fountain Impenetrable layers Water table This problem can be solved by the installation of a sump and pump with automatic water depth control. 2.4.5 Aggressive water In conclusion it should be mentioned that the groundwater could contain chemicals that may be dangerous to building materials. Dissolved sulphates and other salts are transported by water and absorbed by foundation walls. When crystallisation takes place, the crystallisation forces may cause structural damage. The presence of certain caustic agents accelerates the corrosion of metals. Water containing sulphates are present in certain areas of South Africa and requires specialised knowledge and expert analysis and advice. 2.5 EXCAVATING 2.5.1 Levels When a site is prepared for the erection of a building, it is done in such a way that the structure will be placed on a specific level. All the work is executed in relation to this specific level, also known as a datum line, or simply the datum. On the plans levels are given in metres above and below this line for all the floor levels and other building components. BUILDING PRACTICE – VOLUME 1 In the case of all buildings the datum is established from contour maps of the site. 2.5.2 Character of soil Before plans are drawn for a structure, the nature of the soil that is to support it should be determined. If this cannot be ascertained from existing structures, test holes or borings should be made. These are done to a grid pattern over the entire area, made with an auger about 50 mm in diameter and of suitable length, or by digging holes for personal inspection. It is generally safe to build on bed rock provided that the foundation beds are kept level. Gravel, even when mixed with small boulders, can be considered perfectly reliable for any ordinary structure, under normal conditions. Sand will carry very heavy loads, if it is confined. Great precautions must be taken to confine it properly, and also to keep water from it, especially running water, as the action of this can wash it away underneath foundations. · When compact and dry, clay will carry large loads, but water should be kept from it, both under and around the structure as the foundations might fail, owing to the pasty or semi-liquid nature of wet clay. Clay containing moisture could be suitable as a foundation, provided that the water contained in it is retained. Fluctuations in water content will cause swelling and shrinking resulting in structural damage. Serious failures in buildings can result from founding on sand or clay, and where it cannot be controlled, clay and sand as a base should be avoided. Marshy spoils and filling should only be built on when using raft foundations or piling, designed and supervised by a structural engineer. 2.6 FOUNDATIONS AND FOUNDATION WALLS Purpose and design Purpose The purpose of a foundation is to provide a level surface to work on and to enable the dead and live loads acting on a structure to be safely transferred to the ground without causing excessive settlement which could damage the structure or adjoining structures. To enable foundations to perform this purpose, they must be placed deep enough to ensure stable conditions, and to avoid damage being caused by surface water. Foundation design Foundation design can be divided into three main stages: The determination of the safe bearing capacity of the soil on which the foundation is to be constructed. The selection of the type, size and depth of the foundation to be used to ensure that the safe bearing capacity of the soil is not exceeded, and that excessive settlement, particularly differential settlement, is avoided. The structural design of the selected foundation type must ensure that it is capable of carrying, without disintegration, stresses to which it is to be subjected. Types of foundations Strip foundations (unreinforced) Unreinforced strip foundations are used for load-bearing walls for small buildings such as houses. The foundation, shown in figure 2.17, usually projects equally on either side of the wall and is made of concrete having a mix of not less than 1:3:6 (cement: sand: stone, by volume). The thickness of the foundation (E) must be at least equal to the projection of the foundation (D) and never less than 150 mm. The width of the foundation would be established by calculating the load (including weight of the foundation) to be distributed per square metre of soil, having allowed for a safety factor and according to the bearing capacity of the soil. For simple structures it is unnecessary to calculate the required foundation because the National Building Regulations can be followed with safety. The allowable bearing pressure would be established either by loading tests or by establishing the type of soil. Note that the damp-proof course (C) in figure 2.17 must be at least two layers above ground level to prevent seepage from the outside at or above the damp-proof course level. Min. 2 brick courses Min. 500 mm B A Solid one brick wall in superstructurein 1:5 cement mortar B Solid one brick wall in foundationsin 1:4 cement mortar C Damp proof course (DPC) E Figure 2.17 Strip foundation with solid one brick walland solid floor Strip foundations on sloping sites On sloping sites it is usual to step the foundation to follow the gradient (slope) of the site and at the same time to keep the foundation the required depth below the ground, as shown in figure 2.18 - see method 1 and method 2. Dimension (B) has to be at least 300 mm. Down step (C) must be done in heights in any plural of the brick thickness plus the bed joint thickness (in brick layers). C = Downstep in heights of brick courses(in plurals of a brick course + bed joint) ܛܛ B Natural ground level (NĞL) Min. overlap 300 Strip foundation METHOD 1LONGITUDE SECTION THROUGH STEPPING STRIP FOUNDATION Reduced ground level Original natural ground level (NGL) Strip foundation X = Natural angle ofrepose of ground A *Min. 300 Consolidated ground filling METHOD 2LONGITUDE SECTION THROUGH STRIP FOUNDATION ON UNDISTURBED AND CONSOLIDATED GROUND Figure 2.18 Strip foundation on sloping sites Deep strip The deep strip foundation, shown in figure 2.19 is particularly useful in firm shrinkable clay, where the depth of the foundation (A) is likely to be approximately 1,2 metres and the width (B) is likely to be 380 mm which is adequate for a two-storey building in this type of ground. The deep strip foundation eliminates the need for brickwork below the ground. The damp-proof course (C) must be at least two layers above ground level. It is advisable that this kind of foundation is designed by a structural engineer. Trench excavated wider than foundation to provide working space NNNN B NON Figure 2.19 Deep strip foundation C = Damp proofcourse (DPC) Min. 2 brick courses Foundation sides formed by shuttering A Wide strip The wide strip foundation, shown in figure 2.20, is used to give a greater area of foundation in contact with the soil where the bearing capacity of the soil is low. Owing to the excessive width (A) and therefore thickness, it is usual to place reinforcement (B) in this type of foundation, which allows the mass distribution to be over a wider/greater area. It is good practice to place concrete blinding (C) on the exposed bottom of the trench to prevent the soil from being disturbed by workmen and to prevent the reinforcement from becoming contaminated by the soil. The damp-proof course must be at least two brick courses (D) above natural ground level. DPC Min. 2 brick courses KA + 280 330 800-1000 A 230 Figure 2.20 Wide strip foundation with solid 1 brick cavitywall, solid floor and 11/2 brick foundation wall Raft foundations The raft foundation, shown in figures 2.21, 2.22, 2.23 and 2.24, is used for building on filling, soft natural ground and in areas which are prone to ground movements caused by clay. The particular advantage of a raft foundation over a strip foundation is that it acts as one unit, and differential settlement of the foundation is eliminated. This type of foundation takes the form of a slab of reinforced concrete, often with concrete ribs underneath. The size of the raft could be the entire size of the building it carries, or multiple rafts with expansion joints can be used. The ground under the edge of the raft must be protected from deterioration through weather conditions. This can be achieved in a number of ways: by laying 1 m wide, 75 mm thick paving around the building, as shown in figure 2.23; by deepening the edge beam (A) as shown in figure 2.23; by installing a well maintained agriculture drain (A) encased in gradedfill (B) alongside the edge of the raft, as shown in figure 2.24. In figure 2.21, 2.22, 2.23 and 2.24, all the unsuitable soil under the proposed raft is removed and replaced by hard-core filling which is blinded (surface area covered) with either sand or weak concrete ready to receive the reinforced concrete raft. In all cases the damp-proof course must be at least two brick courses above the ground level. C 0111 110, 3440 2780 OLL" OLL 110 110. DPC |110 110 Slab 150 mm thick 6240 5580 PLAN Slab 150 mm thick वन ARTY SECTION C-C Figure 2.21 Raft foundations 110 110 ***-110 110 DPC 150 DPC +1104 Internal wall Thickening in slab to form wall foundation Stool to support reinforcing 600 * * t 220 220 # t 600 Exterior wall DPC Ground back filling Figure 2.22 Typical detail of raft foundation toe INGL А DPC min. 2 brick courses above NGL Concrete paving strip 1 000 Edge beam can be deeper t Figure 2.23 Raft foundation with projection to receivebrickwork 75 DPC min. 2 brick courses above NGL B graded fill Perforated drainpipe Figure 2.24 Raft foundation with drainage protection Isolated pad foundations Isolated pad foundations are used for columns or detached brick piers as shown in figure 2.25. The area of this type of foundation is determined by calculating the dead weight of both the column (A), foundation (B) and load to be carried, and the safe bearing capacity of the soil. The thickness of the foundation (C) must be at least equal to the projection from the column (D). Any necessary reinforcement is placed in the foundation. Pad foundation thickness C X V/ T TU > CH el H 27 Figure 2.25 Isolated pad foundations Pier and beam foundation ColumnA Column pad foundationB Steel reinforcingE Pier and beam foundations, shown in figure 2.26 are used for light buildings such as houses, low-rise offices and factories on swelling clay, or through shallow layers of poorly compacted filling to a firmer foundation soil. In this system, short unreinforced concrete piles (A) are cast in auger bored holes. The piles, which are usually placed at pre-designed centres, are spanned by reinforced concrete beams (B), which in turn carry the walls of the building. (C) is the damp proof course. It is possible to vary the diameter of the pile and bore depth, depending on the specific soil conditions. Short bored piles are often not reinforced, but if the beams are to be cast some time after the piles, mild steel reinforcing (D) should be pushed into the top of the pile and bent into the body of the beam later. The beam (B) should be cast on top of a 75 mm layer of ash, sand or other compressible material to enable the clay to expand and contract without affecting the beam above. 69 Series CHAPTER 2 BUILDING PRACTICE – VOLUME 1 The beams can also be kept 50-75 mm above the excavated trench floor and sealed off with a lining as shown (E). Slab loose from wall Steel reinforcing D Compressible material NNNNNN NNNNNN Figure 2.26 Pier and beam foundation Beam B Lining to keep free space under beam free from filling E Pile A Foundations for high-rise buildings Although there are quite a number of different types of foundations, most are applicable to particular situations, and there is rarely any choice once all the parameters are known. The two main types of foundations for high-rise buildings are pad foundations and piled foundations. Before going on to site, it is first necessary to be quite clear as to what the soil conditions are. The services of a geotechnical engineer is normally obtained. Through sampling and laboratory tests he will determine the bearing capacity of the soil and hence determine on what level the foundations can be laid. Pad foundations The dimensions of a pad foundation are determined by various factors, such as the load imposed on the pad and the soil conditions of that specific area. In figure 2.27 a typical framed concrete structure supported by columns and pad foundations is shown. Flat slab (flat underside) Pad foundations Ribbed slab (with beams to underside) Pad foundations Basement XXXXXXXX Column Part longitudinal section Part transverse sectionFLAT SLAB CONSTRUCTION Column Basement Part longitudinal section Part transverse section RIBBED SLAB CONSTRUCTION Figure 2.27 Pad foundations Piled foundations A pile is a structural member, wholly or partially buried in the ground, which receives load at its upper end, and transmits that load at depth to the substrata. Piles transfer loads from buildings and civil engineering structures to the supporting soil; they can be more effective than foundations formed nearer the ground surface in a wide range of situations. They are particularly appropriate where soft or loose soils overlay strong soils or rocks at depths that can be reached by driving or boring. Piling methods are adopted when: The load imposed by a structure cannot be spread sufficiently over the available ground area without exceeding the allowable bearing capacity of the soil. No firm bearing strata exists at a reasonable depth and the applied loading is uneven (often making the use of a raft inadvisable). Such firm strata does exist, but at a depth that makes slab, strip, or column base founding uneconomical. Shrinking clay is present, and piling serves as a means of founding below the zone of seasonal moisture movement. Pumping of subsoil water would be too costly, or planking and strutting to excavations would be too difficult to permit the use of column base foundations. Structure is to be constructed over water. Tension forces result in uplift or overturn, due to windforce, and there is thus a need to resist such turning and uplift. Resistance to lateral loads is necessary, in which case a raft would be unsuitable. Underpinning or strengthening of existing foundations is necessary. Types of piles Before a design engineer can consider what type of pile is best suited to a project, the following basic information is required: Detailed soil information A column layout with column loads Allowable total and differential settlementsKnowledge of the site and its environs. A wide range of piles can be used of which some are provided by specific piling contractors only. Driven, pre-formed piles consist mainly of precast concrete piles, steel H-piles and timber piles. Bored cast-in-situ piles are normally augered and filled with concrete with the necessary steel reinforcing. In figure 2.28 the complete sequence of such a pile is shown. Drilling Enlarging of base Hand cleaning of base Concreting Completedpile Ground water level - Ground - Silt/clay Sandy gravel Stiff fissured clay Rock Figure 2.28 Stages in construction of large-diameteraugered foundations with reamed-out bases QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EVALUATION 1. Why is it important to consider geotechnical problems in thebuilding industry? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. List the various typical types of soil and give a short description of the properties of each. Explain what is meant by the "strength” and “compressibility” of soil. How can the problems caused by swelling clay in an existing building be solved? What is the difference between settlement and failure of a structure? Explain the causes of two types of soil/structural collapse. What recommendations should be followed for soil filling under floors and foundations? What problems are caused by groundwater and which solutions are available? Discuss the laying of foundations on sloping sites. Make ample use of sketches to support the discussion. Provide a sketch with descriptions of a raft foundation. Sketch and discuss an isolated pad foundation. Discuss when a pier and beam foundation will be used. (20) (20) (20) (20) CONTENTS LEARNING OBJECTIVES 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.1.5 3.1.7 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.4.5 3.4.6 3.4.7 3.4.8 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.6 MASONRY WORK Introduction Joints in masonry Bonding Reinforced brickwork Lintels Brick arches Cavity walls DAVIP-PROOF COURSES Horizontal damp-proof course Vertical damp-proof course FIREPLACES AND FLUES ROOFS îypes of roofs The design of trusses Joints between members of irusses Bracing and fixing of roof structure and coinponents Hipped roots Valleys Gutters Roof coverings for psiched roofs CONCRETE, REINFORCING AND FORMWORK Concrete Reinforcing Formwork BASEMENTS QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EVALUATION 3 PAGE 76 76 76 76 78 83 84 87 88 89 90 93 93 95 95 101 102 105 107 108 109 111 123 123 127 133 141 LEARNING OBJECTIVES The objectives are to iniroduce the student to basic building construction methods and how it is applied in practice. After completion of ihis module the student should be able to administer the execution of basic building construction work. 3.1 MASONRY WORK 3.1.1 Introduction Simple siructures are mainly constructed by masonry work where the primary function of a wali is io enclose or divide space. In addition it may have to provide support. Wal! s nay thus be divided inio two types: load-bearing and non-loadbearing. In order to fulfil these functions efficiently, there are certain requirements which it must satisfy, namely the provision of adequate: strength and stability weather resistance durability fire resistance thermal insulation sound insulation A masonry wall is built of individual blocks of material such as bricks, concrete blocks or sione, usually in horizontal courses, cemented together with moriar. 3.1.2 Joints in masonry Meaning of masonry By the term masonry is not meant only ihe bricks, blocks or stone, but also the mostar in the joints. Its sirength is dependent on the strength of the blocks, the sirength of the mortar and the method of layirg and bonding. Therefore, the value oí a good masonry, so far as strength is concemeci, may be decreased by the use of inferior mortar or by being laid by a tradesman who is not proficieni in the trade. Mortar for ordinary masonry is mixed 1:6, cement: sand by voluine. Brickwork, being the most commonly used in masoniy, will be inainly ceait with in this part of the coursework as the principles involved are applicable to all masonry O Size of mortar joints and bricks Thick joints in face brickwork preseni an unsightly appearance. In laying bricks, a layer of mortar is first spread over the preceding course; then, each brick is iaid in place and tapped with a bricklayer's trowel until sufficient moriar is squeezed out to make a solid joint of the required thickness. To force a brick down until it touches the brick beneath is not good practice, as the joints become so thin that they lose much of their strength. The more regular the surface of the bricks, the closer they can be laid and ihe smaller the joints will be. With ordinary masonry, ihe joints should average 10 mm in thickness for maximum wall strength. The size of standard clay bricks is 222 x 105 x 73 mm with small tolerances being allowed in each diinension. See figure 3. i. | 131 222 106 Traditional brick Header face(B) Plaster brick Frog (A) Press brick Arris edges(D) Stretcher face(C) Figure 3.1 Standard bricks 190 90 Modular brick UTIE Hollow block Wire cut brick 77 CHAPTERS Jointing Jointing refers to ihe finishing process regarding the exposed inortar between the masonry. Pointing is used in the same sense in practice. Figure 3.2 shows various names of jointing commonly used. (A) shows struck or weather jointing, and (3) shows a recessed joint. The latter (B) has poor weathering qualities as water can gather at the bottom of the joint and, if this freezes, the brickwork and mortar at this point will deteriorate. The jointing markedi (A) is recommended for general use as its weathering ability is superior to (B) on suríaces exposed to the elements. A Struck joint Recessed joint Figure 3.2 Joints in brickwork Wall joint Cross joint Closer Vertical joint Perpend line Bed joint 3.1.3 Bonding By bonding brickwork (or blockwork) is meani the process of laying bricks across one another so that one brick will rest on parts of iwo or three bricks below it which implies thai brickwork should never have a continuous vertical joini extending over more than one layer of brickwork. This amounts io the same thing as breaking ihe joinis. It is difficult for a wall built in this manner to crack except through actual breaking of ihe bricks. When the bricks are placed length-wise on the face of the wall, as at figure 3.3, they are termed stretchers. When placed crosswise, with their ends exposed to view on the face of the wall, they are known as headers. À course is a co. npleie layer of bricks on its bec joint, running the lengti of the wall. When the course consisis of streichers it is called a stretcher course, and a header course consisis of brick heads showing on the face of the wall. When bricks are laid on their ecge and with their heads exposed io view, a brickon-edge or roller course is formed. A course laid with the bricks standing on its edge is called a brick-on-end or soldier course. By lap is meant the horizontal disiance between the vertical joints in two successive courses with ihe minimum required one quarter of a brick length. When a wall is buiti consisting of one "skin" only it is known as a half-brick wall, whilsi a two "skin" wall is known as a one-brick wall. D Figure 3.3 Brick courses Stretcher course Header course Brick-on-edge course Soldier course Typical brickwork bonding principles are shown in figure 3.4. mes tel. Figure 3.4. Brickwork bonding Header bond General rules for bonding: The arrangement of alternate courses is usually identical. (There are exceptions to this rule, as in garden-wall bonds.) There should be no continuous vertical joints on the face of a wall. In stretcher bond, the bricks overlap each other by half a brick. In most other bonds, they overlap a quarter of a brick. Closers should only be used near the comer of a wall. Walls should show the same appearance on boſh faces of the wall, e. g. a course consisting of stretchers on the front elevation should show stretcher's on the back elevation. As few closer's as possible should be used. The following cominonly-used brick bonds are available: Header bond (figure 3.5) When all ihe courses present the ends of the bricks on the face of the wall, the wall is then composed entirely of headers, and is said to be built in header bond. This method is particularly suitable for use in sharp-curved walls. HUNIA Figure 3.5 Header bond Stretcher bond (figura 3.6) All the courses consist of stretchers with two hali-brick leaves and is the mosi commonly used bond. The wall is also used for internal walls where the wall is halí a brick thick. Figure 3.6 Stretcher bond VanMNULU HINDI English bond (figure 3.7) In English bond, probably the strongest method of bonding brickwork, header and stretcher courses are laici alternately, making use of closers near corners. Figure 3.7 English bond English cross bond and Flemish bond (figuros 3.8 and 3.9) These bonds are altemalives io üle English bond and also provides a stronger wali than strelcher and header bond wails. Figure 3.8 English cross bond Figure 3.9 Flemish bond Toathing Toothing is used where ii is known that extensions are io be added to a wali at some later daie. The end of the wall is left, as shown in figure 3.10, so thai the additional work can be carried out without disturbing the existing wall. Toothing Figure 3.10 Toothing of brickwork Toothing Reking Raking is the ierm used where brickwork is steppeci down to ensure proper bonding at a later cate when work is resuined. This is superior to foothing. See figure 3.11. Figure 3.11 Raking of brickwork Raking (Steps) 3.1.4 Reinforced brickwork Reinforced brickwork consists of brickwork boncied in the normal manner, but with metal reinforcernert (commercially known as “brickforce") incorporated in the joints. The reinforcement stiffens the wall generally and adds to the tensile strength of the wall by functioning in the same way as reinforcing in concreie work. Ordinary mild steel reinforcing up to 10 mm in diameter is also used in joints where more sirength than that afforded by "brickforce" is required. Reinforced brickwork can be used io resist unequal settlemeni when structures are built on soils of unequal bearing capacity and should be used under the eaves io distribute roof loads more evenly, and over windows and doors to prevent cracking. Brickforce consists of two wire strands spaced 100 mm (half-brick walls) or 200 mm (one-brick walls) apart, joined by cross pieces at 150 inm to form a ladder effect. It is supplied in rolls or long lengths laid flat. Brickforce laid in the horizontal joints oi brickwork over an opening act as a beam. Tihe amount of reinforcement necessary is determined by the span. For example, for a typical window or door opening 1 200 min wide, iwo courses of reinforcement would be necessary and the height of the brickwork above the opening would have to be at least 5 layers. li is good practice to place brickforce in every fourth layer of brickwork in ail instances as ii substantially enhances the stability and strength of a wall. Figure 3.12 shows reinforced brick inasonry. Figure 3.12 Reinforced brick masonry 3.1.5 Lintels Reinforcing in stretcher brick joints Header brick course over opening Lintels are the "beams” formed or placed over openings in brickwork. In situ brick lintels in situ lintes are createci by forming a "beam” in the brickwork by reinforcing it wiih sieel, usually brickforce. In general the reinforcement is placed in the first moriar bedding joint above the soffit (bottom row) bricks over the opening. The amount of inforcement required cepends on the size of the opening, the depth of the lintel section and the loads to be supported. It also depends on the position of the opening in the wall and on the proximity of adjacent openings to each other. These factors will also determine how many layers of brickwork reinforcing is required. Special care shoulc be taken to ensure complete filling of all joints with mortai and full embedding of the reinforcement in the mortar. The inortar in all joints must be solid. Sicie cover of reinforcement should not be less than 10 min io prevent listing. See figure 3.13. ELEVATION х Х HHH SECTION X-X Steel reinforcing bedded solid in mortar with at least 10 mm cover to outside of wall Figure 3.13 In situ brick lintels ("built-in-position") In situ reinforced concrete lintels In situ concrete lintels are reinforced with steel bars to give them tension strength. These lintels are usually designed for specific applications, wnicy will determine the steel reinforcing and concrete inix strength required. Typical examples are shown in figure 3.14. (A) to (C). Rooftie Beamfilling Sprocket Gutter Fascia board Gutter Steel reinforcement Roofing Roof batten Wall plate V-joint in plaster Stirrups Lintel depth Reinforced concrete lintel (precast or cast in-situ)SECTION X-X (A) Reinforced concretelintel over window with roof overhang Concrete beam with steel reinforcement Figure 3.14 In situ reinforced concrete lintels Х X ELEVATION (B) Reinforcedconcrete lintel over opening Precast pre-stressed concrete lintels This is ihe most commonly used lintel in brickwork. The main advantages of pre-stressed lintels are that they are light in weight and only a brick size (110 x 75 mm) in section. They are inexpensive and available in standard practical lengths. By themselves they are not particularly strong but in combination with reinforced brickwork over it, forms a very successful beam over openings. The “pre-stressed" refers to ihe factory manufacturing process of the lintels where the reiníorcing in the lintels is "stressed mechanically in a factory before the mould, in which it is placed, is filled with a high density concrete. This results in a very strong, sinall profile concreie “beam". See figure 3.15. Steel reinforcing Fine high-density high-strength concrete lintel 100 ok* Figure 3.15 Precast pre-stressed concrete lintel 3.1.6 Brick arches The main purpose of an arch is to support the weight over an opening in a wall and to transmit this weight io either sicle of the opening. A brick arch consists of wedge-shaped bricks built around a curve and arranged in such a manner that they support each oiher and the weight from above. Ordinary bricks (not wedgeshaped) can also be used in which case it requires excellent workmanship, particularly when face bricks are used. See figure 3.16, showing wedge-shaped bricks. Radius ELEVATION SEMI-CIRCULAR ARCH Figure 3.16 Brick arches 3.1.7 Cavity walls Use of cavity walls Frequeni use is made of cavity walls as outside walls, particulariy in high rainfall areas. A cavity wall consisis of two skins (leaves) of brickwork, blockwork, stonework, etc., with a cavity (space) ir-between. The main object of ihis arrangeinent is to protect the inner surface of the wall from dampness wiven the exterior is exposed to severe wind and rain. When the cavity wall is properly constructed, dampness will only penetrate ihe outer skin, with the cavity between the skins forming an effective barrier to water reaching the inner skin. Another objective of the cavity is to provide an air space between the two skins, to aci as a thermal and sound insulator. The thermal insulation value of external cavily walls can be appreciable in comparison io that of ordinary solid brick walls of the same thickness. The 'wo skins musi be tied together to prevent buckling due to wind pressure or to loads imposed by the weight of the structure and roof. A cavity musi be ai leasi 50 mn and not more than 75 mm in width. Each skin must be at least 105 mm (inalf-brick) ihick at any level. Ties must be placed ai not more than every 4 layers horizontally and 500 mm centres vertically. Gavity wall construction In figure 3.17 is shown at (A) the half-brick outer skin of brickwork; at (B) the 50 mm wide cavity (air space); at (C) the half-brick thick inner skin of brickwork; and at (D) the galvanised metal wall ties. A twist is formed at the centre of the tie (or the tie is bent zigzag for its entire length) to preveni the passage of moisture from the outer to the inner skin and to ensure that it does not pull out of the brickwork joints. The end of the ties are fanned out as shown and to prevent any danger of the passage of moisture, they musi be kept free from mortar droppings during construction. 50 106 106 Galvanised wall tiesD Figure 3.17 Cavity wall construction C Half-brickinner skin B Cavity A Half-brickouter skin 3.2 DAMP-PROOF COURSES Special precautions must be taken to prevent moisiure penetrating a building from an external source, or from one part of the siructure to another. iioisture can become a problem when it: rises up walls from the ground, flows down walls from parapets or chimney stacks above roof level, passes through openings, orenters a building under pressure from below. It is therefore necessary to provide a layer of impervious maierial at certain points. This layer is termed a damp-proof course (DPC) and the actual site conditions will determine the extent of DPC required. The properties required of a damp-proof course are that: It should be impervious to moisture; it should be tough enough to avoid damage when it is being laid and whenthe operations which follow the laying of the DPC are being carried out. Polythene sheeting is the mosi durable for ordinary work and is thus the product in common use. 3.2.1 Horizontal damp-proof course Figure 3.18 shows ihe horizontal da. np-proofing arrangements required for a groundlevel wall anci floor for wei conditions. Figure 3.19 shows the damp-proof membrane around windows required in a cavity wall in very wet regions. to Min 4 brick courses 110 50 *** Н. 110 H A Concrete strip foundation Brick foundation wall C Ground backfilling DNGL (Natural ground level) E DPC (Damp-proof course) F Horizontal damp-proof course G Face bricks H Half-brick leaves to form cavity wallCavity 1919 111114 Iік L J M 230 min #1 150 ,75,75L1 150 Min 500 * + 3 25 12 One coat internal cement plaster K Floor skirting L Quarter round M Final floor covering N Cement screed O Concrete surface bed or cover course P Concrete surface bed Q Hard core R Ground filling Figure 3.18 Stripfooting with cavity wall and solid floor for wetconditions NNNN ANNNN SINNE NNNNN SECTION A-A Details for facebrick walls in wet conditions DPC Concrete lintel DPC under window sill DPC behind outer brick skin HE FRONT ELEVATION DPC under window sill taken 1/2 brick past openingSECTION B-B . Figure 3.19 Water proofing of window openings in cavity walls 3.2.2 Vertical damp-proof course Vertical dpc is for protection against dampness to basements, or io other parts of a structure which may be below ground level. Figure 3.20 shows an example of this. The vertical waterproofing (A) is continuous from the normal dpc level down to the waterproofing (B), passing through ine basement floor. This method (often called tanking) should prevent dampness inside the building but is not recommended in very wet regions where proper basement construction should be followed. NGL Vertical damp-proof course (A)(DPC) Half-brick leaf as protection of damp-proof course (A) Concrete foundation NNNNNS NNNNNNNNN CZ ZA Figure 3.20 Vertical damp-proof course Cavity wall Horisontal damp-proof course on surface bed (B) Concrete surface bed to receive horisontal damp-proof course (B) 3.3 FIREPLACES AND FLUES When a iracitional fireplace is required in a building it imusi be of sound desigri io ensure structural stability, funcionaliiy and fire prevention. See figure 3.21. 650 220 65 110 65 Figure 3.21 Fireplace and flue 450 oc 220 | 350 min. Structural requirements Chimneys, ilue pipes, hearths and fireplaces must be so constructed that: they will not be unduly affected by heat, condensation or combustion ignition of any part of the structure is prevented smoke cannot escape into the building ilue pipes are so placed and/or shielded that there is no isk of accidental damage to the pipe or of danger to persons in or about the building they are properly supported, and discharge into the open air The flue and chimney A flue musi be at least 150 mir in diameter, and must be lined to resist acids and other by-products of combustion. Flues may be lined with any one of the following: rebaieci or socketec flue linings made from asbestos-cement or kiln-burnt aggregate and high aiumina cement glazed vitrified clay pipes and fittings glass (vitreous) enamelled salt glazed fireclay pipes and fritings 3.4 ROOFS Roofwork has to be designed in such a way that it is able to carry the weight of the struciure, the roof covering, ceilings, workmen, wind loads and other dead weight such as snow or hail. 3.4.1 Types of roofs Figure 3.22 shows various iypes of roof structures whilst figure 3.23 provides roof terminology. Flat root with parapet Mono-pitch Gable roof Flat roof with overhang Lean-to Gambrel roof (Brit) Butterfly or vee roof Hipped roof Mansard roof (USA) Figure 3.22 Roof types Clerestory roof Pyramid roof Mansard roof Gambrel Saw tooth or south light roof Jerkin head Monitor roof Parapet gutter Ridge Gable Verge Gable end Lantern light Gambrel vent Box gutter Valley Gutter Downpipe Finial Pyramid light Domelight Figure 3.23 Roof terminology Parapet Apron flashing Spout (gargoyle) Stepped flashing Hip ridge Hip Eaves Hipped end Eyebrow dormer window Dormer window Lucarne Skylight Figure 3.24 shows the components of a iypical truss. Of particular importance is the camber which is formed in the truss to allow for deflection io a horizontal position once the truss carries the full weighi of the roofing and ceilings. The various pieces (wood) of a truss are collectively known as members. Top rafter King post -Pitch Bearing Tie beampoint Overhang Apex Struts/webs Splice Nodes Span Camber for downward deflectionwhen loaded Figure 3.24 Roof truss components (members) Sprocket Figure 3.25 shows various configurations (types) of trusses. Only common truss shapes are included here. However, trusses are versatile and complicated profiles can be designed and manufactured, particularly so when factory manufactured products are used. NAME King post Queen post Fink Fan FW Double w Triple w King scissors Queen scissors Howe scissors Double howe Scissors Triple howe SCISSORS Warren scissors Double warren Scissors Modified scissors Modified scissors Modified scissors Modified scissors Modified scissors Polynesian or gambre Polynesian or gambrel Mond-half howe comp Mond-half scissors howe tension Monc-half scissors warren MAX. SPAN (M) 16 16 16 7 7 6 9 10 13 13 18 4 6 5 6 CONFIGURATION NAME Polynesian or gambrel Polynesian or gambrel Simple attic frame Queen post attic frame Howe attic frame Vaulted ceiling Vaulted ceiling Vaulted ceiling Vaulted ceiling Bowstring 5. to 9 panels Howe girder Double howe girder Triple howe girder Inverted howe Inverted double howe Mono pitch hip end 45° corner set Hip type "A" Hip type "B" truncated system Hip type "D" (dutch hip) Hip type "E" Figure 3.25 Roof truss configurations (types) MAX. SPAN (M) 16 10 14 14 13 18 18 18 6 10 10 CONFIGURATION TITE Figure 3.26 shows a number of eaves detailing and iruss hold down io l'esist blow-off by wind. Wedge Diagonal z bracing 2,8 mm x 40 mm Lg. clout nails 38 x 114 wallplate 38 x 1,2 mm hoop-iron strap: (Or galvanised wire strands tied around rafters.) Built into 7 courses of brickwork and nailed to the truss. (Where trusses are supported on concrete beams, straps are to be cast a minimum of 400 mm depthinto the beam.) Truss hold down - essential to resist the uplift forces due to wind action on light roofs. Figure 3.26 Eaves detailing and truss hold down BUILDING CONSTRUC170M 3.4.2 The design of trusses The design of trusses is based on the principle that the forces in the element meet ai the nodes in such a way ihat wringing does not iake place. Trusses which are bolted are more inclined to wringing ihan trusses connected in one plane with inetal nail plates in a factory. Traditionally trusses were made of rough timber, bolied together on site. In the metropolitan areas this practice has been replaced by factory manufactured irusses, connected at the rodes by metal nail plates, Lising selected planned timber. Truss designs are calculated by a computer program in factory manufacturing, optimising material utilisation and strength. Tiled roofs are iypically erecteci with irusses spaced not more than 750 inm centre io centre anci with galvanised iron roofs not spaced more than 1200 mm centre to cenire. Overhangs generally do not exceed 800 mm. Figure 3.27 shows the reaction of the various forces at the nodes (joints) in trusses. V Torsion IHI 1.1 Gusset Torsion Gusset Gussets both sides Figure 3.27 Nodes of wooden roof trusses Force Force Force When designing and erecting trusses the following aspects should be considered: Bonding Bending in iruss inembers should be avoided by ensuring that loads, or reactions to these loads, are appiiec to the frame by suitable arrangement of the members. Some load, via purlins or battens or from water tanks, eic., which could cause bending are often unavoidable and must be allowed for in the design of the members. If the truss is supported ai places which are not node points, excessive bending will occur and the addition of furtirer inembers inay be necessary to avoid bending. Compression members (Struts) Buckling may occur in long compression members (struts) which have a length to breacith ratio greater ihan 50. The likelihood of buckling may be enhanced by faulty timber and a-centrically applied loading. The rafter of a truss is a compression member and is usually the meinber subjected to the highest direct compression. Rafters are prevented from buckling sideways by the purlins or battens fixed to them. Compression members can be strengthened by bracing when their length to breadth ratio is too high. Tension members Unlike compression members, the size of a lension inember carrying a given load is the same for all lengths and cross-sectional shapes of timber. The size of the member in tension will usually depend on the jointing material rather than on ihe force applied to the member. 3.4.3 Joints between members of trusses There are two basic ways of joining the ineinbers of a truss together: Lap joints, which are formed by overlapping the members and securing them together with one or other of the following types of connectors – nails, bolts, or toothed plate connectors. Adhesives should not be used for joints. Butt joints, which are forined by cutting the ends of the ineeting inembers at the correct angle to form a buti joint and by fixing gussei or splice plates across the joint to tie the iwo members together. The plates are punched metal connector plates with teeth or nails mechanically pressad into the ümber on both sides of the joint in a factory. ivieta! gusset plates with pre-purched holes for nails are also used for on-site applications. Lap joints Until about 15 years ago inosi trusses for single storey buiidings in South Aíica have been constructed using ! eppec joints wilich have generally beer secured together by nailing or bolting. Nailed or boiteci joints are the easiesi forin of construciion and the cheapesi for lap joinis, but ihis method generally does not coniorin with engineering requiremenis and consequently failures at joints often occur. In adcition, lapping of the joint inakes it impossible to make the truss in one plane and when erected, the truss members will inevitably be oui --of plumb, especially iſ the pitch of the truss is low. This is often apparent in the skewness of eave sprockets. Permissible safe load values for nails and bolts for various strengihs of timber together with minimum ecige disiances and spacing, are given in the National Building Regulations (SABS). Failures of nailed or bolted joinis may be due to: overstressing of the timber in bearing against the nail or bolt. the nail pulling out (i. e. insufficient number of nails or volts to resist the forces at the joints). splitting of the timber ai the nail or boli hole (this imay occur wher the nail or bolt is driven or fixed too close to the edge of the timiser or the holes are too close together). shearing oui of a piece of inber. As a result of the failures, there will be slip at the joint with settlement of the truss on to intemal cross-walls or redistribution of loads through purlins or battens via the rafters to the wall-plate. The roof irusses üven no longer perforin their design iunction and loads may be transferred to internal walls noi originally designed to be load-bearing. Trusses with overloaded joints are subject to severe creep deflection and there is little or no elastic recovery on removal of the load. While it is unlikely that the truss will often be fully loaded to the design value, the nails and possibly one bolt which are provided at the joints for trusses construcieci on site are toially inadequate. li is no wonder thai excessive roof deflections, especially over rooms spanning the full width of the building, are often to be seen. Butt joints As mentioned previously, buit joints for trusses are formed by square cutting or bevelling the end of the member to the meeting angle to ensure firm contaci at the abutting surfaces. The meinbers are then fasteneci together with punched metal plates and provide trusses which are superior to those with lap joints. Several manufaciurers in South Africa imarket nail plates of various configurations for which design data have been deterimined for use with graciec SA pine to form joints for roof trusses. See figure 3.28. 104) :: :::: Example of a punched metal nail-plate connector ընդUընդմինը 0) ըմընըմընընլ Ս. (0) 07նընդUը | Example of joints Connection of trusses Truss hanger Figure 3.28 Punched metal plates Licensed truss fabricators BUILDING CONSTF: UC770N The inanuíacturers usually iicence a truss fabricator to assemble roof trusses with their nail plates in accordance with approved designs, and they provide a design service for trusses of unusual configuration or loading. "The trusses assembled with nail-plate connectors are generally factory assembled in jigs. Large russes are sometimes transported in two sections and joined together on site. It is essential that the manufacturer's recommendations for joining on site be closely followed as poor assembly can seriously impair the high performance which can be expected from factoryassembled trusses. Erection of the trusses on site should also be undertaken with care as bending of the truss may cause nail plates to be loosened or pulled out. As the forces in the inembers of the truss meeting at a joint are of different values, it is important that the plates at a joint be placed strictly in accordance with the design requirements so that there are sufficieni nails in each to transfer the forces effectively and safely. Buti joints at the end of compression members should be reasonably close fitting as usually only pait' of the force is designed io be transferred through the nail plate at compression joints, the remainder being transferred at the butted timber faces. 3.4.4 Bracing and fixing of roof structure and components Distortion and failure of roofs is often due to iack of proper bracing of the roof siructure. Hipped ends will supply rigidity to the whole roof structure and on sheeteci roofs the large sheets fixed firmly io the framing wili usually supply sufficient bracing. Small roofing units such as tites and slates will contribute little if any to bracing. On long rooís with gable ends, bracing must be supplied to prevent racking or tilting of the frames. Temporary bracing is required during erection to keep the trusses veriical and to stop buckling. Gable walls which are not buttressed should not be used to stabilise the roof structure." Rafter and tie bracing Large roof sheeis fixed firmly to the framing via the purlins provide adequate bracing íor the rafters. Diagonal bracing in the plane of tire rafters musi, however, be provided for roois covered with small rooſing units. At each gable end of the building, bracing inembers should be nailed to the underside of the rafters at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the line of the rafiers and extend from the well plate to the ridge line. BUXOING PRACTICE - VOLUME 1 Suction (uplift), especially on low-pitched roofs with lightweight coverings, may induce compression in the tie of the truss. Because of its length and small lateral wicth, ihere will be a tendency for the tie to buckle. Ceilings construcieci with brandering anci sheet materials or iongued and groovec boards will provide adequate bracing for the tie but false ceiling constructions consisting of inverted "T" meta! stringers and loose infill panels will have no stiffening effect and, where deemed necessary, tie bracing ai each end of the building should be nailed over the top of the tie beams at an angle of 45 degrees from the comer of the building. Long web (strut, bracing Long compression web inembers (struts) in trusses will require bracing when their length to breadth ratio is greater ihan 50. Cross-bracing members at approximately 45 degrees over several struts with a runner connecting all struts to this braced section should be provided. Gable bracing Long, nigh gable walls require bracing against wind forces which would tili a gable with consequent cracking at its base. It is therefore advisable to stabilise high gabies by building up a buttress in brickwork from longitudinal walls, if these are conveniently situateci, and to free the roof structure froin the gable brickwork. Alternaiively, high gable walls could be braced by timber members extencing down to the wall plate. Fixing When trusses have been erected into position and before final ixing, the following points must be checked: All trusses should be vertically plumb and without bow. Asymmetric trusses, such as cantilevers must be instailed ihe richi way round. Trusses must be spaced according to the instruciions. Trusses must not have been cut or drilled at any time. Wall plates must be firmly fixed to supporting walls. The irusses may be levelled using hardboard shims. Wedges which encourage the truss to tili over should not be used. If all the above points are satisfied the irusses inay be fixed by skew nailing them to the wall plates. The trusses must be held down to the wall as detailed previously 3.4.5 Hipped roofs Two basic methods of hip framing are used in South Africa. Traditional method - hip rafter's The traditional method of hip forming is to use heavy hip rafters (see figure 3.29). Proper design and construction of a hip requires careful consideration if a stable and economical construction is to be achieved. There is considerable interaction between all members of the roof and this largely accounts for the relatively small number of failures despite the higir incidence of unsatisfactory framework Strengthened truss Figure 3.29 Hip rafters Heavy hiprafters Hip trusses For large roofs hip trusses may be required in place of hip rafters. The configuration of the hip truss will determine whether the load will be casi on to the apex of the main truss or on to its tie, and the connections at these joints must be designed accordingly. Special truss hangers are availabie for this purpose. Strengthened truss Figure 3.30 Hip trusses Hip truss 3.4.6 Valleys It is probable that only a small percentage of valley construciion in T-shaped buildings are adequately performed as the principles of valley construction are generally not understood. This usually results in the valley member feing supported on internal walls, which inay or inay not be accepiable, depending on winether these walls are able to carry the load. The design to be used will depend on the layout of the building and the support conditions available. Where there is no interna: wall to support the framework, the configuration would take the form as shown in figure 3.31. Protrusions through ine roof such as chimneys and vent pipes should not be placed close to valley gutters. Special valley tiles inay be used on roofs with a pitch greater ihan 35 degrees. Corrosion-resistant meial valley gutters should comply with the detail shown in figure 3.32. Provision must be made for screens to guard agair: st blockage of valleys and internal (box) gutters iy hail in areas where this is a hazard. The arrangement of trusses to form valleys is extensively used by the nail-plate truss manufaciurers and provicies an easy and cheap imethod of construction. 1st Valley = Truss spacing x 2 3rd Valley = Truss spacing x 6 5th Valley = Truss spacing x10 Last valley truss next to girder/full standard truss is always less than a truss spacing away Figure 3.31 Valley trusses Standard truss "A" Standard truss "B" 2nd Valley = Truss spacing x 4 4th Valley - Truss spacing x 8 6th Valley = Truss spacing x 12 Roofing tiles BattenPacking tiling fillet Metal gutter Figure 3.32 Valley gutter for tiled roofs Waterproofingunderlay Jack rafter Valley board Valley rafter 3.4.7 Gutters The size of the gutters required will vary for different rainfall intensities. In the areas where the rainfall intensity is known to be high, the gutter size and downpipe arrangement must be sufficieni to avoid serious flooding (overflowing) which may cause damage or damp-penetration to or through other parts of the building. SABS Code of Practice 021 deals with the drainage of roofs. Table 3.1 gives recommended sizes of gutters and downpipes for different areas of roof in South Africa, Table 3.1 Sizes of gutters and downpipes Area of roof drained (m2) 15 25 40 60 80 100 125 Size of gutter (mm) Half-round 100 125 150 Rectangular 125 X :00 150 x 100 200 x 100 Size of downpipe (mm) Round 100 Rectangular 100 x 100 100 x 100 125 x 100 Source: SABS Code oí Practice 021 (1973) Details of chimney and abuiment gutters are shown in figure 3.33. Box gutters draining water from the rooi have a high leakage risk and great care musi be talen to ensure aciequale size and good construction. A minimum slope of 1:200 is advisable to ensure proper drainage of box gutters. Box gutters made of galvanised sheet steel are liable to give trouble at soldered and riveted joints and are subject to corrosion problems and should be given a protective pair coating on both sides, repainting the inside at least once every three years. 150 mm from top of tile Flashing Et 75 mm min. ELEVATION OF CHIMNEY Flashing 150 mm wide 150 mm PLAN OF CHIMNEY FLASHING DETAIL OF CHIMNEY GUTTER 150 lap 125 mm or 150 mm flashing depending on shape of tile Approx. 200 mm wide gutter Metal cover flashing Approx 200 mm depending on batten gauge Gutter Not less than 150 mm except for pantiles 230 mm BoardingTile Cleat - Trimmer - Rafter Between rafters 25 mm or 150 mm flashing depending on shape of tile. End cut to shape of tile and bent into groovesFLASHING ON SIDE OF CHIMNEY Figure 3.33 Chimney flashing and gutter for tiled roofs (alsoapplicable to other roof coverings) Rainwater discharge from higher roofs should not discharge on to low-slope roofs unless suitable means are provided to prevent the possibility of leakage. Discharge acijacent to laps between sheets should be avoided. 3.4.8 Roof coverings for pitched roofs Roofing materials The materials generally used for covering of pitched roofs are the following, of which fixing deiails are shown in the stated figures: Concrete roof tiles (figures 3.34 and 3.35) Asbestos cement roof sheeting (figure 3.36) Slate roof covering (figure 3.37) Pressed steel roof tiles (figures 3.38 anci 3.39) Trough sheeting with secret fixing (figures 3.40 and 3.41) Ribbed metal roofs (IBR) (figure 3.42) Batten [ile Clip A (used in areas with high windscould also be nailed through top of tile) 305 mm Detail of clip Tilting batten First tile + 30 mm from outside edge MN End batten: 38 mm wide x 50 mm deep minimum Figure 3.34 Concrete roof tiles C BURSING PRACTICE - VOLUME 1 Roof batten Interlocking tiles X Side seal on tiles SECTION X-X Plastic membrane on trusses Tiles Membrane Figure 3.35 Concrete roof tiles with slope < 26 degrees Main fixing 8 o fixing bolt 416 906 5 100 BUILDING CONSTRUC110M Avarage effective cover width 600 mm Overall depth245 mm Nominal thickness8 mm Galvanised steel cup washer Grey plastic washer 906 Main fixing Cup washer under nut or head Additional fixing point Main fixing points are always positioned on high corrugations as indicated Main fixing bolt Timber filler piece Main rafter Cover flashing Metal flashing Asbestos-cement or timber supports Figure 3.36 Asbestos cement roof sheeting (Canalit) 90 mm lap 610 x 305 centre-nailed slates VELANA 13 mm clearance 610 Gauge260 mm 25° pitch 375 Figure 3.37 Slate roof covering Gutter 70 mm Fascia Gable and cover strip 60 mm Timber barge board Gable end Tie beam 57 57 mm DETAIL Y Timber barge board bearer Half-round ridge tile40 x 20 battens 50 x 20 counter-battens at 375 mm centres Untearable felt on insulation board Half round ridging Battens 38 x 38 mm at truss apex fixed 57 mm both sides Gable wall Figure 3.38. Pressed steel roof tiles 38 x 38 roof batten HIP VALLEY Tiles must be cut and fitted Jack rafter Bearer Hip rafter Sheet valley tining Continuous bearer fixed between rafters Trimmed rafter Valley rafter Figure 3.39 Pressed steel roof tiles (continued) NNN Female rib* 5 mm 42 mm Centre rib 5 mm 148 mm 406 mm cover width Cover flashing Under flashing Upward bend HEAD WALL FLASHING L SIDE FIXING Male rib Ooo Die Punch String line Male rib IVANT 45 mm Cover flashing Under flashing Self-tapping screw SIDE WALL FLASHING Direction of laying deck Clip Figure 3.40 Trough sheeting with secret fixing Female rib Saw cut 13 mm deep Decking stop ended Galvanised screw on nail with 25 mm soldered lead washer 2 400 mm vlc Rib cap RIDGING ALTERNATIVE 1 Rib slots notched on site with notching shear Galvanised screw or nail 1 200 mm víc Timber packing piece 140 127 25 59 MAX: RIDGING ALTERNATIVE 2 50 Figure 3.41 Trough sheeting with secret fixing (continued) Ridge covering 686 mm Ridge plate detail Ridge plate VALLEY GUTTER DETAIL Figure 3.42 Ribbed metal roofs (IBR) Roof screw Toothed ridge filling piece Foam rubber filling piece Roof screw Roof batten 610 mm valley gutter Flashings BUILDING COHISTAUCTION Flashing work is to be executed very workınanlike as it is the mosi cominon cause of roof leaks. The actual turn-ups and caulking into walls with a strong sanci: cement mixture (1:3) go a long way in preventing leaks. Detail sketches are given in figures 3.43 to 3.48: Fascia Cap flashing Roof tiles Ext. wall Battens TOP OF MONOSLOPE ROOF Figure 3.43 Cap flashings on top of monoslope roof HHHHH Battens Roof tiles Sprocket ends External wall Cap flashing -Fascia TOP OF ROOF WITH SLOPE TO ONE SIDE Figure 3.44 Cap flashing at lean-to roof with concealed gutter BUZDING PRACTICE - VOLUME 220 Gable wall Roof tiles HI Battens Cap flashing Fascia Figure 3.45 Cap flashing at gable and overhang with tiles RIBBED SHEET METAL GABLE END F Тв Alm A 38 x 152 mm SA pine or 15 x 150 mm cementfibre barge board nailed or screwed to B B 50 x 76 mm SA pine roof batten C Sheets fixed on edge D 38 x 114 mm SA pine truss rafter E One brick wall F Mortar filling А Figure 3.46 Cap flashing at gable end overhang with ribbedmetal sheets Cover flashing Under flashing Roof screw Upward bend HEADWALL FLASHING Side lap screws Self-tapping sheetscrew on galvanised washer on bitumen washer at laps Prevailing wind direction Cover flashing Under flashingSelf-tapping screw SIDEWALL FLASHING Hexigon head wood drivescrew on galvanised washer on bitumen washer Roof screw Figure 3.47 Ribbed metal sheets fixing and flashing details CONCEALED GUTTER 80 40 min. Cover flashing Metal gutter 220 min. Back gutter Gutter size to be in proportion to exp ted water flow Joint raked out 50 mm and pointed after installation of cover flashing Slates Cover flashing Overlap 50 mm min. Soaker flashing Extension over slates 75 mm min. Figure 3.48 General flashing details FRONT FLASHING 150 Edge is lipped up DETAIL OF METAL SOAKER 3.5 CONCRETE, REINFORCING AND FORMWORK 3.5.1 Concrete Composition and use of aggregates for concrete Concrete is made by mixing the following ingredients in specific ratios to obtair the requireci strengths: cement waterthe aggregates (crushed stone and sand) The aggregates are inixed by hand or imachine. The "iype" (strength) of ihe concrete is usually described by volume, say 1 (cement):3 (sand):6 (stone). The larger the cement content, say 1:2:4, the stronger the mix. The cement and water forms a "glue" which sets through a chemical process called hydration of cement. If too much water is added the "glue" becomes too diluted, thus producing a weaker concrete despite the volume of cement. The aggregates could also be selected by weight as there is an obvious relation between volume and weight. Mixing by weight is known as weight batching. Aggregates occupy inuch of the volume of concrete, therefore the selection of suitable material is very importani. Good aggregaies have the following qualities: Hardness. The aggregate should be at least as hard as the hardenedi cement which binds it together wihen the concrete has hardened (set). The particles should be free from coatings of clay, which would prevent proper bonding (gluing) of the material. Durability. Aggregates should not contain deleterious materials that arelikely to decompose or io change in volume when exposed to the weather: All aggregates should be clean and free from organic impurities. Dirty aggregates make poor concrete. Aggregates are classified as fine or coarse. Fine aggregate refers to naiural sand and crushed stone, that pass through a 5 mm sieve. Coarse aggregaie is crushed or pebble stone, that is retained on a 5 mm sieve. Sands and crusived stone (granite, basalt, and the harder types of limestones and sancsiones) are commonly used as aggregates. The maximum size of aggregate is determined by the intended use. For reinforced concrete, it must be such ihat all the aggregate will pass readily beiween the steel reinforcing. Coarse aggregate used for this purpose generally has a maximum size of 19 mm. The size of aggregate may be increased for foundations and mass concrete work. Aggregates should contain particles ranging in size from the largest specified' (say 19 min) to small. The proportions of the amounts of the different sizes are conirolled by using various sieves with appropriate imeshes. This grading is very importani; ihe fine aggregate should fill the spaces between the coarse aggregate, leaving the minimum percentage of voids to be filled by the cement. Thus the relative proportions of small to large should be such that a solid mass is obtained when mixing it. Concrete mixes The iwo essential properties of concrete are durability and strength. Both of these are closely related to density. In general, the denser the concrete the greater its strength and the higher the percentage cement, the greater the strength. Sufficient sirength is necessary to carry the loads, and sufficient density to ensure that the concrete will be impervious to water and that it will provide adequate protection to the reinforcemeni. The proportioning of the aggregates, either by volume or by mass depends io a great extent on the quantity of concreie to be mixedi. As it takes longer and is more expensive (but more accurate) to mix by mass, it is common practice to batch by mass on large projects and on small projects by volume. The quality of concrete produced by either method will depend on the quality of the supervision, but it is generally accepted ihai mass baiching produces a inore consisteni quality of concrete as it is usually undertaken by utilising batching plants which are more consistently controllable. Coment Poriand cemeni is the usual material used and is manuíactured in South Africa to conform to SABS specifications. This ensures that the cement has passed iests for ſineness, chemical composition, sirength, setting time and soundness. There have however been an alarning increase in cerrent types being introcluced to the in. arket and extreine care should be exercised to ensure that the correct choice is inade for each application. Legislation coes, however, exist io ensure ihat the various "types" of cement conform to the SABS specification. Setting and hardening inust not be coníused. Setting refers to the süiffening of the cemeni; harciening refers to the development of strength. The setting time ior Portlanci cement is 30 minutes for ihe initial set and 10 hours for the final set. The strength of the concrete (hardening) however keeps or increasing for years, provided ihai il is kept wei. Temperature also plays an importani role as the sirengih increases with higher temperatures during seiting. The proportion of water in the inix is controlled by specifying the ratio of water to cement by weight. This is termed the water: cement ratio. Other things being equal, the strength of the concrete depends on the relative proportions of water and cement - ühe higher the proportion of water, the weaker the concrete. The amount of water used should be the minimum necessary to give sufficieni "workability" for efficient consolidation of the concrete. In practice, the ratio will vary according to the inaterials used and the nature of the work. Mixing and laying concrete Properties and mixing Concrete shouid be made by mixing cemeni with clear fine and coarse aggregates. The proportions vary for different classes of work, from 1 part of cement, 2 parts of sand and 4 parts of coarse aggregate, by volume (1:2:4) in reinforced concrete construction, to 7 part of cement, 3 parts of sand and 6 paris of coarse aggregate, by volume (1:3:6) for other kincs of work. Laboratory iesting of reinforced concrete is required and 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mrn test cubes are made for each portion of the structure placed at a time. Test cubes are crushed on 7 days and 28 clays after the placing of concrete and the strength is measured in Pa. The expected 7-day strength is 60% of the 28-day strength, thus confirming within a week if the required 28-day strength is likely to be obtained A imechanical mixer is lised on most jobs because mechanical mixing gives results that are more satisfactory and uniform than hand mixing. In many inachines the quantity of water can be regulated by an automatic Gauge. After the materials have been placed in the drum and the water added, the drum should be rotated for noi less than three minutes. The mixing water should be clean and fresh. Ti it is suitable for cirinking, it is suitable for concrete, otherwise do not use it. “Reacıy-inixed" concrete inay be supplied by truck or transit inixers, operating frora a centrai batching plant. The cry materials are put into ihe mixing drum and, as the mixer gels near the site, the water is added * and the mixing started. Ready-mixed concrete is useful where ihe site is restricted and storage space limited. Placing of congreic it is important that the concrete be placed in its final position before the initial set takes place. The usual requirements are that the concrete be placed in position within 30 minutes of mixing (adding of water) and thai it is noi disturbed after it has been placed. Gonsolidation The object of consolidating the concrete, whether by hand-tamping or by imechanical vibration, is to achieve maximum density by forcing all ihe air out of the concrete. The chief advantages of vibrated concrete are: drier inixes (less water in the mix) inay be used, giving a concrete of greater durability and higher density and strength for a given cemeni content; the fornwork may be removed earlier irom vibrated concrete than irom hand-tamped concrete. The vibrator units may be secured to the forms, or internal vibrators may be placed in the concrete. To be effective, external vibrators must be firmly secured to the formwork, which must be sufficiently rigid to transmii ihe vibration and strong enough not to be damaged by it. The vibrators are switched off when all the air has escaped from the concrete. Vibrators of the internal or poker iype are pushedi vertically into the concrete at poinis about 500 im apari, and gradually withdrawn when air bubbles no longer coine to the surſace. Construction joints Construction joinis are unavoidable ai the end of each day's work. Care should be taken when laying is resumed that a good bond is obtained between the exisiing and the new concrete. When new concrete is to be placed on top or adjacent to existing concrete, any laitance should be removed. Laitance is a scum oí cement and very ine material from the aggregates that forms on the surface of the concrete. A hardened surface should be wire-brushed or, if too hard, hacked io expose a fresh face. A! loose particles and dirt should be removed by washing with clean water and, beſore concreting is resumed, the surface should be given a coating of cement grout - a fluid cemeni and water mixture. Guring Concrete hardens as a result of chemical reaction (hydration) between the cement and water. This process continues so long as the temperature is favourable (high) and sufficient moisture is present. The sirength of concrete increases with age if curing conditions are favourable. The increase is rapid in the early stages, then continues more slowly for an indefinite period. Curing is a method of increasing the durability of the concrete by covering all its exposed surfaces with sacking or sanci, which should be kept damp for at least seven days. Waterproof paper may also be used, provided that it is kept in close contact with the concreie surface and that the edges are held down to preveni moist air escaping. 