Uploaded by Teacher Rocel

Photoshop Layer Mask Lesson Plan: Movie Poster Design

Stage 3: Learning Plan
Adobe Photoshop
Lesson 1: Photoshop Layer Mask
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learners shall be able to:
identify layer mask;
create and apply layer mask; and
create a movie poster using layer mask.
Checking of Attendance
A. EXPLORE: This section gives opportunities to the learners to engage with and actively explore the concepts, skills, or ideas that will be taught in
the lesson.
KWHL SHEET. This activity promotes inquiry-based learning, encouraging student engagement and helping students to develop a deeper
understanding of a topic.
Let the learners fill out the first and second columns to know their prior knowledge and what they want to learn.
What do I know?
What do I want to find
How can I find out what
we want to learn?
What did I learn?
The teacher shows a popular movie poster to the class and asks the learners the following questions;
- What did you notice in the pictures/designs?
- Do you find it appealing? Why or why not?
- What do you think are the techniques applied in making this poster?
The teacher gets answers from the learners, supplements their answers then, introduces the topic of the day, and then presents the learning
competencies to be attained at the end of the lesson
B. FIRM UP. This section aims to learn and understand the key concepts and functions of Adobe Photoshop, specifically with the layer mask. This
section discusses the underlying concepts of the layer mask with the learners, followed by a teacher-led demonstration on the use of the clipping
The teacher explains the concept of a layer mask
What is a Layer Mask?
 Layer masking is a reversible way to hide part of a layer. This gives you more editing flexibility than permanently erasing or deleting
part of a layer. Layer masking helps make image composites, cutting out objects for use in other documents and limiting edits to part
of a layer.
 You can add black, white, or gray color to a layer mask. One way to do that is by painting on the layer mask. Black on a layer mask
hides the layer that contains the mask, so you can see what is underneath that layer. Gray on a layer mask partially hides the layer
that includes the mask. White on a layer mask shows the layer that contains the mask.
 Layer Mask is an essential part of Photoshop tools that can hide and reveal parts of the layer without deleting them. This is a very
efficient and non-destructive way of working. And it helps designers to become more efficient and more creative.
After discussing the concepts and proceeding to the hands-on demonstration, the teacher asks for questions or clarifications from the learners.
TEACHER-LED DEMONSTRATION (layer mask). This section aims to provide learners with a visual and practical learning experience,
allowing them to see the process of performing layer mask in real-time and ask questions and clarifications.
The teacher will explain and demonstrate how to create a layer mask
Create a layer mask
 Select a layer in the Layers panel.
 Click the Add layer mask button at the bottom of the Layers panel. A white layer mask thumbnail appears on the selected layer,
revealing everything on the selected layer.
Add black to a layer mask to conceal. Adding black to a layer mask hides the layer that contains the mask.
 Ensure a white border is around the layer mask thumbnail in the Layers panel. If there is not a white border, click the layer mask
 Select the Brush tool in the Toolbar. In the Options bar, open the Brush Picker and choose the size and hardness of the brush.
 Press D to set the default colors of white and black in the Toolbar. Then press X to switch the colors, so black becomes the foreground
 Paint over the image, which adds black to the layer mask. Black on the mask hides the layer with the mask to see the layer below or the
checkerboard pattern representing transparency.
Add white to a layer mask to reveal. Adding white to a layer mask shows the layer that contains the mask. You can paint white on a layer mask to
reveal content you had previously concealed with black on the layer mask.
 Press X to switch the foreground and background colors in the Toolbar so white becomes the foreground color.
 Paint over hidden areas of the image. This adds white to the layer mask, bringing corresponding areas of the masked layer into view.
After demonstrating the steps in creating a clipping mask, the teacher asks for questions or clarifications from the learners.
STUDENT DEMONSTRATION. This section allows the learners to apply their learning and demonstrate their understanding of layer
mask. After the teacher's demonstration, the teacher asks a volunteer/ or learner to demonstrate how to perform layer mask
The teacher shows a real-life application of layer mask
After the teacher and learner's demonstration, the teacher asks for questions or clarifications from the learners.
C. DEEPEN. To deepen the learners' understanding of layer masks, the learners will work on guided and individual practice exercises in creating a
movie poster.
MOVIE POSTER. Let us put the concepts into practice by making a movie poster from the movie Avengers. In performing this task, pictures will be
provided by the teacher and follow the steps given below:
We will make a movie poster for a well-known Hollywood movie, "Avengers," so let's start working on it.
Launch the Adobe Photoshop software.
Open the background image(background.png) in your folder. This will serve as the background for our movie poster.
So, let's take the first image. Place the iron man first and put it in the middle of the sky. To insert the image, go to File->Place Embedded,
then choose the ironman.jpg image and click Place. Resize your image and set its position properly
As the Ironman layer is selected, click the add mask.