3.5.2 Reinforcing General principles Definitions The term reinforced concrete is applied to concrete in which steel is inserted for the purpose of strengthening the structure by enabling full use to be made of the strength of the concrete in compression and the sirength of the steel in tension, In reinforced concrete the proportions of steel and concrete are so designed that the stresses will be distribuied properly between ihe two inaterials, having regard to their respective safe resistances. The forces which tend to pull the particles in the material away from one another produce tensile stresses. Those which tend io compress the particles produce compressive stresses. The tendency of the particles to slide one on the other produces shearing stresses. Object of reinforcement The primary object of reinforcement is to reduce the cost of construction. Concrete has a low tensile strengih, and the amount of it that would be required in structures subjected to tension would be very large. It is therefor more economical to use sieel to resist tensile stresses. When concrete members are reinforced they can be made inore slender in section. D BUICING PRACTICE - VOLUME 1 On the other hand, the compressive strength of concrete is comparatively high, and in most cases it is cheaper to use concrete to resist compressive stresses. Consequently, a very economical and comparatively light structure can be obtained by combining the two inaterials and designing the siruciure so that the compressive stresses will be mainly resisted by the concrete and the tensile stresses by the steel. This is the principle on which reinforced concrete construction is based. Concreie members that primarily resist compression, such as columns and piles, are also reinforceci by steel to beiter withstard bending and the effects of shocks than when unreinforced. The embedded bars, tied together laterally by small diameter stirrup bars are prevented from bending sideways and are thus able to take a portion of the downward load. The mass of concrete is held together by üne reinforcement, which forms a cagework around it and ihus can suppoit a greater load than would otherwise be the case. Protection of stool from corrosion There are many cases on record in which steel has been found in perfect condition, aimost free from corrosion, on being removed from concrete in which it had been embedded for many years. The danger of corrosion (rust) is slight if the concrete is property made and the steel is a sufficient distance from the surface. The normal requirement (terminology) is that reinforcemeri should have a sufficient "cover" io prevent rusting and to ensure that it can fulfil the intended purpose without "bursting" out of the concrete. * Bonding of reinforcementThe reiníorcernent in beams and slabs consists of round bars, with the ends of the bars hook bended in order to increase ihe resistance to sliding. Another practice is to use high tensile steel bars, which are twisted, to provide a imechanical bond with the concrete. In addition to bars of this nature, there are bars with a portion of their length bent upwards, which, in addition to preventing diagonal cracks, offer a considerable resistance to sliding. The main principle involveci is that reinforcing erbecided in concrete, bonds completely with the concrete as a resuli of the fact thai concrete shrinks when drying, thus “gripping” the reiníorcing over its entire surface. The concrete anci ihe stee! thus forms a "reinforced concrete" meinber acting as an eleineni of ine structure. Golumns The reiniorcement in a concreie column serves primarily io bind it together in such a way that it becomes effectively a iromogeneous member, with the two materials acting together when subjected to a load. Practical considerations show that a syslem of longitudinal bars, braced with light stirrup bars in the form of loops or a spiral, gives the inost satisfactory results. Columns with spiral (helical) reinforcement should have at least six vertical bars within the spiral. All other columns should have at least one longitudinal bar near each corner of the column. At all joints in longitudinal reinforcement, the bars should be overlapped for a length equal to iwenty-four times their diameter. This lap joint is as effective as if the bar is continuous due to the concrete shrinkage averting any slip. In figure 3.49, the stirrups (A) (ties) are placed at intervals which should not be ess than the least of the following: the easi laieral dimension of the column; twelve times the diameter of ihe smallesi longitudinal reinforcing bars; 300 min. Stirrups A Stirrups A PLAN Figure 3.49 Column reinforcement Main column reinforcement Figure 3.49 also shows the arrangemeni of ihe reinforcement stirrups. Stirrups should be so arranged as to prevent ouiward bending of verticai bars between ühe stirrups. As compression increases on columns, they can bursi" outwards ii sufficient stirrups are noi provided. Beams in the case of beams, the primary reinforcement is that which is introduced to strengthen the portion of the beam which is in iension. Boin ühe concrete and reinforcing in reinforced-concrete beams are usually united with the concreie and reinforcing forming ihe columns. A beam being fixed ai the end's, iends when loaclec, to assume ihe form shown (exaggeraiec) in figure 3.50 (A). Not only is there tension ai (a) in the lower poriion of the beam in the centre of the span, with a corresponding compression in the upper portion (d), but the stresses are reversed in the part of the beam near the supports, where there is tension in the upper portion as shown at (b). Further, there is what is termed diagonal lension, tending to produce cracks, running naturally at right angles to the direction of the stress (c). Although this diagonal tension (which increases toward the supports oí a beam) is present in both supported and fixed beams, and in all materials, it seldom has to be taken into account in materials other than concrete which are usually of sufficient strength to counter it, as ii is not composite materials like reinforced concrete (composed of steel reinforcement anci concrete). However, concrete is so weak in tension that, in addition to the reinforcement at the points where the beam is subjected to ordinary tension, further reinforcement against diagonal tension must be provided. One method consists of introducing speciai bars attached to or forming pari of the lower tension bars, inclined toward the supports at an angle of 45 degrees. Another widely used method consists of carrying up one or more of the lower tension bars to the top of the member, as shown in figure 3.50 (B). This treatment achieves a double result: The bars in their inclined position resist the diagonal tension. When carried along the top portion of the beam near the supports, the bars resist the tension in this portion of the beam and usually renderunnecessary the provision of any further reinforcement in it. In the cross-section through the centre of the beam shown in section Y-Y of figure 3.50 (B), the four bars (a), (b), (c) and (d) are shown at the bottom of the beain where the tension is greatest. In section X-X of figure 3.50 (B), which is a cross-section near the supporis, two of the bars (a) and (b) are shown to have been brought to the top of the beam by running them up at an angle, as shown at (a) and (b). In figure 3.50 (B), the bars (c) and (d) are being carrieci inrough horizontally for ine entire length of the beam. х c'd X Loading, (weights) booba ai Do Jinni A: SECTION THROUGH BEAM Y a b с b B: SECTION THROUGH BEAM Figure 3.50 Beam reinforcement a с SECTION Y-Y a SECTION X-X Slabs and beams The previous remarks about beams apply, almost without exception, io slabs. As in beams, it is necessary io providie for the effect of reversal of stresses ai ihe supports. The commonest instance of this occurs at the junction of a slab with a bear.. it is customary to carry every other, or at least every third one, of the reinforcing bars well over to the opposite side of the main beam. This is shown in figure 3.51. The bars which are carried over being shown at (a) and (b), and those which run ihrough horizontally at (c) and (d). In practice, these bars would be inserted in the concrete in the same horizontal plane and at the same distances from the top and lower faces of the concrete but, for the sake of cleamess, figure 3.51 shows them rurning above and below one another. The inclinec portions of these bars also increase the resistance of the concreie to diagionai tension. Floor slabs are occasionally reinforced in both direciiors. When so constructed they are considerably stronger than slabs with their main reinforcernent in one direction only. Wall panels, which, iogeiher with the framework of columns and stanchions, form the enclosures of a building, are ciesigned on much the same principles as are slabs. Instead of floor loads, these panels have to resist the vertical load (concrete) on it and the tension (steel) due to wind pressure, which varies according to the height and situation of the building. The reinforcing bars of wall panels are usually vertical, out additional bars running horizontally are provided to distribute the load. a Figure 3.51 Slabs and beams 3.5.3 Formwork b introduction Concrete constructional meinbers (columns, walls, siabs, bears) require a mould in which it can be cast to the required shape. These moulds are generally calleci formwork or shuttering. Formwork inusi be assembled and erected in such a manner as to be capable of withstanding the mass of the wet concrete, the forins themselves and the loads caused by the men and equipment pouring concrete on, or into, the formwork, and the vibrating of the wet concrete. The formwork inust be constructed in such a manner as to prevent the leaking of fine particles of sand and cement ugh joints while the wet concrete is poured and vibrated. The formwork must also be erecied in such a fashion thai it is easy to disinantie when the concrete has set. Materials Formwork is generally consiructed iro. n timber, steel or fibreglass. Steel, fibreglass and planed iimber give a smooih finish to ihe concrete. The high cost of timber has led to many inventions and paients for steel formwork with the object of reducing or avoiding the lise oſ timber. This acivance is particularly obvious in the area of ihe suppoit iimbers, where these relaiively costly pieces of timber have been replaced with adjusiable steel siruts, column clamps and floor centres. The quality of shuttering (iormwork) used to hold concrete accurateiy in position until it has set sufficiently is very important as it is labour intensive, and concrete and reinforcing are expensive. The requirements for good fornwork are: strength ard rigidity; tight joints which do not leak when concrete is poured and vibrated; provides clean, smooth surfaces; ease of erection and dismantling (also called stripping or striking); cost-effectiveness (determined by the number of times used). The use of steel forms avoids wastage of timber and the expense of cuiting and fitting timber forin. s. Steel forms are made up in standard units, panels and sections with interchangeable connections so that any two or more may be locked together. Steel forms are expensive at first cost, but they can be used repeatedly and are cheaper in the long run. Because they are easy to dismantle, work can be executed more quickly. They also produce a better surface on the concrete than do timber forms. For intricate "once-off" members it is usualiy cheaper to use timber to manufacture high quality formwork. Fibreglass, bonded with resin or resin-based adhesives, is widely used as formwork for certain applications. It is lighter than steel and is particularly useful as shuttering in profiled work such as coffer slabs, and it provides a very smooth finish. Rolcase agents Before reinforcing is fixed against formwork or any concrete is poured onto or into formwork, a release agent should be applied to the formwork. Release açents take the form of oils, greases, paints and lacquers and provide a film on the face of the formwork which prevents the concrete from adhering to it. Therefore the forinwork is easier io strip and clean and inany more re-uses are attainable. Removal of formwork The formwork of beams and slabs are designed so thai the sicies may be removec leaving the bottom and strutting undisturbed while hardening is effected. In other classes of work, all the formwork is usually removed at one time. It is essential to leave the formwork in position unül uniform, continuous, even cirying and sufficieni hardening has taken place. The length of time required depends on the ieimperaiure of the air, the characier of the member, the setting properties of the cement, and the mass A which the member carries of the finished structure after stripping of the formwork. The structural engineer provides the earliesi stripping days for the difereni members, depending on each specific situation. Examples of formwork Typical details of standard formwork are shown for slabs – figure 3.52 (A), columns – figure 3.52 (B), walls – figure 3.52 (C) and beams – figure 3.52 (D). FLOOR SLAB FORMWORK Steel panels or wood boarding B COLUMN FORMWORK Standard steel panels Steel support centres or wood beams Column clamps Figure 3.52 Formwork Standard steel panels UJOUR C WALL FORMWORK D BEAM FORMWORK ENTE Standard steel panels Tie rod Reinforced concrete finishes Depending on the type of building, various design options are available for reinforced concrete. The type of finish required to the underside, edges, coiners and general surfaces will determine the quality of shuttering required. For concrete receiving further finishes, ordinary shuttering is used. Concrete which is not going to receive further treatment and which forms part of the aesthetic appearance of the building requires the most expensive shuttering, called smooth formwork or off-shutter finishes. Fiat slabs Ordinary flai slabs are used in light sirl: ctures such as small office and apartiment blocks, houses and schools. The coluinn spacing is typically not far apart, usually noi more than 4 in in one direction and 8 m in the other. Sounci isolation on these structures are not very good and it is therefore seldom used on prestige projects. The underside (soffit) can just be painted if the shuttering is adequate, for example in parking garages or it can receive plaster, or other finishes. See figure 3.53. The loading capacity and column spacing of an ordinary fiat slab can be increased substantially by adding beams between coluinns. The cost of construction, however, increases whilst it is much more time consuming and expensive to construct. See figure 3.54. 1 Plane Plaster Screed Reinforcing Figure 3.53 Ordinary flat slab Reinforced concreteslab Beam Plaster Screed Reinforcing Figure 3.54 Flat slab with beams Reinforced concrete slab 1 Composite hallow block and concrete slab Used in struciures which require a bigger span between columns. it has the addeci advantage thai good sound isolation is obtained. The appearance of the soffit is, however, unticy and can seldom be left without further finishing being applied. This type of slab is an improvement on flat slabs but more expensive. See figure 3.55. Plaster Hollow blocks Concrete Reinforcing Figure 3.55 Composite hollow block and concrete slab Goffer s/ap Cofier slabs are used where large spans and heavy loading are required. Conference rooms, spacious entrance foyers, parking garages and public areas typically demand coffer slabs. Shuttering is inevitably of a high quality, leaving a clean "egg box" effect on completion. Fibreglass shutiers are usually L'seci and the underside of the completed slah (after stripping) is often left as is or painted. See figure 3.55. ou Concrete Coffer Concrete Figure 3.56 Coffer slab 1 1 Coffer Reinforcing 6:0 Pre-stressed beam/słabs Pre-stressed beam/slabs usually require heavy lifting equipment to place the beams and is not as commonly used as the other types. The steel reinforcement in the beams are stressed mechanically in the formwork before the concrete is poured to form the beam. The beams are manufactured in a factory and placed on site by crane. The main advantage of the system is that less formwork is required as the beams have a bearing capacity of its own. The hollow blocks rest on the beams requiring no or very little further support before the concreie is poured. See figure 3.57. Pre-stressed slabs can also be formed very rapidly by placing inanufactured concrete planks in place as a slab. See figure 3.58. Reinforcing Concrete Plaster Pre-stressed beam Figure 3.57 Pre-stressed beam/slabs (E/2) Pre-stressed "plank" slabsScreed over top OV:0:0:0:00:00.0 Pre-stressed concrete "planks" laid on wall or ended in "in situ" concrete beams I Figure 3.58 Pre-stressed concrete "plank" slabs Hollow block 0.00 Post-stressed concrete slabs This is a sophisticated heavy load, long span slab which is costly. Certain designs, however, dictate this as the most acceptable option. The slab (and beam) construction is commenced as for an ordinary slab, but some of the reinforcement is replaced with sleeves through which high tension cables are placed. After a specified curing period for the slab, the cables are stressed hydraulically to the tonnage required by the engineer. After tensioning the sleeves are sometimes cement/sandi grouted with the end clamps or the side of the slabs covered up. The soffit is formed by ordinary or smooſh formwork. See Figure 3.59. Tension cable sleave Tensioning cables placed through sleeves and stressed mechanically Washer plateReinforcing 8 - Lock sleeve(light) SECTION X-X X х Washer plate Lock sleeve Figure 3.59 Post-stressed concrete slabs 0 Columns/walls Columns/walls (shuttering) can be rade up in many shapes to satisfy the requirements of the designer. They are, however, normally square, rectangular or round, sometimes receiving some structural and/or aesthetic capping. Formwork can be ordinary or smooih in quality. See figure 3.60. PLANS (ALTERNATIVES) ☺ Figure 3.60 Columns/walls 11 Second floor First floor 3.6 BASEMENTS Dry basements are ihe result of proper design and workmanship. In principle there are iwo broaci possibilities to construci successful basements. Firstly, the design can be to create an "urclerground tank” which is watertight, or secondiy the approach can be to collect water via cavity walls and drains leading to a sump from where it is puinped away. In certain instances these two principles can be split by waterproofing the walls and draining the floor area. The expected water pressure and volume will determine the most suitable option. See figures 3.51 io 3.65, which details proper construction methods. if something does however go wrong, dampness, or even free water will be experienced in basements. D E ☺ in K A Half-brick wall to protect waterproofing and receive finishes B One-brick retaining wall C Waterproofing (sealed tanking) D Consolidated earth filling E Broken stone 40 mm covered with fibreglass felt cloth F Agricultural drain to sump if required G Broken stone 40 mm covered with fibreglass felt cloth H 100 mm concrete surface bed (1:3:6) floated smooth to receive waterproofing75 mm concrete surface bed (1:3:6) to protect waterproofing and to receivefloor finish J Concrete foundation (1:2:4) K Floor finish L Wall finish M Natural ground level Figure 3.61 Basement for single level Figure 3.62 Basement for multi-levels oe VA Alternative detail with drain holes through slab A Reinforced concrete slabs on columns or taken into retaining wall with waterchannel and seepage holes (Alternative detail) B Brick wall to receive finishes C Void for surface water seepage D Reinforced concrete retaining wall E Water channel laid with falls to seepage openings F Floor and ceiling finishes G 100 mm concrete surface bed (1:3:6) laid on broken stone 40 mm H Natural ground level | Consolidated earth filling J Fullbore water inlets K Broken stone 38 mm around outlet covered in fibreglass felt cloth around pipe [ 100 mm drain pipe to sump M Agricultural drain to sump, 40 mm broken stone in fibreglass felt cloth around pipe N Broken stone 40 mm o Waterproofing membrane P 75 mm concrete surface bed (1:3:6) to protect waterproofing and to receivefloor finish Q Drain holes through slab built into D Figure 3.63 Basement for multi-levels (continued) А -A A Agricultural drains to fall to sump B Retaining wall (type depending on site conditions) C Sump to collect water Figure 3.64 Plan of agricultural drain (not to scale) А In A SECTION A-A E A Water inlet from agricultural drain B Submerged sump pump C Water level depth control pump switch D Water level E Sump cover lid Figure 3.65 Section of sump (not to scale) PA Disposal of water QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EVALUATION 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. Discuss the procedure to ensure brickwork of a high quality. Make ample use of sketches. Draw a section through the internal wall of a simple structure indicating strip footings, cavity wall and solid floor details. Provide dimensions with complete descriptions of the elements shown on the section. Discuss five types of roof finishes using sketches with complete descriptions. iviake line sketches showing ten types of roof trusses. Discuss the mixing and laying of concrete. Discuss the funciion and use of reinforcing in concrete structures, Use sketches to suppori the discussion. Name and discuss five types of shuttering (formwork) for reinforced concrete members, complimenting the discussion with sketches. Using sketches explain the construction inethod which you will recommend for a inulti-level basement. (25) (25) (50) (30) (15) (15) (25) (35) 220 GEN NOTES BUILDING COMPONENTS AND FINISHES CONTENTS LEARNING OBJECTIVES 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.3 4.3. j 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4..4.4 4.5 4.5 4.6.1 4.6.2 WINDOWS AND DOORS Window design and constructionTypes of windows Methodis of window frame fixing Door frames and linings Doors PLASTERING, SCREEDING AND TILING Plastering Screeding Tiling SHOPFITTING, JOINERY AND IRONMONGERY Shopfitting Joinery Interior finishings Ironmongery ORDINARY CEILINGS Gypsum board ceilings Timber tongue-and-groove ceiling General Trapdoors SUSPENDED CEILINGS PARTITIONING methods of consiruction General PAGE ... 151 151 151 151 152 155 156 159 15S 161 162 165 165 168 169 170 175 175 175 175 175 179 13: 18: 184 4.7 4.7.1 4.7.2 4.8 4.8.: 4.8.2 4.9 4.9. i 4.9.2 4.9.3 4.9.4 4.9.5 4.9.6 4.9.7 4.10 4.10. 1 4.10.2 4.10.3 4.10.4 4.10.5 4.10.6 4.10.7 4.10.8 4.10.9 GLASS AND GLAZING Glass Glazing PAINTING AND DECORATING Types of paint Paperhanging MEMBRANE WATERPROOFING Definitions General comments Mastic asphalt roof coverings Bituminous felt roof coverings Elastomeric roof coverings Expansion joints Condensaiion and thermal insulation of concrete roofs PAVING AND ROADS Preparing the base Tarred surfaces Concrete paving blocks Bonding Prevention of puddle formation Treatmeni of the ground Construction oí edge restraints Placing the sand bed Laying of paving QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EVALUATION REFERENCES 184 184 187 191 192 20: 202 202 203 204 206 208 209 209 211 211 212 212 213 214 214 214 214 214 216 BUILDING COMPONENTS AND ! INISHES LEARNING OBJECTIVES The objectives are to introduce the student to the typical components and iinishes found in building projects and the application thereof. After completion oi this module the studeni should be able to inake iníormed choices regarding building components and finishes. 4.1 WINDOWS AND DOORS 4.1.1 Window design and construction Windows are openings in the wall of a building to admit light, or light and air. Their form, number and size depend on the character of the building. In residences where the inain object is to secure light and ventilation, some form of sash or casement window is used. 4.1.2 Types of windows Windows may be divided into iwo general types, namely: casement window frames with hinged casements, and double-hung sash frames with sliding sashes. Casement windows In casement window frames ühe casements (opening panels) are hung to the frames by butts or special hinges, and may be top, bottom, side or centre hung. The casemenis may be so arranged that they open outwards or inwards, but the latter method is seldom used owing to ihe Gifficulties encountered in rendering the joints between the sash and frame waierproof and also because of the possible danger of accident due io the obstruction caused by the sash projecting into the room. Steel and wood casemeni window fraines and sashes are used extensively for all classes of building. The frames are built directly into the brickwork, stone or concreie surrounding the window opening. Aluminiuin windows are usually measured on site before manufaciuring to ensure thai a perfect fii is obtained. Aluminiurn wirdows are ioo prone to darnage to be built in during the initial construction phase. The standard types and sizes of windows manufactured are numerous bui they can be purpose made for specific applications. For general building purposes, such as housing, it is economical to make use of standard metal windows. These windows are available in a wide range of patterns anci sizes and by using coupling members, two or more standard windows can be combined to form a bigger unit. Hot dip galvanising prevents deterioration or rusting of steel windows during building operations and also gives protection in regions with high huinidity. Galvanised steel windows are expensive and are therefore mainly used in coastal areas io prevent corrosion. Figure 4.1 shows an example of a standard steel window. Side-hung casements have handles with two-point noses while top-hung ventilators have peg stays with three stay positions. Doubic-nung sash frames For double-hung sash frames the sashes slide vertically, and are counterbalanced by spring sash balances. The windows can be ieft open at any height due to the sashes being balanced and are locked when closed with a latch. 4.1.3 Methods of window frame fixing Figure 4.1 shows the fixing of metal frames directly into brickwork and stone or concrete. The factory fiited fixing lugs are built in as the work proceeds. The lugs can be bent so as to coincide with the joints in the brickwork. To give a weatherproof joint the space between the frame and brickwork is filled with mortar and pointeci. The sketch aiso shows the various components of a steel window frame and placement of the DPC below the winciow sill. If DPC is not inserted in this position, dampness will enter through ihe sill and damage the wall firishes below the internal sill. Figure 4.2 shows a wooden window frame and opening casement in section at sill level, and the window in elevation. Important features to note are the waterproofing of the sill, consisting of a water bar and DPC below the external sill, and the homs and fixing lugs to be built into the brickwork or other inasonry. Side hung casement Internal sill Figure 4.1 Steel window Transom iMullion External sill Reinforced brick lintol DPC Lug Parlement hinge (long hinge for easy cleaning) Glazing bar Hopper window K . H DI 67 152 114 2 SECTION X-X G A Horns to be built into wall at four corners † 911 B Water drip grooved in wood + 6 mm deep C 9x9 mm glazing bar fixed with panel pins in 12 x 9 mm rebate D 3 x 50 mm aluminium or brass weather bar х Х ELEVATION E Damp proof course152 x 152 x 19 mm grooved tiles bedded in 1:4 mortar, external sill G Sheet glass fixed in frame with putty H Internal sill J к Metal lugs every four layers of brickwork, screwed to the wooden frame and built into the wall for 300 mm Side hung opening casement window Wooden sill (part of window frame) Notes 1. 12 mm spacing between opening sections and fixed sections 2. Wooden frames from Meranti or Sapele 3. Ironmongery aluminium or brass Figure 4.2 Wooden window sill А 4.1.4 Door frames and linings Door frames Door frames are built in as the erection of the structure proceeds. Provision must be made in the frame to receive the door, ihat is to form a rebate against which the door can shut. This is achieved by solid rebating in wooden frames and by berding a rebate into factory manufactured steel coor frames. Examples of standard metal door frames are shown in figure 4.3. Pressed steel door frame Х х Transom T-lugs three per side 13 x 13 Stile ties Three lugs per side Specified size (110 or 220) SECTION X-X Figure 4.3 Standard metal door frames 44Steelframe dimensions Top vent Pressed steel transom Door Floor finish Stile ties AA 11: PLANS] Sidelight frames Use is sometimes made of sidelight frames consisting of a door frame and sidelighis (side windows) in a single unit, giving more lighting io ihe interior, typically in foyers. 4.1.5 Doors A door is basically framed or panelled work, but there is a great variety of forms, arrangements of panels, and mouldings. The fact that it needs to open and close means that it must be securely framed and glued. The swinging of a door on its hinges puts greai strain on the joints in the stile on the hinge side, known as the hanging stile. A sliding door hung from ihe top has its entire weight suspended. Sizes of door's The width of a door is regulated by the purpose for which it is intended. In public buildings provision is made for the free passage of several persons at the same time, while in private houses and offices the standard size of 812 x 2 032 min is suitable for one person. Construction of flush boarded doors As a coor made of one wide board would shrink and warp, doors are made up by putting several pieces together. These are held in place and stiffened with stiles and ledges. The best type of boarded door is one in which the framing is mortised and ienoned together. Boarded coors are sometimes used as internal doors, and a variety of effecis are produced by the finish on the door face which could be natural wood, nardboard or patterned hardboard. Figure 4.4 shows various commonly used types of boarded doors. Ledged, braced and framed doors Figure 4.5 shows the various doors discussed under this heading. The ledged door is made up of three ledges usually from 125 to 175 mm wide by about 25 or 32 mm thick according to the size of the door. To these are nailed the tongued-and-grooved boards usually about i9 mm thick. The upper edges of the ledges are bevelled when the door is to be used externally, so preventing water lodging on the rails. The door is hung to a frame screwed through the ledges. The ledged and braced door is similar to the ledgeci door, except that it is strengthened by braces. The hinges should be fastened to the side of the door from which the braces rise, then any tendency for the door to drop at its other side will be resisied by the braces. The boards and the top edges of the braces and ledges are bevelled. In the framed ledged and braces door the top rail and stiles are of equal thickness, usually 45 mm and the lock (or middle) bottom rail and the braces are less than the thickness of the stiles by the thickness of the tongued-and-grooved boards. The stiles and rails are framed together with mortise-and-tenon joinis. HOLLOW CORE FLUSH DOOR 1 1 Ledge Stile Paper core Lock block 30 x 114x710 Hinge block 30 x 68 x 255 Facing SEMI-SOLID FLUSH DOORLedge 30 x120 Stile 30 x 114 Core strips Facing Figure 4.4 Boarded doors BALANCED FLUSH DOOR SOLID FLUSH DOOR Ledge and stile 30 x 75 Paper core Lock block 30 x 114x710 Facing Ledge and stile 30 x 114 Laminated wood core Facing LEDGED BATTEN DOOR in Top ledge Tongued-andgrooved planking Centre ledge Bottom ledge FRAMED, LEDGE & BRACED BATTEN DOOR PANEL DOOR Top ledge Brace Centre ledge Stile Bottom ledge Top ledge Stile 251 Glazing bead Glazing bar Bottom ledge LEDGE & BRACED BATTEN DOOR Top ledge Brace Centre ledge Bottom ledge 251 25 30 FRAMED BATTEN DOOR WITH BACKING Top ledge 50 x 100 Intermediate ledge 19 x 152 Stile 50 x 100 Bottom ledge 25 x 220 FLUSH DOOR Top ledge with ventilation openings Core filling Lock blockPlywood or hardboard Edge strip Figure 4.5 Ledged, braced and framed doors Lock block XXM In panelled doors ihe proportions and design of ihe panels vary considerably. Panelled doors are suitable for internal and external use, but when they are used externally it is necessary to provide against effects likely to be caused by exposure to the weaiher. Exiernal coors usually have iheir panels of the same material as the framework of the door and hardwood is commonly used. 4.2 PLASTERING, SCREEDING AND TILING 4.2.1 Plastering Sand The sanci for inaking plaster should be of medium fineness and free from loamy matter or clay. Before it is used, all sand should be well screened (sieved) to remove coarse particles. The best plaster is made of sand thai is screened, washed and dried. In most cases, the sand is merely screened river or pit sand. The river sand, through possibly cleaner, does noî make such strong mortar as does pit sandt, because the grains are water-wom sinooth and rounded, not angular and sharp. Sand inust be washed to get rid of loamy matter and clay if necessary. Sea sand should not be used unless freed from salt. Ordinary plaster Plaster is usually applied in a single 1:5 (cement: sand) coat although two coais are used where a very smooth finish is required. The second coat is a fine density gypsum plaster product. Textured finish To provide a textured finish the surface is scored with a tool to provide the desired effect while the surface is only partially hardened. Rough-Gast Rough-cast is obtained by mixing 6 parts coarse river sand with 1 pari cement. Water is added to form a slurry and the mix is dashed on to the wall or ceiling with a hand-operated machine. Pebble dash This finish is obtaineci by dashing dry coarse grit, gravel or sione-chippings on to a first coat of plaster while it is wet, so that the material becomes embedded in it. Patented products are available where the pebble is dashed onto a synihetic glue which has been applied to a dry plastered surface. Labour only ftems Certain plastering details are known as “labour only items” because they require no further material. Figure 4.6 shows various of these details. FLUSH JOINT DPC DPC FAIR EDGE AND ARRIS HALF V-JOINT V-JOINT Figure 4.6 Labour only items in plaster work DPC DPC ARRISED ANGLE UD V FAIR EDGE BUILDING COMPONENT'S AND FINISHES SLIGHTLY ROUNDED ANGLE V-JOINTTROWEL-CUT JOINT Figure 4.6 Labour only items in plaster work (continued) 4.2.2 Screeding The screeding of iloors is clone to provide a smooth layer (also called topping) on concrete surſace beds or slabs to receive floor finishes. In the case of ihin floor coverings, such as vinyl asbestos tiles and other plastic sheetings, the screed needs to be particularly smooth to ensure that irregularities are not shown in the final finish. Preparation of the base It is very important that the concrete, before receiving a screed, is thoroughly cleaned to ensure adhesion. This is done by chipping off all loose particles and to expose some aggregate on the surface of the concrete. The surface thus prepared is then washed clean with water. The area to receive the screed is grouied by vigorously brushing a 1:4 cement: sand mixture onto it. The surplus grout is brushed off and the screed laid while the grout is still visibly wet. Scrosd laying The screeding is done by spreadirg a 20 to 40 mm ihick layer of damp inortar, containing sand and coarser (5 mm) aggregates. The 1:5 mixture is spread over the prepared area, roughly ievelled and then rammed for consolidation. After working it off to the required level, it is smoothed off by a steel trowel, spreading a 1:4 very workable grout over the area, which provides a smooth final surface. Grano To provide a floor with a natural cement or coloured surface, not to receive a further floor finish, a screed called "grano" (granolithic finish) is provided. In this instance the aggregates used have high abrasive resistance and the mixing proportion increased to 1:3. Grano should be laid in blocks which are cui loose from each other by a trowel whilst still wet, not more than 9 m2 each. 4.2.3 Tiling Tiles are clay products which are burnt in a kiln to ensure a hard durable product. Natural clay tiles, commonly known as quarry tiles are normally 15 to 40 icin thick and 150 x 150 mm to 300 x 300 mm in size. Glazed tiles are thinner and manuiactured from a finer clay. Patterns, colours and pictures can be applied before glazing. Thicknesses vary from 6 to 20 inm, with ihe most commonly used size being 150 x 150 mm. iviany other sizes are available, particularly in the case of imported tiles. The term glazed tiles are often used when referring to wall tiles. Ceramic tiles are harder glazed tiles suitable for iloors and walls, as are quarry tiles. ܀ Fixing BUILDING COMPONENTS AND FINSHES Tiles are placed in two ways: Thick bed: Floor tiles are laid in grout directly onto a damp screed which has been prepared as described under screeding. Tiles can be laid in an adhesive which is applied to the walls and floors with a grooved trowel after the plastering and screeding have dried. This is the most common practice which ensures a high quality finish. Grouting jointing) Grouting is done after the cement or adhesive has set. A patent filler is usually used for grouting of the joints between tiles. The grout, in a paste form (powder mixed with water), is worked into the joints, allowed to dry and then smoothed off or pointed to the desired effeci. General Figure 4.7 shows details of various nosings and corners in tiling work. Figure 4.8 indicaies the precautions to be taken when tiling over an area where differential movement between different backing materials is expected. Round edge tile Cushion edge tile Attached angle tile Glazed edge tile Mitred corner Exposed unglazed edge (common in practice, not neat) Glazing Figure 4.7 Tile corner details Horizontal internal sill with round edge Sloping internal sild with round edge Glazed bulinose // / / / / Internal corner detail // Concrete Plaster Concrete Plaster Tiles Tiles Brickwork 2. Joint filled with elasto material (silicone) Gauze Brickwork 02 Brickwork Tile grout (solid Joint) Figure 4.8 Movement and solid joints in tiling Adhesive onto plaster Adhesive onto plaster Plaster Adhesive onto plaster Tile 4.3 SHOPFITTING, JOINERY AND IRONMONGERY 4.3.1 Shopfitting Shopfičting deals with interior furniture and fittings of a building which are manufactured, installed and fixed in position after ihe structural framework and most of the finishes have been completed. These items are mainly pre-manufactured and are of a very high quality finish. Corporate image is very important and shopfitting is often the vehicle used to inake a visible statement. Office shoplifting A wide range of office furniture is available - from mass produced chairs, cesks and cupboards to pre manufactured units delivered in “kit” form to be assembled and fixed in each office. Reception counters, office furniture and boardroom furniture and fittings are some of the more expensive items designed to provide a specific corporate image. Residential shoplifting In the residential market, “shopfitting" mainly involves kitchen cupboards, bathroom furniture, bedroom cupboards and entertainment area furniture. All these items are normally pre-manufactured and are installed after all wei trades have been completed and the building is weatherproof. Kitchen Gupboards Manufacturers generally use standardised catalogues in which the units are classified as base (floor) or wall units. A wide range of items such as wine racks, oven cupboards, pot-drawers, etc. are available. A range of typical base and wall units with the relevant dimensions are shown in figure 4.9. A wide range of materials are used; from natural indigenous or imported wood to different inelamine (plastic) finishes. Built-in cupboards As for kiichen cupboards, built-in cupboards have developed to a standardised item. All the parts or the cupboard are pre-manuíactured and supplied in kit form, whereafter the different units are assembled on site to obtain a final product. It is important that measurements for manufacturing are taken only when the building is ready to receive the cupboards to ensure proper fitting in the allowed space. Bathroom cupboards have also become a sianciarci pre-manufactured item which is bought oíf the shelve. SASE UNITS Lengin mm Length inm Length mm 300 Base unit 3 Drawers 400 Base unit Full height door 600 Base/sink/ hob unit Full helght door Figure 4.9 Base and wall kitchen cupboards 11 300 Base unit 1 Drawer 500 600 Base unit Full height door Base/hob unit 1 Drawer 400 500 Base unit Full height door Base unit 1 Drawer 600 Base/sink/ hob unit 1 Dummy drawer Base unit 1 Drawer 400 500 Base unit 3 Drawers 600 .€ Base unit 3 Drawers CORNER WALL UNITS WALL UNITS Length 600 mm 740 mm 900 mmhigh high high Length 600 mm 740 mm 900 mm mm high high high Length 600 mm 740 mm 900 mm mm high high high mm 625 300 633 733 933 800 683 783 983 [H 600 Unit 625 663E33 763E33963E33 300 300 Return Door Figure 4.9 Base and wall kitchen cupboards (continued) DIAGONAL CORNER WALL UNIUS 101 400 63 743 943 1 000 6 103 9 103 7 103 Length 600 mm 740 mm 900 mm inm high high ilgh 625 663EDW|763EDW 963EDW LI 500 653 753 953 1 200 6123 7 123 9 123 600 663 763 963 Gommercial shopfitting The main areas of commercial shopfitting are counters, reception areas and display areas in shops, banks and other commercial buildings, where trading with the public takes place. There is less standardisation in this area. Corporate image requirements often lead to standardisation within a specific organisation regarding quality, design, etc. Shelving for merchandise in shops involves pre-manufactured standardised systems that can be bought in different heights, lengths and widths. In restaurants shopfitting consists mainly of purpose-made counters and decorative units. Furniture like tables and chairs are pre-manufactured and installed either fixed or loose. Traditional joinery shops are no longer playing a major role in shopfitting as inost of the items are produced in highly sophisticated factories and supplied in kit form, ready for site installation. Shopfronts Shopfronts consist mainly of aluminium frames fitted with safety glass. When required as part of a marketing strategy, other materials such as wood are used. Shopfronts are part of the building and are installed during construction. The owner of a building may not be willing to change shopfronts each time tenants change, and such changes are normally for the cost of the ienant. 4.3.2 Joinery Joinery guidelines Joinery, as distinguished from carpentry, deals with those interior and exierior ümber elements of a building that are fixed in position, usually after the wet trades have been completed. In joinery the chief requirements are: quality tiinber close-fitting joints accurate workmanshipsmooth-finished surfaces As good appearance is of great importance, joinery surfaces generally have a clean finish and are prepared in such a manner that they form a good base for painting or staining and polishing. Wherever possible the work should be arranged so that no end grain is visible on ihe surface. Timber is called "sawed" when referring to it in the sawn state from a log. Allowance must be made in the sizes for p! aning, being 3 mm for each planed (wrought) face of a member: For example, the finished size of a 100 x 75 mm member wirich is planed on all four faces, is 94 x 69 mm. For this reason it is common io quote on joinery sizes as the “sawed" size to be planed all round (PAR). Machinery and craftsmanship The progress achieved in the design and operation of woodworking machinery (often computer controlled processes) and the standardisation of many joinery components, permits work which was previously produced by hand methods to be machined with speed and precision. Examples of this are mass-produced standard doors and window frames, where the only handwork necessary is the assembly of the members after they have been machined. However, "purpose-made" joinery and certain high-class individual handwork by a joiner, give opportunities for the exercise of craftsmanship and skill. Provision for expansion and contraction All timber is subjected to changes in size due to climatic conditions. Joinery work, therefore, should be fixed so that it is free to expand and contract without damaging the product or becoming unsightly. This is accomplished by securing one edge only when fixing, permitting the other to rest in a grove in such a position that it may contract or expand. When both edges are secured, shrinkage will cause the timber to split, and when it swells, it will either bulge or push out the securing nails or screws. Narrow boards are preferable to wide ones, as the swelling and shrinking are distribuied over a larger number of joints and are less noticeable. After the members have been prepared in the workshop, care in stacking prior to use on the site is essential to prohibit warping or other damage. A thorough knowledge of the properties of various types of timber is important in joinery. 4.3.3 Interior finishings Typical interior joinery finishings which are applied are the following: Architraves Architraves provide a lining to openings and can be secured as íollows: Where the architrave is of softwood and to be painied, it can be nailed or screwed to timber runners (grounds) which have been fixed to the plaster surface. Hardwood architraves to be varnished or polished can be fixed by screwing from the face, the holes being filled in with timber pellets glued with their grain in the same direction as that of the architrave. Fiardwood architraves can be secured by secret slot screwing. Skirtings A skirting is the horizontal timber sirip placed at floor level to cover the joint between the wall and the flooring. For neatness and convenience in fixing, skirtings should not be unduly large and should preferably be of a simple profile. However, large profiled skirting which has been fixed by a good craftsman makes a superb high class statement in formal areas. 4.3.4 Ironmongery ܀ Door boits A large variety of door bolts is available on the market. These bolts are made in many sizes in steel, aluminium, brass anci bronze and may be procured in a variety of finishes. Figure 4.10 shows several types of door bolts. Necked barrel bolt e Flush bolt Barrel bolt 14 Mortic bolt Figure 4.10 Door bolts Indicator bolt Door chain Keep Cupboard bolt Door locks There is a great variety of types and quality of door locks. Generally tirey are classified as rim locks and mortise locks. Rim locks are secured to the surface of the door and exposed to view, mortise locks are let into a mortise cut into the edge of the stile and only the face of the lock is visible on the edge of the door. Rim locks Rim locks are generally used due to their low cost and because they are easily applied to the doors. They merely need screwing to the surface of ihe door and frame. Rim locks may be obtained in various shapes and sizes. A typical example of a rim lock is sirown in figure 4.11. The keyhole may be double ended which allows the key to be used from both sides. When the keyhole is single ended, the lock is provided with a hand knob for unlocking from the inside. Rim Lock Figure 4.11 Rim lock Mortise locks ivortise locks are available in 2, 3 and 4-lever locks, indicating a rising quality of mechanism for greater security. It is more time consuming to fit mortise locks, making it more expensive than rim locks. Due to functionality, however, it is ühe most used lock (see figure 4.12). Moriise locks are also available with a cylinder which receives the lock key. The cylinder fits into the lock mechanisin, operates with a small key and is substantially more secure than an ordinary keyed mortise lock. BUILDING PRACTICE - VOI. UME 1 Mortise lever lock Striking plate fixed to frame Cylinder lock Knob set Figure 4.12 Mortise locks Mortise lever lock handle set 9. Cylinder lock Pins Rotatingplug Cylinder lock showing pin tumbler mechanism General ironmongery The following general ironmongery which is commonly used is demonstrated in the following sketches: Escuicheons: figure 4.13 Barrel bolts: figure 4.14 Door ironmongery: figure 4.15 Sundry ironmongery: figure 4.16 Figure 4.13 Escutcheons ថា DO TOWER BOLT Bolt PADLOCK BARREL BOLT Barrel Hoool Barrel Figure 4.14 Barrel bolts HINGES 03 Butt hinge TO Dubl hinge2 Parliament hinge7 0 O Tee hinge1] butt Vasnered butt Flap hinge8 3 Piano hinge12 Bolt D BARREL BOLT Ballbearing butt4 O BoltBarrel Plate fixed to door ات Hamborg hinge5 StraightDovetail 9A9B Counter flap hinges Figure 4.15 Door ironmongery Centre hinge13 on Rising butt6 30 Strap hinge10 o Flush hinge Offset hinge 1415 DOOR CLOSER HASPS AND STAPLES DOOR STOPS Figure 4.15 Door ironmongery (continued) 10 Figure 4.16 Sundry ironmongery 4.4 ORDINARY CEILINGS 4.4.1 Gypsum board ceilings Ceilings are usually cone in gypsum board in small buildings. The gypsum board consists of two sheets of thick paper with gypsum pressed in between to form a composite board. These sheets are naileci to ceiling brandering with clout head nails (flat headed nails). The joints are held together between the boards with a metal H-section or the joint is covered with a ílat wood strip or gypsum board strip. See figure 4.17. The joints can also be closed by using boards with bevelled edges. These edges are butted together after which a jute or metai scrim is stapled to the boards in the recessed edges and then plastered over with a skim coat of gypsum plaster which fills the recessed area. On completion the ceiling displays a smooth underside with concealed joints. See figure 4.18. 4.4.2 Timber tongue-and-groove ceiling Timber ceilings are formed by using tongue-and-groove timber strips such as pine, meranti, saligna, etc. The timber is secretly nailed to the brandering through the back lip of the groove which is then covered with the tongue of the next strip, which is fitted into the groove. It is important not to fit the timber strips too tightly as this will cause buckling of the ceiling with moisture increase in the air. See figure 4.19. 4.4.3 General Ceilings are finished at ihe walls by leaving a gap between the boards/timber and the walls for expansion and movement, which is covered with a cornice. In the case of gypsum ceilings the cornice is usually made of profiled paper board with gypsum in between. This cornice is butt jointed in length, with the joint smoothed off with gypsum plaster or a pre-paint filler. See figure 4.20 showing a general ceiling section. Timber ceilings and sometimes gypsum ceilings, are finished against the walls with a profiled timber quarter round or with a 40 x 20 mm rectangular timber strip. 4.4.4 Trapdoors Airapdoor is insialled to provide access through the ceiling to every separate void above the ceiling with at least one installed near the geyser or oiher services above the ceiling. The minimum size for a trapdoor is 600 x 600 mm and it is consiructed on site as shown in figure 4.21. Figure 4.22 shows a factory manufactured ceiling trapdoor. DETAIL "A" 38 x 38 mmbrandering 6 mm gypsum celling board 38 x 38 mm brandering Tie beam 6 mm gypsum ceiling board Pressed metal H-section ceiling joint strip Tie beam 6 mm gypsum ceiling board 6 mm x 38 mm wood or gypsum celling board joint cover strip Figure 4.17 Ceiling joint finishing Gypsum plaster over entire ceiling area 38x38 mm brandering Fibreglass plaster gauze strip stapled to ceiling board Tie beam 12 mm gypsum ceiling board Tie beam 38 x 38 mm brandering 12 mm gypsum ceiling board with recessed sides Fibreglass plaster gauze strip stapled to ceiling board and recess only plastered with gypsum plaster Figure 4.18 Gypsum ceiling with concealed plaster joints E 38 x 38 mm brandering DETAIL "A" Tongue-and-groove ceiling planking 38 x 38 mm brandering Figure 4.19 Timber tongue-and-groove ceilings А с 38 x 38 mm ceiling battens nailed to tie beams at 450 mm centres (celling boards 900 mm wide) Ceiling boards consisting of one of the following: 1. 6 mm thick gypsum board 2. 6 mm thick hardboard 3. 12 mm thick piastered gypsum board 4. 12 mm thick softboard 5. 6mm thick cement fibre board 6. 13 mm tongue-and-groove planking AAN Concealed nailing 38 mm wood (meranti) quaterround fixed alternatively to wall and ceiling battens 75 mm gypsum board cornice fixed at 300 mm centres alteratively to wall and ceiling battens Coverstrip 6 x 38 mm of wood or gypsum board on joints between ceiling boards. Wire (or metal strip) roof tie Figure 4.20 General ceiling section PLAN SECTION A-A А с D E F. G G IN D ET ب اه G Ceiling battens Ceiling board 600 x 600 mm opening for trapdoor in ceiling 38 x 38 mm ceiling battens around opening in ceiling 38 x 38 mm batten frame with ceiling board fixed to it 10 x 50 mm plained and rounded angle planks. Mitred at ends to form a frame and screwed to D through B so that frame projects 25 mm into opening to receive trapdoor Tle beam Figure 4.21 Site manufactured ceiling trapdoor PLAN À SECTION A-A А с D E G E Ceiling battens Ceiling board 600 x 600 mm opening for trapdoor in ceiling 38 x 38 mm ceiling battens around opening in ceiling 38 x 38 mm batten frame with ceiling board fixed to it Patented steel trapdoor Tie beam E Pivot point Figure 4.22 Factory manufactured ceiling trapdoor А 4.5 SUSPENDED CEILINGS Suspended ceilings are usually used in non-residential buildings such as office blocks and shopping centres where it is imporiant to form a ceiling void io accommodate air-conditioning ciucis, mechanical, electrical, water, sewerage and other services. Suspended ceilings are either demountable or fixed. Demountable ceiling panels are mounted in suspended T-sections which are usually powder coated (paintec) and visible. Fixed panels are slid into T-sections which are not visible, resulting in the entire ceiling forming a continuous boarded effect. Suspended ceilings are of modular design which ties in with air-conditioning, electrical and partitioning systems. Fixed panels should only be considered where no services are concealed in the ceiling void. A further disadvantage of fixed panels is that if one panel is damaged, a large portion of ceiling has to be stripped to do remedial work. A variety of ceiling board types are available in orcier to achieve the desired acoustic and aesthetic effect. Typical sections demonsirating suspended ceiling systems are shown in figure 4.23. Electrical services Concrete floor slab Air-conditioning ducting DETAILS "A"and "B" Suspended hanger brackets Suspended ceiling hanging bracket O Water Wall Sewerage Cross T-section laid loose between boards Fixed with power nails or screws Removeable celling boards Main T-section ALTERNATIVE T-SECTIONS Figure 4.23 Suspended ceiling systems DETAIL "B" SECTION Underside of concrete slab or other roofing Fixed ceilingpanels 4.6 PARTITIONING Partitioning is lised io divide space within a building into a varieiy of room/office sizes. With the ever changing needs in buildings, the use to which space within a building is put changes during the lifetime of the building. It is thus more economical to use cerrountable partition walls. The advantage of future flexibility musi, however, be set against the increased initial cost to obtain demountability. Demountable partitions and suspended ceilings are norinally used simultaneously. 4.6.1 Methods of construction There are numerous partition systems available, mary having patented fixing devices. Partitioning consists of one of the following systems: frame and panel system Gypsum plasterboard drywalling Frame and panel system Rolled galvanised steel sections or aluminium extrusions are used to form a frame into which panels of a variety of materials are fixed. iMore complex panel construction may incorporate a single or double skin of pressed steel or aluminium sheets. This type of double skin panel may be fitted with glass fibre or mineral wool to improve sound isolation. Most proprietary systems offer a number of permutations of glazed to solid arrangements and are available as single or double glazed units. The glass is usually secured with a gasket type fixing. Figure 4.24 shows a iypical frame and panel system. Solid panel 51 mm solid panel KEY ELEVATION Ceiling 51 mm aluminium or PVC cornice trim 76 mm aluminium or PVC skirting Floor Glazing Solid panel Junction component Glazed panel Solid paņel Door frameDoor ISOMETRIC 6 mm foam rubber WWW017resilient seal Aluminium junction component Spring clip fixing Wiring ducts Springclip fixing 6 mm foam rubber seal Aluminium door frame Foam rubber draught seal Semi-solid flush door Timber infill A simple concealed fixing frame and panel system © Figure 4.24 Frame and panel partitioning system Gypsum plasterboard drywaliing Timber stud framing Aluminium junction component 4 mm glass PVC glazing bead Sheets of gypsum board are attached to vertical timber studs set at regular intervals. Timber sections are norinally 38 to 50 mm thick and 75 io 100 mm wide. A horizontal timber support is generally positioned halfway beiween floor and ceiling for added rigidity. The joints are then iaped and felted, sanded flush and the walls painted to give a monolithic finish. Motal stud trening The frame usually consists of 0,8 mm thick (22 gauge) galvanised steel channels approximately 65 mm wide, secured to the floor and ceiling timber or concrete slab, into which galvanised steel studs at 600 mm centres (maximum), are inserted by twisting them into position. The flanges of studs and channels are crimpece together at floor and ceiling. Double studs may be provided on each side of door and window openings with a track channel lintel above. Gypsum boards are attached to the studs and framework. A variety of finishes, like paint or vinyl cladding (wall paper), is used to provide the desired finish. See figure 4.25. Gap for movement 0,8 mm thick studs at 600 mm centres Track channel shot or nailed to concrete floor with high tensile nails Plastic skirting fixed with adhesive Figure 4.25 Gypsum board partitioning system Aluminium cornice Sealer compound if required Track channel shot or nailed to concrete ceiling with high tensile steel nails Glass-fibre insulation can be installed in cavity 12.7 mm gypsum board Timber skirting fixed to studs Post and panel system This system has a joint between ihe edges of the panels and posis. The panels and posts are retained at floor and ceiling level by means of timber. plates, galvanised steel studs, or aluminium sections. The panels consisi of storey height sheets of gypsum board, or other suitable material. 4.6.2 General iviany systems have special details such as adjustable floor fixing and levelling supports, telescopic transom rails or removable pilasters to service ducts. In most of the systems the studs and other sections are manufactured from galvanised steel, with the studs having holes punched through the web-section to accommodate services. 4.7 GLASS AND GLAZING 4.7.1 Glass Glass is composed of three chemical constituents: silica, soda and lime. These are mixed in varying proportions to suit the requirements of each case. It could also be mixed with an additional element to vary the colour or degree of transparency of the finished produci. Three general varieties of glass are used in ordinary buildings: sheet glass, float glass and plate glass. Each is used under certain conditions limited by the character of the work and the properties of the glass. Giear sheet glass The raw materials from which sheet glass is made are melted and refined in a tank furnace at a temperature of about 1 400 °C. In a continuous process, the glass passes from a melting furnace to a reheating chamber, from which the molten glass is drawn upwards from the tank by rollers. These rollers control the width of the sheet of glass, whicii passes between them in the form of a broad ribbon. As it passes upwards its temperature decreases ai a rate which is careíully controlled. The temperature of the last pair of rollers is kepi at 125 °C. The rate at which the glass is drawn upwards depends on the thickness required. After passing through the rollers, the glass enters the cutting room wiere it is cut into standard sizes. The two surfaces of drawn sheet glass are never perfectly flat and parallel, so there is always some distortion oí vision. Sheet glass is the most commonly used glass for general glazing, and is available in various thicknesses. When specifying sheet glass, it is described by the thickness of the glass. The available thicknesses are 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.5, and 6 mm, bui owing to the lack of parallelism of the glass surfaces these values sirould be regarded as nominal, with some degree of tolerance, either positive or negative, being permitted. Three qualities of sheet glass are obtainable: ordinary glazing quality (OQ), suitable for general glazing; selected glazing quality (SQ), used for glazing work needing a sheet glass superior to the ordinary glazing quality; special selecteci quality (SSQ), used for high grade work. Polished plato glass The melted glass passes through casting rollers in a continuous ribbon before it is cooled. It ihen passes through a long horizontal heated tunnel with carefully controlled temperatures. While passing through the tunnel, the class ribbon is supported on steet rollers. It passes through a machine which grinds and polishes the rough surfaces, making them perfectly parallel. It is thicker than sheet glass but until polished, lacks the transparency of sheet glass. It is completely free from imperfections and does not distort or disform objects as does sheet glass. Plate glass is norinally used in large panes, such as shopfronts as it permits undistorted viewing. Rolled glass The initial steps in the production of rolled glass are much the same as in the manufacture of plate glass. The glass is melted in a tank furnace, then passes to one of several types of machines, ihe actual type depending upon the particular form of rolled glass required. The essential common feature of these machines is a pair of steel rollers, both of which may be plain as in the manufacture of rough cast glass, or one (usually the bottom roller) may have a pattern cut into fis surface in order to imprini a pattern onto the glass. The molten glass is forced between these rollers and einerges as a ribbon which is patterned before being cut to lengths. The principle varieties of rolled glass are: rough cast, plain rolled, figured rolled, cathedral rolled and wired glass. Special glasses, such as prismatic glass, are also forms of rolled glass. Rough cast glass is a rolled glass in which boih su faces have an irregular texture, one surface being smoother than the other. Plain rolled glass is transluceni roiled glass. One surface bears a pattern of narrow parallel ribs, the other is flat. The parallel ribs diffuse the light and reduce direct glare from the sun. Figured rolled and cathedral glasses are rolled glasses wilich may be tinted or untinied. One surface of cathedral glass has a definite texture, whereas one surface of figured rolled has a pattern. According to the configuration of the pattern or texture, vision can be obscured to any desired extent. Float glass The float process is very simple in principle. The glass obtains its lustrous finish and perfect flatness by floating the molten glass on a bath of molten tin in a chemically-controlled atmosphere. The ribbon of "floated" glass is then cooled, while still advancing on the surface of the tin, until the glass is hard (cold) enough to be taken out of the bath without the rollers marking the surface. This process is more efficient than that for polished plate glass. Because the glass is smooth and the surface absolutely parallel, grinding and polishing are not necessary. Hired glass Wired glass is rolled glass in which wire is embedded during rolling. It can be obtained either in the rough-cast form or with a polished finish. The roughcast form is used where clear vision is undesirable. The polished form provides the clear vision characteristics of polished plate glass. The wire mesh is typically a Georgian welded mesh, 25 x 25 mm square. The wire is embedded in the molten glass at a temperature which ensures cohesion between the mesh and the glass, and the two materials become one. Consequently, if the glass is broken by shock, intense heat, or from some other cause, the pane as a whole reinains intact and ii does not shatter like float glass. Wired glass is practically burglar and impact-proof and when glazed in metallic frames, forms an efficient fire-retardant window. Toughened glass Armourplato glass Orcinary float or polished plate glass is made into a toughened glass and sold urder ihe trade name Armourplate. A process of heating and suciden cooling is used which produces a glass of greatly increased sirength, much more resistant to impact and sudden and large iemperature changes. Any drilling of holes on this and other toughened glass must be done before ihe toughening process because it cannot be done afterwards. Armourplate glass and other toughened glasses are used in building work for shopfronts and frameless glass doors. Armourlight glass This trade name is applied to certain shaped and moulded glasses when ioughened. These glasses may be used for roof and pavement lenses as well as for glass bricks in walling where resistance to impact and severe thermal conditions are required. Armourlight products are specially designed for translucent constructions. They have an exceedingly high resistance to mechanical loads and severe thermal conditions. Other toughened glasses The toughening process can be applied to several other flat glasses. The extent to winich the strength of the glass and its resistance to sudden temperature changes can be increased will depend upon the type of glass. 4.7.2 Glazing Fixing with putty Glazing into wood The simplest form of glazing is into rebates formed in wood frames, the glass being held in position by means of putty - a composition of raw linseed oil and whiting, ground and keaded into a stiff paste resembling cough. The glass should be slightly smaller in size than the extreme distances between the rebates, in order that the intervening bed of putty may prevent the glass from coming into contact with the frame, thus preventing fracture owing to concussion or expansion. The woodwork should first be primed with a woodsealer so that the putty will adhere. Failure to prime the woodwork will result in rapid absorption of the oil in the putty, making the putiy britile, which in turn causes it to fall out. An example of putty glazing into wood is shown in figure 4.26. After the primer is dry, a layer of putiy is spread over the rebate into which the glass is firmly becided. Back putty Window glass pane Front putty (outside) Frame Figure 4.26 Fixing of glass with putty into a wooden frame Fixing with beads In high quality work timber beads known as glazing beads are used in lieu of putty only. The glass is back-puttied before the beads are fixed with screws or panel pins so thai it may be removed in the case of glass breakage. Figure 4.27 shows the usual method of fixing with wood beads. Panel pins or screws 24 Beading (outside) Window glass pane Back putty Frame Figure 4.27 Fixing of glass with glazing beads into awooden frame Glazing into metal with glazing beads is similar to thai for wood, except that in all cases the beads must be screwed. This is accomplished by the use of tapped (threadieci) holes, previously prepared in the inetal members to receive threaded screws, the wood beads being drilled accordingly. The wood beads can also be replaced with steel or aluminium beads. In the latter instance rolled aluminium channels are sometimes used. Glazing into metal This is performed similarly to glazing into wood. Various proprietary mastics and putties for glazing into metal are available. Back and front putties are required, the metal first being coated with a metal primer. Figure 4.28 shows a iypical detail. Exterior plaster Front window putty(outside) Back window putty Opening window casement 47 External window sill 1.' 2 Lug Interior plaster Fixed profile Window pane in putty Fixed profile Internal window sill Damp-proof course Figure 4.28 Fixing of glass with putty into a steel frame Patent glazing Putty is unsuitable for glazing large panes of glass due to excessive expansion and contraction of the glass and frames. Special forms of glazing, which dispense with the use of putiy, have consequently been devised. The Lise of patenied aluminiuin frames and glazing bars has proved very successful for large windows, giving lightness in weight and a high degree of resistance to corrosion, requiring no maintenance. Figure 4.29 shows typical details. 2400 DETAIL A Mastic bed 600 600 KEY ELEVATION 25 600 C/S of bars 19 mm |3 25 25 Sidewall patent glazing Extruded aluminium glazing bar -6 mm glass Aluminiumcapping 600 C/S of bars Neoprene sealerstrip 6 mm glassExtruded aluminium bar Aluminium capping Stainless steel screws600 Cs of bars DETAIL B Concreteslab o 2 371 w Aluminiumclosure Overall length of glazing bar Compo bedding 6 mm glass Draughtfillet Concreteslab Figure 4.29 Aluminium window glazing Fixing plugs at head and sill Aluminium muntin used where two types of glass are required in one fler 2 400 Aluminiumsil SECTION C-C . 4.8 PAINTING AND DECORATING The guidelines in this section (4.8) have been adapted from the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research's "A Technical Guide to Good House Construction" (1978:173-177) and are hereby acknowledged. Paints are composed of two general ingreciients, the pigments and a liquid, which changes to a solid film when painted and dried. Dryers may be added to increase the rate of crying, and solvents or thinners to adjust viscosity or to assist application. The liquid used in the paint is referred to as the "basis” of the paint. All paints are thus “based" on a specific liquid. It should always be borne in mind that the durability of any paint coating depends very much on the thickness of the paint. Thai, however, does not mean thaí each coat of paint should be applied as thickly as possible. A coat that is applied too thick will cause the paint to sag and run, and will give rise to other problems such as slow drying, wrinkling, poor gloss of the final coat, etc. A thick coating is achieved by applying several coats of the same type of paint. When painting a new surface, always start off with the right primer. Different primers are available for galvanised iron, steel, wood and even concrete and plastered surfaces, and in each case the primer serves a special function. Primers in general are paints specially formulated to give good adhesion to the surface for which they are intended. So for wood, concrete and plastered surfaces, the binder of the primer is such that it penetrates the surface in order to give good adhesion and at the same time to bind the pigment into a proper film. Primers for asbestos cement, concrete and plastered surfaces are normally also resistant to the alkaline surface to which they are applied, whereas primers intended for metal surfaces contain corrosion-inhibitive pigments protecting the surface from any spreading of corrosion if the paint surface should be damaged. After the primer has cried, an undercoat should be applied. The undercoat serves a fourfold purpose. Firstly, it provides a good bond between the primer and the finishing coat. Secondly, it is a relatively cheap paint which helps to add to the thickness of the final paint film thereby giving the required thickness for a durable paint coating system as pointed out above. Thirdly, when cry, it can be sanded lightly should there be any roughness in the surface; this will ensure a smooth finish when the finishing coat is applied. A very fine grade of sandpaper should be used as heavy sanding will take off all the paint in patches, leaving weak spots in the film where early paint iailure may occur. In the fourth place, it has the purpose of maintaining the appearance of the finishing coat. This imeans that although the undercoat has a somewhat absorbent suriace, it is so formulaied that it allows the finishing coai to maintain its ability to dry to its normal finish. undercoat has dried properly, dust it off before applying ihe final coai. The finishing coat's function is to provide a durable water and weather resistant finisi, providing the necessary protection to the underlying primer and undercoat. It adheres well to the undercoat, provides the desired colour and finish, and normally has good flow and application properties so as to achieve a smooti professional finish. Each coat of paint therefore plays its part in forming the complete paint system. The above types of paint apply only to solvent-based paints. Water-borne (emulsion) paints are self-priming and need no undercoat. All paints must be properly stirred to ensure that they are well mixed. Always read and follow the manufacturer's instructions – these are usually printed on the label of the tin. Some paints dry faster than others and can be ready for the next coat within a few hours but, unless otherwise indicated in the manufacturer's instructions, it is best to leave a coat of paint to cry overnight before applying the next coat. 4.8.1 Types of paint Different paints are required to perform varied functions. The qualities to be expected from a paint system include some or all of the following: adhesion to the surface being painted impermeability to water (liquid) permeability to water vapour protection, including shielding the material being painted from the effects of the weather, steam (e. g. in a kitchen) and wear and tear obliteration oi any unsightly marks and stains decorativeness, including imparting the desired colour or texture elasticity, i. e. an ability to accommodate thermal movements of the painteci material durability A paint system usually has the following components: Knotting for wood) Shellac is the basis of "knotting solution", which, although noi really a paini, is applied to knots in new timber to prevent the natural resins in the timber from damaging the succeeding. coats. PVA (polyvinyl acetate) paints are also frequently used for this purpose. The primer The function of the primer is to proteci the maierial being painted and to provide a surface io which subsequent coats will adhere. There are various types inade either to seal porous surfaces such as softwoods, plaster or brickwork, or to protect metallic surfaces from rust or corrosion, or even to bind smooth surfaces. The undercoat This layer must completely blot out any unsightly rarks on the surface being painted and adds to the total thickness that contributes to the life of the paint system. The undercoai also dries to a matt surface to provide a good grip for the topcoat. The topcoat (final or finishing coat) This is the layer that must provide the desired finish, colour and texture, and the resilience that protects the paint sysiem from damage. The topcoat is the only one of the three that dries with a surface that is not always suitable for painting on - a fact which is often a cause of failure in repainting jobs. Each of these paint types generally contains some or all of the following basic ingredients: a binder a drier a solveri (the basis) a pigment Nowadays there are literally thousands of chemicals that could be used in paints with the result that it is important when specifying a paint system thai the various coats are all compatible. The simple solution is to ensure that the complete paint system - the primer, undercoat and topcoat - are as recommended for ihe purpose by the same manufacturer. Principle kinds of topcoats available Limewash The main constituents of limewash are lime, sodium chloride and iallow or oil. Although once used extensively for outside plasierwork, limewash has now largely given way to emulsion paint for new work. Distemper The pigment is often bound with ordinary water-soluble glue or size, although oil-bound distempers are also made. Although cheap, distemper is not used much today and cannot be used externally. As with limewash, its big disadvantage is that recoating with any other type of paint at a later stage usually involves complete stripping of ihe initial coating. Oll paint This is the traditional "enamel" paint in which a long-lasting pigmeni such as titanium dioxide is bound with a drying oil such as linseed, soya or sunflower seed oil. Although oil paints of this type have been largely superseded, they are still successfully used on some surfaces, particularly external woodwork. Alkyd resin paint When normal drying oils are chemically treated they can produce a family of synthetic compounds known as alkyds. They have more flexibility than the traditional oil paints and at present form the bulk of "gloss enamel" paints sold. PVA (polyvinyl acetate) and similar emulsion paints This group sometimes referred to as “plastic paints", includes PVA, PVA-acrylics, acrylics, PVA-maleates, and various other polymers and co-polymers. In America, these are usually referred to as latex paints. Water is the basis of all paints of this type. Among the reasons for the popularity of these paints are that they are water-dispersable prior to setting, enabling them to be easily thinned, and ihat brushes and rollers can be cleaned using water. Another advantage is their rapid recoatability. They are also alkali resistant, which makes them very useful for applying io fresh cement work. These paints are relatively porous when drying which makes them able to "breathe" and therefore less likely to be forced off the wall by water vapour from within. PU (polyurethane paint) This is a syniheiic resin paint that is extremely durable and can be used on most surfaces. It is available as a one or two-pack system. However, ihere can be problems due to loss of adhesion on some surfaces. Special solvents must be used for thinning and brush-cleaning. Epoxy paints and coatings Epoxies are amongsi the hardesi resins known and, wien correcily appliec to a sciupulously clean surface, have exceptionally good adhesion characteristics. They can be loaded with pigment and fibre and are the basis of the more successful one-coat painting systems. They are not cominonly used in conveniional construction but are useful in specific situations for the protection of metal surfaces against corrosion and for camp-proofing the surfaces of concrete surface beds and mortar screeds. Epoxies can, however, present serious problems where a second coat is needed after a time, or where a surface has to be repainted, as it does not receive further coats successfully due to a lack of adhesion. Special solvents are norinally required for thinning and cleaning of equipment. Chlorinated rubber paint Chlorinated paints are extremely resistant to water penetration and chemical attack and are used io good effect on metals in marine environments. However, some formulations have poor flexibility and low resistance to heat. They are also used on cement-based surfaces for certain applications, e. g. swimming pools. Chlorinated rubber thinners should be used as a solvent. Clear finishes and stains Clear finishes include the shellacs, lacquers, polyesters, polyurethane varnishes and phenol-formaldehyde resin varnishes, and are mainly used on wood surfaces. The protection offered by clear finishes is generally inferior to that offered by opaque coatings, i. e. paints. Although many of these products may be used successfully internally, few are suitable for use externally. For internal woodwork, short-oil varnishes or spirit varnishes containing shellac have tracitionally been used. Short-oil varnishes have a higher proportion of resin than long-oil varnishes and they generally dry more quickly, are harder anci exhibit a higher gloss. The polyester varnishes commonly used nowadays are more impact, abrasion and stain resistant and also far less brittle. For external woodwork, long-oil varnishes and other products inay be used, but their life is generally short. The polyurethane varnishes currently available are not suitable for use outdoors. A water-repellent stain will give far better results where a natural finish is required for timber exposed to the weaiher. Preparation of the surface Preparing the surface correctly is an essential step to achieving good adhesion and a satisfactory texture. Wood For best results timber should be ai "equilibrium moisture content" wihen it is painted. It should, as far as possible, be protected from the weather before being painted. The wood must be sanded smooth, all dust removed and all cracks, splits and nail-holes stopped with a suitable iller. A suitable knotting solution should be applied to all knots and then be sanded smooth. Timber musi noi be painted when it is wet or even damp. Meta! Grit blasting is the best method of preparing steel for painting.. Unfortunately this is not always possible on a building site. ivietal musi be completely free from all dust, grease and rust. A technique for galvanised steel is to brush it down hard with a stiff wire brush and then to rub the surface with a steel pot scourer or sandpaper. A rust remover should then be applied to the surface, which should be thoroughly washed off on completior.. The surface must be thoroughly dry before the primer is applied. Priming must always be undertaken immediately after cleaning, otherwise rusting of the metal will again take place. For galvanised and ungalvanised steel, special cleaning pastes or detergents are available to remove the protective oil coat or wax applied at the factory. The cleaner must be washed off thoroughly and the steel allowed to dry before paint is applied. Using the above cleaning agents and the right paint, correctly applied, it is no longer considered necessary to allow galvanised surfaces to weather before painting. Gament-work A concrete or plastered wall should be washed down thoroughly with water and detergent, and then well rinsed and allowed to dry before being painted. All surface irregularities, cracks and inoles should also be filled and sandpapered smooth before painting. Particular attention should be given to the removal of any mouldi (shutter) oil on concrete. "Glazed areas" on concrete shoulci also be roughened before painting. This is liable to occur where plastic inoulds have been used. Some suggestions for painting various surfaces Paints for ungalvanised steal All surfaces of steel components should be given a coat of the appropriate primer, after having cleaned ihe surface with a solvent in the factory before delivery to site. For exposed steel which will not be subjected to the climatic conditions of the coastal areas and the Cape Peninsula, a system of preparation, priming paints, and appropriate overlayers conforming to ihe relevant SABS codes of practice and standard specifications should be used. The total dry-film thickness of the paint film should not be less than 100 micrometres. Methods of preparing the steel for painting and the types of coating to be used should be selected from the SABS schedules appropriate to the building method used, e. g. SABS 064, 312, 630, 631, 681, 684, 801 and 912. For exposed steel subjected to the climatic conditions of the coastal areas, the steel should be blast-cleaned, or pickled in an acid bath and coated with two layers of red-lead priming paint to SABS 312, Type 2 Grade 1, followed by two layers of micaceous iron-oxide oil or oleoresinous paint, and over-coated with a finishing paint to SABS 684, Type A or B. Red-lead type priming paints do not generally lend themselves to prefabricated building methods, owing to their rather long drying tiine. Another imethod of painting steel for protection under the climatic conditions in the coastal areas may therefore have to be used. Other choices include a high-build chiorinated rubber paint system or a system incorporating phenolic-based pigmented etch primer and micaceous iron-oxide paini. Paints for galvanised steel Any areas of steel components where the galvanised coating becomes damaged should immecliately be touched up with the appropriate primer prior to building in or fixing. Exposed galvanised steel which will not be subjected to the conditions of the coastal areas should be coated with calcium-plumbate priming paint to SABS 912 after the surface has been properly cleaned, followed by emulsion paint to SABS 940, or roof paint to SABS 583, Type A or B. iiicaceous iron oxide paint is also successful. The manufacturer of steel roofing sheets, for example, ofien applies temporary protective coatings (such as wax) at the ſactory to enable the product to be transported and stored with a minimum of corrosion problems. All traces of such storage oil, wax or resin on galvanised steel musi therefore be properly cleaned off with a special abrasive cleaner or cietergeni before painting. For corrugated steel roofs, a single-layer coating which provides longlasting protection iſ applied over scrupulously cleaned, new galvanised steel sheeting, is emulsion-type roof paint to SABS 940. Galvanised units destined for use in the coastal areas will require different paint systems, such as one of the following: one coai of calcium-plumbate priming paint to SABS 912 followed by two coats of roof paint to SABS 683, Type A or B, or two coats of micaceous iron-oxide alkyd paint; one coat of etch primer, followed by one coat of zinc-chromate primer, one coat of micaceous iron-oxide alkyd paint, and a finishing coaiof paint to SABS 684, Type B, or SABS 683, Type B. In coastal areas, corrosion is extremely likely to occur at laps in the roof where moisture can collect. It is therefore essential that these areas are adequately protected by one of the above paint systems before erection. Factory precoated galvanised steel roofing sheets, which can be used in coastal areas, are also available. Paints for aluminium Before aluminium is painted any oxices that may have formed on the surface should be removed. Cleaning should be followed by the application of a wash-primer conforming to SABS 723, and thereafter, a zinc-chromatic primer to SABS 679, Type 1. An undercoat and a topcoat should then be applied. Paints for wood After cleaning the surface of the wood, which should be at the equilibrium moisture content, the knots and resin pockets should be coated with one layer of knotting varnish. Thereafter, one coat of primring paint to SABS 678, Type II, should be applied, followed by one layer of undercoat paint to SABS 681, and one or iwo finishing coats of paint to SABS 530. In the case of timber exposed to the weather, pre-oiling generally extends the lifespan of the paini system. This can be accomplished by brushing a 50:50 solution of linseed oil and mineral turpentine over the cleaneddow'n surfaces. Afier about an hour the surface should be wiped with a cloth to remove excess solution not absorbed by the timber. Painting should begin the following day. The main function of a paini on exposed timber is to protect it against the weather and, in particular, water entry. However, regardless of the effectiveness of a finish as a water barrier, entry can occur at butt ends, joints and small cracks that may develop after a period. If, as a result of this, the wood becomes wet for prolonged periods, it is subject to decay unless it has been pre-treated with a suitable preservative. Softwoodis are particularly prone to decay under these circumstances unless protected. It is therefore recommended that all softwoods (coniferous) exposed to the weather and which are to be painted should, prior to installation, be ireated with preservative in accordance with SABS 05. Where timber exposed to the weather has not been treated in this way, it is preferable to apply a water-repellent stain instead of a paint. At least iwo layers of water-repellent stain should be applied. li is usually available in "natural" forin and in various "wood tints", Paints for plastered walls Two coats of emulsion paint conforming to SABS 633 or 634, as appropriate, should be used. For bathrooms and kitchens it is suggested that SABS 634, poly-acrylic type, be used. Filler coats are not recommended for use on exterior walls. Oil-bound and alkyd resin paints may also be used for plastered walls, but because new cement always contains an excess of alkali in the form of lime, these paints can deteriorate under moist conditions if applied to such surfaces. The oils in some paints saponify (form soap) when they come into contact with alkalis. With an oil-based paint system, a proprietary sealer should first be applied to the wall, but the danger oí trapping damp behind the layer of paini still exists with this system. Paints for asbestos-cement boarding, shesting and panels Two coais of polyurethane paint (two-pack type) should be applied, or one coat of resinous wall sealer, followed by two coats of acrylic emulsion paint to SABS 634. A single layer only of the sealer should be applied. The build-up of a continuous glossy layer should, however, be avoided. Particularly where the latter paint system is to be used, it is importani inat ali nail and screw-heads are touched-up with calcium plumbate or oiher suitable primer before painting. Paints for concreta Two coais oſ acrylic emulsion paini to SABS 634 should be applied on external concrete surfaces, or, one coat of oleo-resinous bonding liquid followed by two coats of PVA CO-polymer emulsion paint to SABS 634. Internal concrete surfaces should have one coat of oleo-resinous bonding liquid followed by two coats of PVA co-polymer emulsion paint to SABS 633. The use of gypsum plaster or gypsum containing fillers for levelling should be avoided externally and in any areas where damp conditions are likely to prevail. A cement paint may also be used, but its application requires considerable care and the manufacturer's instructions should be strictly followed. Common paint fallures The following are some of the mosi common paint failures and the reasons for them. Blistering This is often caused by moisture or grease trapped below the paint surface, which, when the surface is later subjected to heat, as from the sun, vaporise and fom blisters in the paint film. Problems of this kind can be obviated if the surface to be painted is properly prepared and cleaned. Alligatoring This disfiguring break-up of the surface texture of a paint system is usually caused by incompatibility between the various coats of the paint system, too rapid surface drying, or even too ihick a coating. Cracking This may occur with paint on woodwork where the wood was not properly diy prior to painting or where a hard-drying paint or varnish is used which cannot accommodate movements caused by temperature, moisture and impact. Flaking This is usually caused by inacequate preparation of ihe surface to be painted. Flaking following loss of adhesion occurs because the surface was ioo smooth or was not properly cleaned, as with the protective oils on new galvanisec steel. It may also be caused by the use of an unsuitable primer. Failure to dry properly If non-drying oil, wax or grease are allowed to become inixed with the paint, it may remain tacky almost indefinitely. Chalking This is the result of natural elements such as ultra-violet light destroying the binder so that the pigment comes off as a powder. All paints are eventually degraded in this way and it is generally regarded as a fault only when it takes place too soon afier application. Fading Where this occurs prematurely, it may be because paint meani for internal use has been used externally. 4.8.2 Paperhanging Wallpapering is a decorative finish which can easily be renewed. Wallpapers are made to standard widths in rolls, and used primarily as a high class wall finish. A wide variety is available for use as part of the interior decorating process, including the following: Plain or pulp papers: the primary material is paper with patterns or pictures printed on it. Flock papers: the pattern is printed on a tinted paper in a sticky colourless composition. Flock is then dusted over the paper, and by adhering only to the sticky parts, forms the pattern. Ingrain papers: ordinary or pulp papers into which a specially prepared fibre is incorporated. These papers are made both plain and ornamenta!. Embossed papers: made principally form pulp, the pattern being ſormed by raising or embossing the surface. Plastic-coated papers: with a thin plastic surface boncied to a paper base, which can be coloured and patterned in endless varieties. This is ihe mosi commonly used wallpaper. The "hanging" of wallpaper The correct choice of pasie is essential because different papers require different types of pasie. There are three basic classes of pasie: those baseci on starch and flour, of which there are three iypes, namely hoi water, cold water and tub paste; D those coniaining water (soluble cellulose ethers) which require care in their use because they give excessive penetration of water on some papers; pre-glued wall papers. Plastic-coated papers require a paste that contains fungicide, in order to prevent the development of moulds beneath their impervious surface. However, most wallpapers nowadays are pre-glued. All that is necessary is to wet the paper with water and it is ready to hang. The old method of using glue has been mentioned because care must be taken when repapering to ensure that the glues are compatible. In the cost calculation it will make quite a difference if the old wall paper has to be strippeci down to the plaster or if the new wall paper can be hung directly over the old paper. Wallpaper is now always sold ready trimmed and is hung with its edges butting against one anoiher (without overlap), the first length being hung to a plumbline. The work is started at the lighter end of a room, working away from the light so that any inadvertent overlap casts the minimum of shadow. Ceiling paper is hung similarly, but instead of using a plumbline to set the first length, this is done by measuring and striking a guide line on the ceiling. 4.9 MEMBRANE WATERPROOFING The main aspect which will be dealt with here is waterproofing of flat concrete rooís. Whatever waterproofing system for flat roofs is used, the work should be entrusted to a contractor specialising in the particular system. The iníormation in this section (4.9) has been adapted from the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research's "A Technical Guide to Good House Construction." (1978:130-136) and is hereby acknowledged. 4.9,1 Definitions The following definitions are applicable in this chapter: Adhesive (cold): The material used to bond waterproofing membranes, applied withoui heating. Adhesive (hot): The bitumen-based material wirich is applied hot to stick membranes to underlying surfaces. Asphaltic compound: A compound based on bitumen and an inert filler. Bituminous compound: A suitable mixture of bituminous binder and filling maierial. Black sheathing felt: A coarse impregnaied felt not coated with tar or bitumen. Dry: Refers to dry surface conditions. Felt: A material that is "felted” by interlocking the fibres and is then pressed and cut into sheets. Foot traffic: Traffic on the roof or similar outdoor recreation area where potplanis, garden chairs and other heavy objects may be placed. Impregnated felt: A felt saturated with bitumen. Joint sealing compound: A material used for making joints watertight. iviastic asphalt: Asphali containing suitably graded mineral matter to form an impermeabie mass, iluid enough to be spread by means of a hand floai when heated. Primer: A bitumen io which a suitable volatile solvent has been added and which is used to prepare a surface for the operation that is to follow. Roofing felt (coated felt): A felt saturated and coated with bitumen-based compound on both sides. Acrylic waterproofing system: Consists of a primer, saturator, fibre glass felt and a top coat available in a variety of attractive colours. 4.9.2 General comments Goverings Preference should be given to inaterials obtainable in accordance with SABS standard specifications. Roof coverings may consist of mastic asphalt, biiuminous felt, synthetic rubber, polymers or a proprietary material. All these roof coverings should be protected from the elements by one of the following: bituminous aluminium paint tiles (of clay, concrete, asbestos-cemeni or naiural stone) slate stone chippings or pebbles emulsion on bicicun. If bituininous aluminium paint is used as a proiective coating, the covering should be inspected at 12-monthly intervals and, if necessary, repainted. Covering the top surface with tiles or paving slabs will have the additional advantages that both solar heat gains and thermal movement of the roof itself will be considerably reduced. Hollow clay tiles are particularly effective for this purpose. Application of coverings Normally app! ied to flat or low-slope roofs of less than 10 degrees. Surface to be covered This should be firm, smooih, dry and continuous, without ridges and with adequate provision for expansion and contraction, which should not exceed the ability of the covering used. The surface on which the covering is laid musi have a minimum fall of 1 in 50 (approximately 1 1/2 degrees). A suitable mix for a screed to receive waterproofing is 1 part of cement to 5 parts of clean aggregate, by volume. Lightweight aggregates are sometimes used for screeds, which also provide thermal insulation. Fiashings Flashings are a very important element of membrane waterproofing as Gefective flashings are one of the main causes of leaks. Details recommended by manufacturers should be strictly adhered to. Some detailing will be discussed in ihe following text. 4.9.3 Mastic asphalt roof coverings Materials iviastic asphalt should comply with the requiremenis of SABS 297. li is delivered to site in a solid state, usually in blocks and chunks up to 300 mm square or diameter, which is then imelted in a heated pot and applied by trowel. Details of applicationIt is essential thai an underlay is used over all surfaces that are to receive mastic asphali as it allows relative movement between the asphalt and the deck, and prevenis rapid cooling and blowing due to vapours on camp concrete surfaces. The underlay may be a black sheathing feli, thick building paper or lighiweight rooſing felt. Each coat of mastic asphalt should be applied in bays whose eciges do not coincide with the edges of other coais or with the joinis of any underlay Lised. No bay may include a change of slope, and may therefore not traverse either a run-off or a ridge line. Any mastic asphalt work left uniinished should be warmed up and cleaned at the edges before fresh material is laid next to it. The mastic asphalt should preferably be applied in two layers with a resulting total thickness of not less than 20 mm, but may be applied in one single layer of at least 15 mm thick. With one-layer applications the joints need particularly careful treatment. For each coat of mastic asphalt, thickness gauges should be used. On no accouni should nails or the like be driven into previous work to set levels for the following application. In all cases where the mastic asphalt abuts against parapet walls, chimney stacks or oiher upstands, a fillei should be constructed with mastic asphalt anci a skirting, formed in the manner shown in figure 4.30 and a metal cover flashing should also be used. Where mastic asphalt is taken over an external angle, care should be taken io maintain the fuld thickness of the coat. The finished mastic asphalt should be adequately protected from the weather. This may be achieved by coating the surface with a bitumenbased paint, preferably aluminium, or a paint or similar reflective properties, or by applying a layer of stone chippings. Brickwork in stretcher bond with wire tiles Bituminous compound Precast coping bedded in mortar DPC 110 mm wide over wall joint Metal cover flashing Mastic asphalt skirtingMastic asphalt -Underlay Screed to falls Figure 4.30 Typical mastic asphalt waterproofing Mastic asphalt with a tiled covering Materiais The mastic asphalt used as the waterproofing should consist of a mixture oſ soluble bitumen complying with SABS 297 and suitably graded mineral aggregate. Asbestos-cement, burnt clay, cast stone, concrete, terrazzo and slate have been used successfully as a tiled weather-resistant aggregate in this iype of construction. Deialis of application At leasi iwo coats of mastic asphalt with a total thickness of not less than 20 mm should be laid. Tiles, slates or paving slabs are then bedded in cement mortar on a slip-layer of polyethylene sheeting on the mastic asphalt. The joints between tiles or slates should be solidly filled with mortar with expansion joints provided at not more than 3 m centres both ways. For lighter types of tile covering, bituminous adhesive may be used in lieu of cement mortar, in which case the tiles could be butt-jointed. 4.9.4 Bituminous felt roof coverings Materials Coated felts (mineral-stabilised bitumen roofing felts surfaced with finely powdered mineral matter) should comply with SABS 92. The jointing compound should be: a hot jointing compound complying with SABS 317; or a cold adhesive in the form of a bitumen emulsion; or a rubberised bitumen cement containing a solvent. Details of applicationThe felt is laid in strips, at least iwo layers thick with hot-sealed overlaps as shown in figure 4.31. Before laying, the felt inembrane is first prepared by cutiing it into lengths which should not exceed 7 m and which are left exposed for as long as possible, to allow them to expand before laying. Where end joints occur, an overlap of at least 150 mm should be made and sealed. Whenever practicable, the felt should be laid across the fall of the rooi. At leasi two layers of coated feli should be used. The layers of felt are siuck continuously to each other with hot or cold bituminous compound, but the suriace in contact with the deck should not be stuck down continuously. It should be left unbonded or partially bonded sufficiently to prevent wind “uplift". However, where the deck is of concrete and the slope exceeds 7 degrees the felt should be fully sealed to the deck. Sheeing around pipes and outlets should only be sealed to a previously primed surface for a width of 150 to 200 mm. If cold adhesive is used, the sheets should be rolled immediately with a roller weighing about 50 kg to expel any air trapped between sheets and to ensure good overall adhesion. In all cases where the bituminous felt covering abuts against parapet walls or other upstands, a fillet should be constructed and a skirting for. med. A metal cover flashing should also be used. For durability, a blinding of fine aggregate, or a coat of bitumen-based aluminium paint may be applied. Galvanised metal or bituminous feltCover flashing 75 x 75 mm corner Concrete roof slab Screed to falls Bituminous felt waterproofing Cover flashing Commence first layer with 500 mm width, thereafter use 1 m widths with 50 mm laps Figure 4.31 Two layer bituminous felt waterproofing Bituminous fait with a tile covering Rainwater outlet Materials The felts and jointing compounds should conform io those described above and the üle to be used for the covering may be chosen from the following: asbestos-cement, burnt clay, concreie, terrazzo or casi sione. Details of appilcation Tiles inay either be laid in a flood coating of hoi bitumen or a cold applied asbestos-filled bitumen compound may be applied, but this should be allowed to cure thoroughly before tiles are laid. When tiles are to be bedded in cement mortar, a flood coat of hot bitumen should first be applied to the membrane to protect it. Loose laid tiles are not recommended where regular foot traffic exists as movement of the tiles can damage the membrane. For occasional foot traffic, paving slabs with raised studs on the undersurface may be used, with noi less than 25 mm clearance. The studding will reduce the movement and will also prevent moisture from accumulating between the üle and the felt. 4.9.5 Elastomeric roof coverings Materiais Elastomeric materials such as chloroprene rubber should comply with SABS 580 and should not be less than 1,6 mm in thickness. The jointing compound used for sealing the sheeting should be approved by the manufacturer of the sheeting. Details of applicationSheets are laid with side and end laps not less than 100 mm. Before any adhesive is appliec, the sections of the sireet should be thoroughly prepared by sanding or solvent cleaning. Depending on the structure and iocal requirements, a glue line of not less than 100 mm at intervals of 1,5 m should be applied. Sheeting around pipes and outlets should be sealed io a previously priined surface for a width of 150-200 mm anci ſlashed. Whenever practical, each sheet should be laid across the fall of the rooí. The joints should be rolled immediately with a small hand roller to expel any air trapped in the joints and to ensure good overall adhesion. In all cases where the elastomeric waterproofing covering abuts against parapei walls or other upstancis, a fillet skirting is formed. A metal cover ilashing should be used. For durability, the application should be finished off with two coais of approved paint. in areas which will be trafficable, a protective underlay of bituininous sheeting, butt-jointed with ihe joints sealed to the screed, should be used before the elastomeric sheeting has been laid, with a further protective layer of bituminous sheeting lapped for a minimum of 100 mm laid over the elastomeric sheeting where traffic occurs. 4.9.5 Expansion joints Where expansion joints are necessary in the roof, care should be taken to inake a weather-tight joint. The raised-icerb type of joint is preferred, as in the example shown in figure 4.32. Metal flashing Metal clips at 1000 mm intervalsFlashing notched and bent under clips Layers of bituminous felt covering Screed Cover strip fixed one side only Figure 4.32 Raised-kerb expansion joint 4.9.7 Condensation and thermal insulation of concrete roofs Genera! The purpose of insulating concrete roofs is twofold. It is firstly to prevent solar heat gains or loss through the roof, thus ensuring better indoor thermal conditions, and secondly to reduce thermal movement of the roof itself. In order io achieve this, the insulation should be applied on top of the roof slab, below the screed. It should, however, be realised that the use of themal insulation can increase the possibilities of condensation because of the inevitable reduction in surface temperatures on the inside of the building. vioisture condensed beneath the waterproofing in this imanner may evaporate in subsequent hot weather. Pressure build-up may be sufficient to damage the membrane or tear ii loose from the slab, forming bubbles. The problem is particularly severe where it is not possible to allow the slab to dry out sufficiently before being waterproofed. There are several ways of reducing rooi temperatures or heat gains and losses through concrete roofs, such as: Non-trafficable surfaces Insulation of concrete roofs is the most satisfactory method for improved thermal conditions in buildings. The best insulation materials are those with a low affinity for moisture. A layer of 20 mm thick foamed polyurethane or 25 mm thick polystyrene or high-density mineral wool will normally be suitable for the purpose. It is important to ensure that a dimensionally stable type of insulation that is able to support the load, is used. Ventilation can be achieved by cross-wise channels approximately 20 mm wide in the insulation itself. The ventilation channels in the insulation should be located as close as possible to the waterproofing, where condensation is most likely to occur. The moisture should be disposed of directly to the outside air by means of openings or pipes in parapets. These openings at roof edges should be protected against rain penetration. A layer of non-bituminous building paper should be laid over the insulation before pouring the screed. The screed should be at least 60 mm thick and reinforced with mesh reinforcement. The waterproofing membrane is then laid on top of the screed as usual. There are other methods of construction, which include putting the insulation on top of the graded slab or screed, and laying the waterproofing membrane directly over this. This however is not recommended. Painting with an aluminium bitumen-based paini, or light coloured paints, are fairly effective in reducing solar heat gains due to reflection, but it has practical limitations. Accumulation of dirt soon renders it ineffective, and this necessitates repainting at regular intervals. Light-coloureci marble or stone chips may also be used. The use of paving üles, as describeci previously, is also effective in limiting solar heat gains and should be considered even where a trafficable surface is not essential. Construction to suit foot traffic Another method of reducing adverse climatic efíects to ensure better incioor thermal conditions, is the use of tiles above the waterproofing. These may be used insiead of or in addition to the roof insulation discussed earlier in this section. Hollow clay tiles cut in half and laid with the cut side downwards are known to give good results because of the additional resistance to heat flow afforded by the air spaces. Solid paving tiles 25 to 40 mm thick of precast concreie, asbestos-cement or burnt clay also give satisfactory results. However, care should be exercised in the use of loose üles for flai roofs that have no parapets or only very low ones. The tiles should be attached io each other properly, or secured by some other means so that they are noi lifted by high winds. This applies in particular to the areas near the corners of buildings where local suctions or depressions in air pressure created by winds can be sufficient to lift even relatively heavy tiles. Comment Insulation of all roofs, whether light-weight or heavy-weight, is desirable under South African climatic conditions. Correct application of insulation is, however, of the utmost importance, otherwise it can increase the possibilities of condensation problem. s. 4.10 PAVING AND ROADS Paving blocks date back to Greek and Roman times. For modern vehicular and pedestrian use a wide range of block designs are available. Interlocking paving blocks are functional and decorative. The modern demand is for hand-sized, easy-to-lay, self-locating, top-chamfered, interlocking concrete paving blocks, of consistently high quality wearing surface which provide a fully bonded surface ai a reasonable cost. iviinimal expertise and mechanical plant is required for laying on a suitably prepared sub-base without mortar. Burnt clay bricks can also be used for paving. High quality clay bricks are used for long wearing and aesthetical reasons. Beautiful colours are available in natural clay products. The clay bricks can be laid loose or in mortar with the joints neatly pointed. Cobble stone paving (broken bricks, normally stock bricks) are laid in patterns with the joints filled with a 1:3 cement and river sand mixture. Concrete paving may be laid in panels and should be at least 75 mm thick, or 90 mm thick iſ cast in strips. In order to prevent cracking, panel dimensions should not exceed 2,5 m in length or width. The concrete can be coloured by adding a colouring ageni. Various patterns can be pressed in the wet concrete to obtain the desired finish, also forming expansion joints in the same operation. Tarred suriaces are often cheaper than paved suifaces. The most importani aspect which determines both the life and the aesthetic appeal of paved and tarred surfaces is the preparation of the earth (soil) underneath the suríace area, called the base. 4.10.1 Preparing the base To prepare the base to receive a surface ireatment, siart by evaluating the quality of the soil. The same principles ihat apply to the soil under building foundations, apply to surface area base material. Cracking in the surface areas are however of less importance when brick or block paving is used (as the joints permit movement) ihan in tarred surfaces. The general principle however, is that clay is unacceptable as is sand in thick, uncontained siiuations. Generally the base preparation will require the following: Clay or sand are io be removed and replaced with a stable inaterial which can be compacted to a high density. Good quality stable soils can be levelled and compacted to the required density. In instances where the soil is loose or disturbed by building activity, it is advisable to scarify the entire area to a depth of at least 150 mm ard ihen to recompact to the same density over the entire area. The preparation of the base to receive iar is very critical. Tar flexibility is limited and cracking occurs if the base is not very stable and dense. The final base layer is usually of crushed stone (crusher run) which can be compacted to a high density. 4.10.2 Tarred surfaces Tarred surfaces are available in three main categories: Spray and chip is the common name for cold or hot tar being sprayed onto the base (preceded by a primer) and then covered with a layer of small stone (chip). The quality is determined by the number of layers and thus the eventual thickness, which could be between 6 mm and 50 mm in standard applications. Mastic asphalt is a bituminous mix (sand, stone and bitumen) placed in hot or cold layers by machine, either on a spray and chip surface, or on a priined surface. A premixed cold tar is also available with a water base. It is mixed like moriar with water and generally applied in mainienance work. li is common practice to engage a consulting engineer to design tarred or paved surfaces io ensure proper functioning in heavy traffic situations. 4.10.3 Concrete paving blocks These blocks are available in mainly two thicknesses, namely 60 mm and 80 mm. The ihinner concrete blocks are used for gardien paving, pedestrian and lighttraffic areas. Industrial areas, access roads and parking areas should be paved with 80 mm thick blocks. Ordinary bevelled edge concrete blocks are rectangular in shape with the top sicie edges slightly bevelled. Colouring, if required, is done in the top 10 mm of the block. These blocks are normally used for garden paving. See figure 4.33. Interlocking blocks interlock on 4 sides with 6 surrounding blocks. The vertical load on one block is supported by its neighbour, spreading the load stresses to adjacent blocks. This interlocking action prevents horizontal "creep" due to vehicular movement. See figure 4.33. INTERLOCKING PAVING BLOCKS WITH BEVELLED EDGE RECTANGULAR BEVELLED EDGE PAVING BLOCKS Figure 4.33 Interlocking and rectangular bevelled edgepaving 4.10.4 Bonding Rectangular and other non-standard inierlocking paving blocks can be laid in a variety of pleasing patterns. The most commonly used bonding is herringbone bond, streicher bond, baskei weave bond, and parquet bond. 4.10.5 Prevention of puddle formation To prevent ihe formation of puddles from rain water and the possible resultant softening of the underlying ground, paving should not be absolutely horizontal. A slope of at least i in 50 (20 mm in 1 m) should be provided to divert water to stormwater drains. Sudden changes of slope or too steep falls (more than 1:30) should be avoided, particularly if the paving is to be used by vehicles. 4.10.6 Treatment of the ground The area to be pavedi should be excavated or filled as necessary to the correct level to accomplish a sound base. Before placing the sand bed, the ground may be treated if so required, with suitable soil insecticide to discourage ants or termites from undermining the paving. Aldrin or chlordane types of insecticides will be suitable and should be applied according to the manufacturer's instructions. Treatment of the ground with a herbicide before placing the sand bed is generally ineffective, since weeds tend to grow from seed deposited in the joints of the paved surface. 4.10.7 Construction of edge restraints Edige restraints must be constructed accurately to line and level. Precast concrete kerbs are available in different forms: as garden mountable or barrier kerbs. The kerbs must be secured in position with cast in situ concrete. Concrete kerbs can also be laici in situ and special machinery is used to perform this task in a continuous moving operation. Another form of edge restraint is the in situ placing of a 1:3 cement and river sand mixture to form a 45 ° slope to secure the blocks in position. Although this method is widely used, it is the most likely to fail. The basic reason for its failure is that the edge of the concrete does not penetrate deep enough into base material and no allowance is usually made for expansion. This edge restraint should, if used, be cut through with a trowel at intervals of 1 m to allow for movement and it should be let into the base material ai least 150 mm deep. See figure 4.34. 4.10.8 Placing the sand bed The sand bed is a high density sand laid loose on the prepared ground and screeded off to a thickness of approximately 25 to 30 mm to receive paving blocks. 4.10.9 Laying of paving The laying of paving can be summarised as follows: Determine the seiting-out line and attach a piece of string to the fixed points. Adjusi the string to forn a straighi line. The string should also follow the fa!! of the proposed base. BUILDING COMPONENT'S AND FINISHES Lay the blocks tightly together on the area working, outwards from the setting oui line. Check squareness and levels every 10 rows. Correct any creap by re-lining the pattern. Compact ihe total area using a plate compactor. Check for uneven and broken blocks, lift and relay. Re-vibrate areas where disturbance took place. Sweep fine dry sand over the surface to fill the joints completely. Re-vibrate to compact sand into joints. Traffic can use area immediately. Note: Edges butting against walls or other structures need no further restraintGarden or paved area Precast concrete kerbBlocks Sandbed Mass concrete backing (1:5:5) cast in situ - edge restraint Blocks Garden YK Sandbed Mass concrete (1:5:5) cast in situ - edge restraint Precast concrete kerb - edge restraintGarden Blocks AL SandbedWell-compacted fillGarden Cast in situ concrete kerbing (1:3,5:3,5 - cast in 2 m lengths)Blocks Sandbed Figure 4.34 Paving details Ground QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EVALUATION i. Discuss the various types of doors and frames commonly used inbrickwork. Where applicable provide sketches io illustrate. (30) 2. Provicie sketches to indicate the typical ironmongery used in buildings.(25) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Make sketches to show typical details used in tiling and plastering. (15) Make sections and describe three types of ceilings. Provide sections to indicate glazing in wood, steel and aluininium respectively. Discuss the types and uses of paini. (15) (15) (15) Describe five types of wall paper.(10) Discuss post and panel partitioning systems. Where applicable provide sketches to illustrate.(15) Discuss mastic asphalt roof coverings. Provide sketches to illustrate flashing details.(10) Briefly suinmarise the laying of bevelled-edige paving. (10) 160 REFERENCES Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. 1970. Combating the deteriorationoi building materials in coastal areas. Proceedings of and NBRI Symposium held in Durban. Publication 04700. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. 1978. A technical guide to goodhouse construction. Pretoria: National Building Research Institute. Council for Scientific and Inciustrial Research. 1970. Deterioration of materials incoastal areas. Publication 70395. King, H. & Everett, A. Components and Finishes. 1971. Batsford, London: Michell's Building Construction. South African Bureau of Standards. Codes of Practice SABS 05Preservation treatment of timber. South African Bureau of Standards. Codes of Praciice SABS 064 -Preparation of steel surfaces for painting. South African Bureau of Standards. Standard Specifications SABS 312 -Red-lead base primer for structural steel. Souih African Bureau of Standards. Standard Specifications SABS 630High-gloss enamel paint. South African Bureau of Standards. Standarci Specifications SABS 633 -Emulsion paints for interior decorative purposes. Souih African Bureau of Standards. Standard Specifications SABS 634 –Emulsion paints for exterior use. South African Bureau of Standards. Standard Specifications SABS 578 -Primers for wood for interior and exterior use. Souih African Bureau of Standards. Siandard Specifications SABS 681 -Undercoats for paint. South African Bureau of Standards. Standard Specifications SABS 683 -Roof paints. South African Bureau of Standards. Standard Specifications SABS 684 –Structural sieel paint. South African Bureau of Standards. Standard Specifications SABS 723 -Wash primer (metal etch primer). South African Bureau of Standards. Standard Specifications SABS 801 -Epoxy-tar paints. South African Bureau of Standards. Standard Specifications SABS 912Calcium-plumbate primer. South African Bureau of Standards. Standard Specifications SABS 940 -Emulsion paint for new galvanised iron. NOTES CONTENTS LEARNING OBJECTIVES 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4. 5.3.5 5.3.5 5.3.7 5.3.8 5.3.9 5.3.10 5.3.11 5.3.12 PLUMBING, SANITARY FITTINGS AND DRAINLAYING Hoi and cold water installations Drainage in buildings Drains below ground Sanitary fittings Sinks, wash-hand basins and baths Rainwater disposal in buildings ELECTRICITY, LIGHTING AND SECURITY Electrical installations Lighting and environmental control Alarm and security systems Appendix: SI-Units AIR-CONDITIONING Definition of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning The need for air-conditioning Psychrometry Human comfort Heat, heat sources and heai transier mechanisms in building Refrigeration and the refrigeration cycle Air-conditioning system classification Ventilation and filtration Ducting and fans Air outlets and inlets Refrigeration equipment Heat pumps 5 PAGE 221 221 221 233 236 240 243 244 247 247 276 281 295 296 296 296 297 300 301 307 308 315 319 323 326 334 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.5 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.5.4 VOLUME 1 LIFTS AND ESCALATORS Lifts Escalators MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Pneumatic tube transport systems Smoke detection and fire prevention Central vacuum cleaning systems Waste removal QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EVALUATION REFERENCES 335 336 345 348 348 349 353 355 358 LEARNING OBJECTIVES The objectives of this module are to introduce the student to the following building services: Plumbing and drainage systems Electrical, lighting and security systemsAir-conditioning, lifts and escalators, and mechanical systems After completion of this module ihe student should be able to perform a basic evaluation of building services and contribute to decision-making when systems are selected. 5.1 PLUMBING, SANITARY FITTINGS AND DRAINLAYING 5.1.1 Hot and cold water installations Hot water supply Circulation of water Hot water systems in buildings make use of the changes which take place when water is heated. The system should also be installed in such a way that these properties of water are catered for. When a quantity of water is heated it expands; when cooled it contracts. The smaller the space a given mass of water occupies, the greater is the density of the water. The greater the space the same mass of water occupies, the less dense it will be. Cold water is thuis more dense than hot water. When ihe waier at the bottom of a vessel is heated, it will be forced to the top of the vessel by the sinking of the colder and denser water from above. If the heat is applied continuously to the bottom of the vessel, the colder water will continuously flow down forcing the warmer water upwards, producing what are known as convection currents. The flow of waier thus produced is called circulation. Since it is due to the action of the force of gravity, it is spoken of as gravity circulation, called natural circulation, distinguishing it from circulation induced by a pump, known as forced circulation. li the water is warmed in a container and not in the hot water storage vessel itself, it is called a boiler. The heated water is discharged into the storage vessel, from which cold water then passes to the boiler trough circulation pipes. This can be achieved through gravity or forced circulation. Bolling point of water The temperature at which water boils varies with the pressure, but does not increase in the same ratio as the pressure. Thus, water boils under atmospheric pressure at sea-level at 100 °C. Under an additional pressure of 350 kN/m2 at 147 °C and under a pressure of about 700 kid/m2 above atmospheric pressure at 169 °C. This principle can be applied if water with a higher temperature than 100 °C is required. Expansion of water Water, when heated from its maximum density (4 °C), to boiling poini, increases in volume approximately 1 part in 23. That means every 23 litres becomes 24 litres when heated over that range of temperature. This expansion has to be catered for in the design of hot water systems, failing that, leaks and bursting can occur in the system. Pices and valves Pipes for conveying hot water are usually of galvanised steel or copper tube. The smooth bore of these pipes does not lend itself io serious scale formation in primary circulating pipes. Copper is clean to use, does not rust and is neat in appearance. When used in tube form, copper is light enough for easy handling and less fixing support is required than for galvanised pipes. Copper tube may be formed into bends, etc. quite easily, particularly if a machine is used for this purpose. Galvanised steel pipes are neavier than copper and have to be threaded for fitting and joining, requiring special fittings such as elbows and T-pieces. It can, however, stand higher pressures and robust handling. The diameter of pipes to supply water depends on: the number and size of iaps and sanitary fittings likely to be discharging water in the same system at the same time, ihe pressure (or head) of the water, the length of tire pipe (friction losses occur in long lengths). It is better to have the distributing pipes a little too large rather than a little too small to prevent the annoyance of starvation of outlets (thai is, not delivering a full stream of water at all outlets at the same ime). Safety valves These valves, designed to relieve pressure which build up in hot-water insiallation are of two types: The dead weight type, where a washer is held againsi its seating by weights which govern the pressure at which the valve opens to relieve pressure (see figure 5.1). The spring-loaded type, where a spring performs the same function as the weights. The spring-loaced type is shown in figure 5.2. A screwcap is provided io adjust compression on the spring, which in turn determines the pressure at which the washer is lifted from its seating. The cap is locked in position by a back-ut when the final adjustment has been made. Mixers The combination of a hotand cold-water iap, enabling water to be delivered through a common outlet, is called a mixer (mixing valve). The volume of water let ihrough each tap governs the temperature of water discharged. Figure 5.3 shows iypical mixers, which could have a swivel nozzle, which is a pre-requisite for cual sinks but may also be used over single sinks or wash hand basins to provide freer access to the sink or wash-hand basin by swivelling the spout out of the way. Valve SECTION Figure 5.1 Dead-weight valve Cap Set screws Weights Fit into hot water cylinder Screw-cap SECTION Figure 5.2 Spring-loaded valve SK SWIVEL MIXER BATH MIXER WITH SHOWER Spring Washer on seating Figure 5.3 Swivel mixers and bath mixers A mixing valve with thermostatic control is available for showers whereby the temperature of ihe water is increased progressively as ihe control knob is advanced. The thermostatic device is sei to determine the inaximum temperature to prevent accidental scalding. Taps and valves Taps and valves are made from brass which is cast in a mould and inachined to the final produci, whereafter it is usually chrome-plated. Taps work on the principle that a jumper (washer) is adjusted up or down iby a tap-handle which has a screw-spindle. When the tap is fully open, the spindle lifts the jumper to the maximum height, opening ihe tap for the maximum ilow of water. By turning the jumper all the way down, it shuts off the water. The jumper (washer) is made of hard neoprene, about 3 mm thick, which fits onto a round smooth seat when the water is shut off. A gate valve (stopcock) works on the same principle as an ordinary tap but the neoprene washer is replaced by a brass sluice which closes the waterflow off by tightly fitting onto a brass seat. Gate valves can withstand substantially more pressure than ordinary taps and are thus fitted into pipelines to shut off the water supply to sections of a system when required, usually for maintenance purposes. Gate valves are nighly machined and not intended for daily use. In-line ball stopcocks are used for the same reason as gate valves, but has no handle. It is operated by using a screwdriver to change the position of the ball “jumper' to open or closed. Figure 5.4 shows details of taps and valves. Electric water heaters Because the heat derived from electricity is transferred to the water by direct contact through an immersed heating element, very little electricity waste occurs. Electrical heaters have a thermostai which keeps the water heated to a given temperature. When electric heaters are employed, a hoi water system needs to consist only of a storage vessel (geyser) fed with cold water, In large installations, such as in hospitals and big office biocks, a separate boiler and storage vessel are used. The immersion heater elemeni and thermostai are mounted near the bottom of the geyser and the entire contents are heated as a result of gravity circulation. The heating power oí immersion heaters is expressed in kilowatts. The power rating would be selected to fulfil the requiremenis in respect of: VOLUME 1 size of hot water geyser, determined by, rate of utilisation of hot water (draw-off frequency); permissible recovery period (from cold to hot again); inlet water temperature. Spindle Gland Packing Jumper Washer Spindle Gland Packing Jumper Washer Spindle Gland Packing Sluice Outlet PISTAMANNS BIB TAP Outlet PILLAR TAP GATE VALVE (STOPCOCK) Nickel-plated brass ball with hole through centre. Quarter turn with screwdriver shuts off flow Neoprene seal Handle Water inlet (Supply) Handle Water inlet (Supply) Handle Water inlet or outlet if not "one-way" Neoprene seal INLINE BALL STOP Figure 5.4 Taps and valves Water inlet or outlet if not "one-way" An approximate proportion for domestic installations is 2 to 4 kw (kilowatts) per 100 litres of storage capacity. For commercial, industrial, hospital, etc. use, the size of the installation is determined by the size of ihe building and its facilities. To ensure economy it is important that the geyser (and storage vessel) be insulaied against heat loss. Figure 5.5 shows a iypical electrical geyser insiallation. 400 kPa safety valveHot water outlet 3 Mounting bracketsElectrical cover plate Draincock and cold water inlet House water station. Installation at ground level where cold water supply is introduced/ plumbed into house, including expansion valve 2 Bal-o-stopIn-line strainer Vacuum breaker Balanced cold water feed Figure 5.5a Typical electric geyser installation: horizontalinstallation 400 kPa safety valve 2 Hot water outletWalt brackets Electrical cover plate Draincock and cold water inlet Masterflo I pressure control valve (expansionvalve) 9 Balanced cold water feedwith vacuum breaker D Isolating valveVacuum breaker Figure 5.5b Typical electric geyser installation: verticalinstallation Gas water heaters Gas water heaters do not store heated water but heats it within the appliance prior to discharging it ihrough a iap. When a hot watertap is opened, water flows and its action upon a diaphragm brings a burner into operation. The gas jets in the burner are ignited by a pilot fiame, heating the water for as long as the tap is open. Hot water distribution in simple buildings Gold feed pipes The cold water feed pipe for a hot water system should be of adequate size to ensure the presence or water at all outlets being used at the same time. The cold-feed pipe should never be smaller ian 20 mm internai diameter and no branches inay be taken from it for other purposes as it can cause a waterhaminer in the pipes. A gate valve or ball stop is fitted in ihe pipe before ii enters the geyser. See figure 5.6. Boiler systems are specially designed in each instance. Draw-off pipes These should not be less than 20 mm nominal bore to baths and 12 mm nominal bore to wash hand basins and sinks. Resistance to the flow of not water should be kept to a minimum by avoiding unnecessary changes of direction. A gradient of at least 1 in 120 should be maintained on draw-off pipes to prevent air pockets which can cause water hammers. Expansion and pressurs All hot water systems should be provideci with a means of releasing pressure build-up due to expansion as the water is heated. This is achieved by fitting an expansion valve in the cold water supply line. This valve compensates for expansion due to ihe heating of the water by allowing the excess (expandeci) water to "drip" out of the system as free water. Combination expansion and pressure valves are in common use. The pressure valve ensures stable pressure in both the hot and cold water supply and is particularly valuable as it provides an even flow through mixers. Shower mixers oniy provide water at a constant temperature when expansion/pressure valves are installed. Water supply in simple buildings Water distribution (figure 5.6) is normally through galvanised steel, copper or polyvinyl chlorine (PVC) pipes (the latter is not suitable for hot water). The main cold water supply is provided by the local authority through a water supply meter followed by a stop valve. The premises are usually fed with a 20 mm or 25 mm supply taken off the local authority mains on the boundary of the stand for small buildings, while a calculated size is used for large buildings. ITEM qoy HIGH PRESSURE INSTALLATION Expansion relief valve and vacuum breaker Emergency safety valve Pressure control vale Strainer Inline ball stop Cold water supply Hot water supply Point of service SYMBOL h o Figure 5.6 Hot and cold water distribution in small buildings A building can be supplied with cold water through one or more points of entry into the building. At each point of entry a gate valve (stopcock) is installeci in order to close off the supply in case of leaks or maintenance work. Garden taps are branched off the main supply outside the buildings at convenieni places. Hot and cold water distribution in high-rise buildings High level storage cistern serving upper floors Fire brigade inlet Street main Boosting installation Fire hydrants Bypass Air/water pressure vessel A 귀 OMI I. General distribution Pump installation Non-return valve Water meter To sprinkler installation Boosted pressure zone Cistern pressure zone Mains pressure zone Figure 5.7a Cold water distribution in high-rise buildings(Clark, 1983:42) Service pipe to individual heaters Street: main supply Cold water storage cistern Secondary return Cold water storage cisternIndividual waterheaters Basin Bath FEE LOCAL HOT WATER SUPPLY Sink ri Street; main supplyHot water storage cylinder Basin Bath 中山 Hot water circulates round secondary flow and return Secondary flow Boiler CENTRAL HOT WATER STORAGE AND SUPPLY Figure 5.7b Hot water distribution in high-rise buildings(Clark, 1983:45) 5.1.2 Drainage in buildings Ghoice of systems The choice of systein depends on the nature of the building and the grouping of the fittings. The pipes may be of cast iron, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), galvanised steel or copper. The following three systems are commonly used: Two-pipe system The soil sanitary fittings in this system, figure 5.8, discharge into a soil pipe, then directly into the drain without passing through a gully trap. The toilets (WCs) are fitteci with a ventilation pipe. This pipe's main function is not to "ventilate" the pipe system as that serves no purpose, but to prohibit a vacuum being created by the run dowr.. A vacuum would slow the flow of soilwater down and can lead to blockages. The waste fittings (wasin-hand basins, sinks, etc.) connect to a separate waste pipe, which passes through a gully trap before entering the manhole and drain. A ventilation pipe is also provided. The two-pipe system is very expensive and has fallen into disuse in new buildings as a result. One-pipe system This system, shown in figure 5.9, is particularly suitable for multi-storey buildings where the appliances are similar on each floor. All soil and waste fittings are arranged to discharge into a common waste pipe. The traps on each of the waste fittings musi be of the deep-seal variety (at least 75 mm seal), to counter the increased negative pressures caused by the down flow, with a ventilation pipe provided. Single stack system After considerable experimental work, this syste. n, illusirated in figure 5.10, was devised as a simple and more economical alternative than the one-pipe system whereby the need for ventilating pipes was eliminated subject to the following conditions: The appliances must be grouped together. Branch connections should be no more than 25 mm radius on invert, as shown in figure 5.11 (a UPVC system). The gradient on branch connections must be carefully calculated In figure 5.11 all the soil and waste fiitings discharge into one pipe. The joints in this system are by spicot and sockets. The socket is provided with a recess to receive a synthetic rubber "D"-ring seal which is inserted just before the spigot is pushed into the socket. The internal diameter of the downpipe is 100 mm. Ventilation pipeSoil pipe Al WC wc WC 1B 1 1 1 1 1 Bath Basin 1 Drain Sink Basin E Figure 5.8 Two-pipe drainage system Soil pipe WC WC AB Bath Drain Sink Basin Basin ** Figure 5.9 One-pipe drainage system Ventilation pipe Waste pipe Gulley trap Man Vent pipe WC WC AL Bath САНС Drain Basin Sink Soil and vent pipe B D: Figure 5.10 Single-stack drainage system Access to pipe work Access should be provided to enable all pipework to be cleaned and tested. Soil arci waste pipes should have removable access covers fitted ai strategic points so that obstructions may be removed and to allow testing to be carried oui. A wire balloon or one-way air inlet cap is provided at the top of ventilation pipes to prevent ihe entry of foreign matter such as birds' nests. Wire balloon OR Figure 5.11 Single-stack UPVC drainage system Vent valve 5.1.3 Drains below ground Underground drainage systems transport waste and soil water irom tive building to ihe local authority main drain which is normally under the street or adjacent to it. The local authority main drain eventually terminates at sewerage disposal wories where water purification takes place. The drainage on a typical building site will consist of eniry points, pipe runs, bends, junctions, cleaning and inspection eyes and vent pipes. It is important thai all flow BUII. DING SERVICES in cirain pipes is such that no air is discharged into buildings and ihai the flow in the drain is at such a rate (as a result of the fall in the pipe), thai no solids are left siancing. Typical drainage pipe sizes are 100 mm and 150 mm internal diameter. A gradient sieeper than 1:6 or flaiter than 1:50 should be avoided as it causes blockages. Ramps may however be used when a steep, short fall over a distance of maximum 2 metres is inevitable. The furthest point (highest point) of the drain should always be ventilated by means of a ventilation pipe (ventpipe) which extends well above roof level. If the ventpipe ends below the roof line, it inust be fitted with an air iniet cap which prevents drain smells to escape, but allows air into the drain to prevent vacuums and blockages. Drains shoulci be laid in siraight rins with proper bends (various degrees available) where a change in direction is required. Where drains conneci at junctions (various degrees available), as well as at ramps, rodding eyes (normally 45° out to the surface) are required. Rodding eyes must also be provided ai the upper extremity of the drain and at each change in clirection to facilitate the cleaning of every straight length of pipe. Access points musi be provided at all junctions and bends above and below ground in order that they may be opened to clear blockages. ivianholes (or inspection chambers) are costly items, built out of bricks or pre-cast concrete rings packed on top of each other. ivianholes are provided in drainage systems which are subjeci to high volumes and/or are likely to get blocked when very long drains occur. Various types of pipes (materials) are available with different jointing methods. When active sol conditions are experienced a flexible type of pipe and/or joint is used. Clay pipes are well tried and commonly used. Other materials often used are cast iron, pitch fibre, asbestos ceineni and UPVC. The cost of pipes as well as the cost of laying varies and the material used must be carefully considered for each application. See figure 5.12 showing the general requirements for drains below ground. Where a local authoriy does not supply drainage mains (srnall settlemenis, small holdings, faims, etc.) the sewerage disposal normally takes place by using a septic tank and French drain. The remainder of the drainage systein remains unaltered. Septic tanks can be constructed or are available as patented asbestos, fibreglass or UPVC units. The principle on which it works however remains the same. The sewerage is allowed to stand in the tank, sludge setties on top of the water where it is broken down by anaerobic bacteria. Clear liquid overflows to the French drain via an overflow pipe collecting the liquid from the botion of the iank as new sewerage flow enters the septic tank. The overflow inio the French drain seeps into the surrounding ground. Some household detergents and cleaning inaterials effeci the bacteria to the detriment of the system and should be used selectively: See figure 5.13. Rodding eye at upper extremity of drain for access within 1.5 m of upper extremity One gulley per installation for discharge of ground floor waste fittings Point of entry Drains falt: max 1:6 min 1:60 Drains to be minimum of 450 mm below ground cover or paving Rodding eyes at max 25 m intervals Branch drain meets main drain 45° 1E LA sewer NOTES: 1E Property boundary 1E 1E 1E 1. Manholes may be provided in place of rodding eyes 2. Access at all junctions All drainage installations - at least one vent pipe - same diameter as drain - at head of drain Point of entry Rodding eye required for branch drain longer than 3 m Vent pipe required for branch drain longer than 6 m Access required within 1,5 m of upper extremity 1E Point of entry Drains under buildings - avoid if possible. Avoid change of direction or grade Prevent transfer of loads to pipe. Access for inspection required at either end. (1E) Ramp at 45° - where fall exceeds 1:6 provide rodding eye Install rodding eye within 1,5 m of sewer connection. Access for inspection eye within 1,5 m of sewer connection. Figure 5.12 General requirements for drains below ground(Clark, 1983:118) Inlet from building 1 000 mm PLAN OF SEPTIC TANK Precast reinforced concrete slabs or solid reinforced concrete slab with access to compartments, inlet and outlet Gas 75 mm Concrete floor 225 mm brick or 100 mm concrete A 1,00 m -1,75 m Liquid level A = not more than 0.2 x liquid depth B = 0,4 liquid depth ES 150 mm Soil cover Air space B 150 mm x 150 mm opening 1,00 m 112 mm brick (this wall may be omitted) LONGITUDINAL SECTION X-X OF SEPTIC TANK Figure 5.13a In situ constructed septic tank Outlet to French drain 225 mm brick or 100 mm concrete Prefabricated septic tank A double chamber ribbed tank manufactured from materials as moulded polyethylene that will withsiand ground pressure, is freely available in the market. The ribbed walls eliminate the necessity for a heavily constructed concrete siab being placed over the top of the tank. Waste Water MH +200-* 400 GROUND PLAN: TOILET, SEPTIC TANK AND FRENCH DRAIN NGL River sand HOOLT + 1000 -400Perforated piping Soil Shade cloth Granular 20-100 mm well mixed CROSS-SECTION OF FRENCH DRAIN X-X Figure 5.13b French drain system *100+ -400 As an alternative to septic tanks and French drains, use can be made of conservancy tanks from where the sewerage is emptied by a special suction vehicle. This is a costly option and should only be used when septic tanks and French drains are not advisable due to the im ous nature of the soil. 5.1.4 Sanitary fittings Water closets (ioilcte) Waier closets (WCs) are usually a glazed, very fine clay produci of exceptional sirength and easy to clean. Two main iypes are used: Pedestal water closet This is the most popular type of WC, shown in figure 5.14. The flushing rim is shown at (A), the inlet receiving the flush pipe at (B) and the seal at (C). Pans may be supplied with either an S-irap or a P-trap to suit the desired position. Figure 5.14 shows a P-trap, with a S-trap indicaied by the cotted portion. The outlet of a P-trap may be obtained discharging to the back, left or right. The purpose of the trap is to prevent odours from the drainage system to enter the building via the WC. A to Figure 5.14 Pedestal water closet B Double-trap siphonic water closet Figure 5.15 shows a section of a pan in conjunction with a flushing cistern as a complete WC suite. This type is more expensive than the pedestal wash-down closet, but it is much quieter and a better evacuation of the contents of the trap occurs due to the double trap. When flushing, the air pocket between the two trays is compressed, expanding fast when the second trap overflows under this pressure, causing a vacuum which sucks the first trap clean. Figure 5.15 Double trap siphonic water closet Urinals and bidets Urinals are commonly used in men's cloak rooms in non-residential buildings. If they are properly designed and fitted, urinals contribute considerably to the number of users that can be served in a given period. The overall cost of a urinal is also considerably lower than the cost of a lockable ioilet facility. It is fixed to the sanitary pipework on the same basis as a toilet. See figure 5.16. It is important that urinals are regularly sanitised, particularly in high use areas. Bidets are fitted in residential accommodation and are installed io facilitate personal hygiene. They are fitted with cold and hot water supply, through a Imixer with an adjustable nozzle. The drainage pipework to a bidet is the same as for a toilet. See figure 5.17. ELEVATION Floor line PLAN Water inlet SECTION Figure 5.16 Urinals Water inlet FLOOR URINALS Outlet Floor line Outlet 0004 Step SECTION Channel ELEVATION 09 WALL-MOUNTED URINALS Figure 5.17 Bidet 5.1.5 Sinks, wash-hand basins and baths Sinks Sinks are of various designs and materials according to the purpose for winich they are used. Stainless sieel and acrylic (reinforced with fibreglass) are commonly used. Sinks may be supported by cupboards, pedestals, metal legs, or brackets. As there is risk of water spillage, the surrounding area of floors and walls should be tiled or of a material wirich is water resistant. All waste outlets are fitted with a trap and a grating to prevent the entry of solid matter. A typical kitchen sink unit is shown in figure 5.18. The cupboards are designed to enclose the pipework below the sink and to make use of the space below the sink for storage. The illustration shows a single sink unit with drip boards. Double bowls are also in common use. Wash-hand basins (whb) A pedestal supported wasi-hand basin in vitreous china is shown in figure 5.18. The pedestal is of the same material and colour as the basin. Wash-hand basins can be fitied with a variety of taps anci plugs. Washhand basins can also be fitted into cupboard tops or concrete vaniiy slabs. Perspex wash-hand basins are fairly common and usually fitted in factory made bathroom cupboards. Baths Baths used io be mainly of cast iron or pressed steel, vitreous-enamelled internally. Perspex baths are however now virtually the only iype used. Access to pipework and fittings musi be given on the sicie of ihe baih through ihe brick wall supporting the bath. See figure 5.18a. Sink Washhand basin Bath Waste water from sanitary fitting 5 To drain system Typical trap to prevent odours from drainage system to enter building - fitted to all sanitary fitting outlets Access opening with cover Figure 5.18a Sinks, wash-hand basins and baths 5.1.6 Rainwater disposal in buildings Rainwater on buildings is disposed of by using guttering ai roof level, rainwater downpipes and a disposal system. Guitering is normally fitted at roof level where an overhang is provided is usually made of galvanised sieel or aluminium. In large buildings, where ilat roofs occur guiters are not used and the water is collected by creating falls in the roof screed, at a "full-bore" outlet (a funnel inlet with metal bull grating over) on top of a downpipe. Downpipes fitted with brackeis on the ouiside of the buildirig are usually made of galvanised steel sheeting or aluminium. In high-rise buildings the downpipes are usually accommodated in the centre of big coluinns or in pipeshaits. See figure 5.18b and 5. i8c showing typical cletails. HH L M к Roof overhang E A B Detail snit A = 38 X 114 mm S. A. PINE RAFTER B = 50 X 76 mm S. A. PINE TILTER BATTEN C = 12 X 150 mm ASBESTOS CEMENT FACING D = 87 X 125 mm GULLY SHEET METAL GUTTER E = HALF BRICK BEAM FILLING F = 50 X 76 mm S. A. PINE ROOFPURLIN G 0.6 OF 0.8 mm SHEET METAL ROOF COVERING H = 38 X 1144 mm S. P. PINE TIE BEAM 1 = ONE 10 mm ROOF TRUSS BOLT 87 mm long WITH NUT AND WASHER AND 3 VIRE NAILS J = 38 x 114 mm ORX76 mm S. A. PINE WALLPLATEBEDDED IN CEMENT DAGHA K = 2 x 4 mm 8 CALV. WIRE ROOF ANKER TIEDAND NAILED TO ROOF TIMBERS L = 280 mm CAVITY WALL M = 10 min 8 x 130 mm LONG STEEL ROOF ANCOR PIN N - STANDARD PRECAST CONCRETE RAIN WATERCHANNEL: 0 = SHOE P = 80 mm 8 OF 75 x 64 mm DOWN PIPE Q = EAYES OFFSET Figure 5.18b Gutter, downpipe, shoe and rainwater channel 38x64mm GRP edge trim Plywood gutter base Timber fascia 19 mm asphalt Internal clamping ring Cast iron outlet pipe DPC Outlet component GRP outlet flange GRP extension piece UPVC rainwater pipe Metal grating ,D UPVC gravel guard WW Sheathingfelt concrete sub-structure Cast iron rainwater pipe with spigot joint Lead or bituminousfelt cavity tray Stone or concrete coping Felt tuckedMetal cover in 25 mm minimumflashing 150 mm minimum Vapour : barrier 2 Insulation Roof substructure WNNNNNNINN Roof deck Built-up bituminous felt roofing Fixing nut Grating Lock nut Clamping device Arms for bolting clamping coně Fixing hook bolt Metal head Anchor bar for hook bolt Outlet pipe Sheathing 150 mm Metalfelt minimum grating 19 mminternal asphalt clamping ing Cast iron outlet pipe Figure 5.18C Rainwater outlet to flat roofs Concrete substructure Cast iron rainwater pipe with spigot joint The disposal system is critical as downpipes often have to ium into a disposai pipe or channel, ofien blocking at that point as debris collects in the bottom of downpipes. It is advisable to have a visible (inspectable) exit point at the bottom to facilitate inspection and easy maintenar. ce. 5.2 ELECTRICITY, LIGHTING AND SECURITY 5.2.1 Electrical installations (a) Units of electricity Unit of force The unit of force is the Newton (N). A Nawion is the force that must be applied to a mass of 1 kg to cause an acceleration of 1 m/s2 The force of F Newtons that will cause an acceleration of a in/s2 of a mass of m kilogram is therefore expressed as: (N) = (kg) a (m/s2) Unit of energy The unit of energy is the joulo. A joule is the work done by a force of 1 N when it is applied for a distance of 1 m in the direction of the force. Thereiore work performed in joules = F (N) * s (m). Unit of power Power is the rate at which work is performed. Power is expressed as an energy-unit per time-unit, i. e. as joule/second. The unit of power is the watt (W) (in honour of James Watt - a pioneer in the clevelopment of the steam engine). A watt is the unit power required to perform work of 1 joule in one second. A larger unit of power is the kilowatt, which is equal to 1 000 watts. Because power (wati) is equal to energy/time, it follows ihat energy can also be expressed as power x time, for example 1 joule = ï watt x 1 second. Because ihe joule is inconveniently small for commercial purposes, the unit of kilowatt-hour (kWh) is rather used: (D) NB) 1 Kilowatt-hour = 1 000 watt-hours= 1 000 X 3 600 watt-seconds = 3 600 000 joule3,6 x 106 joule (or 3,6 MJ) Note: A Kilowatt-hour is a unii oí energy, while a kilowatt is a unit of power. = Electrical quantity The amount of electrical charge, indicated by the symbol O (for “Quantity'), is measured in coulomb. One coulomb is the amount of electrical charge that is carried by 6,24 x 1018 electrons. One electron therefore has a charge of about 0,16 of a inillionth of a millionth of a millionth coulomb! As Sl-unit, the coulomb is defined as the amount of electricity that moves past a given point in a circuit if a current of 1 ampere flows for 1 second: 1 coulomb = 1 simpore x 1 second In general: Q (coulombs) = I (ampere) xt (seconds) Electrical current By an electrical current (indicated by the symbol I) is meant the rate at which electricity flows past a given point. It can be compared with the flow of water through a pipe. The unit for measuring electrical current is the ampere (A), sometimes called amps for short. (The unit is named after the pioneer physicist André Marie Ampère.) One ampere indicates a rate of flow of 1 coulomb per second: 1 ampere - 1 coulomb/1 second In general: I= QA, i. e. electrical current = the amount of electricity that flows past a certain point in one time-unit, analogous to a stream of water which is the amount of water (say litres) that flows pasi a certain point per time-unit (second). Electrical voltage In an electrical circuit electrical energy is converted to other forms of energy. A lightbulb converts electrical energy to heat and light, and a electrical motor converts electrical energy to mechanical energy. Such conversions of energy form the basis of the definition of the term potential difference. The potential difference between two points in a circuit is the amount of electrical energy that is converted to other forms of energy when a unit charge moves from one point to another. The unit of potential difference is the voit (V) (named after an early pioneer in electricity, the Italian physicist Alessardro Volta). A volt is the poteniial difference between two points in a circuit in which 1 joule electrical energy is converted when i coulomb flows from one point to another. The elecirical voltage (or electrical pressure) is the electrical potential which causes a curreni to flow in a conductor. It is indicated by the symbol E (from electromotive force) or V (from "Voltage”). It can be compared with the pressure in water pipes. Like any other measurement of pressure, the electrical voltage is measured beiween two points (e. g. between two points in an electrical circuit). If a charge of Q (in coulombs) flows in a part of a circuit over which there is a potential difference of V (in volts), ihe energy change W (in joules) will be given by W = Q. V. If Q is in the form of a current I (in amperes) ihat flows for a time t (in seconds), then Q = I. t and W = Lt. V Electrical resistance Like any other flow or novement, the flow of an electrical current is subject to friction. Electrical resistance is the resistance againsi the flow of power in a conductor. It is comparable to the friction in a mechanism. Electrical resistance is indicated by the symbol R (“Resistance"). The capital R is used to indicate the total resistance and Ry, Rz, etc., are used to incicate individual resistances. The unit of electrical resistance is the ohm, which is indicated by ihe symbol 12 (the Greek letter omega). (The name ohm is in honour of another electrical pioneer, the German physicist Georg Simon Chin). (D 1 Ohm is the resistance of a conductor in which an electrical current of 1 ampère flows if a potential difference of 1 volt is applied over the conductor. Examples of substances with little resistance to electricity and therefore good conductors, are copper, silver, gold, aluminium and carbon graphite, to mention only a few. Silver is the best conductor, but copper is the most commonly used substance for wiring because it combines a low resistance with reasonable cost. Although the resistance of aluminium is nearly twice that of copper, its density is only about a third of that of copper. The ratio of currentcarrying capacity to weight of aluminium is therefore larger than that of copper. This explains why aluminium is commonly used in overhead powerlines (aluminium conductors are wound around a core of steel wires, to ensure the necessary strength). Other substances, like rubber, most types of plastic, glass, porcelain, oil, dry air and asbestos, have high