Then grab the brush tool (press the letter B on your keyboard). Set the following settings; Soft Round Pressure Opacity and Flow, brush size
(150px), and start painting on the image to hide unwanted parts of the image.
Look at the layer mask; it displays some black area you have painted, and the black color hides pixels.
Now insert the following image, "captainamerica.jpg." And do the same process as before on the iron man image.
Repeat the same process on the other three images in this activity.
Put the ironman on the top of the layer panel because it is on the middle portion, so it will not look good to be behind all the other layers
The bottom edges of all images are still sharp. Grab the brush tool and blur all bottom edges so that all images look properly merge
Once done with it, select all five images (press the Shift key while selecting the images) and press CTRL + G to put them all in a single group.
And change the blend mode of that group to "screen" and look like it is nicely blended with the sky.
Then make the image more effective with the help of a "curve
Adjust the curves into desired settings.
Now we need to give a title to our poster. Insert the title image(title.jpg) from the folder. You can choose the title that you wish to add.
Now take a layer mask for this image and start painting with black color and smooth round brush on unwanted parts of the image. Remove
that all-black color around the title.
And then change the blending mode to "linear dodge.
Drag it down below the curve layer
Save your File with the following format, FullName_ movieposter.jpg (ex. MundLapitan_movieposter.jpg)
The output of the learners will be submitted to the teacher for presentation, feedback and critiquing
STUDENT PRESENTATION. This section allows the learners to show the class their movie poster output and share their experience
performing the task.
 The teacher provides learners feedback and critique on their work to help them identify areas where they need to improve and
refine their understanding of the subject matter.
VALUES INTEGRATION. The following question will be asked to the learners to reflect on their experiences performing the activities and
how they can apply them in real-world situations.
 What insights or perspectives did you gain from the experience of designing using layer masks that you think will be valuable to
you in other aspects of your personal and future professional life?
 The teacher and learners synthesize the lesson. The following questions serve as a guide to summarize the lesson.
- What is a layer mask?
- What are the steps in creating a layer mask?
- How can layer masks enhance a design project's visual impact and message?
C. TRANSFER. To apply the learners' understanding of the layer mask, the learners will work together on the design to help them learn from each
other through discussion and collaboration.
COLLABORATIVE WORK. This assessment aims for learners to share ideas, provide feedback, and learn from one another, leading to
more creative solutions and designs.
MOVIE POSTER ACTIVITY. The following instructions will be given to the class:
• The class will be grouped and tasked to create their movie poster
• One meeting is allotted for the planning and brainstorming for the poster, and another meeting for taking pictures
• The learners will be given time to edit their movie posters.
• The output must be submitted in a jpg or pdf file
Technical proficiency
Excellent (10 points)
Proper layer management,
skillful use of layer masks,
and advanced techniques
are evident and effectively
contribute to the overall
design quality.
Design and aesthetics
The design is visually
striking and attentiongrabbing, with effective
use of color, typography,
and composition to convey
the film's mood, tone, and
The design is original,
Concept and creativity
Good (8 points)
Proper layer management,
skillful use of layer masks,
and use of advanced
techniques are generally
present but may not be
fully realized or may have
some minor flaws.
The design effectively
conveys the film's mood,
tone, and genre but may
have minor flaws in color,
typography, or
Fair (5 points)
The use of layer masks is
evident but not
particularly skillful or
creative, and technical
issues may mar the design.
Poor (3 points)
Layer masks are not used
effectively, or technical
issues mar the design to
the point that it detracts
from the overall quality of
the poster.
The design lacks one or
more key areas, such as
color, typography, or
composition, or the design
may be unbalanced or
visually uninteresting.
The design is unappealing
or fails to effectively
convey the film's mood,
tone, or genre.
The design is generally
The design may lack
The design is unoriginal or
relevant to the film's
content, and showcases
creativity and innovation
in using layer masks to
create a unique and
effective design.
original and relevant to
the film's content but may
lack some creativity or
innovation in using layer
originality or relevance to
the film's content, or layer
masks may be derivative
or uninspired.
irrelevant to the film's
content, and the use of
layer masks is uninspired
or ineffective.
Grosheva, I. (2020). How to create a movie poster in Photoshop. Envato Tuts+. Retrieved from https://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-create-a-movie-poster-in-photoshop--cms34689
Scott, L. (2018). Photoshop tutorial: Create a movie poster. Creative Bloq. Retrieved from https://www.creativebloq.com/how-to/create-a-movie-poster-in-photoshop
STUDENT PRESENTATION. Once the outputs have been submitted, each group will present their movie poster to the class, which is
open to constructive criticism, feedback, and suggestions.