resistances. Such substances are useful as electrical insulators. Wire conductors are usually made of copper or aluminium, covered by rubber and thermoplastic. No substance has a zero resistance or an infinitely high resistance - there does not exist something like a perfecî conductor of a perfect insulator. Also note that the insulation capacity of fibre-like substances like paper and cotton is dependent upon the amount of moisture it contains. The first factor that delerinines the resistance of a conductor, is therefore the substance of the conductor. The resistance of a conductor is also directly proportional to its length I and inversely propoitional to its cross-sectional area A. The longer the conductor, the higher is its resistance, and the thicker the conductor, the smaller its resistance. The resistance of a conductor is also proportional to its temperature. The resistance of a copper conductor, for example, is about 3,9% higher at a temperature of 30 °C ihan at a temperature of 20 °C. Ohm's Law The German physicisi Georg Ohm discovered a basic relationship between current, voitage and resisiance, namely that current is directly proportional to voltage and indirectly proportional to resistance. This relationship is expressed in algebraic form as follows: where and ! = V/R i = current (A)voliage (V) R = resistance (12) = From ihis simple formula it also follows of course thai and R = VI V = I. R If a circuit with a resistance of R ohms carries a curreni of I ampere, the potential difference (volt) over the circuit is therefore expressed as V = I. R or E = I. R. Electrical power Power (whether mechanical or electrical) is the rate at which energy is converted from one form to another form. The symbol for electrical power is P ("Power"). Power is also sometimes called (electrical) power consumption (do not, however, confuse ihe ierm "electrical power" with mechanical power). If the potential difference over an appliance is V and the current that flows through the appliance is I, the electrical energy that is converied by the appliance in time t is equal to W = I. i. V The power of the appliance is p = W I. t. Vt = I. V Power (P) is therefore the product of the voltage (V) and the current (1): P = V XI Watt From this formula it also, of course, follows that V = PAI and I =PN For resisting loads ihe power is the effective voliage multiplied with the effective current. We shall see later that the electrical power for non-resisting loads like a motor, is equal to the effective current inultiplied with the effective voltage, and multiplied with a power facior. Example 1: (a) Calculate the electrical current I which is consumed if a 100 W lap isconnected over a 230 V supply. Solution: From the data: I = ?; P = 100 W; V = 230 VElectrical power P = V. I, therefore I = PN = 100/230 A= 0,435 A (b) Also calculate the resistance of the filameni. Solution: From V = I. R it follows thatR = VI = 230 V/(0,435 A)52922 Exampic 2: If the specifications of an electrical vacuum cleaner inciicate that it is suitable for 1 500 W and thai it must be connected to a 250 V supply, what iype of socket outlei will you recommend? Motivate your answer. Solution: Given: P = 1 500 W; V = 250 V; I = ? From P = V. I it follows that I = PN(1 500)/250 A6A With a safety factor of 2, 1 = 12 ampère. A 15 A socket-outlet is therefore sufficient. Example 3: In a factory there are 40 lamps of 100 W each, 35 lamps of 200 W each and 6 lamps of 500 W each, as well as electrical motors that consume 15 kW and electrical fans that consume 25 kW. What is the maximum current that will be consumed if there is a 240 V supply? What will be the cost of electrical energy at 3,5c/kWh for a 44-hour working week? Solution: (a) P = [40(100) + 35(200) + 6(500) + 15 000 + 25 000] W(4 000 + 7 000 + 3000 + 15 000 + 25 000) W = 54 000 W From P = V. I it follows that I = PN = 54 000/240 A = 225 A (b) Electrical power PEnergy consumption iherefore cost Example 4: = 54 000 W = 54 kW = 54 x 44 kWh = 54 x 44 x 3,5c = R83,16 li a voltmeter has a resistance of 30, caiculate the current and the power absorbed if ii is connected to a 460 V supply. Solution: (a) I = V/R = 460/30 A = 15,33 A (b) Power P = V2/R(460)2/30 watt = 211 500/30 watt7,053 kW = Power and Ohm's Law From Ohin's Law (V = I. R) and from the definition of power (P = V. I) the following relationships follow: P= 12. R P = V2/R R = P.12 R = V2/P li is not worth it to iry to memorise the relationships – it is easier to deduce them from V=LR and P = V.1. Example 5: Determine the current in a circuit if the power consumption through a resistance of 4,7 K2 is 350 inW. Solution: From the data: R=4700 12; P = 0,35 W; i = ? From 12 P/R ii follows that I = V0,35/4 700 A = = 8,63 mA Example 6: An electrical circuit wiih a resistance of 2,5 consumes 100 kW. Calculate the supply voltage. Solution: V2 = P. R therefore V = V100 000 x 2,5 V = 500 V Example ?: Calculate the power consumption and the resistance of a 240 V filament lamp if there is a current of 1,5 A through the filament. Solution: P = V. I = 240 V X 1,5 A = 360 W From Chm's Law: R = V/I = 240/1,5 = 160 12 (NB Summary Property amount current voltage resistance power energy Quantity amount power Symboi I V or E work (energy) R 0.3 voltage (Ohm's Law) For direct current: Serie R= V= I Ry + Rg + R3 V1 + V2 + V3 !1 = 72 = 13 (b) Alternating current circuits Unit coulomb ampere Parallel volt ohin watt joule Abbreviation Formula Q = I. t P = V. I W = P. t V = I. R 1/R = i/R4 + 1/R2 + 1/R3V4 = V2 = V2 I !4 + 12 + 13 с А V 12 J Effect of inductance When an electrical current ilows through a conciucior, a inagnetic field is created around ihe conductor. The direction of the field is determined by Fleming's right hand rule. When the conductor is wound in the forn of a coil, the magnetic field is concentrated in a smaller area and it becomes much sironger. The strength of the magnetic field is a function of the current strength and the number of windings in the coil. With direct current the magnetic field remains constant after the current has reached its final sirength, and the magnetic field does not have any further effect on the current. In the case of alternating current, however, the current direction and iherefore also the magnetic field changes continuously. The changing field induces a voltage that works against the change in the currenta process known as selfinductance or, more briefly, induciance. With self-inductance the induced electromotive force (emf) in the conductor is proportional to the rate of change in the magnetic field, in other words proportional to the rate of change of the current in the conductor. The induced emf is countering the applieci voltage continuously. The effect of the induced em can be considered as an additional resistance in the circuit - the so-called inciuctive resistance, indicated with the symbol XL. The induced resistance is directly proportional to frequency, but can be considered as a constant in the case of the fixed frequency of the alternating current. In an electrical circuit, the combined effect of the resistance as well as ihe inductive resistance is known as the impaciance (7). The calculation of the impedance of an electrical circuit is dealt with in the next paragraph. All electrical equipment thai contains windings - generators, transformers, electrical motors, discharge lamps, etc. -- exhibit the property of inductive resistance. in all these cases we therefore refer to the impedance of the circuit, instead of to the resistance of the circuit. Impedance impeciance, Z, is tire total resistance against the flow of a current in an alternaiing curreni circuit. Ohm's Law for alternating currenis now becomes: Z=EN where E and I are the rms (root mean square) values of voltage and curreni, and Z = impeclance in ohms. The voltage drop I. R is in phase with the current. Because the voliage crop I. XL is, however, 90° before the current, ihe resistances R and XL cannot simply be summes. The inductive resistance X_ musi be adjusted with a facior j, so thai R+JXLVR2 + (XL)2 In other words, the resistances R and Xų are summed vectoriaily. z= Example 8: If E= 120V, R = 822, and XL = 6.22, calculate ihe value of the current I. Solution: Z = R + jXL Power factor = VR2 + XL2 V82 + 62 = 1012 Significant savings can be made in the installation of power factor correctio? equipmeni. This can reduce the maximum demand portion of the monthly electricity account (which may comprise up to 50% of total account) by up to 20%. Because tenants normally pay for electricity consumed, property owners are often not concemed as to how much electricity is consumed. This is a short-sighted attitude because in the long term nigher rentals can be achieved in buildings with low electrical costs than in expensive electrical cost centres. If the current and the voltage are not in phase (as is the case witin an inductive circuit), the real power (power consumption) is less than the apparent power. Instead of the expression P = V. I (the apparent power), the real power is now P= VL. PL cos e in other worcis kW KVA cos wherekW = real power, KVA = apparent power and cos e is ihe so-called power factor (Pi) This expression is therefore deduced by vectorial summation from the socalled power triangle. The power factor is the ratio between the real power and the apparent power, and can be expressed as decimal (e. g. 0,90) or as a percentage (90%). As o increases, cos e decreases, e. g. 3 = 0º,= 1 0 = 10°, cos o = 0,9820°, cos = 0,94 0 = 30°, cos 0 =0,87 COS 3 Example 9; In a 120 V, two-wire circuit the reading on the ammeter is 20 A and the wattmeter reading is 2 150 W. Calculate the power factor. Solution: Real power = 2 160 W Apparent power = V. I = 120 x 20 = 2 400 VA The power factor is therefore 2 150/2 400 = 0,90 (90%) When electrical installations are designed for loads thai are expressed in watts or kilowatts, it is essential that the power factor for the load must be known, or else the conductor size chosen may be too small for the real curreni. The measurement of power consumption by supply authorities consists of two components, namely the measurement of apparent power (i. e. kVA demand) as well as the measurement of real energy consumption (i. e. kWh). The supply authority charges a fee on consumers whose systems function on a too low power factor (e. g. less than 90%). In 1991, for example, the City Council of Pretoria charged a fee of R29,27/kVA. Power factor correction inay be considered for systems with an unsatisfactory power facior. This can be done by making use of capacitor's (the characteristic of a capacitor with alternating current supply is that the current I_ is leading voltage VL and therefore "cancels out the after-current) or by means of synchronous electrical motors (the operation of which fails outside the scope of this discussion). Single-phase three-wire systems Elecirical power to individual houses and to smailer commercial buildings are normally supplied by a 120/240 volt, single-phase, three-wire system. The power source is a single-phase transformer with two 120 V secondary windings (the funciioning of the transformer is discussed later). The middle connection between the iwo windings is earihed and the conductor which is connected to that point, is called the neutral because it functions at ground potential. The direction in which the currents 14 and I, ilow is such that the neutral concil! ctor need carry only the difference between the currents I, anci [2. When the iwo line currents are equal, the neutral current In is equal to zero. Three-phase power generation Because of the number of technical and economic advantages of three-phase power, three-phase power is today being used universally to generate and distribute large quantities of elecirical energy. The concept of three-phasepower can initiaily be easily understood if three separate sources of emf are visualised, each generating a sinus wave voltage that is identical in size but which is 120° out of phase with relation to each other. If the sources are combined in one system, each source is referred to as a phase. In practice three-phase power is generated using one generator, by using three windings in place of only one winding. All three the windings are identical and are spaced equally around the rotation shaft, in other words 120° from each other. With three windings there are six points that are connected, and the way in which they are connected determines the polarity of each winding. The three resultani voliage pulses will be spaced equally in time. As the windings will cut across the N and S poles of the magnetic field at different moments, the voltage pulses will be separated. They are separated by the iime of 120° of rotation of the shaft: if the shaft rotates at 3 600 rpm, one revolution will take 1/60 second. To rotate 120° therefore requires 1/180 seconds. The voltage pulse of a 60-Hz three-phase WS generator are Therefore 1/180 seconds from each other. The three different windings can be connected by one of two ways: either a star-configuration (also called a wye, i. e. "Y", configuration), or a delta (the Greek letter D) configuration. The first advantage of the three-phase, four-wire system is that each system has two voltage levels. The 380/220 V systern, for example, can supply 220 V to single-phase loadis, like lights and small appliances, and 380 V to single-phase loads, iike electrical heaters, and three-phase loads, like electrical motoi's. A second advantage of the three-phase, four-wire system is that the neutral conductor can be the same size as each of the line conductors. If the system is balanced, i. e. if identical loads are connected to each of the phases, the current through neutral is equal to zero. Even if one load is disconnected, the neutral current (which is the vector sum of the other two phase currents) is equal in size to the size of one phase current. A third significant advantage of the three-phase, four-wire sysiem is that three single-phase loads can be provided with only four conductors, instead of the six conductors if three different two-wire systems were to be used. This can achieve considerable savings in the cost of wiring of a building. (c) Electrical supply to buildings Introduction The supply of electrical energy is one of the most important services in the modern society - without it our society would have looked totally different. Large electricity supply systems require significant investments in engineering services anci buildings; it has a large impact on the appearance of the environment and any interrupiion in power supply causes enormous disruptions. A complete power supply system is a collection of equipment and cables that procluces elecirical energy and ihen distribuies it to the places where it is useci. A power supply system consists of ihree main operations: the generation of electricitythe transmission of electricity over a distance iii) the distribution of eleciricity to the consumer The overall efficiency of a power system is about 30%. Electricity supply in South Africa The supply of electricity in South Africa is more than a hundred years old. South Africa was on faci one of the first countries in the world that used electricity on a commercial basis. Initially there were different generating authorities, while some inines and municipalities generated their own power. The need for a central generating authority has led in 1923 io the formation of the Electricity Supply Commission - presently known as ESKOM. ESKOM is not a governmenial organisation, but an independent seti-financing enterprise that iunctions in accordance to the ESKOM Act of 1987. in South Africa about 95% of electricity is provided by ESKOivi. In fact, ESKOivi produces more than half of ihe electricity consumed in the whole of Africa. ESKOivi makes use of different methods to generate electricity, namely hydro-elecirical plants (on small scale - Gariep dam and Vanderkloof dam), gasturbine plants (on small scale), pump storage systems (Drakensberg and Palmiet), a nuclear power plant (Koeberg) and, most common, steam iurbine (coal-ciriven) plants (19 plants, including Amot, Duhva, Kendal, Komaii, Kijel, Lethabo, iviali. nba, iviaila and Tutuka). In contrast to countries like Canada, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland, which predominantly make use of hydro-eleciric power, South Africa does not have sufficient water and large rivers required to drive ihe turbines. The problem is exacerbated by sporadic rainfall and periodic droughts. Hydro-power can be supplied by schemes that are developed in co-operation with neighbouring countries (e. g. Cahora Basa and Ruacana), but the reliable supply of power is dependent upon politic-economic factors. South Africa is, however, rich in coal. Coal is burnt and steam pressure is built up to drive the massive turbines. Because large coal deposits occur in the iMpumalanga, the area is known for the large power stations that are situated there, South Africa is therefore, like countries like the UK, USA, Russia and Germany mainly dependent upon coal-driven power stations. A disacivantage of this type of power stations is the enormous air pollution that is prociuced. The large distances between metropolitan areas and the rural areas with relatively low population densities cause unique problems for electricity supply. ESKOM therefore operates one of the inost sophisticated distribution networks in the world. ESKOM's power cables oí 220 000 km can circumvent the earth five times. Local authorities normally purchase their electrical power from ESKOM and re-sells it to the consumer. Local authorities can however also operate their own power stations. Pretoria, for example, provides in inore than half its power requirements through the Rooiwal and Pretoria-West power stations. The demand for power varies of course considerably during different times of the day, typically exiibiting peaks around 08:00 and between 19:00 and 20:00. Distribution networks The use of high voltage Power stations often are far from the areas wirere the power is required. In the case of hydro-electric power stations, the power stations are of necessity located at places where this iype of power generation is possible (typically in mountainous areas), while power stations driven by steam turbines are close to fuel sources for economic reasons (in South Africa, typically close to coal fields). The power that is generated, must therefore normally be carried over long distances to the consumer. An electrical cable can provide a given power in one of two ways: either by high voltage and a low current, or by a low voltage and a high current (from P V !). Because part of the electricity is lost in the form of heat losses, and this loss is direcily proportional to the electrical current which is transported, it is preferable that a low current (and therefore a high voltage) be used. In addition a high curreni requires a thick conductor, which is more expensive than a thinner conductor. Because of both ihese reasons, high voltages are therefore used when electricity musi be carried over long distances. Power cables and power towers Long distance power lines are made of braided wires of copper or aluminium. If a high mechanical strength is required, the cable contains a steel core - especially if the conductor is made of aluminium, which is mechanically weak. Tive cables are held in the air by towers or poles of metal or wood and the cables are not isolated. The thickness of the cables are determined by the size of the current which is to be carried, and often also by the mechanical strains to which the cables may be subjected (for example wind, the weight of the cable itself, and snow). The conductor cable must be isolated from the poles or towers which carry ihem; if not, the electricity will be conducted to the earth (because the poles and towers are, of course, earthed). Isolators are made of glass or porcelain and must have special mechanical and electrical properties to withstand the weight of the cables, stresses as result of wind or snow, as well as the high electrical voltages which are carried by the cables. Typical isolators consist of several discs of glass or porcelain. High voltage networks The normal main distribution voltage in towns and cities is 11 000 V between lines (voitages like 3 300 V and 6 500 V and 22 000 V also occur, but are exceptions). Distribution from power stations is at much higher voltages like 88 000 V, 280 000 V and 400 000 volt. The electricity is not generated at such high voltages, however – the power ihat is generated by AC generators driven by steam turbines is typically of the order of magnitude 10 000 V. A transformer is therefore used to change the voltage of the generator to the transmission line voltage. When the electriciiy reaches the consumer the voltage must be decreased again. For example, the normal voltage in South Africa is 380 V for ihree-phase and 220 V for single-phase, called the 220/230 V system. Places like Pretoria is on a 240/415 V system, while the siandard is 230/400 V systems with a frequency of 59 Hertz: The decrease from ihe transimission voltage to consumption voltage is also done through the use of transformers. We therefore transform upwarcis ai the generator side and downwards at the load side ("step-up and step-down transformers”). BUILDING P&ACTICE - VOI. UME 1 The transformers most commonly encountered in power supply to buildings, are those that transform a voltage of 11 kV to 220/230 V. Transmission control An elecirical power supply network consists of a large number of power stations and consumers that are connected with each other. The output of one power station is not allocated to only one area, but can be distributed to other areas as needed. Such a network has many advantages, but also certain disadvantages. Transformers The transformer is surely directly responsible for the large-scale use of alternating current. The apparatus can change the voltage at which energy is delivered without much loss. When an electrical current flows through a conductor, an electrical field is generated around the conductor. The direction of the electrical field is determined by the right-hand rule. If the conductor carries a direct current, the electrical field remains in position until the current is switched off. If the conductor carries an alternating current, the excited field changes the whole time – it rises and falls continuously and the power lines of the field move continuously io the outside and then back to the conductor. With alternating current a moving field therefore originates around the conductor. if a second conductor is now placed close to the first conductor, there are moving power lines that cui across the second conductor. Voltage is therefore excited in the second conductor. If the second conductor forms part of a complete circuit, a current will flow through the conductor. The direction of the current will be opposite to that of the current in the firsi conductor. This phenomenon forms the basis of transformer theory. A transformer normally consists of two coils (windings) of a conducting substance, wound around an iron core so that the two coils are close to one another. The iron core can take many forms and provides structural support to the windings. The main purpose of the iron core, however, is to increase the strength of the electromagnetic field of the primary winding. The two coils are also sometimes wound on top of one another, to ensure that they are close to one another as possible. There is a direct relationship between the number of windings in each coil and the voltage of that coil. This relationship can be expressed as follows: V/1 = N/N where Vt primary voltageV2 secondary voltage NA = number of windings at the primary sideN2 number of windings at the secondary side lí the secondary coil has more windings than the primary coil, the induced voltage will therefore be higher. If the secondary coil has less windings, the induced voliage will be lower. As an approximation the power that enters a transformer is equal to the power that is produced by the transformer, i. e. the transformer has a utility of 100% (in reality it is not true, as losses of approximately 1% to 2% are expected). By combining this relationship between curreni and voltage with the relationship between voltage and number of windings in a transformer, it follows thai !!! = N/N where 11 = primary current12 secondary current N = number of windings at the primary sideN₂ = number of windings at the secondary side If 11 = 15 A, N! = 400 windings and N2 = 20 windings, it follows that 12 15(400/20) = 300 A Example 10: An ideal single-phase transformer has a step-cown voltage-relation of 240/5 volt. If the primary winding coniains 200 windings and the secondary curreni is 100 A, determine: (a) the number of windings on the secondary winding (b) the primary winding current. Solution: (a) FromE2/E1 N/N li follows that Ng = (EN)E1 (b) From12/14NA/N2 it follows that ! (12/N2)/N, = (6 x 200)/240 (100 x 5)/200 5 windings 2,5 A It may also be that ihere is an equal number of windings on bolh the supply side and the output side of a transformer. In such a case the supply voltage and the output voltage will of course be the same. All that is achieved is thai the secondary circuit is isolated from the rest of the circuit, and such a transformer is called an isolating transformer. An isolating transformer may possibly be used in a building if a circuit which is not earthed is not required for some or other reason, and it therefore needs to be isolated from the main wiring system which must of course be earthed. Substations Purpose of a substation The purpose of a substation is the following: Accommodation of the electricity supply authority's switching gear Safety of the building supply Safety of the authority's transformers (if any) Measurement of the building's electricity (meters must be placed outside) Accommodation of the building's transformers and switching gear Requirements to which a substation must comply A subsiation must comply with the following general requirements: Large enough to provide sufficient free space for service and maintenance personnel. Good ventilation. Rodent-proof, fire-proof and water-proof. Natural light must be provided where possible. Electrical lights must be controlled by a switch close to the door to pievent danger to persons and make it possible that all equipment can be clearly Gistinguished and all instrumenis, labels and notices be read easily. No open conduciors or exposed, live parts of electrical appliances may be within reach of windows. Doors musi open io the outside and must be easily opened fro. m the inside. All cable clucts must be covered with suitable slip-free chequered plate. Fire extinguishing appliances must be provided. Notices must be provided in both official languages. Substations must be accessible to heavy equipment and maintenance personnel. Substation buildings must comply with the relevant requirements of national legislation as well as with the requirements of the electricity supply authority. Ai a substation the voltage at which electrical energy is supplied, is changed io a voltage that is required by the consumer. The heart of the subsiation is the transformer. Because a transformer has no moving parts, its reliability is very high and its lifetime is very long (typically 20 years or more). Protective ecjuipment and switching gear are installed around the transformer, on the high-voltage side, high-voltage equipment and on the low-voltage side, low-voltage equipment. The high voltage is broughi to the primary side of the transformer (i. e. the supply side) by means of three lines. The coils of the transformer are connected in delta on that side. The secondary side or output side is normally connected in star because single-phase is required for most small electrical consumption (lights and stop contacts). This iype of transformer is called distribution transformers and standard sizes are available, namely 530 kVa, 800 kVa, 1 000 kVa and 1 250 kVA. The equipment is heavy. A 50 kVa-transformer weighs about 500 kg, a i 000 kVa-transformer about 3 500 kg and a 2 000 kVa-transformer about 4 800 kg. They are relatively big (1,5 x 2 metre) and a floor-ioceiling space of at least 2,4 metre is required in the room which houses the equipmeni. Transformers can be of a dry type or the oil-filled type. Transformers are inairly damaged by overheating or sudden very large currents (short circuits). The equipment must therefore be protected against these faulis. It is furthermore of course necessary that they can be switched off. Protective as well as switching equipment are therefore required. High voltage swiching gear The supply authority normally provides electricity to a large consumer at 11 000 V. The distinction between a large and a small consumer varies from authority to authority (from 50 kVa, to as much as 500 kVa in exceptional cases). Such a supply point forms part of the supply authority's ring disiribution system. A ring supply unit (properiy of the supply authority) is iherefore required. The unit consists of at least two isolators and at least one current-breaker. At the consumer's side there will be at least one currentbreaker (ii only one transformer and supply is present). Normally there is at least one isolator (sometimes two or three) and as many curreni-breakers as there are transformers in the substation. This equipment is relatively large - 900 mm wide, 1 500 mm deep and 2 100 mm high. Because the switching gear can be pulled out, there must be allowed as much space in front of the switching gear as the depth of the switching gear, while there must also be space to service the switching gear. Connections are normally done at the backs of the switching gear and a space of at least 600 mm must therefore be provided between the back of the switching gear and the nearest wall. The switching gear normally switches off the transformer ur der overcurrent conditions, in other words wien more current flows than the transformer has been designed for. The transformer is normaliy also switched off automaticaliy wher: (a) gas generation occurs in the oil of the transformer in the case of anoil-cooled transformer (the Bucholiz relays is used for this purpose). (b) the transformer becomes too warm. When the transformer is switched off for any of the reasons (a) or (b), a siren or horn is set in operation as maintenance personnel must first check the transformer before it is switched on again. This equipinent therefore does not protect the transformer against shortcircuit currents. This is done on the low voltage side. Low voliage switching gear The low voltage side of the iransformer is connected to a circuit-breaker. This circuit-breaker protects the transformer only against overcurrents. The circuit-breaker acts mainly as a switch. From this circuit-breaker the power is brought to distribution rods – the so-called busbars. From these busbars the power is distributed to the distribution boards. The conductors are fixed to the busbars by means of bolis. Between the sub-supply and the busbar an isolating switch is norinally installed with high break capacity-fuses. These isolators have the ability to react quickly to a short-circuit current - much quicker than a circuitbreaker. The disadvantage of a fuse is however that it must be replaced afier it has blown. It is therefore used for abnormal conditions like a short-circuit and not for overcurrent protection. In some cases one inay even encounter an isolating switch as well as a current-breaker for a sub-supply circuit. SUILDING SERVICES Low-voltage distribution boards are approximately 1 200 mm deep and 2 100 mm high, while the length is dependent upon the number of transformers and sub-supply circuits. Remarks about space in front of and behind hign-voltage switching gear are also applicable here. The properties of transformers do not correspond a huncired per ceni, and the parallel-operation of transformers is therefore avoided (i. e. when the low-voltage side of two of inore iransformers are connected to one another). For each transformer there exists therefore a set of busbars that is not connecied with the busbars of oüher transformers. It may, however, happen that a transformer irips ouit, resulting in the sub-supply circuits on the transformer being without power and a part of a building complex being in the dark. In such a case the busbars of such a transformer can be connected to the busbars of a another transformer by means of a busbar coupling. The busbar coupling can be an isolator or a circuitbreaker switch, in which the HRCfuses are replaced with the correct size copper busses. There will aiways be one less busbar coupling than there are transformers, i. e. for 2 transformers there is 1 busbar coupling, for 5 transformers there are 4 busbar couplings, etc. The circuit-breaker from each transformer and the busbar coupling is normally interlocked in such a way that only two pieces of equipment can be on at the saine time. Both circuit-breakers can therefore be on, but then (a) the busbar coupling is off, or (b) one circuit-breaker and the busbar coupling is on and the second circuit-breaker is off. It prevents parallel operation of the transformers. Connection between equipment Connections between the high-voltage swiiching gear and the transformers normally occurs by means of high-voltage cables, whether of the papercovered or PVC-types. The cables can run overhead on cable trays from one point to the other, but it is more common that the cables are laid in cable ducts in the floor. Such cucts are normally 600 mm or more wide and 600 min or more deep. A logical route is normally followed. Ducts must be watertight, cables must be fixed neatly and before cables cross each other bridges must be provided. Cables are often fixed against the side of the duct by means of some shelf or clamp system. Ducts are covered by means of metal plates oſ sufficient strengin ihat equipment can be moved. One cabie of the correct size is suíficient for the high-voltage side. On the low-voltage side the current is very high and a cable bigger than 185 mm2 is too unwieldy. A number of cables of 185 mm2 diameter (4-core PVC SDP PVC) is therefore required. For a 1 000 kva transformer it is approximately 5 cables. Once again use is made of cable ducts to house the cables that connect the transformer with its low-voltage switching gear, although use is also sometimes made of enclosed busbars as for the rising busbars (it is normally done overhead). (d) Power supply to the building Introduction Electricity to the building is norinally supplied by ESKOivi, either directly or via a municipality. The centre is billed monthly for this service and the consumption. For a connection up to 56 kVA the supply will be 380 volt 3 phase. As relatively few developments have such a low load most will fall in the next category. When the requirements are over 56 KVA, an HT (high tension) supply is required. This supply is usually at either 6 or 11 kV (6 000 or 11 000 volts) which means the centre has to have its own transformer. If the transformer is purchased by the developer, a reduction in the tariff will apply. Alternatively the transformer remains the property of the municipality. The size of the reduction in tariff depends on the municipal area. It is extremely important that ihe manager knows where the electrical supply comes from and who he must call in case of supply failure. For this he needs to have a very good relationship with the Council or the authority that supplies the power. Power shut-downs can cause havoc and the earlier the tenants are inforined about the expected duration of these, the better. Power from the power station is taken to the substation, by making use of overhead cables or by laying the cables underground. The power supply to the subsiation is at say 11 500 V, and is stepped down io 380 V by means of a step-down transformer. Al bigger buildings the cables go from the transformer room to ie inain distribution board. There is normally one main distribution board per floor of a multi-siorey building. From the main distribution board the conductors branch to a number of sub-distribution boards. In the case of shops or offices the supply authority does not measure the electricity for each individual shop or office. Only one meter point occu!'s and an account for ihe iotal consumption is seni to the owner or ienant of the total building. The owner on his part recoups this cost from the different tenants by: (a) making an estimate of the electricity consumption and converting it io aper area unit cost (cent/m2). This cost is then included in the rental. The tenant therefore pays indirectly for his electricity. This is done especially in offices. (b) installing a separate meter on the floorboard for each tenant. This meteris provided and read by the landlord. Most often use is inade of outside firms io take the readings and send the accounis to the tenants. Thismeihod is ofien used in sectional title complexes. Each such floor distribution board will therefore have a meier for each ienant (usually three-phase in bigger buildings). There will also be a lock - which is under control of the landlord – and an isolator for each tenant's supply. In addition there will be a circuit-breaker that protects the sub-supply circuit to the tenant. On the tenant's premise there will be a distribution board from where power is distributed to each light, socket-outlet and other equipment. It is important that the manager becomes familiar, in broad terms, with the electrical distribution system in the building. This means that he must know the position of the various distribution boardis and what areas are fed by the individual boards. The reason for this is that he must be able to assist in emergencies, such as fires, floods, etc. For the same reason it is imperative that the manager keeps a set of plans showing the boards and the areas they feed. This plan must be kept up to date. Cross feeds from one area to another should be prevented at all cost to avoid the possibility of live wires in an area if the supply has been switched off. This means that the contractors working on the electrical sysiem in the centre must be very strictly controlled and a system of work permits for coniraciors introduced to monitor ihose changes. Emergency power supply It is often necessary that provision is made for power supply when the supply authority's power supply is inierrupied. Examples of such neecis are lifts in a tower block, staircases and working booths, theatres for performances, elecironic computers, defence equipment, operation theatres, life-support systems, poultry breeding batieries, chemical plants and prisons. in addition, all facio: y premises (whether offices of workshops) that are used during certain hours must be provided with emergency lighting. In such cases emergency power is provided by a mechanical (normally diesel) driven generator and/or batteries. The diesel generator is normally used when a lot of electricity is required, when alternating current is required and when a short interruption is not important. The generator(s) can be big enough to supply the total power needs of the building. If it is connected to the main supply directly to the supply authority's meters, it provides standby facilities for the whole building. The outlet of a diesel generator may never be connected to the supply authority's supply. When the same equipment must operate on normal power as well as emergency power, special precaution must be taken to prevent that both are not on simultaneously. Diesel generators are large. A 400 kVA generator is about 3 metres long and 1,2 metres wide, and a metre space is required around the equipment. In addition, it is necessary that the generator must be cooled and that sufficient fuel (normally enough for at least 12 hours' operation) be stored. The quantity of fuel can vary and may need to be sufficient for 48 hours in certain conditions, like remote areas. Diesel generators are very noisy and it is often desirable that soundproofing be provided. Any casing should, however, have openings for fresh air to the engine and for gas emissions. Of course the openings limit the measure of soundproofing that can be obtained. It is cheaper and normally sufficient to provide a smaller generator that provides only the more important outlets with power. In this case the distribution must be arranged so that outlets at one point can be switched over from main power to emergency power, and there inust not be a connection of the emergency power with outlets not requiring emergency power. In smaller buildings it is often possible to provide a separate wiring system from the emergency generator, with different outlets. The disadvantage of this is ihat equipment must be disconnected from the main outlets and be connected at the emergency outlets when a power interruption occurs. An emergency generator can be started by handi or automatically. Switching on by hand is simple, but involves a delay ihat may be unacceptably long. This delay can be avoided by installing a sensor which will detect a voltage drop in the main supply and automatically switch on the emergency generator. It takes from 8 to 10 seconds for a diesel generator to coine to top speed. Even this clelay may be too long in certain applications. A way in which to avoid this delay, is to connect the generator with a cluich to a flywheel. When a power interruption occurs, the generator is switcheci on. The alternator is kept going through the flywheel unül ihe generator is at speed and is connecied through the clutch with the alternator. This method is obviously expensive and is only used for relatively sinaller power outputs for special conditions, like telecommunication and power for aircraft landing systems. Apart from the supply of emergency power, generators can also be used to provide peak-loads, io save the cost that the supply authority may charge for peak loads. In this case the generator will be switched on automatically with a kVA meter instead of a voltage detector, but otherwise the operation is the same. Batteries are normally used when ihe amount of electricity required is low or when no interruption can be iolerated, for example for emerger. cy lighting or for uninterrupied supply to computer equipment. The battery is charged continuously from the main supply during normal conditions. The batteries provide power until the inain supply is repaired or until the emergency generator is operating. Lead acid batteries are often used for uninterrupted power supply, but nickel/ alkali batteries have a longer lifetime and do not cause corrosion problems like lead acid batteries. The delivery and storage of acid and distilled water must be kept in mind when the installation is designed. Because computers are sensitive to voltageand frequency-fluctuations the computer equipment is often fed into a network that smoothes supply fluctuations and suppresses surges thai are caused by other equipment connected to the same supply. Although it is possible to install a unit big enough to feed the complete noninterruptable load, smaller, cecentralised units are preferred for economical reasons and to provide a degree of standby for fauli conditions. Again, the manager has to know what services are connected to the emergency system and a very strict control must be exercised to avoid extra loads being connected to the system. To control this the work permit system can be utilised. A special note on the work permit regarding the conneciing of loads to the emergency system is noi out of place. In order io make sure that the emergency sysiem will operate when required it must be tested regularly. The recommended frequency of testing is once a month for starting and running smoothly and at least twice a year for capacity. The laiter is usually cone by simulating a total power failure for the entire building. During this lest all services connected to the sysiein must be visually checked. The tenants must, of course, be notified when such a iest is to take place. Another very important test is to co a check-back after an actual emergency, in order to verify that the connected loads operated. The following items should be connected to standby power: The entire common area lighting system The entire common area power system The security and public address systems Ali external lighting Lighting to all escape passages and public toilets Smoke ventilation system Sprinkler pumps Any essential services in industrial buildings Distribution systems in buildings The mutual connection between distribution boards and distribution boards and distribution boards and other distribution boards determine the type of distribution system that may occur in buildings. There are three types of distribution systems for buildings or building complexes: the radial system, the loop system - either without busbars (“ring-main") or with vertica! busbars ("rising main”) – and the ring system. Combinations can also be used. Radial system With a radial distribution system all services to subsidiary distribution panels of distribution boards connect directly with the main distribucion board. The installation and operation of the radial system is simple, bui it cioes not offer an alternative power supply when the main power is interrupted. See figure 5.19. Distributionboard Subsupply Subsupply Distribution board From supply authority's isolator and meters Distributionboard Figure 5.19 Radial distribution system Distributionboard Loop system In this system each distribution board is not connected with the supply poini, but with a previous distribution board. The main distribution board, for example, is connected with three sub-distribution boards in a radial system. From each of the sub-distribution boards there are eight floor distribution boards. In stead of now taking a sub-supply to each floor distribution board from the sub-distribution board, a sub-supply is only taken to the nearesi distribution board. This distribution board feeds the following distribution board, etc. up to the last (8th) distribution board. See figure 5.20. This system saves on conductor sizes, but if there is a fauli on one subsupply circuit, not only the disiribution board servicing the sub-supply is without power, but also all the subsequent distribution boards. The system is used especially where a number of buildings are spread over a site, as for example a school, where the loss of supply is not critical. It is also often used in large towerblocks, but then a special conductor arrangement, namely rising busbars, is utilised. Copper rods are used as conductors. The rods are isolated from each other and protecied in a inetal casing with ihe result that faults are unlikely once ihe system has been put in operation. The rising busbars are instailed in a rising duci in the building. Only the busbars and other electrical equipment may be insialled in the rising duct. These rising busbars are relatively expensive and can normally only be considered if the building is higher than 8 floors. In very high buildings there may be more than one set of rising busbars, depending on the load of the building. The first 8 floors, for example, may be serviced by one sei of : 200 A rising busbars, the following 8 floors by a second set, etc. The system becomes especially economical where the loads of the different floors are approximately equal, like in tower blocks for offices. viost buildings will be a mixture of the radial system and the loop system. Determination of conductor size, size of protective equipment, etc. is similar to that of other systems. It should only be remembered that the load on each distribution board is equal to the load of the distribution board before plus the load of the equipment that is serviced by the distribution board itself. In the case of a towerblock with typical (repeating) floors the load of one floor is calculated and then multiplied with the number of floors serviced by one set of busbars. The rising busbars are normally suitable for low voltage (less than 600 V) and consist of a bar (or bars) for each line and one (or a composite) for the neutral. The earth conductor need not be larger than 70 mm2 and is normally taken up as a string conductor. H Distribution board Distribution board Distribution board Subsupply From isolator of supplier Distribution board Figure 5.20 Loop distribution system Ring system This system is mainly used in a high-voltage system (1 000 V or more) and/or where the interruption of the electrical supply may cause serious problems. In this system at least two supply cables are brought to the premise of a buildirg. These suppiy cables come from different supply points or can be connected to at least 2 different supply points in the supply authority's net. If one supply falls away, the supply can be repaired quickly through supplying power for the second supply by opening or closing the right switches. The faulty supply is then isolated from the supply net. The system normally works as a loop system, i. e. power flows of one board to a second board and from there to a third, but instead of it being ended, the last board is connected again with another supply. Somewhere in the middle a switch is opened and the 'ring' is ready. At each distribution board one cable enters and one cable goes out. Isolators are used here. In addition a load is tapped by means of a circuit-breaker. Such an arrangement of two isolators and one (of more) circuit-breakers, is called a ring-supply unii. In large buildings of building complexes more than one sub-station may occur. They are then normally connected mutually on a ring-system at ihe high-voltage sides. Sizes of cable and protective equipment are calculated as before. There is not a wide choice, however, and standard equipment is utilised. The short-circuit current word is also limited by other equipment to approximately 31 kA or less, which is suitable for all equipment. Note that this only applies for voltages up to 11 kV. Above that, short-circuit currents are bigger. It does not affect us here, however. Circuits in buildings Single-phase circuits The wiring for a group of socket-ouilets in a house is iypically on a loop system (the circuit consists of iwo current-carrying conductors and an earthwire that is connecied from one socket-outlet to another. Lighting circuits Circuits for lighting having their origin at the distribution board, is in general limiied to a total load of 1 000 W and require 5A fuses and switches. In larger buildings 15 A fuses and switches are used, because of ihe larger total load on the circuit. Wiring to light points is done according to the loop ("loop-ini") method. 5.2.2 Lighting and environmental control Introduction Lighting is required for the obvious reason of allowing people to see where they are going and give safe access to areas where there is no natural light, either because of no natural light being able to penetrate or because of it being dark outside. Besides this, lighting plays an important role in enhancing ihe decor inside, as well as outside the centre. The cost of lighting is high, firstly because of the electrical power it draws and secondly because of the effect, on the air conditioning system, of the heat produced by the lights. Usually ihe amount of power required to remove the heat from the lights is approximately 30% of the electrical supply to the lights. In other words, if ihe lights absorb 100 kVA, the additional power required to remove the heat is approximately 30 kVA. For these reasons the manager must be aware, at all times, of the lighting systems installed in the centre. Lighting levels do not need to be equally high in all areas. For instance, in service routes and areas not accessible to the public, lighting levels do not have to be as high and fluorescent lights, known for their efficiency and long life, can be used. The manager has to have a basic knowledge of the different types of lighting systems available in order to evaluate them and to be able to support proposals for energy savings. He must also be aware of the servicing procedures for the lights as dust can have a significant effect on the lighi output of the different fittings. Some knowledge regarding how long the different types of lamps and the accessories last is also essential to evaluate the servicing procedures. For example, very few people know ihat a fluorescent light should lasi at least 7 500 hours, which is equivalent to 1,5 years service at 10 hours per day, or nearly a year, if the lights burn 24 hours a day. Lighting design The three main purposes of good lighting are the following (SABS 0114:13): To further the work or other activities carried on within the buildings; To contribute towards the safety and health of people using the buildings; To creaie, in conjunction with ihe siruciure and decoration of the buildings, a pleasing environment thai stimulates interest and is conducive to a sense of well-being iviany factors must be considered in the design of a lighting system. The most important factors that should be taken in to consideration can be summarised as follows (the relative priorities depend on the specific situation – cf. also SABS 0114:13): Quantity of light, is determined by the nature of the work and the lighi output of the light and light luminaires. It is normally specified by illumination level in lux. Natural light - Can be used as the only light source or to supplement artificial light sources. Colour quality - Is determined by the raiure of the work and the colour-creating properties of the light source. It can be specified by spectral distribution, colour temperature and colour l'endering index. Glare - Is determined by the brightness and contrast of light sources and surfaces, and the angles of sight. It is normally specified by a glare index. Flickor - A property of certain types of lamps. Can cause stroboscopic effects. Directional quality – Is deiermined by the three-dimensional effect that is required and the naiure of the light and the light luminaires. It can be specified by vector and scalar illumination. Energy consumption - Is determined by the light outputs of lamps and the use of switches. All lamps produce heat which can be a significant source of heat take-up in a building. Windows that can let in natural light can be a significani source of heat loss or gain. Cost - Is Geiermined by the initial cost of the light fittings, the replacement cost of the lamps and the electricity consumption of the lamps. Physical properties – include size, appearance and durability of fittings. Emergency lighting - If required. Choice of lamp types The choice of a lamp-type for a specific application is a combination of practical, aesthetic and economic factors. Table 5.1 provides a summary of ine advantages and disadvantages of the most important light sources discussed in this inodule, as well as typical applications. Table 5.2 provides an overview of certain characteristics of the most important types of light sources. Obviously une caia is approximate because lamp types vary so much. In addition the data will change with time as new developmenis occur. In spite of these difficulties, an effort was made to provide an overview of the most important characteristics in the table. Table 5.1 Advantages and disadvantages of light sources andtypical applications (adapted from Hughes, 1988:139-141) incandescent lanips AdvantagesPoint light source, light distribution pattern is easy to control Low initial cost Simple, no ballasts required, no ballast noise Light output not influenced by environmental temperature Small, compact armatures Very simple to dim Pleasant colour rendering for the human No delay with starting or re-startingNo stroboscopic problems on 50 hertz Disadvantages * Very low light rendering (except LS lamps) * Very high operational temperature @ High infrared component * Very much influenced by voltage fluctuations ® Exceedingly bright sourceShort life (tungsten-halogen lamps have longer life) Limited to lower voltages © Applications As a result of their low light rendering and short life, incandescent lamps normally not a good choice for large area commercial, industrial and exterior lighting. Incandescent lain. ps is a good choice for social areas where good colour rendering and a waim, pleasant effect are required, for accent and exhibition lighting where good lighi control is necessary, and for decorative lighting. Icontinued... Standard fluorescent tubes AdvantagesGood lighi rendering Very long life Low brightness Low operational temperature Low infrared output Good colour rendering Can work ai inigher voltages Only smali delay with starting and re-starting Disadvantages @ Not a point light source, light distribution more difficult to contro! * Requires ballast; extra weight; noise © Higher initial cosi * Very much influenced by environmental temperature ® Large; requires unwieldy arinatures (excepi SL and 2D types) ® Recuires special ballasts for dimming Applications Fluorescent lights are commonly used for the illumination of large areas of general illumination in offices and industrial plants. It is the source of probably 70% of all lighting in S. A. High-intensity discharge lamps (mercury, metal halde and high pressure sodium lamps) Advantages © Very good light renderingVery long life High output in compact size Essentially a point light source Negligible infrared component Light output not influenced by environmental temperature Can work at high voltages /continued... DisadvantagesCan give colour rendering problems High initial cost Requires ballast; extra weight; noise Very bright light source Very difficult and expensive to dimLong heating and re-starting times © Stroboscopic effect may be a problemStarting problem in cold weather Applications Commonly used for high interior industrial applications and for many exterior applications, such as street, parking area and security lighting. Being used increasingly for interior commercial applications, as better colour-rendering meta! halide lamps are being developed. Table 5.2 Characteristics of light sources Lamp iype Incandescent lamp (GLS) Tungsten halogen (TH) LS tungsten halogen Fluorescent tube (MCF) ivercury vapour lamp (IBF) iMetal halide lamp (MBI) Low pressure sodium lamp (SOX/SLI) High pressure sodium lamp (SON) Power (wait) 40-200 500 50 20-125 125 250-3 500 35-180 70-1 000 Lightflood (i. umer) 800 11 000 11 000 3 000 22 500 40 000 33 000 50 000 i. ightrendering(lm/W) 14 22 22 50 50 80 50 125 Approx. Approx. life price: (irours) lamp only 1 000 2 000 3 000 10 000 20 000 15 000 18 000 24 000 R4 R30 R60 R8 R20 R90 R50 R70 5.2.3 Alarm and security systems (Acknowledgement: This section is based upon material prepared by C van der Walt.) (a) Principles Security for commercial developments Why security systems? The motives why individuals, groups and/or organisations would try to intrucie into a building or complex can include the following: >> Political inotives Publicity for the specific group and/or organisation Disruption of society by damage and destruction of strategic installations Industrial and financial motives Process know-how – that is, industrial espionage Theft of raw inaterials Theft of completed products Theft of equipment Theft of money and valuable items and wares Disruption of opposition and activities of competitors Personal motives Personal grudges – for example employee wiro has been fired ivialicious damage by vandals Strong personal convictions – for example opponents of vivisection Other irrational reasons Requirements for a security system The requirements which a security system should saiisfy are as follows: The system must be flexible to accommodate future changes cheaply and easily The system musi exhibit a low level of false alarms The system inust exhibii a positive alarm or detection level The sysiem must be cost-effective with low cyclical and operational costs The sysiem must be simple to operate Factors to be considered when establishing a security system The factors that must be considered when establishing a security system are as follows: Type and nature of activities that occur in the development Risk and threai that result from political motives Risk and threat that result from industrial and financial molives Risk and threat that result from personal motives The client's specific requirements The clieni's organisational structure – with specific reference to the client's security department Available iechnology Costs for the supply, installation and operation (with special emphasis on cyclical costs) of the security system - it is absolutely essential that the costs for the security system should not seriously influence the viability of the development Flexibility of the system to accommodate future cianges cheaply and easily Integration of the securiiy systems with other building-monitoring services, building function and administrative functions The degree of sophistication and training of the client's security personnel Effect of the security system on the client's day-to-day activities The electronic security system Main components of a security system The main components of an elecironic security system are as follows: Control apparatus Sensors and peripheral equipmeni Communication link, via wiring and/or telemetric medium, between the control apparatus and sensors and peripheral equipment Building design liems for consideration during the design process The following items should be considered in conjunction with the client and security consultants during the design process: The client's specific requiremenis Risk with relation to the aim and application of the building(s) General site layout Position of property bounciaries Position of parking areas Positions of fences Number and position of entrance and exits Number and position of emergency exits Position and location of high risk buildings Detail about construction materials Details about doors, windows and locks Details about overhangs, balconies anci niches Details about service ducts and channels for accommodation of security services Accom/nociation for securiiy personnel and equipment Uninterrupted and emergency power supply The effect of lighting, thunder storms and static electricity Available funds vs. technology, as well as threats (risks) that may possibly change (b) Control systems Introduction to typical securlty systems Components of a typical security system The following items and facilities can be part of a iypical security system: Central computer control unit Personnel and visitors access conirol system Vehicle access control sysiem Fencing or perimeter control system Site supervision and control Protection against intrusion in buildings and sensitive areas iionitor and control of other building services Access control systems :: Purpose of access control systems The purpose of access control systems is ihe control of: personnel thai enter and leave the building and internal sensitive areas in the building visitors thai enter and leave the building and internal sensitive areas in the building vehicles that enter and leave the site reception and dispatch of goods BUILLING PRACTICE - VOLUME 1 Access control cards The cont: ol of personnel, visitors and vehicles can be done by means of: normal plastic type identification cards inductive-magnetic cards Wiegand cards holography – the comparison of fingerprints, voice, signature or profilespecial magnetism - infra-red-barcode cards ("barcode") Note that technological changes are making other, new types of control systems possible. Characteristics of the diffsrent types of access control cards Table 5.3 Access control cards CHARACTERISTICS TECHNOLOGY Card reader Visibility of codingForgery rejection rate By the eyes By X-rays Inductive-magnetic Wiegand Holography Special magnetism No No No No Sometimes No No Sometimes Difficult Very difficult Servicelife Very difficult Reasonable Difficult Table 5.4 Resistance to normal wear of access controlmechanisms TECHNOLOGY Inductive-magnetic Wiegand Holography Carci weaiitering Special magnetism Average RESISTANCE TO NORMAL WEAR Scratch o! sur! ace on card Wagnodicfield exposure Lost information Very good Very good Very good Very good Sometimes Reasonable ܀ Physical access control mechenisms Access control mechanisms can include one or more of the following iacets: Control of personnel and visitors by means of: Revolving gates: full-, halfand hip-height Doors: pneumatic-, hydraulicor electric-drivenSluices: pneumatic-, hydraulicor eleciric-driven Control of vehicles by means of: Booms: pneumatic-, hydraulic-, electricor hand-driven Revolving or sliding gates: pneumatic-, hydraulic-, electricor hand-criven Characteristics of the different types of access control mechanisms Table 5.5 Characteristics of access control mechanisms TECHNOLOGY Revolving gates Doors Sluices Booms Revoiving or sliding gate Fencing systems CHARACTERISTICS Voluns/hour Maintenance Types of fencing systems High Reasonable High High Cost Reasonable Reasonable Fencing systems can be one or more of the following iypes: Single fence Double ferice Material of fencing systems Fencing sysiems can be made up of one or more of the following materiais: Wire and metal in different configurations Concrete and brick in different configurations Characteristics of the different types of fencing systems and materials for foncing sysisms Table 5.6 Characteristics of fencing systems TYPE AND MATERIAL OF FENCE Single fence Double fence Wire and metal Concrete and bricks CHARACTERISTICS Aesthetics Maintenance Cost Security provisiti Reasonable Reasonable Poor Reasonable Sensors for exterior use Reasonable Very good Reasonable Types sensors for exterior use Sensors for exterior can be made up of one or more of the following types: viicrowave type Active infra-red type Elecirical field type Microphonic cable type Lever switch type Vibration type Wire-under-tensile stress type Magnetic type Seismic type Pressure difference type Closed-circuit television cameras Characteristics of the different types of sensors for exterior use Table 5.7 Characteristics of sensors WHERE INSTALLED Not fixedon fence Fixedon fence Underground Microwave Active infra-red Electric field Electric field iviicrophonic Lever switch Vibration Wire-undertensile stress iMagnetic Seismic Pressure difference Intruder inovoinerst x CAN DETECT Nor-magneticobjecis Under tunnelliang x XX CAUSES OF FALSE ALARMS WHERE FXEC of sensors for exterior use Table 5.8 Causes of false alarmns for the different types POSSIBLE CIRCUMVENTION TYPE Lightning Tremors Poor TransientBig Small pienomana interierence animals animals Birds Fog, snowand rein installation METHODS Microwave Undertunnelling Undertunnelling, ladders Undertunnelling Undertunnelling Undertunnelling, ladders Not fixedОП fence Active infra-red Electric field Electric field Microphonic Lever switch Fixedon fence Ladders Vibration Undertunnelling, ladders Wire-undertensile stress Undertunnelling, ladders Non-magnetic metals Bridge, mattress Magnetic Seismic Underground Pressure difference Bridge, mattress TYPE TV 25 mm 16 min Interior Exterior tube tubeuseUSE Hiiurnination requiredCost High Average Low Dark High Average Low The use of television as a communication system Table 5.9 Types of television for interior and exterior use Vidicon Newvicon x Silcon-Vidicon SIT ISIT x CCD Sensors for interior use Types of sensors for interior use Sensors for interior use can be one or more of the following types: Vibration/seismic type - applied in and at saíes, windows, doors Ultrasonic type - applied in anci at passages, windows, doors Microwave type - applied in larger areas like stores and warehouses where windows do not generally occur Active infra-red type - application in larger areas like stores and warehouses Passive infra-red type - applied in and at smaller areas like offices, windows, doors Electro-magnetic iype - applied in metal detectors Can ciclect Movement Damage Dr!!! rietach to doors ami Intruder or window lack Causes of false alarms Sma: i LightningPoor animalsInterference Installation Table 5.10 Characteristics of the different types of interior PRINCIPLE Functioning infiuenceciby: Tre nors TYPE OPERATION Vibration/ Piezo-electric seismic Power interruption SIosuas Ultrasonic Power interruption Microwave Power interruption Space Active IR Power interruption Passive IR Slow movement Proximity Electromagnetic Do not wear metal Fire detectors >> Types of fire detectors One or more of the following iypes of fire deteciors can be used in a development: lonisation detector - applied in: hotel rooms offices Optical detector - applied in: operation theaires Heat detector - applied in: chemical plants fuel storage depois Infra-red detector - applied in: chemical plants Linear detector - applied in: large areas like stores inuseums Table 5.11 Characteristics of the different types of firedetector's TYPE Ionisation Optical Heat Infra-red Linear Sinoke Smoke COMPARES Rate of rise in temperature Flame Smoke AVAILABLE IN ADORESSABLEMODUS Yes Yes Yes No No SUILDING SERVICES (C) Equipment control One or more of the following types of services can be conirolled and monitored froin the central computer control panel: Air-conditioning Electrical supply Emergency supply UPS Civil engineering services Lighting "White" sound Communication Security LiftsFire deteciion and extinguishing Table 5.12 Services control from the central computer panel PLANT Air-conditioning CCHTROL Fans on/off Power on/off Valve open/closed Electrical supply Circuit breakeron/off Stand-by supply UPS Circuit breaker on/off Load on/off Civil engineering Pumps on/off servicesValves open/close Lighting Zone lights on/off Dimming MEASURING PARAMETERS Temperature Water level Air flow Supply voltage Supply current Frequency Power Supply voltage Supply current Frequency Fuel level Output voltage, current, frequency Water tank level Flow ALAFIS Power fails INDICATIONS In working order Circuit breaker Circuit breaker on/off trippedTransformer tap Transformer alarms position Battery voltage low Circuit breaker onmanual Trip on fault Trip on fault Pump tripped Supply failure Engine running Main supply on/off UPS on by-pass circuit Pump runs Pump on manual Power available Lights on/off /continued... PLANTT Masking sound Communication Intercom PAX/PABX Radio Security Closed-circuit TV Perimeter protection Indoor sensors Lifts Fire detection and extinguishing COATiO. System on/off Volume Circuit select Tone or DC remote desk selective calling Pan, zoom, tilt camera select Enable/disable zone Enable/disable zone Lift call Lift scheduling Check circuits Zone selection Trigger audible devices Fire dampers close MEASURING PARAMETERS TX power Lift speed Lift load Fire pump flow ALARINS Supply failure Supply failure Power module failure Charger failure Battery supply failure Power module failure Supply failure Intrusion alarm Zone alarm Door alarm Tamper alarm Supply interruption Panic alarm Fire alarm Power failure INDICAIRCUS System on/off System available System available Power on Camera selected Power available Power on/of Alarm zone on/off Power on/off Zone on/off Lift in motion Lift position Detector/zone position Zone evacuated Gas released APPENDIX SI-UNITS Sl-units (Système International d'Unités) were accepied internationally in 1960. There are seven basic Sl-units: Basic quantity length (L) mass (iv) iime (T) elecirical current iemperature light intensity amouni of substance metre kilogram second amperekelvin kandela mole Symbol m kg S A к cd mol All other units (e. g. dersity, pressure, elecirical charge, eic.) are derived from one or more of these basic units. The symbols for Sl-units are the same for singular and íor plural (10 m, 3 kg, 100 A, etc.). There is no fullstop after the symbol (except of course at the end of a sentence). A composite symbol can be written in index form (e. g. ms-2) or with a solidus () which indicates division (e. g. m/s2) and a fullstop (.) which indicates multiplication (e. g. N. m). The dimensions of a quantity indicate how the quantity is related to the basic units. The dimensions of speed, for example, are (LT-'], and that of acceleration is [LT-2). When calculations are done, care should be taken that the two sides of an equation are dimensionally identical, for example: density (ivi. L-3) = mass (M)/volume (23) In a correct equation, the units on both sides of the equation are iherefore also identical, for example: density (kg. m-3) = mass (kg)/volume (m3) Exponents are used to indicate multiples or sub-multiples, for example 5 000 000 is indicated as 5 x 106, 1/i 000 is indicated as 10-3, etc. Exponents are added with multiplication and subiracted with division, for exampie: 106 x 103 = 106+3 = 109 and 1013 : 107 = 1013-7 106 NB (D) Prefixes are used io indicate multiples and sub-multiples: Quantity 10-12 10-9 10-6 10-3 10-2 10-1 101 102 103 106 109 1012 Note: Prefix pico nano micro milli centi deci deka hekio kilo mega giga tera Symboi m P с d dia k vi G You should be fainiliar with the use of the metric prefixes milli-, micro-, kilo-, mega-, etc. as well as their abbreviations. 5.3 AIR-CONDITIONING 5.3.1 Definition of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) can be defined as the simultaneous control of room temperature, humidity, air cleanliness and air motion (Shuttleworti), 1983). The term "air-conditioning" ("AG") is more commonly used to describe one or more of the functions of an HVAC system, such as the cooling, heating dehumidification, humidification, filtration and circulation of air in a room or building. 5.3.2 The need for air-conditioning Air-conditioning is required for the following purposes: To cool the air in a room or building under high heat loads. Example: High outside temperatures in summer. To heat ihe air in a room or building under high cooling loads. Example: Low outside temperatures in winter. To dehumidity room air under high lateni loads, Example: Excessive perspiration in a gymnasium. To humidity room air in cases of excessive dehumidification. Example: High paper mass in a building absorbs moisture, e. g. in a fibrary. To circulata air in the room. Example: Prevention of "dead spots" and draughts in a room. To filter incoming and circulating air. Examples: High dust loads, pollution, sick building syndrome. Improper operation of an air-conditioning system has the following undesirable effects on occupants and building equipment: On occupants: Discomioit, loss of concentration and health deterioration. On equipment: Erratic performance, low reliability and equipmeni failure. 5.3.3 Psychrometry Psychrometry is the science that deals with ihe properties of air and water vapour mixtures. The gases present in atmospheric air and the psychrometric properties of air are discussed. These properties are shown schematically on the psychrometric chari. Atmospheric air consists of a large number of gaseous components such as oxygen, nitrogen, argon, neon, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, chlorofluoro carbons (the so-called ozone depletion gases), water vapour, dusi, pollen, odours, and poisonous and toxic contaminants, (Shuttleworth, 1983). In the air-conditioning field however, air is regarded as a mixture of dry air and water vapour. The study of the behaviour of dry air and water vapour ! nixiures is known in scientific terms as psychrometry. The psychroinetric properties of air which are of interest in AC sysiems, are: Dry bulb temperature Wet bulb temperature Relative humidity Specific humidity Specific volume Enthalpy VOLUME 1 The above psychrometric terms are defined as follows: Dry bulb temperature (DB) Dry bulb temperature is the temperature measured on a ihermometer with a mercury or alcohol bulb which is dry on the outside. The unit of measurement of Toe is degrees Centigrade (°C). Wet bulb temperature (TWB) Wei bulb temperature is the temperature measured on a thermometer which has its mercury or alcohol bulb covered by a moist cloth. The unit of measurement of Two is degrees Centigrade (°C). Relative humidity (RH) Relative humidity is the degree of saturation of a dry air and water vapour mixture. iviathematically, RH is expressed as the ratio of the vapour pressure io the saturated vapour pressure: RH = PvaP vapour sat where Pvapour is ihe vapour pressure and Psat is the saturated vapour pressure. RH is dimensionless, in other words, it has no unit of measurement. li is, however, more conveniently expressed as a percentage. RH can vary from 0% (for completely dry air) io 100% (for completely saturated air). Dew point temperature (Top) Dew point temperature is any temperature where ihe dry bulb temperature is equal to the wet bulb temperature. This occurs at saturation, i. e. where the RH is 100%. At any condition where the RH is less than 100%, TOB will always be higher than TWB. The unit of measurement of Top is degrees Centigrade (°C). Specific humidity (SH) Specific humidity is the mass of water vapour contained in 1 kg of dry air. In mathematical terms, SH is expressed as the mass of water vapour per unit mass of dry air: SH mvapourma where mvapouris the inass of water vapour and ma is the mass of dry air. The unii of measurement of SH is kilogram per kilogram of dry air (kg/kg a). The mass of water vapour present in air is relatively small, but is nonetheless significani, since it plays a major role in factors like human comfort. Specific volume (SV) Specific volume is the total air volume (i. e. the dry air volume plus the water vapour volume) per unit imass of dry air: Vair + Vvapour SV = mair The unit of measuremeni of SV is meire cubed per kilogram (in3/kg). Enthalpy (h) Enthalpy gives an indication of the total heat present in air, and is mathematically expresseci as the heat per unit mass of dry air: h= Heat ma The unit of measurement of enthalpy is joule per kilogram of dry air (J/kg a). Vapour pressure Vapour pressure is the partial pressure of the water vapour component of air. Like specific humidity, it is a relatively small quantity, but is not negligible. Theunit of measurement of vapour pressure is Pascal (Pa). The psychrometric properiies of air defined above can be shown together on a diagram, known as the psychrometric chart. A diagrammatic representation of a psychrometric chart is shown in figure 5.21. Constant relative humidity Constant specific humidityand Constant vapour pressure Saturation: RH = 100%, Top - Twe Constant specific volume Constant dry bulbtemperature Constant wet bulb temperatureand Constant enthalpy Figure 5.21 Diagrammatic representation of a psychrometricchari Note that the magnitudes of air properties are dependent on the altitude above sea level (ASL). The air properties required for the design of an AC plant in Cape Town, for instance, must be obtained from a psychrometric chart specifically compiled for sea level, while a psychrometric chart for 1 400 m ASL must be used for the air properties in Pretoria. 5.3.4 Human comfort Human comfort may be influenced by factors as diverse as noise, aesthetics, illumination, wind speed, duist content, air temperature and air humidity. Comfort can be accomplished by controlling these factors to suit the differeni inclividual comfort requiremenis. While air-conditioning will fail in controlling illumination and aesthetics, it will more effectively control factors such as dust content, air temperature and huinidity. An air-conditioning system is generally required to meet the following comfort criteria (Shuttleworth, 1983): To supply light air motion Human beings are sensitive to the surrounding air speed. As a resuli, air speed must be controlled within a range of 0,1 m/s to 0,25 m/s. To maintain a suitable dry bulb temperature in an occupied space Human beings are sensitive to iemperature changes. Temperaiure changes of as little as 1 °C can be felt. Generally, temperaiures between 22,5 °C and 25 °C can be considered comfortable, according to the American Society of Heating, Reirigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). To maintain a suitable relative humidity Humans are not particularly sensitive to relative humidity changes. Reiative humidities between 20% and 60% can be considered comfortable, according to ASHRAE. To supply clean air Air wirich is non-toxic, non-poisonous, odour free, and which has a low dust, pollen and smoke content, can be considered “clean”. To help peopie lose their metabolic heat Human metabolic heat depends on two factors, inamely the level of activity and the surrounding air temperature. A person working in an office with a iemperature of 20 °C, will generate approximately 140 W of heat, while the metabolic rate of a person dancing in a room with a temperature of 26 °C, will be approximately 265 W (Jones, 1982). Note that human comfort may difier from country to country and from season io season. The above criteria can therefore only be considered as a guideline. 5.3.5 Heat, heat sources and heat transfer mechanisms inbuildings Heat The two types of heai encountered in the analysis of AC energy requiremenis, are sensible heat and latent heat: Sensible heat is transferred in the absence of any change in specific humicity, and is generally associated with a change in dry bulb temperaiure. See figure 5.22. Latent heat is transierred in the absence of any change in dry bulb temperature, and is generally associated with a change in specific humidity. See figure 5.23. Hih Тов1 TDB2 Figure 5.22 Sensible heat transfer 2 1 Това - Това Figure 5.23 Latent heat transfer SH, - SH, SH2 SH, From figure 5.22 it can be seen that, in a sensible heat fransfer process, the dry bulb temperature increases from TDB1 io TDB2 , while the specific humidity stays constant. Figure 5.23 shows ihat, in a latent heat transfer process, the specific humidity increases from SH, to SH2 , while ihe dry bulb temperature stays constant. Heat sources in buildings (a) Sources oí sensible heat in buildings include the following: Transmission heat Transmission heat transfer occurs due to a temperature difference between outside and inside. This temperature difference causes heat io flow from the outside to the inside in summer and from the inside to the outside in winier. Transmission heat is the heat transmitted through building structural components such as walls, windows, ceilings and roofs. Solar heat Solar heat enters the building through windows and tire building structure. The heat may have an immediate effect, such as on a person sitting in front of a window, or may be absorbed by the struciure to be released later. Solar radiation is transferred to a building in three ways: Directly from the sun Indirectly, through scattering by clouds Indirectly, by reflection from surrounding surfaces Sensible heat eniry due to fresh air supply When the fresh air cry bulb temperature exceeds the room dry bulb temperature, sensible heat is added to the room air. Lighting Light adds heat to room air. Lighting heat depends on the type of lighting, and may well constitute the largest segment of the cooling load. Light performance is normally expressed in terms of illumination per power input in lumens per watt. Table 5.13 from Shuttleworth (1983), gives the light output for different types oí lamps: Table 5.13 Light output of different lamp types Type of lamp Incandescent Tungsten halogen Fluorescent : viercury vapour ivetal halicie Sodium vapour Equipment Light output (lumens/) 12-20 12-16 72-88 30-60 50-90 100-105 iviechanical, electrical and electronic equipmeni add sensible heai to room air. Examples are: BUILDING PRACTICE - VOL. UME 1 Production machinery, e. g. in a factory Copiers and computers Telecommunications and radio equipment Fan motors Domestic appliances, such as hair grooming equipment, kettles, urns and stoves Letier sorting machines Human metabolism Human sensible heat depends on the room dry bulb teinperature and level of physical activity. Table 5.14 from Jones (1982) gives the human sensible metabolic heat for different temperatures and activities. Table 5.14 Human sensible metabolic heat vs. To DBvarious activities Activity Seated at rest Office work Standing Eating in a restaurant Light factory work Dancing 90 W 100 W 105 W 110 W 130 W 140 W 22 °C 80 W 90 W 95 W 100 W 115 W 125 W 24 °C 75 W 80 W 82 W 85 W 100 W 105 W for 25°C 65 W 70 W 72 W 85 W 80 W 90 W From table 5.14 it can be seen thai sensible metabolic heal increases with activity and decreases with room dry bulb temperature. (b) Sources of latent heat in buildings are: Kettles When water is boiled in a keiile or urn, latent heat of vaporisation is acided to the room air. Human metabolism Human latent heai depends on the room cry bulb teinperature and level of physical activity. Table 5.15 (Jones, 1982) gives the hunan lateni metabolic heat for different tenperatures and activities. Table 5.15 Human latent metabolic heat vs. Tos forvarious activities Activity Seated ai rest Office work Standing Eating in a restaurani Lighi iaciory work Dancing 20 °C 25 W 40 W 45 W 50 W 105 W 125 W 22 °C 35 W 50 W 55 W 60 W 120 W 140 W 24 °C 40 W 50 W 68 W 75 W 135 W 160 W 26 °C 50 W 70 W 78 W 85 W 155 W 175 W From table 5.15 ii can be seen that latent metabolic heai increases with activity and increases with room dry bulb temperature. Latent heat entry due to fresh air supply When the fresh air wet bulb temperature exceeds the room air wei bulb temperature, latent heat is added to the room air. Moisture migration Building structures are porous, allowing moisture to migrate through the structure into the room air. iMoisiure can also enter the building through leaking window frames and cracks in structural components. Heat transfer mechanisms The three mechanisms of heat transfer are conduction, convection and radiation. Conduction heat transfer Concluciion heal transier occurs when a temperaiure difference exists in a solid, or when two solids at different surface temperatures are in contaci with each other. In building materials, heat is conducted through solid structural components such as walls and roofs. The heat flow depends on the following factors: The area of structural component: The larger the area of the component, the higher the heat transier. The temperature difference in the component: The larger the temperature difference, the higher the heat transfer. The thickness of the component: The thicker the component, the lower the heat transfer. The thermal conductivity of the component: The higher the thermal conductivity, the higher the heat transfer. Typical thermal conductivities of building materials, from Holman (1976), Stoecker and Jones (1982) and Martin and Oughton (1989), are given in table 5.16. Table 5.16 Typical thermal conductivities of buildingmaterials Building material Common brick Face brick Concrete (1 900-2 300 kg/m3) Lightweight concrete (600 kg/m3) Portland cement Plaster - Terrazzo lile Window glass (2 500 kg/m3) Wood (Fir) Plywood Chipboard Hardboard Polyurethane board Loose glass fibre Thatch straw Thermal conductivity(W/m °C) 0,69 1,32 1,37 0,19 0,29 0,48 1,75 1,02 0,11 0,14 0,11 0,20 0,02 0,04 0,07 Convection heat transfer Convection heat is iransferred through air motion. In buildings, an air film forms on the surface of a building structural component, such as a wall or roof. The heat transferred through the film is calleci convection heat transfer. The convection may occur naturally, such as when the air is cooler than the surface, or may be forced, such as when the winci blows. The faster the air moves, ihe higher the convection heat transfer. Radiation heat transfer Radiant heat is transferred from one surface to another if the two surfaces are at different temperatures. The radiation depends or the temperatures and absorbtivities of the iwo surfaces. An important radiation heat transfer parameter affecting human comfort, is the so-called mean radiant temperature (MRT). The MRT oí a room is defined as the weighted average of the surface temperatures in the room (Shuttleworth, 1983). The MRT can be mathematically expressed as: MRT = n ΣΑ,Τ; i=1 n ΣΑ; i=1 where n is the number of surfaces, A; is the area of a surface and Ti is ihe temperature of the suriace. For a room with a floor, ceiling, and four walls, the total number of suriaces is 6. The miRT of the room surfaces is obtained as follows: MRT = Afloor floor + Aceiling ceiling + Awallt Twall1 + Awall2Twall2 + Awał3wall3 + Awall4+wal4Afloor + Aceiling + Awall1 + Awall2 + Awall3 + Awall4 As an example, consider a room with the following wall, ceiling and floor temperatures and areas: Component Area (m2) Temperature (°C) Floor Ceiling Wall 1 Wall 2 Wall 3 Wall 4 20 20 20 26 12 23 15 23 12 23 15 23 The iviRT of the room suriaces, using the equation shown above, is 23 °C. 5.3.6 Refrigeration and the refrigeration cycle The total heat generated in a building must be removed and rejecied to the environment. This is accomplished by ineans oí a refrigeration system. Refrigeration takes place in a closed loop, or cycle, called the refrigeration cycle. A schematic layout of tie refrigeration cycle is shown in figure 5.24. Refrigerant liquid High T, P Condenser mm Outside air Expansion mechanism Evaporator Refrigerantliquid Low T, P Room air int High T, P Refrigerant gas Discharge side Compressor Suction side Refrigerantgas Low T, P T = temperature, P =pressure Figure 5.24 Schematic layout of the refrigeration cycle The system consists of four major components, i. e. an evaporator, a compressor, a condenser and an expansion device. A cooling substance, krown as the refrigerant, is circulated through the system in a closed loop. The refrigerant absorbs room heat at low temperature and low pressure, and rejects it to the atmosphere at high temperature and high pressure. Heat absorption from the building takes place in the evaporator, while heat rejection to the atmosphere takes place in the condenser. The compressor serves two purposes. Firstly, it provides power to circulate the refrigerant, and secondly, it raises the temperature of the refrigerant from the low evaporation temperature to the high condensing temperature. The suction side of the compressor is connected to ihe evaporator, while the discharge side is connected to the condenser. The expansion device, which can either be a long, thin (capillary) tube or an expansion valve, lowers the refrigerant iemperature from condensing temperature to evaporation temperature. 5.3.7 Air-conditioning system classification According io Shuttleworth (1983), air-conditioning systems can be classified in terms of 3 criteria, namely: Position, or placement, of tine system Type of cooling system Type of temperature control system Classification in terms of position, or placement, of the system The following two broad categories exist: Central AC systems Local AC systems Gentral AG systems In central AC systems, the AC units are installed in a remote location, i. e. away from the rooin. Such AC systems are also called central AC plants. The supply air is conditioned in the plant room and transported to the room via a supply air duct, after which it is returned to the plant via a return air duct. Fresh air is added at the plant. A schematic layout of central AC system is shown in figure 5.25. Outside air Return air AC plantroom Supply air duct Conditioned air Return air at room temperatureand humidity Return air duct Room Relief air Figure 5.25 Schematic layout of a central AC system The advantages of ceniral AC systems are: High efficiency The majoriiy of system components are located in one room (the plant room), thereby facilitating maintenance Relatively few components to maintainDue to remoteness of the plant room, operation can be very quiet The disadvantages of central AC systems are: Control of individual room conditions may be inaccurate, especialiy where large variations in room heai loads are experienced Ducting increases system installation cost. Local AG systems In local AC systems, each room in the building is air-conditioned by its own small AC unit. All the functions of the central AC system are carried out in the local unii. A schematic layout of a local AC system is shown in figure 5.26. The advantages of local AC systems are: Room conditions can be controlled individually AC units can be added and removed from rooms with relative ease, and without interfering with the operation of the rest of the plant Selective installation, i. e. only in rooms where AC is required, reduces initial cost Outside air AC unit Return air Condition Room 1 Relief air Outside air air AC unit Return air Conditioned air Room 2 Relief air Outside air AC unit Return air Conditioned air Room 3 Relief air Figure 5.26 Schematic layout of a local AC system The disadvantages of local AC systems are: High maintenance cost due to large number of components Maintenance must be done in each room, which may be inconvenient and may be difficult to schedule The life expectancy of local systems is generally shorter ihan ihai of ceniral systems Classification in terms of the type of cooling system Two broad caiegories exist, namely direct expansion (DX) systems and chilled water (CW) systems. Direct expansion (DX) systems Direct expansion systems make use of the room air to directly evaporaie the refrigerani. The room air heat is irar: sferred to the refrigerant by means of a heat exchanger (the evaporator). As the air passes through the evaporator, it is cooled down and the refrigerant is evaporated. A schematic layout of a DX system is shown in figure 5.27. The system also consists of air-handling equipment such as an air louvre to control the air flow, a filter to ciean the air, a heater to heat the already conditioned air, and a fan. The refrigeration system consists of the normal refrigeration cycle coinponents, i. e. a compressor, condenser and expansion mechanism. See also figure 5.24. Condenser Expansion mechanism Fan Heater Evaporator Filter Grille Supply air Compressor Figure 5.27 Schematic layout of a direct expansion system The advantages of DX systems are: System simplicity, due to direct evaporation. Only one heat exchanger is required io transfer heat from the air io the refrigerant Low initial cost The disadvantage of DX systems is that the control of system cooling capacity may not be as accurate as in the case of CW systems. Chilled water (GW) system In a chilled water system, ihe air is cooled by chilled water via a heat exchanger, known as the cooling coil. The water, in turn, is cooled in another heat exchanger, which acts as the evaporator. As the water passes through the evaporator, the water is cooled, or chilled, and the refrigerant evaporates in the heat exchanger. A schematic layout of a CW system is shown in figure 5.28. The system also consists of air-handling equipment, such as an air louvre to control the air flow, a filter to clean the air, a heater to heat the already conditioned air, and a fan. The refrigeration system consists of the normal refrigeration cycle components, i. e. a compressor, condenser and expansion mechanism. See also figure 5.24. The part of the refrigeration system responsible for cooling the water, is known as the chiller. A water pump is required to circulate the water through the system. CW systems have the advantage that more accurate control of system cooling capacity can be accomplished than in the case of DX systems. The disadvantages of CW systems are: CW systems are more complicated than DX systems The installation cost of a CW system is higher than that of a DX system Waier treatment may be required, depending on the quality of the water Chiller Fan Heater Cooling coil Filter Grille w Supply air Intake air Air handling unit Water pump Heat exchanger (evaporator) CompressorExpansion mechanism Condenser Figure 5.28 Schematic layout of a chilled water system Classification in terms of the type of temperature control system Three categories exist: Constant air volume, variable temperature systems Constant temperature, variable air volume (VAV) systems On-off control Constant air volume, variable temperature systems A constant air volume AC sysiem supplies a fixed volume flow of air to the room, irrespective of the heat load. Room climatic conditions are controlled by varying ihe supply air temperature. Where multiple rooms are to be supplied from one plant, the supply air temperature will be the same for all the rooms. For a given room temperature and load fractior., the required supply of air temperature can be obtained by the following equation: ! Ta T; 100 (T; - Ts) where Ta is the required supply air temperature, T; is the desired room temperature, a is the heat load fraction (as a percentage) and Ts is the full load supply air temperature. Consider, for instance, a room with a desired temperature of 22 °C andfull-load supply air temperature of 12 °C. If the load is halved, the required supply air temperature, from the equation shown above, will be 17 °C. Similarly, for a load fraction of 25%, the required supply air temperature is 19,5 °C. The advantages of constant volume, variable temperature systems are: Simplicity of operation Relatively low costHigh popularity and often used The disadvantage of a constant volume, variable temperature systein is: Where large differences in heat loads exist between zones or rooms, ihe supply air temperature will be too low for certain zones and too high for others, causing discomfort to occupants. Constant temperature, variable air volume (VAV) sysisni A variable air volume (VAV) system supplies air to the room at a constant temperature, and changes the supply air flow according to the load. Where multiple rooms are io be supplied from one plani, each room receives the correct volume of air to provide proper cooling. Air flow is controlled at the air outlet into ihe room. For partial-load conditions, the required supply air flow is obtained as follows: Va aVs where Va is the required air flow under partial load conditions, a is tie load fraction and Vs is the full-load air flow. It can be seen from the above equation that, for VAV systems, supply air flow is directly proportional to load. The advantage of VAV systems is that each zone in őre building will receive the correct volume of air to cool that particular zone, irrespective of the load. = The disacivantages of VAV systems are: During low heat loads, such as in winter, the air supply will be low. This may result in a lack of fresh air for occupants and may cause drowsiness. The system is more expensive ihan constant temperature systeins. On-oft control On-off AC temperaiure control systems switch on if the room temperature rises above a maximum allowabie value and switches off if the temperature drops below a minimum allowable value. The system inay for instance switch on if ihe temperature rises above 24 °C and switch off if the temperature crops below 20 °C. The advantages of on-off control systems are: Simplicity of operation Low cost due to simplicity The disadvantages of on-off control systems are: Temperature control is not very accurate Switching the plant on and off inay shorten the life of certain components, such as the compressor motor 5.3.8 Ventilation and filtration Ventilation The reasons for fresh air supply io buildings are given as follows by Jones (1982): To satisfy the oxygen needs of occupants To dilute odours to a socially acceptable level To dilute the concentration of carbon dioxide to a satisfactorily low level The rate of fresh air supply depends on the occupation of a room or building and the application. Recommended values of fresh air supply rates to various kinds of buildings, from Jones (1982), are given in table 5.17. Table 5.17 Recommended fresh air supply rates for variousbuilding types Building type Private nomes Board rooms Cocktail bars Departmeni siores Factories Garages Operating theatres Hospital wards General offices Private offices Restaurants Theatres Fresh air supply(1/s/person) 8-12 18-25 12-18 5-8 8-12 5-8 8-12 12-18 5-8 Fresh air supply(1/8/m2) 0,8 8,0 16,0 1,3-2,0 1,3-2,0 The two basic ventilation system iypes encountered in buildings are natural ventilation systems and forced ventilation systems. Natural ventilation systenis Natural ventilation systems make use of wind and natural convection to produce air flow in a building. Outside air enters the building through grilles, louvres, windows and doors. The aperture areas of these openings can be adjusted, either manually or automatically, to alter air flow through ihe building. The main advantages of natural ventilation systems are: simplicity of operation high energy efficiency low cost The disadvantages of natural ventilation systems are: Insufficient flow in buildings with high flow resistances, e. g. where long ducts are required to provide air passage to remoie rooms. Flow control may be inaccurate, e. g. where wind speeds vary widely. The abovementioned disadvantages can be overcome by means of forced ventilation systems. Forced ventilation systems Forced ventilation systems make use of fans, cucts and louvres to supply fresh air to spaces. Outside air is filtered in order to remove dust and other contaminants. A fan is used to sufficiently raise the air pressure to overcome the upstream and downstream resistance of the ventilation system components, such as ducts, inlet louvres and outlet louvres. Air filtration Air is filtered to remove the following contaminants (Jones, 1982): Dusts(diameter < 100 um) Fumesdiameter < 1 um) Smokes (diameter < 1 km) ivists and fogs (diameter < 100 um) Vapours and gases: Vapours can be removed by cooling below thedew point, but gases cannot. Organic particles: - Bacteria (diameter 0,2 to 5 um)- Pollen(diameter 5 to 150 um) - Spores of fungi (diameter 1 to 20 um) Viruses(diameter < 1 um) Fiiters are required to remove the above contaminants from the air, and to let the purified air through. It must be emphasised that no filier can remove all contaminants, therefore particles smaller than a ceriain diameter will always be let through with the air. Filter performance is expressed in terms of the following criteria: Efficiency The weight of conta. ninants removed per iotal contaminant weigiit preseni in the air. The higher the efficiency, the better. It must be noted ihat diriy filters are more efficient than clean filiers. Dust holding capacity The maximum weight of contaminants that can be retained by the filter. As the filter gets cirtier, the mass of contaminants collected by the filter increases. The filier must not tear or let some of the contaminants escape back into the purified air. Pressure drop In order to remove contaminants, the filter creates a flow resistance, thereby lowering the air pressure. The lower the flow resistance, the better. Three major filter types used in air-conditioning systems are: Bag-type filters Automatic roller-type fabric filters Panel filters The three filter types are shown schematically in figure 5.29. All the above filters are dry filters. Wet filters, like washers and scrubbers, are largely used for the absorption of soluble gases, and are not coinmonly used for solid particle filtering (Jones, 1982). Other filter types include cyclone filters and electrostatic filters. Cyclone filters operate on the principle of spinning air, like in a cyclone. The contaminants, which are heavier than air, are swung to the outside and separated from the purified air. Electrostatic filters are a more sophisticated type of filter. Electrostatic filters make use of plates oppositely charged to the dust, thereby attracting dust and separating it from the purified air. Contaminated air Filter frame Fabric bags N. Purified air Bag filter Clean filter material Contaminated air Dirty filter material Contaminated air Filter panel Filter element Purified air Roller Panel filter Purified air Roller Automatic roller-type fabric filter Figure 5.29 Schematic layout of three filter types used in ACsystems 5.3.9 Ducting and fans Ducting Ducting is required to guide supply air to the room, while the ían is required io force ihe air through the ducting system. Tire ducting system may include filters, inlet and outlet louvres and ducting equipment such as bends (or elbows), branches and guide vanes. Bends are required to change the flow direction, while branches are required to suppiy air io more than one roon. Guide vanes are normally installed inside a bend to reduce pressure and flow losses in the bend. An example of a ducting system is shown in figure 5.30. 90° elbow Guide vanes Duct Supply air Duct inlet at fan; Air pressure = PlusAir flow = Vi (V) Louvre Room; Air pressure = Proom Air flow = V2 Figure 5.30 Example of a ducting system Supply air Louvre The duct inlet is connected to a supply fan. Downstream of the fan, the direction of the air flow is turned through 90° by imeans of an elbow. Guide vanes are installed in the elbow to smooth the flow in order to reduce flow losses. The duct has two outlet louvres. The first branches off to the side of the duct to supply air with a ilow of V, to a room, while the air flow at the second outlet at the end of the duct is V2. The total air flow Vy provided by the fan is equal to the flow required at the two outlets: V1 = V tan 1 V1 + Va The pressure drop in the ducting system is equal to the fan pressure. The pressure drop in the ciucting system is the sum of ine pressure drops of the duct components: Pstraight sections + Pbend + Plouvre where P duct is the pressure lost in the duct, Pstraight sectionsis the pressure lost in the straight sections and Plouvre is the pressure lost through the outlet louvre. Pduct The relationship between the air flow in the duct and the pressure loss is: (a) Pduct Q (V1)2 From the above equation, it can be seen that the pressure loss in the duct is directly proportional to the flow squared. The pressure loss in the duct equals the fan pressure: (b) Plan - Pauct For the sake of clarity, the two equations shown above are summarised graphically in figure 5.31. The duct pressure lost vs. flow curve, or duct resistance curve, is a graphical representation of equation (a). The fan curve iniersects the duct resistance curve in the operating point, where the duct flow equals the fan flow and the duct pressure loss equals the fan pressure. The fan curve depends on the type of ian used, e. g. axial flow or centrifugal flow, with forward curved or backward curved blacies. For the applicable duct and fan (a forward curved centrifugal flow fan), the flow is 12 m3/s. The fan pressure, which equals the pressure loss in the duct, is 0,9 kPa, or 900 Pa. Fans and fan characteristics will be covered in more detail in the next paragraphs. Pressure (kPa) 1,8 1,6 ,4 ,2 1,0 0,8 0.6 0,4 0.2 0 Duct resistance curve Fan curve Operating point 2 4 6 8 10 12 Air flow (m3/s) 14 16 18 Figure 5.31 Pressure vs. flow characteristics of a duct andfan system Fans Fans are used to supply forced ventilation in AC systems of buildings. Fans add energy io the air current by increasing air pressure. This is done in order to overcome the pressure losses in the air supply system, consisting of filters, ciucts and inlet and outlet louvies. The two fan types most commonly used in AC systems are axial flow fans and centrifugal flow fans. Axial flow fans In axial flow fans, both the air iniet and outlei are in the direction of the axis of the ian. Axial flow fans are sometimes mounted in a duct to guide the air flow. Fan blacles are shaped in the form of aerofoils. A schematic drawing of an axial flow fan is shown in figure 5.32. Duct Outlet Inlet Fan blade Figure 5.32 Schematic drawing of an axlal flow fan The acivantage of an axial flow fan is that very good space utilisation can be obtained, especially where low fan pressure is required. The disadvantage of an axial flow fan is that in comparison with centrifugal flow fans, axial flow fans cannot generate high pres dres, Centrifugal slow fans Two types of centrifugal flow fans, i. e. forward curved centrifugal (FCC) and backward curved centrifugal (BCC) fans are used in AC systems. In FCC fans, the blades are curved forward, in the direction of rotation, while in BCC fans, the blades are curved backward. Blades are curved forward or backward to obtain a desirable pressure vs. flow characteristic. Schematic drawings of FCC and BCC fans are shown in figure 5.33, while the pressure vs. ilow characteristics of the iwo ían types are shown in figure 5.34. Air in Air out Forward curved blades Forward curved centrifugal Air in 2 Air out Backward curved blades Backward curved centrifugal Figure 5.33 Schematic drawings of FCC and BCC fans Fan pressure Forward curved centrifugal Fan pressure Backward curved centrifugal Air flowAir flow Figure 5.34 Fan pressure vs. air flow characteristics ofFCC and BCC tans The advantages of centrifugal fans are: A number of different fan wheel, or impeller, sizes can be selected io suit the pressure and flow requiremeni. In the case of duct alterations, the motor can be changed with relative ease. This is made possible by connecting the fan andmotor via a belt drive. The disadvantage of a centrifugal fan is that in order to obtain the flexibility of using a range of impeller and motor sizes, centrifugal fans can be very large FCC fans are generally smaller than BCC fans. BCC fans are mechanically more efficient, in the order of 80% to 85% vs. 60% to 70% for FCC fans (Daly, 1978). 5.3.10 Air outlets and inlets (Shuttleworth, 1983) Air outlets are requires to properly control and distribute air flow in the room. Outlets are mounted in openings at the ends of supply air ducts or duct branches. The three main purposes of outlets are: To control the supply air volume ilow To direct the flow into the roomTo improve the appearance of the opening Inlets are required to allow air into AC plant rooms or return air ducis. Iniets have wo main purposes, namely: To control the inlei air volume flow "To improve the appearance or the opening TD Contrary to outlets, inleis are not required to direct flow. The main types of air outlets and inlets are grilles and louvres. Grilles have adjustable blades to increase the flow area and change the flow direction, while louvre blades have fixed aperture areas and flow angles. The geometric and performance criteria of outlets and inleis are: Aspect ratio Induction ratio Throw Drop Air change Smudging The definitions of the above criteria are: Aspect ratio (AR) Aspect ratio is the ratio of maximum dimension to the minimum dimension of the outlet or inlet. The two important dimensions of outlets and inlets are width and height. If width exceeds height, the aspect ratio is: AR b h where b is width and h is heigint. li height exceeds width, the aspeci ratio is: AR h b Induction ratio Air is supplied to ihe room via the outlei. The supply air mixes with the room air and also sets the room air in motion. This phenomenon is known as induction. The supply air is known as primary air and the room air is known as secondary air. The inciuction ratio is the ratio of ihe primary air flow plus the secondary air flow to the primary air flow: Q+Q2 Induction ratio = 01 where Q , is the primary air flow and Q zis the secondary air flow. High induction ratios are required to prevent dead spois and draughts. Outleis with high AR ratios normally have high induction ratios. Throw Primary air slows down as it travels through the room. The position, relative to the outlet, where the air speed has decreased to a value of 0,25 m/s, is known as the throw. The position is normally the distance from the outlet to the opposite wall, plus the distance from the ceiling to a height of 2 m above floor level: Throw = 1, + 12 where l is the distance from the outlet to ihe opposite wall and Iz is the distance from the ceiling to 2 m above floor level. The throw of ar outlet is schematically shown in figure 5.35. Duct Section through room Primary air Floor level Figure 5.35 Throw of an outlet ly 0,25 m/s ₂ 2m Drop Drop is the height between the height of outlet and the heigiit above floor level where the air speed has decreased io 0,25 m/s. The drop of a ceiling mounted outlet is schematically shown in figure 5.36. Section through room Duct Drop i 2m Figure 5.36 Drop of an outlet -0,25 m/s Floor level BUILDING PRACTICE - YOLUME 1 Air change If all the air in a room is removed and replaced, one air change has occurred. An air change is usually expressed per time unit, e. g. per hour. ivost ventilation systems provide 6 to 15 air changes per hour. Smudging The secondary air flow in a room causes gust deposits on the perimeter of an outlet. This is called "smudging" in AC terms. The dust deposits can be removed by installing a washable, removable "smudge ring" around the perimeter of the outlet. The ring is removed and washed during periodic servicing of the entire AC plant. Outlets are produced in different shapes for differeni purposes, and can supply air in different directions. Outlet direction can be horizontal, as in figure 5.35, or vertical, as in figure 5.36. The most popular vertical configurations are: Rounci, with radial outlet Linear, with one or two outlet directions. Linear outlets provide high induction ratios. Square, with one, iwo, three or four outlet directions Rectangular, with one, two, three or four outlet directions 5.3.11 Refrigeration equipment The three types of refrigeration equipment that will be discussed, are cooling coils (evaporators and chilled water coils), compressors (reciprocating compressors and kinetic compressors), and condensers and cooling towers (air-cooled condensers, evaporative condensers and cooling towers). Cooling coils A cooling coil consists of a coil wound through a core, with fins parallel to the flow direction. Air moves througin the core, between the fins, and rejects heat to the cooling medium, which passes through the coil. The coil can have more than one row. Generally, the higher the number of rows, the lower the sensible heat ratio of the coil. Rows are normally added to increase the latent heat capacity of a coil. The purpose of the fins is to improve heat transfer between the air and cooling medium. The coil is usually made of copper, while the fins are made of aluminium. A schematic layoui of a cooling coil is shown in figure 5.37. Cool air out Cooling medium in Cooling medium out Coil tube Warm air in Cooling fin Figure 5.37 Schematic layout of an AC cooling coil Two iypes of cooling coils are used in AC systems, depending on the system type. In DX systems, the coil is an evaporator, while in CW systems, the coil is a chilled water cooling coil. In evaporators, the cooling medium is a refrigerant. The refrigerant enters the coil as a liquid, evaporates in the coil due to the heat being transferred from the air, and leaves the coil as a gas. The difference between evaporator coils and chilled waier coils, is that in the latter, the cooling medium, is water instead of refrigerant. Water enters the coil at a low temperature, gains heat from ihe air passing through the core, and leaves the coil at a higher temperature. The chilled water is supplied to the coil by the chiller. The warm water leaving the coil, is pumped back to the chiller, where the heat is rejeciec. Note that, contrary to evaporators where the refrigerant changes from the liquid state to the gaseous state, the state of the water does not change. Gompressors The two major AC compressor iypes are positive displacement compressors and kinetic compressors. Positive displacement compressors The principle of operation of a positive displacement compressor is as follows. Refrigerant is let into the compression space from the evaporator through an inlet valve mechanism. As soon as the compression space is filled, the inlet valve closes and traps ihe refrigerant inside. A movable mechanism, such as a piston, compresses the refrigerant until the desired discharge pressure is reached. In reciprocating piston compressors, the piston is driven by a motor via a rotaiing crankshaft and connecting rod. When the pressure inside the compression space reaches discharge pressure, an exhaust valve mechanism opens and lets the refrigerant out and into the condenser. The compression ratio of a positive displacement compressor is independent of the rotating speed of the crankshaft, and only depends on the ratio of the maximum value of the compression space volume to the minimum value of the compression space volume. Both the inlet and exhaust valves are of the reed type: as soon as the refrigerant pressure exceeds a pre-set value, the valve physically bends and exposes the inlet or outlet port, thereby releasing the refrigerant gas. Reciprocating compressors can have as few as one and as inany as sixteen cylinders. Crankshaft rotating speeds vary from 1 750 revolutions per minute (r. p. m.) to 3 500 r. p. m. The modern trend is to directly connect the inotor to the compressor, thereby eliminating costly transmission systems. Furthermore, during manufacture, small compressors are hermetically sealed to curb refrigerant leakage, (Shuttleworth, 1983). A number of positive displacement compressor types are found in AC systems. The most popular type, i. e. the reciprocating piston compressor, is shown in figure 5.38. Other positive displacement compressor iypes are the: rotary vane type rolling piston iype rotary screw type scroll type Suction One-way valve Compression space Piston Discharge Connectingrod Crankshaft One-way valve Figure 5.38 Schematic layout of a positive displacement, reciprocating piston compressor Kinetic compressors Centrifugal compressors operate on the principle of raising refrigerant pressure by adding kinetic energy to the refrigerant. Compression is brought aboui by a rotating hub with radially curved blades attached to the hub. This is known as the impeller. Centrifugal compressors require no valves to trap the refrigerant inside the compressor, and operate on a continuous flow process. The faster the impeller spins, the higher the discharge pressure. A centrifugal compressor is schematically shown in figure 5.39. Centrifugal compressors are mainly used in larger AC systems. The vibration levels of cenirifugal coinpressors are lower than those of reciprocating compressors, but discharge pressures are lower. Suction Impeller Discharge Figure 5.39 Schematic layout of a kinetic, centrifugalGompressor The following five methods can be applied to control compressor cooling capacity: Hot gas bypass The not discharge refrigerant gas is routed back into the compressor inlet. This limits the cooling capacity of the compressor. Compressor Speed control The volume flow of the refrigerant is changed by varying the rotating speed of the compressor. On-off control The compressor is switched on if cooling is required, and switched off if no cooling is required. This is the most simple, but also the crudest, way of compressor capacity corvirol. It is mainly applied in small AC systems. Cylinder unloading During full load, all ine cylinders of a reciprocating compressor are in operation. When the loac drops, one cylinder is taken out oí operation. This procedure is continued as long as the load drops. When the load increases again, the last cyiinder taken out of operation, is put back into operation. Muitiple compressor control During full load, all the compressors are running. When the load crops, one compressor is taken out of operation. When the load drops further, another compressor is iaken out of operation. When the load increases again, the last compressor iaken out of operation, is put back into operation. Condensers and cooling towers Apparatus used in air-conditioning systems io reject heat include air-cooled condensers, evaporative condensers and cooling towers. Air-cooled condensers Figure 5.40 shows a schermatic drawing of an air-cooled condenser. The condenser consists of a heat exchanger, which rejects heat from the refrigerant to the outside air, and a fan to improve the heat exchanging process by means of forced convection. For the sake of completeness, the condenser is shown as a part of the entire refrigeration process. Fan Heat exchanger Outsideair Expansion mechanism Evaporator Condenser Compressor Figure 5.40 Schematic layout of an air-cooled condenser The advantages of air-cooled condensers are: Niechanical simplicity Low initial cost Efficiency is independent of wet-bulb teinperature. This may be desirable in geographical areas with high humidity. Ideal for small systems if used in geographical areas with low humidity, maintenance cost is low The disadvaniages of air-cooled condensers are: For large systems, large heat exchangers may be required If used in areas with high humidities, such as in coastal regions, life span may be shortened due to iust Evaporative condenser's A schematic drawing of an evaporative condenser is shown in figure 5.41. Evaporative conder: sers make use of water instead of air to condense the refrigerant. Water is sprayed onto the condenser. The water evaporates and extracts hear from the refrigerant gas, which condenses and becomes a liquid. The water is pumped to the sprays from a sump at the bottom of the condenser. The water which is lost due to evaporation, is replaced by means of a make-up system. Fan Condenser Air out Water sprays Pump Air inMake-up Du waterCompressor Expansion mechanismEvaporator Figure 5.41 Schematic layout of an evaporative condenser The advantage of an evaporative condenser is that it is smaller in size ihan an air-cooled condenser, due to the fact that water is used instead of air. The disadvantages of evaporative condensers are: Condensing capacity is limited by the air wet bulb temperature. In geographical areas with high humidity, performance may suffer. Water is sprayed onto a condenser coil at high temperature. This can be a source of scaling, which reduces heat transfer. Water treatment can be applied to limit scaling. Water consumption. Cooling towers A schematic drawing of a cooling tower is shown in figure 5.42. A water cooling coil is mounted in the cooling tower. Water pumped from ihe sump is sprayed onto the coil and evaporates, thereby cooling the water in the coit. The water in the coil is circulated through the condenser to condense the refrigerant. As is the case with evaporative condensers, the water which has evaporated, is replenished from the mains. The acivantages of a cooling tower are: Smaller in size than an air-cooled condenser. The water in the coil is at a lower temperature than the refrigerani. Scaling is therefore not as serious a problem as in the case of evaporative condensers. The disadvantages of a cooling tower are: Mechanical complexity due to the large number of components High initial and maintenance cost Water consumption Fan Water cooling coil Air out Air in Make-up ADH water Expansion mechanism Condenser Evaporator Sprays Water pump Compressor Figure 5.42 Schematic layout of a cooling tower 5.3.12 Heat pumps The term "heat pump" is used to describe an AC system which has the ability to make use oi jis cooling components to supply heating, and vice versa. This reversible action is particularly ciesirable for cooling in summer and heating in winter. li is both cost and energy efficieni, since no additional heating components such as electrical heaters, are required. However, heating and cooling cannot be supplied simultaneously, which may limit the capability of the system to control humidity. In cooling-only systems (see figure 5.24), the evaporator is placed in the room air cuirreni, while the condenser is placed ouisice. The compressor inlet (suction side) is connected to the evaporator, while the coinpressor outlet (discharge side) is SUILDING SERVICES connecteci to the condenser. In heat pump systems, the compressor suciion and discharge connecting points car be changed around. The cooling system evaporator becomes the heating system condenser, while the cooling system concenser becomes the heating system evaporator. A flow valve situated between the compressor and ihe heat exchargers, can be switched to select the desired mode, i. e. cooling or heating. When the "cooling mode” is selected, the system operates as indicated in figure 5.24. When the heating mode” is selected, the valve connects the suction side of the compressor to the outside heat exchanger and the discharge side to the heat exchanger in the room air current. Evaporator heat is supplied by the environment, while condenser heai is rejected into the rooin air current 5.4 LIFTS AND ESCALATORS The main similarities and diíferences between lifts and escalators, from Stein and Feynolds (1992), are: Lifts and escalators are used for vertical travel in buildings, that is, between floors. Lifts move up and down in a vertical plane, while the direction of motion of escalators is sloped, like a moving staircase. Lifts can transport passengers and a large variety of cargo, while escalators are essentially used for passenger transport. Lifts are considerably more space efficient than escalators. The space consumption of a lift is only slightly bigger than its floor area, while escalators can take up a significant part of the floor area of a building. Lifts are indispensable for vertical travel in high rise buildings, while escalator travel is limited to five floors at most. Lift motion is interrupted at floors where passengers and cargo enter and exit, while escalator motion is continuous. Lift passengers must wait for the lift to arrive and doors to open before travel can begin, while escalator passengers can be transported almost immediately. Lifts are enclosed cabins, while escalators are open. Due to their size, escalators are more visible than lifts. Lifts musi be installed during the construction phase of the building, while escalator installation may be possible at a later stage. Lifts can be installed on the outside of buildings to provide passengers with a good view of the surroundings. Escalators, on the other hand, can be used to improve the appearance of buildings on the inside. In shopping centres, for instance, escalators can be used to create an impression of spaciousness. 5.4.1 Lifts The four most important building lift types are: Passenger lifts Cargo lifts Hydraulic liſts Special lifts: Panorama lifts Chair lifts Dumbwaiters Passenger lifts A schematic drawing of a passenger lift, indicating the most important parts, is shown in Figure 5.43. The most imporiant passenger lift parts are: vachine: The machine provides the power to move the cabin up or down. Controller: The controller controls the speed of the machine. Hoisi ropes: The hoist ropes connect the machine with the cabin and lift or lower the cabin. Counterwsight: The counterweight is attached to the motor by means of a hoist cable. The counterweight balances the cabin in order to limit machine power during motion. Guide rails: The guide rails accurately guide the motion of the cabin and the counterweight. Governor: The governor limits the speed of the cabin in the interest of safety. Cabin (car): The cabin or car provides a safe, enclosed space for passengers to travel in. Cabin doors: The cabin doors close the cabin off during emotion and make entry to and exit from the cabin possible when the cabin stops. Roller guide: The roller guide keeps the cabin in contact with the guicie rails and facilitate smooih motion of the cabin. Oil buffer: The oil buffer stops the cabin in case of overtravel. Hoist cables Guide rails Cabin door Roller guide Controller Machine Governor Counterweight Cabin (car) Oil buffer Figure 5.43 Schematic drawing of a passenger lift Passenger lift service terminologios (Siein & Reynolds, 1992) The definitions of the different passenger lifi service terminologies and recommended values of each are as follows: Interval Interval is the average time between lift departures from the ground floor landing. Suggested intervals can vary from as short as 25 seconds for city office buildings to as long as 120 seconds for low income flats. Average waiting time Average waiting time is the average time spent by lift passengers between arriving at the ground floor landing and getting into the lift. Suggested average waiting time can vary from as short as 15 seconds for city office buildings to as long as 26 seconds. Registration time Registraiion time is the waiting time at an upper or basement floor after ordering a lift. Registration times can vary from 15 seconds to 50 seconds, depending on the time of day. Round trip time Round trip time is the average time between depariure from the ground floor landing, inaking all the required stops and arriving back at the landing. Round trip time depends on the number of lifts and the interval. The relationship between round trip time, interval and number of lifts is given by ihe following equation: S RT where / is the interval, RT is the found trip iime and N is the number of liſts. Travel time Travel time is the average time spent by passengers from entering a lift at the ground floor landing and leaving at an upper or basement floor. A travel time of 1 ininute is highly ciesirable, while a travel time of 2 minutes is on the limit of tolerance. Handling capacity Handling capacity is the number of passengers that can be transported by a liſt system in a given period of time, usually 5 minutes. Suggested handling capacities vary from 5 for prestige flats to 16 for single purpose office buildings. Passanger lift propulsion systerne Lift power is an important parameter in the design, selection and specification of a suitable lift systein for a particular building. Lift power will necessarily affect building power requirements, and it will therefore be essential to limit lift power to acceptable levels. Lift power depends on two factors, nainely lift mass and lift speed. Recommended minimum lift speeds for given masses for a number of building types, from Stein and Reynolds (1992), are shown in table 5.18. Lift power increases with both mass and speed, as shown graphically in figure 5.44. The following iwo traction machine iypes are used in lift propulsion systems: Gearless traction machines Gearless traction machines are directly coupled to the hoist cable pulley, and do not require gearboxes to transmit power from the machine to the pulley. Gearless traction machines are used for medium and high lift speeds, i. e. 2,5 m/s and above (Stein & Reynolds, 1992). Geared traction machines Geared traction machines, on the other hand, make use of gears to transmit power from the traction machine to the pulley. Geared traction machines are used for cabin speeds of up to 2,25 m/s. Table 5.18 Recommended lift speeds for given lift masses, travels and building types Building type Office buildingsSmall building iviedium building Large building Hotels Hospitals Block of flats Shops Power Car capacity 1 150 1 350 1 600 1 150 1 350 1 600 1 800 900 1 150 1 600 1 800 2 300 Increasing mass Speed Car travel 0-38 39 - 70 71 - 8586 - 115 Above 116 As above 0 - 18 19-30 31 - 38 39 - 53 54 - 75 Above 75 0 - 23 24 - 38 39 - 60 Above 60 0 - 30 31 - 45 46 - 60 Above 60 Minimuin car specu 1,75 - 2,00 2,50 - 3,003,50 4,00 5,00 As above 0,75 1,00 - 1,25 1,25 - 1,50 1,75 - 2,00 2,50 - 3,003,50 0,501,00 1,25 - 1,50 1,75 - 2,00 1,00 1,25 - 1,50 1,75 - 2,002,50 Figure 5.44 Lift motor power versus mass and speed Lift cabin acceleration and deceleration are accomplished by controlling the speed of the motor that drives the lift iraction machine. Speed control can be accomplished in a number of ways, such as the following (Stein & Reynolds, 1992): Rheostatic control of a single-speed alternating current (AC) iraction motor Rheostatic control of a two-speed AC traction motor Thyristor conirol of an asynchronous (squirrel cage) AC traction motor Thyristor control of a direct current (DC) traction inotor ivotor-generator sei control of a DC traction motor, also known as the Ward-Leonard or unit multi-voltage (UMV) system. Variable voltage variable frequency (WWF) control of anasynchronous AC traction motor The comparative characteristics of lift propulsion systems, from Stein and Reynolds (1992), are summarised in table 5.19. Table 5.19 Comparative characteristics of lift propulsion systems Type Geared AC Geared DC Gearless DC Gearless AC Rise 45 75 90 50 75 Unlimited Unlimited Speed (m/s) 0,25-1 0,75-1,75 0,75-2,25 0,25-2,25 0,25-2,25 2-6 2-6 Control Rheostat Thyristor WWF UiV Thyristor UMV Thyristor WWF initial Cost Medium High Medium iiedium Medium Medium Operating PerlormanceCost Passenger lift emergency equipment Lift emergency equipmeni inclucies ihe following: Medium Medium High Low LOW Poor Fair Excellent Excellent Very good Excellent Excellent Excellent Emergency brake The brake is automatically activated wien lift acceleration exceeds the inaximum safe value. The brake inay also be activated from insicie the liſt in unforeseen circumstances. Alarm The alarm button can be sounded io alert the lift control room. Intercom System An intercom system provides communication between the liít and the lift control room. Ventilation fan A roof-mounied fan, which provides ventilation during normal lift use, also serves as a means to provide ventilation during energencies. Cargo lifts Cargo lifts have essentially the same system components as passenger lifts, but are designed for hard service. The differences between passenger lifts and cargo lifts are as follows (Stein & Reynolds, 1992): Various classes of loads may be carried, from hanc-loaced cargo to truck-loaded cargo, including the truck. Speeds are generally between 0,25 m/s and 1,0 m/s. Geared-type traction is used almost universally. Cargo lift cabins are made if thick, heavy gauge steel with a multi-layer wooden floor. Guarded ceiling light fixtures are required. The inside surfaces are usually equipped with high durability covers for protection against hard and sharp objects, e. g. furniture, machines, electric and electronic equipmeni. Doors may open vertically to facilitate loading and unloading. Door operaiion may be automatic or manual. Automatic door operation can increase installation cost by as much as 10% to 25%. Cargo lifts may, in some cases, be required to transpori passengers. Hydraulic lifts A hydraulic lift system consists of guicie rails, guice shoes, a cabin (car), cabin coors, hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic plunger, buffer spring, hydraulic pump, hydraulic pump motor and a hydraulic valving system. A schematic drawing of a hydraulic lift is shown in figure 5.45. Cabin Guide shoe Hydraulic pump with motor Hydraulic valve Guide rails Cabin doors Hydraulic cylinder with plunger Buffer spring Figure 5.45 Schematic drawing of a hydraulic lift Hydraulic lift operation is as follows: During upward travel, the pump raises the hydraulic fluid pressure in the cylinder, thereby pushing the plunger, which is attached to the lift floor, upwards. Lift speed is controlled by hydraulic fluid flow, which is determined by pump power and lift mass. The lower the lift mass, the higher the speed for the same power. During, downward travel, the pump is switched off and the liſt is lowered by gravity. Lift speed is controlled by valves, which limit the hydraulic fluid flow in the cylinder. A buffer spring acis as the only safety mechanism in case of pump andi valve failure. Hydraulic lifts are mainly used for low cabin speed, low-rise, where absence of the overhead machine room is clesirable and where the construction of the plunger pit cioes not present difficulties. The advantages of hydraulic lifts are: Simplicity of the traction system Simplicity of the control system Simplicity of the safeiy devices The disadvantages of hyciraulic lifts are: Travel heights are restricted by cylinder and plunger lengtiis Low speeds Hydraulic system may require frequent maintenance Construction of the plunger pit may be difficult Special lift types Speciai lift types include: Panorama type lifis Panorama type lifts are usually installed on the outside of buildings. The cabin walls are transparent, with large glass areas, to provide passengers with a good view of the surroundings. Panorama liſts may in some cases also be instailed inside buildings to provide passengers with a view of the building interior. This lift type is particularly appealing in spacious shopping malls. Chair lifts Chair lifts are used for vertical transport of handicapped passengers. A chair lift consists of a single chair which is propelled up and down stairs by means of a worm gear and a rail attached to the stairs. The seat and armrest can fold away for economical space utilisation when the chair is not in use. Typical loads and speeds are 140 kg and 0,25 in/s respectively. Dumbwalters Dumbwaiters are simple cargo lifts which transport small articles between building levels. Dumbwaiter loading and unloading may be manual or automatic. A dumbwaiter with an automatic loading facility is also known as an ejection lift. Dumbwaiter applications include: A book lift in a library, where the book load may be too heavy to carry up and down stairs Stock lifts in shopping centres Medicine, food and linen lifts in hospitals Food lifts in multilevel restauranis 5.4.2 Escalators The main parts of and escalator are the moving steps, handrail, step and handrail drive motor, truss structure, glass balustrade, metal balustrade, and the emergency stop button. A schematic drawing of an escalator, with the main parts, is shown in figure 5.46. Moving steps Lower level Metal balustrade Handrait Truss structure Glass balustrade Figure 5.46 Schematic drawing of an escalator Emergency stop button Upper level Step and handrail drive motor Two escalator configuracions, or layouts, used in buildings are the parallel and criss-cross configurations. Parallel configuration The parallel configuration is shown in figure 5.47. All the escalators travelling up are on the same side and all the escalators travelling down are on the opposite side. Griss-cross configuration The criss-cross configuration is shown in figure 5.48. The escalators travelling up follow each oiher on opposite sicies. Likewise, the escalators travelling down follow each other on opposite sides. The advantages and disadvantages of the parallel and criss-cross layouts are as follows (ivicGuinness et al., 1964): The criss-cross layout is structurally stronger than the parallel layout. The criss-cross layout consumes less floor space than the parallel layout. The criss-cross layout is cheaper than the parallei layout. The parallel layout is aesthetically more pleasing than the criss-cross layout. A View A-A Figure 5.47 Escalator parallel configuration B B View B-B Figure 5.48 Escalator criss-cross configuration Escalator size is normally expressed in terms of the stair tread width. (In the past size was expressed in terms of width between balustrades at hip level.) Treads are normally 400 mm long and 200 mm high. The following stair sizes are standard (Stein & Reynolds, 1992):600 mm stair tread width (800 mm width between balustracies at hip level) 800 mm stair tread width (1 000 mm width between balustrades at hip level) 1 000 inm stair ireaci width (1 200 mm width between balustrades at hip level) Escalator passenger capacities for the different sizes, from Stein and Reynolds (1992), are given in table 5.20. Table 5.20 Escalator passenger capacity Tread width(mm) 600 800 1 000 Speed (m/s) 0,5 0,5 0,5 Passengers per hour axinyum Design Observed 5 200 7 300 9 000 4 000 5 300 6 750 2 300 2 900 4 500 The maximum passenger capacity refers io the theorežical maximum capacity. The design capacity is valid for heavy loading, while the observed capacity refers to the average long-period loading. Note that the 0,5 m/s speed is standard for all sizes. This is less than the inaximum safe allowable speed of 0,625 m/s prescribed by the ANSI/ASiviE 17.1 safety code. Escalator moior power depends on size and height. ivotor power, from Stein and Reynolds (1992), is given in table 5.2i. Table 5.21 Escalator motor power Escalator tread size(mm) 800 800 800 1 200 1 200 1 200 Maximum risc(m) 4,25 6,75 9,00 3,00 4,50 6,00 Motor size 3,75 5,50 7,50 3,75 7,50 11,25 Escalator safety requirements, from ivicGuinness et al. (1964), are as follows: Steps and handrails must move at the same speed Steps must be designed to prevent slipping of passengers Steps must level at lower and upper landings to prevent tripping of passengers Balustrades must be smooth on the inside to prevent gripping of passenger clothing In case of electrical power failure, the steps and handrail must come to a smooth stop In case of overspeed or underspeed, a governor inust siop the escalator and prevent reversal of motion Landings must be properly illuminated An emergency stop button must be provided 5.5 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS 5.5.1 Pneumatic tube transport systems(Building Services GBD 222 class notes) A schematic layout of a number of simple pneumatic iube transport systems is shown in figure 5.49. Single line reversing: Send, receive Single fine reversing with central station: Send, receive (U! Dual line: Station wiulti-tube central station: Fan o Central station Ofan Fan Fan o Send Send, receive Send, receive Receive Figure 5.49 Schematic layout of typical pneumatic tube transportsystems The principle of operation of a pneumatic tube transport system is as follows: Capsules are used to transport articles in buildings and factories by means of air flow in tubes. A capsule is placed in the tube at one station, from where the air flow moves the capsule to its destination. A fan is used to force the air througir the tube. The fan can either be of the suction (vacuum) type, or the blower (positive pressure) type. It is situated close to the system, usually at one end of the tube. Tube materials are metal or plastic (PVC), depending on the application. Pneumatic tube system layouts can vary in complexity, from the single line reversing layout to a multi-tube central station layout. The different layouts are shown in figure 5.49. Pneumatic iube applications are as follows: Light duty application Low temperature Small size: Tube internal diameters from 55 mm to 125 mm Capsule diameters from 32 mm to 90 mmCapsule lengths from 215 mm to 350 mm Low mass:50 gram to 2 kg Low capsule speed: 6 m/s Tube inaierial: Plastic Heavy duty industrial application High temperature: Up to 1 000 °C Large size: Capsule diameters of up to 200 mmCapsule lengths of up io 500 mm high ass: Up to 10 kg High capsule speed: Up to 17 m/s Tube material: Metal 5.5.2 Smoke detection and fire prevention ܀ The stages of a fire iviost fires pass through four stages (Stein & Reynolds, 1992). These stages and their respective detection ineihods are described in short below: Incipient stage During this stage no smoke, visible fianie or appreciable heat is present. An invisible particulate matter is given ofi, the size of which is 0,01 io 1 um. This stage is besi deiecied by ionisation-type detectors, which contain a small amount of radioactive material that serves to ionise the air between two charged surfaces, causing a current to flow. Smouldering stage During this stage, ilame or appreciable heat is still not present. Large particles, with a size of up to 10 um, are visible as smoke. This stage is besi detected by photometric detectors, which operates as follows: A bear of light is directed onto a photosensor and a no-smoke circuit condition is established. The presence of smoke will partially obscure the beam, changing the current flow in the photocell and setting off an alarin. Flame stage Heat is still not present, but follows almost immediately. The actual fire now exists. This stage is best detected by ultraviolet (UV) radiation detectors. These operate by detecting the UV radiation produced by flames, which is typically in the 170-290 lm range. Organic material iypically produces strong radiation in this range. Heat stage During this stage heat is uncontrolled and air expands rapidly. The fire is burning openly and producing great heat, incandescent air and smoke. This is the most dangerous stage of the fire, and is best detected by heat detectors of which two types are used: Spot heat detectors Two types of spot heat detectors are used, namely fixed temperature detectors, which come into operation when a fixed temperature in the range of 57 °C to 85 °C is reached, and rate-of-rise detectors, which detect the rate of the rise in ambient temperature. Linear heat detectors The iwo types of linear leat detectors that are used are ihermoplastic insulation and linear thermistor. Thermoplastic insulation consists of iwo wires, separated by a plastic insulation layer. When the insulation melts due to heat exposure, the wires come into contact, change the current flow in ihe circuit and sound an alarm. Linear thermistor is a device whose electrical resistance changes with temperaiure. The resistance is imonitored at a control panel. The cleteciion range can be sei anywhere from 21 °C to 650 °C. Smoke management A number of smoke inanagement options exist, such as: Smoke confinemeni, where the smoke is passively confined to the fire area itself. Smoke dilution, wiere 100% of outside air is provided by the AC system to make conditions bearable for occupants during building evacuation. Exhaust sysiemwhich only operate in a fire. These systems employ both air speed and air pressure to help control smoke. Fire suppression Fire suppression can be done with water and other fire-suppression media. Using water for fire suppression Fire suppression is mostly done with water. Water is supplied by means of hoses and sprinkler systems. Hoses are essential in high multilevel buildings where upper floors cannot be reached by fire-fighting equipment. Sprinkler systems are used in warehouses, stores, theatres, offices and homes. It consists of a horizontal patter of pipes running near the ceiling. These pipes are provided with sprinkler heads which, when subjected to high temperatures, open automatically and emit fine water sprays. Water discharge takes place at temperatures of at least 14 °C above the maximum expected ceiling temperature. Sprinkler spacing depends on the hazard. For low hazards, spacing may be as high as 18,6 m on main lines, while for high hazards, spacing may be as little as 3 m on branch pipes. The following four sprinkler system types are used in buildings: Wot-pipe: Water is always under pressure in all pipes and mains. Dry-pipe: Pipes are filled with compressed air until the opening of one sprinkler head allows water flow. Pre-action: Pre-action systems are similar in operation to dry-pipe systems, with the exception that water flow into the pipe is allowed before any sprirkler head has opened. This system requires an extremely early alarm. Deluge: All the sprinkler heads spray at once. Using water for fire extinguishing purposes has the following advantages (Stein and Reynolds, 1992): Water is relatively cheap Water smothers Water emulsifies Water dilutes smoke, and poisonous and toxic gases Water cools. When water evaporates, it removes 2 256 kJ of heat per kg at atmospheric pressure, and expands 1 700 times, therebydisplacing oxygen required to sustain fires The disadvantages of using water for fire suppression are: It damages building content It conducts electricity Flammable oils float on water, without being extinguished Water vaporises as steam, harming firemen Other fire suppression media Other fire suppression media are: Intumescent materials Intumescent materials expand rapidly after being exposed to fire. This process creates air pockets that insulate a surface from the fire, or swell a material until it blocks openings through which fire or smoke could have passed. Paints, caulks and putties are available. Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide (CO2) is found in poriable fire extinguishers. CO2 smothers a fire by displacing oxygen, and is suitable for electric fires. However, CO, can only be used in tightly confined spaces free of people and animals, it presents a danger to firemen and it may allow smouldering fires to re-ignite. Foams Foams are masses of gas-filled bubbles (lighter ihan water and flairmable liquids), and are therefore especially effective in extinguishing oil fires. However, lighiweight foams can be diverted away from a fire by air turbulence. Halogenated agents Halogenated agents are also known as halons. The most familiar halon is Halon 1301, the molecule oí which consists of one carbon atom, three fluorine atoms, io chlorine ators and one bromine atın. The fire extinguishing mechanism of Halons differs from those of other media. Whereas water and CO2 inhibit fires physically, Halons inhibit fires chemically. Halons are particularly suitable for extinguishing fires in rooms where sensitive or expensive equipment is used, for instance in computer rooms, libraries, museums, telephone exchanges and kitchens. Halons do not damage equipment and are non-toxic. Halons are light in weight and therefore consume less space than other suppressants. Halons are found in portable fire extinguishers. The disadvantages of halons are: Halons are inore expensive than waier and CO2 Halons are not suitable for metal fires or gunpowder Halon is heavier than air and tends to stratify In hign concentrations, halons cause dizziness and impaired co-ordination 5.5.3 Central vacuum cleaning systems(Building Services BGD 222 class notes) The principie of operation of a central vacuum cleaning (CVC) system is as follows: Each room in the building is supplied with an air suction point, which is connected to a remote vacuum plant by means of a built-in piping systein. The plani consists of an extract ian, powered by an electric motor, and a combined filter/dirt collecting unit. The plant may be situated in any convenient place in the building, such as in the basement, in the parking area, or in a specially built room. The fan runs continually, thereby providing a permanent vacuum at the suction point. Flexible hoses, similar to those supplied with portable, domestic vacuum cleaners, are provided with the system. Dust and dirt are collected by the hoses and transported to the filter/collecting unit by the air flow in the piping system. A schematic layout of a typical CVC system is shown in figure 5.50. Piping system CVC plant room Suction fan Flexible hose Multilevel building Basement Filter/dirt collecting unit Figure 5.50 Schematic layout of a typical central vacuum cleaningsystem Advantages of CVC sysiemsit is a powerful method of cleaning buildings. The system can be designed to give ihe correci air flow required in each room. CVC equipment is easy to handle. The only mobile equipment are the suction hose and nozzle, which are light and small. The cleaning task can iherefore be done quickly and efficiently and with relatively low strain on cleaners and operators. Due to the low mass of the mobile CVC equipment, damage to ihe building, furniture, carpets and other floor coverings is low. Dusi control is improved. CVC systems have remote filter and collecting units, ihereby minimising resettling of dirt on raierial and furniture. CVC systems require minimum maintenance. The system has only two moving paris, i. e. a fan and a fan motor, which are of robust design and only require periodic lubrication and belt adjustment. Noise levels of CVC sysiems are considerably lower ihan those of local vacuum cleaning systems. The only noise source in the rooin is the air flow ihrough the suction nozzle, which is negligible in comparison with fan motor noise. CVC sysiems require no electrical cables in the cleaning space. This improves system reliability and reduces the risk of short circuits and electrical fires. Labour costs are lower than in the case of local vacuum cleaning systems. The higher efficiency of CVC equipment makes it possible to reduce cleaning time consicierably. CVC systems can operate in a large variety of building types, such as offices, shops, factories, warehouses, hospitals, laboratories, process plants and foundries. CVC systems give a high return on investment (ROI), made possible by reduced maintenance and labour costs. Disadvantages of GVC systemsAlthough the running cost of CVC systems is relatively low in comparison with local vacuum cleaning systems, the installation cost is higher. CVC systems require additional space for the piping system and plant room. A CVC system must be installed during the construction stage of a building. Installation at a later stage would necessitate alteration of the building and building structure. The cost of these alterations could offsei the reduced running cost to such an extent that the system may no longer be desirable. 5.5.4 Waste removal (Building Services GBD 222 class notes) Waste removal is mainly done by local authorities. The tariffs of waste removal are calculated according to waste volume. The lower the volume, the lower the cosi. It is therefore clear that cost can be saved by reducing waste volume. This can for instance be done by separating and compacting different waste types. The differeni waste types and the handling of each are discussed as follows: Office waste Paper is ihe largest contributor. It must also be borne in mind that kitchens may be responsible for food left-leftovers. Office waste is handled in the following ways: Cleaning services remove waste with irolleys. Drop chutes (typically 400 mm in diameier) can be used in multilevel buildings to transport dry waste from upper levels to the ground level or basement, from where cleaning services or local authorities can remove the waste. Waste paper is recycled. Waste can be compacted. Industrial waste Industrial waste inainly consists of abattoir waste and chemical wasie, suci as nuclear waste. Industrial waste is handled as follows: Abattoir waste such as blood, bones and skins can be recovered. In order to prevent the spreading of pests and diseases, precautions musi be taken against theft of waste. Chemical waste is sealed in large steel drums and buried. Nuclear waste is sealed in large steel drums, which are cast in a thick layer of concrete and buried or dropped in the ocean. Kitchon waste Kitchen waste mainly consists of fai, soap and vegetables. Kitchen waste is handled as follows: Vegetable waste is sold to pig farmers. Shredders can be connected to the sewage system to shred waste in order to prevent blockages. Leftovers are removed by local authorities and discarded at a dumping site. Hospital waste Hospital waste can be divided into hospital waste and kitchen waste. Kitchen waste is treated as described above. Hospital waste is handled as follows: Theatre waste, syringes and bandages are burnt. General waste is either burnt or removed by locai authorities. Precautions must be taken against theft to prevent spreading ofdiseases. A reſuse room may be a valuable aid in the general organisation of wasie handling, and may facilitate security and the maintenance of health and hygienic standards. A schematic layout of a typical refuse room is shown in figure 5.51. Burglar-proofed vents 11 11 i Тар, Drain point Ceiling mounted lights Figure 5.51 Schematic layout of a typical refuse room The factors involved in the planning of a refuse room are: ܀ Electric power point for compactor Industrial quality tiles Lockable doors Ramp Accessibility Ramps which lead to the refuse room inust have a slope of less than 1:7. Heavy vehicles must be able to turn inside ihe room, as well as enter and leave the room with relative ease. Draining Liquid waste will be handled inside the refuse room. In order to provide sufficient efflux of liquids, the room must be properly drained and its iloor must stope downwards to the draining point. Interior surfaces Bins and craies are thrown around and may cause damage to interior surfaces. Walls and floors must be protecied by hard and durable coverings or coatings, e. g. inciustrial quality tiles and paints. Water reticulation Atap must be provided to wash interior suriaces. Ventilation Odours may build up in a refuse room. Veniilation is therefore of prime importance. Two types of ventilation can be applied, i. e. natural ventilation BUILDING PPACTICE - VOLUME 1 and forced ventilation. Natural ventilation is accomplished by the provision of openings in walls and doors. This system is inore effective if the openings are installed in opposite walls, thereby providing cross-ventilation. Forced ventilation is brought aboui by a roof-mounted extract fan, in combination with a wall opening. The latter is provided to prevent vacuum build-up in the room. Sscurity Thefi of refuse may occur. To preveni this, the room must be supplied with lockable doors and burglar-proofing. Illumination Ample lighting must be provided. QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EVALUATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. S. 7. 8. 9. Name three types of pipe materials that are commonly used to distribute water in buildings and explain in which circumstances you would use the different pipe materials. Name ihree iypes of electric storage heaters. Discuss the use of electric water heaters. Whai are the main requirements of a drainage sysiem? Discuss safety valves used in a water reticulation system. Discuss the efficiency of gas-fuelledi waler heaters in relation to electric heaters. Discuss the water supply problems, regarding pressure, which are encountered in high-rise buildings and possible solutions lo inese problems. (6) (3) (15) (5 ) (5) (8) Demonstrate ihe general requirements for underground drains by means of a sketch.(10) Name and sketch three pipe systems which can be used in buildings to regulate crainage. (15) (continued... 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21, 22. Discuss access to drainage pipes. What is Ohm's Law? Define: ohmampere volt What factors determine the electrical conducting ability of a substance? A2 22 resisiance and a 42 resistance are connected in serie and ihen connected in parallel with a 6 12 resistance. This combination is connected in serie with a 3.2 resistance. What is the tota! resistance of the network of resistances? A battery with a terminal voltage of 9 V supplies a current of 12,5 mA to an electronic circuit. How much power is consumed by the circuit? An electrical circuit with a resistance of 2,5 12 consumes 100 KW. Calculate the supply voltage. (3) (3) (9) (4) (8) (8) (8) A three ohm and a 6 $2 resistance are connected in parallel and then connected in serie to a 4 12 resistance. An emf oi 24 V is applied over the circuit. Calculate the following: (a) the total resistance of the circuit. (b) the total current that flows in the circuit. (c) the potential difference over the 3 ohm resistance. (c) the current that flows through the 3 ohm resistance. What are the motives which individuals or groups may have to penetrate a building? Discuss briefly. What are the general requiremenis for a security system? Which general factors will you consider when iimplemeniing a security system? (12) (14) (5) (12) Which items will you consider when ciesigning a security sysie. n? (17) What are the objectives of entrance control systems? (4) Icontinued... 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Name 5 types of entry control cards. What are the characteristics (volume/nour, maintenance and cost) of the different types of entry control mechanisms? Name 10 iypes of sensors for exterior use. Name 6 iypes of sensors for inierior use. What are the bases of deteciion of the various types of fire detectors? Name 10 types of systeins that can be controlled from the central computer panel. Name the purposes of air-conditioning and give an example of each. Define the following air-conditioning terms: (a) Dry-buib temperature (b) Wet-bulb temperatureRelative humidity (d) Specific humidity (e). Specific volume (6) Enthalpy Name tire comfort criieria of air-conditioning systems. Name 4 sources of latent heat and six sources of sensible heat in buildings. What are the advantages and disadvantages of central and local air-conditioning systems? Naine the reasons for fresh-air supply to buildings. Define the following geometric and performance criteria of air inlets and outlets: (a) Aspeci ratio (b) Induccion ratioThrow (d) Drop (e) Air change (5) (5) (5) (3) (5) (5) (12) (2) (2) (5) (10) (12) (3) (2) (2) (2) /continued... 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. Name ihe componenis of the refrigeration cycle and give the purpose of each. How can the refrigeration cycle be applied to bring about cooling in suminer and heating in winter? (8) (8) Name 10 similarities and differences between lifts and escalators. (10) Name the purpose of all the parts of a passenger lift. What are the differences between passenger lifts and cargo lifts? Name the advantages and disadvantages of water as a fire suppressant. What are the factors involved in the planning of a refuse room? REFERENCES (10) (9) (8) 330 Anon. "Lighting". Planning 91:71-75. Basson, J. A. 1982. "Die implikasies van verhoogde energiekoste vir geboue". Die Boubestuurder 1982:12-15. Building Services GBD 222 class notes, University of Pretoria. Burberry, P. 1970. Environment and Services. London: BT Batsford Ltd. Burberry, P. 1975. Environmeni and Services. Batsforci, London: Ivitchell'sBuilding Construction. Burberry, P. 1983. Practical Thermal Design in Buildings. Batsford, London: viitchell's Building Construction. Chadderion, D. V. 1991. Building Services Engineering. London: E & Fi Spon. Chudley, R. 1987. Construction Technology. Volumes 2 & 4. Harlow: LongmansScientific & Technical. Clark. B. H. 1983. Sanitary Plumbing Services in South Africa. Cape Town: Juta. Cloete, C. E. & du Plooy, J. 1995. Security and its legal implications. CertificateCourse in Shopping Centre ivianagement, iviarch 1995. Module presented at SAPOA/University of Pretoria. Coker, A. J. & Turner, W. 1992. Electric Wiring: Domestic. 10th edition. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. Colvin, T. S. 1989. 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P-E Corporate Services. i7 pp. NOTES CONTENTS LEARNING OBJECTIVES 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.3.1 9.3.2 9.3.3 9.3.4 9.3.5 9.3.6 9.3.7 9.3.8 9.3.9 9.3.10 9.3.11 9.3.12 9.3.13 9.3.14 9.3.15 INTRODUCTION DEFINING FAILURE AND MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS General Soil types Foundations Wall cladding Face brickwork Structural steelwork and other metals Timberwork, joinery and shopfitting Solid floor coverings Plasterwork Paintwork Plumbing and drainage Flat roofs: concrete slabs Plastics Flood damage Dampness and condensation QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EVALUATION REFERENCES CO PAGE 78 78 79 81 81 84 85 85 86 86 87 88 88 92 93 94 95 96 96 98 98 LEARNING OBJECTIVES The objectives with this module are to outline the general principles underlying building maintenance and to highlight some specific problem areas and their solution. After completion of this module the student should be able to: ܀ identify typical maintenance problems in buildings use a sound practical approach in the execution of building maintenance 9.1 INTRODUCTION A distinction has to be drawn between maintenance and building failure. All buildings require maintenance, which primarily entails keeping a building in a continuous state of repair, suitable for the intended use. Failure in turn refers to a situation where an element, or even a building as a whole, deteriorates to such an extent that premature maintenance is required to ensure that the building is suitable for its intended use. Building failures and high maintenance cost are mainly caused by poor design and/or workmanship and to a small degree by faulty materials. In essence it can be stated that high maintenance costs are mainly created on the drawing board and/or by a lack of skill on site. To thus ensure quality and low maintenance it is obvious that the aspects which need to be concentrated on are design and workmanship. Buildings do however age, with resulting expected maintenance, but this is not regarded as failure. Failure refers to situations where premature maintenance is required. Failure may also be caused by natural phenomena such as storms, earthquakes, high winds and floods, or by abuse and general negligence to maintain property. The end result of failure and of aging buildings is maintenance, the aspect which will mainly be dealt with in this chapter. When failure symptoms appear it is advisable to consult with experts. Failure in buildings can lead to litigation, which should preferably be avoided in favour of negotiation or arbitration. In the case of serious failures, which in practice entail that the owner is the suffering party, it is obvious that he will endeavour to minimise his costs by establishing if another party could be held accountable for the failure. Insurance companies are also a natural possibility for the unethical loading of claims. A positive approach to long term maintenance is to firstly ensure that design and site workmanship meet the owner's criteria regarding quality. In practice, total quality management starts when the first line for the project is drawn. With that having been adequately addressed, maintenance as a fact of life, should be managed in a proper fashion. A lack of maintenance has cumulative results, increasing the speed of deterioration and costs. The “cheapest" maintenance remains “maintenance” which was never required because it was prevented from occurring in the first place. 9.2 DEFINING FAILURE AND MAINTENANCE To draw a clear distinction between "failure" and "maintenance" the following definitions demarcate the sense in which it will be used in this chapter: Failure of elements of, or a building as a whole, occurs when a situation arises where the intended use of the building or sections thereof is hampered or become unusable as a result of rapid deterioration requiring premature maintenance. Seely (1987:1) defines maintenance as: “The combination of all technical and associated administrative actions intended to retain an item in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform its required function". Maintenance being a major element determining the quality of buildings, can be defined by type or as per figure 9.1 (adapted from Seely (1987:2)). Planned maintenance Preventive maintenance Scheduled maintenance Maintenance Conditionedbase maintenance Figure 9.1 Types of maintenance Unplanned maintenance Corrective maintenance Emergency maintenance D Seely (1987:2-3) defines the types as follows: Planned maintenance: "The maintenance organised and carried out with forethought, control and the use of records to a predetermined plan”. Unplanned maintenance: "The maintenance carried out to no predetermined plan". Preventive maintenance: "The maintenance carried out at predetermined intervals or corresponding to prescribed criteria and intended to reduce the probability of failure or the performance degradation of an item". Corrective maintenance: “The maintenance carried out after failure has occurred and intended to restore an item to a state in which it can perform its required function". Emergency maintenance: “The maintenance which is necessary to put in hand immediately to avoid serious consequences." Scheduled maintenance: "The preventive maintenance carried out to a predetermined interval of time, number of operations, mileage, etc.". Condition-based maintenance: “The preventive maintenance initiated as a result of knowledge of the condition of an item from routine or continuous monitoring”. Another approach to maintenance classification has been adopted by Speight (as noted by Seely), who subdivided maintenance into three broad categories: Major repair or restoration such as re-roofing or rebuilding defective walls and often incorporating an element of improvement. (This item includes failure). Periodic maintenance a typical example being annual contracts for decorations and the like. Routine or day-to-day maintenance which is largely of the preventive type, such as checking rainwater gutters and servicing mechanical and electrical installations. The types of maintenance as depicted above fall within the sphere of the present day "Facilities Management", the latter being a totally encompassing approach towards managing and maintaining a building complex. Sophisticated computer programmes are available to deal with all aspects of property ownership, including maintenance. The purpose with this chapter is not to address facilities management, but only to isolate maintenance of structures and finishes from the whole. The standard of maintenance directly effects the quality of the built environment and thus the quality of life in buildings. It therefore requires a conscious decision to be taken by a building owner as to the "level" of maintenance required. In South Africa the mainter ce standards of public buildings, particularly health care facilities, have deteriorated to alarming levels. Only a major effort will save these assets. It could possibly be disposed of on leaseback (or by other means) to place the maintenance responsibility in the hands of the private sector. Neglect is however also gaining ground rapidly in the private sector, which is experiencing continuing growth in vacancy levels in city centre properties. Vacant properties on which landlords loose money continuously are seldom maintained adequately, leading to accelerated decline and as is the case in South Africa presently, inner city decay. At this stage it is difficult to predict where the turning point in the decline of public and inner city buildings will be. Meanwhile the maintenance backlog is building up. Typically a building's economic life expectancy is 60 years, but depending on the quality of the building, it could be substantially more. The building's economic life is primarily determined by the income generated by it, the cost to maintain it, or by outside factors such as the possible more profitable use of the site, or changes in social and/or physical conditions which make the building unsuitable for its originally intended use. 9.3 MAINTENANCE PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS A variety of problems that may be expected will be described in this section, listing possible solutions very briefly. The number of maintenance problems that could arise are obviously endless. 9.3.1 General All buildings have a number of "enemies" which are the root causes of maintenance being required, and even in certain instances contributing factors in building failure, leading to maintenance being prematurely required. Of great importance is to have these “enemies” uppermost in mind when designing, constructing and eventually maintaining a building. Primarily it boils down to attacks by nature and human conduct. The influence which the following will exert over time calls for critical awareness, from design to demolition: Soil conditions The building and the soil which supports it should always be thought of as a "unit". This means that whatever happens in or to the soil, will influence the building. A building is "founded" on the soil below, making it an integral foundation element determining the well being and behaviour of the building in future. ܀ Water Be it ground, water or rain, the effect of it on buildings is not unlike the effect of water on the well being of a ship. A ship is always under threat of water entry. In fact it seems as if a ship is continuously trying to commit suicide. A building is much the same. If water enters a building in an uncontrolled fashion, it will cause maintenance problems. Ground water is everywhere and one should assume that it will always try to enter buildings, pipes, cables, etc. It not only attempts to enter elements of the building but often carries with it agents that viciously attack the building, such as acids. Grime inevitably enters with water, leading to staining and clogging of openings. Surface water in turn penetrates building finishes, roofs, claddings, packings, waterproofing, etc. It expands when it is heated or frozen and forces open and breaks up elements which allowed it in. Stormwater brings with it forces which sometimes sweeps reas clean or can even collapse entire buildings. Wind The wind is relentless in its efforts to loosen up elements of buildings, shakes it, drives water into it and even scours it with particles which it carries. Wind is very unforgiving where the opportunity presents itself to rip buildings apart and to drench it in water. High winds are often accompanied by heavy rain, which severely tests the ability of a building to survive, particularly over time. Sun The sun is even more relentless in its attack on buildings. It heats up the surface elements of buildings, causing expansion, followed by contraction over night. Sudden rain aggravates contraction by accelerating the cooling time. The ultraviolet rays breaks up finishes and deteriorates all surfaces. Cracks appear in elements and finishes which in turn permit water and grime to enter, ever forcing the places where it entered more open, leading to crumbling of areas or dislodging of elements. Time Although time has no physical presence, it should be kept in mind constantly as it represents the speed at which maintenance will be required, translating into the cost thereof. Over time, elements have the opportunity to attack. The train of thought should always be “how will this element of the building behave over time, being subjected to normal use, abuse, soil conditions, water, wind and sun". If something is required to last for only a short period of time due to expected alterations, it is obvious that it will be viewed differently from an element which has to last indefinitely. Abuse and use Buildings are, unfortunately, often a target for vandalism. Public areas are particularly prone to vandalism whilst it is often found that even employees/ occupants in excellent office environments “vandalise” buildings through the burning of carpets, damaging of wall papers, dirtying painted surfaces, fiddling with electrical and mechanical components, theft of iron mongery, etc. The designers and owners should discount the above possibilities in the design, materials specified and by carefully considering the impact which will be caused by the occupants and users of the building. Normal use will result in deterioration over time. It could, or should, lead in the first place to pleasing “aging" where possible and to maintenance within acceptable tolerances. Cost effectiveness The life expectancy of, and the return on investment in a building, can be enhanced substantially by the following: Ensure that the designer of the building is fully versed on the quality requirements of the client. Subject the design to a conscious evaluation regarding the effect that soil conditions, surface and rain water, wind, sun, abuse and use, and time as a aging phenomena. The objective should be to "design maintenance out”. Although it is a fact that the level of maintenance and failure of buildings are largely determined by design and workmanship, there is no justification to use poor materials. The cost of labour as a percentage of the total building cost is so high (at least 50% average and for certain trades as high as 90%), that there is no justification for the use of inferior materials. Only a very small initial saving will be obtained by using low quality materials. Whilst the short term finished product may appear to be sufficient, the long term maintenance cost, or even cost of failure, will far outweigh the savings made on cheap materials. It does not automatically follow that "expensive" materials should be used, but it does require that the correct material of the right quality is used. Maintenance is the Cinderella of the building industry. Furthermore it is a "mental” thing that people leave the problem for someone else when the creator of the problem is long gone. What is required is a change in attitude which requires that the importance of maintenance and the proper execution thereof is placed in its true perspective. The maintenance of buildings should be regarded as similar to maintaining personal health. When building work in general, and maintenance work in particular, is done, it is of utmost importance that the instructions of manufacturers are religiously followed. It is dangerous to assume that one "knows” how to use a product, particularly a new product. Product improvement takes place continuously and new products enter the market all the time. To complicate matters it is found that different manufacturers offers identical products with different trade descriptions. A "silk” finish from one manufacturer could be identical to a "suede” finish by another. The solution lies in studying the various products before it is used and, when it is used, to check the instructions. Something could have changed since it was last used. When costly failures occur, the first aspect that will receive attention when a claim arises, is whether the instructions were followed. The manufacturers usually wins the day on the latter issue. Before a building is even designed, the client needs to take a clear stand on cost, quality, life cycle and return on investment. Although good design, workmanship and materials should never be neglected, it is obvious that different "levels" of quality can be specified, which will translate into economic life expectancy and cost of maintenance along the way. 9.3.2 Soil types No building work, or even design, should be undertaken before a professional soil investigation has been done. Soil conditions are a prime source of future maintenance problems and failure, and it is of paramount importance that it is adequately dealt with during the design stage in order to prevent maintenance problems. Maintenance problems are caused over an extended period if the soils keep on moving (clay) or if settlement takes place over a long period of time, as is possible when the water-table settles or the soil is compacted under the foundation over time. 9.3.3 Foundations Foundation movements, resulting in cracking, leaks, finishes breaking-up, etc., are usually of a serious nature and very expensive to rectify, if at all possible. Movement can result from: loading exceeding foundation or soil bearing capacity. soil types that move. trees in close proximity to buildings. organic materials in soil. earthquakes. design errors. settlement of buildings. mining activities. Foundation movements can be addressed in various ways, depending on the cause of the movement. Some solutions could be to: remove surface water around buildings with water channels, sloping paving and agricultural drains. remove trees. underpin foundations with piles or new strip foundations. shore buildings. 9.3.4 Wall cladding Movement in wall cladding (brick, plaster, stone, metal, glass, pre-cast concrete, etc.), is to be expected and designs should allow for it. The following aspects are particularly likely to cause problems: Thermal movement exceeding the ability of the material and/or jointing to accommodate expansion and contraction. Inability of cladding to carry imposed loads. Water, wind, grime entering between components. Condensation between cladding and main structure resulting in dampness. Failure of cladding material. The above failures could result in the cladding breaking up, leaking, staining and even total collapse. Remedial work could entail the following: Providing sufficient expansion joints by cutting-in or refixing sections of the cladding with adequate joints. Resealing of joints. Replacing cladding in total. As a general principle cladding should be weatherproof and should have adequate expansion joints. 9.3.5 Face brickwork The most common failures in face brickwork are the following: Structural cracking due to foundation movement. Deterioration of joints, usually subscribed to a weak mortar (or soil/foundation movements). Efflorescence, causing a powdery deposit of salts on the surface area. Surface crumbling resulting from poor quality bricks or frost action. Staining, resulting from metal deposits or salts in the bricks. Face brickwork can be repaired/covered in a variety of ways: Structural cracks can usually only be fixed by ensuring that the structural movement has been contained and by rebuilding the wall, preferably with expansion joints. If the wall is not breaking up along the joints, necessitating demolition, the joints can be raked out to a depth of 20 mm, or to where the mortar is of sufficient hardness, and be repainted. Efflorescence can be washed-of occasionally until it disappears. Surface crumbling can be stopped by removing all loose particles, whereafter a sealer, paint, plaster or a cladding is applied. Staining can be removed by the use of suitable light chemicals and scrubbing. 9.3.6 Structural steelwork and other metals Structural steelwork is subjected to a large variety of stresses and attacks which influences the durability of steelwork, notably the following: Movement due to compression and settlement of foundations, thermal movement, variable loadings and wind pressure. Excessive stresses are created in structures which are slightly out of the design “lines and angles”, insufficient grouting under base plates and forcing structures to “fit" where workmanship is poor. High alumina cement attacks steelwork, causing excessive corrosion. Corrosion caused by rusting and chemical attack, the latter particularly in industrial and city environments. Dissimilar metals which are in contact with each other may cause electrochemical bimetallic corrosion. When unavoidable contact occurs, metals should be insulated from each other by non-conducting materials, or besealed with a protective coating of suitable paint. Generally corrosion of metals used in buildings may lead to the following defects: Complete loss of the material Structural soundness reduced Distortion and cracking of other building materials Causing unsightly surfaces Leaking The life expectancy of structural steelwork can be substantially extended by: Proper design and erection. Protection from the elements and other attacks by keeping it clean and properly painted at all times. Aluminium and stainless steel products are generally maintenance free as they are corrosion resistant if the correct application is made. They can be adequately maintained by cleaning with normal household detergents. 9.3.7 Timberwork, joinery and shopfitting Timberwork, joinery and shopfitting should be undertaken only with woods that have been well seasoned; the latter referring to wood that has been dried, reducing the moisture content to the same level as the humidity of the air in which it will be used. If this is not adhered to, undue shrinking or expansion will occur after installation, leading to cracks or moving elements like doors getting stuck to frames. Wood is grouped into hard woods (mainly broadleaved trees) and soft woods (mainly needle-leaved trees). The following defects occur in wood: Natural causes: knots, shakes, bark pockets, dead wood and resin pockets. Due to seasoning: check, ribbing, split and warping. Due to manufacture: chipped, tool damage, waney edge. Fungal attack: decay, dote, dry rot, wet rot. Insect attack: wood-borers and termites. Repairs to woodwork normally mean that it is to be replaced under serious conditions, with the possibility of “patching" and redecoration when of a superficial nature. The general principle applicable to woodwork is that it must be protected from attacks by “preservation”. The following preservatives can be used, depending on the severity of the environment in question: Protective liquids such as toxic oils, creosote, water-borne salts (copper, chrome or arsenic), and organic solvent solutions. These liquids may be applied by brush, spraying or immersion. A preferred method for lasting preservation is to obtain deep penetration by pressurised application in a closed cylinder. Woodwork under attack usually needs several applications of protective liquids to break the cycle of attack. On joinery and shop fitting elements, treatment with oils, paints, varnishes, poly-urethane, etc., are adequate to protect and rejuvenate timber. Moisture and water should be kept away from woodwork if at all possible. 9.3.8 Solid floor coverings A wide variety of solid floor coverings are in use. The following types (and their maintenance) are commonly found: Granolithic and terrazzo finishes: These finishes are prone to forming “loose patches" leading to crumbling and can only be fixed by cutting it out in clean square or rectangular sections for repairs. It is best maintained by regular washing, a task which can be largely simplified by applying a permanent sealer to the surface area. This substantially reduces the cleaning time, eliminates dust from wear and prevents water and other liquids from entering the flooring, causing deterioration and stains. Terrazzo and clay tiles should be treated in the same fashion as above. Solid bedding of tiles is a prerequisite for an extended lifespan. PVC tiles, thermoplastic coverings, rubber flooring and cork are all laid in an adhesive and can be chemically sealed for easy maintenance. Rolls of carpets with glue seem joints are laid on an underfelt and stretched wall to wall with smooth-edge strips along walls to retain the stretch. Various carpet raw materials, ranging from wool to completely synthetic are available. Carpets can be treated chemically to make them stain resistant and easier to clean. For daily maintenance vacuum cleaning is the preferred method, with steam cleaning or shampooing when necessary. 9.3.9 Plasterwork Plaster is probably the finish that is most commonly used in traditional buildings. As such it is an important element and requires more in-depth analysis. Seely (1987:150-152) gives a self explanatory table (abstracts only, altered for local circumstaces) showing plastering defects, their causes and remedies in table 9.1. Table 9.1 Some plastering defects and their causes and remedies Defect Haircracks Fine hair cracks on the finished plaster Cause Remedy Use of loamy sand and/or Filling of hair cracks can be done excessive trowelling during with crack filler, or apply finishing-off. wallpaper. Any "fixed" covering Applying final coat before such as timber panelling can initial shrinkage of undercoats also be used in severe cases. is complete (if undercoats are based on cement or lime). Shrinkage Clearly defined cracks. Poor treatment of joints. Cracks following a definite Shrinkage, settlement or line, particularly with thermal movement plaster on building boards (partitions) Adhesion Loss of adhesion Slow setting plaster Plaster sets too slowly Rake out and fill with crack filler after stabilization of crack. In some cases cracks are liable to reappear and repairs should be postponed for as long as possible. Reinforce plaster with scrim or metal mesh. Fill crack with acryseal where future movement is expected and paint over. On gypsum undercoats -a If the undercoat is too weak the strong final coat over a very only cure is to strip and replaster. weak undercoat. If the undercoat is sound, strip On cement or cement: lime the final coat, allow the underbased undercoats - applying coat to thoroughly dry, roughen final coat while undercoat surface, remove dust with damp still 'green' and/or inadequate brush and replaster. Strip the mechanical key. plaster, clean thoroughly and Plastering over dirty surfaces, replaster. particularly concrete. Treat the surface with one or two coats emulsion bonding agent if there is any doubt about a satisfactory bond. An unsuitable sand can extend Test the sand and change if the setting time of a sanded necessary. With sanded mixes plaster to 12 hours, whereas the setting time will increase as the setting time with a stand the proportion of sand is ard sand is about 3 hours. decreased. continued... BUILDING PRACTICE – VOLUME 2 Defect Dry out Plaster surface soft and powdery with fine cracks Efflorescence Soluble salts on plaster face Sealed-in-water Moisture trapped in new plaster Mould growth Surface staining Flaking and peeling final coat Loose patches Cause Plaster drying before setting. Plaster coat of insufficient thickness. Remedy Use the correct grade of plaster applied to the correct thickness. On work already plastered the only remedy is to strip and replaster. Soluble salts brought forward Dry bush the surface carefully from the background to which and repeatedly as the salts the plaster has been applied, appear. The salts should be to the face of the plaster as swept up and thrown away. the building dries out. Good ventilation will hasten the drying process. Decoration is best delayed until the structure is thoroughly dry; if this is not practicable use a permeable paint suitable for early decoration. Much of the water used in construction can be retained in the structure for a considerable time. Wet plaster should not be sealed with impermeable finishes. Use permeable paints to allow the moisture to evaporate and facilitate proper drying out. If impermeable paints are to be used, the walls must be allowed to dry out thoroughly. The growth starts in minute Once the structure has dried out windborne spores which alight the growth will stop. Any existing on and develop in the newly mould and decoration should be applied coating. The spores scraped off the surface of the will only develop if sufficient plasterwork. When dry, the dampness is present. affected area should be treated with a fungicidal wash, keeping the work dry and ventilated. Persistent moisture penetration through the background. Strip defective plaster and provide positive barrier to dampness. /continued... Defect Irregularity of surface texture Uneven texture Popping or blowing Small bulges or little craters Recurrent surface dampness Wet surface areas Rust staining Brownish stains, often with cracks in it Softness or chalkiness Powders when handrubbed Cause Remedy Uneven trowelling or marked Apply an additional coat of plaste differences in suction of back to obtain smooth surface. grounds due to the different suction from bricks, blocks or concrete. Particles in the background Fill with crack filler after properly or in the plaster, lime or sand having cleaned the defective which expand after thearea and redecorate. plaster coat has set. Deliquescent salts attract moisture from the air. They can result from the use of unwashed sea sand, and be carried from the background in to the plaster by, say, condensation in an unlined flue or shaft. Strip the plaster and provide an impervious barrier before replastering. Application of unsuitable Strip the plaster and replaster plaster to metal lathing or with lathing fixed over the area. plaster in contact with Metallic conduit or channeling corrodible ferrous metal in have to be painted to prevent rust persistently damp conditions. and positioned sufficiently deep Rusting reinforcing located below the surface to prevent too close to the surface. cracking of plaster. Reinforcingshould have sufficient cover or be sealed over with an epoxy plaster. Excessive suction or thinness, Adequate wetting of backing or exposure to excessive heat before plastering, use of a or draughts during setting. bonding agent, proper applicationof a final coat of adequate thickness, or use of a special type of plaster. 9.3.10 Paintwork Paintwork is regarded as being of a good quality when it displays the following features: Attractive, evenly coloured with uniform finish, covering the surface fully. Neatly "cut in" where the painted elements adjoins other painted or unpainted elements. The cover must obliterate all underwork or previous paintwork. No defects must show in the finished product. It must be able to protect the components painted from the elements for an extended period. Normal cleaning operations should not damage the painted surface. Maintaining paintwork at a high level requires that a reasonable repainting cycle should be adopted. To repaint rather sooner than later is cost effective because it is extremely labour intensive and thus expensive to prepare a badly deteriorated surface for redecoration. The labour cost involved in painting, makes it shortsighted to use an inferior quality paint. When repainting woodwork the following aspects should be carefully attended to: Chalky previous paintwork should be thoroughly washed or sanded down before repainting. Cracks, knots and other damage should be cleaned and filled with a suitable stopping and sealed with a primer. The woodwork should be dry and clean before repainting. Any previous paintwork which is pealing, flaking or suspect in any way should be removed before repainting is done. All metal fixings, such as nails and screws, in timberwork are to be paintedwith a metal primer to prevent rust spots in the final finish. When repainting metalwork the following aspects should be carefully attended to: Do not delay beyond the appearance of the first rust marks. Clean the surface properly, remove all rust and treat with a primer. On steelwork old paint can be removed with steel wire brushes, blowlamps, scrapers and sandpaper. Specific care should be taken that welded joints, crevices, bolts, etc. are cleaned extremely well and thoroughly painted as it is particularly prone to rust and chemical attack. In severe cases of rust, sandblasting may be required to strip the old paint completely and to remove rust which has penetrated the surface area. On softer metals such as aluminium and copper care should be taken not to damage the metal through aggressive cleaning. When repainting plastered walls and ceilings the following aspects should be carefully attended to: Rub smooth, or powdery surfaces, down to a matt surface to receive new paint. Dirty surfaces must be cleaned thoroughly. Repair all defects and make sure that the causes of any dampness areremoved before repainting. General aspects for all types of repainting to be attended to are the following: Paintwork will not be successful if the surface area is oily, flaky, dusty or has any substance on it that causes a barrier, however thin, between the new paint and the surface to be painted. Never do any paintwork without thoroughly cleaning the surface to be painted. Paint is a chemical product. It is therefore important that the area to be painted and the various layers of paint to be applied, must be compatible. It is most important not to take any chances but to check with paint manufacturers that the correct product types are used to ensure a sound final product. Always use clean brushes, rollers, sponges and other tools of application. Clean surfaces, clean (dirt/dust free) paint and clean tools will help to ensure a quality finish. 9.3.11 Plumbing and drainage Plumbing and drainage are important and expensive components of any building. High quality installations will display the following properties: The design and selection of materials will be done with great care. The installations will be done with care with particular emphasis to ensure that maintenance can be done easily. This implies that services should bereadily accessible with adequate working space. Typical problems and solutions in pipework and drainage are the following: Some water corrodes pipes faster than others, making it necessary to ensure that suitable pipes for the area are chosen. Do not use different types of metal pipes in the same line as it may cause chemical reaction and corrosion. Pipes must be securely fixed. Leaking taps and faulty ball valves cause corrosion and staining of sanitary fittings and must be replaced. Place stopcocks in obvious and easily accessible areas. Pipes should be lagged where temperatures drop below freezing point or where heat loss as to be prevented. BUILDING PRACTICE VOLUME 2 Water hammers should be rectified as it may lead to pipe bursts and valve damage. This may require the installation of bigger feeder pipes and air relief valves. Airlocks may be caused by dips and falls in pipe work. Air gets trapped in the high points. This may cause poor flows, and water hammers. Pipes should rise slowly towards vent pipes to ensure escape of air. Drainage with too shallow or too steep a fall will tend to block, either due to insufficient flow in the pipe or segregation of solids due to the water draining too rapidly. This problem can only be solved by relaying of the drains. If drainage pipes are angled incorrectly or are too small in a stack system, there will be continuous problems with blockages. This can only be rectified by redoing the system with bigger pipes. 9.3.12 Flat roofs: concrete slabs Flat roofs are generally found in concrete structures where the top slab is the "roof slab”. The waterproofing of this slab presents a number of important aspects which have to be dealt with to ensure satisfactory performance. The following being the most notable: The type of waterproof “membrane" has to be carefully chosen. The following types are typically used: Hot mastic asphalt, applied by trowel, finished in bitumen aluminium paint. Malthoid/Derbigum sheeting, laid with laps and hot sealed, finished in bitumen aluminium paint. Butyl rubber sheeting, with the overlaps sealed with contact adhesive and finished in a rubber-based paint. Acrylic cloth laid in an acrylic emulsion base with overlaps, drenched with acrylic emulsion, and acrylic paint applied by brush as final finish andcolouring Typical construction entails the laying of a lightweight screed with falls to outlets to receive the waterproofing. This screed must have a very smooth final surface to prevent puncturing the waterproofing and is normally laid on top of high density fibreglass or polystyrene thermal insulation. The insulation can also be placed on top of the screed or even on top of the waterproofing (usually polystyrene covered with pebbles or loose laid tiles to keep in down), but this is not recommended. Tiles may be loose laid on pads or bedded in mortar, over waterproofing. Problems which typically cause leaks are the following: The waterproofing itself, or lap joints fail. Poor workmanship and a lack of maintenance are the main contributing factors. Roofs are subjected to extreme variation in temperature with expansion and contraction taking place. This could tear the waterproofing, result in cracking or in the case of tiles laid over waterproofing, cause abrasive movement of the tiles on the waterproofing resulting in damage. The most common cause of leaks results from poor wall flashing, sealing around pipes and other protruding elements as well as dressing of waterproofing into outlets. Flashing work should be an integral part of the waterproofing and not just "stuck-on". Design faults, often resulting in situations where it is difficult to do the waterproofing properly in the first instance, result in permanent problems Solar radiation and ultraviolet rays are serious enemies of waterproofing and keep it under constant attack. Damage due to walking on roofs is a common cause of leaks and should be kept to a minimum. Maintaining and repairing waterproofing on flat roofs involves the following: Waterproofing normally carries a ten-year specialist's guarantee. This guarantee specifies maintenance requirements during the ten years, with particular emphasis on the repainting of waterproofing. Waterproofing that is regularly inspected for defects, and painted every three years, gives fairly reliable service. Finding the origin of leaks in flat roofs is often very difficult. The water which penetrates through the waterproofing can seep along the roof slab for substantial distances leaking eventually at a weak place in the slab or at expansion joints. By forming temporary dams (with say sand barriers) on the flat roof, the roof area can be systematically checked for the point of entry. It could however take several hours before the actual leak shows up. Flashing and other turn-ups are normally subjected to careful visual inspection. Repairing flat roofs is a matter of resealing the original material with the same material. The use of a different material for repairs is normally only a temporary solution, failing after a relative short period of time. 9.3.13 Plastics Plastics are in common use in many finishes in buildings and are used comprehensively in pipework, conduiting and electric wiring. In the normal cause of events, plastics which are visually used is easy to maintain by cleaning it with ordinary household detergents. Maintenance problems with plastics are mainly caused by aging, whereby the plasticiser in the material dries out, leaving it brittle and prone to breakage. Once plastic products have reached this stage the only solution is to replace it. Ultraviolet (sun) can shorten the life of plastic products substantially. It is important to note that plastics intended for external use should be those manufactured with a high ultraviolet resistance. Too often however, due attention is not paid to this particular aspect and plastics intended for internal use (usually pipework) are used externally with a much reduced life expectancy. 9.3.14 Flood damage Flood damage to buildings will of necessity range from severe to superficial. In the case of severe flood damage it may in fact lead to the destruction of the building or damage to the extent that demolition has to be considered. In less severe cases the damage can be classified into three categories: Permanent damage to components and finishes which cannot be dried out or repaired. Finishes that can be restored by redecoration. Building elements that can simply be left to dry out and then be cleanedwhere necessary. The severity of the situation and the cost involved in restoring the building for further use will determine the action to be taken. 9.3.15 Dampness and condensation Dampness in buildings is mainly caused by the following factors: Water introduced during building operations by wet trades and rain. The period it takes to dry out will depend on the particular situation but could be a source of dampness for an extended period. Penetration of rainwater through leaking roofs and walls. Leaks in the plumbing system could range from small damp patches to free water. Rising damp is a serious problem, often difficult to fix, which could occur in floors and walls, mainly due to insufficient damp proofing being provided tobreak capillary action. To cure dampness in buildings it is necessary to isolate the cause thereof and to remove it. Obviously there are a multitude of possibilities which may require expert knowledge and support. Condensation in buildings is mainly caused by a number of factors: Warm air contains more moisture than cold air. When warm moist air comes into contact with a cold surface condensation is formed on that surface. Wherever these conditions are created in a building, condensation will take place with the resultant dampness which can cause serious problems. Pockets (rooms) of air containing more vapour than the surrounding areas, has a higher vapour pressure and hence the moisture escapes to the drier air. In practice this means that the wetter air disperses to other areas, penetrating into fabrics and even building materials. All available routes will be followed and moisture will manifest itself as water or dampness on cold surfaces and in slightly porous materials. The generation of steam, the air breathed out by occupants, washing of clothing, hot bath and shower water, all produces moist air leading to condensation and vapour pressure. Condensation causes unsightly mould growth, dry rot in timber, rusting of steel, staining, etc. It is accompanied by a musty smell, particularly where fabrics and building materials have been penetrated. Remedial measures that can be adopted are: Sufficient ventilation to remove moist air. Insulation to keep surface areas above dew (condensation) point. Heating the interior of the building to keep surface areas warm enough to prevent condensation. Use of damp proofing, usually plastic strips and sheeting to stop capillary action. QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EVALUATION 1. 2. 3. 4. Distinguish between building failure and building maintenance and explain how you will deal with it respectively in practice. Discuss the various types of building maintenance, using a diagrammatic presentation as guideline. Which building "enemies" that give rise to maintenance problems should be considered as the root causes thereof? Discuss the causes of maintenance problems regarding five building elements and indicate how it could be dealt with in practice. REFERENCES (25) (25) (25) (25) 100 Seely, I. H. 1987. Building maintenance. Southampton: Macmillan Education. ESTIMATION OF BUILDING COSTS CONTENTS 10 LEARNING OBJECTIVES 10.1 INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW 10.2 ESTIMATING OF BUILDING COSTS THEEMPLOYER (CLIENT) 10.2.1 Introduction 10.2.2 Cost-per-unit method of estimating 10.2.3 Square-metre method of estimating 10.2.4 Storey-enclosure method of estimating 10.2.5 Rough or approximate-quantities method of estimating 10.2.6 Elemental method of estimating 10.2.7 General 10.2.8 Estimating total capital outlay (TCO) on a project 10.3 ESTIMATING TOTAL COST OF A BUILDING OR FACILITYIN USE OVER ITS LIFETIME 10.3.1 Lives of buildings 10.3.2 Life-cycle costing 10.3.3 Relationship of capital, maintenance and running costs 10.3.4 Difficulties in assessing total costs 10.4 10.5 10.6 COST BUDGETING COST CONTROL CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTMENTS 10.6.1 Introduction 10.6.2 Fixed price contracts 10.6.3 Proven costs contracts 10.6.4 Contract price adjustment provisions of the JBCC QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EVALUATION REFERENCES PAGE 100 100 101 101 101 102 110 110 112 121 122 124 124 124 125 125 126 126 127 127 128 128 129 131 131 LEARNING OBJECTIVES The objective of this module is to provide the student with a basic knowledge of the methods and tools used to ensure that building projects are completed within the approved budget. 10.1 INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW In chapter 1 (section 1.3, p.6) building is characterised as a production process involving the conversion of inputs into outputs. Inputs can also be referred to as the resources needed for the process. These resources are relatively scarce, that is they are not freely available in nature, and usually come at a certain cost. Their use in the building process therefore, has to be carefully managed. This includes looking after the costs of using them, which involves the following major processes: Resource planning: determining what resources (people, equipment, materials) and what quantities of each should be used to perform project activities. Cost estimating: developing and approximation (estimation) of the costs of the resources needed to complete project activities. Cost budgeting: allocating the overall cost estimate to individual work items, and projecting the expenditure over time. Cost control: ensuring adherence to, and controlling changes to the projectbudget. When a building project is performed under contract, care should be taken to distinguish cost estimating from pricing. Cost estimating involves developing an assessment of the likely quantitative result – how much it will cost the performing organisation to provide the product or service involved. Pricing is a business decision – how much will the performing organisation charge for the product or service – that uses the cost estimate as but one consideration of many. In building projects, cost estimating and pricing respectively usually take place at two levels. In the first instance, the project initiating body (employer or client) requires cost estimates in order to decide on the financial feasibility of the project and will then "price" the building(s) for sale or letting, using the cost estimate as one of the considerations in setting the selling price or rental as the case may be. One of the major components of the total project cost estimate is the building cost which at some stage may be based on a “tender price” submitted by a contractor. In order to arrive at a tender price, the contractor in turn has to estimate the cost to him/her of producing the building(s) under contract. The final cost (or price) of a building project is made up of a cost to price chain which involves land, the suppliers of raw materials, manufacturers of products and processed materials, labour, subcontractors, the main contractor, finance and other service providers and lastly the client. In this chain the price (output) of one link is usually the cost (input) to the next link. 10.2 ESTIMATING OF BUILDING COSTS FOR THEEMPLOYER (CLIENT) 10.2.1 Introduction Estimating the cost of a building is the means determining the probable cost of that building where either there is not sufficient detailed information available about that building (e. g. at sketch-plan stage), or the obtaining of exact information would be too tedious and time-consuming to serve the purpose (e. g. on existing buildings valued for insurance purposes). The cost of a building is usually estimated as at the present time and under prevailing building-market conditions. It is possible however, to determine the estimated cost of a building at any time in the future by making assumptions about the rate of escalation of building costs due to inflation, and the likely prevailing market conditions at that time, and then compounding the present cost of the building by the necessary factors. There are a number of methods of drawing up an estimate. Each specific method serves a particular purpose and requires different kinds of information. Where for example, only a rough indication is required, the "cost per unit" method of estimating could be used. At the other end of the spectrum a highly accurate estimate of cost can be obtained by pricing out a detailed bill of quantities. All cost estimating methods require some form of quantification first, that is taking the type and the quantities of work to be done off the drawings and specifications (taking off = measuring quantities). The various methods of estimating are dealt with in more detail below. 10.2.2 Cost-per-unit method of estimating The cost-per-unit method of estimating is an extremely rough and rather unreliable method of estimating. It consists of multiplying the use-factor of a building (such as the number of flats in a block of flats, the number of seats in a church, the number of children to be accommodated in a school, the number of persons to be TD 102 accommodated in an old-age home, etc.) by a monetary rate, thereby obtaining an estimate of the total building cost. This method can be used to give a very rough indication of total cost, and may also be employed for setting a target or cost limit (cost norm). An example of the use-factors employed for setting a cost limit for a hospital is as follows: Ward block Out-patients section Kitchen block number of beds number of out-patients that could be treated in that section per day number of meals to be served per day These use-factors are multiplied by a predetermined monetary rate usually based on comparable historical records, and an estimate of total building costs is then arrived at which could become a cost limit after due allowance has been made for factors such as special site conditions, difficult foundations, etc. These cost limits should be updated from time to time to allow for increases in building costs. It could also serve as a target or cost limit which may not be exceeded by the professional team and forms part of their brief. 10.2.3 Square-metre method of estimating This is a method which has been employed for many years, and is still in general use. It consists of multiplying the total construction area by a monetary rate, thus obtaining an estimate of building costs. The costs of all external paving, yard or boundary walling, other external works and any items of exceptional value are separately calculated. The monetary rate is based on recent or concurrent rates for comparable buildings. In an attempt to standardise the method of measurement of construction area, the Construction Economics Committee of the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors has defined the term "construction area” in their "Guide to Elemental Cost Estimating and Analysis for Building Works, 1998” as follows: “The construction area of a building is the total of all the areas of a building measured on plan at each covered floor level over the external walls of the outermost vertical enclosing planes or, where applicable, the centre line of party walls between buildings" The following items are specifically to be included in the calculation of Construction Area: Internal stairwell and staircase areas Lift shaft areas Duct space areas Mezzanine floor areas Finished floor areas in attic spaces Floor areas to penthouses, staff quarters, lift motor rooms, etc. All open but covered porches, balconies and balcony corridors within the enclosing planes of the main building Floor areas to attached sheds, carports, etc. and all partially completed rooms, porches, balconies, etc., provided the relevant areas are covered and have at least two of their walls not less than two-thirds of the storeyheight on which they occur The following items are specifically to be excluded in the calculation of Construction Area: External steps and paved areas Areas of projecting roof overhangs, hoods, and canopies and the like Enclosed open areas (light or ventilation, wells and courtyards) Areas of open covered ways and carports, etc. Areas of unenclosed fire escapes Areas of small projections such as pilasters, attached piers, fins, chimney breasts, etc. The areas of different types of buildings within the same overall building project, such as the office block of a factory project should, as far as possible, be kept separate from each other. The following is a diagrammatic plan of a block of flats, together with an example of a square-metre estimate of building costs: K 45 000 2000 Figure 10.1 Diagrammatic plan of a block of flats 11 000 BUILDING PRACTICE – VOLUME 2 Ground floor: Underblock parking except entrance hall of 3,0 m x 4,0 m plus2,0 m x 3,0 m and staff quarters of 3,0 m x 10,0 m. Typical floors: 6 Lift motor room: 2,0 m x 4,0 m ESTIMATE OF BUILDING COSTS OF NEW BLOCK OF FLATSFOR D SWANEPOEL, ESQ. (BASED ON DRAWING NO. 58/91) 6/45,0011,00 6/2,003.00 3,00 4,00 2,00 3.00 3,00 10,00 2,00 4,00 Item 6 Floors 6/6 45,00 11,00 2,00 3,00 Deduct3,00 4,00 2,00 3,00 3,00 10,00 2 970,00 36,00 6.00 3 024,00 30,00 8,00 495,00 6,00 501,00 12,00 6,00 30,00 48.00 453,00 Lift Flats including corridors, stairs and entrance hall 3 024 m2 30 m2 Staff quarters Lift motor room 8 m2 DATE: 25 JUNE 1998 R1 750,00 R1 500,00 R1 000,00 Fire escape staircase 6 No. R3 000,00 36 Stove's in Gauteng only) 36 No. R1 800,00 Under block parking including concrete paving 453 m2 R 300,00 SUBTOTAL R5 292 000,00 5 000,00 8 000,00 R 450 000,00 18 000,00 64 800,00 R 135 990,00 R6 013 700,00 53,00 2/52,00 53,00 2/52,00 45,007,00 3,00 29,00 2,00 11,00 53,00 104,00 157,00 53,00 104,00 157,00 315,00 87,00 402,00 22,00 SITE WORKS (calculate by rough quantities) 220 mm brick boundarywall 2 m high with facings both sides andbrick-on-edge coping 157 mR320,00 157 m Concrete in footings for boundary wall, including excavationR 60,00 Concrete paving (excluding paving under building) 402 m2 R 55,00 Brick-on-flat paving onconcrete surface bed 22 m2R 90,00 Contingencies 2,5% (say) TOTAL ESTIMATED CURRENT BUILDING COST Rate per m2 (excluding site works etc.): R6 013 700,003 515 m2 = R1 710,87 per m2 50 240,00 9 420,00 R 22 110,00 1 980,00 R 152 550,00 R6 250 000,00 This estimate is based on ruling competitive market conditions, and does not allow for loose furniture, fridges or professional fees. NOTES: Estimators should record job reference (or job name), date and drawing number(s). Estimating to be qualified in respect of the fact that it is based on “ruling competitive market conditions". There are many factors which could affect or vary the rate used in a square-metre estimate. The following are a few examples: Fullness on plan It is obvious that the rate per square metre for a block of flats with twobedroom flats only, will differ a great deal from the rate for a block of bachelor flats. To illustrate the influence of “fullness on plan”, examine the following buildings: 2 000 4 m2 А. 2000 400 m2 20 000 B 20 000 Figure 10.2 "Fullness on plan" influence (buildings notto scale) Assume that the superstructure walling for both these buildings is 3 metres high. Taking the external walling only, without making allowance for deducts at corners, the position will be as follows: Case A 8 mx 3 m 24 m2 of external walling at a rate of say, R140,00 per square metre (this allows for external finish, internal finish) and is equal to R3 360,00 or R840,00 perm2 on plan. Case B 80 m x 3 m = 240 m2 at R140,00 is equal to R33 600,00 orR84,00 per m2 on plan. There is a notable difference of R756,00 per m2 on plan. Shape of building Examine the following buildings: 400 m2 20 000 400 m2 A 100 000 B Figure 10.3 Shape of building 20 000 4000 Case A External wall length 80 m Case B External wall length 208 m This is a substantial difference, considering that both these buildings have the same construction area on plan. Floor-to-ceiling height It is obvious that the rate per m2 for a building of 3 m floor-to-ceiling height will be lower than the rate for a building with 4 m floor-to-ceiling height. Height of building The difference in the rate per square metre for a single or double-storey building and that of, for example, a forty-storey building respectively could be substantial. Horizontal wind loads for instance become a marked factor in structure costs when buildings start exceeding twenty storeys. Constructional differences For example, reinforced concrete walling instead of brick walling, or hollow-tile slab construction instead of solid slab construction, or industrialised building methods instead of conventional methods, etc. Difference in finish and/or architectural detail It is apparent that the rate per square metre will be substantially affected if, for instance, marble floor slabs are used instead of granolithic floor finish, or precast terrazzo cladding instead of bagging and limewash to walls. For the estimator employing the square-metre method of estimating, it is fairly easy to assess the difference in rate for the horizontal components of the building such as floors, ceilings, roofs, etc., and more difficult to assess differences in the vertical plane since there is very little or no relationship between the horizontal building area and the vertical components of the building. Sanitary fittings, joinery fittings, etc. A concentration of toilets or sanitary fittings will make a substantial difference in the rate per m2 of the building. Site The following are a few of the items which could affect the square-metre rate: Nature of foundations Sloping or level site Position of municipal sewer connection, resulting in excessive length of drains Access difficulties Locality or area Building costs vary considerably from place to place. In this respect, mention should be made of the difference in building costs between Pretoria and Johannesburg - traditionally approximately 10% although it varies considerably from time to time. Tender conditions Factors such as the use of competitive or negotiated tendering methods and the availability of tenderers, etc., will all influence the tender amount. Negotiated contracts are invariably more expensive than open-tender contracts in a competitive market. Building-contract period The shortening of the period for the completion of a building to much less than that which could reasonably be contemplated will result in increased building costs. The square-metre method of estimating should not be employed, except for preliminary estimates of building costs where block plans or rough diagrams only are available. It is best used as a check on other systems of estimating, and is also an aid to cost planning. It has become outdated as an accurate method for detailed estimating, owing to the increasing complexity of building methods and materials, and also the development of more sophisticated estimating methods. It is important to note that there are four basic rates per m2 which are generally quoted namely: Basic building rate - excluding special items and site works and general. Example: R1 500 000,001 000 m2 = R1 500,00 per m2 Building rate, i. e. basic rate plus special items such as specialist work, mechanical work, etc. but excluding site works and general. Example: R1 800 000,001 000 m2 Project rate = R1 800,00 per m2 overall rate, including siteworks and general. Example: R2 200 000,001 000 m2 = R2 200,00 per m2 Use factor rate -rate per usable or lettable area Example: R2 200 000,00R2 588,24 per m2 of lettable area 850 m2 INB BUILDING PRACTICE – VOLUME 2 10.2.4 Storey-enclosure method of estimating This method of estimating consists of measuring certain areas such as the roof area, the floor area, the vertical external wall area, etc. and multiplying each of these areas by a factor predetermined for each component. The result thus obtained is multiplied by a single common rate, thereby obtaining an estimate of building costs for the structure, roof, floors and finishes of the building. Items such as plumbing and sanitary fittings, joinery fittings, etc. are separately measured and estimated. This method is an attempted compromise between the shortcomings of the square-metre method of estimating and the time required for the more detailed estimating methods. It is however, seldom used in South Africa mainly because there are no comparable unit rates available. 10.2.5 Rough or approximate-quantities method of estimating This is a method whereby the important cost items are measured in much the same way as the items in a bill of quantities, except that items of identical or near identical measurement are grouped together (e. g. although varying in exact area, the areas of the floor finishes, screeds, surface beds, hard-core and earth filling are sufficiently similar to permit them to be grouped together. Sundry items of little value are not measured but are allowed for as a percentage addition. This method, although basically sound, has the following important disadvantages: It is time-consuming and tedious. Detailed information is required such as is usually provided only on working drawings. It is sometimes difficult to decide which items are sufficiently costly as to require measurement e. g. is the cost of the skirting such that it may be ignored or should it be measured detail? Great skill and experience is required in judging the percentage of cost to be allowed for sundry items. Rough or approximate quantities can be successfully used in supplementing other systems of estimating. An example of a door measured in rough quantities is as follows: DESCRIPTION Extra over half-brick wall with one coat internal cement plaster and two coats PVA both sides, for hollow core door with kiaat veneer both sides, varnished, with steel door lining with standard steel butts, painted, with two-lever mortise lock with chromium-plated furniture, and with screed and vinyl floor in opening. QUANTITY 1 UNIT No RATE R183,95 AMOUNT R183,95 The skill and experience of the estimator will determine whether he will build up the price from basic prices or insert the total price, drawing entirely from his experience of the prices of rough quantities. Build-up of price in the example above: Door Varnish Frame Paint frame Lock Screed Vinyl floor Deduct 110 mm brick wall Plaster PVA Sundries (say 5%) 1,6 3,3 3,3 Preliminary items (say 12%) 1 3,50 1 1,30 1 0,09 0,09 m2 m2 m2 No m2 No m2 No m2 m2 R 45,00 R 13,00 R 9,80 R 90,0011,00 110,00 R 11,70 R 45,00 R 15,00 R 40,00 R 72,00 R 42,90R 32,34 SUBTOTAL TOTAL R 90,00 R 38,50 R 110,00 R 15,21 R 45,00 R 1,35 R 3,60 R 303,66 R 147,24 R 156,42 R 7,82 R 164,24 R 19,71 R 183,95 D 10.2.6 Elemental method of estimating General Of the methods discussed, the elemental method of estimating is considered the most reliable, accurate and consistent. For this method buildings are divided into elements, e. g. structural frame, external facades, plumbing, etc. Each element is subdivided into components, e. g.: concrete walls, other walls, external finishes, windows, window sundries and external doors, steel and other similar expensive finishes or construction, curtain walls. The method of division and sub-division is defined and consistent for all buildings, thus facilitating the use of information obtained for one building when estimating the cost of other similar buildings. Thus, both when analysing the cost of an existing building and when estimating the cost of a new building, each of the elements or components is considered and evaluated in the plane in which it occurs: namely, the external walling would be evaluated per square metre on elevation, the concrete slabs per square metre on plan, strip foundations per metre and sanitary fittings and plumbing per unit or point. The following is an excerpt reproduced from the "Guide to Elemental Cost and Estimating Analysis for Building Works” (1998) issued by, and available from the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors. Students are referred to the actual document for a complete schedule of elements and components. DEFINITIONS 1. SectionsThe elements are sub-divided into the following sections: Primary Elements, Special Installations, Alterations, External Works and Services, Training, Preliminaries, Contractor's fee, Contingency Allowances, Escalation and Value Added Tax. Elements are defined and constant for all buildings, thus facilitating the use of information obtained from a building when estimating the cost of other similar buildings. 2. ElementBuildings are divided into Elements (e. g. Foundations, External Envelope, Roofs, etc.). An Element is that part of any building that always performs the same function irrespective of its construction orspecification. Elements should not be combined or divided. 3. ComponentEach Element is sub-divided into components (e. g. the Element Roofs is sub-divided into the Components of Construction, Coverings, Insulation, etc.). Where a specific Component forms a high cost part of the estimate, such Component should be further sub-divided into subcomponents. 4. Measurements Required for Element or ComponentThe measurement required is the actual quantitative unit of the Element or Component. Each of the Elements or Components is considered and evaluated in the plane in which it occurs (e. g. the Element Roofs would be evaluated per square metre in the various planes of the roof, the Component Downpipes per metre length and the Component Dormers per unit number). The quantity of an Element or a Component is measured and mutiplied by a monetary rate thus obtaining an estimated construction cost for that Element or Component 5. Unit Unit denotes the unit of measurement of the individual Element or Component. 6. Composition of Element or ComponentEach Element comprises various Components. Each Component comprises various parts or sub-components. 7. Taking off/Pricing NotesTakin off/pricing notes are guidelines to assist the estimator in the taking off and pricing stages of an estimate. 8. CodeThe Code is the numerical identification for each Element of Component 9. Cost Cost is the cost of an Element and is the aggregate of the Component costs comprimising the particular Element. 10. QuantityQuantity is the actual measured quantity of an Element or Component. 11. Cost Per Unit Cost per unit is the cost of an Element divided by the measured Quantity of the Element (e. g. the Cost of the Element Roofs divided by the area of the Element Roofs). 12. Cost Per Square MetreCost Per Square Metre is the cost of the Elemental divided by the Construction Area. 13. Cost (Percentage) %Cost % is the cost of the Element expressed as a portion of the total cost. 14. Construction AreaThe Construction Area of a building is the total of all the areas of a building measured on plan at each covered floor level over the external walls or external lines of the outermost vertical enclosing planes or, where applicable, the centre line of party walls between buildings. The following are included in the calculation of Construction Area: Internal stairwell and staircase areas Lift shaft areas Duct space areas Mezzanine floor areas Finished floor areas in attic spaces Floor areas to penthouses, staff quarters, lift motor rooms, etc. All open but covered porches, balconies and balcony corridors within the enclosing planes of the main building Floor areas to attached sheds, carports, etc., and all partially completed rooms, balconies, etc., provided the relevant areas are covered and have at least two of their walls not less than twothirds of the storey height on which they occur. The following to be excluded from the calculation of Construction Area: External steps and paved areas Areas of projecting roof overhangs, hoods, canopies and the like Enclosed open areas (light or ventilation wells and courtyards) Areas of open covered ways and carports, etc. Areas of unenclosed fire escapes Areas on plan of small projections such as pilasters, attached piers, fins, chimney breasts, etc. 15. TrainingGovernment clients require the inclusion of an amount for training of previously disadvantaged individuals. Training of candidates shall consist of institutional training on a competency based modular basis and practical on-site training under competent supervision provided by the contractor. SUMMARY OF ELEMENTS The following new elements and components within the above sections have been introduced: Primary elements Foundations Ground Floor Construction Structural Frame Independent Structural Components External Envelope Roofs Internal Divisions Partitions Floor Finishes Internal Wall Finishes Ceilings and Soffits Fittings Electrical Installation Internal Plumbing Fire Services Balustrading, etc. Miscellaneous Items Special installations Piling Sun Control Screens, Grilles, etc. Raised Access Floors Special Fire Protection Lifts Escalators Air Conditioning Ventilation Heating Special Electrical Installations Other Services Compactors Access Control Gondolas Stoves Kitchen Equipment Specialised Equipment Security Systems Communication Systems Prefabricated Cold Rooms Signage Artwork Miscellaneous Items Alterations Alterations External works and servicesSoil drainage Sub-surface Water Drainage Stormwater Drainage Water Supplies Fire Service External Electrical Installations Connection Fees, etc. Demolitions Site Clearance Earthworks Boundary, Screen and Retaining Walls, etc. Fencing and Gates Roads, Paving, etc. Covered Parking, Walkways, etc. Pergolas, Canopies, etc. Minor Construction Work Pools, etc. Sports Facilities Garden Works Miscellaneous Items ܀ Training Training Preliminaries Preliminaries Contractor's Fee Contractor's Fee Contingency allowancesPrice and Detail Development Building Contract Contingencies Escalation Pre-tender escalation Contract escalation Value Added Tax Value Added Tax Problems encountered in applying this system Let us consider some of the problems encountered in applying this system of estimating in a quantity surveyor's office: Pricing At component level it is fairly easy to price items and many item prices can be built up from rates obtained from bills of quantities. At element level this is more difficult and it is usually necessary to employ cost information obtained by analyses of previous projects. Unit of measurement In which unit of measurement should an element or a component be measured? In the case of a wall, for example, it is obvious that the best unit of measurement is per square metre on elevation. Consider however, rain-water pipes: Linear would be too tedious. Roof area is not consistent enough, since a high building and a low building with the same roof area but with a considerable difference in the length of rain-water pipes would have the same unit of measurement. To overcome these problems, the "construction area” as defined under "General" above is used. Consider as a further example the unit to be used for built-in cupboards. Originally area on plan, cubic content, length on plan and area on elevation were investigated and it was found that in most cases area on elevation was most consistent and therefore most acceptable. Another method that has gained ground is to measure cupboards per door. Measurement required In any estimating system it is necessary to define exactly the method of measurement as also the degree of accuracy required. It should be borne in mind that if the measurements required are too detailed or complicated then your are in fact back to the ultimate estimate, which is the bills of quantities. An estimating system should be both fairly accurate and capable of providing an answer over a reasonably short working period. In view of the above certain measuring conventions have been adopted. Flooring for instance is measured right across internal and external walls, external facade right across the concrete floor slabs but internal walling from top of slab to underside of slab. In the case of floor finishes and the external facade there will of course be a certain overmeasure which has to be allowed for in either the pricing or by deducting a percentage. Build-up of prices at component level As mentioned earlier, it is fairly easy to build up prices at component level. The following example illustrates the point: Component: Solid floor finish (price per m2) Screed Vinyl floor finish Less: Adjustment for overmeasure (as explained above) 10% Plus: Sundries (e. g. floor finish in openings, brass dividing strips, etc.) 2% Preliminaries 12% Rate per m2 R13,00 R38.00 R51,00 (R 5,10) R45,90 R 0.92 R46,82 R 5,62 R52,44 Build-up of rates at element level At element level it is more difficult to build up a rate. The following are illustrations of what is involved in building up an element rate. It has been assumed for the purpose of these examples that the individual component rates have already been built up or obtained from cost research and are complete with the relevant preliminaries, etc. added: External walling (total area of element taken as 1 000 m2 on elevation) Walling600 m2 at R 90,00 R 54 000,00 External finishings600 m2 at R 40,00 R 24 000,00 Windows400 m2 at R180,00 R 72 000,00 Window sundries (glass, etc.) 400 m2 at R 95,00 R 38 000,00 External doors18 at R500,00 R 9 000,00R197 000,00 Element unit rate is therefore R197,00 per m2 on elevation (1 000 m2). Electrical installation Usually this is inserted in the bills of quantities as a lump sum figure. The only way of determining a rate for this element is by cost research into past tenders, or by obtaining a rate from the electrical consultant. For simple installations, such as houses it is possible to estimate an amount for the basic switchgear, earth leakage, etc. (say R2 000,00); then add light and power points at say R120,00 per point; stove and geyser isolators at say R180,00 each; bells, TV-points and telephone points at R90,00 each and cable at say R30,00 per m. Plumbing Plumbing points such as water supplies, waste disposal, etc., are priced by cost research into past tenders. The following is an example of an elemental estimate at component level for the element “Plumbing": DIMENSIONS 15 3/15 2/15 15 45 30 DESCRIPTION WC WHB Baths Sanitary fittings sundries Sanitary plumbing Cold water supply Hot water supply Geysers Cold water supply QUANTITY 15 15 15 45 45 45 30 15 15 UNIT No No No No No No No No No TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF ELEMENT: PLUMBING RATE R 650,00 R 360,00 R 1 150,00 R 150,00 R 600,00 R 550,00 R 380,00 R 2 400,00 R 550,00 AMOUNT R 9 750,00 R 5 400,00 R 17 250,00 R6750,00 R 27 000,00 R 24 750,00 R 11 400,00 R 36 000,00 R 8 250,00 R146 550,00 (The above is equivalent to an average rate of R2 442,50 per "point" – 60 points.) Use of elemental system at various stages of design The use of the elemental system of estimating at the various stages of the development of a design can be illustrated as follows: At diagrammatic sketch plan stage. Use the element rate, as no detail for estimating at component level will be available. At stages when full-sketch plans are available. Use component rates. At working-drawing stage. Use component rates, but for increased accuracy, actual tenders may be substituted for components, or alternatively, a check on the cost of any component could be made byactually taking off the quantities and pricing that component. It is apparent therefore that the elemental system of estimating can be applied with an ever-increasing degree of accuracy as more detailed drawings and more facts become available. Unlike other systems it is also possible to do an accurate post-mortem analysis at component level to see where mistakes have been made or where inaccuracies have occurred, thus enabling the estimator to improve his techniques. Inherent problems It is not suggested that the elemental system of estimating has no inherent problems. Three of the most obvious of these problems are listed below: If any item is overlooked by either the architect (not indicating something on the drawings) or the quantity Surveyor, then this is fatal. If a fitting, for example, is not indicated on the drawings and is not assumed or measured by the quantity Surveyor, then such fitting will just not be included in the estimate. To overcome this problem to a certain extent a percentage for "price and design development" is added to the estimate, which percentage varies according to the stage of development of the drawings at time of estimating. It is necessary to assume specification and/or detail at an early stage when these may not yet have been considered by the architect. To a certain extent, this is a blessing in disguise, for it is much better to be able to indicate specifically what has been allowed in an estimate of cost rather than to be vague, as is inherent in many other systems of estimating. It is also necessary to remember that a calculated guess is better than nothing at all. It takes longer to prepare an elemental estimate than for instance an estimate prepared on the square-metre system. 10.2.7 General ܀ The architect's role Without the co-operation of the architect, cost planning and control cannot function. Most architects however do appreciate the importance of economics in the development of building projects. Again, it should be emphasised that the purpose of cost planning and control is not to produce the cheapest possible building by the selection of the cheapest specification, but to help the architect to achieve a balanced design within a given budget. To assist the quantity Surveyor, the architect should: Allow the quantity Surveyor sufficient time to prepare the estimate of building costs and/or a feasibility study. Inform the quantity Surveyor of all changes in design or specification and call for new estimates from time to time as the drawings progress. Provide the quantity Surveyor with all the details that he requires for the preparation or an elemental estimate. The architect is in a better position than the quantity Surveyor to make the necessary assumptions on design and specification. Contract price indices Due to continuous inflationary escalation in the cost of labour, building materials and other resource inputs, a contract price index is vital for updating past records for estimating purposes. At present there are two bodies that provide the building industry with contract price indices together with other relevant statistics on a continuous basis, namely: Bureau for Economic Research - University of Stellenbosch This Bureau publishes two quarterly publications namely “BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION" and "TRENDS IN BUILDING COSTS”. The first of these is distributed to firms who pay a certain annual subscription fee whilst the second publication is distributed free of charge to all participating quantity surveying firms. By "participating" it is meant that bills of quantities are analysed and the information thus obtained is filled in on a standard form provided by the Bureau. Central Statistical Service: Contract price index for buildings A monthly index that is distributed to all quantity surveying firms and all firms are required to provide information to the Department on its prescribed standard forms on a continuous basis. Accuracy of estimates of building costs An estimate of building costs based on working drawings and which is within five per cent of the actual tender amount, after allowance for the "cost effect of time", is considered accurate. Those within ten per cent of the actual tender amount are deemed to be fairly accurate, 10.2.8 Estimating total capital outlay (TCO) on a project It is common practice to capitalise all costs attributable to a project from the day of inception up to a certain date, usually the date on which the facility is occupied by the user and starts its operating or income-producing life. Property development or building projects are usually completed over a certain length of time and most costs are expended on a periodic basis. It is fairly easy for the estimator to grasp that major “capital” outlays such as purchase price and other costs of land, building cost and professional fees form a part of total capital outlay. What is sometimes less obviously part of TCO and therefore often overlooked are cost items which are usually, during the operating phase, a running cost against revenue such as for example municipal rates and taxes, interim finance charges (interest on building loan, etc.) and the like. Estimators then either ignore these costs or hope that in some vague way they will be accounted for in the general overhead cost of the organisation. TYPICAL COST ELEMENTS (INITIAL CAPITAL OUTLAY) OF A BUILDING OR DEVELOPMENT PROJECT LAND DEVELOPMENT COST OTHER "ADD-ON"COSTS PROFIT BUILDING COSTBuilding cost * Professionalfees CONTRIBUTION TO ORGANISATIONAL/INSTITUTIONAL OVERHEADS OF OPERATIONAL COSTS General "head office" overhead Purchase price of land (including agent's commission)Transfer duties and conveyancing fees * Installation of services: construction and professionalfees * Distribution to owners/ shareholders as return on capital and reward for risk and effort * Legal * Financial (FEES ARE PARTLYOPTIONAL) * Otheradministrative * Fees and contributions to local and other authoritiesInvolved (OPTIONAL) Specific charges to the project (PARTLY OPTIONAL) (SOME OF THE ABOVE OPTIONAL DEPENDINGON HOW LAND IS ACQUIRED) BUILDING COST BREAKDOWN total capital outlay (TCO) Figure 10.4 Typical setting out of total building project costs or Typical cost elements in building or development projects are shown in figure 10.4. "ON-SITE" COSTS TO CONTRACTOR "OFF-SITE" COSTS TO CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'SPROFIT GENERAL "HEADOFFICE" OVERHEAD PERMANENT STRUCTURE(DIRECT COSTS) Materlals Components andfixtures * Labour used ininstallation * Office rent TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SYSTEM (INDIRECT COSTS) Contract and site management and administration(including supervision) * Temporary facilitiesand sevices * Temporary works * General contractualobligations PROFESSIONAL FEES (PARTLY OPTIONAL) * Land surveyorTown planner/urbandesigner * ArchitectQuantity Surveyor * Consulting engineer(s): Geotechnical Civil/structural Electrical Mechanical * Service levies * Administrative salariesand expenses * Telephone and postage * Furniture and equipment 10.3 ESTIMATING TOTAL COST OF A BUILDING ORFACILITY IN USE OVER ITS LIFETIME 10.3.1 Lives of buildings It is not always easy to predict or assess the probable physical life of a building/ facility or any of its components. Buildings are constructed to different standards and subject to varying standards of maintenance. "It is also possible to distinguish between 'structural life' and 'economic life'. Structural or physical life is the period which expires when it ceases to be an economic proposition to maintain the building, while economic life is concerned with earning power and is that period of effective life before replacement; replacement taking place when it will increase income absolutely. It is probable that optimum life is determined primarily by the earning power of the building, and secondarily by the structural durability. Changing social and economic conditions can have a considerable influence on the life of a building which can become ill-suited to present-day needs and its demise may also be accelerated by the significant ratio of land to building costs. Wherever possible, the aim should be to extend the economic life of a building by making the structure adaptable and by careful management and control of the surroundings. Hence the actual physical life of a building is frequently much greater than its economical life, but the building is often demolished before its physical life has expired in order to permit a more profitable use of the site, or because it is found cheaper to clear and rebuild than to adapt the building to the changed requirements" (Seeley, 1987:18). 10.3.2 Life-cycle costing Life-cycle costing is an analytical technique for the comparative evaluation of time-phased costs and revenues attributable to a project or an asset or component over a specific planning period. The total life-cycle cost of an asset (or component) is defined as the total cost of that asset over its operating life, including initial acquisition costs and subsequent running costs. Life-cycle costing is also known as costs-in-use, engineering economics, cost benefit study and terotechnology. Irrespective of the name, it is a tool to be used in the decision-making process, the objective being to ensure the best value for money over the economic lifespan of the asset, with the time value of money taken into account. 10.3.3 Relationship of capital, maintenance and running costs It is important to building owners that a building is designed in such a way that it secures a reasonable balance between initial and future costs. Initial costs Land Construction Professional fees Total costs (life span of building) Running costsMaintenance Operating services (operating and cleaning)Energy User costs Occupational charges Rates Insurance Modifications and alterations Estate control (management Figure 10.5 Breakdown of total costs of a building in use overits lifetime (Seeley, 1987:24) 10.3.4 Difficulties in assessing total costs “There are a number of problems in endeavouring to assess total costs or costs in use at the design stage, and the more important ones are now listed. It is difficult to assess the probable maintenance costs of different materials, processes and systems. There is a great scarcity of reliable maintenance cost data tabulated in a meaningful way. It is not easy to predict the lives of materials and components in a variety of situations. Even the lives of commonly used materials like paint show surprising variations and are influenced by a whole range of factors, including type of paint, number of coats, condition of base, extent of preparation, method of application, degree of exposure and atmospheric conditions. There are three types of payment involved: initial, annual and periodic. All three have to be related to a common basis for comparison purposes, and this requires a knowledge of discounted cash flow techniques. The selection of a suitable long-term interest rate is difficult; rates rose dramatically in the 1970s and fluctuated widely in the 1980s. Inflationary trends may not affect all costs in a uniform manner, thus distorting significantly the results of costs in use calculations. BUILDING PRACTICE – VOLUME 2 Where the initial funds available to a building owner are severely restricted, it is of little consequence telling him that he can save large sums in the future by spending more on the initial construction” (Seeley, 1987:24, 25). 10.4 COST BUDGETING Cost budgeting involves allocating the overall cost estimates to individual work items in order to establish a cost baseline for measuring project performance. Cost budgeting usually also includes cash-flow projections in order to enable the planning and monitoring of expenditures over time. Inputs 1. Cost estimates 2. Project schedule Tools and techniques 1. Cost estimatingtools and techniques Outputs 1. Cost performancebaseline Figure 10.6 Cost budgeting process (A guide to the Project ManagementBody of Knowledge, 1996:78) 10.5 COST CONTROL Cost control is concerned with (a) influencing the factors which create changes to the cost baseline to ensure that changes are beneficial, (b) determining that the cost baseline has changes, and (c) managing the actual changes when and as they occur. Cost control includes: monitoring cost performance to detect variances from plan. ensuring that all appropriate changes are recorded accurately in the cost baseline. preventing incorrect, inappropriate, or unauthorised changes from being included in the cost baseline. informing appropriate stakeholders of authorised changes. Cost control includes searching out the "whys” of both positive and negative variances. It must be thoroughly integrated with the other control processes (schedule control, quality control, etc.). For example, inappropriate responses to cost variances can cause quality or schedule problems or produce an unacceptable level of risk later in the project. Inputs 1. Cost baseline 2. Performance reports 3. Change requests(variations) 4. Cost managementplan (including cash-flow projections) Tools and techniques 1. Cost changecontrol system 2. Performancemeasurement 3. Additional planning 4. Computerised tools Outputs 1. Revised costestimates 2. Budget updates 3. Corrective action 4. Estimate atcompletion 5. Lessons learned Figure 10.7 Cost control process (A guide to the Project ManagementBody of Knowledge, 1996:80) A building contract price (based on accepted tender) may change during the course of the contract due to any of the following and other factors: Remeasurement on site of provisionally measured quantities. Changes in design and/or specification ("variation orders”). Adjustment of provisional sums and prime cost amounts ("PC amounts”). Delays and extensions of time due to change in scope of work, lack of information, etc. Omission of allowances for contingencies. Fluctuations in the cost of labour, materials, etc. ("Contract Price Adjustments”). On a building project the instruments/processes involved in cost control generally include cost estimates/plans, budgets, cash flow projections, tender and contract documents (including bills of quantities where available), progress payment certificates including contract price adjustments due to escalation of labour, material and other costs, pricing of variations, remeasurements and other adjustments, cost reports and final accounts. The final account is a document, usually prepared by the quantity surveyor, which sets out in detail, and then summarises all legitimate and accepted changes that occurred to the original contract price during the course of the contract. 10.6 CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTMENTS 10.6.1 Introduction In the past, it was customary not to make allowances for claims from the contractor for fluctuations in labour costs and material. Mainly on account of the tremendous fluctuations of the costs of labour and material in the past few decades, contractors in general have arrived at the conclusion that the risks that they take are not in proportion to the profits that can be made and, via the Building Industries Federation South Africa (BIFSA), have insisted on compensation for the escalation in building costs. There are mainly three methods by which escalation in building costs can be handled, namely: Fixed price Proven costs Contract Price Adjustment Provisions (CPAP) of the Joint Building Contracts Committee (JBCC), known up to 1995 as the BIAC (Haylett) formula 10.6.2 Fixed price contracts A fixed price contract is one where the contractor accepts full responsibility for any fluctuation in the costs of labour and material. The employer will not, therefore, reimburse the contractor for any fluctuations in building costs after acceptance of a tender, and the contractor must allow in his tender for any expected fluctuations. Members of the Building Industries Federation South Africa generally do not accept fixed price contracts under tender conditions, unless the contract amount does not exceed R500 000. Fixed price contracts can, however, be arranged with a single contractor, but the employer must bear in mind that if the building period is prolonged (i. e. longer than 12 months), the risks for the contractor are extremely great, which can naturally lead to the contract price being abnormally high. The advantage for the employer, in the acceptance of the fixed price method of contract price adjustment, is that his ultimate risk of escalation in building costs is considerably reduced. 10.6.3 Proven costs contracts In this type of building contract, the contractor sets his price according to the labour and materials costs prevailing at the time of tendering. Any increase or decrease in the tariffs, by comparison with actual labour and material costs when they were acquired for the contract, is for the employer's account. The Building Industries Advisory Council (BIAC) published a standard “proven costs” contract price adjustment provision many years ago. This document is no longer recognised by the Building Industries Federation South Africa (BIFSA), and although the South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA) has published a revised form thereof, no agreement could be reached between the two bodies regarding the final wording of the stipulations. The proven costs method is seldom used and, if used, it is usually in negotiated contracts. It can be advantageous to the employer to use proven costs methods in the adjustment of the contract price, if there is a possibility that other methods of contract price adjustment can result in an overcompensation for the contractor. ܀ 10.6.4 Contract Price Adjustment Provisions of the JBCC[formerly known as the BIAC (Haylett) formula] Introduction A manual and referance guide for practical application of the formula is published by and available from the Joint Building Contracts Committee (JBCC), with revisions and interpretations issued from time to time. Students are advised to obtain a copy of this manual, and to continually keep themselves up to date with possible revisions and interpretations. The following is an excerpt from the manual which explains how the provisions work: "How the provisions work The CPAP provides for the adjustment of contracts in respect of: General and industrialised building work Subcontract work carried out by nominated, selected and nonnominated subcontractors Direct contract work comprising specialist and engineering installations related to building projects Standard composite indices have been compiled in consultation with CSS to include the weighted labour, material and plant components applicable to a number of defined work groups. CSS in Statistical Release PO151 publishes these composite indices each month. In brief the CPAP operates as follows: A number of work groups are defined into which the work contained in a building contract can be subdivided CSS publishes a like number of sub-indices, reflecting price movements of labour, material and plant content of each work group The principle agent values the work executed for certificate purposes in the normal way but in addition he allocates the value of the work to the respective work groups In a particular month the value of work certified in each work group is adjusted in relation to the movement in the index value for the applicable month compared with the index applicable to the tender date. This is done so that the work executed in a particular period is adjusted in relation to the index value for approximately the same period The work groups have been restricted to a practical number to limit and simplify the work required at the time of certification. The approach adopted is that certain materials lend themselves to grouping for costing purposes and consequently reference is made to 'work group' rather than "trade" as is customary in documentation in the building industry. For example, steel windows, steel door frames and suspended steel ceilings are assembled to limit the number of groups, as the materials originate from the same basic source and the percentage fluctuations in labour costs are likely to be similar. Calculation of adjustment The principle agent shall calculate an amount of adjustment for each valuation period in respect of each work group by the application of the formula: Where: A= 0,85 V Xe Χο A= 0,85 V Xe Хо the amount of adjustment a constant which provides for a 15% non-adjustable element the work value for adjustment in such work group and the valuation period the value of the index applicable to such work group and the valuation period which shall be the value for: (a) The month before that during which the progresscertificate is dated in respect of certificatesissued up to and including the 15th of the month (b) The month during which the progress certificateis dated in respect of certificates issued after the 15th of the month the value of the index applicable to such work group for the base month The amount of adjustment calculated in terms of the above shall be: Shown seperately in a statement supporting any payment certificate issued according to the relevant agreement The net amount to be added to or deducted from the contract value In respect of work carried out by nominated, selected or any other subcontractors. This shall be irrespective of whether or not the agreement provides for a cash discount to the contractor in respect of any amounts due. Payment to such subcontractors shall not be subject to any such discount Subject to the same conditions in respect of retention, any other form of security or any other monies due to or from the contractor in terms of the agreement" QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EVALUATION 1. 2. Discuss the difference between cost estimating and pricing of building work with regard to: (a) Building contractors (b) Building employers (clients) List 5 types of buildings for which the unit-cost method of estimating would be suitable to set initial cost norms and parameters and briefly motivate why these are considered suitable. REFERENCES Joint Building Contracts Committee. 1998. Contract Price AdjustmentProvisions. Manual and reference guide. (10) (10) 20 Project Management Institute. 1996. A guide to the Project Management Bodyof Knowledge. USA. Seeley, I. H. 1987. Building Maintenance. 2nd edition. Southampton: Macmillan. The Association of South African Quantity Surveyors. 1998. Guide to Elementalost, Estimating and Analysis for Building Works. NOTES PROCUREMENT FOR BUILDING PROJECTS CONTENTS LEARNING OBJECTIVES 11.1 11.2 11.2.1 11.3 11.4 11.4.1 11.4.2 11.4.3 11.4.4 11.5 11.5.1 11.5.2 11.5.3 11.6 11.7 11.7.1 11.7.2 11.7.3 11.7.4. INTRODUCTION Introduction TENDERING METHODS OF OBTAINING TENDERS Competitive tendering Negotiated tenders Two stage tenders and consecutive tenders Tender evaluation and contract award SPECIFICATION, MEASUREMENT AND PRICING FOR TENDERING PURPOSES 11 Specification Measurement of building quantities Estimating and pricing by contractors for tendering purposes CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH, STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL EVALUATION OF BUILDING MATERIALS AND METHODS (SABS, CSIR, AGRÉMENT, NHBRC) The South African Bureau of Standards (SABS). The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) – Building Technology Division (BOUTEK) The Agrément system for technical evaluation of building materials and methods in South Africa The National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) PAGE 135 135 135 135 136 137 137 139 141 142 142 142 149 156 162 162 162 164 164 165 11.8 11.8.1 11.8.2 11.9 11.9.1 11.9.2 11.10 11.10.1 11.10.2 11.11 BUILDING REGULATIONS The National Building Regulations Application of the National Building Regulations GENERAL STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS AND THE ROLE OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES IN BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS General statutory requirements impacting on land development and building work The role of local authorities THE ROLE OF THE CLERK OF WORKS AND THE RESIDENT ENGINEER The clerk of works (COW) The resident engineer THE ROLE AND OPERATIONS OF THE BUILDING CONTRACTOR 11.11.1 Introduction 11.11.2 Planning and organisation 11.11.3 Quality control 11.11.4 Financial control and cash flow 11.11.5 Estimation and preparation of tenders 11.11.6 Contractor's pre-construction activities 11.11.7 Project site meetings 11.11.8 Contractor's own site meetings 11.11.9 Completion 11.11.10 On-site process: Some aspects to consider QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EVALUATION REFERENCES 165 165 166 167 167 170 172 172 175 175 175 175 177 178 178 179 180 181 182 182 185 LEARNING OBJECTIVES The objective is to provide the student with an overview of the processes involved and factors playing a role in procurement of building contracts up to conclusion of the building process. 11.1 INTRODUCTION Procurement includes the processes required to acquire goods and services from outside the organisation requiring such goods and services (in our case, a completed building or buildings for the employer or client). Procurement usually involves the following major processes: Procurement planning: determining what to procure and when. Solicitation planning: documenting product requirements and identifying potential sources (design, specification, tender documents). Solicitation: obtaining quotations, bids, offers, or proposals as appropriate. Source selection: adjudicating tenders and selecting a contractor. Contract administration: managing the relationship with the seller (contractor). Contract close-out: completion and settlement of the contract (including Final Account). ܀ 11.2 PROCUREMENT FOR BUILDING PROJECTS 11.2.1 Introduction This procureincnt process for building work can be summarised as follows: Tendering Negotiation Selling on open market The foliowing types of iondsrs ars generally used: Tenders by open invitation Restricted tenders by () selective invitation (ii) pre-qualification by set criteria Negotiation with one or more contractors D The tendering procedure is as follows: Prepare tender documentation Advertise or invite (including compiling list of tenders) Closing of tenders Adjudication of tender and recommendation to client Acceptance of tenders and appointment of contractor Signing of contract 11.3 TENDERING The term "tender" can be defined as follows: "Tendering is a science and an art. The science is the logical compilation of a series of factors such as labour, materials and plant into a recognised order and with such items as output of labour based on historic information. The art of tendering is the judgement on finance, overheads and profit usually exercised by the principals of the firm tendering." The contractor in submitting a tender makes an offer to complete a building, based on the Agreement and Schedule of Conditions of Contract as contained in the tender documents. If the client accepts the offer a contract is formed that bind both parties. The purpose of a tendering system is the establishment of a process of procurement which is fair to the client, the tenderer and the professional consultants. The client The client normally desires the following end results from a tendering system: the lowest price the shortest construction time the best possible quality The tenderer The tenderer usually expects the following of a tendering system: to be in competition with other contracting firms of the same kind (financially, technically and administratively); that all tenderers are allowed equal time to tender, that the basis of the tender is uniform to all and that they will be subject to the same criteria of evaluation. The professional consultants The professional consultants strive to achieve through a tender system the following: an honest approach from the contractor to complete the work that she tendered for in a proper manner; reasonable assurance that the contractor is financially, technically and administratively able to complete the work. 11.4 METHODS OF OBTAINING TENDERS or After the type of building contract has been chosen for the project, attention shifts to selection of the contractor. The client can simply be advised to go to the nearest or a well-known contractor for a price. Such an attitude will however not satisfy the client's need to obtain the best price. The most effective answer is to call for tenders on a competitive basis. If the project under question is of such a nature that specialist services are needed which can be provided by one firm only, it will serve no purpose to consider competitive tenders. Negotiations with that particular firm is then the answer. There are thus two basic methods of obtaining tenders namely competitive tenders and negotiated tenders. Selection through competitive tendering is usually more acceptable to clients and the professional team than negotiated tendering. However, in advising the employers on the method to be employed in obtaining tenders the architect and quantity Surveyor should take due cognisance of the state of market, the nature of the work, the time available for documentation and any other pertinent factors. '11.4,1 Competitive tendering Competitive tendering is used on most projects, mainly to obtain the best possible price. An advanced level of detail design is required as against that for negotiated tenders, but it is in any case in the interest of both parties to have as much information as possible available during tender stage. Cost-plus building contracts need much less detail design information at tendering stage but have notable risks and disadvantages. The aim of the tenderer is not just to obtain the work, but rather to obtain it at a price that will enable him or her to complete the work thoroughly, on time and at a reasonable profit. The competition between tenderers can be fierce at times when building work is scarce and tenderers will apply every means at their disposal to gain an advantage over their rivals. A problem often encountered is the question of whether to test the whole market on open invitation or whether tenderers should be pre-selected. Both options are discussed briefly below: Open tenders With this method the whole market is tested and it is especially the public sector that gives preference to this method of tendering. To obtain bona fide tenders a deposit is normally required when issuing the tender documents. The tender is usually advertised in the press and qualified in the sense that the employer does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender. The advantage of calling for open tenders is that the whole of the market, including suppliers, specialists, subcontractors and contractors, are aware of the fact that a substantial number of contractors are competing for the tender. Depending on the current market conditions, this could result in keen tenders being obtained. The disadvantage is that a contractor who is not suitable for that specific contract, may be the lowest tenderer and the employer may be tempted to accept such a tender. This method therefore, requires careful evaluation of the tenderers, not only to make sure that the tender in itself is acceptable but also to make sure that the tenderer is technically and financially capable of completing the work. Tendering costs money and this cost is carried forward to the client's account in the long run. If fifty tenderers are allowed to tender, forty nine of them will have considerable expenses that cannot be directly recovered. Each firm must therefore carry forward the cost of its unsuccessful tenders to those that are successful. Selected or restricted tenders Selected tenders are obtained by calling for tenders from a list of contractors pre-selected for the specific contract on the basis of financial stability, previous experience, specific exp se in a particular field of construction or quality of workmanship, or a combination of these factors. It should be noted that the employer has a moral obligation to accept the lowest tender. The advantage is that each contractor should be capable of carrying out the contract. The disadvantage is that the number of tenders is limited, and as such the competitive element is reduced. This could lead to ring-forming, where a group of contractors colludes in deciding who shall submit the lowest tender, with the other members of the ring submitting cover prices. Each of the members of the ring takes it in turn to be the lowest tenderer on successive jobs. In this way the successful tenderer in each case obtains a contract at an inflated price. Selection can be done in two main ways: (i) By invitation (ii) By pre-qualification through a set of criteria Generally, when calling for competitive tenders, the following should be borne in mind: Time for tendering is limited, the tender period usually being three to six weeks, depending on the nature and size of the building. Time for site and progress planning is limited. Only once a tender has been accepted will the employer know what subcontractors the main contractor proposes to use. The employer is limited by Master Builders' Associations regulations to lump-sum and quantities forms of contract. 11.4.2 Negotiated tenders Although selection by competitive tendering is generally more acceptable, there are occasions when it may be in the interest of the employer to negotiate a tender, for example: When the competitive element has temporarily disappeared from the building market because of an over-abundance of work. When the contract is of a particularly difficult type, or requires specific expertise or plant, and it is obvious that only certain contractors specialising in the type of work required should even attempt the execution of the project. When it is known that whatever the outcome of competitive tenders, the contract will nevertheless be awarded to a specific contractor for specific reasons, such as the contractor's company being affiliated to that of the employer. When it is in the interest of the employer to use Package, Turn-key or Managed forms of contract. When negotiating a tender, the foilowing aspects are of importance: Negotiations should be based upon as complete a set of documentation as possible, and should be conducted on behalf of the employer by a person well versed in building costs, contract conditions, etc. Usually the employer is represented by a quantity Surveyor and negotiations are based on full bills of quantities. BUILDING PRACTICE VOLUME 2 When commencing negotiations with a contractor, it is necessary to establish whether agreement can be reached concerning costs of certain basic items, e. g.: Mark-up to cover profit and overheads on own work, work performed by ordinary subcontractors and work performed by selected subcontractors. Attendance on work performed by ordinary subcontractors and by selected subcontractors. Detailed pricing of the “Preliminaries” items. Detailed build-up of hourly rates for artisans and for semi-skilled and unskilled labourers. Certain performance indicators such as the number of bricks a bricklayer will lay per day on average for say half-brick walls and one-brick walls on the specific contract, the average rate at which reinforced concrete in bases will be cast, etc. It is also necessary to establish with the contractor a list of work to be performed by ordinary and by selected subcontractors respectively for which competitive tenders will be called. Many contractors feel that they can make a contribution at an early stage of the project. Contractors also point out that in many cases their own work (mainly confined to "Preliminaries” work and concrete and brickwork) totals between 30% and 35% of the whole contract amount and that subcontractors account for the rest. It is generally accepted that it is in the contractor's best interest if he or she can persuade the employer to negotiate only with him or her. There is, however, no conclusive evidence that it is always in the best interests of the employer, as a doubt always exists as to whether competitive tenders would not have produced a reduction in the overall cost to the employer. Sometimes contractors also use initial negotiations to strengthen their position to such an extent that it is virtually impossible not to continue with them, even if the employers may have second thoughts about negotiated tenders. The argument, sometimes put forward by contractors and in many cases accepted by employers, that contractors have a specific contribution to make in the early design stage has little validity if the architect and the professional team are well experienced and perform their duties properly. Some contractors do manage to persuade the employers to accept their contribution at an early stage and then use this early introduction to so strengthen their position that the professional team find that they have virtually no negotiating power left. By emphasising the point that “Time is the essence of the Contract (and in many cases it actually is), some contractors move onto the site before negotiations are completed, and again the professional team find their negotiating power eroded. The point is sometimes raised that a lot of specialised manpower is wasted in the preparation of tenders and that all contracts should be negotiated for this reason alone. This is perfectly true for many engineering contracts where the documentation is insufficient to enable the contractor to estimate cost accurately without having to prepare further drawings, bills of quantities, etc., itself. This argument is not generally valid for the building industry, as the fruitless expenditure in tendering on complete documentation is negligible in relation to the tumover of the industry. Civil engineers should seriously consider employing professional quantity Surveyors to assist them in providing the contractor with comprehensive tender documents. It is perfectly true that sound contractors are often undercut in competitive tendering by inexperienced and reckless newcomers who frequently find that they have miscalculated to the extent that they eventually wind up in the insolvency court. This is not in the best interests of the industry. The remedy does not necessarily lie in negotiated contracts, but possibly with education and training and also possibly with pre-selection of tenderers. It is generally accepted that negotiated tenders usually result in contract amounts which are from 4 to 6% higher than comparable open tenders attained under competitive conditions. Contractors point out, however, that a negotiated contract with a pre-selected reputable firm of contractors may very well result in a substantial reduction in the contract period. 11.4.3 Two stage tenders and consecutive tenders Two stage tenders and consecutive tenders are variations of both competitive tenders and negotiated tenders. A two stage tender is when the contractor is selected early in the design process by means of a competitive tender. His or her tender is thus based on less information than will be found with normal competitive tenders. The contractor then works with the professional team as the design and planning of the project develops and his or her final tender is then based on the information given at the time of his or her original tender. Consecutive tendering makes provision for a number of circumstances, for instance, where the client offers to the contractor consecutive phases of the project, subject to satisfactory períormance and retendered or renegotiated prices. (D 11.4.4 Tender evaluation and contract award Evaluation of tenders (and tenderers) before awarding the contract, is a crucial step in ensuring successful completion of projects. Tenders are usually checked for large errors which may influence the contractor's ability to carry out the work for the price tendered, even distribution of rates (front-end loading, padding of rates for work where possible extras are anticipated, etc.). Tenderers are usually investigated in terms of financial stability, capacity to do the work (plant, skilled personnel, organisational strength) and track record (references from previous employers, consultants, etc.). Contracts are usually signed only when the contractor has met certain conditions, e. g. providing performance guarantees, proof of insurances, priced bills of quantities (or other cost breakdowns) and a programme for the execution of the work. 11.5 SPECIFICATION, MEASUREMENT AND PRICINGFOR TENDERING PURPOSES 11.5.1 Specification Whai is a specification? One dictionary definition of specification reads: "... details, instructions, etc. for the design and making of something". In the case of building projects, the specification is a comprehensive and detailed description of the type and quality of materials and components to be used, and the standards of workmanship required. It is a communication tool between the parties involved, and supplements the architect's or engineer's drawings with information which cannot be clearly or easily shown on the drawings. Sometimes, on smaller projects or often in the case of repair/renovations and maintenance contracts, there are no drawings and the specification serves as the only description of the work to be done. Specifications can be contained in: (a) annotation (notes) on drawings and schedules (b) supplementary notes and item descriptions in bills of quantities (C) separate documents Purpose and use of specifications The specification is in the first instance a communication tool between the parties involved on a building project. It is read by: the employer or client to know what kind of building to expect, the builder's estimator as information on which to base a competitive tender, the quantity Surveyor to enable him to prepare bills of quantities as a basis for competitive tendering and the clerk of works and/or contractor's foreman during execution of the works as architect's instructions to carry out the work and basis for inspection and quality control. Principles of specificazion writing The essentials for writing good specifications: Know what you want. (This requires knowledge of building science and practice, and careful thought) Express it clearly and concisely. (Use plain language and make sure words have the same meaningthroughout.) A specification is a document for quick reference and understanding. It should be brief and to the point, and should make optimum use of available standards and codes of practice (such as SABS, etc.). A specification, when accompanied by drawings, should explain the purpose and intent of the drawings more fully and clearly, and should not repeat or contradict information given on the drawings. It should be arranged in short paragraphs with clear headings in systematic order. The order can be based on: the trades in the bills of quantities (e. g. groundworks; concrete, formwork and reinforcement; masonry, etc.) building activities or operations (e. g. founciations; surface beds; walls; roofs, etc.) Principles of good communicationMessage must be suitable for the receiver, Arrange contents to read from the general to the particular. Be clear and concise - avoid repetition. Keep the information together – avoid cross referencing. Guidelines for good specification writing Know your materials and building practice. Know local conditions and specific project requirements. Don't write what can be more easily drawn and vice versa. Avoid prescribing working methods and order of work, unless there are specific requirements in this regard. Use existing standards and codes. Standardise as far as possible, but remember that different areas have different climatic conditions, etc., which may require specific or special treatments. Words and terms which are often used in specifications, but should be avoided: “Best" or "highest quality where this is not required. Materials, etc., come in different grades of quality and the appropriate quality should be specified. "Proper workmanship". Vague. Rather specify full requirements, tolerances, etc. May perhaps be used for minor, works. "or other approved". Introduces uncertainty. "as specified" is often used without specifying anything anywhere. Format of specification documents It is common these days to have a specification in two parts: A standard specification based extensively on existing standards and codes of practice (such as the “Model Preambles" published by the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors) which is bound in a separate document and is included in the contract by reference only. A particular or "works" specification which contains the specific description and requirements of a particular project, including any deviations from, or supplements to the standard specification. This part usually also contains the schedules of finishes, fittings, etc. Sources of information for specification Projects completed or underway for same client This may seem so obvious as not to warrant mentioning. In practice, however, specifiers often base their choices only on a verbal or written brief from the client whereas it may have been useful also to visit the client's and/or similar types of operations, speak to managers and operatives who use the facilities and observe for oneself the performance of various materials and components in use over time. This also brings us to the concept of performance rather than prescriptive specification where the former may often be the more appropriate format since it allows for greater competitiveness and innovation among tenderers. It goes without saying though, that the different proposals offered on this basis, will require great care, true understanding of the functional or performance requirements, and knowledge of the alternatives in the evaluation process. Books, journals and manuals on construction science and practics These are excellent and comprehensive sources of information, but remember that they are often written for use in other countries where different standards, practices and climatic conditions may apply. Therefore, always test the applicability of such information to local conditions, and amend where necessary. The Government, or State Library in Pretoria keeps a copy of every formal publication brought out in South Africa. Many libraries, especially these at universities and research bodies such as the CSIR, have electronic access to international data bases which provide access to information. Trade journals often have a section devoted to product news. Some useful locally produced publications are: Model Building Specifications Standards Guide for Architects, compiled by HW Wegelin and available from most bookstores, or from the practice KWP Architects in Pretoria. A iechnical guide to good house construction, prepared by the then National Building Research Institute of the CSIR in collaboration with the ther. Association of Building Societies of South Africa, available from the CSIR. The National Home Builders Registration Council's Standards and Guidelines available from the NHBRC in Randburg. INB) Specifiers' own knowledge and experience and that of their colleagues This is a useful, but often underrated and ignored source of information. Practitioners should develop the habit of making specific and detailed notes of building failures (and successes) encountered in the course of their daily work. These notes can be filed under appropriate headings or subjects, and used as a data file for future specification writing. Manufacturers' brochures, catalogues, installation manuals, etc. These can be obtained from manufacturers directly, for instance by calling out sales and/or technical representatives for a visit, from larger building materials supplier outlets, at periodic fairs and exhibits such as the annual Interbuild Africa event, at permanent exhibits/building information centres such as are found in most of the major centres, or in maintained data filing systems such as Specifile, Klassidex, etc. The CSIR also sells an electronic data system known as Quantarc to which one could subscribe. A note of caution: manufacturers' handouts are often sales orientated and omit to mention limitations on the use of their products. Interviews with technical/sales representatives should take this into consideration, and should wherever possible be followed up with calls and/or visits to references where the product is already in use. Specifying by trade name only also carries potential risk for the specifier since the contractor is not usually responsible for latent defects in materials and goods specified by trade name (e. g. clause 8.3.10 of JBCC contract). For comparison and evaluation purposes, product information should be arranged under at least the following headings: Product name, manufacturer and description Technical data Installation guidelines Availability and costs Guarantees Maintenance requirements/procedures Technical services available from manufacturer and/or its agents Test reports, evaluations, etc. References Legislation and regulations Specifiers often unthinkingly refer to the National Building Regulations (NBR) without taking cognisance of the fact that the NBR are not necessarily a handbook for good building practice, but rather a set of guidelines orientated towards defining: (a) design parameters, and (b) the relationship between building owners and public (mostly local)authorities, primarily with a view to requirements for the health and safety of building occupants and the public using such buildings (Refer to section 11.8.1 for more detailed information on the NBR). Other pertinent legislation of which specifiers should have a basic working knowledge is the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 and Regulations (OHS Act). Souti. Africari Bureau of Standards (SABS) codes and standards (Refer ic section 11.7.1 for more detailed information on the SABS) The SABS annually publishes a catalogue of South African standards and related publications which is obtainable from the SABS, Private Bag X191, Pretoria, 0001 (1997 price: R60,00 plus VAT and postage). The catalogue contains a short description of each SABS standard and code of practice, as well as number and subject indexes of the standards and codes. The actual standards and codes are also obtainable from the same address and are arranged in groups ranging in price from R8,50 to R270,00 for the group, plus VAT, a 7% handling charge and postage. Whereas SABS standards for building materials can usually be referred to without further concern, codes of practice to ensure proper standards of workmanship need to be studied and interpreted before inclusion (in whole or in part) in tender documents. It is also important to know that SABS standards are often minimum standards and may in fact not be adequate in cases where a higher standard is required. On the other hand there may be cases where the SABS standard is in fact not required and insisting on it in the specification may serve only to chase up costs unnecessarily. The catalogue is updated monthly in a supplement to the SABS Bulletin which may be obtained from the Corporate Communication Division of the SABS free of charge. One SABS document which may be of specific interest to specifiers is: SABS 0400 (1990): South African Standard Code of Practice forthe application of the National Building Regulations. Specifiers should also be aware of the so-called Compulsory Specifications which were declared such by the Minister of Trade and Industry in terms of section 22(1)(a)(i) of the Standards Act 29 of 1993. Some of these which may apply to buildings and building work are: VC 8008 : Plugs, socket outlets and socket outlet adapters(Schedule no. 6) VC 8035 : Earth leakage protection units VC 8036 : Moulded-case circuit-breakers VC 8039 : The safety of starters for tubular fluorescent lamps (The VC numbers refer to SABS internal numbers for administrative purposes.) Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Division of Building Teciinology (Boutek) reports and publications (Refer to section 11.7.2 for more detailed information on the CSIR) Agrémeni certificales and NANTAG approvals (Refer to section 11.7.3 for more detailed information on the Agrément System) Agrément SA is a statutory body which evaluates and approves innovative building materials and systems. It publishes a monthly Directory of Certificates and Licence Holders, which is available from Agrément SA, PO Box 395, Pretoria, 0001 [Tel. (012) 841-3708, Fax (012) 841-2539]. Detailed information about approved materials and systems can be obtained by purchasing the actual certificates which contains technical details. Sundry sources of information Institutes and Associations such as the Cement and Concrete Institute, the Clay Brick ivianufacturers' Association, the Concrete Masonry Association, South African Lumber Millers Association (SALMA), etc. often publish manuals which provide guidelines for proper practice in the use of members' products and systems. Professional membership bodies also produce practice notes and manuals for use by their members, and professional firms all have examples of specifications drawn up for previous contracts. Specification for maintenance work Whereas specifications for building work normally serve as supplement to the drawings, and describe a finished product, or end result, specifications for maintenance work will often not be accompanied by drawings, and will rather describe periodic or ongoing activities required to keep a building or building component in good shape, or a service installation in working order. 11.5.2 Nieasurement of building quantities What is measuremeni of building quantities? The drawings and specifications for a particular project show the finished product or completed building. In order to estimate the cost and then price the work, order the correct amount of materials and allocate resources such as labour, plant, etc., to the project, the quantities of materials and labour involved need to be "measured" or "taken off the drawings and set out in a format which allows the abovementioned processes to take place in a systematic way, as in the example below: ELEVATION 1:50 3000 3 280 PLAN 1:50 7 Figure 11.1 Screen wall 220 500 1 870 • SECTION1:50 SCREEN WALL NGL Measurement of quantities for this screen wall (1) Excavate for foundation (surface) trenches – 3,28 m (3 000 mm +140 mm + 140 mm) x 0,50 m x 0,37 m (200 mm + 170 mm) = 0,61 m3 (2) Unreinforced concrete (1:4:5) in wall footings – 3,28 m x 0,50 m x0,20 m = 0,33 m3 (3) One-brick wall laid in stretcher bond in 1:5 cement mortar –3,00 mx 2,04 m (1 870 mm + 170 mm) = 6,12 m2 Summary - measured quantities (1) Excavate for foundation (surface) trenches:0,61 m3 (2) Unreinforced concrete (1:4:5) in wall footings:0,33 m3 (3) One-brick wall laid in stretcher bond in 1:5 cement mortar: 6,12 m2 From the above quantities for measured items we can now calculate the component amounts of material and labour required for each item and use those as a basis for pricing, ordering and resource allocation for the construction of the wall. Principles and meinods of measurement The key to accurate and easy measuring is to have a systematic set of principles/rules and consistently work to it. Some of these are listed below: Checking of drawings, etc. Ensure that all drawings as listed on the list of drawings have been received and are the latest revisions. Stamp each drawing with the date of receipt and what the purpose of the drawing is, e. g. "Estimating”, “Bills of Quantities”, etc. Study the drawings carefully to acquaint yourself thoroughly with the job. Check for obvious errors and omissions and check that dimensions add up. Check for discrepancies between drawings and specifications. Notify the architect/engineer of errors so that the drawings can be amended as necessary. Add up and fill in overall dimensions where it has not been done. Prepare a query sheet as follows: Query 1. External face-brick typespecified 2. Size of opening in westwall of kitchen 3. ... etc. Answer Rosema Antique Autumn 1 200 mm x 1 500 mm Supplied by J Smith (Architect) J Smith (Architect) Date 16/05/97 21/05/97 Mark up drawings with corrections/answers to queries as supplied by architect/engineer and after measurement return together with a copy of the query sheet to the architect/engineer for updating. Preparation for measurementNumber and provide identification for dimension sheets ("dim" sheets). Prepare a cover sheet for the measurements, with all information pertaining to the job. Compile a measurement framework, i. e. list the elements to be measured and allocate responsibility (if more than one person is to measure on the job). Example: (a) Foundations and surface beds (b) Superstructure (walls, etc.) (c) RoofsExternal finishes (walls) (e) Internal finishes (walls) (f) Floor finishes (9) Ceilings and finishes (h) Doors and adjustments (i) Windows and adjustments (i) Plumbing and drainage (k) ... etc. Mr ABC Mr DEF Mr GHI Mr DEF Mr DEF Mr ABC Mr GHI Mr JLM Mr JLM Mr JLIN Prepare schedules or tables in which similar work can be grouped together to avoid duplication of effort. Do "collects" of dimensions which are common to several items in order to avoid unnecessarily long calculation or repetition of calculations. >>> Principles of measurement >>> Use headings and sub-headings to provide a clear picture of the measurements. Measure in a logical sequence of items related to for instance the order of elements. Measure gross at first and deduct later for openings, etc. Use preambles to avoid repetition of long descriptions. Write notes to: explain the measurements. assist anyone who has to work with the dimensions at a later stage, e. g. Final Account stage. ensure that items which cannot be measured at time of measuring due to lack of information are not left out at the end (“To take" notes). Make sure all dimensions are properly referenced in relation to location of items on the drawings. Use abbreviations such as “e. o. o. b." ("extra over ordinary brickwork"). Use "a. b." ("as before") where items are repeated later, and "ditto" where similar items follow each other, but beware the incorrect use of these terms. Where the same dimensions are applicable to a group of items, write the dims only once and separate the items with "&" ("and"). Where dims have to be calculated, show calculations in the margins. Where quantities cannot be determined accurately at measuring stage, mark them "PROVISIONAL" for accurate remeasurement later (e. g. foundations where the final depth can only be determined on site). Provide provisional sums or prime-cost items (PC-items) for work which cannot be measured or has not been specified respectively at the time of measurement. Dimensions are always written down in the same order, i. e.: (a) Horizontal at right angles to the line of sight. (5) Horizontal parallel to the line of sight. (c) Vertical. 1 000 2000 2,00 x 1,00 x 0,90 Figure 11.2 Order of writing down dimensions Note: Using figured dimensions (dimensions written down on thedrawings) is always preferred to scaling of dimensions with a scale rule. INB Further processing of measuremenis if measurements are to form part of bills of quantities, in order to be really useful, the raw measurements as taken off the drawings need to be further processed. This usually includes the following processes:"Squaring” of dims (working up of calculations). “Abstracting" of dims (adding together in one item of each kind the dims from all identical items dispersed through the measurements, and arranging the items into the final correct sequence or order). "Billing” of items (final editing and writing up of full descriptions in formalform for typing of bills of quantities. Note: Quantities are given in the unit of measurement (m3, m2, m, no., t, etc.)which best fits the nature of the item and allows material and labour (NB components to be calculated from it with ease and accuracy. (All processes are checked and corrected and never Isy the same person wilo carried out the process.) Corrections are done by deleting original dims in a way which still leaves them legible and writing the new dims above or next to them. Different methods for measuring building work used in South AfricaAccurate and detailed quantities measured for inclusion in bills of quantities, in accordance with the Standard System of Measuring Building Work, sixth edition (1991) issued by the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors in consultation with the Building Industries Federation South Africa (BIFSA). BUILDING PRACTICE VOLUME 2 This method is used to provide a fair and common basis for obtaining competitive tenders from contractors when a building project is intended. Accurate, but less detailed and more inclusive quantities measured for inclusion in bills of quantities in accordance with the Standard System of Measuring Building Work for Small or Simple Buildings, first edition (1991) issued by the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors in consultation with the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and the Building Industries Federation South Africa (BIFSA). This method is used as above, but for small or simple buildings such as low-cost housing, etc. Accurate and detailed quantities measured for inclusion in schedules of quantities in accordance with Civil Engineering Quantities (1990), issued by the South African Institution of Civil Engineers. This method is used as above, but for civil engineering contracts. Inclusive quantities as measured off sketch plans or final drawings, for purposes of: estimating (client or QS) cost planning and budgeting (client or QS) tendering (contractors) where no bills of quantities are available such as on Lump sum Contracts. Inclusive quantities can take the form of: so-called "builder's quantities” or “rough quantities” (measured as for bills of quantities but with more inclusive, built-up items and less detail). elemental analysis (one item for each component or element of a building). Example: "Strip foundations for external walls102 m @ R36,30/m Build up of rate/m: Excavations: 0,6 x 0,5 @ R25/m3 R 7,50/m Concrete: 0,6 x 0,2 @ R240/m3 R28,80/mTotal rate R36,30/m = R3 702,60" Lists of labour and materials prepared from anyone of (i) to (iv) above, or from measurements specifically taken off for the purpose. Labour or material components are given in the unit, and to the sizes, lengths, etc. in which they are commonly supplied on the market. Although there is largely correlation with the way quantities are given in other formats such as bills of quantities, there are significant differences. Example: A Bills of quantities item for timber in trusses (quantity made upas follows: 3,6 m - 2/2,7 m = 9,0 m): “A1 38 x 114 mm Sawn South Africanpine grade V4 timber in trusses in lengths exceeding 2,4 m and not exceeding 3,9 m List of materials jiems for the same: "B1 38 x 114 mm Sawn South African pinegrade V4, 2,7 m long "B2 Ditto, 3,6 m long Lists of materials are compiled for: estimating (pricing) purposes ordering purposes m 9" no. 2" no. 1” Provisions must always be made for breakage and waste, as well as lapping as specified. Wisasuring for maintenance work, repairs, refurbishmeni, alierationis and additions Anyone of the above methods can be used, depending on the information available and degree of accuracy required. It is very important though, to measure in such a way that the contractor is given discretion to decide for himself the extent of risk, "overbreak” and waste, etc., in order to price as competitively as he or she wishes to. This means the more inclusive methods of measurement are probably better suited to this kind of work. It stands to reason that a lot of measurement for the above types of work will be done directly on site, rather than off the drawings. BUILDING PRACTICE VOLUME 2 11.5.3 Estimating and pricing by contractors for tenderingpurposes Brief explanation of basic conceptsDifference between pricing (= estimating) and costing (= recording of historical fact): Pricing is basis of contract for payments, adjustments and financial control. Costing is recording actual costs paid and checking them against the tender "allowables", basis for claims (if any), financial control, and information for correction of estimating for future tenders. Once submitieci, is the tender price fixed for the duration? Depends on type and conditions of contract, changing circumstances, contractor's acumen, client/professional team. Elements of a price: Direct on-site costs (labour, material, etc.) Indirect on-site or site overhead costs (Preliminaries = temporary works and services, insurances, supervision, certain plant, etc.) ESTIMATED COST General ("head-office") overheads (rent, salaries, water and lights, financecharges) + Profit = Selling price (tender) (Optional: intangibles, e. g. risk of waste, loss, damage, etc. – manage/ price/insure?) Some aspects of the process Quantify the work for pricing: Familiarise yourself with documents, site, general environment. Decide on appropriate method for quantifying/measuring (accurate or inclusive quantities). Prepare for measuring. Develop and practise systematic routines to ensure speed, accuracy, consistency and legibility. (Remember measuring is the one part of the process that doesn't usually get checked.) Steps in processing quantities: Write down dimensions in easy format. Arithmetic: multiply and add up ("squaring and checking). Abstracting (sorting of items and collation of quantities). Billing (writing up in final form). Breakdown each item of work into its constituent elements and build up rates/prices: labour materials plant 1 Evaluate and decide: Use labour constants, mix tables, wage tables individual resource rates, clusters, programming and resource-allocation. plant : hire or buy labour : own labour, subcontractors, labour-intensive or plantintensive approach materials: bulk or convenience buying, central yard or direct delivery. Waste factors: breakage in transit and short delivery on-site waste: breakage and loss during movement, mixing and installation loss through theft and pilfering (part of risk managementcannot really price in typical competitive environment - manage/ insure) overlapping (side and end-lapping). Other risks/intangibles: Inflation/escalation "Cash-flow" type costs/discounts (interest, trade, cash and settlement discounts) Negotiables Some examples of detailed cost estimating for tendering purposes are given on the following pages: EXAMPLES OF DETAILED ESTIMATING OF COSTS FOR TENDERING PURPOSES ESTIMATING COST OF LABOUR 1. General worker (wage band R6,00 +) Basic wage Contributions by employer (bonus, holiday fund, medical, etc.) Other contributions by employer: 1. BITS (Building Industry TrainingScheme) 2. Accident insurance 3. Unemployment insurance (UIF) TOTAL CCST TO EMPLOYER 2. Tradesman (wage band R15,00 +) Basic wage Contributions by employer Other contributions by employer: 1. BITS (Building Industry TrainingScheme) 2. Accident insurance 3. Unemployment insurance TOTAL COST TO EMPLOYER 1,50% = R0,11 2,75% R0,21 1,00% R0.07 1,50% = 2,75% 1,00% = R0,28 R0,51 R0,19 R 6,00/hour R 1.47/hour R 7,47/hour R 0.39/hour R 7,86/hour R15,00/hour R 3,58/hour R18,58/hour R 0.98/hour R19,56/hour Multiplying the above rates by labour constants (the average time it takes a worker to carry out a certain task) gives the estimated labour cost for a given activity. Labour constants are obtained through a process called work study (observation and recording of rates of output over a period of time and under varying conditions). Example: It takes one labourer 1,31 hours to excavate 1 m3 of soil. Using the rate of R7,86/hour in the calculation above, the estimated labour cost of this item amounts to R10,30/m3 (1,31 hours @ R7,86/hour). ESTIMATING COST OF PLANT 1. 250 litre petrol-driven concrete mixer (hire rate = + R85,00/day): 1.1 Information: 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.1.9 Purchase price Scrap value Interest rate for financing Anticipated working life Operating factor Production weeks Depreciation method Fuel consumption Lubricating oils, etc. 1.1.10 Repair & maintenance 1.1.11 Insurance R10 000,00 R2 000,00 20% p. a. 11 520 hours 6 hours/day 48 x 5 days/yearstraight-line 2.5 litre/hour 20% of fuel cost 10% of purchase price p. a. RO, 10/R10,00 p. a. 1.1.12 Life in years: (11 520 - 6= 1 920 days : 5 = 384 weeks - 48 = 8 years)8 years 1.1.13 Yield and work rate250 litre: 12 x per hour 1.2 Annual cost: 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 Depreciation: R10 000 - R2 000 = 8 Interest: 20% x R10 000 x 0,5 Repair and maintenance: 10% x R10 000 Insurance: R0,10 x R10 000 = R10 x 0,5 Licence fees per hour = (11 520 + 8) ==1 440 hours 1,3 Hourly cost: 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 Fuel: 2,5 litre @ R2,20 Lubricants: 20% Operator: 8+6 X R7,86 PER T:3: = 3! ncur (12 x 250 litre) R 5,50 R 1,10 R10,48 R1 000,00 R1 000,00 R1 000,00 50,00 R 50,00 R3 100,00 R2,15/hour R17,08/hour R19,23/hour = 16,41/m3 ESTIMATING COST OF BILL ITEMS 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2. 2.: 1 m3 trench excavation (by hand): Trenches to 2 m: Excavate and throw out (sand) Cart 50 m with wheelbarrow: 40% x 1,37 hours Fill trenches: 60% X 1,31 hours Spread and compact: 60% x 0,65 hours Worker: @ R5,02/nour (R4,00 - R4,99 wage band) 1 m3 4:4:5 concrete in footings (mixed with mixer): Material: 2.1.1 River sand: 4/10 * 1,5 = 0,6 m3 @ R65,00/m3 R 39,00 2.1.2 19 mm Stone: 5/10 * 1,5 = 0,75 m3 @ R85,00/m3 R 63,75 2.1.3 Cement: 1/10* 1,5 - 0,033 = 4,54 sk @ R18,00 R 81.82 2.2 Mixer: 2.2.1 Per m3 (see calculation elsewhere) 2.3 Labour: 2.3.1 Carting on materials:4 workers @ R5,02/hour - 3 m3/hour 2.3.2 Carting away concrete:4 workers @ R5,02/hour - 3 m3/hour 2.3.3 Placing, levelling and tamping:3 workers @ R7,86/hour - 3 m3/hour + 5% WASTE TOTAL 3. Cne-brick wall in 1:6 cemeni mortar (i m2): 33 viaterial: 3.1.1 Stock bricks: 110/4000 @ R360/1 000 3.1.2 Mortar: x 0,062 = 0,062 m3 - Building sand: 6/7 * 0,062 x 1,5= 0,08 m3 @ R45,00/m3 Cement: 1/7 * 0,062 x 1,5 =0,033= 0,4 sk @ R18,00 = = 3.2vixer (for mortar): 3.2.1 R6,42/m3 x 0,062 3.3 Labour: 3.3.1 Bricklayer: 110 bricks/hour= 1 m2/hour @ R19,56/hour 3.3.2 Assistant: 1 worker @ R5,02/hour Plus: 5% WasteTOTAL R R R R R R 6,69 R 6,69 R 7.86 39,60 3,59 7.25 19,56 5.02 1,31 hours 0,55 hours 0,79 hours 0.39 hours 3,04 hours = R15,26/m3 R184,57 R 6,42 R 21.24 R212,23/m3 R 10,61 R222,84/m3 per m2 R 0.44 R 0,40 R 24,58 R 75,42/m2 R.3,77 R 79,19/m2 Example of tender finalisation summary used by contractors Contract: Client: Architect: Type of contract: Bill of quantities or measured: Insurance: Retention: Quantity Surveyor: (a) ALL RISK (6) PUBLIC LIABILITY: (C) SPECIAL Retention fund details: Guarantees; Release of guarantees: Payment for material on site: Terms of payment: Penalties: Escalation: Closing date of tender: Tender validity: Time for completion: Builder's work Subcontractors Provisional sums SUBTOTAL P&G (.......... %) Escalation Financing/Contingencies NETT TENDER TOTALS TENDER PREPARED BY: Wett Price Financed by: Financed by: Financed by: Maximum retention: % TOTAL BUILDING AREA: Mark-up PLUS: 14% VAT TOTAL CARRIED TO TENDER FORM Marked-upPrice TENDER FINALISED BY: Rate/m2 11.6 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION Contract administration involves the whole project team under leadership of the main agent (architect, engineer or project manager) and usually includes the following aspects: Site handover and pointing out boundary pegs, datum bench marks, etc. Regular site and other project meetings. Supervision (monitoring quality, time, etc.). Issuing and updating of drawings, specifications, instructions, etc. Financial administration (progress payments to contractor(s), pricing of variations, cost control and cost reporting, cash-flow monitoring, settling of final accounts). Final inspections and handover procedures (taking occupation). Some areas of contract administration which often present problems, or are not well understood, are: Delays and extension of time Retentions/performance guarantees Breach of contract/non-performance Insolvency Payment for materials on and off site Ownership of materials paid for Practical completion/beneficial occupation Patent/latent defects Contractors' claims How to deal with provisional sums, prime cost (PC) items, amount for contingencies, etc. Practitioners should acquaint themselves well with the legal and technical aspects of dealing with the above. 11.7 RESEARCH, STANDARDS AND TECHNICALEVALUATION OF BUILDING MATERIALS AND METHODS (SABS, CSIR, AGRÉMENT, NHBRC) 11.7.1 The South African Bureau of Standardis (SABS) The SABS is a statutory national standards body set up in 1945 and currently governed by parliamentary law, namely the Standards Act 29 of 1993. Its primary responsibility is the development and publication of standards for products and services. A simplified definition of a standard, as provided by the SABS itself is “... a documented agreement containing technical specifications or other criteria to be used consistently as rules, guidelines or definitions of characteristics to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for purpose." The mission of the SABŞ is to contribute, by promoting quality and standardisation, towards strengthening the economy of South Africa and enhancing the quality of life of all its people. With regard to building and construction, this includes ensuring the provision of appropriate quality of materials together with good workmanship at an affordable price. Specifically it can assist in achieving the above through: The Code of Practice for the application of the National Building Regulations: SABS 0400 - 1990 The code assists designers, builders, local authority building control officers, clerks of works, etc. in the interpretation and practical application of the National Building Regulations by providing prescriptive provisions to follow towards satisfaction of the requirements of the regulations. Building system appraisa! The SABS assists in the technical evaluation of innovative building systems and methods carried out by Agrément SA (see section 11.7.3 below). Building ivaterial Specifications It is recommended that except in specific instances where requirements may be specifically for higher (or lower) standards than the relevant SABS standard, all building materials specified carry the SABS Quality Mark. Thousands of products already carry this mark under administration of the SABS. Building Materials Tesis and Services If a supplier or manufacturer has not yet obtained a SABS Mark for its product, the SABS can assist with quality control, training to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) on interpretation of specifications and on how to manufacture in accordance with specifications. Building Quality Monitoring Quality assurance principles are contained in SABS ISO 9000. The SABS can also through an appropriate inspection plan, assist any builder, owner or stakeholder in adhering to these principles. D 11.7.2 The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) -Building Technology Division (BOUTEK) The CSIR was created by the government after World War II to provide research support for South Africa's primary and secondary industries. It was set up as a statutory body in 1945 in terms of the Scientific Research Council Act. In 1946 the National Building Research Institute (NBRI) came into being as one of the CSIR's 27 institutes. During its existence (1946-1988) it carried out extensive research on all aspects of building, published many information sheets and booklets, organised conferences and assisted both the private and public sectors in solving building problems and promoting innovation and development in the industry. During 1988 the CSIR, in keeping with the changing demands of the times, restructured extensively. The 27 former institutes were rationalised into 12 new divisions, one of which replaced the NBRI as the new Division of Building Technology or BOUTEK. 11.7.3 The Agrément system for technical evaluation of buildingmaterials and methods in South Africa Agrément is a French word meaning permission or approval. The population boom and intensive economic reconstruction of Europe after World War II placed heavy demands for new buildings on the construction industry. Conventional or traditional building methods, heavily dependent on individual skilled artisans and manual labour, were unable to cope, and soon all kinds of innovative (mostly industrialised) building systems started evolving. The idea of an official and standard procedure for the approval of such innovative building methods originated in France around 1947, probably in response to the so-called "Code Napoleon”, laws which placed statutory liability on designers and builders for the efficient and safe performance of buildings for at least ten years, and for which insurance cover had to be provided. Agrément approval as then applied by the French National Building Research Institute assisted designers, builders, the public regulatory authorities, and the insurance industry in the evaluation of new methods and insurance risks attached thereto. From about 1960, under French initiative, this performance-based approach to evaluation and specification of new building practice underwent internationalisation. Today all of the countries in the developed world have similar systems. The Agrément Board of South Africa was established in 1969 uncier the auspices of the CSIR. Agrément approval is meant for new building methods, etc. which are not adequately covered by existing building regulations and standards. The purpose is to confer "deemed-to-satisfy' status on such methods in order to assist designers and specifiers, developers and contractors, local authority building control officers, finance institutions, government user departments and implementing agencies such as works departments, etc. in their evaluation and approval thereof. MANTAG (Minimum Agrément Norms and Technical Advisory Guide) approval is a second tier certification which grew out of the need for affordable housing materials and methods, and is meant only for products used in simple singlestorey buildings with or without waterborne sanitation systems. 11.7.4 The National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) The NHBRC is a non-government, non-profit section 21 company set up with government funds, and soon to be governed in terms of the proposed NHBRC Bill. Its aims are to ensure quality and good building practice, and to protect consumers and financial institutions providing credit in the home building industry through compulsory registration of home builders and developers, and the administration of a national, statutory Defects Warranty Scheme and Fund. Although the focus of its functions is home building, using contractors registered with the Council for other work may provide some peace of mind to owners, clerks of works and professionals. The Council has also published Standards and Guidelines for housing construction which may be useful for specification purposes on other types of construction as well. 11.8 BUILDING REGULATIONS 11.8.1 The National Building Regulations In 1947 the newly established SABS proposed the formulation of uniform building regulations to replace the various sets of local building regulations and municipal by-laws applied by towns and cities in South Afric Between that time and the 1970s two attempts at this, the so-called "Model Building Regulations” (completed 1964) and the "Standard Building Regulations" (gazetted in 1970), both of which allowed for voluntary adoption, failed to find wide acceptance among local authorities and officials. In 1973 the Bureau (SABS) proposed that a whole new set of National Building Regulations (NBR) be drawn up which would be less voluminous and prescriptive than the previous attempts, but still allowing for voluntary adoption. BUILDING PRACTICE VOLUME 2 A policy change occurred with the promulgation of the National Building Regulations and Standards Act 103 of 1977, which made provision for compulsory introduction of National Building Regulations to override and supersede all existing municipal building regulations and by-laws. By February 1981 the first draft of the new National Building Regulations was gazetted for comment, and after much redrafting and editing finally promulgated in Government Gazette no. 9613 of 1 March 1985 for enforcement as from 1 September 1985. This event presented a clear break with past practice in two important areas: It standardised building regulations across the country, and made its application compulsory for all local authorities. It replaced the prescriptive regulations used previously with functional or performance-based regulations which allow for far greater flexibility, innovation and competitiveness among designers, contractors, developers and manufacturers of building materials, components and systems. 11.8.2 Application of the National Building Regulations The National Building Regulations (NBR) do not set out specific descriptive prescriptions on how to build. This makes it difficult for users such as designers, local authority building control officers, clerks of works, etc. to interpret the regulations correctly, and to know what kind of construction will satisfy the requirement of the regulations. To assist with this the SABS has prepared a South African Standard Code of Practice for the application of the National Building Regulations SABS 0400 - 1990. The code sets out prescriptive provisions which, when followed by designers, etc. will lead to buildings that will be deemed to satisfy the regulations. Each part of the code is divided into 3 clearly identifiable sections, namely: The regulations The deemed-to-satisfy rules Illustrations and commentary for amplification where included. The difference between prescriptive and functional requirements can be illustrated by the following examples: Prescriptive regulation: “Any external wall of a building shall have a minimumthickness of 230 mm and shall be constructed of well-burnt clay brick, built in English bond and bedded in 1:5 cement mortar." Functional regulation: "Any external wall of a building shall be capable ofsafely sustaining and transmitting to the foundation all the loads to which it is likely to be subjected and shall provide adequate resistance to rain penetration." It is clear that the latter type allows for far greater freedom in design and choice of innovative methods. It is also clear though, that a high degree of technical knowledge, and some time-consuming calculations are necessary to produce a design that will satisfy the requirement. To make life easier (and safer) for the user of the regulations, the code offers guidelines such as minimum thicknesses for walls built from different materials, brick strengths, maximum lengths and heights of walls in particular applications, empirical foundation sizes, etc. It is important to note that the code only addresses the technical intent of the regulations, and not any legal, aesthetic, economic or other aspects of building. Local authorities could for instance insist on certain materials for the exterior of a building on aesthetic, environmental or market grounds, and refuse to permit another material, even where it is acceptable in terms of the regulations. It is also important to note that the regulations and the Act should be read together. The Act and the regulations now apply to all areas in the country under Local Authority jurisdiction. Local authorities and their building control officers are permitted to allow deviations from the NBR, and where an existing local bylaw is not covered by the NBR, it will remain in force. Town-planning requirements are not replaced by the NBR, and where such a requirement is more restrictive than the NBR, it remains in force. Title restrictions on older title deeds are not superseded by the NBR, but appeal can be made to the Minister in terms of the Act to enforce the NBR where title conditions are based on outdated information. Innovative building methods not covered by the NBR, will usually be acceptable to local authorities if based on “Rational design", or accompanied by an Agrément or MANTAG certificate. 11.9 GENERAL STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS AND THEROLE OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES IN BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 11.9.1 General statutory requirements impacting on landdevelopment and building work >> Very broadly speaking, land development and building work are governed by a planning and regulatory framework which operates at all three levels of government, namely national, provincial and local government. >> On the one hand are the various land, physical planning, development control and environmental protection acts, regulations and measures - on the other the National Building Regulations and standards legislation and enforcement bodies. On the planning side, control is exerted over: the general spatial structure of development (through, e. g. physical planning act, structure plans, town planning schemes, etc.) land use (through zoning, etc.) subdivision, consolidation and transfer of land (through acts and land survey and registration systems) the type and nature of development (through zoning and development control measures such as building lines, height and coverage restrictions, etc.). On the construction side good practice is enforced through standards, building regulations, legislation concerning safety, fair employment practices, training levies, and statutory registration of building professionals, etc. Building regulations have been promulgated nationally, but are applied locally in each area. The steps in the process and the statutory requirements for each step could be broadly summarised as in table 11.1. Table 11.1 Steps in the process and general statutoryrequirements of land development and building work Step in the process Acquiring the land. Obtaining permission to develop on the land. Planning of development layout, etc. and servicing the land ready for construction of top-structures. Planning and design of the top-structures (buildings) Construction phase Occupation and use General statutory requirement(s) * Registration of transfer of title (ownership)at deeds registrar. * Permission to rezone (change land use) if)applicable. * Permission to subdivide into smallerparcels of land if applicable. * Survey and registration of new parcels ofland. * Approval of layout, design of services, etc. * Complying with conditions ofestablishment, opening of township register, etc. * Rezoning, consent-use approval, etc. incase of existing urban land. National Building Regulations define design parameters to ensure publichealth and safety. * Approval of building plans and permissionto build in terms of town planning scheme, development control measures such as building lines, coverage, height restrictions, etc. * Statutory registration of buildingprofessionals. • Compliance with building regulations, approved plans and municipal by-laws. * Legislation governing safety on site, labour practices, etc. un Certificate of occupation (completion tolocal authority's satisfaction) Trading licence where applicable. * Maintenance of fire equipment, lifts, etc. in terms of NBR and safety legislation. Payment for services and of rates and taxes, etc. 11.9.2 The role of local authorities A local authority usually consists of two parts, namely: The representative (elected) political side or "council". The appointed professional/technical side usually consisting of a number of"departments". The council is headed by the Mayor, has an executive committee, and their function is to set policies and approve budgets that will address the development and other needs of their constituencies. The service departments have heads of department, headed by a town clerk or chief executive officer, and constitutes the bureaucracy at local level. Their functions traditionally included, among others: implementing the policies set by the elected councils; preparing resolutions, budgets and capital project proposals for approval by the council; physical provision and maintenance of services, amenities and facilities such as electricity, water, sanitation, refuse removal, stormwater disposal, roads and streets, parks, libraries, clinics, etc.; emergency services such as traffic policing, ambulances, fire-fighting, etc.; preparing property valuation rolls and collecting payments for services, rates and taxes, etc.; town planning and building control; andtrading licences and compliance with health and safety requirements, etc. After decades of a dual system of local government for "White" and "Black" South Africa respectively, the Local Government Transition Act of 1993 allows for the transition to democratic, integrated and unified local government in three phases, viz., Phase 1 (Pre-interim phase) - negotiations to prepare for and leading up to the installation of transitional local government (completed). Phase 2 (Interim phase) – following the local government elections of November 1995 which democratically legitimised the system of transitional local government, a period of 3-5 years will be allowed for full transition to political and functional integration. Phase 3 (Final phase) - consolidation of the new system. The 1998 White Paper on Local Government defines the more developmental role local authorities will take on after the elections planned for 1999, and forms the basis for the Municipal Structures Bill of 1998. The Bill, when it becomes legislation in 1999, will regulate the structure and functions of local government at all levels. The current system of local government is depicted in the diagram below: TRANSITIONAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE Rural areasTransitionalDistrict Council (TDC) Transitional RepresentativelCouncils (Trepcs) TransitionalRural Councils (TRCs) Urban areas TransitionalLocal Councils(TLC) Metropolitan areasTransitional MetropolitanCouncil (TMC) Transitional Metropolitan Substructures(TMSS) Figure 11.3 Transitional local government structure SECONDARY STRUCTURES PRIMARY STRUCTURES With regard to land development and building work specifically the role of local authorities can be summed up as follows: Determining Land Development Objectives (LDOs) through a process of consultative Integrated Development Planning (IDP). Using the LDOs to determine the shape of physical or spatial planning of their area of jurisdiction in the form of structure plans or similar plans, and to plan and budget for capital projects. Structure plans are guide plans which broadly suggest the spatial distribution of land uses, provision of bulk infrastructure and transportation networks within the area of jurisdiction of a local authority. Giving more formal expression to the guidelines in structure plans, by drawing up and applying town planning schemes which contain development control measures such as land-use zoning, minimum erf sizes, building densities, building lines, coverage, bulk and height restrictions, etc. Enforcing the above through plan approval and inspection, and approval of applications for rezoning, consent-use, building line relaxations, subdivision and consolidation of erven, etc. Ensuring the health and safety of building occupants and the public by enſorcing the National Building Regulations through the appointment of building control officers, plan approval, and inspection. 11.10 THE ROLE OF THE CLERK OF WORKS AND THERESIDENT ENGINEER 11.10.1 The cierk of works (COW) Building contracts usually provide for the right of the employer to appoint a resident clerk of works at his/her own expense. The clerk of works is a direct assistance to, and functions with some delegated authority from the architect in terms of: day-to-day management of the job setting standards for and monitoring compliance by the contractor with such standards, and generally monitoring quality of the work ensuring compliance by the contractor with the drawings, specifications and instructionsco-ordination of various elements of site supervision. The COW has no legal responsibility with regard to the contract, but enjoys a position of considerable trust, and some authority. The COW is not authorised to issue direct instructions to the contractor. She/he may issue directions, which become instructions only when confirmed as such by the architect. The role of the COW should be clearly explained to the contractor at the commencement of the contract. It is essential that the COW establish a good working relationship with the contractor's site agent. "The role of the clerk of works is exclusively that of an inspector who is constantly on site for that part of the contract period in which his services are considered necessary and who is therefore in a position to see that the work is properly executed in accordance with normal construction practices and in accordance with the specifications. In practice the contractor is advised to take note of the opinion of the clerk of works regarding defective material and/or workmanship, either with or without the confirmation of the architect. If the contractor refuses to rectify the matter he may later have to make reparations at a far greater cost when the architect becomes aware of the matter. (NB) In special cases, for instance if the site is in a remote area, it could be advisable to give the clerk of works prescribed executive powers. If this is done all parties must be informed in writing. Because he is constantly on site he has the opportunity to view all work before it is covered and can, therefore, keep a record which will be required by the architect, quantity Surveyor and others. His reports will generally deal with variations, progress on site, the labourers employed, the weather, material delivered, information that is needed, in fact anything that may assist the architect in his administration of the project. Nevertheless the architect is not exempted from his responsibility by the activities of the clerk of works, as demonstrated in the old British case of the Leicestershire Council of Guardians vs. Trollope (1911). As a result of collusion between the contractor and the clerk of works the ground floor of a building was laid without damp proofing, which later caused wood rot. The architect was found guilty of negligence in spite of the unethical conduct of the clerk of works because he (the architect) had not ensured that this important work was carried out in accordance with his instructions and that he did not check with the clerk of works or did not give him specific instructions regarding the importance of the damp proofing” (Hauptfleisch & Siglé, 1997:47). The above could be expanded to list some specific duties of the COW as follows: Seeing to it that correct bench marks and setting out points are used for setting out, establishing levels, etc. Checking pavements, neighbouring properties, etc. for signs of damage prior to contract commencement. Seeing to it that trees which have to remain are protected, and valuables found on site handed over. Checking that safety measures are followed. Keeping complete site records (site diary). Reporting to the architect/employer on a regular basis. Checking and verifying daywork sheets. The COW checks hours worked and materials used on dayworks. She/he signs daywork sheets "subject to architect's approval thereof as dayworks”. Most contracts these days will not allow dayworks or require prior approval for work to be carried out on daywork anyway. Keeping as-built records of foundations and services installed and covered. Checking and recording progress and matters affecting progress. Keeping a query and answer book on site. Attending all site meetings. Checking on proper storage and protection of materials on site. Explaining/interpreting drawings, specifications, instructions, etc. to the contractor's staff on site. Ascertaining the position of existing services and making sure they are not damaged. The COW's functions can be briefly summarised as follows: To inspect in detail. To report concisely. To interpret clearly. To record completely. The COW's weekly report should include at least the following: Main contractor's daily workforce. subcontractors' daily workforce. Materials delivered. Plant on site and hours used. Assessment of labour/plant shortages if any. Causes for delay and assessment on progress. Daily weather record including time lost due to inclement weather. Drawings issued to contractor. Instructions to be confirmed by architect. Visitors to site. A good COW: has a thorough knowledge and understanding of drawings, specifications and contract conditions, knows the building regulations, and develops a sense (early warning) of problems developing on the job, notifies the architect in good time of his/her concerns, and works with the site agent to prevent these from becoming serious impediments to progress, quality, etc. A COW should not: give any direction whatever involving financial effect without prior specific instruction from the architect-in-charge. make any alteration to any basic detail of the contract particulars without prior approval of the architect-in-charge. approve the contractor carrying out any remedial measures that may involve any workmanship techniques not approved beforehand. give any directions to the contractor where aesthetic or structural considerations apply. sign the contractor's internal vouchers/requisitions, etc. where extra work isinvolved. It should also be noted that the COW does not normally "pass” foundations. This remains the responsibility of the architect or engineer. The COW does ensure after passing of the foundations, and prior to concreting, that the bottoms of excavations remain clean and dry, sides trimmed, reinforcement not disturbed, and that mixes, mixing, transport and placing of concrete are all done correctly. She/he also checks that curing is done, test cubes handled properly, and formwork/propping left in place for the required times, 11.10.2 The resident engineer On large, complex projects with high civils or structural content and usually where the prime agent is a consulting engineer, a resident engineer is often stationed on site for purposes of contract record-keeping and administration, more continuous observation of work in progress, and field checks of material and equipment. It can be said that the resident engineer's duties are similar to that of the clerk of works on building contracts. The resident engineer, as part of his duties, may also be sent as observer from time to time to the plants and workshops where materials and components are manufactured for use on the contract. Although the resident engineer's purpose is to reinforce supervision of the work, this does not relieve the contractor or his suppliers from their first-line responsibilities with regard to quality control, compliance with drawings and specifications, etc. 11.11 THE ROLE AND OPERATIONS OF THE BUILDINGCONTRACTOR 11.'11.1 Introduction Fifty years ago a contractor would undertake an entire project with only his own team. Today, the main contractor will probably carry out very little construction work exclusively with his own team. He will normally only carry out the following tasks in the usual building contract: excavations (except for large-scale excavations), concrete work (except for reinforced concrete work), brickwork, carpentry and joinery (except for custom-built cabinet fittings and shop fittings). It is unlikely that the main contractor will carry out more than 40% of the total value of the contract, based on ihe aforementioned tasks. Other important functions that the contractor fulfils are controlling, planning, organising and coordinating the project. 11.11.2 Planning and organisation Earlier this century the now well-known GANTT chart or bar chart was developed by Henry L Gantt as an aid to programming construction work. It is simple in regard to both theory and executability. It consists of a horizontal time and a vertical activity scale. The estimated duration of the start and completion times of each activity are drawn up and entered on the chart. in this way, it is possible to see a series of complicated activities at a glance. See figure 11.4. Days Foundations Erection of frame Cladding Brickwork Roof structure Partitions Glazing Roof finish 1 st fit Plaster work Exterior painting Interior finish Handing over Figure 11.4 Bar chart A serious defect in the Gantt chart is that all activities are shown independently, with the result that if one activity is delayed it is not immediately clear how later activities will be affected. To overcome this problem, the Critical Path Method (CPM) or scheduling was developed, which instead of showing activities as bars against a time scale, depicts them as mutually associated arrows in a network diagram. See figure 11.5. 33 1,33 Roof finish (b) ErectPartiamo o Foundations 18framework21 Brickwork? tionsIst fit (18) 18 (3) 21 (2) 32 (1) (2) 0 Roof structure(12) (2) (14) Buļppola 33 (8) Dotted arrow(0) Glazing 27. 23. 37 (4) (14) 41 Interior Handling67 41 Plastering 51. finish65. Over (10) 51 (14) -6567 7.41 Exterior painting!(33) (2) Latest event time Earliest event time Critical path Duration of activity (days) Total period (days) Figure 11.5 Critical-path network showing the same work asprogrammed in figure 11.4 The duration of each activity is shown (in brackets) underneath the arrow. A change in an activity is known as an event and there is an event at the start and finish of each arrow. A dummy activity has no value of its own and merely shows a connection between two events, i. e. the fact that glazing must be completed before the plastering, is depicted by a dummy arrow. The "earliest event time" is calculated by working forward and adding all the activities together. It is shown above the arrows at each event. If more than one arrow ends at an event, the highest value is always taken for the sake of clarity. For example, between partitions and first fit, the earliest event time is 31 days but the alternative route, via roof structure, takes 33 days and, thus, the earliest event time is always given as the highest value. The "latest event time” is found by working backwards and deducting the activity times from the final value (67), and this is shown under the arrows at each event. As in the case of the earliest event times, the highest value is always taken for clarity. The float is found by deducting the earliest event time from the latest event time and is given in square brackets under each arrow, e. g. the float in glazing is 41 days less 27 days = 14 days. This float represents the extra time that is available before an activity must be completed and provides the programmes with valuable information, as he can now see how much float time he has for certain activities and can so arrange them that every man has his instructions, his tools and his materials when he is ready to start a job. The critical path is the path (paths) of the arrows which connects the event times. It is thus the path which contains events without any available float. A delay in any of the activities will have a direct effect on the completion date. The importance of this to the programmer is self-evident. PERT (Programme Evaluation and Review Technique) is a more sophisticated form of CPM (Critical Path Method). For example, where CPM requires one estimate for each activity duration, PERT requires three time estimates: pessimistic, most likely and optimistic. In the calculations, the average of the three estimates is used to establish a duration for each activity. The PERT network serves all levels of control and can show the interrelationship between different contractors and their various subcontractors. 11.11.3 Quality control The contractor is legally responsible for the execution and completion of the work in accordance with the contract documents, to the reasonable satisfaction of the architect. Work of this quality will not be achieved without proper organisation by the contractor. The onus is on the contractor's site manager to ensure that the standard of the work, including that of subcontractors, whether appointed or not, meets the contract and reasonably satisfies the architect. The responsibility of the contractor is in no way reduced by the duty of the architect to carry out periodic supervision and inspections. 11.11.4 Financial control and cash flow Financial control is indispensable for good management. During a given period, e. g. a week or a month, tens or hundreds of tasks can be carried out. Cost control aims at showing the evaluation or performance against the standard for all these tasks, as well as its financial effect for the report period plus a total to date. 11.11.5 Estimation and preparation of tenders There must be a clear distinction between estimation on the one hand and costing on the other. An estimate can be described as a pre-assessment of the costs of a unit in a building, or an entire building, by the summation of the estimated unit costs. Costing, on the other hand, can be defined as the accumulation of the cost data during and after the erection of the project or building and its reformulation in monetary terms to establish whether the project is running at a profit and, if not, to make changes so that it is profitable. It also assists the estimator with data for future estimates. Tender Preparations Estimator prepares estimation Execution phase Collect information (Costs) Feedback of cost information Contract manager Foreman Costing clerk Figure 11.6 Flow of cost information on a building contract The final responsibility for the submission of the tender price rests with management. The price is based on the detailed estimates and calculations prepared by the estimates division. The tender must be drawn up in a manner that is clear and consistent, and which takes into account the construction methods and other circumstances which can have an effect on the execution of the work on the project. Estimators work closely with construction control and construction personnel and there is a free interchange of information and knowledge between them. The systematic contractor should calculate his own quantities when he tenders on a lump sum basis. Considering that normally he does not have the professional staff available to compile comprehensive bills of quantities, he usually draws up a builders' bill of quantity, which is a much more basic and simplified measurement document in respect of the work to be carried out in accordance with his interpretation of the drawings and specifications (if any). Two ways exist in which the contractor can determine his price, viz.: Net price determinacion This is a method of estimating whereby the items in a bill of quantities are priced without the addition of profit and overhead costs. The profit and overhead costs are added at the end. The reason for this method is the determination of expected profit. When a bill of quantities is submitted to a client or the quantity Surveyor after tender acceptance, all the prices must be converted to gross prices. Gross price determination This is a method of estimating where each item in a bill of quantities is weighted with a percentage for overhead costs and profit. 11.11.6 Contractor's pre-construction activities After he has signed the contract, or after receipt of an acceptance letter from the employer, the contractor must: allocate suitable labour to the contract; place orders with subcontractors and suppliers that confirm that they can adhere to the programme, and prepare and sign subcontracts for which instructions have been received; arrange the necessary equipment; arrange for insurance such as required by the contract and obtain confirmation that subcontractors have made their own arrangements for insurance; investigate the application of the safety and welfare regulations; establish the work performance which, subject to approval by the architect, will be sub-let; determine and approve the placing of signboards, as well as site huts, storage areas, etc. Determine service outlets and connections and make a decision regarding fencing and other security measures that are required; decide on the samples of materials and sample panels that are required; approve the dates upon which he must present his requests for payments to the quantity Surveyor, in relation to the first and following appraisements for interim payments; determine the dates upon which the nominated subcontractors will submit their requests for payments on account, in accordance with the first and subsequent evaluations for interim payments; agree with the quantity Surveyor regarding the award of payment of amounts included in the contract lists with regard to provisional and general items; establish the procedure for making available the wage and material lists to the quantity Surveyor for verification, as well as how to handle the fluctuation clauses, if any; agree on the procedure by which day work will be authorised, recorded, prices, as well as signed and included in the valuations for interim payments. 11.11.7 Project site meetings During the duration of the contract the contractor will be expected to attend regular progress meetings on site. Separate meetings to handle matters of a particular technical nature will be called when the contractor considers them necessary. Before the date of the meeting the contractor must establish that: the actual progress of the work is keeping pace with the agreed programmed progress of the work, as well as what actions are necessary to correct discrepancies; a systematic report of the work is kept; all contractual claims are submitted promptly and are priced according to the conditions of the contract; appointed subcontractors are proceeding according to the agreed programme and that adequate facilities are available to them; instructions in respect of variations are given or confirmed in writing; measurements are taken of the work whenever necessary, especially of work that will be concealed or subsequent work; day work statements are properly completed and priced before they are signed by the architect and presented to the quantity Surveyor. 11.11.8 Contractor's own site meetings The contractor will arrange site meeting which are attended by the subcontractors and his own personnel to: review the progress and the quality of the work by comparison with the contract documents, programme, etc., and to initiate investigation into work which is behind schedule or below standard and decide on remedial steps; review the programme and, if found necessary after discussions with the architect, initiate certain revisions with other consultants and subcontractors; obtain all urgent information that is requested from the architect and consultants regarding the contractor's and/or subcontractors' work; initiate an investigation into and consider how to overcome site problems and, if doubt exists, to refer them to the architect; consider the labour position, confirm and approve proposed delivery dates by suppliers and investigate the advance orders; consider the materials position, confirm and approved proposed delivery dates by suppliers and investigate the advance orders; consider the usage of equipment and make arrangements for its availability; supervise site organisation and site layout and check the working of safety and welfare regulations; check the arrangements for the recording and measurement of work in consultation with the quantity Surveyor; check if variations are recorded and that day work statements are presented, priced and confirmed; check the integration, progress and quality of the work of subcontractors and specialisi suppliers and to ensure that those who are expected to attend the next site meeting, or are required to make additional visits to the site, are advised accordingly; approve the dates of the next and subsequent site meetings. 11.11.9 Completion On completion of the contract the following takes place: When the contractor is satisfied that the building(s) is/are satisfactorily completed he will, together with the architect, carry out an inspection, during which a list will be prepared with an explanation of any contract work that has not been completed, or has been incorrectly executed or is unacceptable, so that the contractor can take the necessary steps. The contractor must, as soon as possible after the issue of the certificate of practical completion, provide the quantity Surveyor with the final particulars of all variations, remaining day statements and appointed subcontractors' and suppliers' invoices. This will facilitate the preparation of the final account on the date stipulated in the contract. The contractor must arrange to supply the architect with information about guarantees offered by subcontractors and suppliers regarding their services and material. When the quantity Surveyor has prepared the final account and issued his final statement, the architect must inform the owner of the building of the amount of the final account. After all faults have been corrected and the architect is satisfied, he must certify that these defects have been corrected and, in accordance with the conditions of the contract, release the balance of the retention money and issue his final certificate. 11.11.10 On-site process: Some aspects to consider Building site layout and activity planning No standard method – each site is different. Aim is to ensure optimum efficiency, economy and safety by looking at the implications of tidiness, accessibility and co-ordination. General guidelines: Draw up plan or map of site showing access, circulation of people, materials and machines, position of temporary facilities such as stores, offices, toilets, sleeping accommodation, etc., as well as the positions of permanent structures. Plan where to start with the work and the physical sequence of completion keeping in mind things such as disturbing occupants of completed phases and risk of damage to roads, services and buildings or parts of buildings already completed. Planning of access (remembering that social housing projects may often take place on densely built-up inner city areas and involve multi-storey buildings) should: ensure ease of delivery of materials and avoid multiple handling. consider probable size, mass and manoeuvrability of delivery trucks. ensure that heavy loads are not transported over pipelines, services, etc. provide, if possible, two gates in order to ensure one-way flow of traffic (this does however create a security problem). if possible make access and circulation routes as permanent and maintenance-free as possible by proper compaction, grading for drainage and even hard-surfacing (keep in mind the implications of damage to permanent roads, etc., by overloading beyond their designed carrying capacity). co-ordinate with traffic and other authorities with regard to temporary closing of streets, pavements, etc. and hoarding for the safety of passers-by. ensure that accommodation for staff provide safe and healthy living andworking conditions. Administrative facilities may include, as required, the following: Offices for supervisors and clerical staff (store clerks, etc.). Supervisor's offices should have an optimum balance between best possible views of the whole site and isolation from dust, noise, interruption, etc. Communication means: telephone, fax and on large sites maybe eventwo-way radios, etc. Plant and equipment must be allocated and placed for optimum utility and minimum wastage. This involves decisions such as central bulk concrete batching plants against smaller mobile mixers; cranes, hoists or conveyors for vertical movement of materials, etc. Temporary services such as water, power, telephones, toilets for staff, etc. Materials storage and handling: Multiple handling of materials wastes time and money, increases the risk of breakage and makes loss control very difficult. Storage method depends on: Durability of materials (level of protection required against elements). Protection required against damage, e. g. deformation of windows when stacked incorrectly. Protection required against loss and theft. Remember completed parts of buildings can be used for stores. Keep this in mind when programming the construction sequence. Factors to consider when placing stores, etc., and establishing a handling system: Optimum balance between ease of access for delivery and closeness to point of use. Proper control procedures for receipt and issue of materials, tools, etc. Security Flow diagram of stock movement to ensure enough materials on site at all times. Keep site tidy and remove rubble regularly. Gravity feeds where possible for bulk aggregates and rubbish removal chutes. Organise storage in store so that materials can be easily found and taken stock of. Materials and equipment delivered to site ReceptOffload of Site boundary Store Handle Handle Handle Combine materials, e. g. mix concrete Site pre-assembly at ground level Final location in structure Handle Handle Figure 11.7 Diagrammatic layout of materials handling on site Other general factors to consider when planning site layout and activities: Power and lighting for overtime work on tight programmes. Confined sites and densely built-up sites: You may have to change the layout once or more as the site gets covered with buildings. Bear this in mind in initial layout planning to minimise wastage and remember to budget for this. Phased completion and partial (“beneficial”) occupation may necessitate moving temporary site establishments unnecessarily if not properly planned. >>> Statutory prescriptions with regard to health and safety of workers and passers-by. Temporary storage and/or removal of excavated material, building rubble, etc. Space and facilities for on-site manufacturing, e. g. cutting, bending and assembly of reinforcing steel cages. Fire precautions (placing of flammable stores). Especially in the city: potential damage to adjoining properties due to removal of lateral support in deep excavations and demolitions. Regulations (local and other authorities) with regard to noise and dust pollution, demolitions, use of explosives and pneumatic tools, after hours work, etc. Accommodation of subcontractors. Co-ordination of multiple contractors on large sites. Implications of contracts following on previous contracts (e. g. where earthworks is done under separate contract before main contractor comes on site) QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EVALUATION 1. Draw up a detailed list of activities and steps involved in the procurement of a building contract from the stage where the client has briefed the architect right up to completion ready for occupation. Show clearly which steps need to be taken by the following parties respectively: (a) The employer (client) (b) The architect (c) The consulting engineers (d) The quantity Surveyor (e) The land surveyor (0) The local authority - building control section (g) The contractor 80 REFERENCES Basson, N. 1996. Passage to Progress: The CSIR's Journey of Change 1945 -1995. Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball.: City Council of Pretoria. 1997. Reference Guide for the Owner Builder. Bookletissued by the City Council of Pretoria and Adcor Marketing. Cooke, B. 1992. Contract Planning and Contractual Procedures. 3rd edition. Houndmills: MacMillan. Freeman, C. J. 1985. The National Building Regulations – An ExplanatoryHandbook. Cape Town: Juta. Greater London Council. 1983. Handbook for Clerks of Works. 3rd edition. London: The Architectural Press. Green, R. 1986. The Architect's Guide to running a Job. London: TheArchitectural Press. Hauptfleisch, A. C & Siglé, H. M. 1997. The Structure of the Building andProperty Industry in South Africa. University of Pretoria, Pretoria. Holden, R. (ed.) 1997. The SABS Building Standards for Housing 1997. Johannesburg: Malnor. Model Preambles Committee. 1995. Model Preambles for Trades. Associationof South African Quantity Surveyors, Halfway House. NHBRC. 1995. National Home Builders Registration Council's Standards andGuidelines. Randburg: NHBRC. Noy, E. A. 1990. Building Surveys and Reports. Oxford: BSP Professional Books. Rosenfeld, W. 1985. The Practical Specifier: A Manual of ConstructionDocumentation for Architects. New York: ivicGraw-Hill. SABS. 1990. SABS 0400 - 1990. South African Standard Code of Practice forthe Application of the National Building Regulations. The Council of the South African Bureau of Standards, Pretoria. SABS. 1995. The Strategic Importance of the South African Bureau of Standardsin the National Housing Programme. Pretoria: SABS. SABS. 1997, South African Standards and related Publications - SABSCatalogue 1997. Pretoria: SABS. Stanley, C. M. 1982. The Consulting Engineer. 2nd edition. New York: JohnWiley & Sons. The Aqua Group. 1990. Contract Administration for the Building Team.7th edition. Oxford: BSP Professional Books. The Aqua Group. 1990. Tenders and Contracts for Building. 2nd edition. Oxford: BSP Professional Books. Wegelin, H. W. 1994. Model Building Specification and Standards Guide forArchitects. 3rd edition. Pretoria: KWP Architects. NOTES CONTENTS LEARNING OBJECTIVES 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 8.3.5 8.3.6 8.4 8.5 8.6 INTRODUCTION DEFINING QUALITY QUALITY MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS Quality policy Quality objectives Quality assurance Quality control Quality audit Quality plan QUALITY IMPROVEMENT TOTAL PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT CONCLUSION QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EVALUATION REFERENCES 8 PAGE 64 64 66 66 66 66 67 67 67 67 67 69 75 76 76 BUILDING PRACTICE - VOLUME 2 LEARNING OBJECTIVES The objectives of this module are to introduce the student to quality management and how to apply it in practice to the erection and maintenance of buildings. After completion of this module the student should be able to: display a keen awareness of quality management and the necessity thereof in building work apply basic quality management principles during a building process 8.1 INTRODUCTION Over the last two decades the drive towards quality improvement has been nothing less than a revolution. The drive being essentially customer driven, who is demanding according to Kerzner (1995:1039): Higher performance requirements Faster product development Higher technology levelsMaterials and processes pushed to the limit Kerzner (1995:1040) compares the past and present views of quality as per table 8.1. Table 8.1 Changing view of quality Past Quality is the responsibility of blue-collar workers and direct labour employees working on the floor Quality defects would be hidden from the customers (and possibly management) Quality problems lead to blame, faulty justification, and excuses Corrections-to-quality problems should be accomplished with minimum documentation Increased quality will increase project costs Quality is internally focused Quality will not occur without close supervision of people Quality occurs during project execution Present Quality is everyone's responsibility including white-collar workers, the indirect labour force, and the overhead staff Defects should be highlighted and brought to the surface for corrective action Quality problems lead to co-operative solutions Documentation is essential for "lessons learned" so that mistakes are not repeated Improved quality saves money and increases business Quality is customer focused People want to produce quality products Quality occurs at project initiation and must be planned for within the project Quality is not to be reduced to a simple concept which relates to the end product being of a "high" or "low" quality only. Whilst the final evaluation of a product is obviously the end objective, it is of paramount importance that quality, more specifically, quality management, is understood as a process. A process with inputs, converted by management to outputs, the latter in present-day competitive markets aimed at retaining customers, win back lost customers and obtaining new ones. The message from the competitive market environment today is clear: "Do it right the first time”. This has to be achieved through prevention and process appraisal, and not by incurring internal failure whilst in production, or external failure in the hands of the customer. BUILDING PRACTICE (D VOLUME 2 8.2 DEFINING QUALITY Quality can be defined in many ways. The ISO 9000 definition is possibly the best description in this instance, the totality of feature and characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. Quality concepts, according to Kerzner (1995:1042-1043), developed from the 1950-60 period from “sorting of good from bad” to avoidance today, with underlying principles such as: The cost of quality Zero-defect programmes Reliability engineeringTotal quality control From the above the present emphasis is clearly on a process of "quality management” as a "strategic tool", which includes topics such as; quality is: Defined by the customer Linked with profitability both on the market and cost sides Has become a competitive weapon Is an integral part of the strategic planning processRequires an organisation-wide commitment Bank (1992:15) provides a simplified commercial definition of quality: Fully satisfying agreed customer requirements at the lowest internal cost. 8.3 QUALITY MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS Kerzner (1995:1051-1054) states that the following six quality management concepts should exist in order to ensure that quality management as a “strategic tool” is established in an enterprise: 8.3.1 Quality policy The format is a printed statement which states the enterprise's quality principles, promotes consistence, provides explanation to outsiders regarding quality, offers guidelines regarding quality and provides for regular updating. 8.3.2 Quality objectives Quality objectives are a written extension of the quality policy and ensure that the policy is attainable, it defines specific goals, is understandable and provides deadlines for achievement. 8.3.3 Quality assurance A quality assurance system will identify objectives and standards, be multifunctional and prevention orientated, plan for data collection, plan for maintenance and improvement of performance, and includes quality audits. 8.3.4 Quality control Quality control systems select what to control, set standards for decision-making, establish measurement methods, compare results, prescribe corrective action, ensure accurate measuring devices and document the quality management process. 8.3.5 Quality audit A quality audit ensures that planned quality is met, that products are safe, laws and regulations met, data is correct, corrective action and improvement are seen to be done. 8.3.6 Quality plan A sound quality plan will identify customers and design processes to ensure that their expectations are met, and that suppliers are included in the process. It is the embodiment of the quality policy. The six concepts outlined above should be implemented to ensure that the enterprise achieves the quality levels that it has set for its products and/or services. 8.4 QUALITY IMPROVEMENT From the above it is amply clear that quality improvement is an indispensable tool in the market place. If ignored, it is only a matter of time before competitors will take the lead. Various approaches to quality improvement are sighted by Kerzner (1995:1044) in table 8.2. Quality management on site follows the normal management elements approach, entailing planning, organising, leading and controlling the conversion of inputs to outputs. Being a process that is managed, there should be well defined evaluation mechanisms in place as part of controlling outcomes. A typical quality manual should be devised and regularly updated. The classic mistake should not be made to regard quality control only as a tool to ensure “new” products or buildings of a high quality. It is of equal importance BUILDING PRACTICE VOLUME 2 to subject refurbishments, alterations, repairs, maintenance and even “re-do" work to quality management. Success in any sphere is only achieved if there is commitment, procedures and people accepting responsibility and accountability. Table 8.2 Various approaches to quality improvement LO Deming's 14 points for management 1. Create constancy of purpose for improvement of product and service. 2. Adopt the new philosophy. 3. Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. 4. End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag alone. Instead, minimisetotal cost by working with a single supplier. Improve constantly and forever every process for planning, production, and service. 6. Institute training on the job. 7. Adopt and institute leadership. 8. Drive out fear. 9. Break down barriers between staff areas. 10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the work force. 11. Eliminate numerical quotas for the work force and numerical goals for management. 12. Remove barriers that rob people of workmanship. Eliminate the annual rating or meritsystem. 13. Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement for everyone. 14. Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation. Juran's 10 steps to quality improvement 1. Build awareness of the need and opportunity for improvement. 2. Set goals for improvement. 3. Organise to reach the goals (establish a quality council, identify problems, selectprojects, appoint teams, designate facilitators). 4. Provide training. 5. Carry out projects to solve problems. 6. Report progress. 7. Give recognition. 8. Communicate results. 9. Keep score. 10. Maintain momentum by making annual improvement part of the regular systems andprocesses of the company. /continued... Crosby's 14 steps to quality improvement 1. Make it clear that management is committed to quality. 2. Form quality improvement teams with representatives from each department. 3. Determine where current and potential quality problems lie. 4. Evaluate the cost of quality and explain its use as a management tool. 5. Raise the quality awareness and personal concern of all employees. 6. Take actions to correct problems identified through previous steps. 7. Establish a committee for the zero-defects program. 8. Train supervisors to actively carry out their part of the quality improvement program. 9. Hold a “zero-defects day" to let all employees realise that here has been a change. 10. Encourage individuals to establish improvement goals for themselves and their groups. 11. Encourage employees to communicate to management the obstacles they face inattaining their improvement goals. 12. Recognise and appreciate those who participate. 13. Establish quality councils to communicate on a regular basis. 14. Do it all over again to emphasise that the quality improvement program never ends. 8.5 TOTAL PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT The Project Management Institute (United States of America) provides in their classic book, A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK) (1996:84), an overview of project quality management. Figure 8.1 provides the PMBOK overview of the project quality management processes. BUILDING PRACTICE - VOLUME 2 Quality planning 1. InputsScope statement - Product descriptionStandards and regulations - Other process outputs 2. Tools and techniquesBenefit/cost analysis - Benchmarking - Flowcharting - Design of experiments 3. OutputsQuality management plan - Operational definitionsChecklists - Inputs to other processes Project Quality Management Quality assurance 1. InputsQuality management plan - Results of quality control measurements Operational definitions 2. Tools and techniquesQuality planning tools andtechniques - Quality audits 3. OutputsQuality improvement Quality control 1. InputsWork results - Quality management plan - Operational definitions - Checklists 2. Tools and techniquesInspection - Control charts - Pareto diagrams - Statistical sampling - FlowchartingTrend analysis 3. OutputsQuality improvement - Acceptance decisions - Rework - Completed checklistsProcess adjustments Figure 8.1 Project quality management overview The need for quality management is primarily aimed at satisfying the needs of the customer. Slogans such as those of British Airways, “We fly to serve", and Xerox, “Leadership through quality", are indicative of the quality image which businesses wish to portray. Bank (1992:2) underlines in table 8.3 the importance of customer care, without which the customer simply takes his business elsewhere. Table 8.3 Display poster for shops, offices, factories and buildingsites Customers are: the most important people in any business. not dependent on us. We are dependent on them. not an interruption of our work. They are the purpose of it. doing us a favour when they come in. We're not doing them a favour by serving them. a part of our business, not outsiders. not just a statistic. They are flesh and blood human beings with feelings and emotions, like ourselves. people come to us with their needs and wants. It's our job to fill them. deserving of the most courteous and attentive treatment we can give them. the lifeblood of this and every other business. Without them we would have to close our doors. (Don't ever forget it!) The customer is entitled to expect that products and projects should: have a performance specification that will make it suitable for the intended purpose conform to the specification be reliable and durable for the intended use offer value for money be delivered on time There is general consensus that the quality of products and customer care are possibly the most important single factors that determine market success. The cost of quality is often regarded as unaffordable. The fact of the matter is that it is unaffordable not to have it. Figure 8.2 depicts the cost of quality. The sum of the cost of failure, cost of tests and cost of prevention (added together being the total cost) measured against the degree of compliance establishes the lowest total cost. As total quality management progresses, the degree of compliance increases, leading to a lower cost of quality. BUILDING PRACTICE - VOLUME 2 Cost Minimum cost Low Optimum Degree of compliance Figure 8.2 Cost of quality -Total cost Cost of prevention Cost of tests Cost of failure High Bank (1992:24-54) portrays core concepts of quality management in figures 8.3 to 8.7. a-O+ M B Quality improvement A Sales Operating costs To gain an increase in profit P through increased sales would require a significant increase A in operating costs (sales personnel, promotion/advertising, inventories, etc.). To make the same increase in profit P through quality improvement would requiredonly a fraction of those operating costs B, which in any case diminish through time. Figure 8.3 Quality pays for itself in cost reduction Sales М. Customer satisfaction i Quality improvement The more quality improves, the faster sales will increase because customer satisfaction carries its own acceleration. As a "quality reputation" grows, marketing can emphasise increasing customer satisfaction as a major element in advertising and other promotions. The longer term effect will be to reduce the spending required on advertising tomaintain a competitive lead. Figure 8.4 Quality pays for itself in sales growth Defects/cost Cost Defects Acceptable quality levels are no longer good enough - they imply that a level of failure is acceptable. React culture is the norm (“putting out the fires"). most effort is concentrated on correcting failure Achieving quality is expensive - defects are reduced over time only by increasingcost through extensive inspection, checking and progress chasing. Figure 8.5 "Traditional" quality BUILDING PRACTICE - VOLUME 2 Defects/cost Figure 8.6 “Total” quality Monitor performing Cost Defects Time Establish critical success factors Determine best-in-class performing Create programmes to achieve best-in-class targets Figure 8.7 The benchmarking cycle Japanese businesses are notorious for their success. Customers around the world have now reached the stage where they automatically accept that Japanese products are good. IBM once specified to a Japanese company an acceptable quality level for components to be manufactured, being 3 defective components per 10 000 delivered. Their response in writing, as reported in the Toronto Sun: "We Japanese have hard time understanding North American business practices. But the 3 defective parts per 10 000 have been included and are wrapped separately. Hope this pleases.” In 1979 a Japanese businessman, Konosuke Matsushito (Bank, 1992:36) made the following statement (which became a fulfilled prophecy): "We are going to win and the industrial West is going to lose out - there is nothing much you can do about it, because the reasons for your failure are within yourselves. For you, the essence of management is getting the ideas out of the heads of bosses into the hands of labour. For us, the core of management is precisely the art of mobilising and pulling together the intellectual resources of all employees in the service of the firm. Only by drawing on the combined brainpower of all its employees can a firm face up to the turbulence and constraints of today's environment. That is why our large companies give their employees three to four times more training than yours. This is why they foster within the firm such intensive exchange and communication. This is why they seek constantly everybody's suggestions and why they demand from the educational system increasing numbers of graduates as well as bright and well-educated generalists, because their people are the lifeblood of industry. Your socially-minded bosses, often full of good intentions, believe their duty is to protect the people in their firms. We, on the other hand, are realists and consider it our duty to get our people to defend their firms which will pay them back a hundred-fold for their dedication. By doing this we end up being more social than you”. The facts about Japan are well known. Quality products from Japan were not historically the norm. During the period lasting up to about one decade after the second world war, Japanese products were generally not of a high quality and regarded as inferior by the western world. The dynamic post war younger Japanese generation is what really changed it all. They accepted the challenge, and they have won. Quality on a value for money basis is now globally true and it is difficult to find any customers today who believe Japanese products are poor. 8.6 CONCLUSION The message is clear. If South Africa wants to develop to a first world wealthy nation such as Japan, Singapore, USA, Britain, Germany, etc., it will have to come from within. Besides other obvious prerequisites, total quality management will have to become second nature to all South Africans. BUILDING PRACTICE - VOLUME 2 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EVALUATION 1. 2. 3. Discuss what is understood under the term "quality management". Name and discuss the six quality management concepts that should exist to ensure that the enterprise applies quality management in practice. Discuss the "cost of quality” and indicate whether it will add or reduce overall production cost over the long term. (15) (20) (15) 50 REFERENCES Ashford, T. L. 1989. The management of quality in construction. London: E &FN Spon. Bank, J. 1992. The essence of total quality management. London: PrenticeHall. Kerzner, K. 1995. Project management. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. Project Management Institute. 1996. A guide to the Project Management Bodyof Knowledge. USA.